Intermec Technologies 06CN3 CN3 User Manual part 2

Intermec Technologies Corporation CN3 part 2

User Manual part 2

6822 Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s ManualPhoto of printer not available at this time
254Configuring the PrinterA Printer Configuration Utility is used to load font on the printer and to change the printer settings. In this chapter you will find these sections:•Connecting to the printer•Understanding the font modules•Using the Windows 95 or Windows 98 Printer Configuration Utility•Using the Windows 2000 or Windows XP Printer Configuration Utility
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer26 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualConnecting to the PrinterConnect your printer to your desktop computer using a serial cable (P/N 226-270-001). The serial COM port connector on either the fixed mount printer or portable printer is on your printer mechanism, the same side as the green thumb wheel.Before connecting to your PC, locate and disconnect the gray terminal holder ribbon cable connector from the floor of the printer cavity. The cable is located behind the printer mechanism on the same side as the green thumb wheel and is the one that is not attached to the printer mechanism.Intermec provides printer configuration utilities for the following Windows operating systems. •If your PC has either Windows 95 or Windows 98, go to page 27 for instructions.•If your PC has Windows 2000 or Windows XP, go to page 42.Understanding the Font ModulesIntermec provides the following font modules for your 6822:•nft00000.mod — Default International, 4820 compatible•nft00437.mod — IBM/Microsoft compatible Code Page 437•nft00932.mod — JIS Japanese•nft00936.mod — GB2312 Chinese Simplified•nft00949.mod — KSC5601 KoreanDisconnect this terminal holderribbon cable from the floor ofthe printer cavityIgnore this cable attachedto the printer mechanism
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 27•nft00950.mod — Big 5 Traditional ChineseAll three versions are included on the printer toolkit CD:•The Arabic version is included in the “Default Fonts\Arabic” directory.•The Turkish version is in the “Default Fonts\Turkish” directory.•The International version is in the “Default Fonts\International” directory.Use the Printer Configuration Utility to replace the existing default font module (nft00000.mod) with any of the of the other provided fonts. The Printer Configuration Utility is provided in the 6820 Tool Kit. Instructions for installing fonts are provided later in this chapter.For Windows 95 and Windows 98 UsersIf the default installation process was followed, the Printer Configuration Utility “FONTS” directory is located at “6820PRTR\TOOLKIT\FONTS” where “6820PRTR” is replaced by the actual directory in which you chose to extract the files.For Windows 2000 and Windows XP UsersIf you followed the default installation process, the Printer Configuration Utility “FONTS” directory is located at “Program Files\Intermec\6820 Printer Configuration Utility\FONTS.Using the Windows 95 or Windows 98 Printer Configuration UtilityNote: There are three versions of the default font module (nft0000.mod): Arabic, Turkish, and International. Any one version of this module, but not all three versions, can appear in the 6820 Printer Configuration Utility FONTS directory and install on the 6822. The International version of this font module is automatically placed in the FONTS directory when the Printer Configuration Utility is installed on the PC.Do not rename the font files in the FONTS directory. If rename the fonts will not work correctly.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer28 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualThese instructions apply to desktop computers running either Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating systems.Installing the Configuration FilesConfiguration files for the 6822 are located in the toolkit CD (P/N 215-270-001), these include the rpgpconf.exe Printer Configuration Utility program and the rpgpconf.ini initialization file. The Printer Configuration Utility uses the initialization file to specify the location and names of font and printer control program folders.To set up your PC1Extract the toolkit files from the nptk6822.exe self-extracting archive file. 2Create a directory, on your PC, with an appropriate name for the Printer Configuration Utility files. You could choose to have the files extracted at the root directory of your PC or specify another folder. Execute the self-extracting file from the target directory while specifying the path to nptk6822.exe in the command line.When you run nptk6822.exe, a TOOLKIT folder is created, as well the following folders:•6820SYS•DOS•FONTS•PCFSGenerating Custom Configuration FilesThe Printer Configuration Utility also helps you create custom configuration files. These files have a .pcf file extension, and stored in the folder specified in the initialization file. See the default .pcf file in the PCFS folder for an example configuration file.Understanding the Printer ConfigurationA configuration consists of a list of fonts, some parameter settings, and optionally, a printer control program.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 29When you start the Printer Configuration Utility, it creates a printer configuration. This configuration has no fonts, parameters are set to the default values, and there is no printer control program in memory. You can modify the basic printer configuration to meet your needs and load the custom configuration to your printer.To start the Printer Configuration Utility.1Run rpgconf.exe and click OK on the first screen to continue to the Main Menu.Note: The working configuration is deleted when you exit the Printer Configuration Utility.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer30 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual2The following options are available on the Main Menu.•Use Load Printer Configuration to load an existing configuration. Load either from a file or from the printer.•Use Modify Printer Configuration to review or modify the working configuration, include the printer control program in the currently loaded configuration, or load fonts.•Use Save Printer Configurations to save a configuration file to disk or download the working configuration to your 6822.•Use Defaults to restore the printer to its default configuration. 3Click Exit, then click Yes to exit the Printer Configuration Utility. Click No to the keep the Main Menu open.Note: When the Main Menu is first displayed, the Save Printer Configuration options are grayed out, prohibiting selection of those options until a configuration is loaded or modified.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 31To load configuration files from your PC1Click From File to access the File, Open window. 2Select a configuration file to load, then click OK. If the selected file does not exist, a “File does not exist!” error message appears. Click OK to return to the Main Menu without loading a file.3If the file does exist, a warning message indicates that loading the selected file will overwrite your working configuration. Click OK to overwrite settings in working configuration, or Cancel to return to the Main Menu.4OK, the configuration from the selected file is loaded into memory and becomes the current working configuration. If this load is
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer32 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manualsuccessful, a message similar to the one shown below is displayed. Click OK to return to the Main Menu.5If the working configuration is not replaced successfully with the configuration from the selected file, an error message appears indicating that the operation failed. Click OK to return to the Main Menu without loading a file. To load a configuration from the 68221Click From Printer from the Main Menu to display a warning message that indicates that the printer’s configuration will overwrite the working configuration. 2Click OK to overwrite the configuration, otherwise click Cancel to return to the Main Menu without loading the printer’s configuration.3If you click OK, a message is then displayed prompting you to reset the printer. If the connection is not successful, after approximately 20 seconds, the following message appears.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 334Click Yes, to retry connecting to the printer. 5If you click No, an error message appears and indicates that the configuration was not loaded. Click OK to return to the Main Menu.6If a connection is established, no further action is required The Printer Configuration Utility communicates with the 6822 to find out the current settings and which font modules are loaded. The name, version, and size of the font modules are displayed on the Get From Printer screen.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer34 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualTo modify a printer configurationUse this option to view or change a working configuration, including adding fonts from disk (on the PC), deleting printer fonts, and changing parameters settings.•Select Modify Printer Configuration to view or modify the printer configuration.To include the control programUse this option to include the printer control program when saving the working configuration to the printer. The npfl6822.mod control program only needs to be changed when a new version becomes available.•Select the Include Control Program check box to add the control program the next time you save the printer configuration.Selecting an International FontA variety of different international fonts are also available in the toolkit for the 6822.To select a font•Click Fonts from the Main Menu to access the Font Selection screen where you can perform operations related to font files. The Fonts Available list shows font files that are available on disk. The Fonts Selected list show fonts that are in the current printer configuration.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 35 To copy font files1Highlight the font files in the Fonts Available list. You can highlight several files at one time, using conventional Windows selection methods.Click Copy to copy those fo nt files to the Fonts  Selecte d listNote: Save is grayed out, prohibiting that selection, until either new fonts are selected, or fonts are removed from the Fonts Selected list.Note: If you attempt to copy fonts from the Fonts Available list when these fonts already exist in the Fonts Selected list, the following error message is displayed, once for each of the duplicate fonts (where the current font file name is listed in place of nft00000.mod).
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer36 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual2Click OK to close the error message and not copy the font to the Fonts Selected list. If there are two or more duplicate fonts, the cycle repeats until an error message is displayed for each of the duplicate font files.To delete font filesDelete fonts from the Fonts Selected list to increase available memory in the printer.•Select the font names you want to delete from the Fonts Selected list, then click Erase to clear those names.The Space Selection box, below the Fonts Selected list, displays the space remaining in flash (in kilobytes), based on fonts currently selected. When this number is negative, it means the available space in flash is less that the size of the selected fonts. Delete some fonts before saving the rest.Fonts marked with an asterisk (*), in the Fonts Selected list, are currently in printer memory.To cancel changes•Click Cancel to return to the Main Menu without making any changes. If you have not made any changes to the Fonts Selected list, you return to the Main Menu.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 37Selecting ParametersTo select a parameter•Click Parameters from the Main Menu to access the Parameters window where you can modify any of the parameters that are not grayed out. Default parameter values are marked with an asterisk (*).To modify parameter configurations•Select parameters on the screen using your stylus.To save parameters•Click Save to update the working configuration and return to the Main Menu.To cancel the operation•Click Cancel to return to the Main Menu without modifying any configuration parameters.Note: If you are using Bluetooth communication, you must change from the Norand Portable Communications Protocol (NPCP) mode to the Epson DTR mode with the baud rate set to 19.2 K and the parity set to None.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer38 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualTo save a printer configuration• Click To  Fil e  from the Main Menu to access the File Save As dialog.Specify the drive, directory, and filename for the printer configuration file.To specify a file name 1Click the Alpha button, on either the File Open window or the File Save As window to open the keyboard onscreen for you to enter text.2Click Save to save the file name or click Cancel to exit without saving the text. The following confirmation message appears.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 393Click OK to return to the previous window without the entered text, or click Cancel to continue using the alpha keyboard.To save the configuration to disk•After you have selected the drive, directory, and file name, click OK to save the configuration file. If a file by the same name exists, the following confirmation message is displayed, informing you that if you continue it will overwrite the existing file. Click Cancel to return to the Main Menu without saving the working configuration.Click OK fto continue. The following information is displayed assuring you that the working configuration was successfully saved to disk. Click OK to return to the Main Menu. To cancel the “Save to File” operation•From the File, Save As window, click Cancel to abort the Save to File operation and return to the Main Menu without saving the working configuration.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer40 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSaving Files to the PrinterSelect the Save File to Printer option from the Main Menu, to send the working configuration to your 6822. When you select this option, the following warning message is displayed:The message indicates the configuration will be copied into the 6822 flash memory and overwrite the current configuration. Click OK for the system to connect to the printer and transfer the configuration, or Cancel to return to the Main Menu without updating the printer.Connecting to the printer1After you click OK, a message appears informing you that the system is attempting to establish connection with the printer. 2Connect a serial cable (P/N 226-270-001) between your PC and the printer.3Press the Reset button to reset the printer.4If the connection is not successful after approximately 20 seconds, the following message is appears.5Click Yes to retry making a connection to the printer.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 416If the configuration was not saved to the printer, the following error message appears.If the connection is successful, the following screen appears and the printer configuration is updated. The screen also displays the data transfer status.Default Printer SettingsThe following are the default settings used when you click Restore Defaults to Printer:Default Printer SettingsSettings ValuesZero Print Option Slash all zeros (zeros are printed with a slash)Autofeed Configuration CR (carriage return at end of line without line feed)Protocol NPCP
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer42 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualFor other printer defaults, see “Factory-Installed Printer Defaults” on page 175.Using the Windows 2000 or Windows XP Printer Configuration UtilityThese instructions apply to desktop computers running either Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems.Installing the Windows 2000/XP Printer Configuration UtilityThe Windows 2000/XP Printer Configuration Utility is provided on the 6822TKCD toolkit CD (P/N 235-145-001). To set up your PC to use the Printer Configuration Utility1Insert the toolkit CD in your PC.2From your desktop, use your Explorer application to view the contents of the toolkit CD.Parity N/A (for NPCP)Bit Rate 19.2 KDefault Printer SettingsSettings Values
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 433Double-click the setup.exe executable file, then click Next from the Welcome screen to continue.4The printer configuration utility files are copied to the Program Files\Intermec\6822 Printer Configuration Utility folder. To install the files in a different folder, enter the path and folder name.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer44 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualYou can also specify if everyone who uses the computer has access to the printer configuration files or limit access to yourself.5Click Disk Cost to see the amount of disk space required to install the Printer Configuration Utility. Click OK to close and return to the installation screens.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 456Click Next to verify installation, click Back to adjust the information on the previous screen, or click Cancel to exit the installation.’7Installation Complete appears on the screen. Click Close to exit the installation program.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer46 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualDisabling the Microsoft ActiveSync Serial Port ConnectionsIf you use Microsoft ActiveSync to connect to your computers, you need to disable the serial port connections before using the Printer Configuration Utility.To disable ActiveSync1In the ActiveSync application on your desktop, select File > Connection Settings. 2Clear Allow USB connections and Allow connections to one of the following.3Click OK.4Close the ActiveSync application.Operating the Printer Configuration UtilityThe Printer Configuration Utility consists of a list of fonts, some parameter settings, and a printer control program.When the Printer Configuration Utility is active, it holds a “configuration clipboard” in memory. Initially, this configuration has parameters set to their default values. Consider the contents of the configuration clipboard as temporary and lost when you exit from the utility.•Click the Get 6820 Configuration button to view the current printer configuration.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 47•Click the Set 6820 Configuration button to change printer setting and send those settings to the printer.•Click the Reset to Defaults button to reset the to the factory default printer configuration. To start the Printer Configuration Utility•Click Start > Programs > Intermec > 6820 Printer Configuration Utility > PConfigApp.exe to start the Printer Configuration Utility.Communicating with the PrinterYou can use COM port 1, 2, or 3 to communicate with your printer. COM port 1 is the default selection, but if it is not available or is being used by another application, select another COM port.To communicate with the printer1Click either the Get 6820 Configuration or the Set 6820 Configuration button to open communications with the printer. The “Opening COM Port x to printer . . . ” message appears in the text box when you initiate communications sith the printer. The “x” in the message indicates which COM port is being used.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer48 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual2When the “Press Reset on the printer” message appears in the text box, press the Reset button on your printer. For the location of the Reset button on your printer, see “Using the Reset Button” on page 43The “Opening COM Port x to printer. . . Done.” message indicates that communication between your PC and the printer has been established.Note: If “Unable to open COM Port x to printer” appears in the text box another software application may be using the selected COM port. Select another COM port or disable the software application using the COM port. See page 54 for more error messages.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 49To view the settings on your 68221Click the Get 6820 Configuration button to initiate communication. 2The “Getting printer parameters  . . . ” message appears when the Printer Configuration Utility retrieves configuration information from the printer.3The message “Getting printer parameters  . . . Done” appears after configuration information is retrieved.4Modify configuration settings or click OK to close the Printer Configuration Utility.Setting the 6822 ConfigurationTo modify configuration settings1Make changes to the Configuration Clipboard or click the Reset to Defaults button to undo your selections and return them to their defaults.2Click the Set 6820 Configuration button to initiate communication with the printer. The “Setting printer parameters . . .” message appears when you initiate communication with the printer.Note: When using a Bluetooth adapter you must select the DTR communications protocol and a bit rate of 19.2K.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer50 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual3The “Setting printer parameters . . . Done” message appears when configuration parameters are set.4Click OK to close the utility and detach the serial cable.To update 6822 fonts or the 6822 control program•Click the Fonts and Control button to update the fonts stored in your printer or to update the printer control program. The Fonts Available for Update list shows font files that are available. The Fonts Selected for Update list show fonts that are to be installed jon the printer.Note: The “Unable to set printer parameters” message indicates a dropped connection between your PC and your printer.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 51To learn what fonts are currently installed on your printer•Click the Get Printer Fonts button. The installed fonts appear in the text box in the bottom right corner of the dialog. To select font files•Highlight the font files you want to download in the Fonts Available for Update list.•Click the right arrow pointing to the Fonts Selected for Update list to copy the selected font files to this list. Below is a sample screen.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer52 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualIf the fonts you select exceed the space available in printer memory, an error message appears. Click OK to close the error message and not copy the font to the Fonts Selected for Update list. If there are two or more fonts that exceed the space allowed, this message repeats until an error message is displayed for each of the font files that went over the space allowed.The Space Needed information shown beneath the Fonts Available for Update list indicates the total space required (in bytes) for all of the fonts in the list. The Space Remaining information listed below the Fonts Selected for Update list displays the space remaining in the printer, given the fonts in the Selected list.Click Update Printer to update the printer fonts and the control program depending on the options selected on the dialog. If the Selected list is empty and the Include control program update is not checked, a “Nothing selected for update” message appears in the text box.• Formats the printer flash for font updates and writes new font files to the printer for any fonts in the Selected list.Click the top, right arrow to copy selected font files from the Fonts Available for Update list to the Fonts Selected for Update list. Click the bottom, left arrow to remove any selected files from the Fonts Selected for Update list. Click Update Printer to update the fonts in the printer with those in the Fonts Selected for Update list. The Update progress: bar indicates the progress as the control program or fonts are written to the printer.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 53•Check the Include program control update check box to include the printer control program when updating the printer.Default Printer Settings.For other printer defaults, see “Factory-Installed Printer Defaults” on page 175.Note: You only need to update the control program when new versions of the control program are released.Default Printer SettingsSettings ValueZero Print Option Print zeros without a slashAutofeed Configuration CR (carriage return at end of line without line feed)Protocol NPCPParity N/A (for NPCP)Bit Rate 19.2 K (19200)
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer54 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualError MessagesThere are three instances when the 6822 may not connect to your PC. In the example error messages, an “x” indicates the assigned COM port number.Timeout ErrorThe timeout error may occur due to either of these situations:•The printer was not reset in the time allowed.•The COM port exists on the desktop computer but nothing is connected to the port.Error MessageUnable to open COM port x to printer. Printer not reset within the time allowed or printer not connected to COM port x.Port Not Found ErrorThe COM port does not exist. The particular COM port is identified in the error message.Error MessageUnable to open COM port x to printer. COM port x cannot be found.Access Denied ErrorThe COM port exists but a connection with the 6822 is not established. The particular COM port is identified in the error message.Error MessageUnable to open COM port x to printer. Access to COM port x is denied. Close applications using COM port x or try another port.Connecting to the Bluetooth AdapterIf your 6822 has a Bluetooth adapter, be sure to connect this adapter after you finish reconfiguring the 6822 fonts and exit the Printer Configuration Utility (gray cable beneath the printer mechanism).To enable Microsoft ActiveSync serial port based connections1Start ActiveSync and select File > Connection Settings.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 552Check Allow USB connections and Allow connections to one of the following.3Click OK. 4Close the ActiveSync application.
Chapter 4 — Configuring the Printer56 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual
6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 575Control Code DefinitionsThis chapter contains a set of control code definitions and specifications for page layout for the 6822 printer. In this chapter you will find these sections:• Understanding control code definitions• Using printer control codes• Understanding the fanfold paper page layout
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions58 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualUnderstanding Control Code DefinitionsI/O BufferAll characters and control codes received by the printer are stored in this buffer. Characters and controls codes are read from this buffer and acted upon to form the print buffer. Characters are removed from the I/O buffer as they are processed.Print Image BufferAll characters go through this buffer on their way to the printed page. This buffer contains the graphic image of the dots to print, from which characters are rendered. It is cleared when its contents are printed.Special NotationsThe following information defines notations included in the format definitions of the escape sequences, throughout this section.Special NotationsNotation Description(0) Used in the ASCII column of any of the Format definitions, indicates that its value can only be zero (and not the character “0”). For example: Select Top-Down Printing ESC US (0).(1) Used in the ASCII column of any of the Format definitions, indicates that its value can only be one (and not the character “1”). For example: Select Bottom-Up Printing ESC US (1).* When a number (at the end of an escape sequence) is marked with an asterisk, then either the value corresponding to that number or the value of the string character can be used for that number. For example, if 1* is shown, then either the value (1), or the value of the string character (decimal: 49, hex: 31) can be used.NUL The NUL character is represented in the Dec column as 0, in the Hex column as 00, and in the ASCII column as NUL.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 59Using Printer Control CodesThese control code definitions are organized by categories of functions. The following methods assist in locating control codes easily:•Alphabetically organized (complete list)—refer to the “Control Codes and Escape Sequences” table on page 164. Locate the index for the control code, and turn directly to that page.•Numeric order (single character codes only)—refer to the “Single Character Control Code Definitions” table on page 180. Locate the index for the control code, and turn directly to that page.•Numeric order (complete list)—refer to the “Escape Sequence Quick Reference” table on page 183 and look up control codes by their actual code values. Locate the index for the escape sequence, and turn directly to that page.BackspaceThe print buffer is emptied. The printhead is moved to the left one character space (using the current pitch). This can be performed to, but not beyond, the left margin setting. The backspace is ignored if justification of right, full, or centered is selected.The backspace control code (BS) is not reliable when text contains different character pitches. For reliable backspacing, use the escape sequence (ESC “\”), Set Relative Print Position.BeeperThe printer produces a beep lasting approximately 1/10 of a secondFormatDecimal Hex ASCII808BSFormatDecimal Hex ASCII707BEL
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions60 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualCancel LineAll of the characters currently in the print buffer are discarded. Current print position is set to left margin. Text already printed cannot be canceledCarriage ReturnRepositions the printhead at the start of the print line (usually at the left margin), and repositions the pointer to the start of the print buffer, after printing all data in the buffer. Also, all of the “one line” functions are reset, such as bold, double-strike, double-wide, or unidirectional printing.DeleteDeletes the last character in the print buffer. This functions only in left justification.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII24 18 CANFormatDecimal Hex ASCII13 0D CRNote: You can add an automatic line feed with a configuration item.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII127 7F DEL
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 61Form FeedPrints the contents of the print buffer, clears the print buffer, and advances the paper to the top of the next page (Top of Form), according to the current page length setting. The carriage position is moved to the start of the lineSelect Half-Speed PrintingTurns on half-speed mode to provide quiet printing, and more accurate print positioning during text mode printing.Cancel Half-Speed PrintingTurns off half-speed mode (factory default), and continues with normal speed printing.Set Inactivity Time for Sleep ModeSets the amount of time the printer waits before it goes into low-power mode. The factory default is 10 seconds.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII12 0C FFFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 115 1* 1B 73 01* ESC “s” 1*FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 115 0* 1B 73 00* ESC “s” 0*FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 122 n 1B 7A n ESC “z” n
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions62 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualLine FeedPerform Line FeedPrints and then clears the contents of the print buffer, resets the character count to zero; and advances the printhead to the next print line, using the current spacing. The position of the carriage is not affected and a carriage return is not executed.Perform n/216-inch Line FeedAdvances the paper to n/216 of an inch. This does not affect subsequent line feeds. Range of n is 0-255.Perform n/216-inch Reverse Line FeedReverses the line feed by n/216 of an inch. This does not affect subsequent line feeds. Range of n is 0-255.Perform Master ResetInitializes the printer and restores factory installed printer defaults, (see “Factory-Installed Printer Defaults” on page 175 for a complete list of settings that are initialized with this command).FormatDecimal Hex ASCII10 0A LFFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 74 n 1B 4A n ESC “J” nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 106 n 1B 6A n ESC “j” nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 64 1B 40 ESC “@”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 63Set Print Position (absolute)Moves the printhead to an absolute horizontal position on the paper. The distance is specified in dots from the left margin to the new print position (at which subsequent characters are printed). Each dot represents 1/60 of an inch. The values for n1 and n2 determine the distance, as follows:number of dots = n1 + (n2 * 256)Maximum position is 480. The previous contents of the current print buffer is printed.If the position specified moves the printhead outside the current margins, the command is ignored and the previous setting remains in effect. This command is also ignored in right, center, and full justification modes.Set Print Position (relative)Moves the printhead to a horizontal position on the paper, relative to the current printhead position. The distance specified is in dots. To determine n1 and n2, first calculate the displacement required in 1/120ths of an inch. If the displacement is to the left, subtract it from 65536. The values for n1 and n2 determine the distance, as follows:number of dots = n1 + (n2 * 256)Maximum displacement is ±960. If the position specified would place the printhead outside the current margins, this function is ignored and the previous setting remains in effect. This function is also ignored in right, center, and full justification modes.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 36 n1 n2 1B 24 n1 n2 ESC “$” n1 n2FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 92 n1 n2 1B 5C n1 n2 ESC “\” n1 n2
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions64 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSelect Top-Down PrintingEnables top-down printing (factory default). First page is printed first.Select Bottom-Up PrintingEnables bottom-up printing. The last page is printed first.Select Unidirectional PrintingTurns on unidirectional printing mode. Unidirectional printing moves the printhead from left-to-right only, allowing for more accurate print positioning during text mode printing.Cancel Unidirectional PrintingTurns off unidirectional printing (factory default), allowing the printhead to print in both directionsFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 31 0 1B 1F 00 ESC US (0)FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 31 1 1B 1F 01 ESC US (1)FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 85 1* 1B 55 01* ESC “U” 1*FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 85 0* 1B 55 00) ESC “U” 0*
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 65Select Unidirectional (one line) PrintingTurns on unidirectional printing for the current line only. The contents of the print buffer is printed, and cleared before setting this mode. This allows more accurate print positioning during text mode printing, for the current line.Page Formatting FunctionsThis set of functions consists of control codes that change the formatting of the page. The page length (form length) and margin settings define the printable area on the page. These settings need to conform to the actual size of the paper used in the printer. The line spacing functions set the amount of space from one line to the next, for line feeds. The factory default is 1/6 inch (6 lines per inch). The page length, vertical tab, and skip over perforation functions are also dependent on the line spacing function.Set Page Length (lines)Sets the length of the paper in lines, where the range of n (number of lines) is 1-127 (default = 66). Keep in mind the line spacing and actual length of the paper when specifying this value, since this function is dependent on those parameters. Top-of-Form is reset to the current line and the Skip Over Perforation setting is canceled.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 60 1B 3C ESC “<”FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 67 n 1B 43 n ESC “C” n
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions66 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSet Page Length (inches)Sets thee length of the paper in inches, where the range of n (number of inches) is 1-22 (default = 11). Keep in mind the line spacing and actual length of the paper when specifying this value, since this function is dependent on those parameters. Top-of-Form is reset to the current line and the Skip Over Perforation setting is canceled.Select 1/8-inch Line SpacingSets the line spacing is set to 1/8 of an inch (8 lines per inch), for subsequent lines.Select 7/72-inch Line Spacing (7 dots)Sets the line spacing to 7/72 of an inch (approximately 9.7 lines per inch), for subsequent lines.Select 1/6-inch Line SpacingSets the line spacing to 1/6 of an inch (6 lines per inch), for subsequent lines (factory default). 1/6 inch is equal to 12 dot spacing.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 67 0 n 1B 43 00 n ESC “C” NUL nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 48 1B 30 ESC “0”FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 49 1B 31 ESC “1”FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 50 1B 32 ESC “2”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 67Select n/216-inch Line SpacingSets the line spacing to n/216 of an inch, for subsequent lines. A spacing of 1/216 inch is 1/3 the distance between pins of the printhead (approximately 1/3 of a dot) and 27/216 is 8 lines per inch. Range of n is 0-255.Select n/72-inch Line Spacing (n dots)Sets the line spacing to n/72 of an inch, for subsequent lines. A spacing of 1/72 inch (1 point in font size) is the distance between pins on the printhead (approximately 1 dot) and 9/72 is 8 lines per inch. Range of n is 0-85.Set Right MarginClears all text in the print buffer and sets the right margin to n columns, using the current character pitch. This is the number of the characters from column 1 (at the left edge of the paper) to the last column before the right margin (factory default = 80).Minimum space between margins is the width of one double-width pica character. Maximum value for this is the maximum number of characters (based on the current pitch) that would fit between the left margin and the right edge of the default printable area of the page. Ranges shown below could vary, depending on values of other parameters that affect character width. If the value specified is not within the allowed range, it is ignored.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 51 n 1B 33 n ESC “33” nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 59 n 1B 41 n ESC “A” n
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions68 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualRange of n is 2-80 in Pica mode, 2-96 in Elite mode, and 2-136 in Compressed mode.Set Left MarginClears the print buffer text and sets the left margin, relative to the number of columns to the left of the first column to print (factory default = 0).Minimum space between margins is the width of one double-width pica character. Maximum value must be less than the right margin. Ranges shown below could vary, pending on other parameter values that affect character width. If the specified value is not within the range, it is ignored.Range of n is 0-78 in Pica mode; 0-93 in Elite mode, and 0-133 in Compressed mode.Set Skip Over PerforationDefines the number of lines to skip between the last printed line on the page and the first printed line on the next page is set. If the value specified for this function is greater than the page length, it is ignored. This function is canceled by using one of the Set Page Length functions (factory default = disabled). This function is valid for continuous paper only. The amount of space left blank at the bottom of the printed page is dependent upon the current Line Spacing.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 81 n 1B 51 n ESC “Q” nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 108 n 1B 6C n ESC “l” nFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 78 n 1B 4E n ESC “N” n
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 69Cancel Skip Over PerforationCancels the skip over perforation, which allows the maximum number of lines to print on each page.Character Style and Text Mode FunctionsThe following set of functions affect the appearance of text on the printed page. This could involve size, typeface, or other characteristics of the text.Select Condensed Mode (compressed)Selects condensed mode which prints characters at approximately 60% of the normal width. This results in character pitches, as shown below (for exact pitch values, see “Master Select” on page 74).This function empties the print buffer and turns compressed mode on, and stays on until canceled by Cancel Compressed Mode, ESC SI or DC2 (factory default = disabled).FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 79 1B 4F ESC “O”Character PitchesCondensed Mode Condensed + Expanded Condensed + Elite17 cpi (approximate) 9 cpi (approximate) 20 cpi (approximate)Note: This function is not supported in Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS).FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 15 1B 0F ESC SI15 0F SI
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions70 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualCancel Condensed ModeCancels the compressed mode, enabled by Select Compressed Mode, SI or ESC SI (1). Select Double-Strike ModeEnables double-strike printing, until Cancel Double-Strike Mode is encountered. Factory default disables double-strike. Text is made bolder by printing each dot twice, with the second dot slightly below the first dot. This mode is not available in NLQ, but is not canceled when you select NLQ.Cancel Double-Strike ModeCancels Double-Strike Mode.Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 18 1B 12 DC218 12 DC2Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 71 1B 47 ESC “G”Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 72 1B 48 ESC “H”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 71Select Double-Wide Mode Enables expanded print for the current line only. The mode set previously returns on subsequent lines. However, expanded print can be canceled with Cancel Expanded Print, DC4 or ESC “W” (0), before end of current line, or wrapping of the print buffer. This works with all three pitches (Pica, Elite, Compressed).This mode is also terminated by the execution of a Carriage Return, Line Feed, Form Feed, Vertical Tab or wrapping of the print buffer. Cancel Double-Wide Print Cancels expanded print for the current line only. Modes set previously return on subsequent lines. However, it does not cancel expanded mode set by Select Double-Wide (expanded) Mode, ESC “W” (1) or Master Select, ESC “!”.Select Double-Wide ModeEnables expanded print until Cancel Expanded Print is encountered. Factory default disables double-wide mode.Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 14 1B 0E ESC SO14 0E SONote: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 20 1B 14 DC420 14 DC4Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions72 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualCancel Double-Wide ModeCancels Double-Wide Print mode.Select Elite PitchA character pitch of 12 cpi (characters per inch) is selected. This also cancels Pica Pitch (factory default = Pica).Select Emphasized Print ModeEnables Emphasized Print mode until Cancel Emphasized Mode is encountered. The text is made bolder by printing each dot twice, with the second dot slightly to the right of the first dot. Factory default disables Emphasized mode.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 87 1* 1B 57 01* ESC “W” 1*Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 87 0* 1B 57 00* ESC “W” 0Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 77 1B 4D ESC “M”Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 73Cancel Emphasized Print ModeCancels Emphasized Pring mode.Defining Intercharacter SpaceDefines the amount of space to the right of each character, in addition to the space allowed in the character design. The variable n represents the number of units of space, with each unit equal to 1/120 of an inch. Range of values for n is 0-63 with a factory default of 0.Select Italic ModeThe text (nongraphic) characters are italicized. Factory default disables Italic mode.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 69 1B 4B ESC “E”Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 70 1B 46 ESC “F”FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 32 n 1B 20 n ESC SP nNote: This function does not work well with DBCS or alternate Single Byte Character Sets (SBCS).FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 52 1B 34 ESC “4”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions74 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualCancel Italic ModeCancels the Italic mode.Master SelectAllows you to specify a combination of print modes. The variable n is determined by combining values for the desired modes, by adding them together.Valid combinations of the values in the following table include any combinations except that Pica cannot combine with Elite.Example Pica Compressed Italic Underlined, by adding values (00h + 04h + 40h + 80h), which results in C4h for the value of n.Note: This function does not work well with DBCS or alternate Single Byte Character Sets (SBCS).FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 53 1B 35 ESC “5”Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 33 n 1B 21 n ESC “!” nMaster Select Values Hex Value Mode00h Pica01h Elite04h Condensed (compressed)08h Emphasized10h Double-Strike20h Double-Width (expanded)
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 75The following print conflicts occur between modes. A mode in any column takes precedence over all modes in the columns to its right.The following print modes can be combined producing different pitches:Select Pica PitchSelecta a character pitch of 10 cpi (characters per inch) (factory default). This also cancels Elite pitch.40h Italic80h UnderlinedMaster Select Values  (continued)Hex Value ModePrint Conflicts1 2 3Elite Emphasized CompressedPrint ModesPitch Mode5 cpi Expanded6 cpi Expanded Elite8.58 cpi Expanded Compressed10 cpi Pica12 cpi Elite17.16 cpi CompressedNote: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 60 1B 50 ESC “P”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions76 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSelect Superscript ModePrints all subsequent characters in approximately 2/3 the normal height in the upper part of the character space, until Cancel Subscript/Superscript is encountered. Select Subscript ModePrints all subsequent characters in approximately 2/3 the normal height in the lower part of the character space, until Cancel Subscript/Superscript is encountered.Cancel Subscript/Superscript ModeCancels the effects produced by Select Superscript Mode and Select Subscript Mode. Factory default also disables both of these modes.Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 83 0* 1B 53 00* ESC “S” 0*Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 83 1* 1B 53 01* ESC “S” 1*Note: This function is not supported in DBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 84 1B 54 ESC “T”
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 77Select Underline ModeEnables the underlining of all subsequent characters (including spaces) until the Cancel Underline mode function is encountered.Cancel Underline ModeCancels the effect of the Select Underline mode. Factory default also disables the Underline mode.Tabs and Tab Setting FunctionsThere are control codes for setting horizontal and vertical tabs.Horizontal tabs: •Are not affected by subsequent changes in pitch.•May range up to maximum width for character and printer size.•All previous tab stops are cleared when new tab stops are set. If the left margin is changed after the horizontal tabs are set, tab stops are cleared.•Become absolute positions and are not affected by any subsequent change in character size.•Set outside of the printable area are ignored.Vertical tabs: •Tab positions are line numbers, counting from the Top of Form.•All tabs set beyond the page length are stored, but are not used.•Any tab set within the SOP range (Skip Over Perforation), during the time SOP is active, are stored but not used until SOP is canceled.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 45 1* 1B 2D 01* ESC “–” 1*FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 45 0* 1B 2D 00* ESC “–” 0*
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions78 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual•If a vertical tab, and the next tab stop is outside the printable page area, a form feed is executed placing the printhead at the next Top of Form. •Previous tab stops are cleared when new tab stops are set. •Are not affected by subsequent changes in line spacing.Perform Horizontal TabMoves the print position to the next horizontal tab stop. The tab positions, set by ESC “D”, the Set Horizontal Tabs function, are not affected by any changes in character pitch.The factory default tab settings are at intervals of eight characters, in the currently selected pitch. For the default tabs, the actual distance to each tab position is affected by changes in character pitch.Set Horizontal TabsResets the current horizontal tabs, and new horizontal tabs are set up, based on the current character width (pitch).n1 is the first tab (range for tab stops: 1-160), n2 is the second tab (all tabs in ascending order), ... are subsequent tabs (maximum tabs: 32), nk is the last tab to set (any value less than the previous tab value acts as a terminating character), NUL is the terminating character.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII909HTFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 68 n1 n2 ..nk 0 1B 44 n1 n2 .. nk 00 ESC “D” n1 n2 .. nk NUL
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 79Clear Horizontal TabsClears all horizontal tab stops. It is merely a variant behavior of the Set Horizontal Tabs function, where the NUL acts as an early terminating character, as existing tabs normally clear before setting any new tabs.Perform Vertical TabPrints the contents of the current print buffer, and then moves the print position to the next vertical tab stop. If no channel is selected, then channel 0 is used. The carriage position is changed to the start of the next print line. If the vertical tab is performed beyond the last tab position set or beyond the last line of a form, then a form feed is performed. If no vertical tabs are defined, then the paper advances one line, using the currently selected line spacing, without changing the carriage position.Set Vertical TabsResets the current tabs, and vertical tabs are set up, based on the current line spacing. Tab settings are not affected by subsequent changes in line spacing.n1 is the first tab (range of values for tab stops: 1-255), n2 is the second tab (all tabs must be in ascending order), ... are subsequent tabs (maximum number of tabs: 16), nk is the last tab to set (any value less than the previous tab value acts as a terminating character), NUL is the terminating character. All tab settings with this function are stored in channel 0.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 68 0 1B 44 00 ESC “D” NULFormatDecimal Hex ASCII11 0B VTFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 66 n1 n2 .. nk 0 1B 42 n1 n2 .. nk 00 ESC “B” n1 n2 .. nk NUL
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions80 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualClear Vertical TabsClears all vertical tab stops . This is a variant behavior of the Set Vertical Tabs function, where the NUL acts as an early terminating character.Set Vertical Tabs in ChannelThis function works the same as the Set Vertical Tabs function, except that it stores the tabs into a specified channel, as specified by the variable c. This channel is selected for use by the Select Vertical Tab Channel function.c is the channel number (range: 0-7), n1 is the first tab (range of values for tab stops: 1-255), n2 is the second tab (all tabs must be in ascending order), ... are subsequent tabs (maximum number of tabs: 16), nk is the last tab to set (any value less than the previous tab value acts as a terminating character), and NUL is the terminating character.Clear Vertical Tabs in ChannelClears all vertical tab stops in the specified channel. This is merely a variant behavior of the Set Vertical Tabs in Channel function, where the NUL acts as an early terminating character, since this function normally clears the existing tabs before setting any new tabs.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 66 0 1B 42 00 ESC “B” NULFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 98 c n1 n2 .. nk 0 1B 62 c n1 n2 .. nk 00 ESC “b” c n1 n2 .. nk NULFormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 98 c 0 1B 62 c 00 ESC “b” c NUL
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 81Select Vertical Tab ChannelSelects a specified vertical tab channel. It sets up the current tabs from that channel. Once this function is performed, all subsequent Perform Vertical Tab commands use the tab stops from the list retrieved from the specified channel. At power on, the printer uses the tabs stored in channel 0.c is the channel number (range: 0-7).Using Character Sets and User-Defined FunctionsYou can install different character sets on the printer. In some cases more than one character set may be present at one time, depending on the amount of available font memory. The 6822 reserves 438K of memory for installing fonts in flash memory. You can install fonts using NPCP or the Printer Configuration Utility.Single-Byte Character SetsSingle-byte character sets (SBCS) are supported for MS-DOS, PL/N, and Intermec application compatibility. Nft00000.mod is the default character set (font) for compatibility with the 6822 80-Column Printer. Nft00437.mod is the IBM/Microsoft compatible character set for code page 437.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 47 c 1B 2F c ESC “/” c
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions82 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualDouble-Byte Character SetsDouble-byte character (DBCS) sets require two bytes to send to the printer to define the character to print. The first byte of the character code sent to the printer is known as a lead-in byte. The second byte of the character code is known as the trailing byte. Different character sets have different requirements for the values of both lead-in and trailing byte. When the lead-in byte does not fall in the range listed for the character set, a character from a SBCS may print. The following double-byte character sets are supported by the 6822.Multi-Byte Character SetsDouble-byte character sets and single-byte character sets can mix when printing a report. This mixture is referred to as a Multi-Byte Character Set (MBCS). When a DBCS is selected, the characters from the SBCS code page currently selected are used for rendering character codes and control codes from 0 to 127. Codes above 127 (that fall within the range of lead-in bytes for the selected character set) treat the byte that follows as a trailing byte for that character set. Otherwise, for character codes above 128, the character code from the selected SBCS is printed. NFT00950.MOD (BIG 5 DBCS) does not allow the MBCS mode. For this character set, only control codes from 0-31 are treated as single byte characters when they are not proceeded by a lead-in byte. All escape sequence character strings are treated as SBCS.Double Byte Character SetsFont ModuleCode Page DBCS Languages Lead-in Byte Trailing Bytenft00936.mod 936 GB 2312 Chinese (simplified) A1h–ABhB0h–F7h A1h–FEhnft00950.mod 950 big 5 Traditional Chinese A1h–C6hC9h–F9h 40h–FEh (except 7Fh)nft00932.mod 932 Shift JIS Japanese 81h–9FhE0h–FCh 40h–FCh (except 7Fh)nft00949.mod 949 KSC 5601 Korean A1h–AChB0h–C8hCAh–FDhA1h–FEh
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 83Select National Character SetBy default, code page 0 is selected by the printer at reset. Use the following escape sequence to select international character support. Escape sequence codes can only be used for code page 0. All other code pages use direct character code mapping to select the appropriate font for rendering.n is 0-14 and is the country code, as shown in the International Character Sets table on the next page. The default value for n is zero (USA).A full 256 character set is not provided for these sets. There are 64 international characters stored in ROM, 32 in Roman and 32 in Italic. They are stored as codes 0-31 and 128-255. These are normally not accessible. The ESC “R” command makes these codes available, but only 12 characters at a time. These 12 are available in these positions of the ASCII character table: 35, 36, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 123, 124, 125, and 126, as shown in the International Character Sets table.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 82 n 1B 52 n ESC “R” nInternational Character Sets Country Country Number 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126USA 0 # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ‘ { | } ~France 1 # $ à º ç § ^ ‘ é ù è ¨Germany 2 #$§ÄÖÜ^‘ ä ö übEngland (UK) 3 £ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ‘ { | } ~Denmark 1 4 # $ @ Æ Ø Å ^ ‘ æ ø å ~Sweden 5 # ¤ É Ä Ö Å Ü é ä Ö å üItaly 6 # $ @ º \ é ^ ù à è ìSpain 1 7 P $ @ ¡ Ñ ¿ ^ ‘ ¨ ñ } ~Japan 8 # $ @ [ ¥ ] ^ ‘ { | } ~Norway 9 # ¤ É Æ Ø Å Ü é æ ø å üDenmark 2 10 # $ É Æ Ø Å Ü é æ ø å üSpain 2 11 # $ á ¡ Ñ ¿ é ‘ í ñ ó úLatin America 12 # $ á ¡ Ñ ¿ é ü í ñ ó ú
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions84 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualHebrew Character FontsHebrew characters represented by decimal values 38 and 65 through 90 are represented by the following 7x7 font descriptions.*.*.*.. ....*.* *.*.*.* *.*.*.* ....*.* *.*.*.* *.*.*.* *..*.*.....*.. ......* .....*. .....*. ......* ...*... .*...*. *..*..*....*.. ....*.* .....*. *....*. ......* ...*... *....*. *..*..*....*.. ...*..* .....*. *....*. ......* ...*... *....*. *.....**.*.*.* ..*...* .....*. *....*. ......* ...*... *....*. *....*........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... *.*.*......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... *...... ....... ....... ....... ...........*.* ..*.*.* *.*.*.. *.*.*.* *.*.*.* *..*... ....*.* ....*.*......* ......* ......* ......* *.....* .*.*.*. ......* ......*......* ......* ......* .....*. *.....* ..*...* ......* ......*....... ......* ......* ....*.. *.....* .*....* ......* ......*....... ......* *.*.*.. .*.*... *.*.*.* *...*.* ......* ..*.*.*....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......*.*.*.* *.....* *.*.*.* *.*.*.. *....*. *.....* *.*.*.* *.*.*.*..*...* *.....* *.....* *.....* .*..*.. .*...*. ......* ......*.*....* .*...*. *.*...* *.*...* ..*.*.. ...*... .*....* ......**....*. ..*.*.. ......* ......* ......* .....*. *.*.*.* ......**.*.*.. *.*.*.* ......* *.*.*.. ......* *.*.*.* *...... ......*....... ....... ......* ....... ......* ....... *...... .............. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......Hebrew 13 Hebrew fonts are available in the supplied font files. See “Hebrew Character Fonts” below.Greek 14 Greek fonts are available in the supplied font files. See the “Greek Character Sets” on page 85.International Character Sets  (continued)Country Country Number 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 12665  66  67  68  69  70  71  7273  74  75  76  77  78  79  8081  82  83  84  85  86  87  88
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 85.....*. ....... .......*..*..* ..*.*.* *.....**..*..* ..*...* .*....**..*..* ..*...* .*.*.*.*.*..*. ..*...* *....*.*...*.. *.*...* *.....*....... ....... .............. ....... .......The selected set stays in effect until the printer is reset and receives a Master Reset command, or a new international character set is selected.User Defined CharactersThis code addresses user-defined characters and selection into memory.89  90  91Greek Character SetsDec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr97 61 A 105 69 I 113 71 P98 62 B 106 6a K114 72 S99 63 G 107 6b L 115 73 T100 64 D 108 6c M116 74 Y101 65 E 109 6d N 117 75 F102 66 Z 110 6e X118 76 X103 67 H 111 6f O 119 77 Y104 68 q 112 70 P120 78 WNote: This function is only used with the default character set.Note: RAM-based definition or redefinition of standard characters is only useful when the default SBCS code page is selected. There is no method to redefine characters in the other code pages, since unique code pages can be created and loaded into the printer memory.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions86 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualCopy ROM to RAMThe characters in ROM are copied into RAM, so a complete user-defined character set is created by editing selected characters. This ensures that all characters are defined when a user-defined character set is selected. This eliminates the need to cancel the selection when printing defined characters.Define User-Defined CharactersCharacters are redefined by the user in the currently selected mode. However, they can only be used in draft mode.k1 is the character code of the first character to redefine, k2 is the character code of the last character to redefine (any character between 0-255 can be redefined), and (k1 could equal k2, if only one character is defined).For each character defined, you must supply 12 bytes of data.•s1 is the first byte that describes the character format•Bits 0-3 represent the end position in the grid•Bits 4-6 represent the start position in the grid•Bit 7 determines whether the character uses the top eight pins or the bottom eight pins of the printhead. If bit 7 = 0, the top eight pins are Note: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 58 0 0 0 1B 3A 00 00 00 ESC “.” NUL NUL NULNote: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 38 0 k1 k2 s1 d1 ... d11 1B 26 00 k1 k2 s1 d1 ... d11 ESC “&” k1 k2 s1 d1.....d11
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 87used. If bit 7 = 1, the bottom eight pins are used. The start and end positions are ignored during character imaging, but must be accurate to redefine the character code. d1...d11 is the data that comprises the dot image pattern of the defined character.When printable code expansion is enabled with ESC I, the Printable Code Area Expansion function, and the user-defined character set is selected with ESC “%” (1), the Select User-Defined Set function, then the codes (less than 20h and greater than 7Fh) can be defined for use and are printable.When printable code expansion is enabled with the Enable Printing of Codes 128-159 function, and the user-defined character set is selected with the Select User-Defined Set function, then codes (between 80h and 9Fh) can be defined for use and are printable.For a list of these characters, refer to the “Printable Code Expansion Characters” on page 89Select User-Defined Character SetA user-defined character set can be selected, after the Define User-Defined Characters function is used to define the character set.Select Default Character SetIf the Select User-Defined Set function was previously set, this function switches back to the default character set.Note: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 37 1 1B 25 01 ESC “%” (1)Note: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 37 0 1B 25 00 ESC “%” (0)
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions88 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualEnable Printing of Codes 128-159All codes (128-159) are treated as printable characters, rather than control codes, with this function. This allows the use of these characters for user-defined characters. A user-defined set must be selected, using the Select User-Defined Set function, before these characters can print. Factory default disables printing of these codes..Disable Printing of Codes 128-159Disables the printing of codes 128-159. By default, these codes are disabled.Expand Printable Code AreaThis function allows certain ASCII codes (00h to 1Fh) and codes (80h to 9Fh) to print when the variable n is set to the value of 1. This allows the use of these codes for user-defined characters. If n = 0, the function returns these two ranges of characters to non-printable control codes. A user-defined character set must be selected by ESC “%” (1), the Enable Printing of Codes 128-159 function, before these codes can print. In both ranges, only the following codes can redefine as printable characters. Codes not listed, within the range (00h-1Fh), print as standard control codes. Codes not listed, within the range (80h-9Fh), are converted to a control code in the range of (00h-1Fh), by subtraction of 80h.Note: This function can only be used when the default SBCS is selected.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 54 1B 36 ESC “6”FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 55 1B 37 ESC “7”Note: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 89Enable Printing of Character GraphicsEnables the printing of character graphics, until disabled with the Disable Printing of Character Graphics function.For character values from 0 to 31 (00h-1Fh):•When the default SBCS code page is selected, the FX-86e IBM character graphics symbol set is printed.•When other SBCS code pages are selected, the codes (00h-1Fh), listed above in the Printable Code Expansion Characters table are printed.For character values from 32 to 126 (20h-7Eh):FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 73 n 1B 49 n ESC “I” nPrintable Code Expansion Characters Hex ASCII Hex ASCII Hex ASCII Hex ASCII00 NUL 11 DC1 80 none 91 none01 SOH 15 NAK 81 none 95 none02 STX 16 SYN 82 none 96 none03 ETX 17 ETB 83 none 97 none04 EOT 1C FS 84 none 9C none05 ENQ 1D GS 85 none 9D none06 ACK 1E RS 86 none 9E none10 DLE 1F US 90 none 9F noneNote: This function is only useful with the default SBCS.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 116 1 1B 74 01 ESC “t” (1)
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions90 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual•When the default SBCS code page is selected, the selected international character set is printed.•When other SBCS code pages are selected, the international character set selection is not in effect.For the character value 127 (7Fh):•When the default SBCS code page is selected, a space is printed •When other SBCS code pages are selected, the character associated with the code page is printed.For character values from 128 to 255 (80h-FFh), the FX-86e Epson Character Graphics set is printed.Disable Printing of Character GraphicsDisables the printing of character graphics. Factory default disables this function.Printing Character GraphicsThis function allows printing of character graphics from the currently selected SBCS code page, by sending a graphics string to the printer. The values of the graphics data bytes can range between 0-255.n is the length of the character graphic string and d1 ... dn are the character graphics data stream.The number of data bytes must be equal to the value of the variable n. The range of values (for the characters in each graphics data byte):  0-255.For character values from 0 to 31 (00h-1Fh):FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 116 0 1B 74 00 ESC “t” (0)FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 43 n d1 ... dn 1B 2B n d1 ... dn ESC “+” n d1 ... dn
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 91•When the default SBCS code page is selected, the FX-86e IBM character graphics symbol set is printed.•When other SBCS code pages are selected, currently selected single byte code page character graphics are printed.For character values from 32 to 126 (20h-7Eh):•When the default SBCS code page is selected, the selected international character set is printed.•When other SBCS code pages are selected, the character from the currently selected code page are printed.For the character value 127 (7Fh):•When the default SBCS code page is selected, a space is printed •When other SBCS code pages are selected, the character graphics symbol is printed.For character values from 128 to 255 (80h-FFh):•When the default SBCS code page is selected, the FX-86e Epson Character Graphics set is printed.•When other SBCS code pages are selected, the corresponding character is printed.Graphics FunctionsEight-Pin Graphics ModesAll 8-pin graphics functions require parameters, n1 and n2, which represent the length of the graphics string that follows the Select Graphics Mode command, and are calculated as follows (assuming a temporary variable n):•n   = total number of graphics dots needed for the graphic string•n2 = integer of (n divided by 256)•n1 = remainder of the n2 calculationThe simplest calculation, is to divide n (total number of dots needed for the graphics string) by 256. Then n2 is the quotient (the whole number) and n1 is the remainder. If you require less than 256 dots (columns), then n1 indicates the number of dots and n2 is set to zero.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions92 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSelect Graphics ModeEnables the Graphics moderepresented by the variable m in the Graphic Modes table. The total number of dot columns to print is represented by n1 and n2. Any graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.Reassign Graphics ModeChanges Graphic modes.s is one of the K, I, Y, or Z characters and n is one of the 0-7 modes as shown in Graphic Modes table.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 42 m n1 n2 1B 2A m n1 n2 ESC “*” m n1 n2FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 63 s n 1B 3F s n ESC “?” s nGraphic ModesMode mDots per Inch / Dots per 8 in LineSingle-density 0 60 dots per inch, 480 dots per 8 in lineLow Speed Double–density 1120 dots per inch, 960 dots per 8 in line*High Speed Double-density  2 120 dots per inch, 920 dots per 8 in line*Low-Speed Quadruple-density 3240 dots per inch, 1920 dots per 8 in lineCRT I 4 60 dots per inch, 480 dots per 8 in lineSingle–Density Plotter 572 dots per inch, 576 dots per 8 in lineCRT II 6 90 dots per inch, 720 dots per 8 in line*Double-Density Plotter 7144 dots per inch, 1152 dots per 8 in line*Adjacent dots in a given row cannot be printed in these modes.
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 93Select Single Density Graphics ModeThis is a simple method of printing graphics. The resolution is 60 dots per inch. Each 8 in line can accommodate 480 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded. Calculating the parameters, n1 and n2, is described on page 94.Select Low-Speed Double Density Graphics ModeIf Single Density graphics does not produce high enough density, try this mode. The number of dots per inch is doubled. However, the speed is reduced to half of what it would be with single density. Calculating the parameters, n1 and n2, is described on page 94.This is 8-pin single density graphics. The resolution is now 120 dots per inch. Each 8-inch line can accommodate 960 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.Select High-Speed Double Density Graphics ModeThis 8-pin graphics mode produces the same density as the Low-Speed Double Density mode, however, the speed is doubled. Calculating the parameters, n1 and n2, is described on page 94.The resolution is still 120 dots per inch. Each 8-in line can accommodate 960 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded. Make sure adjacent dots in a given dot row are not printed.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 75 n1 n2 1B 4B n1 n2 ESC “K” n1 n2FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 76 n1 n2 1B 4C n1 n2 ESC “L” n1 n2FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 89 n1 n2 1B 59 n1 n2 ESC “Y” n1 n2
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions94 6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s ManualSelect Low-Speed Quadruple Density Graphics ModeWith this 8-pin graphics mode, the number of dots per inch has gone up to 4x what it was in single density. Calculating the parameters, n1 and n2, is described on page 94.The resolution is now 240 dots per inch. Each 8-in line can accommodate 1920 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded. Make sure adjacent dots in a given dot row are not printed.Nine-Pin Graphics ModesThese 9-pin graphics functions also require two parameters, n1 and n2. However, they are calculated slightly different than in the 8-pin graphics modes. Since two data bytes represent each dot column to print, first divide the total length of the graphic string (following the Select ... Graphics Mode command) by two. These parameters are calculated as follows (assuming a temporary variable n):•n   = total number of dots needed, divided by 2•n2 = integer of (n divided by 256)•n1 = remainder of the n2 calculationFirst, divide n (the total number of dots needed for the graphics string) by 2, then divide the result by 256. Then n2 is the quotient (the whole number) and n1 is the remainder. If you require less than 256 dots (columns), then n1 indicates the number of dots and n2 is set to zero.Select 9-Pin Single Density Graphics ModeEnables Single Density 9-pin Graphics mode. Calculating the parameters, n1 and n2, is described previously under Nine-Pin Graphics Modes.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 90 n1 n2 1B 5A n1 n2 ESC “Z” n1 n2FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 94 0 n1 n2 1B 5E 00 n1 n2 ESC “^” (0) n1 n2
Chapter 5 — Control Code Definitions6822 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual 95The resolution is 60 dots per inch. Each 8-in line can accommodate 480 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.Select 9-Pin Double Density Graphics ModeEnables Double Density, 9-pin graphics Mode. The parameters, n1 and n2, is described previously under Nine-Pin Graphics ModesThe resolution is now 120 dots per inch. Each 8-in line can accommodate 960 columns of graphic dots. A graphic string that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.FormatDecimal Hex ASCII27 94 1 n1 n2 1B 5E 01 n1 n2 ESC “^” (1) n1 n2

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