Infraworks IW-PD02 Real-Time Digital Video Converter User Manual ENG Manual total

Infraworks Co., Ltd. Real-Time Digital Video Converter ENG Manual total

User Manual

 1     Infraworks Co.,Ltd Pideo DVD   User’s Guide                Infraworks
2  Notification  The contents of the document may be changed without prior notice. Installation shall be followed by the direction we describe. In no case, Infraworks shall be liable to any damages resulting from accidental or sequential behavior related with wrong description, proposed manual, any related works or use.  Microsoft, Windows are Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel, Celeron, Pentium are Trademarks of Intel Corporation. PowerDirector is a Trademark of CyberLink Corporation. All the other's names referred in the manual shall be copyrighted to the corporation or trademarks of them. PowerDirector we supply is exclusive bundle software for Pideo DVD. Therefore it is recommended you use it only for PideoDVD and note that it is not for sale.   Customer Service  For  all  available  service,  you  can  be  supported  by  user's  manual  we  introduced already, user's manual in CD and Internet Customer Service Center. We  use  the  following  service  system  to  support  distribution  of  any  urgent  data (driver, documents and etc) you may need in the future.  Internet Customer Service: Customer's Call Center: 82-2-784-8209, Pideo DVD Customer's Call Center
 3     Infraworks Co.,Ltd Contents  Chapter 1. Introduction to Pideo DVD ------   1  1-1 Feature          -----------   1   1-2 System Requirements  -----------  1   1-3 Supportable SPEC   -----------  1   1-4 Contents      -----------  1   1-5  Part’s Name of Pideo DVD  -------------     2 Chparter2. Installation  -------------3   2-1 Driver Installation    -----------  4     1) Driver CD Installation ----------  4     2) Reading a driver per OS System------  6       If Windows98, ME   --------  7       If Windows2000    --------  8       If Windows XP     --------  9     3) Checking Driver’s Installation -------  12   2-2 Software Installation  -----------  13     1) Software CD Installation  --------  13     2) Running Software    --------  17   2-3 Connection with Video Facilities -------  20     1) Connection with Composite Terminal ---  20     2) Connection with S-Video Terminal ----  21 Chapter 3. Uninstall   ------------  22  3-1 Driver Uninstall    ----------  22   3-2 Software Uninstall   ----------  23 Chapter 4. FAQ   ------------  24 Quality Assurance   --------------   27
 1     Infraworks Co.,Ltd Chapter 1. Introduction to Pideo DVD  1-1 Feature 'Pideo'  of  Pideo  DVD  means  that  you  watch  video  on  PC.  So  you  may  convert analogue output from VTR, Camcorder, TV and etc into DVD Digital output. Also, with the bundle software we provide, you may save and edit any video you have.  1-2 System Requirements   Recommended  Minimum CPU  Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz  AMD AthlonXP 2400+ CPU Intel Pentium III 700 MHz  Intel Celeron 1.0 Ghz  AMD Athlon 700 MHz CPU Memory  256 MB DDR Memory  128 MB SDR Memory OS  Windows  XP  Home/Professional,  Windows  2000,  Windows  Me, Windows 98 SE Interface  USB 2.0  1-3 Supportable SPEC Input : S-Video / Composite  Output : MPEG-1 , MPEG-2, VCD-NTSC, VCD-PAL, DVD-NTSC,  DVD-PAL, DV-NTSC, DV-PAL  1-4 Package Pideo DVD (USB cable) Cable 3 Types: S-Video connection socket, Stereo connection cable,  Composite connection cable User's Guide  Pideo DVD CD
2  1-5 Part's Name of Pideo DVD    S-Video Input Audio Output USB Port Composite Video Input Audio L Input Audio R Input
 3     Infraworks Co.,Ltd Chapter 2. Installation     Cautions for Installation  Do not connect Pideo DVD and PC before installing Pideo DVD Driver.  USB 2.0 Host Driver should have been installed beforehand.  Installation  method  may  be  different  depending  on  your  OS  system,  sofollowing chart would help you install it easily.  DirectX8.1  and  higher  version  should have been already installed  (for thematter, see [FAQ Q12]).  Install Driver CD ( P. 4) Reading a driver( P. 8) Reading a driver( P. 7 ) Reading a driver ( P.9 ) Windows ME   Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows XPConfirmation of driver's installation(P.12)Install Software ( P. 13)  Connect with facilities(P.20)
4  2-1 Driver Installation  1) Driver CD Installation  Before connection Pideo DVD to PC’s USB port, insert CD into CD-ROM. Pideo DVD Install Manager runs automatically. Otherwise, double click the install.exe file using  the  windows  explorer.  Click  [Install  Driver]  in  following Pideo DVD Install Manager.              Click [Next]             Click [Yes]
 5     Infraworks Co.,Ltd             Click [Next]     Click [OK]             Click [Finish]
6  2) Reading a driver per OS system              If Windows 98, Me     -> P.7 If Windows 2000        -> P.8  If Windows XP      -> P.9 ~ 11  Put  Pideo  DVD  into  USB  2.0  jack.Depending  on  OS  system,  refer  to  thefollowing pages.
 7     Infraworks Co.,Ltd  If windows 98,ME  PC will read a driver and install it automatically.  For a short while, the installation is finished.            Continued from P.6  Move to  P.12
8   If Windows 2000  PC will read a driver and install it automatically.           Click [Yes] certainly    For a short while, the installation is finished.    Continued from P.6  Move to  P.12
 9     Infraworks Co.,Ltd  If Windows XP (p. 9 ~ 11)         For a short while, you can see next step. Click [Next]               Click [Continue Anyway] certainly Continued from P.6
10           Click [Finish]          For  a  short  while,  you  can  see  next step. Click [Next]             Click [Continue Anyway] Certainly
  11      Infraworks Co.,Ltd           Click [Finish]
12  3) How to check driver's installation Make  sure  that  [Imaging  devices  -  USB  2.0  Image]  may  be  found  in  [Control Panel-System Registration Information-Device Manager].                             ! If you can't find it, it means you should retry it.
  13      Infraworks Co.,Ltd 2-2 Software Installation 1) Software CD Installation Click [Install Software] in Pideo DVD Install Manager of CD       After choosing setup language  Click [OK]           Click [Next]            Click [Yes]
14         After inputting CD-key  Click [Next]  (CD-key  is  in  front  page  of  User’s Guide)            Click [Next]            Click [Next]
  15      Infraworks Co.,Ltd         Click [Next]            Click [Next]            Following window will  progress.
16            By clicking [Finish],  Setup is completed.    For a while, you can see [PowerDirector] icon on background.
  17      Infraworks Co.,Ltd 2) Running software Run [PowerDirector] on background.    A following window will be opened.  ! To progress to the next step, Pideo DVD should be put into your PC(the status of driver's installation).
18                 1) Press a button, capture mode will be opened to show screen of your Pideo DVD. 2) Press a button, Pideo DVD screen will be shown up.   In case no screen is loaded: 3) Press a button to set up your capture device.           - Set [USB 2.0 Image] in your capture device. - Press [Advanced Settings]  ○1○2○3○4
  19      Infraworks Co.,Ltd           -  Check  connections  of  composite video/S-Video and tick it off.     In case no sound is out; 4)  Press  a  button  and  set  [line-In]  in  audio  input(if  connected  with  a  mike,  you may set it as [MIC].)  How to set a format for moving picture 5) The button is to set a format to save a moving picture. You may set a format to save a moving picture such as MPEG-1, 2.  To know how to connect Pideo DVD with facilities, see [2-3 Connection withVideo peripherals] in page 20.  To  play  a  file  saved  in  MPEG-2  format,  you  need  a  separate  MPEC-2decoder or player. Please refer Q06 in FAQ.  Note that we don't provide you with any separate manual for the bundlesoftware. But a help file in CD we provide will be helpful for you to get moreinformation.  The software is bundle only, so you may not use all the functions our regularversion supplies.  In no case, we reissue S/W and CD Key for you; please keep it safely.
20  2-3 Connection with Video Facilities You can connect analog device to Pideo DVD in 2 ways.   1) Connection with composite Terminal
  21      Infraworks Co.,Ltd 2) Connection with S-Video Terminal
22  Chapter 3. Uninstall  3-1. Driver Uninstall Go to [Control Panel – Add or Remove Programs]            Click [Change/Remove]           After checking [Remove] Click [Next]     Click [OK]  Driver is removed automatically. By rebootin your computer, all step is completed.
  23      Infraworks Co.,Ltd 3-2. Software Uninstall      Click  [Uninstall  PowerDirector]  at  [Start  – Programs –  CyberLink  PowerDirector]. Then, if you follow indications, you can uninstall software.
24  Chapter 4. FAQ  Q01 : When I start my PC, horizontal green lines are appeared on it. What can I do? A  :  The  symptoms  are  normally  resulted  from  USB2.0  Card  Driver  using  OWC drivers.  You  may  solve  it  by  changing  USB  2.0  Card  Driver.  Confirm  ‘Pideo  DVD FAQ folder Q1-01 of Pideo DVD CD’ or ‘Pideo DVD FAQ of’   Q02: When I install it on XP/Win2000, a message 'Can't find a digital signer' is shown up. What can I do? A:  If  you  go  to  [System  Registration  Info-Hardware-Driver  Signing],  you  may select  a  driver  signing  option.  Depending  on  its  option  you  choose, the above message may be appeared. Anyway, the message does not influence installation procedure at all.  Q03 : I installed it normally and could see a message in 'Device Manager'. But I can't see anything. A: which jack did you connect with it, S-Video or composite? You should set up your software according to the connection.  Q04: Is it unavailable with USB 1.1? A: It's impossible. PideoDVD is an product only for USB2.0.  Q05 : Screen is not continuous and interrupted./it seems to be normal when I watch it but the screen is interrupted whenever I save it.  A:  Please  check  your  PC  specification.  To  use  our  product,  your PC should be satisfied with our recommendation. Refer to 1-2 of our manual.   Q06 : I saved a file but couldn't watch it, showing a message, 'Cannot find a codec.’  To view a file saved in MPEG-2 format, you need to install MPEG-2 codec.(DVD is also a type of MPEG2 formats.) A1 : Visit bank) and download MPEG-2 codec. Or you may also directly acquire it from  A2 : Alternatively, if you have a DVD player, you just play it on your DVD player.
  25      Infraworks Co.,Ltd Q07 : Q4-01: Can I know about the software in detail? A1:  The  software  we  provide  is  for  bundle  only.  Therefore,  we  don't  supply  any separate manual for the program, you may refer to software manual in the CD we provide or Help option in the program. A2 : Go to the homepage of software -    Q08  :  I  installed  it  successfully  but  I  see  TV  Card/PC  camera  screen,  instead  of screen of Pideo DVD.  A: Our Pideo DVD follows the same standards as TV, PC camera and computer. So  it  means  software  has  been  initialized  as  similar  driver,  instead  Pideo  DVD.  If you simply change a driver into Pideo DVD, you may view a screen connected with Pideo DVD.   Q09 : Can I use it Windows 98 or Windows ME? A : To use Pideo DVD, USB 2.0 should have been installed on your OS system. But unfortunately, Microsoft supports USB 2.0 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP only. Notwithstanding,  if  USB  2.0  Host  Driver  internally  supports  Windows  98/ME,  you may use Pideo DVD even on Window 98/Me(as a result of our test, Pideo DVD was available on those environments).   Q10 : I can see a screen but can't hear any sound.  A1:    Have  you  connected  Pideo  DVD  and  PC  Sound  Card?  Pideo  DVD transmit video by USB 2.0. Sound is transferred by sound cable we supply you separately. Connect sound facilities by referring to installation chart in the manual.  A2: Check whether Line-In is selected rightly on your software setup.
26  Q11 : Can I save a file in a certain file formats for Internet Broadcasting such as asf or wmv? A: Of course. If you purchase PideoDVD, we provide you with software to convert a file into Mpeg-1/Mpeg-2 format only. Therefore, you may not convert it into asf, wmv or etc with PideoStation. But you may convert a file into a certain file formats for  Internet  broadcasting  if  you  use  WMEncoder,  a  freeware  from Microsoft (   Q12 : What relation do DirectX and Pideo DVD have? A: To use PideoDVD normally, you need to install DirectX 8.1 and higher version. Also you may check it if you type 'dxdiag' in [Start-Run]. If your  version is lower than our recommendation, refer to DirectX folder of the CD we provided and install it.   Q13 : Can Pideo DVD and software you provide be compatible with other software? A: Of course. Our product is conformed to Microsoft Standard, so it is compatible with other multimedia programs. For instance, you may use CyberLink PowerVCR, InterVideo  WinDVR,  Ulead  VideoStudeo,  Microsoft  WMEncoder,  Adobe  Premiere and etc.   Q14 : Can I see a clearer screen? A: If you use S-Video terminal, you may see a clearer screen rather than when you using  composite.  But  since  the  product  basically  converts  analogue  video  into digital one, it may not be clearer than the original one.   More Details…  - You can use documents of Pideo DVD CD.   - You can get a service at
  27      Infraworks Co.,Ltd  Quality Assurance Product Name  Pideo DVD Model Name  IW-PD02 Date of   Purchase /    /    /  Term of Guarantee   1 year Purchase Agent    Purchase Price Telephone    USD :   Name   Postal Address  Telephone   Customer’s Information E-Mail    1.  Our Pideo DVD is manufacture by strict quality control and inspection procedur 2.  If you detect any problems or it gets troubles though you use it normally and if your term of guarantee is not expired, we will repair it or exchange it with new one. 3. You may pay some service charge though your term of guarantee is not expired if your proposal is a case of Charge Service.   4. The Quality Assurance shall be valid within Korea Only.   5. Please fill the form after purchase and keep it safely.   6. If you need a help due to troubles, please call your purchase agent first.  Charge Service  1.  Troubles due to careless handling; 2.  Troubles due to a customer's willful reformation or repair;  3.  Troubles due to natural disasters(fire, damage from sea wind,  flood,  war  and etc); 4.  If your term of guarantee has been already expired.

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