Harman Becker Automotive Systems BE2802 Automotive Infotainment Unit User Manual

Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. Automotive Infotainment Unit

user manual

CONTENTSUconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL1•IdentifyingYourRadio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3•SafetyGuidelines.........................6•Uconnect™ AccessOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10▫How toRegisterwithUconnect™Access: . . . . .10▫Uconnect™ Access In-VehicleAssistanceFeatu res.............................11▫Uconnect™ Access In-VehicleConnectivityServices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13▫Uconnect™ Access AdditionalInformation . . . .13•Uconnect™ 3.0..........................15▫Uconnect™3.0 System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15▫Radio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17▫Media Mode..........................19•Uconnect™ 5.0..........................23▫Uconnect™5.0 System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23▫Radio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24▫Media Mode..........................28▫Uconnect™ Phone......................32▫Uconnect™Voice Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35▫SettingsMain Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
2 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL▫More Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40•Uconnect™8.4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41▫Uconnect™ 8.4ASystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41▫Radio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42▫Media Mode..........................54▫Uconnect™ Phone......................62▫Uconnect™Voice Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93▫Navigation..........................106▫Security Featu res......................264▫Remote Service Featu res.................270•Uconnect™8.4AN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158▫Uconnect™ 8.4ANSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158▫Radio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159▫Media Mode.........................171▫Uconnect™ Phone.....................179▫Uconnect™VoiceCommand..............206▫Navigation..........................219▫Security Featu res......................264▫Remote Service Featu res.................270
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 3•SiriusXM™OptionalUconnect™5.0Identifying Your RadioUconnect™3.01Key Features•3” Screen•Twohard-keyson either side of the displayKey Features•5” Touch-Screen•Threehard-keyson either side of the display
4 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Hands -free/Bluetooth®•SiriusXM™OptionalUconnect™8.4AKey FeaturesNOTE: The8.4Aand8.4AN appearanceis thesame,butthe listedfeatu res providethe differences.•8.4” Touch-Screen•Navigation -Read y,see yourdealerfor details•Hands -free/Bluetooth®•Touchsc reen ClimateControls•SiriusXM™•Embedded Connectivity(USMarketOnly)Uconnect™8.4ANKey Features•8.4” Touch-Screen•NavigationStandard•Hands -free/Bluetooth®•Touchsc reen ClimateControls•HD Radio
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 5•SiriusXM™•SiriusXM™Traffic1•Embedded Connectivity(USMarketOnly)
6 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALSafety GuidelinesWARNING!•Stop useimmediatelyif aproblemoccurs. Failure todo so may cause injury or damage to the product.Returnit to yourauthorized dealerto repair.ALWAYS drive safely with your handson the wheel.You have fullresponsibilityand assume all risksrelated to the use of the Uconnect™ features andapplications in this vehicle. Only use Uconnect™whenit issafeto do so.Failureto do somay resultinanaccident involving serious injuryor death.Ensu rethat allpersonsread thismanual carefullybeforeusing the radio system.Itcontains inst ructionsonhowtouse thesystemin a safe andeffectivemanner.Please read and follow these safetyprecautions.Failureto do so may result in injury orpropertydamage.•Glanceat the screen only whennecessaryand safe todo so. Ifprolonged viewingof thescreenis necessary,park in a safelocationand set theparkingbrake.•Make certainthat thevolume levelof thesystemis setto a level that still allows you to hear outside trafficandeme rgencyvehicles.SafeUsageof theUconnect™ AccessSystem•Read allinst ructionsin this manual carefully beforeusing yoursystemtoensu re properusage!•Your system is asophisticatedelectronic device. Donot letyoung child renuse your system.•Permanenthearing loss may occur if you play yourmusicor thesystematloud volumes. Exe rcisecautionwhensettingthevolumeon your system.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 7•Driving is a complex activity that requires your full•Do not spray any liquid or causticchemicalsdirectlyattention.Ifyou’ re engagedindrivingor any activitythatrequi resyour fullattention,werecommendthatyou not use your system.NOTE: Many features of this system are speed depen-dent. For your ownsafet y,it is notpossibleto use someof the touch screen features  while the vehicle is inmotion.•Keep drinks, rain,andother sou rcesofmoistu reawayfrom your system. Besides damage to your system,moisture can cause electric shocks as with any elec-tronic device.TouchScreen•Donot touchthescreen with any hardorsharpobjects(pen, USB stick,jewelr y,etc.) which couldscratchthetouchscreensurface!on the screen! Use a clean and dry micro fiber lens 1cleaningcloth in order to clean the touch screen.•If necessary, use a lint-free cloth dampened with acleaning solution, such as isopropyl alcohol, or anisop ropyl alcoholandwater solutionratio of50:50.Besure tofollowthesolvent manufactu rer’sprecautionsand directions.Disc Drive•Do not insert any damaged, warped, scratchedor dirtyDiscs into the Disc player.•Discs that have beenmodifiedwith anadhesivelabelshouldnot be used in the Disc player.•Do not insert more than one Disc at a time into thedrive slot.FCC Declaration
8 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rulesand  RSS  210  of  Industry  Canada.Operationissubjectto thefollowingtwoconditions:(1) this device may notcauseharmful interfe rence,and (2)this  device mustaccept any  interfe rence received,including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.  Modificationsnot expressly approved by the radiomanufactu rercould void theuser’sauthorityto operate  theequipment.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'IndustrieCanada  applicables  aux  appareils  radio  exempts  delicence.  L'exploitation  est  autorisée  aux  deuxconditions  suivantes:  (1)  l'appareil  ne  doit  pasproduire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit  accepter  tout  brouillage  radioélectrique  subi,même  si  le  brouillage  est  susceptible  d'encompromettre le fonctionnement.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesignedtoprovide reasonable protection againstharm-fulinterfe rencein aresidential installation.This equip-ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyene rgyand, if notinstalledand used inacco rdancewiththeinst ructions, may cause harmful interfe renceto radiocommunications.However, there is no guarantee thatinterfe rencewill not occur in aparticularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradioortelevision reception, which canbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon, theuseris encouragedto try to correct theinterfe renceby one or more of thefollowing measures: - Increase the separation betweentheequipmentand receiver. - Consult the dealer or anexperiencedradiotechnicianfor help.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 9•Driving is a complex activity that requires your full•Do not spray any liquid or causticchemicalsdirectlySafety InformationExposu reto RadioFrequency RadiationTheradiatedoutput power of the internal wirelessradio is far below the FCC radio frequencyexposure limits.Nevertheless,thewirelessradio shallbe used insuchamannerthat theradiois 20 cm orfurther fromthehumanbody.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 9The internal wireless radio operates within guidelinesfound in radio frequency safety standards and recom- 1mendations, which reflecttheconsensusof the scientificcommunit y.The radiomanufactu rer b e l i e v esthe internal wirelessradio is safe for use byconsumers.The level of energyemittedis far less than theelect romagnetic ene rgyemit-ted bywireless devices suchasmobile phones.However,the use of wireless radios may be restricted in somesituationsorenvi ronments,such as aboardairplanes.Ifyou areunsu reofrestrictions,you areencouragedto askforauthorization befo re turningon thewirelessradio.
10 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALUconnect™ Access OverviewUconnect™ Access (AvailableonUconnect™8.4A andUconnect™8.4AN)WithUconnect™Access, owners have emergency andremote vehicle featu res available. These featu resinclude9-1-1 Call, Roadside Assistance, Uconnect™ Care andVehicle Care. With the Uconnect™ Access, your vehicleisalsocapableofremote vehicle featu reslikeRemoteStart,Remote  Door Lock/Unlock, and Remote  Horn andLights. Once registered, Uconnect™ Access customerscanpurchase packagesand apps at any time. For addi-tional information, contact Uconnect™ Customer Careat855-792-4241,  or visit Owner Connect (www.Mop-arOwnerConnect.com).How to Register with Uconnect™ Access:1. With the vehicle parked and the radio powered on,select the“Apps” soft -key locatednear thebottomofthe radio touch screen.2.Selectthe“Uconnect Registration”Appsoft -keyfromthe Apps list.3. TheUconnect™ RegistrationApp will open and pro-videstep -by-step inst ructionson how to enter youremailadd ressto begin theregistrationprocess.4. You will receive a secured registration email fromUconnect™Accesscontaininga link for completingyourUconnect™AccessRegistrationon-line. For se-curity reasons, this email link will be valid for 24hours.5.Followthe link tocompletethe final step of registra-tion and to begin usingUconnect™Access
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 11For additional registration assistance whileinthevehicle,push the ASSIST buttontocontact Uconnect™Customer 1Care.Uconnect™ Access In-Vehicle AssistanceFeaturesWithUconnect™Access, your vehicle has an on-boardassistance feature located on the rear view mirror de-signedtoenhance your driving experienceif you shouldever needassistanceor support.ASSIST CallAssist Call buttonThe rear view mirror contains an ASSIST push buttonwhichautomaticallyconnects the vehicle occupants toone of several predefined destinations for immediatesupport:
12 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL1.Roadside Assistance Call– Ifyou getaflat tire,or needa tow, you’ll beconnectedtosomeonewho can helpanytime. Roadside Assistancewillknow whatvehicleyou’re driving and itslocation. Additionalfees mayapply forroadsideAssistance.2.Uconnect™Customer Care – In-vehicle support forUconnect™ Access System,Apps and Features.3. Vehicle Customer Care – Total support for yourChrysler Groupvehicle.9–1–1Call9–1–1 Call buttonPlaces a direct call to local 9–1–1eme rgencyauthority.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 13Uconnect™ Access In-Vehicle ConnectivityServicesUconnect™ Access bringsthepowerof theinternetintoyour vehicle with exciting features, remote capabilities,theft alarm notification, and stolen vehicle assistanceapplications through  on -boa rd connectivity service.Onceregistered withUconnect™Access, you can customizethe capabilities  of your vehicle system using yourUconnect™ Access accountfrom thevehicle,the web, oryour Smartphone.Please refer  to your Uconnect™ Access account forinformationonavailable subscriptions, applicationsandpackages for your vehicle. For additional information,contactUconnect™Customer Care at855 -792 -4241,orvisitOwner Connect (ww w.MoparOwnerConnect.com).Uconnect™ Access Additional InformationMyUconnect™AccountTo use theUconnect™ Featu resandServices,you mustfirst register your vehicle with Uconnect™ Access.Please 1refer to the“RegisterwithUconnectAccess” section ofthisUser’s Manualto startregistration.Once registered,you canpersonalizeyourvehicle Uconnect™ Systemasdesi red.How toPurchaseorCancelan AppFrom yourUconnect™Access Account, you can easilypurchaseorcancel Applicationsorsubscriptions.Simplylog -intoyour Uconnect™ Access AccountandvisityourUconnect™Store.Correcting a Download Error - How to Reset theUconnect™ AccessSystemYou can easily cor rect any App related issuesby resettingthe App. Simply log-in to yourUconnect™Access Ac-count and visit theUconnect™ Sto re,click on My Apps,click on Settings, and then choose Reset/Reinstall. Inminutesyour App will bereinstalledand ready to go.
14 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALSelling my Vehicle - How toCompletely RemoveMyUconnect™ AccountTocompletely remove your Uconnect™ Account,simplylog-in to your Uconnect™  Account and visit theUconnect™Store, click on My Apps, click on Settings,and then choose RemoveUconnect™ Account.In min-utes your entireUconnect™Account and informationwill beremovedfrom your vehicle.For further assistance call 855-792-4241, or go to theMopar Owner Connect site at(ww w.MoparOwnerCon -nect.com).
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 15PresstheRADIO hard-keytoentertheRadio Mode.TheUconnect™ 3.0Uconnect™ 3.0 System1. RADIOdifferent tuner modes; AM,FM andSXMcan be selected 1by touching thecor respondingsoft-keys in the RadioMode.2.INFOPress the INFObuttonfor an RDSstation(one with callletters displayed). The radio will return a Radio Textmessage broadcastfrom an FMstation(FM mode only).3. A-B-CPress the A-B-Chard-keyto select the A, B or C presetlist.4.ENTER/BROWSE&TUNE/SCROLLPress the ENTER/BROWSE button to accept a high-lighted selection  on the screen. Rotate theTUNE/SCROLLrotary knob to scroll through a list or tune aradio station.
16 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL5.SEEKUPPress the Seek Upsoft -keyto tune the radio to the nextlistenable stationor channel.6. BACKPress the BACKbuttonto return to apreviousmenu orscreen.7. MENUPress the MENU button allows to scroll between thesettingsub-menus.8. PLAY/PAUSE/MUTEPress to Play, Pause or Mute the music.9. AUDIOPress theAUDIObutton to adjust the Bass, Mid Range,Treble, Balanceor Fade.10.SEEKDOWNPress the Seek Down soft-key to tune the radio to theprevious listenable stationor channel.11.ON/VOLUMEPush the ON/VOLUME control knob to turn on theradio. Push the ON/VOLUME control knob a secondtime to turn off the radio.The electronic volume control turnscontinuously(360deg rees)ineither direction without stopping. TurningtheON/VOLUME control knob to the right increases thevolumeand to the leftdec reasesit.12.PRESETS1–6These buttons tune the radio to the stations that youcommittopushbutton memoryAM (A, B, C), FM (A, B,C) andSatellite— 18 AM, 18 FM and 18 SAT stations.13.MEDIA
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 17Pressing the MEDIA button will allow youtoswitchfrom•Whentheaudio systemisturnedon, thesound willbeAM/FM modes to Media mode (CD, USB/iPOD, AUX,Bluetooth).Radio ModeThe radio isequippedwith thefollowingmodes:•FM•AM•SXM Sirius XM™SatelliteRadio (if equipped)TouchtheRADIO button,to enter the RadioMode.Thedifferenttunermodes;AM, FM, and SXM, can then, beselectedbytouchingthecor responding soft -keysin theRadio mode.ON/OFF&VolumeControl•Pushthe ON/OFFVolume cont rol knobtoturnon theradio. Push the ON/OFF Volume  control knob asecondtime to turn off the radio.set at the samevolumelevel as last played. 1Enter/Browse&Tune/ScrollControl•Turn the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob clock-wise to increase orcounte rclockwiseto decrease theradio station frequency. Push the ENTER/BROWSEbuttontochoosea selection.Seek FunctionsSeek Up•Touch and release the Seek Up buttontotune theradioto the nextlistenable stationor channel.•During a Seek Up function, if the radio reaches thestartingstation afterpassing throughthe entire bandtwo times, the radio will stop at the station where itbegan.Seek Down
18 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Touch and release the Seek Down button to tune theradio to the nextlistenable stationor channel.•Duringa SeekDown function,if theradio reachesthestartingstation afterpassing throughthe entire bandtwo times, the radio will stop at the station where itbegan.SettingPresetsThe Presets are available for all Radio Modes, and areactivatedbytouchingany of the six Preset buttons.When you are receiving a station that you wish tocommit intomemor y,press and hold the desired num-bered buttonformo rethat 2secondsor until you hear aconfirmationbeep.The Radio stores up to 18 presets in each of the Radiomodes.Press the A-B-Chard-keyto select the A, B or Cpreset list.SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadio ModeSiriusXM™ Satellite Radio uses direct satellite -to-receiverbroadcasting technologyto provide clear digital sound,coast to coast. Thesubscriptionserviceprovideris Siri-usXM™ Satellite Radio. This service offers over 130channels of music, sports, news, entertainment, andprogrammingforchild ren, directly fromitssatellitesandbroadcasting studios. A one-year SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadiosubscriptionis included.SiriusXM™and all related marks and logos are trade-marks of SiriusXM™ Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.SiriusXM™Satellite Radio requires asubscription,soldseparatelyafter trialsubscription includedwith vehiclepurchase. Prices and programming are provided bySiriusXM™ and are subject to change. Subscriptionsgoverned by Terms&Conditions availableat sirius.com/serviceterms. SiriusXM™Radio U.S. service only avail-able tothoseatleast18yearsof age in the 48 contiguousUnited States, D.C.,and PR.Service availablein Canada;see www.siriuscanada.ca.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 19Thisfunctionalityis onlyavailablefor radios equipped Clock SettingwithaSatellite receive r.Inordertoreceive satelliteradio,the vehicle needs to beoutsidewith a clear view to thesky.If thescreen shows Acquiring Signal,youmighthave tochangethevehicle’s positioninordertoreceivea signal.Inmost cases,thesatellite radio doesnotreceivea signalinunde rground parking garagesor tunnels.Audio1. Press theAUDIO buttonat thebuttonof the radio.2.The Audio Menu showsthefollowing optionsfor youtocustomizeyour audio settings.Mid, Bass, Fade, Balance•Select the desired setting to adjust, then touch theEnter/Browse button. Turn the Tune/Scroll knob toadjustthesetting+ or - 9.Pressthe backbuttonwhendone.1.PresstheMenu buttonat thebottomof theradio,next 1select the Time Format setting and then select SetTime.2. Adjust the hours or minutes by turning theTune/Scroll knob, then pressingthe Enter/Browsebuttontomovetothe next entr y. You can also select 12hror 24hrformatbyturningthe Tune/Scrollknob, thenpressingthe Enter/Browsebuttonon thedesi redselection.3.Oncethetimeis setpressthe“Back” buttontoexitthetime screen.Media ModeMedia Mode is entered by touching the Media buttonlocatedon the side of thedispla y.Once inMediaMode,select your media Source by rotating the Scroll rotaryknob andpushingthe Enter button.Common Media Functions
20 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALSeek Up/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection. Touch and release the left arrow soft-key toreturnto thebeginningof thecur rent selection,or returnto thebeginningof theprevious selectionif the Disc iswithinthe firstsecondof thecur rentselection.Fast Seek Up: Touch and hold the right arrow soft-keyand thedesi red modewillbeginto fastforwa rdthroughthecur renttrack until thesoft -keyis released.Fast SeekDown: Touchand hold the left arrow soft-keyand thedesi redmode will begin torewind throughthecur renttrack until thesoft -keyis released.Sou rceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, AUX or USB/iPod®.This screen will timeout after a few seconds and return to the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation. Touch the “X” soft -keytocancel thisfeature.Shu ffleTouch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson theUSB/iPod®deviceinrandomorder toprovidean inter-esting changeofpace. Touch the soft -keyasecond timetoturn thisfeatu reoff.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.Disc ModeIfequipped, your vehicle may havearemote Discplayerlocatedin the lower centerconsole storagebin.Disc Mode is entered by either inserting a Disc or bytouching the Media button located on the side of thedispla y.Once inMedia Mode,select Disc mode.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 21EjectButton–Ejectinga DiscInserting CompactDiscGently insertone Disc into the Discplayerwith the Disclabelfollowingtheillustrationindicated on the player.The Disc will automaticallybepulled into the Discplayerand the Disc icon willilluminateon the radiodispla y.IfaDisc doesnot go into the slotmo re than1.0 in (2.5 cm),a disc mayalreadybeloadedandmustbeejectedbeforea new Disc can be loaded.If you insert a Disc with theignitionON and the radioON, the unit willswitchto CD/Discmodeand begin toplay when you inserttheDisc. The display will showthetrack number, and index time in minutes and seconds.Play will begin at the start of track 1.BrowseTouchthebrowse soft -keyto scrollthroughand select adesi redtrack on the Disc. Touch the exitsoft -keyif youwish to cancel thebrowsefunction.Press the EJECT button to eject the Disc. If you have 1ejectedaDisc and have not removeditwithin10 seconds,it will bereloaded.If the Disc is notremoved,the radiowillreinsertthe Disc but will not play it.A Disc can beejectedwith the radio andignitionOFF.USB/iPod®ModeUSB/iPod®Mode is entered by either inserting a USBJump Drive  oriPod®cable into the USB port or bytouching the Media button located left of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectUSB/iPod®.InsertingUSB/iPod®DeviceGently insertthe USB/iPod®deviceinto the USBPort.Ifyou inserta USB/iPod®device withtheignitionON andthe radio ON, the unit will switch to USB/iPod®modeand begin to play when you insert the device. The
22 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALdisplay will show the track number, and index time inminutesandseconds.Play willbeginat the start of track1.BrowseTouch the Browse soft-key  to select Artist, Albums,Gen res,Songs,PlaylistsorFoldersfrom the USB/iPod®device. Oncethedesi red selectionismadeyou can chosefromtheavailable mediabytouchingthesoft -key.Touchthe exitsoft -keyif you wish to cancel the browse func-tion.AUX ModeAUX Modeisente redbyinsertingaAUX device usingacable with a 3.5 mm audio jack into the AUX port or bytouching the Media button located left of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectAUX.Inserting AuxiliaryDeviceGently insert the Auxiliary device cable into the AUXPort.Ifyou insert a Auxiliary device with the ignitionONandtheradio ON,theunit will switchtoAUX modeandbegin to play when you insert thedevicecable.Cont rollingtheAuxiliaryDeviceThe control of theauxiliarydevice (e.g.,selectingplay-lists, play, fastforwa rd,etc.) cannot beprovidedby theradio;use thedevice cont rols instead. Adjustthe volumewith the ON/OFF VOLUME rotary knob, or with thevolumeof theattacheddevice.NOTE: Thevehicleradio unit is acting as the amplifierfor audiooutputfrom theAuxiliary device. The refo reifthevolume cont rolonthe Auxiliary deviceis set too low,the re willbeinsu fficient audio signalforthe radio unittoplay the music on the device.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 23PresstheRADIO hard-keytoentertheRadio Mode.TheUconnect™ 5.0Uconnect™ 5.0 System1. RADIOdifferent tuner modes; AM,FM andSXMcan be selected 1by touching thecor respondingsoft-keys in the RadioMode.2.COM PASSPress the COMPASS hard-key to display the currentdirectionof the vehicle.3.SETTINGSPress theSETTINGS hard-keyto access theSettingslist.Clock,Displa y,Audio,Bluetoothand SiriusSettingsaredescribedin this manual.4.MOREPress theMORE hard-keyto accessadditionaloptions.5.ENTER/BROWSE&TUNE/SCROLL
24 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALPress the ENTER/BROWSE button to accept a high-lighted selection  on the screen. Rotate theTUNE/SCROLLrotary knob to scroll through a list or tune aradio station.6.BACKPress the BACKbuttonto return to apreviousmenu orscreen.7.SCREENOFFPress the SCREEN OFF hard-keytoturn thetouch-screenOFF. To turn thescreenback ON, just touch the screen.8.VOLUME&MUTERotate the rotary knob to adjust the Volume. Press theMutebuttonto mute the system.9.PHONEPress the Phone button to access theUconnect™Phonefeature.10.MEDIAPressingtheMEDIAbutton will allow you to switch toMediamode (CD, USB/iPOD, AUX,Bluetooth).Radio ModeThe radio isequippedwith thefollowingmodes:•FM•AM•SXM Sirius XM™SatelliteRadio (if equipped)Touch the RADIO hard-key,toenter the Radio Mode.Thedifferenttunermodes;AM, FM, and SXM, can then, beselectedbytouchingthecor responding soft -keysin theRadio mode.Volume& Mute
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 25•Rotatetherotary knobtoadjusttheVolume. Whenthe•During a Seek Up function, if the radio reaches theaudio systemisturnedon, thesoundwill be set at thesamevolumelevel as last played.•Press the Mute button to mute the system. Press theMutebuttonagain toun-mutethe system.Enter/Browse&Tune/ScrollControl•Turn the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob clock-wise to increase orcounte rclockwiseto decrease theradio station frequency. Push the ENTER/BROWSEbuttontochoosea selection.Seek FunctionsSeek Up•Touch and release the Seek Up soft-key to tune theradio to the nextlistenable stationor channel.startingstation afterpassing throughthe entire band 1two times, the radio will stop at the station where itbegan.Fast Seek Up•Touch and hold the Seek Upsoft -keytoadvancetheradio through the available stations or channels at afasterrate, theradio stopsat the nextavailablestationorchannelwhen thesoft -keyis released.Seek Down•Touchandreleasethe SeekDown soft -keyto tune theradio to the nextlistenable stationor channel.•Duringa SeekDown function,if theradio reachesthestartingstation afterpassing throughthe entire bandtwo times, the radio will stop at the station where itbegan.Fast Seek Down
26 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Touch and hold the Seek Down soft -keytoadvancetheradio through the available stations or channel at afasterrate, theradio stopsat the nextavailablestationorchannelwhen thesoft -keyis released.SettingPresetsThe Presets are available for all Radio Modes, and areactivated by touching any of the four Preset soft keys,locatedat the top of the screen.When you are receiving a station that you wish tocommit intomemor y,press and hold the desired num-beredsoft -keyfor more that 2secondsor until you hearaconfirmationbeep.The Radio stores up to 12 presets in each of the Radiomodes.4presetsarevisibleat the top of theradioscreen.Touchingthe“all” soft -keyon theradio home screenwilldisplayall of the presetstationsfor that mode.SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadio ModeSiriusXM™ Satellite Radio uses direct satellite -to-receiverbroadcasting technologyto provide clear digital sound,coast to coast. Thesubscriptionserviceprovideris Siri-usXM™ Satellite Radio. This service offers over 130channels of music, sports, news, entertainment, andprogrammingforchild ren, directly fromitssatellitesandbroadcasting studios. A one-year SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadiosubscriptionis included.SiriusXM™and all related marks and logos are trade-marks of SiriusXM™ Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.SiriusXM™Satellite Radio requires asubscription,soldseparatelyafter trialsubscription includedwith vehiclepurchase. Prices and programming are provided bySiriusXM™ and are subject to change. Subscriptionsgoverned by Terms&Conditions availableat sirius.com/serviceterms. SiriusXM™Radio U.S. service only avail-able tothoseatleast18yearsof age in the 48 contiguousUnited States, D.C.,and PR.Service availablein Canada;see www.siriuscanada.ca.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 27Thisfunctionalityis onlyavailablefor radios equipped•Touch theEqualizersoft-key to adjust the Bass, MidwithaSatellite receive r.Inordertoreceive satelliteradio,the vehicle needs to beoutsidewith a clear view to thesky.If thescreen shows Acquiring Signal,youmighthave tochangethevehicle’s positioninordertoreceivea signal.Inmost cases,thesatellite radio doesnotreceivea signalinunde rground parking garagesor tunnels.Audio1. Press theSETTINGS hard-keyon the right side of theunit.2. Then scrolldownand press theAudio soft -keyto getto theAudiomenu.3.The Audio Menu showsthefollowing optionsfor youtocustomizeyour audio settings.Equalizerand Treble. Use the + or - soft-key to adjust the 1equalizer to your desired settings. Press the backarrowsoft -keywhen done.Balance/Fade•Touch the Balance/Fadesoft -keyto adjust the soundfromthespeakers. Usethearrow soft -keytoadjustthesound level from the front and rear or right and leftsidespeakers.Touch the Center "C"soft-key to resetthe balance and fade to the factory setting. Press theback arrowsoft -keywhen done.SpeedAdjustable•Touch the Speed Adjusted Volume soft-key to selectbetween OFF, 1, 2 or 3. This will decrease the radiovolume relative to adec reasein vehicle speed. Pressthe back arrowsoft -keywhen done.Loudness
28 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Touch the Loudness soft-key to select the Loudnessfeature. When this feature is activated it improvessound qualityat lower volumes.Clock SettingThere are two ways to enter the clocksettingprocedureon theUconnect™5.0 system.1. Press the More hard-key on the right side of thedisplay, next press the Time soft-key and then pressthe Setsoft -key.ORPresstheSettings hard-keyon therightside of thedispla y, then presstheClocksoft-key.TheTime setting screenisdisplayedand theclockcanbeadjustedasdescribedin thefollowingprocedure.NOTE: In the Clock Setting Menu you can also selectDisplayClock.DisplayClock turns the clockdisplayinthe status bar on or off.2. Touch the Up or Downarrowsto adjust the hours orminutes,next select the AM or PMsoft -key.You canalso select 12hror24hr formatbytouchingthe desiressoft-key.3. Once the time is set press the“Done” soft -keyto exitthe time screen.Media ModeMediaMode isente redbytouchingtheMediahard-keylocatedon the side of thedispla y.Once inMediaMode,touch Source soft-key and the desired mode soft-key.Disc, USB, AUX and Bluetooth are the Media sourcesavailable.Common MediaFunctionsSeek Up/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection. Touch and release the left arrow soft-key toreturnto thebeginningof thecur rent selection,or return
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 29to thebeginningof theprevious selectionif the Disc is Shufflewithinthe firstsecondof thecur rentselection.Fast Seek Up: Touch and hold the right arrow soft-keyand thedesi red modewillbeginto fastforwa rdthroughthecur renttrack until thesoft -keyis released.Fast SeekDown: Touchand hold the left arrow soft-keyand thedesi redmode will begin torewind throughthecur renttrack until thesoft -keyis released.Sou rceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, AUX or USB/iPod®.This screen will timeout after a few seconds and return to the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation. Touch the “X” soft -keytocancel thisfeature.Touch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson the 1USB/iPod®deviceinrandomorder toprovidean inter-esting changeofpace. Touch the soft -keyasecond timetoturn thisfeatu reoff.AudioRefertoOperating Inst ructions–Radio Modefor adjust-ing the audio settings.Disc ModeIfEquipped, your vehicle may havearemote Discplayerlocatedin the lower centerconsole storagebin.Disc Modeisente redbyeither insertinga CD/Disc or bytouchingthe Mediahard-keylocated on the side of thedispla y.Once in Media Mode, touch thesou rcesoft-keyand select Disc.Inserting CompactDisc
30 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALGently insertone Disc into the Discplayerwith the Disclabelfollowingtheillustrationindicated on the player.The Disc will automaticallybepulled into the Discplayerand the Disc icon willilluminateon the radiodispla y.IfaDisc doesnot go into the slotmo re than1.0 in (2.5 cm),a disc mayalreadybeloadedandmustbeejectedbeforea new Disc can be loaded.If you insert a Disc with theignitionON and the radioON, the unit willswitchto Discmodeandbeginto playwhen you insert the Disc. The display will show thetracknumber, and index time in minutes and seconds. Playwill begin at the start of track 1.BrowseTouchthebrowse soft -keyto scrollthroughand select adesi redtrack on the Disc. Touch the exitsoft -keyif youwish to cancel thebrowsefunction.EjectButton–Ejectinga DiscPress the EJECT button to eject the Disc. If you haveejectedaDisc and have not removeditwithin10 seconds,it will bereloaded.If the Disc is notremoved,the radiowillreinsertthe Disc but will not play it.A Disc can beejectedwith the radio andignitionOFF.USB/iPod®ModeUSB/iPod®Mode is entered by either inserting a USBJump Drive  oriPod®cable into the USB port or bytouchingthe Mediahard-key locatedleft of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectUSB/iPod®.InsertingUSB/iPod®DeviceGently insertthe USB/iPod®deviceinto the USBPort.Ifyouinserta USB/iPod®device withtheignition ON,theunit will switch to USB/iPod®mode and begin to play
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 31when you insert the device. The display will show the Gently insert the Auxiliary device cable into the AUXtrack number, and index time in minutes and seconds.Play will begin at the start of track 1.BrowseTouch the Browse soft-key  to select Artist, Albums,Gen res,Songs,PlaylistsorFoldersfrom the USB/iPod®device. Oncethedesi red selectionismadeyou can chosefromtheavailable mediabytouchingthesoft -key.Touchthe exitsoft -keyif you wish to cancel the browse func-tion.AUX ModeAUX Modeisente redbyinsertingaAUX device usingacable with a 3.5 mm audio jack into the AUX port or bytouchingthe Mediahard-key locatedleft of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectAUX.Inserting AuxiliaryDevicePort. If you insert a Auxiliary device with the ignition 1ON, the unit willswitchtoAUX modeandbeginto playwhen you insert thedevicecable.Cont rollingtheAuxiliaryDeviceThe control of theauxiliarydevice (e.g.,selectingplay-lists, play, fastforwa rd,etc.) cannot beprovidedby theradio;use thedevice cont rols instead. Adjustthe volumewith the VOLUME rotary knob,orwith the volumeof theattacheddevice.NOTE: Thevehicleradio unit is acting as the amplifierfor audiooutputfrom theAuxiliary device. The refo reifthevolume cont rolonthe Auxiliary deviceis set too low,the re willbeinsu fficient audio signalforthe radio unittoplay the music on the device.Bluetooth®Mode
32 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALBluetooth®Streaming Audio (BTSA)orBluetooth®Modeis entered by pairing aBluetooth®device, containingmusic,to theUconnect™ Accesssystem.Before proceeding, theBluetooth®device needs to bepai red through Uconnect™ Phoneinorderto communi-cate with theUconnect™ AccessSystem.NOTE: See thepairing procedu rein the in this manualforfurtherdetails.Once theBluetooth®device is paired to the Uconnect™Access System, touchtheMedia hard-key locatedon theleft side of thedispla y.Once in Media Mode, touch thesou rce soft -keyand selectBluetooth®.Uconnect™ PhoneTheUconnect™Phone is avoice -activated,hands-free,in-vehicle communications system with VoiceCommandCapability(see VoiceCommandsection).The Uconnect™ Phone allows you to dial a phonenumber with your mobile phone using simple voicecommands.NOTE:•The Uconnect™ Phone requires a mobile phoneequipped with theBluetooth®Hands-Free Profile,Version 1.0 or higher. ForUconnect™ customersup-port, call 1–877–855–8400 or visitww w.Uconnect -Phone.com.•Prior to starting the pairing procedure, ensure alladditionalBluetooth®devices or phones within thevehiclehave theirBluetooth®disabled.Pairinga PhoneTo use theUconnect™ Phone featu re,youmustfirst pairyourBluetooth®phone with the Uconnect™ system.Refertoww w.UconnectPhone.comforpairingprocedureuniqueto your phone.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 33NOTE: For assistance in pairing your phone, contactStartPairingProcedure•Press the“Phone” buttonto begin.•Wait for the“ready” promptand BEEP.•(After theBEEP),say“Setup PhonePairing”.•(After theBEEP),say “Pair a Phone”.•Followtheaudibleprompts.•You will thenbeaskedifpai red device shouldbe set tofavorite.Device•Uconnect™ Phone will say "Start pairing procedu reondevice"•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®en-abled mobile phone.This isusually within SettingsorOptionsunder“Bluetooth”.See your mobile phone’smanualfor details.Uconnect™ customer supportat1–877 –855 –8400or visit 1ww w.UconnectPhone.comforphone compatibilit y,pair-inginst ructionsand details.•When your phone findsthesystem, select“Uconnect”as thepai reddevice.•Whenpromptedon the phone, enter the 4-digit PINnumber shownon the radio display.•If yourphoneasks you toacceptaconnectionrequestfrom Uconnect, select “Yes”.Ifavailable, checkthe boxtelling it not to ask again – that way your phone willautomatically connecteach time you start the vehicle.Phonebook Download – Phonebook Transfer FromMobilePhoneIfequippedandspecifically supportedby your phone,Uconnect™ Phonewill ask you if youwantto download
34 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALnames (text names) and number entries from yourmobilephone’s phonebook. SpecificBluetooth®Phones withPhone Book Access Profilemaysupportthisfeatu re.Seeww w.UconnectPhone.comforsupportedphones.Downloadand update, ifsupported,begins as soon astheBluetooth®wireless phone connectionismadeto theUconnect™Phone, for example, after you start the ve-hicle.NOTE:•You maybeaskedforpermissiontoinitiatethe phone-book download.•Amaximumof 1000entriesper phone will be down-loadedandupdatedevery time a phone is connectedto theUconnect™Phone.•Dependingon themaximum numberofentriesdown-loaded, there may be a short delay before the latestdownloadednames can be used. Until then, if avail-able, thepreviously downloaded phonebookis avail-able for use.•Only the phonebookofthe cur rently connectedmobilephoneis accessible.•Only the mobile phone’sphonebookis downloaded.SIM card phonebook is not part of the Mobilephonebook.•This downloaded phonebook cannot be edited ordeleted on theUconnect™Phone. These can only beedited on the mobile phone. The changes are trans-ferred andupdatedtoUconnect™Phone on the nextphone connection.MakingAPhoneCallPress the“Phone”button.(After theBEEP),say “dial” (or “call” a name).
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 35ReceivingA Call –Accept(And End)When an incoming call rings or is announced onUconnect™,press thePhonebutton.Toendacall, press the Phone buttononsteering wheelorthePhone soft -keyon the radio screen.Mute (OrUnmute) Microphone DuringCallDuringa call, press the“Voice Command”button.(After theBEEP),say“mute”(or“muteoff”).Transfer OngoingCallBetween HandsetAnd VehicleDuringa call, press the“Voice Command”button.(After theBEEP),say“transfercall”.ChangingThe VolumeStart a dialogue by pressing the “Phone” button , thenadjust thevolume duringanormalcall.Use the radio VOLUME rotary knobtoadjust thevolumeto acomfortablelevel while theUconnect™system is 1speaking. Pleasenote thevolume settingfor Uconnect™isdifferentthan the audio system.Uconnect™ Voice CommandTheUconnect™VoiceCommandsystem allows you tocontrol your AM, FM, satellite  radio, CD player,Uconnect™ Phone and supported portable media de-vices.When you press the “ Voice Command” button locatedonthe steering wheel, you will hearabeep. The beepis yoursignalto give acommand.If you do not say a commandwithina fewseconds,thesystemwillpresentyouwithalist ofoptions.If you ever wish tointer ruptthe systemwhileitlists options, pressthe“Voice Command”button, listen for the BEEP, and say your command.VoiceCommand Operation
36 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALStart a dialogue  by pressing the “Voice Command”button, you will hear a beep. The beep is yoursignaltogive acommand. Beloware a list ofvoice commandsforeach of thedifferentmodes.NOTE: To access the tutorial, press the “Voice Com-mand” button. After theBEE P,say“tutorial”.Press anyhard-key/button or touch thedisplay (Touch -Screenra-dio) to cancel the tutorial.CommonVoiceCommands(Examples)Main Menu“RadioAM” (toswitchto the AM mode)“RadioFM” (toswitchto the FM mode)“Satellite Radio”(toswitchto theSatellite mode)“Disc”(toswitchto the discmode)“USB”(toswitchto the USBmode)“Bluetooth Streaming”(toswitchto theBluetooth Streaming mode)“Memo”(toswitchto thememo reco rder)“System Setup”(toswitchtosystem setup)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 37RadioAM, Radio FMModes“Frequency97.1” (tochangeto radiostation 97.1)“Frequency”(tochangethefrequency)“NextStation”(to select the nextstation)“Previous Station”(to select theprevious station)“Radio Menu”(toswitchto the radiomenu)“Main Menu”(toswitchto the mainmenu)SiriusXM™ Satellite Ra -dioMode“Channel Number”(tochangethechannelby itsspoken number)“NextChannel”(to select the nextchannel)“Previous Channel”(to select theprevious channel)“ListChannel”(to hear a list ofavailable channels)“Channel Name”(tochangethechannelby itsspoken name)“Radio Menu”(toswitchto the radiomenu)“Main Menu”(toswitchto the mainmenu)Disc Mode“Track”(#) (tochangethetrack)“NextTrack”(to play the nexttrack)“Previous Track”(to play theprevious track)“Main Menu”(toswitchto the mainmenu)1
38 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALUSB Mode“NextTrack”(to play the nexttrack)“Previous Track”(to play theprevious track)“Play”(to play a ArtistName, Playlist Name, Album Name,TrackName, etc.)“List” (to List aArtist, Playlist, Album, Track, etc.)Bluetooth®Streaming(BT)Mode“NextTrack”(to play the nexttrack)“Previous Track”(to play theprevious track)SMS (TextMessaging)If equipped with Uconnect™ Voice Command, yourradio may be able to play incoming Short MessageService (SMS) messages (text messages) through thevehicle’s soundsystem.It also allows you torespondbyselectingfrom variouspre-definedphrases.Not allphonesarecompatiblewith thisfeatu re. Refertothe phone compatibility  list atww w.Uconnect -Phone.com.  Connected mobile phones must bebluetooth -compatible,andpai redwith your radio.Press the “VoiceCommand”button and after the BEEP,say“SMS”to get started.WARNING!ALWAYS drive safely with your handson the wheel.You have fullresponsibilityand assume all risksrelated to the use of the Uconnect™ features andapplications in this vehicle. Only use Uconnect™whenit issafeto do so.Failureto do somay resultinanaccident involving serious injuryor death.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 39Settings Main MenuPress theSettings hard-keytodisplaytheSettingsMainMenu. The Settings Main Menu contains the followingoptions:•Display— Refer to“UnderstandingYour InstrumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” section in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD for details.•Clock — Refer to the“Radio” sectionfor details.•Safety/Assistance — Refer to“UnderstandingYourInst rumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” sec-tion in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD fordetails.•Lights — Refer to“UnderstandingYour InstrumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” section in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD for details.•Doors & Locks — Refer to “Understanding YourInst rumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” sec- 1tion in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD fordetails.•Heated Seats—Referto“Understanding TheFeaturesOf Your Vehicle”, “Seats” section in your vehicleOwner’sManualon the DVD for details.•Engine OffOptions— Refer to“UnderstandingYourInst rumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” sec-tion in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD fordetails.•Compass Settings — Refer to“UnderstandingYourInst rumentPanel”,“Uconnect™Access System” sec-tion in yourvehicle Owner’sManualon the DVD fordetails.•Audio — Refer to theOperating Inst ructions– Radiosectionin thismanualfor details.
40 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Phone/Bluetooth— Refer to the“Uconnect™Phone”sectionin thismanu alfor details.•Sirius Setup — Refer to the “Radio” section in thismanualfor details.More Main MenuPress the Mo re hard-keytodisplay the Mo re MainMenu.The More Main Menucontainsthefollowingoptions:•Phone — Refer to the“Uconnect™ Phone” sectioninthismanualfor details.•Outlet (IfEquipped)— Refer to“UnderstandingTheFeatu resOfYour Vehicle”, “Power Inverter” sectioninyourvehicle Owner’sManualon theDVDfor details.•Time — Refer to theUconnect™5.0 “Radio Mode”sectionin thismanualfor details.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 41Touch the Radiosoft -keyto enter the Radio Mode. TheUconnect™ 8.4AUconnect™ 8.4A System1. Radiodifferent tuner modes; AM,FM andSXMcan be selected 1by touching thecor respondingsoft-keys in the RadioMode.2.MediaTouch the Media soft-key to access media sources suchas: Disc, USB Device and AUX as long as the requestedmediais present.3.ClimateRefer to Climate Controls in your vehiclesOwner’sManualon the DVD forfurtherdetails.4. Nav (IfEquipped)The Uconnect™ 8.4A System isNavigation -read y,seeyourauthorized dealerfor details.5.Phone
42 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch the Phone soft -keytoaccess the Uconnect™Phonefeature.6.AppsTouch the  Apps soft-key to access Smartphone andConnected vehicleoptions.7.SettingsTouchtheSettings soft -keytodisplaythe list of availablesettings.Refer toUnderstandingYourInst rumentPanelsectioninyour vehicles Owner’s Manualon theDVDforfurtherdetails.8.ENTER/BROWSE&TUNE/SCROLLPress the ENTER/BROWSE button to accept a high-lighted selection  on the screen. Rotate theTUNE/SCROLLrotary knob to scroll through a list or tune aradio station.9.BACKPress the BACKbuttonto return to apreviousmenu orscreen.10.SCREENOFFPress the SCREEN OFF hard-keytoturn thetouch-screenOFF. To turn thescreenback ON, just touch the screen.11.VOLUME& MUTERotate the rotary knob to adjust the Volume. Press theMutebuttonto mute the system.Radio ModeThe radio isequippedwith thefollowingmodes:•FM•AM•SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadio (if equipped)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 43Touch the RADIO Soft Key, bottom left corner, to enter Turn the rotary TUNE/SCROLLcont rolknob clockwisethe Radio Mode. The different tuner modes; AM, FM,andSAT,canthen,beselectedbytouchingthecorrespondingsoft -keysin the Radio mode.ON/OFF&VolumeControlPush the ON/OFF Volume control knob to turn on theradio. Push the ON/OFFVolume cont rolknob a secondtime to turn off the radio.The electronic volume control turnscontinuously(360degrees) in either direction, without stopping. TurningtheVolume cont rol knob clockwise inc reasesthe volume,andcounte r-clockwise dec reasesit.When the audio system is turned on, the sound will beset at the samevolumelevel as last played.Tune/ScrollControlto increase orcounte rclockwiseto decrease the radio 1stationfrequenc y.Push the ENTER/BROWSE button tochooseaselection.ScreenCloseThe Red X Soft key at the topright, providesameanstoclosetheDirect Tune Screen.TheDirect Tune Screenalsoauto closes if noactivity occurs within10 seconds.Seek andDirectTuneFunctionsThe Seek Up and Down functions are activated bytouchingthedouble arrow soft -keysto the right and leftof the radio station display, or by pressing the leftSteering Wheel Audio Cont rol(ifequipped)up or down.Seek UpTouchandreleasethe Seek Upsoft -keyto tune the radioto the nextlistenablestation orchannel.During a Seek
44 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALUpfunction,if theradio reachesthestarting stationafterpassing throughtheenti re band two times,theradiowillstop at thestation whe reit began.Fast Seek UpTouch and hold the Seek Up soft -keytoadvance theradiothroughtheavailable stationsorchannelsat afasterrate,the radio stops at the next available station or channelwhen thesoft -keyis released.Seek DownTouch and release the Seek Down soft-key to tune theradio to the nextlistenablestation orchannel. DuringaSeek Down function, if the radio reaches the startingstation afterpassing throughthe entire band two times,the radio will stop at thestation whe reit began.Fast Seek DownTouch and hold the Seek Downsoft -keytoadvancetheradio throughtheavailable stationsorchannelat a fasterrate, the radio stops at  the next available station orchannelwhen thesoft -keyis released.DirectTunePresstheTune soft -key locatedat thebottomof the radioscreen. The Direct Tune soft-key screen is available inAM,FM, andSAT radio modesand can beusedto directtune the radio to adesi red stationor channel.Press theavailable number soft -keyto beginselectingadesired station. Once a number has been entered, anynumbersthat are nolonger possible (stationsthat cannotbereached)willbecome deactivated/grayedout.UndoYou canbackspacean entry bytouchingthebottomleftUndo soft key.GO
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 45Whentouched,the green GO soft keyallowsthe you to You canswitch betweenthe two radiopresetsby touch-commitanentr y,atwhichtime theradiowill tune to theentered station or channel and close the Direct TuneScreen.TheselectedStation orChannel numberisdisplayedinthe Direct Tune text box.Setting PresetsThe Presets are available for all Radio Modes, and areactivated by touching any of the six Preset soft keys,locatedat the top of the screen.When you are receiving a station that you wish tocommit intomemor y,press and hold the desired num-beredsoft -keyfor more that 2secondsor until you hearaconfirmationbeep.The Radio stores up to 12 presets in each of the Radiomodes. Aset of 6presets are visibleatthe topoftheradioscreen.ing the arrow soft key located in the upper right of the 1radio screen.BrowseinAM/FMWhenineitherAM or FM, theBrowse Screen providesameansto edit thePresetsList and isente redby touchingthebrowsesoft key.Scrolling PresetListOnce in the Browse Presets screen, you can scroll thepreset list byrotationof the Tune Knob, or by touchingthe Up andDown arrow keys, locatedon therightof thescreen.Preset Selectionfrom ListA Preset can be selected by touching any of the listedPresets,or bypressingthe ENTER/BROWSE button onthe TuneKnobtoselectthecur rently highlightedPreset.
46 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWhen selected, the radio tunestothe station sto redin thePreset andreturnsto the main radio screen.DeletingPresetsA Preset can bedeletedin thePresets Browsescreen bytouching the Trash Can Icon for the cor respondingPreset.Return to Main Radio ScreenYou can returnto theMain Radio Screen,bytouchingtheX soft key when in theBrowse Presetsscreen.SiriusXM™ Satellite Radio ModeSiriusXM™ Satellite radio uses  di rect satellite -to-receiverbroadcasting technologyto provide clear digital sound,coast to coast. Thesubscriptionserviceprovideris Siri-usXM™ Satellite Radio. This service offers over 130channels of music, sports, news, entertainment, andprogrammingforchild ren, directly fromitssatellitesandbroadcasting studios. A one-year SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadiosubscriptionis included.SiriusXM™and all related marks and logos are trade-marks of SiriusXM™ Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.SiriusXM™ Radio requires a subscription, sold sepa-rately after trialsubscription includedwithvehiclepur-chase. Prices andprogrammingare provided by Siri-usXM™  and are subject to change. Subscriptionsgoverned by Terms&Conditions availableat sirius.com/serviceterms. SiriusXM™Radio U.S. service only avail-able tothoseatleast18yearsof age in the 48 contiguousUnited States, D.C.,and PR.Service availablein Canada;see www.siriuscanada.ca.Thisfunctionalityis onlyavailablefor radios equippedwithaSatellite receive r.Inordertoreceive satelliteradio,the vehicle needs to beoutsidewith a clear view to thesky.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 47If thescreen shows Acquiring Signal,youmighthave to When inSatellitemode:changethevehicle’s positioninordertoreceivea signal.Inmost cases,thesatellite radio doesnotreceivea signalinunde rground parking garagesor tunnels.NoSubscriptionRadios equipped with a Satellite receiver, require asubscriptionto the SiriusService.When the Radio doesnot have thenecessary subscription,theRadiois able toreceivethe Traffic/Weatherchannelonly.Acquiring SiriusXM ™ SubscriptionTo activate the Sirius subscription, call the toll freenumber on the Weatherchannel.You will need to pro-vide the Sirius ID (SID) located at the bottom of theChannel0 screen.The Satellite Mode is activated by a touch of the SATsoft -key.•The SATbuttonishighlightedblue. 1•TheSiriusXM™ Presetsaredisplayedat the top of thescreen.•The Genre isdisplayedbelow thePresetsBar.•TheSiriusXM™ Channel Numberisdisplayedin thecenter.•The Program Informationisdisplayedatthe bottomoftheChannelNumber.•TheSiriusXM™function soft-keys aredisplayedbe-low theProgramInformation.Tuningis done byoperatingthe Tune Knob or by DirectTune,similarto other RadioBands,seePresets,browse,Tune Knob, and Direct Tune.
48 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALInadditionto thetuning Operation functions commontoall Radio modes, the replay, Traffic/Weather Jump, andfavsoft -key functionsareavailableinSiriusXM™Mode.ReplayThe replay function providesameanstosto re andreplayup to 22minutesof music audio and 48minutesof talkradio. Once the channel is switched, content in replaymemoryis lostTouch the replay soft-key.  The play/pause, rewind/forwa rdand livesoft -keyswilldisplayat the top of thescreen,along with thereplaytime.You can exit by touching the replay soft-key, any timeduringtheReplaymode.Play/PauseTouchthePauseor Playsoft -keytopause playingof thecontent at any time that the content is playing live orrewound content. Play canberesumed againby touchingof the Pause/Play soft-key.RewindTouchthe RWsoft -keytorewindthecontentin steps of5 seconds. Touching the RW soft-key for more than 2secondsrewindsthe content. The Radio begins playingthecontentat the point at which the touch is released.ForwardEach touch of the FW soft-keyforwa rdsthe content instepsof 5seconds. Forwa rdingof thecontent can onlybedone when the content is previously rewound, andthe refo re,can not be done for livecontent.A continuoustouch of the FWsoft -keyalsoforwa rdsthecontent.TheRadio begins playing the contentatthe pointatwhichthetouch is release.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 49Fav. Artist While the song is playing to set a FavoriteLiveTouch the Live soft-key to resume playing of Live con-tent.FavoritesTouch the fav. soft-key to activate the favorites menu,which will time out in 5 seconds in absence of userinteraction.You can exit the Favorites Menuby atouchoftheX in thetop right corner.Thefavorites featu re enablesyou to set afavoriteartist,orsong thatiscur rently playing. The Radio then usesthisinformationtoalert you when eitherthefavorite song,orfavorite artistarebeing playedat any time by any of theSIRIUSChannels.Themaximum numberoffavoritesthat can besto redinthe Radio is 50.Artist, touch the fav. soft-key and then the Fav. Artist 1soft -key.Fav. Song While the song is playing to set a FavoriteSong, touch the fav. soft-key and then the Fav Songsoft-key.Traffic & WeatherTouch the Traffic & Weather soft-key to tune to a Siri-usXM™Traffic andWeather channel.To set a Traffic &Weather alert for any oneofthe citiesinthe JumpBrowselist, seeBrowsein SAT.When the Traffic & Weather soft-key is touched, theTraffic&Weather channelis tuned.If the Traffic & Weather alert City is not set, you arepresented with a pop up to allow you to select thefavoritecity using theBrowseScreen.
50 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALBrowse in SATTouch the browse soft-key to edit Presets, Favorites,Game Zone, and Jump settings, along with providingtheSiriusXM™ ChannelList.This Screen contains many sub menus. You can exita submenutoget backto aparent menuby atouchoftheBackArrow.AllTouchthe Allsoft -keyat the left of theBrowseScreen.ChannelListTouch the Channel List to display all the SiriusXM™Channel Numbersalong with thecor respondingGenre.You can scroll theChannellist bytouchingthe up anddown arrows, located on the right side of the screen.Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/ScrollKnob.GenreTouch the Genre button todisplaya list ofGen res.Youcan select any desi red Gen re by touching the Gen re list,atwhich point, the Radio tunes to a channel with thecontentin theselectedGenre.PresetsTouch the Presets soft-key located at the left of theBrowsescreen.You canscrollthePresetslisttouchingthe up and downarrows, located at the right side of the screen. Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/Scroll Knob aswell.PresetSelectionA Preset can be selected by touching any of the listedPresets,or bypressingthe ENTER/BROWSE button onthe TuneKnobtoselectthecur rently highlightedPreset.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 51Whenselected,the Radio tunes to the station stored inthePreset,andreturnsto the main Radio screen.Deletinga PresetA Preset can bedeletedin thePresets Browsescreen bytouching the Trash Can Icon for the cor respondingPreset.FavoritesTouch the Favorites soft-key, located at the left of theBrowsescreen.TheFavorites menu providesameansto Edit the Favor-ites list and toconfigu rethe Alert Settings, along withprovidinga list ofChannels cur rentlyairing any of theitems in theFavoriteslist.You can scroll the Favorites list touching the up anddown arrows, located at the right side of the screen.Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/ScrollKnob as well.Remove FavoritesTouchtheRemove Favoritestab at the top of the screen. 1TouchtheDeleteAllsoft -keytodeleteall of the Favoritesor touch the Trash Can icon next to the Favorite to bedeleted.AlertSettingsTouch the AlertSettingtab at the top of thescreen.TheAlertSettingsmenuallowsyou tochoosefrom a Visualalert or Audible and Visual alert when one of yourfavoritesis airing on any of theSiriusXM™channels.Game ZoneTouch the Game Zonesoft -key, locatedat the left of theBrowse screen. This featu re provides you withthe abilityto selectteams,edit theselection,and set alerts.On Air
52 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouchtheOn -Airtab at the top of thescreen. TheOn-Airlistprovidesa list ofChannels cur rently airing anyof theitemsin theSelectionslist, andtouchingany of the itemsin the list tunes the radio to that channel.Select TeamsTouch the Select Teams soft-key to activate the LeagueScrolllist.Touchthechosen leagueand ascrolllist of allteams withintheleaguewillappea r,then you can selectateambytouchingthecor responding box. A checkmarkappearsfor all teams that are chosen.Remove SelectionTouchtheRemove Selectiontab at the top of the screen.Touch the Delete All soft -keytodelete alloftheSelectionsor touch the Trash Can icon next to theSelectionto bedeleted.AlertSettingsTouch the AlertSettingtab at the top of thescreen.TheAlert Settings menu allows youtochoose from “Alertmetoon-air games upon start”or“Alert upon sco reupdate”or bothwhenone ormo reof yourselectionsisairingonany of theSiriusXM™channels.AudioTouchofthe Audio soft -keytoactivate the Audiosettingsscreen to adjust Balance\Fade, Equalizer, And SpeedAdjustedVolume.You can return to the Radio screen by touching the Xlocatedat the top right.Balance/Fade
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 53Touch the Balance/Fade soft-key to Balance audio be-tween the frontspeakersor fade the audiobetweentherear and front speakers.Touching the Front, Rea r, Left,orRight soft -keysor touchand drag the blue Speaker Icon to adjust the Balance/Fade.Equalizer1Touch the Equalizer soft-key to activate the Equalizerscreen.Touch the + or -soft -keys,or bytouchingand draggingover the level bar for each of theequalizerbands. Thelevelvalue, which spans between±9, isdisplayedat thebottomof each of the Bands.
54 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALSpeed AdjustedVolumeTouch the Speed Adjusted Volume soft -keytoactivatetheSpeed Adjusted Volumescreen.The SpeedAdjusted Volumeisadjustedbytouchingofthe+and-buttonsor bytouching, and dragging overtheLevel Bar This alters the automatic adjustment of theaudio volume with variation to vehicle speed. Volumeincreases automaticallyas speedinc reaseto compensatefornormalroad noise.Surround System(IfEquipped)Touch the On soft -keytoactivate Sur round Sound.TouchOff todeactivatethis feature.When Sur round SoundisOn, you can hear audiocomingfrom every direction as in a movie theatre or hometheat resystem.Media ModeOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – DISC MODEOverviewDisc Mode isente redby eitherinsertinga Disc or touchthe Discsoft -keyon the left side of thedispla y.Once inMedia Mode,touch thesou rce soft -keyand select Disc.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 55A “No Disc”messagewill bedisplayedon thescreeninthe Disc mode when a Disc is notpresentin the Radio.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection on the Disc. Touch and release the left arrowsoft -keyto return to thebeginningof the current selec-tion, orreturnto thebeginningof thepreviousselectionif the Disc is within the first second  of the currentselection.BrowseTouch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.The left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof waysyou can browse through the contents of the Disc. Ifsupported by the device, you can browse by Folders,Artists,Playlists, Albums,Songs, etc. Touch the desiredsoft -keyon the left side of the screen. The center of thebrowse window shows items and it’s sub-functions,which can be scrolled by touching the Up and Downsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob can also be 1used to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.RepeatTouch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function-alit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecurrent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffle
56 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson thecompactdisc inrandomorder toprovidean interestingchangeofpace. Touchthesoft -keyasecondtime to turnthisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowand lines above and below the song title.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS –USB/iPod®MODEOverviewUSB/iPod®Mode is entered by either inserting a USBdeviceoriPod®andcableinto the USB Port ortouchtheiPod®soft-key on the left side of the display. Once inMedia Mode, touchthesou rce soft -keyandselect iPod®.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselectiononthe USBdevice/iPod®. Touch and releasetheleft arrow soft-key to return to the beginning of thecurrent selection, or return to the beginning of theprevious selectionif the USBdevice/iPod®iswithinthefirstsecondof thecur rentselection.BrowseTouch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.The left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof waysyou canbrowse throughthecontentsof the USBdevice/iPod®.Ifsupportedby the device, you can browse byFolders, Artists, Playlists, Albums, Songs,etc. Touch the
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 57desi red soft -keyon the left side of thescreen.The center Touch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson theof the browse window shows items and it’s sub-functions, whichcan bescrolledbytouchingthe Up andDownsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob canalso be used to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.RepeatTouch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function-alit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecur rent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffleUSB/iPod®deviceinrandomorder toprovidean inter- 1esting changeofpace. Touch the soft -keyasecond timetoturn thisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowand lines above and below the song title. When in theTracks List screen you can rotate the TUNE/SCROLLknobtohighlightatrack (indicatedbythe line aboveandbelow the track name)  and then press the ENTER/BROWSEknob to startplayingthat track.
58 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedwill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – AUX MODEOverviewAUXModeisente redbyinsertingan AUXdeviceusinga cable with a 3.5 mm audio jack into the AUX port ortouch the AUX soft-key on the left side of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectAUX.Inserting AuxiliaryDeviceGently insert the Auxiliary device cable into the AUXPort. If you insert anAuxiliarydevice with the ignitionON and theradio ON,theunitwillswitchtoAUXmodeand begin to play when you insert thedevicecable.ControllingtheAuxiliaryDeviceThe control of theauxiliarydevice (e.g.,selectingplay-lists, play, fastforwa rd,etc.) cannot beprovidedby theradio;use thedevice cont rols instead. Adjustthe volumewith the ON/OFF VOLUME rotary knob, or with thevolumeof theattacheddevice.NOTE: Thevehicleradio unit is acting as the amplifierfor audiooutputfrom theAuxiliary device. The refo reifthevolume cont rolonthe Auxiliary deviceis set too low,the re willbeinsu fficient audio signalforthe radio unittoplay the music on the device.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.Audio
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 59Touch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.Refer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – SD CARDMODEOverviewSD Card Mode isente redby eitherinsertinga SD Cardinto the USB Port or touch the SD Cardsoft -keyon theleft side of thedispla y.Once in Media Mode, touch thesou rce soft -keyand select SD Card.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection on the SD Card. Touch and release the leftarrowsoft -keyto return to thebeginningof the current selec-tion, orreturnto thebeginningof thepreviousselectionif the SD Card is within the first second of the currentselection.BrowseThe left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof ways 1you canbrowse throughthecontentsof the SD Card. Ifsupported by the device, you can browse by Folders,Artists,Playlists, Albums,Songs, etc. Touch the desiredsoft -keyon the left side of the screen. The center of thebrowse window shows items and it’ssub -functions,which can be scrolled by touching the Up and Downsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob can also beused to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.Repeat
60 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function-alit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecur rent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffleTouch the shu ffle soft -keytoplay the selectionsontheSDCard device in random order to provide an interestingchangeofpace. Touchthesoft -keyasecondtime to turnthisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowand lines above and below the song title. When in theTracks List screen you can rotate the TUNE/SCROLLknobtohighlightatrack (indicatedbythe line aboveandbelow the track name)  and then press the ENTER/BROWSEknob to startplayingthat track.Touchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedwill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS –Bluetooth®MODEOverviewBluetooth®Streaming Audio (BTSA)orBluetooth®Modeis entered by pairing aBluetooth®device, containingmusic,to theUconnect™ Accesssystem.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 61Before proceeding, theBluetooth®device needs to be Touch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiopai red through Uconnect™ Phoneinorderto communi-cate with theUconnect™ AccessSystem.NOTE: See the pairing procedure in the Uconnect™Phone sectionfor more details.To access Bluetooth®mode, touch the Bluetooth®soft-keyon the left side of the display.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselectionon theBluetooth®device. Touch and releasetheleft arrow soft-key to return to the beginning of thecurrent selection, or return to the beginning of theprevious selectionif theBluetooth®device is within thefirstsecondof thecur rentselection.Sourcesou rce,Disc, USB/iPod®,SDCard,AUX orBluetooth®.1Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList. The currently playing song isindicatedby a bluearrow and lines above and below the song title.Touchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedwill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.
62 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALUconnect™ PhoneUconnect Phone™ OverviewUconnect™ Phone is avoice -activated,hands-free, in-vehiclecommunicationssystem.Uconnect™Phone al-lows you to dial a phone number with your mobilephone.Uconnect™ Phone supportsthefollowingfeatures:VoiceActivated Features:•Hands Free dialing via Voice (“Call John Smiths Mo-bile” or, “Dial 248 555-1212”).•Hands Free text tospeech listeningof your incomingSMSmessages.•HandsFree textmessaging (“Sendamessageto JohnSmiths Mobile”).•Redialinglastdialed numbers(“Redial”).•Calling Back the last incoming call number (“CallBack”).•View Call logs on screen (“Show incoming calls”,“ShowOutgoingcalls”, “Show missed Calls”, “ShowRecentCalls”).•Sea rchingContacts phone number (“Search for JohnSmith Mobile”).Screen ActivatedFeatures•DialingviaKeypadusing touch-screen.•Viewing and Calling contacts fromPhonebooksdis-playedon the touch-screen.•Setting Favorite Contact Phone numbers so the areeasilyaccessibleon the MainPhonescreen.•ViewingandCalling contactsfromRecentCall logs.•Reviewingyour recentIncomingSMS.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 63Uconnect™Phone allows you to transfer calls between•Sendinga textmessagevia the touch-screen.•Listen to Music on your Bluetootht Device via thetouch-screen.•Pairingup to 10 phones/audiodevicesforeasyaccesstoconnectto them quickly.NOTE: Your phone must becapableof SMS messagingviaBluetooth®formessaging featu resto work properly.Your mobilephone’saudio istransmitted throughyourvehicle’s audio system; the system will automaticallymute your radio when using theUconnect™Phone.For Uconnect™ customer support, visit the followingwebsite:•ww w.UconnectPhone.com•or call1–877 –855 –8400the system and your mobile phone as you enter or exit 1your vehicle and enables you to mute the system’smic rophoneforprivate conversation.WARNING!Any voicecommandedsystem should be used onlyinsafe driving conditions andallattention shouldbekept on the roadway ahead. Failure to do so mayresultin anaccident causing serious injuryor death.The Uconnect™  Phone is driven through yourBluetooth®“Hands-Free  Profile” mobile phone.Uconnect™featuresBluetooth®technology- the globalstanda rdthatenables different elect ronic devicesto con-nect to each otherwithout wiresor adocking station,soUconnect™ Phone worksnomatter whe re you stowyourmobilephone (be it your purse,pocket,orbriefcase),aslong as yourphoneisturnedon and has beenpai redto
64 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALthevehicle’s Uconnect™Phone. TheUconnect™Phoneallows up to ten mobile phones or audio devices to belinkedto thesystem.Only onelinked(orpai red)mobilephone and one audio devicecan beused withthe systemat a time. ThesystemisavailableinEnglish, Spanish,orFrenchlanguages.Uconnect™ PhoneButtonThe Uconnect™PhoneButtonisusedto getinto the phone mode and make calls, showrecent,incoming, outgoingcalls, view phone-book etc.,Whenyou press thebuttonyou willhearaBEE P.Thebeepisyour signaltogivea command.Uconnect™ Voice CommandButtonTheUconnect™Voice CommandButtonis only used for “barge in” and when you arealreadyin acall and you wanttosend Tonesormakeanothercall.The button is also used to access the Voice Com-mands for theUconnect™Voice Command features ifyour vehicleisequipped. Please see the Uconnect™VoiceCommand section for direction on how to use thebutton.TheUconnect™ Phoneis fullyintegratedwith the vehi-cle’s audio system.Thevolumeof theUconnect™Phonecan be adjusted either from the radio volume controlknob or from the steering wheel radio control (rightswitch),if so equipped.OperationVoicecommandscan be used tooperatethe Uconnect™Phone and to navigate through theUconnect™Phonemenu structu re. Voice commandsarerequi red aftermostUconnect™ Phone prompts. The rearetwo generalmeth-ods for how VoiceCommandworks:
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 65sayeachpart of thecommand whenyou areaskedfor1. Saycompound commandslike “Call John Smith mo-bile”.2.Saytheindividual commands and allowthesystemtoguide you tocompletethe task.You will bepromptedfor aspecific commandand thenguided throughtheavailableoptions.•Priortogivingavoice command, one must wait forthebeep, which follows the “Listen” prompt or anotherprompt.•For certainoperations, compound commandscan beused. Forexample, insteadof saying “Call” and then“John Smith” and then“mobile”,thefollowingcom-pound command  can be said: “Call John Smithmobile”.•For each featureexplanationin this section, only thecompound commandform of the voicecommandisgiven. You can also break the commands into partsandit. Forexample,you can use thecompoundcommand 1form voicecommand “Sea rchfor JohnSmith”,or youcan break the compound command form into twovoicecommands:“Search Contact” and when asked“John Smith”. Please remembe r, the Uconnect™Phoneworks best when you talk in anormalconversationaltone, as if speaking to someone sitting a fewfeet/metersaway from you.NaturalSpeechYour Uconnect™ Phone Voice system uses a NaturalLanguageVoiceRecognition(VR) engine.Natural speech allows the user to speakcommandsinphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as “ah”and “eh”. The system handles fill-in words such as “Iwouldlike to”.
66 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALThe systemhandles multipleinputs in the same phraseorsentencesuch as “make a phone call” and “to KellySmith”. Formultipleinputs in the same phrase or sen-tence, the system identifies the topic or context andprovidestheassociated follow -up promptsuch as “Whodo youwanttocall?”in the casewhe reaphonecall wasrequestedbut thespecificname was not recognized.Thesystem utilizes continuous dialog;when the systemrequires moreinformationfrom the user it will ask aquestiontowhichtheusercanrespond withoutpressingthe Voice Command button.Voice CommandTreeRefer to“VoiceTree” in this section.Help CommandIf you needassistanceat anyprompt,or if you want toknow your optionsat anyprompt,say“Help”followingthe beep.ToactivatetheUconnect™ Phone from idle, simplypressthe button and say a command or say “help”. AllUconnect™ Phone sessions begin with a press of thebuttonon the radiocont rolhead.Cancel CommandAt anyprompt, afterthebeep,you can say“Cancel”andyou will bereturnedto the main menu.You can also press the or buttons when thesystem islisteningfor acommand andbereturnedto themainor previousmenu.NOTE:Pressingthe orbuttons while the systemisplayingisknownas“Ba rgingIn”,referto“Ba rgeIn —Overriding Prompts”forfurtherinformation.Pair(Link) Uconnect™ PhoneTo AMobilePhoneTo begin using yourUconnect™Phone, you must pairyourcompatible Bluetooth®enabled mobilephone.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 67•If No isselected,touch the“Settings” soft -keyfromTocompletethepairing process,you will need to refer-ence your mobile phone Owner’s Manual. TheUconnect™website may also provide detailed instruc-tions for pairing.NOTE:•You must haveBluetooth®enabledon your phone tocompletethis procedure.•Thevehiclemust be in PARK.1. Press the“Phone” soft -keyon thescreento begin.2. If there is no phone currently connected with thesystem,apop -upwill appear.3. Select Yes to begin the pairing process. Then, searchfor available  devices on yourBluetooth®enabledmobile phone. Whenpromptedon the phone, enterthe name and PIN shown on theUconnectTouch™screen.theUconnect™ Phonemain screen, 1•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®enabled mobile phone. When prompted  on thephone,  enter the name and PIN shown on theUconnect Touch™screen,•See Step 4 tocompletethe process.4.Uconnect™Phone willdisplayan inprogressscreenwhile thesystemis connecting.5.Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthis is your favorite phone. Selecting Yes will makethis phone the highest priority. This phone will takeprecedenceover otherpai red phones withinrange.
68 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALPairAdditional MobilePhones•Touch the “Settings” soft-key from the Phone mainscreen,•Next, touch the“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®en-abled mobile phone. Whenpromptedon the phone,enter the name and PIN shown  on the UconnectTouch™screen,•Uconnect™Phone will display an in process screenwhile thesystemis connecting,•Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthisisyour favorite phone. Selecting Yes will makethisphone the highest priority. This phone will take pre-cedenceover otherpai red phones withinrange.NOTE: For phones which are not made a favorite, thephone priorityisdeterminedbythe o rderinwhichit waspaired. The latest phone paired will have the higherpriority.You can also use the following VR commandstobringupthePaired Phone screenfrom anyscreenon the radio:
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 69•Uconnect™Phone will display an in process screen•“Show Pai red Phones”or•“ConnectMy Phone”Pair ABluetooth®Streaming AudioDevice•Touchthe“Player”or“Media” soft -keyto begin,•ChangetheSou rcetoBluetooth®,•Touchthe“Bluetooth®” soft -keytodisplaythe PairedAudio Devicesscreen,•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,NOTE: Ifthe reis nodevice cur rently connected withthesystem,apop -upwill appear.•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®en-abled audio device. When prompted on the device,enter the name and PIN shown  on the UconnectTouch™screen,while thesystemis connecting, 1•Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthis is your favorite device. Selecting Yes will makethis device the highest priority. This device will takeprecedenceover otherpai red devices withinrange.NOTE: For devices which are not made a favorite, thedevice priorityisdetermined by the orderinwhichit waspaired. The latest device paired will have the higherpriority.You can also use thefollowingVRcommandtobringupa list ofpairedaudio devices.•“Show Pai red AudioDevices”
70 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALConnectingTo A ParticularMobile PhoneOrAudioDeviceUconnect™ Phone will automatically connect to thehighest priority  paired phone and/or Audio Devicewithin range. If you would need to choose a particularphoneorAudio Device followthese steps:•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touch to select the particular Phone or the “PairedAudio Sou rces” soft -keyand then anAudio Device,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.DisconnectingAPhoneorAudio Device•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the devicename,•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touchthe“Disconnect Device”soft-key,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.DeletingAPhoneOrAudioDevice•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•TouchthePhone/Bluetooth®soft-key,•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the devicename for adifferentPhone or Audio Device than thecur rently connecteddevice,•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touchthe“Delete Device”soft-key,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 71phonebook. Specific Bluetooth®Phones with PhoneBookMakingAPhoneOrAudio DeviceA Favorite•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the devicename,•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touch the “MakeFavorite” soft -key;you will see thechosen devicemove to the top of the list,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.Phonebook Download—Automatic PhonebookTransfer From Mobile PhoneIfequippedandspecifically supportedby your phone,Uconnect™  Phone  automatically  downloads  names(textnames) and number entries from the mobile phone’sAccess Profilemaysupportthisfeatu re.See Uconnect™ 1websiteforsupportedphones.•To call aname fromadownloaded mobilephonebook,follow the procedure in “Call by Saying a Name”section.•Automatic download and update,ifsupported,beginsassoonas theBluetooth®wi reless phone connectionismadeto theUconnect™ Phone,forexample, afteryoustart the vehicle.•Amaximumof 1000entriesper phone will be down-loadedandupdatedevery time a phone is connectedto theUconnect™Phone.•Dependingon themaximum numberofentriesdown-loaded, there may be a short delay before the latest
72 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALdownloadednames can be used. Until then, if avail-able, thepreviously downloaded phonebookis avail-able for use.•Only the phonebookofthe cur rently connectedmobilephoneis accessible.•This downloaded phonebook cannot be edited ordeleted on theUconnect™Phone. These can only beedited on the mobile phone. The changes are trans-ferred andupdatedtoUconnect™Phone on the nextphoneconnection.Managing YourFavorite PhonebookThere are three ways you can add an entry to yourFavoritePhonebook.1.Duringan active call of anumberto make a favorite,touch and hold a favorite button on the top of thephonemain screen.2. After loading the mobile phonebook, select phone-book from the Phone main screen, then select theapp ropriate numbe r.Touch the + next to the selectednumbertodisplaytheoptions pop -up.In the pop-upselect “Add to Favorites”.NOTE: If theFavoriteslist is full, you will be asked toremoveanexistingfavorite.3.FromthePhonemainscreen, select phonebook.Fromthephonebookscreen, select the“Favorites”soft-keyand then select the+soft -key locatedtothe rightof thephonebookrecord. Select an empty entry and touchthe + onthat selected entr y. WhentheOptionspop-upappears,touch “Add fromMobile”.You will then beasked which contactandnumbertochoose fromyourmobilephonebook.Whencompletethe new favoritewill be shown.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 73Forexample,if yourmobile serviceplanprovidesthree-ToRemoveA Favorite•To remove a Favorite, select phonebook from thePhonemain screen.•Nextselect Favoriteson the left side of thescreenandthen touch the +Optionssoft-key.•Touch the +  next to the Favorite you would like toremove.•The Options pop -up will displa y, touch “RemovefromFavs”.Phone Call FeaturesThe following features can be accessed through theUconnect™ Phone if the feature(s) are available andsupported byBluetooth®on your mobile service plan.way calling, this feature can be accessed through the 1Uconnect™ Phone. Checkwith yourmobile servicepro-vider for thefeatu resthat you have.Ways To Initiate APhoneCallListed below areallthe ways you can initiateaphonecallwithUconnect™Phone.•Redial•Dial bytouchingin the number•Voice Commands (Dial by Saying a Name, Call bySayingaPhonebook Name, Redial,or CallBack)•FavoritePhonebook•MobilePhonebook•RecentCall Log•SMSMessageViewer
74 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: All of theabove operations except Redialcan bedone with 1 call or less active.Dial BySayingA Number•Press thebuttonto begin,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Dial 248-555-1212”,•TheUconnect™Phone will dial thenumber248-555-1212.Call BySayingAPhonebookName•Press thebuttonto begin,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Call John Doe Mobile”,•The Uconnect™ Phone will dial the numberassociatedwith John Doe,or iftherearemultiple numbersit willask whichnumberyou want to call for John Doe.Call ControlsThetouch -screen allowsyou tocont rolthefollowingcallfeatures:•Answer•End•Ignore•Hold/unhold•Mute/unmute•Transferthe call to/from the phone•Swap 2 active calls•Join 2 active calls together
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 75•MissedCallsTouch -Tone NumberEntry•Touchthe“Phone”soft-key,•Touchthe“Dial”soft-key,•TheTouch -Tone screenwill be displayed,•Use thenumbe red soft -keysto enter thenumberandtouch “Call”.Tosendatouch tone using Voice Recognition (VR),pressthebuttonwhile in a call and say “Send 1234#” oryou can say “Send Voicemail Password” if Voicemailpasswo rdissto redin yourmobilephonebook.RecentCallsYou may browse upto 34 ofthe most recentofeachof thefollowingcall types:•IncomingCalls•OutgoingCalls•All Calls 1These can be accessed by touching the “recent calls”soft -keyon thePhonemain screen.You can also press the button and say “Show myincomingcalls” from any screen and theIncomingcallswill be displayed.You can also press the button and say “Show myrecent calls” fromanyscreenandtheAllcalls screenwillbe displayed.NOTE:Incomingcan also bereplaced with“Outgoing”,“Recent”or “Missed”.
76 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALAnswerOrIgno re An IncomingCall — No CallCur rentlyIn Prog ressWhen you receive a call on your mobile phone, theUconnect™Phone willinter ruptthe vehicle audio sys-tem, if on, and will ask if you would like toanswerthecall. Press thebuttontoacceptthe call. Toigno rethecall, touchthe“Igno re” soft -keyon thetouch -screen.Youcan also touch the“answer” soft -keyor touch the callerID box.AnswerOrIgno re An IncomingCall — CallCur rentlyIn Prog ressIf a call is currently in progress and you have anotherincomingcall, you will hear the samenetworktones forcall waiting that you normally hear when using yourmobile phone. Press the phone button, answersoft -keyorcallerID box toplacethecur rentcall on hold andanswertheincomingcall.NOTE:The Uconnect™ Phone compatible phonesin themarket today do notsupport rejectinganincomingcallwhenanothercall is inprog ress. The refo re,the user canonlyansweranincomingcall origno reit.MakingASecondCallWhile Cur rentCall Is InProg ressTo make asecondcall while you arecurrentlyon a call,press thebuttonand say“Dial”or“Call” followedby the phone number orphonebookentry you wishtocall.The first call will be onhold whilethesecondcall isinprogress.Or you can place a call on hold by touchingthe Holdsoft -keyon thePhonemainscreen,then dial anumber from the dialpad, recent calls, SMS Inboxor fromthe phonebooks. To go back to the first call, refer to“Toggling Between Calls”inthis section.Tocombinetwocalls, refer to “Join Calls” in this section.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 77terminatedand if there is a call on hold, it will becomePlace/RetrieveA CallFromHoldDuring an active call, touch the “Hold”soft -keyon thePhonemain screen.Toggling BetweenCallsIf two calls are inprogress(oneactiveand one on hold),touch the “Swap” soft-key on the Phone main screen.Only one call can beplacedon hold at a time.You can also press the button to togglebetweentheactive and heldphonecall.Join CallsWhen two calls are in progress (one active and one onhold), touchthe “JoinCalls” soft -keyon thePhonemainscreentocombineall calls into aConfe renceCall.CallTerminationTo end a call inprogress, momentarilypress the but-ton or the end soft-key. Only the active call(s) will bethe newactivecall. If theactivecall isterminatedby the 1far end, a call on hold may notbecomeactive automati-cally. This is cellphone -dependent.Redial•Press the“Redial”soft-key,•or press the and after the“Listening” prompt andthe followingbeep, say “Redial”,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Redial”,•TheUconnect™Phone will call the last number thatwasdialedfrom yourmobilephone.CallContinuationCall continuationisthe p rogressionof aphone callon theUconnect™ Phone afterthevehicle ignitionkey has beenswitchedto OFF.
78 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: The call will remain within the vehicle audiosystem until the phone becomes out of range for theBluetooth®connection.It isrecommendedto press the“transfer” soft -keywhenleavingthe vehicle.Uconnect™ Phone FeaturesRoadside AssistanceIf you needtowing assistance:•Press thebuttonto begin.•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say“RoadsideAssistance”.NOTE:•Theroadside assistancecall may also be initiated bytouch.•Theroadside assistance number dialedisbasedon thecountry where the vehicle is purchased (1-800-528-2069 for the U.S.,1-877 -213 -4525for Canada, 55-14-3454 for Mexico City and1-800 -712 -3040for outsideMexico City in Mexico). Please refer to the ChryslerGroup LLC24-Hour “Roadside Assistance”coveragedetailsinthe Warranty Information Booklet andon the24–Hour Roadside AssistanceCard.VoiceMailCallingTolearn howtoaccess your voice mail, referto “WorkingwithAutomatedSystems”.WorkingWithAutomated SystemsThis methodisusedininstances whe re one generallyhasto press numbers on the mobile phone keypad whilenavigating throughanautomated telephonesystem.You can use yourUconnect™Phone to access a voicemail system or anautomatedservice, such as a paging
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 79service or automated customer service line. Some ser-vices require immediate response selection. In someinstances,  that may be too quick for use of theUconnect™Phone.When callinganumber with your Uconnect™ Phonethatnormally requi resyou to enter in atouch -tonesequenceon your mobile phone keypad,  you can utilize thetouch -screenor press the button and say the word“Send” then the sequence you wishtoente r. Forexample,ifrequi redtoenter your PIN followed withapound,(3 74 6 #), you canpressthebuttonand say,“Send3 7 46 #”.Saying “Send” followed byanumbe r,orsequenceofnumbers, is also to be used fornavigatingthrough anautomated customerservice center menustructu re,andto leave anumberon a pager.You can also send stored mobilephonebookentries astones for fast and easy access to voice mail and pagerentries.Forexample,if youpreviously createda Phone-book entry with First and/or Last Name as “Voicemail 1Passwo rd”,then if you press the button and say“SendVoicemail Passwo rd”theUconnect™Phone willthen send thecor respondingphone number associatedwith thephonebookentry, as tones over the phone.NOTE:•The firstnumber encounte redfor thatcontactwill besent.Allother numbers ente redforthat contact willbeignored.•You maynothearall of thetonesdue tomobilephonenetwork configurations.This is normal.•Some paging and voice mail systems have systemtimeoutsettingsthat are too short and may not allow theuse of this feature.
80 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Pauses,wait orother charactersthat aresupportedbysome phones are not supported overBluetooth®.These additional symbols will be igno redinthedialinganumbe redsequence.Ba rgeIn —OverridingPromptsThebuttoncan beused whenyouwishto skippartof aprompt and issue your voice command immediatel y.Forexample,if apromptisasking “The reare 2 numberswith the name John. Say the fullname”you could pressthe button and say, “John Smith” to select thatoption without having to listen to the rest of the voiceprompt.Voice Response LengthIt is possible for you to choose between Brief andDetailedVoiceResponseLength.•Touch the “More” soft-key (where available), thentouch the“Settings”soft-key,•Touch the “Display” soft -key, then scroll downto VoiceResponseLength,•Select either “Brief”or“Detailed”bytouchingthe boxnext to the selection. A check-mark will appear toshow your selection.Phone And NetworkStatusIndicatorsUconnect™ Phone will provide notification to informyou of your phone and network status when you areattempting to make a phone call using Uconnect™Phone. The status is given for network signal strengthandphone batterystrength.Dialing Using The Mobile Phone KeypadWARNING!Your newvehiclehas manyfeaturesfor the comfort(Continued)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 81WARNING! (Continued)andconvenienceof you and yourpassengers.Someof these should not be used when driving becausethey take your eyes from the road or your attentionfrom driving. Never dial using the mobile phonekeypadwhile driving.You can dial a phone number with your mobile phonekeypad and still use the Uconnect™ Phone (whiledialingvia the mobile phone keypad, the user must exercisecaution and take precautionary safety measures). Bydialing a number with your pairedBluetooth®mobilephone, the audio will be playedthroughyour vehicle’saudio system. The Uconnect™ Phone will workthe sameas if you dial thenumberusing voice a command.NOTE:Certain brandsofmobile phonesdonot sendthedial ringtothe Uconnect™ Phonetoplayiton thevehicle 1audio system, so you will not hear it. Under this situa-tion, after successfully dialinganumber the user mayfeelthatthe call did not gothrough even thoughthe call is inprogress.Once your call isanswe red,you will hear theaudio.Mute/Un -Mute (Mute ON/OFF)When you mute theUconnect™ Phone,you will still beable to hear the conversation coming from the otherpart y,but theother partywill not be able to hear you. Inorder to mute theUconnect™Phone simply touch theMutebuttonon thePhonemain screen.Advanced Phone ConnectivityTransferCall ToAnd From Mobile PhoneTheUconnect™Phoneallows ongoingcalls to be trans-ferred from your mobile phoneto theUconnect™Phone
82 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALwithout terminatingthe call. Totransferanongoingcallfrom your pai red mobile phoneto theUconnect™Phoneor vice versa, press the Transfer button on the Phonemain screen.ConnectOrDisconnect Link Between The Uconnect™Phone And MobilePhoneIfyou would liketoconnectordisconnect the Bluetooth®connectionbetween aUconnect™Phone paired mobilephone andtheUconnect™ Phone, followthe instructionsdescribedin yourmobile phone User’sManual.Things You Should Know About Your Uconnect™PhoneVoice Command•For bestperformance,adjust the rearview mirror toprovideatleast½ in (1 cm) gapbetweenthe overheadconsole(ifequipped)and the mirror.•Alwayswait for the beepbefo respeaking.•Speaknormall y,without pausing, just as you wouldspeakto aperson sittinga few feet/metersawayfromyou.•Make sure that no one other than you is speakingduringa voicecommandperiod.•Performanceismaximized under:•low -to-medium blowersetting,•low -to-medium vehiclespeed,•low road noise,•smoothroad surface,•fullyclosedwindows,•dryweathercondition.•Even though the systemisdesigned for usersspeakingin NorthAmericanEnglish, French, and Spanish ac-cents, thesystemmay notalwayswork for some.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 83•Whennavigating throughanautomatedsystem suchasvoice mail,orwhen sendingapage, befo respeakingthe digitstring,make sure to say “Send”.•It isrecommended that youdonot sto re namesin yourfavorites phonebookwhile thevehicleis in motion.•Phonebook(Mobile andFavorites)name recognitionrate isoptimizedwhen theentriesare not similar.•You can say “O” (letter “O”) for “0” (zero).•Even thoughinternationaldialing for most numbercombinations is supported, some shortcut dialingnumber combinationsmay not be supported.•In aconvertiblevehicle, systemperformancemay becomp romisedwith theconvertibletop down.FarEnd AudioPerformance•Audio qualityismaximizedunder:•low -to-medium blower setting,•low -to-medium vehiclespeed,•low road noise, 1•smoothroad surface,•fullyclosedwindows,•dryweather conditions,and•operationfrom thedriver’sseat.•Performance, suchasaudio clarit y, echo, andloudnessto a largedeg reerely on thephoneandnetwork,andnot theUconnect™Phone.•Echo at the far end can sometimes be reduced byloweringthein-vehicleaudio volume.•In aconvertiblevehicle, systemperformancemay becomp romisedwith theconvertibletop down.SMSUconnect™Phone can read or send new messages onyour phone.
84 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYourphonemustsupportSMS overBluetooth®in orderto use thisfeatu re.If theUconnect™Phone determinesyourphoneis notcompatiblewith SMSmessagingoverBluetooth®the“Messaging”button will be greyed outand thefeatu rewill not beavailablefor use.NOTE:Uconnect™Phone SMS is only available whenthevehicleis not in moving.ReadMessages:If you receive a new textmessagewhile your phone isconnectedtoUconnect™Phone, anannouncementwillbemadetonotifyyou that youhaveanewtext message.Once a message is received and viewed or listened to,you will have thefollowingoptions:•Send a Reply•Forwa rd•CallSendMessagesUsing Soft-Keys:You can send messages using Uconnect™ Phone.To senda new message:•Touchthe“Phone”soft-key,•Touchthe“messaging” soft -key then “NewMessage”,•Touch one of the 18 presetmessagesand the personyou wish to send themessageto,•Ifmultiple numbersareavailablefor thecontactselectwhich number you would like to have the messagesent,•Press“Send”or “Cancel”.SendMessagesUsing Voice Commands:•Press the button,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Sendmessageto John Smith mobile”,
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 85•After the systempromptsyou for whatmessageyou 7. I’m on my way.wanttosend,say themessage you wishtosendor say“List”.There are 18 preset messages.While the listofdefined messages are being read, youcaninterrupt the system by pressing the button andsayingthemessageyou want to send.After the system confirms that you want to send yourmessageto JohnSmith,yourmessagewill be sent.List of PresetMessages:1. Yes.2. No.3. Okay.4. I can’t talk right now.5. Call me.6. I’ll call you later.8. Thanks. 19. I’ll be late.10. I will be <number>minuteslate.11. See you in <number> minutes.12. Stuck in traffic.13. Startwithoutme.14.Whe reare you?15. Are you there yet?16. I need directions.17. I’m lost.18. See you later.
86 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALBluetooth®CommunicationLinkMobile phones have been foundtolose connectionto theUconnect™Phone. When this happens, the connectioncan generally bereestablishedby switching the phoneOFF/ON.Your mobile phoneisrecommendedto remaininBluetooth®ON mode.Power -UpAfterswitchingtheignitionkey from OFF to either theON or ACC position, or after a language change, youmust wait at least 15secondsprior to using the system.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 87VoiceTree1
88 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:•You canreplace“JohnSmith”with any name in yourmobileorfavorite phone book. Youcanalsosay “SendamessagetoJohn Smith”and thesystemwill ask youwhich phonenumberyou want to send amessagetofor John Smith.•You can replace “Mobile” with “Home”, “Work” or“Other”.•You can replace “Incoming Calls” with “OutgoingCalls” or“MissedCalls”.•You can replace “248 555 1212” with any phonenumber supportedby yourMobilephone.•These commands canbeused duringaphone callafterpushing theUconnect™Voice Command button onthesteering wheel.Please note the call will be mutedwhile the VRsessionis active.•Send dial tones for automated systems is availablewhile a call is active. This is an example that uses aPhonebook Reco rd named “VoicemailPassword.”•Storing Dial tonesincontact namesispossible butonlythefirst number encounte redin acontact name willbesent. For example if there is a number stored in theHome and Worknumbersfor the contact “Voicemailpasswo rd”only the Homenumberwill be sent•If yourphonedoes notsupport phonebookdownloador call logdownloadoverBluetooththan these com-mandswillreturnaresponsethat thecontact doesnotexist in the phonebook.•Emergency and Towing assistance are contacts thathave beenpre-loadedin thephonebooks.Commandssuch as “CallEme rgency”and “Call Towing Assis-tance”will call thecor responding number sto redwiththose contacts.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 89NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andunderlinedin the grayshadedboxes. 1
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 91•You canreplace“4” with anymessage numbershownNOTE:•You canreplace“JohnSmith”with any name in yourmobileorfavorite phone book. Youcanalsosay “SendamessagetoJohn Smith”and thesystemwill ask youwhich phonenumberyou want to send amessagetofor John Smith.•You can replace “Mobile” with “Home”, “Work” or“Other”.•You can replace “Incoming Calls” with “OutgoingCalls” or“MissedCalls”.•Messaging commandsonly work if theUconnectsys-tem is equipped with this feature and the mobilephone supports messagingover Bluetooth.•You can replace “248 555 1212” with any phonenumber supportedby yourMobilephone.on the screen. 1•If yourphonedoes notsupport phonebookdownloador call logdownloadoverBluetooththan these com-mandswillreturnaresponsethat thecontact doesnotexist in the phonebook.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 93NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in bold Uconnect™ Voice Commandface andunderlinedin the grayshadedboxes. Voice Command Overview 1The Uconnect™ Voice Command system al-lows you tocont rol yourAM, FMradio,satel-literadio,discplaye r,SDCard,USB/iPod andSiriusTravelLink.NOTE: Take care to speak into the Voice Commandsystemascalmlyandnormallyaspossible.Theabilityofthe Voice Command system to recognize user voicecommands maybenegatively affectedbyrapidspeakingor a raised voice level.WARNING!ALWAYS drive safely with your handson thewheel.You have fullresponsibilityand assume allrisks(Continued)
94 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWARNING!(Continued)related to the use of the Uconnect™ features andapplications in this vehicle. Only use Uconnect™whenit issafeto do so.Failureto do somay resultinanaccident involving serious injuryor death.When you press the Uconnect™ Voice Commandbutton, you will hearabeep. The beepisyour signalto give a command.If nocommandisspokenthesystemwill say one of tworesponses:•I didn’tunderstand•I didn’t get that, etc.,If acommandis not spoken a second time, the systemwill respond with an error and give some direction aswhat can be said based on thecontextyou are in. Afterthreeconsecutive failu resof aspoken commandthe VRsessionwith end.Pressing the Uconnect™ Voice Command buttonwhile the system isspeakingis known as“ba rgingin.”The system will beinter rupted,and after the beep, youcan say acommand.This willbecome helpfulonce youstart to learn the options.NOTE: At any time, you can say thewo rds “Cancel”or“Help”.These commands are universal and canbeused fromanymenu.Allother commandscan beused dependinguponthe active application.When usingthissystem,youshould speak clearlyand atanormal speakingvolume.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 95The system will bestrecognizeyour speech if the win- Smith”. Formultipleinputs in the same phrase or sen-dows are closed, and the heater/airconditioningfan isset to low.At any point,ifthe system does not recognize oneof yourcommands,you will bepromptedtorepeatit.Tohear available commands, presstheUconnect™VoiceCommand button and say “Help”. You will hearavailable commandsfor thescreendisplayed.NaturalSpeechNatural speech allows the user to speakcommandsinphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as “ah”and “eh”. The system handles fill-in words such as “Iwouldlike to”.The systemhandles multipleinputs in the same phraseorsentencesuch as “make a phone call” and “to Kellytence, the system identifies the topic or context and 1providestheassociated follow -up promptsuch as “Whodo youwanttocall?”in the casewhe reaphonecall wasrequestedbut thespecificname was not recognized.Thesystem utilizes continuous dialog;when the systemrequires moreinformationfrom the user it will ask aquestiontowhichtheusercanrespond withoutpressingtheUconnect™Voice Command button.Uconnect™ Voice CommandsThe Uconnect™ Voice Command system understandstwo types ofcommands. Universal commandsare avail-able at all times. Local commands are available if thesupportedradio mode is active.Start adialoguebypressingtheUconnect™Voice Com-mand button.
96 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALChangingtheVolume1. Start a dialogue by pressing the Voice Commandbutton.2. Say acommand(e.g., “Help”).3. Use the ON/OFFVOLUME rotaryknob toadjustthevolume to acomfortablelevel while the Voice Com-mand system is speaking. Please note the volumesettingforVoice Commandisdifferent thanthe audiosystem.Starting Voice Recognition (VR) SessioninRadio/Player ModesIn thismode,you can say thefollowingcommands:NOTE: Thecommandscan be said on anyscreenwhena call is not active after pushing theUconnect™VoiceCommand button.DiscToswitchto thedisc mode,say“Change sou rceto Disc”.Thiscommandcan be given in any mode or screen:•“Track”(#) (tochangethe track)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 97VoiceTree1
98 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:1. You canreplace“950 AM” with anyotherAM or FMfrequenc y,such as “98.7 FM”.2. You can replace “80’s on 8” with any other satellitestationnamereceivedby the radio.3. You can replace “8” with any other satellite stationnamed receivedby the radio.4. You canreplace “rock”with any of thesatellitemusictypes.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
100 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:1.You can replacethealbum, artist, song, gen re,playlist,podcastand audio booknameswith any correspond-ingnameson thecur rent devicethat is playing.2. You canreplace“8” with any track on the CD that iscurrently playing.Commandis only available whenCD is playing.3.Playlist, Podcastand audio bookcommandsare onlyavailablewhen the iPod isconnectedand playing.4. VRcommands, Albums, Artists,andGen re namesarebased on the musicdatabase providedby Gracenote.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
102 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:1. You canreplace “NFL” withanyleague shownon thesports league screen.Forexampleyou can say “ShowMLBheadlines”or“Show PGAheadlines”.2. You can replace“Headlines”with any menu itemsshown on a league screen. Forexampleyou can say“Show NFL Schedule and results” or “Show NCAABasketball AP top 25”or“Show Major LeagueBaseballTeams”.3. You can also say “ShowCur rent Weather”or “Showextended weather” or “Show five day forecast” or“Showski info” to get other forecasts.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
104 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:1. OnlyavailablewithNavigation equippedvehicles.2. You canreplace “Player” with “Radio”, “Navigation”,“Phone”, “Climate”, “Mo re”or “Settings”.3. Navigation commands only work if equipped withNavigation.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
106 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:1. You can also say “Find City”, “FindFavorite”,“FindPlay by Category”, “Find Play by Name”, “FindRecently Found”, “Whe reto?” or “Go Home”.2.You can say “Find Nea rest” then “Restaurant”,“Fuel”,“Transit”, “Lodging”, “Shopping”, “Bank”, “Enter-tainment”, “Recreation”, “Attractions”,  “Commu-nity”, “AutoServices”, “Hospitals”, “Parking”,“Air-port”, “Police Stations”, “Fire Stations”, or “AutoDealers”.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.NavigationNavigation Registration (Uconnect™ 8.4A Only)Uconnect™ 8.4Ais aNavigation -ready system,see yourauthorized dealerfor detailsGetting StartedToaccesstheNavigation system, touchthe Nav soft-keyonbottomof the screen.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 107•TouchEme rgencyto search forHospitals,Police andMain Menu•Touch Whe reTo? to find or route to a destination.•TouchView Map to view the map.•TouchInformationto view Traffic,Whe reAm I? andTripComputerinformationFireStationsnear yourcur rent location.You can also 1display your cur rent location and save anyEmergencyfacility locationto your Favorites.•TouchStop to stop a route.•TouchDetourtodetoura route.Where To?
108 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALFromthe NavMain Menu, touchtheWhe reTo? soft-keyand select one of the following methods to program aroute guidance.NOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Add ressTouch this soft -keytosea rch byastreet add ressor a streetname with house number.•RecentTouch this soft -keytoaccess previously routedaddressesor locations.•Point ofInte restTouchthissoft -key whenyouwanttorouteto apointofinterest. The Point of Interest database allows you toselect adestinationfrom a list of locations and publicplaces,orpointsofinte rest(POI).•FavoritesTouchthissoft -keytoaccess previously savedaddressesor locations.•IntersectionTouch this soft-key to enter in two street names as adestination.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 109•GoHomeTouchthissoft -keytoprogramorconfirma route to thesaved home address.•GEO CoordinatesTouchthissoft -keyto route to a GEOCoo rdinate.A geocoo rdinateis acoo rdinateused ingeograph y.You candeterminea geocoo rdinatewith the help of a handheldGPSreceive r,a map, or thenavigationsystem.•Point on MapTouch this soft-key to select adestinationdirectly fromthe Map screen.Byselectingastreet segmentoricon,youcanquickly enteradestination withouttheneedto inputthe city name or street.•CityCenterTouch this soft-key to route to a particular city. Thenavigationsystem willcalculatea route with the desti- 1nationat the center of the city.•ClosestCityTouchthissoft -keytorouteto anearbycity. The naviga-tionsystemwillcalculatea route with thedestinationatthe center of thenearbycity.•Phone NumberTouch this soft-key to route to a location or point ofinte restby the phone number.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – AddressTo enter adestinationbyAdd ress, followthese steps:
110 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL1. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -keyand then touch theAdd resssoft-key.NOTE: To change the state and/or country, touch thestate, country soft -keyandfollowthepromptsto changethe state and/or country.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 1112. Touch Spell City or Spell Street to beginenteringtheadd ressof your destination.If you touch Spell City, you will have to enter andselect/touch the desired city name, followed by thedesi redstreet name and lastly the house number.If you touch Spell Street, you will have to enter andselect/touch thedesi red street namein thecor rectcityand then you will have to enter the house number 13. Once the correct City, Street and Number has beenente red, you willbeaskedtoconfirm yourdestinationbytouchingOK.4.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.
112 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectanAdd ress,thesystemwill ask you tochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – RecentTorouteto arecent destination, touch the Recentsoft-keyin the NAV Main Menu.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 113Touchthesoft -keywith thenameof thedesi reddestina-tion. Confirm  the route with Yes to start the routeguidance.To delete adestinationfrom the list, touch the trash canicon soft-key.1To display the options foradestination touch theOptionssoft -keythat looks like a gear.Thefollowing Optionsareavailableforeachdestination:•Edit Name•AddPhoneNumber
114 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Move Up in the list•Move Down in the list•Place Pin on thelocation(saves the spot on the list)NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Point of InterestToenteradestinationbyPointofInte rest (POI) touchthePoint ofInte rest soft -keyin the Nav Main Menu.The Point of Interest database allows you to select adestinationfrom a list oflocationsand publicplaces,orpointsofinte rest(POI)s.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 115You have thefollowingPOIs tochoosefrom:•Gas Stations•Restaurants•Hotels/Motels•ATM/Banking•All POIs•Spell POI Name 1You can also change your POI search area, by touchingthe Change Search Area soft-key. You will have thefollowing optionstochangeyoursea rcharea:•AroundMe
116 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•In a City•Near Destination (only available during routeguidance)•Along Route (onlyavailable duringroute guidance)NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI – Gas StationsTo select a GasStationPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch the GasStationssoft-key. You cansea rchfor a gasstationby thefollowingcatego-ries, which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen.•Name•Distance•Type
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 117•ABC (Search)Touch thedesi redGasStationand touch Yes to confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectagas station,thesystem will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –RestaurantsTo select aRestaurantPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch theRestaurantssoft-key.You cansea rchfor arestaurantsby thefollowingcatego-ries, which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen. 1•Name•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touch the desiredRestaurantand touch Yes to confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaRestaurant, the system will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestination
118 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –Hotels/MotelsTo select a Hotel or Motel POI, touch Point of Interestfrom the Nav Main Menu, then touch the Pointof Interestsoft -keyand then touch the Hotels/Motels soft-key.You can search for a hotel or motel by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touch the desi red hotelormotel and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaHotelorMotel,thesystem willaskyouto chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –ATM/BankingTo select an ATM or Bank POI, touch Point of Interestfrom the Nav Main Menu, then touch the Pointof Interestsoft -keyand then touch the ATM/Banking soft-key.You can search for an ATM or Bank by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 119•NameAll POIs•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touchthedesi red ATMorBank and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect an ATM or Bank POI, the system will ask you tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.1ToselectaPOI type, touch PointofInte rest fromthe NavMain Menu, then touchthePointofInte rest soft -keyandthentouchAll POIs soft-key.You can search through theavailablePOIcategoriestofind yourdesi redPOI.
120 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTheavailable categoriesare:•ATM/Banking•Automotive•CoffeeShops•Community•Entertainment•Gas Stations•Healthand Beauty•HighwayExit•Hospital•Hotels/Motels•Other•Parking•Rec reation•Restaurants•Shopping•Travel•TruckSelect acategoryand then select asubcategoryif neces-sar y. TouchtheABC soft -keytoactivateakeyboa rdwithAlphabetic charactersin order to search within the POIcategories.Touch the desired POI and touch Yes to confirm thedestination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPOI,thesystemwill ask you tochooseone of thefollowing:•Cancel previousroute
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 121•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –Spell NameTosearchfor aspecificPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch the Spell Name soft-key.Akeyboa rdwill appear on the screen. Type in the POIthat you want to search and touch the List soft-key todisplay availableitems.Touch the desired POI and touch Yes to confirm thedestination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPOI,thesystemwill ask you tochooseone of thefollowing:•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination 1•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Favorite DestinationsTo route to a favoritedestination,touch the Favoritessoft -keyin the NAV Main Menu.
122 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouchthesoft -keywith thenameof thedesi redfavoritedestinationand confirm the route with Yes to start theroute guidance.To delete adestinationfrom the list, touch the trash canicon soft-key.To save a favoritedestination,touch the Add Favoritesoft -keyandfollowthe steps to route a destination.Todisplay the optionsfor afavorite destination touchtheOptions soft -keythat looks like a gear.The following Options are available for each favoritedestination:•Edit Name•Add Phone NumberNOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaFavorite, the system will ask youtochoose oneofthe following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestination
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 123You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – IntersectionToenteradestinationbyIntersection, follow thesesteps:1. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -keyand then touch theIntersection soft -ke y.1This menu shows the default country and state setting.NOTE: To change the state and/or country, touch thestate, country soft -keyandfollowthepromptsto changethe state and/or country.
124 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALselect/touch thedesi red street namein thecor rectcity2. This menu shows the default country and state set-tings.If you touch Spell City, you will have to enter andselect/touch the desired city name, followed by thedesi redstreet name and lastly you will have to entertheintersectionstreet.If you touch Spell Street, you will have to enter andandthenyou willhavetoentertheintersectingstreet.3. Once the correct City andIntersectionhas been en-tered, you will be asked toconfirmyour destination.4.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect aIntersection,the system will ask you to chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 125Where To? – Go HomeTo enter yourHome Add ress, followthese steps:1. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -key and then touchthe GoHome soft -key.If thereis noHome Add ress ente red, touch Yestoenterit now.2. To set your set yourHome Add ress chooseone of thefollowingoptions: 1NOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Address•Recent•Point of Interest•Favorites•Intersection•GEO Coordinates•Point on Map•City Center•ClosestCities•PhoneNumber3. Once you havegeneratedyour Home Address, youwill be asked to Save it.
126 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL4. Touch the Save soft-key to confirm your destination NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnand begin the route to yourHomeAddress.5.This add ress willbesavedasyour Home Add ressandit can beaccessedbytouchingthe Go Home soft-keyin theWhe reTo? Menu.Change/DeleteYourHomeAddressTochangeordelete your cur rent Home Add ressperformthe following:1.Touchthe Go Homesoft -keyin theWhe reTo? Menu2. Touch the Options  soft-key  at the bottom of thedisplayedmap.3.Touch Clear Homeand thentouchYes to clear/deleteyourHomeAddress.4. To enter in a new HomeAdd ress,follow the WhereTo? – Go Home procedure.to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – TripsTorouteto asaved Trip, touchtheRecent soft -keyin theNAV Main Menu.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 127Touchthesoft -key withthenameof thedesi red Tripandtouch the first destinationinthe list. Confirm the routebytouchingYes to start the route guidance.To add a Trip,followthese steps:1.TouchtheCreatenew Trip soft-key.2. Type in the new Trip Name.3. Touch AddDestinationto adddestinationsto yourtrip.4. Choose from thefollowingoptions to add a destina-tionNOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Address•Recent•Point of Interest•Favorites•Intersection•GEO Coordinates 1•Point on Map•City Center•ClosestCities•PhoneNumber5. Add moreneeded destinationsto your trip.NOTE: Eachdestinationwill belistedinorder,with thelastdestinationbeing the final destination.6. Your new Trip willappearon the Trips list.To delete a Trip from the list, touch the trash can iconsoft-key.To  display the options for a trip touch the Optionssoft -keythat looks like a gear.Thefollowing Optionsareavailablefor each trip:
128 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Edit Name•Move Up in the list•Move Down in the listNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – GEO CoordinateTo enter adestinationby GEOCoo rdinate,touch WhereTo? in the Nav Main Menu and then touch the GEOCoo rdinatesoft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 1291. Enter theLatitudebytypingin thenumbers.Use theleft and rightarrowsto selectspecific numbersin thelocationshown.2.Touchthe OK soft-key.3.Enter the Longitudebytypinginthe numbers. Usetheleft and rightarrowsto selectspecific numbersin the 1locationshown.NOTE: Touch theFormat soft -keytochangethe formatof theLatitude/Longitudeentry.4.TouchOK toconfirmthedestination.5.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Geo Coordinate, the system will ask you tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestination
130 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Point on MapToenteradestinationbyPointonMap, touch Whe reTo?in the NavMain Menuand thentouchthePointon Mapsoft-key.1. Use thetouch -screento drag the center of the crossover thedesi reddestination.2. Either touch the address bar at the top center of thescreen to confirm your location or touch the Detailssoft-key  in the upper right corner to display theavailable locationsnear that point on the map.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 1313.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPointonMap,thesystemwill ask you to chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – City Center1ToenteradestinationbyCity Cente r, touch Whe re To?inthe Nav Main Menu and then touch the City Centersoft-key.1.Enterthenameof the City youwouldlike torouteto.2.Touchthedesi redcity from the list.
132 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL3.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaCity Cente r, the system will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Closest CityToenteradestinationbyClosest Cit y, touch Whe re To?inthe Nav Main Menu and then touch the Closest Citysoft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 1331.Touchthedesi redcity from the list.2.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Closest City, the system will ask you to chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination 1•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Phone
134 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTo enteradestination by Phone numbe r, touch Whe reTo?in the Nav Main Menu  and then touch the PhoneNumbersoft-key.1.Enter the Phone Numberofthe destination youwouldlike to route to.2.Touchthedesi red destinationfrom the list.3.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Phone numberdestination,the system will askyou tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Before Route GuidanceBeforeconfirmingthe route with the Yes soft-key, it ispossibletoselect options different fromthedefaultroutesettings.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 135•Options–TouchtheOptions soft -keytodisplaya listof options to alter your route. To make a selectiontouch and release the desired setting until a check-mark appears.1•Avoid–Touch the Avoid soft -keytochoose roadtypestoavoid duringyourroute.Tomakeaselectiontouchand release the desired setting until a check-markappears.NOTE: Since tollroads, tunnelsandferriesare built forthe purpose of shortening travel distances, avoidingthese road types mayinc rease distanceand travel time.
136 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Save –Touchthe Savesoft -keyto save the destinationas a Favorite.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destination andtostart your route guidance.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.View MapTouchthe View Mapsoft -keyfrom the Nav Main Menutodisplaya map of yourcur rentposition.Withthe mapdisplayedyou have thefollowingfeaturesavailable.•MenuTouchthissoft -keytoreturnto the Nav Main Menu.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 137•ZoomIn +/ZoomOut –Touch the Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out (–) soft-keys tochange the zoom level. Roads with lower functionalclassificationare not shown in higher zoom levels. (E.g.residential streets, lightly -traveled countyroads.)•TimeofArrival/ TimetoDestination/Distance(onlyduring routeguidance)Touchthesoft -keyin theupper right areaof thescreentothe display items available. Touch the desired optionsoft-key.– Time of Arrival– Time to Destination– Distance•TurnList(only during route guidance)Touchthe area in theupper centerpart of thescreenthatdisplays your next turntoseeaTurn List for yourcurrentroute.Toucha turn in thedisplayed TurnList for the followingoptions: 1– Show on Map–AvoidStreet•Options (only during routeguidance)Touch the Options soft-key to display the followingoptions. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– 2D North Up/MapView2D/ MapView3DTouch this soft -keytoscroll between the threeviewingoptions.– SettingsTouch thissoft -keyto view all theavailablesettings.See View Map –Settingsfor more information.– RepeatTouch this soft -keytorepeatthecur rent voiceprompt.–TurnList
138 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch this soft -keytoviewtheturnlist for the currentroute.– StopGuidanceTouchthissoft -keyto stop route guidance.•Whe re AmI?Touchthe area in thelower centerpart of thescreenthatdisplaysyourcurrent locationto view theWhe reAm I?view.Whe reAm I?displaystheadd ressandGEOCoordinatesof yourcurrentlocation.– Touch the GPS soft-key to view the GPS informa-tion.–TouchtheSave soft -keyto save thelocationin yourFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.View Map – SettingsWith the Mapdisplayed, touchtheOptions soft -keyandthen touch theSettings soft -ke y.You can alsoaccessthismenubytouchingtheSettings soft -keyin thelowerrightof the Nav Main Menu.ThefollowingMapSettingsare available.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 139–Imperial(mile/yard)•MapSetupTouch this soft-key to display items tocustomizehowyour map is viewed. Settings – Map Setup for moreinformation.•SpeedLimitTouch this soft-key to turn on/off speed limit warningannouncements andtoenterapre-defined speed limitforyour route.•Guidance OptionsTouch this soft-key to display items tocustomizeyourroute guidance. Settings – Guidance Options for moreinformation.•UnitsTouch this soft -keytochangetheunits displa y. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– U.S. (mile/feet)–Metric(meter) 1•GPSTouchthissoft -keytochangethe GPSdispla y. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Decimal– DMS– DM•Copy device informationtoUSB?(If Equipped)Touch thissoft -keyto copy your radioinformationto aUSB jump drivethroughtheavailableUSB port.Settings – Map Setup
140 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWiththeMap displayed, touchtheOptions soft -key,thentouch the Settings soft-key and then the Map Setupsoft -key.You can also access this menu bytouchingtheSettings soft-key in the lower right of the Nav MainMenu.ThefollowingMap Setupoptionsare available.•MapViewTouch this soft-key to change how the Map View isdisplayed. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– 3D– 2D•OrientationTouch this soft -keytochange how the Map Orientationisdisplayed. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– North Up–HeadingUp•Cur rentStreetTouch this soft-key to turn on/off the current streetdisplayon thelower centerof the MapView. Touchandreleasethesoft -key untilacheck -mark appears,showingthesettinghas been selected.•Destination Information
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 141Touch this soft -keytochange the DestinationInformation Touch this soft-key to change the vehicle icon that isthat isdisplayedin the upper right corner of the MapView.Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Time of Arrival– Time to Destination– Distance•AutoZoomTouch this soft -keytochange how the AutoZoomfeatureadjust the zoom level during guidance in Map View.Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Far– Normal– Near– Off•VehicleIcondisplayed whileinMap View. Touch PreviousorNextto 1view the available icons. Touch the back icon soft-keywhenyou’vemade you selection.•ShowPOI IconsTouchthissoft -keytoshowtheselected Pointof Interesticonswhilein MapView. Touchandreleasethe soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•POI Icon ListTouch this soft-key to display the available Point ofInterest icons you would like displayed while in MapView. Touch and release the desired selection soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•TMC Incidents
142 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch this soft-key to show Traffic Message Channel(TMC)Incidentswhile in Map View. Touch and releasethe soft-key until a check-mark appears, showing thesettinghas been selected.•Speedand FlowTouchthissoft -keytoshowtheSpeed and Flowof trafficwhile in Map View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntila check-mark appears, showing the setting has beenselected.•3D CityModelsTouch this soft-key to display 3D city models while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•3DLandmarksTouch this soft-key to display 3D landmarks while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•Digital Terrain ModelTouch thissoft -keytodisplaythe areas terrain while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•Park AreasTouch thissoft -keytodisplayPark Areas while in MapView. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•RailroadsTouch this soft-key to display Railroad tracks while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•City AreasTouch this soft-key to display City Areas while in MapView. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 143•River NamesTouch this soft -keytodisplay River Names whilein MapView. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Settings – GuidanceWiththeMap displayed, touchtheOptions soft -key,thentouch theSettings soft -keyand then theGuidancesoft-key. You can also access this menu by touching theSettings soft-key in the lower right of the Nav MainMenu.Thefollowing Guidance optionsare available.•PlayVoice GuidancePromptsTouch this soft-key to enable Voice Guidance Promptsduring route guidance. Touch and release the soft-key 1untilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•NavVolume AdjustmentTouch the (+) or (-) soft-key to adjust the Nav VoicePrompt Volume.•Lane RecommendationTouch this soft-key to enable LaneRecommendationduring route guidance. Touch and release the soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•JunctionViewTouchthissoft -keytoenable Junction View duringrouteguidance.Touch and release the soft-key until a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.
144 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Navigation Turn -by -Turn Displayedin ClusterTouch this soft-key to enable navigation turn-by-turndisplayed in vehicles cluster during route guidance.Touch and release the soft-key until acheck -markap-pears,showingthesettinghas been selected.•TMC Route ModeTouch this soft-key to change how the Traffic MessageChannel (TMC) Route Mode functions during routeguidance. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Automatic– By Delay Time– Manual– Off•TMC AvoidanceTypesTouch thissoft -keytodisplaytheavailableTraffic Mes-sage Channel (TMC)AvoidanceTypes you would likedisplayed whileinroute guidance. Touch and releasethedesired selection soft-key until a check-mark appears,showingthesettinghas been selected.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Information
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 145From the Nav Main Menu, touch theInformationsoft-key and select one of the following options to viewadditionalinformation.•Traffic•Whe reAm I?•TripComputerNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit. 1Information – Where Am I?To select Where Am I?information,touch the Informa-tion soft-key from the Nav Main Menu and then touchtheWhe reAm I? soft-key.
146 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWhe reAm I?displaystheadd ressandGEOCoordinatesof yourcurrentlocation.•Touchthe GPSsoft -keyto view the GPS information.•Touch the Save soft-key to save the location in yourFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Information – Trip ComputerToselectTripComputer information, touchthe Informa-tion soft-key from the Nav Main Menu and then touchthe TripComputersoft-key.Trip Computer displays the following trip informationfrom your last trip•Travel Di rection
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 147•Distanceto final Destination•VehicleSpeed•DistanceTraveled•Overall averagespeed•Moving averagespeed•Maximumspeed reached•Total time traveled•Traveltime spent moving•Traveltime spent stoppedNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency1FromtheNav Main Menu, touchtheEme rgencysoft-keyand touch one of the following options to search androute to aspecificlocation.•Hospital–Sea rch and routeto aHospital closeto yourcur rentlocation•Police – Search and route to a Police Station close toyourcur rentlocation
148 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Fire Department–Sea rch and routeaFireDepartmentclose to yourcurrentlocationTouchtheLocation soft -keytodisplay your exactcurrentlocation.Touch the Savesoft -keyto save yourcur rent locationinFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency – HospitalTo search for a Hospital close to your current location,touch Emergency from the Nav Main Menu and thentouch theHospitalsoft-key.You can searchfor aHospitalbythe followingcategories,which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen.•Name
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 149•Distance•ABC (Search)NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touchthedesi red HospitalandtouchYes toconfirmthedestination.NOTE:•Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance and youselectaHospital the system will ask youtochoose oneof thefollowing•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination•Add as last destination•You cantouchtheback arrow soft -keytoreturnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency – Police1To search for a Police Station  close to your currentlocation, touch Eme rgency fromtheNav Main Menuandthen touch the PoliceStationsoft-key.
150 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYou can search for a Police Station by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance•ABC (Search)NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touch the desi red Police Station and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a PoliceStationthesystemwill ask you to chooseone of the following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 151You can search for a FireDepartmentby the followingEmergency – Fire DepartmentTo search for a FireDepartmentclose to your currentlocation, touch Eme rgency fromtheNav Main Menuandthen touch the FireDepartmentsoft-key.categories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of the 1screen.•Name•Distance•ABC (Search)NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touch the desired Fire Department and touch Yes toconfirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Fire Department the system will ask you tochooseone of the following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination
152 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Security FeaturesThefollowing Security Related optionsare available:•9–1–1 Call•Roadside AssistanceCallRoadside Assistance (If Equipped)If yourvehicleisequippedwith thisfeatu reand withincellular range, you may be able to connect to RoadsideAssistance, Uconnect™Care andVehicleCare by press-ing the“Assist”button on theRearviewMirror of yourvehicle. To the extent any such calls incur additionalcosts, you areresponsiblefor them. IfRoadsideAssis-tance is provided to your vehicle, you agree to beresponsibleforany additional roadside assistanceservicecosts that you may incur.Inordertoprovide Uconnect™ Servicesto you, we mayrecord and monitor yourconversationswith RoadsideAssistance, Uconnect™ Care or Vehicle Care, whethersuchconversationsareinitiated throughthe Uconnect™Services in your vehicle, or via a landline or mobiletelephone,and may shareinformation obtainedthroughsuchreco rdingandmonitoringinacco rdancewith regu-latoryrequi rements.Youacknowledge,agree and con-sent to anyreco rding, monitoringorsharingof informa-tionobtained throughany such call recordings.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 1539–1–1 Call – If EquippedThe9-1-1 Call systemis anembedded phone systemthatallows you to connect to a 9-1-1 operator in an emer-gency. You can choose to press the 9-1-1 Call button ontheRearview Mir rortocontacta 9-1-1 operator.9–1–1 CallOperating Instructions1. Press the 9-1-1 Callbuttonon theRearviewMirror;NOTE: In case the 9-1-1 Call button ispushedin error,there will be a 10 second delay before the 9-1-1 Callsystem initiates a call to a 9-1-1operato r.To cancel the9-1-1 Callconnection,press the 9-1-1 Call button on theRearview Mir roror press thecancellation buttonon thePhone Screen. Terminationof the 9-1-1 Call will turn thegreen LED light on theRearview Mir roroff.2. The LEDlighton theRearview Mir rorwill turn greenonce aconnectionto a 9-1-1operatorhas been made;3. Once a connection between the vehicle and a 9-1-1operatoris made, the 9-1-1 Callsystemmay transmit 1thefollowing important vehicle informationto a 9-1-1operator:•indicationthat theoccupant placeda 9-1-1 Call;•thevehicle brand;and•the lastknownGPScoo rdinatesof the vehicle.4. You should be able to speak with the 9-1-1 operatorthrough the vehicle audio system to determine ifadditionalhelp is needed.
154 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:Onceaconnectionismade betweenthe vehicle’s9-1-1Callsystemand the9-1-1 operato r,the9-1-1opera-tor may be able to open a voice connection with thevehicle todetermineifadditionalhelp is needed. Oncethe 9-1-1 operator opens a voice connection with thevehicle’s 9-1-1 Call system, the operator shouldbeabletospeak with you or other vehicle occupants and hearsounds occurringin thevehicle.Thevehicle’s9-1-1 Callsystem willattemptto remainconnectedwith the 9-1-1operatoruntil the 9-1-1operator terminatesthe connec-tion.5.The 9-1-1 operator may attempttocontactappropriateeme rgency respondersandprovide themwith impor-tantvehicle informationand GPS coordinates.6. If aconnection betweenthevehicleand a9-1-1opera-tor ismade, the 9-1-1 Call system may transmitcertainvehicle informationto a 9-1-1operato r, includingthelast known GPS coordinates of your vehicle. If aconnectionismade betweena9-1-1 operator andyourvehicle, you understand and ag ree that 9 -1-1operatorsmay record conversations and sounds in your carupon connection and consenttosuch reco rdings.Yourvehicle MUST haveaworking electrical systemfor the9-1-1 Callsystem, among others,tooperate.IF YOURVEHICLE LOSES BATTE RY POWER FOR  ANYREA-SON(INCLUDING DURINGORAFTERAN ACCI-DENT) THE 9-1-1 CALLSYSTEM, AMONGOTHERVEHICLES SYSTEMS, WILLNOT OPERATE.WARNING!Ifanyonein thevehicle couldbe indanger (e.g., fire(Continued)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 155WARNING!(Continued)or smoke is visible, dangerous road conditions orlocation),do not wait for voice contact from a 9-1-1operato r. All occupants should exit the vehicleimme-diatelyand move to a safe location.WARNING!The 9-1-1 Callsystemisembeddedinto the vehicle’selectrical system.Do not add anyaftermarketelectri-calequipmentto thevehicle ’s electrical system.Thismay prevent your vehicle from sending a signal toinitiateanemergencycall. Toavoid interferencethatcan cause the 9-1-1 Call system to fail, never addaftermarket equipment(e.g.,two -waymobile radio,CBradio,datarecorde r,etc.) toyour vehicle ’selectri-calsystemormodifytheantennason your vehicle.9-1-1 CallSystem LimitationsVehiclessold inCanadaandMexicoDONOT have9-1-1 1Callsystem capabilities.9-1-1 or othereme rgencylineoperatorsin Canada andMexicomay notanswerorrespondto9-1-1 systemcalls.If the 9-1-1 Callsystem detectsamalfunction,any of thefollowing may occur at the  time the  malfunction isdetected,and at thebeginningof eachignitioncycle:•theRearview Mir rorlight willcontinuouslybe illumi-nated red;•The Phone Screen willdisplaythefollowingmessage“Vehicle phone requires service. Please contact yourdeale r.”;and,•An In-Vehicle Audio message will state “Vehiclephonerequi res service.Pleasecontactyour dealer.”
156 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWARNING!IgnoringtheRearview Mirrorlight could mean youwill not have 9-1-1 Call services. If the RearviewMirror light is illuminated, have an authorizeddealer servicethe 9-1-1 Callsystemimmediately.WARNING!The ORCturnson the Air BagWarning Lighton theinstrumentpanel if amalfunctionin any part of thesystem isdetected.If the Air BagWarningLight isilluminated, the 9 -1-1 system may notbeableto senda signal to a 9-1-1operato r.If the Air Bag WarningLight isilluminated,have anauthorizeddealer ser-vice the ORCsystemimmediately.Even if the 9-1-1 Call system is fullyfunctional,factorsbeyond Chrysler Group LLC’s control may prevent orstop 9-1-1 Callsystem operation.Theseinclude,but arenotlimitedto, thefollowingfactors:•Theignitionkey has beenremovedfrom the ignitionand thedelayed accessoriesmode is active;•Theignitionkey is in OFF position;•Thevehicle’s electrical systemsare not intact;•The 9-1-1 Call systemsoftwa reand/orhardwa rearedamaged duringa crash;•The vehicle battery loses power or becomes discon-nected duringavehiclecrash;•Wireless and/or Global Positioning Satellite signalsareunavailableor obstructed;•Equipment malfunctionat the 9-1-1operatorfacility;
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 157•Operatorerror by the 9-1-1 operator;•Wireless network congestion;•Weather;and•Buildings, structu res, geographic terrain,or tunnels.WARNING!Never placeanythingon or near thevehicle ’swire-less and GPSantennas.You could prevent wirelessand GPS signal reception, which can prevent yourvehicle from placinganemergency call. WirelessandGPS signal reception is required for the 9-1-1 Callsystemtofunctionproperly.WARNING!1Failuretoperform scheduled maintenanceand regu-larly inspect your vehiclemayresultinvehicledam-ageand/or seriousinjury.Remote Service FeaturesIfyour vehicleisequipped with Remote ServiceFeatures,for moreinformation,refer toww w.MoparOwnerCon -nect.comor call 855-792-4241.
158 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALUconnect™ 8.4ANUconnect™ 8.4AN System1. RadioTouch the Radiosoft -keyto enter the Radio Mode. Thedifferent tuner modes; AM,FM andSXMcan be selectedby touching thecor respondingsoft-keys in the RadioMode.2.MediaTouch the Media soft-key to access media sources suchas: Disc, USB Device and AUX as long as the requestedmediais present.3.ClimateRefer to Climate Controls in your vehiclesOwner’sManualon the DVD forfurtherdetails.4. NavTouchthe Navsoft -keytoaccesstheNavigationfeature.Referto theNavigation sectioninthis manualfor furtherdetails.5.Phone
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 159Touch the Phone soft -keytoaccess the Uconnect™Phonefeature.6.AppsTouch the  Apps soft-key to access Smartphone andConnected vehicleoptions.7.SettingsTouchtheSettings soft -keytodisplaythe list of availablesettings.Refer toUnderstandingYourInst rumentPanelsectioninyour vehicles Owner’s Manualon theDVDforfurtherdetails.8.ENTER/BROWSE&TUNE/SCROLLPress the ENTER/BROWSE button to accept a high-lighted selection  on the screen. Rotate theTUNE/SCROLLrotary knob to scroll through a list or tune aradio station.9.BACKPress the BACKbuttonto return to apreviousmenu orscreen. 110.SCREENOFFPress the SCREEN OFF hard-keytoturn thetouch-screenOFF. To turn thescreenback ON, just touch the screen.11.VOLUME& MUTERotate the rotary knob to adjust the Volume. Press theMutebuttonto mute the system.Radio ModeThe radio isequippedwith thefollowingmodes:•FM•AM•SiriusXM™ SatelliteRadio (if equipped)
160 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch the RADIO Soft Key, bottom left corner, to enterthe Radio Mode. The different tuner modes; AM, FM,andSAT,canthen,beselectedbytouchingthe correspondingsoft -keysin the Radio mode.ON/OFF&VolumeControlPush the ON/OFF Volume control knob to turn on theradio. Push the ON/OFFVolume cont rolknob a secondtime to turn off the radio.The electronic volume control turnscontinuously(360degrees) in either direction, without stopping. TurningtheVolume cont rol knob clockwise inc reasesthe volume,andcounte r-clockwise dec reasesit.When the audio system is turned on, the sound will beset at the samevolumelevel as last played.Tune/ScrollControlTurn the rotary TUNE/SCROLLcont rolknob clockwiseto increase orcounte rclockwiseto decrease the radiostationfrequenc y.Push the ENTER/BROWSE button tochoosea selection.Whentouched,the green GO soft keyallowsthe you tocommitanentr y,atwhichtime theradiowill tune to theentered station or channel and close the Direct TuneScreen.ScreenCloseThe Red X Soft key at the topright, providesameanstoclosetheDirect Tune Screen.TheDirect Tune Screenalsoauto closes if noactivity occurs within10 seconds.Seek andDirectTuneFunctionsThe Seek Up and Down functions are activated bytouchingthedouble arrow soft -keysto the right and leftof the radio station display, or by pressing the leftSteering Wheel Audio Cont rol(ifequipped)up or down.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 161Fast Seek DownSeek UpTouchandreleasethe Seek Upsoft -keyto tune the radioto the nextlistenablestation orchannel.During a SeekUpfunction,if theradio reachesthestarting stationafterpassing throughtheenti re band two times,theradiowillstop at thestation whe reit began.Fast Seek UpTouch and hold the Seek Up soft -keytoadvance theradiothroughtheavailable stationsorchannelsat afasterrate,the radio stops at the next available station or channelwhen thesoft -keyis released.Seek DownTouch and release the Seek Down soft-key to tune theradio to the nextlistenablestation orchannel. DuringaSeek Down function, if the radio reaches the startingstation afterpassing throughthe entire band two times,the radio will stop at thestation whe reit began.Touch and hold the Seek Downsoft -keytoadvancethe 1radio throughtheavailable stationsorchannelat a fasterrate, the radio stops at  the next available station orchannelwhen thesoft -keyis released.DirectTunePresstheTune soft -key locatedat thebottomof the radioscreen. The Direct Tune soft-key screen is available inAM,FM, andSAT radio modesand can beusedto directtune the radio to adesi red stationor channel.Press theavailable number soft -keyto beginselectingadesired station. Once a number has been entered, anynumbersthat are nolonger possible (stationsthat cannotbereached)willbecome deactivated/grayedout.UndoYou canbackspacean entry bytouchingthebottomleftUndo soft key.
162 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALGOOnce the last digit of a station has been entered, theDIRECT TUNE screen will close and the system willautomaticallytune to that station.TheselectedStation orChannel numberisdisplayedinthe Direct Tune text box.Setting PresetsThe Presets are available for all Radio Modes, and areactivated by touching any of the six Preset soft keys,locatedat the top of the screen.When you are receiving a station that you wish tocommit intomemor y,press and hold the desired num-beredsoft -keyfor more that 2secondsor until you hearaconfirmationbeep.The Radio stores up to 12 presets in each of the Radiomodes. Aset of 6presets are visibleatthe topoftheradioscreen.You canswitch betweenthe two radiopresetsby touch-ing the arrow soft key located in the upper right of theradio screen.BrowseinAM/FMWhenineitherAM or FM, theBrowse Screen providesameansto edit thePresetsList and isente redby touchingthebrowsesoft key.Scrolling PresetListOnce in the Browse Presets screen, you can scroll thepreset list byrotationof the Tune Knob, or by touchingthe Up andDown arrow keys, locatedon therightof thescreen.Preset Selectionfrom ListA Preset can be selected by touching any of the listedPresets,or bypressingthe ENTER/BROWSE button onthe TuneKnobtoselectthecur rently highlightedPreset.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 163When selected, the radio tunestothe station sto redin theprogrammingforchild ren, directly fromitssatellitesandPreset andreturnsto the main radio screen.DeletingPresetsA Preset can bedeletedin thePresets Browsescreen bytouching the Trash Can Icon for the cor respondingPreset.Return to Main Radio ScreenYou can returnto theMain Radio Screen,bytouchingtheX soft key when in theBrowse Presetsscreen.SiriusXM™ Satellite Radio ModeSiriusXM™ Satellite radio uses  di rect satellite -to-receiverbroadcasting technologyto provide clear digital sound,coast to coast. Thesubscriptionserviceprovideris Siri-usXM™ Satellite Radio. This service offers over 130channels of music, sports, news, entertainment, andbroadcasting studios. A one-year SiriusXM™ Satellite 1Radiosubscriptionis included.SiriusXM™and all related marks and logos are trade-marks of SiriusXM™ Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.SiriusXM™ Radio requires a subscription, sold sepa-rately after trialsubscription includedwithvehiclepur-chase. Prices andprogrammingare provided by Siri-usXM™  and are subject to change. Subscriptionsgoverned by Terms&Conditions availableat sirius.com/serviceterms. SiriusXM™Radio U.S. service only avail-able tothoseatleast18yearsof age in the 48 contiguousUnited States, D.C.,and PR.Service availablein Canada;see www.siriuscanada.ca.Thisfunctionalityis onlyavailablefor radios equippedwithaSatellite receive r.Inordertoreceive satelliteradio,the vehicle needs to beoutsidewith a clear view to thesky.
164 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALIf thescreen shows Acquiring Signal,youmighthave tochangethevehicle’s positioninordertoreceivea signal.Inmost cases,thesatellite radio doesnotreceivea signalinunde rground parking garagesor tunnels.NoSubscriptionRadios equipped with a Satellite receiver, require asubscriptionto the SiriusService.When the Radio doesnot have thenecessary subscription,theRadiois able toreceivethe Traffic/Weatherchannelonly.Acquiring SiriusXM™ SubscriptionTo activate the Sirius subscription, call the toll freenumber on the Weatherchannel.You will need to pro-vide the Sirius ID (SID) located at the bottom of theChannel0 screen.The Satellite Mode is activated by a touch of the SATsoft -key.When inSatellitemode:•The SATbuttonishighlightedblue.•TheSiriusXM™ Presetsaredisplayedat the top of thescreen.•The Genre isdisplayedbelow thePresetsBar.•TheSiriusXM ™ Channel Numberisdisplayedin thecenter.•The Program Informationisdisplayedatthe bottomoftheChannelNumber.•TheSiriusXM™function soft-keys aredisplayedbe-low theProgramInformation.Tuningis done byoperatingthe Tune Knob or by DirectTune,similarto other RadioBands,seePresets,browse,Tune Knob, and Direct Tune.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 165Inadditionto thetuning Operation functions commontoTouchthePauseor Playsoft -keytopause playingof theall Radio modes, the replay, Traffic/Weather Jump, andfavsoft -key functionsareavailableinSiriusXM™Mode.ReplayThe replay function providesameanstosto re andreplayup to 22minutesof music audio and 48minutesof talkradio. Once the channel is switched, content in replaymemoryis lostTouch the replay soft-key.  The play/pause, rewind/forwa rdand livesoft -keyswilldisplayat the top of thescreen,along with thereplaytime.You can exit by touching the replay soft-key, any timeduringtheReplaymode.Play/Pausecontent at any time that the content is playing live or 1rewound content. Play canberesumed againby touchingof the Pause/Playsoft -key.RewindTouchthe RWsoft -keytorewindthecontentin steps of5 seconds. Touching the RW soft-key for more than 2secondsrewindsthe content. The Radio begins playingthecontentat the point at which the touch is released.ForwardEach touch of the FW soft-keyforwa rdsthe content instepsof 5seconds. Forwa rdingof thecontent can onlybedone when the content is previously rewound, andthe refo re,can not be done for livecontent.A continuoustouch of the FWsoft -keyalsoforwa rdsthecontent.TheRadio begins playing the contentatthe pointatwhichthetouch is release.
166 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALLiveTouch the Live soft-key to resume playing of Live con-tent.FavoritesTouch the fav. soft-key to activate the favorites menu,which will time out in 5 seconds in absence of userinteraction.You can exit the Favorites Menuby atouchoftheX in thetop right corner.Thefavorites featu re enablesyou to set afavoriteartist,orsong thatiscur rently playing. The Radio then usesthisinformationtoalert you when eitherthefavorite song,orfavorite artistarebeing playedat any time by any of theSIRIUSChannels.Themaximum numberoffavoritesthat can besto redinthe Radio is 50.Fav. Artist While the song is playing to set a FavoriteArtist, touch the fav. soft-key and then the Fav. Artistsoft-key.Fav. Song While the song is playing to set a FavoriteSong, touch the fav. soft-key and then the Fav Songsoft-key.Traffic & WeatherTouch the Traffic & Weather soft-key to tune to a Siri-usXM™Traffic andWeather channel.To set a Traffic &Weather alert for any oneofthe citiesinthe JumpBrowselist, seeBrowsein SAT.When the Traffic & Weather soft-key is touched, theTraffic&Weather channelis tuned.If the Traffic & Weather alert City is not set, you arepresented with a pop up to allow you to select thefavoritecity using theBrowseScreen.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 167Browse in SATGenreTouch the browse soft-key to edit Presets, Favorites,Game Zone, and Jump settings, along with providingtheSiriusXM™ ChannelList.This Screen contains many sub menus. You can exita submenutoget backto aparent menuby atouchoftheBackArrow.AllTouchthe Allsoft -keyat the left of theBrowseScreen.ChannelListTouch the Channel List to display all the SiriusXM™Channel Numbersalong with thecor respondingGenre.You can scroll theChannellist bytouchingthe up anddown arrows, located on the right side of the screen.Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/ScrollKnob.Touch the Genre button todisplaya list ofGen res.You 1can select any desi red Gen re by touching the Gen re list,atwhich point, the Radio tunes to a channel with thecontentin theselectedGenre.PresetsTouch the Presets soft-key located at the left of theBrowsescreen.You canscrollthePresetslisttouchingthe up and downarrows, located at the right side of the screen. Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/Scroll Knob aswell.PresetSelectionA Preset can be selected by touching any of the listedPresets,or bypressingthe ENTER/BROWSE button onthe TuneKnobtoselectthecur rently highlightedPreset.
168 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWhenselected,the Radio tunes to the station stored inthePreset,andreturnsto the main Radio screen.Deletinga PresetA Preset can bedeletedin thePresets Browsescreen bytouching the Trash Can Icon for the cor respondingPreset.FavoritesTouch the Favorites soft-key, located at the left of theBrowsescreen.TheFavorites menu providesameansto Edit the Favor-ites list and toconfigu rethe Alert Settings, along withprovidinga list ofChannels cur rentlyairing any of theitems in theFavoriteslist.You can scroll the Favorites list touching the up anddown arrows, located at the right side of the screen.Scrollingcan also be done byoperatingthe Tune/ScrollKnob as well.Remove FavoritesTouchtheRemove Favoritestab at the top of the screen.TouchtheDeleteAllsoft -keytodeleteall of the Favoritesor touch the Trash Can icon next to the Favorite to bedeleted.AlertSettingsTouch the AlertSettingtab at the top of thescreen.TheAlertSettingsmenuallowsyou tochoosefrom a Visualalert or Audible and Visual alert when one of yourfavoritesis airing on any of theSiriusXM™channels.Game ZoneTouch the Game Zonesoft -key, locatedat the left of theBrowse screen. This featu re provides you withthe abilityto selectteams,edit theselection,and set alerts.On Air
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 169TouchtheOn -Airtab at the top of thescreen. TheOn-Air Touch the AlertSettingtab at the top of thescreen.Thelistprovidesa list ofChannels cur rently airing anyof theAlert Settings menu allows youtochoose from “Alertme1itemsin theSelectionslist, andtouchingany of the itemsin the list tunes the radio to that channel.Select TeamsTouch the Select Teams soft-key to activate the LeagueScrolllist.Touchthechosen leagueand ascrolllist of allteams withintheleaguewillappea r,then you can selectateambytouchingthecor responding box. A checkmarkappearsfor all teams that are chosen.Remove SelectionTouchtheRemove Selectiontab at the top of the screen.Touch the Delete All soft -keytodelete alloftheSelectionsor touch the Trash Can icon next to theSelectionto bedeleted.AlertSettingstoon-air games upon start”or“Alert upon sco reupdate”or bothwhenone ormo reof yourselectionsisairingonany of theSiriusXM™channels.AudioTouchofthe Audio soft -keytoactivate the Audiosettingsscreen to adjust Balance\Fade, Equalizer, And SpeedAdjustedVolume.You can return to the Radio screen by touching the Xlocatedat the top right.Balance/Fade
170 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch the Balance/Fade soft-key to Balance audio be-tween the frontspeakersor fade the audiobetweentherear and front speakers.Touching the Front, Rea r, Left,orRight soft -keysor touchand drag the blue Speaker Icon to adjust the Balance/Fade.EqualizerTouch the Equalizer soft-key to activate the Equalizerscreen.Touch the + or -soft -keys,or bytouchingand draggingover the level bar for each of theequalizerbands. Thelevelvalue, which spans between±9, isdisplayedat thebottomof each of the Bands.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 171audio volume with variation to vehicle speed. Volumeincreases automaticallyas speedinc reaseto compensateSpeed AdjustedVolume1Touch the Speed Adjusted Volume soft -keytoactivatetheSpeed Adjusted Volumescreen.The SpeedAdjusted Volumeisadjustedbytouchingofthe+and-buttonsor bytouching, and dragging overtheLevel Bar This alters the automatic adjustment of thefornormalroad noise.Surround System(IfEquipped)Touch the On soft -keytoactivate Sur round Sound.TouchOff todeactivatethis feature.When Sur round SoundisOn, you can hear audiocomingfrom every direction as in a movie theatre or hometheat resystem.Media ModeOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – DISC MODEOverviewDisc Mode isente redby eitherinsertinga Disc or touchthe Discsoft -keyon the left side of thedispla y.Once inMedia Mode,touch thesou rce soft -keyand select Disc.
172 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALA “No Disc”messagewill bedisplayedon thescreeninthe Disc mode when a Disc is notpresentin the Radio.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection on the Disc. Touch and release the left arrowsoft -keyto return to thebeginningof the current selec-tion, orreturnto thebeginningof thepreviousselectionif the Disc is within the first second  of the currentselection.BrowseTouch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.The left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof waysyou can browse through the contents of the Disc. Ifsupported by the device, you can browse by Folders,Artists,Playlists, Albums,Songs, etc. Touch the desiredsoft -keyon the left side of the screen. The center of thebrowse window shows items and it’s sub-functions,which can be scrolled by touching the Up and Downsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob can also beused to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.RepeatTouch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function-alit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecurrent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffle
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 173Touch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson the USB/iPod®Mode is entered by either inserting a USBcompactdisc inrandomorder toprovidean interestingdeviceoriPod®andcableinto the USB Port ortouchthe1changeofpace. Touchthesoft -keyasecondtime to turnthisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowand lines above and below the song title.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS –USB/iPod®MODEOverviewiPod®soft-key on the left side of the display. Once inMedia Mode, touchthesou rce soft -keyandselect iPod®.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselectiononthe USBdevice/iPod®. Touch and releasetheleft arrow soft-key to return to the beginning of thecurrent selection, or return to the beginning of theprevious selectionif the USBdevice/iPod®iswithinthefirstsecondof thecur rentselection.BrowseTouch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.The left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof waysyou canbrowse throughthecontentsof the USBdevice/iPod®.Ifsupportedby the device, you can browse byFolders, Artists, Playlists, Albums, Songs,etc. Touch the
174 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALdesi red soft -keyon the left side of thescreen.The centerof the browse window  shows items and it’s sub-functions, whichcan bescrolledbytouchingthe Up andDownsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob canalso be used to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.RepeatTouch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function-alit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecur rent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffleTouch the shuffle soft-key to play theselectionson theUSB/iPod®deviceinrandomorder toprovidean inter-esting changeofpace. Touch the soft -keyasecond timetoturn thisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowand lines above and below the song title. When in theTracks List screen you can rotate the TUNE/SCROLLknobtohighlightatrack (indicatedbythe line aboveandbelow the track name)  and then press the ENTER/BROWSEknob to startplayingthat track.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 175Touchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedControllingtheAuxiliaryDevicewill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – AUX MODEOverviewAUXModeisente redbyinsertingan AUXdeviceusinga cable with a 3.5 mm audio jack into the AUX port ortouch the AUX soft-key on the left side of the display.OnceinMedia Mode, touch the sou rce soft -key andselectAUX.Inserting AuxiliaryDeviceGently insert the Auxiliary device cable into the AUXPort. If you insert anAuxiliarydevice with the ignitionON and theradio ON,theunitwillswitchtoAUXmodeand begin to play when you insert thedevicecable.The control of theauxiliarydevice (e.g.,selectingplay- 1lists, play, fastforwa rd,etc.) cannot beprovidedby theradio;use thedevice cont rols instead. Adjustthe volumewith the ON/OFF VOLUME rotary knob, or with thevolumeof theattacheddevice.NOTE: Thevehicleradio unit is acting as the amplifierfor audiooutputfrom theAuxiliary device. The refo reifthevolume cont rolonthe Auxiliary deviceis set too low,the re willbeinsu fficient audio signalforthe radio unittoplay the music on the device.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.Audio
176 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – SD CARDMODEOverviewSD Card Mode isente redby eitherinsertinga SD Cardinto the USB Port or touch the SD Cardsoft -keyon theleft side of thedispla y.Once in Media Mode, touch thesou rce soft -keyand select SD Card.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselection on the SD Card. Touch and release the leftarrowsoft -keyto return to thebeginningof the current selec-tion, orreturnto thebeginningof thepreviousselectionif the SD Card is within the first second of the currentselection.BrowseTouch the browse soft -keytodisplay the browsewindow.The left sideofthe browse window displaysalistof waysyou canbrowse throughthecontentsof the SD Card. Ifsupported by the device, you can browse by Folders,Artists,Playlists, Albums,Songs, etc. Touch the desiredsoft -keyon the left side of the screen. The center of thebrowse window  shows items and it’s sub-functions,which can be scrolled by touching the Up and Downsoft -keysto the right. The Scroll/Tune knob can also beused to scroll.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosource, Disc, USB/iPod®,SD Card, AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.Repeat
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 177Touch the repeatsoft -keyto toggle the repeat function- and lines above and below the song title. When in thealit y. The Repeat soft -keyishighlighted when active.TheRadiowillcontinueto play thecur rent track,repeatedly,as long as therepeatis active.Shu ffleTouch the shu ffle soft -keytoplay the selectionsontheSDCard device in random order to provide an interestingchangeofpace. Touchthesoft -keyasecondtime to turnthisfeatu reoff.InfoTouch the Info soft-key to display the current trackinformation.Touch the Info soft-key a second time tocancel this feature.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList.Thecur rently playing songisindicatedby an arrowTracks List screen you can rotate the TUNE/SCROLL 1knobtohighlightatrack (indicatedbythe line aboveandbelow the track name) and then press the ENTER/BROWSEknob to startplayingthat track.Touchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedwill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS –Bluetooth®MODEOverviewBluetooth®Streaming Audio (BTSA)orBluetooth®Modeis entered by pairing aBluetooth®device, containingmusic,to theUconnect™ Accesssystem.
178 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALBefore proceeding, theBluetooth®device needs to bepai red through Uconnect™ Phoneinorderto communi-cate with theUconnect™ AccessSystem.NOTE: See the pairing procedure in the Uconnect™Phone sectionfor more details.To access Bluetooth®mode, touch the Bluetooth®soft-keyon the left side of the display.SeekUp/DownTouch and release the right arrow soft-key for the nextselectionon theBluetooth®device. Touch and releasetheleft arrow soft-key to return to the beginning of thecurrent selection, or return to the beginning of theprevious selectionif theBluetooth®device is within thefirstsecondof thecur rentselection.SourceTouch the Source soft-key to select the desired audiosou rce,Disc, USB/iPod®,SDCard,AUX orBluetooth®.Thisscreenwill time out after a fewsecondsand returnto the main radioscreenif noselectionis made.TracksTouchthetrks soft -keytodisplayapopupwiththe SongList. The currently playing song isindicatedby a bluearrow and lines above and below the song title.Touchingthe trkssoft -key whilethe pop up is displayedwill close the pop up.AudioRefer to Radio Mode foradjustingthe audio settings.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 179•Calling Back the last incoming call number (“CallUconnect™ PhoneUconnect Phone™ OverviewUconnect™ Phone is avoice -activated,hands-free, in-vehiclecommunicationssystem.Uconnect™Phone al-lows you to dial a phone number with your mobilephone.Uconnect™ Phone supportsthefollowingfeatures:VoiceActivated Features:•Hands Free dialing via Voice (“Call John Smiths Mo-bile” or, “Dial 248 555-1212”).•Hands Free text tospeech listeningof your incomingSMS messages.•HandsFree textmessaging (“Sendamessageto JohnSmithsMobile”).•Redialinglastdialed numbers(“Redial”).Back”). 1•View Call logs on screen (“Show incoming calls”,“ShowOutgoingcalls”, “Show missed Calls”, “ShowRecentCalls”).•Sea rchingContacts phone number (“Search for JohnSmith Mobile”).Screen ActivatedFeatures•DialingviaKeypadusing touch-screen.•Viewing and Calling contacts fromPhonebooksdis-playedon the touch-screen.•Setting Favorite Contact Phone numbers so the areeasilyaccessibleon the MainPhonescreen.•ViewingandCalling contactsfromRecentCall logs.•Reviewingyour recentIncomingSMS.
180 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Sendinga textmessagevia thetouch -screen.•Listen to Music on your Bluetootht Device via thetouch-screen.•Pairingup to 10 phones/audiodevicesforeasyaccesstoconnectto them quickly.NOTE: Your phone must becapableof SMS messagingviaBluetooth®formessaging featu resto work properly.Your mobilephone’saudio istransmitted throughyourvehicle’s audio system; the system will automaticallymute your radio when using theUconnect™Phone.For Uconnect™ customer support, visit the followingwebsite:•ww w.UconnectPhone.com•or call1–877 –855 –8400Uconnect™Phone allows you to transfer calls betweenthe system and your mobile phone as you enter or exityour vehicle and enables  you to mute the system’smic rophoneforprivateconversation.WARNING!Any voicecommandedsystem should be used onlyinsafe driving conditions andallattention shouldbekept on the roadway ahead. Failure to do so mayresultin anaccident causing serious injuryor death.The Uconnect™  Phone is driven through yourBluetooth®“Hands-Free  Profile” mobile phone.Uconnect™featuresBluetooth®technology- the globalstanda rdthatenables different elect ronic devicesto con-nect to each otherwithout wiresor adocking station,soUconnect™ Phone worksnomatter whe re you stowyourmobilephone (be it your purse,pocket,orbriefcase),aslong as yourphoneisturnedon and has beenpai redto
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 181thevehicle’s Uconnect™Phone. TheUconnect™Phoneallows up to ten mobile phones or audio devices to belinkedto thesystem.Only onelinked(orpai red)mobilephone and one audio devicecan beused withthe systemat a time. ThesystemisavailableinEnglish, Spanish,orFrenchlanguages.Uconnect™ PhoneButtonThe Uconnect™PhoneButtonisusedto getinto the phone mode and make calls, showrecent,incoming, outgoingcalls, view phone-book etc.,Whenyou press thebuttonyou willhearaBEE P.Thebeepisyour signaltogivea command.Uconnect™ Voice CommandButtonTheUconnect™Voice CommandButtonis only used for “barge in” and when you arealreadyin acall and you wanttosend Tonesormakeanothercall.The button is also used to access the VoiceCom -mands for theUconnect™Voice Command features if 1your vehicleisequipped. Please see the Uconnect™VoiceCommand section for direction on how to use thebutton.TheUconnect™ Phoneis fullyintegratedwith the vehi-cle’s audio system.Thevolumeof theUconnect™Phonecan be adjusted either from the radio volume controlknob or from the steering wheel radio control (rightswitch),if so equipped.OperationVoicecommandscan be used tooperatethe Uconnect™Phone and to navigate through theUconnect™Phonemenu structu re. Voice commandsarerequi red aftermostUconnect™ Phone prompts. The rearetwo generalmeth-ods for how VoiceCommandworks:
182 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL1. Saycompound commandslike “Call John Smith mo-bile”.2.Saytheindividual commands and allowthesystemtoguide you tocompletethe task.You will bepromptedfor aspecific commandand thenguided throughtheavailableoptions.•Priortogivingavoice command, one must wait forthebeep, which follows the “Listen” prompt or anotherprompt.•For certainoperations, compound commandscan beused. Forexample, insteadof saying “Call” and then“John Smith” and then“mobile”,thefollowingcom-pound command  can be said: “Call John Smithmobile”.•For each featureexplanationin this section, only thecompound commandform of the voicecommandisgiven. You can also break the commands into partsandsayeachpart of thecommand whenyou areaskedforit. Forexample,you can use thecompoundcommandform voicecommand “Sea rchfor JohnSmith”,or youcan break the compound command form into twovoicecommands:“Search Contact” and when asked“John Smith”. Please remembe r, the Uconnect™Phoneworks best when you talk in anormal conversationaltone, as if speaking to someone sitting a fewfeet/metersaway from you.NaturalSpeechYour Uconnect™ Phone Voice system uses a NaturalLanguageVoiceRecognition(VR) engine.Natural speech allows the user to speakcommandsinphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as “ah”and “eh”. The system handles fill-in words such as “Iwouldlike to”.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 183The systemhandles multipleinputs in the same phraseorsentencesuch as “make a phone call” and “to KellySmith”. Formultipleinputs in the same phrase or sen-tence, the system identifies the topic or context andprovidestheassociated follow -up promptsuch as “Whodo youwanttocall?”in the casewhe reaphonecall wasrequestedbut thespecificname was not recognized.Thesystem utilizes continuous dialog;when the systemrequires moreinformationfrom the user it will ask aquestiontowhichtheusercanrespond withoutpressingthe Voice Command button.Voice CommandTreeRefer to“VoiceTree” in this section.Help CommandIf you needassistanceat anyprompt,or if you want toknow your optionsat anyprompt,say“Help”followingthe beep.ToactivatetheUconnect™ Phone from idle, simplypressthe button and say a command or say “help”. All 1Uconnect™ Phone sessions begin with a press of thebuttonon the radiocont rolhead.Cancel CommandAt anyprompt, afterthebeep,you can say“Cancel”andyou will bereturnedto the main menu.You can also press the or buttons when thesystem islisteningfor acommand andbereturnedto themainor previousmenu.NOTE:Pressingthe orbuttons while the systemisplayingisknownas“Ba rgingIn”,referto“Ba rgeIn —Overriding Prompts”forfurtherinformation.Pair(Link) Uconnect™ PhoneTo AMobilePhoneTo begin using yourUconnect™Phone, you must pairyourcompatible Bluetooth®enabled mobilephone.
184 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTocompletethepairing process,you will need to refer-ence your mobile phone Owner’s  Manual. TheUconnect™website may also provide detailed instruc-tions for pairing.NOTE:•You must haveBluetooth®enabledon your phone tocompletethis procedure.•Thevehiclemust be in PARK.1. Press the“Phone” soft -keyon thescreento begin.2. If there is no phone currently connected with thesystem,apop -upwill appear.3. Select Yes to begin the pairing process. Then, searchfor available  devices on yourBluetooth®enabledmobile phone. Whenpromptedon the phone, enterthe name and PIN shown on theUconnectTouch™screen.•If No isselected,touch the“Settings” soft -keyfromtheUconnect™ Phonemain screen,•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®enabled mobile phone. When prompted  on thephone,  enter the name and PIN shown on theUconnect Touch™screen,•See Step 4 tocompletethe process.4.Uconnect™Phone willdisplayan inprogressscreenwhile thesystemis connecting.5.Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthis is your favorite phone. Selecting Yes will makethis phone the highest priority. This phone will takeprecedenceover otherpai red phones withinrange.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 185PairAdditional MobilePhones•Touch the “Settings” soft-key from the Phone mainscreen,•Next, touch the“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®en-abled mobile phone. Whenpromptedon the phone, 1enter the name and PIN shown on the UconnectTouch™screen,•Uconnect™Phone will display an in process screenwhile thesystemis connecting,•Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthisisyour favorite phone. Selecting Yes will makethisphone the highest priority. This phone will take pre-cedenceover otherpai red phones withinrange.NOTE: For phones which are not made a favorite, thephone priorityisdeterminedbythe o rderinwhichit waspaired. The latest phone paired will have the higherpriority.You can also use the following VR commandstobringupthePaired Phone screenfrom anyscreenon the radio:
186 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•“Show Pai red Phones”or•“ConnectMy Phone”Pair ABluetooth®Streaming AudioDevice•Touchthe“Player”or“Media” soft -keyto begin,•ChangetheSou rcetoBluetooth®,•Touchthe“Bluetooth®” soft -keytodisplaythe PairedAudio Devices screen,•Touchthe “AddDevice”soft-key,NOTE: Ifthe reis nodevice cur rently connected withthesystem,apop -upwill appear.•Search for available devices on yourBluetooth®en-abled audio device. When prompted on the device,enter the name and PIN shown  on the UconnectTouch™screen,•Uconnect™Phone will display an in process screenwhile thesystemis connecting,•Whenthepairing processhassuccessfullycompleted,thesystemwillpromptyou tochoose whetheror notthis is your favorite device. Selecting Yes will makethis device the highest priority. This device will takeprecedenceover otherpai red devices withinrange.NOTE: For devices which are not made a favorite, thedevice priorityisdetermined by the orderinwhichit waspaired. The latest device paired will have the higherpriority.You can also use thefollowingVRcommandtobringupa list ofpairedaudio devices.•“Show Pai red AudioDevices”
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 187•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the deviceConnectingTo A ParticularMobile PhoneOr AudioDeviceUconnect™ Phone will automatically connect to thehighest priority  paired phone and/or Audio Devicewithin range. If you would need to choose a particularphoneorAudio Device followthese steps:•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touch to select the particular Phone or the “PairedAudio Sou rces” soft -keyand then anAudio Device,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.DisconnectingAPhoneorAudio Device•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,name, 1•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touchthe“Disconnect Device”soft-key,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.DeletingAPhoneOrAudioDevice•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•TouchthePhone/Bluetooth®soft-key,•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the devicename for adifferentPhone or Audio Device than thecur rently connecteddevice,•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touchthe“Delete Device”soft-key,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.
188 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALMakingAPhoneOrAudio DeviceA Favorite•Touchthe“Settings”soft-key,•Touchthe“Phone/Bluetooth®”soft-key,•Touchthe +soft -key locatedto the right of the devicename,•Theoptions pop -upwill be displayed,•Touch the “MakeFavorite” soft -key;you will see thechosen devicemove to the top of the list,•Touchthe X to exit out of theSettingsscreen.Phonebook Download—Automatic PhonebookTransfer From Mobile PhoneIfequippedandspecifically supportedby your phone,Uconnect™  Phone  automatically  downloads  names(textnames) and number entries from the mobile phone’sphonebook. Specific Bluetooth®Phones with PhoneBookAccess Profilemaysupportthisfeatu re.See Uconnect™websiteforsupportedphones.•To call aname fromadownloaded mobilephonebook,follow the procedure in “Call by Saying a Name”section.•Automatic download and update,ifsupported,beginsassoonas theBluetooth®wi reless phone connectionismadeto theUconnect™ Phone,forexample, afteryoustart the vehicle.•Amaximumof 1000entriesper phone will be down-loadedandupdatedevery time a phone is connectedto theUconnect™Phone.•Dependingon themaximum numberofentriesdown-loaded, there may be a short delay before the latest
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 189downloadednames can be used. Until then, if avail- 2. After loading the mobile phonebook, select phone-able, thepreviously downloaded phonebookis avail-able for use.•Only the phonebookofthe cur rently connectedmobilephoneis accessible.•This downloaded phonebook cannot be edited ordeleted on theUconnect™Phone. These can only beedited on the mobile phone. The changes are trans-ferred andupdatedtoUconnect™Phone on the nextphoneconnection.Managing YourFavorite PhonebookThere are three ways you can add an entry to yourFavoritePhonebook.1.Duringan active call of anumberto make a favorite,touch and hold a favorite button on the top of thephonemain screen.book from the Phone main screen, then select the 1app ropriate numbe r.Touch the + next to the selectednumbertodisplaytheoptions pop -up.In the pop-upselect “Add to Favorites”.NOTE: If theFavoriteslist is full, you will be asked toremoveanexistingfavorite.3.FromthePhonemainscreen, select phonebook.Fromthephonebookscreen, select the“Favorites”soft-keyand then select the+soft -key locatedtothe rightof thephonebookrecord. Select an empty entry and touchthe + onthat selected entr y. WhentheOptionspop-upappears,touch “Add fromMobile”.You will then beasked which contactandnumbertochoose fromyourmobilephonebook.Whencompletethe new favoritewill be shown.
190 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALToRemoveA Favorite•To remove a Favorite, select phonebook from thePhonemain screen.•Nextselect Favoriteson the left side of thescreenandthen touch the +Optionssoft-key.•Touch the +  next to the Favorite you would like toremove.•The Options pop -up will displa y, touch “RemovefromFavs”.Phone Call FeaturesThe following features can be accessed through theUconnect™ Phone if the feature(s) are available andsupported byBluetooth®on your mobile service plan.Forexample,if yourmobile serviceplanprovidesthree-way calling, this feature can be accessed through theUconnect™ Phone. Checkwith yourmobile servicepro-vider for thefeatu resthat you have.Ways To Initiate APhoneCallListed below areallthe ways you can initiateaphonecallwithUconnect™Phone.•Redial•Dial bytouchingin the number•Voice Commands (Dial by Saying a Name, Call bySayingaPhonebook Name, Redial,or CallBack)•Favorite Phonebook•Mobile Phonebook•RecentCall Log•SMSMessageViewer
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 191NOTE: All of theabove operations except Redialcan be Call Controlsdone with 1 call or less active.Dial BySayingA Number•Press thebuttonto begin,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Dial 248-555-1212”,•TheUconnect™Phone will dial thenumber248-555-1212.Call BySayingAPhonebookName•Press thebuttonto begin,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Call John Doe Mobile”,•The Uconnect™ Phone will dial the numberassociatedwith John Doe,or iftherearemultiple numbersit willask whichnumberyou want to call for John Doe.Thetouch -screen allowsyou tocont rolthefollowingcall 1features:•Answer•End•Ignore•Hold/unhold•Mute/unmute•Transferthe call to/from the phone•Swap 2 active calls•Join 2 active calls together
192 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch -Tone NumberEntry•Touchthe“Phone”soft-key,•Touchthe“Dial”soft-key,•TheTouch -Tone screenwill be displayed,•Use thenumbe red soft -keysto enter thenumberandtouch “Call”.Tosendatouch tone using Voice Recognition (VR),pressthebuttonwhile in a call and say “Send 1234#” oryou can say “Send Voicemail Password” if Voicemailpasswo rdissto redin yourmobilephonebook.RecentCallsYou may browse upto 34 ofthe most recentofeachof thefollowingcall types:•IncomingCalls•OutgoingCalls•MissedCalls•All CallsThese can be accessed by touching the “recent calls”soft -keyon thePhonemain screen.You can also press the button and say “Show myincomingcalls” from any screen and theIncomingcallswill be displayed.You can also press the button and say “Show myrecent calls” fromanyscreenandtheAllcalls screenwillbe displayed.NOTE:Incomingcan also bereplaced with“Outgoing”,“Recent”or “Missed”.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 193NOTE:The Uconnect™ Phone compatible phonesin theAnswerOrIgno re An IncomingCall — No CallCur rentlyIn Prog ressWhen you receive a call on your mobile phone, theUconnect™Phone willinter ruptthe vehicle audio sys-tem, if on, and will ask if you would like toanswerthecall. Press thebuttontoacceptthe call. Toigno rethecall, touchthe“Igno re” soft -keyon thetouch -screen.Youcan also touch the“answer” soft -keyor touch the callerID box.AnswerOrIgno re An IncomingCall — CallCur rentlyIn Prog ressIf a call is currently in progress and you have anotherincomingcall, you will hear the samenetworktones forcall waiting that you normally hear when using yourmobile phone. Press the phone button, answersoft -keyorcallerID box toplacethecur rentcall on hold andanswertheincomingcall.market today do notsupport rejectinganincomingcall 1whenanothercall is inprogress. The refore,the user canonlyansweranincomingcall origno reit.MakingASecondCallWhile Cur rentCall Is InProg ressTo make asecondcall while you arecurrentlyon a call,press thebuttonand say“Dial”or“Call” followedby the phone number orphonebookentry you wishtocall.The first call will be onhold whilethesecondcall isinprogress.Or you can place a call on hold by touchingthe Holdsoft -keyon thePhonemainscreen,then dial anumber from the dialpad, recent calls, SMS Inboxor fromthe phonebooks. To go back to the first call, refer to“Toggling Between Calls”inthis section.Tocombinetwocalls, refer to “Join Calls” in this section.
194 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALPlace/RetrieveA CallFrom HoldDuring an active call, touch the “Hold”soft -keyon thePhonemain screen.Toggling BetweenCallsIf two calls are inprogress(oneactiveand one on hold),touch the “Swap” soft-key on the Phone main screen.Only one call can beplacedon hold at a time.You can also press the button to togglebetweentheactive and heldphonecall.Join CallsWhen two calls are in progress (one active and one onhold), touchthe “JoinCalls” soft -keyon thePhonemainscreentocombineall calls into aConfe renceCall.CallTerminationTo end a call inprogress, momentarilypress the but-ton or the end soft-key. Only the active call(s) will beterminatedand if there is a call on hold, it will becomethe newactivecall. If theactivecall isterminatedby thefar end, a call on hold may notbecomeactive automati-cally. This is cell phone-dependent.Redial•Press the“Redial”soft-key,•or press the and after the“Listening” prompt andthe followingbeep, say “Redial”,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Redial”,•TheUconnect™Phone will call the last number thatwasdialedfrom yourmobilephone.CallContinuationCall continuationisthe p rogressionof aphone callon theUconnect™ Phone afterthevehicle ignitionkey has beenswitchedto OFF.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 195NOTE: The call will remain within the vehicle audiophone andtheUconnect™ Phone, followthe instructionssystem until the phone becomes out of range for theBluetooth®connection.It isrecommendedto press the“transfer” soft -keywhenleavingthe vehicle.Advanced Phone ConnectivityTransferCall ToAnd From Mobile PhoneTheUconnect™Phoneallows ongoingcalls to be trans-ferred from your mobile phoneto theUconnect™Phonewithout terminatingthe call. Totransferanongoingcallfrom your pai red mobile phoneto theUconnect™Phoneor vice versa, press the Transfer button on the Phonemain screen.ConnectOrDisconnect Link Between The Uconnect™Phone And MobilePhoneIfyou would liketoconnectordisconnect the Bluetooth®connectionbetween aUconnect™Phone paired mobiledescribedin yourmobile phone User’sManual. 1Things You Should Know About Your Uconnect™PhoneVoiceCommand•For bestperformance,adjust the rearview mirror toprovideatleast½ in (1 cm) gapbetweenthe overheadconsole(ifequipped)and the mirror.•Alwayswait for the beepbefo respeaking.•Speaknormall y,without pausing, just as you wouldspeakto aperson sittinga few feet/metersawayfromyou.•Make sure that no one other than you is speakingduringa voicecommandperiod.•Performanceismaximizedunder:•low -to-medium blower setting,
196 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•low -to-medium vehiclespeed,•low road noise,•smoothroad surface,•fullyclosedwindows,•dryweathercondition.•Even though the systemisdesigned for usersspeakingin NorthAmericanEnglish, French, and Spanish ac-cents, thesystemmay notalwayswork for some.•Whennavigating throughanautomatedsystem suchasvoice mail,orwhen sendingapage, befo respeakingthe digitstring,make sure to say “Send”.•It isrecommended that youdonot sto re namesin yourfavorites phonebookwhile thevehicleis in motion.•Phonebook(Mobile andFavorites)name recognitionrate isoptimizedwhen theentriesare not similar.•You can say “O” (letter “O”) for “0” (zero).•Even thoughinternationaldialing for most numbercombinations is supported, some shortcut dialingnumber combinationsmay not be supported.•In aconvertiblevehicle, systemperformancemay becomp romisedwith theconvertibletop down.FarEnd Audio Performance•Audio qualityismaximized under:•low -to-medium blowersetting,•low -to-medium vehiclespeed,•low road noise,•smoothroad surface,•fullyclosedwindows,•dryweather conditions,and•operationfrom thedriver’sseat.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 197•Performance, suchasaudio clarit y, echo, andloudness NOTE:Uconnect™Phone SMS is only available whento a largedeg reerely on thephoneandnetwork,andnot theUconnect™Phone.•Echo at the far end can sometimes be reduced byloweringthein-vehicleaudio volume.•In aconvertiblevehicle, systemperformancemay becomp romisedwith theconvertibletop down.SMSUconnect™Phone can read or send new messages onyour phone.YourphonemustsupportSMS overBluetooth®in orderto use thisfeatu re.If theUconnect™Phone determinesyourphoneis notcompatiblewith SMSmessagingoverBluetooth®the“Messaging”button will be greyed outand thefeatu rewill not beavailablefor use.thevehicleis not in moving. 1ReadMessages:If you receive a new textmessagewhile your phone isconnectedtoUconnect™Phone, anannouncementwillbemadetonotifyyou that youhaveanewtext message.Once a message is received and viewed or listened to,you will have thefollowingoptions:•Send a Reply•Forwa rd•CallSendMessagesUsingSoft -Keys:You can send messages using Uconnect™ Phone.To senda new message:•Touchthe“Phone”soft-key,
198 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Touchthe“messaging” soft -key then “NewMessage”,•Touch one of the 18 presetmessagesand the personyou wish to send themessageto,•Ifmultiple numbersareavailablefor thecontactselectwhich number you would like to have the messagesent,•Press“Send”or “Cancel”.SendMessagesUsing Voice Commands:•Press the button,•After the“Listening” promptand thefollowingbeep,say “Sendmessageto John Smith mobile”,•After the systempromptsyou for whatmessageyouwanttosend,say themessage you wishtosendor say“List”.There are 18 preset messages.While the listofdefined messages are being read, youcaninterrupt the system by pressing the button andsayingthemessageyou want to send.After the system confirms that you want to send yourmessageto JohnSmith,yourmessagewill be sent.List of PresetMessages:1. Yes.2. No.3. Okay.4. I can’t talk right now.5. Call me.6. I’ll call you later.7. I’m on my way.8.Thanks.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 199can generally bereestablishedby switching the phone9. I’ll be late.10. I will be <number>minuteslate.11. See you in <number> minutes.12. Stuck in traffic.13. Startwithoutme.14.Whe reare you?15. Are you there yet?16. I need directions.17. I’m lost.18. See you later.Bluetooth®CommunicationLinkMobile phones have been foundtolose connectionto theUconnect™Phone. When this happens, the connectionOFF/ON.Your mobile phoneisrecommendedto remain 1inBluetooth®ON mode.Power -UpAfterswitchingtheignitionkey from OFF to either theON or ACC position, or after a language change, youmust wait at least 15secondsprior to using the system.
200 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALVoiceTree
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 201•Send dial tones for automated systems is availableNOTE:•You canreplace“JohnSmith”with any name in yourmobileorfavorite phone book. Youcanalsosay “SendamessagetoJohn Smith”and thesystemwill ask youwhich phonenumberyou want to send amessagetofor John Smith.•You can replace “Mobile” with “Home”, “Work” or“Other”.•You can replace “Incoming Calls” with “OutgoingCalls” or“MissedCalls”.•You can replace “248 555 1212” with any phonenumber supportedby yourMobilephone.•These commands canbeused duringaphone callafterpushing theUconnect™Voice Command button onthesteering wheel.Please note the call will be mutedwhile the VRsessionis active.while a call is active. This is an example that uses a 1Phonebook Reco rd named “VoicemailPassword.”•Storing Dial tonesincontact namesispossible butonlythefirst number encounte redin acontact name willbesent. For example if there is a number stored in theHome and Worknumbersfor the contact “Voicemailpasswo rd”only the Homenumberwill be sent•If yourphonedoes notsupport phonebookdownloador call logdownloadoverBluetooththan these com-mandswillreturnaresponsethat thecontact doesnotexist in the phonebook.•Emergency and Towing assistance are contacts thathave beenpre-loadedin thephonebooks.Commandssuch as “CallEme rgency”and “Call Towing Assis-tance”will call thecor responding number sto redwiththose contacts.
202 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andunderlinedin the grayshadedboxes.
204 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE:•You canreplace“JohnSmith”with any name in yourmobileorfavorite phone book. Youcanalsosay “SendamessagetoJohn Smith”and thesystemwill ask youwhich phonenumberyou want to send amessagetofor John Smith.•You can replace “Mobile” with “Home”, “Work” or“Other”.•You can replace “Incoming Calls” with “OutgoingCalls” or“MissedCalls”.•Messaging commandsonly work if theUconnectsys-tem is equipped with this feature and the mobilephone supports messagingover Bluetooth.•You can replace “248 555 1212” with any phonenumber supportedby yourMobilephone.•You canreplace“4” with anymessage numbershownon the screen.•If yourphonedoes notsupport phonebookdownloador call logdownloadoverBluetooththan these com-mandswillreturnaresponsethat thecontact doesnotexist in the phonebook.
206 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andunderlinedin the grayshadedboxes.Uconnect™ Voice CommandVoice Command OverviewThe Uconnect™ Voice Command system al-lows you tocont rol yourAM, FMradio,satel-literadio,discplaye r,SDCard,USB/iPod andSiriusTravelLink.NOTE: Take care to speak into the Voice Commandsystemascalmlyandnormallyaspossible.Theabilityofthe Voice Command system to recognize user voicecommands maybenegatively affectedbyrapidspeakingor a raised voice level.WARNING!ALWAYS drive safely with your handson the wheel.You have fullresponsibilityand assume all risks(Continued)
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 207WARNING!(Continued)related to the use of the Uconnect™ features andapplications in this vehicle. Only use Uconnect™whenit issafeto do so.Failureto do somay resultinanaccident involving serious injuryor death.When you press the Uconnect™ Voice Commandbutton, you will hearabeep. The beepisyour signalto give a command.If nocommandisspokenthesystemwill say one of tworesponses:•I didn’tunderstand•I didn’t get that, etc.,If acommandis not spoken a second time, the systemwill respond with an error and give some direction aswhat can be said based on thecontextyou are in. Afterthreeconsecutive failu resof aspoken commandthe VR 1sessionwith end.Pressing the Uconnect™ Voice Command buttonwhile the system isspeakingis known as“ba rgingin.”The system will beinter rupted,and after the beep, youcan say acommand.This willbecome helpfulonce youstart to learn the options.NOTE: At any time, you can say thewo rds “Cancel”or“Help”.These commands are universal and canbeused fromanymenu.Allother commandscan beused dependinguponthe active application.When usingthissystem,youshould speak clearlyand atanormal speakingvolume.
208 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALThe system will bestrecognizeyour speech if the win-dows are closed, and the heater/airconditioningfan isset to low.At any point,ifthe system does not recognize oneof yourcommands,you will bepromptedtorepeatit.Tohear available commands, presstheUconnect™VoiceCommand button and say “Help”. You will hearavailable commandsfor thescreendisplayed.NaturalSpeechNatural speech allows the user to speakcommandsinphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as “ah”and “eh”. The system handles fill-in words such as “Iwouldlike to”.The systemhandles multipleinputs in the same phraseorsentencesuch as “make a phone call” and “to KellySmith”. Formultipleinputs in the same phrase or sen-tence, the system identifies the topic or context andprovidestheassociated follow -up promptsuch as “Whodo youwanttocall?”in the casewhe reaphonecall wasrequestedbut thespecificname was not recognized.Thesystem utilizes continuous dialog;when the systemrequires moreinformationfrom the user it will ask aquestiontowhichtheusercanrespond withoutpressingtheUconnect™Voice Command button.Uconnect™ Voice CommandsThe Uconnect™ Voice Command system understandstwo types ofcommands. Universal commandsare avail-able at all times. Local commands are available if thesupportedradio mode is active.Start adialoguebypressingtheUconnect™Voice Com-mand button.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 209ChangingtheVolume1. Start a dialogue by pressing the Voice Commandbutton.2. Say acommand(e.g., “Help”).3. Use the ON/OFFVOLUME rotaryknob toadjustthevolume to acomfortablelevel while the Voice Com-mand system is speaking. Please note the volumesettingforVoice Commandisdifferent thanthe audiosystem.Starting Voice Recognition (VR) SessioninRadio/Player ModesIn thismode,you can say thefollowingcommands:NOTE: Thecommandscan be said on anyscreenwhena call is not active after pushing theUconnect™VoiceCommand button.DiscToswitchto thedisc mode,say“Change sou rceto Disc”. 1Thiscommandcan be given in any mode or screen:•“Track”(#) (tochangethe track)
210 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALVoiceTree
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 211NOTE:1. You canreplace“950 AM” with anyotherAM or FM1frequenc y,such as “98.7 FM”.2. You can replace “80’s on 8” with any other satellitestationnamereceivedby the radio.3. You can replace “8” with any other satellite stationnamed receivedby the radio.4. You canreplace “rock”with any of thesatellitemusictypes.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 213NOTE:1.You can replacethealbum, artist, song, gen re,playlist,1podcastand audio booknameswith any correspond-ingnameson thecur rent devicethat is playing.2. You canreplace“8” with any track on the CD that iscurrently playing.Commandis only available whenCD is playing.3.Playlist, Podcastand audio bookcommandsare onlyavailablewhen the iPod isconnectedand playing.4. VRcommands, Albums, Artists,andGen re namesarebased on the musicdatabase providedby Gracenote.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 215NOTE:1. You canreplace “NFL” withanyleague shownon the1sports league screen.Forexampleyou can say “ShowMLBheadlines”or“Show PGAheadlines”.2. You can replace“Headlines”with any menu itemsshown on a league screen. Forexampleyou can say“Show NFL Schedule and results” or “Show NCAABasketball AP top 25”or“Show Major LeagueBaseballTeams”.3. You can also say “ShowCur rent Weather”or “Showextended weather” or “Show five day forecast” or“Showski info” to get other forecasts.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 217NOTE:1. OnlyavailablewithNavigation equippedvehicles.12. You canreplace “Player” with “Radio”, “Navigation”,“Phone”, “Climate”, “Mo re”or “Settings”.3. Navigation commands only work if equipped withNavigation.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 219NOTE:Main Menu1. You can also say “Find City”, “FindFavorite”,“FindPlay by Category”, “Find Play by Name”, “FindRecently Found”, “Whe reto?” or “Go Home”.2.You can say “Find Nea rest” then “Restaurant”,“Fuel”,“Transit”, “Lodging”, “Shopping”, “Bank”, “Enter-tainment”, “Recreation”, “Attractions”,  “Commu-nity”, “AutoServices”, “Hospitals”, “Parking”,“Air-port”, “Police Stations”, “Fire Stations”, or “AutoDealers”.NOTE: Available VoiceCommandsare shown in boldface andshadedgrey.NavigationGetting StartedToaccesstheNavigation system, touchthe Nav soft-keyonbottomof the screen.1•Touch Whe reTo? to find or route to a destination.•TouchView Map to view the map.•TouchInformationto view Traffic,Whe reAm I? andTripComputerinformation
220 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•TouchEme rgencyto search forHospitals,Police andFireStationsnear yourcur rent location.You can alsodisplay your cur rent location and save anyEmergencyfacility locationto your Favorites.•TouchStop to stop a route.•TouchDetourtodetoura route.Where To?Fromthe NavMain Menu, touchtheWhe reTo? soft-keyand select one of the following methods to program aroute guidance.NOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Add ress
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 221Touch this soft -keytosea rch byastreet add ressor a streetname with house number.•RecentTouch this soft -keytoaccess previously routedaddressesor locations.•Point ofInte restTouchthissoft -key whenyouwanttorouteto apointofinterest. The Point of Interest database allows you toselect adestinationfrom a list of locations and publicplaces,orpointsofinte rest(POI).•FavoritesTouchthissoft -keytoaccess previously savedaddressesor locations.•IntersectionTouch this soft-key to enter in two street names as adestination.•GoHomeTouchthissoft -keytoprogramorconfirma route to the 1saved homeadd ress.•GEO CoordinatesTouchthissoft -keyto route to a GEOCoo rdinate.A geocoo rdinateis acoo rdinateused ingeograph y.You candeterminea geocoo rdinatewith the help of a handheldGPSreceive r,a map, or thenavigationsystem.•Point on MapTouch this soft-key to select adestinationdirectly fromthe Map screen.Byselectingastreet segmentoricon,youcanquickly enteradestination withouttheneedto inputthe city name or street.•CityCenter
222 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch this soft-key to route to a particular city. Thenavigationsystem willcalculatea route with the desti-nationat the center of the city.•ClosestCityTouchthissoft -keytorouteto anearbycity. The naviga-tionsystemwillcalculatea route with thedestinationatthe center of thenearbycity.•Phone NumberTouch this soft-key to route to a location or point ofinte restby the phone number.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – AddressTo enter adestinationbyAdd ress, followthese steps:1. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -keyand then touch theAdd resssoft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 223NOTE: To change the state and/or country, touch thestate, country soft -keyandfollowthepromptsto changethe state and/or country.12. Touch Spell City or Spell Street to beginenteringtheadd ressof your destination.If you touch Spell City, you will have to enter andselect/touch the desired city name, followed by thedesi redstreet name and lastly the house number.If you touch Spell Street, you will have to enter and
224 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALselect/touch thedesi red street namein thecor rectcityand then you will have to enter the house number3. Once the correct City, Street and Number has beenente red, you willbeaskedtoconfirm yourdestinationbytouchingOK.4.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectanAdd ress,thesystemwill ask you tochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestination
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 225You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – RecentTorouteto arecent destination, touch the Recentsoft-keyin the NAV Main Menu.1Touchthesoft -keywith thenameof thedesi reddestina-tion. Confirm  the route with Yes to start the routeguidance.To delete adestinationfrom the list, touch the trash canicon soft-key.
226 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTo display the options foradestination touch theOptionssoft -keythat looks like a gear.Thefollowing Optionsareavailableforeachdestination:•Edit Name•AddPhoneNumber•Move Up in the list•Move Down in the list•Place Pin on thelocation(saves the spot on the list)NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Point of InterestToenteradestinationbyPointofInte rest (POI) touchthePoint ofInte rest soft -keyin the Nav Main Menu.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 227The Point of Interest database allows you to select adestinationfrom a list oflocationsand publicplaces,orpointsofinte rest(POI)s.1You have thefollowingPOIs tochoosefrom:•Gas Stations•Restaurants•Hotels/Motels•ATM/Banking
228 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•All POIs•Spell POI NameYou can also change your POI search area, by touchingthe Change Search Area soft-key. You will have thefollowing optionstochangeyoursea rcharea:•AroundMe•In a City•Near Destination (only available during routeguidance)•Along Route (onlyavailable duringroute guidance)NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI – Gas StationsTo select a GasStationPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch the GasStationssoft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 229You cansea rchfor a gasstationby thefollowingcatego-ries, which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen.•Name•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touch thedesi redGasStationand touch Yes to confirm 1thedestination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectagas station,thesystem will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –RestaurantsTo select aRestaurantPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch theRestaurantssoft-key.
230 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYou cansea rchfor arestaurantsby thefollowingcatego-ries, which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen.•Name•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touch the desiredRestaurantand touch Yes to confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaRestaurant, the system will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –Hotels/MotelsTo select a Hotel or Motel POI, touch Point of Interestfrom the Nav Main Menu, then touch the Pointof Interestsoft -keyand then touch the Hotels/Motels soft-key.You can search for a hotel or motel by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance•Type•ABC (Search)Touch the desi red hotelormotel and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 231NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaHotelorMotel,thesystem willaskyouto chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –ATM/BankingTo select an ATM or Bank POI, touch Point of Interestfrom the Nav Main Menu, then touch the Pointof Interestsoft -keyand then touch the ATM/Banking soft-key.You can search for an ATM or Bank by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance 1•Type•ABC (Search)Touchthedesi red ATMorBank and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect an ATM or Bank POI, the system will ask you tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.
232 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALAll POIsToselectaPOI type, touch PointofInte rest fromthe NavMain Menu, then touchthePointofInte rest soft -keyandthentouchAll POIs soft-key.You can search through theavailablePOIcategoriestofind yourdesi redPOI.Theavailable categoriesare:•ATM/Banking•Automotive•CoffeeShops•Community•Entertainment•Gas Stations•Healthand Beauty•HighwayExit•Hospital•Hotels/Motels•Other•Parking
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 233•Add as first destination•Recreation•Restaurants•Shopping•Travel•TruckSelect acategoryand then select asubcategoryif neces-sar y. TouchtheABC soft -keytoactivateakeyboa rdwithAlphabetic charactersin order to search within the POIcategories.Touch the desired POI and touch Yes to confirm thedestination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPOI,thesystemwill ask you tochooseone of thefollowing:•Cancel previousroute•Add as last destination 1You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.POI –Spell NameTosea rchfor aspecificPOI, touch Point ofInte restfromthe Nav Main Menu, then touch the Point of Interestsoft -keyand then touch the Spell Name soft-key.Akeyboa rdwill appear on the screen. Type in the POIthat you want to search and touch the List soft-key todisplay availableitems.Touch the desired POI and touch Yes to confirm thedestination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPOI,thesystemwill ask you tochooseone of thefollowing:
234 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Favorite DestinationsTo route to a favoritedestination,touch the Favoritessoft -keyin the NAV Main Menu.Touchthesoft -keywith thenameof thedesi redfavoritedestinationand confirm the route with Yes to start theroute guidance.To delete adestinationfrom the list, touch the trash canicon soft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 235To save a favoritedestination,touch the Add Favorite You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to thesoft -keyandfollowthe steps to route a destination.Todisplay the optionsfor afavorite destination touchtheOptions soft -keythat looks like a gear.The following Options are available for each favoritedestination:•Edit Name•Add Phone NumberNOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaFavorite, the system will ask youtochoose oneofthe following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit. 1Where To? – IntersectionToenteradestinationbyIntersection, follow thesesteps:1. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -keyand then touch theIntersection soft -ke y.
236 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALThis menu shows the default country and statesetting.NOTE: To change the state and/or country, touch thestate, country soft -keyandfollowthepromptsto changethe state and/or country.2. This menu shows the default country and state set-tings.If you touch Spell City, you will have to enter andselect/touch the desired city name, followed by thedesi redstreet name and lastly you will have to entertheintersectionstreet.If you touch Spell Street, you will have to enter and
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 237select/touch thedesi red street namein thecor rectcity Where To? – Go Homeandthenyou willhavetoentertheintersectingstreet.3. Once the correct City andIntersectionhas been en-tered, you will be asked toconfirmyour destination.4.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect aIntersection,the system will ask you to chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.To enter yourHome Add ress, followthese steps: 11. While in the Nav Main Menu, touch the Where To?soft -key and then touchthe GoHome soft -key.If thereis noHome Add ress ente red, touch Yestoenterit now.
238 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL2. To set your set yourHome Add ress chooseone of thefollowingoptions:NOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Address•Recent•Point of Interest•Favorites•Intersection•GEO Coordinates•Point on Map•City Center•ClosestCities•PhoneNumber3. Once you havegeneratedyour Home Address, youwill be asked to Save it.4. Touch the Save soft-key to confirm your destinationand begin the route to yourHomeAddress.5.This add ress willbesavedasyour Home Add ressandit can beaccessedbytouchingthe Go Home soft-keyin theWhe reTo? Menu.Change/DeleteYourHomeAddressTochangeordelete your cur rent Home Add ressperformthe following:1.Touchthe Go Homesoft -keyin theWhe reTo? Menu2. Touch the Options  soft-key  at the bottom of thedisplayedmap.3.Touch Clear Homeand thentouchYes to clear/deleteyourHomeAddress.4. To enter in a new HomeAdd ress,follow the WhereTo? – Go Home procedure.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 239NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – TripsTorouteto asaved Trip, touchtheRecent soft -keyin theNAV Main Menu.Touchthesoft -key withthenameof thedesi red Tripandtouch the first destinationinthe list. Confirm the routeby 1touchingYes to start the route guidance.To add a Trip,followthese steps:1.TouchtheCreatenew Trip soft-key.2. Type in the new Trip Name.3. Touch AddDestinationto adddestinationsto yourtrip.4. Choose from thefollowingoptions to add a destina-tionNOTE: Refer to the individual section of the chosenoptionforfurtherinformation.•Address•Recent•Point of Interest•Favorites
240 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Intersection•GEO Coordinates•Point on Map•City Center•ClosestCities•PhoneNumber5. Add moreneeded destinationsto your trip.NOTE: Eachdestinationwill belistedinorder,with thelastdestinationbeing the final destination.6. Your new Trip willappearon the Trips list.To delete a Trip from the list, touch the trash can iconsoft-key.To  display the options for a trip touch the Optionssoft -keythat looks like a gear.Thefollowing Optionsareavailablefor each trip:•Edit Name•Move Up in the list•Move Down in the listNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – GEO Coordinate
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 241To enter adestinationby GEOCoo rdinate,touch WhereTo? in the Nav Main Menu and then touch the GEOCoo rdinatesoft-key.11. Enter theLatitudebytypingin thenumbers.Use theleft and rightarrowsto selectspecific numbersin thelocationshown.2.Touchthe OK soft-key.
242 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL3.Enter the Longitudebytypinginthe numbers. Usethe You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theleft and rightarrowsto selectspecific numbersin thelocationshown.NOTE: Touch theFormat soft -keytochangethe formatof theLatitude/Longitudeentry.4.TouchOK toconfirmthedestination.5.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Geo Coordinate, the system will ask you tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Point on MapToenteradestinationbyPointonMap, touch Whe reTo?in the NavMain Menuand thentouchthePointon Mapsoft-key.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 2431. Use thetouch -screento drag the center of the crossover thedesi reddestination.2. Either touch the address bar at the top center of thescreen to confirm your location or touch the Detailssoft-key  in the upper right corner to display theavailable locationsnear that point on the map.3.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route. 1NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaPointonMap,thesystemwill ask you to chooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – City Center
244 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL3.Enter the Longitudebytypinginthe numbers. Usethe You can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theToenteradestinationbyCity Cente r, touch Whe re To?inthe Nav Main Menu and then touch the City Centersoft-key.1.Enterthenameof the City youwouldlike torouteto.2.Touchthedesi redcity from the list.begin yourroute.NOTE: Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance andyouselectaCity Cente r, the system will ask youtochooseoneof the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – Closest City
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 245ToenteradestinationbyClosest Cit y, touch Whe re To?inthe Nav Main Menu and then touch the Closest Citysoft-key.11.Touchthedesi redcity from the list.2.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Closest City, the system will ask you to chooseone of the following:
246 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Where To? – PhoneTo enteradestination by Phone numbe r, touch Whe reTo?in the Nav Main Menu  and then touch the PhoneNumbersoft-key.1.Enter the Phone Numberofthe destination youwouldlike to route to.2.Touchthedesi red destinationfrom the list.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 2473.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destinationandbegin your route.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Phone numberdestination,the system will askyou tochooseone of the following:•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Before Route GuidanceBeforeconfirmingthe route with the Yes soft-key, it ispossibletoselect options different fromthedefaultroutesettings.1•Options–TouchtheOptions soft -keytodisplaya listof options to alter your route. To make a selectiontouch and release the desired setting until a check-mark appears.
248 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL•Avoid–Touch the Avoid soft -keytochoose roadtypestoavoid duringyourroute.Tomakeaselectiontouchand release the desired setting until a check-markappears.NOTE: Since tollroads, tunnelsandferriesare built forthe purpose of shortening travel distances, avoidingthese road types mayinc rease distanceand travel time.•Save –Touchthe Savesoft -keyto save the destinationas a Favorite.Touch the Yes soft -keytoconfirm your destination andtostart your route guidance.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.View Map
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 249Touchthe View Mapsoft -keyfrom the Nav Main Menutodisplaya map of yourcur rentposition.Withthe mapdisplayedyou have thefollowingfeaturesavailable.•MenuTouchthissoft -keytoreturnto the Nav Main Menu.•ZoomIn +/ZoomOut –Touch the Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out (–) soft-keys to 1change the zoom level. Roads with lower functionalclassificationare not shown in higher zoom levels. (E.g.residential streets, lightly -traveled countyroads.)•TimeofArrival/ TimetoDestination/Distance(onlyduring routeguidance)Touchthesoft -keyin theupper right areaof thescreentothe display items available. Touch the desired optionsoft-key.– Time of Arrival– Time to Destination– Distance•TurnList(only during route guidance)Touchthe area in theupper centerpart of thescreenthatdisplays your next turntoseeaTurn List for yourcurrentroute.
250 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALToucha turn in thedisplayed TurnList for the followingoptions:– Show on Map–AvoidStreet•Options (only during routeguidance)Touch the Options soft-key to display the followingoptions. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– 2D North Up/MapView2D/ MapView3DTouch this soft -keytoscroll between the threeviewingoptions.– SettingsTouch thissoft -keyto view all theavailablesettings.See View Map –Settingsfor more information.– RepeatTouch this soft -keytorepeatthecur rent voiceprompt.–TurnListTouch this soft -keytoviewtheturnlist for the currentroute.– StopGuidanceTouchthissoft -keyto stop route guidance.•Whe re AmI?Touchthe area in thelower centerpart of thescreenthatdisplaysyourcur rent locationto view theWhe reAm I?view.Whe reAm I?displaystheadd ressandGEOCoordinatesof yourcurrentlocation.– Touch the GPS soft-key to view the GPS informa-tion.–TouchtheSave soft -keyto save thelocationin yourFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 251View Map – SettingsWith the Mapdisplayed, touchtheOptions soft -keyandthen touch theSettings soft -key.You can alsoaccessthismenubytouchingtheSettings soft -keyin thelowerrightof the Nav Main Menu.ThefollowingMapSettingsare available.•Map SetupTouch this soft-key to display items tocustomizehow 1your map is viewed. Settings – Map Setup for moreinformation.•SpeedLimitTouch this soft-key to turn on/off speed limit warningannouncements andtoenterapre-defined speed limitforyour route.•Guidance OptionsTouch this soft-key to display items tocustomizeyourroute guidance. Settings – Guidance Options for moreinformation.•UnitsTouch this soft -keytochangetheunits displa y. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– U.S. (mile/feet)
252 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL–Imperial(mile/yard)–Metric(meter)•GPSTouchthissoft -keytochangethe GPSdispla y. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Decimal– DMS– DM•Copy device informationtoUSB?(If Equipped)Touch thissoft -keyto copy your radioinformationto aUSB jump drivethroughtheavailableUSB port.Settings – Map SetupWiththeMap displayed, touchtheOptions soft -key,thentouch the Settings soft-key and then the Map Setupsoft -key.You can also access this menu bytouchingtheSettings soft-key in the lower right of the Nav MainMenu.ThefollowingMap Setupoptionsare available.•MapView
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 253Touch this soft-key to change how the Map View isTouch this soft -keytochange the DestinationInformationdisplayed. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.that isdisplayedin the upper right corner of the Map1– 3D– 2D•OrientationTouch this soft -keytochange how the Map Orientationisdisplayed. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– North Up–HeadingUp•Cur rentStreetTouch this soft-key to turn on/off the current streetdisplayon thelower centerof the MapView. Touchandreleasethesoft -key untilacheck -mark appears,showingthesettinghas been selected.•Destination InformationView.Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Time of Arrival– Time to Destination– Distance•AutoZoomTouch this soft -keytochange how the AutoZoomfeatureadjust the zoom level during guidance in Map View.Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Far– Normal– Near– Off•VehicleIcon
254 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch this soft-key to change the vehicle icon that isdisplayed whileinMap View. Touch PreviousorNexttoview the available icons. Touch the back icon soft-keywhenyou’vemade you selection.•ShowPOI IconsTouchthissoft -keytoshowtheselected Pointof Interesticonswhilein MapView. Touchandreleasethe soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•POI Icon ListTouch this soft-key to display the available Point ofInterest icons you would like displayed while in MapView. Touch and release the desired selection soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•TMC IncidentsTouch this soft-key to show Traffic Message Channel(TMC)Incidentswhile in Map View. Touch and releasethe soft-key until a check-mark appears, showing thesettinghas been selected.•Speedand FlowTouchthissoft -keytoshowtheSpeed and Flowof trafficwhile in Map View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntila check-mark appears, showing the setting has beenselected.•3D CityModelsTouch this soft-key to display 3D city models while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•3DLandmarksTouch this soft-key to display 3D landmarks while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 255•Digital Terrain ModelTouch thissoft -keytodisplaythe areas terrain while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•Park AreasTouch thissoft -keytodisplayPark Areas while in MapView. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•RailroadsTouch this soft-key to display Railroad tracks while inMap View.Touchandreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•City AreasTouch this soft-key to display City Areas while in MapView. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•River NamesTouch this soft -keytodisplay River Names whilein Map 1View. Touch andreleasethesoft -keyuntil a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Settings – GuidanceWiththeMap displayed, touchtheOptions soft -key,thentouch theSettings soft -keyand then theGuidancesoft-key. You can also access this menu by touching theSettings soft-key in the lower right of the Nav MainMenu.Thefollowing Guidance optionsare available.•PlayVoice GuidancePrompts
256 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALTouch this soft-key to enable Voice Guidance Promptsduring route guidance. Touch and release the soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•NavVolume AdjustmentTouch the (+) or (-) soft-key to adjust the Nav VoicePrompt Volume.•Lane RecommendationTouch this soft-key to enable LaneRecommendationduring route guidance. Touch and release the soft-keyuntilacheck -mark appears, showingthesetting hasbeenselected.•JunctionViewTouchthissoft -keytoenable Junction View duringrouteguidance.Touch and release the soft-key until a check-markappears, showingthesettinghas been selected.•Navigation Turn -by -Turn Displayedin ClusterTouch this soft-key to enable navigation turn-by-turndisplayed in vehicles cluster during route guidance.Touch and release the soft-key until acheck -markap-pears,showingthesettinghas been selected.•TMC Route ModeTouch this soft-key to change how the Traffic MessageChannel (TMC) Route Mode functions during routeguidance. Touchthedesi redsoft-key.– Automatic– By Delay Time– Manual– Off•TMC AvoidanceTypesTouch thissoft -keytodisplaytheavailableTraffic Mes-sage Channel (TMC)AvoidanceTypes you would like
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 257displayed whileinroute guidance. Touch and releasethedesired selection soft-key until a check-mark appears,showingthesettinghas been selected.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Information1From the Nav Main Menu, touch theInformationsoft-key and select one of the following options to viewadditionalinformation.•Traffic•Whe reAm I?•TripComputer
258 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Information – Where Am I?To select Where Am I?information,touch the Informa-tion soft-key from the Nav Main Menu and then touchtheWhe reAm I? soft-key.Whe reAm I?displaystheadd ressandGEOCoordinatesof yourcurrentlocation.•Touchthe GPSsoft -keyto view the GPS information.•Touch the Save soft-key to save the location in yourFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Information – Trip Computer
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 259ToselectTripComputer information, touchthe Informa-tion soft-key from the Nav Main Menu and then touchthe TripComputersoft-key.Trip Computer displays the following trip informationfrom your last trip•Travel Di rection•Distanceto final Destination•VehicleSpeed 1•DistanceTraveled•Overall averagespeed•Moving averagespeed•Maximumspeed reached•Total time traveled•Traveltime spent moving•Traveltime spent stoppedNOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency
260 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALFromtheNav Main Menu, touchtheEme rgencysoft-keyand touch one of the following options to search androute to aspecificlocation.•Hospital–Sea rch and routeto aHospital closeto yourcur rentlocation•Police – Search and route to a Police Station close toyourcur rentlocation•Fire Department–Sea rch and routeaFireDepartmentclose to yourcurrentlocationTouchtheLocation soft -keytodisplay your exactcurrentlocation.Touch the Savesoft -keyto save yourcur rent locationinFavorites.NOTE: You can touch the backarrow soft -keyto returnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency – Hospital
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 261To search for a Hospital close to your current location,touch Emergency from the Nav Main Menu and thentouch theHospitalsoft-key.You can searchfor aHospitalbythe followingcategories,which aresoft -keytabs at the top of the screen.•Name•Distance•ABC (Search) 1NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touchthedesi red HospitalandtouchYes toconfirmthedestination.NOTE:•Ifyouarecurrentlyon aroute guidance and youselectaHospital the system will ask youtochoose oneof thefollowing•Cancel previousroute•Add as first destination•Add as last destination•You cantouchtheback arrow soft -keytoreturnto theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.
262 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALEmergency – PoliceTo search for a Police Station  close to your currentlocation, touch Eme rgency fromtheNav Main Menuandthen touch the PoliceStationsoft-key.You can search for a Police Station by the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance•ABC (Search)NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touch the desi red Police Station and touch Yesto confirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a PoliceStationthesystemwill ask you to chooseone of the following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 263•Add as last destinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Emergency – Fire Department1To search for a FireDepartmentclose to your currentlocation, touch Eme rgency fromtheNav Main Menuandthen touch the FireDepartmentsoft-key.
264 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALYou can search for a FireDepartmentby the followingcategories, which are soft-key tabs at the top of thescreen.•Name•Distance•ABC (Search)NOTE: In case ofeme rgenc y,please contact the facilityto verify theiravailability befo reproceeding.Touch the desired Fire Department and touch Yes toconfirmthe destination.NOTE: Ifyouarecur rentlyon aroute guidance andyouselect a Fire Department the system will ask you tochooseone of the following•Cancel previousroute•Add as firstdestination•Add as lastdestinationYou can touch the back arrow soft-key to return to theprevious screenor the Xsoft -keyto exit.Security FeaturesThefollowing Security Related optionsare available:•9–1–1 Call•Roadside AssistanceCallRoadside Assistance (If Equipped)If yourvehicleisequippedwith thisfeatu reand withincellular range, you may be able to connect to RoadsideAssistance, Uconnect™Care andVehicleCare by press-ing the“Assist”button on theRearviewMirror of yourvehicle. To the extent any such calls incur additional
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 265costs, you areresponsiblefor them. IfRoadsideAssis-tance is provided to your vehicle, you agree to beresponsibleforany additional roadside assistanceservicecosts that you may incur.Inordertoprovide Uconnect™ Servicesto you, we mayrecord and monitor yourconversationswith RoadsideAssistance, Uconnect™ Care or Vehicle Care, whethersuchconversationsareinitiated throughthe Uconnect™Services in your vehicle, or via a landline or mobiletelephone,and may shareinformation obtainedthroughsuchreco rdingandmonitoringinacco rdancewith regu-latoryrequi rements.Youacknowledge,agree and con-sent to anyreco rding, monitoringorsharingof informa-tionobtained throughany such call recordings.9–1–1 Call – If EquippedThe9-1-1 Call systemis anembedded phone systemthat 1allows you to connect to a 9-1-1 operator in an emer-gency. You can choose to press the 9-1-1 Call button ontheRearview Mir rortocontacta 9-1-1 operator.9–1–1 CallOperating Instructions1. Press the 9-1-1 Callbuttonon theRearviewMirror;NOTE: In case the 9-1-1 Call button ispushedin error,there will be a 10 second delay before the 9-1-1 Callsystem initiates a call to a 9-1-1operato r.To cancel the9-1-1 Callconnection,press the 9-1-1 Call button on theRearview Mir roror press thecancellation buttonon thePhone Screen. Terminationof the 9-1-1 Call will turn thegreen LED light on theRearview Mir roroff.2. The LEDlighton theRearview Mir rorwill turn greenonce aconnectionto a 9-1-1operatorhas been made;
266 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL3. Once a connection between the vehicle and a 9-1-1operatoris made, the 9-1-1 Callsystemmay transmitthefollowing important vehicle informationto a 9-1-1operator:•indicationthat theoccupant placeda 9-1-1 Call;•thevehicle brand;and•the lastknownGPScoo rdinatesof the vehicle.4. You should be able to speak with the 9-1-1 operatorthrough the vehicle audio system to determine ifadditionalhelp is needed.NOTE:Onceaconnectionismade betweenthe vehicle’s9-1-1Callsystemand the9-1-1 operato r,the9-1-1opera-tor may be able to open a voice connection with thevehicle todetermineifadditionalhelp is needed. Oncethe 9-1-1 operator opens a voice connection with thevehicle’s 9-1-1 Call system, the operator shouldbeabletospeak with you or other vehicle occupants and hearsounds occurringin thevehicle.Thevehicle’s9-1-1 Callsystem willattemptto remainconnectedwith the 9-1-1operatoruntil the 9-1-1operator terminatesthe connec-tion.5.The 9-1-1 operator may attempttocontactappropriateeme rgency respondersandprovide themwith impor-tantvehicle informationand GPS coordinates.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 2676. If aconnection betweenthevehicleand a9-1-1opera-tor ismade, the 9-1-1 Call system may transmitcertainvehicle informationto a 9-1-1operato r, includingthelast known GPS coordinates of your vehicle. If aconnectionismade betweena9-1-1 operator andyourvehicle, you understand and ag ree that 9 -1-1operatorsmay record conversations and sounds in your carupon connection and consenttosuch reco rdings.Yourvehicle MUST haveaworking electrical systemfor the9-1-1 Callsystem, among others,tooperate.IF YOURVEHICLE LOSES BATTE RY POWER FOR  ANYREA-SON(INCLUDING DURINGORAFTERAN ACCI-DENT) THE 9-1-1 CALLSYSTEM, AMONGOTHERVEHICLES SYSTEMS, WILLNOT OPERATE.WARNING!Ifanyonein thevehicle couldbe indanger (e.g., fire(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)or smoke is visible, dangerous road conditions or 1location),do not wait for voice contact from a 9-1-1operato r. All occupants should exit the vehicleimme-diatelyand move to a safe location.WARNING!The 9-1-1 Callsystemisembeddedinto the vehicle’selectrical system.Do not add anyaftermarketelectri-calequipmentto thevehicle ’s electrical system.Thismay prevent your vehicle from sending a signal toinitiateanemergencycall. Toavoid interferencethatcan cause the 9-1-1 Call system to fail, never addaftermarket equipment(e.g.,two -waymobile radio,CBradio,datarecorde r,etc.) toyour vehicle ’selectri-calsystemormodifytheantennason your vehicle.
268 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL9-1-1 CallSystem LimitationsVehiclessold inCanadaandMexicoDONOT have9-1-1Callsystem capabilities.9-1-1 or othereme rgencylineoperatorsin Canada andMexicomay notanswerorrespondto9-1-1 systemcalls.If the 9-1-1 Callsystem detectsamalfunction,any of thefollowing may occur at the  time the  malfunction isdetected,and at thebeginningof eachignitioncycle:•theRearview Mir rorlight willcontinuouslybe illumi-nated red;•The Phone Screen willdisplaythefollowingmessage“Vehicle phone requires service. Please contact yourdeale r.”;and,•An In-Vehicle Audio message will state “Vehiclephonerequi res service.Pleasecontactyour dealer.”WARNING!IgnoringtheRearview Mirrorlight could mean youwill not have 9-1-1 Call services. If the RearviewMirror light is illuminated, have an authorizeddealer servicethe 9-1-1 Callsystemimmediately.WARNING!The ORCturnson the Air BagWarning Lighton theinstrumentpanel if amalfunctionin any part of thesystem isdetected.If the Air BagWarningLight isilluminated, the 9 -1-1 system may notbeableto senda signal to a 9-1-1operato r.If the Air Bag WarningLight isilluminated,have anauthorizeddealer ser-vice the ORCsystemimmediately.
Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUAL 269Even if the 9-1-1 Call system is fullyfunctional,factorsbeyond Chrysler Group LLC’s control may prevent orstop 9-1-1 Callsystem operation.Theseinclude,but arenotlimitedto, thefollowingfactors:•Theignitionkey has beenremovedfrom the ignitionand thedelayed accessoriesmode is active;•Theignitionkey is in OFF position;•Thevehicle’s electrical systemsare not intact;•The 9-1-1 Call systemsoftwa reand/orhardwa rearedamaged duringa crash;•The vehicle battery loses power or becomes discon-nected duringavehiclecrash;•Wireless and/or Global Positioning Satellite signalsareunavailableor obstructed;•Equipment malfunctionat the 9-1-1operatorfacility;•Operatorerror by the 9-1-1 operator;•Wireless networkcongestion; 1•Weather;and•Buildings, structu res, geographic terrain,or tunnels.WARNING!Never placeanythingon or near thevehicle ’swire-less and GPSantennas.You could prevent wirelessand GPS signal reception, which can prevent yourvehicle from placinganemergency call. WirelessandGPS signal reception is required for the 9-1-1 Callsystemtofunctionproperly.
270 Uconnect™ ACCESS USER’S MANUALWARNING!Failuretoperform scheduled maintenanceand regu-larly inspect your vehiclemayresultinvehicledam-ageand/or seriousinjury.Remote Service FeaturesIfyour vehicleisequipped with Remote ServiceFeatures,for moreinformation,refer toww w.MoparOwnerCon -nect.comor call 855-792-4241.
2 INDEXGeneral Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93, 206

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