Ingenu ULPAP310 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum Device User Manual Access Point Product Specification

On-Ramp Wireless 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum Device Access Point Product Specification


User Manual II

 On-Ramp Wireless Confidential and Proprietary. This document is not to be used, disclosed, or distributed to anyone without express written consent from On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. The recipient of this document shall respect the security of this document and maintain the confidentiality of the information it contains. The master copy of this document is stored in electronic format, therefore any hard or soft copy used for distribution purposes must be considered as uncontrolled. Reference should be made to On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. to obtain the latest revision.     Access Point Product Specification
  On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. 10920 Via Frontera, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.  Copyright © 2015 On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  The  information  disclosed  in  this  document  is  proprietary  to  On-Ramp  Wireless,  Inc.  and  is  not  to  be  used  or disclosed  to unauthorized  persons without the written consent of  On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.  The recipient of  this document  shall  respect  the  security  of  this  document  and  maintain  the  confidentiality  of  the  information  it contains. The master copy of this document is stored in electronic format, therefore any hard or soft copy used for distribution purposes must be considered as uncontrolled.  Reference should be made to On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. to obtain the latest version. By accepting this material the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein is to be held in confidence and in trust and will not be used, copied, reproduced in whole or in part,  nor  its  contents  revealed  in  any  manner  to  others  without  the  express  written  permission  of  On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. On-Ramp  Wireless,  Inc.  reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  to  the  product(s)  or  information  contained  herein without notice. No liability is assumed for any damages arising directly or indirectly by their use or application. The information provided in this document is provided on an “as is” basis.  This document contains On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. proprietary information and must be shredded when discarded. This documentation and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. This documentation and  the  software  may  not  be  copied,  except  as  otherwise  provided  in  your  software  license  or  as  expressly permitted in writing by On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. Any sample code herein is provided for your convenience and has not been tested or designed to work on any particular system configuration. It is provided “AS IS” and your use of this sample code, whether as provided or with  any modification, is at  your own risk.  On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. undertakes  no liability or  responsibility with respect  to  the  sample  code,  and  disclaims  all  warranties,  express  and  implied,  including  without  limitation warranties on merchantability, fitness for a specified purpose, and infringement. On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. reserves all rights in the sample code, and permits use of this sample code only for educational and reference purposes. This  technology  and  technical  data  may  be  subject  to  U.S.  and  international  export,  re-export  or  transfer (“export”) laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. and international law is strictly prohibited. RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) is a registered trademark of On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.  Access Point Product Specification 014-0030-00 Rev. G December 7, 2015
  iii 014-0030-00 Rev. G Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 AP Product Configurations .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 References ............................................................................................................................ 2 2 Product Specification Overview ........................................................................................... 3 2.1 AP Product Specifications ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 RF Subsystem Block Diagram ............................................................................................... 6 3 Electrical Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Power over Ethernet (PoE) .................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Channel Numbering .............................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Current and Power Consumption ........................................................................................ 10 3.4 Lightning/ESD Test Compliance ......................................................................................... 10 4 Compliance Certifications .................................................................................................. 11 4.1 FCC/IC Certification .............................................................................................................. 11 4.2 ETSI Certification ................................................................................................................. 11 4.3 ETSI RFID Certification........................................................................................................ 12 4.4 Japan Certification ............................................................................................................... 13 4.5 Hong Kong Certification ...................................................................................................... 13 5 GPS ................................................................................................................................... 14 6 Transmitter Information .................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Transmit Spectral Shape ..................................................................................................... 15 6.2 Load VSWR Effects on TX Power Accuracy ......................................................................... 15 7 Hardware Requirements .................................................................................................... 16 7.1 Antenna Requirements ....................................................................................................... 16 7.2 RF Cable Requirements ........................................................................................................ 17 7.3 Ethernet Speed and Cable Requirements ............................................................................. 17 7.4 LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix A Access Point Mechanical Drawing ....................................................................... 18 Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms ................................................................................... 19
Access Point Product Specification  Contents  iv  014-0030-00 Rev. G Figures Figure 1.  Access Point ................................................................................................................ 1 Figure 2. AP Radio Block Diagram for FCC/IC ............................................................................. 7 Figure 3. AP Radio Block Diagram for ETSI/Japan ....................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Spectral Shape—Linear and Compressed .................................................................. 15 Figure 5. Access Point Mechanical Drawing .............................................................................. 18   Tables Table 1. Basic AP Specifications.................................................................................................. 3 Table 2. Summary of AP Product Specifications ......................................................................... 3 Table 3. Electrical Protection ...................................................................................................... 9 Table 4. Channel Numbers vs. Frequency ................................................................................... 9 Table 5. Typical AP Current and Power Consumption ............................................................... 10 Table 6. FCC and IC Compliance Tests for Certification ............................................................. 11 Table 7. ETSI Emissions EN 300-440-2 Compliance Tests for Certification ................................. 11 Table 8. ETSI Immunity 301-489-2 Compliance Tests for Certification ...................................... 11 Table 9. Countries in which the AP is certified for ETSI RFID .................................................... 12 Table 10. ETSI RFID Emissions EN 300-440-2 V1.4.1 Compliance Tests for Certification ............ 13 Table 11. Compliance Tests for Certification in Japan ................................................................ 13 Table 12. Summary of TX Gain/Power Variation Due to Load VSWR ........................................ 15 Table 13. Antennas for FCC Configuration ................................................................................ 16 Table 14. Antennas for ETSI Configuration ............................................................................... 16 Table 15. Antennas for ETSI RFID Configuration ....................................................................... 16 Table 16. Antennas for Japan Configuration .............................................................................. 17
   v  014-0030-00 Rev. G Revision History Revision Release Date Change Description A October 10, 2011 Initial release. B November 2, 2011 Updated with information for operating at the ETSI RFID configuration for the Access Point. C April 13, 2012 Updated product specifications, regulatory certifications, lightning/ESD test compliance, transmitter information, and antenna requirements. Also added Access Point mechanical drawing. D September 14, 2012 Updated:  The product specifications table  The L-com antenna information for the ETSI configuration Added:   Model numbers for various AP configurations  An LED section in the Hardware Requirements chapter E September 26, 2012 Updated the product specifications table with regulatory compliance information. F July 31, 2013  Updated the product specifications table to include the IEEE 802.15.4k requirement.   Clarified some product specifications in chapter 2.  Updated the ORW logo  Updated the AP photo, AP references, and model number. G December 7, 2015  Updated for new branding.  Updated model number.  Added Sectorized AP definition and block diagram and FCC ID  Added Dual Latency AP definition and block diagram and FCC/IC ID
   1  014-0030-00 Rev. G 1 Introduction This document provides an overview of the Access Point and is shown below. It also provides product specifications, characteristics, and requirements for the Access Point (AP).   Figure 1.  Access Point 1.1 AP Product Configurations The following AP product configurations are currently available for worldwide markets. The Element Management System (EMS) software is used during network configuration and setup of the AP. This software automatically configures the maximum allowed TX power levels (EIRP) taking into account regulatory domain, antenna gain, and cable loss. 1. FCC/IC Configuration (Model: ULPAP110) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)/Industry Canada (IC) configuration supports transmit power requirements up to 30 dBm conducted, 36 dBm EIRP, with 38 channels available. It contains a cavity filter for high out-of-band rejection. It is EMC compliance certified to FCC Part 15C Section 15.247 and IC RSS 210 Issue 7. 2. FCC Sectorized AP (Model: ULPAP210)  The Sectorized AP Configuration is limited to 26 dBm conducted transmit power, up to 43 dBm EIRP, from (2402-2475.63MHz). This configuration requires two ULPAP110 APs professionally installed, with each AP connected to a 17dBi 90 degree antennas. 3. FCC/IC Dual Latency Configuration (Model: ULPAP310)  The ETSI Dual Latency configuration is made up of two ULPE100, one for each sub-band, connected to the antenna through a diplexer. The software configures each sub-band channel to a maximum of 30dBm  at the antenna  port.  The antenna gain must be such that the maximum radiated power is 36dBm EIRPper channel. The system processess two independent information streams through the diplexer to the antenna.  Each diplexer sub-band allows 3 or 4 one MHz channels. There are four possible sub-bands. The system is professionally installed. 4. ETSI Standard Configuration (Model: ULPAPE100) The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) configuration is limited to 10 dBm of conducted transmit power, up to 10 dBm EIRP, with 40 channels available. It
Access Point Product Specification  Introduction   2  014-0030-00 Rev. G does not have an internal cavity filter. It is EMC compliance certified to ETSI-301-489 and ETSI-300-440. 5. ETSI RFID Configuration (Model: ULPAPE100) The ETSI Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) configuration is limited to 10 dBm conducted transmit power, up to 27 dBm EIRP, with three channels available (2446-2454MHz). This configuration does not have an internal cavity filter. The hardware is the same as the ETSI standard version; however the software is configured to accommodate the power and frequency specifics. The AP is EMC compliance certified to ETSI-301-489, ETSI-300-440, and EU REC 70-03 (Annex 11). APs are permitted to operate under EU REC 70-03 (Annex 11) in France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland–Liechtenstein, and United Kingdom. 6. Japan Configuration (Model: ULPAPE100) The Japan configuration is limited to 10 dBm conducted transmit power and up to 12 dBm EIRP with 41 channels available. It does not have an internal cavity filter. The hardware is the same as the ETSI standard version, however the software is configured to accommodate the power and frequency specifics. It is EMC compliance certified to Japanese Radio Law; Item 19 of Article 12 (category WW) and ARIB STD-T66.   7. Hong Kong Configuration (Model: ULPAP110) Hong Kong allows two different paths to certification utilizing rules for either China or FCC/IC. The FCC/IC certification rules were used to certify the AP. Certification in Hong Kong is based on the same information and tests provided for FCC/IC certification. The Hong Kong version of the AP is identical to the FCC/IC version so all information is the same. As with the FCC/IC configuration, the Hong Kong version supports transmit power requirements up to 30 dBm conducted, 36 dBm EIRP, with 38 channels available. It contains a cavity filter for high out-of-band rejection. It is EMC compliance certified to FCC Part 15C Section 15.247 and IC RSS 210 Issue 7. 1.2 References The following document provides additional details about the AP.  AP Deployment Guide (PN: 010-0006-00 for 1.4 system and PN: 010-0021-00 for 2.1 system) Provides network planning considerations, installation and software configuration guidelines and instructions, and maintenance information for the AP as a part of the RPMA network which enables remote wireless communication.
   3  014-0030-00 Rev. G 2 Product Specification Overview 2.1 AP Product Specifications The following table provides basic specification information for the AP. Table 1. Basic AP Specifications Size Inches:   9.1”H x 8.1”W x 4.5”D  Millimeters:  232mm H x 202mm W x 111mm D Maximum Weight Pounds:  9.6 Kilograms:  4.35 Operating Environment Outdoors or indoors Power Dissipation 17 Watts (maximum) Antenna Connector Type N, female GPS Connector Type N, female GPS Antenna Type Powered Data and Power Connector RJ45 (POE)  Product specifications are summarized in the following table. Where available, additional information is provided for some specifications; refer to the Link column. Table 2. Summary of AP Product Specifications Requirement Description Requirement Comments Link General Product Lifetime > 10 years   Enclosure IP66   Signal Modulation DSSS-ODBPSK Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Orthogonal Differential BPSK  Multiple Access Scheme RPMA Random Phase Multiple Access  PHY/MAC Standard IEEE 802.15.4k   Frequency Range by market: FCC/IC version ETSI Standard version ETSI RFID version Japan version Frequency 2.402 – 2.475.63 GHz  2.402 – 2.479.61 GHz 2.446 – 2.454 GHz 2.402 – 2.481.60 GHz Channels CH1 – CH38 CH1 – CH40 CH24 – CH26 CH1 – CH41  Frequency Channel Step Size 1.99 MHz See section 3.2 for exact channels. 3.2
Access Point Product Specification  Product Specification Overview   4  014-0030-00 Rev. G Requirement Description Requirement Comments Link Operating Temperature Range* -40C  – +80C Ambient, not including solar loading  Operating Temperature Rate of Change* -10C  – +40C Constant rate of change measured over 1 hour.  Storage Temperature Range* -40C  – +85C   Humidity** 5% – 95% Non-condensing  ESD, EN 61000-4-2 + 16.5 kV Air Discharge + 9 kV Contact Discharge On any exposed point of an installed product.  Sine Vibration*   Operating   Non-operating  5 – 200 Hz, 4 m/s2 5 – 200 Hz, 2 m/s2   Random Vibration*   Operating   Non-operating  5 – 100 Hz, 1.5 Grms 5 – 100 Hz, 1.06 Grms   Shock*   Operating   Non-operating  40 G, Half Sine 30 G, Half Sine   Operating Condensation Cycle** 50 – 98%   FCC/IC Requirements 15.247, 15.207, 15.215 RSS210e Single AP FCC ID: XTE-ULPAP110 IC Emissions Designation: 2M48G1D 4 FCC Requirements 15.247, 15.207, 15.215 Sectorized AP, FCC ID: XTE-ULPAP210  4 FCC/IC Requirements 15.247, 15.207, 15.215  RSS210e Dual Latency AP, FCC ID: XTE-ULPAP310 IC ID: 8655A-ULPAP310 IC Emissions Designation: 2M48G1D 4 ETSI Requirements 300 440-1 and 440-2 301 489-1 IEC/EN/UL/CSA 60950-1 Compliance tests performed. Documents on file, available upon request. 4.2 Japan Requirements Japanese Radio Law; Item 19 of Article 12 Compliance tests performed. Category WW, Test Report R83818.  Access Point Capacity Typical: 4,000 to 16,000 Maximum: 64,000 The number of nodes an AP can support is dependent on the application.  Data Rate 60 kbps Measured as throughput at each data point.  Power Source Voltage Range (PoE) 38 – 72 VDC Nominal 48 VDC Power Over Ethernet.
Access Point Product Specification  Product Specification Overview   5  014-0030-00 Rev. G Requirement Description Requirement Comments Link Current Consumption 0.35A maximum @ 48 VDC See section 3.3 for details. 3.3 GPS Power 3.3 VDC @ 50 mA maximum over coaxial cable DC power supplied on GPS RF connector. 5 Transmitter Related Transmit Power Range 0 – 16 dBm (LP) 16 – 30 dBm (HP) Referenced to AP N-connector. Switchover point (16 dBm) is approximate.  Transmitter Rated Power by market (Country: Agency):  United States: FCC  Canada: IC  Europe: ETSI  Europe: ETSI (RFID)  Japan: TELEC  Hong Kong: OFTA  South Africa: ICASA  Brazil: ANATEL  Korea: RRA  Singapore: IDA  Macau: DSRT Maximum TX EIRP:   36 dBm  36 dBm  10 dBm  27 dBm  12 dBm  36 dBm  10 dBm  26 dBm  10 dBm  20 dBm  20 dBm Modulated conditions. ETSI is the default choice for all of Europe. ETSI RFID is only allowed in certain countries of the EU***. Requires quad-sector antenna (not Omni).  Peak to Average Ratio  2.9 dB   Signal Bandwidth  1 MHz   BT Factor 0.46   TX Spectral Bandwidth 2.32 MHz 99% bandwidth (-20 dB each side) 6.1 ACPR ≤ -30 dBc Spec and test method comes from FCC 15.247(d).  Harmonics ≤ -47 dBm At any TX power level. Note harmonics fall into FCC restricted bands.  Transmit Power Level Accuracy ≤ 1.7 dB Estimated sum of all contributors. Normal link mode (closed loop).  Transmitter Spurious Outputs     In-band but >1 MHz offset     30 MHz to 2400 MHz     2480 MHz to 8000 MHz  < -45 dBm < -70 dBm < -70 dBm At any TX power level. Applies to spurious, not ACPR or harmonics.  Load VSWR Range  1.4:1 ( ≤ -15dB RL) Exceeding this range influences power accuracy. 6.2 Customer RF Cables Loss Range FCC: 0 dB to 3 dB Others: 0 dB to 5 dB GPS: 0 dB to 5 dB Range of acceptable cable losses connecting the AP to its respective antenna. 7.2 Customer Ethernet Cable Length ≤ 100 meters Maximum length for emissions compliance. 7.3
Access Point Product Specification  Product Specification Overview   6  014-0030-00 Rev. G Requirement Description Requirement Comments Link Receiver Related Receive Sensitivity: FCC/IC (with cavity filter) ETSI/Japan (no cavity filter)  -140 dBm -142 dBm Referenced to AP N-connector  Maximum Receive Signal Level -30 dBm Referenced to AP N-connector  Noise Figure  7 dB nominal < 8 dB maximum Referenced to AP N-connector, FCC configuration (including CF)  Synthesizer Related Precision Reference Frequency 26 MHz High stability VCTCXO is used, GPS referenced  Frequency Accuracy (Test mode, not GPS locked)  1 ppm  0.25 ppm  1 ppm Initial tolerance. Over temperature range. Aging in first year.  Frequency Accuracy (Normal mode, GPS locked)  0.05 ppm GPS required for field deployment. The GPS system provides precision 1 pps timing that allows the AP to meet the demanding   0.05 ppm required by the AP for communication.  Digital Clocks 26 MHz for digital, RF, AFE 33.33 MHz for CPU PLL 25 MHz for Ethernet 11.0592 MHz for UART   *  Referenced standard: ETSI EN 300 019-2-4 V2.2.2 (2003-04) **  Referenced standard: IEC 60068-2-30 (Third Edition) ***   As of September 2012 the countries currently approving ETSI RFID power levels for the AP include France, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Spain, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. 2.2 RF Subsystem Block Diagram The AP RF subsystem operates as a half-duplex transceiver. The SPDT switches allow connection from the antenna to one of three paths:   TX high power   TX low power   RX The Cavity Filter is only used in the FCC/IC configuration, specifically to avoid the 2483 MHz Restricted Band when near max power. It also provides excellent out-of-band rejection.
Access Point Product Specification  Product Specification Overview   7  014-0030-00 Rev. G Maxim 2830RXBalun-BPFSPDTSwitchChip LPF Chip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitch CavityFilterFE MatchSMASMACableSMACableBoxCustomerCableN typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee Pad Figure 2. AP Radio Block Diagram for FCC/IC Gateway/ControllerSectorized APMaxim 2830RXBalun- BPFSPDTSwitchChip LPF Chip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitch FE MatchSMACableBoxCustomerCableN typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee PadBASEBAND #1Sector 1CavityFilterMaxim 2830RXBalun- BPFSPDTSwitchChip LPF Chip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitchCableBoxCustomerCableN typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee PadBASEBAND #2Sector 2FE Match CavityFilterSMA Figure 3: Sectorized AP Block Diagram
Access Point Product Specification  Product Specification Overview   8  014-0030-00 Rev. G Gateway/ControllerDual Latency APSystem BoundaryRFRXSPDTSwitchChip LPFChip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitchFE MatchSMACableBox N typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee PadBase Band #1High CapacityBalun - BPFTransceiverRFRXSPDTSwitchChip LPFChip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitchFE MatchSMACableBox N typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee PadBase Band #2Low LatencyBalun - BPFTransceiver32KHz11.0592MHz26MHz33MHz73MHz83MHz166MHz333Mhz666Mhz26MHz2400MHz26MHz2400MHzCH1DiplexerCH230dBm/Channel Figure 4: Dual Latency Block Diagram   Maxim 2830RXBalun-BPFSPDTSwitchChip LPF Chip LPFSPDTSwitchSPDTSwitch FE MatchSMACableBoxCustomerCableN typeTX BalunPAChipLPFTee Pad Figure 5. AP Radio Block Diagram for ETSI/Japan
   9  014-0030-00 Rev. G 3 Electrical Characteristics 3.1 Power over Ethernet (PoE) The nominal 48VDC on the Ethernet cable is separated from the data and regulated with a switching power supply to 5.0VDC. This printed circuit board is equipped with lightning protection, surge protection, and differential and common mode filtering. It also includes a tamper protection device that will report to the system if the box cover has been opened. NOTE:  The AP is not 802.3AF or 802.3AT compliant. It requires a dedicated passive injector and cannot be powered directly from most PoE switches. Table 3. Electrical Protection Surge Life (@500A 10/1000μs) Nominal Impulse Discharge Current (8/20μs) Nominal AC Discharge Current (10x1sec @50-60Hz) Max Impulse Discharge Current (1 Application @ 10/350μs) 400 shots 10 shots @ 20 kA 20 A 2.5 kA  3.2 Channel Numbering Channel numbers start at 2402 MHz and are spaced at 1.99 MHz intervals. The following table lists all channels.  Note the following:  ETSI also uses channels 39 and 40 (1-40). These are not available for the FCC/IC markets.  Japan also has CH41 (2481.60 MHz, 1-41). These are not available for the FCC/IC markets.  ETSI RFID only uses channels 24, 25, 26. Table 4. Channel Numbers vs. Frequency 1 [L] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2402.00 2403.99 2405.98 2407.97 2409.96 2411.95 2413.94 2415.93 2417.92 2419.91 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [M] 2421.90 2423.89 2425.88 2427.87 2429.86 2431.85 2433.84 2435.83 2437.82 2439.81 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2441.80 2443.79 2445.78 2447.77 2449.76 2451.75 2453.74 2455.73 2457.72 2459.71 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 [H] 39 40 2461.70 2463.69 2465.68 2467.67 2469.66 2471.65 2473.64 2475.63 2477.62 2479.61
Access Point Product Specification  Electrical Characteristics  10  014-0030-00 Rev. G 3.3 Current and Power Consumption Typical current and power consumption for the AP, in different modes with a 48VDC PoE power supply, is listed in the following table. NOTE:  Overdriven power is not normally encountered but can be seen in Test Mode if TXGAIN is pushed too hard. It is listed here for informational purposes. Table 5. Typical AP Current and Power Consumption Operational Mode Typical Current Typical Power Comments Transmit, Full Pout (32dBm conducted) 350 mA 17 W Overdriven Transmit, Max Pout (30dBm conducted) 290 mA 14 W Max rated Pout Transmit, Mid Pout (20dBm conducted) 190 mA 9.1 W  Transmit, Mid Pout (10dBm conducted) 125 mA 6.0 W  Transmit, Min Pout (0dBm conducted) 120 mA 5.8 W  Receive or Idle 105 mA 5.0 W  3.4 Lightning/ESD Test Compliance The AP was tested according to the EN 301 489 test methods and is compliant for lightning strike/electrostatic discharge (ESD) with + 9 kV direct discharge and + 16.5 kV air discharge on all external ports, seams, LEDs, and cables. NOTE:  Proper installation is required, including a grounded RF surge suppressor with an antenna that has a grounded center pin.
  11 014-0030-00 Rev. G 4 Compliance Certifications 4.1 FCC/IC Certification The compliance tests for FCC and IC certification are listed below. Table 6. FCC and IC Compliance Tests for Certification Paragraph Test Conducted/Radiated 15.207(a) DC and/or AC Powerline Conducted Emission Powerline Conducted 15.215© TX 20dB Bandwidth RF Conducted RSS210e TX 99% Bandwidth RF Conducted 15.247(a)(2) TX 6 dB Bandwidth RF Conducted 15.247(b)(1) TX Peak Output Power RF Conducted 15.247(d) TX Radiated Spurious Emissions & Band Edge RF Radiated 15.247(d) TX Conducted Spurious Emissions & Band Edge RF Conducted 15.247€ TX Power Spectral Density RF Conducted RSS210e RX Radiated Spurious Emissions RF Radiated  4.2 ETSI Certification The compliance tests for ETSI Emissions EN 300-440-2 certification are listed below. Table 7. ETSI Emissions EN 300-440-2 Compliance Tests for Certification 440-2: Clause Test Market EIRP Permitted range of operating Frequencies Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain Blocking or desensitization Not for ETSI RFID Receive spurious emissions   The compliance tests for ETSI Immunity 301-489-2 certification are listed below. Table 8. ETSI Immunity 301-489-2 Compliance Tests for Certification 489-2: Clause Test 8.3 Conducted Emissions (DC side) 8.4 Conducted Emissions (AC side)
Access Point Product Specification  Compliance Certifications  12  014-0030-00 Rev. G 489-2: Clause Test 8.7 Conducted Emissions (Telecom port) 9.2 Radiated Immunity 9.3 ESD 9.4 Fast Transient Burst Immunity 9.5 RF Common Mode 9.7 Voltage Dips & Interruptions 9.8 Voltage Surges  4.3 ETSI RFID Certification The ETSI RFID certification is based on EN 300-440-2 V1.4.1 requirements:   Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM)  Short range devices  Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range; Part 2  The AP is certified for the channels and frequencies listed in Table 2. Table 9. Countries in which the AP is certified for ETSI RFID Country Certification Approval Received Conditions of Notification (where applicable) France Yes ANFR Has Power Restrictions. Please contact French Telecom regulatory authority ARCEP to provide precise info on the conditions of use of this equipment, packaging, and instructions. See Germany Yes None Ireland Yes All apparatus for wireless telegraphy requires a license unless that apparatus has been specifically exempted. See  Spain Yes None Switzerland –Liechtenstein Yes None United Kingdom Yes Need DOC to be available to user and Wireless Equipment that is intended for use in the UK must comply with the UK Interface Requirements, which can be obtained from Ofcom’s website at:
Access Point Product Specification  Compliance Certifications  13  014-0030-00 Rev. G The compliance tests for ETSI RFID that are unique to the RFID version are listed below.  All tests performed on the standard ETSI model also apply to the ETSI RFID model unless otherwise stated. Table 10. ETSI RFID Emissions EN 300-440-2 V1.4.1 Compliance Tests for Certification EN 300 440-2 Section Test Duty Cycle Adjacent channel selectivity-in-band 4.2.3 Tests for RFID Systems at 2.45 GHz 4.2.4 Tests for GBSAR Systems  4.4 Japan Certification The compliance tests for Japan are listed below. Table 11. Compliance Tests for Certification in Japan Item 19 of Article 12 Test Notice 88 (Appendix 43, 44, 45) RF Accessibility Antenna Gain Frequency Error Occupied Bandwidth Spreading Rate Spurious Emissions Antenna Power EIRP  4.5 Hong Kong Certification Certification in Hong Kong is based on the same information and tests provided for FCC/IC certification. See section 4.1.
  14 014-0030-00 Rev. G 5 GPS In normal operation, the AP requires Global Positioning System (GPS) synchronization. The GPS connector of the AP receives signals from its externally mounted antenna. The AP also supplies approximately 3.3 VDC at up to 50 mA through the RF connector for best GPS reception. No additional external DC connections are required. There is an internal current limit function that is designed to limit the available current in the range of 100 mA to 150 mA. Since there is DC power on the RF connector, keep in mind there should never be a DC short applied to the GPS connector. However, the current limit should self-protect itself from shorts. If a short is detected a software alarm is generated and the 3.3 VDC is removed from the GPS connector. NOTE:  The AP must be power cycled to restore power to the GPS antenna.
  15 014-0030-00 Rev. G 6 Transmitter Information 6.1 Transmit Spectral Shape The spectrum shape of the AP can be described as similar to the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) which uses Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) but with a 1 MHz signal passband instead of the 200 kHz for GSM. Spectral side lobes are present even when the transmitter is in the linear range. As the Power Amplifier (PA) goes into compression (starting around 25 dBm) the main lobe compresses inward while the side lobes increase in amplitude.   Pout  0 dBm  Pout  30 dBm     Figure 6. Spectral Shape—Linear and Compressed 6.2 Load VSWR Effects on TX Power Accuracy The gain of the high power PA (Pout ≥ 16 dBm) is susceptible to load Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). A summary of VSWR effects on TX power accuracy is listed in the following table. This establishes minimum return loss (VSWR) requirements of ≤ -15 dB. Note that in normal operation, the closed loop power control will attempt to compensate for some gain variation.  Table 12. Summary of TX Gain/Power Variation Due to Load VSWR Return Loss Gain/Power Variation Comments 7 dB ± 1.5 dB Not to specification 15 dB ± 0.7 dB To specification 20 dB ± 0.35 dB To specification
  16 014-0030-00 Rev. G 7 Hardware Requirements 7.1 Antenna Requirements For the main antenna the exact model(s) are part of the compliance testing and are required to be used to avoid EMC non-conformance. In some cases if customers use a different antenna and it is the same radiation type (monopole, sector, etc.) and is of equal or lower gain, non- conformance is avoided. The exact requirements are specific to each market. Customers are encouraged to contact Ingenu application engineering or their local regulatory agency for details. All main antennas are required to have a return loss in-band of > 15 dB (≤ 1.4:1 VSWR), per Table 12, for VSWR.  The GPS antenna can be any of the commonly available amplified types on the market. The optimum gain range is approximately 20 dBic to 50 dBic. Table 13. Antennas for FCC Configuration  Manufacturer Part Number Gain Comment Main Antenna L-com HG-2409U-PRO HGV-2409U 9 dBi 8 dBi N-type connector N-type connector GPS Antenna PCTEL GPSL1-TMG-SPI-40NCB 40 dBic N-type connector, active gain, lightning protection  NOTE:  Depending on the application, Ingenu recommends two options for the main antenna in the FCC market. The HG-2409U-PRO has 1 dB more gain and slightly more rugged construction. The HGV-2409U has better return loss and can be mounted upside down.  Table 14. Antennas for ETSI Configuration  Manufacturer Part Number Gain Comment Main Antenna L-com HGV-2402U 0 dBi N-type connector GPS Antenna PCTEL GPSL1-TMG-SPI-40NCB 40 dBic N-type connector, active gain, lightning protection  Table 15. Antennas for ETSI RFID Configuration  Manufacturer Part Number Gain Comment Main Antenna L-com HG-2417P-090 17 dBi 14 dBi model is also approved
Access Point Product Specification  Hardware Requirements  17  014-0030-00 Rev. G  Manufacturer Part Number Gain Comment GPS Antenna PCTEL GPSL1-TMG-SPI-40NCB 40 dBic N-type connector, active gain, lightning protection Table 16. Antennas for Japan Configuration  Manufacturer Part Number Gain Comment Main Antenna L-Com HGV-2404U 4 dBi Limited to 8 dBm conducted TX GPS Antenna PCTEL GPSL1-TMG-SPI-40NCB 40 dBic N-type connector, active gain, lightning protection  7.2 RF Cable Requirements It is generally recommended to use very low loss cable such as LMR400. The acceptable loss ranges are listed in Table 2. Summary of AP Product Specifications. The length that can be achieved within these ranges depends on the cable chosen. 7.3 Ethernet Speed and Cable Requirements Unshielded CAT5 (or CAT5E or CAT6) with a length up to 100 meters is permissible. For ETSI markets the host Ethernet adaptor must be configured for 10 MB full duplex communication, not 100 MB or auto. Using 100 MB speeds will result in non-compliance to ETSI EMC regulations, per 489-2: clause 8.7. 7.4 LEDs The AP has two green LEDs that are visible on its front panel.   Status This LED indicates RPMA network receive/transmit activity. The AP must be online and active.  Link This LED reflects the status of Ethernet activity for the AP.
  18 014-0030-00 Rev. G Appendix A Access Point Mechanical Drawing   Figure 7. Access Point Mechanical Drawing
  19 014-0030-00 Rev. G Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms Abbreviation/Term Definition ACPR Adjacent Channel Power Ratio AP Access Point. The RPMA network component geographically deployed over a territory. CPU Central Processing Unit DSSS Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. This is conducted RF power (in dBm) plus antenna gain (in dBi). EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ERM Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters ESD Electrostatic Discharge ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FCC Federal Communications Commission GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying GPS Global Positioning System GSM Global System for Mobile Communications IC Industry Canada microNode A second generation, small form factor, wireless network module developed by On-Ramp Wireless that works in combination with various devices and sensors and communicates data to an Access Point. ODBPSK Orthogonal Differential BPSK PA Power Amplifier PLL Phase Locked Loop PoE Power over Ethernet RF Radio Frequency RFID Radio Frequency Identification RPMA Random Phase Multiple Access. The On-Ramp Wireless proprietary wireless communication technology. RX Receive/Receiver SPDT switch Single Pole Double Throw switch TX Transmit/Transmitter UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter VCTCXO Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

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