
user manual 2 of 2

NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-25NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching for Emergency facilities󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired facility category. 󲻧Select the desired facility. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find emergency <Category>"[Find emergency <Category>], page 4-23.Searching your Home󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. The Home position will be displayed onthe map. INFORMATIONIf the Home address is not registered, then thebutton will be displayed. [Registering home address], page 3-48.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Go home"[Go home], page 4-25.HOMEHOMEDESTEmergencyDESTi3-26 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching favorite places󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Select the desired button from  ~  .The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf the address of the Favorite place is notregistered, then the  ~  buttonswithout registered addresses will be disabled.[Registering favorite place], page 3-49.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Destination by memory point <1 to 5>"[Destination by memory point <1 to 5>],page 4-25.Searching from MAP Position the scroll mark at the destinationby scrolling the map on the map screen. Searching POI by local POI list󲻤Press the  button on the mapscreen.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Find nearest <POI name>"[Find nearest <POI name>], page 4-21.Local POI listsOthersPOI5151DESTi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-27NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after searching adestination Changing destination position : Changes the position of the destination byscrolling the map. [Scrolling map], page 3-11.Setting as Destination / waypoint :Sets the position as the destination orwaypoint.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Start guidance" (Sets the position of the scroll mark as thedestination and begins route guidance.)Adding to address book : Saves the position in the address book. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Store Marked Location to <text tag>"3-28 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after setting adestination Starting Route Guidance Press the  button. RouteGuidance will start. Route simulation󳀏If the  button is pressedand held for over 0.8  second, then theroute simulation will start. 󳀏If the  key on the control panel ispressed during route simulation, thenroute simulation will be terminated.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Time to destination" "Distance to destination"Route guidance screenSymbol guidance mode : If the button is pressed, then the followingroute guidance screen will be displayed. Turn-List mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed. MAPStart GuidanceStart Guidance
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-29NAVIGATION SYSTEMHighway mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed.Intersection zoom mode : This routeguidance screen is automatically displayedduring guidance at an intersection. Once guidance at the intersection iscomplete, the screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Highway junction mode : This routeguidance screen is automaticallydisplayed during guidance at highwayjunctions.Once guidance at a highway junction iscomplete, this screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Selecting other route󲻤Press the  button. 󲻥Other routes can be selected by pressingthe or buttons. Others3-30 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRoute guidance Route menu screen and functionsPress the  key on the control panel. The ROUTE menu screen will be displayed. Cancel Route: Deletes destination,waypoints and terminates routeguidance.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .Route Overview: Displays the entireroute and route detailed.[Route overview], page 3-31 .Route Option: The route option can bechanged.[Changing Route option], page 3-32 .Edit Waypoint: Waypoints can beadded/deleted and the order can bechanged.[Editing waypoints], page 3-32 .Detour: Searches detour routes. [Setting detour distance], page 3-35 .Avoid Streets: Searches routes whichavoid the selected streets. [Setting avoid streets on route], page3-35.Finishing route guidance (DeleteDestination)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. 󲻦Press the  button. The destination and waypoints aredeleted and the route guidance isterminated.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .YesCancel RouteROUTEROUTE    
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-31NAVIGATION SYSTEMVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Cancel route"(Terminates route guidance and deletes theset destination and waypoints.)Route overview (View Entire Route)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.INFORMATIONIf the  button is pressed,route guidance screen is displayed.󲻧The detailed route information can beviewed.Return to GuidanceTurn by turnRoute OverviewROUTEi3-32 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging Route option󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button for the desired routeguidance method. Guidance will be restarted afterrecalculating the route with the selectedguidance method. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Replan recommended route""Replan shortest route""Replan minimize freeway route""Replan minimize toll road route"Editing waypointsAdding waypointsThere are 2 ways to add waypoints - (a)searching for POI nearest to the route, (b)using advanced search.󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button.Press to add new waypointEdit WaypointROUTERoute OptionROUTE
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-33NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) Searching POI lists near route 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Select the desired category. 󲻩Select the desired sub category from list. 󲻪Select the desired POI from the list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻫Press the  button. 󲻬Press the  button to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneAdd as WaypointNear POI lists on Route3-34 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) Using advanced Search The method for searching waypoints throughthe  button is the samemethod as searching destination.[Searching a Destination], page 3-13.Deleting waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the waypoint and press thebutton.󲻧Press the  button.󲻨After deleting, press the  button tocomplete.Guidance will be  restart after recalculating.Re-ordering waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired waypoint and use the,  buttons to changethe order. 󲻧Once re-ordering is complete, press thebutton to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneMOVEMOVEEdit waypointROUTEDoneYesDeleteEdit waypointROUTEAdvanced(more)
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-35NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting detour distance󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired detour range.Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe detour route. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> miles""Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> kilometers"Setting avoid streets on route󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired streets to avoid( avoid,  allow) and press the button to complete. Guidance will  restarted after recalculating.DoneAvoid streetsROUTEDetourROUTE3-36 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetup and Information Setup menu screen and functionsPress the   key on the control panelto display the setup menu screen.Main button : Changes to the inputkeyboard type, voice command feedbackON/OFF settings and system initializationcan be made. [Main setting], page 3-36 .Traffic Setup button : Sets whether todisplay traffic information on map,whether to provide upcoming trafficinformation voice guidance, and whetherto display the detour route popupshowing upcoming traffic information. Navigation button : Navigation relatedsettings can be set. [Navigation setting], page 3-38 .My Places button : The Address book,Home address, Favorite places, Previousdestination can be edited.[My places setting], page 3-43 .System Info button : The system versioninformation can be viewed and systemupgrades can be conducted. [System information and update],page 3-51 .Voice Setup button : Adjusts theNavigation guidance volume. [Voice guidance volume setting],page 3-51 .Help button : The help contents can beviewed.   [Help], page 3-54 .Display button : Adjusts the displaysetting.  [Display setting], page 1-12 .Main setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete. Setting keyboard for inputtingletterPress the desired keyboard type button.The selection will be highlighted. DoneMainSETUPSETUP  
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-37NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting voice command feedbackON/OFFPress the desired setting button.Setting Language󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the desired language. 󲻦Press the  button to complete. Initializing system󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the menu desired for initialization. 󲻦Press the  button. YesFactory defaultDoneChange3-38 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNavigation setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete.Setting units (mile/ km)Select the desired distance unit. Setting arrival time and distancedisplaySelect the desired setting button. Registering avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Set the start position of the avoid areaand press the  button. 󲻧Set the end position of the avoid areaand press the  button.󲻨Press the  button to complete.DoneNEXTNEXTAdd new avoid areaAvoid AreaDoneNavigationSETUP
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-39NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻩If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button. 󲻪Rename the Avoid area and Press thebutton to complete. 󲻫Each time the  button is pressed, thefunction will switch between avoid (  )orallow( ). 󲻬Press the  button to complete thesetting.DoneAvoidDoneRenameEditing avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the Avoid area button to edit.󲻧If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button.󲻨Rename the Avoid area and press thebutton to complete.󲻩Each time the  button is pressed,the function will switch between avoid( )or allow(  ). 󲻪Press the  button once editing iscomplete.DoneAvoidDoneRenameEdit avoid areaAvoid Area3-40 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
Deleting avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the  button to delete. 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Press the  button.Deleting all avoid areas󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.YesDelete all avoid areaAvoid areaYesDeleteAvoid areaEdit avoid areaAvoid areaNAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-41NAVIGATION SYSTEM3-42 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Select the desired menu. 󲻦Select the desired category. 󲻧Select the desired sub category. 󲻨Press the   button to complete.INFORMATIONQ.POI stands for Quick POI and refers to thefunction which turns POI icon display on or offon the map. Setting estimate travel time󲻤Press the  button.      󲻥Press the or button on theResidential, Main street, and Freewaycontrols to adjust the speed. Press the    button to set thespeeds to the default settings.󲻦Press the  button to complete thesetting.DoneDefaultTravel TimeDoneEdit Q.POIi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-43NAVIGATION SYSTEMMy places settingRegistering new address inaddress bookThere are 3 ways to register a new addressin the address book - (a) by DEST menu, (b)by registering address in address book, (c)from map scroll. (a) by DEST menu󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Search through the desired method. The search process is the same as themethod for destination search.[Searching a destination], page 3-13.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(b) by registering in the address book 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.Address bookMy PlacesSETUPDoneAdd to Address BookDEST3-44 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻨Press the  button.󲻩Press the  button to search theaddress.[Searching an address], page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position. 󲻪Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(c) from map scroll󲻤In the map screen, scroll the map to thedesired position. 󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻧Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.DoneAdd to Address BookDoneStore current positionAddressNew Addressi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-45NAVIGATION SYSTEMEditing an address of addressbook󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired address book (user)button .󲻨Select the desired address to edit. 󲻩Press the  button to input theaddress name.󲻪Input the address name and press thebutton to complete.󲻫Press the  button to search theaddress. The process is the same as themethod for searching an address.[Searching an Address] , page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position.Store current positionAddressDoneNameAddress bookMy placesSETUPi3-46 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻬Press the  button to input thephone number.󲻭Input the phone number and press thebutton to complete.󲻮Press the  button to complete.Deleting an address of addressbook󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Select the desired address button todelete.󲻩Press the  button.DeleteAddress bookMy placesSETUPDoneDonePhone
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-47NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Press the  button.Deleting an address book󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired address book (user)button.󲻨Press the  button. 󲻩Press the  button.YesDelete allAddress bookMy placesSETUPYes3-48 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRegistering home address󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the  button.       INFORMATIONPress the  button toregister the current position as Home.󲻨Search the address. The process is the same method assearching an address.[Searching an Address], page 3-13.󲻩Press the  button to complete.Deleting home address󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the  button.DeleteHome AddressMy placesSETUPDoneStore current positionSearch AddressHome AddressMy placesSETUPi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-49NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻨Press the  button.Registering favorite place󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the number of the Favorite Place toregister.󲻨Press the  button.INFORMATIONPress the  button toregister the current position as a Favorite place. 󲻩Search the address. The process is the same as the methodfor searching an address.[Searching an Address], page 3-13.Store current positionSearch addressFavorite PlacesMy placesSETUPYesi3-50 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Press the  button to complete.Deleting favorite place󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired favorite place buttonto delete. 󲻨Press the  button.󲻩Press the  button.YesDeleteFavorite PlacesMy placesSETUPDone
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-51NAVIGATION SYSTEMSystem information and update󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.Voice guidance volume setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.Voice guidance volume controlSet the desired volume level by using theor buttons and press the button to verify the volume level. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Voice Guidance Louder" "Voice Guidance Softer" Press the  button when voiceguidance is unnecessary. Voice guidance can be turned back on bypressing the or buttons orpressing the  button. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering Wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command."Voice Guidance On" "Voice Guidance Off" MUTEMUTEListenVoice SetupSET UPSystem InfoSETUP3-52 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMiiiAdaptive volume control ON/OFFPress the desired setting button. INFORMATIONAdaptive Volume ControlIf the speed of the vehicle is over approximately60 mi/h (100km/h), the volume level can beincreased one level higher than the currentlevel. If the speed of the vehicle falls under 60mi/h (100km/h), the volume level will return toits original level.Traffic Setup󲻤Press the   key.󲻥Press the   button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton.INFORMATIONDisplay Traffic and Flow data on Map : selectwhether to display traffic information on themap.Voice Prompt for traffic and flow warning :Decides whether to provide voice guidance infront of Traffic Information. (On route - 3mile)Display pop-up message : Decides whether todisplay pop up in front of Traffic Information.(On route - 3mile)Traffic Information(a) Viewing Traffic Information󲻤When the Traffic option is active, pressthe   button on the Map screen.Traffic Flow InformationNormal, Free Flowing (46 mph ~)Moderate Congestion (26 ~ 45 mph)Heavy Traffic, Stop and Go (0 ~ 25 mph)DoneTraffic SetupSETUP
NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3-53NAVIGATION SYSTEMINFORMATIONTraffic information will be shown on the mapup until the scale is ~4mile.Displays the traffic information aroundvehicle for up to a radius of 50 miles. (Information exceeding 50 miles will not bedisplayed)The above list can be sorted by eitherDistance (Default) or Category.󲻥Select the desired  button. 󲻦The user can check points of accidentsand traffic details.(b) Changing Traffic Category󲻤Press the  button at No. 2.󲻥After selecting the desired menu amongthe six menus, press the  buttonto save. Once returning to the previousList screen, the corresponding Categorylist will be shown and maintained untilCategory information is changed.DoneCategory SelectListi3-54 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMHelp󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Press the desired Help menu button.󲻨The full content of the help section canbe viewed by using the top-down scrollbuttons.NavigationHelpSETUP
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-1VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM Operating voice command  4-2Condition for voice command system4-2Basic operation for voice command control  4-2Voice command help  4-3Setting up the voice commandsystem  4-4Setting voice Prompt ON/OFF  4-4Speaker adaptation  4-4Voice command list   4-6Command list of Help  4-6Command list of Audio system 4-7FM/AM Radio  4-7SIRIUS Radio  4-8CD  4-9MP3  4-10USB 4-11iPod  4-12Others  4-12Command list of Phone 4-13Command list of Navigation system4-13Map  4-13Destination  4-15Route  4-16Others  4-17POI Category list  4-19Searching a destination by voice command  4-19Find address  4-19Find nearest <POI name> 4-20Destination POI by phone number  4-22Find emergency <Category> 4-23Destination by address book 4-24Previous destination  4-24Previous start point  4-25Go home  4-25Destination by memory point <1 to 5>  4-254-2 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMOperating voice command Condition for voice commandsystemMost of the functions within the AV andNavigation system can be operated byvoice. Please follow the followinginstructions for optimal voice recognitionperformance.Close all windows and the sunroof. Theperformance of the voice recognitioncan be improved if the environment ofthe car interior is quiet. Press the voice recognition button andsay the desired voice command afterthe sound of the beep.The microphone is positioned abovethe driver so that voice commands canbe said while maintaining a properposture.Pronounce the voice commandsnaturally and clearly as if in a normalconversation.Basic operation for voicecommand control󲻤Press the  button on the steeringwheel remote controller. A voice command window will bedisplayed on the lower side of thescreen followed by a "Command please"system voice comment. INFORMATIONThe System voice comment "CommandPlease" will not be provided when the Voiceprompt is turned OFF. 󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say the desired voicecommand (ex : previous destination)[Voice command list], page 4-6.[Searching a destination by voicecommand], page 4-19.If the exact command is not known, use the"Help" command to view the commandslist in detail. INFORMATIONPress the  shortly to input a voicecommand from among the system voicecomments.The system voice instruction comment willimmediately terminate. ii
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-3VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMWhen the icon changes into the icon with a beep sound, input the desiredvoice command. 󲻦The inputted command is fed back tothe screen and voice system. If the command was not recognizedproperly, say "Back". INFORMATIONThe commands which can currently beinputted are displayed on the screen inyellow.To terminate the voice recognition system,either say "cancel" or press the  forover 0.8  second. Be aware that during the operation of thevoice recognition system, pressing the hardkeys or the screen will terminate the voicerecognition system. Voice command Help󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller. A voice command window will bedisplayed on the lower side of thescreen followed by a "Command please"system voice comment.INFORMATIONThe System voice comment "CommandPlease" will not be provided when the Voiceprompt is turned OFF. 󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Help". If the proper Help menu is alreadyknown, voice commands, such as"destination help" can be inputteddirectly.INFORMATIONThe "help" command can be used even whilevoice recognition dialogue is operating. At such time, help instructions appropriate tothe state of the dialogue will be provided. 󲻦Say the name of the desired menu. (ex : "Destination help")󲻧Say the desired voice command.iii4-4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMSetting up the voicecommand system Setting voice prompt ON/OFFVoice prompt ON : All system promptsare provided. Voice prompt OFF : Most of the systemprompts are not provided. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller. 󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Voice setup." The"voice prompt on" or "voice promptoff" can be directly inputted if thecurrent state is already known. 󲻦Once the  icon changes into the iconon the pop-up screen with a beepsound, say "Voice Prompt on".INFORMATIONIn the Voice Setup Help screen, the commandspossible for input within the current mode aredisplayed. For example, if the Voice prompt iscurrently in Off state, then the command Voiceprompt ON will be displayed on the screen. Speaker adaptation󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Voice setup." Or the "Speaker adaptation" commandcan be directly inputted. 󲻦Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Speaker adaptation".i
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-5VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM󲻧Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Yes".󲻨Listen and repeat the 20 commands(approximate) as instructed by thedevice.Reset Speaker adaptation: Returns toprevious state prior to applying Speakeradaptation.󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen witha beep sound, say "Reset Speakeradaptation".4-6 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMVoice command list The voice commands for this system aredivided into Global commands and Localcommands.Global command () : Commandswhich operate in all operating modes.Local command () : Commands whichoperate only when the correspondingmode is operating or when the modescreen to the corresponding mode isdisplayed.Command OperationHelp Displays the main Help screen.Destination Help Displays the Destination related command list. Map Help Displays the Map related command list.Radio Help Displays the FM/AM radio related command list.SIRIUS Help  Displays the SIRIUS radio related command list.Disc Help Displays the DISC mode related command list for thedisc inserted in the CDP.iPod Help Displays the iPod related command list. USB Help Displays the USB related command list.Phone Help Displays the Phone Help screen. Voice setup Help Displays the Voice prompt settings and speaker-adaptive commands on the screen.Command list of Help
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-7VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCommand OperationRadio Plays the most recent frequency for the most recently operated Band.(Radio) AM Plays the most recent frequency for the corresponding Band. (Radio) FM Plays the most recent frequency for the corresponding Band. In the case of FM, the most recentfrequency within the most recently played FM1 or FM2 band is played. FM <1 or 2> Plays the most recent frequency for the corresponding Band. AM frequency <530 to 1710> Plays the desired AM band frequency. (ex. AM frequency 1310)FM frequency <87.5 to 107.9> Plays the desired FM band frequency.(ex. FM frequency 99.1)AM Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired AM band preset frequency. FM <1 or 2> Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset frequency of FM1 or FM2 band. Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset frequency for the current Band. Seek Up Searches and plays the next frequency of the current band.  Seek Down Searches and plays the previous frequency of the current band. Preset Up Plays the next preset frequency of the current band. Preset Down Plays the previous preset frequency of the current.Scan Scans all frequencies within the current band. Preset Scan Scans the 6 preset frequencies of the current band. Auto Preset / Auto Store Searches all frequencies within the current band and stores the 6 frequencies with the most superiorreception as preset buttens.Command list of Audio systemFM/AM Radio4-8 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMSIRIUS RadioCommand OperationSIRIUS Plays the last channel within the last band from SIRIUS1, SIRIUS2, and SIRIUS3.SIRIUS <1 or 2 or 3> Plays the most recent channel for the corresponding Band.SIRIUS Channel <0 to 223> Plays the desired SIRIUS band channel. SIRIUS <1 or 2 or 3> Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset channel for SIRIUS1 or SIRIUS2 or SIRIUS3 band. Channel < 0 to 223 > Plays the desired channel of the current band.Preset <1 to 6> Plays the desired preset channel of the current band. Channel Up Plays the next channel of the current band. Channel Down Plays the previous channel of the current band. Preset Up Plays the next preset channel of the current band.Preset Down Plays the previous preset channel of the current band.Scan Scans all frequencies within the current band. Preset Scan Scans the 6 preset frequencies of the current band.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-9VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCDCommand OperationDISC Plays the DISC already inserted in the CDP. CD If the DISC inserted in the CDP is either a CD or MP3 DISC, then the CD or MP3 will be played.CD track <1 to 665> If the DISC inserted in the CDP is a CD, then CD Mode will start and plays the desired track. Track <1 to 665> Plays the desired track. Next track Plays the next track. Previous track Plays the previous track. Scan Scans all tracks on the CD. Repeat track  Repeats the current playing track.Random  Plays the tracks of the CD in random order.Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions.Pause  Pauses the CD.Play The command will only be enabled when the CD is paused. 4-10 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMMP3Command OperationDISC Plays the DISC already inserted into the CDP. CD If the DISC inserted in the CDP is either a CD or MP3 DISC, then the CD or MP3 will be played.MP3 If the DISC inserted in the CDP is an MP3 DISC, then the MP3 will be played. Next file Plays the next file. Previous file Plays the previous file. Next folder Plays the first file in the next folder. Previous folder Plays the first file in the previous folder. Scan Scans all files within the MP3 DISC. Folder Scan Plays all songs in the folder in which the current playing file is located for 10 seconds each. Repeat File  Repeats the current playing file. Repeat Folder  Repeats all tracks within the current playing folder. Random  Plays all files within the MP3 DISC in random order. Random Folder  Plays all files within the current playing folder in random order. Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions.Pause  Pauses the CD.Play The command will only be enabled when the CD is paused.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-11VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMUSBCommand OperationUSB If the USB has been connected to the device, plays the MP3 files within the USB. Next file Plays the next file. Previous file Plays the previous file. Next folder Plays the first chapter of the next folder. Previous folder Plays the first chapter of the previous folder. Scan Scans all files within the USB.Folder Scan Plays all songs in the folder in which the current playing file is located for 10 seconds each.Repeat File  Repeats the current playing file. Repeat Folder  Repeats all songs within the current playing folder. Random  Plays all files within the MP3 DISC in random order.Random Folder  Plays all files within the current playing folder in random order.Normal play Turns off the Scan, Repeat, and Random functions.Pause  Pauses the CD.Play The command will only be enabled when the CD is paused. 4-12 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMiPodCommand OperationiPod Plays the songs within the iPod if the iPod has been connected to the device. Next song Plays the next song. Previous song Plays the previous song. Repeat song Repeats the current playing song. Random  Plays all songs within the iPod in random order. Random Album  Plays all songs within the current playing album in random order.Normal play Turns off the Repeat and Random functions.Pause  Pauses the CD.Play The command will only be enabled when the CD is paused. OthersCommand OperationLine in Plays the unit connected with the AUX terminal.Audio on Turns on the Audio. Audio off Turns off the Audio.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-13VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMMapCommand OperationMap Current location Displays the current position of the vehicle.Zoom In  Decreases the map zoom by one level. Zoom Out  Increases the map zoom by one level. Zoom minimum  Displays the map screen in the maximum zoom level. Zoom maximum  Displays the map screen in the minimum zoom level. Zoom level <1 to 14>  Displays the map in the zoom level selected from the 14 levels. Zoom <scale factor>  Displays the map in the corresponding zoom.Command list of navigation systemNavigation commands will operate only agreeing to the terms and  conditions for the Navigation system. Command OperationCall Name Makes the call to the name.Dial Number  Makes the call to the number. Redial  The recently called number is redialed. Recent Calls  The user can selest a number from the outgoing, incoming, and missed calls. Command list of Phone4-14 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMCommand Operation150 feet / 50 meters300 feet /100 meters700 feet / 200 meters0.25 miles / 400 meters0.5 miles / 800 meters1 mile / 1.6 kilometers2 miles / 3.2 kilometers4 miles / 6.4 kilometers8 miles / 12 kilometers16 miles / 25 kilometers32 miles / 50 kilometers64 miles / 100 kilometers130 miles / 200 kilometers250 miles / 400 kilometers(ex.Zoom 0.25 miles, zoom 400 meters)North up  Displays the map in North Up mode. Heading up  Displays the map in Heading Up mode. Show <POI name> (ex. Show ATM)  Displays the selected POI categories.  [POI Category list], page 4-18.Hide <POI name> (ex. Hide ATM)  Hides the selected POI categories.  [POI Category list], page 4-18.Hide all Hides all POI categories. Daylight mode  Converts the map display into daylight mode. Night mode  Converts the map display into night mode. Auto mode  Converts the map display is between daylight/night modes automatically.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-15VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMDestinationCommand OperationFind address Sets the destination through address search for route guidance.Find nearest POISets a POI near the current position as the destination for route guidance through POI category search.Find nearest <POI name> Sets a POI near the current position as the destination by directly inputting the POI name forroute guidance.  [POI Category list], page 4-18.Destination POI by phone number Sets the destination by searching the phone number of the facility.Find Emergency <Category> Searches for an emergency facility which is nearby the current position and sets it as thedestination for route guidance. Emergency facilities are police stations, hospitals, anddealerships.Destination by address book Sets one of the list of previously registered addresses in the address book for the user as thedestination.Previous destination Sets one of the previous destination as the current destination.Previous start point Sets the previous start point as the current destination.Go home Sets the previously registered home address as the destination for route guidance. Destination by memory point <1 to 5> Sets a previously registered memory point as the destination for route guidance.(ex. Find Emergency Hospital)4-16 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMRouteCommand OperationCancel route Deletes the designated destination and terminates the route guidance.Repeat voice guidance Repeats the route guidance. Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> miles Searches detour routes within a <1|2|5|10> mile radius. Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> kilometers Searches detour routes within a <1|2|5|10> kilometer radius. Replan recommended route Recalculates the route with the recommended route. Replan shortest route Recalculates the route with the shortest route. Replan minimize freeway route Recalculates the route with the minimize freeway route. Replan minimize toll road route Recalculates the route with the minimize toll route. Distance to destination Reports the remaining distance until destination by voice. Time to destination Reports the remaining time until destination by voice.View route  If the destination has been set, displays the whole route screen until the destination. Start guidance Sets the scroll mark displayed on the map as the destination and starts route guidance.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-17VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMOthersCommand OperationVoice guidance on Turns the Voice Guidance On. Voice guidance off Turns the Voice Guidance Off.Voice guidance louder Increases the Voice Guidance volume by 1 level. Voice guidance softer Decrease the Voice Guidance volume by 1 level. Store marked location to <text tag> Registers the selected location into the selected Address book. (ex. Store marked location to user 1)4-18 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMAll RestaurantsFast Food restaurantAmerican restaurantFrench restaurantItalian restaurantContinental restaurantMexican restaurantJapanese restaurantlChinese restaurantKorean restaurantVegetarian Food restaurantSeafood restaurantLatin American restaurantAsian restaurantAfrican restaurantCoffee Shop Other restaurantsAll AutomotiveGas StationParkingAuto serviceRoad AssistanceKIA DealershipAutomobile DealershipAuto PartsRest AreaCar WashMotorcycle DealershipAll Travel AirportHotelTourist InformationTravel AgentTourist AttractionCity CenterRental Car AgencyCampgroundFerry TerminalBus StationLocal TransitTrain StationAll ShoppingDepartment StoreConvenience StoreShopping CenterMusic StoreGrocery StoreBookstoreElectronic StoreHardware StoreGifts shopSporting Goods storeHome Specialty StoreClothing shopShoe StorePharmacyAll RecreationAmusement ParkMuseumCinemaSports ActivitiesSports ComplexGolf CourseWineryVideo & Game RentalSki ResortRecreation AreaOther RecreationAll Financial ServiceBankATMCheck Cashing ServiceMoney TransferBusiness FacilityAll CommunityPolice StationPost OfficeLibraryCourt HouseFire DepartmentConvention CenterCity HallCivic CenterSchoolGovernment OfficesWaste & SanitaryUtilitiesAll ServicesHospitalDentistPhotographyTax ServiceMedical ServiceAttorneyFuneral DirectorHair & BeautyCleaning & LaundrySocial ServicePhysicianCommunication services Tailor & AlterationMover servicesPOI Category list
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-19VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMSearching a destination by voicecommandFind addressSets the destination through addresssearch for route guidance. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Find address".󲻦Say "Change state" to change the state.󲻧Say the state name.󲻨Say the city name.󲻩Say the street name.󲻪Say the House number. Here, the range which can be inputtedwill be displayed. 󲻫Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.4-20 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMINFORMATIONSpell recognitionIt is possible to search the state, city, streetnames through the text line inputted by theuser.To enter spell search mode, say the "Spell000" command as displayed on the screen. Text lines can be inputted continuously.Pick-List(n-best list) If there are more than one voice result, thena pick-list which can be selected by the userwill be displayed. There may be more than one list page. Thedesired page can be viewed by usingcommands such as "next page" or "previouspage".Here, the "Line + number" voice commandcan be used to select the desired result,such as "Line one". Pressing the desiredresult is not supported. Also, selectable areas will be highlighted inyellow, allowing the user to easily see whichresults can be selected. Find nearest POISets a POI near the current position as thedestination for route guidance throughPOI category search. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "find nearest POI".󲻦Select the desired main category.i
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-21VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM󲻧Select the desired sub category. 󲻨Select the desired POI from the list andsay the line number for thecorresponding menu. Ex) "Line 1".󲻩Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map. Find nearest <POI name> Sets a POI near the current position as thedestination by directly inputting the POIname for route guidance.󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Find nearest Parking".󲻦Select the desired POI from the list andsay the line number for the correspond-ing menu. e.g) "Line 2".4-22 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM󲻧Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.Destination POI by phone numberSets the destination by searching thephone number of the facility.󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Destination POI byPhone number".󲻦Input the 10 numbers for the phonenumber.INFORMATIONContinuous recognition of phone numbers ispossible, and the recognized result will bedisplayed in block units. To correct a blockunit, say "correct". To delete the entire result,say "delete". To have the input read back, say"repeat".󲻧Say "Show list" to view the resulting searchlist.i
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-23VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM󲻨Select the desired location from the listand say the line command.󲻩Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.Find emergency <Category> : Searches for an emergency facility whichis nearby the current position and sets itas the destination for route guidance.Emergency facilities are police stations,hospitals, and dealerships. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say the voice command. Ex)Find emergency hospital󲻦Select the desired location from the listand say the line command. 󲻧Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.4-24 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPART 4 VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMDestination by address bookSets one of the list of previouslyregistered addresses in the address bookfor the user as the destination. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Destination byaddress book".󲻦Select the desired user name(Addressbook name).󲻧Select the desired location from the listand say the line command. 󲻨Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.Previous destinationSets one of the previous destination asthe current destination. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Previous destination".󲻦Select the desired location from the listand say the line command.
VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM 4-25VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM󲻧Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.Previous start point Sets the previous start point as thecurrent destination. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Previous start point".󲻦Say "Start guidance" if guidance to theselected position is desired, or say"Show map" to verify the location ofthe selected position on the map.Go home Sets the previously registered homeaddress as the destination for routeguidance.󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Go home".Destination by memory point <1 to 5>Sets a previously registered memory pointas the destination for route guidance. 󲻤Press the  button on the Steeringwheel remote controller.󲻥Once the icon changes into theicon on the pop-up screen with abeep sound, say "Destination bymemory point 1".PART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBefore using the Bluetooth Handsfree 5-2What is Bluetooth?  5-2Functions supported by Bluetooth Handsfree  5-2Converting Bluetooth Handsfreemode 5-2Converting from AV/Navigation mode toBluetooth Handsfree mode  5-2Converting from Bluetooth Handsfree modeto AV/Navigation mode  5-3Pairing and connecting a Bluetoothphone 5-4Pairing a mobile phone  5-4Deleting a paired phone  5-6Connecting a mobile phone 5-7Disconnecting a mobile phone  5-8Bluetooth Handsfree screen layout 5-9Bluetooth Handsfree screen and functions  5-9When there is no mobile phone connected  5-9When a mobile phone is connected 5-9When receiving an incoming call  5-10When already on a call  5-10When there is a call waiting  5-10Making a call 5-11Making a call by dialing a phone number  5-11Making a call from Speed Dial   5-11Making a call by redialing  5-12Answering a call 5-13Answering an incoming call   5-13Rejecting an incoming call  5-13Operating menus during a call5-14Switching call to the mobile phone 5-14Activating Call waiting  5-14Ending a call  5-15Phone Book 5-16Making a call from the Phone book 5-16Searching the Phone Book  5-17Searching by name   5-17Searching by number   5-18Call History List 5-19Making a call from Call history   5-19Sorting call history   5-19Phone Music 5-21Before playing Phone Music  5-21Starting Phone Music  5-21Phone Music screen layout 5-22Selecting Phone Music files  5-23
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-1BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBluetooth settings 5-24Pairing and connecting a mobile phone  5-24Setting mobile phone auto connect priority 5-24Setting Handsfree volume  5-25Setting Audio streaming 5-26Advanced settings  5-26Setting Contacts  Auto Download(Sync)  5-27Searching and modifying my device properties  5-27Changing passkey   5-28Deleting all paired phones 5-28Initializing Bluetooth handsfree 5-29Important information 5-30About pairing mobile phones   5-30About making/answering phone calls  5-31About Bluetooth device environment  5-315-2 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBefore using the BluetoothHandsfreeWhat is Bluetooth?Bluetooth allows wireless transmission ofinformation between PC, mobile phones,headsets, PDAs, printers and other deviceswithin close ranges by using 2.45Ghzfrequency short-distance wirelesstelecommunication technologies.Within this vehicle, users can makehandsfree calls, transmit mobile phonedata, and play audio streaming files byconnecting a mobile phone with thesystem.Functions supported byBluetooth HandsfreePairing mobile phones (Up to 5 phones)Connecting/disconnecting mobile phonesMaking/Answering phone callsDownloading a Phone BookDownloading a Call history listPlaying music saved in a Bluetooth phonein the vehicleSome functions may not be supported insome mobile phone. Converting BluetoothHandsfree modeConverting from AV/Navigationmode to Bluetooth Handsfree mode󲻤While in AV mode or Navigation mode,press the  key or the  key onthe steering wheel. PHONEBluetooth is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-3BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻥The system will change to BluetoothHandsfree mode and display the PHONEscreen.󲻦The following screen will becomedisplayed if no mobile phone has beenconnected.Converting from BluetoothHandsfree mode toAV/Navigation mode󲻤While in Bluetooth Handsfree mode, pressan AV/Navigation mode key, such asor .󲻥The corresponding mode will be displayed.INFORMATIONMost of the functions of the AV or SETUPmodes are not supported while on aBluetooth Handsfree call. The call volume andNavigation (MAP VOICE, DEST, ROUTE)screens can be operated.MAPVOICEFM/AMii5-4 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPairing and connecting aBluetooth phonePairing a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed.  Press the  button topair a new mobile phone.INFORMATIONFor safety reasons, pairing a Bluetoothphone is not possible when the vehicle is inmotion.Park the vehicle in a safe location to pair anew phone. It is possible to pair up to fivemobile phones.  In order to pair a newphone when there are already five mobilephones paired, you must first delete one ofthe previously paired phones.󲻧From the Bluetooth device list within themobile phone, add the car handsfree. The default name of the car system isSORENTO.For more information on registeringBluetooth devices from the mobile phone,please refer to the mobile phone user'smanual.INFORMATIONWhile conducting a Bluetooth device searchfrom the mobile phone, operating toanother screen will prevent the carhandsfree from being found in the mobilephone. Always conduct searches forBluetooth devices with the SearchBluetooth device screen displayed.Add toPairingsSettingsi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-5BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻨When pairing the car handsfree from themobile phone, a passkey input windowwill become displayed on the mobilephone screen. Input the passkey set withinthe car system into the mobile phoneinput window. (The factory state passkey is0000.) As shown in the figure, once thepasskey becomes successfully inputted,the Bluetooth connection between the carsystem and mobile phone will start.󲻩Once Bluetooth connection is successful,the name of the connected mobile phonewill become displayed on the PHONEscreen and Bluetooth handsfree functionswill operate.INFORMATIONSome functions may not be supported dueto limited Bluetooth compatibility betweenthe car system and mobile phone. i5-6 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEDeleting a paired phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish todelete from the list and press the button.󲻧A pop-up asking whether you wish todelete the paired phone will be displayed. Press the  button to delete thepaired phone and the  button tocancel.CAUTION!A mobile phone cannot be deleted if it iscurrently connected to the car system. To delete the phone, first disconnect themobile phone and try again.NoYesDeletePairingsSettings
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-7BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEConnecting a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. 󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish toconnect from the list and press thebutton.INFORMATIONWhen there are no paired phones, pair themobile phone through [Settings>Pairings>Add to]. For more information on pairingmobile phones, refer to the user's manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetooth phone >Pairing a mobile phone]. 󲻧The Bluetooth connection between the carsystem and mobile phone will start.󲻨Once Bluetooth connection is successful,the name of the connected mobile phonewill become displayed on the PHONEscreen and Bluetooth handsfree functionswill operate.ConnectConnectionsSettingsi5-8 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻩If the connection between the mobilephone and Bluetooth fails, the followingpop-up will be displayed. If problems occurwhile connecting Bluetooth, check for thefollowing conditions.Whether the mobile phone you wish toconnect is in the vicinity of the car systemWhether the power of the mobile phoneBluetooth has been turned offWhether the mobile phone Bluetooth hasbeen set to hidden stateWhether there are Bluetooth compatibilityissues between the car system and anothermobile phoneDisconnecting a mobile phone󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. 󲻦The list of currently paired phones will bedisplayed. Select the phone you wish todisconnect from the list and press thebutton.󲻧A pop-up asking whether you wish todisconnect the mobile phone will bedisplayed.Press the  button to disconnect themobile phone and the  button tocancel.NoYesDisconnectConnectionsSettings
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-9BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBluetooth Handsfree screenlayoutBluetooth Handsfree screen andfunctionsWhen there is no mobile phoneconnectedSettings : The user can set environmentsettings for the Bluetooth handsfree, suchas pair/delete mobile phone, connect/disconnect mobile phone, set call volume,change device name and change passkey.When a mobile phone is connectedPhone battery charge status : Displaysthe battery charge status of theconnected mobile phone.  The batterycharge status may not be displayed insome mobile phones. Signal strength : Displays the mobilephone signal strength. The signalstrength may not be displayed in somemobile phones.Bluetooth connection state : Becomesdisplayed when a Bluetooth phone hasbeen connected with the car system. Name of connected mobile phone :Displays the name of the connectedmobile phone. Phone number input window : Displaysthe inputted phone number.Dial : Input the phone number throughthe dial pad. SEND : If a number has not been inputtedinto the phone number input window,then displays the call history list screen.Del : Deletes the inputted number onedigit at a time.END : If a number has been inputted, thenerases the entire number.Contacts : Displays the phone bookscreen. The user can search previouslysaved phone numbers.  5-10 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEWhen receiving an incoming callAccept : Accepts the incoming call. Reject : Rejects the incoming call.When already on a callBusy icon : When already on a call, displaysan icon shaped like a receiver.Name of incoming caller : Displays thename of incoming caller. The name of theincoming caller will not be displayed if thecaller's phone number has not beenpreviously registered in the phone book.Number of incoming caller : Displays thenumber of the incoming caller. Call state : Displays the call state, such astalk time, phone connection, and end time. END : Ends the call.Private : When talking on the carhandsfree, use this function to switch thecall to the mobile phone. Press this buttonand the following screen will be displayed.The speaker and microphone will beswitched to the mobile phone. Mute : Use this function to mute theoutgoing volume.  Pressing the button will display the  at the top rightside of the screen and the caller will not beable to hear the conversation taking placein the car. Press the  button again torelease the Mute function.When there is a call waiting Switch : Use this button to switchbetween callers when there are calls oncall waiting. END : Use this button to end the calls withall callers. MuteMute   
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-11BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEMaking a callMaking a call by dialing a phonenumber󲻤Use the number pad on the right side ofthe PHONE screen to input the numberyou wish to call.󲻥Press the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to make the call.NFORMATIONTo modify, press the  button to deletethe inputted number one digit at a time.Press the  button or the  key on thesteering wheel to cancel the call.Making a call from Speed Dial 󲻤Use the number pad on the right side ofthe PHONE screen to input a speed dialnumber.INFORMATIONOnly speed dial numbers already stored onthe mobile phone can be used for speed dialcalls.Up to 2-digit speed dial numbers aresupported.ENDDelSENDii5-12 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻥Press the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to make the call.INFORMATIONFor 2-digit speed dial numbers, press andhold the 2nd digit to make a call to the speeddial number.Making a call by redialing󲻤Press and hold (over 0.8 second) the button on the PHONE screen or the key on the steering wheel.INFORMATIONRedialing is not possible when there is no callhistory or the call history list is beingdownloaded from the mobile phone. Whenthere is no call history list, the  buttonwill be inactive.󲻥The recently called number is redialed.INFORMATIONIt is not possible to display the AV mode andSettings screen when on a phone call. Onlythe call volume and Navigation (MAP VOICE,DEST, ROUTE) screens can be operated. SENDSENDSENDiii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-13BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEAnswering a callAnswering an incoming call 󲻤The following screen will be displayedwhen you receive an incoming call.󲻥To answer the incoming call, press thebutton or the  key on thesteering wheel.Rejecting an incoming󲻤The following screen will be displayedwhen you receive an incoming call.󲻥To reject the incoming call, press thebutton or the  key on thesteering wheel.  The incoming call will berejected.INFORMATIONUpon receiving a call, the  functionmay not be supported in some mobilephones.RejectRejectAccepti5-14 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEOperating menus during acallSwitching call to the mobilephone󲻤If you wish to switch the call to the mobilephone while talking on the car handsfree,press the   button or press andhold (over 0.8 second) the  key on thesteering wheel.󲻥As shown, the call will be switched to themobile phone.INFORMATIONIf you wish to switch the call to the carhandsfree while talking on the mobile phone,press the  button or press andhold (over 0.8 second) the  key on thesteering wheel. The call will be switched tothe car handsfree.Activating Call waiting󲻤If another person calls while already on acall, the following screen will be displayed. 󲻥Press the  button or the  keyon the steering wheel to receive theincoming call by switching to the newcaller.AcceptUse handsfreePrivatei
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-15BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻦To switch again to the other caller, pressthe  button or the  key on thesteering wheel. The other call will bereceived and the previous call will switchback to call waiting. INFORMATIONPress the  button or the  key onthe steering wheel to end the current call andcall waiting.Ending a call󲻤To end a call, press the  button orthe  key on the steering wheel.󲻥The call will be ended.EndEndSwitchi5-16 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPhone BookMaking a call from the Phonebook󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥The phone book list will be displayed. INFORMATIONThe system may begin to slow down whendownloading the phone book in somemobile phones.Upon connecting a mobile phone, thephone book lists saved in the mobile phonewill automatically be downloaded. Thephone book download function may not besupported in some mobile phones.If you do not wish to automaticallydownload the mobile phone contacts to thevehicle, turn the Contacts Sync setting OFF.(Phone>Settings>Advanced setup>ContactsSync)󲻦Select the number you wish to call fromthe phone book list and press the button.󲻧The call will be made to the selectednumber.INFORMATIONWhen there are more than 2 numbers savedin one phone number list, if the list isrepeatedly selected, the registered phonenumbers will be displayed sequentially onthe list. The Mobile Phone/Office/Home categoriesreceived via the mobile phone may differfrom the information actually stored in themobile phone.Select the phone number you wish toconnect by repeatedly selecting the phonenumber list and press the  button tomake the call to the selected number.SENDSENDContactsii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-17BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESearching the Phone Book󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Contactsscreen.󲻦Phone numbers can be searched by eitheror . From the two methods, select the searchmethod you wish to use.Searching by name 󲻧Press the  button on thePhonebook search screen. 󲻨Input the name you wish to search andpress the  button.󲻩The search results will be displayed on thescreen.DoneSearch by nameSearch by numberSearch by nameSearchContacts5-18 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESearching by number 󲻧Press the  button on thePhonebook search screen. 󲻨Input the phone number you wish tosearch and press the  button.󲻩The search results will be displayed on thescreen.DoneSearch by number
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-19BLUETOOTH HANDSFREECall History ListMaking a call from Call history 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen or press the  key on thesteering wheel.󲻥The call history list will be displayed. Selectthe number you wish to call from the callhistory list and press the  button.󲻦The call will be made to the selectednumber.Sorting call history 󲻤The call history can be displayed by sortingthe incoming calls, outgoing calls andmissed calls.󲻥When pressing the  ,  , orbutton, the corresponding callhistory list will be displayed.MissedReceivedDialedSENDSEND5-20 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEDialed number Received numberMissed numberINFORMATIONIf there are no entries saved in the  ,, or  lists, the correspondingbutton will be inactive. Up to 20 entries canbe saved in each list. MissedReceivedDialedi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-21BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPhone MusicBefore playing Phone musicMusic saved in the mobile phone can beplayed in the car through Bluetooth audiostreaming.Phone music can be played only when aBluetooth phone has been connected. Toplay phone music, connect the Bluetoothphone to the car system. For moreinformation on connecting Bluetooth, pleaserefer to the user's manual [Pairing andConnecting a Bluetooth phone]. If the Bluetooth is disconnected while playingphone music, the music will be discontinued. The audio streaming function may not besupported in some mobile phones. Only one function can be used at a timebetween the Bluetooth handsfree or Phonemusic function. For example, if you convert to the Bluetoothhandsfree while playing Phone music, themusic will be discontinued. Playing music from the car is not possiblewhen there are no music files stored in themobile phone. Starting Phone Music󲻤Repeatedly press the  key on thefront panel or the  key on thesteering wheel to enter Phone musicmode.MDOECD/AUX5-22 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEINFORMATIONEach press of the  key on the frontpanel will change the function in the order ofDISC USB or iPod AUX Phone Music DISC .Each press of the  key on the steeringwheel will change the audio mode in theorder of FM1 FM2 AM SIRIUS1 SIRIUS2 SIRIUS3 DISC USB or iPod AUX Phone Music FM1.It is not possible to enter Phone music mode ifthe mobile phone is not connected or if theaudio streaming setting within Bluetoothhandsfree settings has been set to [Disablestreaming audio]. For more information on audio streamingsetting, please refer to the users manual[Bluetooth settings > Setting Audio streaming].󲻥The Phone music screen is displayed. INFORMATIONWhile music saved in the mobile phone willautomatically begin playing after convertingto the Phone music screen, this music playerfunction may not be supported in somemobile phones. If music does not begin playing even afterconverting to the Phone music screen, trystarting the music directly from the mobilephone.Phone music screen layoutInformation Bar : displays information forthe currently playing song.File Down button : plays the previoussong.Play/Pause button : Plays/pauses thesong.File Up button : plays the next song. MODECD/AUXii 
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-23BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESelecting Phone music files󲻤Press the  ,  buttons on the Phonemusic screen or the  , keys on the system. The previous or next song will be playedeach time the button or key is pressed.INFORMATIONThe file selection function may not besupported in some mobile phones. TRACKSEEKi5-24 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEBluetooth settingsPairing and connecting a mobilephoneFor more information on pairing andconnecting a mobile phone, please refer to[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetooth phone]. Setting mobile phone autoconnect priorityINFORMATIONAfter turning on the car ignition and thesystem is booted up, the Bluetooth connectionbetween the car system and mobile phone isautomatically made. The Bluetooth connection will be conductedin the order of mobile phone priority. The auto connect priority will be supportedonly for previously paired mobile phones. 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.󲻦The paired mobile phone list and themobile phone connection priority will bedisplayed.When wishing to change the priority order,select the mobile phone from the list anduse the  ,  buttons to change itspriority.Press the  button to save thechanged mobile phone priority.DonePrioritySettingsi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-25BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESetting Handsfree volume 󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on the Settingsscreen.INFORMATIONThe Bluetooth handsfree volume can beadjusted only when a mobile phone has beenconnected.The  cannot be set if no mobilephone has been connected. 󲻦Use the  ,  buttons to set thedesired volume on the Phone volumescreen. Press the  button to save. INFORMATIONWhile on a call, turning the  knob tothe left/right or pressing the ,keys on the steering wheel will also adjust thecall volume.If the call volume is set too high, the loudincoming call bell may cause a traffic accident. Setting Audio streaming󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. Streaming audioSettingsVOLVOLPOWERDoneVolumeVolumeSettingsii5-26 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻦Streaming audio setting is selected.INFORMATIONEnable streaming audio: Repeatedly press thekey or the   key to enterPhone music mode. Phone music can beplayed through Bluetooth audio streaming. Disable streaming audio: Even if the key or the   key is repeatedly pressed,will not enter Phone music mode. Phonemusic through Bluetooth audio streaming isnot supported. Advanced settingsBluetooth advanced settings can bechanged. Enter advanced settings throughthe following way.󲻤Press the  button on the PHONEscreen.󲻥Press the  button on theSettings screen. INFORMATIONFor safety reasons, operation of Advancesetup is not possible when the vehicle is inmotion. Please park in a safe place to makechanges to Advanced setup.󲻦The Advance setup screen will bedisplayed. In Advance setup, the followingfour settings can be made. Advanced setupSettingsMODECD/AUXMODECD/AUXii
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-27BLUETOOTH HANDSFREESetting Contacts Auto Download(Sync)󲻤While in Advanced setup press thebutton.󲻥After turning Contacts Sync ON/OFF,press the  button.INFORMATIONIf Contacts Sync is turned ON, the contactsand call history in your mobile phone willautomatically be downloaded to the vehicleeach time you connect a Bluetooth device.Searching and modifying mydevice properties󲻧Press the  button on theAdvance setup screen. 󲻨Displays the Device information such asthe name and address of the car system. To modify the device name, press thebutton.Change nameDevice informationDoneContacts Synci󲻩Use the key pad to input the Device nameyou wish to modify. 󲻪After inputting is complete, press thebutton to save.Changing passkey󲻧Press the  button on theAdvance setup screen.󲻨Once the Change passkey screen is dis-played, input the desired passkey andpress the  button. INFORMATIONThe passkey is a 4-digit authentication codeused for a Bluetooth connection between themobile phone and car system. The defaultpasskey is set to 0000.Deleting all paired phones󲻧Press the  buttonon the Advance setup screen. Delete all paired phonesDoneChange passkeyDone5-28 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEi
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-29BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE󲻨A pop-up asking whether you wish todelete all paired phone will be displayed.Press the  button to delete all pairedphones and the  button to cancel. 󲻩If  button is pressed, all currentlypaired phones will be deleted.Initializing Bluetooth handsfree󲻧Press the  button onthe Advance setup screen.󲻨A pop-up asking whether you wish toinitialize the Bluetooth handsfree will bedisplayed.Press the  button to initialize theBluetooth handsfree system and the button to cancel.INFORMATIONUpon initializing the Bluetooth handsfree, theentire paired phone list will be deleted and allBluetooth related settings will be restored tofactory state.󲻩If  is pressed, the Bluetooth handsfreesettings will be initialized. YesNoYesRestore factory settingsYesNoYesi5-30 BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPART 5   BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEImportant information About pairing mobile phonesI cannot search for mobile phonesthrough the car system. What is thecause?Check to see whether the mobile phoneyou wish to connect supports Bluetoothfunction. If your mobile phone supportsBluetooth, check to see that whether theBluetooth settings in the mobile phonehave been set to hidden state or if theBluetooth power has been turned off. Ifthe device has been set to hidden,release the hidden state and if theBluetooth power has been turned off,turn the power ON and try searchingagain.What is the difference between pairing amobile phone and connecting a mobilephone?Through a two-way passkey betweenthe car system and mobile phones, up to5 mobile phones can be paired with thecar system. The paired mobile phone willremain paired with the car system untilthe user deletes it manually. In addition, the call history lists andphone number books saved in eachmobile phone will also be maintaineduntil the paired phone is deleted. Formore information on pairing mobilephones, please refer to the manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetoothphone > Pairing a mobile phone]. Connect a mobile phone to Bluetoothby selecting the desired mobile phonefrom the paired phones. Within the carsystem, only one Bluetooth phone canbe connected at one time. For moreinformation, please refer to the manual[Pairing and Connecting a Bluetoothphone > Pairing a mobile phone]. What is a Passkey?A passkey is an authentication code usedfor two-way authentication of the carsystem and the mobile phone. Only 4-digit numbers can be used aspasskeys. Passkeys are registered onlyonce when pairing the phone numberfor the first time. The factory-set passkeyis 0000. Q.A.A.A.Q. Q.
BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE 5-31BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEAbout making/answering phonecallsHow can I answer a call?When you receive an incoming call,press the  key on the steering wheelor the  button on the PHONEscreen to answer. To reject the incomingcall, press the  key on the steeringwheel or the  button on thePHONE screen. What should I do if I am talking on theHandsfree but wish to switch the call tothe mobile phone?To switch the call to the mobile phone,press the  button on the PHONEscreen or press and hold (over 0.8second) the  key on the steeringwheel. If you wish to switch the call backto the car handsfree, press thebutton on the PHONEscreen or press and hold (over 0.8second) the  key on the steeringwheel.About Bluetooth deviceenvironment  What is the range for Bluetooth wirelessconnection?The wireless connection range is within10 meters.How many mobile phones can be paired? It is possible to pair up to five phoneswith the car system.What is the reason why the call qualitydeteriorates?First, check to see the signal strength ofthe mobile phone. The call quality maydeteriorate when the signal strength islow. Call quality may also deteriorate ifmetal objects, such as drink cans, areplaced near the mobile phone.Use handsfreePrivateRejectAcceptA.Q.A.Q.A.Q.A.Q.A.Q.PART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)PART 6REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE) REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM(RSE) (IF EQUIPPED) 6-2Important Safety Information 6-2Product Characteristics 6-3Display6-3DVD Player 6-3Others6-3Name and function of system parts6-4REAR Roof Mount Monitor 6-4REAR DVDP DECK 6-5Rear Wireless Headset 6-6Rear Remote Controller 6-6Operating the Rear (RSE) System6-7Starting the System 6-7Turning Off the System 6-8Methods of RSE System Operation  6-8Operating the RSE System 6-8Adjusting the Screen Settings for theRSE (REAR) System 6-8DVDP/AUX6-9Starting DVDP/AUX mode by use ofRoof Mount Monitor 6-9Starting DVDP/AUX mode by use ofRear remote control 6-9CD6-9Starting CD mode 6-9CD mode menu screen configuration6-10Selecting a track with the RemoteContoller & Searching a playing track6-10MP36-11Starting MP3 mode 6-11MP3 mode menu screen configuration6-11Selecting a file with the RemoteContoller & Searching a playing file6-12MP3 LIST menu screen configuration6-12
RSE SYSTEM 6-1REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)PART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)PART 6REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE) VCD6-13Starting VCD mode 6-13VCD mode menu screen configuration6-13Selecting a track with the RemoteContoller & Searching a playing track6-14Using the PBC function 6-14DVD6-15Starting DVD mode 6-15Contents of DVD Title 6-15DVD region code 6-15DVD mode menu screen configuration6-16DVD mode setting 6-17Setting voice language 6-17Setting subtitle language 6-17Setting menu language 6-17Searching title/chapter 6-18Using the Interactive Menu 6-18AUX (auxiliary device input)6-19Starting AUX mode 6-19Connecting an external VIDEO player6-206-2 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)REAR SEAT ENTERTAIN-MENT SYSTEM (RSE) (IFEQUIPPED)Important Safety InformationPlease read the following for safety pre-cautions.WARNING !Ignoring the warnings listed within this usermanual may cause fatal or serious injuries.Warnings indicate matters which may directlylead to accidents. CAUTION!Ignoring the cautions listed within this usermanual may lead to accidents or injury.Cautions indicate matters which may lead tovehicle damage or malfunction.INFORMATIONInformation which the user must observe inorder to prevent vehicle damage or malfunc-tion.Warnings which must be observed in the caseof vehicle malfunction.Information which the user must have priorknowledge of. Information which allows for more conven-ient operation.Closely observe and comply with the follow-ing cautions before using the product. Allproblems which occur in violation of the fol-lowing will not be the responsibility of themanufacturer.For user and passenger safety, please read theuser manual carefully before using the prod-uct.1. Do not disassemble, assemble, or modifythe RSE system. 2. Set the volume to a level which allows thedriver to be aware of external conditions. 3. Do not operate the RSE system for pro-longed periods of time with the vehicle igni-tion turned off. Such operations may lead tobattery discharge. 4. Be cautious not to spill water or introduceforeign objects into the device. 5. Opening the Roof Monitor with excessiveforce may lead to damage. 6. In case of product malfunction, please con-tact your place of purchase or After Servicecenter.CAUTION!When cleaning this product, make sure toturn off the device and use a dry and softcloth. Never use harsh materials, chemicalcloths, or solvents (alcohol, benzene, thinners,etc.) as such materials may damage the devicepanel or cause color and quality deterioration.This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interfer-ence, and 2. This device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that maycause undesired operation. i
RSE SYSTEM 6-3REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMWARNING !Changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compli-ance could void the user's authority to oper-ate the equipment.Product CharacteristicsThis device is a total AV system supportingaudio CD, MP3, VCD, DVD and AUX. With aWIDE VGA LCD (176.7 X 99.4mm.), this deviceallows for powerful sound and driving enjoy-ment.DisplayLarge-size (176.7 X 99.4mm) WIDE VGA LCDwith CCFL installed large-size (176.7 X 99.4mm) WIDE VGA LCD provides high viewingpleasure.With NORMAL, FULL, WIDE screens, the dis-play can be selected in accordance to userpreference and video suitability. DVD Player Auto Play function Inserting an audio CD, MP3, VCD, DVD willautomatically turn on the device and beginplaying. (Auto conversion to Roof Monitor) PBC support (PLAY BACK CONTROL)The various information encoded in the VideoCD can be enjoyed by using the interactivemenu encoded in MPEG1 Version 2.0 VideoCD discs. OthersDigital screen control functionThe brightness, saturation, hue and contrastof the screen can be easily adjusted.DolbyDVD FLLCMacrovisionDolbyLogoNoticeNoticeLogoNoticeDolby DigitalManufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. Dolby and double-D symbol are trade-marks of Dolby Laboratories.DVD Video PlayerU.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603; 4,577,216; 4,819,098;4,907,093; and 6,516,132This product incorporates copyright protection tech-nology that is protected by U.S patents and otherintellectual property rights. Use of this copyright pro-tection technology must be authorized byMacrovision, and is intended for home and other lim-ited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorizedby Macrovision. Reverse engineering or disassemblyis prohibited.6-4 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Name and function of systempartsREAR Roof Mount MonitorUsed to pause or replay the current fileon the RSE system.Used to return to the previous screen.(When moving to the parent menu fromthe child menu (menu which is one levellower), there will be no operation withinthe main menu screen or other screens.)Switches to the DVDP/RSE AUX mode.Used to move the select area leftwards.Used to move the select area right-wards.Used to move the select area upwards.Used to move the selected area down-wards.Used to select the button within theselected area.    
RSE SYSTEM 6-5REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Used to make screen setting for themode currently operating on the RESsystem.Used to display the menu for the modecurrently operating on the RSE system.Used to turn the power of the RSE sys-tem on/off.This switch is used to open the REARmonitor.Earphone connection terminalEarphone volume controllerA receiver is installed within the RemoteController.A device which transmits signals to theinfrared wireless headset is installed.REAR DVDP DECKThis switch is used to eject the DISCfrom the REAR DVDP DECK.If a disc, such as a CD/MP3/VCD/ DVDtitle, is inserted in the DISC slot, the cor-responding mode will automatically berecognized and displayed on the screen.If a disc is inserted while the power isOFF, the power will be turned on auto-matically and the corresponding modewill become displayed.Display when a DISC has been inserted.An auxiliary AUDIO & VIDEO player(camcorder, vehicle VCR, etc.) can beconnected for viewing.)6-6 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Rear Wireless HeadsetThis is used to turn the power on/off.This is used to make volume adjust-ments.CAUTION!The power button and volume are positionedat the left side of the headset.  Wearing theheadset with the left and right-side reversedmay reduce sound quality and reception.Check to see that the headsets are properlyworn.Rear Remote ControllerUsed to turn the power of the RSE sys-tem on/off.Used to illuminate the remote controllerwhen the interior of the vehicle is dark. Used to operate the DVDP mode.Used to operate the AUX mode.Used to make screen settings for themode currently operating on the RSEsystem.Used to display the menu for the modecurrently operating on the RSE system.Used to display the SEARCH screenwhile in DVD/VCD mode. Used to return to the previous screen.(When moving to the parent menu fromthe child menu (menu which is one levellower), there will be no operation withinthe main menu screen or other screens.)      
RSE SYSTEM 6-7REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Used to move the select area upwards. Used to move the select area leftwards. Used to move the select area right-wards.Used to move the selected area down-wards.Used to select the button within theselected area. Used to operate the SEEK or TRACKselection function in accordance to thecurrently playing AV mode. Used to operate the FF/REW functionsfor the current AV mode. Used to set the DVD menu. Used to pause or replay the current fileon the RSE system. Used to sets the DVD title. Used to change the DVD AUDIO lan-guage.Used to change the DVD SUBTITLE.Used to change the DVD ANGLE.Operating the RSE SystemStarting the System󲻤Position the ignition key onto ACC or ON.󲻥If  button on the Root MountMonitor or the  button on theremote controller is pressed, the AV sys-tem will turn on and display the mostrecently operated mode. (EX: turning onthe system will display DVD  mode if thelast operated mode prior to turning offthe system had been DVD)PWR6-8 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Turning Off the System󲻤If   button on the Root MountMonitor or the  button on theremote controller is pressed while theRSE system is operating, the Rear AV sys-tem will stop operation and turn off.Methods of RSE System Operation󲻤The RSE system is operated by using theand  key on the RootMount Monitor,  key andkey on the remote controller. Operating the RSE System󲻤Press one of the  keys onthe remote controller to display a selectarea.󲻥If the  key button on theremote controller is pressed, the selectarea will move in the direction of thepressed button. Move to the desired direction and pressthe  key on the remote controller toselect the current button. 󲻦If there are no operations for 10 seconds,the select area will disappear. Re-press-ing one of the  keys will re-create the select area. INFORMATIONThe  and  keys on the REARRoof Mount Monitor and the and  keys on the Remote controller areused to conduct the same functions.Adjusting the Screen Settings forthe RSE (REAR) SystemAdjusting the Video Screen Quality 󲻤Press the  button on the RoofMount Monitor or the  button onthe Remote Controller to display thesemi-transparent video mode screen set-ting menu on the screen. 󲻥The 4-direction keys on the Roof MountMonitor or the Remote Controller can beused to make adjustments to the bright-ness, saturation, hue, contrast, day night,auto-light, screen ratio, etc.Adjusting the Non-Video Screen Quality󲻤Press the  button on the RoofMount Monitor or the  button theremote controller while non-video modeis playing to display the non-video modescreen setup menu. 󲻥Use the 4-direction keys on the RoofMount Monitor or the Remote Controllerto adjust the brightness, day/nightmodes and Auto Light function.DISPDISPLAYDISPDISPLAYPWRi
RSE SYSTEM 6-9REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)INFORMATIONUpon selecting DAY LIGHT, the bright screenis always maintained regardless of the on/offstate of the car taillights. However, brightnessmay be set to 90% in accordance to the exter-nal auto light sensor. Upon selecting AUTO LIGHT, the display isautomatically brightened or darkened inaccordance to external brightness.DVDP/AUXStarting DVDP/AUX mode by useof Roof Mount Monitor󲻤Press the the  button key on theRoof Mount Monitor.󲻥Pressing the the  button key willchange the mode in the order ofDVDP/AUX/ DVDP mode.Starting DVDP/AUX mode by useof Rear remote controller󲻤Press the the  button key on theRear Remote Controller to enter DVDPmode.󲻥Press the  key on the RearRemote Controller to enter AUX mode.INFORMATIONIf there are no discs already inserted in  theDVD player, pressing the  key on theremote controller will not begin mode opera-tion.CDStarting CD mode󲻤Press the  key on the Roof MountMonitor or the  key on the Rearremote controller to change to DVDPlayer mode.󲻥If a CD is inserted in the DVD player, theCD mode screen will be displayed.DISCMODEDISCAUXDISCMODEMODEii6-10 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)CD mode menu screen configura-tionMode display : This displays that the cur-rent mode is CD mode of the DVDPlayer.TRACK DOWN button : The start of thecurrent or previous track will begin play-ing. The start of the current track willbegin playing if the track has played forover 3 seconds. The start of the previoustrack will begin playing if the track hasplayed for under 3 seconds.TRACK UP button : The start of the nexttrack will begin playing. FAST FORWARD button : The track canbe fast forwarded. FAST REWIND button : The track can berewinded.PLAY/PAUSE button : Used to pause orreplay the current track on the RSE sys-tem.TRACK display : The current TRACK ofthe currently playing DISC is displayed.Play time : The play time of the currentlyplaying song is displayed.Selecting a track with the RemoteController & Searching a playingtrackPress the  key onthe Remote Controller to move to theprevious or next track.Pressing the  key on theRemote Controller will quick search thecurrent track. INFORMATIONIf there are no discs already inserted in theDVD player, pressing the  key on theremote controller will not begin mode opera-tion.The RANDOM, REPEAT and SCAN functionsare not supported.DISC    i
RSE SYSTEM 6-11REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)MP3Starting MP3 mode 󲻤Press the  key on the Roof MountMonitor or the  key on the Rearremote controller to change to DVDPlayer mode.󲻥If an MP3 is inserted in the DVD player,the MP3 mode screen will be displayed.MP3 mode menu screen configura-tionMode display : This displays that the cur-rent mode is MP3 mode of the DVDPlayer.PLAY MODE button : Displays the menuof the mode currently being played.Press again to close the menu.FILE DOWN button : The start of the cur-rent or previous file will begin playing.The start of the current file will beginplaying if the file has played for over 3seconds. The start of the previous filewill begin playing if the file has playedfor under 3 seconds.FILE UP button : The start of the next filewill begin playing.FAST FORWARD button : The file is fastforwarded.FAST REWIND button : The file is rewind-ed.PLAY/PAUSE button : Used to pause orreplay the current file on the RSE sys-tem.LIST button : Moves to the MP3 LISTscreen.INFO button : The information (Title/Artist/Album name) of the currentlyplaying file is displayed. This function is supported only in MP3files inputted within information.Folder name display  : Displays the fold-er of the currently file.File name display : Displays the name ofthe currently playing file.Play time display : The play time of thecurrently playing song is displayed.DISCMODE     6-12 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Selecting a file with the RemoteController & Searching a playingfile1. Press the  buttonon the Remote Controller to move to theprevious or next file. 2. Pressing the  button on theRemote Controller will quickly search theprevious or next files. INFORMATIONIf there are no discs already inserted in  theDVD player, pressing the  key on theremote controller will not begin mode opera-tion.The RANDOM, REPEAT and SCAN functionsare not supported.MP3 LIST menu screen configura-tionMode display : Display the current LISTscreen.Folder name display : Displays the folderof the current file. File name display : Displays the name ofthe current file. Play time display : Displays the play timeof the current song. LIST UP button : Displays the previousLIST.LIST DOWN button : Displays the nextLIST.LIST page display : The number of MP3lists [Current Page/ Total Pages) is dis-played.Scroll bar display : The location of thefolder within the current list is displayed. LIST folder display : The folder namewhich shows what folder the current listis in will be displayed.LIST : The folders and files in the currentfolder are displayed. Selected LIST display : The currentlyselected LIST is displayed.HOME button : When having moved to alist which does not display the currentlyplaying file, pressing this button willreturn to the LIST screen of the currentlyplaying file. (This button is inactivewhen the displayed LIST includes thecurrently playing file.)PARENT folder button  : Moves to theParent Folder. ROOT folder button : Moves to the RootFolder.CLOSE button : The MP3 mode menuscreen will become displayed.DISCi
RSE SYSTEM 6-13REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)INFORMATIONThe detail information will only be displayedwhen such information has been recorded inthe ID3 tag of the MP3 file.VCDStarting VCD mode 󲻤Press the  key on the Roof MountMonitor or the  key on the Rearremote controller to change to DVDPlayer mode.󲻥If a VCD is inserted in the DVD player, theVCD mode screen will be displayed.VCD mode menu screen configura-tionMode display : This displays that the cur-rent mode is VCD mode.PLAY MODE button : Displays the menuof the mode currently being played.Press again to close the menu.TRACK DOWN button : The start of thecurrent or previous track will begin play-ing.DISCMODEi      6-14 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)TRACK UP button : The start of the nexttrack will begin playing. FAST FORWARD button : The track is fastforwarded.FAST REWIND button : The track isrewinded.PLAY/PAUSE button : Plays/pauses thetrack.SEARCH button : The desired track canbe inputted for play.PBC(Play Back Control) button : As afunction supported only with Video CDversion 2.0 discs, the PBC function canbe turned ON or OFF. MENU button : The interactive menuencoded on the VCD is displayed. Thismenu is displayed only when the PBC isset to ON in a Video CD version 2.0 DISC.PBC setting display : The PBC ON or PBCOFF is displayed in accordance to PBCsetting.TRACK number display : The currenttrack number is displayed. Play time display : The play time of thecurrent VCD is displayed. Selecting a track with the RemoteController & Searching playingtrack1. Press the  buttonon the Remote Controller to move to theprevious or next track.2. Pressing the  button on theRemote Controller will quickly search thecurrent track.Using the PBC function 󲻤Press the  button on theRemote Controller in the VCD videoscreen to display the VCD menus.󲻥Press the  button to display thesub menus and press the  buttonto enter the PBC menu screen. (When inPBC ON state, press the  button toenter the PBC screen.)󲻦Move the focus to the number input areaand input the desired number by operat-ing the top-down direction keys.󲻧Press the  button to operate theselected menu.What is the PBC(Play Back Control)function?This function allows the various informa-tion stored on the Video CD to beviewed by using the interactive menuencoded on a MPEG1 version 2.0 VideoCD discs. The PBC function is supported only inVideo CD version 2.0 discs. The PBC function may operate different-ly in accordance to the manufacturingconditions on the Video CD version 2.0disc.EnterMENUPBCPlay ModeAV MENU
RSE SYSTEM 6-15REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)INFORMATIONSelecting  will display the set menusof the previous or next page. INFORMATIONThe PBC will return to OFF state if a differentDISC is inserted, the power or ignition isturned ON/OFF while in PBC ON state.DVDStarting DVD mode󲻤Press the   key on the Roof MountMonitor or the  key on the Rearremote controller to change to DVDPlayer mode.󲻥If a DVD is inserted in the DVD player, theDVD mode screen will be displayed.Contents of DVD Title The video and sound recorded on the DVDare divided into titles and can be recog-nized by their title numbers. Each title issub-divided into smaller units called chap-ters and each chapter can be recognized bythe chapter number. The title number andchapter number of the current DVD title isdisplayed on the upper side of the DVDoperation menu screen. DVD region code The DVD player and DVD discs are set withregion codes and can be played in accor-dance to the sales region. If a disc besides"Region Code 1(United States, Americanregion, Canada)" or "All-region disc" isinserted, then a "Region Code Error" screenwill be displayed and disc play will not besupported.DISCMODEPageii6-16 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)DVD mode menu screen configura-tionMode display : This displays that the cur-rent mode is DVD mode of the DVDPlayer.PLAY MODE button : Displays the menuof the mode currently being played.Press again to close the menu.CHAPTER DOWN button : Moves to theprevious chapter. CHAPTER UP button : Moves to the nextchapter.FAST REWIND button : The current titlecan be rewinded. Continue to press thebutton until the desired chapter hasbeen reached. FAST FORWIND button : The current titlecan be forwinded. Continue to press thebutton until the desired chapter hasbeen reached.PLAY/PAUSE button : Pauses or replaysthe DVD. DVD setting button : Restores the initialDVD setup screen. TITLE button : For some types of DVDtitles, there could be several initial menusetup screens. This is used to return tothe root setup menu screen. MENU button : This is used to return tothe initial menu setup screen while aDVD title is playing.SEARCH button : The desired title/chap-ter can be directly selected by searchingthe chapters/titles. Searches are not supported when theinitial logo video/menu is being dis-played. Searches are possible only whenthe video is playing. ANGLE button : The angle can be set forDVD titles encoded with the Multi-Anglefunction.SUBTITLE button : The subtitle can beset for DVD titles supporting Multi-Subtitle function. AUDIO button : The voice language canbe set for DVD titles supporting Multi-Language function.TITLE number display : The current titlenumber is displayed.CHAPTER number display : The currentchapter number is displayed. Play time display : The play time of thecurrent title is displayed.       
RSE SYSTEM 6-17REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)DVD mode setting If the DVD  button in the DVD modemenu screen is pressed, the setup screen asshown below will become displayed. INFORMATIONThe DVD setup screen is used not to changethe settings of the current DVD title but todefine the settings of the DVD PLAYER. Inorder to apply the modified valued, restartthe current DVD from the beginning. The set values will not be applied in thecase of  playing a DISC which does not sup-port the currently set language or the cur-rent settings.Setting voice language󲻤Press the  button in the DVD setupscreen.󲻥Select the desired voice language. If the  button is pressed, lan-guages other than the ones displayedcan be directly inputted for selection.󲻦If the  button is selected, the voicelanguage code input screen will be dis-played. Input the desired code.󲻧If a proper code is inputted, the DVDsetup screen will be returned and displaythe set voice language.󲻨Press the  button to complete thechanges and replay from the beginning.Setting subtitle language󲻤Press the  language button inthe DVD setup screen.󲻥Select the desired subtitle language. Press the  button to set a differentsubtitle. Press the  button toturn off the subtitle display.󲻦The method of inputting subtitle lan-guage code is the same as the method ofinputting voice language code.Setting menu language 󲻤Press the  button in the DVD setupscreen.󲻥Select the desired menu language.Press the  button to display a dif-ferent menu language.󲻦The method of inputting the menu lan-guage code is the same as the method ofinputting voice language code.INFORMATIONPlease refer to the Language Code page atthe back of the user manual. The set values will not be applied in thecase of  playing a DISC which does not sup-port the currently set language or the cur-rent settings.OthersMenuSubtitle OFFOthersSubtitleDoneOthersOthersAudioSetupii6-18 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Searching title/chapter󲻤Press the  button on theRemote Controller in the DVD videoscreen to display the DVD menus.󲻥Press the  button to display thesub menus and press the  buttonto enter the SEARCH menu screen.󲻦Move the focus to the title/chapter num-ber input area and input the desired titleor chapter number by operating the top-down direction keys.󲻧Press the  button to operate theselected menu.Using the Interactive Menu 󲻤Upon first playing a DVD title, a menuscreen will become displayed after theinitialization video. While the DVD is playing, press theon the Roof Mount Monitor orthe Remote controller to dis-play a semi-transparent menu screen.Select the  button on themenu screen to display the sub menusand press the  button. (Press thekey positioned at the bottomof the remote controller to directly enterthe menu screen.)󲻥Select the desired menu by using the 4-direction keys on the Roof Mount Monitoror the Remote Controller and press ENTER.INFORMATIONThe menu will operate only in supportedDVD titles. MENUMenuPlay ModeAV MENUAV MENUEnterSearchPlay ModeAV MENUi
RSE SYSTEM 6-19REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)AUX (auxiliary device input)INFORMATIONThe RSE AUX mode will operate only whenan auxiliary AUDIO & VIDEO player (cam-corder, vehicle VCR, etc.) is connected andoperating.Starting AUX mode 󲻤Press the   key on the Roof MountMonitor or the   key on the Rearremote controller to change to AUXmode.󲻥The AUDIO AUX or VIDEO AUX screen willbe displayed according to theaudio/video signal.INFORMATIONIf the device connector jack is disconnectedwhile operating AUX mode, a "No Media"message will be displayed for 30 secondsand automatically return to the previousscreen.CAUTION!1. Having the auxiliary cable connected evenwhen there is no auxiliary device can con-vert the device into AUX mode and causenoise.Please make sure to remove the auxiliarycable when an auxiliary device is not beingused.2. Connecting an auxiliary device to the ciga-rette jack and playing through the screen ofthe device may cause an occurrence ofnoise.If such noise occurs, remove the powercable from the cigarette jack. AUXMODEii6-20 RSE SYSTEMPART 6   REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)Connecting an external VIDEOplayer󲻤An auxiliary AUDIO & VIDEO player (cam-corder, vehicle VCR, etc.) can be connect-ed for viewing.󲻥The AUX jack is positioned next to thePOWER OUTLET on the backside of theconsol box located in between the driverand passenger seat.INFORMATION1. Among the auxiliary VIDEO connectorjacks, the yellow is for video, red is forright-side audio, and white is for left-sideaudio.2. This device supports the NTSC color sys-tem. Other systems beside NTSC will notbe supported. 3. The recommended audio input standardfor this device is max 1Vrms. Input whichexceeds this value may cause deteriorat-ed sound quality. i
APPENDIX 7-1APPENDIXPART 7APPENDIXTroubleshooting guide  7-2Before thinking the product has malfunctioned  7-2Troubleshooting  7-3DVD region code and language code  7-6Region code  7-6Language code  7-7Map legend   7-8Road color  7-8POI icons  7-9Landmark icons  7-11INDEX  7-12RSE Connector Pin Layoutout 7-177-2 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXTroubleshooting guideBefore thinking the product has malfunctioned  󲻤Errors which occur during the operation or installation of the device may be mistaken as a malfunction of the actual device. 󲻥If you are having problems with the device, try the suggestions listed below. 󲻦If the problems persist, contact your point of purchase or the nearest service center. FunctionBecause the LCD is manufactured with technology requiring high point density, a pixel deficiency orlighting may occur within 0.01% of total pixels.󳀏Has the Switch for the vehicle been turned to [ACC] or [ON]?󳀏Has the SYSTEM been turned OFF? 󳀏Has the volume been set to a low level?󳀏Has the volume been set on mute?󳀏The display looking somewhat darker after prolonged periods of use is a normal phenomenon withLCD panels. It is not a malfunction.󳀏If the screen is very dark, contact your point of purchase or the nearest service center.󳀏Is the position of FAL/BAL sound controls or volume adjusted to only one side?Is the audio and video connector jacks fully inserted into the AUX terminal? Is the external device connected with a standard connector cable? Some map data may be missing or incorrect. The TTS(Text To Speech) engine speaks the street name based off of the phonetic spelling. This will continuously be update with the map database.ProblemThere are small red, blue, or green dotson the screenThe sound or image is not workingThe video is being displayed but sound is not workingWhen the power is turned on, thecorners of the screen are darkSound is working from only onespeakerSound and video does not work in AUXmodeThe external device is not working The road is missing The road name is spoken incorrectly
APPENDIX 7-3APPENDIXPossible CauseThe fuse is disconnected. SolutionReplace with a suitable fuse. If the fuse is disconnected again, pleasecontact your point of purchase or service center.ProblemThe power does notturn on.Device is not properly connected. Check to see that the device has been properly connected. The XM mode is in category. Press the mode button to change to channel mode.The DISC has not been inserted or has beeninserted upside down. Insert the disc properly so that the sides are facing the correctdirection.The DISC has been contaminated. The vehicle battery is low. A disc which is not supported by the devicehas been inserted. A disc which as a region code notsupported by the device has been inserted.The DVD cannot be played because theparental guidance level is operating. Wipe clean dirt and other foreign substances from the DISC.Charge the battery. If the problem persists, please contact your point ofpurchase or service center. Insert a disc which is supported for play by the device. The region code for the device is code 1. Use a DVD which has theregion code of 1orALL.Check the parental guidance level in the initial setup screen. The DVD does not play. XM only goes throughone categoryThe brightness, saturation, hue, andcontrast levels are not properly set. Adjust the brightness, saturation, hue, and contrast levels through thedisplay setting.The image color or tonequality is low. 󳀏The brightness level has been set to thelowest level.󳀏The device is not properly connected.Adjust the brightness to a higher level. Check to see that the device has been properly connected. The video does notwork.Troubleshooting7-4 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXPossible Cause󳀏The volume level is set the lowest level. 󳀏The connector is not properly connected. 󳀏The device is currently fast-forwarding,rewinding, scanning, or playing in slow mode. Solution󳀏Adjust the volume level. 󳀏Check the connection state. 󳀏The sound will not work when the device is fast-forwarding,rewinding, scanning, or playing in slow mode. ProblemThe sound does notwork.The sound or videoquality is low. 󳀏The DISC is dirty or scratched. 󳀏Vibration is occurring from the position in whichthe conversion switch has been installed. 󳀏The color and tone quality of the image is low. 󳀏Wipe off water or dirt from the DISC. Do not use a disc which hasbeen scratched. 󳀏The sound may be short-circuited and the image distorted if thedevice begins to vibrate. The device will return to normaloperation once the vibration has stopped. 󳀏Aging of the video display and deterioration in performancemay cause certain quality degradations. 󳀏Subtitles are not included in the current playingDVD.󳀏The subtitle language has been set to "OFF". 󳀏The subtitles cannot be played. 󳀏Set the subtitle language on the desired language. Subtitles do not work. 󳀏The DVD currently being played hasdisabled the hide subtitle function. 󳀏The subtitle cannot be turned off. Subtitles do not turn off. 󳀏A language which is not supported by thecurrent playing DVD has been selected. 󳀏A language not supported by the DVD cannot be played.The selected sound orsubtitle languagecannot be used. 󳀏Only one language is included in the currentplaying DVD. 󳀏The current playing DVD only supports onelanguage.󳀏The language cannot be changed if the DISC does not supportmulti-languages.󳀏The language cannot be changed. The sound or subtitlelanguage does notchange.
APPENDIX 7-5APPENDIXPossible CauseAn aspect ratio which is not supported by thecurrent playing DVD has been selected. SolutionAn aspect ratio not supported by the DVD cannot be played. ProblemThe aspect ratio selectedin the initial settingphase cannot be used.The angle cannot beadjusted.󳀏The current playing DVD only supports oneangle setting or only some of the DVD scenessupport multi-angles. 󳀏The current playing DVD only supports oneangle.󳀏The angle cannot be changed if the DISC does not supportmulti-angles or when playing a scene with only one angle. 󳀏The angle cannot be changed. The iPod is notrecognized even thoughit has been connected. 󳀏There are no titles which can be played. 󳀏The iPod firmware version has not beenproperly updated. 󳀏The iPod device does not recognize downloads. 󳀏Use iTunes to download and save MP3 files into the iPod. 󳀏Use iTunes to update the firmware version and reconnect theiPod with the device. 󳀏Reset the iPod and reconnect with the device. The USB does not work. 󳀏USB memory is damaged. 󳀏USB memory has been contaminated. 󳀏A separately purchased USB HUB is being used. 󳀏A USB extension cable is being used. 󳀏A USB which is not a Metal Cover Type USBMemory is being used. 󳀏A HDD type, CF, SD Memory is being used. 󳀏There are no music files which can be played. 󳀏Please use after formatting the USB into FAT 12/16/32 format.󳀏Remove any foreign substances on the contact surface of theUSB memory and multimedia terminal. 󳀏Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal onthe vehicle. 󳀏Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal onthe vehicle.󳀏Use a standard USB Memory. 󳀏Use a standard USB Memory. 󳀏Only MP3,WMA file formats are supported. Please use only thesupported music file formats. 7-6 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXDVD region code andlanguage CodeRegion codeCountriesNo Region CodingUnited States of America, CanadaEurope, including France, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, Japan and South AfricaKorea, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo and IndonesiaAustralia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South AmericaIndia, Africa, Russia and former USSR countriesPeoples Republic of ChinaUnusedAirlines/Cruise ShipsExpansion (often used as region free)RegionCode0123456789
APPENDIX 7-7APPENDIXLanguage codeCountryAfarAbkhazianAfrikaansAmharicArabicAssameseAymaraAzerbaijaniBashkirBelarusianBulgarianBihariBislamaBengaliTibetanBretonCatalanCountryCorsicanCzechWelshDanishGermanBhutaniGreekEnglishEsperantoSpanishEstonianBasquePersianFinnishFijianFaroeseFrenchCountryFrisianIrishScotsGalleganGuaraniGujaratiHausaHindiCroatianHungarianArmenianInterlinguaInterlingueInupiakIndonesianIcelandicItalianCode01010102010601130118011901250126020102050207020802090214021502180301Code0315031903250401040504260512051405150519052005210601060906100615061Code06250701070407120714072108010809081808210825090109050911091409190920CountryHebrewYiddishJapaneseJavaneseGeorgianKazakhGreenlandicCambodianKannadaKoreanKashmiriKurdishKirghizLatinLingalaLaotianLithuanianCode09231009100110221101111111121113111411151119112111251201121412151220CountryLatvianMalagasyMaoriMacedonianMalayalamMongolianMoldavianMarathiMalayMalteseBurmeseNauruNepaliDutchNorwegianOccitanOromoCode12221307130913111312131413151318131913201325140114051412141515031513CountryOriyaPunjabiPolishPushtoPortugueseQuechuaRomanceKirundiRomanianRussianKinyarwanda Sanskrit SindhiSanghoCroationSinhaleseSlovakCode15181601161216191620172118131814181518211823190119041907190819091911ColorDay Road TypeFreewayArterialCountyCollectorLocalUnpaved localFerryColorNight Road TypeFreewayArterialCountyCollectorLocalUnpaved localFerry7-8 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXCountrySlovenianSamoanShonaSomalAlbanianSerbianSwatiSesothoSundaneseSwedishSwahiliTamilTeluguTajikThaiTigrinyaTurkmenCountryTagalogTswanaTongaTurkishTsongaTatarTwiUkrainianUrduUzbekVietnameseVolapukWoloXhosaYorubaChineseZuluCode19121913191419151917191819191920192119221923200120052007200820092011Code20122014201520182019202020232111211821262209221523152408251526082621Language codeMap legend Road colorPOI iconsNo Category Sub Category Icon123456789101112131415RepresentationFast FoodAmericanFrenchItalianContinentalMexicanJapaneseChineseKoreanVegetarian FoodSeafoodLatin AmericanAsianAfricanRestaurants
APPENDIX 7-9APPENDIXPOI iconsNo Category Sub Category Icon161718192021222324252627282930RestaurantsNo Category Sub Category Icon313233343536373839404142434445TravelAutomotiveShoppingTravelCoffee ShopOthersRepresentationGas StationParkingAuto serviceRoad AssistanceHyundai DealershipKia DealershipAutomobile DealershipAuto PartsRest AreaCar WashMotorcycle DealeshipRepresentationAirportHotelTourist InformationTravel AgentTourist AttractionPopular SpotRental Car AgencyCampgroundFerry TerminalBus StationLocal TransitTrain StationRepresentationDepartment StoreConvenience StoreNo Category Sub Category Icon464748495051525354555657585960ShoppingRecreationShopping CenterMusic StoreGrocery StoreBookstoreElectronicsHardware StoreGiftsSporting GoodsHome Specialty StoreClothingShoe StoreRepresentationAmusement ParkMuseumCinema7-10 APPENDIXPART 7   APPENDIXNo Category Sub Category Icon616263646566676869707172737475FinancialServiceNo Category Sub Category Icon767778798081828384858687888990CommunityServicePolice StationPost OfficeLibraryCourt HouseFire DepartmentConvention CenterCity HallCivic CenterSchoolGovernment OfficesWaste & SanitaryUtilitiesRepresentationHospitalDentistCommunityRecreationSports ActivitiesSports ComplexGolf CourseWineryVideo & Game RentalSki ResortRecreation AreaOther RecreationRepresentationBankATMCheck Cashing ServiceMoney TransferBusiness FacilityRepresentationNo Category Sub Category Icon919293949596979899100101102ServicePhotographyTax ServiceMedical ServiceAttorneyFuneral DirectorHair & BeautyCleaning & LaundrySocial ServicePhysicianCommunicationTailor & AlterationMoverPOI icons
APPENDIX 7-11APPENDIXNo Category Sub Category Icon1234ServiceAirportParkGolfUniversityLandmark iconsATSC _L+ATSC_L-front in L-front out R-front out L-Monitor out L-Monitor out R+CVBS GNDGND2CVBS GNDfront in R+front in R-front in L+front out R+front out L+Monitor out L+Monitor out R-Front out CVBSGNDFront out CVBSCVBS GNDGND2CAN_HGNDACCILL+B+B+Monitor out CVBSGND2CAN_LATSC_R+ATSC_R-ILL-GNDGND123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536NO Signal NO Signalaudio in R+audio in L+CAN_HGND2CVBS + inNCNCAutoLightILL+ACCB+B+123456789101112131415161718192021222324audio in R-audio in L-CAN_LGND2CVBS GNDNCNCaudio GNDILL-AltnateGNDGNDNO Signal NO SignalRear DVD Player Connector PinLayoutRear Monitor Connentor PinLayoutRSE Connector Pin Layout7-12 APPENDIXPART 7   INDEXAAdaptive volume control ON/OFF3-52About CDP  2-11Activating call waiting5-14Adding to address book3-27Adding waypoints3-32Adjusting audio volume  1-7Advanced settings5-26Audio streaming5-21Adjusting the Screen Settings for the RSE(REAR) System6-7Answering an incoming call 5-13Audio Sound setting  1-10Auto Volume Control ON/OFF 1-10AUX  2-32, 6-18AUX screen  2-33BBAS/MID/TRE  1-10Basic Operation and setting  1-6Basic operation for voice command control 4-2Before thinking the product has malfunctioned 5-2Bluetooth handsfree5-2Bluetooth handsfree mode 5-2Bluetooth settings 5-24Brightness 1-11Browsing detailed information about the iPod music  2-28Browsing detailed information about the MP3 file  2-22Browsing detailed information about the SIRIUS channel  2-10CCall history5-19CD  4-9, 6-8CD mode menu screen configuration 6-9CD screen and functions  2-16Changing destination position3-27Changing Route option3-32Changing the map scale3-8Changing passkey5-28Command list of Audio system  4-7Command list of Help  4-6Command list of Navigation system  4-13Command list of Phone  4-13Condition for voice command system  4-2Condition for voice command system   1-9Connecting an external VIDEO player 6-19Connecting a mobile phone5-7Connections5-7Contents of DVD Title 6-14Connecting AUX  2-32Connecting iPod devices  2-24Connecting the USB devices  2-31Control panel  1-3Controller and functions  1-3Current position map screen (without route)3-5DDeleting all avoid area  3-41Deleting all paired phones  5-28Deleting an address book  3-47Deleting an address of address book3-46Deleting avoid area3-41Deleting favorite place3-50Deleting Home address3-48Deleting waypoints3-34Deleting a paired phone5-6Destination  4-15Destination by address book  4-24Destination by memory point <1 to 5>  4-25
APPENDIX 7-13INDEXDestination POI by phone number  4-22Device information5-27Device name 5-27Device address5-27Disc/content format compatibility  2-13Display mode  1-11Display OFF  1-11Display ON  1-11Display setting  1-11Displaying the list  1-9Destination menu screen and functions 3-12Displaying / Hiding POI icons on the map 3-9Displaying / Hiding Q.POI icons3-9Displaying /Hiding icons other than Q.POI icons3-9Displaying the list1-9Disable streaming audio5-26Disconnecting a mobile phone5-8Display6-2DVD6-14DVD mode menu screen configuration 6-15DVD mode setting 6-16DVD Player 6-2DVD region code 6-14DVDP/AUX6-8EEditing an address of address book3-45Editing avoid area3-40Editing waypoints3-32Enable streaming audio5-26Ending a call5-15FFAD/BAL  1-10Find address  4-19Find emergency <Category>  4-23Find nearest <POI name>  4-21FM/AM Radio  2-2FM/AM screen and functions 2-2For safe and efficient operation  2-11Finishing route guidance (Delete Destination)3-30GGiving voice command1-9Go home4-25GPS signal reception state3-2HHandsfree volume5-25Help3-54How to operate a menu by voice command1-9How to operate the screen menu1-8IImportant information about this manual1-2Important Safety Information6-1iPod2-24iPod screen and functions2-25Initializing system3-37Initializing Bluetooth handsfree5-29Inserting/Ejecting Disc2-15Introduction1-2Inputting letters by using screen keyboard1-8LLandmark icons 7-7Limitations of the navigation system3-2Listening to CD music2-16Listening to MP3 music 2-20Listening to music from iPod2-24Listening to the FM/AM radio2-27-14 APPENDIXPART 7   INDEXListening to the SIRIUS radio2-6Listening to USB music2-31MMain setting3-36Making a call to POI3-10Map Functions3-5Map4-13Map legend7-5Making a call by dialing a phonenumber5-11Making a call from Speed Dial 5-11Making a call by redialing5-12Making a call from the Phone book 5-16Making a call from Call history 5-19Methods of RSE System Operation 6-7MP3 LIST menu screen configuration 6-11MP3 mode menu screen configuration 6-10MP32-19, 6-10MP3 disc related information and precaution2-19MP3 screen and functions2-20My places setting3-43NName and function of system parts 6-3Navigation setting 3-38OOperating the CDP2-11Operating the external devices2-24Operating the radio2-2Operating typical screen menu1-7Operating voice command4-2Operating after searching a destination3-27Operating after setting a destination3-28Operating the Rear (RSE) System 6-6Operating the RSE System 6-7Others6-2PPairings5-4Pairing a mobile phone5-4Passkey5-5Phonebook5-16Phonebook download5-16Phone music 5-21Playing AUX2-32POI Category list4-18Precaution for safe usage1-2Precautions upon handling discs2-11Precautions upon handling USB2-29Previous destination4-24Previous start point4-25Priority5-24Private mode5-14Product Characteristics 6-2RREAR DVD Player Connector Pin Layout 7-11REAR DVDP DECK 6-4REAR Monitor Connector Pin Layout7-11Rear Remote Controller 6-5REAR Roof Mount Monitor 6-3REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (RSE)(IF EQUIPPED) 6-1Rear Wireless Headset 6-5Registering avoid area3-38Registering favorite place3-49Registering home address3-48Registering new address in address book3-43Region code5-6Re-ordering waypoints3-34
APPENDIX 7-15INDEXRejecting an incoming call 5-13REW/FF CD track2-17REW/FF iPod music 2-27REW/FF MP3 file2-22Road color7-5Route4-16Route guidance3-4,3-30Route guidance screen3-28Route menu screen and functions3-30Route overview(View Entire Route)3-31Route Re-calculation3-4RSE Connector Pin Layout 7-11SSearching a POI3-20Searching a previous Destination3-17Searching an Address3-13Searching an intersection3-17Searching favorite places3-26Searching for Emergency facilities3-25Searching from Address book3-24Searching from MAP3-26Searching POI by local POI list3-26Searching your Home3-25Searching a destination by voice command 4-19Searching the Phone Book5-17Searching a Destination3-13Searching title/chapter 6-17Selecting an item in a list1-9Searcting a destination3-13Selecting other route3-29Selecting the MP3 file 2-21Selecting an item in a list 1-9Selecting FM/AM broadcast frequency2-4Selecting music from iPod2-26Selecting SIRIUS broadcast channel2-7Selecting the CD track2-17Selecting Phone Music files5-23Selecting a file with the Remote controller &Searching a playing file6-11Selecting a track with the Remote controller &Searching a playing track 6-9, 6-13 Setting arrival time and distance display 3-38Setting as Destination/waypoint3-27Setting avoid streets on route3-35Setting detour distance3-35Setting estimate travel time3-42Setting keyboard for inputting letter3-36Setting Language3-37Setting Q.POI icons3-42Setting units (mile/ km)3-38Setting voice command feedback ON/OFF3-37Setup and Information3-36Setup menu screen and functions3-36Setting random function for CD music2-17Setting random function for iPod music2-27Setting random function for MP3 file2-22Setting repeat function for CD music2-18Setting repeat function for iPod music2-28Setting repeat function for MP3 file2-23Setting up the voice command system4-4Setting voice Prompt ON/OFF4-4Setting menu language 6-16Setting subtitle language 6-16Setting voice language 6-16Scanning CD track2-18Scanning FM/AM broadcast frequency2-5Scanning MP3 file2-23Scanning SIRIUS broadcast channel2-10Scrolling map3-11SIRIUS Radio2-6SIRIUS screen and functions2-6Sorting items from the list1-87-16 APPENDIXPART 7   INDEXSpeaker adaptation4-4Steering wheel remote controller1-5Storing FM/AM presets2-5Storing SIRIUS presets2-9Supported disc formats2-12Starting navigation system3-5Starting route Guidance3-28Sorting call history 5-19Sorting Items from the list 1-9Speed dial 5-11Starting Phone Music5-21Starting AUX mode 6-18Starting CD mode 6-8Starting DVD mode 6-14Starting DVDP/AUX mode by use of Rear remotecontrol6-8Starting DVDP/AUX mode by use of Roof MountMonitor6-8Starting MP3 mode 6-10Starting the System 6-6Starting VCD mode 6-12Switching call to the mobile phone5-14Switching the SIRIUS modes(channel/category)2-7Switching map mode(north up/heading up)3-6System information and update3-51TTouch Screen Beep ON/OFF1-10Traffic Information3-52Traffic Setup3-52Turning Off the System 6-7Troubleshooting7-3Troubleshooting guide7-2Turning the audio ON/OFF1-6Turning the power OFF1-6Turning the power ON1-6UUSB2-29USB MP3 related information and precaution2-29Using the Interactive Menu 6-17Using the PBC function 6-13VVehicle position display3-3VCD6-12VCD mode menu screen configuration 6-12Viewing GPS signal state3-7Voice guidance volume control3-51Voice guidance volume setting3-51Voice command list 4-6WWaiting call switch5-15
APPENDIX 7-17APPEINDIXMSMicrosoft󲼷Windows󲼷Automotive Operating SystemImportant Safety InformationRead and Follow InstructionsBefore using your Windows Automotive-based system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this enduser manual ("User's Guide"). Not following precautions found in this User's Guide can lead to an accident or other seriousconsequences.Keep User's Guide in VehicleWhen kept in the vehicle, the User's Guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the WindowsAutomotive-based system.  Please make certain that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to the User'sGuide and read its instructions and safety information carefully.Warning:Operating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly cause an accident orother serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving.  Stop the vehiclein a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations.  This is important since while setting up or changing some functions youmight be required to distract your attention away from the road and remove your hands from the wheel.General OperationVoice Command ControlFunctions within the Windows Automotive-based system may be accomplished using only voice commands.  Using voice commandswhile driving allows you to operate the system without removing your hands from the wheel.7-18 APPENDIXMSProlonged Views of ScreenDo not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving.  Pull over in a safe and legal mannerbefore attempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention.  Even occasional short scans to the screen maybe hazardous if your attention has been diverted away from your driving task at a critical time.Volume SettingDo not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals whiledriving.  Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident.Navigation FeaturesAny navigation features included in the system are intended to provide turn by turn instructions to get you to a desired destination.Please make certain all persons using this system carefully read and follow instructions and safety information fully.Distraction HazardAny navigation features may require manual (non-verbal) setup.  Attempting to perform such set-up or insert data while driving canseriously distract your attention and could cause an accident or other serious consequences.  Stop the vehicle in a safe and legalmanner before attempting these operations.Let Your Judgment PrevailAny navigation features are provided only as an aid.  Make your driving decisions based on your observations of local conditions andexisting traffic regulations. Any such feature is not a substitute for your personal judgment.  Any route suggestions made by thissystem should never replace any local traffic regulations or your personal judgment or knowledge of safe driving practices.
MSRoute SafetyDo not follow the route suggestions if doing so would result in an unsafe or illegal maneuver, if you would be placed in an unsafesituation, or if you would be directed into an area that you consider unsafe.  The driver is ultimately responsible for the safe operationof the vehicle and therefore, must evaluate whether it is safe to follow the suggested directions.Potential Map InaccuracyMaps used by this system may be inaccurate because of changes in roads, traffic controls or driving conditions.  Always use goodjudgment and common sense when following the suggested routes.Emergency ServicesDo not rely on any navigation features included in the system to route you to emergency services.  Ask local authorities or anemergency services operator for these locations.  Not all emergency services such as police, fire stations, hospitals and clinics arelikely to be contained in the map database for such navigation features.Use of Speech Recognition FunctionsSpeech recognition software is inherently a statistical process which is subject to errors.  It is your responsibility to monitor any speechrecognition functions included in the system and address any errors.MAP AS HOTLINEM & SOFT AMERICA MAP CENTERTEL :888-757-0010WEBSITE
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ˍ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ˍ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ˍ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ˍ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC. IC Warning Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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