User Manual

DIGITAL CAR AUDIO SYSTEM(ACBC0SNEE)Audio (Without Touch Screen)...............................4-System layout - control panel.........................................4-System layout - steering wheel remote control.........4-Turning the system on or off ..........................................4-Turning the display on or off...........................................4-Getting to know the basic operations............................4-Radio ..........................................................................4-Turning on the radio...........................................................4-Changing the radio mode ..................................................4-Scanning for available radio stations.............................4-Searching for radio stations.............................................4-Saving radio stations ..........................................................4-Listening to saved radio stations ....................................4-Media Player.............................................................4-Using the media player ......................................................4-Using the USB mode...........................................................4-Using the AUX mode ..........................................................4-Bluetooth...................................................................4-Connecting Bluetooth devices..........................................4-Using a Bluetooth audio device.......................................4-Using a Bluetooth phone...................................................4-System Status Icons ................................................4-Audio System Specifications..................................4-USB..........................................................................................4-Bluetooth ...............................................................................4-Trademarks ...............................................................4-Declaration of Conformity......................................4-CE RED for EU......................................................................4-RoHS for Taiwan..................................................................4-NCC for Taiwan ....................................................................4-FCC ..........................................................................................4- 4
4-2Multimedia SystemAUDIO (Without Touch Screen)(1) RADIO button• Press to display the radio mode selec-tion window.• When the mode selection window dis-plays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired mode and then press the knob.• When the Mode popup is not selectedin [MENU/CLOCK]  Mode popup,press the [RADIO] button on the controlpanel to change the mode.Each time you press the [RADIO] but-ton on the control panel, the modeswitches to radio FM AM in order.(2) MEDIA button• Press to display the media mode selec-tion window.• When the mode selection window dis-plays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired mode and then press the knob.• When the Mode popup is not selected in[MENU/CLOCK] Mode popup, press the[MEDIA] button on the control panel tochange the mode. Each time you press the [MEDIA] buttonon the control panel, the mode switchesto media USB AUX in order.(3) FAV button• While listening to the radio, press tomove to next page of the preset list.(4) POWER button/VOL knob• Press to turn the system on or off.• Turn to the left or right to adjust the sys-tem sound volume.(5) SEEK/TRACK button• Change the station/track/file (except forthe AUX mode).System layout – control panel❈The actual features in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.
4-3Multimedia System4• While listening to the radio, press andhold to search for a station.• While playing media, press and hold torewind or fast forward (except for theAUX mode).(6) MENU button/CLOCK button• Press to access the menu screen forthe current mode.• Press and hold to access the timesetup screen.(7) TUNE knob/FILE knob/ENTER button• While listening to the radio, turn toadjust the frequency.• While playing media, turn to search fora track/file (except for the AUX mode).• During a search, press to select thecurrent track/file.(8) Number buttons (1 RPT~ 4 BACK)• While listening to the radio, press to lis-ten to a saved radio station.• While listening to the radio, press andhold to save the current radio station tothe preset.• In the USB mode, press the [1 RPT]button to change the repeat play mode.Press the [2 SHFL] button to changethe shuffle play mode.• Press the [4 BACK] button to return tothe previous screen (except for theradio preset list).❈The actual features in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.
4-4Multimedia System(With Bluetooth®Wireless Technology)(1) AUDIO button• Press to display the radio/media modeselection window.• When the mode selection window dis-plays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired mode and then press the knob.• When the Mode popup is not selectedin [MENU/CLOCK]  Mode popup,press the [AUDIO] button on the controlpanel to change the mode.Each time you press the [AUDIO] but-ton on the control panel, the modeswitches to radio media in order.(2) PHONE button• Press to start connecting a mobilephone via Bluetooth.• After a Bluetooth phone connection ismade, press to access the Bluetoothphone menu.(3) FAV button• While listening to the radio, press tomove to next page of the preset list.(4) POWER button/VOL knob• Press to turn the system on or off.• Turn to the left or right to adjust the sys-tem sound volume.(5) SEEK/TRACK button• Change the station/track/file (except forthe AUX mode).• While listening to the radio, press andhold to search for a station.• While playing media, press and hold torewind or fast forward (except for theAUX and Bluetooth audio modes).❈The actual features in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.
4-5Multimedia System4(6) MENU button/CLOCK button• Press to access the menu screen forthe current mode.• Press and hold to access the timesetup screen.(7) TUNE knob/FILE knob/ENTER button• While listening to the radio, turn toadjust the frequency.• While playing media, turn to search fora track/file (except for the AUX andBluetooth audio modes).• During a search, press to select thecurrent track/file.(8) Number buttons (1 RPT~ 4 BACK)• While listening to the radio, press to lis-ten to a saved radio station.• While listening to the radio, press andhold to save the current radio station tothe preset.• In the USB/Bluetooth audio modes,press the [1 RPT] button to change therepeat play mode. Press the [2 SHFL]button to change the shuffle play mode.• Press the [4 BACK] button to return tothe previous screen (except for theradio preset list).❈The actual features in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.(With Bluetooth®Wireless Technology)
4-6Multimedia SystemSystem layout – steeringwheel remote control❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1) MODE button• Press to switch between radio andmedia modes.• Press and hold to turn the systemon or off. (if equipped)(2) Volume lever• Push up or down to adjust thevolume.(3) Up/Down lever• Change the station/track/file (exceptfor the AUX mode).• While listening to the radio, push tolisten to the previous/next savedradio station.• While listening to the radio, pushand hold to search for a station.• While playing media, push andhold to rewind or fast forward(except for the AUX and Bluetoothaudio* mode).(if equipped)(4) MUTE button• Press to mute or unmute the sys-tem.• During a call, press to mute orunmute the microphone.• While playing media, press topause or resume playback.(5) Call/Answer button (if equipped)• Press to start connecting a mobilephone via Bluetooth.• After a Bluetooth phone connec-tion is made, press to access yourcall history. Press and hold to dialthe most recent phone number.When a call comes in, press toanswer the call.• During a call, press to switchbetween the active call and theheld call. Press and hold to switchthe call between the system andthe mobile phone.(6) Call end button (if equipped)
4-7Multimedia System4•Do not operate the systemwhile driving. Driving whiledistracted may result in a lossof vehicle control, potentiallyleading to an accident, severepersonal injury, or death. Thedriver’s primary responsibilityis the safe and legal operationof a vehicle, and any handhelddevices, equipment, or vehiclesystems which divert the dri-ver’s attention from thisresponsibility should neverbe used during operation ofthe vehicle.WARNING- About driving•Avoid watching the screenwhile driving. Driving whiledistracted may lead to a trafficaccident. Stop your vehicle ina safe location before usingfunctions that require multipleoperations.•Stop your vehicle first beforeusing your mobile phone.Using a mobile phone whiledriving may lead to a trafficaccident. If necessary, use theBluetooth Handsfree featureto make calls and keep thecall as short as possible.•Keep the volume low enoughto hear external sounds.Driving without the ability tohear external sounds maylead to a traffic accident.Listening to a loud volume fora long time may cause hear-ing damage.•Do not disassemble or modifythe system. Doing so mayresult in an accident, fire, orelectric shock.•Do not allow liquids or foreignsubstances to enter the sys-tem. Liquids or foreign sub-stances may cause noxiousfumes, a fire, or a system mal-function.•Stop using the system if itmalfunctions, such as noaudio output or display. If youcontinue using the systemwhen it is malfunctioning, itmay lead to a fire, electricshock, or system failure.•Do not touch the antenna dur-ing thunder or lightningbecause such an act maycause electric shock.WARNING- About handling the system
4-8Multimedia SystemInformation- About operating the system• Use the system with the engine run-ning. Using the system for a longtime when the engine is stopped maydischarge the battery.• Do not install unapproved products.Using unapproved products maycause an error while using the sys-tem. System errors caused byinstalling unapproved products arenot covered under the warranty.Information- About handling the system• Do not apply excessive force to thesystem. Excessive pressure on thescreen may damage the LCD panelor the touch panel.• When cleaning the screen or buttonpanel, make sure to stop the engineand use a soft, dry cloth. Wiping thescreen or buttons with a rough clothor using solvents (alcohol, benzene,paint thinner, etc.) may scratch orchemically damage the surface.• If you attach a liquid-type air fresh-ener to the fan louvre, the surface ofthe louvre may become deformeddue to the flowing air.• If you want to change the position ofthe installed device, please inquirewith your place of purchase or serv-ice maintenance centre. Technicalexpertise is required to install or dis-assemble the device.• If you experience any problemswith the system, contact yourplace of purchase or dealer.• Placing the audio system withinan electromagnetic environmentmay result in noise interference.i iNOTICE
4-9Multimedia System4Turning the system on or offTo turn on the system, start the engine.• If you do not want to use the sys-tem while driving, you can turn offthe system by pressing the[POWER] button on the controlpanel. To use the system again,press the [POWER] button again.The system turns off when you stopthe engine (ACC Off).• When you turn back on the sys-tem, the previous mode and set-tings will remain intact.InformationYou can turn on the system when thekey ignition switch is placed in the“ACC” or “ON” position. Using thesystem for an extended period withoutthe engine running drains the battery.If you plan on using the system for along time, start the engineTurning the display on or offTo prevent glare, you can turn off thescreen. The screen can be turned offonly while the system is on.1. On the control panel, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect Display off, and then pressthe knob.• To turn the screen back on,press any of the control panelbuttons.i•Some functions may be dis-abled for safety reasons whilethe vehicle is moving. Theywork only when the vehiclestops. Park your vehicle in asafe location before using anyof them.•Stop using the system if itmalfunctions, such as noaudio output or display. If youcontinue using the systemwhen it is malfunctioning, itmay lead to a fire, electricshock, or system failure.WARNING
4-10Multimedia SystemGetting to know the basicoperationsYou can select an item or adjust thesettings by using the number buttonsand the [TUNE] knob on the controlpanel.Selecting an itemNumbered itemsPress the corresponding numberbutton.Numberless itemsTurn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired item, and then press theknob.Adjusting the settingsTurn the [TUNE] knob to adjust thevalue, and then press the knob tosave changes.Turn the [TUNE] knob to the right toincrease the value and turn the[TUNE] knob to the left to decreasethe value.
4-11Multimedia System4Turning on the radio1. On the control panel, press the[RADIO] / [AUDIO] button.2. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired radio mode andthen press the knob.FM/AM Mode(1) Current radio mode(2) Radio station information(3) Preset listPress the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing menu options:•Autostore: Save radio stations tothe preset list.•Scan: The system searches forradio stations with strong radio sig-nals and plays each radio stationfor about five seconds.•Sound settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds,such as location where sound willbe concentrated and the outputlevel for each range.-Position: Select a location wheresound will be concentrated in thevehicle. Select Fade (Fader) orBalance, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired position, andthen press the knob. To set soundto be centred in the vehicle,select Centre(Center).-Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the out-put level for each sound tonemode.-Speed dependent vol.: Set thevolume to be adjusted automati-cally according to your drivingspeed. (if equipped)• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available optionsmay vary.• Depending on the system oramplifier specifications appliedto your vehicle, available optionsmay vary.•Mode popup: Set to display modeselection window when the [RADIO]/ [AUDIO] button is pressed on thecontrol panel.•Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown onthe system display.-Set date: Set date to display onthe system display.-Set time: Set time to display onthe system display.-Time format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format or the24 hour format.-Display (Power Off): Set to dis-play the clock when the systempower is off.•Language: You can change thedisplay language.NOTICERADIO
4-12Multimedia SystemFM/AM Mode (With RDS)(1) Current radio mode(2) Radio station information(3) Preset listPress the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing menu options:•Traffic announcement: Activate ordeactivate traffic announcements.Announcements and programmeswill be received automatically ifavailable.•Autostore: Save radio stations tothe preset list.•Scan: The system searches forradio stations with strong radio sig-nals and plays each option forabout five seconds.•Sound settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds,such as location where sound willbe concentrated and the outputlevel for each range.-Position: Select a locationwhere sound will be concentrat-ed in the vehicle. Select Fade(Fader) or Balance, turn the[TUNE] knob to select thedesired position, and then pressthe knob. To set sound to be cen-tred in the vehicle, selectCentre(Center).-Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the out-put level for each sound tonemode.-Speed dependent vol.: Set thevolume to be adjusted automati-cally according to your drivingspeed. (if equipped)• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available optionsmay vary.• Depending on the system oramplifier specifications appliedto your vehicle, available optionsmay vary.•Mode popup: Set to display modeselection window when the [RADIO]/ [AUDIO] button is pressed on thecontrol panel.•Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown onthe system display.-Set date: Set date to display onthe system display.-Set time: Set time to display onthe system display.-Time format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format or the24 hour format.-Display (Power Off): Set to dis-play the clock when the systempower is off.•Language: You can change thedisplay language.NOTICE
4-13Multimedia System4Changing the radio mode1. On the control panel, press the[RADIO] / [AUDIO] button.2. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired radio mode andthen press the knob.• Each time you press the[MODE] button on the steeringwheel, the radio mode switchesto FM AM in order.• When the Mode popup is notselected in [MENU/CLOCK] Mode popup, press the [RADIO]/ [AUDIO] button on the controlpanel to change the radio mode.Each time you press the [RADIO]/ [AUDIO] button on the controlpanel, the radio mode switchesto FM AM in order.Scanning for available radiostationsYou can listen to each radio stationfor a few seconds to test the recep-tion and select the one you want.1. From the radio screen, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect  Scan, and then press theknob.• The system searches for radiostations with strong radio sig-nals and plays each radio sta-tion for about five seconds.3. When you find the radio stationyou want to listen to, press the[TUNE] knob.• You can continue listening to theselected station.Searching for radio stationsTo search for the previous or nextavailable radio station, press the [∧SEEK] button / [TRACK ∨] buttonon the control panel.• You can also press and hold the[∧SEEK] button / [TRACK ∨] but-ton to search for frequencies quick-ly. When you release the button, aradio station with a strong signal isselected automatically.If you know the exact frequency ofthe radio station you want to listen to,turn the [TUNE] knob on the controlpanel to change the frequency.NOTICE
4-14Multimedia SystemSaving radio stationsYou can save your favourite radiostations and listen to them by select-ing them from the preset list.Saving the current radio stationWhile listening to the radio, pressand hold the desired number buttonon the control panel.• The radio station you are listeningto will be added to the selectednumber.• To save the next page of the presetlist, press the [FAV] button.Saving the current radio stationWhile listening to the radio, pressand hold the desired number buttonon the control panel.• The radio station you are listeningto will be added to the selectednumber.• To save the next page of the presetlist, press the [FAV] button.• You can save up to 12 radio sta-tions in each mode.• If a station is already saved tothe selected preset number, thestation will be replaced by thestation you are listening to.Using the auto save functionYou can search for radio stations inyour area where there is a strong sig-nal. The results of your search canbe saved to the preset list automati-cally.1. From the radio screen, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect Autostore, and then pressthe knob.Listening to saved radio sta-tionsFM/AM Mode1. Confirm the preset number for theradio station you want to listen to.• To view the next page of the pre-set list, press the [FAV] button.2. On the control panel, press thedesired number button.• Alternatively, push the Up/Downlever on the steering wheel tochange the station.NOTICE
4-15Multimedia System4Using the media playerYou can play music stored in variousmedia storage devices, such as USBstorage devices, smartphones.1. Connect a device to the USB/AUXport in your vehicle.• Playback may start immediatelydepending on the device thatyou connect to the system.2. On the control panel, press the[MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button.3. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired mode and thenpress the knob.• To start the media player, pressthe [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button onthe control panel.• You can also change the mode bypress the [MODE] button repeat-edly on the steering wheel.• Make sure to connect or discon-nect external USB devices withthe system power turned off.• When the Mode popup is notselected in [MENU/CLOCK] Mode popup, press the [MEDIA] /[AUDIO] button on the controlpanel to change the media player.Each time you press the [MEDIA]/ [AUDIO] button on the controlpanel, the media mode switchesto USB Bluetooth audio* AUX in order.• Depending on vehicle modelsand specifications, availablebuttons or the appearance andlayout of the USB/AUX port inyour vehicle may vary.• Do not connect a smartphone oran MP3 device to the system viamultiple methods such as USB,Bluetooth* and AUX simultane-ously. Doing so may cause a dis-torted noise or a system mal-function.• When the equaliser function ofthe connected device andEqualiser (Tone) settings of thesystem are both activated, theeffects may interfere with eachother and may lead to sounddegradation or distortion.Deactivate the device’s equalis-er function if possible.• Noise may occur when an AUXdevice is connected. When suchdevices are not being used, dis-connect the device for storage.• When the AUX device power isconnected to the power jack,playing the external device mayresult in noise. In such cases,disconnect the power connec-tion before use.*if equippedNOTICEMEDIA PLAYER
4-16Multimedia SystemUsing the USB modeYou can play media files stored inportable devices, such as USB stor-age devices and MP3 players. Checkcompatible USB storage devices andfile specifications before using theUSB mode.Connect your USB device to theUSB port in the vehicle.• Playback starts immediately.• Press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO]but-ton on the control panel to displaythe mode selection window, turnthe [TUNE] knob to select USBand then press the knob.(1) Current file number and totalnumber of files(2) Playback time(3) Information about the song cur-rently playingPress the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing menu options:•List: Access the file list.•Folder list: Access the folder list.•Information: Display informationabout the song currently playing.•Sound settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds,such as location where sound willbe concentrated and the outputlevel for each range.-Position: Select a locationwhere sound will be concentrat-ed in the vehicle. Select Fade(Fader) or Balance, turn the[TUNE] knob to select thedesired position, and then pressthe knob. To set sound to be cen-tred in the vehicle, selectCentre(Center).-Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the out-put level for each sound tonemode.-Speed dependent vol.: Set thevolume to be adjusted automati-cally according to your drivingspeed. (if equipped)• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available optionsmay vary.• Depending on the system oramplifier specifications appliedto your vehicle, available optionsmay vary.•Song information (Media Display):Select information such asFolder/File or  Artist/Title/Albumto display when playing MP3 files.•Mode popup: Set to display modeselection window when the [MEDIA]/ [AUDIO] button is pressed on thecontrol panel.NOTICE
4-17Multimedia System4•Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown onthe system display.-Set date: Set date to display onthe system display.-Set time: Set time to display onthe system display.-Time format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format or the24 hour format.-Display (Power Off): Set to dis-play the clock when the systempower is off.•Language: You can change thedisplay language.Rewinding/Fast forwardingOn the control panel, press and holdthe [∧SEEK] button / [TRACK  ∨]button.• You can also push and hold theUp/Down lever on the steering wheel.Restarting the current playbackOn the control panel, press the [TRACK ∨] button.• You can also push the Down leveron the steering wheel.Playing the previous or next songTo play the previous song, press the [TRACK ∨] button twice on the con-trol panel. To play the next song,press the [∧SEEK] button on thecontrol panel.• You can also use the Up/Downlever on the steering wheel.Press the [MENU] button on thecontrol panel to display the modeselection window, turn the [TUNE]knob to find the desired song andpress the knob to play the file.Playing repeatedlyOn the control panel, press the [1 RPT] button. The repeat playmode changes each time you pressit. The corresponding mode icon willbe displayed on the screen.Playing in random orderOn the control panel, press the [2 SHFL] button. The shuffle playmode is activated or deactivatedeach time you press it. When youactivate the shuffle mode, the corre-sponding mode icon will be displayedon the screen.Searching folders1. On the control panel, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the Folder List and thenpress the knob.3. Navigate to the desired folder inthe Folder List and then press the[TUNE] knob.• The first song in the selectedfolder will be played.NOTICE
4-18Multimedia SystemInformation• Start the engine of your vehiclebefore connecting a USB device toyour system. Starting the enginewith a USB device connected to thesystem may damage the USB device.• Be careful of static electricity whenconnecting or disconnecting a USBdevice. A static discharge may causea system malfunction.• Be careful not to let your body orexternal objects contact the USBport. Doing so may cause an acci-dent or a system malfunction.• Do not connect and disconnect aUSB connector repeatedly in a shorttime. Doing so may cause an error inthe device or a system malfunction.• Do not use a USB device for purpos-es other than playing files. UsingUSB accessories for charging orheating may cause poor perform-ance or a system malfunction.• When connecting a USB storagedevice, do not use an extensioncable. Connect it directly to theUSB port. If you use a USB hubor an extension cable, the devicemay not be recognized.• Fully insert a USB connectorinto the USB port. Failure to doso may cause a communicationerror.• When you disconnect a USBstorage device, a distorted noisemay occur.• The system can play only filesencoded in a standard format.• The following types of USBdevices may not be recognisedor work correctly:- Encrypted MP3 players- USB devices not recognisedas removable disks• A USB device may not be recog-nised depending on its condition.• Some USB devices may beincompatible with your system.• Depending on the USB device’stype, capacity, or the format offiles, USB recognition time maybe longer.• Image and video playback arenot supported.Using the AUX modeYou can listen to audio from yourvehicle’s speakers by connectingexternal devices, such as smart-phones and MP3 players.Connect an external device to theAUX port in your vehicle using anAUX cable.• The AUX mode starts automatical-ly and the sound is heard via yourvehicle’s speakers.• If an external device is already con-nected to the system, press the[MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button repeated-ly until the AUX mode is selected.iNOTICE
4-19Multimedia System4Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing a menu option.•Sound settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds,such as location where sound willbe concentrated and the outputlevel for each range.-Position: Select a location wheresound will be concentrated in thevehicle. Select Fade (Fader) orBalance, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired position, andthen press the knob. To set soundto be centred in the vehicle, selectCentre(Center).-Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the out-put level for each sound tonemode.-Speed dependent vol.: Set thevolume to be adjusted automati-cally according to your drivingspeed. (if equipped)• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available optionsmay vary.• Depending on the system oramplifier specifications appliedto your vehicle, available optionsmay vary.•Mode popup: Set to display modeselection window when the[RADIO] / [MEDIA] button ispressed on the control panel.•Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown onthe system display.-Set date: Set date to display onthe system display.-Set time: Set time to display onthe system display.-Time format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format or the24 hour format.-Display (Power Off): Set to dis-play the clock when the systempower is off.•Language: You can change thedisplay language.• Because the system works as anoutput device of the connectedexternal device in the AUXmode, you cannot use controlsother than the volume control.Use controls on the externaldevice to control playback.• The sound volume for the AUXmode is adjusted separatelyfrom the other modes.• Depending on the device type,using an external device withthe power cable plugged into thepower jack may cause a distort-ed noise.• If the AUX cable is plugged intothe system without an externaldevice, a distorted noise mayoccur. Remove the AUX cablefrom the AUX port when an exter-nal device is not connected.NOTICE NOTICE
4-20Multimedia SystemConnecting Bluetooth devicesBluetooth is a short-range wirelessnetworking technology. ViaBluetooth, you can connect nearbymobile devices wirelessly to sendand receive data between connecteddevices. This enables you to useyour devices effectively.To use Bluetooth, you must first con-nect a Bluetooth-enabled device toyour system, such as a mobile phoneor an MP3 player. Ensure that thedevice you want to connect supportsBluetooth.• On your system, you can useonly Bluetooth Handsfree andAudio features. Connect amobile device that supportsboth features.• Some Bluetooth devices maycause malfunctions to the audiosystem or make interferencenoises. In this case, storing thedevice in a different locationmay resolve the problem.• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device or mobilephone, some functions may notbe supported.• If the system is not stable due toa vehicle-Bluetooth device com-munication error, delete thepaired devices and connect theBluetooth devices again.• If Bluetooth connection is notstable, follow these steps to tryagain.1. Deactivate Bluetooth andreactivate it on the device.Then, reconnect the device.2. Turn the device off and on.Then, reconnect it.3. Remove the battery from thedevice and reinstall it. Then,turn the device on and recon-nect it.4. Unregister the Bluetooth pair-ing on both the system andthe device and then re-regis-ter and connect them.• The Bluetooth connection isunavailable when the device’sBluetooth function is turned off.Be sure to turn on the device’sBluetooth function.NOTICEBLUETOOTH (if equipped)Park your vehicle in a safe loca-tion before connecting Bluetoothdevices. Distracted driving cancause a traffic accident and leadto personal injury or death.WARNING
4-21Multimedia System4Pairing devices with your systemFor Bluetooth connections, first pairyour device with your system to addit to the system’s list of Bluetoothdevices. You can register up to fivedevices.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then selectPhone Add new device.• If you are pairing a device withyour system for the first time orthere is no connected devices,you can also press theCall/Answer button on the steer-ing wheel.2. On the Bluetooth device you wantto connect, activate Bluetooth,search for your vehicle’s system,and then select it.• Check the system’s Bluetoothname, which is displayed in thenew registration pop-up windowon the system screen.3. Enter or confirm the passkey toconfirm the connection.• If the passkey input screen isdisplayed on the Bluetoothdevice screen, enter thepasskey ‘0000’ which is dis-played on the system screen.• If the 6-digit passkey is dis-played on the Bluetooth devicescreen, ensure that theBluetooth passkey displayed onthe Bluetooth device is the sameas the passkey on the systemscreen and confirm the connec-tion from the device.• The screen image in this manual isan example. Check your systemscreen for the exact vehicle nameand Bluetooth device name.• The default passkey is ‘0000’.• It may take a while for the sys-tem to connect with the deviceafter you permit the system toaccess the device. When a con-nection is made, the Bluetoothstatus icon appears at the top ofthe screen.• You can change the permissionsettings via the mobile phone’sBluetooth settings menu. Formore information, refer to yourmobile phone’s user guide.• To register a new device, repeatsteps 1 to 3.• If you use the automaticBluetooth connection function,a call may be switched to thevehicle’s Handsfree when youare taking on the phone near thevehicle while the vehicle’sengine is on. If you do not wantthe system to connect with thedevice automatically, deactivateBluetooth on your device.• When a device is connected to thesystem via Bluetooth, the device’sbattery may discharge faster.NOTICE
4-22Multimedia SystemConnecting a paired deviceTo use a Bluetooth device on yoursystem, connect the paired device tothe system. Your system can connectwith only one device at a time.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then selectPhone Paired devices.• If there is no connected device,press the Call/Answer button onthe steering wheel.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedevice to connect, and then pressthe knob.• If another device is already con-nected to your system, discon-nect it. Select the connecteddevice to disconnect.• If a connection ends because adevice is out of the connectionrange or a device error occurs,the connection will be restoredautomatically when the deviceenters the connection range orwhen the error is cleared.• Depending on auto connectionpriority, connection to a devicemay take time.Disconnecting a deviceIf you want to stop using a Bluetoothdevice or connect another device,disconnect your currently connecteddevice.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then selectPhone Paired devices.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to selectyour currently connected deviceand then press the knob.3. Press the [1 RPT] button to selectYes.NOTICE
4-23Multimedia System4Deleting paired devicesIf you no longer want a Bluetoothdevice paired or if you want to con-nect a new device when theBluetooth device list is full, deletepaired devices.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then selectPhone Delete devices.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedevice to delete, and then pressthe knob.3. Press the [1 RPT] button to selectYes.• When you delete a paired device,the Call history and Contactsstored in the system are alsodeleted.• To re-use a deleted device, youmust pair the device again.Using a Bluetooth audiodeviceYou can listen to music stored in theconnected Bluetooth audio devicevia your vehicle’s speakers.1. On the control panel, press the[MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button.2. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect Bluetooth audio and thenpress the knob.(1) Information about the song cur-rently playing1. Press the [MENU/CLOCK] buttonon the control panel to access thefollowing a menu option.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to selectoption and then press the knob.•Sound settings: You canchange the settings related tosounds, such as location wheresound will be concentrated andthe output level for each range.-Position: Select a locationwhere sound will be concentrat-ed in the vehicle. Select Fade(Fader) or Balance, turn the[TUNE] knob to select thedesired position, and thenpress the knob. To set sound tobe centred in the vehicle, selectCentre(Center).-Equaliser  (Tone): Adjust theoutput level for each soundtone mode.-Speed dependent vol.: Setthe volume to be adjustedautomatically according toyour driving speed.• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available optionsmay vary.• Depending on the system oramplifier specifications appliedto your vehicle, available optionsmay vary.NOTICENOTICE
4-24Multimedia System•Mode popup: Set to displaymode selection window whenthe [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button ispressed on the control panel.•Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown onthe system display.-Set date: Set date to displayon the system display.-Set time: Set time to displayon the system display.-Time format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format orthe 24 hour format.-Display  (Power Off): Set todisplay the clock when thesystem power is off.•Language: You can change thedisplay language.Pausing/Resuming playbackTo pause playback, press the [TUNE]knob on the control panel. To resumeplayback, press the [TUNE] knobagain.Restarting the current playbackOn the control panel, press the[TRACK ∨] button.• You can also push the Down leveron the steering wheel.Playing the previous or next songTo play the previous song, press the[TRACK ∨] button twice on the con-trol panel. To play the next song,press the [∧SEEK] button on thecontrol panel.• You can also use the Up/Downlever on the steering wheel.Depending on the connectedBluetooth device or mobile phone,playing the previous/next songmay not be supported.Playing repeatedlyOn the control panel, press the [1 RPT] button. The repeat playmode changes each time you pressit. The corresponding mode icon willbe displayed on the screen.Playing in random orderOn the control panel, press the [2 SHFL] button. The shuffle playmode is activated or deactivatedeach time you press it. When youactivate the shuffle mode, the corre-sponding mode icon will be displayedon the screen.NOTICE
4-25Multimedia System4• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device, mobile phone,or the music player you areusing, playback controls maydiffer.• Depending on the music playeryou are using, streaming maynot be supported.• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device or mobilephone, some functions may notbe supported.• If a Bluetooth enabled phone isbeing used to play music and itreceives or makes a phone call,the music will stop.• Receiving an incoming call ormaking an outgoing call whileplaying Bluetooth audio mayresult in audio interference.• If you use the Bluetooth phonemode while using Bluetoothaudio, playback may not auto-matically resume after you endthe call depending on the con-nected mobile phone.• Moving the track up/down whileplaying Bluetooth audio modemay result in pop noises withsome mobile phones.• The Rewinding/Fast forwardingfunction is not supported in theBluetooth audio mode.• The playlist feature is not sup-ported in the Bluetooth audiomode.• If the Bluetooth device is dis-connected, Bluetooth audiomode will end.Using a Bluetooth phoneYou can use Bluetooth to talk on thephone hands free. View call informa-tion on the system screen, and makeor receive calls safely and conve-niently via the vehicle’s built-in micro-phone and speakers. NOTICE•Park your vehicle in a safelocation before connectingBluetooth devices. Distracteddriving can cause a trafficaccident and lead to personalinjury or death.•Never dial a phone number orpick up your mobile phonewhile driving. Use of a mobilephone may distract yourattention, making it difficult torecognize external conditionsand reducing the ability tocope with unexpected situa-tions, which may lead to anaccident. If necessary, use theBluetooth Handsfree featureto make calls and keep thecall as short as possibleWARNING
4-26Multimedia System• You cannot access the Phonescreen if there is no connectedmobile phone. To use theBluetooth phone function, con-nect a mobile phone to the sys-tem.• The Bluetooth Handsfree func-tion may not work when you arepassing out of the cellular servicecoverage area, such as when youare in a tunnel, underground, or ina mountainous area.• Call quality may be degraded inthe following environments:- The reception of the mobilephone is poor- The inside of the vehicle isnoisy- The mobile phone is placednear metallic objects, such asa beverage can.• Depending on the connectedmobile phone, the volume andsound quality of the BluetoothHandsfree may vary.Making a callIf your mobile phone is connected tothe system, you can make a call byselecting a name from your call his-tory or contacts list.1. On the control panel, press the[PHONE] button.• Alternatively, press the Call/Answer button on the steeringwheel.2. Select a phone number.• To select a phone number fromyour favourites list, selectFavourites.• To select a phone number fromyour call history, select Call his-tory.• To select a phone number fromyour contacts list that down-loaded from the connectedmobile phone, select Contacts.3. To end the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call endbutton on the steering wheel.NOTICE
4-27Multimedia System4Using the favourites list1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panelto select Favourites, and thenpress the knob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired contact, and then pressthe knob to make a phone call.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing menu options:•Add new favourites: Add a fre-quently used phone number tofavourites.•Delete items: Delete a selectedfavourites item.•Delete all: Delete all favouritesitems.• You can register up to 20favourites for each device.• You must first download thecontacts to the system to regis-ter favourites.• The favourites list saved on themobile phone is not downloadedto the system.• Even if the contact informationon the mobile phone is edited,the favourites on the system arenot automatically edited. Deleteand add the item to favouritesagain.• When you connect a new mobilephone, your favourites set forthe previous mobile phone willnot be displayed, but they willremain in your system until youdelete the previous phone fromthe device list.Using your call history1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panelto select Call history, and thenpress the knob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired entry, and then press theknob to make a phone call.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing menu options:•Download: Download your callhistory.•All calls: View all call records.•Dialled calls: View only dialledcalls.•Received calls: View onlyreceived calls.•Missed calls: View only missedcalls.NOTICE
4-28Multimedia System• Some mobile phones may notsupport the download function.• The call history is accessed onlyafter downloading the call histo-ry when the mobile phone isconnected to the system.• Calls from restricted IDs are notsaved on the call history list.• Up to 50 call records will bedownloaded per individual list.• Call duration and time informa-tion will not be displayed on thesystem screen.• Permission is required to down-load your call history from themobile phone. When youattempt to download data, youmay need to permit the down-load on the mobile phone. If thedownload fails, check the mobilephone screen for any notifica-tion or the mobile phone’s per-mission setting.• When you download your callhistory, any old data will bedeleted.Using the contacts list1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panelto select Contacts, and thenpress the knob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired group of alphanumericcharacters, and then press theknob.3. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired contact, and then pressthe knob to make a phone call.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing a menu option:•Download: Download your mobilephone contacts.• Contacts can be viewed onlywhen the Bluetooth device isconnected.• Only contacts in the supportedformat can be downloaded anddisplayed from the Bluetoothdevice. Contacts from someapplications will not be included.• Up to 2,000 contacts can bedownloaded from your device.• Some mobile phones may notsupport the download function.• Depending on the system’s spec-ifications, some of the down-loaded contacts may be lost.• Contacts stored both in thephone and in the SIM card aredownloaded. With some mobilephones, contacts in the SIM cardmay not be downloaded.• Special characters and figuresused in the contact name maynot be displayed properly.NOTICENOTICE
4-29Multimedia System4• Permission is required to down-load contacts from the mobilephone. When you attempt todownload data, you may need topermit the download on themobile phone. If the downloadfails, check the mobile phonescreen for any notification or themobile phone’s permission set-ting.• Depending on the mobile phonetype or status, downloading maytake longer.• When you download your con-tacts, any old data will be deleted.• You cannot edit or delete yourcontacts on the system.• When you connect a new mobilephone, your contacts down-loaded from the previous mobilephone will not be displayed, butthey will remain in your systemuntil you delete the previousphone from the device list.Answering callsWhen a call comes in, a notificationpop-up window of the incoming callappears on the system screen.To answer the call, press the [1 RPT]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call/Answer button on the steeringwheel.To reject the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call endbutton on the steering wheel.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, call rejection may not besupported.• Once your mobile phone is con-nected to the system, the callsound may be output throughthe vehicle’s speakers even afteryou exit the vehicle if the phoneis within the connection range.To end the connection, discon-nect the device from the systemor deactivate Bluetooth on thedevice.NOTICE
4-30Multimedia SystemUsing options during a callDuring a call, you will see the callscreen shown below. Press a buttonto perform the function you want.To switch the call to your mobilephone, press the [1 RPT] button onthe control panel.• Alternatively, press and hold theCall/Answer button on the steeringwheel.To end the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call endbutton on the steering wheel.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button onthe control panel to access the fol-lowing a menu option:•Microphone Volume (OutgoingVolume): Adjust the microphonevolume or turn off the microphoneso the other party cannot hear you.• If the caller information is savedin your contacts list, the caller’sname and phone number will bedisplayed. If the caller informa-tion is not saved in your con-tacts list, only the caller’s phonenumber will be displayed.• You cannot switch to any otherscreen, such as the audioscreen or the settings screen,during a Bluetooth call.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, call quality may vary. Onsome phones, your voice may beless audible to the other party.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, the phone number may notbe displayed.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, the call switching functionmay not be supported.NOTICE
4-31Multimedia System4SYSTEM STATUS ICONSStatus icons appear at the top of thescreen to display the current systemstatus.Familiarise yourself with the statusicons that appear when you performcertain actions or functions and theirmeanings.BluetoothSignal strength• The battery level displayed onthe screen may differ from thebattery level displayed on theconnected device.• The signal strength displayedon the screen may differ fromthe signal strength displayed onthe connected mobile phone.• Depending on vehicle modelsand specifications, some statusicons may not be displayed.NOTICEBattery level of connected Bluetooth deviceDescriptionIconMobile phone or audio device con-nected via BluetoothBluetooth call in progressMicrophone turned off duringBluetooth callDownloading call history from amobile phone connected viaBluetooth to the systemDownloading contacts from amobile phone connected viaBluetooth to the systemSignal strength of the mobile phoneconnected via BluetoothDescriptionIcon
4-32Multimedia SystemAUDIO SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSUSBSupported audio formats• Audio file specification- WAVeform audio format- MPEG1/2/2.5 Audio Layer3- Windows Media Audio Ver7.X/8.X•Bit rates- MPEG1 (Layer3): 32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320 kbps- MPEG2 (Layer3): 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/144/160 kbps- MPEG2.5 (Layer3):8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/144/160 kbps- WMA (High Range):48/64/80/96/128/160/192 kbps• Bits Per Sample- WAV (PCM(Stereo)): 24 bit- WAV (IMA ADPCM): 4 bit- WAV (MS ADPCM): 4 bit• Sampling frequency- MPEG1: 44100/48000/32000 Hz- MPEG2: 22050/24000/16000 Hz- MPEG2.5: 11025/12000/8000 Hz- WMA: 32000/44100/48000 Hz- WAV: 44100/48000 Hz• Maximum length of folder/filenames (Based on Unicode): 40English or Korean characters• Supported characters for folder/filenames (Unicode support): 2,604Korean characters, 94 alphanu-meric characters, 4,888 Chinesecharacters in common use, 986special characters• Maximum number of folders: 1,000• Maximum number of files: 5,000• Files that are not in a supportedformat may not be recognised orplayed, or information aboutthem, such as the file name, maynot be displayed properly.• Only files with .mp3/.wma/.wavextensions can be recognisedby the system. If the file is not insupported format, change thefile format by using the latestencoding software.• The device will not support fileslocked by DRM (Digital RightsManagement).• For MP3/WMA compression filesand WAV file, differences insound quality will occur depend-ing on the bitrate. (Music fileswith a higher bitrate have a bet-ter sound quality.)• Japanese or Simplified Chinesecharacters in folder or filenames may not be displayedproperly.NOTICE
4-33Multimedia System4Supported USB storage devices• Byte/Sector: 64 kbyte or less• Format system: FAT12/16/32 (rec-ommended), exFAT/NTFS• Operation is guaranteed only for ametal cover type USB storagedevice with a plug type connector.- USB storage devices with aplastic plug may not be recog-nised.- USB storage devices in memo-ry card types, such as CF cardor SD cards, may not be recog-nised.• USB hard disk drives may not berecognised.• When you use a large capacityUSB storage device with multi-ple logical drives, only filesstored on the first drive will berecognised.• If an application program isloaded on a USB storage device,the corresponding media filesmay not play.• Use USB 2.0 devices for bettercompatibility.Bluetooth• Bluetooth Power Class 2:-6 to 4 dBm• Aerial power: Max 3 mW• Frequency range: 2400 to 2483.5MHz• Bluetooth patch RAM software ver-sion: 1NOTICE
4-34Multimedia SystemTRADEMARKSOther trademarks and trade names are those of theirrespective owners.• The Bluetooth®word mark andlogos are registered trademarksowned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. andany use of such marks by HYUNDAIis under licence.
4-35Multimedia System)&&:DUQLQJThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpCaution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by theFCC.

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