
User Manual 2

31or to not have a bright LCD when sleeping. If Power Saving mode is on, motion detection events will turn the LCD screen back on.1.  From the SYSTEM SETUP screen, use VOL+ and VOL to select poWeR SAvinG; press M. The poWeR SAvinG screen displays. 2.  Use CH+ and CH to choose between 5 min, or 10 min; the third option is ALWAyS on, which keeps the system from entering Power Saving mode. Press M to accept the setting and return to the poWeR SAvinG screen.Multi Channel Idle DisplayThis screen lets you decide if the channels will display in quad mode or if they will cycle individually in 5, 10, or 15 second intervals.1.  From the SYSTEM SETUP screen, use VOL+ and VOL to select muLti cHAnneL idLe diSpLAy; press M. The muLti cHAnneL idLe diSpLAy screen displays.
322.  Use CH+ and CH to choose between QUAD and 5, 10, and 15 second intervals. Press M to accept the change and return to the MULTI CHANNEL DISPLAY screen.•  The Activate or Deactivate setting (CAMERA SETUP screen) affects which cameras display in Scan mode.•  Audio is available from camera 1 in Quad mode, from whatever camera is a previously viewed channel, or from a channel triggered by motion detection.DefaultThe DEFAULT screen gives you the options of selecting a default language. Options are English, French (Français) or Spanish (Espanol). 1.  From the SYSTEM SETUP screen, use VOL+ and VOL to select deFAuLt and press M. The deFAuLt screen displays.The language selected when setting the deFAuLt will be the system language after any system restoration.
332.  Use CH+ and CH to choose between English, French (Français), or Spanish (Espanol). Press M to confirm and back out.The DEFAULT screen will also alert you when it detects a new firmware upgrade on the SD card. Go to page 52 for details. ALARM BUZZERYou can set the alarm buzzer to go off when a camera detects motion and begins recording. 1.  From the main menu, use CH+, CH, VOL+, and VOL to select ALARm BuZZeR.2.  Press M to toggle the setting between on and oFF.PAN TILT ZOOMThis setting lets you change the orientation of the camera (pan and tilt) and the zoom distance.
341.  From the main menu, use CH+, CH, VOL+, and VOL to select PAN TILT ZOOM and press M. The first camera displays in single camera mode.2.  Press ZOOM. The camera zooms into Level 1. Press ZOOM again to zoom into Level 2.  (Sample actually goes into QUAD mode, then press ZOOM and into camera 1.)3.  Press CH+ and CH to pan the camera from left to right and back or VOL+ and VOL to tilt the camera up and down.4.  Press ESC to return to the the main menu.The system will exit Zoom mode after it is idle for 2 minutes.
35SCAN ACTIVATED CAMERAS1.  From the the main menu, press CH+, CH, VOL+, and VOL to select ScAn ActivAted cAmeRAS and press M to enter Scanning mode. 2.  The screen scans between the cameras according to the scan time set up in the MULTI CHANNELS IDLE DISPLAY screen (refer to page 31).If a recording session started during SCAN mode (Schedule or Motion recording), the system resumes display in quad mode.MEMORY CARD OVERWRITETurning on Memory Card Overwrite allows you to overwrite the oldest files when your memory card is full. If you turn this function off, an error message displays when you have no more room to save files.1.  From the main menu, press CH+, CH, VOL+, and VOL to select memoRy cARd oveRWRite and press M.
362.  Press M again to toggle the overwrite setting between ON and OFF. Press M. The system overwrites the oldest files first. The system displays the following SD card detail information.•  SD card available storage space •  If no space is available, 0.00GB displays.•  Error indicator displays if: — SD card not present — SD card is locked. — SD card is unformatted — SD card is damaged.Please use well-known brands of micro SD cards to avoid operation errors. The UDS655 supports up to 32GB microSD cards.
37SPECIAL FEATURESThis section provides Remote Access requirements and software installation, setup, and usage procedures for accessing your live feeds from a number of wired and wireless devices.  It also provides information on other special features such as: •Recording video and taking pictures through the Portal account •Viewing live video on TV •Playing back recorded files on a PCREMOTE ACCESSThe Uniden USD655 let you  view live video from your system on your television or PC (home or remote) or on wireless devices such as an iPhone®, iPad®, or AndroidTM smartphone or tablet.  A free Uniden Guardian app is available through the iTunes® App Store or the Android Market. You can also view your recorded video files on any PC with Uniden Media Player installed. The Uniden Remote System software CD in your kit provides the software you need to install. You will also need to set up a Uniden Portal account. Multiple user accounts on your PC can access live video on their accounts through the Portal account as long as they have the Device ID (DID) code and security code to log in and you have specified that the Portal can provide access to multiple users on that PC when you set up the account.The number of remote viewers is determined by the amount of “available upload bandwidth” on your home network.  Each remote viewer requires ~350kbps of bandwidth on the network.System Requirements •Microsoft® Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 Uniden Remote Service software operates in a Windows environment only. •Internet Explorer® 8 or greater.
38 •iPhone® or •iPad® or  •AndroidTM smartphone or tabletInstall Uniden Remote Service Software1.  Insert the UDS655 Remote Software  CD in your PC's CD ROM. 2.  Select Uniden Remote Service and  double-click to install.3.  The WELCOME window appears.  Click NEXT to select an  installation  folder. 4.  The default folder is located at C:\Program Files\. If you want to store it in a different installation location, click BROWSE. When you have selected an installation location, click NEXT to proceed.
39If the computer has more than one user account that needs to access the video feed, select EVERYONE; otherwise, select JUST ME. 5.  The CONFIRM INSTALLATION screen displays. Click NEXT to begin installing the software. A progress bar displays.
406.  The INSTALLATION COMPLETE screen displays when the software is installed. Click CLOSE to leave the Installation wizard. 7.  Turn on the UDS655 monitor and connect it to the PC using the USB cable.8.  A NEW HARDWARE FOUND INDICATOR appears on the lower right-hand side of the PC screen.9.  Click START to activate OMGuard Remote Service. The OMGUARD SETUP screen displays.
4110.  Select or enter the following:•  Display language (Default = English). •  USB 2.0 Camera (from USB Video Device dropdown list)•  DID Code (located on the back of the monitor)•  Security Code (The default security code is 12345.)  You can set up a different security code at this time, but be sure and use that code when you're using the app and setting up a Portal account. You can enter up to 8 numeric digits.11.  Click CONNECT TO INTERNET.Setting up a Portal AccountBe sure you have the security code set up through Uniden Remote System software installation. This is required for remote access to your UDS655 system.1.  Go to http://www.unidenvideo.com.2.  Click ADD NEW ACCOUNT. The  LEGAL AGREEMENT displays.3.  Read and agree to the Legal Agreement.
42The ACCOUNT SETUP screen displays4.  Enter ACCOUNT NAME (1).5.  Enter a PASSWORD (2).6.  Enter it again to VERIFY PASSWORD (3).7.  Complete all required fields (4).8.  Click in the check box (5) to receive information on firmware updates and news. We recommend you check this box to receive updates.9.  Click in the check box (6) to receive information on special offers from Uniden.10.  Click SUBMIT (7). The NEW ACCOUNT CREATED screen displays.11.  Click CONTINUE. The VIDEO SYSTEM REGISTRATION screen appears.12.  Provide a DEVICE NICKNAME (1).13.  Select your retailer from the list (2).
43Select Your Model/Enter the DID Code1.  The VIDEO SYSTEM REGISTRATION screen displays.  Select UDS655.2.  Click the radio button by your system (3).3.  Enter the DID code in all capital letters (4).4.  Click CONTINUE 5. 5.  A CONFIRMATION screen displays; select VIEW NOW. 6.  The VIEW NOW screen displays. At the bottom of the screen is a prompt to install the OCX plug-in. Install it on whatever PC you want to remotely view your video.  7.  Click on the link near the bottom of the page and it will ask you to RUN or SAVE the file. 8.  Save it to your desktop.  After the download is complete, click on it to install.  9.  After the installation is complete, return to the VIEW NOW screen on the Portal. 10.  Now you will see the DID code from your device that you entered during account setup. Enter the security sode you created in Uniden Remote Service software installation (see page 41).11.  Click START.The security code you enter on the Uniden Video Portal and the apps must match  the security code you entered during Uniden Remote Service software installation.  Anytime you change the security code in that software, you must make the corresponding change on the Portal or the apps.534
44Using Remote Access If you want to view your video remotely, you must do the following:1.  Verify that your PC is connected to the internet and that Uniden Remote Service software is installed.2.  Use the USB cable to connect the monitor and the PC. 3.  Launch the Uniden Remote Service software.4.  Enter the security code.5.  Select CONNECT TO INTERNET.  Your system is now connected to the internet and your cameras' video can now be remotely viewed through iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets, and PC via the UnidenVideo Portal.RECORD VIDEO THROUGH THE PORTALThe Portal lets you record live video and save  it to your PC.1.  Click RECORD to start recording.       2.  Click STOP RECORD to stop recording.
45TAKE A SNAPSHOT THROUGH THE PORTALThe Portal lets you take snapshots of video and save to your PC.Click SNAPSHOT.You specify the save location for all video and snapshots.  Select Save and then browse to the location where you  want to save them.PLAY BACK RECORDED FILES ON YOUR PCThe files that record on the UDS655 record onto the microSD card. You can take that card and play it on your PC. You will need: •UDS655 microSD card •Uniden Media Player software (on UDS655 PC Software CD included in the box) •SD card adapter (included in the box).1.  Insert the UDS655 PC Software CD into your PC..2.  Install Uniden Media Player onto your PC. It will post a shortcut icon to your desktop.3.  Remove SD card from the UDS655. Place it in the adapter and insert adapter into your PC.4.  Launch Uniden Media Player; click LOAD.5.  Navigate to the SD card on your system. 6.  Select the files you want to view and click OPEN.7.  The files begin playing, in order, on the Uniden Media Player screen.VIEW LIVE VIDEO ON TV1.  Be sure the UDS655 and the television are turned on.
462.  Use the AV cable (provided) to connect the television to your monitor.3.  The monitor screen goes blank and video displays on your television.
47DOWNLOADING AND USING THE APPSANDROIDTMDownloadYou can use a Google® AndroidTM smart phone or tablet with your Uniden Guardian 2 System to remotely connect to and view live camera video. Follow these steps to download, add, and use the app.1.  From your AndroidTM smart phone or tablet device search the Android Market for UNIDEN GUARDIAN 2.2.  Download the Uniden Guardian 2 app. This app has a black and gold icon.3.  Launch the app; select ADD to add your system information to the app.4.  Enter a name for your system in the SYSTEM NAME field.5.  Enter the same DID code from your Uniden Guardian monitor in the DEVICE DID field.6.  Enter the same security code that you set on your Uniden Guardian monitor in the SECURITY CODE field.7.  Select SAVE.8.  Select the system you wish to view.
48The Uniden Guardian 2 app has a Search feature which will automatically find your UDS655 system on your "intranet."  If the phone is connected via WiFi to the same router/network that the PC is on, selecting the Search button in the app will automatically find your system and enter the DID code in the DID Code field.  You will only have to enter the Security Code you entered in the Remote Access software.App OperationWhen you open the app on your Android phone, the image displayed on the main screen is the last camera image, captured automatically, from your previously established session. Main screenTap to add an additional Guardian system.Tap to enter SyStem Setup page. Tap to refresh the system.Tap to enter the app inFoRmAtion page. The screen displays the app version number and the API version number. Tap oK to exit.If you have multiple systems, scroll down and tap on the system image you want to view.Follow these steps to view video:1.  Select a system.2.  Select a camera from the drop-down menu.3.  View video.  You can turn your device sideways and for a horizontal view.
494.  Tap RETURN to stop the video and enter the system page.You can take snapshots from the video by using the Snapshot and Return icons. Snapshot icon. Tap to take a picture.Return icon. Tap to return to the Main screenIPHONE®In a similar fashion to the Android smart phone, you can use the Apple® iPhone® smart phone or iPad® tablet with your Uniden Guardian System to remotely connect to and view camera videos. Follow these steps to download the Uniden Guardian iPhone®appand set it up to work with your Uniden Guardian system.  Download1.  From your iPhone® or iPad®, go to the iTunes®app Store and search for UNIDEN GUARDIAN 2.2.  Download the Uniden Guardian 2 app. This app has the black and gold icon.3.  Launch the app; select SETTINGS then ADD to add your system information to theapp.4.  Enter a name for your system in the SYSTEM NAME field.5.  Enter the same DID code from your Uniden Guardian monitor in the DID field.6.  Enter the same security code that you set on your Uniden Guardian monitor in the SECURITY CODE field.7.  Tap SAVE. The video streams automatically with Camera 1 selected by default
50The Uniden Guardian 2 app has a Search feature which will automatically find your UDS655 system on your "intranet."  If the phone is connected via WiFi to the same router/network that the PC is on, selecting the Search button in the app will automatically find your system and enter the DID code in the DID Code field.  You will only have to enter the Security Code you entered in the Remote Access software.App OperationWhen you open the app on your iPhone or iPad, several icons display on the bottom task bar. Main screenTap to add an additional Guardian system.Tap to enter SyStem Setup page. Tap to refresh the system.Tap to enter the app inFoRmAtion page. The screen displays the app version number and the API version number. Tap oK to exit.If you have multiple systems, scroll down and tap on the system image you want to view.To View Video:1.  Select a system.2.  Select a camera from the drop-down M.3.  View video.  You can turn your device sideways and go to a horizontal view.4.  Tap RETURN to stop the video and enter the system page.You can take snapshots from the video by using the Snapshot and Return icons.
51Snapshot icon. Tap to take a picture.Return icon. Tap to return to the Main screen.
52MAINTAINING YOUR SYSTEMUPGRADING YOUR UNIDEN UDS655 FIRMWARECheck your system firmware version by selecting your language again on the DEFAULT screen. Both the cameras and monitor firmware display.Go to www.unidenvideo.com to check the current firmware level. Compare it to your system firmware level. If you need to update your UDS655 firmware, download the most current firmware version to your system’s microSD card and then upload that firmware to the monitor.1.  Eject the microSD card from the monitor and insert it into the SD card adapter. 2.  Insert the SD card adapter into your PC and go to www.unidenvideo.com. 3.  Copy the current firmware to the SD card.4.  Remove the SD card from your PC. Remove the microSD card from the adapter and reinsert it into the monitor. Plug the AC adapter into the monitor.5.  Upgrade the system firmware by going to the DEFAULT screen in SYSTEM SETUP. Press M; the system displays MENU : SOFTWARE UPGRADE.6.  Press M again to automatically update the firmware. The upgrade turns off the system and deletes the file after update.TAKING CARE OF YOUR HARDWAREMonitorAs you use your monitor keep the screen clean by wiping it with a microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints, dust, etc.CamerasWhen dust and grime builds up on the camera lens and glass, it affects night vision capability. The infrared light reflects off of the dust and grime, limiting the camera’s “vision.” Use a microfiber cloth to regularly clean the cameras or when night vision video is cloudy or unclear.
53SOLVING PROBLEMSIf you have any trouble with your system, try these simple steps. If you are still having a problem with your camera, check the manual that came with your camera. If… Try..Motion detection won’t respond to movement.• Increasing the motion sensitivity (see page 24).• Checking the settings on the RecoRd ScHeduLe screen (see page 22).Motion detection goes off when there’s nothing there.• Decreasing motion sensitivity (see page 24).• Refer to General Placement Considerations on page 6.I can’t play my video clips in another program• You must install Uniden Media Player to play back recorded files. This player is found on the CD included in the box.I schedule a recording, save the schedule, and the recording does not happen at the scheduled time.• Ensure that the system time is set to the current time.• Make sure that the SD card is inserted into the monitor and there is still memory available on that card.The camera’s signal status icon shows no bars• Making sure the camera is plugged in and the red LED is on. • Making sure the camera is paired to the correct channel.• Re-pairing the camera and monitor.• Moving the camera closer to the monitor; it might be out of range.• Making sure the camera setting is turned on (refer to ACTIVATE OR DEACTIVATE screen on page 21).The camera’s signal status icon shows one or two bars or the video quality is poorSee General Placement Considerations on page 6 for tips on improving video quality.The camera won’t pair with the monitor• Making sure the camera is plugged in and the red LED is on.• Pressing and releasing the pairing button quickly. Do not press and hold the pairing button.
54If… Try..When I power up my monitor and cameras for the first time, they seem to be on but there is no picture on the screenIf the Power Saving feature has been turned on, the monitor’s LCD screen will power off. Tap the power button to turn the LCD back on.There is no video (or audio) when I try to watch live video on the television.• Making sure the UDS655 is turned on.• Making sure the AV plugs are inserted into the correct jacks on the television.• Making  sure they are fully seated.There is no video on my wireless device• Making sure the UDS655 is turned on and connected properly to your PC.• Making sure the Remote View software is on and connected to the internet.There is no audio on my wireless device • Audio is not available for remote viewing; only video is.The app won't connect. • Checking your internet/Wifi connection.I can't view video on the portal through my remote PC.• Be sure you install the OCX plug in on that PC during Portal login (see page 43).Need Help? Get answers 24/7 at our website: www.uniden.com.If You... Contact Uniden’s... Phone Numberhave a question or problem Customer Care Line* 817-858-2929 or 800-297-1023need a replacement part or accessory Parts Department* 800-554-3988need special help due to a disability Accessibility Help Line 800-874-9314 (voice or TTY)* During regular business hours, Central Standard Time. Visit our website for detailed business hours.
55SPECIFICATIONSCamera MonitorMaximum Channels 4Communication Range 500 ft in open spaceMonitor Resolution 800 x 480Camera Resolution 640 x 480Operating Temperature -10°C ~ +50°COperating voltage DC 5V / 1ACurrent consumption 550mA (max) 860mA (max)Night Vision 40 ftDimension 123L x 65H x 65W mm 200L x 122H x 25W mmMicroSD Card Capacity    (1GB = 10 hours)Recycling and Disposal Information ►Do not dispose of electronic devices or any of their components (especially batteries and LCD displays) in your municipal trash collection. ►Consult your local waste management authority or a recycling organization like Earth911.com to nd an electronics recycling facility in your area. ►If you are unable to locate proper recycling facilities in your area, please return this product to Uniden for recycling.FCC Compliance InformationPart 15 Compliance StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjected to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and ETSI (EN) 300328. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residential installations. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
56radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television equipment reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ►Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ►Move the equipment away from the monitor. ►Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the monitor is connected. ►Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.CAUTION! Any changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.RF Exposure InformationThe antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm (7.9”) from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. IC Compliance InformationRadio Equipment NoticeThe term “IC:” before the radio certication number only signies that Industry Canada technical specications were met. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. “Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this device”.CE Compliance InformationProducts with CE Marking comply with EMC Directive (2004/108/EC); Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC); R&TTE(1999/5/EC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the following European Norms: ►EMC: EN 301 489 ►LVD: EN 60950 ►Radio: EN 300 328
57One-year Limited WarrantyImportant: Evidence of original purchase is required for warranty service.WARRANTOR: UNIDEN AMERICA CORPORATION (“Uniden”) ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail owner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials & craftsmanship with only the limitations or exclusions set out below.WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate & be of no further eect 12 months after the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalid if the Product is (A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary, (B) modied, altered, or used as part of any conversion kits, subassemblies, or any congurations not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly installed, (D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a defect or malfunction covered by this warranty, (E) used in any conjunction with equipment or parts or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the owner’s manual for this product.STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to this warranty at any time while this warranty is in eect, warrantor will either, at its option, repair or replace the defective unit & return it to you without charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shipping & handling) incurred by warrantor or its representatives in connection with the performance of this warranty. Warrantor, at its option, may replace the unit with a new or refurbished unit.THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS THE SOLE & ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO THE PRODUCT & IS IN LIEU OF & EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specic legal rights, & you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside the United States of America & Canada. PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PERFORMANCE OF WARRANTY: If, after following the instructions in the owner’s manual you are certain that the Product is defective, pack the Product carefully (preferably in its original packaging). Disconnect the battery from the Product & separately secure the battery in its own separate packaging within the shipping carton. The Product should include all parts & accessories originally
packaged with the Product. Include evidence of original purchase & a note describing the defect that has caused you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable means, to warrantor at:Uniden America Service 4700 Amon Carter Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76155

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