Kaba Ilco 58005900 RFID Card Reader User Manual System Analysis Firmware

Kaba Ilco Corporation RFID Card Reader System Analysis Firmware

User Manual

         E-Plex 5900 Card Connect      Lock User Guide (Beta Version, June 2007)
 2/37          2  Statement according to FCC part 15.105 NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Statement according to FCC part 15.21 Modifications not expressly approved by Kaba Ilco could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  Statement according to FCC part 15.19 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
 3/37          3TABLE OF CONTENTS    1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE......................................................................................................................................................5 2. LOCK TYPES .....................................................................................................................................................................6 3. OPERATION MODES .......................................................................................................................................................6 3.1 FACTORY MODE..............................................................................................................................................................6 3.2 CONSTRUCTION MODE....................................................................................................................................................6 3.3 ACCESS MODE ................................................................................................................................................................7 3.4 BOOTLOADER MODE.......................................................................................................................................................7 4. USER ACCESS....................................................................................................................................................................8 4.1 ACCESS UNLOCK  DURATION ..........................................................................................................................................8 5. PASSAGE MODE ...............................................................................................................................................................8 6. PRIVACY.............................................................................................................................................................................9 7. LOCKOUT MODE .............................................................................................................................................................9 8. TAMPER DETECTION.....................................................................................................................................................9 9. REMOTE UNLOCK (OPTION)......................................................................................................................................10 10. DOOR AJAR SENSING (OPTION)................................................................................................................................10 11. RESETTING THE LOCK TO FACTORY DEFAULTS..........................................................................................10 12. MECHANICAL KEY OVERRIDE.............................................................................................................................10 13. LOCK KEYPAD COMMANDS..................................................................................................................................11 13.1 ENTERING KEYPAD PROGRAMMING MODE ....................................................................................................................11 13.2 EXITING KEYPAD PROGRAMMING MODE .......................................................................................................................12 13.3 COMMANDS..................................................................................................................................................................12 14. MAINTENANCE UNIT (M-UNIT PDA) ...................................................................................................................15 14.1 SETTING DATE/TIME...................................................................................................................................................  16 14.2 SETTING THE COMMUNICATION KEY........................................................................................................................... 17 14.3 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE ...........................................................................................................................................18 14.4 PERFORMING DIAGNOSTICS ..........................................................................................................................................19 15. AUDIT LOGS................................................................................................................................................................19 16. QUICK LOCK CONFIGURATION...........................................................................................................................20 16.1 IN  FACTORY OR CONSTRUCTION MODE.........................................................................................................................20 16.2 IN ACCESS MODE...........................................................................................................................................................20
 4/37          417. QUICK LOCK UPDATE .............................................................................................................................................23 17.1 FIRMWARE UPDATE ......................................................................................................................................................23 17.2 BOOTLOADER UPDATE..................................................................................................................................................24   APPENDIX ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25
 5/37          51.  Introduction  This document describes how to configure and use Kaba’s E-Plex 5900 stand-alone battery operated lock that reads ISO 14443A compliant DESFire smart cards as user credentials enrolled in a “Card-Connected Access Control System”. This “Corestreet Enabled” E-Plex 5900 lock functions as an integral part of a Card Connected Access Control System granting access to users with valid credentials who were enrolled in a Card-Connected on-line headend system.  For quick start, jump straight to the ‘Quick lock configuration’ and ‘the Quick lock update’ sections of the manual, starting from page 19.  1.1  Scope  The document covers the initial lock setup, operation, keypad commands and usage including the use of the E-Plex 5900 handheld Maintenance Unit (M-Unit) PDA which is also used to setup the lock.   1.2  Intended audience   This user guide was generated for use by internal Kaba engineering teams. For now this document will be used as the E-Plex 5900 Card Connect Lock User Guide by the beta test customers during the beta test period as reference.
 6/37          62.  Lock types  The E-Plex 5900 currently supports one of the two lock types with lock functions as:    Cylindical lock without thumbturn, supporting an “Entry” lock function.   Cylindrical or mortise lock with privacy thumbturn (with deadbolt for mortise), supporting a “Privacy” lock  function [** this model is for future offering only; currently not available “”]  The type of lock is configured through this access control system’s “Admin card” programmed by the on-line headend system. Currently the E-Plex supports the DESFire card as user credential which is an ISO 14443A compatible read/write RF card. It is important that the lock type be correctly setup at the outset because detection of ‘door forced’ and ‘door open from inside’ conditions relies on it. The factory default of an E-PLex 5900 lock function is “Entry” with the lock type being a cylindrical lock without a privacy thumbturn.  3.  Operation modes  The lock operates in one of the following modes:   Factory  Construction  Access  Bootloader  3.1  Factory mode  Out of the box, the lock is in factory mode with a lock function as “Entry” and with an 8-digit PIN to open the lock as 12345678. This mode provides the operator with a known initial state.   The operator can:    Unlock the lock by entering the default PIN on the keypad: 12345678   Change the default PIN    Validate the lock electronics hardware components  In this mode, only the factory default PIN of 12345678 will open the lock but not users’ DESFire cards.  3.2  Construction mode  Once the default PIN is changed, the lock enters construction mode.  This mode is used until the lock can be configured using an admin card (which requires the enrollment system to be in place at the headend access control system).   The operator can:    Unlock the lock by entering the new construction mode PIN on the keypad   Communicate with a maintenance unit (M-Unit) which is typically a Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible handheld PDA, using the default communications key (16 zeros) to access the following functionalities: o  Set the date/time, daylight saving time info and time zone o  Update the bootloader o  Update the firmware   Use one of the following lock keypad commands o Change PIN
 7/37          7o  Set date and time o  Set passage mode o  Configure the lock using an admin card o Set lockout o  Run diagnostics and display various states of the lock o  Enter communication mode   Reset the lock to factory mode  In the construction mode user cards will not be recognized by the lock.  3.3  Access mode  Once the lock is configured using the admin card, the lock enters the “card connect” access mode and the construction PIN will not work anymore.  In this mode the user can:    Unlock the lock by presenting a valid credential (an ISO 14443A compliant DESFire card or optionally entering a user PIN followed by the card).      Communicate with the maintenance unit using the configured communication key to access the following functionalities (requires maintenance unit privilege): o  Set the date/time, daylight saving time info and time zone o  Update the bootloader o  Update the firmware   Use one of the following keypad commands o  Set date and time (requires keypad programming privilege) o  Set passage mode (requires passage mode privilege) o  Configure the lock using an admin card (requires admin card privilege) o  Set lockout (requires lockout privilege) o  Perform diagnostics and display lock’s various states (requires lock keypad programming privilege) o  Enter communication mode (requires maintenance unit privilege)   Reset the lock to factory mode  In this mode cards are required to unlock the lock.   3.4  Bootloader mode  The bootloader mode is a transition mode when updating the lock firmware.  Before starting a lock firmware update, the lock automatically switches to this mode.  It remains active until a new firmware is fully received by the lock.  Should the firmware upload be interrupted (communication failure), the lock remains in bootloader mode.  Whenever a key is pressed, the green and red leds will blink sequentially while waiting for a maintenance unit connection.  If no connection is established within 15 seconds, the leds are turned off and the lock waits for another key press.
 8/37          84.  User access  The following table lists the different user access methods depending on lock mode.   On granted access, the green led will turn on with a high pitch sound.  When access is denied, the red led is turned on with low pitch sound.  Take note that a pin can be cleared by pressing the * key.   Mode  Method Factory  Press the following key sequence:  12345678 Construction  Press the following key sequence:  XXXXXXXX  Where:   XXXXXXXX is the 8 digit construction pin (see ‘Quick lock configuration’ section or ‘Keypad programming’ section Access  In “card connect” access mode, access requires a card to be presented (< half an inch) in front of the lock housing where the black antenna unit is installed.  The lock can be configured so that the credential is either pin followed by card, or card only mode (configuration from the admin card, programmed by the headend system).  If the lock is configured in pin and card mode: 1.  Type in pin 2. Present card  If the lock is configured in card only mode: 1. Present card  Note that in card only access, the lock allows the user to enter his pin first also as in pin and card access mode.  4.1  Access unlock duration  When a user accesses a lock, the lock unlocks for a period of time defined by:   Standard unlock duration if user does not have the ADA privilege (Disabilities Act)   Extended unlock duration if user has ADA privilege (Disabilities Act)  These unlock durations are configured using the admin card which is programmed by the headend system.  Note that the ADA privilege is set on the user card by the headend system.  5.  Passage mode  Passage mode is used to keep a lock unlocked for a given period of time and no credential is needed to access.   The lock is set in passage mode when a user with ‘passage mode’ privilege enters the ‘activate passage mode’ keypad command.  The lock remains unlocked until:   The configured passage mode duration expires (from admin card),   Temporary duration, specified in same keypad programming session, expires.
 9/37          9 The passage mode activation period (start & end times) is set when the passage mode is first activated.  Any deactivation/reactivation of the passage mode during the activation period does not reset the expiration (end time).  However, if a new temporary duration is set in the same keypad programming session as a reactivate passage mode command, the expiration is modified.  Eg. if passage mode is activated at 1:00 and the configured duration is 5 hours, the lock will relock at 6:00 even if passage mode was deactivated and reactivated several times in the 1:00-6:00 period.  However, during the 1:00-6:00 period, if a new temporary duration is set followed by a reactivation command (in the same keypad programming session), a new expiration is set.  E.g. at 2:00, set temporary duration to 1 hour and in the same keypad programming session reactivate the passage mode, the lock will relock at 3:00 instead of 6:00. This feature can also be used to temporarily extend the passage mode period. 6.  Privacy (** for future offering only **)  Privacy enables any user to prevent other users from unlocking a lock (unless they have the ‘privacy override’ privilege).  Turning the thumbturn in the horizontal position activates privacy and locks the lock.  Privacy activation deactivates passage mode and also locks the lock.  The privacy unlock option must be marked as ‘enabled’ in the admin card programmed by the headend, otherwise the lock does not respond to the thumbturn.  7.  Lockout mode  Lockout mode enables a privileged user to lock the lock and prevent any other cardholder to unlock it (unless they have the privilege to deactivate the lockout).    Lockout is activated:   Using a keypad command (requires cardholder ‘lockout privilege’)   Using the mechanical key override  Lockout is deactivated:   Using a keypad command (requires cardholder ‘lockout privilege’)   By inserting and turning the mechanical key and unlock.  8.  Tamper detection  Tamper detection helps preventing users from guessing access pins of other cardholders.  Tamper detection is controlled using two parameters configured by the headend on the admin card:    Tamper count: allowed number of consecutive incorrect pin or card input   Tamper shutdown time: time during which attempts to unlock the lock are denied.  Tamper shutdown is activated:   By entering, consecutively, incorrect pin or card more than the configured ‘tamper count’.  Tamper shutdown is deactivated:   By inserting and turning the mechanical key and unlock.
 10/37          109.  Remote Unlock option (*must be installed to operate*)  If installed, the remote unlock option enables users to unlock the lock with a normally open, momentary on/off switch. This switch is connected to the remote unlock connector inside the lock by a 24 AWG gage twisted pair wire up to about 100 feet in length  The remote unlock option must be marked as ‘enabled’ in the admin card programmed by the headend system, otherwise the lock will not respond to the remote unlock switch.  When enabled, remote unlock can be used to unlock the door during:  Tamper shutdown  However it will not unlock the lock:  During lockout   [When privacy is enabled for privacy locks; ** future**]  10.  Door Ajar Sensing option (*must be installed to operate*)  If installed, the door ajar sensing option senses the door opened (and then door closed) status when opened from outside (ingress); and also the door opened status when opened from inside (egress). In either case the door ajar events are audited in the lock’s memory and passed on to the headend system via the admin card as logged entries. In factory mode only, the lock will also visually indicate occurrences of these events: an alternate red and green flash sequence for an egress, a double green led flash when door is opened from outside and a double red led flash when it is closed. 11.  Resetting the lock to factory defaults  The lock can be reset to factory defaults at any time by following this procedure. Warning: When a hard reset like this is performed, all newly programmed lock configuration parameters, user access privilege policies etc will be erased from the lock memory and the lock will default to the factory default lock parameters and the factory default PIN of 12345678. However, the current date & time will not be altered.  1)  Insert and turn mechanical override key to retract latch and hold, 2)  Press key ‘#’ and release key override within 5 seconds 3)  While red and green led flash alternately, press sequence ‘12345678#’ (if successful, green led flashes twice with high pitch beep) and the lock is reset to factory defaults.  Note that audit logs are not erased by this procedure.  12.  Mechanical key override  The key override is used to:    Mechanically unlock the lock (insert and turn the key to retract the latch)   Reset the lock to factory defaults (see ‘Resetting the lock to factory defaults’ section)   Reset tamper shutdown (see ‘Tamper shutdown’ section)   Deactivate lockout (see ‘lockout mode’ section)
 11/37          1113.  Lock keypad commands   Using keypad commands, a user can do maintenance operations on the lock.  The following table lists the modes and available commands.  Mode  Commands Factory  Only one command is available in factory mode:   Set construction mode pin  Construction  All commands, without any restriction, are available in factory mode:   Set construction pin (in factory or construction mode)   Configure lock using an admin card  Set date  Set time   Set temporary passage mode duration   Activate/deactivate passage mode  Activate/deactivate lockout  Perform diagnostics   Identify the lock model   Start a maintenance unit communication session  Access  All commands with the exception of ‘Set construction pin’ are available IF the related privileges are granted (see table below).    The following table lists the privileges required to access keypad commands.  These privileges are REQUIRED once the lock is configured (using an admin card).  Important: The privileges must be assigned on the headend system and stored on user cards.  Privilege  Command Keypad programming   Set date  Set time  Perform diagnostics   Identify the lock model  Lockout   Activate/deactivate lockout  Maintenance unit programming   Start a maintenance unit communication session Passage mode    Set temporary passage mode duration   Activate/deactivate passage mode  Admin card configuration    Configure lock using an admin card   13.1  Entering keypad programming mode  Keypad programming mode is entered differently, depending on the current operation mode. Start the keypad programming mode by pressing the # key followed by PIN #, if the lock is in construction mode, for example. The
 12/37          12commands are then entered by pressing 3 numbers pertaining to the command code followed by a #.  Then, depending on the command, one or more parameters are entered, separated by # keys.  The # key acts as a confirmation (like an “Enter” key on a PC keyboard). Finally, press the # key again to exit the keypad programming mode:  # Command# parameters# parameters# … #  Example of a complete command sequence: To set date (001 command code) & time (002 command code), assuming 87654321 is the construction PIN, and the date and time you are setting is June, 19th 2007, 1:30PM):  # 87654321# 001# 061907# 061907# 002# 1330# 1330# #  Maximum 5 seconds are allowed between key presses and a maximum of 15 seconds between command sections.  Note that the * key can be used to clear the current parameter or command.  The following table lists the different methods of entering in keypad programming mode:   Mode  Procedure Factory  Enter the factory default pin by pressing the keys in the following sequence:  #12345678# Construction  Press the keys in the following sequence where the PIN must be 8 digits in length:  #PIN#  Where PIN is the construction pin which must be different from the factory pin. Access  If the lock was configured for pin and card, enter the following sequence: 1. #PIN# 2. Present card  Where PIN is the cardholder pin (anywhere from xx to 20 digits?)  If the lock was configured for card only, enter the following sequence: 1. #Present card   13.2  Exiting keypad programming mode  To exit keypad programming after a command was entered, do one of the following:   Leave the lock idle for 5 seconds.  Red led will turn on with low pitch tone, or   Press the # key.  Green led will turn on, followed with 2 high pitch beeps.  13.3  Commands  The following table list the lock keypad commands recognized by the lock.  Remember that privileges are required to access commands once the lock is configured.  If the cardholder does not have the required privilege to access a command, the red led is turned on.  Once a command is entered successfully, the green led will turn on with high pitch sound (same for its parameters).  If the command is executed successfully, the green led is turned on with 2 high pitch beeps.   Name  Command keys  Parameters Set construction pin  000#  XXXXXXXX#XXXXXXXX#
 13/37          13 Where:   XXXXXXXX is the 8 digit construction pin, entered twice (0-9) Set date   001#  MMDDYY#MMDDYY#  Where: MM is the month (01-12) DD is the day (01-31) YY is the year (07-99)  Note that the date is expressed in local time. Set time  002#  HHMM#HHMM#  Where: HH is the hour (00-23) MM is the minute (00-59)  Note that the time is expressed in local time and in 24-hour time format. Set temporary passage mode duration  005# HH#  Where: HH is the number of hours the lock should be in passage mode (00-24). A value of  00 will abort the passage mode. Configure lock using an admin card  100#  (None), just present the card.  No # is required after presenting the card.   Activate/deactivate passage mode  399# A#  Where: A is 1:activate or 0:deactivate Activate/deactivate lockout  499# A#  Where: A is 1:activate or 0:deactivate Perform diagnostics  500#  None.  When this command is entered, the following operations are done:   The green led turns on for 2 seconds with a high pitched sound and then,   The red led turns on for 2 seconds with alow pitched sound   Then the user must press keypad keys in this exact sequence: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # For each successfully pressed key, the green led turns on with a high pitched sound. But if a wrong key is pressed or a pressed key is not detected, the red led will turn on with a low pitched sound indicating a problem with the lock electronics..   Identify lock model  501#  None.  When this command is entered, the lock identity green and red led indicators are enabled (blink 9 times to indicate E5900
 14/37          14model). Start a maintenance unit communication session  900# None.  The red and green leds blink in alternate sequence indicating ready for communications with the M-Unit until one of the following occurs:   No connection is established during a 15 seconds period   Communication is closed by the maintenance unit
 15/37          1514.  Maintenance unit (M-Unit PDA)  The E-Plex 5900 M-Unit is a Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible handheld PDA running Kaba’s E-5900 M-Unit software. The M-Unit is utilized for occasional interaction with the locks on-site and day to day operation of the lock is possible without the M-Unit. Please refer to the “Appendix” section at the end of this document on how to install the “E-Plex 5900 M-Unit” software application on your Windows Mobile PDA. The E-Plex 5900 M-Unit can be used to perform the following functions:    Setting Date/Time Parameters   Setting Communications Key   Updating Lock Firmware   Performing Lock Diagnostics  Important:  The communication between the lock and the PDA is via the IrDA (infra-red) interface. Hold and point the M-Unit to the lock so that the small dark red infra-red glass windows of both devices face each other straight at a distance of between 4 and 8 inches for successful communication – see the picture on the right below. These functions are all available from the main M-Unit program menu, displayed when the application is run:
 16/37          1614.1  Setting Date & Time When the Set Time function is invoked, the following page is displayed:   This screen dialog is used to configure and send to the lock all of the following data: •  Whether or not DST is to be used in this lock •  Start time of DST •  End Time of DST •  DST Offset (how far we adjust the clocks on a DST shift) •  Local Time Zone. This is the difference between local standard time and UTC, and is not adjusted for DST.(Example: set “-5” for Eastern Standard Time) When this function is activated, the application will display the last saved settings, if they can be found. If no saved settings are available (the data file was deleted or the settings were never saved), default settings will be displayed. Note that if DST is unchecked, the fields that pertain to DST will be disabled. The last saved data will be displayed, but will not be sent to the lock. Click on “Send” button to send the current date & time to the lock.
 17/37          1714.2  Setting the Communication Key The Communication Key is used as a customer unique security key comprising a sequence of hex numbers. This key is transferred in the lock (through the Admin card), and will be sent by the M-Unit to the lock at the beginning of each communication session. This ensures that only a person knowing the key value in the lock can interact with the lock using the M-Unit. Important:  The key is not generated by the M-Unit application itself but by the headend system and the M-Unit operator must enter these numbers at the initial M-Unit setup. The M-Unit will simply pass these pre-set values to the lock in order to enter communication with the lock. When the Communication Key selection is made, the M-Unit screen will display the last saved set of key values:   If no key values have been saved, the boxes will be filled with all zeros. Use the “Clear” button to empty all fields and begin typing in new required values. If the boxes are initially empty, the focus will automatically jump to the next box as each one is filled, thus facilitating rapid entry of new keys.
 18/37          1814.3  Updating the Lock Firmware   There exist two separate files that the M-Unit can upload to the lock. One is the “bootloader” and the other is the lock “firmware” itself. The bootloader is a separate small program that is invoked to replace the E-Plex 5900 firmware file in the lock. The normal procedure is to first replace the bootloader, and then the firmware file. However, if the operator knows that there is no change to the bootloader, it is perfectly acceptable to simply update the firmware file using the existing bootloader. Important:  In order to perform a firmware upload the lock must be placed under control of the bootloader. This means that after starting communication, the lock will beep and shut down for a few seconds. You must not move the M-Unit away from the lock during this period. After approximately two seconds the M-Unit will begin communicating again with the lock, and will proceed to upload the new firmware file. On completion of this transfer, the lock will reboot and activate the new firmware.
 19/37          1914.4  Performing  Diagnostics The M-Unit can query the lock for a collection of useful status info from the lock including a validity check on the lock electronics, green and red leds and the buzzer. Click on “Get” to display the results:   The Diagnostics will repeat in a continuous loop until it is stopped either by removing the M-Unit PDA from the lock vicinity or by selecting the “Stop” button. This loop function is useful for verifying all the keys on the lock keypad etc. [Note: The current beta version of the M-Unit software will only take a “snapshot” of the diagnostics status once and will display it as shown above. There is no “Stop” button and no continuous loop diagnostics at this time]. 15.  Audit Logs  The E-Plex 5900 keeps a log entry for every transaction or event encountered in its memory. The audit log entries are stored in a circular list, where newer ones overwrite older ones.  Events like any DESFire card user access, passage mode on/off status etc are logged and transferred to the headend system automatically.  Note that audit og entries in the lock are never erased from the lock; the only time an audited event gets erased is when it is overwritten by a more recent event when the lock audit buffer is full. The lock can store up to 30,000 audits. For the beta version, only the last 10 audit events can be stored on a user’s card to be read on the headend system later; however, in the final version all 30,000 audited events can be transferred to the M-Unit to be processed at the headend system.
 20/37          2016.  Quick lock configuration   The following tables describe the sequence of commands required to configure the lock from factory, construction and access mode.  Note that:  o  Typically a timeout of 5 seconds applies to key presses and card detection.  After this delay, the current operation is cancelled (red led turns on along with low pitch sound). o  Keypad commands are always followed by a ‘#’ key.  16.1  In Factory or Construction mode  Step  Sub  Description/Operation  Notes 1   Reset the lock to factory mode     1  Insert and turn mechanical key in key cylinder to retract latch and hold  Note: Resetting the lock to factory defaults can be done while in any mode -> factory, construction or access.   2  Press and release ‘#’ key on lock keypad     3  Release mechanical key  Once done, red and green led leds blink in alternate sequence   4  Enter reset command: o 12345678#  Once done, green led blinks with high pitch sound indicating successful operation 2   Enter lock keypad programming.  Programming mode is entered by pressing the ‘#’ key followed by the default PIN and then pressing ‘#’ again.  Any command will exit back to keypad programming mode if the lock is idle for 5 seconds.  The keypad programming mode is itself exited when no key is pressed for 5 seconds.   1  Enter keypad programming mode by typing: o #12345678# Green led and high pitch sound on success. 3   Change default (factory mode) PIN  Must change default pin to enter construction mode.   1  Enter the change PIN command: o 000#     2  Enter the new (construction mode) PIN: o XXXXXXXX#  The construction PIN is always 8 digits.   3  Enter the new PIN AGAIN: o XXXXXXXX#  Once entered, the green led turns on with a high pitch on success. 4   Prepare the maintenance unit (M-Unit)     1  Start the E-Plex 5900 M-Unit application on the PDA     2  Select ‘Comm key’ option     3  Enter the communication key (16 zeros by default) and select ‘ok’  Upon factory reset, the communication key is set to 16 zeros.   4  Select the ‘Set Time’ option and set the date/time related parameters.  Important: It is extremely important that the date/time be set correctly.  The date, time and time zone must be set properly because the card-connected credentials rely on them.   Once in access mode, invalid time settings
 21/37          21prevent user credential validation and so the lock will deny access to keypad programming modes (like date/time setting). 5  1  Enter communication mode by typing: o 900#  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm the command and then red and green leds blink in alternate sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.    The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   2  Click ‘Send’ on the maintenance unit ‘Set Time’ dialog  Once the time is set, an ‘ok’ dialog box will be displayed and the lock will respond with a high pitch sound. 6   Configure the lock using the admin card     1  Enter the lock configuration command (where valid users will be transferred to lock via the Admin card): o 100# The green led will blink to indicate that it is waiting for the Admin card.   2  Present the Admin card to the lock  Once the lock reads and processes the Admin card, the green led will turn on with a high pitch sound indicating success.  [After exiting the keypad programming mode as shown on the next step, the lock is now in (user credential) access mode. A valid ISO 14443A DESFire user card will now operate the lock]. 7   Exit keypad programming mode  Either exit pressing the ‘#’ key or leave the lock idle for five seconds.  In the latter case, the red led turns on with a low pitch sound to indicate a timeout.   1  Press ‘#’ key  Green led blinks with high pitch sound  16.2  In Access mode  Step  Sub  Description/Operation  Notes 1   Enter lock keypad programming.     1.1  Start keypad programming mode o  Press ‘#’ key     1.2  If the lock is configured for PIN and card: o  Type in PIN o  Press ‘#’ key     1.3  Present a valid user card having ‘update using admin card’ privilege to the lock  If programming mode is entered, the green led turns on along with a high pitch sound. 2   Configure the lock using the admin card     1  Enter the lock configuration command (where valid users will be transferred to lock via the Admin card): o 100# If the user does not have the ‘update using admin card’ privilege, access will be denied (red led low pitch sound).  The green led will blink to indicate that it is waiting for the
 22/37          22admin card.   2  Present the admin card to the lock  Once the lock reads and processes the card, the green led will turn on with a high pitch sound indicating success.  [After exiting the keypad programming mode as shown on the next step, the lock now goes back to (user credential) access mode. A valid ISO 14443A DESFire user card will now operate the lock]. 3   Exit keypad programming mode  Either exit pressing the ‘#’ key or leave the lock idle for five seconds.  In the latter case, the red led turns on with a low pitch sound to indicate a timeout.   1  Press ‘#’ key  Green led blinks with high pitch sound
 23/37          2317.  Quick Lock Update  Occasionally the lock firmware and/or bootloader will require updates.  A Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible PDA running Kaba’s E-Plex 5900 M-Unit application is used to upload new firmware to the lock. When a firmware update is requested, the lock switches to bootloader mode.  The lock will remain in bootloader mode until a valid firmware is completely uploaded and will only process the maintenance unit (M-Unit) commands to upload the firmware.  The lock does not process any keypad input or unlock/lock commands.  Note that in bootloader mode, the lock starts a communication session whenever any key is pressed on the lock keypad.  17.1  Firmware update  Step  Sub  Description/Operation  Notes 1   Prepare the maintenance unit     1  Start the E-Plex 5900 application     2  Select ‘Comm key’ option     3  Enter communication key and then select ‘ok’  If the lock is not yet configured with an admin card, the key is set to the default value of 16 zeros.  Otherwise, the key is whatever value was configured in the admin card.   4  Select the ‘FW update’ option   2   Set the lock in communication mode.      1  From construction mode     1.1  Enter keypad programming mode by pressing ‘#’ key followed by PIN and ‘#’: #XXXXXXXX#    1.2  Enter communication mode by typing: o 900#  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm and then red and green blink in alternate sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.    The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   1.3  Skip to step 3    2  From access mode     2.1  Start keypad programming mode o  Press ‘#’ key     2.2  If the lock is configured for PIN and card: o  Type in PIN o  Press ‘#’ key     2.3  Present a user card having ‘maintenance unit’ privilege to the lock  If programming mode is entered, the green led turns on along with a high pitch sound.   2.4  Enter communication mode by typing: o 900#  If the user does not have the ‘maintenance unit’ privilege, access will be denied (red led low pitch sound).  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm and then red and green blink in sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.
 24/37          24 The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   2.5   Skip to step 3    3  From bootloader mode     3.1  Press any key  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm and then red and green blink in sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.    The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   3.2  Skip to step 3   3   Start firmware upload     1  On the maintenance unit press ‘Send firmware’  Firmware updates takes nearly 4 minutes. The progress bar will display how much data is transferred.  Once completed, a ‘done’ message will be displayed on the maintenance unit.  The lock is now in firmware mode and ready for use.  Should the lock reply with an ‘Invalid bootloader’, the bootloader must first be updated.   17.2  Bootloader update  The bootloader can only updated when the lock firmware is running (thus not in bootloader mode).  Step  Sub  Description/Operation  Note 1   Ready maintenance unit     1  Start the E-Plex 5900 application     2  Select the ‘FW update’ option   2   Set the lock in communication mode.      1  From construction mode     1.1  Enter keypad programming mode by typing ‘#’ key followed by PIN and ‘#’: #XXXXXXXX#    1.2  Enter communication mode by typing: o 900#  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm and then red and green blink in sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.    The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   1.3  Skip to step 3    2  From access mode     2.1  Start keypad programming mode o  Press ‘#’ key
 25/37          25  2.2  If the lock is configured for PIN and card: o  Type in PIN o  Press ‘#’ key     2.3  Present a user card having ‘maintenance unit’ privilege to the lock  Without the privilege, access will be denied.  If programming mode is entered, the green led turns on along with a high pitch sound.   2.4  Enter communication mode by typing: o 900#  The green led blinks with high pitch sound to confirm and then red and green blink in sequence to indicate communication mode is activated.    The communication with the maintenance unit must be established within 15 seconds   2.5   Skip to step 3   3   Start bootloader upload     1  On the maintenance unit press ‘Send bootloader’  Bootloader update takes a few seconds to complete.  The progress bar will display how much data is transferred.  Once completed, a ‘done’ message will be displayed on the maintenance unit..  The lock is ready for use.                              Kaba Access Control Tech Support     Phone: 800-849-8324, or 336-725-1331 x400   (Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM EST)  www.kabaaccess.com
 26/37          26 Appendix                Kaba E-Plex 5900 M-Unit Software Install Instructions for Windows Mobile 5.0 [Beta Version,  June 2007] Prerequisites: • Windows Mobile (WM) 5.0 handheld device (Version 5.0 or greater), typically a Pocket PC (PPC) • Microsoft ActiveSync (Version 4.5 or greater) / Windows Mobile Device Center installed on your and running • Microsoft Windows XP / Vista Operating System Overview The “E-Plex 5900 M-Unit” (Maintenance Unit) application runs solely on the Windows Mobile platform. However, the software installation is made on both the host PC and the WM handheld device. Ensure that both PC and the PPC are connected before you start.
 27/37          27Installation To install E-Plex 5900 M-Unit, insert the installation CD and wait for the installation application to automatically begin. If this feature is disabled in the PC, explore the CD and click on "autorun.exe". The following screen will be displayed:  Click on "Next" to continue.
 28/37          28Accept the default destination folder to install the PC portion of the E-Plex 5900 M-Unit software, or click on “Browse” and select your desired folder.
 29/37          29Click on "Next" to continue.  Click on "Install". You will see the following screen messages:
 30/37          30When the following screen is displayed, you will see a list of all available programs to be installed on your Windows Mobile device. The list includes "Kaba E-Plex 5900" and "Microsoft .NET CF 2.0", which you must install, and any other applications that need to be installed on the WM device. It is important to ensure that all items are checked, as unchecked applications will be removed during the installation process.
 31/37          31Click on "OK" to start the actual installation process as shown in the following screen:   Finally, the following prompt will be displayed:
 32/37          32Click on "OK" and view the display on your Mobile device. You may see the following prompt:   If this prompt is displayed, select "Yes". You will then see the following screen as the   E-Plex 5900 M-Unit software (including Microsoft .NET Compact Framework) is being installed on your PPC:
 33/37          33On successful completion of the installation, the following alert will be displayed:  Click "OK" to restart the WM device. The “E-Plex 5900 M-Unit” application is now installed on your PPC and is ready to use.  To run the E-Plex 5900 M-Unit program on the PPC, click on “Start”, then “Programs” and select and click on the application icon “EPlex5900”. For how to use this program features, please refer to Section “14.  Maintenance Unit (M-Unit PDA)” on page 14 of the E-Plex 5900 Card Connect Lock User Guide.
 34/37          3417.2.1  Uninstalling E-Plex 5900 M-Unit Application To remove the application, use the PC function Add or Remove Programs, found in the Control Panel of your PC. E-Plex 5900 M-Unit will not uninstall completely if you attempt to remove it via the ActiveSync interface. Ensure that your WM device is connected to your PC and is turned on. From the PC Control Panel, open the Add / Remove Programs page, and select E-Plex 5900 M-Unit. Click the "Change/Remove" button. You will see a "Preparing to Install" message, followed by the following prompt:
 35/37          35Click "Yes" and you will a screen display as shown below. The list of programs that you see near the top will depend on what you have installed in your Windows Mobile device. Note that checked items will not be uninstalled. Uncheck "Kaba E-Plex 5900" and "Microsoft .NET CF 2.0" in order to completely uninstall the E-Plex 5900 M-Unit application. Click on the "Remove" button to ensure that the application is removed from both your PC and Windows Mobile device.   Once you have clicked "Remove", click "OK" to continue. You will see the following prompt:
 36/37          36"Click "OK" to continue. You will again see the following screen. Ensure that "Kaba E-Plex 5900" is unchecked to uninstall and select "OK".
 37/37          37Finally, once the application is fully removed, you will see the following confirmation:   Click on “Finish” to end the uninstall operation.                     Kaba Access Control Tech Support     Phone: 800-849-8324, or 336-725-1331 x400   (Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM EST)  www.kabaaccess.com

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