JDTECK JD60-9-19-LC Wireless Cellular Repeater User Manual

JDTECK INC Wireless Cellular Repeater Users Manual

Users Manual

 Meaning  Automatic Gain Control Base Transmitting Station (Cell Tower) Code Division Multiple Access Decibel – (A unit of measure for signal strength) Downlink (Communication channel from cell tower to mobile device) Outdoor Antenna (Antenna that donates an input signal) Global System for Mobile Communications Integrated Digital Enhanced Network Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Long Term Evolution Mobile Station Personal Communication System Radio Frequency Uplink (Communication channel from mobile device to cell tower) AGC BTS CDMA dB DL Donor GSM iDEN LCD LED LTE MS PCS RF UL Abbreviations…………………………………………..………………………………..2  Safety……………………………………………………………………….……………….2  1. Preface………………………………………………………………………………... 3  2. Introduction / Features & Functions……………………………………..5  3. Installation…………………………………………………………………………….7  3.1 Installation Procedure………………………………………...………………8  3.1 Installation Procedure – Con’t……………………………………………9  3.2 Antenna Installing and Cable Wiring………………………..………10  3.3 Manual Gain Adjustment - UL / DL……………………..……………11  3.4 Testing……………………………………………………………………….……..15  3.5 Trouble Shooting………………………………………………..…………….16  Specifications……………………………………………………………………..…..17  FCC Statement………………………………………………………...……….……18  Repeater Settings….………………………………………………...…………..…19                 Terminology                User Warnings – MUST READ!    1. This repeater must ONLY be used for the purpose it was intended for. Making any alternations to the design layout without first consulting with a trained technician can result in interference to the operator’s network and liability by the end user.   2. Please read this entire manual carefully before using this product!   3. Only the power supply that came with the repeater should be used at all times. It is highly recommended that the repeater is grounded and lightning protection used.  4. Do not attempt to open any part of the repeater. This will void the warranty and can cause an electric shock. Electrostatic can also cause damage to the internal components.   5. Please keep away from any heating-equipment, because the repeater will dissipate heat when working. Do not cover the repeater with anything that influences heat-dissipation.  6. Do not place or mount the repeater in a location that is exposed                           to the elements. This will void the warranty and can cause an                             electric shock.   1  2
 1 Nramcpwthte Fwmgn Tceitcaeas Tsrea Aaabccpn Tcacato   31. Preface Nowadays, personalate and persons aremobile communicatiocommunication netwpresent second-genewidely used all over hird-generation (3Gechnology is widely For example, Code Dwhich greatly extendmodulation. As an adgood multi-channel anarrowband interfereThe CDMA network coverage will graduaeffect makes networtself determines thaconstruction should adding carriers and rexpanding network can auxiliary means ohould to provide coThe cost of wireless imple. They have thepeaters can help aat a minimum cost.  A cellular tower typica relatively small covaccess it is limited abest way of solving tcoverage to fully utilicellular network consperipheral devices tonetwork itself.  The complete coveracellular network, but a network operator scomplete coverage. areas, office buildingo consummate the nl mobile communicae having higher expon network. A high-swork has become theeration (2G) mobilethe world, but most) and forth-generatiused in Europe, NoDivision Multiple Acds the signal width -dvanced wireless coaccess capability, aence capability and has, what is called ally shrink as the cerk planning more cot the load of the netbe higher than that roaming agreementcapacity, and addingof capacity expansiontinuous coverage,repeaters are relatihe functions of a mia BTS or Node B to cally supports a largverage footprint. Thnd a large amount othis problem is to usize the telecommunstruction in Asia, repo cover blind areasage is not only a prealso a factor that ashould first considerThe seamless covegs, super markets, anetwork. ation is developing aectations and demaspeed and high-cape trend of future dev communication systly in developing naton (4G) mobile comorth America and Koccess (CDMA) techn- the so-called spreommunication technnti-multipath fading security protection a “cell breathing effll load increases. Thmplicated. The CDMtwork at the early stof the GSM networts between them is g BTS’s or Node B bon. The aim of the ra instead of hotspot ively low and the coni BTS or Node B. Oachieve the optimage capacity of userserefore, the numbeof channel resourcese repeaters to extenication resources. Fpeaters are no longin the network but aerequisite for a highttracts users. From r providing a radio nerage in urban areasand top grade hotelsat a very rapid ands on the pacity velopment. At stems like GSM is tions, whereas mmunication orea.  nology is used ead spectrum nology, it features capacity, anti-capabilities.  fect”. That is, the he cell breathing MA technology tage of rk. Therefore, a major means of base stations is adio network coverage. onstruction is On the network, al network quality  but is affected by r of users who can es are wasted. The end the BTS For example, in ger considered as as part of the core h quality mobile this point of view, network with a s, heavy traffic s is the first step In such repeateantennaor frequ Becauspopulatsimply ubuildingare usefiber so Since ththe nummay enpowereareas.  Repeatand comits high indoor srooms, They arvery su                        a background, JDTers that are applicaba system. (DAS) Reuency used today. se a large amount ofted urban areas, theused to cover smallgs or sub-ground loced when optical fiberolution is not cost effhe number of repeamber of buildings to d up feeding from oed repeaters (below ers adopt an integrambines the RF modselectivity, stability signal distribution inhotels, tea shops, nre also used to coveitable to signal optimFigure 1 shTECK has successfuble to any mobile neepeaters are availabf BTS or Node B deere is usually no larg blind areas and procations. Typically, rars are not available fective.  aters on a cellular nebe covered in a speone BTS or Node B.1 W) should be depated module concepule and the monitorand reliability, repen small areas such anight clubs, and cafeer shadow areas oumization in densely hows the applications ully developed advaetwork and indoor dible to support any teevices are deployedge blind area. Repeovide signal coveraadio frequency (RF)in buildings or wheetwork usually increecific sector, multipl. In view of this, onlyployed in densely popt. It is compact in sring mode in one uneaters are widely apas office buildings, mes where signals arutdoors. Such repeapopulated urban arof the repeaters. anced istributed echnology d in densely eaters are ge inside ) repeaters n using a eases with e repeaters y low opulated structure nit. Owing to plied to meeting re shielded. aters are reas. 44
 2 Tfoos Itfia Tse(Dreein Trecrethrefuthmd Jactha Tto A GARO     52. IntroductionThis full duplex mobor providing a wireleoffice building, undehopping mall, outdot is designed to impltering and re-transarea via a distributedTo maintain safe andignal oscillation detenvironmental statusDownlink Alarm & Ued, (depending on teither band, or if the nterference to the ceThis repeater also haeduce the output pocan vary from 15-20deduction in gain neehe AGC, then the enepeater called manuurther reduce the ouhe front of the unit tmanually attenuate (downlink individuallyDTECK’s repeatersautomatically shuts-dcellular network if nohe repeater’s LEDsall times for optimumThe main cause of soo close in proximityAlarm LED status chGreen - System funcAmber - Mild detectRed - Strong signal Off – Repeater is non ile communicationsess improvement in r-ground parking lotoor park or any otherove the call qualitymitting the signals fd antenna system (Dd specific output sigtection circuits with s. The Alarm LEDs Uplink Alarm) will chthe intensity) if the sinput signal is beyoellular network, the as an automatic gaiower of the repeaterdB depending on theded to take the unind user can make uual gain control (MGutput gain of the repo navigate through (reduce) the repeatey. s also feature a Netwdown the transmisso adjustments are m. You will want to mm system performansignal oscillation is wy to the outdoor anthart and recommendctioning well / no erion of signal oscillatoscillation.  ot transmitting (MUT repeater from JDTthe cellular receptiot, warehouse, aparter large coverage ary of an area by recefrom the base statioDAS) or distributed gnal levels, this repecolor changing LEDlocated on the fronthange color from gresystem detects signond a safe limit so arepeater will indicatin control (AGC) fear if oscillation is detehe model of your repit out of alarm exceeuse of yet another feGC). This allows thepeater by using the the liquid crystal diser’s output gain of ework Safe / MUTE fsion side of the repemade to eliminate alamake sure the LEDs nce.  when any of the indotenna on the roof.ded action: rors. tion. TE Activated) ECK is perfect on inside a large tment building, rea requirement. iving, amplifying, on into a specified antenna grid.  eater has built-in Ds to indicate its t of the unit een to amber or al oscillation in as to avoid ted this.  ature which will ected. This range peater. If the eds the range of eature of this e end user to push buttons on splay (LCD) and either the uplink or feature that eater to protect the arm readings on remain green at oor antennas are Featu  Sl LE Su Lo A AG M M LC H                          Grounding Pures & Functioleek attractive housED indicators to moupports all technoloow power consumptLC function. (Auto LGC function. (AutomMGC function. (ManuMUTE function. (ShuCD Interface. (User eat Sink cooling finsStudPower SwitchDC Power PlugUL AlUp / DownOutdoor Portons sing. onitor environmentalogies including, GPRtion. Limit Control – will nmatic Gain Control)ual Gain Control) uts down if no changFriendly Digital Intes to dissipate heat qLCD Screenlarmn Button l status. RS, EDGE, CDMA&not exceed max ratege in environmental erface) quickly and efficientnEnter ButtonDL AlarmIndoor & UMTS. ed power) conditions) tly Heat Sink Fins 6Port
 3. Installation  1. The repeater’s main function is to improve weak RF signals to an area.  2. Selecting the appropriate accessories that are compatible with the frequency of the repeater is very important for optimal system performance. An 850Mhz Repeater needs to be used with accessories that supports the 850Mhz band. In the same way, choosing accessories in the 1900Mhz Band needs to go with a 1900Mhz Repeater etc. For dual band or multi-band repeaters, please ensure the peripheral components used supports all the frequencies needed.    3. The signal strength from the outdoor antenna directly affects the efficiency of the indoor coverage. It is very important to choose the location of the outdoor antenna carefully. With this in mind, it is not recommended that the donor antenna be installed in an attic or at the side of a building.   4. The repeater is a two-way (full duplex) signal amplifier. Therefore there needs to be proper isolation between the outdoor antenna and indoor antenna in order to avoid signal oscillation on the repeater. (Interference) There needs to be more than 15dB of isolation above the repeater gain. For example, if the repeater gain is 60dB, then you need 75dB of isolation between outdoor antenna and indoor antenna.    5. The repeater gain is adjustable for both the uplink / downlink individually. Depending on the environment, the end-user may need to adjust the repeater gain to achieve optimum performance and desired coverage.    6. The repeater is designed to amplify the input signal, filter it and retransmit it to the desired area via service antennas. In order to reach the best performance, the outdoor signal should be greater than -80dBm, and not over +10dBm. If the outdoor signal is very weak, then a pre-amplifier may be used.  7. Calculating the Link budget before setting the repeater gain.       Link budget calculation:       Outdoor signal strength – Loss of accessories (cable, connectors, splitters, Directional Couplers) + Antenna gain (outdoor antenna, indoor antenna) + Repeater gain = Indoor signal strength.  8.  For all cellular applications, you need to use 50 Ohm rated coax. Besides affecting voice quality, using any other impedance of coax will put an extra load on your repeater and shorten its life span.     3.1 Installation Procedure                                                  Site SurveyInstallation PlanningLink Budget CalculatingInstall Outdoor AntennaCable InstallationInstall RepeaterInstall Indoor AntennasSignal MeasurementGain AdjustmentTest for Call QualityTrouble Shooting7  8
 3  Wmre       93.1 Installation P  Check the conte  Identify a suitabantenna on youantennas or imminput signal from  Ensure the locaand at the samecomplete your in   Install the donorthe indoor base including any se  Connect the indthe unit and mo   If the donor antenearest cell towcommissioning, best signal strenwhile making su We suggest getting smonitor both your mepeater at the same If signal oscillatirelevant band wLEDs turn green  If the signal oscrelevant band was a result of service antennaand then matchsettings for adju  Procedure – Coents supplied. ble location where yor roof or at an elevamediate obstructionsm the cell tower or totion is properly isolae time, ensure the cnstallation. r antenna and routeunit. DO NOT COIervice loops.  door service antennanitor the LED statusenna used is not anwer location is not knthen you may needngth or call quality isure the LEDs stay gsomeone to help roobile device (Phonee time. ion is between 1~4dwill turn amber. Plean. (See attenuationcillation is between will turn red, and thenot having enougas. In this case atth the UL gain to thustments) ont.  ou would like to moated location, free ofs. Confirm this locaowers you would likated from the indoocable length suppliede the coax to the proL UP any excess cas, coax and powers for errors.  n omni-directional annown at the time of sd to rotate the donos achieved on your reen on the repeateotate the donor antee or PC Card) and thdB then the Alarm Lse adjust the DL readjustment) 10-15dB then the Ae repeater will then gh isolation betweetenuate the DL gaie same gain valueunt the donor f any other tion has the best ke to support. r antenna d is sufficient to oposed location for coax you may have, r supply. Power up ntenna or the system r antenna until the mobile device, er. nna while you he LEDs on the LED for the peater gain till theAlarm LED for the shut down. This is en the donor and n on the repeater . (See attenuation 3.2 An  We do nin the aquality osignal oyour rep        D P D              It isfreebra               ntenna Installatnot recommend instttic or at the side ofof the input signal froscillation taking plapeater. Do not install the doPlease take the necDo not mount near os recommended thae of any immediate acket is recommendtion and Coax Ctalling the donor anf a single story buildrom the cell tower. Aace, thus having to aonor antenna near hcessary safety measor in the path of othat you mount your dobstructions. Makinded for optimum antCable Wiring tenna of your repeading. Doing so will reAlso you increase thattenuate the outputhigh voltage power lsures when workinger antennas or sateonor antenna in a sng use of a pole or mtenna performance. ater system educe the he risk of t power of ines.  g on heights. ellite dishes. spot that is mounting  110
  3  Inna/  WU                       DowUDo113.3 Manual Gainn order to meet annetwork integration,allows you to manuaDL attenuator contrWhen your repeaterUL and DL gain valuClick the ENTER bClick the UP or DOwould wn Navigation Button p Navigation Button own Navigation Buttonn Adjustment ~nd maintain safe en this repeater is eally control the Uplinrol range is from 0dr is switched on, thees and output poweutton to access the OWN navigation butlike to attenuate. (UActive Power Stan ~ UL / DL nvironmental conditequipped with an Lnk / Downlink gain inB to -31dB by 1dB ie LCD screen will der setting in a scrollmenu to add or remtton to access the dUPLINK or DOWNLEatus Scrollingtions for seamless LCD interface that ndividually. The ULincrements. display the current ing sequence.  move attenuation. desired band you INK) nter / Select ButtonReturn Button3.3 Ma  Click thwould liattenuaDOWN                T            PleaENTE           Down NUp Navianual Gain Adjue ENTER button agike to attenuate. Thation value. (Default navigation buttons The following exampase note: For the seER button after, or itresponse avigation Buttongation Buttonustment ~ UL / gain after you have is will then bring yois 0dB)  You can thto add the desired   ple shows a value o elected value to taket will not register. Yowhen the change w The default of UL/  attenuator is at 0dB. DL – Con’t. selected the desiredur prompt to the curhen use either the Uamount of attenuatiof 2dB has been selee effect, you must pou will then get a cowas successful. /DL gain  (Full Power) d band you rrent UP or ion.  ected. press the onfirmation 122
 3 Agth Inthwa  M Wofa O              O Aasurep IfacpDo133.3 Manual GainAfter the change hagreen or if further atthen be sure to matcn some deploymenthe location of the rewould be best not toaffect the optimum Main Menu  When in the main moptions 3 & 4. Whenactory default. (No AOption 4 simply allowClick tOutput Power Another neat featuraddition to the currcreen, it also displaused as an indicateceived by the repepower will display “Of your donor antennand the Output Powcompromised connepre-amp to the systeAvoid putting own Navigation Button Adjustment ~as been made, motenuation is neededch the UL gain to thets, the end user maepeater is very far fo exceed a 5dB difm performance of menu, if you continun selected, option 3Attenuation = Full Pws you to exit the mthe ENTER button tre about the LCD rent UL and DL gaays the active outputor to determine heater. For example Output Power = Lowna is in the best locawer is still Low, theector on your input cem to boost the weamore than a 5dB diffen  UL / DL – Con’nitor the DL alarm d. If the DL LED reme same dB value.y decide to have a from the cell tower. fference on the DL the repeater’s baue to scroll down th3 will allow you reseower). main menu back to tho access any selecInterface on this rain values that scrut power level of theow strong an inpuif the input signal isw”. ation for receiving aen it could be that coax cable, or that ak input signal. erence between the Up’t.  LED to see if it’s mains a solid green, stronger UL gain if In this instance, it gain as this could andwidth capacity. e LCD will display et the dB values to he home screen.  tion. repeater is that in rolls on the home e unit. This can be ut signal is being s weak, the output a good input signal you either have a you need to add a plink and Downlink.  3.3 Ma              When  This repIf the ineither, aoccur if (RSSI) oscillatifrom theantenna To detedisconnrepeatethe cell DL gainmatch tindoor a If after rback to of your should  When ccoveragshowingbe thathowevethe upli We encmake salways  anual Gain Adjudo you adjust thpeater is equipped wput gain is too highamber or red indicatfthe donor antenna from the cell tower on is taking place. Se indoor service anta outside.  ermine what is the canect the indoor anteer. If the LED does ntower is very strongn by 1dB incrementsthe same attenuatioantenna / service linreconnecting the indamber or red then indoor and outdootherefore have morcomplete, try makinge while monitoringg strong signal stre you need to attener that you do not wnk and downlink vacourage you to call uure you have seamhappy to help. 1-86Reustment ~ UL / he Repeater Gainwith an alarm featur, the Alarm LED wilting the intensity or is in a location wheis extremely good (Signal Oscillation istenna is being receiause of your Alarm enna / service line frnot change to greeng and it is highly recs till the LEDs turns on value to the UL, ane again.  door antenna or sersignal oscillation is or antennas being te separation.  ng some test calls g the LEDs to see ength but your calls nuate your uplink gwant to have more lues for optimum syus when commissioless integration to t66-4-JDTECK (53-8epeater not receiving a goDL – Con’t. n? re that monitors thel change color fromthe error. High inpuere the receive signa-50dB or better) or s when the amplifiedived back into the dLED changing coloom the “INDOOR” pn, then your input sigcommended you attgreen again. Then after which you can rvice line, the LED ctaking place. This isoo close to each oththroughout the desif it changes colorare not going througain a bit more. Kethan a 5dB differenystem performance.oning your repeater he cellular network.8325). ood input signal. e input gain.  green to ut gain can al strength if signal d signal onor r you can port of the gnal from tenuate the you must connect the changes s the result her and sired area of r. If you are ugh, it could eep in mind nce between . system to . We are 144
 3                                                 153.4 Testing 3.5 Tr  Q1. Wh Answe1. Chec2. Chec3. Chec4. Chec5. Chec6. Chec7. Chec  Q2. Wh Answe1. Chec2. Chec3. Chec4. Chan5. Chec6. Deplo  Q3. Whdet Answe1. Chec2. Chan3. Redu   Q4. The Answe1. Chec2. Chec3. Chec4. Conf  Q5. Wh Answe1. Chec2. MUT  oubleshootinghy is there still no sr: ck the power on repck the connector of ck the connectors ofck the outdoor signack to make sure the ck the connector of ck the cable type is hy the signal strenr: ck the outdoor signack repeater is full gack all of the connectnge the location of ock the cable type is oy more indoor antehy can’t I make a ctect a signal? r: ck LED status of repnge the location of ouce the UL gain of the signal is not stabr: ck to see if the outdock the location of theck the RF cable is bfirm direction of donhy is the LED on thr: ck the power sourceTE feature is active. signal after installpeater and power suoutdoor antenna is f RF cable are tight al is strong enough antenna is installedindoor antenna is tisuitable or not.  gth is too weak onal and antenna direcain or not.  tors are tight. outdoor/indoor antensuitable or not. ennas.  all after installatiopeater to make sureoutdoor / indoor antehe repeater. ble after turning onoor signal is stable e donor antenna. Toroken or not and haor antenna in relatiohe front of the repee is normal or not.Attenuate gain of reing the equipmentupply. tight or not.  or not. or not.  d correctly. ght or not.   n the edge of area?ction. nna. n, even though I ce alarms are green.enna. n the repeater powor not. oo close to other anas no coils. on to cell tower. eater not lit? epeater and cycle pt? ?  can  wer. ntennas. ower. 166
 Mechanical Specifications  Input / Output Port  N-Female Impedance  50 Ω Dimensions (W x D x H)  250 x 330 x 53mm Weight  ≤4.9Kg (10.8 Lbs) Operating Temperature  -10°C ~ 50°C Environment Conditions  IP40 Switching Adapter  Input AC 100~240V, Output DC 12V / 6A  Record your repeater settings here.   Downlink  Uplink Dip Switch  Value  ON  Dip Switch  Value  ON 1  1dB   1  1dB   2  2dB   2  2dB   3  4dB   3  4dB   4  8dB   4  8dB   5  16dB   5  16dB   Total dB Attenuated  …………...  Total dB Attenuated  …………...  Adjusted By:  ___________________________________ Date:  ……./……/…………                                                   FCC Statement  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  PLEASE NOTE: It is normal for your repeater to be quite warm while in use.  FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment . This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.                                      Frequency Specifications  Model JD60-9-19-LC      FCC ID  SQX-JD60-9-19-LC Filter Bandwidth  GSM & EDGE& CDMA& WCDMA  | PCS 60MHz Output power  Uplink Downlink GSM  20±1 dBm  30±1 dBm EDGE  20±1 dBm  30±1 dBm CDMA  20±1 dBm  30±1 dBm WCDMA  20±1 dBm  30±1 dBm Max. Gain  80dB  85dB Gain Flatness  CDMA & GSM: ≤8dB, PCS: ≤10dB AGC Range  ≧15dB ,auto shut off after 15dB Maximum Input Power  0dBm Gain Control Range(MGC)  ≥31dB in step of 1dB  by LCD menu V.S.W.R  ≤2 Spurious Emission 9KHz~1GHz  ≤-36dBm   ≤-36dBm  ≤-36dBm 1GHz~12.75GHz  ≤-30dBm  ≤-30dBm  ≤-30dBm CDMA System  Rho  p >0.980 ACPR  Meets IS95 & CDMA2000 Modulation Accuracy  ≥12.5% Spurious Emission Mask  Meet 3GPP TS 25.143 (V 6.2.0) Input Inter-modulation  Peak Code Domain Error  ≥-35dB @ Spreading Factor 256 Frequency Stability  ≤0.01ppm ACRR  ≥30dBc / 30KHz @±5MHz ≥50dBc / 30KHz @±10MHz Noise Figure (@ max gain)  ≤6dB Group Delay  ≤4.5 micro  Sec  Model Specifications  Classification Bandwidth Range       Frequency Range PCS  DL -1930-1990 (MHz)UL -1850-1910 (MHz)          17
 NOTES  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________    18

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