Inkel LRC-122RF RF Remote Control User Manual R 772 A

Inkel Corporation RF Remote Control R 772 A


Users Manual II

21ENGLISH• If any of buttons fails to operate as they should,start from the step 1again to enter the correct setupcode.Note :• Manufacturers may use different setup codes forthe same product category. For that reason, it isimportant that you check to see if the code youhave entered operates as many controls aspossible. If only a few functions operate, check tosee if another code will work with more buttons.6. Operate the component using the correspondingfunction buttons.4. While "PRESET" is displayed, press the ENTERbutton to store the setup code.5. Operate the component using the correspondingfunction buttons.6. Repeat the above steps 1 to 5 for each of yourother components.1. Turn on the component you want to operate.2. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select the setupcode mode ("CODE").3. While "PRESET" is displayed, search a setupcode, aiming the remote control at the remotesensor on the component.7. Repeat the above steps 1 to 6 for each of yourother components.Searching a setup code• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, the setup code is selectedone by one.• If the selected code is correct, your componentwill be turned off.• When your component is not turned off, repeatthis step until you find one that works.• In addition to enter a setup code using "SetupCode Table" on page 73, it is also possible tosearch through all the codes that are stored in thelibrary of this remote control.• Then "OK" is displayed on the LCD screen.• If any of buttons fails to operate as they should,start from the step 1 again to find the correctsetup code.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 21
ENGLISH22• If the command has been learned successfully,"OK" is displayed and then "SEL" is flickering.• If "ERROR" is displayed and then "SEL" isflickering, it means that for some reason thecommand was not learned. In this case, repeatthe above steps 4 and 5.Notes :• If an incorrect signal has been sent or, in somecases, the command from other remote controlsimply cannot be learned.• In some "ERROR" cases, the remote controls justneed to be moved closer together or fartherapart.Programing the commands from otherremote controls (LEARNING mode)• Then "SEL" is flickering.• If "SEL" goes off, start again from the abovestep 2.• If the setup codes are not available for yourcomponent or you want to program a missing orspecial function into one button of a device, thelearning function enables this remote control tolearn the commands from other remote controls.• Then "READY" is displayed.Note:• You cannot program a function into some buttonssuch as DEVICE, MACRO and LIGHT buttons.To exit from the setting mode, press any of theDEVICE buttons.• Then "LEARN" is displayed on the LCD screenfor several secondsNote :• During setting operation, to exit from the settingmode, press any of the DIVICE buttons.1. Place this remote control and other remotecontrol facing each other at a distance of 5 to 15cm (2 to 6 inches ) apart.2. Press and hold down the ENTER button and thedesired one of the DEVICE buttons for morethan 2 seconds.3. While "LEARN" is displayed, press the ENTERbutton.4. While "SEL" is flickering, on this remote control,press the button corresponding to the function tobe learned.5. While  "READY" is displayed, on the otherremote control, press the button of the functionto be learned.8. Operate the newly programmed buttons to makesure the learning function was performedproperly.7. Repeat the above steps 1 to 6 to program thecommands from a different remote control.6. While "SEL" is flickering, repeat the above steps4 and 5 to program all the commands you wantto the buttons on this remote control under thesame device mode.Example: If the function to be learned is playback,press the PLAY() button.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 22
23ENGLISHErasing the programmed command fromone button• "OK" is displayed and then "SEL" is flickering.• Then "BTTN" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.Example: When the button for the command to beerased is PLAY button.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, "BTTN" or "LEARN"(allcommand deleting mode) is selected.• Then "SEL" is flickering.• If "SEL" goes off, start again from the abovestep 1.1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select thedelecting mode ("DELETE").1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select thedeleting mode ("DELETE").2. While "BTTN" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the allcommand deleting mode ("LEARN"), then pressthe ENTER button.3. While "SURE?" is displayed, press the ENTERbutton.4. To erase all the commands programmed underother device mode, repeat the above steps 1 to3.2. While "BTTN" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the onecommand deleting mode (BTTN), then press theENTER button.3. While "SEL" is flickering, press the button for thecommand you want to erase.4. While "SEL" is flickering, repeat the above step3 to erase other commands.Erasing all the commands programmedunder a device mode• Then all the commands programmed are erased.• Then "BTTN" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.• Then "SURE?" is displayed .• If "SURE?" goes off, start again from the abovestep 1R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 23
ENGLISH24Programming a macro functionExample: When playing a DVD on the DVD playerconnected to VIDEO 2 jacks of thisreceiver.. Press "AUDIO" button to control this receiver.. Press "POWER ON" button to turn this receiver on.. Press "VIDEO 2(7)" button to select thedesired input source.. Press "DVD" button to control the DVD player.. Press "POWER ON" button to turn the DVDplayer on.. Press "PLAY ()" button to start playback.• Each time the operation buttons are pressed, theprogrammed order is displayed.• The macro function enables you to program aseries of button operations(up to 15) on thisremote control into a single button.• You can store up to three separate macrocommand sequences into "M1", "M2" and "M3"buttons.• Then "M1" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.• During macro setting operation, pressing any ofthe DEVICE buttons cannot exit from the macromode.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, "M1", "M2" or "M3" isselected.• Then "SEL" is flickering.• If "SEL" goes off, start again from the above step 1.1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select the macromode ("MACRO").2. While "M1" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the MACRObutton to be programmed into, then press theENTER button.3. While "SEL" is flickering, press the operationbuttons you want to program in order.4. Press any of the MACRO buttons (M1~M3) tocomplete the programming.• Then "OK" is displayed.To erase a macro program• When erasing a macro program, perform theabove steps 1, 2 and 4, but ignore the step 3.To change a macro program• When a new macro program is stored into aMACRO button with performing the above steps1 to 4, the previous macro program is erasedfrom the memory of the MACRO button.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 24
ENGLISH25Operating a macro functionNotes:• The codes programmed into a MACRO button willbe transmitted at an interval of 0.5 seconds.However, some components may not be able tocomplete one operation in 0.5 seconds and maymiss the next code.In this case, the macro function cannot control thecorresponding components correctly.• Be sure to use the remote control within the remotecontrol operation range of the components.• Depending on the operation status of thecomponents, etc., the macro function cannotcontrol the corresponding components correctly.• Aim the remote control at the REMOTESENSORs of the components to be controlledand press the MACRO button you want.Example : When pressing "M1" button.1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select a masterdevice and the punch-through mode ("PUNCH").2. While "VOL" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the desiredpunch-through mode, then press the ENTERbutton.Programing a punch-through function• The punch-through function allows the volumecontrols, channel controls or transport controls tolink to a different device while a device iscontrolled with this remote control as a masterdevice.• For example, since this receiver will likely beused as the sound system while watching TV,you may want to use volume controls to operatethis receiver although this remote control is set tocontrol the TV.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, the mode changes asfollows:VOL : The volume punch -through modeallows the "VOLUME /" and"MUTE" buttons to operate a differentdevice.DELETE : All punch-through deleting mode. PLAY : The transport punch-through modeallows the "", "", "", "", "","", "" and "" buttons tooperate a different device.CH : The channel punch-through modeallows the "CHANNEL /" and "CH.LEVEL" buttons to operate a differentdevice.• Then the device to which you can link theselected punch-through mode is displayed.• Then "VOL" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 25
ENGLISH26• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, depending on the selectedpunch-through mode, punch-through devicesand the one punch-through deleting mode("DELETE") are selected as follows :• In case of the volume punch-through,AUDIO DELETE TV • In case of the transport punch-through,CD DELETE DVD VCR AUX • In case of the channel punch-through,TV DELETE SAT CABLE VCR • Then "OK" is displayed and the current punch-through mode is displayed.3. While the device is displayed, press theCURSOR UP()/DOWN() buttons to selectthe desired punch-through device, then pressthe ENTER button.1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select a masterdevice and the punch-through mode ("PUNCH").2. While "VOL" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the punch-through mode to be erased, then press theENTER button.4. While the punch-through mode is displayed,repeat the above steps 2 and 3 to program otherpunch-through function under the same masterdevice mode.5. To program punch-through functions  underother  master device mode, repeat the abovesteps 1 to 4.Operating a punch-through function• While this remote control is set to control amaster device, aim the remote control at theREMOTE SENSOR of the punch-through deviceand press the desired button of the programmedpunch-through controls. Example: When pressing "PLAY ()" button.• Then the punch-through device is displayed onthe LCD screen.Erasing the programmed puch-throughfunction• Then "VOL" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, the mode changes asfollows:VOL DELETE PLAY CH • Then the device is displayed .ContinuedR-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 26
ENGLISH273. While the device is displayed, press theCURSOR UP()/DOWN() buttons to selectthe one punch-through deleting mode("DELETE"), then press the ENTER button.2. While "VOL" is displayed, press the CURSORUP()/DOWN() buttons to select the allpunch-through deleting mode ("DELETE").3. While "DELETE" is displayed, to erase all thepunch-through functions programmed under themaster device mode, press ENTER button.4. To erase all the punch-through functionsprogrammed under other master device mode,repeat the above steps 1 to 3.4. While the punch-through mode is displayed,repeat the above steps 2 and 3 to erase otherpunch-through function under the same masterdevice mode.5. To erase punch-through functions under othermaster device mode, repeat the above steps 1to 4.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, depending on theselected punch-through mode, the punch-through devices and the deleting mode("DELETE") are selected.• Then "OK" is displayed and the current punch-through mode is displayed .• Then "OK" is displayed and "DELETE" isdisplayed.• To exit from the deleting mode, press any of theDEVICE buttons.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, the mode changes asfollows:VOL DELETE PLAY CH • Then "DELETE" is displayed .Continued1. Perform the steps 3 and 4 in "Entering a setupcode" procedure on page 20 to select a masterdevice and the punch-through mode ("PUNCH").Erasing all the punch-through functionsprogrammed under a master device mode• Then "VOL" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 27
28Changing the transmission signal• This remote control can emit not only the infraredbeams which the conventional remote controluses but also the RF(Radio Frequency) beamswhich are stronger than those.• When you want to control this receiver from longerdistance even if there are obstacles such as walls,furniture, etc. in the way, change the transmissionsignal into "RF"(Radio Frequency).Notes:• When the RF remote antenna is not connected,remote operation will become unreliable. (Fordetails, refer to "CONNECTING RF REMOTEANTENNA" on page 12.)• If the transmission signal mode is set to "RF"(Radio Frequency), this remote control cannotcontrol other audio and video components.1. Press and hold down the ENTER button andany of the DEVICE buttons for more than 2seconds.• Then "LEARN" is displayed on the LCD screen forseveral seconds.Note:• During setting operation, to exit from the settingmode, press any of the DEVICE buttons.2. While "LEARN" is displayed, press theCURSOR UP()/DOWN() buttons to selectthe transmission signal mode("RF-IR"), thenpress the ENTER button.• Then "RF" (or "IR") is displayed.• If "RF" (or "IR") goes off, start again from theabove step 1. 3. While "RF" (or "IR") is displayed, press theCURSOR UP()/DOWN() buttons to selectthe desired transmission signal, then press theENTER button.4. To pair up this remote control and the receiver,press the CONTROL DOWN() button and theMEMORY/ENTER button simultaneously on thereceiver.5. While "RF REMOCON PAIRING MODE" isdisplayed, press the ENTER button, aiming at thereceiver.• Each time the CURSOR UP()/DOWN()buttons are pressed, the mode changes asfollows :"RF" : This remote control emits the RF(Radio Frequency) beams which stronger than theinfrared beams."IR" : This remote control emits the infrared beams which the conventional remote control uses.• Then "OK" is displayed.• "RF REMOCON PAIRING MODE" is displayed forseveral seconds on the display of the receiver.• If "RF REMOCON PAIRING MODE" goes off,press these buttons again.• Then "PAIRING SUCCESS" is displayed. ENGLISHWhen "RF" is set to.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 28
29REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION RANGEROOM 2 Remote ControlsThis remote control unit is an additional remote control unit for the ROOM 2 source playback only.• You can use the ROOM 2 functions with this remote control unit more conveniently in another room than withthe universal remote control unit.• For details on ROOM 2 operation, refer to "ROOM 2 SOURCE PLAYBACK" on page 44.LOADING BATTERY• Remove the battery when it is not used for a longtime.• Aim the ROOM 2 remote control at the IRreceiver installed in another room.(For details,refer to "CONNECTING MULTI-ROOM SYSTEMKIT" on page 13.)• When you operate the ROOM 2 function in themain room, aim the ROOM 2 remote control atthe remote sensor of this receiver.1. Remove the cover. 2. Load the battery(CR2025) matching the polarity.ENGLISHR-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 29
ENGLISH30LISTENING TO A PROGRAM SOURCEOperationsBefore operation• Enter the standby mode.• The POWER ON/STANDBY buttonlights up amber. This means that thereceiver is not disconnected from theAC mains and a small amount ofcurrent is retained to support theoperation readiness. • To switch the power off, push thePOWER switch again.Then the power is cut off and the POWER ON/STANDBY button goes off.• Then the SPEAKER indicator lights upand the sound can be heard from thespeakers connected to the speakerterminals.• When using the headphones for privatelistening, press the SPEAKER buttonagain to switch the speakers off.• Each time the "AUDIO" button on the front panelis pressed, the input source changes as follows:CD AUX TAPE• Each time the "VIDEO" button on the front panelis pressed, the input source changes as follows:VIDEO 1VIDEO 2VIDEO 3 VIDEO 4• Each time the "TUNER" button is pressed, theband changes as follows:FM STereo FM MONO AM XMWhen selecting the EXTERNAL IN as desired,• Depending on the power amplifier setting for thesurround back channels and the surround backspeaker setting, "EXT. IN" is displayed and 8(/7/6)separate analog signals from the componentconnected to this input pass through the tone andvolume circuits only and can be heard from yourspeakers. • Select the desired input source to cancel theexternal in function.• These analog signals can be heard only, notrecorded.Notes:• Before operating this receiver with the supplied remote control, refer to "Universal Remote Controls" on page17 for details about operation.• Before operating this receiver, first set this unit as desired for optimum performance, doing the OSD menusetting procedures. (For details, refer to "OSD Menu Settings" on page 47.)• Each time the POWER ON/STANDBY button onthe front panel is pressed, the receiver is turned onto enter the operating mode (the POWER ON/STANDBY button lights up blue) or off to enter thestandby mode(the POWER ON/STANDBY buttonlights up amber).• On the remote control, press the POWER ONbutton to enter the operating mode or press theSTANDBY button to enter the standby mode.• In the standby mode, if the INPUT SELECTORbutton is pressed, the receiver is turned onautomatically and the desired input is selected.1. In the standby mode, turn the power on.3. Select the desired input source.2. Switch the speakers on.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 30
ENGLISH31• When playing back the program sources withsurround sound, refer to “ENJOYINGSURROUND SOUND” on page 34.• If the AUDIO MODE is set to the mode otherthan "DIGITAL" for the corresponding inputsource on the INPUT SETUP menu, you cannothear the sound from the selected digital input.(For details, refer to "SETTING THE INPUTSETUP" on page 53.)When CD, AUX, VIDEO 1~ 4 is selected asan input source■Notes:• When the selected digital input is not connectedor assigned, "o1", "c1", etc (, meaning no digitalsignal input from it) or "d"(, meaning no audioassignment) flickers and no sound will be heard. • The selected digital input is automaticallyassigned to the corresponding input source onthe INPUT SETUP menu. (For details, refer to"SETTING THE INPUT SETUP" on page 53.) • The sound from the component connected to theselected digital input can be heard regardless ofthe selected input source.• Each time the MULTI CONTOL knob is rotated orthe CURSOR LEFT(◀)/RIGHT(▶) buttons arepressed, the corresponding input is selected asfollows : • Ensure that the SPEAKER button is set to off.• Depending on the signal format which is beinginput, you can listen in Dolby Headphone mode,stereo mode, etc. (For details, refer to "Listeningin Dolby Headphone mode" on page 35).• When the EXTERNAL IN is selected as an inputsource, only front left and front right channelsignals can be reproduced through theheadphones.■Note:• Be careful not to set the volume too high whenusing headphones.Muting the soundListening with headphones• "MUTE" flickers.• To resume the previous sound level, press it again.5. Select the desired of the digital inputs connectedwhile displaying "AUD ~ ".4. Press the AUDIO ASSIGN button.6. Operate the selected component for playback.7. Adjust the (overall) volume.• "AUD ~ " is displayed for several seconds.• "AUD ~ " disappears, press the AUDIO ASSIGNbutton again.R-772(A)  2007.8.20  10:2 AM  페이지 31
ENGLISH32DTS Digital Surround DTS Digital Surround(also called simply DTS) is a multi-channeldigital signal format which can handle higher data rates. Discsbearing the  “              ” include the recording of up to5.1 channels of digital signals, which can be generally thoughtto provide better sound quality due to the lower audiocompression required. It also provides wide dynamic range and separation, resultingin magnificent sound.DTS - ES Extended Surround™()This is a new multi channel digital signal format which greatlyimproves the 360- degree surround impression and spaceexpression thanks to further expanded surround signals,offering high compatibility with the conventional DTS format.In addition to the 5.1 channels, DTS-ES Extended Surroundalso offers the surround back (sometimes also referred to as“surround center”) channel for surround playback with a totalof 6.1 channels. DTS-ES Extended Surround includes twosignal formats with different surround signal recordingmethods as follows:• DTS-ES™ Discrete 6.1Because the signals for 6.1 channels (including the surround backchannel) are fully independent, it is possible to achieve a sensethat the acoustic image are moving about freely among thebackground sounds surrounding the listener from 360 degrees.Though maximum performance is achieved when soundtracks recorded with this system are played using a DTS -ESdecoder, when played with a conventional DTS decoder, thesurround back channel signals are automatically downmixedto the surround left and surround right channels so that noneof the signal components are lost.• DTS - ES™ Matrix 6.1With  this format, the additional surround back channelsignals undergo matrix encoding and are input to thesurround left and surround right channels beforehand. Duringplayback, they are decoded to the surround left, surroundright and surround back channels. Because the bit stream format is 100% compatible withconventional DTS signals, the effect of the DTS-ES Matrix 6.1format can be achieved even with DTS 5.1- channel signalsources. Of course, it is possible to play DTS-ES Matrix 6.1 -channel signal sources with a DTS 5.1 - channel decoder.When DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 or Matrix 6.1 sources are decodedwith a DTS - ES decoder, the format is automatically detectedupon decoding and the  optimum surround mode is selected.However, some DTS - ES Matrix 6.1 sources may be detectedas DTS sources. In this case, the DTS - ES Matrix modeshould be selected manually to play these sources.DTS Neo : 6™ surroundThis mode applies conventional 2-channel signals such asdigital PCM or analog stereo signals to the high precision digitalmatrix decoder used for DTS-ES Matrix 6.1 to achieve 6.1-channel surround playback. DTS Neo : 6 surround includes twomodes for selecting the optimum decoding for the signal source.• DTS Neo : 6 CinemaThis mode is optimum for playing movies. Decoding isperformed with emphasis on separation performance toachieve the same atmosphere with 2-channel sources as with6.1-channel sources. • DTS Neo : 6 MusicThis mode is suited mainly for playing music. The front leftand front right signals bypass the decoder and are playeddirectly so there is no loss of sound quality, and the effect ofthe surround signals from the center, surround left, surroundright and surround back channels adds a natural sense ofexpansion to the sound field.DTS 96/24Conventional surround formats used sampling frequencies of48 or 44.1 kHz, so 20 kHz was about the maximum playbacksignal frequency. With DTS 96/24, the sampling frequency isincreased to 96 or 88.2 kHz to achieve a wide frequencyrange of over 40 kHz. In addition, this format has a resolutionof 24 bits, resulting in the same frequency band and dynamicrange as 96kHz / 24 bit PCM signals. As with conventional DTS surround, DTS 96/24 is compatiblewith a maximum of 5.1 channels. DTS 96/24 is fullycompatible with the conventional DTS surround format, soDTS 96/24 sources can be played using a conventional DTS5.1 channel decoder."DTS" and "DTS-ES I Neo:6" are registered trademarks ofDTS, Inc. "96/24" is a trademarks of DTS, Inc.Dolby DigitalDolby Digital is the multi- channel digital signal formatdeveloped by Dolby Laboratories. Discs bearing the“                 ” includes the recording of up to 5.1 channels ofdigital signals, which can reproduce much better soundquality, spatial expansion and dynamic range characteristicsthan the previous Dolby Surround effect.Dolby Digital EXThis mode creates the back (sometimes also referred to as“surround center”) signals from the surround left and rightsignals in Dolby Digital 5.1 channel source using a matrixdecoder and provides 6.1 channel surround playback. For thebest results, this mode should be selected during playback ofsources(bearing the “                   ”) recorded in Dolby DigitalEX. With this additional channel, you can experience moredynamic and realistic moving sound especially.When Dolby Digital EX sources are decoded with a DolbyDigital EX decoder, the format is automatically detected upondecoding and the Dolby Digital EX mode is selected.However, some Dolby Digital EX sources may be detected asDolby Digital sources. In this case, the Dolby Digital EX modeshould be selected manually to play these sources.Surround modesSURROUND SOUND• This receiver incorporates a sophisticated Digital Signal Processor that allows you to create optimum sound quality and soundatmosphere in your personal Home Theater.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 32
ENGLISH33Dolby Pro Logic IIx surroundDolby Pro Logic IIx decodes all stereo (2 channel ) and 5.1channel sources and extends to 7.1channel surroundplayback. It delivers the most natural, full range andimmersing 7.1 channel listening experience. Dolby  Pro LogicIIx surround includes three modes as follows :• Dolby Pro Logic IIx MovieWhen enjoying movies, this mode allows you to furtherenhance the cinematic quality by adding processing thatemphasizes the sounds of the action special effects.• Dolby Pro Logic IIx MusicWhen listening to music, this mode allows you to furtherenhance the sound quality by adding processing thatemphasizes the musical effects.• Dolby Pro Logic IIx GameWhen playing games, this mode allows you to furtherenhance the dynamic surround effects by adding processingthat emphasizes the surrounded and exciting sound.Dolby Pro Logic II surroundThis mode applies conventional 2-channel signals such asdigital PCM or analog stereo signals as well as DolbySurround signals, etc. to surround processing to offerimprovements over conventional Dolby Pro Logic circuits.Dolby Pro Logic II surround includes Dolby Pro Logic IIMovie, Dolby Pro Logic II Music  and Dolby Pro Logic IIGame like Dolby Pro Logic IIx surround.Dolby Virtual SpeakerThis mode creates a virtual surround sound field using as fewas two front speakers, allowing you to experience listeningfrom 5.1 channel speakers.This mode is effective not only for 5.1 channel sources butalso for stereo(2 channel) sources. Dolby VIrtual Speaker includes two listening mode as follows:• Dolby Virtual Speaker ReferenceThe width of the front sound image is defined by the actualdistance between front speakers.• Dolby Virtual Speaker WideThe width of the front sound image seems to extend beyondthe front speakers. Dolby HeadphoneThe Dolby Headphone function simulates 5.1 channelsurround sound , which allows you to enjoy 5.1 channelsurround sound through 2 channel headphones, just likelistening from 5.1 channel speakers. This mode is effective not only for 5.1 channel sources butalso for stereo ( 2 channel ) sources. Manufactured  under license from Dolby Laboratories.“Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the double-D symbol are trademarksof Dolby Laboratories.• The following modes apply conventional 2-channel signalssuch as digital PCM or analog stereo signals to highperformance Digital Signal Processor to recreate soundfields artificially. Select one of the 7 provided surroundmodes according to the program source you want to play.Theater This mode provides the effect of being in a movie theaterwhen watching a play.Hall This mode provides the ambience of a concert hall forclassical music sources such as orchestral, chamber musicor an instrumental solo.StadiumThis mode provides the expansive sound field to achieve thetrue stadium effect when watching baseball or soccer games.RoomThis mode provides the sound field of a house with a lowceiling and hard walls for jazz music. PanoramaThis mode provides a dynamic and broad sound space tohighten the overall impact of the sound track.ClassicThis mode provides the acoustic effects of a large concerthall for classical music.Multi CH StereoThis mode is designed for playing background music. Thefront, surround and surround back channels create a stereoimage that encompasses the entire area.• When using the EXTERNAL INs to play back the sound from the additional multi-channel decoder for surround sound, you canenjoy the corresponding surround sound, too.( For details, refer to the operating instructions of the component to beconnected.)For your reference, the sound from each channel can be reproduced according to the surround modes as follows:(*): Depending on the subwoofer setting, the sound from the subwoofer channel may be reproduced.• Depending on the speaker settings and the number of the encoded channels, etc., the sound from the corresponding channelscannot be reproduced.(For details, refer to "SETTING THE SPEAKER / ROOM EQ SETUP" on page 57.)Modes                                             Channels FRONT L/R CENTER SURROUND L/R SURROUND BACK L/R SUBWOOFERDTS, DTS 96/24  DTS ES DISCRETE/MATRIX    DTS NEO: 6 CINEMA/MUSIC   (*)DOLBY DIGITAL  DOLBY DIGITAL EX    DOLBY PRO LOGIC IIx MOVIE/MUSIC/GAME    DOLBY PRO LOGIC II MOVIE/MUSIC/GAME  DOLBY VIRTUAL SPEAKER  (*)MULTI PCM   Other Surrounds   (*)STEREO   (*)EXTERNAL IN    R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 33
ENGLISH34ENJOYING SURROUND SOUND• Each time this button is pressed, the mode changes asfollows :Auto surround mode : The optimum surround mode will beautomatically selected depending on the signalformat being input. Manual surround mode : You can select the desired of differentsurround modes selectable for the signalbeing input with using the MULTICONTROL knob or the SURROUND MODEUP/DOWN (  ) buttons.• Depending on surround back speaker setting, some surround modes can be selected or not as follows:< >: Possible only when surround back speaker is not set to "NO".[  ] : Possible only when surround back speaker is set to "NO".(  ): Possible only when surround back speaker is set to " 2CH". * : Depending on the signal format being input, the Dolby Pro Logic IIx modes and the Dolby Virtual Speaker modes may not be selected.Notes :  • Even when the auto surround mode is selected and the same type of digital signal format is being input, theoptimum surround mode may vary depending on whether the speaker type is set to "NO" or not.• When the auto surround mode is selected, the surround modes other than the optimum surround modecannot be selected. Notes:• Before surround playback, first perform the speaker setup procedure, etc. on the OSD menu for optimum performance.(For details, refer to "SETTING THE SPEAKER/ROOM EQ SETUP" on page 57.)• When playing digital signals from the Dolby Digital program source or selecting the surround mode such as Dolby Pro Logic II/Dolby Pro Logic IIx Music, Dolby Headphone, Dolby Virtual Speaker modes, you can adjust their parameters for optimumsurround effect. (For details, refer to "SETTING THE SOUND PARAMETER" on page 66.)• When the EXTERNAL IN is selected as an input source, the surround modes cannot be selected.Depending on how to select a surround mode, select the auto surround mode or the manual surround mode.("AUTO" lights up.)("AUTO" goes off.)When selecting the manual surround mode with pressing the SURROUND MODE button on the front panel. Select the desired surround mode.• Each time the MULTI CONTROL knob is rotated orthe SURROUND MODE UP / DOWN ( >/< ) buttonsare pressed, the surround mode changes dependingon the input signal format as follows : Signal format being inputDolby Digital EX 6.1 channel sources,Dolby Digital 5.1 channel sourcesDolby Digital 2 channel sourcesDTS ES Discrete/Matrix 6.1 channelsourcesDTS sources, DTS 96/24 sourcesPCM (multi-channel) sources*96 kHz PCM (2 channel) sourcesPCM (2 channel) sources,Analog stereo sourcesSelectable surround mode<DOLBY DIGITAL EX, DOLBY D + PLIIx MUSIC>, (DOLBY D + PLIIx MOVIE), DOLBY DIGITAL, DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE <DOLBY PLIIx MOVIE, DOLBY PLIIx MUSIC, DOLBY PLIIx GAME>, [DOLBY PLII MOVIE,  DOLBY PLII MUSIC, DOLBY PLII GAME], DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE<corresponding DTS ES mode, DTS + PLIIx MUSIC>, (DTS + PLIIx MOVIE), DTS, DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE correnponding DTS mode, DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE, <DTS + NEO:6, DTS + PLIIxMUSIC>, (DTS + PLIIx MOVIE)MULTI PCM, <DOLBY PLIIx MOVIE, DOLBY PLIIx MUSIC>, DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE<DOLBY PLIIx MOVIE, DOLBY PLIIx MUSIC, DOLBY PLIIx GAME>, [DOLBY PLII MOVIE,DOLBY PLII MUSIC, DOLBY PLII GAME], DOLBY VS REF, DOLBY VS WIDE, NEO:6 CINEMA, NEO:6 MUSIC, THEATER, HALL, STADIUM, ROOM, PANORAMA, CLASSIC,MULTI CH STEREO  R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 34
ENGLISH35ContinuedTo cancel the surround mode for stereo operation• Depending on the signal format which is being input, either the stereomode or the 2CH downmix mode is selected.• To cancel either the stereo mode or the 2CH downmix mode, selectthe surround mode with using the MULTI CONTROL knob on thefront panel or the SURROUND MODE UP/DOWN ( >/< ) buttons onthe remote control.2CH downmix mode• This mode allows the multi-channel signals encoded in DTS or Dolby Digital format, etc. to be mixed down into2 front channels and to be reproduced through only two front speakers or through headphones.• When the SPEAKER button is set to off to listen with headphones, if the STEREO button is pressed whileplaying the multi-channel digital signals from DTS or Dolby Digital sources, etc., it will enter the 2CH downmixmode automatically.• To cancel the 2CH downmix mode, select the  Dolby Headphone mode with using the MULTI CONTROL knobon the front panel or the SURROUND MODE UP/DOWN ( >/< ) buttons on the remote control.• The Dolby Headphone function simulates 5.1 channel surround sound, which allows you to enjoy 5.1 channelsurround sound through 2 channel headphones, just like listening from 5.1 channel speakers.Note :• Only when the SPEAKER button is set to off, the Dolby Headphone mode can be selected.   • Switch the speakers off to listen with headphones.Listening in Dolby Headphone mode• The volume level of each channel can beadjusted easily with the test tone function.Note : When the SPEAKER button is set to off,the test tone function does not work.Adjusting each channel level with test tone• The test tone will be heard from the speaker ofeach channel for 2 seconds as follows:Front Left           Center        Front Right      Surround Right    Subwoofer    Surround Left    Surround Back       Surr.Back Left    Surr.Back Right•When the speaker setting is "NO", the test tone of thecorresponding channel is not available.• (  ) : Possible depending on whether the surround back channel is set to "2 CH" or "1 CH".• You can select the desired channel with pressingthe CONTROL UP/DOWN () buttons or theCURSOR UP/DOWN () buttons.1. Enter the test tone mode.3. Cancel the test tone function.2. At each channel, adjust the level as desired untilthe sound level of each speaker is heard to beequally loud.• Then "DOLBY HEADPHONE" (or "DOLBY H ~ ") is displayed andthe Dolby Headphone mode is selected.• To cancel the Dolby Headphone mode, press the SPEAKERbutton again.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 35
ENGLISH36Adjusting the current channel level• Each time these buttons are pressed, thecorresponding channel is selected as follows:(   ): Possible depending on whether the surround back channel isset to "2 CH" or "1 CH". < >: Possible only when the digital signals from Dolby Digital orDTS program sources that include LFE signal are input.• Depending on the speaker settings("NO", etc.)and surround mode, etc., some channels cannotbe selected.• When the SPEAKER button is set to off, only theFront Left, Front Right (and LFE) channels canbe selected.• After adjusting each channel level with test tone, adjust the channel levels either according to the programsources or to suit your tastes.• You can adjust the current channel levels as desired. These adjusted levels are just memorized into user’smemory ("CAL"), not into preset memory("REF 1", "REF 2").• The LFE level can be adjusted within the range of-10~0 dB and other channel levels within therange of -15~+15 dB.• In general, we recommend the LFE level to beadjusted to 0 dB.(However, the recommendedLFE level for some early DTS software is -10 dB.)If the recommended levels seem too high, lowerthe setting as necessary.• Then the memory mode ("CAL" or "REF 1") isdisplayed for several seconds.• When the memory mode or channel leveldisappears, press this button again.1. Press the CHANNEL LEVEL button. 3. Adjust the level of the selected channel asdesired.4. Repeat the above steps  and  3 to adjust eachchannel level.2.  Select the desired channel.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 36
ENGLISH37Memorizing the adjusted channel levels• The "1" of "REF 1" indication flickers for several seconds.• You can memorize the adjusted channel levels intopreset memory("REF 1", "REF 2") and recall thememorized whenever you want.• The adjusted channel levels have now beenmemorized into the selected memory.Recalling the memorized channel levels• "REF 1" (or "CAL") is displayed for severalseconds.• If the channel level mode display disappears,press this button again.• Then the channel levels memorized into theselected preset memory are recalled.• If the preset memory disappears, perform the above step 1  again. 1. After performing the steps 1 ~ 4 in "Adjusting thecurrent channel level" procedure on page 36,press the (MEMORY/) ENTER button.2. Select the desired one of REF 1 and REF  2.2. Select the desired one of REF 1 and REF 2.3. Confirm your selection.1. Press the CHANNEL LEVEL button.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 37
ENGLISH38LISTENING TO RADIO BROADCASTSAuto tuning• Each time this button is pressed, the bandchanges as follows :→FM STereo  →FM MONO →AM →XM ("ST" lights up)      ("ST" goes off)     • When FM stereo broadcasts are poor because ofweak broadcast signals, select the FM monomode to reduce the noise, then FM broadcastsare reproduced in monaural sound.• To listen to XM Satellite Radio, select XM mode.(For details, refer to "XM Satellite Radio (only forNorth America)" on page 40.)• Manual tuning is useful when you already knowthe frequency of the desired station.• After selecting the desired band, press theTUNING UP(+) / DOWN(-) buttons repeatedly untilthe right frequency has been reached. Manual tuning • Auto presetting function automatically searchesfor FM stations only and store them in thememory.• While listening to FM or AM radiobroadcasts, press and hold downthe MEMORY/ENTER button formore than 2 seconds.• Then "AUTO MEM" flickers andthis receiver starts auto presetting.• Up to 30 FM stations can bestored.�Notes:• FM stations of weak strength cannot bememorized.• To memorize AM stations or weak stations,preform "Manual presetting" procedure with using"Manual tuning" operation.Auto presetting • The tuner will now search until a station ofsufficient strength has been found. The displayshows the tuned frequency and "TUNED".• If the station found is not the desired one, simplyrepeat this operation.• Weak stations are skipped during auto tuning.1. Select the desired band.2. Press the TUNING UP(+)/DOWN(-) buttons formore than 0.5 second.R-772(A)  2007.8.20  10:2 AM  페이지 38
ENGLISH39• The station has now been stored in the memory.• A stored frequency is erased from the memoryby storing another frequency in its place.• If "MEM" goes off, start again from the abovestep 2.MEMORY BACKUP FUNCTIONThe following items, set before the receiver isturned off, are memorized.• INPUT SELECTOR settings• Surround mode settings• Preset stations,etc.Scanning preset stations in sequence• The receiver will start scanning the stations in thepreset sequence and each station is received for 5seconds.• At the desired station, press this button again tostop scanning.Tuning to preset stationsManual presetting• You can store up to 30 preferred stations in thememory.• "MEM" is flickering for several seconds.• After selecting the tuner as an input source, selectthe desired preset number.1. Tune in the desired station with auto or manualtuning.3. Select the desired preset number (1~30) andpress the MEMORY/ENTER button.4. Repeat the above steps 1 to 3 to memorizeother stations.2. Press the MEMORY/ENTER button.R-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 39
ENGLISH401. Press the TUNER button repeatedly to select XM mode.2. Press the TUNING UP(+)/DOWN(-) buttonsrepeatedly to select "XM 000".3. To sign up, access the  website at"" or call "1-800-967-2346".• Then "XM  ~" is displayed.• Then your XM Satellite Radio ID is displayed.• You can find the XM Satellite Radio ID on the XM Mini-Tuner itself and the XM Mini-Tuner package. too.LISTENING TO XM SATELLITE RADIO XM Satellite Radio (only for North America)• Before using XM Satellite Radio, you must first sign upfor an account. You will need a major credit card andyour XM Satellite Radio ID, which you can get from thisreceiver as explained below.• This receiver is the XM Ready® receiver. You can receive XM Satellite Radio® by connecting to the XM Mini-Tuner system(sold separately) and subscribing the XM service.About XM Satellite Radio for U.S. & Canadian productsXM Satellite Radio offers an extraordinary variety of commercial-free music, plus the best in sports, news, talk andentertainment. XM is broadcast in superior digital audio from coast to coast. From rock to reggae, from classical to hip hop, XMhas something for every music fan. XM’s dedication to playing the richest selection of music is matched by its passion for livesporting events, talk radio, up-to-the-minute news, stand-up comedy, children’s programming, and much more. For U.S.customers, information about XM Satellite Radio is available online at For Canadian customers, informationabout XM Canada is online atXM Ready® legal for U.S. & Canadian productsHardware and required monthly subscription sold separately. Other fees and taxes, including a one-time activation fee may apply.Subscription fee is consumer only. All fees and programming subject to change. Channels with frequent explicit language areindicated with an XL. Channel blocking is available for XM radio receivers by calling 1-800-XMRADIO (US residents) and 1-877-GET-XMSR (Canadian residents). For a full listing of the XM commercial-free channels and advertising-supported channels, (US residents) or (Canadian residents). Subscriptions subject to Customer Agreement availableat (US residents) and (Canadian residents). Only available in the 48 contiguous United States andCanada. ©2006 XM Satellite Radio Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.XM Ready® subscriptions for U.S. Products & Canadian productsOnce you have installed the XM Mini-Tuner Dock, inserted the XM Mini-Tuner, connected the XM Dock to your XM Ready®home audio system, and installed the antenna, you are ready to subscribe and begin receiving XM programming. There arethree places to find your eight character XM Radio ID: on the XM Mini-Tuner, on the XM Mini-Tuner package, and on XMChannel 0. Record the Radio ID in the following eight squares for reference.Note: The XM Radio ID does not use the letters “I”, “O”, “S” or “F”. Activate your XM Satellite Radio service in the U.S. online at or call 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346). You will need a major credit card. XM will send a signalfrom the satellites to activate the full channel lineup. Activation normally takes 10 to 15 minutes, but during peak busy periodsyou may need to keep your XM Ready home audio system on for up to an hour. When you can access the full channel lineup onyour XM Ready home audio system you are done. For more information or to subscribe in Canada, visit XM on the Web or call XM’s Listener Care at 1-877-GET-XMSR (1-877-438-9677).Signing up for XM Satellite RadioR-772(A)  2007.8.16  5:21 PM  페이지 40

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