
Manual Part 2

5-16 I NavigationArrange by all, latest destinations, latest searched places and latest departing places. Arrange in order of date and time.Name Description AllDisplay all destinations, departing places, and searched places. DestinationsDisplay previous desti-nation places for route guidance. Start PointsDisplay previous depart-ing  places  for  route guidance. SearchesDisplay  previously searched  places  for route guidance.   But,  not  displayed when the searched places  are  set  as destination.Press the Delete button to  delete  the information.Name Description Mark AllSelect all. Unmark AllDeselect all. DeleteDelete  the  selected item(s).Local SearchPress the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the Destination tab. ▶ Select the Local Search icon.Runs Google Local Search.Enter the desired keywords and press the OK button.
Destination Search I 5-1705Searching is in progress.If  one  or  more  results  are  found,  the search results are displayed. Select one of the search result. Press the StartGuidance button to start guid-ance. If search or guidance fails, the connection error message is displayed as above. Please try again. POI CategoriesPress the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the  Destination  tab.  ▶  Select  the  POI Categories icon.Select the desired item.
5-18 I NavigationSelect the desired item in the sub-categories. Name Description Select the desired destination among the searched items and add it as a way point. Arrange in order of Distance and Name. Arrange in order of Near Current Position, Near Destination, Along Route, Near Scroll Mark and Near City Center.Gas StationsSearch for gas stations.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the  Destination  tab.  ▶  Select  the  Gas Stations icon.Select the desired destinations among the search items.
Destination Search I 5-1905RestaurantsSearch restaurants.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the  Destination  tab.  ▶  Select  the  Restaurants icon.Select the desired destination among the searched items.EmergencySearch emergency facilities.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the  Destination  tab.  ▶  Select  the  Emergency icon.Check the current location information and select the desired item in the sub menu. (ex. Police Stations)Select the desired destination among the searched items.
5-20 I NavigationAddress BookSearch the destination with the address book.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the Destination tab. ▶ Select the Address Book icon.Select the desired group.If you save address in the Favorites tab, you can set destinations easily by pressing the icons such as Go Home and Work at the bottom of the Destination menu.Name Description Select the desired destination from the searched items.Edit the item. Register a new Address. Delete the desired item.CoordinatesPress the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the Destination tab. ▶ Select the Coordinates to search by coordinates.There are two ways to search by coordi-nates (D.M.S or Decimal Degrees). After typing coordinates, press the OK button to search.
Destination Search I 5-2105Press the StartGuidance button to start guid-ance. Favorite PlacesSet the route using your favorite places. Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select the Destination tab. ▶ Select from favorite places.On the button where locations are not reg-istered, the   icon is displayed. When a location is registered, the   button disap-pears and the buttons 1 to 3 are displayed as your favorite places.Press the Go Home button then press the Yes button to set the Favorite ‘Go Home’.Work, Special 1, Special 2, and Special 3 can also be set as a Favorite using the same steps.
5-22 I NavigationPressing any of the Favorite Place buttons will start the route guidance to the saved Favorite address.Route SettingThe route can be set after searching for a destination. While the destination is set, the buttons StartGuidance,  Routes,  and  AddWaypoint appear.Press the desired button to change a des-tination or add a waypoint.Destination SettingAfter searching the destination, press the StartGuidance button to set the location as a destination.
Destination Search I 5-2305All RoutesThree routing options are displayed based on real time traffic information and traffic pattern information and shorter distance.•  Route 1: Select the best route based on combine real-time traffic information and traffic pattern data on the map.•  Route 2: Select the best route based on real-time traffic information.•  Shorter Distance: Select short distance, regardless of how fast or slow progress will be calculated.Name Description Display total distance, travel time. Select the desired route. Start GuidanceStart  the  guidance with the route. Route OptionsChange  the  route option. Route Info.You can check route information.  Edit RouteEdit the route. Total Display total distance of the route. Freeway  Display length of free-way on the route. Toll Road  Display length of toll road on the route. Ferry Display length of Ferry route on the route.Adding WaypointPress  the AddWaypoint button to set the position as a waypoint and search the route.
5-24 I NavigationName Description Display the selected point  on  the  map  screen. Move the selected item up. Move the selected item down. Delete  the  selected item. DonePress the button to fin-ish editing. Add WaypointPress  the  button  to add waypoint.Registering LocationPress Save at the desired location to register the location.Enter the detailed information of the loca-tion to save.Route GuidanceShow route guidance detailed information. Route Guidance Screen
Destination Search I 5-2505Name Description Displays the distance and direction to  the first turn point. Displays the distance and direction to  the second turn point. Displays the lane infor-mation at the current location. Display the recommended direc-tion in white, travelable direction in white, and the  non-travelable direction in grey. Displays the distance to the destination and the  estimated  time of arrival.  Press the button to  check the detailed information. If no waypoint is set, you will see the remaining distance or estimated time of arrival in turn each  time you  click the button. Cancel RouteCancel the route.    Displays the Turn List. Closes the Turn List.Split Screen during Route GuidanceApproaching the turning point, the detailed road and travel information is automatically displayed on the right side of the screen.Name Description •  Turn Point: Displays direction and shape to turn shortly.•  Distance  to  turn: Displays distance to next turn point. Road name to maneu-ver: Info of the road. Detail Distance Bar: Displays distance to next turn point. additional info can be displayed on Freeway.Additional info of Freeway exit  or Rest area can be displayed by  pressing the button  .
5-26 I NavigationDetailed information for POIs around free-way exit is listed by pressing POI symbols. Route SearchCanceling RouteCancel the route.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Cancel Route.Press the Cancel Route icon.Press the Yes button to cancel the route.
Route Search I 5-2705Route OptionsPress the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Route Options.Press the Route Options icon.Determine the route options to guide the route.Editing RouteEdit the current route.Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Edit Route.Press the Edit Route icon.Name Description Display the selected point  on  the  map  screen. Move the selected item up. Move the selected item down. Delete  the  selected item. DonePress the button to fin-ish editing. Add WaypointPress  the  button  to add waypoint.
5-28 I NavigationAdd the waypoint through various search-ing methods.Display Route InformationPress the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Route Info..Press the Route Info. icon.Check the information on the map. Select the desired item to see the map informa-tion.Avoiding a roadClick the Avoid Street button to avoid the street or road.Check the  desired item and press the Done button to finish.
Route Search I 5-2905Route OverviewCheck the information on route including the distance, estimated time, toll fees, etc. Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Route Overview.Press the Route Overview icon.Name Description Route OptionsChange  the  search option. Route Info.You can check route information.  Edit RouteEdit the current route.Avoid StreetSearch new route by avoiding the selected street(s).Press the NAV head unit key. ▶ Select  the Route tab. ▶ Select Avoid Street.Press the Avoid Street icon.
5-30 I NavigationPress the Done to plan new route after selecting the street(s) that you want to avoid.Navigation SettingsDisplayChange general settings.Name DescriptionChange the unit of mile, km.Press the   button to change the previous destination view set-ting when starting the navigation.When   button selected, nav-igation will automatically return to current vehicle position after scrolling through map display.Change the route guidance line colors.Select the   button to display traffic information on the map.Check the GPS information.
Navigation Settings I 5-3105GPS InformationPress the GPS Information to display the detail GPS satellites information. Name Description Receiving Active when current posi-tion is being calculated. Searching Active when searching for satellite signal. Location Display current position of the vehicle. Elevation Display current elevation of the vehicle.GuidanceChange the guidance setting.Name DescriptionSet the frequency of guidance. Route guidance is given less fre-quently.Guidance will  be provided fre-quently.Change whether to show speed limit by pressing  .Searching faster routes internally using traffic information.•  Auto: When set to Auto, during route guidance, faster route is automatically changed to avoid traffic incident.•  On: If set to On, faster route pop-up option appears during route guidance.•  Off:  If  set  to  Off,  no  faster routes are suggested to avoid traffic incident during route guidance.
5-32 I NavigationImport/ExportIn navigation setting screen, press Import/Export.Press the desired category.Name DescriptionThe latest data of  Navigation Address Book which have been exported to  a USB device will be imported to your navigation device.Export the Navigation Address Book on your navigation device to a USB device. WARNING•  The amount of data available for importing to a USB device is limited based on the number of address book items supported  by the navigation system.•  If the data stored on the USB device uses different coordinates than those used by the current system, the importing location may change. •  Please make sure that the address book have been successfully imported before use.•  Only USB devices formatted in FAT16/32 are supported. •  Certain USB devices may not be supported due to compatibility issues.DefaultReset the Navigation Settings to factory default.
Troubleshooting I 5-3305TroubleshootingThe current position as shown on the navigation may differ from the actual position under the following conditions. The following occurrences are not malfunctions :•  When driving on Y-shaped roads with narrow angles  the current position may be displayed in the opposite direction•  Within city streets, the current posi-tion may be displayed on the oppo-site side or on an off-road position•  When changing the zoom level from maximum to a different level, the current position may become displayed on a different road•  If the vehicle is loaded onto a ferry or a car transport vehicle, the cur-rent position may become stalled on the last position prior to loading•  When driving on a spiral-shaped road•  When driving in mountain regions with sharp turns or sudden brakes•  When entering a road after passing an underground parking structure, building parking structure, or roads with many rotations•  When driving in heavy traffic with frequent starts and stops•  When driving under slippery condi-tions, such as heavy sand, snow, etc.•  When driving on spiral-shaped roads•  When the tires have recently been replaced (Especially upon use of spare or studless tires).•  When using tires of improper size•  When the tire pressure for the 4 tires are different•  When the replacement tire is worn or used (Especially studless tires hav-ing passed a second season).•  When driving near high-rise buildings•  When  a  roof  carrier  has  been installed•  When a long distance route is calcu-lated while driving on an expressway In such cases, continued driving will automatically enable the system to conduct map matching or use updated GPS information to pro-vide the current position (In such cases, up to several minutes may be required)Correct route guidance may not occur due to search conditions or driving position.The following occurrences are not malfunctions :•  Guidance to go straight may be given while driving on a straight road•  Guidance may not be given even when having turned at an inter-section•  There are certain intersections in which guidance may not occur•  A route guidance signaling  for a u-turn may occur in some No u-turn intersections•  Route guidance signaling entrance into a No-entry zone may occur (No-entry zone, road under construction, etc.)•  Guidance may be given to a posi-tion that is not the actual destina-tion if roads to reach the actual destination do not exist or are too narrow•  Faulty  voice guidance  may be given if the vehicle breaks away from the designated route. (e.g. if a turn is made at an intersection while  the  navigation  provided guidance to go straight.)These situations may occur after conducting route calculation. The following occurrences are not malfunctions :•  Guidance may be given to a position differing from the current position when turning at an inter-section•  When driving in high speeds, route recalculation may take a longer period of time•  Route guidance signaling for a u-turn may occur in some No u-turn intersections•  Route guidance signaling entrance into  No-entry  zone  may  occur. (No-entry zone, road under construc-tion, etc.)•  Guidance may be given to a position removed from the actual destination if roads to reach the actual destina-tion do not exist or are too narrow•  Faulty voice guidance may be given if the vehicle breaks away from the designated route  (e.g.  If a turn is made at an intersection while  the navigation provided guidance to go straight.)
END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTPLEASE READ THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (“EULA”) CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM.This is a license agreement between you and Hyundai MnSoft, INC. including its affiliates (“COMPANY”) regarding a copy of the COMPANY navigable map database together with associated software, media and explanatory printed documentation published by COMPANY(jointly the “Product”). The Product is provided for your personal, internal use only and not for resale.  It is protected by copyright and is subject to the following terms which are agreed to by you, on the one hand, and COMPANY and its licensors (and their licensors and suppliers) (collectively, “Licensors”) on the other hand.By using the Product, you accept and agree to all terms and conditions in this End User License Agreement (“EULA”). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS EULA, YOU MUST PROMPTLY EXIT THE PRODUCT OPERATION PROGRAM AND DO NOT USE OR ACCESS TO THE PRODUCT.  YOU AGREE THAT YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THIS EULA MAY BE TERMINATED AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT NOTICE IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY TERM(S) OF THIS EULA.
Terms and Conditions Personal Use Only. You agree to use this Product together with COMPANY’s authorized application for the solely personal, non-commer-cial purposes for which you were licensed, and not for service bureau, time-sharing or other similar purposes. Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set forth in the following paragraphs, you agree not to otherwise reproduce, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, create any derivative works of, or reverse engineer any portion of this Data, and may not transfer or distribute it in any form, for any purpose, except to the extent permitted by mandatory laws. You may not assign this EULA or any of the rights or licenses granted under this EULA, except when installed in the system for which it was created.Restrictions. Except where you have been specifically licensed to do so by COMPANY, and without limiting the preceding paragraph, you may not use the Product (i) with any products, systems, or applications installed or otherwise connected to or in communication with vehi-cles, capable of vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch, real time route guidance, fleet management or similar applications; or (ii) with or in communication with any positioning devices or any mobile or wireless-connected electronic or computer devices, including without lim-itation cellular phones, palmtop and handheld computers, pagers, and personal digital assistants or PDAs.COPYING OR USE OF THE PRODUCT EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY THIS EULA IS UNAUTHORIZED AND IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR COUNTRY.  IF YOU COPY OR USE THE PRODUCT WITHOUT COMPANY’S PERMISSION, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY THIS EULA, YOU ARE VIOLATING THE LAW AND LIABLE TO COMPANY AND ITS LICENSORS FOR DAMAGES, AND YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES.
THE PRODUCT MAY INCLUDE ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY DESIGNED TO PREVENT (i) UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF THE PRODUCT ONTO PHYSICAL STORAGE MEDIA OR VIA TRANSFER OVER THE INTERNET OR OTHER ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION MEANS AND/OR (ii) ILLEGAL USAGE OF THE PRODUCT OTHER THAN BY A SPECIFICALLY AHTORIZED DEVICE. YOU AGREE THAT COMPANY MAY USE THESE MEASURES TO PROTECT COMPANY AND THE LICENSORS AGAINST COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.Uploads. The Product may provide functionality through which you are able to upload certain information about your use of the Product (collectively, “Uploads”) to COMPANY’s servers or receive other services from COMPANY (collectively, the “Services”). If you use such functionality, you authorize COMPANY to retain your Uploads on its servers. COMPANY will have no obligation to provide any Services, may change the form and nature of any Services at any time with or without notice to you, will have no liability whatsoever to you for any failure of the Product or Services to transmit your Uploads to or from COMPANY’s servers, may cease providing any Services at any time with or without notice to you, and will have no obligation to retain your Uploads (or any other materials you may provide to COMPANY) on its servers or return your Uploads (or any other materials you may provide to COMPANY) to you before deleting them from its servers.Storage. The Product may provide functionality through which you are able to store information (such as images) on the device on which you are using the Product. COMPANY will have no liability whatsoever to you or any third party for any failure of the Product to store any such information on such device.
Personal Information. By using the Product, you agree to the collection, retention and processing of your personal data (including the loca-tion of your mobile device) by COMPANY and to the storage and processing of such personal information on computers located outside of the country in which you reside.  Even though COMPANY has taken steps intended to protect your personal information from being intercepted, accessed, used, or disclosed by unauthorized persons, COMPANY cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with your personal information and cannot guarantee that its systems will not be breached. See [*] for additional information regarding COMPANY’s use of your personal information.WARNING. THE PRODUCT REFLECTS REALITY AS EXISTING BEFORE YOU RECEIVED THE PRODUCT AND IT COMPRISES DATA AND INFORMATION FROM GOVERNMENT OTHER SOURCES. ACCORDINGLY, THE PRODUCT MAY CONTAIN INACCURATE OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION DUE TO THE PASSAGE OF TIME, CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES, SOURCES USED AND THE NATURE OF COLLECTING COMPREHENSIVE GEOGRAPHIC PRODUCT, ANY OF WHICH MAY LEAD TO INCORRECT RESULTS. THE PRODUCT AND SERVICES MAY NOT TO BE USED FOR SAFETY OF LIFE APPLICATIONS, OR FOR ANY OTHER APPLICATION IN WHICH THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICES COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY  OR  DEATH  MAY OCCUR.  DO  NOT ATTEMPT TO CONFIGURE THE PRODUCT OR  INPUT INFORMATION WHILE DRIVING.  FAILURE TO PAY FULL ATTENTION TO THE OPERATION OF YOUR VEHICLE COULD RESULT IN DEATH, SERIOUS INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. BY USING THE PRODUCT, YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK.
Exclusions. Some jurisdictions do not allow certain warranty exclusions or the limitation or exclusion of liability, so to that extent the above exclusion may not apply to you. To the extent that COMPANY may not, as a matter of applicable law, disclaim any implied warranty or limit its liabilities, the scope and duration of such warranty and the extent of COMPANY’s liability shall be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. The disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability set forth in this EULA does not affect or prejudice your statutory rights where you have acquired the Product otherwise than in the course of business.Third-Party Copyright Notices. The third-party sourced data has been incorporated into or made a part of the Product and is being subli-censed to you subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA.  In this regard, you shall not remove or tamper with any intellectual prop-erty rights notice attached or used in relation to data supplied by the Licensors.Entire Agreement. This EULA is the entire agreement between COMPANY (and the Licensors) and you pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes in their entirety any and all previous written or oral communications or documents (including, if you are obtaining an update, any agreement that may have been included with an earlier version of the Product) with respect to such subject matter.Governing Law. This EULA shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which you reside at the date of acquisition of the Product. Should you at that moment reside outside the European Union or Switzerland, the law of the jurisdiction within the European Union or Switzerland where you acquired the Product shall apply. In all other cases, or if the jurisdiction where you acquired the Product cannot be defined, the laws of the Republic of Korea shall apply. This EULA will not be governed by the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.  The courts competent at your place of residence at the time you acquired the Product shall have jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of, or relating to this EULA, without prejudice to COMPANY’s right to bring claims at your then current place of residence.Export Control. You agree not to export or re-export from anywhere any part of the Product in any form except in compliance with appli-cable export laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to the laws, rules and regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Miscellaneous. If any provision of this EULA is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the extent permissible and the remainder of this EULA will remain in full force and effect. Failure by COMPANY to prosecute any right with respect to a default hereunder will not constitute a waiver by COMPANY of the right to enforce rights with respect to the same or any other breach. No refunds or replace-ments will be permitted on damaged Product.U.S. Government End Users. If the Product is being acquired by or on behalf of the United States Government or any other entity seek-ing or applying rights similar to those customarily claimed by the United States Government, this Product and related documentation are  “Commercial Items” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. (“FAR”) 2.101. This Product and related documentation are licensed to the United States Government end users (a) only as “Commercial Items” and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users in accor-dance with this EULA, and each copy of Product delivered or otherwise furnished shall be marked and embedded as appropriate with the following “Notice of Use,” and shall be treated in accordance with such Notice:NOTICE OF USECONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/ SUPPLIER) NAME:  Hyundai MnSoft, Inc.CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS:  74 Wonhyo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-711, Republic of KoreaThis Product and related documentation are commercial items as defined in FAR 2.101 and is subject to this EULA under which this Product is provided.© 2013 Hyundai MnSoft. All rights reserved.If the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official refuses to use the legend provided herein, the Contracting Offi-cer, federal government agency, or any federal official must notify COMPANY prior to seeking additional or alternative rights in the Product.
End-User Terms Required by HERE. The Product utilizes map data that COMPANY licenses from HERE and the following copyright notices apply to such map data (the “HERE Data”): © 2013 HERE. All rights reserved.The HERE Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities, including: © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, © Canada Post Corporation, GeoBase ®, © Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved.HERE holds a non-exclusive license from the United States Postal Service® to publish and sell ZIP+4® information.©United States Postal Service® 2010. Prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service®. The follow-ing trademarks and registrations are owned by the USPS: United States Postal Service, USPS, and ZIP+4. The HERE Data for Mexico includes certain data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía.Austria: © Bundesamt für Eich- und VermessungswesenCroatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Slovenia and/or Ukraine: © EuroGeographicsFrance: source: © IGN 2009 – BD TOPO ®Germany: Die Grundlagendaten wurden mit Genehmigung der zustaendigen Behoerden entnommenGreat Britain: Contains Ordinance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2010, and Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2010.Greece: Copyright Geomatics Ltd.Italy: La Banca Dati Italiana è stata prodotta usando quale riferimento anche cartografia numerica ed al tratto prodotta e fornita dalla Regione Toscana.Norway: Copyright © 2000; Norwegian Mapping AuthorityPortugal: Source: IgeoE – PortugalSpain: Información geográfica propiedad del CNIGSweden: Based upon electronic data Ó National Land Survey SwedenSwitzerland: Topografische Grundlage: Ó Bundesamt für Landestopographie
United Kingdom: Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0 (see for the license and is adapted from data from the office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0.Israel: © Survey of Israel data sourceJordan: © Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre.  The foregoing notice requirement for Jordan Data is a material term of the Agreement.  If Client or any of its permitted sublicensees (if any) fail to meet such requirement, HERE shall have the right to terminate Client’s license with respect to the Jordan Data.Mozambique: Certain Data for Mozambique provided by Cenacarta © 20XX by CenacartaRéunion: source: © IGN 2009 - BD TOPO ®End-User Terms Required by ZENRIN. The Product utilizes map data that COMPANY licenses from ZENRIN and the following copyright notices apply to such map data (the “ZENRIN Data”):Europe: Junction View Data provided by ZENRIN CO., LTD. Copyright © 20XX, All Rights Reserved.Europe: Junction View Data and Exit View Data provided by ZENRIN CO., LTD. Copyright © 20XX, All Rights Reserved.North America: Junction View Data provided by ZENRIN USA, INC. Copyright © 20XX, All Rights Reserved; Junction View Data fourni par ZENRIN USA, INC. Copyright © 20XX. Tous droits réservés; Las imágenes de las rutas alternas son proveídas por ZENRIN USA, INC. Copyright © 20XX. Todos los derechos reservados.© 2013 Hyundai MnSoft.  All rights reserved.
Copyright for Brand Icon The marks of companies displayed by this product to indicate business locations are the marks of their respective owners. The use of such marks in this product does not imply any sponsorship, approval, or endorsement by such companies of this product.Copyright for Junction ViewJunction View Data provided by ZENRIN USA, INC. Copyright(C) 20XX, All rights Reserved. About Map Updates •  You can contact your KIA dealer or call at 1-888-757-0010.Information•  This product requires regular updates for software corrections, new functions and map updates. Updating may require up to 1 hour depending on the data size. •  Turning off the power or ejecting the SD card during the update process may result in data loss. Make sure to keep the ignition on and wait until updating is complete. CAUTION •  Please use only the SD card that was included with the vehicle purchase. •  The use of a separately purchased SD card may result in damage due to heat related deformation. •  Product malfunctions caused by the use of separately purchased SD cards shall not be covered within the product warranty. •  Repeatedly connecting/disconnecting the SD card in a short period of time may cause damage to the device.
What is Voice Recognition?Precautions Required for Successful Voice RecognitionStarting/Ending and Setting Voice Recognition Voice Recognition Screen OverviewVoice CommandsUVO Voice Local SearchSiri Eyes Free part.6 Voice Recognition
6-2 I Voice RecognitionWhat is Voice Recognition?The voice recognition feature operates the multimedia system by recognizing voice commands and enables hands-free oper-ation of the system while you are driving your car.Not all possible voice commands are rec-ognized by the system due to technological limitations. To make up for these limitations, the system displays the voice commands that are available for you to use.There are errors in communication between people. Likewise, voice recognition some-times misunderstands your voice command in some circumstances. If this happens, either check the screen for the available options and say the command again, or manually select and press the button for the corresponding command on the screen.Precautions Required for Successful Voice Recognition1.  Voice  recognition supports only the commands that are displayed on the screen and written in the User's Guide.2.  To ensure the correct recognition and execution of your command, say your command when you hear the beep after a voice prompt.3.  Voice recognition automatically ends if:1)  A call is incoming or outgoing2)  A media device (USB or iPod, etc.) is  connected or disconnected3)  The rear view camera is operated4)  The car engine starts or stops5)  A system key, such as RADIO key  or MEDIA key is selected 4.  The  microphone  used  for the voice recognition system is  located in the headliner directly above the  driver's head. To make your commands better understood, keep your body straight in the driver's seat when speaking the command.5.  Speaking  naturally  and  clearly will ensure better recognition of your voice commands.6.  In the following cases voice recognition will be affected by ambient noise.1)  The sound of the wind if any window  or the sun roof is open.2)  High speed blower from the air vents.  Set climate control to blow lower than  level 3.3)  Vibrations from passing through a  tunnel.4)  Vibrations from driving on an uneven  road.5)  Storms and heavy rain.Voice Recognition
Starting/Ending and Setting Voice Recognition I 6-306Starting/Ending and Setting Voice RecognitionStarting Voice RecognitionPress the   key briefly (less than 0.8 seconds) on the steering wheel control to activate voice recognition.Ending Voice Recognition1.  Select “Exit” to the left of the bottom to end voice recognition.2.  Press and hold (more than 0.8 sec-onds) the   key on the steering wheel control to end voice recognition.Combining Voice Recognition with On-Screen CommandsAfter pressing the   key, say a com-mand after the beep. The voice recognition system will execute the desired operation after understanding the command.Alternatively, you may touch any of the corresponding Commands on the screen while the Voice Recognition system is in operation. Combining voice recognition with available on-screen commands is useful when the system is taking longer than expected or the voice command did not execute as desired.
6-4 I Voice RecognitionExtending the Listening TimeWhen the system is waiting for your com-mand, after the voice prompt and beep have been heard, if you press the   key (less than 0.8 seconds), then the beep will sound again and standby mode will restart.When activated, voice recognition waits for your command for 5 seconds. If you say nothing for 5 seconds, a voice prompt will ask for your command again.
Starting/Ending and Setting Voice Recognition I 6-506Skipping Prompt Messages When you hear the  prompt  message, press the   key on  the  steering wheel control to skip the message and go directly to listening mode to say your com-mand.This  results  in  faster operation when you feel the message is too long or you already know the command to use.i Information•  Refer to Part 9 for instructions on how to change the Voice Recognition Settings.Adjusting Voice Recognition VolumeDuring voice recognition, rotate the vol-ume knob to adjust the message volume.
6-6 I Voice RecognitionVoice Recognition Screen OverviewStart ScreenName Description Representative CommandsDisplays the represen-tative commands. Not available commandDisplays commands that are not available due to a failure in meeting the conditions for using them and thus need additional settings. The conditions required for using them will be described briefly under each command.Name Description  Voice  recognition status icons Standby Voice guidance   Voice command   process  Recognized resultsDisplays the voice rec-ognition result. User's  speaking  volume being recognizedDisplays the voice command volume in real time. HelpDisplays all available help commands in a tree format. Exit Ends the voice recog-nition.Help DisplayName Description Command list•   Shows the available commands. •  Select or say a command to display additional com-mands in detail. How to use for selected itemThis section shows how to use voice recognition for the selected item. How to use in generalThis section displays how to use voice recognition in general.
Voice Recognition Screen Overview I 6-706Instructions for Using Voice RecognitionName Description Detail instructionThis section describes how to use voice recog-nition in detail. Close  buttonCloses the  screen and restarts voice recognition.i Information•  In  the  instructions  screen,  no  voice  is recognized, so you must manually issue commands. Because the instructions screen displays a lot of content, you cannot view it while driving for safety precautions.
6-8 I Voice RecognitionVoice CommandsTypes of CommandsVoice recognition commands are classified as “Global Commands” and “Local Commands”.1. Global Commands (●): Commands that can be used immedi-ately after activating voice recognition.2. Local Commands (○): Commands that can be used when a multimedia, navigation or Bluetooth function is running, or dis-played on the screen, after activating voice recognition.Call Commands* Check the following before using call commands:1.  Voice commands related to phone calls can be used after con-necting a Bluetooth device. 2.  To call a person, for example “Call <John Smith>” whose name is listed in Contacts, you must first download the Contacts list. For details on downloading contacts, see “Part 3. Bluetooth > Chapter 3. Bluetooth Phone > 3.10 Contacts”.3.  After downloading the Bluetooth contacts, it will take some time to convert the Contacts into voice data during which time you cannot make a call by name yet. The time it takes to convert voice data may vary depending on the number of Contacts downloaded on the phone.Command Operation●Call Displays downloaded Contacts, after this you can make a call by saying the name.●Call <Name> You can directly call a person by <Name> in the downloaded Contacts.●Call <Name> on MobileYou can call a person <name> directly to the number that is saved as “Mobile” in the downloaded Contacts.e.g.) Call “John Smith” on Mobile●Call <Name> at WorkYou can call a person <name> directly to the number that is saved as “Work” in the down-loaded Contacts.e.g.) Call “John Smith” at Work●Call <Name> at HomeYou can call a person <name> directly to the number that is saved as “Home” in the downloaded Contacts.e.g.) Call “John Smith” at Home●Call <Name> on OtherYou can call a person <name> directly to the number that is saved as “Other” than “Mobile, Home, or Work” in the downloaded Contacts.e.g.) Call “John Smith” on Other●Dial Number Displays a screen where you can  say a phone number to dial.●Dial <Phone #> You can directly say the number to call.e.g.) Dial 111 555 1234●Change Bluetooth DeviceYou can switch your Bluetooth connection to another paired device.
Voice Commands I 6-906Navigation Commands* Check the following before you use navigation commands:1.  Search for and find addresses located in the state or province your car is currently in.     If you want to search in another state, say the name of state/province and then look it up.     Find Address is classified by states/provinces to provide you with faster service.2.  Some commands such as “Cancel Route” are available only when the destination is fixed.Command Operation●Find Address in <State>•  Finds the address in <State> and sets it as the destination.e.g.) Find Address in California•  To find an address,  you  should  say "House Number → Street → City"e.g.) 300 (Three Zero Zero) Main Street, Almond●Find Address Finds the address and sets it as the destina-tion.●Find POIFind the points of interest. After this com-mand, you can find the name of a location step-by-step.●Find<POI>Immediately finds <POI>.  For detail  of <POI>, see “Find <POI>” list.e.g.) Find “Banks”Command Operation●Map Moves to the current position on the naviga-tion map●Previous PointsDisplays a list combining Previous Destinations, Previous Searches, and Previous Starting Points all together.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.●Previous DestinationsDisplays a list of recent destinations that you can return to by saying the number in the list.●Previous SearchesDisplays a list of recent searches, where you can set a destination by saying the number in the list.●Previous Starting PointsDisplays a list of recent starting points that you can return to by saying the number in the list.●Traffic Information Moves to the Traffic Information menu screen.●Go HomeSet the destination to your home.Your home must first be set in the Navigation system.●Go to WorkSet the destination to your work/office.Your  work/office must first  be set in the Navigation system.
6-10 I Voice RecognitionCommand Operation●Turn Guidance On Turns on the voice guidance system.●Turn Guidance Off Turns off the voice guidance system.●Zoom In Zooms in on the navigation map.●Zoom Out Zooms out from the navigation map.●Cancel Route Cancels the route to the fixed destination and exits guidance.●Destination InformationTells you the remaining distance and time to your destination.●Route Options Moves to the Route Options menu screen.●Emergency ServicesDisplays a list  of nearest  Police  Station, Hospital, Dealership, or Road Assistance.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.●Police StationDisplays a list of the nearest police stations.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.Command Operation●HospitalDisplays a list of the nearest hospitals.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.●DealershipDisplays a list of the nearest car dealerships.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.●Road AssistanceDisplays a list of the nearest road assistance locations.You can then set a destination by saying the list number.●Show Route Displays a map overview of the entire route to your destination.
Voice Commands I 6-1106Radio CommandsCommand Operation●FM <87.5~107.9>Tunes to FM <Frequency> according to what you say.e.g.) FM 87.5: FM eighty seven point five●SiriusXM <0~999>Tunes to SiriusXM™ Channel <Channel Number> according to what you say.e.g.) SiriusXM 23: SiriusXM Twenty three●AM <530~1710>Tunes to AM <Frequency> according to what you say.e.g.) AM 530: AM Five thirtyUVO eServices Commands ListCommand Operation●Roadside Assist Connect with a Roadside Assist agent.●VehicleDiagnosticsInforms you if diagnostic issues are found in your vehicle●My POIs Displays Points of Interest list which were downloaded from Google Maps and MyUVO●eService Guide Provides guidance on  how to use  UVO eServices
6-12 I Voice RecognitionOther Commands List (Commands used in List/Help)Command Operation●HelpMoves to the voice recognition help screen.All available commands can then be identi-fied and used.○Line 1~4 (One~Four)When you cannot select a certain name, you can select it using numbers.Simple numbers can be recognized, such as “One” or “Two”.○Yes/NoWhen voice recognition is activated, this command  is used when an  answer is requested for a confirmation question.○Previous/Next When four or more searched items are listed, you can move to the previous or next page using a voice command.○Manual InputWhen Dial entry results  are displayed, this command is used to search manually, rather than to search with a voice com-mand.Voice recognition stops after this command is used. ○Go Back Moves to the previous screen.●Exit    Ends the voice recognition.
Voice Commands I 6-1306“Find <POI>” ListNavigation location names can be changed after an update.1. RestaurantsRestaurantsFast Food RestaurantsArby'sBoston MarketBURGER KINGCarl's JrChick-fil-A ChipotleChurch's ChickenDairy QueenFirehouse SubsFleming'sHardee'sIn-N-Out BurgerIHOPJack in the BoxJimmy John'sKFCLittle CaesarsLong John Silver'sMcAlister's DeliMcDonald'sPanda ExpressPanera BreadPopeyesQuiznos SubSchlotzsky'sSONICSUBWAYTaco BellTaco John'sWaffle HouseWendy'sWhite CastleAmerican RestaurantsApplebee'sBahama BreezeBoston's Restaurant & Sports BarCheeseburger in ParadiseChili's Grill & BarCool RiverDenny'sFrisch's Big BoyGood EatsIII ForksLee Roy Selmon'sLone Star Steakhouse & SaloonLonghorn SteakhouseLuckys CafeOutback SteakhousePonderosaPublixSeasons 52SheetzSilver FoxTexas RoadhouseTGI Friday'sThe Capital GrilleFrench RestaurantsItalian RestaurantsBonefish GrillCarrabba's Italian GrillChuck E Cheese'sDomino'sOlive GardenPapa John'sPapa Murphy'sPizza 73Pizza Hutpizza pizzaContinental RestaurantsMexican RestaurantsCantina LaredoChevysEl ChicoJapanese RestaurantsChinese RestaurantsPF Chang's China BistroKorean RestaurantsVegetarian RestaurantsSeafood RestaurantsRed LobsterLatin American Restaurants
6-14 I Voice RecognitionRestaurantsAsian RestaurantsAfrican RestaurantsCoffee ShopsStarbucksDunkin' DonutsTim HortonsOther RestaurantsAuntie Anne'sBaskin-RobbinsHaagen-DazsHootersRoy'sTCBYVAN DER VALKAutomotiveKia DealershipsGas Stations76ampmARCOBPCanadian TireCasey's General StoreCenexChevronCITGOConocoEssoExxonFleetfuelsGetGoGiant GasolineGTOGulfHuskyIngles Gas ExpressMarathonMartin's GasolineMeijerMobilMurphy ExpressMurphy USAPetro Stopping CentersPETRO-CANADAPhillips 66PioneerQuikTripRutter'sSheetzShellSinclairSpeedwaySunocoSunoco CanadaTEXACOTravelCenters of AmericaUltramarValeroWawaParkingAuto ServicesAAAAdvance Auto PartsAmerica's TireAutoZoneBOSCH Car ServiceCertigardDiscount TireFirestoneGOODYEARKal TireMidasNapaO'Reilly Auto PartsSears Auto CenterRoad AssistanceAutomobile DealershipsAuto PartsCar WashesMotorcycle Dealerships2. Automotive
Voice Commands I 6-1506TravelAirportsHotelsAmericas Best Value InnAmericInnAndazAscend CollectionBaymont Inn & SuitesBest WesternCambria SuitesCanadas Best Value InnCandlewood SuitesClarion HotelComfort INNComfort SuitesCONRADCountry Inn & Suites by CarlsonCOURTYARD by MarriottCrowne PlazaDays InnDELTADoubletreeEcono LodgeEmbassy SuitesGrand Residences by MarriottHampton InnHampton Inn & SuitesHawthorn SuitesHiltonHilton Garden InnHilton Grand VacationsHoliday InnHoliday Inn ExpressHomewood SuitesHotel IndigoHoward JohnsonHyatt PlaceHyattHyatt Summerfield SuitesIntercontinentalJW MarriottLA QUINTA INNLexingtonMainstay SuitesMarriottMarriott VACATION CLUBMicrotel Inns & SuitesMotel 6NOVOTELOmni HotelsPark InnPark PlazaQUALITY INNRadissonRadisson SASRAMADARed Roof InnRegent Hotels & ResortsRenaissanceResidence InnRitz-Carlton ClubRodeway InnSheratonSleep InnSOFITELStaybridge SuitesStudio 6Suburban Extended StaySuper 8Thriftlodge CanadaTravelodgeTravelodge CanadaVAN DER VALKWALDORF ASTORIA COLLECTIONWingate by WyndhamWyndhamRest AreasTourist InformationTourist AttractionsTravel AgentsCity CentersRental Car AgenciesAlamoAVISBudgetDollar Rent A CarEnterpriseHertzNationalThriftyCampgrounds3. Travel
6-16 I Voice RecognitionTravelFerry TerminalsBus StationsLocal TransitTrain StationsShoppingDepartment StoresCanadian TireDollar GeneralDollar TreeFamily DollarJCPenneyKmartKohl'sNordstromSearsSears Hometown StoreTargetT.J. MaxxWalmartConvenience Stores7-ElevenampmBPCircle KFleetfuelsGetGoGTOKangaroo ExpressMurphy ExpressMurphy USAPetro Stopping CentersQuikTripRutter'sSunoco CanadaTravelCenters of AmericaWawaShopping CentersOffice DepotGrocery StoresGiant EagleGiant Food StoresIGAIngles MarketsFood LionKroger    Martin's Food MarketsMeijerPublixSav-Mor FoodsSave-A-LotSuperValuMusic StoresBookstoresBarnes & NobleElectronics StoresAT&TBest BuyFuture ShopGameStopRadioshackSprintStaplesT-MobileOfficeMaxUS CellularVerizonGift ShopsSporting Goods StoresDick's Sporting GoodsSports AuthorityHome Specialty StoresABC Fine Wine & SpiritsAce Hardware4. Shopping
Voice Commands I 6-1706ShoppingClaire'sCostcoHome DepotLowe'sMerle NormanPETCOPETSMARTSally Beauty SupplySHERWIN-WILLIAMSTrue ValueClothing ShopsMark'sShoe StoresPharmaciesCVS/pharmacyGiant DrugstoreIngles PharmacyKmart PharmacyKroger PharmacyMartin's DrugstoreMeijer PharmacyRite AidShoppers Drug MartTarget PharmacyWalgreensGeneral Merchandise   RecreationAmusement ParksMuseumsCinemasGolf CoursesSports ComplexesSports ActivitiesWineriesVideo & Game RentalSki ResortsRecreation AreasOther Recreation AreasFinancial ServicesBanks Bank of America BB&TChaseCitibankCitizens BankFifth Third BankKey BankPNC BankRBC BankRegionsSunTrustTD BankTD Canada TrustUS BankWells FargoATMsCheck Cashing ServicesMoney Transfer6. Financial Services5. Recreation
6-18 I Voice RecognitionCommunityPolice StationsPost OfficesLibrariesSchoolsFire DepartmentsChurchesSynagoguesConvention CentersCity HallsCivic CentersCourt HousesGovernment OfficesWaste & Sanitary ServicesUtilitiesBusiness FacilitiesServicesHospitalsMedical ServicesPhysiciansTax ServicesAttorneysFuneral HomesHair & Beauty ServicesCleaning & Laundry ServicesSocial ServicesCommunicationDentistsPhotography ServicesTailors & AlterationsMoversNursing HomeOptical ServicesPersonal ServicesRepair ServiceVeterinary Hospital7. Community 8. Services
UVO Voice Local Search I 6-1906UVO Voice Local SearchWhat is UVO Voice Local Search?With  UVO network  service, you can search for Google-provided place names with your voice.The search is done through network ser-vices; it is only available when connected to a communication network & UVO eSer-vices has been activated.Starting UVO Voice Local SearchPress the   key briefly (less than 0.8 seconds) on the steering wheel control to activate voice recognition and say “Local Search”Name Description Example commandShows an  example to ask for place search Manual switch buttonSwitches the UVO Voice Local Search screen to search. End button Ends UVO Voice Local Search.
6-20 I Voice RecognitionSiri Eyes FreeHow to start SiriIf you want to use Siri, you have to con-nect your iOS device to the Multimedia system through Bluetooth. (Please check whether your iOS device supports Siri and turning Siri On)Then you can use Siri while pressing and holding   key on the steering wheel. How to use SiriWhen you access the Siri screen while pressing and holding   key on the steering wheel, you can select the Speak button and then you can speak what you want. Note that the Multimedia system only supports “Phone” related functions. Other functions will be performed in your iOS device. If you press voice key quickly, Siri would re-start. If you hold down voice key, Siri  would be terminated  and the screen would go  back to the previous screen. Eyes-Free mode would be acti-vated automatically while you are driving. When shifting gears into P or putting the Parking brake on, Eyes-Free mode would be deactivated automatically. i Information•  Functions  and  feedbacks  from  voice commands via Siri are executed in the iOS device. If the iOS version is changed, the functions and  response may be different according to the iOS device and the latest version.
HD Radio™ DataSiriusXM™ Datapart.7 Data Services
7-2 I Data ServicesHD Radio™ DataAbout HD Radio™ Data ServicesThe HD Radio™ Data Service provides users with information such as Weather, Doppler Radar and Traffic by using HD Radio™ Technology. Accessing HD Radio™ DataSelect the Data Services icon after select-ing “All Menus” to enter  Data Services Mode. HD Radio™ Weather Information Mode At the “Data Services” screen, select the HD Radio Weather icon to enter the Weather Information mode. Weather ForecastThis service  provides current weather information and weather forecasts for the next five days in your city. Other City Option This service provides access to weather information from other cities.To change the city, select the Other City button and select the desired city. From this  screen,  there  is  also  an  option to  change  the  state  by  selecting  the Change State button. Data Services
SiriusXM™ Data I 7-307HD Radio™ Doppler RadarAt the “Data Services” screen, select the HD Radio Doppler Radar  icon  to  enter  the Doppler Radar mode.Doppler RadarThis  service provides Doppler Radar views of the current *HD Radio™ cov-erage market. This screen will  change automatically based on the *HD Radio™ coverage market. * The HD Radio™ coverage market is the area with the strongest signal at that time.SiriusXM™ DataAbout SiriusXM™ Data ServiceThe SiriusXM™ Data Service is a paid membership satellite radio service that provides users with information such as Weather, Sports, Stocks, Fuel Prices and Movies.However, weather information is not sup-ported for vehicles purchased in Canada.Accessing SiriusXM™ DataSelect the Data Services icon after select-ing All Menus to enter the Data Services Mode.SiriusXM™ Weather AnnouncementAt the “Data Services” screen, select the SiriusXM Weather icon to enter the Weather Announcement mode.Weather ForecastThis service  provides current weather information and weather forecasts for the next five days in your region. To change the region, select the Other City button and select the desired region.
7-4 I Data ServicesWarnings and Advisories This service provides weather warnings and advisories, such as tornado, storm, flood, etc. SiriusXM™ Fuel Price InformationAt the “Data Services” screen, select the SiriusXM Fuel Prices icon to  enter  the  Fuel Prices Information mode.Search for Nearby Stations, and Register Key Locations as Favorite Stations.Search for nearby stations with the “Nearby Stations” menu.It shows station locations, starting from the nearest one, and select “Nearest” menu on the top right side to further sort them by price or brand name.
SiriusXM™ Data I 7-507Select the   button to the right of the list to register key locations as  a  Favorite Station so that you can go there again with the “Favorite Stations” menu. My Fuel Type SettingsWith the “Filters” menu, you can select fuel types and favorite brands.When searching for Nearby Stations, the results will reflect selected fuel types and brand information.SiriusXM™ Stock InformationIn the “Data Services” screen, select the SiriusXM Stocks icon  to  enter  the  Stocks mode. Stocks is a feature that shows the current value and change of stocks.For symbols which you are interested in, select the icon to save the symbol as a part of the “Saved” symbols which can be viewed from the “My Favorites” button on the Stocks Main screen.
7-6 I Data ServicesMy FavoritesMy Favorites shows a list of stocks added by the user. When entering the  Stocks menu for the first time, a screen is dis-played for you to add your favorite stock information.  Select  the Add button to move to the stock search screen.Stock SearchUse the Stock Search menu to search for specific stocks.Select the   button after searching for your favorite stocks to save them in “My Favorites”.In the My Favorites screen, you can find the selected stock information that you registered.SiriusXM™ Sports InformationSelect the SiriusXM Sports icon to enter the Sports mode.This service provides real-time updated information on scores and schedules for major sports, such as NFL, NBA, NCAA football,  NCAA  basketball, NHL,  MLB, NASCAR and more.
SiriusXM™ Data I 7-707My TeamsYou can save teams which you are inter-ested in as part of My teams to easily view related scores and schedules.Select  the  My Teams menu and then select the Add button to search for and register your favorite teams.Search for your favorite teams and select the   button on the right to add it to the “My Teams” list.You can always check the list of teams that you added in the “My Teams” menu. Select the   button on the right side of the team name to delete the team from “My Teams” or select the Add button to add other teams. Select  the  team  name  to  check  daily results and recent schedules for that team.
7-8 I Data ServicesSiriusXM™ Movie InformationSelect the SiriusXM Movies icon to enter the Movie mode.You can check recent movies and nearby theaters, and also register your favorite theater locations.Search for Nearby Theaters, and Register Any Key Locations as Favorite Theaters.In the “Nearby Theaters” menu, you can search for any nearby theaters.It shows theaters, starting from the nearest one, and selecting the “Nearest” menu at the top right side will sort them by name. Select the   button to the right of the list to register your favorite theater so that you can  always check  it  again  using  the “Favorite Theaters” menu and selecting the   button to view the current movie information for that theater.
  I 7-907In the “Top Movies” menu, you can check for any movies that are currently popular. Select the    button to the right of a movie title to view the plot summary and any other detailed information. SiriusXM™ Data I 7-9
ClimateCamerapart.8 Other Features
8-2 I Other FeaturesClimatePress the CLIMATE key for the climate system to see status infor-mation in the full screen display.While multimedia or navigation is in use, the climate system infor-mation will be displayed over top when you control the tempera-ture (TEMP) or turn on the air conditioner (A/C).Basic Mode ScreenName Description  Set the tempera-ture of the driver's seat and passenger seatsDisplays the configured temperature set-tings for the driver's seat and the passen-ger seats. Cooling or heating will continue until the temperature matches the config-ured temperature settings.i  The internal temperaure can be con-trolled in incrments of 1°F within a range of 63°F to 89°F.i  LOW is displayed when the tempera-ture is set to anything below 63°F, and HIGH is displayed when it is set to any-thing above 89°F. Air direction Displays the configured air direction set-tings. Air volume Displays the configured air volume settings  Cooling/heating control status (AUTO)Displayed when the AUTO key is pressed and cooling/heating operates automatically according to the configured temperature settings.i  AUTO will be turned off when you try to do the following with AUTO on:      - Control the air volume      - Control the air direction      - Turn the air conditioning (A/C) on/off      -  Turn on the moisture removal function for the windshield  Air conditioning control statusDisplayed when the A/C key is pressed and the air conditioning starts cooling/heat-ing.Other Features
Climate I 8-308Name Description  Simultaneous tem-perature settings for the driver's seat and the passenger seats (SYNC)Displayed when the SYNC key is pressed and the temperatures of the driver's seat and the passenger seats can be config-ured at the same time.
8-4 I Other FeaturesCamera WARNING- Backing Up & Using Camera•  Never rely solely on the rear view camera when backing  up.  Prior  to entering your vehicle always do a visual check of the area behind your vehicle, and before backing up be aware of your surroundings and supplement the rear view camera by looking over your shoulders and checking your rear view mir-rors. Due to the difficulty of ensuring that the area behind you remains clear, always back up slowly and stop immediately if you even suspect that a person, and especially a child, might be behind you.i Information•  The camera screen shown while the system boots up does not display any text or buttons.•  While the device boots up, shift the gear to "R" to activate the rear detection cameras. Shift the gear to another position to deactivate the rear detection camera.Steering-linked camera•  This device is connected  to  a  rear detection camera to see behind the car for safe reversing.•  The Rear View Camera turns on automat-ically if you shift the gear to R when the power is on or the engine has started. NOTICE•  A wide-angle lens is installed as the rear detection camera to get a wider view, so there may be some difference between the actual distance and the distance that appears. on-screen. For safety, make sure to view the back, right, and left sides of the car for yourself.•   The color of the parking guidelines displayed in the picture  may  differ from the actual screen.•   When booted up, blinking may occur when you switch to a UI screen.•  If Back-up Warning Priority is set in the Sound Settings, the audio volume is lowered when your car is driving backward.Name Description Red Line About 0.5m from the rear bumper Yellow Line 1 About 1m from the rear bumper Yellow Line 2 About 3m from the rear bumper Yellow Line 3 Trajectory of the wheel on the driver’s side Yellow Line 4 Trajectory of the wheel on the passenger side Blue Line Neutral steering trajec-toryAs you reverse your car and monitor the area behind your car, the steering-linked driving trajectory and the neutral driving trajectory are both displayed.
SetupNavigation Settings Sound SettingsDisplay Settings Bluetooth SettingsUVO eServices Settings Phone Projection Settings Custom Button Settings Voice Recognition Settings Date/Time Settings Language Settings Keyboard Settings Screen Saver Settings Advanced Settings System Infopart.9 Setup
9-2 I SetupSetupSetupSetup is the screen to control Multimedia system settings. To enter the screen, press the SETUP key or the Setup icon in All Menus.Navigation SettingsFor more details, refer to part 5. NavigationSettings.Sound SettingsAdjusts the sound effects for the whole system.Features Description PositionSelect the Up/Down/Left/Right button to controlsound positioning.Select   to concentrate the sound on the center of vehicle.
Setup I 9-309Features Description ToneDrag the slide bar to con-trol Bass/Midrange/Treble settings.Select Center to initialize the settings. PrioritySets the volume ratio when reversing the car, turning on the car’s ignition, etc.  Navigation VolumeSets the method of nav-igation guidance volume adjustment. AdvancedSelect additional audio options such as “Speed Dependent Volume Control” that automatically controls Audio volume according to vehicle speed. Default Resets the sound to fac-tory default settings. Beep Select to activate a beep when pressing buttons.i Information•   Advanced sound settings may differ according to selected AMP option. • The seat shape  may differ according  to vehicle model.Display SettingsAdjusts the level of illumination for the entire system.Features Description ModeSelect any of LCD illu-mination change modes: Automatic (changes the level automatically), Daylight, and Night. IlluminationSet the levels of illumina-tion for day and night.Select Default to initialize the settings. Default Resets the display to fac-tory default settings Display Off Provides the Display Off (touch activation) function.Bluetooth SettingsChanges Bluetooth phone settings.Press the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth icon.
9-4 I SetupBluetooth ConnectionPress the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth ▶ Select Bluetooth Connection.Features Description Paired Device       ListDisplays the paired Bluetooth device list. When selecting from the list, the device is connected or discon-nected.  Bluetooth      Audio   Connection   StatusAn icon appears when you make a Bluetooth Audio connection.  Bluetooth   Hands-Free   Connection   StatusAn icon appears when you make a Bluetooth Hands-free connection. Add New Register a new Bluetooth device. Delete Devices Select and delete a paired device. HelpSwitches to the Bluetooth Connection Help screen.i Information • Up to 5 Bluetooth devices can be paired. •  Only one Bluetooth device can be connected at a time. •  During a Bluetooth device connection, another device cannot be paired. •  When you delete a paired device, the Call History and Contacts stored in the head unit are also deleted. •  Bluetooth Hands-free and Bluetooth Audio functions are supported. •  Hands-free and audio-supported devices, such as a Bluetooth smartphone or audio, will function normally. •  When a Bluetooth device is connected, if the Bluetooth connection is unexpectedly disconnected,  due  to  being  out  of communication range, the device powering off, or a Bluetooth communication error, the Bluetooth device automatically searches for and connects to nearby Bluetooth devices. •  If the system is not stable, due to a vehicle-Bluetooth device communication error, restore the Default Factory Settings. •  For Default Factory Settings, the Bluetooth Settings are reset to factory settings. • Press the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth ▶ Select Default Factory Settings.
Setup I 9-509Auto Connection PriorityPress the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth ▶ Select Auto Connection Priority.When the engine is running, the selected Bluetooth device is automatically con-nected. If you fail to connect the selected device, the previously-connected device is automatically connected, and if it also fails, then it tries to connect all paired devices sequentially.Depending on auto connection priority, connection to a device may take time.Bluetooth Voice PromptsPress the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth ▶ Select Bluetooth Voice Prompts.Bluetooth System InfoPress the SETUP key ▶ Select Bluetooth ▶ Select Bluetooth System Info.Features Description Vehicle NameYou can change the Bluetooth device name of the vehicle. PasskeyYou can change the pass-key used for Bluetooth device authentication. the initial passkey is 0000.i Information •  The vehicle  name above is an  example. Check the actual information on the product.
9-6 I SetupUVO eServices SettingsWithin the eServices  Settings screen, UVO eServices related features can be set, such as activating 911 Connect, Parking Minder and setting the My Car Zone.For safety reasons, My Car Zone Settings cannot be adjusted while driving. Park the vehicle before making any changes to your settings.Press the SETUP key ▶  UVO eServices. 911 ConnectThis feature is used to turn on or off the 911 Connect feature.When enabing this feature, you must first agree to the 911 Connect tems of use.After reading the tems of use, press the Agree button  on the touch screen  to accept.Parking MinderIf you want to send vehicle location to your smartphone automatically when you turn the ignition off, turn the Parking Minder feature On.
Setup I 9-709My Car ZoneThis feature is used to set My Car Zone (Curfew Limit, Speed) alert conditions.My Car Zone Settings is unavailable when UVO eServices has not been activated.Press the SETUP key ▶  UVO eServices ▶ My Car Zone.The PIN must be entered to use My Car Zone Settings.This screen is used to set Curfew Limit and Speed Alert features.Set the alert conditions On ▶ Settings.Curfew Limit Alert SettingsWithin Curfew Limit Alert Settings, you can set the Curfew Limit Alert Start and End Time. You can also set the Alert Interval of alerts upon Curfew Limit.Speed Alert SettingsWithin Speed Alert Settings, you can set the vehicle speed limit and Alert Interval of alerts upon overspeeding.
9-8 I SetupGeo Fence Alert SettingsWithin Geo Fence Alert Settings, you can set entry-restricted areas. Press Add Geo Fence and set the center point and radius of the desired Geo  Fence on  the Map screen. You can also set the Alert Interval of alerts upon Geo Fence alerts. NOTICE•  Geo Fence Alert cannot be set if there is no SD card with Maps. At least one Geo Fence must be added to turn on Geo Fence Alert Settings.PINThis feature is used to change the PIN to enter My Car Zone Settings. NOTICE•  Before  pressing Done,  ensure  your smartphone is connected to UVO eServices system via USB cable.Press the Done button to transmit the new PIN to your My UVO com account.
Setup I 9-909Restore Factory SettingsThis feature is used to restore all My Car Zone alert history and settings back to default state.Scheduled DiagnosticsThis feature is for setting when scheduled diagnostics alerts display.Press SETUP key ▶  UVO eServices ▶ Set the Scheduled Diagnostics On ▶ Settings. NOTICE•  For months without the corresponding day, the last day of the month will automatically  be set as the scheduled diagnostics date. Trip Info Sync ReminderTrip Info is a feature used to set whether system displays alert when trip info(Driv-ing Distance, Driving Speed, Driving Time, etc). reaches 90% of memory.UVO eServices must be activated to use this feature.Press SETUP key  ▶  UVO eServices ▶  Set Trip Info Sync Reminder On.
9-10 I SetupPhone Projection SettingsFor more details, refer to Phone Projection guide.Custom Button SettingsYou can choose the feature to be accessed when the   key is pressed.Setting it to a feature that you frequently use will allow you to access the feature quickly and conveniently anytime.For  example, setting it to My Menu will enable you to access the My Menu screen by pressing the   key.
Setup I 9-1109Voice Recognition SettingsConfigure  how  to  make  a  call  with Voice Recognition Guidance and Voice Recognition.Features Description  BeginnerFor beginners, the voicerecognition system pro-vides voice prompts.  NormalFor normal users, the voice recognition system provides simple and short voice guidances.Date/Time SettingsConfigure the settings for time and date.Using the arrow buttons, you can change the values.  Date/Time  settings  do not automatically change when crossing into different  time zones. The time must be changed manually on this screen.
9-12 I SetupFeatures Description GPS Time The time display is set in GPS Time.  Time Zone Displays the time zone selected by users.  Direct entryIf you tap any value, you can directly enter the number in the following screen.  Daylight     Saving TimeThe daylight saving time (DST) is applied.  24 Hours The time display is set in 24-hour format.Language SettingsYou can configure the displayed system language.When the language is changed, the sys-tem language is automatically changed.Unique data including MP3 file name is not changed and voice recognition does not support some languages.Keyboard SettingsYou can configure the keyboard layout for each language.You can configure  ABCD or QWERTY keyboards for the system.i Information •  Configured keyboard layouts are applied to all input modes.
Setup I 9-1309Screen Saver SettingsYou can select any of the following screen formats to be displayed when the screen or power is turned off (press and hold the Power button).•  Digital clock and date•  Analog clock and date•  NoneAdvanced SettingsSets alerts per function if desired by the user.Features Description Media Change NotificationsSets whether to display media information at the top of the screen as the next item is played when not on the media screen. Steering Wheel Mode ButtonSets  the  media  to  be played when the steer-ing wheel or rear seat (if provided) MODE but-ton is pressed.  Return to Map: Set TimeSets the time after which the screen will return to the map screen from the broadcast/music play-back screen.System InfoSystem version information and update details are available.Features Description SW Info Select the Update button to update the system. DefaultWhen Default is selected, the settings are changed to factory defaults.
9-14 I SetupSystem UpdateAt the System Info  screen,  insert  the updated memory (USB or SD card) with the latest file downloaded, and then select the Update button to begin updating. The system will then reboot automatically.i Information • This product needs supplemented software updates and additional  functions, whichcollectively may take some time to complete, depending on the amount of data. NOTICE•  If the power is disconnected or the USB or SD card is removed during an update, thedata might be damaged. Please wait until the update is complete while the engine is on.•  When Default is selected, it may delete all of the data and settings so be cautious of your action.
Product SpecificationTroubleshootingFAQpart.10 Appendix
10-2 I AppendixProduct SpecificationTFT-LCD Screen Size  8 inch (176.4 X 99.36 mm)Resolution 384000 pixels (Resolution: 800 x 480)Operating Method TFT(Thin Film Transistor) Active MatrixViewing Angle Left/Right, Top/Bottom: ALL 89° Internal Lighting LED RadioChannels  FM: 87.5 MHz ~ 107.9 MHz(Step: 200 kHz) AM: 530 kHz ~ 1710 kHz(Step: 10 kHz)Sensitivity FM: Under 10 dBuV/AM: Under 35 dBu EMFDistortion Factor Within 2 %CommonPower Supply DC 14.4 V Operating Power DC 9 V ~ DC 16 VSleep Current • 1 mA or less (after 96 hours with ACC OFF)•  10 mA or less (before 96 hours with ACC OFF)Operating Temperature-20 ~ +70 °C(-4 ~ +158 °F)Storage Temperature-30 ~ +80 °C(-22 ~ +176 °F)Dimensions  178 X 140.2 X 60 mm (Main BOX)Current Consumption 2.5 A Weight 1.945 kgBluetooth® Wireless TechnologyFrequency Range 2402 ~ 2480 MHzSupported Bluetooth® Specification4.1Supported ProfileHandsfree(1.6), A2DP(1.2), AVRCP(1.4), PBAP(1.0)Bluetooth Output Power (Power Class 2 , Conducted)-3.5 ~ 0 dBmNumber of Channels  79 channelsAppendix
Appendix I 10-310Troubleshooting1.  Errors which occur during the operation or installation of thedevice may be mistaken as a malfunction of the actual device.2.  If you are having problems with the device, try the suggestions listed below.3. If the problems persist, contact your Kia dealer.Problem Possible CauseThere are small red, blue, or green dots on the screen• Because the LCD is manufactured withtechnology requiring high point density,a pixel or lighting deficiency may occurwithin 0.01% of total pixelsThe sound or image is not working•Has the  Switch for the vehicle  beenturned to [ACC] or [ON]?• Has the SYSTEM been turned OFF?The screen is being displayed but sound is not working• Has the volume been set to a low level?• Has the volume been muted?When the power is turned on, the corners of the screen are dark•The display appearing somewhat darkafter prolonged periods of use is normal with LCD panels. It is not a malfunction•If the screen is very dark, contact yournearest Kia dealer for assistanceSound is working from only one speaker•Are the positions of Fader or Balancesound controls  adjusted to  only oneside?Problem Possible CauseSound does not work in AUX mode•Are the audio  connector  jacks fullyinserted into the AUX terminal?The external device is not working• Is the external device connected with astandard connector cable?Upon turning power on, the most recent mode screen is not displayedWithin modes that play files by reading external sources, such as USB, iPod, or Bluetooth® streaming mode, the most recently played mode screen prior to turn-ing off power may not properly load•If the corresponding device is not con-nected, the mode operated prior to themost recent mode will operate•If the previous mode still cannot  beproperly played, the  mode operatedprior to that will operate
10-4 I AppendixProblem  Possible Cause  Countermeasure The power does not turn onThe fuse is discon-nected•  Replace with a suitable fuse•If the fuse is disconnected again, please contact your point of purchase or Kia dealerDevice is not properly connected• Check to see that the device has been properlyconnectedThe system does not playThe vehicle battery is low• Charge the battery If the problem persists, contact your point of purchase or Kia dealerProblem  Possible Cause  Countermeasure The image color/tone quality is low•  The brightness, saturation, hue, and contrast levels are not set properly• Properly adjust the bright-ness, saturation, hue, and contrast levels through Display SetupSound does not work• The volume levelis set to the lowestlevel• The connection is not proper•  The device is currently fast-for-warding, rewinding, scanning, or play-ing in slow mode• Adjust the volume level• Check to see that the device has been properly connected• The sound will not workwhen the device is fast-for-warding, rewinding, scan-ning, or playing in slowmodeThe sound or image quality is low• Vibration is occur-ring from where the conversionswitch has been installed• Image color/tone quality is low• The sound may be short-circuited and the image distorted if the device vibrates• The device will return to normal once vibrations stop
Appendix I 10-510Problem  Possible Cause  Countermeasure The USB does notwork• USB memory is damaged• Please use the USB after formatting it.• USB memory has been contaminated• Remove any foreign sub-stances on the contactsurface of the USB memory and multimedia terminal• A separately pur-chased USB HUB is being used•Directly connect the USBmemory with the multime-dia terminal on the vehicle• A USB extensioncable is being used• Directly connect the USBmemory with the multime-dia terminal on the vehicle• A USB which is not a Metal CoverType USB Memory is being used• Use standard USB Memory•  An HDD type, CF, SD Memory is being used• Use standard USB Memory• There are no music files which can be played• Only MP3, WMA file formats are supported. Please use only the sup-ported music file formatsProblem  Possible Cause  Countermeasure The iPod is not recog-nized even though it has been connected• There are no titles which can be played• Use iTunes to downloadand save MP3 files into the iPod• The iPod firmwareversion has not been properlyupdated• Use iTunes to update the firmware version and reconnect the iPod with the device• The iPod devicedoes not recog-nize downloads• Reset the iPod and recon-nect with the deviceBluetooth does not work or its limited functions are available• Bluetooth on yourmobile phone is set to OFF• Set it to ON• The Bluetooth connection is not made• Make the connection activei Information  • While operating the device, if an abnormality occurs that cannot becorrected with the above described measures, press the RESET key to reset the system. • Press and hold the RESET key (more than 1 second). The device power will turn off and the system will reset.
10-6 I AppendixFAQAbout Pairing Mobile PhonesQ I cannot pair my mobile phone. What is the cause? A Check to see that the mobile phone supports Bluetooth® func-tion. Verify if Bluetooth on the cell phone is set to OFF. If so, set it to ON. If the cell phone still can’t be registered, try again after turning Bluetooth off and on, or delete the device registration on the multimedia system and cell phone and then register the cell phone again.Q What is the difference between pairing a mobile phone and con-necting a mobile phone? A Pairing occurs through authenticating the head unit and mobile phone. Mobile phones paired to the head unit can be connected and disconnected until the paired mobile phone is deleted from the system. Bluetooth® Handsfree features, such as making/answering calls or managing contacts, are supported only in mobile phones connected with the head unit. Q What is a Passkey? A A passkey is the password used to authenticate the connection between the head unit and mobile phone. The passkey only needs to be entered once when pairing the mobile phone for the first time. The initial passkey is 0000. You can change it with SETUP ▶ Bluetooth ▶ Bluetooth System Info ▶ Passkey menu options.
Appendix I 10-710About Making/Answering Phone CallsQ How can I answer a call?A When there is  an incoming call, a notification pop-up will become displayed. To answer the incoming call, select the Acceptbutton on the screen or the key on the steer-ing wheel control. To reject the call, select the Rejectbutton on the screen or press the  key on the steering wheel control. Q What should I do if I am talking on the Handsfree but want to switch the call to the mobile phone?A While on a call,  press and hold (more  than 0.8 seconds) the  key on the steering wheel control or select the Use Privatebutton at the bottom of the Phone screen to switch the call to your mobile phone.About Bluetooth® Wireless Technology/Multimedia System Use EnvironmentQ What is the range of my wireless connection?A The wireless connection can be used within 15 yards.Q How many mobile phones can be paired?A It is possible to pair up to five mobile phones.Q Why is call quality sometimes poor?A Check the reception sensitivity of the mobile phone when call quality becomes worsened. The call quality may deteriorate when the signal strength is low. Call quality may also worsen if metal objects, such as beverage cans, are placed near the mobile phone. Check to see if there are metal objects in the vicinity of the mobile phone. The call sound and quality may differ depend-ing on the type of mobile phone.
10-8 I Index0~9911 Connect  ……………………4-7, 9-6AAbout Bluetooth® Wireless Technology/Head Unit Use Environment  ……… 10-7About HD Radio™ Data Services … 7-2About Making/Answering  Phone Calls ………………………… 10-7About Pairing Mobile Phones ……… 10-6About SiriusXM™ Data Service…… 7-3About UVO eServices ……………… 4-4Accept/Reject Call  ………………… 3-7Accessing HD Radio™ Data ……… 7-2Accessing SiriusXM™ Data  ……… 7-3Activating UVO eServices  ………… 4-6Address  …………………………… 5-14Address Book ……………………… 5-20Adjusting Voice Recognition Volume …6-5Advanced Settings ………………… 9-13Auto Connection Priority …………… 9-5Automatic Diagnostics  …………… 4-12AUX ………………………………… 2-24Avoid Street ………………………… 5-29BBasic Features ……………………… 5-2Basic Mode Screen ………………… 8-2Battery Warning Message ………… 1-10Before Playing a USB MP3  ……… 2-11Before Using the Bluetooth®  Handsfree  ………………………… 3-2Before using UVO eServices ……… 4-5Bluetooth® Audio …………………… 2-25Bluetooth Connection ……………3-4, 9-4Bluetooth Connection Settings  …… 2-26Bluetooth Phone …………………… 3-6Bluetooth Settings  ………………… 9-3Bluetooth System Info ……………… 9-5Bluetooth Voice Prompts  ………… 9-5CCall Commands  …………………… 6-8Call History  ………………………… 3-9Camera  …………………………… 8-4Canceling Route …………………… 5-26CAUTIONS upon Connecting  Bluetooth® Phone  ………………… 3-3Changing Map View  ……………… 5-3Climate Mode ……………………… 8-2Combining Voice Recognition with On-Screen Commands  …………… 6-3Component Names and Functions  …1-5Conducting Vehicle Diagnostics … … 4-9Connecting an External Device …… 2-24Connecting Bluetooth ……………… 4-5Connecting Bluetooth Devices  …… 3-4Connecting to smartphone via USB  …4-6Contacts  …………………………… 3-10Coordinates ………………………… 5-20Curfew Limit Alert  ………………… 4-13Custom Button Settings …………… 9-10Index
Index I 10-910DDate/Time Settings ………………… 9-11Default ……………………………… 5-32Deleting Bluetooth Devices  ……… 3-5Destination Search ………………… 5-13Dial  ………………………………… 3-7Direct Tune  ………………………… 2-8Disconnecting Bluetooth Devices  … 3-5Display ……………………………… 5-30Display Route Information  ………… 5-28Display Settings  …………………… 9-3EEditing Route  ……………………… 5-27Emergency  ………………………… 5-19Ending Voice Recognition  ………… 6-3eServices Guide …………………… 4-16Extending the Listening Time ……… 6-4FFAQ  ………………………………… 10-6Favorite Places  …………………… 5-21Favorites  …………………………… 3-11“Find <POI>” List …………………… 6-13FM/AM ……………………………… 2-2GGas Stations  ……………………… 5-18Geo Fence Alert …………………… 4-14Guidance …………………………… 5-31HHD Radio™ ………………………… 2-5HD Radio™ Data  ………………… 7-2HD Radio™ Doppler Radar  ……… 7-3HD Radio™ Technology …………… 2-4HD Radio™ Weather Information  Mode  ……………………………… 7-2Head Unit …………………………… 1-5Help Display ………………………… 6-6Home Screen  ……………………… 1-11How to Connect to a Network  …… 9-11How to start Siri  …………………… 6-20How to use Siri  …………………… 6-20IImport/Export  ……………………… 5-32Initiating a 911 Call ………………… 4-7Instructions for Using  Voice Recognition  ………………… 6-7iPod  ……………………………2-17, 2-21KKey Product Features ……………… 1-4Keyboard Settings  ………………… 9-12LLanguage Settings ………………… 9-12Local Search  ……………………… 5-16
10-10 I IndexMMap Display ………………………… 5-6Map Scale  ………………………… 5-4My Car Zone  ………………… 4-12, 9-7My POIs  …………………………… 4-15NNavigation Commands  …………… 6-9Navigation Settings …………… 5-30, 9-2Navigation Volume  ………………… 5-3OOn-Screen Touch Controls ………… 1-12Operating Navigation Screen ……… 5-2Other Commands List  (Commands used in List/Help)  …… 6-12PPair a device from  Bluetooth-enabled phone  ………… 4-5Pairing a New Device ……………… 3-4Parking Minder  ……………… 4-15, 9-6Phone Projection Settings ………… 9-10Phone Status Icons ………………… 3-6Places  ………………………… 5-3, 5-13POI  ………………………………… 5-6POI Categories  …………………… 5-17Precautions for Safe Driving  ……… 3-2Precautions Required for Successful  Voice Recognition  ………………… 6-2Previous Destinations ……………… 5-15Product Specification  ……………… 10-2QQuick Menu ………………………… 5-5RRadio Commands  ………………… 6-11Restaurants ………………………… 5-19Restrictions on Features for  Safety Measures …………………… 1-10Roadside Assist  …………………… 4-8Route  ……………………………… 5-5Route Guidance …………………… 5-24Route Options ……………………… 5-27Route Overview  …………………… 5-29Route Search  ……………………… 5-26Route Setting  ……………………… 5-22SSave ………………………………… 5-12Schedule Service  ………………… 4-10Scheduled Diagnostics  ……… 4-11, 9-9Screen Saver Settings  …………… 9-13Selecting through Channel/ Category List  ……………………… 2-8Send Report  ……………………… 4-10Sending Parking Location  ………… 4-15Sending Points of Interest to Your Navigation System ………………… 4-15Settings  …………………………… 5-12Setup  ……………………………… 9-2Siri Eyes Free  ……………………… 6-20SiriusXM™  ………………………… 2-6SiriusXM™ Data …………………… 7-3SiriusXM™ Fuel Price Information …… 7-4SiriusXM™ Movie Information  …… 7-8
Index I 10-1110SiriusXM™ Sports Information  …… 7-6SiriusXM™ Stock Information  …… 7-5SiriusXM™ Weather  Announcement  …………………… 7-3Skipping Prompt Messages  ……… 6-5Sound Settings  …………………… 9-2Speed Alert ………………………… 4-14Start Screen ………………………… 6-6Starting the System for the  First Time …………………………… 1-9Starting UVO Voice Local Search … 6-19Starting Voice Recognition ………… 6-3Starting/Ending and Setting  Voice Recognition  ………………… 6-3Steering-linked camera  …………… 8-4Steering Wheel Controls …………… 1-7Supported USB MP3 music  specifications  ……………………… 2-13System Info ………………………… 9-13System Reset ……………………… 1-9System Update  …………………… 9-14TThe 911 Connect feature may not operate in the following situations  ………… 4-2Traffic  ……………………………… 5-9Trip Info Sync Reminder …………… 9-9Troubleshooting  ………………5-33, 10-3Turning the System On/Off ………… 1-9Types of Commands  ……………… 6-8UUSB ………………………………… 2-11USB Music  ………………………… 2-14Using iPod Devices ………………… 2-17Using the Menu During a  Phone Call  ………………………… 3-8UVO eServices Commands List  …6-11UVO eServices Settings ……… 4-16, 9-6UVO Voice Local Search  ………… 6-19VVehicle Diagnostics ………………… 4-9Viewing Menu ……………………… 2-8Voice Commands  ………………… 6-8Voice Recognition Screen Overview …6-6Voice Recognition Settings ………… 9-11WWarnings and Cautions …………… 1-2 What is Bluetooth® Wireless  Technology? ……………………… 3-2 What is UVO Voice Local Search? …  6-19 What is Voice Recognition? ……… 6-2 ZZoom In/Zoom Out ………………… 5-4
Important InformationBefore using your Multimedia system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this end user manual ("User's Guide"). Not following precautions found in this User's Guide can lead to an accident or other serious consequences.Keep User's Guide in VehicleWhen kept in the vehicle, the User's Guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the Multimedia system. Please make certain that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to the User's Guide and read its instructions and safety information carefully.WarningOperating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly cause an accident or other serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations. This is important since while setting up or changing some functions as you may to distract your attention away from the road and remove your hands from the wheel.
10General OperationVoice Command ControlFunctions within the Multimedia system may be accomplished using only voice commands. Using voice commands while driving allows you to operate the system without removing your hands from the wheel.Prolonged Views of ScreenDo not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention. Even occasional short scans to the screen may be hazardous if your attention has been diverted away from your driving task at a critical time.Volume SettingDo not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals while driving. Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident.Navigation FeaturesAny navigation features included in the system are intended to provide turn by turn instructions to get you to a desired destination. Please make certain all persons using this system carefully read and follow instructions and safety information fully.
Distraction HazardSome navigation features may require manual (non-verbal) setup. Attempting to perform such set-up or insert data while driving can seri-ously distract your attention and could cause an accident or other serious consequences. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations.Let Your Judgment PrevailAny navigation features are provided only as an aid. Make your driving decisions based on your observations of local conditions and exist-ing traffic regulations. Any such feature is not a substitute for your personal judgment. Any route suggestions made by this system should never replace any local traffic regulations or your personal judgment or knowledge of safe driving practices.Route SafetyDo not follow the route suggestions if doing so would result in an unsafe or illegal maneuver, if you would be placed in an unsafe situation, or if you would be directed into an area that you consider unsafe. The driver is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle and therefore, must evaluate whether it is safe to follow the suggested directions.Potential Map InaccuracyMaps used by this system may be inaccurate because of changes in roads, traffic controls or driving conditions. Always use good judg-ment and common sense when following the suggested routes.
10Emergency ServicesDo not rely on any navigation features included in the system to route you to emergency services. Ask local authorities or an emergency services operator for these locations. Not all emergency services such as police, fire stations, hospitals and clinics are contained in the map database for navigation features.Use of Speech Recognition FunctionsSpeech recognition software is inherently a statistical process which is subject to errors. It is your responsibility to monitor any speech recognition functions included in the system and address any errors.
FCC WarningThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.

Navigation menu