Hitachi Kokusai Electric America AT75000 5000W UHF ATSC Transmitter User Manual AT75K0 1 Owner s Manual

Hitachi Kokusai Electric America LTD 5000W UHF ATSC Transmitter AT75K0 1 Owner s Manual

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 c3

         Linear Industries, Inc. AT75K0-1             Owner‟s Manual  October 2009 DRAFT
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    2/139                Linear AT75K0-1 5kW UHF 8VSB-ATSC EXCITER/TRANSMITTER  Owner Manual  Table of Contents   User Notices and Warnings                  3  Section 1 – AT75K0-1 Introduction                 6  Section 2A – AT7001 Digital Exciter               17  Section 2B – AT7001 Field Installation (retro-fit)          21  Section 3A – RF Power Drawer - Module 4634           34  Section 3B – RF Power Drawer Operational Software - Model 4634    52  Annex A – AT75K0-1 Operational Software            80  Annex B – GUI7001 software                       109  Annex C – Digital Exciter Connections                     140
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    3/139    User Notices and WARNINGS    USER NOTICES   IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THIS MANUAL PRIOR TO OPERATION OF THIS TRANSMITTER!  Notice 1 The transmitter main operating voltage setting is marked on the rear of the AT75K0-1 chassis.   Notice 2 The transmitter operating frequency is set from the factory.  Notice 3 For  adjusting  the  RF  output  power  setting  a  qualified  technician  should  always employ the use of an RF Wattmeter and a calibrated dummy load.  Notice 4 Should  accident  or  injury  occur  to  the  personnel  engaged  in  the  installation, operation, or service of the equipment, they should seek proper medical attention.  It is advisable that such personnel have familiarity with first-aid practices.     Notice 5 For technical support please call the Linear technical support customer service line at 847/428-5793 ext. 105.  Notice 6 The technical information presented on this manual is sole intellectual propriety of Linear Industries, Inc. Reproduction of this document in full or partial is prohibited without  written  authorization.  This  document  is  legally  protected  by  the  copyright laws.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    5/139      Returns and Exchanges  Equipment  (Damaged  or  undamaged)  should  not  be  returned  unless  written approval and a Merchandise Return Authorization (MRA Number) is received from your  Linear  Sales  representative  or  Linear  Customer  Service.    Special  shipping instruction will be provided  which will assure proper handling.  The circumstances and reasons for the return must be included in the request for return.  Equipment that is special or “custom” ordered may be not returnable.  In situations where return or exchange is at the request of the customer a restocking fee may be charged.  All returns  must  be  sent  freight  prepaid  and  properly  insured  by  customer.    When communicating with Linear please refer to your Order or Invoice Number.   Unpacking  Use care when unpacking the equipment.   First perform a visual inspection of the item(s) to determine if any damage occurred during shipment.  Be sure to retain all the shipping materials (crates and boxes or cartons) until such time that it has been determined  that  the  received  equipment  arrived  undamaged.    Find  all  PACKING LISTS  and  keep  them  to  assist  in  locating  and  identifying  any  components  or assemblies  that  may  have  been  removed  for  shipping  and  might  need  to  be reinstalled  in  the  equipment.    Make  sure  that  all  shipping  straps,  supports  and packing materials are completely removed from the equipment prior to initialization and use.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    6/139   Section 1 – AT75K0-1 Introduction  1. Introduction  The LINEAR AT75K0-1 is a 5,000W (5kW) UHF ATSC Digital TV transmitter. It is designed by Linear Industries using state-of-the-art technology in digital signal transmission.  This transmitter uses an intelligent digital control system using microcontrollers; this system allows  real-time  supervision  over  the  transmitters‟  operational  functions.  All  required operational inputs to the transmitter are performed using a key-pad and digital display, both located on the front panel where readings, alarms, and configurations are also displayed.  The  RF  amplification  system  is  composed  of  14  drawers  all  connected  in  parallel.  Each drawer contains its own power supply and independent operational supervision.   1.2 Main characteristics    All management of the transmitter‟s general functions, including the RF power drawers is performed and monitored on the front display.   The specific management and configuration of the RF power drawer is performed by the Hyper-terminal directly connected to the RF drawer.   Digital display part of the Digital Exciter profile: 4 lines and 40 columns.   Signal measurement software. Several signal readings available.  12” Touch Screen Monitor for measurements of the signal performance.   Digital Filter (FIR) contained inside the Modulator.   Automatic linear and non-linear pre-corrections.   Local and remote management of the transmitter functions using Ethernet Web Server.   Transmission Serial PLL Oscillators are referenced to an internal 10MHz OCXO, or to a 10MHz external source, for instance GPS.   The UHF RF power amplifier modules uses MOSFET transistor devices, with high linearity, higher gain, better efficiency and better thermal characteristics.   Automatic transistors idle current adjustment as a temperature function.   Each  RF  power  module  power  supply  is  a  full  bridge  type  switching  power  supply, including power factor correction (PFC).   The Automatic Level Control (ALC) sustains a stable nominal RF output power up to 3dB of system gain variation.  The RF power drawers‟ management is independent. In the case of an RF drawer failure, the RF power is reduced, and the transmission continues.   Step-by-step  Reflected  Power,  VSWR,  protection.  Keeps  reducing  the  direct  power  in case of VSWR increasing.   Protection against over-current of the RF power modules.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    7/139     Red LEDs on the front panel display alarm warnings. An alarm log displays current and past alarms.   Low acoustic noise, forced air Ventilation system.   Modular Design, using SMD devices to facilitate the operation and maintenance.   High Quality compared with the cost, high cost benefits ratio.   Fully designed by LINEAR   25" Cabinet Racks.   1.3 Basic Line-Up    01 Digital Exciter with front panel display – Module AT7001   01 Power Splitter – Module 4496   14 RF Power Drawer - Module 4634   01 Power Combiner – Module 4497   01 Power Sensor – Module 4179   RF Filter System   Distribution Energy System   Ventilation System   Visual Interface  1.4 General Functional Description    AATTSSCC  DDIIGGIITTAALL  EEXXCCIITTEERR   The  Digital  Exciter  includes  the  RF  exciter,  for  monitoring  and  control  of  the  entire transmitter, and is composed of the following (main) modules:    01 Modulator – Module 4583   01 Up Converter / Down Converter – Module 4541   01 Power Supply – Module 4606   01 RF Amplifier – Module 4617   01 Pricipal Control Unit – Module CIM3297   01 10MHz  – Module 4281  The  Digital  Exciter  delivers  the  on-channel  RF  Signal  of  up  to  20dBm  to  drive  the  RF amplification system of the transmitter.  The  input  ATSC  transport  stream  must  be  an  MPEG-2  stream  on  SMPTE-310M  or  ASI standard. The modulator automatically recognizes the type of transport stream (TS). The TS input is a BNC connector located on the top of the rack cabinet.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    8/139   The modulator generates 2 IF signals, termed: In-Phase (I) and Quad (Q). The modulated signal IF center frequency is 18,833916 MHz The entire modulation process adheres to the ATSC A/53E recommendation.  The modulated IF signals (I) and (Q) are connected to the UHF Up-Converter module. This module generates the frequency translation from the IF frequency to the operational channel frequency. The frequency translation occurs on a dual-balance mixer, mixing the IF signal with the synthesized PLL local oscillator signal.  The  on  channel  UHF  RF  signal  out  from  the  Up-Converter  is  connected  to  a  class  A amplifier. The output of this amplifier is the RF output of the unit.   This  RF  signal  is  connected  then  to  the  RF  amplification  system,  specifically  at  the  RF power splitter.  The  control  unit  inside  the  digital  exciter  manages  each  of  the  transmitter  functions,  and displays the status of each, on the LCD Digital Display on the front panel.  This unit, on its control section, collects the control status information available from other modules:  ATSC  modulator,  Up-Converter,  exciter  amplifier,  RF  power  amplifiers,  power supplies and power sensor. With all these information it process and allow, the information be  available  at  the  front  panel.  Using  the  key-pad,  the  operator  is  able  to  read,  change configuration, password, check for current and old alarms.  The Digital Exciter interacts with the LINEAR proprietary software (GUI7001) that performs the  implementation  of  linear  and  non-linear  pre-correction  as  required;  the  software  also conducts  measurements  on  the  demodulated  signal,  such  as  MER  and  power  spectrum readings, among others.    PPOOWWEERR  SSPPLLIITTTTEERR   The power splitter is a passive non-isolated component that equally splits the Digital Exciter RF  signal  at  the  ratio  1:14.  The  resulting  split  signal  is  then  routed to  the  14  RF  power amplifier drawers.    UUHHFF  55,,000000WW  RRFF  AAMMPPLLIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN  SSYYSSTTEEMM   This  system  is  composed  of  14  amplifiers. Each amplifier host  3  sets  of  4  fans used for cooling of the unit, a local power supply, 4 combined pallets amplifiers, and one driver, as well as a local mechanically independent control system. It is also part of his drawer a plug-in PC Board externally accessible with a hyper-terminal interface PC board.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    9/139   By using the hyper-terminal interface in the local drawer control unit, it is possible to:    Adjust the idle currents of the transistor‟s software.   Numerically identify the drawer, the installed software and its current version.    Measure the direct and reflected RF power at the RF output connector of the drawer.    Read the electrical  currents and temperatures associated with each RF transistor and modules.   Check  the initialization status  of the  idle currents, (RF Power = 0w), current and past alarms. For the past alarms identification, there is a help menu screen.    PPOOWWEERR  CCOOMMBBIINNEERR   This  module  is  a  passive  isolated  14:1  combiner  module.  This  module  at  its  RF  output delivery the max power of the transmitter.  There  are  a  set  of  resistive  loads  attached  to  a  heat-sink  and  an  associated  ventilation system  necessary  at  the  time  some  unbalance  happens  at  the  combination process, like lack  of  RF  power  in  one  or  more  drawers.  The  temperature  will  rise  on  the  load(s) associated with the drawer that is not in operation.    PPOOWWEERR  SSEENNSSOORR   The  power  sensor  detects  the  direct  and  reverse  power  at  the  output  of  the  equipment, before the filter. The RF levels are detects and turn in a DC level, connected to the digital exciter.  The  digital  exciter  processes  the  information  and  shows  the  direct  and  reverse power on the front panel display, in watts.    CCHHAANNNNEELL  OOUUTTPPUUTT  FFIILLTTEERR  aanndd  LLOOWW--PPAASSSS  FFIILLTTEERR   Band-Pass Filter  The output filter from the factory is a 6 poles elliptical response filter, with low loss and high selectivity. The connectors are EIA 3 + 1/8”.  Low-Pass Filter  This filter is a non-adjustable 3 1/8” rigid line type of filter. Its attenuation is more effective of the higher band of the spectrum, contribution to attenuate the harmonics and spurious. It is installed after the band-pass filter, see below the short specs:   LOW PASS FILTER CODE CH Length
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    10/139   Band 25480 14 - 38 514,6mm 25482 39 - 69 468,4mm      PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLIIEESS   The  collection  of  power  supplies  that  are  a  part  of  this  transmitter  are  switching  power supplies. These power supplies are divided in 3 different models:  - Module 4580 – Main Drawer Power Supply - Module 4606 – Exciter power supply - Module 4401 – General Power Supply  Main Drawer Power Supply  The Main RF power amplifier drawer holds its own power supply. This power supply uses the boost regulator + full bridge topology, and performs the power factor correction, PFC.  The digital control board receives a series of information related with currents, and voltages from  the  power  supply.  Each  RF  power  drawers  have  independent  protection  for  short-circuit, over-voltage, over-current all controlled by the shutdown software.   Digital Exciter Main Power Supply  The digital exciter holds a full bridge 85Vac to 250Vac power supply using Flyback + Buck Regulator  topology.  This  power  supply  self-protect  against  short-circuit  and  over  voltage, and make available voltage readings for monitoring purposes.  General Power Supply  The module 4401 is a half bridge type power supply. Its efficiency is above 80%. This  module  generates  and  distributes  DC  voltages  for  several  modules  all  over  the transmitter structure. The DC outputs are:    +9V for the power sensor   +30V for the DC / DC converter   +30V for the set of 4 fans on the top of the transmitter cabinet.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    11/139      EElleeccttrriiccaall  EEnneerrggyy  SSttrruuccttuurree   Two electrical structures are suitable for this transmitter:    Delta Tri-phase or Star  220VAC   Star Tri-phase + Neutral  380VAC On both configurations above, the IRUSH circuit is used. This circuit reduces the peak of current  generated  by  the  switching  power  supplies  at  the  time  the  green  bottom  power supply switch is turned ON.  On  the  same  system  there  is  also  a  DC/DC  converter,  and  a  battery  re-charger,  for  a installed in 12v/ 7Ah battery.  The DC/DC converter turn +30V generated on the module power supply 4401, into a +8V voltage.  The  +8V  is  connected  to  the  digital  exciter.  The  battery  re-charger  constantly charge the battery. This battery‟s function is to feed the DC/DC converter input in case of a power outage, and so the digital exciter still operational maintaining the remote monitoring system in good standing.  The  AC  mains  phase  detector  goes  off  at  lack  of  phase  (R/S/T).  This  information  is connecting also to the digital exciter. When that happens, again the battery keeps the digital exciter operational, and this condition is indicated on the front panel display as an alarm.  VISUAL INTERFACE  With the objective of minimize the use of expensive set of instruments, it is installed on this transmitter  a  Touch Screen  microcomputer, loaded  with  the  LINEAR  proprietary software named  GUI7001.  The  operator  using  this  touch  screen  microcomputer  and  the  GUI7001 software can run the linear and non-linear pre-corrections, and in sequence perform signal measurements, checking the results. Measurements like MER, power spectrum, and other several associated measurements are indicated directly over the screen.  The microcomputer is USB cable connected to the digital exciter rear panel, where the RF digital processing takes place. The VGA video output of the microcomputer is connected to the 12” touch screen monitor where the images are displayed.   VENTILATION SYSTEM  The cooling of this transmitter is performed by forced air. A set of 4 fans located on the front panel of the cabinet, in conjunction with the RF drawer amplifiers, 12 fans for each drawer, (assembled on 3 sets of 4 fans each). The forced air passes directly throughout the heat sink fins. The rear panel of the transmitter allows a easily way out for the hot air.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    12/139      1.5 AT75K0 – 5.000W UHF ATSC/8VSB Transmitter - Technical Specifications  Electrical  Main 220VAC or 380VAC, tri phase, 50-60 Hz. Consumption 30.1kVA Power Factor Correction, FPC. Included Signal Input  Transport Stream Input ATSC/MPEG2, compliant to SMPTE310M or ASI Input Data Rate 19.39 Mbps (SMPTE / 310M) / 270Mbps (ASI) External Reference Signal 10MHz. (0 to +10 dBm). Input Connector 75Ω (BNC) Reference Input Connector 50Ω (BNC) RF  Modulation Mode 8VSB. IF 18.833916 MHz Channel Bandwidth 6MHz. Test Signal PRBS Frequency Range UHF. C14 to Ch69, (4 bands). Frequency Step 1 Hz. ± 220kHz Symbol Rate 10.76 M Symbol/sec. Digital/Analog Converter 16 bit Both Linear and Non-Linear Pre-Correction Included Pilot frequency stability overall ±0.3 ppm Initial tolerance  Vs. temperature in operating temperature range (steady state)  Holdover 24 hours, full temp. range  24 hours drift (after 30 days)  Long term stability over 15 years  Peak to peak frequency response ≤ 0.2 dB Peak to peak group delay response ≤ 20 ns. Phase noise ≤ -104 dBc/Hz @ 20kHz offset. Conducted spurious and harmonics FCC 47 Part 74. Radiated spurious and harmonics FCC 47 Part 74. MER (Modulation Error Rate) ≥ 27 dB (transmitter output) typical. RF output connector EIA 3 1/8” flanged Output sample connector N Communication  Hyper-terminal RS232 (DB-9) Mechanical  Air speed over drawers  Dimensions 70.67”(H), 55.35”(W), 45.67”(D) Weight NET:   1,296 Kg
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    13/139   1.5.1 Typical In band and adjacent channel filter Response
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    14/139   1.5.2 Low Pass Filter  a) – Functional Description:  This filter, module 4333 was designed to improve the spectral performance of the transmitter. It is a 3 1/8” rigid line non-adjustable filter. Two different lengths are used to provide cover from CH14 up to CH38, and above CH38.  b) -  Technical Specs:  IN/OUT Impedance 50 Ohms IN/OUT Return Loss >23dB Power 7.5kW Operational Frequency 470 to 700MHz Insertion Loss <0.08dB IN/OUT RF Connector EIA 3 1/8” Harmonic Attenuation >30 dB  c) – Dimensions:               Low Pass Filter Code Channels COMPRIMENTO 25480 14 - 38 514,6mm 25482 39 - 69 468,4mm
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    16/139   1.7 Front View Photo
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    17/139   Section 2A – AT7001 Digital Exciter  1. Introduction  The  objective of  this  section  is  to supply information  necessary for  either  the  installation and  operation of  the digital exciter model AT7001 providing a digital UHF signal of 100mW rms.  LINEAR INDUSTRIES recommends that the user carefully reads this section of this manual before installing or operating this equipment.  1.1 General Description  Equipment AT7001  is  an  exciter/driver  providing  a  digital  signal  of  100mW  rms  UHF  in  the  ATSC  TV  8-VSB standard. The model AT7001 is developed by LINEAR INDUSTRIES INCORPORATION and provides the most up to date and state of the art technology for transmission of digital TV signals.  The Model AT7001 is modular in construction and employs 100% digital technology and automatic nonlinear and linear pre-correction. An optional comprehensive performance and characteristic measurement software system can also be included.  The  system  of  intelligent  digital  control  using  microprocessors  allows  the  supervision  in  real  time  of  all  the functions of the  exciter/driver. Its operation  is completed through a keyboard and  display, located on the  front panel, through which there is access to all the readings, alarms and configurations  The  software  for  pre-correction  and  performance  measurement  operates  within  the  software  of  the  computer (external computer not provided).  1.2 Principle Characteristics    If contained in a LINEAR transmitter it will provide the management all of the functions of that transmitter and each of its amplifiers It contains:    4 line and 40 column digital display   Automatic linear and non linear pre-correction   PLL synthesized oscillator from a 10 MHz OCXO or by an external 10MHz reference (for example: GPS).   Highly linear and efficient and UHF transistorized power amplifier module   Automatic Level Control of power (ALC); keeps the system power level constant.   Front panel error indication, current and past alarms   Low acoustic noise air ventilation system   Part of the ADVANCED TV family of transmitters designed with all national and international standards taken into consideration. Conforming to ITU and FCC and all other recognized international standards.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    18/139   -310M inputs  1.3 Composition  The equipment includes the following modules:  – CIP8231 – CIP8453  - CIM3108 - Module 4572 -Digital Converter - Module 4541 - Module 4573 (versions M110/M220/B220) Master Clock Generator - Module 4578 01 Digital / Analog Converter – CIP8334  – CIP8452 01 Convertor A/D – CIP8425 01 10MHz Internal OCXO – Module 4281  1.4 General Functional Description  The  Digital  Exciter  /  Driver  provides  +20dBm  (100mW)  RF  signal  with  level  to  drive  transmitter  pre-amplifier system.  For the ATSC/8VSB transmission standard the exciter driver must receive a Transport Stream (TS) MPEG-2 of either SMPTE 310M or ASI.  The modulator automatically recognizes which of the two standards is being used. The TS input identification is only accomplished via the signal input connector which is a female BNC located on the back panel of chassis. This  module  generates  two  IF  signals;    (I)  In-phase  (i)  and  (Q)  Quadrature.  The  central  frequency  of  the modulated carrier is of 18,833916 MHz All processing is compatible with ATSC A/53E standard.  The modulated I  and  Q  IF  signal,  is  passed  from the  8VSB modulator  to the RF  UHF  up-converter which  up converts the IF signal to the final UHF channel. This up conversion occurs by multiplying the I and Q signal with the local oscillator frequency which is generated by a PLL synthesized oscillator, which in turn is referenced by an internal OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) or via an external source.   The on channel RF UHF signal passes from the Up-converter to a Linear amplifier. The signal then is fed from the linear amplifier to the rear panel allowing it to be connected directly to the pre-amplifier of any UHF TV transmitter.  All the management functions and controls of the exciter /driver are accomplished through the through the front panel display and push buttons.  The  AT7001‟s  main  control  unit  receives  information  from  all  the  main  transmitter  modules;  modulator,  up-converter, pre-amplifier, final power amplifiers*, reflectometer*, processes the information and allows, through the keyboard, push buttons and the digital display the complete control and operation of the equipment.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    19/139   The control unit can process the information in such a way when installed in a transmitter, that it makes it possible for the user the access readings like forward and reverse power, voltage and current of PSU‟s, transistor currents, current and past alarms; and some set-up and configurations, such as adjustment of power and password, etc, although the majority of these configurations are carried fixed in the factory and do not have to be modified by the user.   In the case that it is necessity to alter some configuration of the equipment, such as a channel change (in the case of a LINEAR transmitter), the technical department at Linear Industries Inc must be first consulted.  The  exciter / driver is available with optional software (GUI7001) that will allow automatic daily pre-correction of linear and non-linear distortion, as well as a series of transmitter signal measurements.  AC INPUT  The AC input module 4573 - used in the AT7001 exciter driver is a full wave bridge rectifier capable of input from 85 to 250VAC and is  constructed using fly-back plus buck regulator techniques.    The module 4573 is composed of two supplies; CIP8455 (CIM3555) providing +27V and  -15V and the second converter buck regulator CIP8390 (CIM3584) with and input of +27V provides outputs of +15V, +8V and +3.3V.  The module possesses fast output voltage surge protection and voltage metering information for the software.  VENTILATION SYSTEM  The cooling of the exciter / driver is provided by ventilated forced air, through a venting system that encourages good interior air circulation.   The front and rear covers vents also assist in the cooling of the unit making it possible to direct output warm air directly into environment.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    20/139   1.5 AT7001 - Module and parts location   Rear panel
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    21/139   1.6 AT7001 – 100mW UHF ATSC/8VSB Exciter - Technical Specifications
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    22/139   1.7 AT7001 Block Diagram:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    23/139       1.8 The AT7001 from Linear Industries         1.9 Serial Identification
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    24/139     Section 2B – AT7001 Installation  2.1 Introduction  For those sites that require so, this section provides general information on the installation of the AT7001 unit. With proper installation the AT7001 will provide uninterrupted and optimum performance for many years.  2.2 Initial inspection  It is important to inspect all the packing and verify no visible damage to the equipment immediately upon receipt. If the equipment and or packing has signs of damage, that is suspected to have happened during transport evidence of such must be immediately written down on appropriate documentation provided by the delivery or transportation service and Linear Industries Inc must be notified at the earliest possible time. Failure to do so may possibly void any warranty.  The unit has been tested thoroughly in the Linear Industries Inc factory to make sure of no defects and to ensure the unit is functioning according to its intended specification and mode of operation.   However, if the equipment when placed into operation does not function and has no evidence of transportation damage the unit must be returned to Linear Industries‟ factory with an explanation of the defect given to the technical department.  2.3 Protection against risk of electric shock  As with all equipment fed with the electrical current, the risk of electric shock may arise. To prevent electric shock please take the following precautions:    Any maintenance on this equipment must only be carried out by a fully technician.   In the event that the cover is removed do not touch any area or region near where an AC mains enters the unit. The AC input is located near the ON/OFF switch and transformer etc.).   Switch off the main and disconnect the AC cord before changing the AC input mains fuse.   Use only the correct fuse, i.e. exactly the same type and value of the fuse removed.   Do not immerse the unit in water or operate in areas of very high humidity.  CARE:  Please observe the standard and documented precautions for electrostatic sensitive devices. Electrostatic discharges (ESD) can damage the electronic components. It is strongly recommend working with this unit in a area with protection against electrostatic discharge.   For the place and location of the connectors please see internal layout diagram of equipment.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    25/139    2.4 Input Mains  The input mains voltage of the exciter driver is set at the factory; it is not necessary to alter its configuration.  This equipment can be fed with a voltage of 90 - 240 VAC at a mains frequency of 41-63 Hz, without interruption or damage to the equipment.  The exciter/driver includes a standard three pin AC input. The central pin is ground and is connected to the chassis of the assembly. An external ground lug is also included for additional grounded (recommended).    Partial view of rear panel, AC switch and mains entrance   2.5 Handles and Connectors  Handles should be installed with care, in order that they do not get bent or twisted during installation. If 7/8” or ½” handles are use, care must be taken not to damage during installation inside the cabinet or final installed location.  It is not recommended to try to install into a smaller space than 31.4” or 80cm. No force should be applied to the handles or input and output connectors. The installation of this unit should be done in such away to ensure that if any liquid drains on the unit it immediately drains to the side and does not enter into the unit.  Any connectors must be installed and mounted in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. The completed connections inside any cabinet must be isolated with from one another particularly those of containing RF to those not containing RF. All cables used on this unit must be of professional quality.  Isolation between cables should not be made with silicone coating as this has been found to dry up rubber coatings of other cables and fittings.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    26/139    2.6 Lightning protection of the equipment  Grounding should be made through a separate and specific cable and terminated correctly at both ends. The ground is labeled GND on the exciter driver unit.  As TV transmitter sites are normally located on higher altitude points such as mountains, hills and tall buildings there is a higher incidence probability of static and electrical discharge from lightning.  Lightening discharges typically carry large amounts of electric energy and place enormous risk on the safety of personnel as well as the equipment. Most lightening is conducted through the tower and guy structure of the antenna and the likelihood of damage to the equipment is increased because the tower structure is located nearby the transmitter building. To minimize the effect of the lightning and atmospheric discharges the use of a lightning protection system is strongly recommended. Such lightning system should be in place to ensure the continuity of transmission during a lightning storm. The phenomenon of lightning is basically that the electrical energy is conducted by the electrostatic induction between the earth and clouds, therefore, the most important part of the protection system should be a good grounding system made up of metal rods (electrodes) or an arrangement of wire mesh, which should allow minimum ground resistance, so that any electrical lightning discharge flows directly to the ground system rather than that of the building and equipment.   The key elements necessary for protection of equipment and personnel from lightning are: 1.  Use current division to control the dissipation of lightning strike energy on an antenna tower grounding system through multiple paths.  2.  Separate the antenna tower from the equipment building by a minimum of 30 feet.  3.  Use only a single point grounding system for the equipment building 4.  Use a bulkhead panel/waveguide hatch for all coaxial cable entry into the equipment building 5.  Coordinate the location of the (1) bulkhead panel bond, (2) power and telecommunications entry bond, (3) bond between antenna & equipment building, at the single point ground connection 6.  Isolate all wire-line communication services from remote ground with optical devices or isolation transformers 7.  Use AC power surge protection at main power entry and critical secondary panel.  To accomplish the best grounding, and provide the best protection of the transmission equipment it is important to consider the characteristics of the surrounding land. It is recommended to determine the character of the soil specifically its resistance. The resistance of a grounding system to should not exceed 5 , but the ideal value is obviously as close to zero as possible.  In general the best method of grounding can be accomplished with a single steel rod of approximately 2.73 yards or 2.5 meters placed in the ground nearby the transmitter building. There may be the case where the resistivity of the ground is too high, in which case it is recommended that the complete grounding of the building and grounding system be studied in detail by a professional and authorized electrical grounding organization. It is important to obtain the correct grounding system by using such methods as lightning rods and making sure they are completely isolated from the transmission equipment. An incorrect grounding system may not sufficiently
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    27/139   protect the transmission equipment and damage caused by static discharge or lightning will not be covered by the equipment guarantee.  2.7 Grounding of the electric Installation  Lightning can enter the transmitter building via many routes including the transmission line via the antenna and or tower structure. In such a case, the lightning can discharge enormous amounts of destructive electrical energy on the transmitter and it‟s peripheral equipment. To protect the input of the equipment for such peak voltages sufficient grounding and isolation should be provided on the input mains and output RF connection.  When installing the grounding system the following should be observed:    Connect all equipment chassis low resistance and appropriately sized ground wire.    Connect all the wires of the grounding system to one point, and connect to the building ground point and to the outside ground system.   Connect the incoming mains neutral to the grounding system at the point of the building ground   Connect the RF output cable to the main building ground system   The structure of the tower must also be connected to the external grounding system.   Isolate cables from the lightning rods with porcelain or equivalent high voltage insulators.  2.8 Mechanical Drawings  In this section the mechanical drawings will be presented showing the external structure of the unit.  2.8.1 Front Panel  The front display panel contains the digital LCD screen, keypad and signaling LED‟s.   Schematic call-outs:  1- Ventilation input  2-    3-  the next position on the right  4-   Moves the curser to the next position downwards  5-    6-    7- ENTER key  8- Signaling LED‟s for alarms, past and present, loss of input TS stream signal and input mains supply
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    28/139       9- Display – Digital LCD screen of 4 lines and 40 columns, through which displays the navigation menus and software management of the transmitter*. (*If installed inside LINEAR manufactured transmitter).
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    29/139   2.8.2  Rear Panel elements:  1- 310M / ASI OUT – Electric interface DVB-ASI-C Function: Sample of ASI signal Type: Female BNC  2- 10MHz REF OUT Function: 10MHz output reference Type: BNC female  3- 310M / ASI IN –DVB-ASI-electrical interface Function: Transport Stream (TS) Input Type: BNC female   4- 10MHz REF IN Function: 10MHz input reference Type: BNC female   5- RF SAMPLE OUT Function: RF output sample Type: N female    6- RF OUT Function: RF output signal Type: N female    7- AFTER FILTER SAMPLE Function: RF input sample taken from after output RF mask filter. (Used to make the linear pre-correction) Type: N female   Level: -10 ~0dBm  8- BEFORE FILTER SAMPLE Function: RF input sample taken from before output RF mask filter. (Used to make the Non-linear pre-correction) Type: N female   Level: -10 ~0dBm  9 - Ventilation Output  10- Input main disconnect  11- CONECTOR DE ALIMENTAÇÃO AC DE 3 PINOS  12- Ground post  13- RF output amplifier heat sink ventilation output  14- USB – USB connection  15- ETHERNET – Ethernet for remote control (optional).  16- CONTROL I/O – Input and output control
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    30/139   2.8.3 Dimensions
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    31/139   2.9 Installing Exciter / Driver into a transmitter  For the installation of the exciter driver into a transmitter the following conditions are necessary:  1- Two samples of feedback (before and after the filter). The amplitude/frequency response should have less than 1dB of ripple within +/- 15MHz of the channel of operation.  2- Impedance of the sample ports must be 50 ohms  3- The RF level of the sample before and after the filter must be between -10dBm and 0dBm (average level).  When the exciter / driver RF output is connected correctly to the transmitter pre-amplifier and the correct RF level samples before and after the output RF mask filter are connected to the applicable sample input ports, the operator can then use the GUI7001 software (optional) to make linear and nonlinear pre-corrections and the performance measurements  2.10 Possible operations with the exciter / driver  Below are the possible operations of the exciter driver available when installed in a transmitter.  A- Power adjustment – POWER SETUP ([1100])  Power adjustment of the exciter driver which may* alter the transmitter output power is possible and accessible through the POWER SETUP screen ([1100]) and accessed from the Main Menu for the Menu on the display digital. Instructions are given in the annex (Operational Software). It is important to note that if the power of the transmitter is altered the modulation level and consequently the non-linear distortion will change which will require the pre-correction to be recalculated. This can be done through the SCALE adjustment ([1520]). The recalculation of the correction must be done after all final power level changes. For best results and the software GUI7001 (optional) for performance measurements should be used.  * Note that some transmitters may have an ALC around the pre-amplifier or final amplifier or combination thereof, which will disenable any power adjustment from the exciter.  B- Pre-correction of transmitter  The corrections for linear and non linear distortion will have been tested and temporarily set up in the factory for typical operational characteristics. When installed into a transmitter, if there is significant change in the RF output characteristics of linear and nonlinear distortions, thus affecting its frequency response, group delay and levels of inter-modulation, is suggested to carry through a new process of pre-correction of the transmitter. This process can be made through optional GUI7001 Software (Optional).  D- SCALE adjustment  This parameter adjusts the amount of non-linear pre-correction being a applied to the signal. The inter-modulation of the signal varies with the power output. This “scale” adjustment can be used to optimize the levels of shoulder without the need to recalculate the pre-correction curves using software GUI7001 (optional). The value of this adjustment must be proportionally reduced when the transmitter output power is reduced.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    32/139    E- Adjustment of the Pilot Level  This adjustment allows for the configuration in the level desired ATSC signal pilot carrier level, with the following band of values: -2048 the +511. For more details on this configuration consult annex A (Operational Software)  F- Linearization ON and OFF  Non-Linear Pre-Correction – It is possible to confirm and to switch off the non-linear pre-correction from the front panel. When using the GUI7001 software, it is important to confirm that this parameter is operative in order that the linearization of the transmitter amplifiers can take place.   Linear Pre-Correction – It is possible to confirm and to switch off the linear pre-correction from the front panel. When using the GUI7001 software, it is important to confirm that this parameter is operative in order that the linearization to compensate for the output RF Mask filter can take place.   2.11 Communication  A- Via Ethernet  The exciter driver includes an Ethernet connection on the rear panel allowing access to its Ethernet Web page.  The web page contains all the functionalities of the interface keyboard and display such as SETUP‟s, MEASUREMENTS and ALARMS, etc. This interface can be used for remote management.  B- Via Exciter Driver USB port  Communication to the exciter / driver via the USB port is only possible utilizing the GIU7001 software system. For more details on this configuration consult annex A (Operational Software).  3. Alarms  The table below provides the respective steps to be taken when an alarm occurs and how to cancel or normalize any alarms.    EXCITER DRIVER ALARM MESSAGE DESCRIPTION OF ALARM STEPS TO BE TAKEN WHEN ALARM OCCURS SYNC LOSS Indicates loss of input signal synchronization Verify presence of Transport Stream (TS) at the input of the equipment. If TS present, it will be necessary to examine the functioning of the modulator inside the exciter driver. LO LOCK FAIL Indicates loss of LO oscillator lock in the up-converter Examine the functioning of up-converter located in the exciter driver. It may be necessary to replace this module.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    33/139   CLOCK LOCK FAIL Indicates loss of lock to the modulator clock Examine the functioning of the modulator clock assembly and printed circuit board, located inside up-converter module. FIFO OVERFLOW Indicates a FIFO “first in first out”  overflow to the modulator Verify if enough NULL PACKETS exist in the transport stream (TS) in order that the TS duty process can function properly. +15V, +8V, +3.3V, +27V Indicates incorrect voltage from the respective +15V, +8V, +3.3V or 27V supplies.  It will be necessary to examine the input and output voltages, check for short circuits on the power supply assembly located in the exciter driver assembly. It may be necessary to replace this module.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    34/139   Section 3A - RF Power Drawer - Module 4634   1. Introduction:  The RF power amplification section of this transmitter is built based on one or more RF Power Drawer Modules 4634. The nominal RF output power is 430W (ATSC) at the UHF band. These drawers are commonly termed P1, P2, P3, etc…..The final power of the transmitter determine how many RF drawers will be used.  Each Module 4634 is composed by the following parts:   01 Power Supply – Module 4580  01 Digital Control Unity – CIM3547 (CIP8448)  01 20Wrms Driver (ATSC) UHF– Module 4582  04 Power Amplifiers 107Wrms (ATSC) UHF – Module 4637  01 isolated power splitter 1:4 - UHF – Module 4636  01 isolated combiner 4:1 - UHF – Module 4635   The energy source for the module 4634 is the 208Vac circuit. The 3 phase main breaker switch the energy. The contactor is located on the bottom of the cabinet.  The minimum gain of this module is 55 dB, and it is broadband covering the UHF band, CH14 – CH51
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    35/139   2. Module Placement
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    36/139   3. Module 4634 Block Diagram         Block Diagram PART 1 – RF
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    37/139     Block Diagram PART 2 – Controls, Measurements and Power Supply
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    38/139   4. Panels  4.1 Front Panel     RF Power Drawer 4634 – Front Panel Cold Air Inlet – 1500 ft/minute   4.2 Rear Panel  1 RF IN 50 Ohms N Connector 2 RFOUT 50 ohms – DIN 4.196 Connector 3 Line Fuse 15A 4 Supply – AC 208 Volts 5 GND 6 10A Fan Fuse 7 RS232 – DB9 Connector – Hyper-terminal Communication 8 RS485 – DB9 Connector for communication between the 4634 Amplifier and the Digital Control Unit    RF Power Drawer 4634 - Rear Panel
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    39/139   5. Modules Description  5.1 Digital Control Unit – CIM3547 (CIP8448)  5.1.1 General Description about the RF Drawer - Module 4634 - Microcontroller Control Unit.  The RF power drawer has a control unit built in the module, reference PC board CIP8448.  This digital control unit, CIP8448, keeps complete control over the module 4634 operation. The Digital Exciter LCD display is the visual interface with the operator. By checking the control functions via key-pad and LCD screen, the operation is able to have access to the operational status of the module 4634.On this procedure is possible via the RS485 communication. Also, is possible to use the RS232 serial communication, via a Hyper-terminal. The built in digital control unit has the following attributes: Communication with the Digital Exciter. Hyper-terminal Measure and configuration. Analog and Digital measurement readings. Phase and Gain Adjustments. Transistor‟s parameters adjustment. Alarm‟s status  5.1.2 Block Diagram CONTROL UNITCIP8448 (CIM3547)MICROCONTROLLER•EXCITER FORWARD POWER READING•EXCITER REFLECTED POWER READING•ID CURRENT READING•VOLTAGES SUPPLY READINGS•ALARMS READINGS•TEMPERATURE READINGSRS232 REMOTE CONTROLRS485 DATA BUSCONTROL UNITCIP8448 (CIM3547)MICROCONTROLLER•EXCITER FORWARD POWER READING•EXCITER REFLECTED POWER READING•ID CURRENT READING•VOLTAGES SUPPLY READINGS•ALARMS READINGS•TEMPERATURE READINGSRS232 REMOTE CONTROLRS485 DATA BUS
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    40/139   5.1.3 Digital Control  The integrated circuit CI5 (A128) is a 16 bits microcontroller integrated circuit factory programmed in assembly. Different software‟s and different upgrade versions could be programmed. From the factory, these software and version is labeled on a sticker placed on the circuit board. This circuit is the central part of the module 4634 operational control.    Eventually the CIP8448 could be substitute. If that happen it is important to inform the software and version indicated on the PC board label.   5.1.4 Analog and Digital readings  All ANALOG readings are available to the connector CN2 at CIP8448. These analog readings are associated with the following parameters:   Direct Power Reflected Power +42V voltage from the main power supply. Electric current I1 to I5 delivered from the power supply to the main transistors devices. The 4 main amplifier temperature readings and the driver module readings.  All these analog information are routed to the microcontroller CI5, where than are digitalized and processed. By software definition, the nominal reading are represented b 4V, this means that at connector CN2 the voltages should be 4V for nominal values indicated at the hyper-terminal interface.   The DIGITAL readings are associated with the following parameters:  Fan Alarm  The microcontroller (CI5) sees this alarm information and by software, makes the decision to disable or not the RF drawer. If the analog readings status on CN2 is stable, 4V, the transmission remains, if one of these readings is not at nominal level, the RF drawer is disabled.  These alarms are displayed at the hyper-terminal, as described on the RF drawer operational manual using hyper-terminal.   5.1.5 Re-Connection of the Power Supply - +42v  The PC Board CIP8448 sends to the main Power Supply module 4580 the re-connection command. The re-connection command is a +5V voltage.  The re-connection command is available at the connector CN2. The absence of this voltage holds the power supply to operating. In consequence, the module 4580 will no longer provides +42V to power the UHF amplifiers module 4637. This command do not affect the others voltages, or power supplies.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    41/139    5.1.6 Serial RS232 Communication   The access to the control board CIM3547/CIP8448 at the RF drawer is possible using the Windows hyper-terminal, via RS232/DB-9 connector interface. See the RF Drawer operational software manual for more details.  5.1.7 Serial RS485 Communication  The control board (CIP8448) built in the RF Power Drawer is subordinated to the Digital Exciter Control Unit (CIP8231). The communication between these controls is performed via a RS485. At the control unit built in the RF Drawer, CIP8448, the communication pins are 3 and 4 at CN3 are connected to the DB9 connected identified as RS485 located at the rear panel.  5.1.8 IMPORTANT   The RF Power Drawer CONTROL Unit, CIP8448 should NEVER be removed from the drawer with the transmitter/drawer in operation.   5.2 20Wrms (ATSC) Driver amplifier – Module 4582  5.2.1 General Description  The module 4582 is a driver amplifier broadband for all UHF band designed to delivery 20W RMS on ATSC. CIP8468/(CIM3570).   It is built in 3 stages. The first stage it is available the phase and gain adjustment. This circuit allows a 15 degrees for phase adjustment and +/- 1dB on gain adjustment. The first stage insertion loss is 2dB.   The second stage is build with 2 CGD 1044H hybrid amplifiers, broadband, with high linearity. These amplifier are connected 90 degrees out of phase each other seeking for impedance matching optimization. This stage has around 24dB gain.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    42/139     RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4582 – Stages 1 and 2  The third stage is build using two BLF871 transistors, also connected 90 degrees apart each other, the gain on this stage is 17dB ± 1.5dB.    RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4582 – Stages 3   This driver has optimum impedance matching characteristics and few adjustment points.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    43/139   5.2.2 Technical Specifications:    Parameter Specification INPUT Frequency 470MHz – 810MHz Impedance 50 Ohms Return Loss  Max. Level +13dBm  Connectors N OUTPUT RF Power Up to 20W rms (ATSC) 2nd Harmonic ≤ -35dBc Impedance 50 Ohms Typical GAIN 38 dB± 1dB GENERAL Energy Source +42V Comsumption 6A
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    44/139   5.3 1:4 Isolated Power Splitter - Module 4636  5.3.1 General Description  This module is a passive UHF broadband RF splitter. It performs an evenly ¼ signal division out of the incoming RF signal from the driver, up to 20W. The RF output of this module feeds the input of the main pallet amplifiers, in a total of 4 amplifiers, one for each output of the splitter.      RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4636 – UHF isolated power splitter  5.3.2 Block Diagram                           OUT 1OUT 2INOUT 3OUT 4OUT 1OUT 2INOUT 3OUT 4OUT 1OUT 2INOUT 3OUT 4
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    45/139   5.3.3 UHF Power Amplifiers – Module 4637  This module is a broadband amplifier designed for the entire UHF band. It deliveries 107W rms on ATSC/8VSB    RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4637 – UHF pallet amplifier    Each RF Power Drawer – 4634 – has 4 of those modules – 4637 - operating in parallel. The total available operational RF power is 430 Watts ATSC/8VSB. The amplifier is a single class AB stage amplifier. The LDMOS device is BLF878, composed by 2 push-pull connected transistors cells. This operates in a very linear condition.    Amplifier - 4637 circuit CIM CIP Amplifier 3613 8496
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    46/139   5.3.4 Technical Specifications:   PARAMETERS SPECS INPUT FREQUENCY 470 to 860MHz IMPEDANCE  RETURN LOSS ≥ 10dB CONNECTOR N/T RF OUTPUT GAIN (TYP.) 17 dB± 1dB ATSC RMS POWER Up to 107,5Wrms HARMONICS 2nd ≤ -30dBc GENERAL CONSUMPTION 13A @ 107,5W (ATSC)   5.4 4:1UHF Broadband Isolated Combiner – Module 4635  The passive Combiner – module 4635 – implements a symmetrical combination of the 4 RF signals from the output of the module 4637, the RF pallet amplifier. The output of this combiner is also the RF output of the RF Power Drawer.     RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4635 – UHF 4:1 isolated power combiner   For being isolated on its 4 inputs, any eventual mismatching on the amplifiers output, will not affect another amplifier. The undesired RF power generated my mismatching, is routed to the absorption loads, 50 / 400W.  There is a protection circuit installed on this module. It is a protection circuit against reflected power, and over-drive. Two test points are available for these porpoises on the printed circuit board CIP8498.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    47/139   Block Diagram              5.4.1 Circuito de proteção de potência refletida (VSWR) e over-driver – Módulo CIP8498 (CIM3615)  The RF Power Drawer has 2 circuits dedicated  to RF protection. One is set for VSWR, and other is for over-drive protection.  The VSWR protection is assembling on the CIP8498. When it is active the protection acts fast reducing the gain on the driver amplifier – module 4582.  The goal is to protect the main RF transistors BLF878. The protection is highly effective, as effective that when the RF power drawer is running at full power any of the listed below load condition can happen and the protection will act effective and no damage will occur.  Unconditional VSWR at full power protection against the following extreme occurrences:  Cut (with pliers) the RF cable between the RF Power Drawer output and the 4:1 combiner. Crimp (with pliers) the RF cable between the RF Power Drawer output and the 4:1 combiner. Open circuit on the RF output Short circuit on the RF output Any size RF cable connected at the RF output with the end in short circuit condition, or open circuit condition. RF Filter out of tuning, or different channel tune.  When the cause of the VSWR ceases, the drawer will operates normally.    The over-driver protection is targeted to protect the BLF878s devices in case the RF input signal increases above the nominal level for max power. The sensor that trigger this protection is also located a t the CIP8498, and also acts on the driver module – 4582 on the variable attenuator reducing the signal on the driver.  Located on the top driver cover, there s hole about 1/8” diameter. This hole allows visualization of a green LED assembled inside the driver module - 4582. This LED is an indicator, and when it is OFF the protection is active. Under normal operational conditions, the LED is ON. On the event of alarm, the LED is quickly turned OFF. The thresholds of these alarms are: 10% for VSWR, and +1.15dB for over drive, see below:   Standard Nominal PWR  Max Reflected Pwr over-driver limit ATSC /8VSB 430 W RMS 43 W RMS (10%) 560 W RMS (30%)  OUT   IN 1    IN 2    IN 3    IN 4    50  / 400W 50  / 400W 50  / 400W 50  / 400W
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    48/139   The CIP8498 is located at the module – 4635 the 4:1 combiner.   5.5  Power Supply – Module 4580  The Power Supply – module 4580 is a switching power supply using full bridge topology. The efficiency is higher than 80%. This module also include the PFC (power factor correction) also filtering the harmonics product that could be feedback to the AC line. This power supply is also fully protected against output short-circuit event, readings on voltage and currents.    RF Power Drawer 4634 - Module 4580 – +42V Power Supply  The 4580 module has 10 times +42V output. These outputs are directly connected to the UHF amplifiers. There is also a +15V power supply, not switching type, used to power the control unit – CIP8448 also installed on the same module, the RF power Drawer.     The table below lists the PC Boards that are part of the power supply module:  Power Supply – Module 4580 CIRCUIT CIM CIP Power Factor Circuit (PFC) 3567 8467 FULL BRIDGE PFC Control 3537 8439  FULL BRIDGE Control 3592 8444  Functional parts break-down on the power supply module:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    49/139    PFC  The PFC circuit is located at the PC Board CIP8467, MODULE – 4580. This circuit is composed by a power supply with a boost regulator on continuous conduction mode (CMM). This arrangement guarantees power fact better than 0.9 [cos   > 0.9]. Using bridge of diodes, a full wave rectification and a boost inductor the low voltage is elevated up to +375V. The power factor correction is achieved via a switched MOSFET transistor controlling the AC current on the rectified filter capacitors. The switching frequency is 100 kHz.   PFC Control  The PFC circuit is pulse-controlled. The pulse stream is generated on the CIP8439. This control is implemented via an integrated circuit that is self-protect against short-circuit and two extra feedback circuits for safety. This arrangement is implemented to guarantee a highly stale +375V voltage present on the output of the PFC circuit.    Full Bridge  The full bridge circuit is also located at the PC Board CIP8467 - module 4580. This circuit converts the +375V down to +42V with high current rate. To be able to deliver high power this circuit uses a full bridge topology, with four IGBT (Isolated Bipolar Gate Transistor) transistors connected on pairs.    The +375V is routed to the IGBT devices. These devices are switched at frequency of 25 kHz. The switching pulses are connected to a transformer reducing the voltage, and in sequence the rectification, filtering generating than the +42V.     Power for the Controls and +15V Output   The PC Board CIP8467 also includes a circuit that delivery power for the PFC and Full Bridge Controls. Out from this same circuit it is extracted the +15V voltage that power exclusively the digital control unit PC Board CIP8448.  This +15V power supply, is a linear power supply. A step down transformer drops the 208V out from the main line followed the diode wave-rectification and ripple filtering. Two voltage are extracted from this power supply, +15V and +18V. The +18V power the PFC control board, and the +15V power the Full Bridge control circuit and the digital control unit, PC BoardCIP8448.  NOTE: These 2 voltages, +15V and +18V do not share the same ground circuit. They do have separated grounding. (isolation 3kV).   Full Bridge Control and Voltage Reading/ Output Current Reading  The module 4580 includes a PC Board 8444. This PC Board generates the control pulses for the Full Bridge controlling. On this same PC Board is located a TRIMPOT, TPO-1, to adjust the output +42V voltage. The TRIMPOT TPO-2 performs the setting for protection against over-current. The TRIMPOT TPO-3 perform the reading adjustment for the output voltage, this information is routed to the digital control unit PC Board CIP8448. Also on this PC Board are present the circuits for current readings, totaling 10 independent readings. The trim pots TPO-4 up to TPO-13 are adjusted or the proper reading. See the table below:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    50/139     TRIMPOT Current TPO4 I1 TPO5 I2 TPO6 I3 TP07 I4 TPO8 I5 TPO9 I6 TPO10 I7 TPO11 I8 TPO12 I9 TPO13 I10    Shutdown  The shutdown command is initiated by the digital control unity, PC Board CIP8448. When some abnormal condition is present a +5V command is generated. This voltage is routed to the PIN 1 at the CON8 located on the PC Board CIP8448. When this voltage is present the switching pulse stream will be inhibit, and as consequence all DC voltages available on the module 4580 (except one, the DIRECT +15V that power the UCS) will be shuttled down.  It is possible to bypass the shutdown command if necessary. When troubleshooting the unit maybe be it is necessary to do so. On this case, the module 4580 will operating independently of the shutdown command generated by the UCS. For perform the shutdown bypass operation, it is necessary to change physically the J3 jumper position from AUTO to MAN. As soon as the troubleshooting process is over, the jumper J3 must return to the AUT position. It is NOT recommend operating the module on the MAN; this can cause damage to the power supply and the UHF amplifiers.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    51/139   5.5.1 Technical Specifications:   Parameter Specification AC input 180 – 260Vac Swtching frequency  PFC – 100KHz Full Bridge ZVT - 25KHz  Nominal Output Currents and Voltages  OUT 1: + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 2 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 3 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 4 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 5 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 6 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 7 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 8 : + 42Vdc – 10A OUT 9 : + 42Vdc – 2A OUT 10: + 42Vdc – 4A  Ripple Better than 250mVpp Fator de Correção de Potência Better than  0,9   5.5.2 Block Diagram               5.6 DC/DC Converter – Module CIP8445  There are 3 sets of funs installed on the RF Power Drawer. All of the fans are powered by a +24VDC. The funs voltage is generated by the PC Board CIP8445, located on the rack that mechanically supports the funs sets. The PC Board CIP8445 generates the +24V. It is a step down regulation, via integrated circuit, from the +42V from the module 4580.       PFC FULLBRIDGE FILTER READINGSPROTECTION42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42VCONTROLCONTROL375Vdc220VACREDEPHASEPHASE PFC FULLBRIDGE FILTER READINGSPROTECTION42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42V42VCONTROLCONTROL375Vdc220VACREDEPHASEPHASE
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    52/139     Section 3B – RF Power Drawer Operational Software - Model 4634  1- Installation of communication cable with Microsoft HyperTerminal  The model 4634 power drawer can be configured by PC and serial terminals emulators, specifically with the Microsoft HyperTerminal correctly installed in a PC with Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 operational  system  and  serial  or  USB  communication  ports.  The  installation  of  the  serial  communication cable must be done per the figure below:              It  is  also  recommended  the  installation  of  a  test  connector  to  check  the  cable  construction  and  the HyperTerminal configuration. This connector must be done as shown in the figure below:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    53/139   The communication cable and the test connector must be installed even if the PC used does not have serial interface  with  the  DB-9  male  connector.  In  this  case,  it  is  recommended  the  use  of  a  PC  with  USB communication  interface  and  USB  to  Serial  RS-232  converter  cable,  of  good  quality,  to  avoid  faulty communication with the power drawer during tests. When a USB/Serial RS-232 convertor is used, the driver must be correctly installed so the computer can send the serial communication to the USB port to be used with this cable  2- Configuration of the Microsoft HyperTerminal  The Microsoft Hyper Terminal configuration must be done as follows:  1) Activate the menu: Start – Programs – Accessories – Communications – HyperTerminal. 2) Enter a name for the communication session and press OK as per picture below:     3) Select the communication port available in the computer to be used with the RS-232 serial cable or to be used with the USB/Serial RS-232 converter cable. Execute this command at the window showing in the figure below by pressing OK.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    54/139            Note: The selection of the communication port is always done the same way, for either type of cable used.  4) Define the parameters accordingly to the figure below and then click OK.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    55/139   5) After the execution of these steps, the HyperTerminal will be ready to show the power drawer data.  It  is  suggested  to  access  the  menu:  Archive  –  Save  As  ...    so  this  session  of  the HyperTerminal is saved in the directory; always ready to be used when needed, thus avoiding a re-configuration of the parameters shown above. The HyperTerminal visual interface must be like the picture below:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    56/139   3- Communication Test and Configuration of the Microsoft HyperTerminal  After the correct installation of the serial cable, correct installation of a USB/Serial RS-232 converter cable and the correct configuration of the HyperTerminal, it is expected that the communication will be established correctly. However, the following test is suggested to verify the status of the communication before turn on the power drawer:   1) Connect the serial cable installed or the USB/Serial RS-232 converter cable to the serial output or to the USB output of the computer, respectively, as shown at the figure below:        2) At the free end of the chosen cable, connect the test connector recommended in item 1. Enter anything at the HyperTerminal. If the communication is correct, the characters entered should appear on the screen. If not,  the  cable  installation,  or  the  drivers  installation,  or  the  USB/Serial  RS-232  converter  cable,  or  the HyperTerminal configuration, or the test connectors or even the computer might be presenting some kind of malfunction.   The  cable connection for  this  test  must  be done as  showing  below  and  the  HyperTerminal should show a window like the one below.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    57/139
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    58/139   4 – Connection with the power drawer - Linear module 4634  With the procedures described before correctly executed, the communication with the power drawer can be started. The drawer can be turned on while the transmitter is already powered or can be turned on separately from the transmitter in a test or maintenance configuration.  ATTENTION: Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.   With the computer turned on and with the HyperTerminal activated, connect the free end of the desired cable to the RS-232 interface of the power drawer, located in the back of the drawer besides the air vents, as per figure below:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    59/139   5- Power Drawer Operation with HyperTerminal  With  the  communication  system  between  the  drawer  and  the  computer  established,  the  drawer  or  the transmitter can then be turned on. In this case, the screen with the main information appears after keying “ENTER”. If the input “ENTER” is not given, nothing will appear on the screen, because the communication between  the  drawer  and  the  HyperTerminal  remains  de-activated  (standard  mode)  to  optimize  the processing of system control, as the priority of the system control is monitoring of the drawer operation. If the drawer or the transmitter is already on, it is not necessary to turn them off to make a connection with the computer. In case characters without identification appear on the HyperTerminal screen, the operator must press  “ENTER”  to  refresh  the  screen  with  the  correct  data.  The  standard  followed  in  the  nomenclature determines  that  any  key  shown  in  between  parenthesis  represents  a  key  that  has  to  be  typed  in  the computer keyboard to access the desired option. The regular screen to be shown is as follows:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    60/139    Below is the description of the terminology:  M1: output power module 1 M2: output power module 2 M3: output power module 3 M4: output power module 4 M5: exciter power module 5 M6: exciter power module 6  Note:  per  configuration  programmed  in  the  control  drawer,  the  module  nomenclature  above  can  change depending on the type of equipment in which the power drawer operates. The same is valid for currents and temperatures. When the sign “-“ appears instead of numeric digits, the measurement in question is not used in  the  power  drawer  model  determined  by  the  central  control  of  the  equipment.  For  instance,  the measurement Temp.  5  :00.0  C might appear  as  Temp.  5  :--,-  C  indicating that this measurement is not enabled in the power drawer model in operation, however, it might be enabled in other models.  Modules M1 and M5 have digital voltage adjustment in Vgs. Module 6 does not have digital adjustment.  I1 : current in amperes of the output power module 1 I2 : current in amperes of the output power module 2 I3 : current in amperes of the output power module 3 I4 : current in amperes of the output power module 4 I5 : current in amperes of the exciter power module 5 I6 : current in amperes of the exciter power module 6  Temp. 1 : Temperature in Celsius of the transistor of the output power module 1 Temp. 2 : Temperature in Celsius of the transistor of the output power module 2 Temp. 3 : Temperature in Celsius of the transistor of the output power module 3 Temp. 4 : Temperature in Celsius of the transistor of the output power module 4 Temp. 5 : Temperature in Celsius of the transistors of the exciter power module 5  Each output power module transistor, has a temperature sensor assigned to it. The transistors for the exciter power module  5  have  only  one  temperature  sensor  that  they  share.  The  exciter  power module  6  doesn‟t have a temperature sensor. (This indication is valid for the output and power modules even if they don‟t show up  as  5  or  6.  The  drawer  module  determined  by  the  control  drawer  might  have  different  quantities  of amplifiers, but the last one is the exciter.)  Power  Drawer  Numb:  Shows  the  number  of  the  drawer  (1,  2,  3,  etc.)  according  to  the  position  and connection at the communication bar of the transmitter. When it is disconnected, it shows 2A as the standard default value.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    61/139   Forw. Power: Shows the forward power value in watts generated by the drawer.  Refl. Power: Shows the reflected power value in watts generated by the drawer.   Voltage: Shows the voltage value in volts generated by the drawer power supply.  Software: Shows the name and the version of the system software of the control drawer.  This  information  is  made  of  three  parts:  module  identification,  numeric  identification  of  the  software  and version indication. The following identifications are possible: ATXXXX 0.0 for the equipment of the Advanced TV  line  with  ATSC  standard,  Such  identifications  must  be  provided  to  Linear  in  case  of  the  need  for maintenance or information about the equipment.   ATTENTION  Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.   VGS Started: Indicates if the transistors VGS voltages in the power module were started when the drawer is on.   VGS Start Fail: Indicates if the VGS voltage of any of the transistors were not correctly started. Also, it can indicate a problem in the current communication system between the control system and the transistors.    VGS  Timer: Indicates the time elapsed during the tests for the assessment of tables of quiescent current correction coefficient by the temperature. The normal value is 00:00:00 during the normal operation of the drawer. The  value  of  the  time  lapsed  in  the  test is indicated only after the test  is completed.    When  the drawer is turned off, the value of the time elapsed reverts back to 00:00:00.  Drawer  Model:  Shows the  numeric  identification  code for  the drawer  model.  Such  identification  must  be provided to Linear in case of the need for maintenance or information about the equipment.   ATTENTION  Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.  42V S.D.T.: 42 Volt Shut Down Timers: Show time elapsed during the powering off cycles of the 42V power supply. If a first powering off occurs, timer 1[00:00] is started and shut down in 30 seconds.  If a second
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    62/139   powering off occurs, timer 2[00:00] is started and shut down in 60 seconds. If a third powering off occurs, timer 3[00:00] is started and shut down in 120 seconds. During each of these shut down counts, the power supply remains powered off.   The  powering  off  might  be  caused  by  reflected  power  alarms,  temperature  outside  the  limits  or  current outside  the  limits.  If  during  any  shut  down  counts  the  alarms  state  are  resolved,  the  shut  down  counts continue until the end with the power supply turned off.  At the end of the shut down counting, the power supply is turned back on and kept that way if there are no more alarms. Also, each time the power is turned back on, the timer 4[00:00] is started and shut down after 10 minutes. If after 10 minutes there are no new alarms, all four timers go back to zero.   If there is a re-incidence of the alarms, the next timer is activated. If all three timers reach their maximum value  the  power  supply  is  powered  off  permanently.  The  timer  values  and  the  alarms  that  caused  the powering  off  are  logged  at  the  non-volatile  memory  of  the  control  system  and  they  can  be  accessed  for diagnostic  purposes.  To  erase  the  timer  values  of  the  non-volatile  memory,  one  must  access  option  (6) Alarm Logs. Below there is a graphic that shows how these timers work:    42V  Shut Down  Counter: Shows the number of times that the power supply was turned off. Its value is logged at the non-volatile memory of the control system. To erase the value of the timer, one must access option (6) Alarm Logs.  [Form:  C]:  Shows  which  configuration  of  the  RF  sum,  the  power  drawer  operates.  If  the  power  drawer operates in large equipment, this drawer will have its RF output added (combined) to the output of the other drawers,  what  is  indicated  by  the  letter  “C”,  for  Combined.  In  case  this  drawer  operates  in  a  mid  size equipment (just one power drawer), its signal is not added to the signal of other drawers and its configuration is called Single, “S”. This indicator is configured by the control drawer of the equipment, or by accessing the HyperTerminal during special test conditions. For each option mentioned the alarm system deals with the occurrences differently. For option C, the current alarms, temperature and reflected power can turn off the
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    63/139   power drawer with or without counting down the “shutdown” cycles or turning off the power supply. For option S,  the  current  alarms  don‟t  turn  off  the  power  supply,  what  happens  is  a  process  of  power  reduction coordinated  by  the  control  drawer  (central  control  system)  of  the  equipment.  However,  in  the  case  of overheating or reflected power, the drawer is powered off to cool or to protect against reflected power.  Refl.Pwr. Counter: 000000: Persistence counters of the reflected power. This counter adds to each software loop of the control system of the power drawer.  If the reflected power is kept above acceptable levels during 5 observations followed by the alarms verification system, the drawer is turned  off by the control system.  Before the control system of the power drawer notices the occurrence of reflected power, the RF protection system acts with superior speed inhibiting the forward power applied to the amplifiers and thus immediately reducing the reflected power.  After about 2 minutes without the occurrence of reflected power, the counter is set back to zero.  Ch:  GP  00: This indicator displays the standard and the transmission channel programmed in the power drawer by the central control system.  In this format, GP 00, the transmission channel is not programmed (zeroed and without transmission standard indication) and the power drawer doesn‟t activate the amplifiers. In the formats (examples) NTSC 02, ATSC 14, ISDB 15 or DVB 69, the channel is programmed with the channel number indication and transmission standard, and the power drawer is activated.   Channel: indicates which channel the drawer is set. The channel information is programmed in two different ways, by the main control system command of the equipment (control drawer) or by manual command in a test mode using the HyperTerminal. In case none of these commands are present the drawer is not turned on for safety reasons, because the channel information is used to configure the power gain in the drawer.  Alarms are always generated indicating this occurrence, when the drawer doesn‟t power on due to lack of channel programming. It‟s important to remember that channel programming is performed in a test mode in the HyperTerminal and it doesn‟t retain its programming when the drawer is placed in the equipment. The channel information is always configured to (zero zero) when the drawer is powered off. Per standard, the power drawer is always configured by the control drawer of the transmitter when the transmitter is powered on.  Current Alarms: Current Alarms of the drawer. Displays a list of 32 alarms. The alarm messages occur as a function of abnormal conditions in the power drawer. Its values are not saved in the memory, except when an alarm  causes the  power  supply  to  shut  down.  These  values  can  be  checked  when  accessing  option  (6) Alarm Logs. When powering off the drawer by shutting down main power, all the alarm information is lost, except the messages that are saved at the log in option (6) Alarm Logs.  Old Alarms: Old Alarms of the drawer. Displays a list of 32 alarms. When a current alarm no longer exists, it is automatically displayed in the old alarms list.  The value of the old alarms are not saved in the memory, however, they can be seen at any time. When powering off the drawer by shutting down main power, the information regarding old alarms is lost.  (1) Clear Old Alarm: Clear Old Alarm during normal equipment operation without the need to power it down.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    64/139    (2) Shut Down: Shut Down the power supply outputs that maintain the power modules. The general power supply  system  remains  active  and  so  does  the  control  system.  In  case  the  power  drawer  is  on  normal operation  under  the  central  control  system,  this  option  is  blocked  and  the  attempt  of  accessing  it  will generate the following message at the HyperTerminal: SD.Locked!.  (3) Power On: Turn on the power supply outputs that maintain the power modules. This option activates the power supply even if the shutting down cycles are counting down as described on 42V S.D.T. In case the power drawer is on normal operation under the central control system, this option is blocked and the attempt of accessing it will generate the following message at the HyperTerminal: Pon.Locked!.  (4)  Drawer  Adj.:  Access  to  the  electronically  adjustment  mode  of  the  quiescent  currents  of  the  power transistor. Also allows for electronically adjustment of phase and gain of the drawer as well as access to the table calculations mode for the adjusted coefficients of the quiescent currents per temperature. In case the power drawer is on normal operation under the central control system, this option is blocked and the attempt of  accessing  it  will  generate  the  following  message  at  the  HyperTerminal:  Adj.Locked!.  Other  important parameters are also configured with this option, per description on their own section.   (5) Help: Access a Help screen with the description of legends and alarm messages that are shown on the screen.  (6) Alarm Logs: Access the alarms log system that caused the power supply of the power drawer to shut down. In this screen, all alarms that have occurred before the power supply was turned off can be viewed, as well as the last counts of the shutting down cycles of the 42V S.D.T., and the counters of reflected power and power supply shutting down. The alarms that don‟t cause the power supply to shut down, as for instance air vent faults, are not saved in the log.  (Enter) Refresh: Refreshes the screen‟s graphic area and all of the measurements and alarm messages. “Enter” must be used when a communication computer is connected to the drawer RS232 output when the equipment is already in operation. When the equipment is turned on, the transmission of information to the HyperTerminal is only activated after the first use of option (Enter) Refresh. After that, the transmission of information to the HyperTerminal is only deactivated by turning off the main power.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    65/139   6. Descriptions of Alarm Messages and Help Screen    The access to the Help Screen, is done by executing option (5) Help of the Main Screen described in Item 5. To exit this screen at any time, just use the option (Esc) Previous Screen. In the case when not opting for the  voluntary  exit  of  the  help  screen,  an  automatic  exit  to  the  main  screen  will  be  executed  per  counter  <Auto Esc in 30 s>, which allows for 30 seconds, as the priority is for alarm monitoring at the main screen. Any new access to this screen can be done by using option (5) main screen Help. This screen displays the following parameters:                                      Some of the terminology described is explained in detail in Item 5. The rest are described below with the alarm messages.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    66/139   NM: This indicator shows the quiescent current adjustment coefficients per temperature calculation screen.        If the calculation is started with the drawer outside the transmission rack, it won‟t be possible to identify the number of the drawer and save it at the non-volatile memory. In this situation, the information saved is the indicator NM which  means “Power Drawer  Number  Not Memorized”. If the  calculations are  done  with the drawers in the transmission rack and the address connectors RS485 turned on in the drawers, the drawer number  is  saved  in  the  memory.  This  way  it  is  possible  to  connect  the  boards  with  the  control  system (microprocessor  boards)  to  the  respective  drawers  by  their  identification  numbers,  because,  after  the calculation is done, the coefficients saved only work with precision in the drawer where they were calculated.     In other words, after the calculation, it is not possible to swap control boards. More details can be seen in the item that deals with the calculation of those coefficients.   ATTENTION  Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.   It is possible to display 32 alarms at  any one time, both current and old. However, not  all 32 alarms  are activated and some are reserved for future use. Below are the description of each alarm and a layout of the power  drawer  to  facilitate  diagnostics  and  module  identification.  Right  after  the  drawing  is  a  table  with conditions  and  measurement  values  that  activate  alarms  and  shut  down  the  power  supply.    In  the  time diagram, at the end of the manual, there is the verification frequency in seconds [s] for the alarms and other information. When it is noted that a shutdown of the power supply occurred, it always occurs as described in the 42V S.D.T.  function, explained in detail on Item 5.  1) Fan F!: Occurs when all the fans stop working at the same time. In this case, the fuse that protects all fans might be open. This fuse is located inside the drawer‟s power supply. The drawer has three banks of 4 fans. If in one bank only one fan fails, the entire bank is considered faulty, even if the remaining three 3 fans are still working. If any fault occurs in all three banks at the same time, this alarm is activated. This alarm doesn‟t cause the power supply to shut down. If there is a fault in the fan system, a sequential shut down is activated because of the increase in temperature.  2) Temp1!: Occurs when the power module temperature M1 is greater than 72º C.  3) Temp2!: Occurs when the power module temperature M2 is greater than 72º C.  4) Temp3!: Occurs when the power module temperature M3 is greater than 72º C.  5) Temp4!: Occurs when the power module temperature M4 is greater than 72º C.  6) Temp5!: Occurs when the power module temperature M5 is greater than 72º C.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    67/139   7) 42off!:  Occurs when the power supply is shut down by the control system due to the occurrence of other alarms.  8) Ref.P!:  Occurs when the reflected power surpasses 25% of the value of the nominal forward power of the drawer.  9) 42Lev!:  Occurs when the voltage at the power supply has a decline in its nominal value.   10) Fan1!:  Indicates a fault in the first bank of fans. It doesn‟t cause the power supply to shut down.  11) Fan2!:  Indicates a fault in the second bank of fans. It doesn‟t cause the power supply to shut down.  12) Fan3!:  Indicates a fault in the third bank of fans. It doesn‟t cause the power supply to shut down.  13) I1 T1!:  Indicates that the transistor current T1 or module M1 are outside the limits or not balanced.  14) I2 T1!:  Indicates that the transistor current T1 or module M2 are outside the limits or not balanced.  15) I3 T1!:  Indicates that the transistor current T1 or module M3 are outside the limits or not balanced.  16) I4 T1!:  Indicates that the transistor current T1 or module M4 are outside the limits or not balanced.  17) I5 !:   Indicates that the current of one of the two transistors T1 or T2 or module M5 are outside the limits or not balanced. The measurement of this current is the sum of the individual currents of transistors T1 and T2 of module M5.   For this reason, they  don‟t  have a unique identification in  the terminology used by the software.  18) I6 !:  Indicates that the current of one of the transistors of module M6 is out of limits or not balanced. Due to  the  electronic  configuration  of  the  power  module  M6,  there  isn‟t  a  terminology  for  the  amplification components of module M6.  19) E-VGS!: Indicates that the calculation of the coefficients for the automatic adjustment of the quiescent  current per temperature was stopped automatically. After the occurrence of this alarm it is recommended the power drawer be shutdown and allowed to cool.    When  the  test  is  initiated,  it  is  necessary  that an  assigned  technician  monitors  the  drawer.    In  case  the constant presence of a technician is not possible, the drawer can be left alone during testing, because the control system will conclude the test automatically when the average temperature of the drawer reaches 72 ˚C. In this situation, the main measurement screen is automatically displayed, the alarm system returns to normal operation and when elevated temperature is detected, the power supply is shut down. The regular powering down, current and temperature alarms are generated, besides the special E-VGS! alarm to indicate that the process was completed automatically. Another indication of these test sequences is the red LED at the control board at the back of the drawer. During regular operation, this LED is constantly on. During test
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    68/139   procedures,    this  LED  blinks  softly  approximately  every  second.  After  the  tests  are  concluded,  if  the completion was automatic due to temperature, the LED blinks in 2 intervals in one second, and  it is totally off during the next second in this sequence.   The E-VGS!  Alarm is only deactivated and the LED only goes back to constant “on” state and normal intervals when the drawer is powered off by shutting down the main power. More details of these indications are described in the item that deals with calculations of adjusted coefficients.  20) 42V-H!: Indicates that the power supply has the configuration jumper in manual state (MAN). This alarm always appears when a shut down command occurs and the power supply doesn‟t turn off. In this case, the jumper  position  must  be  checked  to  see  if  it  is  on  automatic  mode  (AUTO),  as  it  should  always  be. Otherwise,  the alarms that  caused  the  shutdown  of  the  power  supply  lose  their  capability  to  act  and  the power supply is left unprotected.  21)  NoCh.!:    Indicates  that  the  power  drawer  channel  was  not  programmed.  If  the  channel  is  not programmed or if it is outside a valid channel band (channel 00 [zero zero] or outside channel band 2 to 69) the power  supply of  the  power drawer  is not powered on. The channel information is used  by the  power drawer to automatically configure the power gain for each channel of the valid band. The channel information is always initialized with the value 00 (zero zero) each time that the power drawer is turned on. After the power  drawer  is  activated,  it  waits for  channel  information  from  two  possible  command  paths,  automatic command  of  the  channel  programming  of  the  control  drawer  (main  control  system  of  the  transmitter)  or manual command in the adjustment currents screen of the HyperTerminal (option  (4) Drawer  Adj. of the main screen and then option   (Q) Channel of the adjustment currents screen). When powering down the drawer by turning off main power, the channel information configured by these two commands is lost and set to (zero zero) upon restart in accordance with the standard.  22) Iunb!:  Indicates unbalanced current, with a difference of 2.5 amperes less than the rest of the currents; the unbalance is measured only between currents of the output amplifiers. This message appears with other current alarm messages, mentioned before.   23)  Izero!:    Indicates  current  close  to  zero.  This  message  appears  with  other  current  alarm  messages, mentioned before.  24) Imin!:   Indicates current below the minimum value for maintaining good operation of the drawer.  For output amplifiers and exciter currents the minimum value is close to 0.8 amperes. Anything below this value generates an alarm. This message appears with other current alarm messages, mentioned before.  ATTENTION  Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    69/139   Power drawer layout to facilitate diagnostics and module identification.                       The  Table  below  sows  conditions  and  measurement  values  for  the  activation  of  the  alarms  and shutting down the power supply:
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    71/139       Tabela de mensagens de alarmes – Gaveta de potência 4634Mensagem Descrição Ocorrência Providência config. Combinada Providência config. SomadaI1 T1! Corrente amplificador de saída Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteI2 T1! Corrente amplificador de saída Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteI3 T1! Corrente amplificador de saída Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteI4 T1! Corrente amplificador de saída Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteI5   ! Corrente excitador Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteI6   ! Corrente excitador Zero-mínimo-máximo-desbalanceado Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somenteTemp1! Temperatura amplificador de saída Acima de 67 ºC Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosTemp2! Temperatura amplificador de saída Acima de 67 ºC Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosTemp3! Temperatura amplificador de saída Acima de 67 ºC Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosTemp4! Temperatura amplificador de saída Acima de 67 ºC Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosTemp5! Temperatura Excitador Acima de 67 ºC Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosFan1! Banco de ventoinhas Sensor de estado em zero volts Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteFan2! Banco de ventoinhas Sensor de estado em zero volts Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteFan3! Banco de ventoinhas Sensor de estado em zero volts Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteFan F! Fuzível de ventoinhas Todos os sensores de estado em zero volts Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somente42off! Fonte desligada Comando de shutdown em zero volts Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Exibe mensagem somente42Lev! Flutuação no nível da fonte Aproximadamente abaixo de 36 volts Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosRef.P! Potência Refletida Aproximadamente acima de 10% da p. Direta Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosE-VGS! Teste de temperatura finalizado Temperatura média acima de 72 ºC Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteNoCh! Canal não programado Canal fora das faixas VHF/UHF Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclos Desliga fonte com contagem de ciclosIunb! Corrente desbalanceada Diferença de 2,5 amperes entre correntes de saída Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteIzero! Corrente zerada Corrente abaixo de 0,122 amperes Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteImin! Corrente baixa Corrente abaixo de 0,8 amperes Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somenteImax! Corrente alta Não definido Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somente42V-H Jumper da fonte em manual Comando de shutdown sem efeito Exibe mensagem somente Exibe mensagem somente
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    72/139   7. Manual adjustment of quiescent currents with HyperTerminal  To access the manual adjustment of currents screen, execute option (4) Drawer Adj. of the main screen.  Below is a picture of that screen:    The first important consideration is about the alarm status during the use of this screen.  All  alarms  stop being verified and the automatic voltage adjustment system VGS or quiescent currents are disabled. This  condition  is  necessary  so  the  currents can be  altered without causing  alarms that  would shut  down power  to  the  power  modules  and  thus the  transistors.  This  condition  is  also  necessary  so  the  automatic control  of  voltage  VGS  or  quiescent  currents  don‟t  start  conflicting  with  the  manual  adjustments  being executed.  So, the manual adjustments must be done with all the necessary precautions and with constant monitoring  of  the  current  measurements  during  the  process.  The  adjustment  must  be  done  carefully  but
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    73/139   without  delay,  to  avoid  the  possibility  of  overheating  the  drawer,  because  in  this  screen  there  aren‟t temperature measurements and the alarms that monitor temperature are disabled.    ATTENTION  Any  test,  maintenance  and  operation  procedures  in  Linear  equipment  must  be  performed  by  authorized personnel  that  are  trained  in  transmission  equipment  for  TV  signals  or  by  personnel  trained  in  Linear equipment. In case of doubt, contact Linear.   To perform a manual adjustment, it is not necessary to open nor take apart the drawer, just connect using the HyperTerminal and assure the absence of signal at the RF input of the drawer. In case the adjustment must be done with the drawer outside the transmitter rack, it is recommended to connect 50 Ohm loads at the RF input and output of the drawer. To perform an adjustment with the drawer in the transmitter rack, it is necessary to be sure of the absence of RF signals in the drawer input and the correct connection of the RF cables at the RF input and output of the drawer.   ATTENTION  Do not execute any adjustments on the drawer during normal power transmission operation. If the transmitter is powered on  and operating on  nominal power  any attempt to  make  adjustments might result in  serious damage to the equipment.   Options for VGS voltage adjustment are displayed for each one of the drawer‟s power transistors. To make adjustments  one  of the  corresponding options  in  brackets  must  be  selected; the  screen‟s cursor starts to blink besides the option chosen to indicate its selection.  With the chosen option selected, the keys “+” and “-”  softly move along the entire strip allowing the VGS voltage to be adjusted. While moving along the strip, the VGS voltage values (the term VGS voltage means control  voltage  of  the  total  VGS  voltage  applied  at  the  transistor)  and  the  quiescent  current  values  are instantly updated so the user can maintain control over the adjustment. The typical values of this voltage can be observed while moving the cursor from end to end.  To obtain a precise adjustment, it is necessary that the power signal applied at the drawer‟s RF input must be zero. The ideal adjustment values are 1.4 A for currents from I1 to I4 and 1 A for current I5, note that this one has two adjustments added and executed by options (E) and (F). Current I6 doesn‟t have adjustment and it is displayed only as a measurement at the bottom right corner of the screen.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    74/139   While moving the cursor, the message  Changed! in Saving Status, indicates that the initial values were changed and updated in the transistors.  It also indicates that these values are not saved and the exiting the screen or tuning off the drawer doesn‟t save these values. When exiting the screen, the last adjustment is maintained  but  it  is  not  saved  and  turning  off  the  drawer  causes  the  loss  of  these  values.  After  the adjustment is done, to save the defined values, it is necessary to execute option (S) Save Configurations. In  Saving  Status will  appear  the  following  message  “Saved!”  which  indicates  that  all  adjustments  were saved  in  the  non-volatile  memory  of  the  control  system.  In  this  case,  the  last  values  obtained  will  be maintained at the transistors and turning off the drawer no longer results in loss of data. These values saved are the values that will be used during the initialization of the transistors during the first powering "on" of the drawer and in each re-power executed by the control system.  The  same  observations are  valid  for the  drawer‟s  phase  and  gain configurations  executed by options  (U) Phase >>>, (V) Phase >>, (W) Phase>, (T) Gain >>>, (R) Gain >> and (X) Gain >. For the special mode phase and gain adjustments, there are three adjustment speeds. Fine adjustment is represented by “>” that creates  a  variation  of  the  phase  and  gain  control  voltage  in  100mV  increments;  medium  adjustment represented by “>>” which creates a variation in 1V increments and, fast adjustment represented by “>>>” which creates a variation in 5V increments. The maximum adjustment value is 10V and the minimum is 0 (zero) V.  There is also an option for the programming of the transmission channel (Q) Channel. This option must be accessed only in case of need to reprogram the channels due to the abnormal functioning of the transmitter. Changing  this  parameter  doesn‟t  interfere  with  the  normal  operation  of  the  power  drawer,  except  for programming the value of the power gain for the selected channel. The value of the programmed channel in the power drawer by option (Q) Channel is used by the control system to select the best gain adjustment value. Such gain values are determined at the manufacture and for each channel. This gain value can be manually  adjusted  for  situations  of  test  and  maintenance,  but  as  with  the  current  values  this  value  is automatically adjusted to the standard values for each channel when the transmitter is operating normally. The  power  drawer  is  configured  to  start  without  the  channel  information  per  standard,  as  it  has  to  be configured by the main control system (transmitter‟s control drawer). In case that the control drawer doesn‟t configure the channel, the power drawer remains turned off and it will indicate such occurrence by using the alarm  system.  In  situations  of  testing  the  power  drawer  outside  the  transmitter  it  is  also  necessary  to configure that channel so the drawer can be powered on. So, the channel must be always initialized two ways, automatically by the control drawer when the transmitter is operating under normal circumstances or manually by using the HyperTerminal when performing tests outside the transmitter.        When the manual adjustment mode is accessed, it is necessary to keep in mind that the alarm system, the automatic  current  adjustment  system  and  also  the  automatic  gain  adjustment  system  become  disabled, including  when  accessing  the  automatic  adjustment  screen  by  using  option  (L)  Vgs  LUT. When  a  gain adjustment  has  its  value  changed  and  saved,  this  new  value  is  stored  in  the  gain  adjustments  table according to the  current channel programmed for the  power drawer. The same doesn‟t happen to current adjustments, for which each manually programmed value is not saved in the current adjustment tables that are determined by the automatic calculation of the current coefficients.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    75/139    It is important to reinforce that manual adjustment of the quiescent current is only maintained stable during the adjustment process. When returning to the main screen, the automatic VGS voltage adjustment system or quiescent currents starts to readjust the manual values periodically, as long as the adjustment coefficients were calculated.   The options (Esc) and (Enter) execute the return to the main screen and the update of the measurements and adjustments made, respectively.   The  option  (L)  VGS  Lut  is  used  only  to  access  the  mode  for  the  calculation  of  automatic  coefficient adjustment of VGS voltage by temperature.  Before accessing option (L) VGS Lut, one of the currents must be slightly de-calibrated to make possible monitoring the operation of the initial calibration system in calculation mode.  Please  notify  Linear  of  any  difficulty  adjusting  the  currents.    Among  the  possible  causes  for  this  type  of occurrence,  are  burned  transistors,  circuit  oscillation,  short-circuit  on  the  internal  wiring  of  the  drawer, problems connecting with the control system, and problems with the power supply.  The  option  (P)  Standard  can  be  used  to  configure  the  transmission  standard  of  the  power  drawer. This configuration defines the power scale for the forward and reflected power measurements that change based on transmission standard. The value GP indicates that no standard had been selected and thus the scale displayed might not be the best for the equipment in which the power drawer operates, in this case the lack of  definition  causes  the  ISDB  standard  to  be  configured  automatically  (default).  Possible  values  include ATSC, NTSC, ISDB and DVB.   The option (O) DWR.Type defines the type of equipment in which the power drawer operates. The available values are GP (type undefined), DwrTx. (drawer for television transmitter) and DwrGF. (Gap Filler repeater). This option defines different conditions for dealing with internal modules of the power drawer. If there is no definition, the drawer assumes the functions related to television transmitter.  The option (N) Format Sel. (+/-) defines the configuration (or formatting) of the sum of the power drawers in Single (only one drawer operating in the equipment for medium power modules) and Combined (more than one power drawer operating with output signals added). Such option allows for values Sing., and Comb. If there is no definition, the drawer assumes the functions related to the sum configuration (Combined).  The options (P), (O) and (N) are programmed by the user when the power drawer outside the equipment for tests,  or by the  control drawer  automatically for normal  operation. In  case  the  user  tries  to  access these options  in  specific  conditions  of  normal  operation,  the  following  messages  will  appear  respectively: St.Locked!, Ty.Locked!, Si.Locked!.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    76/139   8. Alarms and Power Supply Shut Down Diagnostics Logs   Linear power drawer‟s control system, has an alarm log system that stores at the non-volatile memory, all the data related to all alarm occurrences that caused the shutdown of the power supply. There is also stored the information about the shut down time cycle counters and the quantity of shut down counters. To access this information,  activate  option  (6)  Alarm  Logs  of  the  main  screen  of  the  HyperTerminal.  The  figure  below shows the screen:   At the top of the screen, you will find the list of alarms that caused shut downs. Each time that a shutdown of the power supply is caused, due to the alarm system having been activated, the alarm(s) that caused the shut down are saved and the list can be seen in this screen. Saving the alarms is a cumulative process that
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    77/139   means that each time a shutdown is caused by a different alarm, all the alarms will be shown at the same time in the list.  Below is the information saved from the shut down counter that displays how many times the power supply was shut down by the alarms in the list.  Following, is the information of which shut down cycles occurred with their numeric values displayed.  There is also the occurred reflected power alarms verification counting register that is incremented each time the power drawer system verifies that the reflected power is above the allowable levels.  To  erase  the  log,  access  option  (C)  Clear  all  logs  and  counters.  This  option  erases  all  of  the  log information.  To exit the log screen when desired, access (Esc) Previous Screen. To exit the screen automatically, wait for the automatic exit counter “ <Auto Esc in 30 s> “ to execute the screen exit, 30 seconds after the screen was accessed. The reason for this counter is to ensure that the main screen is displayed most of the time.  To use the log as an abnormal occurrence diagnostic tool, turn on the drawer or transmitter, erase all the information by using (C ) Clear all logs and counters, and wait for the shutdown to occur. Take note of the information for each shut down and check to see if the cause was reflected power, excess temperature or currents  outside  the  ideal  limits.  For  a  more  effective  use  of  this  tool,  look  for  more  details  in  the  fault diagnostics section.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    78/139   9. Power drawer events temporization diagram   Below is the description of normal and temporary events executed automatically by the power drawer, as well as random events:   Drawer Operation phase Instant (s) Description Start the drawer 0 Turn on the drawer power supply and control 3 Turn on the Shut Down of the power supply  6 Transistors VGS initialized  7 Free up the automatic VGS control  9 First action of the automatic VGS controls with successive action  each  3  seconds  and/or  each  1˚C  variation  of temperature. 12 Free up alarm verification. Drawer calibration  random Free up the currents automatic calibration with successive action  each  1  second  until  currents  are  stabilized  at  1  or 2A. Coefficients calculation  random Execute drawer‟s phase calibration. Access Help screen random Access help screen at any time  with  automatic  exit in 30 seconds.  General alarms occurrence random Shut  down  power  supply  for  30  seconds,  zero  current alarms and updates old alarms.  Verification of persistent general alarms   Executes  Drawer  Phase  Start  (12  seconds).  The  12 second timer restarts the drawer and after this time, if any alarm  re-appears,  the  drawer  is  shut  down.  Activates  10 minute  timer  to  verify  the  re-occurrence  of  alarms.  If  no alarm  continues,  zero  the  30  second  and  10  minute counters,  maintaining  the  power  supply  on.  Note:  the  12 second timer controls the re-start of the drawer and the 10 minute  timer  controls  the  30,  60  and  120  second  timers reset. Persistence of general alarms  random Shut  down  power  supply  for  60  seconds,  zero  current alarms and update old alarms.  Verification of persistent general alarms  Executes  Drawer  Phase  Start  (12  seconds).  The  12 second timer restarts the drawer and after this time, if any alarm  re-appears,  the  drawer  is  shut  down.  Activates  10 minute  timer  to  verify  the  re-occurrence  of  alarms.  If  no alarm continues, zero the 30 and 60 second and 10 minute counters,  maintaining  the  power  supply  on.  Note:  the  12 second timer controls the re-start of the drawer and the 10 minute  timer  controls  the  30,  60  and  120  second  timers reset. Persistence of general alarms random Shut  down  power  supply  for  120  seconds,  zero  current alarms and update old alarms.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    79/139   Drawer Operation phase Instant (s) Description Verification of persistent general alarms  Executes  Drawer  Phase  Start  (12  seconds).  The  12 second timer restarts the drawer and after this time, if any alarm  re-appears,  the  drawer  is  shut  down.  Activates  10 minute  timer  to  verify  the  re-occurrence  of  alarms.  If  no alarm continues, zero the 30, 60 and 120 second and 10 minute  counters,  maintaining  the  power  supply  on.  Note: the 12 second timer controls the re-start of the drawer and the  10  minute  timer  controls  the  30,  60  and  120  second timers reset. Persistence of general alarms random Shuts  down  the  drawer  definitely,  with  possible  re-start only thru the main power, zero current alarms and updates old alarms. It doesn‟t zero the 30, 60, 120 second and 10 minute timers, keeps them  in the non-volatile memory for consultation  with  the HyperTerminal  before  the  manual shut down of the drawer‟s main power. Verification of fan alarms 30 Initiates  the  verification  of  fan  alarms  with  successive checks every 30 seconds. Measurement updates in the HyperTerminal 3 Initiates  data  updates  in  the  HyperTerminal  with successive updates every 3 seconds. Command to shut down power supply   in the HyperTerminal random Turns off the power supply shut down and keep it that way.  Command to restart the power supply in the HyperTerminal random Executes the Drawer‟s Phase Start (12 seconds). Recording the power supply shut down  alarm counter  random Executes the increment and recording of the power supply shut down alarm counter in the EEPROM 10 seconds after a  request  for  shut  down  to  allow  the  power  supply  shut down transient to pass. Automatic gain adjustment per channel 1 Executes  successive  programming  of  the  gain  over programmed  channel  every  1  second  on  tables  in  the manufacture tests.  Reset the reflected power alarm counter  random After the occurrence of reflected power alarm verifications, the counter is incremented and zeroed if, in 120 seconds (2 minutes), there aren‟t any new occurrence of this alarm.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    80/139   Annex A – AT75K0-1 Operational Software  1. Introduction  The AT7350 transmitter is part of the ADVANCED TV family having measuring systems, configuration setup, alarms and remote management (TELESUPERVISION); and is managed by micro-controller system. This document shows how to navigate, operate and configure the equipment functions.   2. Navigation and Signalization       2.1 Keyboard   the cursor to the position above.        – Confirms the selection.  – Cancels the programming or returns to the previous screen.  2.2. Display   Navigation using the display is done as follows:    Position the cursor (represented by an arrow) besides the item to be reached by using the keys   or  .    1234561 2 3 4 5 6
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    81/139                  Press ENTER.   NOTE: All configuration screens have a four digit menu identification number placed on the right side of the screen.   2.3. Operation Indicators  The equipment has LED indicators on the front panel that when illuminated indicate:  POWER ON – Equipment is powered. SYNC. LOSS – Loss of input signal. CURRENT ALARM – An alarm went off. PAST ALARM – Existence of an old alarm at the “Alarm Log”.  3. Initialization  When powering the equipment, the initialization screen will appear.        The initialization screen displays the manufacturer name, module and description, channel, output power in watts, date and time.    Pressing any key will move to the next screen, which is the initial menu.             Linear Industries Inc.    AT75K0 – 8VSB ATSC Digital Exciter  Channel:        Output Power:    0 [W]                DD/MM/YY    HH:MM:SS Main Menu:                       [0000] -> Setup Menu    Measurements    System Alarms/Log    Remote Access
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    82/139                Information referring to the equipment can be accessed through the main menu, this information includes: input power supply voltage, transport stream, measurements of the drawers, etc.   Note: To return the initial screen from the “Main Menu”, just press and hold the ESC key.  If after 5 minutes of inactivity the initial screen will automatically return to the original, no matter which screen the display is at.  4. Measurement Systems   ITEM OF MEASUREMENT MENU  MEASUREMENT DESCRIPTION POWER Forward Direct Power Measurement  Reflected Reflected Power Measurement ALC Reference Voltage ALC Voltage Measurement TRANSPORT STREAM       Transport Stream Type of input digital signal (ASI / SMPTE310M / NONE) Data Packets Rate Data Packets Rate Measurement: 0 ~ 19,39Mbps Null Packets Rate Null Packets Rate Measurement: 0 ~ 19,39Mbps FIFO Occupation (%) Occupation rate of the FIFO memory used in the rate adaptation (0~100%)   DRAWERS  POWER SUPPLY 42V Power Supply: drawer input power supply measurement (+42V) CURRENT Current Measurement of the drawer modules TEMPERATURE Temperature Measurement of the drawers EXCITER POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE +15V Status of the +15V power supply  +8V Status of the +8V power supply +3V Status of the +3V power supply +27V Status of the +27V power supply +5V Status of the +27V power supply Main Menu:                       [0000] -> Setup Menu    Measurements    System Alarms/Log    Remote Access
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    83/139   Main Menu:                       [0000]    Setup Menu -> Measurements    System Alarms/Log    Remote Access COMMUNICATION STATUS COMMUNICATION Shows the communication status of the drawers EQP. POWER SUPPLY  15V Status of the 15V power supply 8V Status of the 8V power supply Battery Status of the12V battery SOFTWARE VERSION Digital Exciter Software of the digital exciter  Drawer Software of the power drawer  Following, the sequence to obtain the measurements above will be shown.   4.1. Transmitter Power Measurements  Shows the direct and reflected power measurements in the equipment output, ALC Reference Voltage.   To  access  the  Transmitter  Power  Measurements  screen,  the  sequence  of  screens  below  must  be followed, starting from the initial menu:                  Access Measurements            Access Power and press ENTER  Measurements:                    [2000] -> Power    Transport Stream    Drawers    Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    84/139    Use the screen “ ” to access the other screens in this Menu.         To return to the previous screen, press ESC..  4.2. Measurements relative to the input flux (Transport Stream)  Shows information regarding the digital signal.  To access the flux measurement screen, the sequence of screens below must be followed, starting from the initial menu:                  Access Measurements               Transmitter Power Measurements:   [2100]    Programmed:    0 [W]     Forward:    0 [W] Reflected:  0.0 [W]    ALC Reference Voltage:  0.00 [V] Main Menu:                       [0000]    Setup Menu -> Measurements    System Alarms/Log    Remote Access Measurements:                    [2000]    Power -> Transport Stream    Drawers    Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    85/139          Select Transport Stream and press ENTER             To return to the previous screen, press the key ESC .  Drawers Measurements  Through this menu, you may access the power measurements, current and temperature of each amplifier module of the power drawer.  To check these measurements, press ESC until it returns to the Measurements screen or access Measurements at the Main Menu            Select Drawers and press ENTER.        Measurements:                    [2000]    Power    Transport Stream -> Drawers    Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version Drawer Measurements:             [2300] -> Power Supply    Current    Temperature     Transport Stream Measurements:    [2200] -> Transport Stream:  Sync. Loss    Data Packets Rate:   0.00    Null Packets Rate:   0.00 -> FIFO Occupation(%):  0.00%
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    86/139            Select Power Supply and press ENTER        To select a drawer press the keys   or     Observe the data shown.    Press ESC to return to the menu Drawer Measurements.       Select Current and press ENTER.                Observe the measurements shown.  The screens above are the scrolling type, so all the current measurements can be accessed  by using the keys  and .    Press ESC to return to the menu Drawer Measurements.       Drawer Power Supply:             [2310] Drawer: ◄01/14►    42V Power Supply:  0.0 [V]     Drawer Measurements:             [2300]    Power Supply -> Current    Temperature     Drawer Current Measurements:      [2320] Drawer: ◄01/14►        ▼More Modules▲ ->Mod.1 I1:  0.00 A   Mod.2 I2:  0.00 A   Mod.3 I3:  0.00 A   Mod.4 I4:  0.00 A    Drawer Current Measurements:      [2320] Drawer: ◄01/14►        ▼More Modules▲   Mod.3 I3:  0.00 A   Mod.4 I4:  0.00 A   Excit.I5:  0.00 A   Excit.I6:  0.00 A    Drawer Measurements:             [2300]    Power Supply    Current -> Temperature
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    87/139   Select Temperature and press ENTER.       To select different drawers, press the keys ◄ or ►. To change the temperature reading unit, °C for °F, press the keys ▼ or ▲.  4.4 Medidas das Tensões do Excitador Digital  These screens show the voltage status at the digital exciter power supply.    Press ESC until it returns to the Measurements screen [2000]                                Select Exciter Power Supply and press ENTER                 To access all of the voltage measurements of the screen above, just use the keys   or .    Press ESC until it returns to the Measurements screen [2000] Drawer Temperature Measurements: [2330] Drawer: ◄01/14► Exciter:  0.0 ºC ▼ºF▲    Mod.1:  0.0 ºC      Mod.2:  0.0ºC    Mod.3:  0.0 ºC      Mod.4   0.0ºC    Measurements:                    [2000]    Power    Transport Stream    Drawers -> Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version Exciter Power Supply:            [2400] -> +15V : OK    +8V  : OK    +3V  : Fail    +27V : OK    +5V  : OK
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    88/139   4.5 Drawers Communication Status  From this screen it is possible to verify the communication status of each power drawer.   To  check  the  communication  status,  press  ESC  until  it  returns  to  the  Measurements  screen  or  access Measurements from the Main Menu.              Select Communication Status and press ENTER.               To return to the previous screen press ESC.  4.6 Voltages of the Power Supply   Shows the condition of the voltages in the power supply (located at the back of the rack) of the equipment.   To check these voltages, access Measurements at the Main Menu. 4.6 Tensões da Fonte de Alimentação Measurements:                    [2000]    Power    Transport Stream    Drawers    Exciter Power Supply -> Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version Drawers Communication Status:    [2500]  ->P01: --  P02: --  P03: --  P04:--    P05: --  P06: --  P07: --  P08:--   P09: --  P10: --  P11: --  P12:--        P13: --  P14: --
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    89/139              Select Eqp. Power Supply and press ENTER       Press ESC until it returns to the main menu.  4.7 Software Version  This screen indicates the name of the software and its version. Three families of software  are shown; the FPGA software present on the ATSC modulator, the Micro-controller software on the digital exciter unit, and the  micro-controllers  unit  installed  on  the  RF  Power  Drawers.  All  these  names  and  version  should  be available to be report to the factory when necessary.    Press ESC until it returns to the Measurements screen [2000] The sequence below indicates how to access the software version screen:             Measurements:                    [2000]    Power    Transport Stream    Drawers    Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status -> Eqp. Power Supply    Software Version Power Supply Measurements:       [2600]    15V: OK    8V:  OK    Battery:   12.5[V] Measurements:                    [2000]    Power    Transport Stream    Drawers    Exciter Power Supply    Communication Status    Eqp. Power Supply -> Software Version
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    90/139      Select Software Version and press ENTER       To select different drawers, press the keys ◄ or ►.  Press ESC to return to the Main Menu.    5. Alarm System  The equipment has indicator LEDs mounted on the frontal panel, one LED indicates loss of the input signal (SYNC.  LOSS),  another  LED  represents  a  new  alarm  situation  (CURRENT  ALARM)  and  another  LED  indicates the presence of an old alarm on the log (PAST ALARM), in other words,  an error condition caused an alarm but the condition has been resolved but not cleared from the log.    Under normal conditions of operation, only the POWER ON / OFF LED is on.  Once the CURRENT ALARM LED is on, you must access the System Alarms to identify the problem.  Log in the main menu and check the System Alarms Log to learn which specific alarm has been triggered.  Below is shown how to access the alarm screen from the main menu.               Access System Alarms/Log      Software Versions:               [2700]    Digital Exciter: AT1035 0.2    Drawer ◄01/14► : GP3000 1.8    FPGA:   AL1019 V.1.1     Main Menu:                       [0000]    Setup Menu    Measurements -> System Alarms/Log    Remote Access
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    91/139                     Select Current Alarms and press ENTER          If there is no alarm the message “Alarm List Empty!” will appear.   Press the ESC key to return to the menu System Alarms/ Log menu.                   System Alarms/Log:               [3000] -> Current Alarms    Alarm Log    Drawers Alarms    Clear Alarm Log  Current Alarms:                  [3100]                    Alarms List Empty! System Alarms/Log:               [3000]    Current Alarms -> Alarm Log    Drawers Alarms    Clear Alarm Log
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    92/139   To check all the existing alarms, in other words, alarms that are occurring now and alarms that no longer are occurring, select Alarm Log and press ENTER.          The symbol “I” before the log indicates that the time the alarm occurred is registered. The symbol “#” before the log indicates that the time the alarm stopped occurring is registered.  Example:  When an alarm stops occurring, besides having the exact time registered on the log, the LED indicator of  “PAST ALARMS” will turn on.  In the case there are more than 3 alarms in the log, just key “ ” to scroll the log.  The storage capacity is 100 entries.  If the option Clear Alarm Log is selected, all alarms will be erased from the alarm log and a new first item will be generated indicating the time the alarm log was erased.  Every alarm generated has its date and time registered in the log.   The „Current Alarm‟ indicator LED illuminates to indicate a current alarm and the Sync Loss‟ indicator LED illuminates to indicate a loss of signal.     Drawers Alarms  Allows the review of current and past alarms on each power drawer.  To access this screen, select the System Alarms/Log from the main menu.           Alarm Log:                       [3200] -> ! 25/03/08 10:55:29 Log Cleared    ! 28/03/08 20:19:05 LO Lock Fail    # 28/03/08 20:22:43 LO Lock Fail Main Menu:                       [0000]    Setup Menu    Measurements -> System Alarms/Log    Remote Access
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    93/139   Select System Alarms/Log and press ENTER              Select Drawers Alarms and press ENTER.       Select Current Alarms and press ENTER to check for current alarms.        Use the keys   or   to select the drawer.  Press the key ESC to return to the screen Drawers Alarms.        Select Past Alarms and press ENTER to check for past alarms.      To select different drawers, press the keys ◄ or ►. Drawers Alarms:                  [3300] -> Current Alarms    Past Alarms (Hold Enter to Clear) Drawer ◄01/14►  Current Alarms:  [3310]             Alarm List Empty! Drawers Alarms:                  [3300]    Current Alarms -> Past Alarms (Hold Enter to Clear) Drawer ◄01/14► Past Alarms:      [3320]             Alarm List Empty! System Alarms/Log:               [3000]    Current Alarms    Alarm Log -> Drawers Alarms    Clear Alarm Log
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    94/139   6. System Setup  Allows access to configuration parameters of the equipment. Through SETUP, you can perform the following settings:  ITEM OF MENU SETUP DESCRIPTION Power Setup Program the transmission power  Transmitter Setup  ALC : turn ON/OFF Mute on TS loss: OFF Power Control: Local or Remote  Image Frequency Suppression TX Balance LO Leakage Suppression Adjust the oscilator level Pre-Correction Turn ON/OFF and pre-correction scale Modulation Settings Turn ON/OFF modulation parameters. Allows the Pilot Level Adjustment, (-2018:511) Time and Date Setup Time and date setup Password Setup  Password setup   The  following  sections  will  show  the  sequences  to  access  the  screens  to  perform  the  programming referenced in the table above.    All sequences begin at the Setup Menu screen.   IMPORTANT: THE EQUIPMENT IS DELIEVERED TO THE CUSTOMER ALREADY CONFIGURED WITH THE PARAMETERS THAT WERE GIVING TO THE MANUFACTURE BY THE CUSTOMER WHEN THE EQUIPMENT WAS PURCHASED. THUS IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CHANGE THE EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATIONS.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    95/139   6.1 Programming the transmission power level  Commands the software to set the transmission power of the equipment.  To access the programming screen of the transmission power, the following sequences of screens must be followed, starting from the main menu.                        Select Setup Menu and press ENTER                        Select Power Setup and press ENTER    Main Menu:                       [0000] -> Setup Menu    Measurements    System Alarms/Log    Remote Access Setup Menu:                      [1000] -> Power Setup    Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    96/139           To select the desired power, the key    must be used to increase the power or the key    to decrease it. In case you desire to increase or decrease the power rapidly, just press and hold the   or    key  until you reach the desired value.  After the power is selected, press ENTER.   IMPORTANT: THIS PROGRAMING DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRANSMISSOR OUTPUT POWER. THE EQUIPMENT IS CONFIGURED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND MUST NOT BE CHANGED.    6.2 Transmitter Setup  Under this menu it is possible to turn ON and turn OFF the ALC (Automatic Level Control), mute the or not the RF power output  on the event of absence of Transport Stream, and also select being local or remote the transmitter power level control.                    Power Setup:                     [1100]             Output:      0 [W]            Program:      0 [W]          Remote Control Active. Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup -> Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    97/139   Select Transmitter Setup and press ENTER.       To configure the options as shown on the screen [1200] above, use the keys ◄ or ►.  Press ESC to return to Setup Menu.                   Select Image Frequency Suppression and press ENTER.  The screen below will appear.            Transmitter Setup:               [1200] -> Automatic Level Control: On    Mute on TS Loss: On    Power Control: Local Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup -> Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup       WARNING!!  Changing these parameters may damage the equipment. Use appropriate instruments to do it.                        Continue? ◄ No ►
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    98/139    ATTENTION: When accessing this screen, by selecting option “YES”, the operator will be responsible for the changes done on this parameter, as well as the effects that these changes may cause in the equipment if not using the appropriate instruments and test point.   To access the screen Image Frequency Suppression, select YES using the keys ◄ or ►.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    99/139   6.3 Image Frequency Suppression  Allows  the  configuration  of  numeric  values  related  to  the  amplitude  and  phase  of  the  signal  for  the suppression of the image frequency (superior lateral band).  Both amplitude adjustments are set in [dB] and both phase adjustments are set in [degrees].               Press ESC until it returns to the Setup Menu.                       Select LO Leakage Suppression and press ENTER.    Image Frequency Suppression:     [1300] -> I Amplitude: -0.000 [dB]    Q Amplitude: -0.000 [dB]    I Phase    : + 0.00º    Q Phase    : + 0.00º Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup `  Image Frequency Suppression -> LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    100/139   The screen below will appear.            ATTENTION: When accessing this screen, by selecting option “YES”, the operator will be responsible for the changes done on this parameter, as well as the effects that these changes may cause in the equipment if not using the appropriate instruments and test point.   To access the LO Leakage Suppression screen, select “Yes” by using the keys  or . .     6.4 LO Adjustment (LO Leakage Suppression)  Sets  the  DC  voltage  configuration  of  the  signal  leakage  suppression  adjustment  system  for  the  local oscillator of the Up Converter with the following range of values: -60 [mV] to +60 [mV]. Use the keys   or   to adjust the value.              WARNING!!   Changing these parameters may damage the equipment. Use appropriate instruments to do it.                        Continue? ◄ No ► LO Leakage Suppression:          [1400] -> I Offset: +   0.00 [mV]    Q Offset: +   0.00 [mV]
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    101/139   6.5 Activate/De-activate Pre-Correction    Through these screens it is possible to activate or de-activate the linear and non-linear pre-correction.  ON: activate the pre-correction OFF: de-activate the pre-correction  To access this screen, press ESC until reaching the SETUP MENU screen.   Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression -> Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    102/139   Access Pre-Correction and press ENTER  The  screen below will appear:          ATTENTION: When accessing this screen, by selecting option “YES”, the operator will be responsible for the changes done on this parameter, as well as the effects that these changes may cause in the equipment if not using the appropriate instruments and test point.   To access the Pre-Correction screen, select “Yes” by using the keys  or .                          Select Linear and press ENTER     WARNING!!   Changing these parameters may damage the equipment. Use appropriate instruments to do it.                        Continue? ◄ No ► Pre-Correction Setup:            [1500] -> Linear    Non-Linear
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    103/139         Use the keys ◄ or ► to enable or disable the Linear pre-correction.  Press key ESC to return to the Pre-Correction Setup screen.                  Select Non-Linear and press ENTER             Use the keys ◄ or ► to enable or disable the non-Linear pre-correction  The option Scale is the configuration of the pre-distortion scale (or intensity) applied to the ATSC signal, with the following range of values: -300 to +300.           Press key ESC to return to Setup Menu.  6.6 Modulation Settings  Through this screen it is possible to turn on/off the modulation and configure the desired level for the pilot portal of the ATSC signal with the following range of values: -2048 to +511.    Non-Linear Pre-Correction:       [1520] -> Non-Linear Pre-Correction: Off    Scale: +000          Pre-Correction Setup:            [1500]    Linear -> Non-Linear      Linear Pre-Correction:           [1510]    Linear Pre-Correction: On
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    104/139                 Select Modulation Settings and press ENTER.  The screen below will appear:         ATTENTION: When accessing this screen, by selecting option “YES”, the operator will be responsible for the changes done on this parameter, as well as the effects that these changes may cause in the equipment if not using the appropriate instruments and test point.   To access the Modulation Settings screen, select “Yes” by using the keys  or  and press the key ENTER.                    Use the keys ◄ or ► to enable or disable the modulation, and/or also adjust the pilot level. Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction -> Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup    Password Setup     WARNING!!   Changing these parameters may damage the equipment. Use appropriate instruments to do it.                        Continue? ◄ No ► Modulation Settings:             [1600] -> Modulation: On    Pilot Level Offset: +0000         (-2048 to 511)
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    105/139   6. Configuring Date and Time  To access the programming screen for date and time, the operator must press ESC until it returns to the SETUP Menu.                            Select Time and Date Setup and press ENTER           6.8 Programming the Password  Allows for entering a four digit number to be used as the password to access the equipment settings. The decrease the digits.  Once in this screen, it is only possible to exit after the password is set. To access the password configuration screen, the operator must follow the sequences below, starting from the SETUP MENU. Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings -> Time and Date Setup    Password Setup  Time and Date Setup:      [1700]   Time: 00:00   Date: 00/00/00 DD/MM/YY
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    106/139                     Access Password Setup        To enable a password or to enter a new one, select Enable /  Choose new password.                       The option Disable password if selected dispenses the use of password.  7. Remote Management System (Tele-supervision)  All  of  the  equipment  parameters  such  as:  transmission  power  level,  power  supply  measurements,  alarm verification and all the possible functional selections may be accessed two different ways.    Frontal Panel – Through the frontal panel all of the equipment measurements and configurations may be accessed, as shown in the operation section. Setup Menu:                      [1000]    Power Setup    Transmitter Setup    Image Frequency Suppression    LO Leakage Suppression    Pre-Correction    Modulation Settings    Time and Date Setup -> Password Setup     Password Setup:             [1800] -> Enable / Choose new password    Disable password         New Password:             [1810]                  0 0 0 0            Write New Password
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    107/139     Local or remote PC via Ethernet or GPRS (optional).  It is possible to change and/or monitor all of  the parameters and measurements as is done at the frontal panel through the WEB server.  To accomplish this it is necessary to configure the IP / Mask / Gateway.  7.1 IP Configuration  From the main menu:              Select Remote Access and press ENTER        Select IP Address  and press ENTER.                                           Configure the desired IP by using the keys   or and  or      Main Menu:                       [0000]    Setup Menu    Measurements    System Alarms/Log -> Remote Access Remote Access:                   [4000] -> IP Address    Subnetwork Mask    Gateway IP Address:                      [4100]      
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    108/139    7.2 Mask Configuration  To access this screen, press ESC until the Remote Access screen reached.       Select Subnetwork Mask and press ENTER        or and      7.3 Gateway Configuration  To access this screen, press ESC until the Remote Access screen reached.         Access Gateway and press ENTER        Configure the gateway by using the keys  or and or        Remote Access:                   [4000]    IP Address -> Subnetwork Mask    Gateway Subnetwork Mask:                 [4200]      Remote Access:                   [4000]    IP Address    Subnetwork Mask -> Gateway Gateway:                         [4300]     
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    109/139   Annex B - GUI7001 software  (Rev. E October 2009)   Revision History  REV DESCRIPTION DATE BY A Initial Version 2008/10/08 Henry Douglas B Updated to new non-linear correction algorithm 2009/02/02 Henry Douglas C Crest Factor Reduction, Type A and Type B Models 2009/07/27 Henry Douglas D New layout, CCDF description correction 2009/09/09 Henry Douglas E Connection message changed 2009/10/19 Henry Douglas  How to Contact Linear  LINEAR INDUSTRIES INC. 2531 Technology Drive Suite 310 Elgin, IL 60124 Web site: Phone: (847) 428-5793 Toll Free: (847) 428-5793 Fax: (847) 428-5785  About this Annex     Indicates a hint.       Indicates important information.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    110/139    1.  Introduction  GUI7001 is the software developed by Linear Industries Inc. used to perform non-linear and linear pre-correction as long as signal measurements with the AT7001 ATSC 8VSB digital exciter.  2.  Installation    System Requirements for Windows:  Table 1 – Minimum System Requirements. Operating Systems Processors Disk Space RAM Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or 3)  Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 2 or R2)  Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)  Windows Server 2008 Intel Pentium  (Pentium 4 and above)  Intel Celeron**   Intel Xeon  Intel Core  AMD Athlon 64**  AMD Opteron AMD Sempron  466 MB 1024 MB  (2048 MB recommended)     To install MCR perform the following steps: 1.  Install the MATLAB COMPONENT RUNTIME. Execute the MCRInstaller.exe file located in the MATLAB Component Runtime folder. Install the USB Driver. Execute the CDM 2.04.06.exe file located in the USB Driver folder. This is a Virtual  COM  Port  driver  Microsoft  WHQL  certified  and  compatible  with  the  following  operating systems: ✔  Windows Server 2008 ✔  Windows Server 2008 x64
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    111/139   ✔  Windows Vista ✔  Windows Vista x64 ✔  Windows XP ✔  Windows XP x64 ✔ Windows 2000 ✔  Windows Server 2003 ✔  Windows Server 2003 x64   Figure 1 – MATLAB Component Runtime Installation Window.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    112/139    3.  Operation   Before  running  the  software.  Make  sure  the  AT7001  is  on  and  USB  cable  is  connected between the exciter and PC.     The exciter USB Port is located at the rear panel.    Run  the  executable  file  GUI7001vXXX.exe  located  in  the  GUI7001  folder,  where  XXX indicates the version. The main screen will appear as follows.   Figure 2 – GUI Software Main Window.      Choose the correct Serial Port number and Click on Connect. If the communication is ok, the  information  bar  displays:  “Successfully  Connected.”  and  Hardware  Version  Text  Box  is updated.     The Serial Port number may vary between computers.    All  features  in  this  software  are  optional.  The  prompt  screen  will  show  which  options  are included, which are not.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    113/139    Figure 3 – Prompt Window.    If an option is included, the corresponding button is enabled.   Figure 4 – AT7001 connected with all options enabled.  3.1 Non-Linear Pre-Correction    This is the process is used to compensate for the power amplifier non-linearity, in order to reduce the intermodulation at the output signal and thus improve PA efficiency. With the automatic non-linear digital pre-correction the PA linearity is improved and extended so that the PA can be
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    114/139   operated at higher power. This means that a lower-power lower-cost linearized PA can be used in place of a higher-power higher-cost PA. Furthermore, the linearized PA operates more efficiently since it is operated closer to saturation. The benefits are compounded because a lower-power PA operating more efficiently consumes substantially less power than an inefficient higher-power PA.       When the Non-Linear Pre-Correction screen is opened, the software read and display the pre-correction curves stored on the non-volatile memory. The Memory Effects  Compensation checkbox is not going to be enabled if this option is not included.   Figure 5 shows the non-linear pre-correction main window.   Figure 5 – Non-Linear Pre-Correction Window.  1. Reset – Download linear LUTs (Look-Up Tables). Used to bypass the corrections. 2. Enable  Non-Linear  Pre-Correction –  Used  to  bypass  the  corrections  or  not  without downloading linear LUTs. 3. Amplitude Trigger – Adjust the amount of peak power used to trigger the signal capture. 12345698107
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    115/139   4. Run – Single iteration algorithm to compensate for non-linear distortions. 5. Memory  Effects  Compensation  –  Check  this  box  to  compensate for memory  non-linear distortions. Uncheck to compesante for memoryless distortions only. 6. Save – Push this button to save the result on the non-volatile memory. 7. Back – Close current window. 8. AM/AM – Figure that shows the AM/AM behavior for the pre-correction. 9. AM/PM – Figure that shows the AM/PM behavior for the pre-correction. 10. DUT – If the Memory Non-Linear Pre-Correction option is enabled, two PA memory models may be selected: Type A and Type B; try both to compare which one fits better.   Memory-less vs. Memory Pre-Correction – Non-linearity is present when the AM/AM and AM/PM transfer functions are not straight lines, i.e., when the DUT (Device Under Test) has not a constant gain and a constant output phase delay with respect to the input amplitude. When such distortions don't change with time they're called memoryless non-linearity, or static non-linearity. It means the output signal at  the present moment depends only on  the input signal at  the present moment  also.  However,  some  amplifiers  present  a  dynamic  behavior. Their  AM/AM  and  AM/PM behavior change with time in a short time range (nano / micro seconds). It happens because the output signal at the present moment doesn't depend on the input signal at the present moment only, but also on its previous values. It generates more distortion, and a memoryless pre-corrector is not able to compensate for these memory effects.    This pre-correction is an automatic procedure. It uses a signal taken from a feedback sample located between the power amplifier output and the mask filter input. Perform the following steps to run the pre-correction:  1.  Connect the AT7001 RF output to the amplifier to be linearized. If an output filter is used, run the algorithm with the filter connected to the amplifier because the reflected signal coming from the filter may change the amplifier behavior. 2.  Set the desired power. 3.  Take the  Before  Filter  Feedback  Sample  and  make  sure  is  connected  the  AT7001  rear panel before running the pre-correction.      The coupler used for the sample must be directional, with isolation greater than 15 [dB] in order avoid miscalculation created by a reflected signal. The coupling port must have a 50 [Ω] impedance in order to avoid a linear distortion in the feedback path. Also the coupling port response must be as flat as 0.3 [dB] in a 30 [MHz] range. The feedback sample level must be between -10 and 0  dBm. You  can use the Signal Measurements software to check if the feedback sample is present.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    116/139   4.  Press Reset to bypass the last correction. 5.  Check or uncheck the Memory Effects Compensation checkbox. 6. If Memory  Effects  Compensation  is  checked, select  between  Type  A or  Type  B  at  the DUT menu. This option is not available if the memoryless pre-correction is selected (Memory Effects Compensation unchecked).     There differences between IOT and Solid State amplifiers regarding its memory non-linearity’s. As a rule of thumb Type A achieves better results for IOT amplifiers and Type B for Solid State.  7.  Click on Run. The whole process consists of single iteration. After a few seconds the results will be applied automatically. Both algorithms works independently.     Crest Factor Reduction will be automatically bypassed when the algorithm is running.  8.  Once the correction performed satisfied results, click on Save push-button to save the curves on the non-volatile memory.     After  running  the  algorithm,  the  presence  of  unbalanced  shoulders  means  there  is memory effects left.  9. If Crest Factor Reduction option is enabled, make it active on AT7001 front panel and set a reduction  level.  When  the  amplifier  operates  above  the  saturation  level,  i.e.,  clipping  the signal peaks, the CFR may reduce intermodulation. However, be aware there is a trade-off between intermodulation reduction and MER using CFR. The more the reduction the worst the MER.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    117/139   The  next  Figure  shows  typical  results  using  the  Memoryless  and  the  Memory  Pre-Correction. Usually the Memory correction achieves better results than the Mermoryless correction.   Figure 6 – Memoryless vs. Memory Comparison.     There  is  no  guarantee  to  achieve  better  results  using  the  Memory  Pre-Correction.  It depends on the amplifier to be linearized.    Figure  7  presents  the  corresponding  curves  used to  compensate for  the  non-linearity‟s  of Figure  6.  Those  curves  hold  the  inverse  DUT  characteristic,  i.e., the necessary  characteristic  to compensate for the distortion.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    118/139     Figure 7a – Memoryless curves. Figure 7b – Memory curves.    The  memory  curves  (Figure  7b)  are  three  dimensional  plots,  where  the  color  means amplitude (in [dB]) for AM/AM and phase (in [°]) for AM/PM. A distortion is present when horizontal parallel lines present different colors.   When Crest Factor Reduction is used, intermodulation may be reduced. However there is a trade-off with three collateral effects: ➢  MER reduction ➢  Frequency response distortion ➢  Image frequency rejection   Figure 8 represents typical results when Crest Factor Reduction is used.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    119/139    Figure 8 – Crest Factor Reduction.   3.2 Linear Pre-Correction   This  is the  process  is used  to compensate for  linear distortions,  for example  not  constant frequency  response  and  group  delay  inside  the  channel.  A  Mask  Filter  is  used  at  a  transmitter output to limit the signal bandwidth and comply with an emission mask. The sharper it is the greater the  group  delay  distortion.  A  small  amount  of  attenuation  is  also  introduced  at  channel  edges. Linear pre-correction is used to compensate for these effects.       When the Linear Pre-Correction screen is opened, the software read and display the pre-correction curves stored on the non-volatile memory.    The next figure shows the linear pre-correction main window.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    120/139     Figure 9 – Linear Pre-Correction Window.  1. Reset – Download an all-pass filter. Used to bypass the linear correction. 2. Enable  Linear  Pre-Correction –  Used  to  bypass  the  linear  correction  or  not  without downloading an all-pass filter. 3. Run – Single iteration algorithm to compensate for linear distortions. 4. Save – Button used to save the result on the non-volatile memory. 5. Back – Close current window. 6. Frequency Response – Figure that shows the pre-correction frequency response, which is the inverse filter response. 7. Group Delay - Figure that shows the pre-correction group delay, which is the opposite file group delay.   This pre-correction is an automatic procedure. It uses a signal taken from a feedback sample located at the mask filter output. Perform the following steps to run the pre-correction:  1.  Connect the AT7001 RF output to the DUT. 2367451
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    121/139   2.  Set the nominal power. 3.  If  an  amplifier  is  used,  run  the  non-linear  pre-correction  first,  and  then  the  linear  pre-correction. This will make linear calculation more accurate. 4.  Make sure the After  Filter Feedback Sample is connected the AT7001 rear panel before running the pre-correction.     The coupler used for the sample must be directional, with an isolation greater than 15 [dB] in order avoid miscalculation created by a reflected signal. The coupling port must have a 50 [Ω]  impedance  in  order  to  avoid  a  linear  distortion  in  the  feedback  path.  Also  the  coupling  port response  must  be  as  flat  as  0.5  [dB]  in  a  30  [MHz]  range.  The  feedback  sample  level  must  be between -10 and 0 dBm. You can use the Signal Measurements software to check if the feedback sample is present.  5.  Click on Run. The whole process consists of single iteration. After a few seconds, the results will be applied automatically.     Crest Factor Reduction will be automatically bypassed when the algorithm is running.  6.  Once the correction achieves satisfying results, click on Save push-button to save the curves on the non-volatile memory.   Figure 10 presents the corresponding curves used to compensate a mask filter.  Figure 10 – Typical Linear Pre-Correction Curves.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    122/139    3.3 Signal Measurements    This  software  is  used  to  perform  measurements  at  the  signals  generated  by  the  AT7001 Digital Exciter. There are fourteen measurements avaiable.   Figure 11 – Signal Measurements Window.  1. Signal Selection – Select which signal is going to be measured. “Input” is the signal at the DUT input, or the modulator output. The Input signal is always the reference. Both feedback samples are also available. Some measurements allow just one signal selection. In order to make a comparison, others allow two signals at the same time. 2. Measurements – This pop-up menu shows all fourteen measurements available. For each measurement  there  is  an  additional  option  like  Concatenate,  Persist,  or  Average  the consecutive measurements. 3. Measure Push-Button – Click once to start measuring. Click again to stop. 4. Back – Close current window. 1235674
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    123/139   5. Measurement Window – This Figure shows the last active measurement. 6. File => Export – Use this option to export the measurement to one of the following formats: –  .emf => Enhanced Metafile. –  .eps => Encapsulated Postscript. –  .jpeg => Joining Photograph Experts Group. –  .pdf => Portable Document Format. 7. Information Bar – This bar shows additional information regarding the last measurement.     It is useful to evaluate the signal compression caused by the amplifier non-linearity, as it gets close to the saturation region. Perform this measurement using  Feedback  Before Filter sample. Figure 12 shows a signal that has been compressed at the saturation level and expanded at the turn-on region, typical in class AB amplifiers.    The information bar will show two additional pieces of information:   Error: Shows the Mean Squared Error between the Input and Feedback signals.   Peak Compression: shows in [dB] how much the maximum peak found was compressed.  Figure 12 – Amplitude Modulus Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    124/139     AM/AM – AM/AM stands for Amplitude Modulation / Amplitude Modulation, it represents the normalized output/input amplitude ratio (amplifier gain) in [dB] vs. normalized input amplitude in [dB] Full  Scale.  The  blue  points  show  the  Instantaneous  Transfer  Function,  as  it  has  a  dynamic behavior. Their spread characteristic is caused by noise and memory effects. The red line is the Memoryless Transfer Function that best fits the blue points.   This is a powerful tool to evaluate a power amplifier transfer function, and thus its linearity. Check how spread the blue points are in order to realize how much memory effects the amplifier has. Always perform this measurement using Feedback Before Filter sample.   The information bar will show the additional information: ✔  Peak to peak amplitude distortion: Shows the Memoryless Transfer Function peak to peak value.   Figure 13 – AM/AM Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    125/139      AM/PM  –  AM/PM  stands  for  Amplitude  Modulation  /  Phase  Modulation,  it  represents  the phase deviation in [°] vs. normalized input amplitude in [dB] Full Scale. The blue points show the Instantaneous  Transfer  Function,  as  it  has  a  dynamic  behavior.  Their  spread  characteristic  is caused by noise and memory effects. The red line is the Memoryless Transfer Function that best fits the blue points.   This is a powerful tool to evaluate a power amplifier transfer function, and thus its linearity. Check how spread the blue points are in order to realize how much memory effects the amplifier has. Always perform this measurement using Feedback Before Filter sample.   The information bar will show the additional information:  Peak to peak amplitude distortion: Shows the Memoryless Transfer Function peak to peak value.   Figure 14 – AM/PM Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    126/139     CCDF – CCDF stands for Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function. It represents the probability (vertical axis) of the Instantaneous Power be “x” [dB] above the average power, where “x” is  the  value in the horizontal axis. For  example, suppose an  amplifier  is driving 1 [kW] into a dummy  load,  and  the  Feedback  Sample  was  taken  from  its  output.  In  the  measurement  below (Figure  15),  the  0  [dB]  point  has  a  probability  around  40  [%].  It  means  40  [%]  of  time  the Instantaneous power is above 1 [kW] (or 0 [dB]) and thus 60 [%] of time the Instantaneous power is below the average power (1 [kW]). Now another example: the 6 [dB] point for the Feedback signal (red dashed line), has a probability of 0.07 [%]. It means that 99.93 [%] of time, the Instantaneous Power is below 4 [kW] (6 [dB]), but for very few time, or 0.07 [%] of time, the amplifier will drive a power above 4[kW]. It is clear that the amplifier compressed the high amplitudes, because the red line is below the blue one.   Use  this  measurement  to  evaluate  how  much  an  amplifier  has  compressed  or  clipped  a signal.   The information bar will show the additional information: –  PAPR:  Stands  for  Peak  to  Average  Power  Ratio  and  represents  the  ratio  between  the maximum peak power found and the average power.  Shown for both Input and Feedback signals.   Figure 15 – CCDF Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    127/139     Constellation  –  the  constellation  is  a  diagram  of  the  sampled  baseband  modulating symbols, where the Cartesian plan is plotted by its real vs. imaginary part. The real part (In Phase) of those sampled symbols carry the transmitted information while the imaginary part (Quadrature) carry the necessary information to generate the vestigial side band. For 8VSB modulation, the eight regions  represent  the  eight  possible  symbols,  and  the  seven  dashed  lines  indicate  the  decision threshold.   This measurement reflects the signal quality. Use it to realize non-linear, linear and amplitude distortions.   The information bar will show the additional information:  MER:  Modulation  Error  Rate.  It  is  the  mean  squared  error  in  [dB]  considering the  perfect symbol as the reference signal.   Figure 16 – Constellation Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    128/139     Constellation Contour – the constellation is a diagram of the sampled baseband modulating symbols, where the Cartesian plan is plotted by its real vs. imaginary part. The real part (In Phase) of those sampled symbols carry the transmitted information while the imaginary part (Quadrature) carry the necessary information to generate the vestigial side band. For 8VSB modulation, the eight regions  represent  the  eight  possible  symbols,  and  the  seven  dashed  lines  indicate  the  decision threshold. The Constellation Contour differs from the Constellation in the sense it shows probability regions for a demodulated symbol to fall in coded in colors. A red area means high probability, as the blue area means low probability.   This measurement reflects the signal quality. Use it to realize non-linear, linear and amplitude distortions.   The information bar will show the additional information:  MER:  Modulation  Error  Rate.  It  is  the  mean  squared  error  in  [dB]  considering the  perfect symbol as the reference signal.   Figure 17 – Constellation Contour.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    129/139     Eye Diagram – The Eye Diagram is the purely real modulating symbols filtered with a raised cosine filter and persisted with a symbol period multiple. The open eyes points indicate the exact moment for the receiver to sample and decide in order to extract the message. Eyes wide open are desired.   This measurement reflects the signal quality. Use it to realize non-linear, linear and amplitude distortions.   The information bar will show the additional information:  MER:  Modulation  Error  Rate.  It  is  the  mean  squared  error  in  [dB]  considering the  perfect symbol as the reference signal.   Figure 18 – Eye Diagram Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    130/139      Frequency Response – This measurement will show the Frequency Response existent on your device under test, typically a filter. Use it to measure linear distortions.   The information bar will show the additional information:   Peak to peak frequency response distortion: self explained.   Figure 19 – Frequency Response Measurement.     Crest  Factor  Reduction  will  be  automatically  bypassed  when  this  measurement  is being performed.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    131/139      Group Delay – This measurement will show the Group Delay existent on your device under test, typically a filter. Use it to measure linear distortions.   The information bar will show the additional information:  Peak to peak group delay distortion: self explained.   Figure 20 – Group Delay Measurement.     Crest  Factor  Reduction  will  be  automatically  bypassed  when  this  measurement  is being performed.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    132/139     Power Spectrum Density – This is a spectral analysis using the Power Spectrum Density estimation of the IF signals. The in-band signal average power is normalized to be the 0 [dB] point.   The information bar will show the additional information:  Shoulders attenuation  @  -+  3.25 [MHz]: shows the  shoulder attenuation @  -+  3.25 [MHz] from  channel  center  frequency  relative  to  the  in-band  average  power  with  a  500  [kHz] equivalent resolution bandwidth.   Figure 21 – Power Spectrum Density Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    133/139     Symbols – This measurement represents the purely real demodulated symbols over time. Figure  22  shows  the  demodulated  symbols  after  a  mask filter without  linear  pre-corrections  and then with. Straight indicates a high MER signal.   The information bar will show the additional information:  MER:  Modulation  Error  Rate.  It  is  the  mean  squared  error  in  [dB]  considering the  perfect symbol as the reference signal.  Figure 22 – Symbols Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    134/139     Spectrogram – This is a three dimensional measurement representing the Power Density (Z axis) vs. Frequency (X axis) vs. Time (Y axis). The viewing angle can be rotate to any position.   Figure 23 – Spectrogram Measurement.    Spectrogram  Contour  –  That's  the  Spectrogram  in  the  X  (Frequency)  –  Y  (Time)  view, where the color gives the Power Density.   Figure 24 – Spectrogram Contour Measurement.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    135/139     Time Domain – This measurement shows both input and feedback IF signals at the same time in time domain.   The information bar will show two additional pieces of information:  Error: Shows the Mean Squared Error between the Input and Feedback signals.   Figure 25 – Time Domain Measurement.  3.4 Calibration    Every AT7001 unit presents a internal linear distortion on feedback path. This distortion is compensated during linear pre-correction. However is not present at the mask filter. It generates an error that may be avoided using the calibration process. 1.  Set the output power do 0 [dBm]. 2.  Make an external loop; connect the RFoutput on After Filter Feedback Sample in. 3.  Bypass the Non-Linear and Linear Pre-Corrections. 4.  Open the Signal Measurements window and Measure Frequency Response between Input and  Feedback  After  Filter.  The  result  is  going  to  be  the  internal  linear  distortion  to  be calibrated.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    136/139    Figure 26 – Internal feedback linear distortion.  5.  At the main screen, click on Advanced and the on Calibration. The Calibration window will open. 6.  Press Run to calculate the distortion. The inverse response will appear compared to the last Frequency Response measurement. Next Figure shows the results.  Figure 27 – Calibration window.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    137/139    7.  Press Save on the Non-Volatile Memory Panel. Close the Calibration window. 8.  Back  to  the  measurement  window  measure  the  frequency  response  again.  Now  with  the compensation taking place a flat response will appear.    The calibration will take effect on Linear-Precorrection and on measurements like Frequency Response, Group Delay, MER, Constellation, etc.
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    138/139     Annex C - Digital Exciter Connections  3.1 Exciter Connections (Control I/O)                                          7 8 4 3 2 10 11 16 17 18 15 14 13 12 20 Connector 1 Connector 2 Connector 1 Equipamento AT75K0 MONITORADO Connector 2 5 6 19 7 7 8 8 4 4 3 3 2 2 10 11 16 17 18 15 14 13 12 20  Connector 1 AT75K0  Equipment to be monitored Connector 2 5 5 6 19
    AT75K0-1 Owner’s Manual  © 2009 Linear Industries, Inc., all rights reserved                                                              OM_10/09                                    139/139                           CONTROL I/O connector Digital Exciter PIN COLOR FUNCTION STATUS 1  NOT USED NOT USED  NOT USED  2  RED ADDRESS +9V  3  ORANGE DUAL EXCITER DIGITAL OUTPUT 5V => active  0V => Standby  4  BROWN ALARM AC PHASE OUT 5V => OK  0V => Alarm  5  BLUE/WHITE FAN ALARM 4V => OK  0V => Alarm  6  WHITE DATA OUT REMOTE CONTROL ------------  7  YELLOW ALARM VIDEO A (TS) ------------  8  RED CLOCK REMOTE CONTROL ------------  9  NOT USED NOT USED  NOT USED   10  GREEN/RED RRELAY COMMAND 5V => active  0V => Standby  11  GREEN +8V EQUIPMENT INPUT +8V  12  GRAY +15V READING - EQUIPMENT 3 – 4.5V => OK 13  VIOLET BATTERY VOLTAGE READING 3.5 – 4.5V => OK 14  RED DIRECT POWER READING 0 - 4V (4V=> nominal PWR) 15  SHIELD GND ------------ 16  WHITE REFLETED POWER READING 0 - 4V   (4V = 10% REFLECTED POWER) 17  YELLOW/BLACK ALARM  PA ON / OFF 5V: OK   0V: Alarm 18  WHITE RS-485A ------------ 19  BLUE Data IN Remote Control ------------ 20  RED RS-485B ------------

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