Itron 100GDLCN AMR transceiver device for utility meters User Manual 100G Datalogging Installation Guide Direct Mount

Itron Inc AMR transceiver device for utility meters 100G Datalogging Installation Guide Direct Mount

Users Manual 3

 TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  28   Proprietary and Confidential     This chapter provides the instructions to install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on an Itron/Sprague Meter.   Note  Itron/Sprague meters are also known as Actaris and Schlumberger meters. For these instructions, all meters are referred to as Itron/Sprague meters.  To remove the index from the meter 1. Remove the index cover screws and the index cover from the Itron/Sprague meter. Examine the mounting screws. If they are 5/8" long and not corroded, keep them to re-attach the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly. If the screws are not the correct length or if the screws are corroded, discard.    Note Use the removed index cover as a temporary storage container for screws. Properly dispose all unused screws, old index covers, gaskets, tamper seals, and other leftover materials. Do not leave materials on customer premises.  CH A P T E R   4  Itron/Sprague Meter Installation
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  29   Proprietary and Confidential     2. Loosen the index mounting screws 1/2 to one turn. Slide the index to the left and off the mounting screws and remove from the meter.     Set the index aside where it will not be damaged or fill with dirt, rain or snow. The index is mounted in the endpoint later in this procedure. Verify the index mounting screws are 1/4" long and not corroded. If the screws are the correct length and not corroded, retain for later use. If the original screws are discarded, use the correct replacement screws (see Installation Prerequisites on page 7). 3. Remove the old gasket, gasket residue, and dirt from the meter (if applicable). The meter face must be free of gasket residue or dirt before you install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint.    To assemble the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint and index 1. Separate the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint housing from the cover by pulling the cover straight out from the housing. Set the endpoint cover aside where it will not be damaged or fill with rain, dirt or snow. You will use the cover later in this installation procedure.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  30  Proprietary and Confidential    2. Screw the 10 - 24 x 1/4" screws into the index mounting posts two turns. Do not tighten the screws.     3. Align the index wriggler (1) with the endpoint drive post (2). Carefully slide the index onto the mounting screws. Verify the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint's housing drive post makes positive engagement with the index wriggler. Hold the index in place and tighten the index mounting screws. Install and tighten the mounting screws evenly.        Caution Indexes have varying drive mechanism styles. Failure to align the endpoint wriggler with the index drive post can cause binding and lead to poor registration or meter failure. To verify proper engagement of the index to the endpoint housing, spin the wriggler one clockwise rotation, then one-counterclockwise rotation. Do not spin more than one complete rotation. The wriggler should spin freely, with little or no resistance.  4. Slide the endpoint cover over the index and housing. The endpoint label should be clearly visible and easily read.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  31   Proprietary and Confidential     Programming the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly Program 100G Datalogging gas endpoints using:  An FC200SR handheld computer with Endpoint-Link® or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.3 or higher or  An FC300 with SRead handheld computer with Endpoint-Link or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.5 or higher or  A 900MHz Belt Clip Radio with Endpoint-Link version 5.5 or higher and a customer-supplied laptop. The Belt Clip Radio connects to the user-supplied laptop using a USB cable or Bluetooth. See the Endpoint-Link v5.3 (or higher) Endpoint Programming Guide (TDC-0744) for more complete programming information.      FC200SR               FC300 with SRead        900MHz Belt Clip Radio  Caution  The 100G Datalogging gas endpoint must be programmed before use. Follow the steps in this section to properly program the endpoint.  Take note of the index drive rate shown on the drive dial on the index. The endpoint is programmed based on the drive rate. Itron meter index drive rates are typically 2-cubic feet or 0.05 cubic meters (not shown below).
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  32  Proprietary and Confidential     To program the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint 1. Program the index drive rate into the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device. For all programming and "Check Endpoint" operations, hold the handheld computer as close to vertical as possible. For best success, keep the handheld programmer within six feet of the target endpoint. Verify you have the correct programming mode (Fixed Network Mode, Mobile/Handheld Mode, or Hard to Read Mobile/Handheld Mode) for your application. Programming parameters are based on the configuration file loaded into the endpoint programming device.  During programming, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is set to the nearest 100 cubic feet; the last two digits (tens and units) are programmed as zeros (0). After programming is complete, the endpoint assembly will read to the nearest cubic foot.  2. Slowly turn the endpoint's drive wriggler two turns in the direction shown on the index drive rate. This verifies the endpoint is counting properly after assembly.   Caution  Do not turn the drive wriggler faster than one turn per second.  Read or Check the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device.   If the read result is higher than the number programmed in Step 1, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is counting correctly.   If the read result is not higher than the number programmed in Step 1, replace the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint.   Attaching the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly to the Itron/Sprague Meter After programming the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint, attach it to the Itron/Sprague meter.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  33   Proprietary and Confidential     To attach the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint to the meter 1. Align the endpoint (1) so one of its four drive slots lines up with the meter's drive dog (2).             2. Carefully place the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on the meter.   Warning  Failure to correctly align the meter drive post and endpoint drive slot can cause binding and lead to poor registration or meter failure. If there is a gap between the endpoint gasket and the meter, it may be the drive slot of the endpoint assembly's wriggler is not correctly aligned with the meter drive slot. Remove the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly and repeat the alignment procedure. You must establish proper engagement of the meter drive dog within the endpoint wriggler slot. 3. Install endpoint to meter mounting screws in an alternating fashion. Use the original mounting screws if they were the correct size and not corroded. If the original screws were discarded, use the correct replacement screws (see Installation Prerequisites on page 7).   Insert the right index cover mounting screw and tighten the screw enough to hold it in place. Do not completely tighten.   Install the left index cover mounting screw and tighten to a snug fit. Finish by tightening the right mounting screw to a snug fit. Tighten each mounting screw evenly.   Important  Meter manufacturers: torque the mounting screws 15 to 20 inch-pounds.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  34  Proprietary and Confidential    4. Place a new tamper seal over the two screws in the tamper seal cups. Press the new tamper seals into place using an 11/32-inch nut driver or similar blunt tool.   5. Complete any necessary paperwork and properly dispose excess installation materials and scrap from the customer premises. 100G Datalogging gas endpoint installation on the Itron/Sprague Meter is complete.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  35   Proprietary and Confidential     Attaching the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly to Flat-faced Sprague Meters 100G Datalogging gas endpoint installation on a flat-faced Sprague meter requires the Itron Adapter Plate Kit (CFG-0015-001).   Itron Adapter Plate Kit (CFG-0015-001) 1 Adapter Shim Plate 2 Index Cover Mounting Screws 3 Drive Dog 4 Adapter Plate Mounting Screws
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  36  Proprietary and Confidential    To attach the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly to a flat-faced Sprague meter 1. Verify the kit includes the materials listed in the Itron Adapter Plate Kit table.   Warning  The Adapter Plate must fit flush against the meter face. Some older Sprague meters are not compatible with the adapter plate. The following examples illustrate the potential obstruction (problem) areas between the adapter plate and meter. Failure to mount adapter plate flush on the front of a meter could result in a binding condition and lead to poor registration or meter failure.    2. Remove the drive dog from the flat-faced Sprague meter. Replace it with the extended drive dog included in the kit. Hand-tighten to snug.  Warning   The meter drive dog shaft is surrounded by a gasket. A gas leak could result if the gasket is damaged. Do not use a tool to install or tighten the new drive dog. Hand-tighten only.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  37   Proprietary and Confidential     3. Attach the Adapter Plate to the meter with the gasket against the meter face. Secure with the two adapter plate mounting screws in an alternating fashion.   Insert the right adapter plate screw and tighten the screw enough to hold it in place.   Install the left mounting screw and tighten to a snug fit.   Finish by tightening the right mounting screw to a snug fit.  Tighten each adapter plate screw evenly.  Note  100G Datalogging gas endpoints must be assembled and programmed following the instructions in Assembling the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint and Index on page 29 and Programming the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly on page 31 prior to installation on the meter.   4. Align the white wriggler (1) so one of its four drive slots lines up with the meter's drive dog (2).  5. Carefully place the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly on the meter.   Warning  Failure to correctly align the meter drive post and endpoint drive slot can cause binding and lead to poor registration or meter failure. If there is a gap between the endpoint gasket and the meter, remove the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly and repeat the alignment procedure. You must engage the meter drive dog in the endpoint wriggler slot. 6. Secure the endpoint to the meter by installing mounting screws in an alternating fashion. Use the index cover mounting screws shipped with the Sprague 1A Adapter Plate Kit.   Insert the right index cover mounting screw and tighten the screw enough to hold it in place. Do not completely tighten.   Install the left index cover mounting screw and tighten to a snug fit.   Finish by tightening the right mounting screw to a snug fit.  Tighten each mounting screw evenly.  Important  Meter manufacturers: torque the mounting screws 15 to 20 inch-pounds.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  38  Proprietary and Confidential    7. Place a new tamper seal over the two screws with tamper seal cups. Press the new tamper seals into place using an 11/32-inch nut driver or similar blunt tool.   8. Complete any necessary paperwork and properly dispose excess installation materials and scrap from the customer premises. 100G Datalogging gas endpoint installation on the flat-faced Sprague meter is complete.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  39   Proprietary and Confidential     Securing Brass Meter Tags to Flat-faced Meters Some older Sprague meters have metal index covers with brass meter tags attached (by screws or rivets) to metal index covers.   Typically, brass meter tags have mounting (screw/rivet) holes on each end of the tag.  Mount brass meter tags using one of three Itron-approved methods.   To secure brass meter tags to flat-faced meters 1. Method 1 and 2: Carefully remove the brass meter tag from the meter index cover. Try not to damage the meter tag mounting holes. The Sprague Adapter Plate has tag mounting holes in the lower left and right corners. After attaching the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly to the meter, secure the meter tag to one of the holes with a utility-approved and provided security seal.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  40  Proprietary and Confidential      Method 1: Attach the meter tag to the Adapter Plate tag mounting hole  Method 2: Attach the meter tag to the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint mounting hole  Note  If the brass meter tag will be secured to the meter utilizing the module-to-meter mounting hole, it must be attached during the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint installation procedure described in Step 1 of Attaching the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint to the Meter on page 32.   Caution  A protruding brass meter tag can present a safety concern particularly if the tag is damaged with sharp edges protruding from the meter.
Itron/Sprague Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  41   Proprietary and Confidential       2. Method 3: Remove the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint index cover and place the meter tag inside the endpoint assembly for optimal meter tag security. (See To assemble the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint and index on page 29.)  Method 3: Place the brass meter tag inside the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly
 TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  42   Proprietary and Confidential     This chapter provides instructions to install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on 175 - 250 CFH National/Lancaster meters.    To remove the index from the meter 1. Remove any tamper seals from the index cover screws. Remove the index cover screws and the index cover from the meter. Discard the index cover mounting screws and index cover. The 100G Datalogging gas endpoint includes new, different-size endpoint mounting screws    Note You may use the removed index cover as a temporary storage container for screws. Properly dispose all unused screws, old index covers, gaskets, tamper seals, and other leftover materials. Do not leave materials on customer premises.  CH A P T E R   5  National/Lancaster Meter Installation
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  43   Proprietary and Confidential     2. Unscrew one index mounting screw completely. Hold one hand under the index to catch the screw. While removing the other mounting screw, pull the index away from the meter to keep the index backplate against the back of the screw. Remove the screw completely after the index is free of the meter.   Set the index aside where it will not be damaged or fill with dirt, rain or snow. The index will be mounted in the endpoint later in this procedure. Discard the index mounting screws. The 100G Datalogging gas endpoint for National/Lancaster meters includes new, different-sized index mounting screws (see Installation Prerequisites on page 7 for screw information). 3. Remove the old gasket, gasket residue, and dirt from the meter (if applicable). The meter face must be free of gasket residue or dirt before you install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly.   4. Verify the meter drive dog points straight out from the meter.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  44  Proprietary and Confidential    5. If the index has mounting legs, verify each leg is parallel to the back of the index (as shown) to ensure the correct alignment between the endpoint and meter.  6. Verify the index wriggler is parallel to the index surface.  Caution  User only dial-type indexes from National  (or Actaris/Schlumberger/Sprague) Meter with the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint. 7. Attach indexes without mounting legs to the endpoint's index housing mounting posts (as shown below) using Itron screws SCR-0037-001 .    Attach indexes with mounting legs to the endpoint's index bracket mounting posts (as shown below) using Itron screws SCR-0015-001.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  45   Proprietary and Confidential     To assemble the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint and index 1. Separate the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint housing from the cover by pulling the cover straight out from the housing.  2. Set the endpoint cover aside where it will not be damaged or fill with rain, dirt or snow. You will use the cover later in this installation procedure.  Caution  Use only dial-type indexes from National (or Actaris/Schlumberger/Sprague) Meter with the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint. Indexes with bow-tie shaped wrigglers are not compatible with 100G Datalogging gas endpoints. Obtain a compatible index.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  46  Proprietary and Confidential      Note  National/Lancaster meter indexes are available in different models: Some National/Lancaster Meter indexes have index legs to mount the index on the meter or endpoint.  Some indexes have both legs and index mounting holes and some have just mounting holes. Mounting methods are dependent on the index. Index types require different mounting screws to attach the index to the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint housing (see Installation Prerequisites on page 7). Indexes with legs must be mounted to the endpoint housing mounting posts. Indexes with mounting holes must be attached to the endpoint housing's bracket mounting posts.              Indexes with mounting legs                                                Index with mounting holes  1  Bracket mounting posts (indexes with legs) 2  Housing mounting posts (indexes without legs) If your index has legs with mounting screw slots, skip steps 3 and 4. If your index has mounting screw holes in the index back plate (no legs), perform steps 3 and 4, and skip steps 5 and 6. 3. For indexes with mounting screw holes in the index back plate (no legs), use replacement index mounting screws (SCR-0037-001 - see Installation Prerequisites on page 7). Place one screw into the index's right-hand mounting screw hole.   Note National/Lancaster index mounting screws are thread-forming screws and may require more torque.  4. Attach the screw to the endpoint housing's right-index mounting post just enough to hold the screw and the right end of the index in place.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  47   Proprietary and Confidential     5. For indexes with legs (mounting slots), screw one 10 - 20 x 3/8" screw (SCR-0017-001, see Installation Prerequisites on page 7 for screw information) into the right index mounting post one or two turns. Do not completely tighten the screw.  6. Place the right index mounting screw slot under the screw head. Do not completely tighten the screw.  7. Carefully slide the index drive post into the endpoint wriggler. Verify positive engagement of the index wriggler to the endpoint drive dog. (The following photos show index/wrigglers with positive engagement.)    Caution Verify the index drive slot engages with the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint wriggler. Failure to mate the endpoint wriggler with the index drive post (or slot) can cause binding and lead to poor registration or meter failure. 8. Install and tighten the left index mounting screw (for indexes with either mounting screw slots or holes). Tighten the right index mounting screw. Tighten each index mounting screw evenly.  9. Slide the endpoint cover over the index and housing. The endpoint label should be clearly visible and easily read.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  48  Proprietary and Confidential    Programming the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly Program the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using:  A FC200SR handheld computer with Endpoint-Link® or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.3 or higher or  A FC300 with SRead handheld computer with Endpoint-Link or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.5 or higher or  A 900MHz Belt Clip Radio with Endpoint-Link version 5.5 or higher and a customer-supplied laptop. The Belt Clip Radio connects to the user-supplied laptop using a USB cable or Bluetooth. See the Endpoint-Link v5.3 (or higher) Endpoint Programming Guide (TDC-0744) for more complete programming information.       FC200SR               FC300 with SRead        900MHz Belt Clip Radio  Caution  The 100G Datalogging gas endpoint must be programmed before use. Follow the steps in this section to properly program the endpoint.  Take note of the index drive rate shown on a top right dial on the index. The endpoint is programmed based on the drive rate. National/Lancaster meter index drive rates are typically 2-cubic feet.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  49   Proprietary and Confidential     To program the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint 1. Program the index drive rate into the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device. For all programming and "Check Endpoint" operations, hold the handheld programmer as close to vertical as possible. For best success, keep the handheld programmer within 6 feet of the target endpoint. Verify you have the correct programming mode (Fixed Network Mode, Mobile/Handheld Mode, or Hard to Read Mobile/Handheld Mode) for your application. Programming parameters are based on the configuration file loaded into the endpoint programming device. During programming, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is set to the nearest 100 cubic feet; the last two digits (tens and units) are programmed as zeros (0). After programming is complete, the endpoint assembly will read to the nearest cubic foot.  2. Slowly turn the endpoint's drive wriggler two turns in the direction shown on the index drive rate. This verifies the endpoint is counting properly after assembly.   Caution  Do not turn the drive wriggler faster than one turn per second.  3. Read or Check the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device.   If the read result is higher than the number programmed in Step 1, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is counting correctly.   If the read result is not higher than the number programmed in Step 1, replace the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint.  Attaching the 100G Datalogging Gas Endpoint Assembly to the Meter After programming the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint, attach it to the National/Lancaster meter.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  50  Proprietary and Confidential    To attach the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint to the meter 1. Align the white wriggler (1) so one of its four drive slots lines up with the meter's drive dog (2).     2. Carefully place the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on the meter.   Warning  Failure to correctly align the meter drive post and endpoint drive slot can cause binding and lead to poor registration or meter failure. If there is a gap between the endpoint gasket and the meter, it may be the drive slot of the endpoint assembly's wriggler is not correctly aligned with the meter drive slot. Remove the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly and repeat the alignment procedure. You must engage endpoint wriggler in the meter drive dog.  3. Install endpoint to meter mounting screws in an alternating fashion. 100G Datalogging gas endpoints for National/Lancaster meters come with new, different-size endpoint mounting screws (SCR-0014-004 - see Installation Prerequisites on page 7 for screw information.) Insert the right index cover mounting screw and tighten the screw enough to hold it in place. Do not completely tighten. Install the left index cover mounting screw and tighten to a snug fit. Finish by tightening the right mounting screw to a snug fit. Tighten each endpoint mounting screw evenly.   Important  Meter manufacturers should torque the mounting screws 15 to 20 inch-pounds. 4. Place new tamper seals over the screws. Press the new tamper seals into place using the 11/32-inch nut driver or similar blunt tool.
National/Lancaster Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  51   Proprietary and Confidential     5. Complete any necessary paperwork and properly dispose excess installation materials and scrap from the customer premises. 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on the National/Lancaster Meter is complete.
 TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  52   Proprietary and Confidential     This chapter provides instructions to install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint on Elster American Meter and Itron/Actaris/Schlumberger commercial meters.        Warning  Handle the commercial 100G Datalogging gas endpoint carefully so the metal passive radiator antenna is not damaged.  Removing the Index/ Index Assembly from the Meter Commercial 100G Datalogging gas endpoints can be mounted on Elster American Meters in various configurations. These instructions show metal mounting plates without tamper seal cups and plastic mounting plates with tamper seal cups to represent mounting plate options.                                                        Mounting plate with tamper seal cups                       Mounting plate without tamper seal cups  Indexes may be mounted on the 100G Datalogging commercial Elster American Meter gas endpoint without mounting plates.  CH A P T E R   6  Elster American and Itron Actaris Commercial Meter Installation
Elster American and Itron Actaris Commercial Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  53   Proprietary and Confidential     Index covers may (or may not) have tamper seal cups (on the back of the cover) for added security. Index removal assumes the installer will remove any tamper seals or wires before continuing with these instructions.   Note It may not be necessary to dismantle your commercial index assembly (index and cover). These instructions do not include index/cover assembly for those applications.   Some diaphragm commercial meters do not require an index assembly mounting plate. Indexes can be mounted directly to the endpoint.     To remove the index assembly 1. Remove any tamper seals (1) (or wire seals) from the index cover and mounting plate screws (2). Set the index/cover assembly aside. You will re-install it later in these instructions.  2. Remove the index cover screws from the meter. Verify screws are 1/2" long and are not corroded. If the screws are the correct length and are not corroded, keep them to re-install the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint assembly later in this procedure. If the screws are damaged or not the correct length, discard.    Note  Properly dispose all unused screws, old index covers, gaskets, tamper seals, and other leftover materials. Do not leave materials on customer premises.
Elster American and Itron Actaris Commercial Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  54  Proprietary and Confidential    3. Remove the tamper seals from the mounting plate. Remove the mounting plate screws and separate the mounting plate from the meter. Place the mounting plate where it will not be damaged. You may use it later in this installation.
Elster American and Itron Actaris Commercial Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  55   Proprietary and Confidential     Programming the 100G Datalogging Commercial Gas Endpoint Program the 100G Datalogging gas endpoints using:  A FC200SR handheld computer with Endpoint-Link® or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.3 or higher or  A FC300 with SRead handheld computer with Endpoint-Link or Endpoint-Link Pro version 5.5 or higher or  A 900MHz Belt Clip Radio with Endpoint-Link version 5.5 or higher and a customer-supplied laptop. The Belt Clip Radio connects to the user-supplied laptop using a USB cable or Bluetooth. See the Endpoint-Link v5.3 (or higher) Endpoint Programming Guide (TDC-0744) for more complete programming information.       FC200SR               FC300 with SRead        900MHz Belt Clip Radio  Caution  The 100G Datalogging commercial endpoint must be programmed before use. Follow the steps in this section to properly program the endpoint.  Take note of the index drive rate shown on the index. The endpoint is programmed based on the drive rate. Elster American commercial meter index drive rates may be 5-, 10- or 100 cubic feet. The index shown has a 5-cubic foot drive rate.
Elster American and Itron Actaris Commercial Meter Installation   TDC-0823-005     100G Datalogging Installation Guide - Direct Mount  56  Proprietary and Confidential    To program the 100G Datalogging commercial gas endpoint 1. Program the index drive rate into the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device. For all programming and "Check Endpoint" operations, hold the handheld as close to vertical as possible. For best success, keep the handheld programmer within 6 feet of the target endpoint. Verify you have the correct programming mode (Fixed Network Mode, Mobile/Handheld Mode, or Hard to Read Mobile/Handheld Mode) for your application. Programming parameters are based on the configuration file loaded into the endpoint programming device.  During programming, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is set to the nearest 100 cubic feet; the last two digits (tens and units) are programmed as zeros (0). After programming is complete, the endpoint assembly will read to the nearest cubic foot.  2. Slowly turn the endpoint's drive wriggler two turns in the direction shown on the index drive rate. This verifies the endpoint is counting properly.   Caution  Do not turn the drive wriggler faster than one turn per second.  3. Read or Check the 100G Datalogging commercial gas endpoint using the endpoint programming device.   If the read result is higher than the number programmed in Step 1, the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint is counting correctly.   If the read result is not higher than the number programmed in Step 1, replace the 100G Datalogging gas endpoint.

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