Iridium Satellite 9560 Iridium 9560 Wi-Fi Access Point with satellite transceiver User Manual Manual

Iridium Satellite LLC Iridium 9560 Wi-Fi Access Point with satellite transceiver Manual



User ManualIridium GO!™
Prior to using Iridium GO!, read and understand this User Manual including the safety warnings and information.  Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death. Materials are also available online at or by calling 1.480.752.5155 (Direct); 1.866.497.4348 (Toll Free North America).Thank you for purchasing the state of the art Iridium GO!™ This Iridium GO! product package contains the following:•  User Manual (including Safety and Regulatory Information, GEOS Emergency Services Brochure)•  Legal Information Booklet (contains limited warranty, including exclusions, disclaimers, limitations of liability and conditions of use, warranty claim process; privacy and data security and software license)`
Iridium GO! User Manual  iiiii  Iridium GO! User ManualLegal NoticesThis User Manual provides user information and is provided “as is.” Iridium and its affiliated companies, directors, officers, employees, agents, trustees or consultants (“Iridium”) assume no responsibility for any typographical, technical, content or other inaccuracies in this User Manual. Iridium reserves the right to revise this User Manual or withdraw it at any time without prior notice. You can find the current version of this Iridium GO! User Manual at MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INTERFERENCE, ACCURACY OF INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, LAW, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE, USE, OR RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF ANY PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES, FACILITIES, SERVICES OR USER INFORMATION, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY. ANY OTHER STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE, GUARANTEES, CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. THIS DISCLAIMER AND EXCLUSION SHALL APPLY EVEN IF THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY PROVIDED IN THE LEGAL INFORMATION BOOKLET FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. FURTHER, THE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS Iridium GO! (INCLUDING HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND/OR FIRMWARE) AND ACCESSORIES ONLY, AND NO WARRANTY IS MADE AS TO USER INFORMATION AND/ OR COVERAGE, AVAILABILITY OR GRADE OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY IRIDIUM SEPARATELY FOR IRIDIUM SATELLITE SERVICES.IN NO EVENT SHALL IRIDIUM BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION STRICT LIABILITY, GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR NEGLIGENCE, OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, FOR ANY DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF Iridium GO! (INCLUDING HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND/OR FIRMWARE) AND/OR ACCESSORIES AND/OR THE COST OF IRIDIUM SATELLITE SERVICES PROVIDED, NOR SHALL IRIDIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PRIVACY, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME OR INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA, SOFTWARE OR APPLICATIONS OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS CAUSED BY Iridium GO! (INCLUDING HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND/ OR FIRMWARE) AND/OR ACCESSORIES AND/OR THE IRIDIUM SATELLITE SERVICES, OR ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR INABILITY TO USE Iridium GO! (INCLUDING HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND/OR FIRMWARE) AND/OR ACCESSORIES AND/OR THE IRIDIUM SATELLITE SERVICES , TO THE FULLEST EXTENT THESE DAMAGES MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IRIDIUM WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF SUCH DAMAGES.Please refer to the Legal Information Booklet for the Limited Warranty including Exclusions, Disclaimers, Limitations of Liability and Conditions of Use, and Warranty Claim Process.Third Party InformationThis User Manual might refer to third party sources of information, hardware or software, products or services and/or third party web sites (“third party information”). Iridium does not control, and is not responsible for, any third party information, including without limitation the content, accuracy, copyright compliance, compatibility, performance, trustworthiness, legality, decency, links, or any other aspect of third party information. The inclusion of such third party information does not imply endorsement by Iridium of the third party information. ANY THIRD PARTY INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED WITH IRIDIUM’S FACILITIES, SERVICES, PRODUCTS OR USER INFORMATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS.’’ IRIDIUM MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES IN RELATION TO THIRD PARTY INFORMATION AND IRIDIUM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES, DAMAGES, LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, FINES, AMOUNTS PAID IN SETTLEMENT, EXPENSES OR COSTS OF DEFENSE SUSTAINED IN RELATION TO ANY SUCH THIRD PARTY INFORMATION.Intellectual Property, Trade Secret, Proprietary or Copyrighted InformationTo protect Iridium proprietary and confidential information and/or trade secrets, this User Manual may describe some aspects of Iridium technology in generalized terms. Iridium products may include copyrighted Iridium and third party software. Any such copyrighted software contained in Iridium products may not be modified, reverse engineered, distributed or reproduced in any manner to the extent provided by law. The purchase of any Iridium products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication or otherwise, any license under copyrights, patents, or patent applications of Iridium or any third party software provider, except for the normal, nonexclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. Content CopyrightYou are exclusively responsible for the use of Iridium GO!, including proper use of third party copyrighted materials. If you violate these terms you agree to defend, indemnify and hold Iridium harmless with respect to any claims or actions by third parties related to your improper use of copyrighted materials and to pay all costs, damages, fines and other amounts incurred by Iridium, or on its behalf, in the defense of any such claims or actions.Contents1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 12:   Important Safety and Regulatory Information /  Renseignements importants sur la sécurité ..............................................................................2Maximum permissible exposure calculations / Calcul de l’exposition maximale permise ................  2FCC notices / Avis de la FCC ...................................................................................................................................... 3Batteries / Batteries ...................................................................................................................................................... 6Emergency calling / Appels d’urgence  ................................................................................................................. 7Emergency mode (SOS button) / Mode d’urgence (bouton SOS) ............................................................... 9Antenna care / Soin de l’antenne .............................................................................................................................93:  Device Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 204:  Setting Up Your Iridium GO! Device ................................................................................................................14STEP ONE:  Set-up Iridium GO!  .............................................................................................................................. 14STEP TWO:  Setting up your smartphone........................................................................................................... 21STEP THREE:  Pair Iridium GO! with your smartphone ................................................................................... 23STEP FOUR:  Configure the Iridium GO! application ...................................................................................... 245:  Using Iridium GO! and your smartphone......................................................................................................31Placing a call  ................................................................................................................................................................ 32Receiving a call  ........................................................................................................................................................... 34Iridium GO! application contacts .......................................................................................................................... 34Text messages (SMS) .................................................................................................................................................. 35Twitter ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36Notifications.................................................................................................................................................................. 36Internet Call .................................................................................................................................................................. 366:  Advanced Settings ...................................................................................................................................................38Example uses of Iridium GO!  .................................................................................................................................. 427: Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................... 458:  Iridium GO! user information .............................................................................................................................48
Iridium GO! User Manual  11iv  Iridium GO! User Manual1: IntroductionIridium GO! provides the freedom of using your smartphone everywhere on the planet by simply downloading the Iridium GO! application on your Android or Apple iOS device.  The Iridium GO! solution consists of 4 important components:IridiumGO! deviceIridium satellite networkYour Smartphone/Tablet(Apple iOS or Android) IridiumGO! application ••••• ••••• •••••Important: Free Iridium GO! applications for text-based services are available from Iridium’s application download section on the Apple iOS app store and Google Play marketplace. For more information visit:
Iridium GO! User Manual  32  Iridium GO! User Manual222 : Renseignements importants sur la sécuritéImportant : Bien lire le chapitre au complet avant d’utiliser l’appareil Iridium GO!MDCalcul de l’exposition maximale permiseL’appareil Iridium GO! répond aux normes internationales d’exposition aux ondes radio. Votre appareil satellitaire est conçu et fabriqué pour ne pas dépasser les limites d’exposition à l’énergie radioélectrique (HF). Ces limites font partie des lignes directrices et des limites autorisées pour l’énergie HF pour le grand public. Les directives sont basées sur les normes élaborées par des organismes scientifiques indépendants par une évaluation approfondie et régulière d’études scientifiques.Contrairement à un téléphone mobile, le téléphone Iridium GO! doit être utilisé à une distance de 20 centimètres (7,8 pouces) ou plus de toute autre personne. Le calcul du rayonnement pour ce type d’appareil repose sur le calcul du degré auquel le rayonnement de l’appareil ne dépasse pas la limite d’exposition maximale permise (EMP) pour une utilisation par le grand public dans un environnement non contrôlé. À une distance de sécurité de 20 cm, le pourcentage le plus élevé d’EMP pour l’appareil Iridium GO! est de 21,7 % lors d’une utilisation avec les antennes intégrées. Avec une antenne externe, le pourcentage le plus élevé d’EMP pour l’appareil Iridium GO! est de 27,1 % en supposant un gain d’antenne maximal de 3,0 dB; les utilisateurs devraient conserver une distance de sécurité de 20 cm autant par rapport à l’appareil Iridium GO! qu’e par rapport à une antenne externe. Par conséquent, l’appareil Iridium GO! respecte les lignes directrices de la FCC quant à la limite du rayonnement lorsqu’il est utilisé comme indiqué.Le Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer (CIRC) a conclu en mai 2011 qu’il existe des preuves limitées de liens 2: Important Safety and Regulatory InformationImportant: Read this entire chapter, before using Iridium GO! Maximum Permissible Exposure CalculationsIridium GO! meets international standards for exposure to radio waves. Your satellite device is designed and manufactured not to exceed limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy. These limits are part of guidelines and established permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies.Unlike a mobile phone, Iridium GO! is designed to be used 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) or more away from persons.  The RF exposure determination for this type of device is based on the calculation of the extent to which RF radiation from the device does not exceed the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limit for use by the general public in an uncontrolled environment.  At a separation distance of 20 cm, the highest percentage of the MPE for Iridium GO! is 21.7% when using the built-in antennas.  If using an external antenna for Iridium transmitter, the highest percentage of the MPE for the Iridium GO! is 27.1% assuming a maximum antenna gain of 3.0 dBi; users should maintain a 20 cm separation from both Iridium GO! and an external antenna. Accordingly, the Iridium GO! complies with the FCC’s guidelines for limiting RF exposure when used as directed.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded in May 2011 that there is limited evidence to suggest a possible link between RF signals and two specific types of cancer. The IARC’s conclusion is based on its review of existing studies and information. possibles entre les signaux RF et deux types précis de cancers. La conclusion du CIRC repose sur son examen des études et des renseignements existants. Le FCC et la FDA, organismes des États-Unis chargés de fixer les limites d’exposition au rayonnement, indiquent toutefois qu’il n’y a pas suffisamment de preuves scientifiques pour établir un lien entre l’utilisation d’appareils mobiles et le cancer, et que l’utilisation d’appareils mobiles tels que des téléphones mobiles en respectant la réglementation en vigueur est sécuritaire.Sites Web pour référence•• vous souhaitez réduire votre exposition à l’énergie HF, vous pouvez limiter votre temps d’utilisation de l’appareil Iridium GO! et de votre téléphone mobile, et accroître la distance entre l’appareil Iridium GO!, le téléphone mobile ou l’antenne et votre corps pendant l’utilisation.VEUILLEZ NOTER QUE TOUTE MODIFICATION AU MODÈLE DE CE PRODUIT POURRAIT OCCASIONNER DES DIFFÉRENCES DE VALEUR D’EMP POUR LES PRODUITS ULTÉRIEURS; DANS TOUS LES CAS, LES PRODUITS SONT CONÇUS POUR RESPECTER LES LIGNES DIRECTRICES.The United States agencies responsible for setting RF exposure limits, the FCC and FDA, however, indicated that there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support a link between wireless device use and cancer and that use of wireless devices such as mobile phones according to current regulations is safe.Reference websites•• you wish to reduce your exposure to RF energy, you can limit the amount of time you use Iridium GO! and your mobile phone and increase the distance between Iridium GO!/ mobile phone/ antennas and your body when you use it.PLEASE NOTE THAT MODIFICATIONS TO THIS PRODUCT MODEL COULD CAUSE DIFFERENCES IN THE MPE CALCULATIONS FOR LATER PRODUCTS; IN ALL CASES, PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED TO BE WITHIN THE GUIDELINES.
Iridium GO! User Manual  54  Iridium GO! User Manual22Industrie Canada Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada.Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Industry CanadaUnder Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more  than that necessary for successful communication.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Avis de la FCCConditions énoncées à la partie 15Cet appareil comporte un émetteur sans fil (Wi-Fi) et des circuits numériques connexes qui fonctionnent conformément aux exigences stipulées à la partie 15 des règlements de la FCC. L’avis qui suit s’applique aux utilisations en vertu de la partie 15 :Cet appareil respecte les exigences énoncées à la partie 15 des règlements de la FCC.Son exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,(2)  l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Exposition à l’énergie radioélectrique Cet appareil respecte les limites d’exposition au rayonnement fixées par la FCC dans un environnement non contrôlé. Les utilisateurs finaux doivent suivre précisément les instructions d’utilisation pour respecter les exigences en matière d’exposition au rayonnement. Le présent émetteur ne doit pas être situé au même endroit qu’un autre émetteur ou une autre antenne ni fonctionner en conjonction avec un autre émetteur ou une autre antenne.Modifications Les changements ou modifications qui n’ont pas été expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de vérifier le respect pourraient annuler l’autorisation d’utilisateur de l’appareil pour l’utilisateur.FCC noticesPart 15 ConditionsThis device contains a Wi-Fi transmitter and associated  digital circuitry that operate under Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  The following notice applies to operations under Part 15:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)  This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Radio Frequency ExposureThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.No ModificationsChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Iridium GO! User Manual  76  Iridium GO! User Manual22Important : Pour plus de sécurité et pour assurer la qualité du produit, utilisez uniquement des produits d’origine Iridium. La garantie d’Iridium ne couvre pas les dommages qui découlent de l’utilisation d’une batterie autre que les batteries Iridium.Important : Suivez les directives ci-dessous lorsque vous chargez votre batterie :•  Gardez la batterie à la température de la pièce. N’exposez jamais les batteries à des températures inférieures à 0 °C (32 °F) ou supérieures à 45 °C (113 °F) lorsque vous les chargez.•  Les batteries neuves ne sont pas entièrement chargées et peuvent prendre plus de temps à charger.Important: Use only Iridium original products for safety and quality assurance. Iridium’s warranty does not cover damage caused by use of non-Iridium batteries.Important: Follow these guidelines when charging your battery:•  Keep the battery at room temperature. Never expose batteries to temperatures below 0°C (32°F) or above 45°C (113°F) when charging.•  New batteries are not fully charged and may take more time to charge. WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTDo not leave Iridium GO! in an automobile or other vehicle with high temperatures. Ne laissez pas votre appareil GO! dans une automobile ou un autre véhicule avec des températures élevées.Do not drop the battery or Iridium GO! because the impact can damage them. Contact your service provider or Iridium if your Iridium GO! or battery has been damaged from dropping or high temperatures. Ne faites pas tomber la batterie ou l’appareil Iridium GO!, car l’impact pourrait les endommager. Communiquez avec votre fournisseur de service ou Iridium si votre appareil Iridium GO! ou la batterie ont été endommagés par une chute ou une exposition à des températures élevées.BatteriesToutes les batteries peuvent occasionner des blessures graves ou des dégâts matériels, surtout si elles ne sont pas manipulées correctement ou si elles sont utilisées alors qu’elles sont endommagées.BatteriesAll batteries may cause serious injury or property damage, particularly if handled improperly or used after damage. WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTFailure to follow these safety instructions could result in serious injury or death caused by fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard. Une utilisation ou une manutention incorrectes des batteries peut entraîner, entre autres, des risques d’incendie, d’explosion ou de fuites.Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, shred or otherwise attempt to change the form of the battery.Ne démontez pas, n’écrasez pas, ne perforez pas ou ne broyez pas les batteries, ou ne modifiez en aucune façon leur forme.Do not let Iridium GO! or battery come in contact with water. Water can lead to corrosion of the circuits.Ne permettez pas à l’appareil Iridium GO! ou à la batterie d’entrer en contact avec de l’eau. L’eau peut entraîner la corrosion des circuits de l’appareil.Do not allow the battery to touch metal objects. Contact with metal objects can cause the battery to heat and possibly explode.Ne permettez pas à la batterie d’entrer en contact avec des objets métalliques, car la batterie pourrait chauffer et même exploser.Do not place your battery near a heat source. Excessive heat can damage Iridium GO! or battery by causing it to swell, leak or malfunction. Ne placez pas votre batterie près d’une source de chaleur. Une surchauffe peut endommager l’appareil Iridium GO! ou la batterie; il peut en résulter un gonflement, des fuites ou un mauvais fonctionnement.Do not dry a wet or damp battery with an appliance or heat source, such as a hair dryer or microwave oven. Ne faites pas sécher une batterie mouillée  ou humide en utilisant un appareil ou une source de chaleur comme un sèche-cheveux  ou un four.
Iridium GO! User Manual  98  Iridium GO! User Manual22location identification is not automatically transmitted to local emergency operators through the Iridium system.Iridium does not guarantee network availability at all times due to situations where the network is unavailable due to satellite availability, terrain, weather, or other conditions that may prevent an emergency call from being placed.EMERGENCY CALLS WITHIN MAINLAND AUSTRALIA: Power on Iridium GO!, rotate the antenna towards the open sky, confirm proper registration and signal strength of Iridium GO!, and follow the normal protocol for dialing Triple Zero (000) on your mobile phone using Iridium GO! application on your smartphone. Verbally report the situation and your location to the operator for assistance. The Iridium service does not provide enhanced emergency calling service which automatically identifies the caller location.EMERGENCY CALLS IN ALL OTHER LOCATIONS: You will need to obtain and dial the full international access code, country code, and phone number for the local fire, police, or ambulance depending upon the nature of the emergency. Power on Iridium GO!, rotate the antenna toward the open sky, confirm proper registration and signal strength of Iridium GO!, and follow the normal protocol for dialling 911 on your mobile phone using Iridium GO! application on your smartphone. Verbally report the situation and your location to the operator for assistance. The Iridium service does not provide enhanced emergency calling service which automatically identifies the caller location.répondant à identifier votre position pour vous apporter de l’aide. L’identification de la position de l’appelant n’est pas automatiquement transmise sur le système Iridium. Iridium ne peut garantir la disponibilité en tout temps du réseau; parfois, le réseau peut ne pas être disponible en raison de la disponibilité des satellites, du terrain, des conditions météorologiques, ou d’autres conditions qui peuvent empêcher d’acheminer un appel d’urgence.APPELS D’URGENCE EN AUSTRALIE CONTINENTALE : Mettez sous tension l’appareil Iridium GO!, dépliez l’antenne vers le ciel ouvert, vérifiez l’inscription et la force du signal de l’appareil Iridium GO!, puis suivez les procédures habituelles pour composer le « triple zéro » (000) sur votre téléphone mobile en utilisant l’application Iridium GO! de votre téléphone multifonctions. Indiquez verbalement votre situation et votre position à l’opérateur pour obtenir de l’aide. Le service Iridium n’offre pas de service d’urgence amélioré qui permet d’identifier automatiquement la position de l’appelant.APPELS D’URGENCE EN PROVENANCE DE TOUT AUTRE ENDROIT : Vous devez préalablement obtenir le numéro de téléphone complet à composer, avec l’indicatif d’accès international, l’indicatif du pays et le numéro de téléphone local des services locaux d’incendie, de police ou d’ambulance selon la nature de l’urgence. Mettez sous tension l’appareil Iridium GO!, dépliez l’antenne vers le ciel ouvert, vérifiez l’inscription et la force du signal sur l’appareil, puis suivez les procédures habituelles pour composer le 911 sur votre téléphone mobile en utilisant l’application Iridium GO! de votre téléphone multifonctions. Indiquez verbalement votre situation et votre position à l’opérateur pour obtenir de l’aide. Le service Iridium n’offre pas de service d’urgence amélioré qui permet d’identifier automatiquement la position de l’appelant. WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTBattery DisposalProper battery disposal is not only important for safety but also benefits the environment. Consumers should recycle used batteries and telephones in accordance with applicable national, state or local laws and regulations.Under EU requirements, all electrical and electronic products must be taken to separate collection at the end of their working life and must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste.Élimination des batteriesIl est important de bien éliminer les batteries pour des raisons de sécurité, mais aussi pour protéger l’environnement. Vous devriez faire recycler les batteries et les téléphones en suivant les lois et règlements nationaux et locaux pertinents.En vertu des exigences de l’Union européenne (UE), tous les produits électriques et électroniques doivent être apportés à des centres de récupération distincts à la fin de leur vie utile et il est interdit de les jeter parmi les déchets domestiques.Do not dispose of your battery in a fire, because this may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death. Ne vous débarrassez pas de vos batteries en les jetant au feu. Ceci pourrait causer une exposition donnant lieu à des blessures graves ou à la mort.Emergency Calling CHECK WITH YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER FOR LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBERS (full international access code, country code, and phone number) for all locations outside the United States and mainland Australia. Iridium currently only supports in-country emergency call routing to 911 within the United States and to Triple Zero (000) or 112 within mainland Australia. Outside of the United States and mainland Australia, calls to emergency access numbers such as 999, are not able to be made on the Iridium system. When placing a call to an emergency operator or local public safety answering point, always verbally report your location to assist first responders with identifying your location to provide assistance. Caller Appels d’urgenceVÉRIFIEZ AUPRÈS DE VOTRE FOURNISSEUR DE SERVICES AFIN DE CONNAÎTRE LES NUMÉROS D’URGENCE LOCAUX (indicatif d’accès international complet, indicatif de pays et numéro de téléphone) pour tous les endroits à l’extérieur des États-Unis et en Australie continentale. Iridium ne permet actuellement que les appels d’urgence 911 aux États-Unis et au « triple zéro » (000) ou 112 en Australie continentale. À l’extérieur de ces deux régions géographiques, les appels d’urgence qui utilisent des numéros tels que 999 ne peuvent être placés sur le système Iridium. Pour téléphoner à la réception d’un service d’urgence ou un centre d’appel pour la sécurité publique, vous devez toujours indiquer verbalement votre position géographique (coordonnées) afin d’aider le
Iridium GO! User Manual  1110  Iridium GO! User Manual22 WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTTo avoid interfering with blasting operations, leave your device OFF when in a “blasting area” or in areas posted: “Turn off two-way radio.” Obey all signs and instructions. Failure to do so could result in injury or death.Pour éviter de gêner les opérations de minage, mettez votre téléphone hors tension lorsque vous vous trouvez dans une « zone de minage » ou dans des endroits où est indiqué : « Veuillez désactiver votre radio bidirectionnelle ». Conformez-vous à tous les panneaux et à toutes les instructions.Potential Explosive AtmospheresAreas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often but not always clearly marked. They include, but are not limited to: fueling areas such as gasoline station; below decks on boats; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; areas where fuel odors are present (for example, if a gas/propane leak occurs in an automobile or home); areas where air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders; and any other area where you normally would be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.Atmosphères potentiellement explosivesLes lieux à l’atmosphère potentiellement explosive sont souvent clairement indiqués comme tels, mais pas toujours. Il s’agit, sans que la liste soit exhaustive : des zones de ravitaillement en carburant, de l’entrepont des bateaux, des usines de transfert ou de stockage de produits chimiques, des endroits où des effluves de carburant sont présents (par exemple, en cas de fuite de gaz ou de propane dans une voiture ou une maison), des endroits où l’air contient des produits chimiques ou des particules, comme du grain, de la poussière ou des poudres métalliques, et tout autre lieu où il est normalement conseillé de couper le moteur de votre véhicule.Turn your device OFF and do not remove, install or charge your battery when you are in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Obey all signs and instructions. Sparks from your battery in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in serious injury or death.Mettez votre appareil hors tension et ne retirez pas, n’installez pas ou ne chargez pas votre batterie lorsque vous vous trouvez dans un lieu à l’atmosphère potentiellement explosive. Conformez-vous à tous les panneaux et toutes les instructions. Des étincelles provenant de votre batterie dans ce genre d’endroit peuvent causer une explosion ou un incendie et entraîner des blessures graves, voire la mort. WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTYou must configure the Emergency Mode in order for the SOS button to send an emergency message to a designated Call Recipient and Message Recipient. Failure to configure the SOS button will result in no message being sent when the SOS button is pressed. This could prevent or delay an emergency response and result in serious injury or death. Vous devez configurer le mode d’urgence afin que le bouton SOS puisse servir à envoyer un message d’urgence à un destinataire désigné et un destinataire de message. Si vous ne configurez pas le bouton SOS, aucun message n’est envoyé lorsqu’on appuie sur le bouton SOS, et retarder ou empêcher une réponse rapide en cas d’urgence, ce qui pourrait entraîner des blessures graves, voire la mort.Mode d’urgence (Bouton SOS)Emergency Mode (SOS button)Antenna CareUse only an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the device and may violate government regulations. When using remote mount antenna, ensure that antenna is mounted at least 20cm away from the user. Also when using a remote mount antenna in order to reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be 3dBi or less.Soin de l’antenneN’utilisez que l’antenne livrée avec l’appareil ou une antenne de remplacement agréée. Les antennes non agréées, les modifications ou les accessoires peuvent endommager le téléphone et enfreindre la réglementation en vigueur. Lors de l’utilisation d’une antenne montée à distance, monter l’antenne à au moins 20 cm de l’utilisateur. De plus, si vous utilisez une antenne auxiliaire portable, afin de réduire le risque d’interférences radio avec les autres utilisateurs, le type d’antenne et son gain devraient être choisis afin que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne soit pas plus que celle autorisée pour permettre la communication.
Iridium GO! User Manual  1312  Iridium GO! User Manual22Hearing AidsSome digital wireless devices may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may want to consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives.Other Medical Devices If you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it is adequately shielded from external RF energy. Consult your physician to determine compatibility with your medical device.Do not use your device in health care facilities when any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy.AircraftAirline regulations prohibit using Iridium GO! while in the air. Check and comply with the policy of your airline regarding the use of your device while the aircraft is on the ground. Leave Iridium GO! OFF when boarding an aircraft.Appareils auditifsCertains téléphones sans fil numériques peuvent nuire au bon fonctionnement de certains appareils auditifs. En cas d’interférence, veuillez vous renseigner auprès du fabricant de votre appareil auditif pour connaître les solutions de rechange possibles.Autres appareils médicaux Si vous utilisez un autre appareil médical personnel, contactez le fabricant de votre appareil pour vérifier s’il est équipé d’un système antibrouillage de l’énergie HF externe. Votre médecin pourra vous aider à déterminer la compatibilité avec votre appareil médical.Mettez votre appareil hors tension dans les centres de soins de santé lorsque le règlement vous y invite. Les hôpitaux ou les centres de soins de santé utilisent parfois du matériel sensible aux signaux radioélectriques externes.AvionsLe règlement des compagnies aériennes vous interdit d’utiliser votre appareil Iridium GO! en vol. Vérifiez auprès de votre compagnie aérienne si elle autorise ou non l’utilisation de votre appareil lorsque l’avion est au sol et conformez-vous à ces dispositions. Laissez l’appareil Iridium GO! hors tension au moment de monter à bord d’un avion.Appareils électroniquesS’ils ne sont pas bien blindés, la majorité du matériel électronique est sensible aux interférences de l’énergie radioélectrique (HF) de sources externes. Dans certains cas, votre appareil mobile peut perturber le fonctionnement d’autres appareils. Mettre l’appareil HORS tension lorsque des directives demandent de le faire. Pour garantir un rendement optimal et pour s’assurer que l’exposition à l’énergie HF ne dépasse pas les lignes directrices fixées par les normes pertinentes présentées précédemment à la section « Calcul de l’exposition maximale permise », toujours suivre les instructions et les précautions indiquées.Electronic DevicesMost electronic equipment is subject to interference from RF energy from external sources if inadequately shielded. In some circumstances your mobile device may cause interference with other devices. Turn OFF your device in any location where posted notices instruct you to do so. For optimal performance and to be sure that exposure to RF energy does not exceed guidelines set forth in the relevant standards discussed in the above section “Maximum Permissible Exposure Calculations”, always follow the instructions and precautions.Dispositifs médicaux implantablesImplantable Medical Devices WARNING / AVERTISSEMENTPersons with Pacemakers: •  Should ALWAYS keep Iridium GO! and any mobile phone more than eight inches from their pacemaker when the device or phone is turned ON.•  Should turn Iridium GO! OFF immediately if there is any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.•  Failure to heed this warning could result in serious injury or death.Les personnes avec un simulateur cardiaque : •  doivent TOUJOURS garder l’appareil Iridium GO! et tout téléphone mobile à plus de 20 cm (8 pouces) de leur simulateur cardiaque lorsque l’appareil ou le téléphone est sous tension.•  doivent immédiatement mettre l’appareil Iridium GO! hors tension si elles soupçonnent une interférence quelconque.•  Le non-respect de ces consignes pourrait entraîner des blessures graves, voire la mort.
Iridium GO! User Manual  15414  Iridium GO! User Manual34:   Setting Up Your Iridium GO! DeviceEverything needed to enhance the use of Iridium GO! is included within the box.  The box contains: • Iridium GO! device• Battery• Universal AC Travel Charger• USB Charging/Data Cable• Four International Adapters• One DC Adapter• Protective Cover• User Manual• Legal Manual• SOS GuideSTEP ONE: Set-up Iridium GO! Begin set-up of your new Iridium GO! device by ensuring the SIM card is inserted, the battery is installed and charged, and the battery cover is properly installed. The following important steps will walk you through this process, and ensure that device is properly set-up to function with the included accessories. Be sure to follow all instructions prior to using Iridium GO!. STEP ONE: Set-up Iridium GO! STEP TWO: Set-up smartphoneSTEP THREE: Pairing deviceSTEP FOUR: Configure Application and GO!Set-up Iridium GO! in four simple steps:3:  Device OverviewDescription1  Device screen2  Panel buttons3  Status LED4  Swivel antenna 5  Power button6  USB power / data connection7  SOS button8  External antenna connector /    reset button9  Lanyard connector10  Battery cover11  Accessory connector    (1/4” screw mount)12 Loudspeaker13  Pressure vent123445671011121389
Iridium GO! User Manual  1716  Iridium GO! User Manual44TIP!While the battery compartment is open, record the SSID number “IRIDIUM-xxxxxx” from the serial label – this will be used to connect your device to Iridium GO! Wi-Fi. Installing the SIM CardInstalling the BatteryCharging the BatteryInstalling the SIM Card1. Remove the battery cover with a flat blade screw-driver, or a small coin.2. Slide SIM card-holder toward the hinges, and lift to open.3. Insert SIM card into slot.4. Close card-holder and slide it away from the hinges to lock.Installing the Battery1. Install the battery with the gold battery contacts facing down over the 4 connector fingers.2. Replace the battery cover, and ensure screws are firmly tightened to maintain correct water resistant seal.Charging Your Battery1. Open the USB cover and firmly plug in the USB cable.2. Connect the USB cable to the Universal Travel Charger, or Car Charger.3. When charging is complete, close the USB cover to maintain water resistant seal.NOTE:1.   The battery will automatically stop charging in very low or high temperatures. (Standard Li-Ion charging range between 0°C to 45°C battery temperature)2.   Charge time of 4 to 5 hours using the AC Travel or Car Charger.3.   Iridium GO! can be charged from the USB port of your PC, Laptop or USB hub (500mA port or higher). Please use the supplied USB cable. Charging will take longer.
Iridium GO! User Manual  1918  Iridium GO! User Manual44Device Screen OverviewImportant: 1.  All batteries may cause serious injury or property damage, particularly if handled improperly or used after damage.2.   Use only Iridium original products for safety and quality assurance. Iridium’s warranty does not cover damage caused by use of non-Iridium batteries.3.  Follow these guidelines when charging your battery:•  Keep the battery at room temperature. Never expose batteries to temperatures below 0°C (32°F) or above 45°C (113°F) when charging.• New batteries are not fully charged and may take more time to charge.4.  Refer to chapter 2 “Safety and regulatory information” on proper use, disposal of batteries, and other information.Powering Your Device On Iridium GO! is powered on by either:1. Raising the Swivel Antenna to upright position, 2.  Pressing the Power button for 2 seconds, or3. Inserting USB cable connected to Travel Charger, Car Charger, or Computer.When turned on, the status LED will illuminate. Please wait for Iridium GO! to power-up. Iridium GO! should be placed outside in open sky view to register the Iridium network.12318679 10 11 122 3 4 51. Signal Strength2. Wi-Fi Connection3. No. of Connected Users4. SOS Activated 5. Battery IndicatorNot foundChargingFully Charged6. Incoming/Outgoing Call7. GPS Valid/GPS Stale8. Cancel SOS button9.  Voicemail10. Missed Call11. Message Received12. Clock (12hr/24hr)
Iridium GO! User Manual  2120  Iridium GO! User Manual44How to Download:Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.  App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.SMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailSMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailSMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailSMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailiPhone®, iPod® or iPad® Using Apple iTunes®, search the required applications (App StoreSM) to download and install using your Apple ID. Apple installation requires connection to the internet via your office or home broadband connection.Smartphone or Tablet for Android™Using Google Play® on your device (or similar App store on the Android Marketplace),  search the Apps, download and install.  The Android .APK application install file can also be copied onto your device, and does not need to have internet access for installation.STEP TWO: Setting up your smartphoneIridium-optimized applications must be downloaded to your smartphone to access the available Iridium GO! services. Available applications include:Iridium GO! ApplicationApplication provides Voice calling, SMS, Tracking, SOS, Twitter posting, and Internet Call access.Iridium Mail & Web ApplicationApplication provides compressed and optimized Email and data access; social media support; and photo transfer capabilities via Email, Facebook, and Twitter.  Using “Iridium Mail & Web” may incur additional usage and account fees.3rd Party ApplicationsAdditional applications that have been designed to operate on Iridium GO! will be configured, tested, and certified with product details and located on in the Application Marketplace.SMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailSMSSMSReal GlobalGPS GPS PositioningOnline TrackingVoiceReal MobileSatelliteReal ReliableSocial NetworkDust ProofJet Water ResistantSOSEmergency ButtonShock ResistantPersonal Cell TowerPhoto TransferEmailGO!
Iridium GO! User Manual  2322  Iridium GO! User Manual44STEP FOUR: Configure the Iridium GO! ApplicationIridium GO! Application ScreenNOTE: Tracking, SOS, and Twitter functions require configuration before use.Iridium GO! Main Menu Iridium GO! Main Menu STEP THREE: Pair Iridium GO! With Your SmartphoneIridium GO! provides a wireless access point Wi-Fi (802.11g/n) connection. On your personal device (smartphone, iPod® or tablet) go to Wireless Network Settings and ensure your Wi-Fi function is enabled. Select the Wi-Fi Network Name SSID displayed that matches your Iridium GO! unit “IRIDIUM-xxxxxx”. Once your device has connected, you can begin using the Iridium GO! application.TIP!The Wi-Fi connection on Iridium GO! is an open (visible) network with no password. If required, Iridium GO! Wi-Fi can be configured with a WPA2 mode password – to configure, please use the Iridium GO! Application Advanced Settings.
Iridium GO! User Manual  2524  Iridium GO! User Manual44Configuring SOSThe Iridium GO! device is equipped with a programmable SOS button (next to the USB port) for emergency notifications to your specified contacts.<Insert section on GEOS> WARNINGYou must configure the Emergency Mode in order for the SOS to send an emergency message to a designated Call Recipient and Message Recipient. Failure to configure the SOS button will result in no message being sent when the SOS button is pressed. This could prevent or delay an emergency response and result in serious injury or death.Iridium GO! Application Configuration and SettingsSIMIf prompted for a SIM PIN, enter the four to eight digit SIM card PIN code provided by your service provider. The default SIM PIN is 1111 and may be modified. Pressing the incorrect code multiple times will lock Iridium GO! and require an unlock code. The unlock key can be provided by Iridium service providers (the provider from whom the device was purchased) Application  LanguageThe display language in Iridium GO! application is automatically selected by the current choice in the phone settings. The supported languages are: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Arabic, and Portuguese. Device  LanguageThere are three ways to change the language on the device: 1. Iridium GO! device – navigate the menu and select Languages2. Iridium GO! App - Settings > Display > Language3. Advanced Settings Portal - UsersThe Iridium GO! application provides access to all functions of Iridium GO! in an automatic user mode (password is “guest”). Connect up to 5 devices simultaneously to the Iridium GO! Wi-Fi as “guest” users.To set user privileges for individual users, go to “advanced” and select “Users”.Important: All users will be able to modify programmed SOS contact information unless individual privileges are programmed/locked. TIP!Multiple user names (and passwords) can be created, with different privileges if required.
Iridium GO! User Manual  2726  Iridium GO! User Manual44Quick GPS from Iridium GO! deviceTrack Messaging from Iridium GO! applicationConfiguring Tracking Iridium GO! can send location track messages in two ways:1. Quick GPS – Press ‘Track’ from Iridium GO! application main screen, or from Tracking Message menu of Iridium GO!2. Interval Tracking – Messages are sent automatically according to the interval tracking frequency.Next SelectBackSend quick GPSNo YesSend a quick GPSmessage now?BackSending message...The SOS can also be activated from the Iridium GO! application by pressing on the SOS button from the main screen. You will be prompted to enter an emergency call recipient and emergency message recipient each time your Iridium GO! is powered on until these contacts are programmed. From the main menu, Press ‘Settings’ and then navigate to the ‘SOS’ tab.After sliding SOS mode, there is a 20 second countdown to  allow cancelling a false alarm. Then once the SOS is activated –  a message and/or call will be initiated and your location will  be sent every 5 minutes to your specified emergency recipient.  To modify these settings, select ‘Emergency Options.’ WARNINGYou must configure the Emergency Mode in order for the SOS to send an emergency message to a designated Call Recipient and Message Recipient. Failure to configure the SOS button will result in no message being sent when the SOS button is pressed. This could prevent or delay an emergency response and result in serious injury or death.Important: 1.  Swivel Antenna must be raised for SOS message or SOS call to be made.2.   You must configure the SOS button Emergency Mode contact in order to send an emergency message to a designated emergency call recipient. 3.  SOS Emergency Voice Call is only supported when using SOS via Iridium GO! application.4.  SOS mode will remain activated even if Iridium GO! application or smartphone is turned off.
Iridium GO! User Manual  2928  Iridium GO! User Manual44Press the Voicemail icon to start the call:• When prompted, enter your Iridium phone number followed by the star (*) key, then enter your password (default is the last seven (7) digits of your phone number).• Follow the audio prompts to set your new password, record your greeting and configure your account settings.• End the call by pressing the red button and follow the same ‘Call Voicemail’ steps to check voicemail notifications in the future.Advanced SettingsTo reach advanced settings on Iridium GO! either:1. Use the smartphone Iridium GO! application: press More ➡ Advanced Settings, or2. Use Web interface on your browser connected to a laptop, or from a smartphone or tablet. NOTE: If you are prompted for login, the user default is “guest” with password “guest”. Quick  GPSTo view your current GPS location using the Iridium GO! application, press the ‘Track’ button from the main screen (initial update can take up to 2 minutes). Share your location by using a pre-configured Quick GPS list. To program a quick GPS list, go to Settings and select Tracking, then add to the Quick GPS Recipients list.Quick GPS and Interval tracking supports “Share location”. Your message will be sent with a link to that will display your location on a map viewed on the recipient’s web browser. Interval  TrackingTo send your location on a regular update schedule, go to Settings and select ‘Tracking’ and select the Tracking Frequency. Then add the Tracking Recipients. Once these settings are saved, regular tracking messages will be sent even if Iridium GO! application or smartphone is turned off.Voicemail Press the Voicemail dedicated button to place call to voicemail.Apple iOS  AndroidThe default Voicemail number is +881662990000 (Please check with your service provider). To place a voicemail set-up call, go to an outdoor area with a clear view of the sky, raise the swivel antenna on the device.
Iridium GO! User Manual  3130  Iridium GO! User Manual55Tips on Efficient OperationFor Iridium GO! to operate most efficiently:1. Keep the battery charged to ensure that the device is ready for use when needed.2. Ensure antenna is pointed directly up while in use.3. Make sure the antenna has a clear unobstructed view of the sky.4. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when Iridium GO! device is in use, as contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.5. Iridium GO! is not designed to be worn on your body.Using the External AntennaWhen the external Antenna Adaptor cable is plugged in, ensure the Swivel antenna remains raised. Lowering the swivel antenna will end the Iridium transmission.Placing a Call The Iridium GO! device must be used outside, away from trees and tall buildings.1.  Raise the swivel antenna. 2. Iridium GO! will display ‘Iridium’ when registered.3. Connect your smartphone or tablet to Iridium GO! Wi-Fi.4. Launch Iridium GO! application and press the Call icon.Iridium GO! requires connection to the Iridium Satellite Network. The swivel antenna should be vertical to the ground and have a clear unobstructed view of the sky. The antenna must be able to “see” the entire sky from approximately 8 degrees above the horizon. Nearby tall buildings or similar structures, heavily leafed trees and mountains can all degrade performance as they block the signal between the antenna and the satellites. Having a completely open view of the sky plays a very important role in maximizing performance, as the Iridium satellites move across the sky from North horizon to South horizon during a connected call.Full Visibility 8.2˚5: Using Iridium GO! and Your Smartphone
Iridium GO! User Manual  3332  Iridium GO! User Manual55Press the Contacts icon from the Iridium GO! application main screen to access the primary address book, containing personal contacts. To access the shared contact list, navigate to the “more” tab.Text Messages (SMS)You can send and receive text messages and short emails using your Iridium GO! application. Prior to sending short emails, it is helpful to store email addresses in your Contacts phonebook to automate delivery.1.  To send a text message press the Messages icon from the main screen. An email address can also be entered as a recipient.2. Once your message is completed, press the Send icon.NOTE:  • A conversation history is stored in Iridium GO! application for each message recipient.• Messages are synchronized between users (from Iridium GO! memory).•  Re-connecting users will synchronize to the last 50 messages, or the last 30 days history whichever is smaller.•New users connecting will not synchronize to any previous messages from their log-in start date.• Iridium GO! supports multi-segment SMS, up to 1000 characters in length.Receiving Text MessagesIncoming messages are sent to all connected users, who are notified from the message icon and via push notifications (if configured).5. To make a call, enter the full dialing sequence: 00 or + [Country Code] [Phone Number], or use the Country flag dropdown menu.6. Press the green key to initiate the call and press the red key to end the call.Receiving a Call For incoming (mobile terminated) voice calls, Iridium GO! swivel antenna must be raised with an unobstructed view of the sky. 1.  The Iridium GO! loudspeaker will sound the ringtone, and ringing of all connected smartphones that have the Iridium GO! application running, or minimized. 2. The first user that answers with their smartphone will take the call. 3.  Other users (if present) will see a notification of call in progress via a red handset icon in the Iridium GO! application status bar.Iridium GO! Application ContactsThe Iridium GO! application has two types of Contacts- personal and shared. Personal contacts are stored on the individual’s phone or tablet. Shared contacts are stored on the Iridium GO! device and shared among all Iridium GO! App users.TIP! During the Voice call you may press to Mute your voice, use DialPad (for in-call DTMF), use handsfree smartphone SpeakerPhone, Call Transfer to another connected user, or use Bluetooth connected to your smartphone.
Iridium GO! User Manual  3534  Iridium GO! User Manual553.  The Advanced Settings portal, ‘Communication’ ➡ ‘Internet Call’The default ISP number is 0088160000330, and is configurable in the ‘Internet Call’ settings.NOTE: If Iridium GO! application is closed, the Internet Call remains connected until it is turned off at one of the three locations aforementioned. Iridium data charges apply for the entire duration of the Internet Call connection.Important: The Wi-Fi connection on Iridium GO! is an open (visible) network with no password (by default). When the Internet Call is active, other devices on the will share this internet connection. To lock down this access, it is recommended to use enable WPA2 encryption. To configure go to the Advanced Settings portal, and navigate to ‘Communication’, then ‘Wi-Fi’.TwitterThe Iridium GO! application allows posting to a Twitter account. Note that Twitter functionality only enables posting, and does not pull down Twitter feeds.Two modes for Twitter delivery:• SMS to 40404 – Add the Iridium MSISDN to your account settings.NOTE: All devices on the Iridium GO! unit will post to same Twitter account, as Iridium GO! is linked to a single SIM card.NotificationsThe Iridium GO! application supports notifications of Missed calls, SMS Messages, and SOS states which appear as pop-ups. Internet CallThe Iridium GO! device can be used to connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to enable connected Wi-Fi users to use a web browser or email. The Internet call can be launched via:1. Iridium GO! device menu – Internet Call, or2.  Iridium GO! application – press the ‘Advanced’ icon, then ’Internet Call’TIP!Make sure your contacts have your Iridium Phone number. They can send you a message by visiting and selecting “send a satellite message” or by sending an email to 8816[number]
Iridium GO! User Manual  3736  Iridium GO! User Manual66Power ModesIridium GO! has the following Power Mode settings:Power Mode… IndicatesWi-Fi ON (default) The Wi-Fi access point is ON, and will maintain connection to devices, and push notifications and incoming calls (if Iridium is ON and registered). Wi-Fi OFF Users cannot connect to Iridium GO! over Wi-Fi. This mode could be  chosen if Iridium GO! is used to extend battery run time for device only SOS, or device only Tracking.GPS On demand (default)GPS is on for initial Iridium GO! turn on, and then powers off GPS receiver to save battery power. GPS will start up automatically when required to send a Track message, or when SOS emergency is activated. Acquisition  of GPS location may take longer in this mode.GPS Always On GPS receiver is always running to maintain fastest location information  for use in tracking and SOS messages.6: Advanced SettingsDevice Display MenuThe screen displays status messages and icons. There is a configuration menu which is controlled using the two Panel buttons. The display automatically turns off after a period of inactivity.The following menu system (navigation by using the right and left buttons):Tracking Send Quick GPSInternet Start Internet ConnectionPower modeSet Wi-Fi – On (default) / OffSet GPS – On demand (default) / Always OnAudioMute / Restore AudioInformation*LanguagesEnglish, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish*Information mode displays the Device Serial number, Main Firmware, Wi-Fi SSID, IP Address, IMEI, ICCID, Transceiver Firmware, and Hardware Revision.NOTE: Display Menu is subject to change – please check latest firmware
Iridium GO! User Manual  3938  Iridium GO! User Manual66Factory DefaultsTo restore Iridium GO! device back to original factory defaults.1. Turn on Iridium GO! 2. Open the External Antenna cover.3. Use a paperclip or similar point and press gently inside the Restore button hole.4. Follow the screen menu prompts to reset settings to factory defaults.Important: All previous settings will be lost, the SSID will be reset, and new users will be deleted.Upgrading FirmwarePlease check the Iridium website or your Service Provider if a new release of firmware is available. Download the firmware to your computer, and the firmware can be upgraded from Advanced Settings Portal, ‘System’  ➡ ‘Firmware’. Status Indicator LEDThe status indicator at the top of Iridium GO! has the following meanings:LED  DescriptionFlashing Green Unit is ON and registered to Iridium network  Flashing Red Unit is ON and not registered to Iridium networkRed  Iridium GO! is powering ONAlternating red and green Call in progress; ringing, dialling or in a callSlowly flashing RED SOS has been triggeredOFF Unit is OFFFirewall SettingsIridium GO! has an inbuilt firewall system that blocks non-essential internet traffic when an Internet Call is in progress. Firewall settings can be adjusted depending from Advanced Settings Portal, ‘Communication’ ➡ ‘Firewall’.
Iridium GO! User Manual  4140  Iridium GO! User Manual66In-VehicleIridium GO! can be used during car travel by using the External RF Cable Adaptor (WAAC1301) , and a Magnetic mount Iridium antenna (each sold separately). This allows wireless connection to your smartphone, in and around your vehicle.The Iridium GO! can be secured to the front or rear dash of your vehicle, by using standard camera ¼”-20 mounting brackets (e.g. from RAM Mounts ensure Iridium GO! is facing upwards towards the window if you wish to have GPS reception for tracking and SOS functions.Example Uses of Iridium GO! Shared AccessIridium GO! connects to up to five users via  Wi-Fi. When used outdoors the Wi-Fi range is 80m (260 feet) or further.To maximize range to your device, raise Iridium GO! device off the ground by at least one foot (using a tripod), or placed on top of a vehicle roof. Always ensure the Iridium signal has an unobstructed view of Satellites.NOTE: Maximum distance also depends on the smartphone, as different models have varying Wi-Fi performance.At least 1footo the groundOutdoorShared AccessAntennaIn-Vehicle
Iridium GO! User Manual  43742  Iridium GO! User Manual67: TroubleshootingWhat is my password?Iridium GO! does NOT have Wi-Fi password unless it is configured.To configure go to Advanced ➡ Wi-Fi, via Iridium GO! application, or from on your browser.The default User credentials are “guest”, with password “guest”.Forgot my password?Use the Restore button to clear passwords, or log in as another user (if created) at on your browser.How do I connect an external antenna?Use the External RF Cable Adaptor (WAAC1301) – sold separately. Refer to the ‘Using External Antenna’ option (page 42).Unable to make / receive calls?• Check that your antenna is raised and Iridium GO! has a clear unobstructed view of the sky• Check that your smartphone is still connected to “IRIDIUM-xxxxxx” Wi-Fi of Iridium GO!• Did you enter the number in international format? All calls made from the Iridium satellite system must be in international format. See “Placing a Call” on page 42. • Check the signal strength indicator. If the signal is weak, ensure that you have a clear line of sight to the sky and there are no buildings, trees, or other objects interfering.• Is Restricted displayed? Check the Call Barring setting.• Has a new SIM card been inserted? Check that no new restrictions have been imposed.In-BuildingIridium GO! can be mounted indoors, with a connection to an external Iridium Antenna. By using the External RF Cable Adaptor (WAAC1301), and the Wall Mount Bracket Kit (WBKT1301) (each sold separately). This allows wireless connection to your smartphone, and Wi-Fi enabled computers in and around an office or remote home.Wall BracketIn-Building•••••
Iridium GO! User Manual  4544  Iridium GO! User Manual77The battery drains faster than normal.• Are you in an area of variable coverage? This uses extra battery power.• Is your antenna fully extended and correctly angled? Do you have a clear unobstructed view of the sky? This helps use less battery power.• Is it a new battery? A new battery needs two to three charge/discharge cycles to attain normal performance.• Is it an old battery? Battery performance declines after several years of use. Replace the battery.• Is it a battery that has not been completely discharged? Allow the battery to fully discharge (until the phone turns itself off) and then charge the battery overnight.• Are you using your Iridium GO! in extreme temperatures? At extreme hot or cold temperatures, battery performance is significantly reduced.You find your phone becomes warm during use.You may notice this during long calls or during charging. The heat is produced by the electronic components within your Iridium GO! and is quite normal.No response to user controls including the power button.Remove the battery from the phone and then reattach it to cycle power and reset.  Try charging the battery.No network registration?Check for the following: a) SIM card installed, b) antenna in the elevated position, c)clear line of sight above the units for connection to the satellite network.Cannot connect smartphone to Iridium GO! ?Your personal device MUST be connected via Wi-Fi to Iridium GO! (SSID “IRIDIUM-xxxxxx”) in order for Iridium GO! application to operate. Please check your Wireless Network Settings as they may have changed to another Wi-Fi network (such as your home or office Wi-Fi).The battery does not charge?• Check the charger. Is it properly connected? Are its contacts clean and dry?• Check the battery contacts. Are they clean and dry?• Check the battery temperature. If it is warm, let it cool before charging.• Is it an old battery? Battery performance declines after several years of use. Replace the battery.• Make sure you have an Iridium approved battery installed.Unable to hear ringtones?Check that the Audio settings are enabled.Cannot use the Advanced Settings Web configuration over Wi-Fi?Check Wi-Fi network of Iridium GO! unit SSID is connected to PC. Go to in browser. If DHCP has been disabled and the Static address is unknown, use the Restore button on the device. Default user is “guest”, and password is “guest”.
46  Iridium GO! User Manual88:  My Iridium GO! user informationIridium GO! User Guide    479:  My Iridium GO! Information {Good layout for inside back cover?}Iridium GO! Serial Number  A P M  _  _  _  _  _Wi-Fi SSID  (from label in battery compartment)   I R I D I U M -  _  _  _  _  _  _ My Iridium Phone Number My Customer Care Phone Number My Customer Care Email Address       toll free: +1.866.947.4348       phone: +1.480.752.5155 YOUR LI F E.   Y O U R  D E V I C ES.  CONNEC T E D.   EVER Y W HER E.Iridium® and the Iridium Logo are registered trademarks, and Iridium GO!™ is a trademark of Iridium Satellite LLC and its aliates. All other trademarks, service marks and logos are the property of their respective holders, which have not endorsed, sponsored or otherwise aliated with Iridium.©Copyright 2014 Iridium Satellite LLC and its aliates. All rights reserved. (version HUG1301)

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