Honeywell RT8220 User Manual manual

Honeywell International Inc manual


HoneywellDRAFTUser’s Manual                                      RT8220A is a transmitter to be used with the RV8310D receiver/valve.RF MILLIVOLT SYSTEMThe RF millivolt system consists of a RV8310D receiver/valve, RT8220A transmitter,and a pilot burner with two Q313 thermopiles.The RV8310D is flame powered with two thermopiles, and has flame poweredmodulation, line powered fan modulation, and a quick dropout function of 30 seconds orless with loss of pilot flame.The receiver has a manual switch. If the switch is in the REMOTE mode and the pilot islit, the RT8220A transmitter can control the main valve, flame modulation, fan control,and set temperature. If the switch is in the LOCAL mode and the pilot is lit, the valve willbe at the highest fixed pressure setting and the RT8220A transmitter cannot turn off themain burner. The RT8220A will control the fan but not the flame modulation.The pilotstat knob in the valve portion of the control provides for the OFF mode for theRV8310D. When the pilotstat knob is rotated to the OFF position, the pilot and mainvalve are turned off and the RT8220A transmitter provides no control.The valve portion of the control has a pilotstat, pilot adjustment, European style inlet andoutlet pressure taps, 7/16-24 UNS pilot connection, and 3/8” NPT inlet and outletconnections. The capacity is 60,000 BTUH at 1” p.d..The regulator is dedicated natural gas or LP. The receiver/valve is rated at 175 F. If theambient temperature rises above 185 F, the output pressure is reduced until the ambienttemperature drops below 175F.INSTALLATION OF RV8310D1. Use only on a vented appliance.2. Turn off the gas supply at the appliance service valve before starting the installation,and perform a Gas Leak Test after the installation is complete.
3. Mount valve 0 to 90 degrees, in any direction – including vertically – from the uprightposition of the gas control knob4. Attach four thermopile leads. Two leads are white wires with a terminal. They areattached to the terminals with a white dot on the cover next to them. The two leadswith the red wires attach to the remaining terminals.OPERATION1. Turn the pilotstat knob counterclockwise from OFF  to the PILOT position, push theknob down, and hold in position. The pilot valve opens and allows gas to flow to thepilot burner.2. Push the plunger on the piezo until the pilot burner is lit. When the pilot burner is lit,the LED on the control will come on  after approximately 40 seconds and  will becontinuously red. When the light turns off which will be approximately 10 secondsafter it has been continuously red, the receiver/valve is fully powered.3. Release the knob. The shaft will move upward. The pilot burner should now stayburning. If the pilot burner goes out, repeat step 2.4. Turn the knob counterclockwise to the ON position. If the manual switch is in theLOCAL position, the main burner will turn on immediately.5. On the initial use of a transmitter, a recognition operation is required between thereceiver/valve and transmitter. Change the switch from LOCAL to REMOTE. Pressthe fan or flame button on the transmitter within 30 seconds. The LED will blinkindicating that the transmitter will now work with the receiver/valve. If the switchcontinues in the REMOTE position, the RT8220A transmitter will now control themain valve, flame modulation level, and fan control.6. If the manual switch is in the LOCAL position, the valve will be at the highest fixedpressure setting. The RT8220A transmitter will control the fan only.SHUT OFF PROCEDURE1. If the manual switch is in the REMOTE position, the RT8220A transmitter can shutoff the main burner and fan. However, the control is still on and a command from thetransmitter can turn on the main burner or fan.2. To shut off the system, turn the pilotstat knob clockwise to the OFF position. Thisaction closes the main gas and safety valves. The transmitter cannot turn on the mainburner or fan.TRANSMITTER – RT8220AThe RT8220A controls the flame level, fan speed, and room temperature. The three basicoperating modes are the OFF mode, ON (manual) mode, and AUTO mode.
In OFF mode the fireplace flame and fan are off. In ON mode the flame level and fanspeed can be adjusted by the user. In the AUTO mode the RT8220A is used as athermostat to allow the fireplace to automatically control the temperature of the room.There are six buttons on the remote. The buttons are the mode, delay timer, flame, fan,up, and down buttons. The mode button changes the operating mode of the RT8220A.The delay timer enables or disables a shutoff timer function. The flame and fan buttonsare used to change the flame or fan levels. The up and down keys are used to change thetemperature setting or flame, fan, and delay timer values. Below is a detailed descriptionof how to use the RT8220A.OFF MODEIn the OFF mode, the display will show OFF and the room temperature. If the receiver isin REMOTE mode, the fireplace will shut off.ON(manual) MODEIn the ON mode, the room temperature, flame and fan levels will be shown. MANUALwill appear next to both the flame and fan icons.When the control is in the ON mode, the flame and fan levels, and delay timer arechanged with the up and down buttons. To change the flame level, press the flame buttonfollowed by an arrow key. To change the fan level, press the fan key followed by anarrow key. Pushing the arrow key once will change the level by one unit.DELAY TIMER MODEThe shut off delay timer has a maximum of 2 hours and a minimum of zero minutes. Tochange the timer level, press the time key followed by an arrow key. Pushing the key oncewill change the timer by 10 minutes.AUTO MODEIn the AUTO mode the room temperature, set temperature, flame, and fan levels will beshown on the display. The word “AUTO” will appear next to both the flame and fanicons.
When the control is in the AUTO mode, the main burner will turn on/off or modulatebased on the heat needed to maintain the set temperature.  The flame level will changeautomatically to optimize the heat output needed to maintain the set temperature. Tochange the set temperature, press the up or down key. Pushing a key once will change thetemperature by one degree.In the AUTO mode the fan speed will increase with increasing flame height or decreasewith decreasing flame height. “AUTO” is displayed next to the flame and fan icons.FAN OVERRIDE DURING AUTO MODEIf a lower or higher fan speed is desired when operating in the AUTO mode, the fan speedcan be overridden by pushing the fan button followed by the up or down key. Pushing akey once will change the fan level by one unit. In this mode “AUTO” is displayed next tothe flame icon and “MANUAL” is displayed next to the fan icon.CHANGE BETWEEN F/C TEMPERATURE UNITSPush the up and down arrow keys simultaneously for at least 3 seconds to toggle betweenF and C units.DISABLE THERMOSTAT FUNCTIONTo disable the thermostat function in the AUTO mode, push the time and down keyssimultaneously for at least 3 seconds.OPERATION1. Remove cover on the backside of the transmitter. Install 3 AAA batteries and asshown and reattach cover.2. Once steps 1-3 in RV8310D Operation have been completed, receiver/valve andtransmitter are now ready. Press any button on transmitter for recognition process tooccur between the receiver/valve and transmitter.3. Use functions as described in TRANSMITTER section.Copyright Draft 1999 Honeywell, Inc. – All Rights ReservedHome and Building ControlHoneywell, Inc.
Honeywell PlazaP.O. Box 524Minneapolis, MN 55408

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