User Manual

4-1Multimedia System4AUDIO (With Touch Screen)4FN3G0000EGModel : ACB10J0GN
Feature of Your Audio-Head Unit-❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1) Radio•Plays FM/AM radio (2) MEDIA• Plays Media(CD, USB(iPod®), BTAudio, AUX) mode.• Each time the button is pressed,the mode is changed sequentially.• The media mode popup will be dis-played when [SETUP] button  ▶[Display] ▶[Mode Popup] is turned[On].   (3) SEEK/TRACK When pressed quickly• Radio mode: Searches broadcastfrequencies.• Media mode: Changes the track,file or title. (except AUX)When pressed and held• Radio mode: Automatically search-es broadcast frequencies.• Media mode: Rewinds or fast-forwardsthe song. (except BT Audio, AUX)(4) POWER/VOLUME knob• Power: Turns power On/Off bypressing the knob.• Volume: Sets volume by turningthe knob left/right.4-2Multimedia System
4-3Multimedia System4(5) SETUPWhen pressed quickly• Moves to Setup screen.When pressed and held• Moves to the Time Settings.(6) MENU• Displays menus for the current mode.(7) BACK• Moves to previous screen.(8) FOLDER• Media(MP3 CD, USB) mode:Searches folders.(9) TUNE• Radio mode: Changes frequencyby turning the knob left/right.• Media mode: Searches songs(files)by turning the knob left/right.(10) PRESET [1] ~ [6] When pressed quickly• Radio mode: Receives saved fre-quencies(channels).• Media mode(except BT Audio, AUX)-[RPT] button: Repeat/RepeatFolder-[SHFL] button: Shuffle/ShuffleFolder• In case of Menu popup, the num-ber menu is selected.When pressed and held• Radio mode: Saves frequencies(channels).
4-4Multimedia SystemSteering Wheel Controls❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1)SEEK•When pressed quickly- Radio mode: Searches broad-cast frequencies saved toPresets.- Media mode: Changes track, fileor title. (except AUX)• When pressed and held- Radio mode: Automaticallysearches broadcast frequencies.- Media mode: Rewinds or fast-for-wards the song. (except BTAudio, AUX)(2)MODE•Each time this is pressed, themode is changed sequentially.• If the media is not connected, thecorresponding modes will be dis-abled.• Press and hold to turn the Audio sys-tem on/off.• When power is off, press key toturn power back on.(3)MUTE•Mutes the audio volume.• When a call is active, mic volumeis muted.(4)VOL• Controls the audio or call volume.
4-5Multimedia System4RadioRadio ModeChange Mode: [RADIO] button• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode. Eachtime the button is pressed, themode is changed sequentially.• If your audio system has noBluetooth feature, you can changethe radio mode through [FM], [AM]button.• The radio mode popup will be dis-played when [SETUP] button  ▶[Display]  ▶[Mode Popup] is turned[On].Search Frequency: [SEEK/TRACK]buttonSearches the previous/next broad-cast frequencies.• Pressing the button: Changes thefrequency.• Pressing and holding the button:Automatically searches for the nextfrequency.Change Frequency: TUNE knobChanges frequency by turning theknob left/right. You can seek avail-able frequencies manually.Saved Frequency: PRESET [1] ~ [6]buttons• Pressing the button: Plays the fre-quency saved in the correspondingbutton.• Pressing and holding the button:Saves the currently playing broad-cast to the selected button andsound a BEEP.FM/AM ModeSelect Menu: [MENU] buttonDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Auto Store: Saves broadcasts withsuperior reception to [1] ~ [6] but-tons. If no frequencies are received,then the most recently received fre-quency will be broadcast.• Scan: The broadcast frequencyincreases and previews eachbroadcast for 5 seconds each.After scanning all frequencies,returns and plays the currentbroadcast frequency.• Sound Settings: Moves to SoundSettings.4FN3G001EG
4-6Multimedia SystemMediaMedia ModeChange Mode: [MEDIA] button• Press the [MEDIA] button tochange the mode in order of CD ➟USB(iPod®)➟ BT Audio ➟ AUX.If your audio has no Bluetooth feature:Disc ➟ USB(iPod®)➟ AUXIf your audio has no CD feature:USB(iPod®)➟ BT Audio ➟ AUX• The media mode popup will be dis-played when [SETUP] button[Display] [Mode Popup] is turned[On].You can select a menu in the modepopup by using the PRESET [1] ~ [6]buttons or TUNE knob.• If media device(CD, USB, iPod,AUX) is connected, then it willautomatically operate. Once it isdisconnected, the previous modewill be restored.• The Audio/BT Audio/AUX volumecan also be controlled.Repeat: [1 RPT] button• Repeats the current song or repeatsall songs within the current folder.• Audio CD, iPod mode: RepeatSong ➟ Repeat Off• MP3 CD, USB mode: Repeat Song➟ Repeat Folder ➟ Off Shuffle: [2 SHFL] button• Plays all songs within the currentfolder(category) or play all songs inrandom order. • Audio CD, iPod mode: ShuffleFolder ➟ Shuffle Off• MP3 CD, USB mode: ShuffleFolder ➟ Shuffle All ➟ OffChange Song/File: [SEEK/TRACK]button[∨ SEEK/TRACK]• Pressing the button: Plays the cur-rent song from the beginning. If the[∨ SEEK/TRACK] button is pressedagain within 3 seconds, the previoussong is played.• Pressing and holding the button:Rewinds the song.[SEEK/TRACK ∧]• Pressing the button: Plays the nextsong.• Pressing and holding the button:Fast-forwards the song.• AUX and BT Audio don’t supportRewind/Fast-forward feature.• Changing the previous/next songmay not be supported in someBluetooth devices.
4-7Multimedia System4Search Song: TUNE knob• Turning TUNE knob: Searches forsongs(files).• Pressing TUNE knob: Plays select-ed song(file).❈BT Audio and AUX don’t supportplaylist feature.❈While BT Audio is playing, press-ing the TUNE knob plays andpauses the current song.Search Folder: [FOLDER] button• Searches the previous/next folder.(MP3 CD, USB)• If a folder is selected by pressingthe TUNE knob, the first file withinthe selected folder will be played.• In iPod®mode, moves to theParent Folder.
4-8Multimedia SystemDisc(Audio CD)Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.ListMoves to the list screen.RepeatRepeats the current song. Press itagain to turn off.Random(Shuffle) Randomly plays all songs. Press itagain to turn off.ScanScans the beginning parts of allsongs. (approximately 10 secondsper file)InfoDisplays information of the currentsong.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.4FN3G002EG
4-9Multimedia System4Disc(MP3 CD)/USBDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.ListMoves to the list screen.RepeatRepeats the current song. Press itagain to turn off.Repeat FolderRepeats songs within the currentfolder. Press it again to turn off.Random Folder (Shuffle Folder)Randomly plays songs within the cur-rent folder. Press it again to turn off.Random(Shuffle) Randomly plays all songs. Press itagain to turn off.ScanScans the beginning parts of allsongs. (approximately 10 secondsper file)InfoDisplays information of the currentsong.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.4FN3G003EG4FN3G004EG
4-10Multimedia SystemiPodDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.ListMoves to the list screen.RepeatRepeats the current song. Press itagain to turn off.Random(Shuffle) Plays all songs within the currentlyplaying category in random order.Press it again to turn off.InfoDisplays information of the currentsong.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.BT AudioDsplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.4FN3G005EG 4FN3G006EG
4-11Multimedia System4Information• Audio may not automatically startplaying in some Bluetooth devices.If the music in the Bluetooth deviceis not played after changing to audiostreaming mode, press the [TUNE]knob. Check if the music is playingin the Bluetooth device after chang-ing to audio streaming mode.• Audio streaming may not be sup-ported for some Bluetooth devices.• If Bluetooth device is disconnected,BT Audio is ended.• Bluetooth connection is required touse BT Audio. Refer to theBluetooth manual for more infor-mation.AUXDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.Information• AUX mode can be used only whenan external audio player has beenconnected.• If only a cable is connected to theAUX without an external device, themode will be changed to AUX, butnoise may occur. When an externaldevice is not being used, remove theconnector jack.• When the external device power isconnected to the power jack, play-ing the external device may outputnoise. In such cases, disconnect thepower connection before use.ii4FN3G007EG
4-12Multimedia SystemBluetoothBefore Using the Bluetooth®HandsfreeWhat is Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology?• The Bluetooth®word mark andlogos are registered trademarksowned by Bluetooth®SIG, Inc.•Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyrefers to a short-distance wirelessnetworking technology which usesa 2.45GHz frequency to connectvarious devices within a certaindistance.• Supported within PCs, externaldevices, Bluetooth®phones, PDAs,various electronic devices, and auto-motive environments, Bluetooth®Wireless Technology to be trans-mitted at high speeds without hav-ing to use a connector cable.• Bluetooth®Handsfree refers to adevice which allows the user toconveniently make phone callswith Bluetooth®devices throughthe Multimedia system.Focus on the road while driving.The driver's primary responsibil-ity is in the safe and legal opera-tion of the vehicle. Driversshould not use any hand helddevices or other equipment orvehicle systems that distract thedriver during vehicle operation.Do not stare at the multimediascreen for long periods of timewhile driving. Staring at thescreen for prolonged periods oftime can lead to traffic acci-dents and can result in person-al injuries.WARNING
4-13Multimedia System4Precautions for Safe Driving• Bluetooth®is a feature thatenables drivers to make handsfreecalls. Connecting the head unitwith a Bluetooth®phone allows theuser to conveniently make calls,receive calls, and manage thephonebook. Before usingBluetooth®Wireless Technology,carefully read the contents of thisuser’s manual.• Excessive use or operations whiledriving may lead to negligent driv-ing practices and be the cause ofaccidents. Do not operate thedevice excessively while driving.• Viewing the screen for prolongedperiods of time is dangerous andmay lead to accidents. When driv-ing, view the screen only for shortperiods of time.CAUTIONS upon ConnectingBluetooth®Phone• Before connecting the head unitwith the Bluetooth device, check tosee that the mobile device sup-ports Bluetooth®features.• Pairing Bluetooth®devices anduse of other Bluetooth®featuresare not supported when the vehicleis in motion. For safety, please firstpark your vehicle.• Even if the mobile device supportsBluetooth®Wireless Technology,the device will not be found duringdevice searches if the device hasbeen set to hidden state or theBluetooth®power is turned off.Disable the hidden state or turn onthe Bluetooth®power prior tosearching/connecting with thehead unit.•If a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice becomes disconnected dueto being out of communicationrange, turning the device OFF, or aBluetooth®Wireless Technologycommunication error, correspon-ding Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology devices are automati-cally searched and reconnected.• If you do not want automatic con-nection with your Bluetooth®device, turn the Bluetooth®featureoff in the Bluetooth®device.• Only one Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device can be con-nected at a time.• Bluetooth®connection maybecome intermittently disconnect-ed in some Bluetooth devices.Follow these steps to try again.1. Turn the Bluetooth®function withinthe Bluetooth device OFF/ON andtry again.2. Turn the Bluetooth device powerOFF/ON and try again.3. Completely remove the Bluetoothdevice battery, reboot, and thenagain.4. Reboot the Multimedia System andtry again.5. Delete all paired devices from bothof Bluetooth device and Head Unitsides and then try again.
4-14Multimedia SystemCAUTIONS upon Using Bluetooth®Phone• If the Bluetooth device is not con-nected, it is not possible to enterPhone mode. After connectingyour Bluetooth device to your car,use the Bluetooth features.• You will not be able to use thehandsfree feature when yourphone is outside of the cellularservice area (e.g. in a tunnel, in aunderground, in a mountainousarea, etc.).• If the cellular phone signal is pooror the vehicles interior noise is tooloud, it may be difficult to hear theother person’s voice during a call.• Do not place the Bluetooth devicenear or inside metallic objects, oth-erwise communications withBluetooth®Wireless Technologysystem or cellular service stationscan be disturbed.• Placing the audio system within anelectromagnetic environment mayresult in noise interference.• Some Bluetooth devices maycause interference noise or mal-function to audio system. In thiscase, store the device in a differentlocation may resolve the condition.• While a device is connectedthrough Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology, your device may dis-charge quicker than usual for addi-tional Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology-related operations.• The handsfree call volume andquality may differ depending on theBluetooth device.• If Connection Priority is set uponvehicle ignition (IGN/ACC ON), theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice will be automatically con-nected. Even if you are outside, theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice will be automatically con-nected once you are in the vicinityof the vehicle. If you do not want toautomatically connect yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice, turn off the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology feature inyour Bluetooth device.• In some Bluetooth devices, startingthe ignition while talking throughBluetooth®Wireless Technologyenabled handsfree call will result inthe call becoming disconnecteddue to car handsfree call transfer. Ifyou use your phone outside thevehicle, turn off the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology feature inyour phone.
4-15Multimedia System4Bluetooth Connection Before you can use the Bluetoothfeature, you must first pair/connectyour Bluetooth device to your car. Pairing a New DeviceSelect  [PHONE] button in the headunit or [CALL] button in the steeringwheel remote control.Select  [SETUP] button Select[Phone]. Select [Add New Device].In your Bluetooth device,1. Pair your car after your Bluetoothdevice detects the Bluetoothdevice. 2. Enter the passkey(0000) or acceptthe authorization popup.3. Connect Bluetooth.Information• Up to 5 Bluetooth devices can bepaired.• The default passkey is 0000.• During a Bluetooth device connec-tion, another device cannot be paired.• The Vehicle Name above is an exam-ple. Check the actual informationon the product.• Pairing and connecting a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology enabledBluetooth device will work onlywhen the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology option within yourBluetooth device has been turnedon.(Methods of turning on theBluetooth®Wireless Technologyenabled feature may differ depend-ing on the Bluetooth device.)• After pairing is complete, a contactsdownload request is sent to theBluetooth device. Some Bluetoothdevices may require confirmationupon receiving a download request.Ensure your Bluetooth deviceaccepts the connection. Refer toyour phone’s user manual for addi-tional information regarding phonepairing and connections.i4FN3G008EG
4-16Multimedia SystemConnecting Bluetooth DevicesSelect  [PHONE] button in the headunit or [CALL] button in the steeringwheel remote control. Select thename of the device to connect. Connect Bluetooth.• Connects the Bluetooth devicesthat you add.Information• Only one Bluetooth device can beconnected at a time.•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology fea-tures supported within the vehicleare as follows. Some features maynot be supported depending on yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice.- Outgoing/Incoming Handsfree calls- Operations during a call: Switch toPrivate, Switch to call waiting,MIC on/off- Downloading Call History- Downloading Contacts- Bluetooth®Wireless Technology deviceAuto Connection- Bluetooth®Audio Streamingi4FN3G009EG
4-17Multimedia System4Bluetooth PhoneFavoritesSelect  [PHONE] button Select[Favorites]• Displays Phone Menu screen.• The connected device name is dis-played in the top of the display.• : Call signal strength indicator•: Battery level of the Bluetoothdevices connected• Lists the phone numbers saved asFavorites. Select from the list todial the number.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button• Add New Favorites: Adds a phonenumber to Favorites.• Delete ItemsRepeat: Deletes num-bers that you select from Favorites.• Delete All: Deletes all of the num-bers from Favorites.Information• Up to 20 favorites can be saved infavorites of each device.• Downloading favorites in yourBluetooth device does not be sup-ported.• To save favorite, contacts should bedownloaded.• Contact saved in favorites will notbe automatically updated if the con-tact has been updated in the phone.To update Favorites, delete thefavorite and create a new favorite.i4FN3G010EG 4FN3G011EG
4-18Multimedia SystemCall HistorySelect  [PHONE]  button Select[Call History]• Displays all of your call history. Selectfrom the list to dial the number.Dsplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button• Download: Downloads the call his-tory information from yourBluetooth device.• All Calls: Lists the all call history.• Dialed Calls: Lists the calls thatyou made.• Received Calls: Lists the calls thatyou have received.• Missed Calls: Lists the calls youmissed.Information• Call history may not be saved in thecall history list in some Bluetoothdevices.• Calls from restricted ID's are notsaved in the call history list.• Up to 50 calls can be added in eachDialed Calls/Received Calls/MissedCalls list.• The durations of each dialed/receivedcall are not displayed in your car'sCall History list.• While the call history download is inprogress, the status bar displays anicon ( ).• If the call history download isturned off on the Bluetooth device,the call history download will fail.• Some devices require a deviceauthentication for downloadingyour call history. If download fails,check if the Bluetooth settings ordisplay status are normal.ContactsSelect  [PHONE] button Select[Contacts]• Displays the list of Contacts. Selectfrom the list to dial the number.Dsplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Download: Downloads contactsfrom your Bluetooth device.• A-Z Jump: Finds a contact in analphabetical order.i4FN3G012EG 4FN3G013EG
4-19Multimedia System4Requesting DownloadSome devices require a deviceauthentication for downloading yourcall history and contacts. If download fails, check theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice settings or the screen state.Information• Up to 2000 phone numbers can bedownloaded from a single, pairedBluetooth device.• You cannot edit or delete down-loaded phone numbers from yourcar.• Contacts can be viewed only whenthe Bluetooth device is connected.• Even if the Bluetooth device is dis-connected, the downloaded data willremain. (Note that deleting a paireddevice will also delete all down-loaded Contacts and Call Historydata)• Downloaded phone numbers maybe lost depending on the conditionof the head unit. Keep your impor-tant data in a safe place.• The status bar displays a ( )while downloading contacts.• The download will not be availableif the contacts download function isturned off on your Bluetooth device.• Phone contact names should besaved in English or they may not bedisplayed correctly.• The time of contacts/call historydownload may differ depending onthe Bluetooth devices.• Some devices require a deviceauthentication for downloadingyour contacts. If download fails,check your phone screen and con-firm the download if necessary.Accept/Reject CallIf there is an incoming call, a popupmessage will appear.• To answer the incoming call, pressthe [Accept] button on the screenor the [CALL] button on the steer-ing remote control.• To reject the call, press the [Reject]button on the screen or the [END]button on the steering wheel control.Information• In some Bluetooth devices, thecaller's number may not be dis-played, and the Reject feature maynot be supported.ii4FN3G014EG 4FN3G015EG
4-20Multimedia SystemUsing the Menu During a Phone CallWhen making a call, you can use thefollowing menu items.(1) Private: Switches a voice call fromthe car Hands-free to theBluetooth device.(2) End: Ends a call.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Outgoing Volume: Displays the MicVolume settings. You can adjust thein-call volume that the other partyhears (level 1 - 5).Information• Up to 2000 phone numbers can bedownloaded from a single, pairedBluetooth device.• If the caller's number is listed inContacts, the caller's name will bedisplayed. Otherwise, only the num-ber will be displayed. In someBluetooth devices, the phone num-ber may not be displayed.• In some Bluetooth devices, the UsePrivate feature may not be supported.• In some Bluetooth devices, the Switchfeature may not be supported.• The phone number may not beproperly displayed in someBluetooth devices.• During a phone call on a BluetoothHandsfree, you cannot access othermodes, such as Radio and Setup.• Depending on handset types, the in-call volume the other party hearsmay differ. If the other party hearsyour voice too low or too loud,adjust the mic volume.Phone SettingsSelect  [PHONE] button Select[Phone Settings]• Moves to a screen of Phone Settings.Refer to [Setup Phone Settings]manual for more information.i4FN3G016EG
4-21Multimedia System4SETUPDisplaySelect  [SETUP] button Select[Display]• Mode: Changes LCD illuminationmodes: Automatic(changes thelevel automatically), Daylight, andNight.• Media Display: When playing anMP3 file, select the desired displayinfo from [Folder/File] or[Artist/Title/Album].• Mode Popup: During [On] state,press the [RADIO] or [MEDIA] but-ton to display the mode changepopup.• Text Scroll: If MP3 file name is toolong to display, the file name isscrolled from right to left.SoundSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Sound]• Position: Selects the sound position.• Tone: Selects the sound tone.• Speed Dependent Volume:Controls the volume level automat-ically according to the speed of thevehicleClockSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Clock]• Clock: Adjusts the number current-ly in focus to set the [hour], andpress the TUNE knob to set the[minute] and [AM/PM].• Date: Adjusts the number currentlyin focus to make the settings andpress the TUNE knob to move tothe next settings.• Time Format: Sets the 12/24 hourtime format of the audio system. • Clock Display (Power Off):Displays time/date on screen whenthe audio system turns power off.PhoneAdd New DeviceSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Phone] Select [Add New Device]• The following steps are the sameas those described in the section[Pairing a New Device] on the pre-vious page.Connect/Disconnect DeviceSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Phone] Select [Paired Devices]• Displays the paired Bluetoothdevice list. • From the paired device list, selectthe device you want to connect ordisconnect.4FN3G017EG
4-22Multimedia SystemInformation• Displays the icons when Bluetoothdevice is connected.: An icon appears when you makea Bluetooth Audio connection.: An icon appears when you makea Bluetooth Handsfree connection.• Only one Bluetooth device can beconnected at a time.• Bluetooth Handsfree and BluetoothAudio functions are supported.Handsfree and audio-supporteddevices, such as a Bluetooth smart-phone or audio, will function nor-mally.• If the system is not stable due to avehicle-Bluetooth device communi-cation error, delete the paired deviceon each device and pair/connect theBluetooth device again.Delete DevicesSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Phone] Select [Delete Devices]• Displays the paired Bluetoothdevice list.• When selecting from the list, thedevice is deleted.Information• When you delete a paired device, theCall History and Contacts stored inthe head unit are also deleted.• To re-use a deleted device, you mustpair the device again.Auto Connection PrioritySelect  [SETUP] button Select[Phone] Select [Connection Priority]• Select the device to want to set theconnection priority of paireddevices.• If “None” is chosen, the Bluetoothsystem will try to connect to thelast connected device, then to allpaired devices.ii4FN3G018EG 4FN3G019EG
4-23Multimedia System4Information• When the engine is running, theselected Bluetooth device is auto-matically connected. If you fail toconnect the selected device, the pre-viously-connected device is auto-matically connected, and if it alsofails, then it tries to connect allpaired devices sequentially. • Depending on auto connection priority,connection to a device may take time.• If a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice becomes disconnected due tobeing out of communication range,turning the device OFF, or aBluetooth®Wireless Technologycommunication error, correspon-ding  Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology devices are automatical-ly searched and reconnected.• Even if you are outside, theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice will be automatically con-nected once you are in the vicinity ofthe vehicle. If you do not want toautomatically connect yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice, turn off the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology feature in yourBluetooth device.• In some Bluetooth devices, startingthe ignition while talking throughBluetooth®Wireless Technologyenabled handsfree call will result inthe call becoming disconnected dueto car handsfree call transfer. If youuse your phone outside the vehicle,turn off the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology feature in your phone.LanguageSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Language]• Changes the display language. Display OffSelect  [SETUP] button Select[Display Off]• Audio operation is maintained andonly the screen will be turned Off.In the Screen Off state, press anykey to turn the Screen On again.i
4-26Multimedia System<FCC 15C Statement>: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)1) This device may not cause harmful interference, (2)2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operatiCaution: Any changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void user’s authority to operate the equipment.This appliance and its antenna must not be co-located or operation in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.A minimum separation distance of 20 ㎝ must be maintained between the antenna and the person for this appliance to satisfy the RF exposure requirements.

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