Itron CENGPRS1 Electricity Meter with GSM/GPRS modem User Manual Product Brochure

Itron Electricity Meter with GSM/GPRS modem Product Brochure


Product Brochure

ITRON CENTRON® GPRS SMARTMETERThe combination of Itron’s CENTRON® Meter with the GPRS SmartMeter Module from SmartSynch® introduces a powerful residential communication solution for utilities.  SmartSynch’s Transaction Management System (TMS™) manages all meters integrated with the SmartMeter module including the CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter. The integrated CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter utilizes ANSI communication standards to retrieve data and events for all the ANSI C12.19-1997 tables and standard manufacturer procedures.Key Functions and Features • Flexible Two-Way Data Retrieval • Scheduled and On-Demand Reads • Automated Interval Read Retrieval • Real-Time Interval Reads  • Automated Register, Self-Read and TOU Retrieval  • Demand Resets • Real-Time Meter Event and Alarm Retrieval  • Real-Time Power Outage and Power Restoration Alarms • Service Diagnostics and Tamper Detection  • Tilt Detection  • Meter Clock Synchronization  • SmartMeter Display Status • Automated Meter Registration • Secure and Encrypted Data Transmissions  • Over-The-Air SmartMeter Module Firmware UpgradeSupported Meter Forms • Class 20: 3S, 4S  • Class 100:  1S • Class 200: 2S, 12S, 25S • Class 320: 2SHardware Components  • Radio Control Module Board (RCM) • Capacitor Storage Bank (CSB) • GSM Modem (Siemens MC56) • Internal Antenna • Tilt Detector • Temperature SensorOperating RangesTemperature• Operating: [-40°C, +85°C]• Transmission (wireless):  [-40°C, +80°C]Humidity• 0% to 95% non-condensingAccuracy• Meets ANSI 12.20 for accuracy class 0.5%Regulatory and Industry Specifications• FCC Part 15 Class B• FCC Part 90 and FCC Part 1 (MPE)• ANSI C37.90.1 - 1989: (SWC)• ANSI C12.20 (Class 0.5) – 1998• PTCRB approval (in process)SmartSynch,
ITRON CENTRON® GPRS SMARTMETERFunctions and FeaturesFlexible Two-way DaTa ReTRieval anD ScheDuleD DaTa collecTion Users can execute all appropriate TMS functionality using user configurable SmartMeter controlled schedules and TMS controlled schedules and as well as on an on-demand basis.  auTomaTeD inTeRval DaTa/eneRgy uSage ReTRieval  The CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module retrieves and transmits interval data for 1 unique energy value for intervals as small as 5 minutes.  Recorded events and exceptions with each interval are also transmitted to the TMS, which interprets them and logs appropriate messages (e.g. time adjustments).Real-Time inTeRval ReaDS Real-time interval data acquisition enables utilities to implement Load Curtailment and Real Time Pricing (RTP) programs.  With this functionality, the user can configure the SmartMeter module to transmit load profile data as often as every 15 minutes at interval completion.auTomaTeD RegiSTeR, SelF-ReaD anD Tou ReTRievalThe CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module is configured by the TMS to read and transmit all or a subset of enabled registers including totals, self-reads, maximum demand and time-of-use values.DemanD ReSeTS  The CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module executes Demand Resets using one of three methods: SmartModule initiated schedules, TMS initiated schedules or TMS on-demand requests.Real-Time meTeR evenT anD alaRm ReTRievalThe CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter provides automatic real-time alarm reporting of all events defined in the ANSI C12.19 standard including history and event codes, ANSI Standard status and Manufacturer status alarms.  Additionally, alarms received by TMS can be automatically routed via e-mail to a specific user or group of users using the TMS Message Routing Interface. Real-Time PoweR ouTage anD ReSToRaTion alaRmS  With built-in Ultra Capacitor energy storage, the CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module will transmit a real time “last gasp” notification when detecting an AC power outage without requiring the use of less reliable batteries.  The CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter also notifies the TMS when the AC power is restored and provides full configuration of these alarms based on user defined durations.SeRvice DiagnoSTic anD TamPeR DeTecTion aleRTSThe CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter can report power service and wiring errors detected by the meter including reverse polar-ity, cross-phase and energy flow, phase voltage deviation, inactive phase current, phase angle displacement, and current waveform distortion.  In addition, the SmartMeter can detect and report exceptions for the following tamper events: number of Demand Resets, Loss of AC power, and reported power outages.  The TMS configures a specific filter in the SmartMeter for each of these events enabling the transmission of a corresponding alert only after the event is repeated a minimum of times within a specific duration.  The TMS can also configure the SmartMeter to reset the event counter when the alert message is transmitted.
TilT DeTecTionThe CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter can detect and report tilt events that occur when the SmartMeter is moved from its installation position. meTeR clock SynchRonizaTionIf enabled, the SmartModule automatically adjusts the meter clock when the time deviation falls within user-defined lower and upper deviation boundaries based on a reference clock provided by the TMS. If the deviation exceeds the upper  boundary, the module reports the deviation via an alarm but does not correct the meter clock. If the deviation is less than the lower boundary, the module ignores the deviation.SmaRTmeTeR STaTuS DiSPlayThe CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter supports an optional LCD status sequence to display important SmartMeter indicators periodically. This status sequence includes the meter site coverage status, SmartModule firmware state and any SmartModule firmware warnings/errors enabling technicians to ensure proper installation of the CENTRON GPRS SmartMeters and allow field troubleshooting without any other tools. auTomaTeD meTeR RegiSTRaTion  The SmartMeter module automatically transmits a registration message to the TMS when the meter is installed without requiring user intervention. This message permits the TMS to create or update the meter record with validated information ensuring accurate and auto-mated record entries without user intervention.  SecuRe anD encRyPTeD DaTa TRanSmiSSionS128-bit encryption is applied to all messages exchanged between the TMS and the SmartMeter module, utilizing a unique meter specific encryption key.  oveR-The-aiR SmaRTmeTeR moDule FiRmwaRe uPgRaDe  TMS users with administrator privileges can remotely upgrade the CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module firmware for one or multiple GPRS modules.  TRanSmiSSion eFFiciency In addition to support for allowing users to filter the number of meter channels and types of diagnostics that are returned, all wireless messages are converted to binary and optimally compressed before transmission to ensure the most economical data process-ing rates. The compression ratio can be as high as 50% and overall data usage can be as little as 5% of the total usage of other wireless systems.auTomaTeD iD TRacking  Barcode labels and important identifiers (e.g. ICC-ID / MS-ISDN) are attached to the integrated SmartMeter for tracking and trouble-shooting purposes.on-DemanD DaTa ReaDS FoR viRTual DiSconnecT  Customers can perform virtual disconnects through the TMS by retrieving a final read for one end-user and an initial read for a  subsequent end-user.  This function is also utilized to perform meter “switch-outs.”
ITRON CENTRON® GPRS SMARTMETERHardware SpecificationsHardware Component DescriptionRadio Control Module board (RCM) Includes 32-bit ARM processor, 256K RAM, 512K flashCapacitor Storage Bank (CSB)  Supplies peak power for data transmissions and all functions during power outages – no batteries requiredSiemens MC56 modem GSM/GPRS modem communicates with the TMS using GPRS and SMS servicesInternal Antenna Flexible dual frequency GSM antenna for the MC56 modemExternal Antenna kit (optional)  External GSM antenna & isolation circuit for the MC56 modemTemperature Ranges   Operating: [-40°C, +85°C]Transmission (wireless):  [-40°C, +80°C]Humidity Range0% to 95% non-condensingAccuracyMeets ANSI 12.20 for accuracy class 0.5%Input/Output Signal or Interface  Definition / ValuesModule Power Input Voltage 120 VACMeter Serial Interface 3.3V / TTL compatible asynchronousIntegrationThe SmartMeter module is a fully integrated under-the-cover option inside the CENTRON meter.  The CENTRON GPRS Smart-Meter is shipped as one complete unit, ready for field deployment.Version and Compatibility InformationCENTRON meter hardware:   Supported meter forms, classes, and types equipped with battery.CENTRON meter firmware:   TBDModule:       CENTRON GPRS SmartMeter module Rev 1.0, FW - CENTRON GPRS 9.0 or higherSmartSynch TMS:     Software version 5.0 or higherPC-PRO+ Advanced:    Version 7.20 or higher (Optical Programming)SmartSynch, Inc.4400 Old Canton Road, Suite 300Jackson, Mississippi 392111-888-362-1780www.smartsynch.comSupported Meter FormsClass 20: 3S, 4SClass 100: 1SClass 200: 2S, 12S, 25SClass 320: 2SRegulatory & Industry CertificationsFCC Part 15 Class BFCC Part 90 and FCC Part 1 (MPE)ANSI C37.90.1 – 1989: Surge Withstand Capability (SWC)ANSI C12.20 (Class0.5) – 1998PTCRB approval (in process)

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