Harman Becker Automotive Systems BE2726 Automotive Infotainment Bluetooth Head Unit User Manual rer manual rev32

Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. Automotive Infotainment Bluetooth Head Unit rer manual rev32

User Manual Part 3

Answer or Reject an Incoming Callwhen another Call in ProgressIf  a  call  is currently  in  progress and  you have  another  incoming call,  you  will  hear  the  same  network  tones  for  call  waiting  that you normally hear when using your cell phone. Press  the  UConnect™  button  to  place  the  current  call  on  hold and answer the incoming call. Note: The  UConnect™ system  compatible  phones in  market  today  do  not support  rejecting  an  incoming  call  when another call is in  progress.  There-fore, the user can only either answer an incoming call or ignore it.Make a Second Call while another call is  in Progress1. To  make a  second  call  while  you  are  currently in a call,  press the VR hard-key. 2.  Say DIAL  or  CALL  followed  by  the  phone number  or  phone-book entry you wish to call. 3.  The  first  call  will  be  on  hold  while  the  second  call  is  in  pro-gress. To go back to  the first call, refer  to  section  “Toggling  Be-tween Calls.” 4. To combine two calls, refer to section “Conference Call.”Place / Retrieve a Call from Hold1.  To  put  a call  on  hold, press the  UConnect™ button  until  you hear  a  single  beep  which  will  indicate  that  the  call  has  been placed on hold. 2.  To  bring  the  call  back  from  hold,  press and  hold  the  ‘Phone’ button until you hear a single beep.Toggle between CallsIf  two calls are  in  progress  (one  active  and  one on hold), press the  UConnect™  button  until  you  hear  a  single  beep  indicating that  the  active  and  hold  status  of  the  two  calls  have  switched. Only one call can be placed on hold at one time.Conference CallWhen  two  calls  are  in  progress  (one  active  and  one  on  hold), press and  hold  the  UConnect™  button  until  you  hear  a  double beep  indicating that the two calls have been joined into  one  con-ference call.Three-Way Call1. To initiate three-way calling, press the VR  hard-key while  a call is in progress.2.  Make  a  second  phone  call  as described  in  section “Making  a Second Call while Current Call in Progress.” SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM88
3.  After  the  second  call  has  established,  press  and  hold  the UConnect™ button  until  you  hear  a  double  beep  indicating  that the two calls have been joined into one conference call.Call Termination1. To  end a  call  in progress,  momentarily press the  UConnect™ button. Only  the  active  call/s will  be  terminated  and if there  is  a  call  on hold, it will become the new active call.2.  If  the  active  call  is  terminated  by the  far  end, a  call  on  hold may not become  active automatically. This is cell  phone depend-ent.  3.  To  bring  the  call  back  from  hold,  press  and  hold  the  UCon-nect™ button until you hear a single beep. Redial1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say REDIAL.4.  The  UConnect™  system  will  call  the  last  number  that  was dialed on your cellular phone. Note: This  may  not  be  the  last  number  dialed  from  the  UConnect™  sys-tem.Call Continuation Call  continuation  is progression  of a  phone  call  on UConnect™ system  after  the  vehicle  ignition  key  has  been  switched  to  off. Call  continuation functionality available on the vehicle can be any one of three types:1.  After  ignition  key is  switched  off,  a  call  can  continue  on  the UConnect™ system  either  until the call  ends or  until  the vehicle battery  condition  dictates  cessation  of  the  call  on  the  UCon-nect™ system and transfer of the call to the mobile phone.2. After  ignition key is switched  to off, a  call  can continue  on the UConnect™  system  for  certain  duration,  after  which  the  call  is automatically  transferred  from  the  UConnect™  system  to  the mobile phone.3. An  active call  is automatically transferred  to  the  mobile  phone after ignition key is switched to off. SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM89
Emergency AssistanceIf you are in an emergency and the mobile phone is reachable:1.  Pick  up  the  phone  and manually dial  the  emergency number for your area.2.  If  the  phone  is  not  reachable  and  the  UConnect™  system  is operational, you may reach the emergency number as follows:1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say EMERGENCY.The  UConnect™ system  will  instruct the  paired cellular  phone  to call the emergency number. Note: The  emergency  number  dialed  is based  on  the  Country  where  the vehicle  is purchased  (911  for  USA  and  Canada,  and 060 for Mexico). The number  dialed  may  not  be  applicable  with  the  available  cellular  service and area.Note: The  UConnect™ system  does  slightly lower  your  chances  of  suc-cessfully making a phone call as to that for the cell phone directly.WARNING:  Your  phone  must  be  turned  on  and  paired  to  the  UCon-nect™  system  to  allow  use  of  this  vehicle  feature  in  emergency situations  when  the  cell  phone  has  network  coverage  and  stays paired to the UConnect™ system.Towing AssistanceIf you need towing assistance,1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say TOWING ASSISTANCE.Note:  The  Towing  Assistance  number  dialed  is  based  on  the  Country where  the  vehicle  is purchased  (800-528-2069  for USA,  877-213-4525  for Canada, 55-14-3454 for  Mexico  city  and 800-712-3040 for outside Mexico city in Mexico). Please  refer  to  the  24-Hour  Towing Assistance  coverage  details in  the  DaimlerChrysler  Corporation  24-Hour  Towing  Assistance Program Guide.PagingTo  learn how  to  page, refer to section  “Working  with Automated Systems.”  Paging  works  properly  except  for  pagers  of  certain companies which  timeout  a  little  too  soon  to  work  properly  with the UConnect™ system.Voice Mail CallingTo learn how  to  access your voice mail, refer  to  section “Working with Automated Systems.”SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM90
Working with Automated SystemsThis method is designed to be  used in instances where one gen-erally has  to  press numbers on the  cellular  phone  keypad  while navigating through an automated telephony system.You  can  use  your  UConnect™  system  to  access  a  voicemail system  or  an  automated  service,  such  as,  paging  service  or automated  customer  service.  Some  services  require  immediate response  selection, in some instances, that may  be too  quick for use of UConnect™ system.When  calling  a  number  with  your  UConnect™  system  that  nor-mally  requires  you  to  enter  in  a  touch-tone  sequence  on  your cellular  phone  keypad,  you  can  push  the  VR  hard-key  and  say the sequence you wish to enter followed by the word “Send.” For  example, if required to enter  your  pin number followed with a pound 3 7 4 6 #1. Press the VR button 2. Say 3 7 4 6 # SENDSaying a number, or sequence  of numbers, followed  by SEND is also  to  be  used  to  navigate  through  an  automated  customer service center menu structure and to leave a number on a pager.Turning Confirmation Prompts On/OffTurning  confirmation  prompts off  will  stop  the  system  from  con-firming your  choices (e.g.  the UConnect™ system will  not repeat a phone number before you dial it).1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say UCONNECT SETUP.4.  After  the  “Ready”  prompt  and  the  following  beep,  say  CON-FIRMATION PROMPTS.5.  The  UConnect™  system  will  play  the  current  confirmation prompt status and you will be given the choice to change it.Phone and Network Status IndicatorsIf available on the radio and/or on a premium  display such as the instrument  panel  cluster,  and supported  by  your  cell  phone,  the UConnect™ system will  provide notification to inform you of your phone  and  network  status  when  you  are  attempting  to  make  a phone  call  using  UConnect™.  The  status is  given  for  roaming, network signal strength, phone battery strength, etc.SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM91
Dial Using the Cellular Phone KeypadYou  can  dial  a  phone  number  with  your  cellular  phone  keypad and  still  use  the  UConnect™  system  (while  dialing  via  the  cell phone keypad, the user must  exercise caution  and take  precau-tionary  safety measures). By dialing  a  number  with  your  paired Bluetooth™ cellular phone, the audio will be played through  your vehicle’s  audio  system.  The  UConnect™  system  will  work  the same as if you dial the number using voice recognition. Note:  Certain  brands  of  mobile  phones  do  not  send  the  dial  ring  to  the UConnect™ system  to play  it on  the  vehicle  audio  system,  so  you  will  not hear it.  Under  this  situation,  after  successfully  dialing  a  number,  the  user may  feel  that  the  call  did  not  go  through  even  though  the  call  is  in  pro-gress. Once your call is answered, you will hear the audio.Mute/Un-mute (Mute off)When  you  mute the UConnect™  system, you  will still  be able  to hear  the  conversation coming  from the other  party, but the  other party will not be able to hear you. In order to mute the UConnect™ system:1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say MUTE or MUTE ON.In order to un-mute the UConnect™ system:1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say UNMUTE or MUTE OFF.Advanced Phone ConnectivityTransfer Call to Cellular PhoneThe  UConnect™ system allows ongoing calls to be  transferred to your cellular phone without terminating the call. To  transfer an ongoing call  from  the  UConnect™ system  to your UConnect™ paired cellular1. Press the ‘VR hard-key (bargin-in).2. Say TRANSFER CALLThe  navigation  radio  starts  playing  the  last  used  audio  source, and you can continue your call on the cellphone.Transfer Call to UConnect™ SystemThe  UConnect™ system allows ongoing calls to be  transferred to your cellular phone without terminating the call. To  transfer an ongoing call  from  the  UConnect™ system  to your UConnect™ paired cellular1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key.SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM92
The  navigation radio  transfers the call  immediately, and  you can continue your call on the cellphone.Automatic Transfer Call to UConnect™ SystemIf you have an ongoing call on a cellphone which was paired with the UConnect System  before, and  the navigation radio is off, turn on  the  ignition  and  allow  the  UConnect  system  to  automatically transfer the call. This may take a few seconds.List All Paired Cellular Phone Names1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say UCONNECT SETUP.4. After the following beep, say PHONE PAIRING.5. After the following beep, say LIST PAIRED PHONES.6.  The  UConnect™  system  will  play  the  phone  names  of  all paired  cellular  phones  in  order  from  the  highest  to  the  lowest priority. To  “select”  or  “delete”  a  paired  phone  being  announced,  press the  VR  hard-key  and  say  SELECT  or  DELETE. Also,  see  next two sections for alternate way of doing this.Select another Cellular PhoneYou  may select  phones  via  touch  screen  in  the  Paired  Devices  menu.  (Refer  to  the  Getting  Started  section  in  this  manual  for more details).This feature allows  you  to  select  and  start  using  another  phone with the UConnect™ system. The  phone must have been  previously paired  to the UConnect™ system that you want to use it with.1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say UCONNECT SETUP.4. After the following beep, say SELECT PHONE.The phone names along with priority numbers will be announced. 5.  When  prompted  say the  priority number  of  the  cellular  phone you wish to select. 6.  You  can  also press the  VR  hard-key  anytime  while  the list is being played.7.  Say the  priority  number  choose  select  of  the  phone  that you wish to select.The  selected  phone  will  be  used  for the  next  phone call.  If the selected  phone  is  not  available,  the  UConnect™  system  will SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM93
return  to using  the highest priority phone  present in or  near  (ap-proximately with in 30 feet) the vehicle.Delete UConnect™ Paired Cellular Phones     You  may delete  phones  via  touch  screen  in  the Paired  Devices  menu.  (Refer  to  the  Getting  Started  section  in  this  manual  for more details).This feature  allows you to  delete  a phone from the UConnect™ system. The  phone must have been  previously paired  to the UConnect™ system that you want to delete it from.1. Press the UConnect™ hard-key to begin.2. Wait for the beep.3. Say UCONNECT SETUP.4. After the following beep, say DELETE PHONE.The phone names along with priority numbers will be announced. 5.  When  prompted  say the  priority number  of  the  cellular  phone you wish to delete. 6.  You  can  also press the  VR  hard-key  anytime  while  the list is being played.7.  Say the  priority  number  choose  select  of  the  phone  that you wish to delete.Things You Should Know AboutVoice Recognition (VR)• Always wait for the beep before speaking•  Speak normally, without pausing, just as you  would speak to  a person sitting approximately eight (8) feet away from you.•  Make  sure  that  no  one  other  than  you  is  speaking  during  a voice recognition period.• Performance is maximized under #low-to-medium blower setting#low-to-medium vehicle speed #low road noise#smooth road surface#fully closed windows#dry weather condition.•  Even  though  the  system  is  designed  for  users  speaking  in North  American  English,  French  and  Spanish  accents,  the  sys-tem may not always work for some.SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM94
•  When navigating through an  automated system, such as,  voice mail,  or  when  sending a  page,  at  the  end  of  speaking  the  digit string, make sure to say SEND.•  Storing  names in  phonebook  when  vehicle  is not  in  motion  is recommended.•  It  is  not  recommended  to  store  similar  sounding  names  in  the UConnect™ phonebook.•  UConnect™ phonebook name  tag  recognition rate  is optimized for the person who stored the name in the phonebook.• You may say “O” (letter “O”)  for “0” (zero). “800”  may be spoken EIGHT ZERO ZERO.•  Even  though  international  dialing  for  most  number  combina-tions  is  supported,  some  shortcut  dialing  number  combinations may not be supported.Far End Audio Performance•Audio quality is maximized under #low-to-medium blower setting, #low-to-medium vehicle speed, #low road noise, #smooth road surface, #fully closed windows, and#dry weather condition.#operation from driver seat.•  Performance,  such  as,  audio  clarity,  echo.  and  loudness  to  a large  degree, rely on the phone and network, and  not the UCon-nect™ system.•  Echo at far end  can  sometime  be  reduced  by lowering  the  in-vehicle audio volume.Bluetooth Communication LinkCellular  phones  have  been  found  to  occasionally loose  connec-tion  to the  UConnect™ system. When this happens, the  connec-tion  can  generally  be  re-established  by  switching  the  phone  off/on. Your  cell phone  is recommended  to remain in Bluetooth  “on” mode.Power-UpAfter  switching ignition key from off to either ON  or ACC position, or  after  a  language  change  reset,  you  must wait a  few  seconds prior to using the system.SPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM95
Voice Tree - Main MenuTo initiate UConnect™, press the UConnect™ hard-key.In this menu you may say the following commands: • CALL#- NAME#- NUMBER#- EMERGENCY#- TOWING ASSISTANCE• DIAL#- NAME#- NUMBER#- EMERGENCY#- TOWING ASSISTANCE• PHONE BOOK#- NEW ENTRY#- EDIT ENTRY#- LIST NAMES#- DELETE#- ERASE ALL• REDIAL• EMERGENCY• TOWING ASSISTANCE• UCONNECT SETUPVoice Tree - Setup MenuTo initiate UConnect™, press UConnect™ Phone  hard-key. After the system beep, say UCONNECT SETUP. In this menu you may say the following commands: • PHONE PAIRING#- PAIR A PHONE#- DELETE PHONE#- LIST PAIRED PHONES• CONFIRMATION PROMPTS#- ON#- OFF• SELECT PHONE• EMERGENCY• TOWING ASSISTANCESPEECH DIALOGUE SYSTEM96
NavigationGeneral NotesSystem OverviewYour navigation system  receives GPS  signals from  up  to 16  sat-ellites  to display the  position  of your vehicle.  Map  and database information  is  supplied  through  a  hard  disk  drive.  A  gyroscope and  the vehicles speed  sensor  enable the  system  to display the present  vehicle  position  even  in  locations  where  GPS  signals may be blocked.When  you  input  a  destination,  the  navigation  system  uses  map data from the  hard  disk drive to quickly calculate  a  route. As you drive  along  your chosen route, you are  guided  with  pictorial  dis-plays and voice prompts.Navigation SoftwareThis  navigation  radio  requires  digital  data  from  a  Navigation Database. The  data in the Navigation  Database  is licensed from Navigation Technologies®. Not all roads are digitized.Software UpdatesVisit  http://www.chrysler.com/mygig/  website  or  contact  your DaimlerChrysler Dealership for the latest available software.Navigation DatabaseThe  navigation unit is provided  with a navigation database on the internal  hard  drive. The database contains data for  the  Continen-tal  USA,  some  of  the  major  cities  in  Canada,  Alaska,  parts  of Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.NAVIGATION SYSTEM97
WARNING: Drive  with caution,  paying  attention  to  the  road,  obeying all traffic laws!System LimitationsThe  map  data  that is included  with your  system  is the  most re-cent available  at  the  time  of  production.  Because  of  changes in streets,  neighborhoods,  and  business  locations,  there  may  be situations where  the navigation system  is not able to route you  to your desired destination by the entry method you have chosen. If this occurs, choose another entry method.Selecting Navigation ModePress  the  NAV  hard-key  to  toggle  between  Navigation  MAIN MENU and Navigation MAP.Navigation Main MenuSelecting NAV Main Menu1. If not already done, press the ACCEPT soft-key to  agree to the Navigation Disclaimer. 2. Press the  NAV hard-key to switch to the navigation menu  and toggle between Map Viewer and Navigation Main Menu.NAVIGATION SYSTEM98
• Destination EntryTouch  this  soft-key  when  you  want  to  program  a  destination.  (See the  Destination Input section for details.)• Recent DestinationsTouch  this soft-key when  you  want  to  route to  a  destination you programmed  before.   (See  the   Destination  Input  section  for details.)• NAV SettingsTouch  this  soft-key  when  you  want  to  adjust  the  settings of  the navigation system.  (See the  Navigation Default Settings section for details.)• Guide Me HomeTouch this soft-key when you want to  route to your  home destina-tion.  (See the  Guide Me Home section for details.)• Where Am I Now?Touch this soft-key when  you want to find out where  you are, and when you need  to  search  for  available  points  of interest  near  to your current vehicle  position. (See the  Where Am I Now  section for details.)#• My TripsTouch  this soft-key when you  want to  program  or  save trips with multiple destinations.  (See the  My Trips section for details.)• Emergency InfoTouch  this  soft-key  when  you  want  to  route  to  an  emergency facility near  to  the  current  location of  your  vehicle.  You may list fire  stations,  police  stations,  hospitals  and  Daimler-Chrysler dealerships. (See the  Emergency Info section for details.)• Record New TrailTouch  this  soft-key  when  you  want  to  record  a  trail  in  an  area where  no  map  is available.  (See  the   Record  New  Trail  section for details.)• MAPTouch  this soft-key when you want to  display a  map  of your cur-rent position. (See the  Map Viewer section for details.)NAVIGATION SYSTEM99
Inputting InformationNames  (e.g.,  city  names  or  street  names)  are  entered  with  a smart speller.It  is  possible  to  spell  only  names  contained  in  the  database. Unavailable  letters are in a  lighter  color  and are not selectable. If the  desired  street  name  is  shown  completely  touch  the  CON-TINUE  soft-key  to proceed.  If  there  are  only  a  few  choices left, you may touch the LIST soft-key to display a list of street names. IMPORTANT  NOTE: Use the space symbol as a space between words (e.g., NEW_YORK_CITY).Note:  Touch  the  DEL  soft-key  to  delete  a  misspelled  letter  or press  the NAV hard-key to go back to the navigation main menu.Note: Touch  the  0-9  soft-key to  access  numbers,  and  touch  the  MORE... soft-key to access special characters, if needed.Warning: For  your own  safety  and the  safety  of  others,  it is  not  pos-sible to use the speller while the vehicle is in motion.NAVIGATION SYSTEM100
Destination InputPress the NAV hard-key to access the NAV -Main Menu.Touch  the  Destination  Entry  soft-key  to  get  to  the  Destination Entry screen. Note:  Once  you  start  the  destination  input  you  can  touch  the  CANCEL soft-key to cancel the destination input process.Overview Destination Entry ScreenAt  this  point,  you  need  to  decide  what  type  of  destination  you would like to enter. A Street Address or a street name with house number.Note: If  you  select  a  street  without  knowing  a  house  number,  the  naviga-tion radio will guide you to the closest end location on the entered street.Intersection allows you to enter two street names.NAVIGATION SYSTEM101
Point  of Interest  allows you to  select a destination from  a list  of locations and  public places,  or  point of  interest (POI).  Search  by place name, by phone number, by category or place type.Use  City  Center  if you  want  directions to  a  particular  city. The navigation  system  will  calculate  a  route  with  the  destination  at the center of the city.Point  on  Map  allows quick and  easy  selection  of  a  destination directly  from  the  Map  screen.  By  selecting  a  street  segment  or icon,  you  can  quickly  enter  a  destination  without  the  need  to input the city name or street.Geo CoordinatesA geo coordinate is a coordinate used in geography.You  can determine a geo  coordinate with the help  of a handheld GPS receiver, a map, or the navigation system.Use Address Book and Saved Locations are previously saved addresses or  locations. Review  the Address Book section  in  this manual to learn more about the address book.Destination Input by Street AddressFor  this example  we  will  continue  by  entering  the  following  ad-dress 2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW, WASHINGTON D.C.,  DC 20037, U.S.A.1. Touch the Street Address soft-key to get to  the Street Address menu.This menu shows the default country and state settings. NAVIGATION SYSTEM102
Changing State/Province and/or CountryIf  your  destination  is  not  in  the  displayed  state  and/or  country either  enter  a  city  name,  by  touching  the  USA  soft-key  in  the second  row,  or  the  ZIP  code  (if  known),  by  touching  the  USA soft-key in the third row of the screen. You can  change the state/province and/or country temporarily for the current destination input by touching the STATE, PROVINCE, or COUNTRY soft-key in this menu.Note: It  is  recommended  to  change  the  default  state  and/or default  coun-try,  if you  plan  to  enter  more than  1  destination  in the  destination area  (e.g. vacation, business travel, etc.). 2.  If  the  COUNTRY  is  not  set  to  USA,  touch  COUNTRY,  and touch the USA soft-key for this example.3. For this example  touch STATE and change  the state to Wash-ington D.C.Enter  W  into  the  speller  and  select  WASHINGTON  D.C.,  DC from  the  list.  Once  selected,  a  CHANGE soft-key  will  appear  in the lower  right corner  of the screen.  Touch  CHANGE to  confirm your selection.4. Once the country is set to USA and  the  state  is set  to  WASH-INGTON  D.C., touch the WASHINGTON D.C. soft-key in  the first row  of the  Street Address screen. This will  allow you  to input the street name in Washington D.C.NAVIGATION SYSTEM103
Touch  the  C  soft-key in the speller, to  enter  the  first  letter  of the street name (CONSTITUTION  AVE  NW). In  the  upper  right  cor-ner, the number of possible roads decreases.5.  Touch  the  LIST  soft-key  to  display  a  list  of  possible  street names.  Select  CONSTITUTION  AVE  NW  from  the  list  to  get  to the Input Number menu.The  speller  displays  only  numbers contained  in  the  digital  map. 6.  In  this example  we  have entered 2101  as  the house number. Touch  the  CONTINUE  soft-key  to  get  to  the  Confirm  Route screen.If  you touch  the  CONTINUE soft-key without entering  a number, the navigation  system  will  guide  you  to a  section  of  the  entered street which is the closest to your current location.NAVIGATION SYSTEM104
In  the  Confirm  Route  screen  the  navigation  radio  displays  the complete address, a map of the destination  area, and the current routing method for you to verify.Note: If  the  displayed  address is  not  the  desired  address,  you  can  either touch  the  BACK soft-key in the upper left  corner of  the  screen  to  step  back to  the  previous  screens,  press  the  NAV  hard-key  to   start  over  from  the NAV - Main Menu, or touch CANCEL to cancel the destination input.7. Touch  the GO soft-key to activate the route guidance. To read more  about  the  OPTIONS  soft-key  in  this  menu,  see  the  NAV Options section of this manual.Destination Input by IntersectionFor  this example we  will  continue by entering the following  inter-section: Kaufman Ln and Bridwell Dr, in Louisville, Kentucky.1.  From  the  Destination  Entry menu  touch  the  Intersection soft-key to get to the Find Intersection menu.Note:  If  Kentucky  is  not  your  default  state  refer  to  the  change  state/province  and/or  country  section  to  learn  how  to  change  state/province and/or country).NAVIGATION SYSTEM105
It is possible to select the intersection  within  the whole country, a city, or a ZIP code area.2. For this example touch the Within KENTUCKY soft-key.3.  Touch  the  Enter  Name  of  Street  1  soft-key  to  enter  the  first street.4. Enter “Kaufman Ln” into the speller and confirm the name.5. Touch the  Enter Name of Street 2  soft-key to enter  the second street.  The  navigation  radio  will  display  a  list  of  possible  cross streets of the initially entered street.NAVIGATION SYSTEM106
6. Select “Bridwell Dr” for this example. If  you  wish  to change  your  mind  and  prefer  to  select  a  different cross  street,  you  can  touch  the  soft-key  with  the  cross  street name to select another cross street.7. Touch CONTINUE to confirm the intersection and touch GO in the Confirm Route To screen to start the route guidance.NAVIGATION SYSTEM107
Destination by Point of InterestA point of interest (POI)  can  be found  in  different ways. Close to the  current  vehicle  position  (POI  Local  Area),  close  to  the  cur-rently  active  destination  (Nearby  Destination),  within  the  map database  (POI  in  Map  Area),  by  POI  name,  by  phone  number, and within a city.POI Local AreaFor this example we will  continue by entering a  Gas Station close to the vehicle location.1.  While  you are  in the NAV  - Main Menu touch the Where AM  I Now?  soft-key.  The  navigation  radio  displays  your  current  loca-tion  on  a  map,and  the  location  information  (e.g.  latitude,  longi-tude, elevation, road name, city, state, if available).2. Touch the NEARBY POI soft-key.NAVIGATION SYSTEM108
Select a POI category. For this example select Gasoline.Note: Some categories maybe disabled while the vehicle is in motion. The  POI  list  shows  the  POI  address,  the  distance  to  the  POI (direct distance - as the crow flies), and a directional arrow.3.  Select one of the  Gas  Stations  from  the list and confirm  your route by touching the GO soft-key in the confirmation screen. NAVIGATION SYSTEM109
POI Nearby DestinationFor  this example  we will  continue  by entering a gas station close to the currently entered destination.1.  While  the  system  is in  guidance  mode,  touch  the  OPTIONS soft-key.2.  Touch  the  Destination  Info  soft-key  to  select  the  destination info menu.NAVIGATION SYSTEM110
3.  Touch  the  Find  POI  Near  destination  soft-key  and  select  a category, pick a gas station from  the list and confirm the  destina-tion.  This  is  the  same  process  as  described  in  the  POI  Local Area section.POI in Map AreaTo  select a POI from  anywhere on  the  navigation  database  map area, select Point of Interest in the Destination Entry screen.You  can  find  POI’s  by  the  POI  name,  by  type,  by  the  phone number, or by entering a city name.NAVIGATION SYSTEM111
Destination Input by Point on MapThis  feature  allows  quick  and  easy  selection  of  a  destination directly  from  the  map  screen.  By  selecting  a  street  segment  or POI icon, you can quickly enter a destination  without the need to input the city name or street.1. Touch the MAP soft-key in the NAV -  Main Menu to access the map.After touching the map on the screen, a set of arrows appears. 2.  Use  the  arrows  to  navigate  the  center  of  the  cross  over  the desired destination. 3. Either touch the SELECT  soft-key to select  the  destination, or touch  the  POI’S  soft-key  to  see  a  list  of  POI’s  in  the  selected area.NAVIGATION SYSTEM112
Destination Input by Geo CoordinateTouch  the    Geo  Coordinate  soft-key  in  the  Destination  Entry screen. To enter  a Geo Coordinate as a  destination, simply touch the Lat: soft-key and  enter  the  latitude,  then  touch  the  Long: soft-key to enter the longitude. Destination Input by Recent DestinationsTouch the Recent Destinations soft-key in the NAV - Main  Menu.Touch  the  soft-key with  the  name of the  desired destination  and confirm the route with GO to start the route guidance. Touch the  EDIT LIST  soft-key to delete either  all or  single entries off the recent  destination list. To exit the Edit Recent Destinations menu  touch  the  DONE  soft-key.  To  go  back  to  the  Main  Menu touch the back soft-key in the upper left corner of the screen. NAVIGATION SYSTEM113
Destination Input by Address BookTouch the Address Book soft-key in the Destination Entry screen.Select a  folder or touch  SEARCH  to search for  the  desired  con-tact to  enter the  destination (see the Address Book section in this manual for more information). Destination Input by Saved LocationsTouch  the  Saved  Locations  soft-key  in  the  Destination  Entry menu.The  Saved  Locations  soft-key  is  disabled  if  the  saved  locations memory  is  empty.  To  fill  the  saved  destinations  memory,  you must  either  save a  location  as  a  Favorite  Place  from  the Where Am  I  Now?  menu,  or  record  a  trail  with  the  RECORD  NEW TRAIL soft-key from the NAV - Main Menu.NAVIGATION SYSTEM114
Touch the Saved Locations soft-key. Touch  the  My Favorite  Places soft-key to  display a list of  saved entries.Touch the My Saved Trails soft-key to display a list of saved trail recordings.NAVIGATION SYSTEM115
Destination Input by VoiceRead  the  section  Speech  Dialogue  System  for  details  on  the SDS.1.  Press the  voice  recognition  hard-key (VR).  Wait  for  the  beep and say NAVIGATION. The  navigation  radio  will  respond,  saying:  “Navigation.”  The navigation radio has switched to the navigation mode and is now ready  to  receive  navigation-related  voice  commands.  For  this example,  the  default  country  is  set  to  the  US  and  the  default state is set to Michigan.2.  Press  the  VR  hard-key,  wait  for  the  beep.  Say  INPUT STREET. The  radio will  respond: “for  Michigan. Please say the name of the street.” 3. Wait for the beep and say, LOLLY POP STREET (example). The radio will respond: “Do you mean Lolly Pop Street?” 4. Wait for the beep and say YES. The  radio  will  respond:  “Line one.  Now, do  you want  to  enter  a city?” 5. Wait for the beep and say YES.The  radio  will  respond:  “For  Lolly Pop  Street.  The  only  city  that could  be  found  is  Westland,  Michigan.  Do  you  want  to  use  this city?” 6. Wait for the beep and say, YES.The  radio will  respond:  “City name  has been  accepted.  Now, do you want to enter a house number?” 7. Wait for the beep and say NO.The  radio  will  respond:  “Now,  do  you  want  to  start  route  guid-ance?” 8. Wait for the beep and say YES.The  radio  will  start  the  route  guidance  to  Lolly  Pop  Street,  in Westland, Michigan.While you drive  towards  the  destination,  you  may press  the  VR hard-key, wait for the beep and say TRAVEL INFO.The  radio will respond with your estimated time of arrival and the distance to the entered destination.NAVIGATION SYSTEM116
Guide Me HomeTouch the  Guide Me  Home soft-key in the  NAV -  Main Menu, and touch  the  GO soft-key to confirm the route to  the  home  address saved in the address book.See the Getting  Started and Address Book section in this manual for information on how to save, clear, or edit the home address.Where Am I Now?The  Where Am I Now? menu displays location information for the current vehicle position.Touch the NEARBY POI soft-key to search for a local POI.Touch the  SAVE LOCATION  soft-key to save the current location in the Saved Locations memory.Save  the  current  location  in  the  Favorite  Places  folder  of  the Saved  Locations  memory,  in  the Address  Book, in  the  My  Trips memory, or as the home address.NAVIGATION SYSTEM117
Emergency InfoUse  this  function  to  locate  Emergency  Points  of  Interest,  e.g. Hospitals/Medical  Facilities,  Police  Stations,  Fire  Departments, or Dealerships.1.  Touch  the Emergency Information  soft-key in  the  NAV  -  Main Menu.2. Select Hospitals, Police  Stations, Fire  Departments or  Dealer-ships.3. Read and confirm the disclaimer.Warning: The  distances  displayed  in the  Emergency  facility  lists  are air  distances  (as  the  crow  flies).  In some  cases  the  road distance  to the  facility  may  vary.  Actual  road  distances  will  be  displayed  after  a specific  destination  is  selected and the  route  planning is  completed. In unverified areas  the  route  selected  may  not be  the  quickest route to your destination! Touch  the  CALL  911  soft-key to  dial  911  with  a  cellphone  con-nected  via  UConnect™.  See  the  UConnect™  section  in  this manual for more information on UConnect™.Record New TrailThe  trail  function  is  a  feature  that  allows  you  to  log  and  save routes in non-digitized areas.1.  Touch  the  Record  New  Trail  soft-key  to  record  a  route  in  an non-digitized map area. NAVIGATION SYSTEM118
The  system  will  switch  to the  map  and  the  trail  appears  on  the map screen as you drive along a route.2.  Touch  the  MAIN  MENU  soft-key  to  switch  back to  the  NAV  - Main Menu.3. Touch the Stop/Save Trail soft-key. NAVIGATION SYSTEM119
•  Touch  Discard  Current  Trail  to  discard  the  trail  and  stop  the recording.• Touch Continue Recording Trail to continue the recording.4. Touch Stop and Save Current Trail.The trail will be named with time and date of the recording.5. Touch the Change Name soft-key to edit the trail name.6.  Touch  the  DONE  soft-key  save  the  trail  recording  without changing the name.The  trail  recording  is now  saved  in the Saved Locations Memory. The  Saved  Locations  Memory,  is  accessible  in  the  Destination Entry menu.NAVIGATION SYSTEM120
Route GuidanceAfter starting route  guidance, the system calculates the route and announces:  “Follow  the  arrows  on the  display.”  You  will  receive navigation  recommendations  by  voice  messages  and  screen displays.Navigation View SettingsPress the MENU hard-key to select the NAV Menu.Touch  the  Full  Map  soft-key  to  display  a  full  map  during  route guidance.Touch the Turn  by Turn soft-key to display turn arrows and inter-section zooms on the right half of the screen.Touch the  Turn List soft-key to display a list of upcoming turns on the right half of the screen.NAVIGATION SYSTEM121
Map ItemsPress  the  Map  Items  soft-key  in  the  NAV  Menu  to  access  the Display Items on Map menu.• Touch the  Map Buttons soft-key to show or  hide the  Zoom, Map Heading, and the 2D/3D View soft-key.•  Touch the Next Turn Info soft-key to show  or  hide  the  next turn soft-key and the next turn information bar.•  Touch the Current Road Info  soft-key to  show or hide the  NOW ON soft-key and the current road information bar.•  Touch  the  Time  Remaining  soft-key  to  show  or  hide  the  esti-mated time remaining until you reach your destination.• Touch the Time of Arrival  soft-key to show or  hide the  estimated time of arrival at your destination.Touch the SAVE soft-key to save your changes.NAVIGATION SYSTEM122

Navigation menu