Intermec Technologies DHIB DHIB User Manual CN3 Mobile Computer User s Manual PRELIMINARY
Intermec Technologies Corporation DHIB CN3 Mobile Computer User s Manual PRELIMINARY
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Users Manual 2 of 2

![Chapter 3 — Configuring the ComputerCN3 Mobile Computer User’s Manual - PRELIMINARY 77The registry keys used by FolderCopy and other startup components to retrieve the folder names are as follows:Flash File Store[HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\FlshDrv]“FolderName”=“Flash File Store”SD Card (Storage Card)[HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory]“Folder”=“Storage Card”Disk On Chip[HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\TRUEFFS_DOC]“Folder”=“DiskOnChip”During normal Windows Mobile system startup, there are Intermec-spe-cific and non-Intermec components that require an orderly start to properly function. These non-Intermec components may also need to start them-selves so the Windows Mobile device can function properly. Since there are possible configurations that come from using one or more optional built-in peripheral devices, the platform components starting on the next page are required to manage startup.RunAutoRunSystem components are installed and configured during the power up pro-cess from a single starting point. RunAutoRun (RUNAUTORUN.EXE), built into the operating system image and located in the “\Windows\Star-tup” folder, checks for AutoExec (AUTOEXEC.EXE) in a “\SYSTEM” folder on a mounted volume in this order:•mini-SD• Object Store - may be non-volatile storage or RAM• Disk on Chip - may map as Object Store• Flash File Store - may map as Object Store. This is the default location for the AutoExec program in Intermec systems. Intermec system applica-tions are started from this folder. The ordering of mounted volumes overrides this feature.Folder names used for the mounted volumes above are retrieved from the registry to maintain coherence with the naming of the mounted volumes on the platform. These folder names are not hard-coded. If AutoExec is present in the “\SYSTEM” folder on any of these media, it executes the program only on the first media it is found on and no other.AutoExec is reserved for Intermec use to configure Intermec-specific appli-cations. It launches the CAB installer, AutoCab (AUTOCAB.EXE), to install platform cab files to the system, such as Intermec Data Collection.When the AutoExec is complete, RunAutorun then checks for the existence of AutoRun (AUTORUN.EXE) and executes this program from the first media it is found on. This order is the same as what is used by AutoExec.](
![Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer78 PRELIMINARY - CN3 Mobile Computer User’s ManualAutoRun is reserved for customer use to configure application launch sequences. It launches the AutoCab installer and any customer programs added to the AUTOUSER.DAT file. The hierarchy of these files is shown below.AutoExecAutoExec (AUTOEXEC.EXE) automates operations such as pausing, launching processes, or signaling, and is configured through the AutoExec data file (AUTOEXEC.DAT). This script file must be in the same direc-tory as the program itself. Usage: AutoExec [-%[W]] [-E=["X"]] [-F=["Y"]] [-LOG=] [-W=[Z]]Process return code uses standard error codes defined in WINERROR.H.Note: Intermec considers the usage of the AutoExec data file as “Intermec Private.” AutoExec installs Intermec applications such as Data Collection, Security Supplicants, Intermec Management, applets, and shortcuts from components found in the Flash File System. Do not modify the AutoExec data file. Instead, use the AutoRun program to add software components.-% Passes an ID to use in a call to SignalStarted. This argument is useful only during system startup that relies on a SignalStarted to call. W is an integer value.-E Passes a signal event name to use when autoexec completes. X is a string value.-F Overrides the data file to use. This must be a fully qualified name. Default is “autoexec.dat” in the same location as the AUTOEXEC.EXE program. Y is a string value.-LOG Set to any value logs activity to AUTOEXEC.TXT (in the same location as the AUTOEXEC.EXE pro-gram). Default is disabled.-W Pauses the autoexec process by calling sleep for the number of seconds specified by Z. Z is an integer value.runautorun autoexec autorun autocopy autoreg foldercopy customer applications autocab autocab](

![Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer80 PRELIMINARY - CN3 Mobile Computer User’s ManualAutoRun supports the following script commands in AUTOUSER.DAT and AUTORUN.DAT.AutoRun handles quoted file names for the first parameter to allow specify-ing path names or file names that contain white space. Note only one set of quotes per command is supported. AUTORUN.DAT entry examples:AutoCopyAutoCopy (AUTOCOPY.EXE) copies/moves files between locations. It has no user interface and is configured through command line arguments. It has support for the following parameters, in no particular order:Usage: AutoCopy [-D["W"]] [-L["X"]] [-M[D]] [-Q[Y]] [-S["Z"]] Process return code uses standard error codes defined in WINERROR.H.Example:; use AutoCopy to copy the control panel from flash file store to windows. autocopy.exe -S"\Flash File Store\System\Audio.cpl" -D"\Windows\Audio.cpl"; use AutoCopy to move the control panel from flash file store to windows. autocopy.exe -M1 -S"\Flash File Store\System\Audio.cpl" -D"\Windows\Audio.cpl"Note: If you need to add steps at boot time, add them to AUTOUSER.DAT, not to AUTORUN.DAT. AUTORUN.DAT is pro-vided by Intermec and is subject to change. AUTOUSER.DAT is the des-ignated place for the end user to add steps to the boot time process.EXEC Launches a specified program, waits for it to complete (up to 10 minutes).CALL Processes a specified file of commands and returns.CHAIN Processes a specified file of commands and does not return.RUN Loads a specified program and executes it.LOAD Loads a specified program and executes it.RUN “Flash File Store\Apps\some.exe” arg1, arg2, arg3CALL “Flash File Store\2577\usercmds.dat”-D Indicates the destination file name and must be fully qualified. W is a string value.-L Indicates a fully qualified file name for logging to enable. Default is disabled. X is a string value.-M Moves file to a destination rather than copies the file. Default value is disabled. D is an integer value. D=1 indicates enabled, 0 is disabled.-Q Indicates if a message box should appear when an error occurs. Default is disabled. Y is an integer value.-S Indicates a source file name and must be fully qualified. Z is a string value.](
![Chapter 3 — Configuring the ComputerCN3 Mobile Computer User’s Manual - PRELIMINARY 81AutoRegThe AutoReg (AUTOREG.EXE) component adds registry information to the Windows Mobile registry. It has no user interface and is configured through command line arguments. Usage: AutoReg [-D] [-HKey] [-Q] “filename”Process return code uses standard error codes defined in WINERROR.H.Example:; use AutoReg to install this registry information.autoreg.exe "\Flash File Store\install.reg"; use AutoReg to install this registry information. Delete the file afterwards.autoreg.exe -D "\Flash File Store\install.reg"; use AutoReg to extract registry information to a file. autoreg.exe -HHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intermec\Version "\version.reg"The format of the input file, in this example, is the standard registry format which should ease the creation of the input file since there are many pub-licly available utilities to generate a registry file besides Notepad. One example of a tool is the Microsoft Remote Registry Editor.AutoCabAutoCab (AUTOCAB.EXE) extracts files, registry settings, and shortcuts from Windows Mobile cabinet (.CAB) files. The Windows Mobile startup sequence invokes AutoCab as a part of AutoExec and AutoRun. During the Windows Mobile startup sequence, AutoCab processes all CAB files in the “\CabFiles” directory relative to the current location of Autocab, unless the location is overridden by command line arguments. AutoCab can run as a stand-alone program to install a CAB file or a directory of CAB files.AutoCab only installs the CAB file if it was not installed before by Auto-Cab. To track the installation of a CAB file, AutoCab marks the CAB file with the System attribute. This attribute is ignored if the device is perform-ing a clean-boot on a non-persistent file system.AutoCab preserves the CAB file after installation if the ReadOnly attribute is set. If not set, the CAB file is deleted automatically after installation. Command line switches are described as follows.Usage:AutoCab [-ChkRst=][-File=][-Force][-Log=][-Move=][-Quiet=][-Show=][-Signal=]-D Deletes the registry file after successfully loading it. This allows for systems that have hives implemented.-H Saves the registry path, and all child entries, to the specific .REG registry file.-Q Indicates whether a message box should appear when a fatal error occurs.filename Fully qualified file name to read from or write to, encased in double quotes to support spaces in paths or file names. See examples below.](