IntelliDOT IDOT-001 802.11b radio User Manual

IntelliDOT 802.11b radio

Users manual part 4 of 4

P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-31Case 3 - Prepared Item with multiple medications that is printed on the Prospective MARThis case describes the handling of a prepared item that is printed on the Prospective MAR. An iDOT will appear on the MAR to the left of the item. To prepare this dose:1. Scan iDOT next to the medication order to be prepared on the Prospective MAR. In this example, the order is comprised of two medications <med name one> and <med name two>. The following screen will appear showing how many components are expected for scanning.2. Scan the med bar codes for each of the ordered meds being prepared.3. Verify that the correct medication is displayed, then press OK. If the medication does not require entry of the dose amount, proceed to step 6. If entry of the dose amount is required, the following screen will appear:4. Enter the dose amount for this ingredient using the numbered iDOTs on the Medication Administration DOT sheet. The screen will display your entry5. If you entered the incorrect dose, scan the Back iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet to back up one space. Scan the # iDOT clear the previous entry and reenter the correct amount.6. Press the OK button to accept the entry. The following screen will appear:Med Preparation<0 of 2 Meds Scanned>Scan MedEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti -Dose Vial<?>Enter DoseEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti -Dose Vial10 MLAccept OK or Enter DoseEDiConnect Handheld screen
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-32 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide7. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet.8. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each medication ingredient.9. When the process is completed for all ingredient medications, scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet to complete the preparation. The following screen will appear which the iConnect Handheld sends information to the database.10. When the following screen appears, the preparation process is complete.11. Your preparation is complete. The medication may be taken to the patient for administration.Med Preparation<1 of 2 Meds Scanned>Scan Med or New Order Prep DOTEDiConnect Handheld screenSending Data Please WaitEDiConnect Handheld screen7/09/04 16:36User: Joe SmithScan Patient or Command DotEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-33Case 4 - Administering Medications for Cases 1-31. Scan the patient wristband.2. Scan the appropriate order iDOT on the Prospective MAR. The following screen will appear: 3. If a clinical prompt appears (i.e., Check Blood Sugar Level), scan the appropriate Number iDOTs.4. Press OK to confirm. The following screen will appear:5. To complete the transaction, scan your badge.Med Preparation<0 of 1 Med Scanned>Scan MedEDiConnect Handheld screenCheck Blood Sugar LevelLast: <none>Scan # DOTsEDiConnect Handheld screenAdmin Complete Dose: 1 UnitHuman insulin-R U100 Units/100Units(Insulin Human Regular) 1 UnitConfirm OKEDiConnect Handheld screenWork Recorded1 Med GivenPush OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-34 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide6. When the following screen appears, the administration process is complete.7/09/04 16:36User: Joe SmithScan Patient or Command DotEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-35Case 5 - Prepared Item that is NOT yet printed on the Prospective MARThis procedure describes the process of preparing a medication in advance, away from the bedside for medication orders, which are not yet computer entered by the pharmacy (e.g., new or stat medication orders). To prepare this dose:1. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet.The following screen will appear:SitesL. UPPER ARM R. LOWER ABD. L. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH L. DELTIOD MUSCLE L. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLEL. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE R. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH R. UPPER ARM L. LOWER ABD. R. DELTOID MUSCLER. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLE L. UPPER ABD. R. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE INTRAVENOUSOverride ReasonsPatient Preference Pt. Declined Pt. Sleeping Pt. Off Unit Pt. TransferredPt. Discharged IV Discontinued IV Infiltrated IV Patency C/O PainIncreased Pain C/O Nausea Increased Nausea Within Normal Limits VS WarrantedMed. Missing Tx. In Progress Hold Medication NPO Per ProtocolNew Order New Schedule New Route Standing Order Stat OrderRX Change Discontinued Abnormal Limits Contraindicated IncompatabilityDialysis In Progress Pending Lab Specimen CollectionNeeded S/W Bugkeypad1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 /0 # Cancel decimal backExtra DotsCancel All Continue Omit Logout New Order PrepCover Patients Previous Next Enter Later Extra DoseDelay DoseMedication Administration Dot SheetNew Order Prep<No Patient DOT Scanned>Scan Patient DOT screeniConnect Handheld screenED
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-36 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide2. Scan the patient iDOT on the Prospective MAR.The following screen will appear:000857:ATORVASTATIN 20 MG TAB (40MG)(LIPITOR)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 40 MG PO DAILY AT BEDTIME10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping 21:00000863:IRBESARTAN 150 MG TAB (300MG)(AVAPRO)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 300 MG PO EVERY MORNING09:00000864:DILTIAZEM HCL 180 MG CAPCR (180)(CARDIZEM CD)IN: DILTIAZEM HCL 120 MG CAPCR(120)(CARDIZEM CD)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 300 PO EVERY MORNING10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000865:METFORMIN HCL 500 MG TAB (1000MG)(GLUCOPHAGE)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 1000 MG PO WITH BREAKFAST10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000866:METFORMIN HCL 500 MG TAB (500MG)(GLUCOPHAGE)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 500 MG PO 12,1712:00 17:00000868:MAGNESIUM OXIDE 400 MG TAB(400MG)(MAG-OX 400)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 400 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000869:CLOPIDOGREL BISULFATE 75 MG TAB(75MG)(PLAVIX)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 75 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000870:METOPROLOL SUCCINATE 50 MGTABCR (100MG)(TOPROL XL)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 100 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping900862:CEFTRIAXONE SOD 1 GM INJ (1)(ROCEPHIN)IN: SODIUM CL 50 ML BAG (50)(SODIUM CHLORIDE)Start07/2014:00StopDOSE: 0 IV GIVE EVERY 12 HOURS02:00 10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping14:00Prospective MAR (by User)7/23/04 NAME: QA, 006TIME PRINTED: 07/23/2004 15:39 Admit: 7/12/04DIAGNOSIS:NOTES:ALLERGIES: NKA23:00-07:00 07:00-15:00 15:00-23:00Nurse SignaturesSignature 23:00-07:00 Initial___Signature 07:00-15:00 InitialSB1 = BROADBENT1,SARAH__Signature 15:00-23:00 Initial___QA, 006Gender: MDOB: 8/21/20 MRN: M90000006Visit: V000006Acct: DR: JENKINS, WOODY G.Room: 312 1Stillwater Medical Center1323 West 6th Box 2408Stillwater, OK 74074Printed By: User, Admin Page 1 of 3 Printed At: 07/23/2004 15:39Patient iDOTNew Order PrepJohn SmithScan Patient DOT or OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-373. Verify that the correct patient name is displayed. If it is not the intended patient, scan the correct patient's iDOT on the Prospective MAR. When the correct patient's name is displayed, press OK. The following screen will appear:4. Scan the medication bar code. If the medication does not require entry of the dose amount, proceed to step 8. If entry of the dose amount is required, the following screen will appear:5. Press the OK button to confirm. The following screen will appear.:6. Enter the dose amount for the medication using the numbered iDOTs on the Medication Administration DOT sheet. The screen will display your entry.7. Verify that you have entered the correct dose amount. If necessary, use the Backspace iDOT to remove your entry and reenter the dose amount.Med Preparation<0 Meds Scanned>Scan MedEDiConnect Handheld screenMed PreparationNormal Saline 100 ML(100 ML Vial)Scan Med or OKEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti -Dose Vial<?> MLEnter DoseEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti-Dose Vial10 MLAccept OK or Enter DoseEDiConnect Handheld screen
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-38 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide8. Press OK button to accept the entry. The following screen will appear:9. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet to indicate that the last ingredient has been scanned.Med Preparation<1 Med Scanned>Scan Med or New Order Prep DOTEDiConnect Handheld screenSitesL. UPPER ARM R. LOWER ABD. L. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH L. DELTIOD MUSCLE L. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLEL. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE R. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH R. UPPER ARM L. LOWER ABD. R. DELTOID MUSCLER. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLE L. UPPER ABD. R. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE INTRAVENOUSOverride ReasonsPatient Preference Pt. Declined Pt. Sleeping Pt. Off Unit Pt. TransferredPt. Discharged IV Discontinued IV Infiltrated IV Patency C/O PainIncreased Pain C/O Nausea Increased Nausea Within Normal Limits VS WarrantedMed. Missing Tx. In Progress Hold Medication NPO Per ProtocolNew Order New Schedule New Route Standing Order Stat OrderRX Change Discontinued Abnormal Limits Contraindicated IncompatabilityDialysis In Progress Pending Lab Specimen CollectionNeeded S/W Bugkeypad1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 /0 # Cancel decimal backExtra DotsCancel All Continue Omit Logout New Order PrepCover Patients Previous Next Enter Later Extra DoseDelay DoseMedication Administration Dot SheetPrinted By: User, Admin Page 1 of 1 Printed At: 04/08/2004 13:42
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-39The following screen appears:10. Press OK to save the prepared medication transaction data. The following screen will appear while the information is stored:11. When the following screen appears, the preparation process is complete:12. When you later scan the patient, the iConnect will display the prepared medication for administration.Prep Complete<1 Med Scanned>OKEDiConnect Handheld screenSending Data Please WaitEDiConnect Handheld screen7/09/04 16:36User: Joe SmithScan Patient or Command DotEDiConnect Handheld screen
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-40 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideCase 6 - Prepared Item with multiple medications that is NOT yet printed on the Prospective MARThis case describes the handling of a prepared item that now appears in printed form on the Prospective MAR. To prepare this dose:1. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT SheetSitesL. UPPER ARM R. LOWER ABD. L. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH L. DELTIOD MUSCLE L. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLEL. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE R. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH R. UPPER ARM L. LOWER ABD. R. DELTOID MUSCLER. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLE L. UPPER ABD. R. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE INTRAVENOUSOverride ReasonsPatient Preference Pt. Declined Pt. Sleeping Pt. Off Unit Pt. TransferredPt. Discharged IV Discontinued IV Infiltrated IV Patency C/O PainIncreased Pain C/O Nausea Increased Nausea Within Normal Limits VS WarrantedMed. Missing Tx. In Progress Hold Medication NPO Per ProtocolNew Order New Schedule New Route Standing Order Stat OrderRX Change Discontinued Abnormal Limits Contraindicated IncompatabilityDialysis In Progress Pending Lab Specimen CollectionNeeded S/W Bugkeypad1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 /0 # Cancel decimal backExtra DotsCancel All Continue Omit Logout New Order PrepCover Patients Previous Next Enter Later Extra DoseDelay DoseMedication Administration Dot SheetPrinted By: User, Admin Page 1 of 1 Printed At: 04/08/2004 13:42
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-41The following screen will appear:2. Scan the patient iDOT on the Prospective MAR.New Order Prep<No Patient DOT Scanned>Scan Patient DOT screeniConnect Handheld screenED000857:ATORVASTATIN 20 MG TAB (40MG)(LIPITOR)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 40 MG PO DAILY AT BEDTIME10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping 21:00000863:IRBESARTAN 150 MG TAB (300MG)(AVAPRO)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 300 MG PO EVERY MORNING09:00000864:DILTIAZEM HCL 180 MG CAPCR (180)(CARDIZEM CD)IN: DILTIAZEM HCL 120 MG CAPCR(120)(CARDIZEM CD)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 300 PO EVERY MORNING10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000865:METFORMIN HCL 500 MG TAB (1000MG)(GLUCOPHAGE)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 1000 MG PO WITH BREAKFAST10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000866:METFORMIN HCL 500 MG TAB (500MG)(GLUCOPHAGE)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 500 MG PO 12,1712:00 17:00000868:MAGNESIUM OXIDE 400 MG TAB(400MG)(MAG-OX 400)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 400 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:35 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000869:CLOPIDOGREL BISULFATE 75 MG TAB(75MG)(PLAVIX)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 75 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping000870:METOPROLOL SUCCINATE 50 MGTABCR (100MG)(TOPROL XL)Start07/1215:00StopDOSE: 100 MG PO EVERY MORNING10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping900862:CEFTRIAXONE SOD 1 GM INJ (1)(ROCEPHIN)IN: SODIUM CL 50 ML BAG (50)(SODIUM CHLORIDE)Start07/2014:00StopDOSE: 0 IV GIVE EVERY 12 HOURS02:00 10:36 SB1 OMITTEDReason Omitted : Pt. Sleeping14:00Prospective MAR (by User)7/23/04 NAME: QA, 006TIME PRINTED: 07/23/2004 15:39 Admit: 7/12/04DIAGNOSIS:NOTES:ALLERGIES: NKA23:00-07:00 07:00-15:00 15:00-23:00Nurse SignaturesSignature 23:00-07:00 Initial___Signature 07:00-15:00 InitialSB1 = BROADBENT1,SARAH__Signature 15:00-23:00 Initial___QA, 006Gender: MDOB: 8/21/20 MRN: M90000006Visit: V000006Acct: DR: JENKINS, WOODY G.Room: 312 1Stillwater Medical Center1323 West 6th Box 2408Stillwater, OK 74074Printed By: User, Admin Page 1 of 3 Printed At: 07/23/2004 15:39Patient iDOT
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-42 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideThe following screen will appear:3. Verify that the correct patient name is displayed. If it is not the intended patient, scan the correct patient's iDOT on the Prospective MAR. When the correct patient's name is displayed, press OK.4. Scan the medication bar code. If the medication does not require entry of the dose amount, proceed to step 6. If entry of the dose amount is required, the following screen will appear:5. Press the OK button to accept the entry. The following screen appears:6. If there is more than one ingredient medication, repeat steps 4 - 7 for each medication. Otherwise, go on to step 9.7. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the medication Medication Administration DOT indicate that the last ingredient has been scanned.New Order PrepJohn SmithScan Patient DOT or OKEDiConnect Handheld screenMed Preparation<0 Meds Scanned>Scan MedEDiConnect Handheld screenMed PreparationViaflex BagScan Med or OKEDiConnect Handheld screenMed Preparation<1 Med Scanned>Scan Med or New Order Prep DOTEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-438. Press the OK button to confirm. The following screen will appear:9. Press OK to save the prepared medication transaction data. The following screen will appear while the information is stored:10. When the following screen appears, the preparation process is complete:11. When you later scan the patient, iConnect will display the prepared medication for administration.Prep Complete<1 Meds Scanned>OKEDiConnect Handheld screenSending Data Please WaitEDiConnect Handheld screen7/09/04 16:36User: Joe SmithScan Patient or Command DotEDiConnect Handheld screen
Advance Prepared Items P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-44 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideCase 7 - Administering Medications for Cases 4-51. Scan the patient wristband.2. Scan the New Order Prep iDOT on the Medication Administration DOT sheet.The following screen will appear:SitesL. UPPER ARM R. LOWER ABD. L. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH L. DELTIOD MUSCLE L. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLEL. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE R. ANTERIOLATERALTHIGH R. UPPER ARM L. LOWER ABD. R. DELTOID MUSCLER. VENTRO-GLUTEALMUSCLE L. UPPER ABD. R. GLUTEAL-MEDIALMUSCLE INTRAVENOUSOverride ReasonsPatient Preference Pt. Declined Pt. Sleeping Pt. Off Unit Pt. TransferredPt. Discharged IV Discontinued IV Infiltrated IV Patency C/O PainIncreased Pain C/O Nausea Increased Nausea Within Normal Limits VS WarrantedMed. Missing Tx. In Progress Hold Medication NPO Per ProtocolNew Order New Schedule New Route Standing Order Stat OrderRX Change Discontinued Abnormal Limits Contraindicated IncompatabilityDialysis In Progress Pending Lab Specimen CollectionNeeded S/W Bugkeypad1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 /0 # Cancel decimal backExtra DotsCancel All Continue Omit Logout New Order PrepCover Patients Previous Next Enter Later Extra DoseDelay DoseMedication Administration Dot SheetPrinted By: User, Admin Page 1 of 1 Printed At: 04/08/2004 13:42New Order PrepJohn SmithScan Patient DOT or OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Advance Prepared ItemsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-453. Press OK to confirm. The following screen will appear:4. To complete the transaction, scan your badge. The following screen will appear:Admin CompleteViaflex Bag/TobramycinConfirm OKEDiConnect Handheld screen7/09/04 16:36User: Elaine DawsonScan Patient or Command DotEDiConnect Handheld screen
Multi-Component Items Dispensed by Pharmacy P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-46 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideMulti-Component Items Dispensed by PharmacyOccasionally, pharmacy may dispense more than one item to satisfy a single order. For example, an order for Warfarin 7.5 mg, may require that a 5 mg tablet and a 2.5 mg tablet be dispensed. The scanning process for these multi-component orders is a follows:1. Scan the patient wristband. The following screen will appear:2. Scan the first medication bar code. The following screen will appear:3. Press the OK button to confirm. The following screen will appear:4. Scan the next component medication bar code:1 Med DueJohn Smith, Rm: 333 1Review Meds OK or Scan Med/BadgeEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti-componentCoumadin 5 MG (Warfarin SOD) 5 MGScan Med or OKEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti-component<1 of 2 scanned>Scan MedEDiConnect Handheld screenMulti-componentCoumadin 2.5 MG (Warfarin SOD) 2.5 MGScan Med or OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Correcting or Canceling During Medication TransactionsintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-475. If one or more clinical prompts appear, enter responses by scanning the appropriate iDOTs. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.6. Press OK button to confirm. The following screen will appear:7. To complete your transaction, scan your badge. The following screen will appear:Correcting or Canceling During Medication TransactionsTo correct an entry or cancel a medication transaction, the following options are available:•Back iDOT - To backup a space and remove the last character entered•Clear iDOT - To clear the entire data entry field•Cancel iDOT - To Cancel the last in-progress medication transaction for the current patient•Cancel All iDOT- To Cancel All in-progress medication transactions for the current patientTransaction may also be edited from the iConnect System Manager,.Admin Complete Dose: 7000360: 2 componentsConfirm OKEDiConnect Handheld screenNo More Meds DueJohn Smith, Rm: 333 1Review Meds OK or Scan Med/BadgeEDiConnect Handheld screen
Communicating Directly with Pharmacy using the iConnect Handheld P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-48 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideCommunicating Directly with Pharmacy using the iConnect HandheldThe iConnect System allows the nurse to quickly and easily communicate with the pharmacy. Specific messages are defined by the hospital's iConnect system administrator. An example of a useful application of this feature is to request a change in administration times for a specific medication order. (Having the pharmacy change the dosing times for an order in the Pharmacy Information System is the only way to adjust the iConnect dosing schedule for a medication order.) To allow a message from the nurse to pharmacy to request a time change, an iDOT for the message "Change Med Time" must be created by the system manager. Message iDOTs can appear on Prospectiv MARs. Messages are received on an iConnect printer located in the pharmacy department.The following outlines the steps for sending a Change Med Time request to pharmacy:1. Scan the Change Med Time iDOT on the Prospective MAR.2. Enter new scheduled time(s) using the numeric iDOTs on the Medication Administration DOT sheet.3. Press OK when new time(s) is entered and complete. 4. Scan the Order iDOT on the Prospective MAR for the order time to be changed.5. Press OK.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Pharmacy Inventory Verification Using the iConnect HandheldintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 2-49Pharmacy Inventory Verification Using the iConnect HandheldOnce the iConnect medication formulary is complete with one or more valid bar codes for each item in place, Pharmacy needs a method for quickly verifying that a product manufacturer bar code is present in the formulary. This is important to avoid stocking and dispensing of items that are unknown to intelliDOT and therefore cannot be scanned at the time of administration.   The iConnect Handheld makes this verification extremely fast and easy for Pharmacy.To determine whether a manufacturer's bar-coded item exists in the iConnect formulary and is ready for use:1. Print the DOT Keyboard report. Refer to DOT Keyboard on page 4-71.2. Scan the Verify iDOT on the DOT Keyboard report. The following screen will appear.If you press OK, you will return to the home screen.3. Scan the medication's manufacturer bar code. If an item, such as the Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg Tablet used in this example, has already been entered into the iConnect formulary database, the following screen will appear:Verify Item<no item scanned>Scan Item or OKEDiConnect Handheld screenItem VerifiedHydrachlorothizide 50 MGScan Item or OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
Pharmacy Inventory Verification Using the iConnect Handheld P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B2-50 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide4. If the item has NOT yet been entered into the iConnect formulary database, the Unknown Barcode screen will appear and the bar code content will be displayed:5. Pharmacy must add this item to the iConnect formulary before dispensing it.Verify ItemUnknown Barcode: 1234567Scan Item or OKEDiConnect Handheld screen
intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-1Using the iConnect System Manager P/N TP0001-01 Rev. BChapter 3Using the iConnect System ManagerThe iConnect System Manager consists of a client server application. The application is accessed via any PC in the hospital where the client application has been installed. The iConnect System Manager is primarily used by nursing to look up and edit medication data or assign patients to nurses and print reports. Pharmacy has access to the iConnect System Manager for formulary, database and system maintenance and reports. This section provides information on using IntelliDOTs iConnect System Manager including the following information: •Logging into the iConnect System Manager •iConnect System Manager MAR•Configuration Setup •Assigning Patients•Formulary Setup •Configuring iConnect Handhelds•Nursing Unit Setup •Site of Administration Setup (Adding and Editing)•Sig Code Setup •Override Reasons Setup (Adding and Editing)•Role Setup •Script Setup•User Setup (Adding and Editing) •Reports•Patient Setup (Adding and Editing) •DOT Organization Setup
Logging into the iConnect System Manager P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-2 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideLogging into the iConnect System ManagerThe IntelliDOT DOT Manager shortcut location has been placed on your desktop for all IntelliDOT DOT Managers. LoginTo login, perform the following:1. Click on the iConnect System Manager IconThe IntelliDOT DOT Manager Login screen will appear.2. Enter your Login Name.Your login name must be at least 6 characters3. Enter your Password.Your password must be between 4 and 10 numeric numbers.4. Click OK.The IntelliDOT DOT Manager screen will appear.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Configuration SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-3Configuration SetupThe Hospital configuration consists of:• Hospital Address•Printer Setup•Shift SetupHospital Address SetupThe Hospital Address is setup by your IntelliDOT Application Specialist.To setup the Hospital Address, perform the following:1. Click Configuration on your IntelliDOT DOT Manager.2. Click on Address.The Hospital Address screen will appear.Note: The information you enter in these fields will be displayed on your MARs. This Hospital Code can ONLY be entered by an IntelliDOT representative (Application Specialist) or hospital staff working with IntelliDOT. The code will be greyed out once it has been entered. You will not be able to change it.
Configuration Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-4 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuidePrinter SetupThe IntelliDOT system allows all printers on your hospital network to work with IntelliDOT.Adding, Editing, and Deleting PrintersTo add the Printers, perform the following:1. Click Configuration on your IntelliDOT DOT Manager.The Configuration (Hospital Address screen will appear).2. Click Printer Setup.The Printer Setup window appears.3. To add a printer, click New and enter the Friendly Name and Device Name.4. To search for a specific printer, select the drop down box (Friendly Name or Device Name). 5. Enter the printer name and click Search.The specified printer appears and is highlighted.6. Click Save to save all your information.Note: The Friendly Name is what you will call the printer. The Device Name is the name of the Device the network administrator has assigned to the device.Note: To edit the Printers, select the printer and edit the fields. To delete the Printers, select the printer, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Configuration SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-5Shift SetupShift Setup is used to enter and store all nurse shift start and end times used in all areas of the hospital. Typically, your system administrator enters all of this information. All shifts schedules worked on all units should be entered. This is not nursing unit specific.To add the Nursing Shifts, perform the following:1. Click Configuration on your IntelliDOT DOT Manager.2. Click Shift Setup.The Shift Setup window appears.3. To add a shift, click New.4. Enter the Shift Name.5. Enter the Shift Start and Shift End.6. To search for a specific shift, select the drop down box (Shift Name, Shift Start, or Shift End). 7. Enter the desired information and click Search.The specified shift will appear and is highlighted.8. Click Save to save all your information.Note: The Schedule for the nurses is based on start times of schedules. If your schedule is 12 hours, the shift would start at 7:00am and end at 7:00pm. The new shifts will appear in the top of the window as you have entered them.Note: To edit the Shift, select the shift and edit the fields. To delete the shift, select the printer, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
Formulary Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-6 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideFormulary SetupAs part of the iConnect System, the hospital pharmacy electronically transmits the Hospital Formulary to the iConnect server database. The iConnect System maintains a copy of the pharmacy formulary and stores bar code data for all pharmacy formulary line items.Each new item received by pharmacy must be checked to assure it is in the iConnect database. This process is done using the iConnect Handheld in “verify” mode. Refer to Pharmacy Inventory Verification Using the iConnect Handheld on page 2-49. Items which are not found in the iConnect database must be entered, and bar code information scanned and stored. Items received without bar codes printed on them must be packaged or labeled with a bar code.Each formulary line item must be configured for a variety of clinical settings, parameters and warnings. The following configuration settings are explained.The clinical settings and warning parameters are set for each formulary drug item. • Clinical Warnings - Setup by Pharmacy• Clinical Prompts - Setup by System Administrator• Master Drug File - Setup by Pharmacy and System Administrator (Clinical Prompts)Clinical WarningsClinical warnings displayed during medication administration are entered here. The pharmacy must set up the clinical warnings prior to assigning them to the formulary items. Warnings must first be entered here. Then they are available to be linked to individual formulary line items.Adding, Editing and Deleting Clinical Warnings1. To add Clinical Warnings, click New.The Edit Clinical Warnings screen with empty fields will appear.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Formulary SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-72. Enter the clinical warning in line 1 and line 1b.3. Check Disabled System Wide if you do not want this warning to appear on any iConnect Handheld. The flag enables the hospital to turn warnings on or off without needing to edit every formulary item that those warnings are associated with. When this feature is checked, the warnings will not appear for the displayed medication on the iConnect Handheld. 4. To search for a specific clinical warning, select the drop down box (Line 1, Line B, or Disabled), enter the desired name and click Search.The specified warning will appear and is highlighted.5. Click Save.The Clinical Warning appears in the Clinical Warning List.Note: You can enter up to 16 characters each in the line 1 and line 1b (No more than 32 for both). The Clinical Warning will display in the display box to the right of the fields as it will appear on the iConnect Handheld screen. When line 1 reaches 16 characters, additional text is added in line 1b which then appears. Line 1 will alternately flash with line 1b when displayed during med administration.Note: To edit the Clinical warning, select the warning and edit the fields. To delete the Clinical warning, select the warning, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
Formulary Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-8 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideClinical PromptsClinical information requests or “prompts” to be displayed at the time of medication administration must first be entered here. The prompts are then available to be linked to individual formulary line items.Adding, Editing, and Deleting Clinical Prompts1. To add Clinical Prompts, click New.The Edit Clinical Prompts with empty fields will appear.2. Enter the MAR label for the clinical prompt. The MAR label, is the actual medication description text that appears on your MAR.For Example: Type “Injection Site”. Injection site will display as it will appear on the MAR.3. Enter the clinical prompts in line 1 and line 1b as you would like it to display on the top line of the iConnect Handheld.4. Enter the Instruction or “prompt” you would like it to display on the bottom line of the iConnect Handheld.5. Check the Display Last Response box if you want the last response entry to appear on the iConnect Handheld display. For example, The nurse may need to know the last administered injection site (Lower Upper Arm). The next area may need to be in a different site.Note: You can enter up to 16 characters each on line 1 and line 1b (No more than 32 for both). The Clinical Prompt information will display in the Sample Display box to the right of the fields. Line 1 and line1b alternately flash to provide the nurse with the clinical prompt information during med administration.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Formulary SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-96. Check the Disable System Wide box if you do not want this warning to appear on any iConnect Handheld.When this feature is checked, this warning will not appear on the iConnect Handheld for any medication system-wide. It is only checked if nursing does not want it displayed on the iConnect Handheld every time the medication is administered.7. From the drop-down menu, select the applicable Response Category.8. To search for a Clinical Prompt, select the drop down box (Line 1, Response Category, or Disabled), enter the desired name and click Search.The specified prompt will appear and is highlighted.9. Click Save.The Clinical Warning appears in the Clinical Warning List.Note: To edit the Clinical Prompt, select the prompt and edit the fields. To delete the Clinical Prompt, select the warning, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
Formulary Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-10 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideMaster Drug FileFormulary DownloadThe iConnect Handheld receives master drug file download (delimited ASCII format) from the pharmacy information system. The following fields are typically downloaded (* indicates field is required): Formulary ConfigurationOnce the formulary download is complete, configuration is completed as follows:1. Click on Formulary on your iConnect System Manager.Clinical Warnings, Clinical Prompts, and Master Drug File will appear.2. Click on Master Drug File.The Formulary screen will appear.3. From the Formulary Listing, select a med.4. From the Brand Info section of the Edit Formulary screen, click the Add button.Med Identifier* (MedID or Hospital ID) Volume (numeric)Billing code (*if different form MedID) Volume Unit (*if volume provided)Generic Name* Dosage Form* (short version preferred (e.g. TAB preferred over TABLET)Reference or Key Brand Name (one) Dispense Size* (numeric)Strength (numeric) Dispense Size Unit*Strength Unit (* if strength provided) Drug Class*Note: The hospital pharmacy must always be checking the formulary to make sure the bar code for each medication is correct. Meds without bar codes cannot be administered at the bedside and the pharmacist will need to maintain this information. The iConnect system requires all medications to be barcoded.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Formulary SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-11The Formulary Brand Setup for the medication window appears.5. Tether the iConnect Handheld. Refer to Tethering the iConnect Handheld on page 6-2.6. Scan your medication bar code. The bar code information will display in the bar code field.7. If the Brand Name is not present, enter the Brand Name.8. Enter the NDC number. 9. Click the OK button to save this information.The following screen references steps 8 through 16.10. Check the Prepared Item box if this medication requires advance preparation by the nurse prior to administration away from the bedside. Refer to Advance Prepared Items on page 2-25.11. Check the Preparation Requires Witness box if the medication requires a witness. Refer to Case 2 - Prepared Item that is printed on the Prospective MAR and requiring a witness on page 2-28.12. Check the Prompt for dose entry box if the dosage form allows the nurse to administer less than the entire contents.13. Check the Show route warning box if a route warning needs to appear on the iConnect Handheld. Some meds may be given both IM and IV.Note: The NDC number is not always the same as the bar code number. You may have packaged this medication via your medication packaging system. If so, select Hospital Packed from the drop down menu instead of NDC. If you did hospital package the medication, typically this number is a non-NDC number.
Formulary Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-12 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide14. Check the Disable Dose Due Reminders box if you do not want the nurse to be reminded when this medication is due.15. Configure for Clinical Prompts by selecting from entered choices.16. Click the Add button to add a clinical prompt or clinical warning.A list of prompts appear.17. Select the prompts and the press the OK button.The clinical warning or clinical prompt appear if for example: a med has a clinical warning of “Do Not Crush or a clinical prompt of “Check Blood Pressure”. This checked box provides a way for the prompt to appear on the iConnect Handheld during medication administration.18. To remove the prompts, select the prompt and click the Remove button.The prompts will be removed from the Clinical Warning and Prompt windows.19. Click Save to save all information. If you do not click the save button, you will be prompted to do so after exiting the Master Drug File screen.Note: Route warning should be used for medications where more than one route of administration is possible. For example, an injectable med may be given IM, SQ or IV. The route warning will display the ordered route at medication administration. If a med has a route warning of “Give IV” the checked box provides a way the prompt to appear on the iConnect Handheld.Note: Clinical Prompts must be added before using this screen. Refer to Clinical Prompts on page 3-8.Clinical Warnings must be added before using this screen. Refer to Clinical Warnings on page 3-6.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Nursing Unit SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-13Nursing Unit SetupEach nursing unit using the iConnect System must be entered here, along with all room numbers located on the unit. Each nursing unit must be separately entered and configured. The Auto Fill section of the nursing unit is a time saving feature that allows you to automatically enter room numbers within a certain range for that area and add and remove applicable rooms.Adding, Editing, and Deleting Nursing UnitsTo add a new nursing unit, perform the following:1. Select Nursing Unit.The Nursing Unit screen will appear.2. Click New and enter a Name for the Nursing Unit.3. Enter the Reminder Delay %. Note: The delay is the % of the lag time before a med due reminder is shown to the nurse. For instance, if the lag time is 1 hour and the reminder delay % is 50%, then at 30 minutes after the due time the nurse will receive a med due reminder. If the setting is 25%, then at 15 minutes past the due time, the nurse will receive a reminder. If set to 100%, the nurse will never see a Med Due reminder, but will just receive a Med Late reminder after the complete lag time has past. Select the Shift Schedule from your hospital shifts.
Nursing Unit Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-14 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide4. To enter Enter the bed or room numbers, click the Auto Fill button. The Room Auto Fill window will appear.5. Enter the Start Room, End Room and Beds (comma separated) and click OK.Autofill will fill in sequential room numbers entered. If room numbers are not sequential, manual entry must be used.6. Click Save to save all information. If you do not click the save button, you will be prompted to do so after exiting the iConnect System Manager screen.Note: Route warning should be used for medications where more than one route of administration is possible. For example, an injectable med may be given IM, SQ or IV. The route warning will display the ordered route at medication administration.Note: To edit the Nursing Unit, select the Nursing Unit and edit the fields. To delete the Nursing Unit, select the Nursing Unit, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Sig Code SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-15Sig Code SetupA "sig" is the physician's directions for when and how often an ordered med is to be given. Examples of sigs are BID (twice a day), Q4H (every four hours), and PRN (as needed). The "Sig Code" listings must be stored in the iConnect system to be recognized when they are received from the pharmacy system. Each sig code that is used for order entry purposes in the pharmacy information system must be defined in IntelliDOT. Adding, Editing, and Deleting Sig CodesTo add sig codes, perform the following:1. Select Sig Codes.The Sig Codes screen will appear.2. Click New and enter the name of the sig code. The cursor will appear in the name field.3. Click in the Display Text field and enter the Display Text information.4. Check the May Repeat box to set the sig code to repeat the administration.May repeat defines the number of actions that a medication can be administed. After the total number of actions has been met, the order is ended. 5. Check the Every button, enter the desired number (1-7), and select the Day/Week/Month to set the sig code up for specific Days, Weeks, or Months.6. Check the Specific days of the week button and check the specific days (Sun-Sat) to set the sig code up for specific days.7. Check the Every button, enter the desired number (1-24), and select hour/minute/second to set the sig code up for specific hours.8. Check the Use Order Start Time if you want to use the order start time for the medication.
Sig Code Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-16 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide9. Select the Discrete Dosing Times button. 10. Double-click on the applicable Nursing Unit Name. The Custom Time for Nursing Unit window will appear.11. Enter the Lead, Lag and Base times for the sig code and click OK. After all your sig code information is entered, the bottom left side of the screen displays what this sig intended (example: Give every hour every day).Note: Discrete dosing times are the standard administration times set by the hospital or nursing for a particular sig code. (example: 1 hour lead, 1 hour lag, and base time of 00:00.Note: You can also select the “Customize” button located underneath the Discrete Dosing Times window. This will open the Custom Timing for Nursing Unit window. Once the information has been entered, the Nursing Unit Name check box will have a check mark appear. Note: To edit Sig Codes, select the sig code and edit the fields. To delete the Sig Codes, select the sig code, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Sig Code SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-17Adding, Editing, and Deleting a One Time OrderA one time order is an order which is only to be administered once. The medication time for a one time order may be specifically assigned (i.e. administer at 08:00), or it may be ordered as a "now" order. "Now" one time orders are expected to be given at the time the order is signed off and therefore may be noted at any time. In addition, a one time order may be written as a pre-op order, in which case, the time will depend on a surgery or procedure schedule. One time orders result in a single event or action and after the one time dose is administered the order is ended. To add a one time order sig code, perform the following:1. Select Sig Codes.The Sig Codes screen will appear.2. Click New and enter the name of the sig code. The cursor will appear in the name field.3. Click in the Display Text field and enter the Display Text information.4. Check the One Time Order box if an order is only to be administered once.5. Select the Discrete Dosing Times button. Note: Discrete dosing times are the standard administration times set by the hospital or nursing for a particular sig code. (example: 1 hour lead, 1 hour lag, and base time of 00:00.
Sig Code Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-18 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide6. Double-click on the applicable Nursing Unit Name. The Custom Time for Nursing Unit window will appear.7. Enter the Lead, Lag and Base times for the sig code and click OK. After all your sig code information is entered, the bottom left side of the screen displays what this sig intended (example: Give every hour every day).Note: You can also select the “Customize” button located underneath the Discrete Dosing Times window. This will open the Custom Timing for Nursing Unit window. Once the information has been entered, the Nursing Unit Name check box will have a check mark appear. Note: To edit Sig Codes, select the sig code and edit the fields. To delete the Sig Codes, select the sig code, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Sig Code SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-19Adding, Editing, and Deleting a PRNA PRN order is an order which can be administered on an "as needed" or recurring basis. A PRN order may have timeframes such as "give every 3-4 hours PRN" which indicates that the patient is not to exceed a dosing schedule of 3 hour intervals. A PRN order might have a end date/time established, which restricts the nurse in administering any doses beyond the end date of the order.A "one time PRN" order enables the nurse to give the medication one time, but not at any specifically timed schedule. After the dose is administerd, the order is ended.To add a PRN sig code, perform the following:1. Select Sig Codes.The Sig Codes screen will appear.2. Click New and enter the name of the PRN sig code.The cursor will appear in the name field.3. Click in the Display Text field and enter the Display Text information.4. Check the PRN box to administer a medication on an "as needed" or recurring basisis.5. Check the May Repeat box to set the sig code to repeat the administration.May repeat defines the number of actions that a medication can be administed. After the total number of actions has been met, the order is ended. 6. Check the Every button, enter the desired number (1-7), and select the Day/Week/Month to set the PRN sig code up for specific Days, Weeks, or Months.7. Check the Specific days of the week button and check the specific days (Sun-Sat) to set the PRN sig code up for specific days.8. Check the Every button, enter the desired number (1-24), and select hour/minute/second to set the PRN sig code up for specific hours.
Sig Code Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-20 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide9. Check the Use Order Start Time if you want to use the order start time for the medication.After all your sig code information is entered, the bottom left side of the screen displays what this sig intended (example: Give every hour every day).Note: To edit Sig Codes, select the sig code and edit the fields. To delete the Sig Codes, select the sig code, click delete and click OK. You will be prompted to save your information.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Role SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-21Role SetupRole Setup allows the system administrator to identify classes of user and privileges of users in the iConnect system. Roles are created for specific pharmacy and nursing functions. Each role can have different privilege depending on your hospital security levels. The IntelliDOT system gives you the ability to have as many roles as you desire.1. Select Role Setup.The Role Setup screen will appear.2. Enter a role name.3. Enter a set of privileges for each role.Each privilege for a role is different. Depending on your system privileges within the hospital, you may only see certain functions in your iConnect System Manager Tree (left side of screen). Example: the pharmacist will have all privileges, the staff nurse will have viewing privileges.The new privileges that you can use to tailor your users' access to the system are listed below. These are the items that can be assigned to roles:
Role Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-22 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideComplete List of User Roles and PrivilegesRole DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, no Editing AllowedManage Formulary View and Edit FormularyManage Clinical Data View and Edit Clinical Warnings and PromptsManage Users View and Edit User information (*note: user will only be able to assign roles that the current user is assigned to)View Patient Information View Patient Information, no editing allowedManage Patient Information View and Edit Patient InformationManage Nursing Units View and Edit Nursing Unit InformationManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)Manage User Roles View and Edit User RolesManage SIG Codes View and Edit SIG CodesView SIG Codes View SIG Codes, no editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesTether Terminals View and Tether Micro Terminal devices (no reset or remove allowed)View Administration Sites View Administration Sites, no editing allowedManage Administration Sites View and Edit Administration SitesView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, no editing allowedManage Override Reasons View and Edit Override ReasonsManage Commands View and Edit CommandsManage Patient Assignment View and Perform patient assignment on the iConnect System Manager. Users with Micro Terminals can still perform patient assignment using the patient assignment report.Document/Edit Patient MAR Enables user to Document/Edit the on-line MAR. Without this privilege, the user can only view the information. User must also have at least ‘View Patient Information’ for this to have any affect.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Role SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-23Suggested Privileges for “Director/Nurse Manager” RolesRole DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, no Editing AllowedManage Clinical Data View and Edit Clinical Warnings and PromptsManage Users View and Edit User information (*note: user will only be able to assign roles that the current user is assigned to)View Patient Information View patient information, no editing allowedManage Nursing Units View and Edit Nursing Unit InformationManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)Manage User Roles View and Edit User RolesView SIG Codes View SIG Codes, no editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesTether Terminals View and Tether Micro Terminal devices (no reset or remove allowed)Manage Administration Sites View and Edit Administration SitesManage Override Reasons View and Edit Override ReasonsManage Commands View and Edit CommandsManage Patient Assignment View and Perform patient assignment on the iConnect System Manager. Users with Micro Terminals can still perform patient assignment using the patient assignment report.Document/Edit Patient MAR Enables user to Document/Edit the on-line MAR. Without this privilege, the user can only view the information. User must also have at least ‘View Patient Information’ for this to have any affect.
Role Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-24 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideSuggested Privileges for “Charge Nurses” RolesRole DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, no Editing AllowedManage Clinical Data View and Edit Clinical Warnings and PromptsManage Users View and Edit User information (*note: user will only be able to assign roles that the current user is assigned to)View Patient Information View patient information, no editing allowedManage Nursing Units View and Edit Nursing Unit InformationManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)Manage User Roles View and Edit User RolesView SIG Codes View SIG Codes, no editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesTether Terminals View and Tether Micro Terminal devices (no reset or remove allowed)View Administration Sites View Administration Sites, no editing allowedView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, no editing allowedManage Commands View and Edit CommandsManage Patient Assignment View and Perform patient assignment on the iConnect System Manager. Users with Micro Terminals can still perform patient assignment using the patient assignment report.Document/Edit Patient MAR Enables user to Document/Edit the on-line MAR. Without this privilege, the user can only view the information. User must also have at least ‘View Patient Information’ for this to have any affect.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Role SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-25Suggested Privileges for “Staff Nurses” RolesSuggested Privileges for “Ward Clerks/Unit Secretaries” RolesRole DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, no Editing AllowedView Patient Information View patient information, no editing allowedManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)View SIG Codes View SIG Codes, no editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesView Administration Sites View Administration Sites, no editing allowedView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, no editing allowedManage Patient Assignment View and Perform patient assignment on the iConnect System Manager. Users with Micro Terminals can still perform patient assignment using the patient assignment report.Document/Edit Patient MAR Enables user to Document/Edit the on-line MAR. Without this privilege, the user can only view the information. User must also have at least ‘View Patient Information’ for this to have any affect.Role DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, no Editing AllowedView Patient Information View patient information, No editing allowedManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)View SIG Codes View SIG Codes, no editing allowed.View Administration Sites View Administration Sites, no editing allowedView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, no editing allowed
Role Setup P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-26 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideSuggested Privileges for “Pharmacists” Roles Role DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, No Editing AllowedManage Formulary View and Edit FormularyManage Clinical Data View and Edit Clinical Warnings and PromptsManage Users View and Edit User information (*note: user will only be able to assign roles that the current user is assigned to)View Patient Information View Patient Information, No editing allowedManage Patient Information View and Edit Patient InformationManage Nursing Units View and Edit Nursing Unit InformationManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)Manage User Roles View and Edit User RolesManage SIG Codes View and Edit SIG CodesView SIG Codes View SIG Codes, No editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesTether Terminals View and Tether Micro Terminal devices (no reset or remove allowed)View Administration Sites View Administration Sites, No editing allowedManage Administration Sites View and Edit Administration SitesView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, No editing allowedManage Override Reasons View and Edit Override ReasonsManage Commands View and Edit CommandsManage Patient Assignment View and Perform patient assignment on the iConnect System Manager. Users with Micro Terminals can still perform patient assignment using the patient assignment report.Document/Edit Patient MAR Enables user to Document/Edit the on-line MAR. Without this privilege, the user can only view the information. User must also have at least ‘View Patient Information’ for this to have any affect.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Role SetupintelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-27Suggested Privileges for “Pharmacy Technicians” RolesRole DescriptionView Formulary View Formulary, No Editing AllowedView Patient Information View Patient Information, No editing allowedManage Hospital Configuration View and Edit Hospital configuration (address, shifts, printers)View SIG Codes View SIG Codes, No editing allowed.Manage Terminals View and Reset Micro Terminal devicesTether Terminals View and Tether Micro Terminal devices (no reset or remove allowed)View Administration Sites View Administration Sites, No editing allowedView Override Reasons View Override Reasons, No editing allowedManage Commands View and Edit Commands
User Setup (Adding and Editing) P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-28 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideUser Setup (Adding and Editing)1. Select Users.The Users screen will appear.2. Click New.The User/View Edit screen fields appear.3. Enter the user name information, roles, and nursing units where the user is to have privileges. Select a default printer if desired.4. Click the Save button.The Users information will display information in the Users area the only after you click the Save button.Note: Roles must be defined before adding users. Refer to Role Setup on page 3-21.
P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B Patient Setup (Adding and Editing)intelliDOT iConnect System User Guide Confidential 3-29Patient Setup (Adding and Editing)The iConnect System Manager patient screen is used primarily for viewing patients. The patient screen is populated by an interface between the hospital ADT system and the iConnect system. If patient information is missing or incorrect, contact your system administrator. You should not have to change any patient information on the screen. The orders are received via an interface with the pharmacy’s software system and should not need to be changed.Reviewing Medications on the iConnect System Manager1. After logging into the iConnect System Manager, select Patients.The Patient screen will appear.2. Click the View MAR button.The MAR screen will appear providing detailed medication administration.3. Click the Show My Patients button to view your patients you are caring for
iConnect System Manager MAR P/N TP0001-01 Rev. B3-30 Confidential intelliDOT iConnect System User GuideiConnect System Manager MARThe On-Line MAR is created as nurses administer medications using the iConnect Handheld. By selecting MAR, users may review and edit before, during or after administrations. Users may also add to patient’s med orders or particular administrations.How to View the MAR1. After logging into the iConnect System Manager, select Patients.The Patient screen will appear.2. Select a patient from the patient list.3. Select the View MAR button.The MAR screen will appear providing detailed medication administration.

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