Heat Timer SLROOMTMP01 Sensor Link Room Temperature Transmitter User Manual SensorLink059265A p65

Heat Timer Corporation Sensor Link Room Temperature Transmitter SensorLink059265A p65

Users Manual

SENSOR LINKINSTALLATION/OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThe Sensor Link system consists of aReceiver and one or more Temperatureor Pressure Transmitters. The Receiveris designed to intercept and decodethe wireless information being emittedby the Transmitters and forward thedata to the Heat-Timer panel (HWR,HWR-Q, MPC, MPC-Q, SRC, or Multi-MOD) via a wired connection.Instruction to UserThis equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a class B digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur ina particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the followingmeasures:*Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.*Increase separation between theequipment and receiver.*Connect the equipment into an outlet ona circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.*Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.This equipment has been certified to complywith the limits for a class B computingdevice, pursuant to FCC Rules. In order tomaintain compliance with FCC regulation,shielded cables must be used with thisequipment. Operation with non-approvedequipment or unshielded cables is likely toresult in interference to radio and TVreception. The user is cautioned that changesor modifications made to the equipmentwithout the approval of the manufacturercould void the users authority to operate thisequipment.PROGRAM LOCKTHERMAL LOCKOUTDIFFERENTIALEPRESS TO DISPLAYMADE IN U.S.A.CONNECTEDMUSTCLOCKNEUTRALLINE 1 32OPTIONREAD INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PROGRAMMINGPROGRAMBERBOUTPUTW1 2 3 4 5 6AUX. OPTION78910 1211 13OUTPUTRELAYUNLOCKBY-PASSAUTOCLOCKAUX.1OPTIONSUMMERWINTERRUNNCRADJUSTMENTBOOSTVARIOPTIONOPTION1714 15 16MANUALXWITHVARISHUT DOWNZONI3OPTION2ADVANCEREVIEWPAIR SHOWNERASEYHEATINGSYSTEMSENSORASEOFFFASTCYCLE FORTESTINGMORNING BOOST120SHUT DOWN CURVESeries(DAY)SYSTEM INNORMALAMTUENHEAT ADJUSTMENTSYSTEM INSAVE(NIGHT)OUTDOOR SENSOR SET POINTSSHIFTHOURSMONCURRENT STATUS INDICATORSEALCBPO NORMALHGFESSDJKML-DAYITHUCLOCK PROGRAM CONTROLSMINUTESPMDAYWED SATFRI SUNTEMP2COPYDAYOFFMANUAL MINUTESVARI-BOOST /120OUT-SIDE40360480BOOSTK-NIGHTREALECB SAVEFSSOMDEG JHIRPENOMOLMGoldSERIAL NO.56100USE COPPER WIRE ONLYOUTPUTS:120VAC, 6A RESISTIVE1A PILOT DUTY15A TOTAL FOR ALL CIRCUITSHEAT-TIMER PANELHWR, HWRQ, MPC, MPCQ, SRC, Multi-MODHEAT SOURCEACTIVATEDHEAT CIRCULATIONESTABLISHEDSYSTEMIN CYCLEJ1X1 X2 X3120VACPowerSensor LinkReceiverSensor LinkTransmitter
SENSOR LINK RECEIVER INSTALLATIONMount the enclosureIn a location central to the various Transmitters. To prevent unauthorized tampering, the Receiver should be locatedin an inconspicuous area, or in an area with limited access.The Receiver must be located where the ambient temperature will notexceed 130°F and away from any steam or moisture.Attach the Receiver to a flat surface by screwing through themounting holes located on the top and bottom flange.If desired, the Receiver may also be installed inside a metal enclo-sure.Power WiringBring the 120VAC 60Hz power wires through the round opening inthe enclosure.Class 1 voltages must enter the enclosure through a differentopening from any Class 2 voltage wiring.Connect power to the terminals as shown at right.The GND terminals MUST be connected to earth ground.Network WiringUse 2-wire unshielded twisted pair (see specification below).There is no polarity to observe.  Either network wire from theReceiver can be attached to Heat-Timer panel (HWR, HWRQ, MPC,MPCQ, SRC, or Multi-MOD) Network terminals A or B.Bring the network wiring through the rectangular opening in theenclosure.Network wiring must enter the enclosure through a different openingfrom any Class 1 voltage wiring. Wire the network connections to the terminal block marked J1,terminals X1 and X2.The wires can be run in virtually any configuration back to the Heat-Timer panel.  They can be wired sensor to sensor (daisy chained).They can be wired in a star configuration, with each sensor pairbrought back to the panel.  Finally, there can be any combination ofthe two.The Receiver has a specific ID number. The ID number is on the backof the Receiver, and is on the Network Identification card which isprovided. Fill out the location of the Receiver on the NetworkIdentification card and return it to the Heat-Timer network adminis-trator.GNDNeutralLineWire TypeBelden 8471Belden 85102UnshieldedTwisted Pair 16AWGGauge Maximum Length (ft) Maximum Temp (°F)UnshieldedTwisted Pair 16AWG12001200140185J1X1 X2 X3ToNetworkTerminalsA &B
SENSOR LINK RECEIVER OPERATIONPower Up DisplayWhen the receiver is first powered, 8 will be displayed in each of thedigits in turn, moving from right to left.Next the display will briefly show the version number, and then goblank.During this period, the green LED (D1), yellow LED (D2), and redLED (D3) will flash or light.When the display goes blank, only the red LED (D3) will remain onto indicate the Receiver is powered.Display ModesPressing the push button will set the display mode for the Receiver.Once a display mode is selected, the Receiver will remain in theselected display mode until the push button is pressed and a newmode is selected.If the display code with a dot is selected, then the selected displayinformation will be shown whenever the Receiver gets data from anyTransmitter on its channel. Each Transmitter normally emits dataevery 4 to 5 minutes.When setting up Transmitters, they can be put in a Test mode sothey emit data much more frequently. To only display informationfrom a Transmitter in Test, select the display code without a dot.The chart below describes the various display modes:D3 D2 D1D3 D2 D1PushButtonMounting and Connecting the AntennaThe Antenna should be mounted in a convenient location within sixfeet of the Receiver.Do not cut or splice the antenna wire provided.Make sure the surface where the Antenna will be mounted is flat,clean, dry, and will not be subject to moisture or temperatures whichexceed 130°F.Remove the backing to expose the adhesive pad on the back of theantenna and press it to the mounting surface. To connect the Antenna to the Receiver, screw the nut on the end ofthe Antenna wire to the threaded metal connector extending from theReceiver enclosure.AntennaWireAdhesivePadOnlyTransmitters inTest ModeAllTransmittersDescriptionSn S.n Serial number of the TransmittertE t.E Temperature of the TransmitterDisplay CodecoUn c.oUn The total number of packets correctly received since startup(used for diagnostic purposes)rSSI r.SSI  2 Left hand digits - Data signal strength2 Right hand digits - Noise strength
SENSOR LINK TRANSMITTERInstallationFind an approximate location for the Transmitter, located away fromdirect sunlight or other heat sources. Do not locate a Transmitter ineither a kitchen or a bathroom.The range of temperatures at the Transmitter location should bebetween 32 and 150°F. If the temperature experienced by the Trans-mitter is outside of this range, battery life will be shortened.Open the Transmitter by inserting your two thumbs in the largerectangular opening at the back of the enclosure and prying it open.Make sure the Receiver is programmed to read Sn (see above).Remove the plastic tab to connect the batteries and activate theTransmitter.Push the button on the Transmitter to put it in the Test mode. It willremain in the Test mode for five minutes. In the Test mode, theTransmitter will emit data more often than during normal operation.Go to the Receiver and watch the display until the serial number ofthe new Transmitter being installed is displayed. Only the last 4digits of the serial number will be shown.If the Receiver does not register the new Transmitter, move it  toanother location.When a location with a good signal is found, mount the Transmitterto a flat surface  using the two oval mounting slots molded in thebase of the enclosure.The Transmitter can be mounted either vertically or horizontally.Replace the Transmitter cover.OperationThe Transmitter should operate for years without any maintenance.The batteries will need to be replaced every 3 to 8 years.The Transmitter requires three AAA, 1.5 Volt batteries. Be sure toobserve that the positive side of the battery faces the center of theTransmitter board as shown in the diagram at right and which is alsoclearly marked on the board itself.TestModeButtonBatteries059265-00 REV A

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