Intel 512ANXMU Intel Wi-Fi Link 5150 Series User Manual S10 2 RN

Intel Mobile Communications Intel Wi-Fi Link 5150 Series S10 2 RN

User Manual 5

P/N: 147002313Printed in China©Lenovo China 2009New World. New Thinking.www.lenovo.comLenovoS10-2 Regulatory Notice V1.0S10-2 Regulatory Notice V1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP) cover_1-4TM
S10-2 Regulatory Notice V1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP) cover_2-3
iContentsLenovo® Regulatory NoticeUnited States and Canada ...................................... 2EU countries ........................................................ 13Non_EU and other countries / regions  ................ 34Asian-Pacific and Latin American countries ....... 41S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page i  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
iiS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page ii  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
1Lenovo Regulatory NoticeRead first — regulatory informationPlease read this document before you use the Lenovo computer. Lenovo computer complies with the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use. You must install and use your computer in strict accordance with the instructions as described hereafter. You are prohibited to replace or remove the preinstalled Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card and the Bluetooth module in your computer, it is not a Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU).  If one of your cards requires replacement or repair, Lenovo will request you to send your computer with the preinstalled card(s) to Lenovo so that Lenovo will repair it.Veuillez lire ce document avant d’utiliser l’ordinateur Lenovo. L’ordinateur Lenovo est conforme aux normes de sécurité et de radiofréquence du pays ou de la région où son utilisation sans fil est agréée. Vous devez installer et utiliser votre ordinateur en respectant scrupuleusement les instructions décrites ci-après.Vous êtes interdit de remplacer la carte de réseau local sans fil Express mini-PCI et le module Bluetooth qui sont préinstalles dans votre ordinateur, ce ne sont pas des Unités remplaçables par l’utilisateur(CRU). Si l’une de votre carte a besoin d’être remplacée ou reparée, Lenovo va vous demander de lui envoyer votre ordinateur avec des cartes préinstallees, pour qu’il puisse le réparer.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 1  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
2USA — Federal Communications Commission (FCC) I. Factory preinstalled Wireless LAN/WiMAX module • FCC ID: PD9LEN512ANMU (Model: 512AN_MMW)• FCC ID: GKR- BCM94312MCG (Model: BCM94312MCG)• FCC ID: PD9512ANXMU (Model: 512ANXMMW)Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Cards marketed in the USA and Canada do not support nor function in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch). i) The FCC RF Exposure compliance:The radiated energy from the Main and Auxiliary antennas connected to the Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card conforms to the FCC limit of the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) requirement regarding 47 CFR Part 2 section 1093, when the computer was tested in the conventional notebook setting.Note: The transmission diversity function is implemented for this product. For WLAN card (Model: BCM94312MCG) using Main and Auxiliary antennas for transmission in the IEEE 802.11 b/g transmission mode, radio frequency energy is not emitted simultaneously from both Main and Auxiliary antennas. One of the antennas is selected automatically or manually (by users) to have good quality of radiocommunication (transmission diversity function). For WLAN cards (Model: 512AN_MMW, 512ANXMMW) in the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g, or MIMO ( Multiple In Multiple Out ) transmission mode, the radio frequency energy is emitted from Main antenna.United States and CanadaS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 2  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
3ii) FCC ID of wireless module:There is no FCC ID for Mini PCI Express Card shown on the enclosure of your Lenovo computer. Instead you will find an indicator label pointing to the location of the FCC ID on the bottom side of your Lenovo computer.  This label will be of the format “Contains Transmitter Module: FCC ID: XXXX”, where XXXX represents the FCC ID that corresponds to your preinstalled Wireless LAN/WiMAX module.iii) Radio Frequency interference requirements: • The devices have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to FCC Part 15 Subpart B. The model BCM94312MCG was subject to DoC. Refer to “Electronic emission notices” on page 12. The models 512AN_MMW, 512ANXMMW underwent the certification process with each respective FCC ID number listed in “I. Factory preinstalled Wireless LAN/WiMAX module” on page 2. • Each device is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range. FCC requires these products to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.• High power radar are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35 GHz and 5.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage this device.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 3  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
4II. Preinstalled integrated Bluetooth module• FCC ID: MCLBCM92046 (Model: BCM92046)i) FCC ID and installation of the module:If you find an indication “Contains Transmitter Module: FCC ID: MCLBCM92046” on the label at the bottom side of your computer, your computer contains the Bluetooth transmitter module (Model: BCM92046). The Bluetooth module is preinstalled by Lenovo, and is not removable by users.ii) The FCC RF safety requirement:The radiated output power of the Bluetooth module is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Therefore, a 20 cm of separation between the Bluetooth antenna and human body is not required.iii) Radio Frequency interference requirements:The device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for both a Class B digital device regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart B and an intentional radiator regarding FCC Part 15 Subpart C; then it underwent the certification processes for both rules. Thus the FCC ID MCLBCM92046 of this device includes both certifications of Part 15 Subpart B and C.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 4  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
5III. Simultaneous use of RF transmitters Your Lenovo computer is approved for simultaneous use of the transmitters listed below:• Wireless LAN adapter (FCC ID: PD9LEN512ANMU, PD9512ANXMU, or GKR- BCM94312MCG) •Bluetooth module (FCC ID: MCLBCM92046)Please make sure of the following conditions on use of these wireless features: 1. When you use any other RF option device, all other wireless features including the above integrated devices in your Lenovo computer are required to be turned off.2. Users must follow the RF Safety instructions on wireless option devices that are included in the RF option device’s user’s manual.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 5  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
6Canada — Industry Canada (IC) IC Certification numberI) Factory preinstalled Wireless LAN modules: • IC: 1000M-512ANMU (Model: 512AN_MMW)• IC: 2533B-BCM94312MCG (Model: BCM94312MCG)Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Cards marketed in the USA and Canada do not support nor function in the extended channels (12ch, 13ch). There is no certification number of Industry Canada for Mini PCI Express Card shown on the enclosure of your Lenovo computer. Instead you will find an indicator label pointing to the location of the IC Certification number on the bottom side of your Lenovo computer. This label will be of the format “Contains Transmitter Module: Canada IC: XXXX”, where XXXX represents the IC ID that corresponds to  your preinstalled WLAN module. II) Preinstalled integrated Bluetooth module:• IC: 2878D-BCM92046 (Model: BCM92046) S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 6  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
7If you find an indication “Contains Transmitter Module: Canada IC: 2878D-BCM92046” on the label at the bottom side of your computer, your computer integrates the Bluetooth transmitter module. The Bluetooth module is preinstalled by Lenovo, and is not removable by users.III) Low power license-exempt radiocommunication devices (RSS-210): Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference, and2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.The transmitter devices have been designed to operate with the antennas integrated in Lenovo computer, and having a maximum gain of within 3 dBi.The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, and 5725-5825 MHz bands complies with the e.i.r.p. limit in section A9.2 of RSS-210.When you use the model 512AN_MMW:• The devices for the band 5150–5250 MHz are only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems. • High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250–5350 MHz and 5650–5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LELAN (Licence-Exempt Local Area Network) devices.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 7  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
8IV) Exposure of humans to RF fields (RSS-102):Lenovo computers employ low gain integral antennas that do not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s Web site at radiated energy from the antennas connected to the wireless adapters conforms to the IC limit of the RF exposure requirement regarding IC RSS-102, Issue 2 clause 4.2.Numéro d’homologation ICI) Modules de réseaux local sans fil pré-installé à l’usine:• IC: 1000M-L512ANMU (Model: 512AN_MMW)• IC: 2533B-BCM94312MCG (Model: BCM94312MCG)Les cartes de réseau local sans fil Express mini-PCI commercialisées aux Etats-Unis et au Canada ne prennent pas en charge les canaux étendus (12ch, 13ch) et ne fonctionnent donc pas sur de tels canaux. Le boîtier de votre ordinateur Lenovo ne comporte pas de numéro d’homologation IC (Industry Canada) pour la carte mini-PCI Express ; mais sous votre Lenovo, vous trouverez une étiquette indicatrice pointant vers l’emplacement du numéro d’homologation IC. L’étiquette se présente sous la forme “Contains Transmitter Module: Canada IC: XXXX” où XXXX représente l’ID IC qui correspond au module WLAN préinstallé.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 8  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
9II) Module Bluetooth intégré préinstallé: • IC: 2878D-BCM92046 (Model: BCM92046)Si la mention “Contains Transmitter Module: Canada IC: 2878D-BCM92046” figure sur l’étiquette située au bas de votre ordinateur, cela signifie que ce dernier intègre le module de transmission Bluetooth. Le module Bluetooth est préinstallé par Lenovo et ne peut pas être retiré par les utilisateurs.III) Remarque relative aux appareils de communication radio de faible puissance sans licence (CNR-210):Le fonctionnement de ce type d’appareil est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:1. Cet appareil ne doit pas perturber les communications radio, et2. cet appareil doit supporter toute perturbation, y compris les perturbations qui pourraient provoquer son dysfonctionnement.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 9  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
10Les périphériques d’émission sont conçus pour fonctionner avec des antennes intégrées aux Lenovo et ayant un gain maximal de moins de 3 dBi. Le gain d’antenne maximal pour les périphériques dans les bandes de fréquence 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, et 5725-5825 MHz est conforme à la limite p.i.r.e énoncée dans la section A9.2 de la CNR-210. Lorsque vous utilisez le modèle 512AN_MMW: • Tout appareil destiné à la bande 5150-5250 MHz devra être exclusivement utilisé en intérieur afin de réduire les risques de perturbations électromagnétiques gênantes sur les systèmes de satellite mobile dans un même canal.• Les radars à forte puissance sont désignés comme les utilisateurs principaux (c’est-à-dire qu’ils sont prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz. Ils peuvent provoquer des perturbations électromagnétiques sur les appareils de type LELAN (réseau de communication local sans licence) ou les endommager.IV) Exposition des êtres humains aux champs radioélectriques (RF) (CNR-102):L’ordinateur Lenovo utilise des antennes intégrales à faible gain qui n’émettent pas un champ électromagnétique supérieur aux normes imposées par le Ministére de la santé canadien pour la population. Consultez le Safety Code 6 sur le site Web du Ministére de la santé canadien à l’adresse “”.L’énergie émise par les antennes reliées aux adaptateurs sans fil respecte la limite d’exposition aux radiofréquences telle que définie par Industrie Canada dans la clause 4.2 du document CNR-102. S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 10  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
11Electronic emission noticesFederal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement• Model: 512AN_MMW• Model: 512ANXMMWNote:  The compliance of the FCC Part 15 Subpart B for Models: 512AN_MMW, 512ANXMMW was proceeded by certification, thus the FCC ID: PD9LEN512ANMU, PD9512ANXMU, respectively include both compliances of Part 15 Subpart B and C/E.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 11  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
12Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Responsible Party: Lenovo (United States) Incorporated 1009 Think Place - Building One Morrisville, NC 27560 Telephone: 1-919-294-5900 FOR HOME OR OFFICE USEIndustry Canada Class B Emission Compliance StatementThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie CanadaCet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Tested To Comply With FCC StandardsS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 12  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
13Lenovo Regulatory NoticeEurope — EU Declaration of ConformityProducts intended for sale within the European Union are marked with the Conformité Européenne (CE) Marking, which indicates compliance with the applicable Directives and European Norms, and amendments, identified below. For model: 512AN_MMWFor model: BCM94312MCGFor model: BCM92046EU countriesS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 13  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
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16For model: 512AN_MMWS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 16  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
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18For model: BCM94312MCGS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 18  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
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20For model: BCM92046    HON HAI Precision IND.CO.,LTD.  Headquarters: 5F-1, 5 Hsin-An Road, Hsinchu                         Taipei Branch: 4-1, Ming-Shen Street, Tu Chen 236  Science-Based Industria Park Taiwan,                                Tu Chen Industrial District, Taiwan, R.O.C.  TEL: +886 3 5784975                                                     TEL:+886-2-2267 6511  FAX: +886 3 5775100                                                     FAX:+886-2-2267 6512  Declaration of Conformity We,       HON HAI Precision IND.CO.,LTD.             5F-1, 5 Hsin-An Road, Hsinchu Science-Based       Industrial Park, Taiwan, R.O.C       Contact Person: Rio Chen       Tel: 886-3-5784975 Fax: 886-3-5775100       E-mail:  Herewith declare that the product:  Equipment:    Bluetooth Module Model:    BCM92046 S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 20  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
21 Is in conformity with the provisions of the following EC directive(s) meets the requirements of the council of the European communities relating to and.  Reference NO.    Title 1999/05/EC     Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (R&TTE)    Standard: EN 300 328 V1.7.1    2006/95/EEC     Low Voltage Directive (LVD) Standard: EN 60950-1:2001+A11: 2004 2004/108/EEC    Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC-Directive)     Standard: EM 301 489-1 V1.6.1/-17 V1.2.1 and that standards and/or technical specifications referenced above have been applied.  _____________________________________ Rio Chen Compliance Deputy Manager HON HAI Precision IND.CO.,LTD. Date: June 2, 2008 S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 21  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
22Notice for users in FrenchConsignes destinées aux utilisateurs d’une carte mini-PCI Express pour réseau local sans filRestriction de bande de fréquence de l’Union Européenne• Ce périphérique est destiné à être utilisé à l’intérieur, dans la bande de fréquence de 2400 à 2483 MHz.• Ce périphérique doit être utilisé exclusivement à l’intérieur, dans la bande de fréquence de 5,15 à 5,35 GHz (canaux 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in GermanHinweis für Benutzer einer Wireless LAN Mini-PCI-ExpressCardEU-Frequenzbandeinschränkung• Dieses Gerät ist für die Verwendung im Innenbereich im Frequenzband zwischen 2400 und 2483 MHz konzipiert.• Die Verwendung dieses Gerätes ist im Frequenzband zwischen 5,15 und 5,35 GHz (Kanäle 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64) auf die Verwendung im Innenbereich beschränkt.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 22  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
23Notice for users in PolishUwaga dla użytkowników karty Wireless LAN Mini PCI ExpressOgraniczenia dotyczące pasm częstotliwości w UE•Urządzenie jest przeznaczone do używania wewnątrz budynków, w pasmach częstotliwości 2400 do 2483 MHz.•Urządzenie jest przeznaczone do używania wewnątrz budynków, w pasmach częstotliwości 5,15 do 5,35 GHz (kanały 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 i 64).Notice for users in PortugueseAviso para utilizadores de placas Mini PCI Express Card de Rede local sem fios Restrição da banda de frequências na UE• Este dispositivo destina-se a utilização no interior, na banda de frequências 2400 a 2483 MHz.• A utilização deste dispositivo está limitada a utilização no interior, na banda entre os 5.15 e os 5.35 GHz (canais 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 23  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
24Notice for users in SpanishAviso para los usuarios de una Tarjeta Mini PCI de LAN inalámbrica Restricción de banda de frecuencia de la UE• Este dispositivo está diseñado para ser utilizado en interiores en la banda de frecuencia de 2400 a 2483 MHz.• La utilización de este dispositivo está limitada a interiores en la banda de 5,15 a 5,35 GHz (canales 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users of a Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card, preinstalled by LenovoEU Frequency band restriction• This device is intended for indoor use in the frequency band 2400  to 2483 MHz.• Usage of this device is limited to indoor in the band 5.15 to  5.35 GHz (channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 24  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
25Notice for users in CzechInformace pro uživatele bezdrátové expresní karty LAN Mini PCI, předinstalované společností LenovoOmezení frekvenčního pásma EU• Toto zařízení je určeno pro použití v budově ve frekvenčním pásmu 2400 až 2483 MHz.• Používání tohoto zařízení je omezeno na budovy, a to v pásmu 5,15 až 5,35 GHz (kanály 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in DanishBemærkning til brugere af Mini PCI Express-kort til trådløst LAN, som er forudinstalleret af Lenovo.Europæiske begrænsninger for frekvensbånd• Denne enhed er beregnet til indendørs brug på frekvensbåndet 2400 til 2483 Mhz.• Anvendelse af denne enhed er begrænset til indendørsbrug på båndet 5,15 til 5,35 GHz (kanal 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 25  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
26Notice for users in FinnishIlmoitus Lenovon esiasentaman langattoman LAN Mini PCI Express -kortin käyttäjilleEU:n taajuuskaistarajoitus• Tämä laite on tarkoitettu sisäkäyttöön taajuusalueella 2400 - 2483 MHz.• Tämän laitteen käyttö on rajoitettu sisätiloihin taajuusalueelle 5,15 - 5,35 GHz (kanavat 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 ja 64).Notice for users in GreekΣημείωση για χρήστες Mini PCI Express Card ασύρματου LAN, προεγκατεστημένης από τη LenovoΠεριορισμός ζώνης συχνοτήτων ΕΕ•Η παρούσα συσκευή προορίζεται για εσωτερική χρήση στη ζώνη συχνοτήτων 2400 έως 2483 MHz.•Η χρήση αυτής της συσκευής περιορίζεται σε εσωτερικούς χώρους στη ζώνη 5,15 έως 5,35 GHz (κανάλια 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 26  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
27Notice for users in HungarianFigyelmeztetés a Lenovo által gyárilag telepített, vezeték nélküli LAN Mini PCI Express kártya felhasználói számáraFrekvenciatartományra vonatkozó európai uniós korlátozás• Ez az eszköz beltéri használatra lett tervezve 2400-2483 MHz-es frekvenciatartományhoz.• Az eszközt az 5,15-5,35 GHz-es tartományban csak beltéren szabad használni (csatornák: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 és 64).Notice for users in DutchOpmerking voor gebruikers van een draadloos LAN Mini PCI Express-kaart, voorgeïnstalleerd door Lenovo EU-frequentiebandbeperking • Dit apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik binnenshuis binnen het frequentiebandbereik van 2400 tot 2483 MHz.• Gebruik van het apparaat is beperkt tot gebruik binnenshuis binnen het bandbereik 5,15 tot 5,35 GHz (kanalen 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 27  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
28Notice for users in NorwegianMerknad for brukere av kortet Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express, som er forhåndsinstallert av LenovoBegrensninger for frekvensbånd innen EU• Denne enheten er beregnet for innendørs bruk i frekvensbåndet 2400 til 2483 MHz.• Denne enheten må kun brukes innendørs i båndet 5,15 til 5,35 GHz (kanalene 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in SwedishMeddelande till användare av ett Mini PCI ExpressCard-kort för trådlöst nätverk som förinstallerats av LenovoBegränsning för EU-frekvensband• Den här enheten är avsedd för inomhusbruk i frekvensbandet 2400 till 2483 MHz.• Enheten kan bara användas inomhus i bandet 5,15 till 5,35 GHz (kanaler 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 28  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
29Notice for users in EstonianTeadaanne Lenovo poolt eelinstallitud Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card kasutajateleEL sagedusriba piirang• See seade on mõeldud kasutamiseks siseruumides, sagedusribas 2400 kuni 2483 MHz.• Selle seadme kasutus on piiratud siseruumidega sagedusribas 5,15 kuni 5,35 GHz (kanalid 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in LatvianPaziņojums Lenovo uzstādītās bezvadu LAN mini PCI Express kartes lietotājiemES frekvenču joslas ierobežojums•Šī ierīce ir paredzēta lietošanai telpās 2400 līdz 2483 MHz frekvenču joslā.•Šīs ierīces lietošana ir ierobežota – to drīkst lietot iekštelpās 5,15 līdz 5,35 GHz joslā (kanāli 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 29  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
30Notice for users in LithuanianPranešimas belaidžio LAN tinklo „Mini PCI Express“ kortelės, kuri yra iš anksto įdiegta „Lenovo“, naudotojamsES dažnio diapazono apribojimas• Šis prietaisas skirtas naudoti viduje esant 2400–2483 MHz dažniui.• Šio prietaiso naudojimas viduje esant 5,15–5,35 GHz (36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 kanalai) dažnio diapazonui yra ribotas.Notice for users in IcelandicTilkynning til notenda Mini PCI Express netkorts fyrir þráðlaus staðarnet, foruppsett af Lenovo.Takmarkanir ESB á tíðnisviði• Þetta tæki er ætlað til nota innandyra á tíðnisviðinu 2400 to 2483 MHz.• Notkun tækisins er takmörkuð við notkun innandyra á sviðinu 5,15 til 5,35 GHz (rásir 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 30  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
31Notice for users in SlovakUpozornenie pre používateľov bezdrôtovej expresnej karty LAN Mini PCI, predinštalovanej spoločnosťou LenovoEÚ Obmedzenie frekvenčného pásma• Toto zariadenie je určené na použitie vo vnútri a vo frekvenčnom pásme od 2400 do 2483 MHz.• Použitie tohto zariadenia je limitované na použitie vo vnútri, v pásme od 5,15 do 5,35 GHz (kanály 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in SlovenianObvestilo za uporabnike od podjetja Lenovo prednameščene brezžične kartice LAN Mini PCI Express.Omejitev frekvenčnega pasu EU• Ta naprava je namenjena notranji uporabi v frekvenčnem pasu od 2400 do 2483 MHz.• Uporaba te naprave je omejena na notranjo uporabo v pasu 5,15 do 5,35 GHz (kanali 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 31  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
32Notice for users in ItalianAvviso per gli utenti di express card mini PCI per reti wireless LAN, preinstallate da LenovoLimitazioni UE sulle bande di frequenza• Questo dispositivo è stato progettato per l'uso in ambienti interni nelle bande di frequenza da 2400 a 2483 MHz.• L'uso di questo dispositivo negli ambienti interni è limitato nelle bande da 5,15 a 5,35 GHz (canali 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in MalteseAvviż għall-utenti ta' Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card, installata minn qabel minn LenovoRestrizzjoni fuq il-faxxa tal-frekwenza ta' l-UE• Dan l-apparat huwa maħsub għal użu fuq ġewwa fil-faxxa ta' frekwenza 2400 sa 2483 MHz.•L-użu ta' dan l-apparat huwa limitat għal użu fuq ġewwa fil-faxxa 5.15 sa 5.35 GHz (kanali 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 32  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
33Notice for users in RomanianAnunţ pentru utilizatorii adaptoarelor Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Card, preinstalate de LenovoRestricţiile UE cu privire la banda de frecvenţe• Acest dispozitiv este conceput pentru utilizarea în spaţii închise, în banda de frecvenţe cuprinsă între 2400 şi 2483 MHz.• Utilizarea acestui dispozitiv este permisă numai în spaţii închise, în banda de frecvenţe cuprinsă între 5,15 şi 5,35 GHz (canalele 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).Notice for users in BulgarianУведомление за потребителите на предварително инсталираната от Lenovo карта Mini PCI Express за безжична мрежаЧестотни ограничения в ЕС•Това устройство е предназначено за употреба на закрито в честотния обхват от 2400 до 2483 MHz.•Използването на това устройство е ограничено до работа на закрито в честотния обхват от 5,15 до 5,35 GHz (канали 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64).S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 33  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
34Lenovo Regulatory NoticeNotice for users in PakistanFor model: BCM92046, BCM94312MCG, 512AG_MMWPakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) approvedNotice for users in Ukraine For models: BCM92046, BCM94312MCG, 512AG_MMWNon_EU and other countries / regionsS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 34  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
35Notice for users in MoroccoFor model: 512AN_MMWThe operation of this product in the radio channel 2 (2417 MHz) is notauthorized in the following cities: Agadir, Assa-Zag, Cabo Negro, Chaouen, Goulmima, Oujda, Tan Tan, Taourirt, Taroudant and Taza.The operation of this product in the radio channels 4, 5, 6 et 7 (2425 - 2442 MHz) is not authorized in the following cities: Aéroport Mohamed V, Agadir, Aguelmous, Anza, Benslimane, Béni Hafida, Cabo Negro, Casablanca, Fès, Lakbab, Marrakech, Merchich, Mohammédia, Rabat, Salé, Tanger, Tan Tan, Taounate, Tit Mellil, Zag.Due to the channel restrictions above, the operation of this product using the fat channel mode (40MHz of channel bandwidth) is not allowed at the 2.4GHz frequency band.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 35  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
36S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 36  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
37Notice for users in Saudi ArabFor model: 512AN_MMWS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 37  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
38For model: BCM94312MCGS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 38  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
39For model: BCM92046S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 39  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
40Notice for users in UAE For model: BCM94312MCG For model: BCM92046For model: 512AN_MMWETISALAT PERMIT NO.: ER-GEN-04-0034-0053ETISALAT PERMIT NO.: 0014512/08ETISALAT PERMIT NO.: ER-GEN-04-0012-0009S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 40  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
41Lenovo Regulatory Notice (AP&AZ)Notice for users in IndiaFor model: BCM92046ETA-124/2008For model: BCM94312MCGEAT-145/2007For model: 512AN_MMWETA-206/2008Notice for users in IndonesiaFor model: BCM92046For model: BCM94312MCGFor model: 512AN_MMWAsian-Pacific and Latin American countriesS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 41  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
42Users in Indonesia must never configure any channels in the 5GHz band, it is strictly forbidden. Due to this restriction, users must only select any channels on 2.4 GHz 11Mbps (802.11b) or 2.4GHz 54 Mbps (802.11g) wireless mode when configuring their Profile Management with Lenovo Access Connections program (in any Infrastructure or Adhoc Mode). Notice for users in MalaysiaFor model: BCM92046Complies with SIRIMRegistration number: SQASI/NA/08/0861For model: BCM94312MCGComplies with SIRIMRegistration number: SQASI/NA/07/2179For model: 512AN_MMWComplies with SIRIMRegistration number: SQASI/NA/08/0835S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 42  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
43Notice for users in the PhilippinesFor model: BCM94312MCGFor model: BCM92046NTCType AcceptedESD-0703169CTELECOMMUNICATIONS  NATIONALCOMMISSIONNTCType AcceptedESD-0803538CTELECOMMUNICATIONS  NATIONALCOMMISSIONS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 43  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
44For model: 512AN_MMWNTCType AcceptedESD-0803606CTELECOMMUNICATIONSNATIONALCOMMISSIONS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 44  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
45Notice for users in SingaporeFor model: BCM92046For model: 512AN_MMWFor model: BCM94312MCGComplies withIDA StandardsDA103861Complies withIDA StandardsDB02941Complies withIDA StandardsDA102889S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 45  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
46OPERATING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE RADIOCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ARE EXEMPTED FROM LICENSING To maximize frequency sharing while minimizing radio interference, the following operating conditions are imposed to confine the propagation of radio signals within a building or at a localised site: a) The radiocommunication equipment shall be used for in-building or localised on-site operations;b) The radiocommunication equipment shall operate at frequencies or frequency bands designated by IDA on non-exclusive basis;c) The radiocommunication equipment shall not operate beyond the maximum permissible output power designated by IDA to confine the propagation of radio signals to a small localised area;d) For an on-site localised operation with little obstruction by the nearby buildings or terrain, height of any external antenna, if installation approved by IDA, shall not be more than 10 metres above ground level to limit the radio wave propagation; ande) No repeater station shall be used to extend the radio coverage.S10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 46  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
47Notice for users in TaiwanFor models: BCM92046, 512AN_MMW, BCM94312MCGS10-2 RegulatoryNoticeV1.0 (US,EU,Non_EU,AP).book  Page 47  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:56 PM
48Lenovo 3000 の内蔵アダプ タ ーを日本国内でご使用になる際の注意日本国内で無線 LAN ア ダプ タ ーおよびBluetoothアダプターをご使用にな る場合の注意本製品が装備す る 無線ア ダプ ターは電波法お よび電気通信事業法に よ り 技術基準認証を取得 し てい る下記の機器です。無線 LAN アダプ タ ーの場合Bluetoothアダプ タ ーの場合本製品に組み込まれた無線設備を他の機器で使用する 場合は、 当該機器が上記 と 同 じ く 認証を受け てい る こ と を ご確認 く だ さ い。 認証 さ れて いない機器での使用は、 電波法の規定に よ り 認め ら れてい ません。 認証製品名 : BCM94312MCG 512AN_MMW認証申請者名 : Broadcom Corporation Intel Corporation認証番号 : 003GZA075100 003WWA080155003WWA075099 003XWA080156003YWA080157D080241003認証製品名 : BCM92046認証申請者名 :HON HAI Precision IND.CO.,LTD認証番号 : 003WWA080213APRN  Page 48  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:02 PM
49日本国内で Lenovo3000 を使用する場合の注意(5 GHz の場合 )ご使用の Lenovo 3000 に IEEE802.11a/n 準拠の無線機器が搭載 さ れている場合は、 5.15-5.35 GHz 周波数帯での使用は、 電波法の規定に よ り 屋内に限 られます (屋外での使用は禁 じ ら れています)。(2.4 GHz の場合)こ の機器の使用周波数帯では、 電子レ ン ジ等の産業 ・ 科学 ・ 医療用機器のほか工場の製造 ラ イ ン等で使用 さ れて い る移動体識別用の構内無線局 (免許を要する無線局) およ び特定小電力無線局 (免許を要し ない無線局) 並びに アマチ ュ ア無線局 (免許を要す る無線局) が運用 さ れて います。1. こ の機器を使用する 前に、 近 く で移動体識別用の構内無線局及び特定小電力無線局並びにアマチ ュ ア無線局が運用 さ れてい ない こ と を確認し てください。2. 万一、 こ の機器か ら 移動体識別用の構内無線局に対 し て電波干渉の事例が発生 し た場合には、 速やかに使用周波数 を変更す る か ま た は電波の発射を停止 し た上で、 下記連絡先にご連絡頂き、 混信回避のための処置等について ご相談 く だ さ い。3. その他、 こ の機器か ら の移動体識別用の特定小電力無線局あ る いは アマチュ ア無線局に対 し て有害な電波干渉の事例が発生 し た場合な ど何かお困 り の こ と が起 き た と き には、 次の連絡先にお問い合わせ く だ さ い。連絡先:スマートセンター (スマートセンターのご利用方法は、次のホームページでご確認頂けます。  Page 49  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:02 PM
50無線 LAN アダプ ター (IEEE802.11b/g 準拠) の場合Bluetooth アダプ タ ーの場合以上の内容は、 「社団法人   電波産業会」 ARIB STD-T66 の主旨に基づ くものです。こ の機器が、 2.4GHz 周波数帯 (2400 か ら 2483.5MHz) を使用する直接拡散 (DS) 方式および直交周波数分割多重方式 (OFDM) の無線装置で、 干渉距離が約 40m (定格出力 10mW/MHz) であ る こ と を意味しています。こ の機器が、 2.4GHz 周波数帯 (2400 か ら 2483.5MHz) を使用する周波数ホ ッ ピ ン グ (FH) 方式の無線装置で、 干渉距離が約 10m で あ る こ とを意味し ます。RN  Page 50  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:02 PM
51無線 LAN 製品ご使用時におけ る セキ ュ リ テ ィ に関す る ご注意無線 LAN では、 LAN ケーブルを使用する代わ り に、 電波を利用し てパ ソコ ン等 と 無線ア ク セス ポ イ ン ト 間で情報のや り 取 り を行 う ため、 電波の届く 範囲であれば自由に LAN 接続が可能であ る と い う 利点があ り ます。 その反面、 電波はあ る範囲内であれば障害物 (壁等) を越えてすべての場所に届 く ため、 セキ ュ リ テ ィ に関す る 設定を行っ てい ない場合、 以下の よ うな問題が発生する可能性があ り ます。・ 通信内容を盗み見 られる   悪意あ る 第三者が、 電波を故意に傍受 し、- ID やパス ワー ド 又は ク レ ジ ッ ト カー ド 番号等の個人情報-メールの内容等の通信内容 を盗み見 ら れ る 可能性があ り ま す。・ 不正に侵入 さ れる 悪意あ る 第三者が、 無断で個人や会社内のネ ッ トワークへアクセスし、- 個人情報や機密情報を取 り 出す (情報漏洩)-特定の人物になりすまして通信し、不正な情報を流す(なりすまし)- 傍受し た通信内容を書き 換え て発信する (改ざん)- コ ン ピ ュ ータ ウ ィ ル ス な ど を流 し データやシ ス テ ム を破壊する (破壊)などの行為をされてしま う可能性があり ます。本来、 無線 LAN カー ド や無線ア ク セ ス ポ イ ン ト は、 こ れ ら の問題に対応す る ためのセキ ュ リ テ ィ の仕組みを持 っ てい ま すので、 無線 LAN 製品のセ キ ュ リ テ ィ に関す る 設定を行 っ て製品 を使用す る こ と で、 その問題が発生する 可能性は少な く な り ます。セキュ リ テ ィの設定を行わないで使用した場合の問題を充分理解した上で、 お客様自身の判断 と 責任においてセキ ュ リ テ ィ に関する設定を行い、製品を使用す る こ と をお奨め し ます。RN  Page 51  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:02 PM
52Notice for users in KoreaFor models: BCM92046, BCM94312MCG, 512AN_MMWPlease note that this device has been certified for residential use and may be used in any environment.TrademarksLenovo, lenovo logo, IdeaPad, VeriFace, OneKey Rescue (OneKey Recovery, OneKey AntiVirus), APS, Power Express, Energy Management and ReadyComm are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Lenovo in the United States and/or other countries.RN  Page 52  Monday, April 13, 2009  9:02 PM

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