KYE Systems Corp WIRELESS MOUSE M508W E manual for PC ENG

Users Manual

   ENGLISH                  MousePen M508W     User Manual   Windows 7 / XP / Vista Driver Version 1.0                       MousePen M508W / GT-090002 Wireless Mouse / MOS18 Wireless Pen / PEN2A, PEN23, PEN27 USB Wireless Dongle / TWLR2
  ENGLISH Contents I. General information .............................          ..................1-1 1 Overview............................       ........................1-1 2 Tablet functions...................................................1-1 3 System requirements................................................1-1 4 Driver installations...............................................1-1 5 Hardware installations.. ....................         ........................1-2 6 Verifying Hardware and driver function..............................         ......................1-2 7 Usage Tips.........................  ..............................1-4 7.1 Wake up Digital Mouse.................................         ......................1-4 7.2 Wake up Digital Pen....................................         .....................1-4 7.3 Double Tapping for Digital Pen.............................         ............................1-4 7.4 Storing the digital pen ....................................         ....................1-4 7.5 Scrolling function of digital pen.......... ............................         ..................1-4 7.6 Using a pen without an ordinary mouse ...... ...........................         ....................1-4 II. Pen tablet configuration..........................         .....................2-1 1 The Info Tab.................................         ........................2-1 2 The Button Tab............................         .................     .......2-1 2.1 Button Name.................................................................2-1 2.2 Double Click Time....... .........................................................2-2 2.3 Default..............................................................2-2 3 Express Keys.................................................................2-2 3.1 Default..............................................................2-2
  3.2 Re-define Express keys.................................................................2-2 3.3 Common...... ........................................................2-3 3.4 Mouse................................................................2-4 3.5 Multimedia...........................................................2-4 3.6 Other........... ....................................................2-4 3.7 Run..................................................................2-5 3.8 Internet.............................................................2-5 3.9 Hot Key..................................................................2-6 4 The Scope Tab..................................................................2-6 4.1 Full Area.................................................................2-6   ENGLISH 4.2 Screen Ratio................................................................2-7 4.3 Reserve Edges........  ......................................................2-7 4.4 Pen Area Dimensions...........................................................2-7 4.5 Pen Area Offset........ ......................................................2-7 5 Hot Cells define page.................................................................2-7 5.1 Hot Pad Layout...............................................................2-8 5.2 Hot Edges..    ..........................................................2-8 5.3 Print................................................................2-8 5.4 Clear....  ..........................................................2-8
  5.5 Define...............................................................2-8 5.5.1 Define Hot Cell - Run..................................................................2-8 5.5.2 Define Hot Cell - Internet.............................................................2-8 5.5.3 Define Hot Cell - Hot Key..................................................................2-9 5.5.4 Define Hot Cell - Other...............................................................2-10 5.5.5 Define Hot Cell – Multimedia .........................................................2-10 5.6 Load Default.............................................................2-11 6 The Pressure Tab.................................................................2-11 6.1 Pressure Test................................................................2-11 6.2 Clear...............................................................2-11 6.3 Click Sensitivity.. ......................................................2-11  III. Storing the Digital pen and changing the Pen Battery & Tip............................................... ... ... ... ......3-1  IV. Question & Answer ..............................................................4-1       *The  driver  may  already  be  updated  to  a  newer  version  before/after packaging.  If  your  installation  screen  does  not  match  the  contents  of this  manual,  you  may  need  to  download  the  driver,  just  refer  to  your software screen after installation.
  ENGLISH 1-1 I. General Information 1. Overview Welcome to the world of tablet and digital pen! You are able to discover how  easy to  control  your  personal  computer  by  using  a  wireless  digital pen to instead of a mouse:   The function of the digital pen is able to draw a line very thin, thick, light  or  dark  (called  pressure  sensitivity).  You  also  can  write,  sign, annotate documents, and draw, sketch or paint as easily as you would on normal paper and simulate the functions like pencil, mark pen, brush, or watercolor pen by using the commercial software packages such as Adobe® PhotoShop , Corel® Painter  and Paint Shop . If MSN Messenger 8.5 or newer  is  installed,  you  create  and  send  digital  handwritings  and  hand drawn pictures, making communication much more fun and entertaining.  Note:  If  you  cannot  enable  the  handwriting  mode  in  MSN  Messenger, download the relevant handwriting component from Microsoft's website.  2. Pen Tablet Functions After  installing  the  device  driver,  your  pen  tablet  features  has  the following functions:  1.  Direct  pointing  –  You  can  move  the  cursor  to  any  location  on the screen by hovering the digital pen tip over the tablet's surface.  2. Three-buttons mouse commands - Your pen tablet provides all functions of a three- buttons' mouse by using its pen tip and two buttons.  3.  Pen  scrolling  –  You  can  scroll  documents  and  Web  pages  by  pressing the middle button of the digital pen over the tablet's working area.  4.  Pressure  sensitivity  –  This  feature  allows  you  to  emulate  various brushes and pencils and you can press down the pen tip harder, lighter, stronger or thicker, and subtle pencil lines you will receive.  3. System Requirements •  Windows 7/XP/Vista •  USB port •  DVD-ROM drive 4. Driver Installations For Microsoft Windows7, XP and Vista operating systems: 1. Insert the Driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and wait for the main installation screen to appear. 2. The main installation screen should appear automatically, or you
  can manually start the installation by opening 【My Computer】 □【CD/DVD Rom】□ then click on the【Setup】program. 3. When installing the driver, follow the installation instructions on screen and press the “Enter" key.  After the installation has completed, reboot the computer.  ENGLISH 1-2 5. Hardware Installations  1. After installing the driver, please restart your computer. Then connect the dongle to your USB port (as left picture)。 2. Put the battery into the back of Wireless Tablet。 3. Open Wireless Tablet Power。 4. Press Resume button around 4 seconds then your setting will be finished。 5. After restart your computer, on bottom right of the screen, you can find the tablet icon ( ) within there.  ★ Please install your drive then connect your dongle  to  the  USB  port.  It  will  avoid driver  installation  error  or  delay  while the system is detecting new hardware.                                             6. Verifying Hardware and Driver Functions Please follow the steps to verify if the wireless tablet is installed properly︰                                        4 2 3 1 5 67  8  9 10 111-Express Key    8-Dongle 2-LED Indicator  9-Left button 3-Hot-cell       10-Wheel scrolling4-Working Area   11-Right button 5-Button 2 6-Button 1 7-Pen tip
    ENGLISH 1-3  1 — Power switch 2 — USB Port (For power only) 3 — Digital pen slot   4 — Dongle slot 5 — Battery slot  6 — Resume button  The  green  LED  light  on  the  Wireless  tablet  is  the  main  indicator  for hardware  operation  and  depending  on  your  pen  Wireless  tablet  model  may be  located  at  a  different  place  that  shown  in  the  above  diagram.  This LED normally stays off, and will only turn it on or off in response to various conditions. Watch the state of the LED on the Wireless tablet as you go through these test steps: 1. Tap on any surface with the tip of the pen, or press the left button of the mouse, to “wake it up" if it has gone into standby mode. A built-in power saving function may have forced the pen or mouse into the standby mode if either of them is not used for a period of time.  2. As soon as the pen Wireless tablet itself activates, the LED will be light briefly, and will then go and stay off again.  3. When the  Wireless  tablet  detects  the  presence  of  the digital  pen  or mouse,  the  LED  will  be  blinked  slowly.  This  happens  either  when  pen tip  is  hovering  or  placing  within  the  working  area  which  above  the Wireless tablet. 4. When you press a button on the pen barrel, or click on a mouse button, the LED will be lighted up.  5  43 2 16
  5.  Hovering  and  moving  the  pen  or  the  mouse  in  the  working  area  will cause the cursor on the screen to move accordingly. ★ Note: After the Wireless tablet's device driver has been properly installed, a small tablet icon () will appear in the system tray, which is normally at the lower right corner of the screen.  ENGLISH 1-4 7. Usage Tips  7.1 Wake up the digital mouse from the standby mode If  the  digital  mouse  does  not  react  after  you  do  not  use  it  for a while, press the left button to “wake" it up from the standby mode. 7.2 Tapping before you use the digital pen  Before  you  use  the  digital  pen,  or  after  not  using  it  for  several minutes,  tap  the  pen  on  any  surface  of  the  tablet  to  “wake"  it  up from the standby mode.  7.3 Double tapping  When  you  double  tap  with  the  digital  pen  (equivalent  to  a  double click with a mouse), try to keep the pen tip away from the tablet's surface,  or  at  least  try  to  lift  the  pen  tip  as  fast  as  possible before the second tap.  7.4 Storing the digital pen  To store the pen, make sure the pen tip does not touch anything, and especially do not let the pen stand in a cup or penholder with the tip down. Even though the possibility is low, press the pen tip will still cause  a  constant  drain  on  the  pen's  battery.  Place  the  pen  in  a penholder,  or  turn  the  pen  tip  pointing  upward  or  horizontally  with the pen tip free of any pressure by other objects. 7.5 Scrolling function of digital pen The digital pen has the same function of the normal mouse for scrolling pages. Press the first button of the digital pen (same function as mouse's middle click) over the tablet's working area. 7.6 Using a pen without an ordinary mouse  You may install the digital pen, digital mouse, and normal mouse in your  computer  at  the  same  time  and  you  can  also  remove  them  to  a different computer as well. However, only one device is able to work at a time.  ★ Note: Do not use more than two devices at the same time in case the screen cursor is jittering or not moving.
    ENGLISH 2-1 II. Pen tablet configuration You may configure  the pen  tablet by modifying the functions of  the pen tip  and  the  two  barrel  buttons,  tap  [Start]  >  [Settings]  >  [Control Panel],  and  double-tap  the  [Tablet  Setting   ]  icon,  or  tap  on  the tablet icon ( ) in the system tray, usually located at the lower right corner  of  the  screen.  You  may  also  adjust  the  pressure  sensitivity  of the digital pen by determining the scope of the tablet's working area, or  (re-)  program  the  hot-cells  of  your  pen  tablet  by  modifying  device driver. 1. The Info Tab : The Info tab displays the version number of the driver and Tablet PC function.   (1)  Show Icon in System Tray You can choose it if you want to show the tablet icon ( ) in the system tray.  (2)  Support Tablet PC Feature You can select the Tablet PC function of pressure sensitive by tick the box of Support Tablet PC Feature. ● After the tablet driver is installed in Windows, the Tablet PC function setting will support pressure in MS Journal, OneNote (2003 - 007), etc. ● If the Tablet PC setting is disabled, most of the art software's pen pressure  (Photoshop,  Illustrator,  Corel  Painter) are  still  working, but  the  pen  pressure  will  not  be  available  in  MS  Journal,  OneNote (2003 - 2007), etc.  2. The Button Tab
   2.1 Button Name You  may  re-program  the  functions  of  the  pen  tip  and  the  two-barrel buttons by selecting the button name from the drop down menu and assign a  command  of  a  traditional  three-button  mouse  to  it.  According  to  the mouse function, you can select no action, left click, left double click, middle click, middle double click, right click, or right double click. ENGLISH 2-2   2.2 Double Click Time Move  the  Speed  Slider  toward  “Slow"  if  you  want  more  time  in  double tapping with the Pen Tip or opposite if you move the Speed Slider toward “Fast".  This  setting  is  the  same  as  Double-click  Speed  on  the  page displayed  by  selecting  Start  □  Control  Panel  □  Mouse  □  Buttons. Changing the speed in one place or changing the other in the meanwhile.  2.3 Default Tap on the Default button to recovery from all the manufacture settings.  3. Express Keys define page 3.1 Default  Resume the Express Keys to the default settings.
       3.2 Re-define Express keys Select  “Common", “Mouse", “Multimedia", “Other", “Run", “Internet" and “Hot Key" tabs to re-define the settings. 3.3 Common Express key name  Rename the Express Key. Disable Disable the Express Key name display on the Pen Tablet control panel. Default Resume the Express Key name to the default setting.  ENGLISH 2-3  3.4 Mouse Mouse function  Select Mouse mode settings.
   3.5 Multimedia Multimedia function Select multimedia function settings: “Play/Pause", “Stop", “Previous", “Next", “Mute", “Volume Up" and “Volume Down".   3.6  Other Tablet's working area  Select “Largest Working Area" or “Screen Ratio". Show setting Show Express key name. ENGLISH 2-4
   3.7 Run Run  Use the browse button to select a file and run, or type in a file name with the complete path.  Start in This is the initial folder when the program starts the execution.  Parameters The string type will be passed to the program as parameters. For example, you  may  type  in  a  document  name  here  and  pass  it  to  a  word  processing program specified in the Run line above.   3.8 Internet Network function  Select “Previous Page", “Next Page", “Refresh"," Stop", “My Favorite", “IE", “E-Mail". Link to: Kind of Service Select  an  Internet  service  to  start.  For  example,  browsing  website, send  an  E-mail.The  exact  program  initiated  (for  example,  the  browser
  program) depends on system settings. Address The URL address for the selected service. For example, the Website or e-mail addresses.
  ENGLISH 2-5  3.9 Hot Key The key combination to press  Select any key such as alphanumeric key or cursor control key, combined with Shift, Ctrl and/or Alt key. Common function  Select some common used settings.   4. The Scope Tab  4.1 Full Area Tap on the Full Area button to select the largest possible working area.
   ENGLISH 2-6  4.2 Screen Ratio Set  the  tablet  working  area  same  as  the  screen  size  by  clicking  the button of screen ratio.   4.3 Reserve Edges Tap on the Reserve Edges button to allocate space for the tablet's hot cells.  4.4 Pen Area Dimensions Indicates  the  current  height  and  width  in  the  Pen  Area  Dimensions.  You may also type in new values here to change the dimensions of the tablet working area. 4.5 Pen Area Offset
  Indicates the horizontal and vertical distances of the upper left corner of the Pen Area from the upper left corner of the maximum Pen Area. You may also set their values by typing in the numerical values here.  5. Hot Cells define page   ENGLISH 2-7  5.1 Hot Pad Layout In Hot Pad Layout area, you can select any hot key to  see the property by  clicking  the  hot  key  in  the  blue  map  that  shows  on  the  digital tablet's location. 5.2 Hot Edges There  are  four  lines  around  the  tablet  for  setup  of  your  hot  key location. 5.3 Print Tap on the Print button to print an overview of all hot cell functions. 5.4 Clear Tapping on this button will clear up the definition of the selected Hot Cell, so there is no action will be taken when the Hot Cell is tapped later on. 5.5 Define Press the Define key to set the programs locations, Internet or hot key location. 5.5.1 Define Hot Cell - Run Run  –  You  may  use  the  browse  button  to  select  a  file  and  run,  or  you may type in a file name with complete path.  Start  in  –  This  is  the  initial  folder  when  the  program  starts  the execution.  Parameters  –  The  string  type  will  be  passed  to  the  program  as parameters.  For  example,  you  may  type  in  a  document  name  here  and  pass it to a word processing program specified in the Run line above.
    5.5.2 Define Hot Cell - Internet Network function  Select “Previous Page", “Next Page", “Refresh"," Stop", “My Favorite", “IE", “E-Mail". Link to: Kind of Service Select  an  Internet  service  to  start.  For  example,  browsing  website, send  an  E-mail.The  exact  program  initiated  (for  example,  the  browser program) depends on system settings. Address The URL address for the selected service. For example, the Website or e-mail addresses. ENGLISH 2-8   5.5.3 Define Hot Cell - Hot Key The key combination to press  Select any key such as alphanumeric key or cursor control key, combined with Shift, Ctrl and/or Alt key. Common function  Select some common used settings.
   5.5.4 Define Hot Cell - Other Tablet's working area  Select “Largest Working Area" or “Screen Ratio". Show setting Show Express key name.  ENGLISH 2-9 5.5.5 Define Hot Cell - Multimedia Multimedia function Select multimedia function settings: “Play/Pause", “Stop", “Previous", “Next", “Mute", “Volume Up" and “Volume Down".
  5.6 Load Default 【Load Default】Return to original Default。  6. The Pressure Tab  6.1 Pressure Test  There  are  four  different  colors  for  selecting  and  the  pressure sensitivity  of  the  pen  tablet  can  be  adjusted  in  this  tab.  There  is  a test area to see the thickness of a line by pressing a certain pressure of pen tip on the tablet pad. The numerical value of the pressure level is shown in the field above the Clear Button.   6.2 Clear  Tap on the Clear button to clean the space up in the Pressure Test area.   6.3 Click Sensitivity  By default, tapping with the pen tip is equivalent to a left click of a mouse. Move the slider in the sensitivity bar to adjust the response of the  pen  tip.  Light  means  when  presses  the  pen  tip  that  react  very quickly with slight power, and heavy presses will be slow.       ENGLISH 3-1 III. Storing the Digital pen and changing the Pen Battery & Tip Storing the digital pen properly To  store  the  digital  pen,  make  sure  that  the  tip  does  not  touch anything,  especially,  do  not  let  the  pen  stand  in  a  cup  or  penholder with  the  tip  down.  Pressure  applied  to  the  pen  tip  will  cause  a constant  drain  on  the  pen's  battery,  it  is  recommended  to  place the pen in a  pen  holder  or  store  it  with  the  pen  tip  pointing  upward,  or place it horizontally with the pen tip free of any other objects.
  Changing the pen battery  Changing the wireless stylus pen tip A: Pull out the pen tip from the digital pen by using the Refill tweezers.  B: Push the pen tip into the digital pen.       ENGLISH 4-1 IV. Question & Answer Question 1: How can I get the latest update or uninstall the software? Answer: You can download the new driver from our website. 1. Uninstall your old driver: Click [Start] □ [All Programs] □ [TABLET] □ [Uninstall]. 2.  Download  the  latest  version  of  driver  in  the  download  section  and save it into your hard disk.
  3. Unzip the file in  a  folder  on your hard  disk  (with Windows built-in unzip utility or a program like Winzip for instance).  4. Double-click the Setup.exe in the folder where you unzipped the file.  Question 2: The tablet cannot work. What can I do? Answer: Check if the following is okay. 1. Remove the tablet's USB plug from the computer.  2. Uninstall the Tablet driver from the system.  3. Re-connect the Tablet's USB to the computer.  3.1 Check whether the tablet's LED is blinking or not? If the LED is unlit, that means your tablet is at fault.  3.2  Test  your  wireless  stylus  pen  in  the  tablet  working  area,  if  it can  work  as  a  mouse,  which  means  the  hardware  is  OK.  If  it  doesn't work, please change the battery with a new one.  3.3 After you changed a new battery for the pen, and it is still not working, that means the hardware is at fault.  4. You can download for free the latest version of driver directly from our website  5. Setup the new version of driver; and you need to restart your computer.  6. After  you  restart  your  computer,  on  bottom  right  of  the  screen,  you can find the tablet icon ( ).  6.1 If you can't find the tablet icon ( ) on the bottom right of the screen, it  means  the  driver  failed in startup,  and  there  could  be  an incompatible issue.  6.2  Check  [My  Computer]  □  [Properties]  □  [Hardware]  □  [Device Manager],  if  you  see  an  exclamation  mark,  it  means  the  installed driver of the tablet is incompatible with the Windows system. 7. By  clicking  the  tablet  icon  ( )  on  the  bottom  right  of  the  screen, you can test the pressure sensitivity to see whether the pen pressure function works or not. (Check the Pen tablet configuration section for more details).  ☆ If you do not have pen pressure, it means the pen might be faulty.  Question 3︰The LED of tablet is blinking continuously? Answer:  It  means  that  the  USB  port  of  your  PC  has  a  bad  connection  or power is not stable. Please re-plug in your USB/dongle again. If still not working, please change to another USB port. Question 4︰Why the RED LED of Wireless Tablet LED is blinking? Answer: It is a low battery reminder, please change the new battery in time.
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION   INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: –  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. –  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. –  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. –  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  "This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and(2) this device must accept any interference received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation ."

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