Hitec RCD R3F75B Remote Control Transmitter User Manual Ranger 3FM

Hitec RCD Inc. Remote Control Transmitter Ranger 3FM

users manual

WELCOME TO THE INTRIGUING WORLD OF R/CThank you for purchasing the Ranger 3 channel FM radio system and thereby enteringinto the wonderful world of radio control model hobby.  The Ranger 3 radio is thefinest of its kind using the latest electronic technologies thereby assuring the bestperformance and highest quality.Team up with Hitec, “The R/cer’s Partner” and you will enjoy the many facets of R/Cfun.(WARNING) Please note that the receiver of RANGER 3 FM is not equipped with aBattery Eliminator Circuit.  So don’t exceed 6 volts Only use 4 cell “AA” size batteries,4-5 cell NiCad batteries or an electronic speed controller which has a B.E.C..FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONSA.TRANSMITTER• 3 CHANNEL FM TRANSMITTER FOR REAL TIME SERVO RESPONSE• CRYSTAL INTERCHANGEABLE• TWO CHANNEL SERVO REVERSING SWITCHES• CHARGER CONNECTOR FOR NICAD BATTERIES (8 CELL 9.6V)• ADJUSTABLE SERVO TRAVELING (ATV) FOR STEERING AND THROTTLE• QUICK START/BRAKE FUNCTION FOR FAST RESPONSE OF THROTTLE• ALL SMT CIRCUITRYB.RECEIVER (NON B.E.C.)• FM SINGLE CONVERSION RECEIVER FOR NOISE PROOF• CRYSTAL INTERCHANGEABLE• SIZE AND WEIGHT• SIZE: 48 X 29 19mm (1.9 X 1.1 X 0.7”), WEIGHT 22.5g (0.79oz)C.SERVO• HEAVY DUTY AND DUST RESISTANT DESIGN• HIGH SPEED: 0.16sec / 60º• HIGH TORQUE: 3.5kg/CM (44oz/in)• HITEC CUSTOM CHIP FOR NARROW DEADBAND• ALL SMT CIRCUITRY
THE VARIOUS USES OF THREE CHANNEL RADIOSA.VEHICLES & BOATSYou can operate all model vehicles and boats of course with this advanced three-channel radiowhether they are engine powered of battery operated.  Since the basic maneuver of all vehiclesand boats is throttle and steering (rudder), two-channel operation is all you need in most cases.However the third channel provides one more auxiliary channel you can use for whatever purposeyou may desire.B.AIRPLANES & GLIDERSThe main use of the third channel for aircrafts would be throttle control.  The third channel of thisradio is designed exactly for this purpose.  After lifting the aircraft in the air, you will be able tocontrol speed and or turn off the power to let it soar by controlling the variable switch of the thirdchannel.  To control speed or turn off the power in the air, you may need another accessory itemsuch as the Hitec SP-1801N Speed control or the SP-1003 ON/OFF control.  The Sp-1801N willprovide proportional speed control from neutral to high end and the SP-*1003 will do ON/OFFcontrol without any extra servo for throttle. Also, both of the have Battery Eliminator Circuits andAuto Cut OFF function so there is nothing else needed for enjoying the 3-channel aircraft model.C.OTHERSYou may find many other models too numerous to mention or categorize such as tanks,submarines, parachute planes, rocket launched gliders hovercraft etc…(WARNING) Please note that certain frequencies are to be used solely for airborneuses as well as certain frequencies earmarked only for surface use, so please consultyour local club or hobby store to make sure.(EXAMPLE) In the U.S.A. 75MHZ: For surface only, 72MHz: For Aircraft onlySETTING UPPlease read the following section carefully before installation and operation of your new model.  Theinstruction was written with the beginner in mind but even experienced modelers should take note.A.BATTERY INSTALLATIONThe transmitter uses eight “AA” size batteries and four for the receiver.  We recommend using theNiCad batteries whenever possible as it will prove to be far more economical in the long run.1) When loading the batteries, please make sure the transmitter and the receiver switches are inthe off positions.3 CHANNEL WORLDVEHICLES AIRCRAFTON-ROADCAROFF-ROADBUGGYMONSTERTRUCKSOTHERS BOATS SHIPS OTHERS GLIDERS AIRPLANES OTHERS
2) Open the battery compartment at the back of the transmitter by pressing the cover down andtoward the bottom. (See fig 2)3) Load batteries into the slots paying close attention to the polarity. (See fig 2)4) Replace the battery cover and turn the power “ON” to see if the indicating arrow will move up.  Ifthe batteries are fresh, the indicating arrow will move to the far right side but if the arrow is in thelow power or lower part of the yellow zone, you had better replace the batteries or recharge yourNiCad batteries. (See fig 3)Loading Battery fig 2Power indicating fig 3BATTERY COVERPRESS DOWN ANDTOWARD BOTTOM8 AA SIZE BATTERYBE CAREFUL TO LOADBATTERIES IN THERIGHT DIRECTIONFull power: White zoneMedium power: Yellow zoneLow power: Red zoneB. OPERATION CHECK1) Gently plug the switch harness and servo connectors into the proper slots of the receiver.  Theconnectors are polarized, thus, should fit only one-way.  If they will not go in one-way, reverse itand see if it will plug in.  Never use excessive force to plug in connectors.  (See fig 1).2) Turn the transmitter power switch “ON” first, then the receiver switch.  Always remember to turnthe transmitter on the transmitter before you turn the receiver on, otherwise your receiver mayreceive other interfering signals from other radio sources and jitter.3) Check to see if the servos move when you control the sticks.  Move the trim lever to the centerposition. (See fig 4)
4) Check the direction of the servo rotation.  If you wish to change the direction of theservo, push the servo reversing switch and check if it changes direction as you desired.(See fig 4)5) If you wish to have more forward throttle than backward, you can push down the neutralposition adjustment lever.  You will have 30% more forward than backward.  The controlstick will only return to the lower position.  You may have to adjust the servo horn posi-tion when you do this.6) Adjustable Travel Volume: you may use this volume to adjust servo travel according tothe characteristics of your model; the servo travel can be adjusted from 50% to 100% ofthe total travel range by turning each ATV knob on the transmitter. (See fig 5).  Turningclockwise will increase servo travel and counter clockwise will decrease servo travel.7) Quick Start/Brake: This button is located at the back of the transmitter and is a conve-nient feature if you ever get involved in competition racing.  While pressing the buttonwith you little finger, you hold the throttle stick at full throttle, then let go at the startsignal by releasing the button.  This button also doubles as a quick brake when youneed it.  Instead of throwing the throttle stick down, you can simply press this button tobring your car to a screeching halt.  Before using the Quick Start/Brake feature, youshould preset the braking point by adjusting the Throttle Quick Trim as follows; With thethrottle stick set in neutral for your servo or speed control, press the Quick Start/Brakebutton to see if braking position is correct.  If not, adjust the trim.  You may adjust the trimwhile the car is running but you would have to take extra care so it does not get out ofcontrol.  (See fig 6)8) If everything checks OK, turn your receiver off before you turn your transmitter off.Remember that this is exactly the reverse sequence of turning the system “ON”.Reverse    NormalNormalReverse NormalReverseReducedTr av e lStick control fig 4Servo traveling adjustment fig 5     Quick start/break function fig 6FULL TRAVELQuick Start/Brake buttonCH1 ATV CH2 CH1 ATV CH2
INSTALLATIONWhen installing the radio system to the model, please follow the detailed instructions for themodel kit.A.Normal Installation (non BEC)If you are using the regular mechanical speed control that usually comes with the modelkit, you will need both servos, and the battery harness that comes with the radio set.Incidentally this is the installation method for the engine equipped model as well.B.ESC installation (Electronic Speed Control)You may wish to use an ESC in place of the mechanical speed control and throttle servo.This will allow more precise control as well as less power consumption.  Please note thatmost ESC’s are already equipped with BEC so you can simply plug into channel two ofthe receiver.Installation diagram fig 7HELPFUL HINTA.BATTERYAlways take extra care that all the batteries in the radio set are fully charged (NiCad) orfresh (Dry) when operating you radio.  Otherwise the receiver range will substantially bereduced and lose control thereby damaging your model and or people.  When you re-charge your transmitter NiCads with a charger jack, be careful of its polarity.  The innercontact should be positive (+), the outer negative (-).  For your convenience, we recom-mend our genuine overnight charger.  CG-22(220V0 or CG-25(110V).B.ANTENNABoth the transmitter and the receiver antenna must be fully extended when in use.  Becareful that you do not cut off the excess receiver antenna wire or bundle it.  This willseverely cut down on the operating range.C.XTAL CHANGEWhen changing the frequency to another channel, make sure that you match the trans-mitter to the receiver channel.  Also you must make sure that they are replaced with onlygenuine Hitec single conversion FM xtals as not all xtal makes are compatible with eachother.  Also remember that you can change frequencies only within the same frequencyband, which means you cannot change to 72MHz from 75MHz.  (Also in the US, youmay not be allowed to change the transmitter xtal).NORMAL INSTALLATIONE.S.C. INSTALLATION7.2V ~ 8.4V
D.WATER, DUST AND FUELTake suitable measures to prevent water, dust and oil (fuel) from getting into the radiosystem.  In the event that this does happen, make sure that you clean them off thor-oughly before you turn it “ON” again.E.SERVO LINKAGEInstall your linkage rod to product the maximum freedom of movement possible with theminimum amount of slop and friction; to check these points out, operate each servo overits full stroke and check if the rod binds or is loose.  One great item that we at Hitec haveinvented is the “Jam Checker” which is uniquely designed just to detect if there are anybinds in the linkage if they are buried in the installation and cannot be detected easily.F.POLARITYMany a model were wasted and junked by a simple but mindless mistake such as con-necting to the wrong polarity so whenever making a connection, do make sure that theyare the right polarity.G.RACHET THROTTLE CONTROLYou may defeat the spring mechanism on the throttle stick by placing a Spring Defeatplate (copper colored) provided on top of the gimbal inside the transmitter case.

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