HYUNDAI MOBIS AVN-600YFPL Car Audio Bluetooth User Manual AVN 600YFPL IC ATT C E G H I


User Manual

  FCC ID: TQ8-AVN-600YFPL/ IC: 5074A-AVN600YFPCA                                                                                   HCT CO., LTD. SAN 136-1, AMI-RI, BUBAL-EUP, ICHEON-SI, KYOUNGKI-DO, 467-701, KOREA TEL:+82 31 639 8517    FAX:+82 31 639 8525 Report No. :  HCTR0910FR05-1                                                       1/1    ATTACHMENT E.   - User Manual_1 -
Preface Thank you for purchasing thisAudio Navigation System. This user's manual explains how touse the Hyundai Motor AudioNavigation System. Before using the product, read thecontents of this user's manual care-fully and use this product safely. 󳀏The screens shown in this manu-al may differ with the actualscreens of the product.󳀏The design and specification ofthis product may change withoutprior notification for productimprovement.󳀏When transferring the vehicle toanother individual, include thisuser's manual so that the nextdriver can continue its use. iPod󲼷iPod󲼷is a registered trademark ofApple Inc.Bluetooth󲼷Bluetooth󲼷is a trademark ownedby Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Copyright(c) 2009 by NAVTEQ. All Map Database cannot be copied without permission.This is protected by U.S. copyright laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, and distribute the content without M&Soft, Inc's prior written consent.
PART 1PRE-OVERVIEWIntroduction  1-2Controller and functions   1-3Basic operation and setting   1-6PART 2AUDIO SYSTEM Operating the radio   2-2Operating the CDP   2-10Operating external devices  2-22PART 3NAVIGATION SYSTEM Limitations of the navigation system  3-2Starting navigation system  3-5Map Functions  3-5Setting a destination   3-12Operating after setting a destination  3-28Route guidance  3-30Setup and Information 3-36PART 4VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM Operating voice command   4-2Setting up the voice command system  4-4Voice command list   4-6Table of contentsPRE-OVERVIEW 1-1PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1PRE-OVERVIEWIntroduction 1-2Important information about this manual  1-2Precaution for safe usage  1-2Controller and functions  1-3Control panel  1-3Steering wheel remote controller 1-5Basic operation and setting  1-6Turning the Power ON  1-6Turning the Power OFF  1-6Turning the Audio ON/OFF  1-6Adjusting audio volume  1-7How to operate the screen menu 1-7Operating typical screen menu 1-7Inputting letter by using screen keyboard  1-7Displaying the list  1-7Selecting an item in a list  1-8Sorting items from the list 1-8How to operate menu by voice command 1-8Conditions for voice recognition system  1-8Giving voice command  1-9Sound setting  1-9FAD/BAL 1-9BASS/MID/TREB  1-10Auto volume control ON/OFF  1-10Touch screen beep ON/OFF  1-10Display setting 1-10Display mode  1-10Brightness  1-10Display OFF  1-10Display ON  1-10Viewing Current Time  1-11Setting the Clock  1-11PART 5BLUETOOTH HANDS FREE Before using the Bluetooth Handsfree  5-2Converting Bluetooth Handsfreemode  5-2Pairing and connecting a Bluetoothphone  5-4Bluetooth Handsfree screen layout  5-9Making a call   5-11Answering a call 5-13Operating menus during a call 5-14Phone Book  5-16Call History List  5-19PHONE MUSIC  5-21Bluetooth settings 5-24Important information  5-30PART 6REAR CAMERAAbout Rear Detection Camera 6-2PART 7APPENDIXTroubleshooting guide  7-2Map legend   7-5INDEX 7-8
PRE-OVERVIEW 1-3PRE-OVERVIEW1-2 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEWPower / Volume control knob Push knob (over 0.8 second) : Turns thepower off. Push knob (under 0.8 second) : Each time theknob is pressed, the Audio is turned on andoff.Tune knob : The range of volume adjustmentis between 0 ~ 35. FM/AMEach press will change the bands in thefollowing order: FM1  FM2 AM FM1XMEach press will change the bands in thefollowing order: XM1  XM2 XM3 XM1CD/AUXEach press will change the bands in thefollowing order: DISC(CD, MP3)  (USB or iPod)(AUX) Phone Music) DISC(CD, MP3)SEEK/TRACK Up/Down SHORT KEY(less than 0.8 second)- FM/AM Mode : Automatically searches forthe previous or next broadcast frequencyand starts playing. - XM Mode : Receives the previous or nextchannel.- CD Mode : Plays the previous or next track.- MP3, USB Mode : Plays the previous ornext file. - iPod Mode : Plays the previous or next song. LONG KEY(over 0.8 second)- FM/AM Mode : Quickly moves through thefrequencies while the button is pressed.Once released, automatically searches forbroadcasts which can be received.- XM Mode : Quickly moves to the previousor next channel. - CD Mode : REW/FF the current playingtrack.Controller and functions Control panel- MP3, USB Mode : REW/FF the currentplaying file. - iPod Mode : REW/FF the current playingsong.TUNE knob - FM/AM Mode : Turn the knob to search forthe desired frequency. Press the knob toreceive the selected frequency. - XM Mode : Turn the knob to search for thedesired channel. After a brief moment, theselected channel will be displayed.- CD Mode : Turn the knob to search for thedesired track. Press the knob to play theselected track.- MP3, USB Mode : Turn the knob to searchfor the desired file. Press the knob to play the selected file.- iPod Mode : Turn the knob to search forthe desired song. Press the knob to playthe selected song.MAPVOICEDisplays the map screen for the currentposition.DESTDisplays the Destination menu screen.ROUTEDisplays the Route menu screen.SETUPDisplays the Setup menu screen.PHONEDisplays the Bluetooth handsfree screen. DISC ejectEjects the inserted disc. DISC insert indicator LEDDisplays whether a DISC has been inserted.Clock󳀏Short Key (under 0.8 second)- When the screen is turned on : displays thecurrent time in the center of the screen.- When the screen is turned off : turns the fullclock screen on and off. 󳀏Long Key (over 0.8 second)- Displays the clock setting screen.MODEEach time the Mode key is pressed, the modechanges in the following order: FM1 FM2AMXM1XM2XM3(DISC)(USB oriPod)(AUX)(Phone Music) FM1If an unsupported DISC is inserted, if there isno disc, or if an external device (e.g. iPod, USBmemory stick, etc.) has not been connected,the mode will not be recognized andautomatically switch to the next mode.󳀏Press this key for over 0.8 second to turn theAudio ON and OFF. 󳀏Press this key when the Power is turned offto turn the power on.Volume Up/Down Increases or decreases the volume within arange between 0 ~ 35. Volume for navigationand voice guidance can be adjusted in thesetup mode.Seek Up/Down 󳀏SHORT KEY(less than 0.8 second)- FM/AM : Receives the previous or nextpreset frequency. - XM Mode : Receives the previous or nextpreset channel. - CD Mode : Plays the previous or next track. - MP3, USB Mode : Plays the previous ornext file. - iPod Mode : Plays the previous or nextsong.󳀏LONG KEY(Over 0.8 second)- FM/AM Mode : Quickly moves through thefrequencies while the key is pressed. Once released, automatically searches forbroadcasts which can be received. - XM Mode : Quickly moves to the previousor next channel. - CD Mode : REW/FF the current playingtrack.- MP3, USB Mode : REW/FF the currentplaying file. - iPod Mode : REW/FF the current playingsong.MUTE- Turns the sound on and off.- When the MUTE is turned on, the MUTE iconwill become displayed.- When in the Navigation screen, the MUTEicon at the top of the screen will disappearafter 3seconds.CALLPress this key to receive an incoming call. Ifpressed while in AV/Navigation mode, thebluetooth handsfree screen will be displayed.ENDPress this key to reject an incoming call. If pressed while on a call, then the call will beended.Voice Recognition Starts Voice Recognition. PRE-OVERVIEW 1-5PRE-OVERVIEW1-4 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEWSteering wheel remote controller 
PRE-OVERVIEW 1-7PRE-OVERVIEW1-6 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEWBasic operation and setting Turning the Power ONTurn the ignition key onto ACC or ON. If thesystem power had been on when theignition was turned off, the system will turnback on automatically. If the system power had been off when theignition was turned off, the system willremain off. In this case, press theknob to turn on the systempower.System Power ONINFORMATIONAs system booting starts from the point thedoor lock is unlocked, the device maycomplete booting before the ACC is turnedon or the  knob is pressed.Consequently, the booting screen may not bedisplayed upon initially turning on the systempower.Once system booting is complete, the mostrecent operated mode will be displayed.For example, turning on the system willdisplay FM1 radio mode if the last operatedmode prior to turning off the system hadbeen FM1 radio mode.Turning the Power OFFIf the  knob is pressed for over 0.8second, a beep will sound and the systempower will be turned off. Turning the Audio ON/OFFPress the  knob for under 0.8second with the system power on to turn theAudio on and off. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."AV On""AV Off"INFORMATIONConducting the following operations whilethe AUDIO is off will automatically turn on theAudio system. Pressing the AV related keys ( ,, ). Inserting a DISC or connecting an externaldevice.CD/AUXFM/AMPWR/VOLPWR/VOLPWR/VOLPWR/VOLiiAdjusting audio volumeTurn the  knob in clockwisedirection to increase the volume and counter-clockwise to decrease the volume. INFORMATIONThe range of volume adjustment isbetween 0 ~ 35. Adjustments to the volume cannot bemade while the AUDIO is turned off. How to operate the screen menu Operating typical screen menuIf a menu button on the screen is pressed,the corresponding function will beginoperation.The same menu button may performdifferent functions depending on the lengthof time the button is pressed (under 0.8seconds or over 0.8 second). For more information, refer to the specificfunction within this user manual.The current operated button will behighlighted upon display. Buttons which cannot be operated underthe current conditions will be displayed indisabled state. Pressing a disabled buttonwill not perform any operation. Inputting letter by using screenkeyboard: Displays the English alphabet keypad.: Displays the French alphabet keypad.(if available): Displays the number and symbolkeypad.: Deletes the previously inputted letter.Pressing for over 0.8 second will deleteall content. : The input is completed.: Restores to previous screen. Theinputted text will not be saved. Displaying the list: Even if input is not complete, thecurrent matching items from thedatabase will be displayed. INFORMATIONThe number at the upper-right side of thescreen displays the number of currentmatches.ListDoneDelete0 - 9ABCPWR/VOLiiPRE-OVERVIEW 1-9PRE-OVERVIEW1-8 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEWSelecting an item in a list: Moves to the next page or previouspage.: The  button will be displayed ifthe text is too long to be displayedin one button. Press the  button to move the cursor tothe end of the text. Press the  button tomove the cursor to the front of the text. Sorting items from listSelect the desired sorting method toreorganize the list in accordance to theselected method. How to operate menu by voicecommandConditions for voice recognitionsystemMost of the functions within the AV andNavigation system can be operated by voice.Please follow the  instructions below foroptimal voice recognition performance. Close all windows and  the sunroof. Thevoice recognition can be improved when ina quiet environment. Press the voice recognition button and saythe desired voice command after the soundof the beep. The microphone is positioned above thedriver so that voice commands can be saidwhile maintaining a proper posture. Pronounce the voice commands naturallyand clearly as if in normal conversation. Giving voice command󲻤Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller. A voice command window will be displayedon the lower side of the screen followed by a"Command please" system voice comment. 󲻥Once the  icon changes into the   icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say the desired voice command. [Voice command list], page 4-6.[Searching a destination by voicecommand], page 4-19.INFORMATIONPress the  key shortly to input the desiredvoice command. The system voice instructioncomment will immediately terminate. Whenthe  icon changes into the  icon with abeep sound, it is possible to input voicecommands.Sound settingPress the  button on the main screenof each AV mode (FM/AM, XM, CD, MP3, USB,iPod) to display the Sound setting screen. FAD/BALThe position of the sound can be adjusted byusing the up-down and left-right ( ,  ,,  ) buttons on the left side of thescreen.Press the  button to position thesound in the center of the vehicle. CenterSoundi
PRE-OVERVIEW 1-11PRE-OVERVIEW1-10 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEWBASS/MID/TREBThe BASS/MID/TREB can be adjusted by usingthe left/right buttons ( ,  ) of eachcontrol.Auto volume control ON/OFFEach time the  button ispressed, the Auto volume control function isturned on or off.INFORMATIONThe Auto Volume Control is a function whichautomatically adjusts the volume level inaccordance to changes in vehicle speed. Touch screen beep ON/OFFEach time the  button ispressed, the beeping sound that follows eachpress on the screen will turn on or off. Display settingPress the  key on the control panel todisplay the Setup menu screen. Press   button to display the DisplaySetup screen.Display mode Press the button for the desired display modefrom , , and modes. The current selected mode ishighlighted.The display is automatically convertedbetween Daylight and Night modes inaccordance to the on/off state of thevehicle taillights. The bright screen is always maintainedregardless of the on/off state of the vehicletaillights.The dark screen is always maintainedregardless of the on/off state of the vehicletaillights.BrightnessUse the left/right buttons ( ,  ) forcontrol to make adjustments. Display OFF Press the  button. Display ON Press anywhere on the black screen. The screenprior to display setting will be displayed. Display OffNightDaylightAutomaticNightDaylightAutomaticDisplaySETUPTouch screen beepAuto volume controlViewing Current TimePress the  on the front panel shortly(under 0.8 second) to display the current timeat the center of the screen.INFORMATIONIf the screen is turned off, selecting thewill display the current time on theentire screen.Setting the ClockPress and hold the  on the front panelshortly (over 0.8 second) to display the Clocksetting screen.GPS TimeThe time received from the GPS will bedisplayed automatically.Clock TypeSelects the clock type shown as the entirescreen when the system power is turned off.Time FormatWhen the clock type is digital, this button isused to convert the time between 12 hour/ 24hour systems.Show Time if Audio is OffSelects whether to display the clock when thesystem power is turned off.Daylight Saving TimeTurns the Daylight Saving Time function on oroff.Time ZoneSelects the time zone so that differences inregional times can be adjusted.iiTime Zone TimeAlaska UTC-9hAtlantic UTC-4hCentral UTC-6hEastern UTC-5hPRE-OVERVIEW 1-13PRE-OVERVIEW1-12 PRE-OVERVIEWPART 1   PRE-OVERVIEW MEMOINFORMATIONClock setting mode can be displayed whilethe clock is displayed on the screen evenwhen the system is turned off.The time may not be properly displayed ifthe GPS time has not been received.Time Zone TimeHawaii UTC-10hMountain UTC-7hNewfoundland UTC-3h 30mPacific UTC-8hi
PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMAUDIO SYSTEM 2-1AUDIO SYSTEMPART 2AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2AUDIO SYSTEM Operating external devices 2-22iPod  2-22Connecting iPod device  2-22Listening to iPod music  2-22iPod screen and functions  2-23Selecting an iPod song  2-23REW/FF iPod song  2-24Setting Repeat function for iPod song  2-25Setting Random function foriPod song  2-25USB  2-26USB MP3 related information and precaution  2-26Precautions upon handling USB  2-26Connecting the USB  2-28Listening to USB music  2-28AUX  2-29Connecting AUX  2-29Playing AUX  2-29AUX screen  2-29Operating the radio 2-2FM/AM Radio   2-2Listening to the FM/AM radio  2-2FM/AM screen and functions  2-2Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequency  2-3Storing  FM/AM preset  2-4Scanning FM/AM broadcast frequency  2-5XM Radio  2-6Listening to the XM radio 2-6XM screen and functions  2-6Switching the XM mode (Channel / Category)  2-7Selecting XM broadcast channel  2-7Storing XM preset 2-9Scanning XM broadcast channel  2-9Operating the CDP  2-10About CDP  2-10Precautions upon handling discs  2-10For safe and efficient operation 2-10Supported disc formats  2-11Disc/Content format compatibility 2-12Inserting/Ejecting disc 2-13Inserting a Disc  2-13Ejecting a Disc 2-13CD 2-14Listening to CD music 2-14CD screen and functions  2-14Selecting the CD track  2-15REW/FF CD track  2-15Setting Repeat function for CD music  2-15Setting Random function for CD music  2-16Scanning CD track  2-16MP3  2-17MP3 disc related information and precaution  2-17Listening to MP3 music  2-18MP3 screen and functions  2-18Selecting the MP3 file 2-19REW/FF MP3 file  2-20Viewing detail information for MP3 file  2-20Setting Repeat function for MP3 file 2-20Setting Random function for MP3 file  2-20Scanning MP3 file  2-21Operating the radio FM/AM RadioListening to the FM/AM radio󲻤Press the  key on the controlpanel. The FM/AM radio band of the mostrecent listened station will be displayed. 󲻥Press the  key to change thedesired radio band. Each press willchange the bands in the following order:FM1FM2AMFM1󲻦Select the desired broadcast frequency. [Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequency],page 2-3.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command." Radio""(Radio) AM""(Radio) FM""(Radio) FM <1 or 2>""AM Frequency <530 to 1710>""FM Frequency <87.5 to 107.9>""AM Preset <1 to 6>""FM <1 or 2> Preset <1 to 6>"FM/AM screen and functionsMode display : displays the FM1/FM2/AM modes. SEEK/SCAN/PRESET SCAN/AUTO PRESETindicator : if SEEK/SCAN/PRESET SCAN/AUTO PRESET is operating, the switch isdisplayed.FM/AMFM/AMAUDIO SYSTEM 2-3AUDIO SYSTEM2-2 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMSTEREO indicator : if the currentfrequency is a stereo broadcast, theindicator is displayed.Program Service name : displays theprogram service name if data is beingbroadcast.Frequency : displays the current playingfrequency.Program type name : displays theprogram type name if data is beingbroadcast.Radio Text : displays the radio textinformation if data is being broadcast.Frequency Bar : displays the position ofthe current frequency within the totalfrequency range.Current time : displays the current timemanually automatically according to theGPS time.buttons : the desired frequencycan be preset and selected. [Storing FM/AM preset], page 2-4.ON/OFF button : turns theRadio Text information on and off. INFORMATIONIf the  is on OFF state, text will not bedisplayed even if there is text beingtransmitted from the broadcast station.If the  is on ON state, the frequencybar will not be displayed. Even if the in on ON state, text may not be displayed if textis not being received from the broadcaststation.button : searches the 6frequencies with the most superiorreception and automatically stores aspreset buttons in corresponding order.[Storing FM/AM preset], page 2-4.button : scans all frequencies orjust the preset frequencies for 5 secondseach. [Scanning FM/AM broadcastfrequency], page 2-5.button : adjusts the FAD/BAL,BASS/MID/TREB controls.[Sound setting], page 1-10.Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequencyThere are 3 ways to select the broadcastfrequency - (a) selecting through preset, (b)selecting through SEEK, (c) selectingthrough manual search.(a) Selecting a frequency through presetPress the preset button of the desiredbroadcast frequency. INFORMATIONPress the  or  keys on thesteering wheel remote controller shortly. Thepreset frequencies of the current band will beselected in order.There are 6 preset frequencies each forFM1, FM2, and AM modes. [Storing FM/AM preset], page 2-4.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Preset <1 to 6>""Preset Up""Preset Down"TRACKSEEKSoundScanAuto StoreR-TextR-TextR-TextR-TextPresetii       
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-5AUDIO SYSTEM2-4 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMScanning FM/AM broadcastfrequency󲻤Press the  button. SCAN (less than 0.8 second) :Scans all frequencies and plays onlyfrequencies with superior reception for 5seconds each. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Scan"PRESET SCAN (over 0.8 second): Scans the 6 frequencies stored as presetfrequencies in the current band for 5seconds each.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Preset Scan"󲻥Press the  button again tocontinue listening to a frequency. Thescan will be terminated and the currentfrequency will continue to be played.INFORMATIONWhen scanning has completed an entirerevolution, the scan function will terminateautomatically and the previous playedfrequency will be restored.ScanScan(b) Selecting a Broadcast frequencythrough SEEKPress the orkeys on thecontrol panel for less than 0.8 second. Once the SEEK function is operating (SEEKindicator blinking), the next or previousbroadcast frequency with superior receptionwill be searched automatically.INFORMATIONPress the  or  keys on thecontrol panel or steering wheel remotecontroller for more than 0.8 second toquickly move to the nearest desiredfrequency. Once the button is released, thenext frequency with superior reception willbe searched automatically.If the SEEK function is operating, pressingthe  or  keys on thecontrol panel again will terminate SEEKoperation and select the current frequency. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Seek Up""Seek Down"(c) Selecting a broadcast frequency throughmanual search Turn the  knob on the control panel inclockwise or counter-clockwise direction.Each click on the  knob will increase ordecrease the frequency by 1 step (FM: 0.2MHz, AM: 10 kHz). Storing FM/AM presetThere are 2 ways to store preset frequencies -(a) storing manually and (b) auto store. (a) Storing manually󲻤Select the desired frequency.[Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequency],page 2-3.󲻥Press the preset button to store for over0.8 second. The frequency will becomestored along with a beep sound. INFORMATIONSix preset frequencies each for FM1/ FM2/AMmodes can be stored using the aboveinstructions.(b) Auto StoreAfter selecting the desired band, press thebutton. The 6 frequencies withthe most superior reception will be stored aspreset buttons in corresponding order.INFORMATIONIf the  button is pressed againwhile operating Auto Store, then the AutoStore operation will be terminated and thepreviously played frequency will be restored.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Auto preset"Auto StoreAuto StoreTUNETUNETRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKiiiiAUDIO SYSTEM 2-7AUDIO SYSTEM2-6 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMbutton : displays the channel orcategory list.  [Selecting XM broadcastchannel], page 2-7.button : selects the channel bydirectly inputting the channel number.[Selecting XM broadcast channel],page 2-7.button : scans all frequencies orjust the preset channels for 5 secondseach.[Scanning XM broadcast channel],page 2-9.button : adjusts the FAD/BAL,BASS/MID/TREB controls. [Sound setting], page 1-10.Switching the XM mode (Channel /Category)Each time the  button is pressed,the mode will switch between channelmode and category mode. Use the tune knob to change categoriesand press the tune knob change to selectedcategory.Selecting XM broadcast channelThere are 5 ways to select a broadcastchannel - (a) selecting through preset, (b)selecting with channel Up/Down, (c)Selecting a channel through manual search,(d) selecting through channel/ category list,(e) selecting by directly inputting thechannel number.(a) Selecting a channel through presetPress the preset button of the desiredchannel.INFORMATIONPress the  or  keys on thesteering wheel remote controller for lessthan 0.8 second. The preset channels of thecurrent band will be selected in order. There are 6 preset channels each for XM1,XM2, and XM3.[Storing XM preset], page 2-9.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Preset <1 to 6>""Preset Up""Preset Down"(b) Selecting with Channel Up/DownPress the orkeys on thecontrol panel for less than 0.8 second.The previous or next channel will be selected. INFORMATIONIf in Channel mode, the channel is selectedfrom all channels. If in Category mode, thefirst channel of each category is selected. Press the  or  keys on thecontrol panel or steering wheel remotecontroller for more than 0.8 second  toquickly move to the nearest desiredchannel. Once the button is released, thecurrent channel will be selected.TRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKModeSoundScanSearchListXM radioListening to the XM radio󲻤Press the  key on the control panel.The XM radio band screen of the mostrecent listened station will be displayed. 󲻥Press the  key to change thedesired radio band. Each press willchange the bands in the following order:XM1 XM2 XM3 XM1󲻦Select the desired broadcast channel. [Selecting XM broadcast channel], page2-7.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."XM""XM <1 or 2 or 3>""XM Channel <0 to 255>""XM <1 or 2 or 3> Preset <1 to 6>"XM screen and functionsMode display : displays the XM1/XM2/XM3 modes. SCAN/PRESET SCAN indicator : ifSCAN/PRESET SCAN is operating, theswitch is displayed. Channel number : displays the currentplaying channel.Channel mode indicator : displays thechannel mode in orange. Category mode indicator : displays thecategory mode in orange. Channel name : displays the channelname.NAME : displays the artist and otherrelated information.Title name : displays the title name.Category name : displays the categoryname.Current time : displays the current timemanually automatically according to theGPS time.buttons : the desired channelcan be preset and selected.  [StoringXM preset], page 2-9.buttons : switches betweenchannel mode and category mode.[Switching the XM mode], page 2-7.ModePreseti i    
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-9AUDIO SYSTEM2-8 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEM󲻥Input desired channel number, and pressthe  button. The previous screenwill be restored and the selected channelwill begin playing.INFORMATIONTo prevent inputting a channel which exceedsthe channel range, numbers which cannot beinputted are set to disabled state.Voice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Channel<0 to 255>"Storing XM preset󲻤Select the desired channel.  [SelectingXM broadcast channel], page 2-7.󲻥Press the preset button for over 0.8second. The frequency will be savedalong with beep sound. INFORMATIONSix preset frequencies each for XM1/ XM2/XM3 modes can be stored using the aboveinstructions.Scanning  XM broadcast channel󲻤Press the  button. SCAN (under 0.8 second): Scans allchannels for 5 seconds each if in channelmode. If in category mode, scans allchannels within the current category for 5seconds each. Voice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Scan"PRESET SCAN (over 0.8 second): Scans the6 preset channels within the current bandfor 5 seconds each. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Preset Scan"󲻥Press the  button again tocontinue playing the channel. The scanwill be terminated and the currentchannel will continue to be played. INFORMATIONWhen scanning has completed an entirerevolution, the scan function is automaticallyterminated and the previous played channelwill be restored. Channel 0 is the radio ID and containsinformation required for XM Activation. ScanScanOKVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Channel Up""Channel Down"(c) Selecting a channel through manualsearch󲻤Turn the  key in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to display the previousor next channel information. After a briefmoment, the selected channel will bedisplayed.INFORMATIONIf in channel mode, the channel is selectedfrom all channels. If in category mode, the firstchannel of each category is selected.(Category search)(d) Selecting channel through channel/category list 󲻤Press the  button.󳀏If in category mode, the all category listscreen will be displayed. Select the desired category button todisplay the channel list screen for thecorresponding category. 󳀏If in channel mode, the all channels listscreen will be displayed.󲻥Select the desired channel button. Theprevious screen will be restored and theselected channel will begin playing.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Category Search"(e) Selecting channel by directly inputtingthe channel number 󲻤Press the  button. The channelinput screen will be displayed.SearchListTUNEiiiiAUDIO SYSTEM 2-11AUDIO SYSTEM2-10 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMWARNING !Always pay full attention to driving.  Avoidoperating your system in such a way that youare distracted from driving your vehicle.Supported disc formatsThe disc types supported by this device areas shown below. CD-R or CD-RW DISC burned with a bulkCD without quality guarantees may notbe recognized by the device. Inserting an abnormal disc may result infaulty operation or recognition.Operating the CDPAbout CDPPrecautions upon handling discs After using a disc, keep it in the originalcase to prevent it from becomingscratched, which may cause the CD tomake popping sounds. Do not use heart-shaped discs, octagon-shaped discs, or any other abnormallyshaped disc. Such discs may be the causeof malfunctions. Do not clean discs with chemical solutionssuch as record sprays, antistatic sprays,antistatic liquids, benzene, or thinners.Such materials may cause the surface ofDISC to be unrecoverable.Do not expose the disc to direct sunlightfor prolonged periods of time. Suchexposure may lead to disc deformation.Dust, scratch, and other substances maycause popping sound while playing aswell as sound deterioration. Never place paper on either side of thedisc or write on disc surfaces. Sharpwriting utensils and inks used in felt-tippens may cause damage to disc surfacesClean fingerprints and dust off the signalsurface (coated side) of the disc with asoft cloth. Only soft cloths should be used as thereare no grooves for dust to get in as is thecase with LPs. Copy-protected CDs such as S-type CDsmay not function in the device.DATA CDs are not supported by thedevice. (However, such discs may operateabnormally.)For safe and efficient operationDo not disassemble the CDP for repairpurposes. Contact your place of purchasein the case of malfunction. (Completeservice  assistance will not be provided ifthe user disassembles the device.)Do not use water to clean the device.Exposure to water may cause damage tothe device.Be cautious not to introduce foreignsubstances into the disc insert slot. Foreign substances may cause damageto the interior of the device. The device may fail to operate properly inextremely hot or cold temperatures.Discontinue the use of the device unlessnormal temperature is maintained. (The operational temperature range is:-10~ 65).Steam can be condensed on the fiberopticlens due to rain, wet conditions, or uponoperating the heating system.Skipping may occur to the audio whendriving on bumpy roads for prolongedperiods of time or upon severe shock tothe vehicle.Do not use chemical solvent to clean thedevice. Such solvents may cause damageto the surfaces of the device. Always use a clean and dry cloth.Disc format Disc media Disc formatCD CD-DACD-R MP3CD-RW WMAMultisession-CD DTS-CDCD CD-ROMCD-GCD-EXTRACD-TEXTSACD SACDSACD(Hybrid)Disc format Audio formatCD LPCMMP3 MPEG1, Layer3MPEG2, Layer3MPEG2.5WMA Ver9Disc Size3-inch (7.6 cm)5-inch (12.7cm)
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-13AUDIO SYSTEM2-12 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMAlthough this device supports low bit rateMP3 tracks, such tracks may only providelow quality sound. 󳀏For stable operation, the use of files in95kbps ~ 192kbps bit rate range and44.1kHz SAMPLING frequency isrecommended.Inserting/Ejecting DiscInserting a Disc Insert the disc into the slot. The disc will begin playing automaticallyafter it has been inserted. INFORMATIONIf the operation mode had been Audio modebefore inserting the disc, the device willconvert to the DISC mode screen and beginplaying.If the operation mode had been Navigationmode, then Navigation mode screen willremain and the disc play status will bedisplayed through the Audio bar. Ejecting a Disc Press the  key. The disc will immediately be stopped andejected.INFORMATIONIf the operation mode had been in Audiomode before ejecting the disc, the devicewill be converted back to Audio mode. If the operation mode had been inNavigation mode, then Navigation modescreen will remain. If the disc is straddled on the slot withoutremoving for approximately 10 seconds, thedisc will be re-inserted automatically intothe disc player. In such a case, the disc will not beginplaying automatically. Disc/Content format compatibility Ordinary disc compatibility 󳀏This device has been designed/manufactured to be compatible withsoftware bearing the following logo marks. 󳀏CD-R/RW discs (Audio CD and MP3 CD)created with CD-writing devices orpersonal computers may not properlyfunction in the device. This may becaused by damaged recording method,contamination by dirt and other foreignsubstance on the disc surfaces or playlens, and various other reasons. Special formats or special featuresregarding software󳀏CD-R/RW Compatibility.󳀏This device operates as a CD-ROMincluding CD-R and CD-RW DISC written inCD Audio or MP3 CD Format.However, other contents may causeabnormal disc operation such noise. 󳀏The writing of CD-R and CD-RW discs withthis device is not supported. 󳀏Although CD-R/RW discs burned as audioCDs which have not been finalized are notsupported by the device, some informationsuch as play time may be displayed. 󳀏PC-created DISC compatibility.󳀏When recording a disc with a personalcomputer, even discs recorded in a"format compatible" with the formatsdescribed above may not operate on thedevice caused by software settings of therecording application.In such cases, contact the softwaredeveloper.󳀏Additional information regardingcompatibility can be found on the CD-R/RW software disc box. DVD-R/RW are not supported by thedevice.Compressed audio compatibility This device plays audio files compressed byMPEG-1 audio stream layer 3(MP3) using 32,44.1 and 48kHz fixed bit rates. Incompatiblefiles are not supported. 󳀏Variable bit rate files may operate, but theplay time information may not beproperly displayed.󳀏Physical formats of CD : Model 1, Model 2XA format 1.󳀏This device only supports tracks with fileextension of ".MP3" or ".WMA".󳀏This device does not support multi-session discs.󳀏This device supports a maximum of 256folders and maximum 512 files. Folders and files which exceed this limitwill not be supported. 󳀏There are various bit rates which can beencoded onto a MP3 file. This device has been designed to becompatible with various bit rates. Audio which has been encoded at128kbps will sound similar to CD audiosound quality. Audio-CD CD-R CD-RWiiAUDIO SYSTEM 2-15AUDIO SYSTEM2-14 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMSelecting the CD trackThere are 2 ways to select a CD Track - (a)selecting through Track Up/Down, (b)selecting through searching Track.(a) Selecting through Track Up / DownPress the orkeys on thecontrol panel or steering wheel remotecontroller for less than 0.8 second. The nextor previous track will begin playing. INFORMATIONIf the  key on the control panel orsteering wheel remote controller is pressedshortly while the track has played for morethan 3 seconds, the start of the current trackwill begin playing. If the track has beenplaying for less than 2 seconds, the start ofthe previous track will begin playing. Voice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Next Track""Previous Track"(b) Selecting track through search 󲻤Turn the  knob on the controlpanel in clockwise or counter-clockwisedirection. Each click on the  knobwill display the information of the next orprevious track. The current playing trackwill continue to be played. 󲻥Press the  knob at the desired track.The searched track will begin playing. REW/FF CD trackPress and hold the orkeys on the control panel or steering wheelremote controller for over 0.8 second. The track will play 20 times faster whileholding the button and return to normalplay when the button is released. Setting Repeat function for CDmusicPress the  button. Each press willchange the function in the following order:REPEATREPEAT OFFREPEAT* REPEAT : repeats the current playing track. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Repeat Track"Say "Repeat File" or "Repeat Folder" againor say "Normal Play" in order to terminatethe set RepeatRepeatTRACKSEEKTUNETUNETUNETRACKTRACKSEEKCDListening to CD music󲻤Insert the CD or press the  keyon the control panel if the CD is alreadyinserted.󲻥Select the desired track.  [Selecting theCD track], page 2-15.Voice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."DISC""CD""CD Track <1 to 665>"CD screen and functionsMode display : displays that the currentmode is CD mode.REPEAT/RANDOM/SCAN indicator : ifREPEAT/RANDOM/SCAN is operating,the switch is displayed. Track number : displays the tracknumber.Play Time :  displays the play time.Title name : display the title name.Artist name : display the artist name.Current time : displays the current timemanually automatically according to theGPS time.buttons : repeat the currentplaying track. [Setting Repeat function for CD music],page 2-15.button : plays the tracks on thedisc in random order.[Setting Random function for CDmusic], page 2-16.button : scans all tracks on thedisc for 10 seconds each. [Scanning CD track], page 2-16.button : adjusts the FAD/BAL,BAS, MID, TRE controls. [Sound setting], page 1-10.SoundScanRandomRepeatCD/AUXi        
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-17AUDIO SYSTEM2-16 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMMP3MP3 disc related information andprecautionInformation󳀏The MP3 file standards supported by thedevice are as follows. 󳀏Acceptable standard: MPEG1 AUDIOLAYER 3󳀏Acceptable sampling frequency: 32, 44.1,48 (KHz)󳀏Acceptable bit rate: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80,96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320(Kbps)󳀏Recommended bit rate & referencesampling frequency: 96,128, 192 Kbpsfixed bit rate /44.1KHz󳀏ID3 tag This device supports ID3v1.0, ID3v1.1,ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, and ID3v2.4 ID3 tags.󳀏Supported media The MP3 media supported by the deviceare CD-ROM and USB.󳀏Supported media formats This device supports ISO9660 LEVEL1 andLEVEL2. Detailed specification is as below.󳀏Maximum directory layers: 8 layers󳀏Maximum folder length: 64 Bytes, filename length: 64 Bytes󳀏Supported characters for folder name/ filename: Alphanumeric characters, Koreanstandard character set 2350 characters,Simplified Chinese 4888 characters󳀏Maximum number of folders which canbe stored onto one disc: 256 folders(including ROOT directory)󳀏Maximum number of files which can bestored onto one disc: 512 files 󳀏Precautions upon burning MP3 files 󳀏The use of ISO 9660 LEVEL 2 JOLIETformat is recommended when burningMP3 files. Burning in other formats mayabnormally display the file names.󳀏It is possible to display up to 32 charactersfor file and folder names in case ofUNICODE, and up to 64 characters in case ofASCII. Although the full length of the filename can be displayed by using the scrollfunction, the full length of folder namesmay not be displayed as the scroll functiondoes not operate when displaying foldernames.PrecautionPlease use a MP3 bit rate which is less than128 kbps. The sound quality cannot beguaranteed for MP3s exceeding 128kbps. Setting Random function for CDmusicPress the  button. Each press willchange the function in the following order:RANDOM RANDOM OFF RANDOM* RANDOM : plays all tracks in the disc inrandom order.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Random"Say "Random" or "Random Folder" again orsay "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset Random function.Scanning CD track󲻤Press the  button. Each press willchange the function in the followingorder: SCAN SCAN OFF SCAN.* SCAN  : scans all tracks in the disc for 9seconds each. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command. "Scan"Say "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset Scan function.󲻥Press the  button again to continuelistening to the track. The scan will beterminated and the current track willcontinue to be played.INFORMATIONWhen scanning has completed an entirerevolution, the scan function is automaticallyterminated and the previous played track willbe restored. ScanScanRandomiAUDIO SYSTEM 2-19AUDIO SYSTEM2-18 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMSelecting the MP3 fileThere are 3 ways to select an MP3 file - (a)selecting through file up/down, (b)selecting through searching files, (c)selecting through MP3 list.(a) Selecting through File Up / DownPress the orkeys on thecontrol panel or steering wheel remotecontroller for less than 0.8second. The next orprevious file will begin playing.INFORMATIONIf the  key on the control panel orsteering wheel remote controller is pressedshortly while the song has played for morethan 3 seconds, the start of the current songwill begin playing. If the song has beenplaying for less than 2 seconds, the start ofthe previous song will begin playing. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Next File""Previous File""Next Folder""Previous Folder"(b) Selecting through search 󲻤Turn the  knob on the controlpanel in clockwise or counter-clockwisedirection. Each click on the  knobwill display the information of the next orprevious file. The current playing file willcontinue to be played. INFORMATIONIf the operation of the Tune knob is too rapid,there may be a delay in displaying the fileinformation.󲻥Press the  knob at the desired file.The searched file will begin playing. (c) Selecting through MP3 List 󲻤Press the  button. The file list ofthe folder for the current playing file willbe displayed. INFORMATIONIf many songs and folders are recorded onto aDISC, file loading time may be longer andcause the play list to be improperly displayedor song search through TUNE operation tooperate improperly. In such cases, wait until fileloading is complete and try again.󲻥Press the desired menu to return to themain screen and play the selected file. ListTUNETUNETUNETRACKTRACKSEEKListening to MP3 music󲻤Insert the MP3 disc or press the key on the control panel if the MP3 disc isalready inserted.󲻥Select the desired file.   [Selecting theMP3 file], page 2-19.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."DISC""CD""MP3"MP3 screen and functionsMode display : displays that the currentmode is MP3 disc mode. (MP3 files onDVD discs are not supported.)REPEAT/RANDOM/SCAN indicator : ifREPEAT/RANDOM/SCAN is operating,the switch is displayed.Play Time :  displays the play time.Folder name : displays the folder name.File name : displays the file name. Current time : displays the current timemanually automatically according to theGPS time.button : displays or hidesthe detailed file information for thecurrent playing file. [Viewing detail information for MP3file], page 2-20.button : displays the MP3folders and file lists for the disc.[Selecting the MP3 file], page 2-19.button : repeats the currentplaying folder or file. [Setting repeat function for MP3 file],page 2-20.button : plays all files on thedisc or folder in random order. [Setting random function for MP3file], page 2-20.button : scans all files on thedisc or folder for 10 seconds each. [Scanning MP3 file], page 2-21.button : adjusts the FAD/BAL,BASS/MID/TREB controls. [Sound setting], page 1-10.SoundScanRandomRepeatListInfo On/OffCD/AUXiii   
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-21AUDIO SYSTEM2-20 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMScanning MP3 file󲻤Press the  button. Each press will change the function in thefollowing order : Scan Folder Scan Scan Off Scan* Folder Scan : plays all files in the currentfolder for 10 seconds each. * Scan: scans all files in the disc for 10seconds each.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Scan""Folder Scan"Say "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset Scan function.󲻥Press the  button again tocontinue listening to the file. The scanwill be terminated and the current filewill continue to be played.INFORMATIONWhen scanning has completed an entirerevolution, the scan function is automaticallyterminated and the previously played file willbe restored. ScanScanREW/FF MP3 filePress and hold the orkeys on the control panel or steering wheelremote controller for over 0.8 second. The file will play 20 times faster whileholding the button and return to normalplay when the button is released.Viewing detail information forMP3 file󲻤Press the  button. The detailedinformation (Title, Artist, Album, Genre)for the current playing MP3 will bedisplayed.󲻥Press the  button. The detailedinformation will be turned off.Setting Repeat function for MP3 filePress the  button. Each press will change the function in thefollowing order: Repeat Folder Repeat Repeat Off Repeat* Repeat : repeats the current playing file. * Folder Repeat : repeats the files in thecurrent folder.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Repeat File""Repeat Folder"Say "Repeat File" or "Repeat Folder" againor say "Normal Play" in order to terminatethe set Repeat function.Setting Random function for MP3filePress the  button. Each press changes the setting as follows :RandomFolder Random Random OffRandom* Folder Random : plays the files in thecurrent folder in random order. * Random : plays all files in the disc in randomorder.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Random""Random Folder"Say "Random" or "Random Folder" again orsay "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset Random function.RandomRepeatInfo OffInfo OnTRACKSEEKiAUDIO SYSTEM 2-23AUDIO SYSTEM2-22 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMOperating external devices iPod󲼷iPod󲼷is a registered trademark ofApple Inc.Connecting iPod deviceConnect the iPod device as shown in thepicture.The identification of the iPod device, batteryrecharge, and other functions provided bythe iPod device can be normally supportedonly by using a separately sold iPodconnector cable. If the USB cable provided upon purchasingthe iPod for charging is used as theconnector cable, the device will berecognized as a USB and may not properlyoperate or display all  of the displayinformation.Supported iPod devices : Classic 4th/5th/6th,Mini 1st/2nd, NANO 1st/2nd/3rd/4thand Touch1st/2ndGenerations.If iPod mode cannot be entered due toidentification error, no track, incompatibleprotocol version, or other reasons, a pop-upmessage will be displayed for 5 seconds andreturn automatically to the previous mode.If the message continues even afterreconnecting the iPod, check to see if thereare any problems with the iPod device.CAUTION!If a playing iPod is connected to the audiosystem, a high-pitched tone may occur forapproximately 1-2 seconds. Please turn the iPod device to pause/stopprior to connecting it to the vehicle. INFORMATIONAn iPod cable assembly can be purchased atyour local Hyundai dealer.Listening to iPod music󲻤Connect the iPod or press thekey on the control panel if the iPod isalready connected.INFORMATIONEven if the iPod is connected, message maybe displayed if an error has occurred. In such acase, reconnect the iPod. 󲻥Select the desired song. [Selecting an iPod song], page 2-23.CD/AUXiiVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."iPod"iPod screen and functionsMode display : displays that the currentmode is iPod mode.REPEAT/RANDOM indicator : if REPEAT/RANDOM is operating, the switch isdisplayed.Title name : displays the title name ofthe playing file. Play Time :  displays the play time. Artist name : displays the artist name ofthe playing file. Album name : displays the album nameof the playing file.Current time : displays the current timemanually automatically according to theGPS time.button : converts to the searchmenu screen. [Selecting an iPod song], page 2-23.buttons : repeats the currentplaying song. [Setting repeat function for iPodsong], page 2-25.button : plays all songs in thecurrent playing list in random order orrandomly in album unit. [Setting random function for iPodsong], page 2-25.button : adjusts the FAD/BAL,BASS/MID/TREB controls.[Sound setting], page 1-10.Selecting an iPod songThere are 3 ways to select songs from theiPod device - (a) selecting song throughUp/Down, (b) selecting song throughsequential search, (c) selecting songthrough menu.(a) Selecting song through Up / DownPress the  or button onthe for less than 0.8 second. The next orprevious song will begin playing. INFORMATIONIf the  key on the control panel orsteering wheel remote controller is pressedshortly while the track has played for morethan 3 seconds, the start of the current songwill begin playing. If the track has beenplaying for less than 2 seconds, the start ofthe previous song will begin playing. TRACKTRACKSEEKSoundRandomRepeatMenui    
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-25AUDIO SYSTEM2-24 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Next Song""Previous Song"(b) Selecting song through search 󲻤Turn the  knob on the controlpanel in clockwise or counter-clockwisedirection.Operate the  key dial to display theprevious or next channel information. Aftera brief moment, the selected channel willbe displayed. INFORMATIONIf the operation of the  knob is toorapid, there may be a delay in displaying thesong information.(c) Selecting song through Menu󲻤Press the  button. The iPod menuscreen will be displayed. 󲻥Press the button for the desired searchmethod.INFORMATIONIf the search mode is accessed while playing asong, the most recent searched step will bedisplayed. The search steps upon initialconnection are listed below. 󲻦Press the desired song button to returnto the main screen and play the selectedsong.REW/FF iPod songPress and hold the  or keys on the control panel or steering wheelremote controller for over 0.8 second. Thesong will be play faster while holding thebutton and return to normal play when thebutton is released. TRACKSEEKMenuTUNETUNETUNEiiSetting Repeat function for iPodsongPress the  button. Each press willchange the function in the following order : Repeat Repeat Off Repeat*  Repeat : repeats the current playing song. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Repeat Song"Say "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset Repeat function.Setting Random function for iPodsongPress the  button. Each press willchange the function in the following order :RandomAlbum Random Random OffRandom* Album Random : plays the songs in thecurrent playing list randomly in Albumunits.* Random : plays all files in the currentplaying list in random order.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Random""Random Album"Say "Random" or "Random Album" again orsay "Normal Play" in order to terminate theset RandomRandomRepeat1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepPlaylist Playlist SongGenre Genre Artist Album SongArtist Artist Album SongComposer composer Album SongAlbum Album SongAudiobooks SongSongs SongPodcasts Program EpisodeSongSongEpisodeSongSongSongAUDIO SYSTEM 2-27AUDIO SYSTEM2-26 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMUSBUSB MP3 related information andprecautionInformation󳀏The MP3 file standards supported by thedevice are as follows. 󳀏Acceptable standard: MPEG1 AUDIOLAYER 3󳀏Acceptable sampling frequency: 32, 44.1,48 (kHz)󳀏Acceptable bit rate : 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80,96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320(kbps)󳀏Recommended bit rate & referencesampling frequency: 96,128, 192 kbpsfixed bit rate /44.1kHz󳀏ID3 tagThis device supports ID3v1.0, ID3v1.1,ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, and ID3v2.4 ID3 tags.󳀏Supported mediaThe MP3 media supported by the deviceare CD-ROM and USB.󳀏Supported media formats This device supports ISO9660 LEVEL1 andLEVEL2. Detailed specification is as below.󳀏Maximum directory layers: 20 layers󳀏Maximum length of folder name/filename: 250Bytes󳀏Supported characters for folder name/ filename: Alphanumeric characters, Koreanstandard character set 2350 characters,Simplified Chinese 4888 characters󳀏Maximum number of folders which canbe stored onto one USB: 2000 folders(including ROOT directory)󳀏Maximum number of files which can bestored onto one USB: 6000 files 󳀏Precautions upon formatting USB &downloading MP3 files 󳀏The device only supports FAT type USBfile system. The device will not play USBmedia content if the USB is NTFS type. PrecautionPlease use an MP3 bit rate which is less than192Kbps and a fixed bit rate. The sound quality cannot be guaranteed forMP3s exceeding 192Kbps and operation ofspecific functions (limited to FF/REWfunctions) may be abnormal with variablebit rates.Precautions upon handling USBWhen using the external USB device, make sureto keep the device disconnected and connectonly some time after turning on the vehicleignition. The USB device may be damaged if theUSB device already connected when theignition is turned on.  (USB device is not anelectronic automotive component)The external USB device may not operateif the USB device already connected whenvehicle ignition is turned on or off. The device will not operate when playinga format which is not MP3 or WMA fileformats.󲻤Only MP3 files with compression ratesbetween 8Kbps~320Kbps are supported.󲻥Only WMA files with compression ratesbetween 8Kbps~320Kbps are supported. Be cautious of static electricity whenconnecting/disconnecting the externalUSB device. Encoded MP3 Players will not berecognized when connected as theexternal device. When connecting an external USB device,the device may not be properly recognizethe USB when the USB is in some states.When formatting the external USB device,the device may not be properly recognizea Byte/Sector selection other than512Byte or 2048Byte. The device will only recognize USBdevices formatted in FAT 12/16/32.Some USB devices may not operateproperly because of compatibility issues.Verify that the external device issupported by the device before startinguse.Avoid contact between the USBconnector with bodily parts and foreignsubstances.Repeatedly connecting/disconnecting theUSB in a short period of time may causedamage to the device. When disconnecting the USB, anabnormal sound may occur occasionally.Abruptly disconnecting the external USBdevice while the USB is operating may causethe device to be damaged or functionabnormally.Make sure to disconnect the USB device onlyafter the audio power is turned off or whenthe audio is operating in a different mode. The amount of time required to recognizethe external USB device may differdepending on the type, size, or fileformats stored on the USB. Suchdifferences in the required time are notindications of malfunction. Please wait the period of time required torecognize the device.The device supports only USB devicesused to play music files. Do not use the USB I/F to charge batteriesor USB accessories which generate heat.Such acts may lead to deterioratedperformance or damage to the device. The device may not recognize the USBdevice if separately purchased USB hubsand extension cables are being used.Connect the USB directly to themultimedia terminal of the vehicle.In the case of high capacity USB devices,there are instances where the logicaldrives are partitioned for userconvenience. In this case, only the USBmusic in the top-level logical drive will bepossible to play. When using partitioned drives, save thesongs desired to play on the device onlyin the top-level logical drive. In addition, certain USB devices areconfigured with a separate drive used toinstall application programs and songsfrom such drives may not be possible toplay for the reasons as described above.
AUDIO SYSTEM 2-29AUDIO SYSTEMThe device may not support normaloperation if MP3 Players, cellular phones,digital cameras, or other electronicdevices (USB devices not recognized asportable disk drives) are connected to thedevice.The device may not support normaloperation when using a USB memorytype besides the Metal Cover Type USBMemory.The device may not support normaloperation when using formats such asHDD Type, CF, or SD Memory. The device will not support files locked byDRM (Digital Rights Management).The device many not support normaloperation if the proper connection withthe USB memory fails due to vibrationscaused by the vehicle. (i-stick type, etc.)Please avoid using USB memory productswhich can be used as key chains or cellularphone accessories as they could causedamage to the USB jack. Please make certain only to use plug typeconnector products as shown below.Connecting the USBConnect the USB as shown in the picture. Listening to USB music󲻤Connect a USB or press the  keyon the control panel if the USB is alreadyconnected.󲻥Select the desired file.  [Selecting theMP3 file], page 2-19.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."USB"INFORMATIONThe USB screen and operation method is thesame with MP3 mode. Please refer to the MP3mode section for more information. CD/AUX2-28 AUDIO SYSTEM PART 2   AUDIO SYSTEMPlug Type ConnectorAUXConnecting AUXConnect the external Audio player asshown in the picture.INFORMATIONConnect only by using AUX terminals. Playing AUXConnect an AUX or press the  keyon the control panel if the AUX is alreadyconnected.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Line In"AUX screenAudio AUX screenCD/AUXiiExternal DevicePART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-1NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3NAVIGATION SYSTEM Setup and Information  3-36Setup menu screen and functions 3-36Main setting 3-36Setting keyboard for inputting letter 3-36Setting voice command feedback ON/OFF  3-37Setting Language  3-37Initializing system  3-37Navigation setting  3-38Setting units (mile/km)  3-38Setting arrival time and distance display  3-38Registering avoid area 3-38Editing avoid area  3-40Deleting avoid area  3-41Deleting all avoid areas  3-41Setting Q.POI icons  3-42Setting estimate travel time  3-42My places setting 3-43Registering new address inaddress book  3-43Editing an address ofaddress book   3-45Deleting an address of address book  3-46Deleting an address book  3-47Registering home address  3-48Deleting home address  3-48Registering favorite place  3-49Deleting favorite place 3-50System information and update 3-51Voice guidance volume setting  3-51Voice guidance volume control 3-51Adaptive volume control ON/OFF3-52Traffic Setup 3-52Traffic Information  3-52Help  3-54PART 3NAVIGATION SYSTEM Limitations of the navigation system  3-2GPS signal reception state  3-2Vehicle position display  3-3Route guidance  3-4Route Re-calculation  3-4Starting navigation system 3-5Map Functions  3-5Current position map screen (without route)  3-5Switching map mode (North up/Heading up)  3-6Viewing GPS signal state  3-7Changing the map scale  3-8Displaying / Hiding POI icons on the map 3-9Displaying / Hiding Q.POI icons 3-9Displaying /Hiding icons other thanQ.POI icons 3-9Making a call to POI  3-10Scrolling map  3-11Setting a Destination  3-12Destination menu screen and functions3-12Searching a Destination  3-13Searching an Address   3-13Searching a Previous Destination3-17Searching an Intersection   3-17Searching a POI  3-20Searching from Address book 3-24Searching for Emergency facilities3-25Searching your Home  3-25Searching favorite places  3-26Searching from MAP  3-26Searching POI by local POI list 3-26Operating after searching a destination  3-27Changing destination position 3-27Setting as Destination/waypoint 3-27Adding to address book  3-27Operating after setting a destination  3-28Starting Route Guidance 3-28Route guidance screen  3-28Selecting other route  3-29Route guidance  3-30Route menu screen and functions 3-30Finishing route guidance(Delete Destination)  3-30Route overview(View Entire Route)3-31Changing Route option  3-32Editing waypoints  3-32Adding waypoints  3-32Deleting waypoints  3-34Re-ordering waypoints  3-34Setting detour distance  3-35Setting avoid streets on route  3-35
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-3NAVIGATION SYSTEMVehicle position displayIf multipass errors occur due to reflectionsfrom buildings or related causes, thecurrent position mark on the navigationmay differ from the actual position of thevehicle.The position of the vehicle on thenavigation may be different from theactual position if the vehicle is under thefollowing conditions. If such differencesoccur, driving for a short period of timewill automatically correct the position ofthe vehicle through map matching or GPSinformation (several minutes may benecessary in certain cases).󳀏When driving on a Y-shaped road with anarrow angle, the current position maybe displayed in the opposite direction.󳀏If the vehicle is loaded onto a ferry or acar transport vehicle, the currentposition mark may be stalled on the lastposition prior to loading. 󳀏When driving on a spiral-shaped road. 󳀏When driving in mountain regions withsharp turns or sudden brakes. 󳀏When entering a road after having beenin an underground parking structure,building parking structure, or turntablewith many rotations. 󳀏When the tires have recently beenreplaced (Especially upon use of spare orstudless tires)󳀏If the battery terminal is removed. 󳀏When driving in city streets, the currentposition may be displayed on theopposite side or on an off-road position.󳀏When changing the zoom level from themaximum zoom in level to a differentzoom level, the current position markmay be displayed on a different road. 󳀏When driving in heavy traffic with frequentgostops in traffic or intersections.󳀏When driving under slippery conditions,such as heavy sand, snow, etc. 󳀏When driving with the tire chain in place.󳀏When using a tire with an incorrect sizespecification.󳀏When the tire pressure for the 4 tires aredifferent.󳀏When the replacement tire is a worn orused tire (Especially studless tires havingpassed a 2nd seasons, etc.) 󳀏When driving near high-rise buildings󳀏If a roof carrier has been installed󳀏When driving under high speeds orhaving calculated a long-distance route.3-2 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMLimitations of thenavigation systemGPS signal reception stateAs the GPS satellite frequency is received/transmitted in straight lines, receptionmay not work if hiding devices are placedon or near the GPS antenna or whentraveling through the following locations. 󳀏Tunnels󳀏Basement parking structures 󳀏Underneath an overpass 󳀏Roads within forested areas󳀏Areas near high rise buildings 󳀏Roads within canyonsNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-5NAVIGATION SYSTEMRoute GuidanceSuitable route guidance may not occurcaused by search conditions or thedriving position. 󳀏Guidance to go straight may be givenwhile driving on a straight road. 󳀏Guidance may not be given even whenhaving turned at an intersection.󳀏There are certain intersections in whichguidance may not occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling for a U-Turnin a No U-Turn location may occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling entrance intoa no enter zone may occur (No enterzone, road under construction, etc.). 󳀏Guidance may be given to a positionremoved from the actual destination ifroads to reach the actual destination donot exist or are too narrow.󳀏Faulty voice guidance may be given ifthe vehicle breaks from the designatedroute (ex: if a turn is made at anintersection while the navigationprovided guidance to go straight). 󳀏Map Data may be missing or incorrectcausing route guidance to not be given.Route Re-calculationThe following phenomena may occurafter conducting route recalculation.󳀏Guidance may be given to a positiondiffering from the current position whenturning at an intersection.󳀏Route Recalculation may take a longerperiod of time when driving under highspeeds.󳀏A route guidance signaling for a U-Turnin a No U-Turn location may occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling entrance into ano enter zone may occur (No enter zone,road under construction, etc). 󳀏Guidance may be given to a positionremoved from the actual destination ifroads to reach the actual destination donot exist or are too narrow.󳀏Faulty voice guidance may be given ifthe vehicle breaks from the designatedroute (ex: if a turn is made at anintersection while the navigationprovided guidance to go straight)3-4 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMStarting navigation system Press the Navigation mode key ( ,,  ,  ). The Caution screenwill always be displayed when first enteringinto Navigation mode. Read the contents ofthe caution screen carefully and press thebutton.Map Functions Current position map screen(without route)Press the  key on the controlpanel to display the map of current positionand the neighboring area.GPS signal state indicator : Displays thestate of GPS signal reception.[Viewing GPS signal state], page 3-7. Map scale level indicator : Displays thecurrent map scale.[Changing the map scale], page 3-8.Landmark icons : Landmark icons aredisplayed on the map when the mapscale level is set to under 300 ft (100mdepending on map data)[Appendix : Landmark icons], page 7-7.POI icons : POI icons are displayed onthe map when the map scale level is setto under 0.5 mi (800m).[Appendix : POI icons], page 7-5.Current vehicle position icon : Displaysthe current position of the vehicle.MAPVOICEAgreeSETUPROUTEDESTMAPVOICE 
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-7NAVIGATION SYSTEMViewing GPS signal state The state of GPS signal reception isdisplayed as shown below.GPS (active) : GPS reception is satisfactory.GPS (inactive) : GPS reception is unsatisfactory.[System information and update], page3-51.INFORMATIONGPS (Global Position System) : GPS is asystem developed and operated by theUnited States which determines the currentlocation of the user (longitude, latitude, etc.)by generally using 4 or more satellites.  Thissystem is used with related GPS information,various sensors, road map data, and othernavigation related information.GPS information may not operate under thefollowing conditions. - When buildings, tunnels, or otherobstructions block satellite signals.- When materials are placed above the GPSantenna and block satellite signals.- When the satellite does not transmitsignals (signal transmission is controlledby the satellite control center in theUnited States and may not transmit whenunder repair, modification, etc). - When a digital cellular phone (1.5GHz) isplaced near the GPS antenna.This system uses GPS information, varioussensors, road map data, and other relatedinformation to display the current position.Errors may occur if the satellite istransmitting inaccurate signals or if whichcan only two or less satellite signals can bereceived.Errors which occur in such conditionscannot be corrected.3-6 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNorth Up / Heading Up switch :Displays the current map mode and themap mode can be switched betweenNorth Up and Heading Up. [Switching map mode], page 3-6.POI : Displays or hides the POI icon onthe map.[Displaying/Hiding POI icons on themap], page 3-9.Map scale : Increases or decreases themap scale. [Changing the map scale], page 3-8.Switching map mode (North Up /Heading Up)Each time the compass button is pressed,the screen will switch in the order shownbelow.Heading Up North Up Heading UpINFORMATIONAll map screens (map screen after settingdestination & whole route display screen)except the current position screen will alwaysbe displayed in North Up mode. North Up : displays the map always facingthe North direction regardless of thedirection which the vehicle is traveling. The vehicle icon is displayed in the centerposition of the map. Heading Up : displays the map alwaysfacing the direction which the vehicle istraveling. The vehicle icon is displayed inthe lower center position of the map.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."North Up""Heading Up"iiNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-9NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-8 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging the map scalePress the  or  button. The map scalewill be increased or decreased by one level. INFORMATIONEach time the orbutton is pressed,the scale bar will be displayed. The scale can be changed by directly pressingthe scale level on the scale bar. The green color on the scale bar indicates thecurrent scale level while the orange colorindicates the selected scale level.Press the orbutton for over 0.8second. The scale will continuously change. If the scale range limit is reached, the orbutton will be disabled. The map scale range is between 1 and 14:10,240,000 ~ 1 : 5,000. i󳃒󳃑Level Actual distancemi / ft km / m1 150 ft 50 m2 300 ft 100 m3 700 ft 200 m4 0.25 mi 400 m5 0.5 mi 800 m6 1 mi 1.6 km7 2 mi 3.2 km8 4 mi 6.4 km9 8 mi 12 km10 16 mi 25 km11 32 mi 50 km12 64 mi 100 km13 130 mi 200 km14 250 mi 400 kmVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Zoom In""Zoom Out""Zoom Maximum""Zoom Minimum""Zoom level <1 to 14>""Zoom <actual distance>"" (ex. Zoom 700ft)"Displaying / Hiding POI icons onthe mapDisplaying/Hiding Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button. Related menu buttons will be displayedat the bottom of the screen. INFORMATIONThe Q.POI icons are set to  - Gas Station,- Parking,  - Hotel,  - Golf Course,- Bank,  - Fast Food (6 icons) by default.This setting can be changed in SETUP. [Setting Q.POI icons], page 3-42.󲻥Press the icon buttons to display or hide.To turn off all POI icons displayed on themap, press the  button. INFORMATIONThe current displayed POI icons arehighlighted while the icons not beingdisplayed are shown as normal buttons.If there are no POI icons being displayed,the  button will be disabled. POI icons are displayed when the scale isunder 0.5 mi (800m). Displaying / Hiding icons otherthan Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button. Related menu buttons will be displayedat the bottom of the screen. 󲻥Press the  button. INFORMATIONQ.POI stands for Quick POI and refers to thefunction which turns POI icon display on or offon the map. OthersPOIALL OFFALL OFFPOIiii
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-11NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-10 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) by category list󲻦Press the desired main category button. 󲻧Select the desired sub category menu todisplay or hide (Multiple selections arepossible).Press the selected menu again to cancelthe selection. 󲻨If the  button is pressed, theselected menus will be displayed orhidden on the map screen. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Show <POI name>"  (ex. Show ATM)"Hide <POI name>"  (ex. Hide ATM)"Hide All"Making a call to POI  After searching a POI, the POI phonenumber information can be used to make acall to the POI facility. 󲻤Use the various search methods, such asthe map scroll function, Q.POI searchfunction, and destination search functionto search for a POI.󲻥Press the  button.Show Icon(s)󲻦Bluetooth is used to make a call to thePOI facility.󲻧Once the call is ended, the map isrestored to the current vehicle location. INFORMATIONMaking a call is not possible if there is notelephone information for a POI or if there isno mobile phone connected throughBluetooth.For more information of mobile phoneauthentication through Bluetooth ordetailed information on conducting search,refer to  [Pairing and connecting aBluetooth phone], page 5-4.Scrolling map Press the map area on the map screen. The selected point will be centered on thescreen and the scroll mark will be displayed.Information about the marked point andstraight line distance from the currentposition will be displayed at the top of thescreen.INFORMATIONIf a map area on the map screen is pressed,the map will continuously scroll in thecorresponding direction until the pressing isreleased.iiNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-13NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-12 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting a destination Destination menu screen andfunctionsPress the  key on the control panel todisplay the destination menu screen. Address : sets the destination throughaddress search. [Searching an Address], page 3-13.Previous Dest : sets the destinationthrough the previous destination list. [Searching a Previous Destination],page 3-17 .Intersection : sets the destinationthrough intersection search. [Searching an Intersection], page 3-17.POI Search : sets the destination throughPOI Category search. [Searching a POI], page 3-20 .Address Book : sets the destinationthrough address book search. [Searching from Address book], page3-24 .Emergency : sets the destinationthrough emergency facilities search. [Searching for Emergency facilities],page 3-25 .HOME : sets the stored HOME as thedestination.[Searching your Home], page 3-25 .Favorite place  ~  : sets thedestination with one of the storedfavorite places. [Searching favorite places], page 3-26 .51DEST    Searching a Destination Searching an AddressThere are 2 ways to set the destinationthrough address search-(a) by street, (b) bycity.󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button to change thestate.󲻧Input the State name and press thebutton.If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the state listscreen will be displayed automatically. If the number of matches is only oneresult, then the state will automatically bechanged without having to manuallyselect the state. 󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state.(a) by street󲻩Press the  button.StreetListStateAddressDEST
3-14 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-15NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Input the House number and Press thebutton to complete. If the House number is not recognized,press the  button. In this case, the range of house numberswill be displayed during the last step.󲻫Input the Street name and press thebutton.If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻬If the desired street from the list isselected, the corresponding position willbe displayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf more than 30 cities exist with the selectedstreet, then the city input screen will bedisplayed. If less than 30 cities exist, then thecity selection screen will be displayed.󲻭Input the city name and press thebutton to complete. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the list screenwill be displayed automatically. 󲻮Select the desired city from the list. ListListSkipDonei󲻯This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep󲻩and more than 2 house numbersranges exist. Select the desired House number range. 󲻰This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep󲻩and only one house numbersrange exists.Input the House number and press thebutton to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. (b) by city󲻨Press the  button.󲻩Input the city name and press and pressthe button.  If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻪Select the desired city from the list. ListCityDoneNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-17NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-16 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻫Input the house number and press thebutton to complete. If the House number is not recognized,press the  button. In this case, the range of house numberswill be displayed during the last step.󲻬Input the Street name and press thebutton to complete. If the number of matches with the input isless than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired street from the list andthe corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻮This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep󲻫and more than 2 House numberranges exist. Select the desired House number range.󲻯This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep󲻫and only one House numberrange exists. Select the house number range and Pressthe  button to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find address" [Find address], page 4-19.DoneListSkipDoneSearching a Previous Destination󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired previous destination.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Previous destination"[Previous destination], page 4-24."Previous start point"[Previous start point], page 4-25.Searching an Intersection There are two ways to set the destinationthrough intersection search-(a) by street, (b)by city. 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button to change thestate.󲻧Input the state name and press thebutton. If the number of matcheswith the input is less than 4  results, thenthe state list screen will be displayedautomatically.If the number of matches is only oneresult, then the state will automatically bechanged without having to manuallyselect the state.󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state. ListStateIntersectionDESTPrevious DestDEST
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-19NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) by street󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the name of the 1st street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired 1st street from the list. 󲻬Input the name of the 2nd street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired 2nd street menu fromthe list. The corresponding position willbe displayed on the map. 󲻮If the selected 2nd street is within morethan 2 cities, then the city list screen willbe displayed. Select the desired city menu from the list.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. ListListStreet3-18 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) by city󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the city name and press thebutton.If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired city name.󲻬Input the name of the 1st street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired 1st street menu fromthe list. 󲻮Input the name of the 2nd street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. ListListListCityNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-21NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻯Select the desired 2nd street menu fromthe list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻰If the selected 2nd street is within morethan 2 cities, then the city list screen willbe displayed. Select the desired city menu from the list.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map.Searching a POI There are 3 ways to set the destinationthrough POI search - (a) by category, (b) byname, (c) by phone number. 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Input the state name and press thebutton. If the number of matcheswith the input is less than 4 results, thenthe state list screen will be displayedautomatically. If there is only onematching result, then the state willautomatically be changed without havingto manually select the state.󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state.ListStatePOI SearchDEST3-20 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) By category Searches for facilities nearby the currentposition or from the city center.󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Press the  button tosearch for facilities nearby the currentposition, or press the button to search for facilities in the nearcity center. (a-1) Near current position Searches for facilities within a 30 mi (45km)radius of the current position. 󲻫Press the desired main category menu. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find nearest POI"[Find nearest POI], page 4-20.󲻬Press the desired sub category menu. 󲻭Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Near city centerNear current positionCategory
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-23NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-22 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a-2) Near city center Searches for facilities from the city center. 󲻫Input the city name and press thebutton.If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻬Press the desired city menu. 󲻭Press the desired main category. 󲻮Press the desired sub category.󲻯Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONThe distance on each POI item button refersto the distance from the city center.Listi(b) By name󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the name of the POI and press thebutton.If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the facilities listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONWhen necessary,  the search conditions forthe city and category can be changed bypressing the  button. Changing City 󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Input the city name and press the button.󲻦Select the desired city name.Changing Category󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Select the desired main category menu. 󲻦Select the desired sub category menu. (c) By phone number󲻩Press the  button.Phone #CategoryListCityAdvancedListNameiNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-25NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-24 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Input the phone number and Press thebutton to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Destination POI by Phone Number"[Destination POI by phone number],page 4-22.Searching from Address book󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired address book (user)menu.INFORMATIONThis system provides 5 address books. Eachaddresses book can hold up to 200 entries.󲻧Select the desired address name fromthe list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Destination by address book"[Destination by address book], page 4-25.Address bookDESTDoneiSearching for Emergency facilities󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired facility category. 󲻧Select the desired facility. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find emergency <Category>"[Find emergency <Category>], page 4-23.Searching your Home󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. The Home position will be displayed onthe map. INFORMATIONIf the Home address is not registered, then thebutton will be displayed. [Registering home address], page 3-48.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Go home"[Go home], page 4-25.HOMEHOMEDESTEmergencyDESTi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-27NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after searching adestination Changing destination position : Changes the position of the destination byscrolling the map. [Scrolling map], page 3-11.Setting as Destination / waypoint :Sets the position as the destination orwaypoint.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Start guidance" (Sets the position of the scroll mark as thedestination and begins route guidance.)Adding to address book : Saves the position in the address book. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Store Marked Location to <text tag>"3-26 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching favorite places󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Select the desired button from  ~  .The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf the address of the Favorite place is notregistered, then the  ~  buttonswithout registered addresses will be disabled.[Registering favorite place], page 3-49.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Destination by memory point <1 to 5>"[Destination by memory point <1 to 5>],page 4-25.Searching from MAP Position the scroll mark at the destinationby scrolling the map on the map screen. Searching POI by local POI list󲻤Press the  button on the mapscreen.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find nearest <POI name>"[Find nearest <POI name>], page 4-21.Local POI listsOthersPOI5151DESTiNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-29NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-28 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after setting adestination Starting Route Guidance Press the  button. RouteGuidance will start. Route simulation󳀏If the  button is pressedand held for over 0.8  second, then theroute simulation will start. 󳀏If the  key on the control panelis pressed during route simulation, thenroute simulation will be terminated.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Time to destination" "Distance to destination"Route guidance screenSymbol guidance mode : If the button is pressed, then the followingroute guidance screen will be displayed. Turn-List mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed. MAPVOICEStart GuidanceStart GuidanceHighway mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed.Intersection zoom mode : This routeguidance screen is automatically displayedduring guidance at an intersection. Once guidance at the intersection iscomplete, the screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Highway junction mode : This routeguidance screen is automaticallydisplayed during guidance at highwayjunctions.Once guidance at a highway junction iscomplete, this screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Selecting other route󲻤Press the  button. 󲻥Other routes can be selected by pressingthe or buttons. Others
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-31NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-30 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRoute guidance Route menu screen and functionsPress the  key on the control panel. The ROUTE menu screen will be displayed. Cancel Route: deletes destination,waypoints and terminates routeguidance.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .Route Overview: displays the entireroute and route detailed.[Route overview], page 3-31 .Route Option: the route option can bechanged.[Changing Route option], page 3-32 .Edit Waypoint: waypoints can beadded/deleted and the order can bechanged.[Editing waypoints], page 3-32 .Detour : searches detour routes. [Setting detour distance], page 3-35 .Avoid Streets: searches routes whichavoid the selected streets. [Setting avoid streets on route], page3-35.Finishing route guidance (DeleteDestination)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. 󲻦Press the  button. The destination and waypoints aredeleted and the route guidance isterminated.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .YesCancel RouteROUTEROUTE    Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Cancel route"(Terminates route guidance and deletes theset destination and waypoints.)Route overview (View Entire Route)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.INFORMATIONIf the  button is pressed,route guidance screen is displayed.󲻧The detailed route information can beviewed.Return to guidanceTurn by TurnRoute OverviewROUTEiNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-33NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-32 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging Route option󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button for the desired routeguidance method. Guidance will be restarted afterrecalculating the route with the selectedguidance method. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Replan recommended route""Replan shortest route""Replan minimize freeway route""Replan minimize toll road route"Editing waypointsAdding waypointsThere are 2 ways to add waypoints - (a)searching for POI nearest to the route, (b)using advanced search.󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button.Press to add new waypointEdit WaypointROUTERoute OptionROUTE(a) Searching POI lists near route 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Select the desired category. 󲻩Select the desired sub category from list. 󲻪Select the desired POI from the list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻫Press the  button. 󲻬Press the  button to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneAdd as WaypointNear POI Lists on Route
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-35NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-34 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) Using advanced Search The method for searching waypoints throughthe  button is the samemethod as searching destination.[Searching a Destination], page 3-13.Deleting waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the waypoint and press thebutton.󲻧Press the  button.󲻨After deleting, press the  button tocomplete.Guidance will be  restart after recalculatingthe route. Re-ordering waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired waypoint and use the,  buttons to changethe order. 󲻧Once re-ordering is complete, press thebutton to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneMoveMoveEdit waypointROUTEDoneYesDeleteEdit waypointROUTEAdvanced(more)Setting detour distance󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired detour range.Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe detour route. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> miles""Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> kilometers"Setting avoid streets on route󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired streets to avoid( avoid,  allow) and press the button to complete. Guidance will  restarted after recalculatingthe route to avoid the selected streets. DoneAvoid streetsROUTEDetourROUTENAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-37NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-36 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetup and Information Setup menu screen and functionsPress the   key on the control panelto display the setup menu screen.Main button : changes to the inputkeyboard type, voice command feedbackON/OFF settings and system initializationcan be made. [Main setting], page 3-36 .Traffic Setup : sets whether to displaytraffic information on map, whether toprovide upcoming traffic information voiceguidance, and whether to display thedetour route popup showing upcomingtraffic information. Navigation button : navigation relatedsettings can be set. [Navigation setting], page 3-38 .My Places button : the Address book,Home address, Favorite places, Previousdestination can be edited.[My places setting], page 3-43 .System Info button : the system versioninformation can be viewed and systemupgrades can be conducted. [System information and update],page 3-51 .Voice Setup button : adjusts theNavigation guidance volume. [Voice guidance volume setting],page 3-51 .Help button : the help contents can beviewed.   [Help], page 3-54 .Display button : adjusts the displaysetting.  [Display setting], page 1-11 .Main setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete. Setting keyboard for inputtingletterPress the desired keyboard type button.The selection will be highlighted. DoneMainSETUPSETUP  Setting voice command feedbackON/OFFPress the desired setting button.Setting Language󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the desired language. 󲻦Press the  button to complete. Initializing system󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the menu desired for initialization. 󲻦Press the  button. YesFactory DefaultDoneChange
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-39NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻩If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button. 󲻪Rename the Avoid area and Press thebutton to complete. 󲻫Each time the  button is pressed, thefunction will switch between avoid (  )orallow( ). 󲻬Press the  button to complete thesetting.DoneAvoidDoneRename3-38 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNavigation setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete.Setting units (mile/ km)Select the desired distance unit. Setting arrival time and distancedisplaySelect the desired setting button. Registering avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Set the start position of the avoid areaand press the  button. 󲻧Set the end position of the avoid areaand press the  button.󲻨Press the  button to complete.DoneNextNextAdd new avoid areaAvoid AreaDoneNavigationSETUPDeleting avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the  button to delete. 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Press the  button.Deleting all avoid areas󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.YesDelete all avoid areaAvoid areaYesDeleteAvoid areaEdit avoid areaAvoid areaNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-41NAVIGATION SYSTEMEditing avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the Avoid area button to edit.󲻧If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button.󲻨Rename the Avoid area and press thebutton to complete.󲻩Each time the  button is pressed,the function will switch between avoid( )or allow(  ). 󲻪Press the  button once editing iscomplete.DoneAvoidDoneRenameEdit avoid areaAvoid area3-40 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-43NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-42 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Select the desired menu. 󲻦Select the desired category. 󲻧Select the desired sub category. 󲻨Press the   button to complete.INFORMATIONQ.POI stands for Quick POI and refers to thefunction which turns POI icon display on or offon the map. Setting estimate travel time󲻤Press the  button.      󲻥Press the  or  button on theResidential, Main street, and Freewaycontrols to adjust the speed. Press the    button to set thespeeds to the default settings.󲻦Press the  button to complete thesetting.DoneDefaultTravel TimeDoneEdit Q.POIiMy places settingRegistering new address inaddress bookThere are 3 ways to register a new addressin the address book - (a) by DEST menu, (b)by registering address in address book, (c)from map scroll. (a) by DEST menu󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Search through the desired method. The search process is the same as themethod for destination search.[Searching a destination], page 3-13.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(b) by registering in the address book 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.Address BookMy PlacesSETUPDoneAdd to Address BookDESTNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-45NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-44 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻨Press the  button.󲻩Press the  button to search theaddress.[Searching an address], page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position. 󲻪Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(c) from map scroll󲻤In the map screen, scroll the map to thedesired position. 󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻧Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.DoneAdd to Address BookDoneStore current positionAddressNew AddressiEditing an address of addressbook󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired address book (user)button .󲻨Select the desired address to edit. 󲻩Press the  button to input theaddress name.󲻪Input the address name and press thebutton to complete.󲻫Press the  button to search theaddress. The process is the same as themethod for searching an address.[Searching an Address] , page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position.Store current positionAddressDoneNameAddress BookMy PlacesSETUPi
  FCC ID: TQ8-AVN-600YFPL/ IC: 5074A-AVN600YFPCA                                                                                   HCT CO., LTD. SAN 136-1, AMI-RI, BUBAL-EUP, ICHEON-SI, KYOUNGKI-DO, 467-701, KOREA TEL:+82 31 639 8517    FAX:+82 31 639 8525 Report No. :  HCTR0910FR05-1                                                       1/1    ATTACHMENT E.   - User Manual_2 -
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-47NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-46 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻬Press the  button to input thephone number.󲻭Input the phone number and press thebutton to complete.󲻮Press the  button to complete.Deleting an address of addressbook󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Select the desired address button todelete.󲻩Press the  button.DeleteAddress BookMy PlacesSETUPDoneDonePhone󲻪Press the  button.Deleting an address book󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Press the  button. 󲻩Press the  button.YesDelete allAddress BookMy PlacesSETUPYesNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-49NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-48 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRegistering home address󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the  button.       INFORMATIONPress the  button toregister the current position as Home.󲻨Search the address. The process is the same method assearching an address.[Searching an Address], page 3-13.󲻩Press the  button to complete.Deleting home address󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the  button.DeleteHome AddressMy PlacesSETUPDoneStore current positionSearch AddressHome AddressMy PlacesSETUPi󲻨Press the  button.Registering favorite place󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the number of the Favorite Place toregister.󲻨Press the  button.INFORMATIONPress the  button toregister the current position as a Favorite place. 󲻩Search the address. The process is the same as the methodfor searching an address.[Searching an Address], page 3-13.Store current positionSearch AddressFavorite PlacesMy PlacesSETUPYesi
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-1VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM Operating voice command  4-2Condition for voice command system4-2Basic operation for voice command control  4-2Voice command Help  4-3Setting up the voice commandsystem  4-4Setting voice Prompt ON/OFF  4-4Speaker adaptation  4-4Voice command list  4-6Command list of Audio system 4-6Command list of Navigation system4-12Command list of Phone  4-18Command list of Help  4-18Searching destination by voice command  4-193-54 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMHelp󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired Help menu button.󲻨The full content of the help section canbe viewed by using the top-down scrollbuttons.NavigationHelpSETUPVOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-3VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-2 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMThe inputted command is fed back to thescreen and voice system. If the commandwas not recognized properly, say "Back". INFORMATIONThe commands which can currently beinputted are displayed on the screen inyellow.To terminate the voice recognition system,either say "cancel" or press the  for over0.8  second. Be aware that during the operation of thevoice recognition system, pressing the hardkeys or the screen will terminate the voicerecognition system. Voice command HelpPress the  key on the steering wheelremote controller. A voice commandwindow will be displayed on the lowerside of the screen followed by a"Command please" system voicecomment.INFORMATIONThe System voice comment "CommandPlease" will not be provided when the Voiceprompt is turned OFF. Once the  icon changes into the  icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Help". If the proper Helpmenu is already known, voicecommands, such as "destination help"can be inputted directly. INFORMATIONThe "help" command can be used even whilevoice recognition dialogue is operating. Atsuch time, help instructions appropriate tothe state of the dialogue will be provided. Say the name of the desired menu. (ex : "Destination help")Say the desired voice command.PART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMOperating voice command Condition for voice commandsystemMost of the functions within the AV andNavigation system can be operated byvoice. Please follow the followinginstructions for optimal voice recognitionperformance.Close all windows and the sunroof. Theperformance of the voice recognition canbe improved if the environment of the carinterior is quiet. Press the voice recognition button andsay the desired voice command after thesound of the beep.The microphone is positioned above thedriver so that voice commands can bespoken while maintaining a properposture.Pronounce the voice commands naturallyand clearly as if in a normal conversation. Basic operation for voicecommand controlPress the  key on the steering wheelremote controller. A voice commandwindow will be displayed on the lowerside of the screen followed by a"Command please"  system voicecomment.INFORMATIONThe System voice comment "CommandPlease" will not be provided when the Voiceprompt is turned OFF. Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say the desired voice command(ex : previous destination)[Voice command list], page 4-6.[Searching destination by voice command],page 4-19.If the exact command is not known, use the"Help" command to view the commands listin detail. INFORMATIONPress the  shortly to input a voicecommand from among the system voicecomments. The system voice instructioncomment will immediately terminate. Whenthe  icon changes into the  icon with abeep sound, input the desired voice command. iiiii
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-5VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMOnce the  icon changes into the  icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Yes".Listen and repeat the 20 commands(approximate) as instructed by thedevice.Reset Speaker adaptation: Returns toprevious state prior to applying Speakeradaptation.Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Reset Speaker adaptation".Setting up the voicecommand system Setting voice Prompt ON/OFFVoice prompt ON : All system prompts areprovided.Voice prompt OFF : Most of the systemprompts are not provided. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller. Once the   icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Voice setup." The "voiceprompt on" or "voice prompt off" can bedirectly inputted if the current state isalready known. Once the  icon changes into the icon onthe pop-up screen with a beep sound,say "Voice Prompt on".INFORMATIONIn the Voice Setup Help screen, the commandspossible for input within the current mode aredisplayed. For example, if the Voice prompt iscurrently in Off state, then the command Voiceprompt ON will be displayed on the screen. Speaker adaptationPress the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Voice setup." Or the "Speakeradaptation" command can be directlyinputted.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Speaker adaptation".iVOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-7VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-6 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMVoice command list The voice commands for this system aredivided into Global commands and Localcommands.Global command ( ) : Commands whichoperate in all operating modes.Local command ( ) : Commands whichoperate only when the correspondingmode is operating or when the modescreen to the corresponding mode isdisplayed.FM/AM RadioCommand OperationRadio Plays the most recent frequency for the most recentlyoperated Band.(Radio) AM Plays the most recent frequency for the correspondingBand.(Radio) FM Plays the most recent frequency for the correspondingBand. In the case of FM, the most recent frequencywithin the most recently played FM1 or FM2 band isplayed.FM <1 or 2> Plays the most recent frequency for the correspondingBand.AM frequency <530 to 1710> Plays the desired AM band frequency. (ex. AM frequency 1310)FM frequency <87.5 to 107.9> Plays the desired FM band frequency.(ex. FM frequency 99.1)AM Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired AM band preset frequency. FM <1 or 2> Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset frequency of FM1 or FM2 band. Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset frequency for the current Band. Seek Up Searches and plays the next frequency of the currentband.Command OperationSeek Down Searches and plays the previous frequency of the current band. Preset Up Plays the next preset frequency of the current band. Preset Down Plays the previous preset frequency of the current.Scan Scans all frequencies within the current band. Preset Scan Scans the 6 preset frequencies of the current band. Auto Preset / Auto Store Searches all frequencies within the current band and stores the 6 frequencies with the most superiorreception as preset buttons. XM RadioCommand OperationPlays the last channel within the last band from XM1, XM2, and XM3. XM <1 or 2 or 3> Plays the most recent channel for the corresponding Band. XM Channel <0 to 255> Plays the desired XM band channel. XM <1 or 2 or 3> Preset <1 to 6>Plays the desired preset channel for XM1 or XM2 or XM3 band. Channel < 0 to 255 > Plays the desired channel of the current band.Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset channel of the current band. Channel Up Plays the next channel of the current band. Channel Down Plays the previous channel of the current band. Command list of Audio system
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-9VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-8 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCommand OperationPreset Up Plays the next preset channel of the current band. Preset Down Plays the previous preset channel of the current band. Scan Scans all channels within the current band. Preset Scan Scans all preset channels within the current band.CDCommand OperationDISC Plays the DISC already inserted in the CDP. CD If the DISC inserted in the CDP is either a CD or MP3 DISC, then the CD or MP3 will be played.CD track <1 to 665> If the DISC inserted in the CDP is a CD, then CD Mode will start and plays the desired track. Track <1 to 665> Plays the desired track. Next track Plays the next track. Previous track Plays the previous track. Scan Scans all tracks on the CD DISC. Repeat track  Repeats the current playing track.Random  Plays the tracks of the CD DISC in random order.Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions. MP3Command OperationDISC Plays the DISC already inserted into the CDP. CD If the DISC inserted in the CDP is either a CD or MP3 DISC, then the CD or MP3 will be played.MP3 If the DISC inserted in the CDP is an MP3 DISC, then the MP3 will be played. Next file Plays the next file. Previous file Plays the previous file. Next folder Plays the first file in the next folder. Previous folder Plays the first file in the previous folder. Scan Scans all files within the MP3 DISC. Folder Scan Plays all songs in the folder in which the current playing file is located for 10 seconds each. Repeat File  Repeats the current playing file. Repeat Folder  Repeats all tracks within the current playing folder. Random  Plays all files within the MP3 DISC MP3 DISC in random order. Random Folder  Plays all files within the current playing folder in random order. Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions.VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-11VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-10 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMUSB iPodCommand OperationUSB If the USB has been connected to the device, plays the MP3 files within the USB. Next file Plays the next file. Previous file Plays the previous file. Next folder Plays the first chapter of the next folder. Previous folder Plays the first chapter of the previous folder. Scan Scans all files within the USB.Folder Scan Plays all songs in the folder in which the current playing file is located for 10 seconds each.Repeat File  Repeats the current playing file. Repeat Folder  Repeats all songs within the current playing folder. Random  Plays all files within the MP3 DISC in random order.Random Folder  Plays all files within the current playing folder in random order.Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions.Command OperationiPod Plays the songs within the iPod if the iPod has been connected to the device. Next song Plays the next song. Previous song Plays the previous song. Repeat song Repeats the current playing song. Random  Plays all songs within the iPod in random order. Random Album  Plays all songs within the current playing album in random order.Normal play Turns off the Repeat and Random functions.OthersCommand OperationLine in Plays the unit connected with the AUX terminal.Audio on Turns on the Audio/Video. Audio off Turns off the Audio/Video.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-13VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-12 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMMapCommand OperationMap Current location Displays the current position of the vehicle.Zoom In  Decreases the map zoom by one level. Zoom Out  Increases the map zoom by one level. Zoom minimum  Displays the map screen in the minimum zoom level. Zoom maximum  Displays the map screen in the maximum zoom level. Zoom level <1 to 14>  Displays the map in the zoom level selected from the 14 levels. Zoom <scale factor>  Displays the map in the corresponding zoom.150 feet / 50 meters300 feet /100 meters700 feet / 200 meters0.25 miles / 400 meters0.5 miles / 800 meters1 mile / 1.6 kilometers2 miles / 3.2 kilometers4 miles / 6.4 kilometers8 miles / 12 kilometersCommand list of Navigation systemNavigation commands will operate only agreeing to the terms and  conditions for the Navigation system. Command Operation16 miles / 25 kilometers32 miles / 50 kilometers64 miles / 100 kilometers130 miles / 200 kilometers250 miles / 400 kilometers(ex.Zoom 0.25 miles, zoom 400 meters)North up  Displays the map in North Up mode. Heading up  Displays the map in Heading Up mode. Show <POI name> (ex. Show ATM)  Displays the selected POI categories.  [POI Category list], page 4-17.Hide <POI name> (ex. Hide ATM)  Hides the selected POI categories.  [POI Category list], page 4-17.Hide all Hides all POI categories. Daylight mode  Converts the map display into daylight mode. Night mode  Converts the map display into night mode. Auto mode  Converts the map display is between daylight/night modes automatically.VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-15VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-14 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMDestinationCommand OperationFind address Sets the destination through address search for route guidance.Find nearest POISets a POI near the current position as the destination for route guidance through POI category search.Find nearest <POI name> Sets a POI near the current position as the destination by directly inputting the POI name forroute guidance.  [POI Category list], page 4-17.Destination POI by phone number Sets the destination by searching the phone number of the facility.Find Emergency <Category> Searches for an emergency facility which is nearby the current position and sets it as thedestination for route guidance. Emergency facilities are police stations, hospitals, anddealerships.Destination by address book Sets one of the list of previously registered addresses in the address book for the user as thedestination.Previous destination Sets one of the previous destination as the current destination.Previous start point Sets the previous start point as the current destination.Go home Sets the previously registered home address as the destination for route guidance. Destination by memory point <1 to 5> Sets a previously registered memory point as the destination for route guidance.(ex. Find Emergency Hospital)RouteCommand OperationCancel route Deletes the designated destination and terminates the route guidance.Repeat voice guidance Repeats the route guidance. Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> miles Searches detour routes within a <1|2|5|10> mile radius. Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> kilometers Searches detour routes within a <1|2|5|10> kilometer radius. Replan recommended route Recalculates the route with the recommended route. Replan shortest route Recalculates the route with the shortest route. Replan minimize freeway route Recalculates the route with the minimize freeway route. Replan minimize toll road route Recalculates the route with the minimize toll route. Distance to destination Reports the remaining distance until destination by voice. Time to destination Reports the remaining time until destination by voice.View route  If the destination has been set, displays the whole route screen until the destination. Start guidance Sets the scroll mark displayed on the map as the destination and starts route guidance.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-17VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-16 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMOthersCommand OperationVoice guidance on Turns the Voice Guidance On. Voice guidance off Turns the Voice Guidance Off.Voice guidance louder Increases the Voice Guidance volume by 1 level. Voice guidance softer Increase the Voice Guidance volume by 1 level. Store marked location to <text tag> Registers the selected location into the selected Address book. (ex. Store marked location to user 1)POI Category listAll restaurantsFast Food restaurantAmerican restaurantFrench restaurantItalian restaurantContinental restaurantMexican restaurantJapanese restaurantChinese restaurantKorean restaurantVegetarian Food restaurantSeafood restaurantLatin American restaurantAsian restaurantAfrican restaurantCoffee Shop Other restaurantsAll automotiveGas StationParkingAuto serviceRoad AssistanceHyundai DealershipAutomobile DealershipAuto PartsRest AreaCar WashMotorcycle DealershipAll Travel AirportHotelTourist InformationTravel AgentTourist AttractionCity CnterRental Car AgencyCampgroundFerry TerminalBus StationLocal TransitTrain StationAll ShoppingDepartment StoreConvenience StoreShopping CenterMusic StoreGrocery StoreBookstoreHardware StoreGifts shopSporting Goods storeHome Specialty StoreClothing shopShoe StorePharmacyAll Recreation Amusement ParkMuseumCinemaSports ActivitiesSports ComplexGolf CourseWineryVideo & Game RentalSki ResortRecreation AreaOther RecreationAll Financial ServiceBankATMCheck Cashing ServiceMoney TransferBusiness FacilityAll CommunityPolice StationPost OfficeLibraryCourt HouseFire DepartmentConvention CenterCity HallCivic CenterSchoolGovernment OfficesWaste & SanitaryUtilitiesAll ServicesHospitalDentistPhotographyTax ServiceMedical ServiceAttorneyFuneral DirectorHair & BeautyCleaning & LaundrySocial ServicePhysicianCommunication servicesTailor AlterationMover servicesVOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-19VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-18 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCommand list of HelpCommand OperationHelp Displays the main Help screen. Destination Help Displays the Destination related command list.  Map Help Displays the Map related command list. Radio Help Displays the FM/AM radio related command list. XM Help Displays the XM radio related command list. Disc Help Displays the DISC mode related command list for the disc inserted in the CDP.  iPod Help Displays the iPod related Command list. USB Help Displays the USB related command list. Phone Help Displays the Phone help screen. Voice setup Help Displays the Voice prompt settings and speaker-adaptive commands on the screen.  Command list of PhoneCommand OperationCall Name Makes the call to the name.Dial Number makes the callto the number.Redial The recently called number is redialed.Recent Calls The user can select a number from the outgoing, incoming, and missed calls.Searching destination by voicecommandFind addressSets the destination through address searchfor route guidance. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Find address".Say "Change state" to change the state.Say the state name.Say the city name.Say the street name.Say the House number. Here, the rangewhich can be inputted will be displayed. Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-21VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-20 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMINFORMATIONSpell recognitionIt is possible to search the state, city, streetnames through the text line inputted by theuser.To enter spell search mode, say the "Spell000" command as displayed on the screen. Text lines can be inputted continuously.Pick-List(n-best list) If there are more than one voice result, thena pick-list which can be selected by the userwill be displayed. There may be more than one list page. Thedesired page can be viewed by usingcommands such as "next page" or "previouspage".Here, the "Line + number" voice commandcan be used to select the desired result,such as "Line one". Pressing the desiredresult is not supported. Also, selectable areas will be highlighted inyellow, allowing the user to easily see whichresults can be selected. Find nearest POISets a POI near the current position as thedestination for route guidance through POIcategory search. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the  icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "find nearest POI".Select the desired main category.iSelect the desired sub category. Select the desired POI from the list andsay the line number for thecorresponding menu. Ex) "Line 1".Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map. Find nearest <POI name> Sets a POI near the current position as thedestination by directly inputting the POIname for route guidance.Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the  icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Find nearest Parking".Select the desired POI from the list andsay the line number for thecorresponding menu. Ex) "Line 1".VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-23VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-22 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMSay "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.Destination POI by phone numberSets the destination by searching thephone number of the facility.Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Destination POI by Phonenumber".Input the 10 numbers for the phonenumber.INFORMATIONContinuous recognition of phone numbers ispossible, and the recognized result will bedisplayed in block units. To correct a blockunit, say "correct". To delete the entire result,say "delete". To have the input read back, say"repeat".Say "Show list" to view the resulting searchlist.iSelect the desired location from the listand say the line command.Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.Find emergency <Category> : Searches for an emergency facility which isnearby the current position and sets it asthe destination for route guidance.Emergency facilities are police stations,hospitals, and dealerships. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say the voice command. Ex) Find emergency hospitalSelect the desired location from the listand say the line command. Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-25VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM4-24 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4   VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMDestination by address bookSets one of the list of previously registeredaddresses in the address book for the useras the destination. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Destination by addressbook".Select the desired user name(Addressbook name).Select the desired location from the listand say the line command. Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.Previous destinationSets one of the previous destination as thecurrent destination. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Previous destination".Select the desired location from the listand say the line command. Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.Previous start point Sets the previous start point as the currentdestination.Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Previous start point".Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say "Showmap" to verify the location of theselected position on the map.Go home Sets the previously registered homeaddress as the destination for routeguidance.Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Go home".Destination by memory point <1 to 5>Sets a previously registered memory pointas the destination for route guidance. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.Once the  icon changes into the icon on the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Destination by memorypoint 1".PART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-1BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBluetooth settings 5-24Pairing and connecting a mobile phone  5-24Setting mobile phone auto connect priority 5-24Setting Handsfree volume  5-25Setting Audio streaming 5-26Advanced settings  5-26Searching and modifying my device properties  5-27Changing passkey   5-28Deleting all paired phones 5-28Initializing Bluetooth handsfree 5-29Important information 5-30About pairing mobile phones   5-30About making/answering phone calls  5-31About Bluetooth device environment  5-31PART 5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBefore using the Bluetooth Handsfree 5-2What is Bluetooth?  5-2Functions supported by Bluetooth Handsfree  5-2Converting Bluetooth Handsfreemode 5-2Converting from AV/Navigation mode toBluetooth Handsfree mode  5-2Converting from Bluetooth Handsfree modeto AV/Navigation mode  5-3Pairing and connecting a Bluetoothphone 5-4Pairing a mobile phone  5-4Deleting a paired phone  5-6Connecting a mobile phone 5-7Disconnecting a mobile phone  5-8Bluetooth Handsfree screen layout 5-9Bluetooth Handsfree screen and functions  5-9When there is no mobile phone connected  5-9When a mobile phone is connected 5-9When receiving an incoming call  5-10When already on a call  5-10When there is a call waiting  5-10Making a call 5-11Making a call by dialing a phone number  5-11Making a call from Speed Dial   5-11Making a call by redialing  5-12Answering a call 5-13Answering an incoming call   5-13Rejecting an incoming call  5-13Operating menus during a call5-14Switching call to the mobile phone 5-14Activating Call waiting  5-14Ending a call  5-15Phone Book 5-16Making a call from the Phone book 5-16Searching the Phone Book  5-17Searching by name   5-17Searching by number   5-18Call History List 5-19Making a call from Call history   5-19Sorting call history   5-19Phone Music 5-21Before playing Phone Music  5-21Starting Phone Music  5-21Phone Music screen layout 5-22Selecting Phone Music files  5-23
5-2 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-3BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBefore using the BluetoothHandsfreeWhat is Bluetooth?Bluetooth allows wireless transmission ofinformation between PC, mobile phones,headsets, PDAs, printers and other deviceswithin close ranges by using 2.45Ghzfrequency short-distance wirelesstelecommunication technologies.Within this vehicle, users can makehandsfree calls, transmit mobile phonedata, and play audio streaming files byconnecting a mobile phone with thesystem.Functions supported byBluetooth HandsfreePairing mobile phones (Up to 5 phones)Connecting/disconnecting mobile phonesMaking/Answering phone callsDownloading a Phone BookDownloading a Call history listPlaying music saved in a Bluetooth phonein the vehicleSome functions may not be supported insome mobile phone. Converting BluetoothHandsfree modeConverting from AV/Navigationmode to Bluetooth Handsfree mode󲻤While in AV mode or Navigation mode,press the  key or the  key onthe steering wheel. PHONE󲻥The system will change to BluetoothHandsfree mode and display the PHONEscreen.󲻦The following screen will becomedisplayed if no mobile phone has beenconnected.Converting from BluetoothHandsfree mode toAV/Navigation mode󲻤While in Bluetooth Handsfree mode, pressan AV/Navigation mode key, such asor .󲻥The corresponding mode will be displayed.INFORMATIONMost of the functions of the AV or SETUPmodes are not supported while on aBluetooth Handsfree call. The call volume andNavigation (MAPVOICE, DEST, ROUTE) screenscan be operated.MAPVOICEFM/AMiBluetooth is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻨When pairing the car handsfree from themobile phone, a passkey input windowwill become displayed on the mobilephone screen. Input the passkey set withinthe car system into the mobile phoneinput window. (The factory state passkey is0000.) As shown in the figure, once thepasskey becomes successfully inputted,the Bluetooth connection between the carsystem and mobile phone will start.󲻩Once Bluetooth connection is successful,the name of the connected mobile phonewill become displayed on the PHONEscreen and Bluetooth handsfree functionswill operate.INFORMATIONSome functions may not be supported dueto limited Bluetooth compatibility betweenthe car system and mobile phone. ii5-4 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPairing and connecting aBluetooth phonePairing a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed.  Press the  button topair a new mobile phone.INFORMATIONFor safety reasons, pairing a Bluetoothphone is not possible when the vehicle is inmotion.Park the vehicle in a safe location to pair anew phone. It is possible to pair up to fivemobile phones.  In order to pair a newphone when there are already five mobilephones paired, you must first delete one ofthe previously paired phones.󲻧From the Bluetooth device list within themobile phone, add the car handsfree. The default name of the car system isTUCSON.For more information on registeringBluetooth devices from the mobile phone,please refer to the mobile phone user'smanual.INFORMATIONWhile conducting a Bluetooth device searchfrom the mobile phone, operating toanother screen will prevent the carhandsfree from being found in the mobilephone. Always conduct searches forBluetooth devices with the SearchBluetooth device screen displayed.Add toPairingsSettingsi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-7BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-6 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEDeleting a paired phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish todelete from the list and press the button.󲻧A pop-up asking whether you wish todelete the paired phone will be displayed. Press the  button to delete thepaired phone and the  button tocancel.CAUTION!A mobile phone cannot be deleted if it iscurrently connected to the car system. To delete the phone, first disconnect themobile phone and try again.NoYesDeletePairingsSettingsConnecting a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. 󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish toconnect from the list and press thebutton.INFORMATIONWhen there are no paired phones, pair themobile phone through [Settings>Pairings>Add to]. For more information on pairingmobile phones, refer to the user's manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetooth phone >Pairing a mobile phone]. 󲻧The Bluetooth connection between the carsystem and mobile phone will start.󲻨Once Bluetooth connection is successful,the name of the connected mobile phonewill become displayed on the PHONEscreen and Bluetooth handsfree functionswill operate.ConnectConnectionsSettingsiBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-9BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-8 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻩If the connection between the mobilephone and Bluetooth fails, the followingpop-up will be displayed. If problems occurwhile connecting Bluetooth, check for thefollowing conditions.Whether the mobile phone you wish toconnect is in the vicinity of the car systemWhether the power of the mobile phoneBluetooth has been turned offWhether the mobile phone Bluetooth hasbeen set to hidden stateWhether there are Bluetooth compatibilityissues between the car system and anothermobile phoneDisconnecting a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. 󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish todisconnect from the list and press thebutton.󲻧A pop-up asking whether you wish todisconnect the mobile phone will bedisplayed.Press the  button to disconnect themobile phone and the  button tocancel.NoYesDisconnectConnectionsSettingsBluetooth Handsfree screenlayoutBluetooth Handsfree screen andfunctionsWhen there is no mobile phoneconnectedSettings : The user can set environmentsettings for the Bluetooth handsfree, suchas pair/delete mobile phone, connect/disconnect mobile phone, set call volume,change device name and change passkey.When a mobile phone is connectedPhone battery charge status : Displaysthe battery charge status of theconnected mobile phone.  The batterycharge status may not be displayed insome mobile phones. Signal strength : Displays the mobilephone signal strength. The signalstrength may not be displayed in somemobile phones.Bluetooth connection state : Becomesdisplayed when a Bluetooth phone hasbeen connected with the car system. Name of connected mobile phone :Displays the name of the connectedmobile phone. Phone number input window : Displaysthe inputted phone number.Dial : Input the phone number throughthe dial pad. SEND : If a number has not been inputtedinto the phone number input window,then displays the call history list screen.Del : Deletes the inputted number onedigit at a time.END : If a number has been inputted, thenerases the entire number.Contacts : Displays the phone bookscreen. The user can search previouslysaved phone numbers.  
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-11BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-10 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEWhen receiving an incoming callAccept : Accepts the incoming call. Reject : Rejects the incoming call.When already on a callBusy icon : When already on a call, displaysan icon shaped like a receiver.Name of incoming caller : Displays thename of incoming caller. The name of theincoming caller will not be displayed if thecaller's phone number has not beenpreviously registered in the phone book.Number of incoming caller : Displays thenumber of the incoming caller. Call state : Displays the call state, such astalk time, phone connection, and end time. END : Ends the call.Private : When talking on the carhandsfree, use this function to switch thecall to the mobile phone. Press this buttonand the following screen will be displayed.The speaker and microphone will beswitched to the mobile phone. Mute : Use this function to mute theoutgoing volume.  Pressing the button will display the  at the top rightside of the screen and the caller will not beable to hear the conversation taking placein the car. Press the  button again torelease the Mute function.When there is a call waiting Switch : Use this button to switchbetween callers when there are calls oncall waiting. END : Use this button to end the calls withall callers. MuteMute   Making a callMaking a call by dialing a phonenumber󲻤Use the number pad on the right side ofthe PHONE screen to input the numberyou wish to call.󲻥Press the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to make the call.NFORMATIONTo modify, press the  button to deletethe inputted number one digit at a time.Press the  button or the  key on thesteering wheel to cancel the call.Making a call from Speed Dial 󲻤Use the number pad on the right side ofthe PHONE screen to input a speed dialnumber.INFORMATIONOnly speed dial numbers already stored onthe mobile phone can be used for speed dialcalls.Up to 2-digit speed dial numbers aresupported.ENDDelSENDiiBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-13BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-12 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻥Press the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to make the call.INFORMATIONFor 2-digit speed dial numbers, press andhold the 2nd digit to make a call to the speeddial number.Making a call by redialing󲻤Press and hold (over 0.8 second) the button on the PHONE screen or the key on the steering wheel.INFORMATIONRedialing is not possible when there is no callhistory or the call history list is beingdownloaded from the mobile phone. Whenthere is no call history list, the  buttonwill be inactive.󲻥The recently called number is redialed.INFORMATIONIt is not possible to display the AV mode andSettings screen when on a phone call. Onlythe call volume and Navigation (MAP, DEST,ROUTE) screens can be operated. SENDSENDSENDAnswering a callAnswering an incoming call 󲻤The following screen will be displayedwhen you receive an incoming call.󲻥To answer the incoming call, press thebutton or the  key on thesteering wheel.Rejecting an incoming󲻤The following screen will be displayedwhen you receive an incoming call.󲻥To reject the incoming call, press thebutton or the  key on thesteering wheel.  The incoming call will berejected.INFORMATIONUpon receiving a call, the [Reject] functionmay not be supported in some mobilephones.RejectAcceptiiii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-15BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-14 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEOperating menus during acallSwitching call to the mobilephone󲻤If you wish to switch the call to the mobilephone while talking on the car handsfree,press the   button or press andhold (over 0.8 second) the  key on thesteering wheel.󲻥As shown, the call will be switched to themobile phone.INFORMATIONIf you wish to switch the call to the carhandsfree while talking on the mobile phone,press the  button or press andhold (over 0.8 second) the  key on thesteering wheel. The call will be switched tothe car handsfree.Activating Call waiting󲻤If another person calls while already on acall, the following screen will be displayed. 󲻥Press the  button or the  keyon the steering wheel to receive theincoming call by switching to the newcaller.AcceptUse handsfreePrivate󲻦To switch again to the other caller, pressthe  button or the  key on thesteering wheel. The other call will bereceived and the previous call will switchback to call waiting. INFORMATIONPress the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to end the current call andcall waiting.Ending a call󲻤To end a call, press the  button orthe  key on the steering wheel.󲻥The call will be ended.EndEndSwitchiiBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-17BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-16 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPhone BookMaking a call from the Phonebook󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥The phone book list will be displayed. INFORMATIONThe system may begin to slow down whendownloading the phone book in somemobile phones.Upon connecting a mobile phone, thephone book lists saved in the mobile phonewill automatically be downloaded. Thephone book download function may not besupported in some mobile phones. 󲻦Select the number you wish to call fromthe phone book list and press the button.󲻧The call will be made to the selectednumber.INFORMATIONWhen there are more than 2 numbers savedin one phone number list, if the list isrepeatedly selected, the registered phonenumbers will be displayed sequentially onthe list. The Mobile Phone/Office/Home categoriesreceived via the mobile phone may differfrom the information actually stored in themobile phone.Select the phone number you wish toconnect by repeatedly selecting the phonenumber list and press the  button tomake the call to the selected number.SENDSENDContactsSearching the Phone Book󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Contactsscreen.󲻦Phone numbers can be searched by eitheror . From the two methods, select the searchmethod you wish to use.Searching by name 󲻧Press the  button on thePhonebook search screen. 󲻨Input the name you wish to search andpress the  button.󲻩The search results will be displayed on thescreen.DoneSearch by nameSearch by numberSearch by nameSearchContactsii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-19BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-18 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESearching by number 󲻧Press the  button on thePhonebook search screen. 󲻨Input the phone number you wish tosearch and press the  button.󲻩The search results will be displayed on thescreen.DoneSearch by numberCall History ListMaking a call from Call history 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen or press the  key on thesteering wheel.󲻥The call history list will be displayed. Selectthe number you wish to call from the callhistory list and press the  button.󲻦The call will be made to the selectednumber.Sorting call history 󲻤The call history can be displayed by sortingthe incoming calls, outgoing calls andmissed calls.󲻥When pressing the  ,  , orbutton, the corresponding callhistory list will be displayed.MissedReceivedDialedSENDSENDBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-21BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-20 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEDialed number Received numberMissed numberINFORMATIONIf there are no entries saved in the  ,, or  lists, the correspondingbutton will be inactive. Up to 20 entries canbe saved in each list. MissedReceivedDialedPhone MusicBefore playing Phone musicMusic saved in the mobile phone can beplayed in the car through Bluetooth audiostreaming.Phone music can be played only when aBluetooth phone has been connected. Toplay phone music, connect the Bluetoothphone to the car system. For moreinformation on connecting Bluetooth, pleaserefer to the user's manual [Pairing andConnecting a Bluetooth phone]. If the Bluetooth is disconnected while playingphone music, the music will be discontinued. The audio streaming function may not besupported in some mobile phones. Only one function can be used at a timebetween the Bluetooth handsfree or Phonemusic function. For example, if you convert to the Bluetoothhandsfree while playing Phone music, themusic will be discontinued. Playing music from the car is not possiblewhen there are no music files stored in themobile phone. Starting Phone Music󲻤Repeatedly press the  key on thefront panel or the  key on thesteering wheel to enter Phone musicmode.MDOECD/AUXi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-23BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-22 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEINFORMATIONEach press of the  key on the frontpanel will change the function in the order ofDISC USB or iPod AUX Phone Music DISC .Each press of the  key on the steeringwheel will change the audio mode in theorder of FM1 FM2 AM XM1 XM2 XM3 DISC USB or iPod AUX PhoneMusic FM1.It is not possible to enter Phone music mode ifthe mobile phone is not connected or if theaudio streaming setting within Bluetoothhandsfree settings has been set to [Disablestreaming audio]. For more information on audio streamingsetting, please refer to the users manual[Bluetooth settings > Setting Audio streaming].󲻥The Phone music screen is displayed. INFORMATIONWhile music saved in the mobile phone willautomatically begin playing after convertingto the Phone music screen, this music playerfunction may not be supported in somemobile phones. If music does not begin playing even afterconverting to the Phone music screen, trystarting the music directly from the mobilephone.Phone music screen layoutInformation Bar : displays information forthe currently playing song.File Down button : plays the previoussong.Play/Pause button : Plays/pauses thesong.File Up button : plays the next song.Sound button : sets the FAD/BAL andBAS/MID/TRE.MODECD/AUXSelecting Phone music files󲻤Press the  ,  buttons on thePhone music screen or the  ,keys on the system. The previous or next song will be playedeach time the button or key is pressed.INFORMATIONThe file selection function may not besupported in some mobile phones. TRACKSEEKii   iBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-25BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-24 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBluetooth settingsPairing and connecting a mobilephoneFor more information on pairing andconnecting a mobile phone, please refer to[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetooth phone]. Setting mobile phone autoconnect priorityINFORMATIONAfter turning on the car ignition and thesystem is booted up, the Bluetooth connectionbetween the car system and mobile phone isautomatically made. The Bluetooth connection will be conductedin the order of mobile phone priority. The auto connect priority will be supportedonly for previously paired mobile phones. 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The paired mobile phone list and themobile phone connection priority will bedisplayed.When wishing to change the priority order,select the mobile phone from the list anduse the  ,  buttons to change itspriority.Press the  button to save thechanged mobile phone priority.DonePrioritySettingsSetting Handsfree volume 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.INFORMATIONThe Bluetooth handsfree volume can beadjusted only when a mobile phone has beenconnected.The  cannot be set if no mobilephone has been connected. 󲻦Use the  ,  buttons to set thedesired volume on the Phone volumescreen. Press the  button to save. INFORMATIONWhile on a call, turning the  knob tothe left/right or pressing the  key onthe steering wheel will also adjust the callvolume.If the call volume is set too high, the loudincoming call bell may cause a traffic accident. VOLPOWERDoneVolumeVolumeSettingsiii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-27BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-26 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESetting Audio streaming󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. 󲻦Streaming audio setting is selected.INFORMATIONEnable streaming audio: Repeatedly press thekey or the   key to enterPhone music mode. Phone music can beplayed through Bluetooth audio streaming. Disable streaming audio: Even if the key or the   key is repeatedly pressed,will not enter Phone music mode. Phonemusic through Bluetooth audio streaming isnot supported. Advanced settingsBluetooth advanced settings can bechanged. Enter advanced settings throughthe following way.󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. Advanced setupSettingsMODECD/AUXMODECD/AUXStreaming audioSettingsINFORMATIONFor safety reasons, operation of Advancesetup is not possible when the vehicle is inmotion. Please park in a safe place to makechanges to Advanced setup.󲻦The Advance setup screen will bedisplayed. In Advance setup, the followingfour settings can be made. Searching and modifying mydevice properties󲻧Press the  button on theAdvance setup screen. 󲻨Displays the Device information such asthe name and address of the car system. To modify the device name, press thebutton.󲻩Use the key pad to input the Device nameyou wish to modify. 󲻪After inputting is complete, press thebutton to save. DoneChange nameDevice informationiiBLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-29BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-28 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEChanging passkey󲻧Press the  button on theAdvance setup screen.󲻨Once the Change passkey screen isdisplayed, input the desired passkey andpress the  button. INFORMATIONThe passkey is a 4-digit authentication codeused for a Bluetooth connection between themobile phone and car system. The defaultpasskey is set to 0000.Deleting all paired phones󲻧Press the  buttonon the Advance setup screen.󲻨A pop-up asking whether you wish todelete all paired phone will be displayed.Press the  button to delete all pairedphones and the  button to cancel. 󲻩If  button is pressed, all currentlypaired phones will be deleted.YesNoYesDelete all paired phonesDoneChange passkeyInitializing Bluetooth handsfree󲻧Press the  button onthe Advance setup screen.󲻨A pop-up asking whether you wish toinitialize the Bluetooth handsfree will bedisplayed.Press the  button to initialize theBluetooth handsfree system and the button to cancel.INFORMATIONUpon initializing the Bluetooth handsfree, theentire paired phone list will be deleted and allBluetooth related settings will be restored tofactory state.󲻩If  is pressed, the Bluetooth handsfreesettings will be initialized. YesNoYesRestore factory settingsi i
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-31BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE5-30 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEImportant information About pairing mobile phonesI cannot search for mobile phonesthrough the car system. What is thecause?Check to see whether the mobile phoneyou wish to connect supports Bluetoothfunction. If your mobile phone supportsBluetooth, check to see that whether theBluetooth settings in the mobile phonehave been set to hidden state or if theBluetooth power has been turned off. Ifthe device has been set to hidden,release the hidden state and if theBluetooth power has been turned off,turn the power ON and try searchingagain.What is the difference between pairing amobile phone and connecting a mobilephone?Through a two-way passkey betweenthe car system and mobile phones, up to5 mobile phones can be paired with thecar system. The paired mobile phone willremain paired with the car system untilthe user deletes it manually. In addition, the call history lists andphone number books saved in eachmobile phone will also be maintaineduntil the paired phone is deleted. Formore information on pairing mobilephones, please refer to the manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetoothphone > Pairing a mobile phone]. Connect a mobile phone to Bluetoothby selecting the desired mobile phonefrom the paired phones. Within the carsystem, only one Bluetooth phone canbe connected at one time. For moreinformation, please refer to the manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetoothphone > Pairing a mobile phone]. What is a Passkey?A passkey is an authentication code usedfor two-way authentication of the carsystem and the mobile phone. Only 4-digit numbers can be used aspasskeys. Passkeys are registered onlyonce when pairing the phone numberfor the first time. The factory-set passkeyis 0000. About making/answering phonecallsHow can I answer a call?When you receive an incoming call,press the  key on the steering wheelor the  button on the PHONEscreen to answer. To reject the incomingcall, press the  key on the steeringwheel or the  button on thePHONE screen. What should I do if I am talking on theHandsfree but wish to switch the call tothe mobile phone?To switch the call to the mobile phone,press the  button on the PHONEscreen or press and hold (over 0.8second) the  key on the steeringwheel. If you wish to switch the call backto the car handsfree, press thebutton on the PHONEscreen or press and hold (over 0.8second) the  key on the steeringwheel.About Bluetooth deviceenvironment  What is the range for Bluetooth wirelessconnection?The wireless connection range is within10 meters.How many mobile phones can be paired? It is possible to pair up to five phoneswith the car system.What is the reason why the call qualitydeteriorates?First, check to see the signal strength ofthe mobile phone. The call quality maydeteriorate when the signal strength islow. Call quality may also deteriorate ifmetal objects, such as drink cans, areplaced near the mobile phone.Use handsfreePrivateRejectAcceptQ.A.A.A.Q. Q.A.Q.A.Q.A.Q.A.Q.A.Q.REAR CAMERA 6-1REAR CAMERA5-32 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEMEMOPART 6REAR CAMERAAbout Rear Detection Camera 6-2
6-2 REAR CAMERAPART 6   REAR CAMERAAPPENDIX 7-1APPENDIXPART 7APPENDIXTroubleshooting guide  7-2Before thinking the product has malfunctioned  7-2Troubleshooting  7-3Map legend   7-5Road color  7-5POI icons  7-5Landmark icons  7-7INDEX  7-8About Rear DetectionCameraThis system has been equipped with a rearcamera for user safety by allowing a widerrear range of vision.The rear camera will operate automaticallywhen the ignition KEY is turned ON and thetransmission lever is set to R. The rearcamera will automatically stop operatingwhen set to a different lever.Operating sequence of the RearCamera󲻤Position the ignition key onto ACC or ON.󲻥Position the transmission lever to R.󲻦The rear camera mode will be displayed onthe screen.INFORMATIONThe front/rear camera has been equippedwith an optical lens to provide a wider rangeof vision and may appear different from theactual distance. Check the rear and left/rightfirsthand for user safety.The front/rear camera section pertains onlyto customers who have purchased thisoptional installation. iAPPENDIX 7-3APPENDIX7-2 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXTroubleshooting guideBefore thinking the product has malfunctioned  󲻤Errors which occur during the operation or installation of the device may be mistaken as a malfunction of the actual device. 󲻥If you are having problems with the device, try the suggestions listed below. 󲻦If the problems persist, contact your point of purchase or the nearest service center. FunctionBecause the LCD is manufactured with technology requiring high point density, a pixel deficiency orlighting may occur within 0.01% of total pixels.󳀏Has the Switch for the vehicle been turned to [ACC] or [ON]?󳀏Has the SYSTEM been turned OFF? 󳀏Has the volume been set to a low level?󳀏Has the volume been set on mute?󳀏The display looking somewhat darker after prolonged periods of use is a normal phenomenon withLCD panels. It is not a malfunction.󳀏If the screen is very dark, contact your point of purchase or the nearest service center.󳀏Is the position of FAL/BAL sound controls or volume adjusted to only one side?Is the audio and video connector jacks fully inserted into the AUX terminal? Is the external device connected with a standard connector cable? Some map data may be missing or incorrect. The TTS(Text To Speech) engine speaks the street name based off of the phonetic spelling. This will continuously be update with the map database.ProblemThere are small red, blue, or green dotson the screenThe sound or image is not workingThe video is being displayed but sound is not workingWhen the power is turned on, thecorners of the screen are darkSound is working from only onespeakerSound and video does not work in AUXmodeThe external device is not working The road is missing The road name is spoken incorrectlyTroubleshootingPossible CauseThe fuse is disconnected. SolutionReplace with a suitable fuse. If the fuse is disconnected again, pleasecontact your point of purchase or service center.ProblemThe power does notturn on.Device is not properly connected. Check to see that the device has been properly connected. The XM mode is in category. Press the mode button to change to channel mode.The DISC has not been inserted or has beeninserted upside down. Insert the disc properly so that the sides are facing the correctdirection.The DISC has been contaminated. The vehicle battery is low. A disc which is not supported by the devicehas been inserted. Wipe dirt and other foreign substances from the DISC.Charge the battery. If the problem persists, please contact your point ofpurchase or service center. Insert a disc which is supported for play by the device. The CD does not play. XM only goes throughone categoryThe brightness level has been set to thelowest level.Adjust the brightness to a higher level. The video does notwork.󳀏The volume level is set the lowest level. 󳀏The connector is not properly connected. 󳀏The device is currently fast-forwarding,rewinding, scanning, or playing in slowmode.󳀏Adjust the volume level. 󳀏Check the connection state. 󳀏The sound will not work when the device is fast-forwarding,rewinding, scanning, or playing in slow mode. The sound does notwork.
APPENDIX 7-5APPENDIX7-4 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXPossible Cause󳀏The DISC is dirty or scratched. 󳀏Vibration is occurring from the position inwhich the conversion switch has been installed. 󳀏The color and tone quality of the image is low. Solution󳀏Wipe off water or dirt from the DISC. Do not use a disc which hasbeen scratched. 󳀏The sound may be short-circuited and the image distorted if thedevice begins to vibrate. The device will return to normaloperation once the vibration has stopped. 󳀏Aging of the video display and deterioration in performancemay cause certain quality degradations. ProblemThe sound or videoquality is low. The iPod is notrecognized even thoughit has been connected. 󳀏There are no titles which can be played. 󳀏The iPod firmware version has not beenproperly updated. 󳀏The iPod device does not recognize downloads. 󳀏Use iTunes to download and save MP3 files into the iPod. 󳀏Use iTunes to update the firmware version and reconnect theiPod with the device. 󳀏Reset the iPod and reconnect with the device. The USB does not work. 󳀏USB memory is damaged. 󳀏USB memory has been contaminated. 󳀏A separately purchased USB HUB is being used.󳀏A USB extension cable is being used. 󳀏A USB which is not a Metal Cover Type USBMemory is being used. 󳀏A HDD type, CF, SD Memory is being used. 󳀏There are no music files which can be played. 󳀏Please use after formatting the USB into FAT 12/16/32 format.󳀏Remove any foreign substances on the contact surface of theUSB memory and multimedia terminal. 󳀏Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal onthe vehicle. 󳀏Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal onthe vehicle.󳀏Use a standard USB Memory. 󳀏Use a standard USB Memory. 󳀏Only MP3,WMA file formats are supported. Please use only thesupported music file formats. Map legend Road colorColorDay Road TypeFreewayArterialCountyCollectorLocalUnpaved localFerryColorNight Road TypeFreewayArterialCountyCollectorLocalUnpaved localFerryPOI iconsNo Category Sub Category Icon123456789101112131415RepresentationFast FoodAmericanFrenchItalianContinentalMexicanJapaneseChineseKoreanVegetarian FoodSeafoodLatin AmericanAsianAfricanRestaurantsNo Category Sub Category Icon161718192021222324252627282930RestaurantsAutomotiveTravelCoffee ShopOthersRepresentationGas StationParkingAuto serviceRoad AssistanceHyundai DealershipAutomobile DealershipAuto PartsRest AreaCar WashMotorcycle DealeshipRepresentationAirportAPPENDIX 7-7APPENDIX7-6 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXNo Category Sub Category Icon313233343536373839404142434445TravelShoppingHotelTourist InformationTravel AgentTourist AttractionPopular SpotRental Car AgencyCampgroundFerry TerminalBus StationLocal TransitTrain StationRepresentationDepartment StoreConvenience StoreShopping CenterNo Category Sub Category Icon464748495051525354555657585960ShoppingNo Category Sub Category Icon616263646566676869707172737475FinancialServiceCommunityRecreationRecreationSports ComplexGolf CourseWineryVideo & Game RentalSki ResortRecreation AreaOther RecreationRepresentationBankATMCheck Cashing ServiceMoney TransferBusiness FacilityRepresentationPolice StationMusic StoreGrocery StoreBookstoreElectronicsHardware StoreGiftsSporting GoodsHome Specialty StoreClothingShoe StoreRepresentationAmusement ParkMuseumCinemaSports ActivitiesNo Category Sub Category Icon767778798081828384858687888990CommunityServicePost OfficeLibraryCourt HouseFire DepartmentConvention CenterCity HallCivic CenterSchoolGovernment OfficesWaste & SanitaryUtilitiesRepresentationHospitalDentistPhotographyNo Category Sub Category Icon919293949596979899100101ServiceTax ServiceMedical ServiceAttorneyFuneral DirectorHair & BeautyCleaning & LaundrySocial ServicePhysicianCommunicationTailor & AlterationMoverNo Category Sub Category Icon1234ServiceAirportParkGolfUniversityLandmark iconsPOI icons POI icons
APPENDIX 7-9INDEX7-8 APPENDIXINDEXAActivating call waiting5-14Adaptive volume control ON/OFF3-52Adding to address book3-27Adding waypoints3-32Adjusting audio volume1-8Advanced settings5-26Audio streaming5-21Auto volume control ON/OFF1-11AUX2-29AUX screen2-29Answering an incoming call 5-13BBASS/MID/TREB1-11Basic operation and setting1-7Basic operation for voice command control4-2Before thinking the product has malfunctioned7-2Bluetooth handsfree5-2Bluetooth handsfree mode 5-2Bluetooth settings 5-24Brightness1-11CCall history5-19CD2-14CD screen and functions2-14Changing destination position3-27Changing the map scale3-8Changing Route option3-32Changing passkey5-28Command list of Audio system4-6Command list of Help4-18Command list of Navigation system4-12Condition for voice command system4-2Condition for voice recognition system1-9Connections5-7Connecting AUX2-29Connecting a mobile phone5-7Connecting iPod device2-22Connecting the USB2-28Control panel1-3Controller and functions1-3Current position map screen (without route)3-5DDeleting an address book3-47Deleting an address of address book3-46Deleting all avoid area3-41Deleting all paired phones5-28Deleting avoid area3-41Deleting a paired phone5-6Deleting favorite place3-50Deleting Home address3-48Deleting waypoints3-34Destination menu screen and functions3-12Device information5-27Device name 5-27Device address5-27Disable streaming audio5-26Disc/content format compatibility2-12Disconnecting a mobile phone5-8Display mode 1-11Display OFF1-11Display ON1-11Display setting1-11Displaying / Hiding POI icons on the map3-9Displaying / Hiding Q.POI icons3-9Displaying /Hiding icons other than Q.POI icons3-9Displaying the list 1-8EEditing an address of address book3-45Editing avoid area3-40Editing waypoints3-32Ejecting a disc2-13Enable streaming audio5-26Ending a call5-15FFAD/BAL1-10Finishing route guidance(Delete Destination)3-30FM/AM Radio2-2FM/AM screen and functions2-2For safe and efficient operation2-10GGiving voice command 1-10GPS signal reception state3-2HHandsfree volume5-25Help3-54How to operate a menu by voice command1-9How to operate the screen menu1-8IImportant information about this manual1-2Initializing Bluetooth handsfree5-29Initializing system3-38Inputting letter by using screen keyboard1-8Inserting a disc2-13Inserting/Ejecting disc2-13Introduction1-2iPod2-22iPod screen and functions2-23LLandmark icons 7-7Limitations of the navigation system3-2Listening to CD music2-14Listening to iPod music2-22Listening to MP3 music2-18Listening to the FM/AM radio2-2Listening to the XM radio2-6Listening to USB music2-38MMain setting3-36Making a call by dialing a phone number5-11Making a call from Speed Dial 5-11Making a call by redialing5-12Making a call from the Phone book 5-16Making a call from Call history 5-19Making a call to POI3-10Map Functions3-5Map legend7-5MP32-17MP3 disc related information and precaution2-17MP3 screen and functions2-18My places setting3-43NNavigation setting 3-38OOperating after searching a destination3-27Operating after setting a destination3-28Operating the CDP2-10Operating the external devices2-22Operating the radio2-2APPENDIX 7-11INDEX7-10 APPENDIXINDEXOperating typical screen menu1-8Operating voice command4-2PPairings5-4Pairing a mobile phone5-4Passkey5-5Phonebook5-16Phonebook download5-16Phone music 5-21Playing AUX 2-29POI icons 7-5Precaution for safe usage1-2Precautions upon handling discs2-10Precautions upon handling USB2-26Priority5-24Private mode5-14RRear detection camera6-2Region code5-6Registering avoid area3-38Registering favorite place3-49Registering home address3-48Registering new address in address book3-43Rejecting an incoming call 5-13Re-ordering waypoints3-34REW/FF CD track2-15REW/FF iPod song2-24REW/FF MP3 file2-20Road color7-5Route guidance3-4, 3-30Route guidance screen3-28Route menu screen and functions3-30Route overview(View Entire Route)3-31Route Re-calculation3-4SScanning CD track2-16Scanning FM/AM broadcast frequency2-5Scanning MP3 file 2-21Scanning XM broadcast channel 2-9Scrolling map3-11Searching a destination3-13Searching a POI3-20Searching a previous Destination3-17Searching an address3-13Searching for Emergency facilities3-25Searching an intersection3-17Searching destination by voice command4-19Searching favorite places3-26Searching from Address book3-24Searching from MAP3-26Searching POI by local POI list3-26Searching your Home3-25Selecting an iPod song2-23Selecting an item in a list 1-9Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequency2-3Selecting other route 3-29Selecting the CD track2-15Selecting the MP3 file2-19Searching the Phone Book5-17Selecting XM broadcast channel 2-7Searcting a destination3-13Setting arrival time and distance display3-38Setting as Destination/waypoint3-27Setting avoid streets on route 3-35Setting detour distance 3-35Setting estimate travel time 3-42Setting keyboard for inputting letter 3-36Setting Q.POI icons 3-42Setting Random function for  MP3 file2-20Setting Random function for iPod song2-25Setting Random function for CD music 2-16Setting Repeat function for  MP3 file 2-20Setting Repeat function for CD music 2-15Setting Repeat function for iPod song 2-25Setting the Clock1-11Setting units (mi/km)3-38Setting up the voice command system 4-4Setting voice command feedback ON/OFF3-37Setting voice Prompt ON/OFF 4-4Setup and Information 3-36Setup menu screen and functions3-36Sorting items from the list 1-9Sound setting 1-10Sorting call history 5-19Speaker adaptation 4-4Speed dial 5-11Starting navigation system 3-5Starting Phone Music5-21Selecting Phone Music files5-23Starting route Guidance 3-28Steering wheel remote controller 1-4Storing FM/AM preset 2-4Storing XM preset2-9Supported disc formats2-11Switching call to the mobile phone5-14Switching map mode (north up/heading up)3-6Switching the XM mode (channel/category)2-7System information and update3-51System Power ON1-7TTouch screen beep ON/OFF1-11Troubleshooting7-3Troubleshooting guide7-2Traffic Setup3-52Traffic Information3-52Turning the Audio ON/OFF1-7Turning the Power OFF1-7Turning the Power ON1-7UUSB2-26USB MP3 related information and precaution2-26VVehicle position display3-3Viewing detail information for MP3 file2-20Viewing Current Time 1-11Viewing GPS signal state3-7Voice command help4-3Voice command list4-6Voice guidance volume control3-51Voice guidance volume setting3-51WWaiting call switch5-15XXM Radio2-6XM screen and functions2-6
MSMicrosoft󲼷Windows󲼷Automotive Operating SystemImportant Safety InformationRead and Follow InstructionsBefore using your Windows Automotive-based system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this end user manual("User's Guide"). Not following precautions found in this User's Guide can lead to an accident or other serious consequences.Keep User's Guide in VehicleWhen kept in the vehicle, the User's Guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the Windows Automotive-basedsystem.  Please make certain that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to the User's Guide and read its instructionsand safety information carefully.Warning:Operating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly cause an accident orother serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving.  Stop the vehiclein a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations.  This is important since while setting up or changing some functions youmight be required to distract your attention away from the road and remove your hands from the wheel.General OperationVoice Command ControlFunctions within the Windows Automotive-based system may be accomplished using only voice commands.  Using voice commands whiledriving allows you to operate the system without removing your hands from the wheel.Prolonged Views of ScreenDo not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving.  Pull over in a safe and legal manner beforeattempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention.  Even occasional short scans to the screen may be hazardous if yourattention has been diverted away from your driving task at a critical time.Volume SettingDo not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals while driving.Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident.Navigation FeaturesAny navigation features included in the system are intended to provide turn by turn instructions to get you to a desired destination.  Pleasemake certain all persons using this system carefully read and follow instructions and safety information fully.Distraction HazardAny navigation features may require manual (non-verbal) setup.  Attempting to perform such set-up or insert data while driving can seriouslydistract your attention and could cause an accident or other serious consequences.  Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner beforeattempting these operations.Let Your Judgment PrevailAny navigation features are provided only as an aid.  Make your driving decisions based on your observations of local conditions and existingtraffic regulations. Any such feature is not a substitute for your personal judgment.  Any route suggestions made by this system should neverreplace any local traffic regulations or your personal judgment or knowledge of safe driving practices.MS MAP AS HOTLINERoute SafetyDo not follow the route suggestions if doing so would result in an unsafe or illegal maneuver, if you would be placed in an unsafe situation, or ifyou would be directed into an area that you consider unsafe.  The driver is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle andtherefore, must evaluate whether it is safe to follow the suggested directions.Potential Map InaccuracyMaps used by this system may be inaccurate because of changes in roads, traffic controls or driving conditions.  Always use good judgment andcommon sense when following the suggested routes.Emergency ServicesDo not rely on any navigation features included in the system to route you to emergency services.  Ask local authorities or an emergency servicesoperator for these locations.  Not all emergency services such as police, fire stations, hospitals and clinics are likely to be contained in the mapdatabase for such navigation features.Use of Speech Recognition FunctionsSpeech recognition software is inherently a statistical process which is subject to errors.  It is your responsibility to monitor any speechrecognition functions included in the system and address any errors.M & SOFT AMERICA MAP CENTERTEL :888-757-0010WEBSITE
  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.  IC Warning Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Navigation menu