user manual 2 of 4

AUDIO SYSTEM    2-31Operating the external devicesVoice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.    "USB"AUX■Connecting AUXConnect the external Audio player asshown in the picture.INFORMATIONConnect only by using AUX terminals. ■Playing AUXConnect an AUX or press the button on the control panel if the AUX isalready connected.Voice Command1. Press the  button on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.    "Line In"CD/AUXiExternal Audio Device
Operating the external devicesMEMO
PART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3NAVIGATION SYSTEM Limitations of the navigation system ………………………… 3-2GPS signal reception state ………… 3-2Vehicle position display …………… 3-3Route guidance ……………………… 3-4Route Re-calculation ………………… 3-4Starting navigation system…… 3-5Map Functions ………………… 3-5Current position map screen (without route) ……………………… 3-5Switching map mode (North up/Heading up) ……………… 3-6Viewing GPS signal state …………… 3-7Changing the map scale …………… 3-8Displaying / Hiding POI icons on the map…………………………… 3-9Displaying / Hiding Q.POI icons …3-9Displaying /Hiding icons other thanQ.POI icons………………………… 3-9Making a call to POI ……………… 3-10Scrolling map ……………………… 3-11Setting a Destination ………… 3-12Destination menu screen and functions…3-12Searching a Destination …………… 3-13Searching an Address  …………… 3-13Searching a Previous Destination…3-17Searching an Intersection  ……… 3-17Searching a POI ………………… 3-20Searching from Address book…… 3-24Searching for Emergency facilities…3-25Searching your Home …………… 3-25Searching favorite places ……… 3-26Searching from MAP …………… 3-26Searching POI by local POI list…… 3-26Operating after searching a destination  ………………………… 3-27Changing destination position …3-27Setting as Destination/waypoint 3-27Adding to address book ………… 3-27Operating after setting a destination   ………………… 3-28 Starting Route Guidance…………… 3-28Route guidance screen …………… 3-28Selecting other route ……………… 3-29Route guidance ……………… 3-30Route menu screen and functions …3-30Finishing route guidance(Delete Destination) ……………… 3-30Route overview(View Entire Route)…3-31Changing Route option …………… 3-32Editing waypoints ………………… 3-32Adding waypoints ……………… 3-32Deleting waypoints ……………… 3-34Re-ordering waypoints ………… 3-34Setting detour distance …………… 3-35Setting avoid streets on route …… 3-35
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-1NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3NAVIGATION SYSTEM Setup and Information ……… 3-36Setup menu screen and functions …3-36Main setting………………………… 3-36Setting keyboard for inputting letter……………………………… 3-36Setting voice command feedback ON/OFF ………………………… 3-37Setting Language ……………… 3-37Initializing system ……………… 3-37Navigation setting ………………… 3-38Setting units (mile/km) ………… 3-38Setting arrival time and distance display …………………………… 3-38Registering avoid area…………… 3-38Editing avoid area ……………… 3-40Deleting avoid area ……………… 3-41Deleting all avoid areas ………… 3-41Setting Q.POI icons ……………… 3-42Setting estimate travel time …… 3-42My places setting…………………… 3-43Registering new address inaddress book …………………… 3-43Editing an address ofaddress book  …………………… 3-45Deleting an address of address book ……………………………… 3-46Deleting an address book ……… 3-47Registering home address ……… 3-48Deleting home address ………… 3-48Registering favorite place ……… 3-49Deleting favorite place…………… 3-50System information and update…… 3-51Voice guidance volume setting …… 3-51Voice guidance volume control …3-51Adaptive volume control ON/OFF…3-52Traffic Setup………………………… 3-52Traffic Information ………………… 3-52Help ………………………………… 3-54
3-2 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMLimitations of thenavigation systemGPS signal reception state●As the GPS satellite frequency is received/transmitted in straight lines, receptionmay not work if hiding devices are placedon or near the GPS antenna or whentraveling through the following locations. 󳀏Tunnels 󳀏Basement parking structures 󳀏Underneath an overpass 󳀏Roads within forested areas󳀏Areas near high rise buildings 󳀏Roads within canyons
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-3NAVIGATION SYSTEMVehicle position display●If multipass errors occur due to reflectionsfrom buildings or related causes, thecurrent position mark on the navigationmay differ from the actual position of thevehicle. ●The position of the vehicle on thenavigation may be different from theactual position if the vehicle is under thefollowing conditions. If such differencesoccur, driving for a short period of timewill automatically correct the position ofthe vehicle through map matching or GPSinformation (several minutes may benecessary in certain cases).󳀏When driving on a Y-shaped road with anarrow angle, the current position maybe displayed in the opposite direction.󳀏If the vehicle is loaded onto a ferry or acar transport vehicle, the currentposition mark may be stalled on the lastposition prior to loading. 󳀏When driving on a spiral-shaped road. 󳀏When driving in mountain regions withsharp turns or sudden brakes. 󳀏When entering a road after having beenin an underground parking structure,building parking structure, or turntablewith many rotations. 󳀏When the tires have recently beenreplaced (Especially upon use of spare orstudless tires)󳀏If the battery terminal is removed. 󳀏When driving in city streets, the currentposition may be displayed on theopposite side or on an off-road position.󳀏When changing the zoom level from themaximum zoom in level to a differentzoom level, the current position markmay be displayed on a different road. 󳀏When driving in heavy traffic with frequentgo·stops in traffic or intersections.󳀏When driving under slippery conditions,such as heavy sand, snow, etc. 󳀏When driving with the tire chain in place.󳀏When using a tire with an incorrect sizespecification. 󳀏When the tire pressure for the 4 tires aredifferent.  󳀏When the replacement tire is a worn orused tire (Especially studless tires havingpassed a 2nd seasons, etc.) 󳀏When driving near high-rise buildings󳀏If a roof carrier has been installed  󳀏When driving under high speeds orhaving calculated a long-distance route.
Route Guidance●Suitable route guidance may not occurcaused by search conditions or thedriving position. 󳀏Guidance to go straight may be givenwhile driving on a straight road. 󳀏Guidance may not be given even whenhaving turned at an intersection.󳀏There are certain intersections in whichguidance may not occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling for a U-Turnin a No U-Turn location may occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling entrance intoa no enter zone may occur (No enterzone, road under construction, etc.). 󳀏Guidance may be given to a positionremoved from the actual destination ifroads to reach the actual destination donot exist or are too narrow.  󳀏Faulty voice guidance may be given ifthe vehicle breaks from the designatedroute (ex: if a turn is made at anintersection while the navigationprovided guidance to go straight). 󳀏Map Data may be missing or incorrectcausing route guidance to not be given.Route Re-calculation●The following phenomena may occurafter conducting route recalculation.󳀏Guidance may be given to a positiondiffering from the current position whenturning at an intersection.  󳀏Route Recalculation may take a longerperiod of time when driving under highspeeds. 󳀏A route guidance signaling for a U-Turnin a No U-Turn location may occur. 󳀏A route guidance signaling entrance into ano enter zone may occur (No enter zone,road under construction, etc). 󳀏Guidance may be given to a positionremoved from the actual destination ifroads to reach the actual destination donot exist or are too narrow.  󳀏Faulty voice guidance may be given ifthe vehicle breaks from the designatedroute (ex: if a turn is made at anintersection while the navigationprovided guidance to go straight)3-4 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-5NAVIGATION SYSTEMStarting navigation system Press the Navigation mode key ( ,,  ,  ). The Caution screenwill always be displayed when first enteringinto Navigation mode. Read the contents ofthe caution screen carefully and press thebutton.Map Functions Current position map screen(without route)Press the  key on the controlpanel to display the map of current positionand the neighboring area.GPS signal state indicator : Displays thestate of GPS signal reception.[Viewing GPS signal state], page 3-7. Map scale level indicator : Displays thecurrent map scale.[Changing the map scale], page 3-8.Landmark icons : Landmark icons aredisplayed on the map when the mapscale level is set to under 300 ft (100mdepending on map data)[Appendix : Landmark icons], page 7-11.POI icons : POI icons are displayed onthe map when the map scale level is setto under 0.5 mi (800m).[Appendix : POI icons], page 7-8.Current vehicle position icon : Displaysthe current position of the vehicle.MAPVOICEAgreeSETUPROUTEDESTMAPVOICE12345abcc12345
3-6 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNorth Up / Heading Up switch :Displays the current map mode and themap mode can be switched betweenNorth Up and Heading Up. [Switching map mode], page 3-6.POI : Displays or hides the POI icon onthe map.[Displaying/Hiding POI icons on themap], page 3-9.Map scale : Increases or decreases themap scale. [Changing the map scale], page 3-8.Switching map mode (North Up /Heading Up)Each time the compass button is pressed,the screen will switch in the order shownbelow. Heading Up →North Up →Heading UpINFORMATIONAll map screens (map screen after settingdestination & whole route display screen)except the current position screen will alwaysbe displayed in North Up mode. ●North Up : displays the map always facingthe North direction regardless of thedirection which the vehicle is traveling. The vehicle icon is displayed in the centerposition of the map. ●Heading Up : displays the map alwaysfacing the direction which the vehicle istraveling. The vehicle icon is displayed inthe lower center position of the map.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.     "North Up""Heading Up"abci
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-7NAVIGATION SYSTEMViewing GPS signal state The state of GPS signal reception isdisplayed as shown below.●GPS (active) : GPS reception is satisfactory.●GPS (inactive) : GPS reception is unsatisfactory.[System information and update], page3-51.INFORMATION●GPS (Global Position System) : GPS is asystem developed and operated by theUnited States which determines the currentlocation of the user (longitude, latitude, etc.)by generally using 4 or more satellites.  Thissystem is used with related GPS information,various sensors, road map data, and othernavigation related information.●GPS information may not operate under thefollowing conditions. - When buildings, tunnels, or otherobstructions block satellite signals.  - When materials are placed above the GPSantenna and block satellite signals.- When the satellite does not transmitsignals (signal transmission is controlledby the satellite control center in theUnited States and may not transmit whenunder repair, modification, etc). - When a digital cellular phone (1.5GHz) isplaced near the GPS antenna.●This system uses GPS information, varioussensors, road map data, and other relatedinformation to display the current position.Errors may occur if the satellite istransmitting inaccurate signals or if whichcan only two or less satellite signals can bereceived. Errors which occur in such conditionscannot be corrected.   i
3-8 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging the map scalePress the  or  button. The map scalewill be increased or decreased by one level. INFORMATIONEach time the or button is pressed,the scale bar will be displayed. The scale can be changed by directly pressingthe scale level on the scale bar. The green color on the scale bar indicates thecurrent scale level while the orange colorindicates the selected scale level.●Press the or button for over 0.8second. The scale will continuously change. ●If the scale range limit is reached, the or button will be disabled. ●The map scale range is between 1 and 14:10,240,000 ~ 1 : 5,000. i󳃒󳃑Level Actual distancemi / ft km / m1 150 ft 50 m2 300 ft 100 m3 700 ft 200 m4 0.25 mi 400 m5 0.5 mi 800 m6 1 mi 1.6 km7 2 mi 3.2 km8 4 mi 6.4 km9 8 mi 12 km10 16 mi 25 km11 32 mi 50 km12 64 mi 100 km13 130 mi 200 km14 250 mi 400 km
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-9NAVIGATION SYSTEMVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.   "Zoom In""Zoom Out""Zoom Maximum""Zoom Minimum""Zoom level <1 to 14>""Zoom <actual distance>"" (ex. Zoom 700ft)"Displaying / Hiding POI icons onthe map■Displaying/Hiding Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button. Related menu buttons will be displayedat the bottom of the screen. INFORMATIONThe Q.POI icons are set to  - Gas Station,- Parking,  - Hotel,  - Golf Course,- Bank,  - Fast Food (6 icons) by default.This setting can be changed in SETUP. [Setting Q.POI icons], page 3-42.󲻥Press the icon buttons to display or hide.To turn off all POI icons displayed on themap, press the  button. INFORMATION●The current displayed POI icons arehighlighted while the icons not beingdisplayed are shown as normal buttons.●If there are no POI icons being displayed,the  button will be disabled. ●POI icons are displayed when the scale isunder 0.5 mi (800m). ■Displaying / Hiding icons otherthan Q.POI icons󲻤Press the  button. Related menu buttons will be displayedat the bottom of the screen. 󲻥Press the  button. INFORMATIONQ.POI stands for Quick POI and refers to thefunction which turns POI icon display on or offon the map. OthersPOI ▼ALL OFFALL OFFPOI ▼iii
3-10 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) by category list󲻦Press the desired main category button. 󲻧Select the desired sub category menu todisplay or hide (Multiple selections arepossible). Press the selected menu again to cancelthe selection. 󲻨If the  button is pressed, theselected menus will be displayed orhidden on the map screen. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.   "Show <POI name>"  (ex. Show ATM)"Hide <POI name>"  (ex. Hide ATM)"Hide All"Making a call to POI  After searching a POI, the POI phonenumber information can be used to make acall to the POI facility. 󲻤Use the various search methods, such asthe map scroll function, Q.POI searchfunction, and destination search functionto search for a POI.󲻥Press the  button.Show Icon(s)
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-11NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻦Bluetooth is used to make a call to thePOI facility.󲻧Once the call is ended, the map isrestored to the current vehicle location. INFORMATION●Making a call is not possible if there is notelephone information for a POI or if there isno mobile phone connected throughBluetooth.●For more information of mobile phoneauthentication through Bluetooth ordetailed information on conducting search,refer to  [Pairing and connecting aBluetooth phone], page 5-4.Scrolling map Press the map area on the map screen. The selected point will be centered on thescreen and the scroll mark will be displayed.Information about the marked point andstraight line distance from the currentposition will be displayed at the top of thescreen. INFORMATIONIf a map area on the map screen is pressed,the map will continuously scroll in thecorresponding direction until the pressing isreleased. ii
3-12 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting a destination Destination menu screen andfunctionsPress the  key on the control panel todisplay the destination menu screen. Address : Sets the destination throughaddress search. [Searching an Address], page 3-13.Previous Dest : Sets the destinationthrough the previous destination list. [Searching a Previous Destination],page 3-17 .Intersection : Sets the destinationthrough intersection search. [Searching an Intersection], page 3-17.POI Search : Sets the destination throughPOI Category search. [Searching a POI], page 3-20 .Address Book : Sets the destinationthrough address book search. [Searching from Address book], page3-24 .Emergency : Sets the destinationthrough emergency facilities search. [Searching for Emergency facilities],page 3-25 .HOME : Sets the stored HOME as thedestination. [Searching your Home], page 3-25 .Favorite place ~ : Sets the destination with one of thestored favorite places. [Searching favorite places], page 3-26 .51DESTaa b cgd e fbcdefghh
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-13NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching a Destination ■Searching an AddressThere are 2 ways to set the destinationthrough address search-(a) by street, (b) bycity. 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button to change thestate. 󲻧Input the State name and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the state listscreen will be displayed automatically. If the number of matches is only oneresult, then the state will automatically bechanged without having to manuallyselect the state. 󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state.(a) by street󲻩Press the  button.StreetListStateAddressDEST
3-14 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Input the House number and Press thebutton to complete. If the House number is not recognized,press the  button. In this case, the range of house numberswill be displayed during the last step.󲻫Input the Street name and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻬If the desired street from the list isselected, the corresponding position willbe displayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf more than 30 cities exist with the selectedstreet, then the city input screen will bedisplayed. If less than 30 cities exist, then thecity selection screen will be displayed.󲻭Input the city name and press thebutton to complete. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the list screenwill be displayed automatically. 󲻮Select the desired city from the list. ListListSkipDonei
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-15NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻯This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep 󲻩and more than 2 house numbersranges exist. Select the desired House number range. 󲻰This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep 󲻩and only one house numbersrange exists.Input the House number and press thebutton to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. (b) by city󲻨Press the  button.󲻩Input the city name and press and pressthe button.  If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻪Select the desired city from the list. ListCityDone
3-16 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻫Input the house number and press thebutton to complete. If the House number is not recognized,press the  button. In this case, the range of house numberswill be displayed during the last step.󲻬Input the Street name and press thebutton to complete. If the number of matches with the input isless than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired street from the list andthe corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻮This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep 󲻫and more than 2 House numberranges exist. Select the desired House number range.󲻯This screen will be displayed if the Housenumber had not been inputted duringstep 󲻫and only one House numberrange exists. Select the house number range and Pressthe  button to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map.  Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.   "Find address" [Find address], page 4-19.DoneListSkipDone
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-17NAVIGATION SYSTEM■Searching a Previous Destination󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired previous destination.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.   "Previous destination"[Previous destination], page 4-24."Previous start point"[Previous start point], page 4-25.■Searching an Intersection There are two ways to set the destinationthrough intersection search-(a) by street, (b)by city. 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button to change thestate. 󲻧Input the state name and press thebutton. If the number of matcheswith the input is less than 4  results, thenthe state list screen will be displayedautomatically. If the number of matches is only oneresult, then the state will automatically bechanged without having to manuallyselect the state.󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state. ListStateIntersection DESTPrevious DestDEST
(a) by street󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the name of the 1st street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired 1st street from the list. 󲻬Input the name of the 2nd street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired 2nd street menu fromthe list. The corresponding position willbe displayed on the map. 󲻮If the selected 2nd street is within morethan 2 cities, then the city list screen willbe displayed. Select the desired city menu from the list.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. ListListStreet3-18 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-19NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) by city󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the city name and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired city name.󲻬Input the name of the 1st street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻭Select the desired 1st street menu fromthe list. 󲻮Input the name of the 2nd street andpress the  button. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the street listscreen will be displayed automatically. ListListListCity
󲻯Select the desired 2nd street menu fromthe list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻰If the selected 2nd street is within morethan 2 cities, then the city list screen willbe displayed. Select the desired city menu from the list.The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map.■Searching a POI There are 3 ways to set the destinationthrough POI search - (a) by category, (b) byname, (c) by phone number. 󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Input the state name and press thebutton. If the number of matcheswith the input is less than 4 results, thenthe state list screen will be displayedautomatically. If there is only onematching result, then the state willautomatically be changed without havingto manually select the state.󲻨Select the desired state from the list tochange the state.  ListStatePOI SearchDEST3-20 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-21NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) By category Searches for facilities nearby the currentposition or from the city center.󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Press the  button tosearch for facilities nearby the currentposition, or press the button to search for facilities in the nearcity center. (a-1) Near current position Searches for facilities within a 30 mi (45km)radius of the current position. 󲻫Press the desired main category menu. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find nearest POI"[Find nearest POI], page 4-20.󲻬Press the desired sub category menu. 󲻭Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Near city centerNear current positionCategory
3-22 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a-2) Near city center Searches for facilities from the city center. 󲻫Input the city name and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻬Press the desired city menu. 󲻭Press the desired main category. 󲻮Press the desired sub category.󲻯Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONThe distance on each POI item button refersto the distance from the city center.Listi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-23NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) By name󲻩Press the  button.󲻪Input the name of the POI and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the facilities listscreen will be displayed automatically. 󲻫Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONWhen necessary,  the search conditions forthe city and category can be changed bypressing the  button. ●Changing City 󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Input the city name and press the button.󲻦Select the desired city name.●Changing Category󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Select the desired main category menu. 󲻦Select the desired sub category menu. (c) By phone number󲻩Press the  button.Phone #CategoryListCityAdvancedListNamei
3-24 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻪Input the phone number and Press thebutton to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination POI by Phone Number"[Destination POI by phone number],page 4-22.■Searching from Address book󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired address book (user)menu. INFORMATIONThis system provides 5 address books. Eachaddresses book can hold up to 200 entries.󲻧Select the desired address name fromthe list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination by address book"[Destination by address book], page 4-24.Address bookDESTDonei
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-25NAVIGATION SYSTEM■Searching for Emergency facilities󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired facility category. 󲻧Select the desired facility. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find emergency <Category>"[Find emergency <Category>], page 4-23.■Searching your Home󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. The Home position will be displayed onthe map. INFORMATIONIf the Home address is not registered, then thebutton will be displayed. [Registering home address], page 3-48.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Go home"[Go home], page 4-25.HOMEHOMEDESTEmergencyDESTi
3-26 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM■Searching favorite places󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Select the desired button from  ~  .The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf the address of the Favorite place is notregistered, then the  ~  buttonswithout registered addresses will be disabled.[Registering favorite place], page 3-49.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination by memory point <1 to 5>"[Destination by memory point <1 to 5>],page 4-25.■Searching from MAP Position the scroll mark at the destinationby scrolling the map on the map screen. ■Searching POI by local POI list󲻤Press the  button on the mapscreen. 󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.󲻧Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find nearest <POI name>"[Find nearest <POI name>], page 4-21.Local POI listsOthersPOI ▼5151DESTi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-27NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after searching adestination ■Changing destination position : Changes the position of the destination byscrolling the map. [Scrolling map], page 3-11.■Setting as Destination / waypoint :Sets the position as the destination orwaypoint. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Start guidance" (Sets the position of the scroll mark as thedestination and begins route guidance.)■Adding to address book : Saves the position in the address book. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Store Marked Location to <text tag>"
3-28 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after setting adestination Starting Route Guidance Press the  button. RouteGuidance will start. ●Route simulation󳀏If the  button is pressedand held for over 0.8  second, then theroute simulation will start. 󳀏If the  key on the control panel ispressed during route simulation, thenroute simulation will be terminated.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Time to destination" "Distance to destination"Route guidance screen●Symbol guidance mode : If the button is pressed, then the followingroute guidance screen will be displayed. ●Turn-List mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed. MAPStart GuidanceStart Guidance
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-29NAVIGATION SYSTEM●Highway mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed.●Intersection zoom mode : This routeguidance screen is automatically displayedduring guidance at an intersection. Once guidance at the intersection iscomplete, the screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. ●Highway junction mode : This routeguidance screen is automaticallydisplayed during guidance at highwayjunctions. Once guidance at a highway junction iscomplete, this screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Selecting other route󲻤Press the  button. 󲻥Other routes can be selected by pressingthe or buttons. ▶◀Others
3-30 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRoute guidance Route menu screen and functionsPress the  key on the control panel. The ROUTE menu screen will be displayed. Cancel Route: Deletes destination,waypoints and terminates routeguidance. [Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .Route Overview: Displays the entireroute and route detailed.[Route overview], page 3-31 .Route Option: The route option can bechanged. [Changing Route option], page 3-32 .Edit Waypoint: Waypoints can beadded/deleted and the order can bechanged. [Editing waypoints], page 3-32 .Detour: Searches detour routes. [Setting detour distance], page 3-35 .Avoid Streets: Searches routes whichavoid the selected streets. [Setting avoid streets on route], page3-35.Finishing route guidance (DeleteDestination)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button. 󲻦Press the  button. The destination and waypoints aredeleted and the route guidance isterminated.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .YesCancel RouteROUTEROUTEaa b cd e fbcdef
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-31NAVIGATION SYSTEMVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Cancel route"(Terminates route guidance and deletes theset destination and waypoints.)Route overview (View Entire Route)󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.INFORMATIONIf the  button is pressed,route guidance screen is displayed.󲻧The detailed route information can beviewed.Return to GuidanceTurn by turnRoute OverviewROUTEi
3-32 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging Route option󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button for the desired routeguidance method. Guidance will be restarted afterrecalculating the route with the selectedguidance method. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Replan recommended route""Replan shortest route""Replan minimize freeway route""Replan minimize toll road route"Editing waypoints■Adding waypointsThere are 2 ways to add waypoints - (a)searching for POI nearest to the route, (b)using advanced search.󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the button.Press to add new waypointEdit WaypointROUTERoute OptionROUTE
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-33NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) Searching POI lists near route 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Select the desired category. 󲻩Select the desired sub category from list. 󲻪Select the desired POI from the list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. 󲻫Press the  button. 󲻬Press the  button to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneAdd as WaypointNear POI lists on Route
3-34 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) Using advanced Search The method for searching waypoints throughthe  button is the samemethod as searching destination.[Searching a Destination], page 3-13.■Deleting waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the waypoint and press thebutton. 󲻧Press the  button.󲻨After deleting, press the  button tocomplete. Guidance will be  restart after recalculating.■Re-ordering waypoints󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired waypoint and use the,  buttons to changethe order. 󲻧Once re-ordering is complete, press thebutton to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneMOVE ▼MOVE ▲Edit waypointROUTEDoneYesDeleteEdit waypointROUTEAdvanced(more)
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-35NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting detour distance󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired detour range.Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe detour route. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> miles""Detour <1 or 2 or 5 or 10> kilometers"Setting avoid streets on route󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired streets to avoid( avoid,  allow) and press the button to complete. Guidance will  restarted after recalculating.DoneAvoid streetsROUTEDetourROUTE
3-36 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetup and Information Setup menu screen and functionsPress the   key on the control panelto display the setup menu screen.Main button : Changes to the inputkeyboard type, voice command feedbackON/OFF settings and system initializationcan be made. [Main setting], page 3-36 .Traffic Setup button : Sets whether todisplay traffic information on map,whether to provide upcoming trafficinformation voice guidance, and whetherto display the detour route popupshowing upcoming traffic information. Navigation button : Navigation relatedsettings can be set. [Navigation setting], page 3-38 .My Places button : The Address book,Home address, Favorite places, Previousdestination can be edited.[My places setting], page 3-43 .System Info button : The system versioninformation can be viewed and systemupgrades can be conducted. [System information and update],page 3-51 .Voice Setup button : Adjusts theNavigation guidance volume. [Voice guidance volume setting],page 3-51 .Help button : The help contents can beviewed.   [Help], page 3-54 .Display button : Adjusts the displaysetting.  [Display setting], page 1-12 .Main setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete. ■Setting keyboard for inputtingletter Press the desired keyboard type button.The selection will be highlighted. DoneMainSETUPSETUPaadbe fcg hbcdefgh
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-37NAVIGATION SYSTEM■Setting voice command feedbackON/OFFPress the desired setting button.■Setting Language󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the desired language. 󲻦Press the  button to complete. ■Initializing system󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the menu desired for initialization. 󲻦Press the  button. YesFactory defaultDoneChange
3-38 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMNavigation setting󲻤Press the  key.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the desired changes and press thebutton to complete.■Setting units (mile/ km)Select the desired distance unit. ■Setting arrival time and distancedisplaySelect the desired setting button. ■Registering avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Set the start position of the avoid areaand press the  button. 󲻧Set the end position of the avoid areaand press the  button.󲻨Press the  button to complete.DoneNEXTNEXTAdd new avoid areaAvoid AreaDoneNavigationSETUP
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-39NAVIGATION SYSTEM󲻩If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button. 󲻪Rename the Avoid area and Press thebutton to complete. 󲻫Each time the  button is pressed, thefunction will switch between avoid (  )orallow( ). 󲻬Press the  button to complete thesetting. DoneAvoidDoneRename
■Editing avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the Avoid area button to edit.󲻧If the Avoid area needs to be renamed,press the  button.󲻨Rename the Avoid area and press thebutton to complete.󲻩Each time the  button is pressed,the function will switch between avoid( )or allow(  ). 󲻪Press the  button once editing iscomplete. DoneAvoidDoneRenameEdit avoid areaAvoid Area3-40 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM
■Deleting avoid area󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Select the  button to delete. 󲻧Press the  button. 󲻨Press the  button.■Deleting all avoid areas󲻤Press the  button.󲻥Press the  button.󲻦Press the  button.YesDelete all avoid areaAvoid areaYesDeleteAvoid areaEdit avoid areaAvoid areaNAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-41NAVIGATION SYSTEM
3-42 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSetting Q.POI iconsPress the  button.Select the desired menu. Select the desired category. Select the desired sub category. Press the   button to complete.INFORMATIONQ.POI stands for Quick POI and refers to thefunction which turns POI icon display on or offon the map. Setting estimate travel timePress the  button.      Press the or button on theResidential, Main street, and Freewaycontrols to adjust the speed. Press the    button to set thespeeds to the default settings.  Press the  button to complete thesetting. DoneDefaultTravel TimeDoneEdit Q.POIi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-43NAVIGATION SYSTEMMy places settingRegistering new address inaddress bookThere are 3 ways to register a new addressin the address book - (a) by DEST menu, (b)by registering address in address book, (c)from map scroll. (a) by DEST menuPress the  key.Search through the desired method. The search process is the same as themethod for destination search.[Searching a destination], page 3-13.Press the  button.Press the desired address book (user)button.Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(b) by registering in the address book Press the  key.Press the  button.Press the  button.Press the desired address book (user)button.Address bookMy PlacesSETUPDoneAdd to Address BookDEST
3-44 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMPress the  button.Press the  button to search theaddress. [Searching an address], page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position. Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.(c) from map scrollIn the map screen, scroll the map to thedesired position. Press the  button.Press the desired address book (user)button. Input the name and telephone informationand press the  button to complete.[Editing an address of address book],page 3-45.DoneAdd to Address BookDoneStore current positionAddressNew Addressi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-45NAVIGATION SYSTEMEditing an address of addressbookPress the  key.Press the  button.Press the  button.Select the desired address book (user)button .Select the desired address to edit. Press the  button to input theaddress name.Input the address name and press thebutton to complete.Press the  button to search theaddress. The process is the same as themethod for searching an address.[Searching an Address] , page 3-13.INFORMATIONPress the  button to inputthe address of the current position.Store current positionAddressDoneNameAddress bookMy placesSETUPi
3-46 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMPress the  button to input thephone number.Input the phone number and press thebutton to complete.Press the  button to complete.Deleting an address of addressbookPress the  key.Press the  button.Press the  button.Select the desired address book (user)button.Select the desired address button todelete.Press the  button.DeleteAddress bookMy placesSETUPDoneDonePhone

Navigation menu