User manual

4-2Multimedia SystemiPod®iPod®is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyThe Bluetooth®word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use ofsuch marks by HYUNDAI is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of theirrespective owners.A Bluetooth®Wireless Technology enabled cell phone isrequired to use Bluetooth®Wireless Technology.Model name: ACB10A0GGAlt. ACB10A0GN, ACB10A0GE, ACB10A0GL, ACB11A0GG, ACB11A0GN, ACB10A0MG, ACB11A0MG
4-3Multimedia System4AUDIO (Without Touch Screen)C7N3H0000EG/C7N3H0001EG
4-4Multimedia SystemFeature of Your AudioHead Unit❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1) RADIO• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode.• Each time the button is pressed,the radio mode popup will be dis-played or closed.• The radio mode popup will not bedisplayed when [SETUP/CLOCK]button [Display] [Mode popup]is turned [Off].(2) MEDIA• Plays Media(USB(iPod®), Bluetooth®(BT) Audio*, AUX) mode.• Each time the button is pressed,the media mode popup will be dis-played or closed.• The media mode popup will not bedisplayed when [SETUP/CLOCK]button [Display] [Mode popup]is turned [Off]. * if equipped(3) DISP (Type A)• Turns off the screen.• Each time the button is pressed, itsets the Screen Off ➟On ➟Off.(4) PHONE (Type B)• Moves to Phone Screen.• If Bluetooth®is not connected, dis-plays Bluetooth®Pair/Connectionscreen.(5) SEEK/TRACKWhen pressed quickly• Radio mode: Searches broadcastfrequencies.• Media mode: Changes the track,file or title. (except AUX)When pressed and held (more than1.0 seconds)• Radio mode: Frequency is controlledby 1 step quickly. When the button isreleased after pressing and holding,searches broadcast frequencies.• Media mode: Rewinds or fast-forwards the song. (exceptBluetooth®(BT) Audio*, AUX)* if equipped(6) POWER/VOL knob• Power knob: Turns power On/Offby pressing the knob.• Volume knob: Sets volume by turn-ing the knob left/right.
4-5Multimedia System4(7) SETUP/CLOCKWhen pressed quickly• Moves to Setup screen.When pressed and held (more than1.0 seconds)• Moves to the Time Settings.(8) MENU• Displays menus for the current mode.(9) BACK• Moves to previous screen.(10) FOLDER• USB mode: Searches folders.(11) TUNE knob• Radio mode: Changes frequencyby turning the knob left/right.• Media mode: Searches songs(files)by turning the knob left/right. (12) [1] ~ [6] (Preset)When pressed quickly• Radio mode: Receives saved fre-quencies(channels).• Media mode(USB)-[1 RPT] button: Repeat/RepeatFolder-[2 SHFL] button: Shuffle Folder/Shuffle• Media mode(iPod®)-[1 RPT] button: Repeat-[2 SHFL] button: Shuffle• In case of Menu popup, the num-ber menu is selected.When pressed and held (more than1.0 seconds)• Radio mode: Saves frequencies(channels).
4-6Multimedia SystemSteering wheel remote control(Bluetooth®equipped model)❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1) MUTE• Mutes the audio.• Mutes the microphone during acall. (Bluetooth®equipped model)(2) MODE• Each time this is pressed, themode is changed sequentially.• If the media is not connected, thecorresponding modes will be dis-abled.• Press and hold to turn the Audiosystem on/off.• When power is off, press button toturn power back on.(3) VOLUME• Adjust the volume.(4) SEEK/TRACK• When pressed quickly- Radio mode: Searches broadcastfrequencies saved to Presets.- Media mode: Changes track, fileor title. (except AUX)• When pressed and held (morethan 1.0 seconds)- Radio mode: Frequency is con-trolled by 1 step quickly. Whenthe button is released afterpressing and holding, searchesbroadcast frequencies.- Media mode: Rewinds or fast-for-wards the song. (exceptBluetooth®(BT) Audio*, AUX)* if equipped(5) CALL (if equipped)• When pressed quickly- If not in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode or receiving a phone call.First press: Automatically displaythe most recently Dialed Callnumber.Second press: The most recentlyDialed Call number is dialed.
4-7Multimedia System4- Press in the incoming callscreen, answers the call.- Press in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode to switch to the waiting call.• When pressed and held (morethan 1.0 seconds)- If not in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode or receiving a phone call,the most recently Dialed Callnumber is dialed.- When pressed in Bluetooth®Handsfree mode to switch thecall to your cell phone.- When pressed in cell phonemode to switch to Bluetooth®Handsfree mode.- If Bluetooth®is not connected,displays Bluetooth®Pair/Connectionscreen.(6) END (if equipped)• When pressed during a call, endsthe phone call.• When pressed in the incoming callscreen, rejects the call.• Do not stare at the screenwhile driving. Staring at thescreen for prolonged periodsof time could lead to trafficaccidents.• Do not disassemble, assem-ble, or modify the audio sys-tem. Such acts could result inaccidents, fire, or electricshock.• Using the phone while drivingmay lead to a lack of attentionof traffic conditions andincrease the likelihood ofaccidents. Use the phone fea-ture after parking the vehicle.• Exercise caution not to spillwater or introduce foreignobjects into the device. Suchacts could lead to smoke, fire,or product malfunction.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)• Please refrain from use if thescreen is blank or no soundcan be heard as these signsmay indicate product malfunc-tion. Continued use in suchconditions could lead to acci-dents (fires, electric shock) orproduct malfunctions.• Do not touch the antenna dur-ing thunder or lightening assuch acts may lead to light-ning induced electric shock.• Do not stop or park in park-ing-restricted areas to operatethe product. Such acts couldlead to traffic accidents.• Use the system with the vehicleengine turned on. Prolongeduse with the ignition turnedon only could result in batterydischarge.
4-8Multimedia System• Operating the device while driv-ing could lead to accidents dueto a lack of attention to externalsurroundings. First park thevehicle before operating thedevice.• Adjust the volume to levels thatallow the driver to hear soundsfrom outside of the vehicle.Driving in a state where externalsounds cannot be heard maylead to accidents.• Pay attention to the volume set-ting when turning the device on.A sudden output of extreme vol-ume upon turning the device oncould lead to hearing impair-ment. (Adjust the volume to asuitable levels before turning offthe device.)• Turn on the car engine beforeusing this device. Do not oper-ate the audio system for longperiods of time only with theignition turned on as such oper-ations may lead to battery dis-charge.(Continued)(Continued)• Do not subject the device tosevere shock or impact. Directpressure onto the front side ofthe monitor may cause damageto the LCD.• When cleaning the device, makesure to turn off the device anduse a dry and smooth cloth.Never use tough materials,chemical cloths, or solvents(alcohol, benzene, thinners, etc.).As such materials may damagethe device panel or causecolor/quality deterioration.• Do not place beverages close tothe audio system. Spilling bever-ages may lead to system mal-function.• In this case of product malfunc-tion, please contact your place ofpurchase or After Service center.• Placing the audio system withinan electromagnetic environmentmay result in noise interference.• Prevent caustic solutions suchas perfume and cosmetic oilfrom contacting the dashboardbecause they may cause dam-age or discoloration.NOTICEDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle con-trol that may lead to an acci-dent, severe personal injury,and death. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of avehicle or which are not permis-sible by law should never beused during operation of thevehicle.WARNING
4-9Multimedia System4RadioRadio ModeChange Mode: [RADIO]button• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode. Eachtime the button is pressed, theradio mode popup will be displayedor closed.• The radio mode popup will not bedisplayed when [SETUP/CLOCK]button [Display] [Mode popup]is turned [Off]. Search Frequency: [SEEK/TRACK]buttonSearches the previous/next broad-cast frequencies.• Shortly pressing the button:Searches broadcast frequencies.• Frequency is controlled by 1 stepquickly. When the button is releasedafter pressing and holding, search-es broadcast frequencies.Change Frequency: TUNE knobChanges frequency by turning theknob left/right. You can seek avail-able frequencies manually.Saved Frequency: [1] ~ [6] (Preset)buttons• Shortly pressing the button: Playsthe frequency saved in the corre-sponding button.• Pressing and holding the button(more than 1.0 seconds): Savesthe currently playing broadcast tothe selected button and sound aBEEP.FM/AM (with RDS)FM/AM ModeDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.Traffic announcement (for RDSmodel)TA(Traffic announcement) featureOn/Off.Presets (for RDS model)Displays saved presets.Auto Store• Saves broadcasts with superiorreception to [1] ~ [6] (Preset) buttons. • If no frequencies are received,then the most recently receivedfrequency will be broadcast.
4-10Multimedia SystemScanThe broadcast frequency increasesand previews each broadcast for 5seconds each. After scanning all fre-quencies, returns and plays the cur-rent broadcast frequency.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.MediaInformation - Using MP3Supported audio formatsFile formats that do not complywith the above formats may not beproperly recognized or play with-out properly displaying file namesor other information.Range of supported file types1. Bitrate range (Kbps)2. Bit Per Sample range (bit)NOTICEi
4-11Multimedia System43. Sampling frequency (Hz)• For MP3/WMA compression files,differences in sound quality willoccur depending on the bitrate.(Higher sound quality can be expe-rienced with higher bitrates.)• This device only recognizes fileswith MP3/WMA extensions. Otherfile extensions may not be properlyrecognized.4. Maximum number of recognizedfolders and files• Folder: 1,000 folders for USB• File: 5,000 files for USB• There are no limitations to thenumber of recognized folder levels.5. Text Display (Based on Unicode)• Filenames: Maximum 40 Englishcharacters• Foldernames: Maximum 40 EnglishcharactersUsing the scroll feature allows youto see the entire name of files withnames that are too long to be dis-played at once.Language Support (Unicode Support)• Korean: 2,604 characters• English: 94 characters• Common Chinese characters: 4,888characters• Special symbols: 986 charactersJapanese/Simplified Chinese char-acters are not supported.Information- Using the USB Device• Connect the USB device after turn-ing on the engine. The USB devicemay become damaged if it is alreadyconnected when the ignition isturned on. The USB device may notoperate properly if the car ignitionis turned on or off with the USBdevice connected.• Be careful for static electricity whenconnecting/disconnecting USBdevices.• Encoded MP3 Players will not berecognized when connected as anexternal device.• When connecting an external USBdevice, the vehicle's audio systemmay not recognize the USB depend-ing on what firmware is used by USBdevice or what files are on the USB.• Only products formatted withbyte/sectors under 64Kbyte will berecognized.• This device recognizes USB devicesformatted in FAT 12/16/32 file for-mats. This device does not recognizefiles in NTFS file format.(Continued)iNOTICENOTICE
4-12Multimedia System(Continued)• Some USB devices may not be sup-ported due to compatibility issues.• Avoid contact between the USB con-nector and bodily parts or foreignobjects.• Repeated connecting/disconnectingof USB devices within short periodsof time may result in product mal-function.• A strange noise may occur when dis-connecting the USB.• Make sure to connect/disconnectexternal USB devices with the audiopower turned off.• The amount of time required to rec-ognize the USB device may differdepending on the type, size or fileformats stored on the USB. Suchdifferences in time are not indica-tions of malfunctions.• The vehicle audio system only sup-ports USB devices designed to playmusic files.• USB images and videos are not sup-ported.(Continued)(Continued)• Do not use the USB I/F to chargebatteries or USB accessories thatgenerate heat. Doing so may lead toworsened performance or damageto the audio system.• The audio system may not recognizethe USB device if separately pur-chased USB hubs and extensioncables are being used. Connect theUSB device directly with the USBport of the vehicle.• When using mass storage USBdevices with separate logical drives,only files saved to the root drive canbe played.• Files may not properly operate ifapplication programs are installedon the USBs.• The audio system may not operatenormally if MP3 Players, cellularphones, digital cameras, or otherelectronic devices (USB devices notrecognized as portable disk drives)are connected with the audio sys-tem.(Continued)(Continued)• Charging through the USB may notwork for some mobile devices.• The device may not support normaloperation when using an atypicalUSB memory device (miniature,keychain, etc.). For best results, usea typical USB device that has ametal case.• The device may not support normaloperation when using formats suchas HDD Type, CF, or SD Memory.• The device will not support fileslocked by DRM (Digital RightsManagement.).• USB memory sticks used by con-necting an Adaptor (SD Type or CFType) may not be properly recog-nized.• The device may not operate proper-ly when using USB HDDs or USBssubject to connection failurescaused by vehicle vibrations. (e.g. i-stick type)(Continued)
4-13Multimedia System4(Continued)• Avoid use of USBmemory products thatcan also be used as keychains or mobile phoneaccessories. Use of suchproducts may cause damage to theUSB jack.• Connecting an MP3 device or phonethrough various channels, such asAUX/BT or Audio/USB mode mayresult in pop noises or abnormaloperation.• Use USB 2.0 devices for better com-patibility. Maximum device sizesupported is 32 GB.Information -Using an iPod®• iPod®is a registered trademark ofApple Inc.• In order to use the iPod®with yourvehicle’s audio system, you must usea dedicated iPod®cable. (the cablethat is supplied when purchasingiPod®/iPhone®products)• If the iPod®is connected to the vehi-cle while it is playing, a high pitchsound could occur for approximate-ly 1-2 seconds immediately afterconnecting. If possible, connect theiPod®to the vehicle with the iPod®stopped/paused.• When the vehicle ignition is set toACC or ON, connecting the iPod®through the iPod®cable will chargethe iPod®through the car audio sys-tem.• When connecting with the iPod®cable, make sure to fully insert thejack to prevent communicationinterference.(Continued)(Continued)• When the EQ features of an exter-nal device, such as the iPod®, andthe audio system are both active, EQeffects could overlap and causesound deterioration and distortion.Whenever possible, turn off the EQfeature within the external devicewhen it is connected to the audiosystem.• Noise may occur when an iPod®orAUX device is connected. Whensuch devices are not being used, dis-connect the device for storage.• When the iPod®or AUX devicepower is connected to the powerjack, playing the external devicemay result in noise. In such cases,disconnect the power connectionbefore use.• Skipping or improper operationmay occur depending on the charac-teristics of your iPod®/iPhone®device.(Continued)i
4-14Multimedia System(Continued)• If your iPhone®is connected to boththe Bluetooth®and USB, the soundmay not be properly played. In youriPhone®, select the Dock connectoror Bluetooth®to change the soundoutput (source).• iPod®mode cannot be operatedwhen the iPod®cannot be recog-nized due to the playing of versionsthat do not support communicationprotocols, cases of iPod®abnormali-ties and defects. • For fifth generation iPod®Nanodevices, the iPod®may not be recog-nized when the battery level is low.Please charge the iPod®for use. • The search/play orders shown with-in the iPod®device may differ fromthe orders shown within the audiosystem.• If the iPod®malfunctions due to aniPod®device defect, reset the iPod®and try again. (To learn more, referto your iPod®manual)(Continued)(Continued)• Some iPod®s may not sync with theSystem depending on the version. Ifthe Media is removed before theMedia is recognized, then the sys-tem may not properly restore thepreviously operated mode. (iPad®charging is not supported.)• Use an iPod®cable shorter than 1meter in length such as the one orig-inally supplied with a new iPod®,longer cables may lead to the audiosystem not recognizing the iPod®.Information- Using Bluetooth®(BT) Audio(if epuipped)• Bluetooth®Audio Mode can be usedonly when a Bluetooth®phone hasbeen connected.• Bluetooth®Audio Mode will not beavailable when connecting mobilephones that do not support this fea-ture.• If a Bluetooth®Phone is being usedto play music and receives anincoming or outgoing phone call,then the music will stop.• Moving the Track up/down whileplaying Bluetooth®audio mode mayresult in pop noises with somemobile phones.• Bluetooth®streaming audio may notbe supported in some mobile phones.• When returning to Bluetooth®Audio mode after ending a call, themode may not automatically restartin some mobile phones.• Receiving an incoming call or mak-ing an outgoing call while playingBluetooth®Audio may result inaudio interference.i
4-15Multimedia System4Media ModeChange Mode: [MEDIA] button• Each time the button is pressed,the media mode popup will be dis-played or closed.You can select a menu in the modepopup by using the [1] ~ [6] (Preset)buttons or TUNE knob.• The media mode popup will not bedisplayed when [SETUP/CLOCK]button [Display] [Mode popup]is turned [Off]. • If media device(USB, AUX) is con-nected, then it will automaticallyoperate. Once it is disconnected,the previous mode will be restored.• The Audio/Bluetooth®(BT) Audio*/AUX volume can also be con-trolled.* if equippedRepeat: [1 RPT] buttonRepeats the current song or repeatsall songs within the current folder.•iPod®mode: Repeat Song ➟Repeat Off• USB mode: Repeat Song ➟Repeat Folder ➟ Off Shuffle: [2 SHFL] buttonPlays all songs within the currentfolder(category) or play all songs inrandom order. •iPod®mode: Shuffle All ➟  ShuffleOff• USB mode: Shuffle Folder ➟Shuffle All ➟ OffChange Song/File: [SEEK/TRACK]button[∨ SEEK/TRACK] button• Shortly pressing the button: Playsthe current song from the begin-ning. • If the [∨  SEEK/TRACK] button ispressed again within 2 seconds, theprevious song is played.• Pressing and holding the button(more than 1.0 seconds): Rewindsthe song.[SEEK/TRACK ∧] button• Shortly pressing the button: Playsthe next song.• Pressing and holding the button(more than 1.0 seconds): Fast-for-wards the song.Information• AUX and Bluetooth®(BT) Audio*don’t support Rewind/Fast-forwardfeature.• Changing the previous/next songmay not be supported in someBluetooth®devices.* if equippedi
4-16Multimedia SystemSearch Song: TUNE knob• Turning  TUNE knob: Searches forsongs(files).• Pressing TUNE knob: Plays selectedsong(file).Information• Bluetooth®(BT) Audio* and AUXdon’t support playlist feature.• In iPod®Mode, song (file) lists arenot supported if music is playedusing the Music application afterconnecting the iPod®.• While Bluetooth®(BT) Audio* isplaying, pressing the TUNE knobplays and pauses the current song.* if equippedSearch Folder: [FOLDER] button• Searches the previous/next folder.(USB)InformationIf a folder is selected by pressing theTUNE knob, the first file within theselected folder will be played.USBDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.ListMoves to the list screen.InformationDisplays information of the currentsong.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.iPod®Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.ListMoves to the list screen.RepeatRepeats the current song. Press itagain to turn off.ShufflePlays all songs within the currentlyplaying category in random order.Press it again to turn off.InformationDisplays information of the current song.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.ii
4-17Multimedia System4Bluetooth®(BT) Audio (if equipped)Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.Information• Audio may not automatically startplaying in some Bluetooth®devices.If the music in the Bluetooth®deviceis not played after changing to audiostreaming mode, press the TUNEknob. Check if the music is playingin the Bluetooth®device afterchanging to audio streaming mode.• Audio streaming may not be sup-ported for some Bluetooth®devices.• If Bluetooth®device is disconnected,Bluetooth®(BT) Audio is ended.• Bluetooth®connection is required touse Bluetooth®(BT) Audio. Refer tothe Bluetooth®manual for moreinformation.AUXDisplays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.Sound SettingsMoves to Sound Settings.i
4-18Multimedia System• Focus on the road while driv-ing. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safeand legal operation of thevehicle. Drivers should notuse any hand held devices orother equipment or vehiclesystems that distract the driv-er during vehicle operation.• Do not stare at the multimediascreen for long periods oftime while driving. Staring atthe screen for prolonged peri-ods of time can lead to trafficaccidents and can result inpersonal injuries.• Pairing Bluetooth®devicesand use of other Bluetooth®features are not supportedwhen the vehicle is in motion.For safety, please first parkyour vehicle.WARNINGInformation• AUX mode can be used only whenan external audio player has beenconnected.• If only a cable is connected to theAUX without an external device, themode will be changed to AUX, butnoise may occur. When an externaldevice is not being used, remove theconnector jack.• When the external device power isconnected to the power jack, play-ing the external device may outputnoise. In such cases, disconnect thepower connection before use.Phone (if equipped)Information- Using Bluetooth®(BT) PhoneWhat is Bluetooth®Wireless Technology?• Bluetooth®refers to a short-dis-tance wireless networking technol-ogy which uses a 2.45GHz fre-quency to connect various deviceswithin a certain distance.• Supported within PCs, externaldevices, Bluetooth®phones, PDAs,various electronic devices, and auto-motive environments, Bluetooth®tobe transmitted at high speeds with-out having to use a connector cable.• Bluetooth®Handsfree refers to adevice which allows the user toconveniently make phone callswith Bluetooth®devices throughthe Multimedia system.• The Bluetooth®Handsfree featuremay not be supported in someBluetooth®devices.ii
4-19Multimedia System4• Bluetooth®is a feature thatenables drivers to make hands-free calls. Connecting the headunit with a Bluetooth®phoneallows the user to convenientlymake calls, receive calls, andmanage the phonebook. Beforeusing Bluetooth®, carefully readthe contents of this user’s man-ual.• Excessive use or operationswhile driving may lead to negli-gent driving practices and bethe cause of accidents. Do notoperate the device excessivelywhile driving.• Viewing the screen for pro-longed periods of time is dan-gerous and may lead to acci-dents. When driving, view thescreen only for short periods oftime.• Before connecting the head unitwith the Bluetooth®device, checkto see that the mobile device sup-ports Bluetooth®features.• Even if the mobile device supportsBluetooth®, the device will notbe found during device searchesif the device has been set to hid-den state or the Bluetooth®power is turned off. Disable thehidden state or turn on theBluetooth®power prior tosearching/connecting with thehead unit.• If a Bluetooth®device becomesdisconnected due to being outof communication range, turn-ing the device OFF, or aBluetooth®communicationerror, corresponding Bluetooth®devices are automaticallysearched and reconnected.(Continued)(Continued)• If you do not want automaticconnection with your Bluetooth®device, turn the Bluetooth®fea-ture off in the Bluetooth®device.• Only one Bluetooth®device canbe connected at a time.• Bluetooth®connection maybecome intermittently discon-nected in some Bluetooth®devices. Follow these steps totry again.1. Turn the Bluetooth®functionwithin the Bluetooth®deviceOFF/ON and try again.2. Turn the Bluetooth®devicepower OFF/ON and try again.3. Completely remove theBluetooth®device battery,reboot, and then again.4. Reboot the Multimedia Systemand try again.5. Delete all paired devices fromboth of Bluetooth®device andHead Unit sides and then tryagain.NOTICE NOTICE
4-20Multimedia System• If the Bluetooth®device is notconnected, it is not possible toenter Phone mode. After con-necting your Bluetooth®deviceto your car, use the Bluetooth®features.• You will not be able to use thehandsfree feature when yourphone is outside of the cellularservice area (e.g. in a tunnel, in aunderground, in a mountainousarea, etc.).• If the cellular phone signal ispoor or the vehicles interiornoise is too loud, it may be diffi-cult to hear the other person’svoice during a call.• Do not place the Bluetooth®device near or inside metallicobjects, otherwise communica-tions with Bluetooth®system orcellular service stations can bedisturbed.• Placing the audio system withinan electromagnetic environmentmay result in noise interference.(Continued)(Continued)• Some Bluetooth®devices maycause interference noise or mal-function to audio system. In thiscase, store the device in a differ-ent location may resolve thecondition.• While a device is connectedthrough Bluetooth®, your devicemay discharge quicker thanusual for additional Bluetooth®-related operations.• The handsfree call volume andquality may differ depending onthe Bluetooth®device.• If Connection Priority is setupon vehicle ignition (IGN/ACCON), the Bluetooth®device willbe automatically connected.Even if you are outside, theBluetooth®device will be auto-matically connected once youare in the vicinity of the vehicle.If you do not want to automati-cally connect your Bluetooth®device, turn off the Bluetooth®feature in your Bluetooth®device.(Continued)(Continued)• In some Bluetooth®devices,starting the ignition while talk-ing through Bluetooth®enabledhandsfree call will result in thecall becoming disconnected dueto car handsfree call transfer. Ifyou use your phone outside thevehicle, turn off the Bluetooth®feature in your phone.NOTICE
4-21Multimedia System4Bluetooth®Connection Before you can use the Bluetooth®feature, you must first pair/connectyour Bluetooth®device to your car. Pairing a New DevicePress the [PHONE] button in thehead unit or [CALL] button in thesteering wheel remote control.Press the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Phone] Select [Add NewDevice].In your Bluetooth®device,1. Pair your car after your Bluetooth®device detects the Bluetooth®device. 2. Enter the passkey(0000) or acceptthe authorization popup.3. Connect Bluetooth®.Information• Up to 5 Bluetooth®devices can bepaired.• The default passkey is 0000.• During a Bluetooth®device connec-tion, another device cannot be paired.• The Vehicle Name above is an exam-ple. Check the actual informationon the product.• Pairing and connecting aBluetooth®enabled Bluetooth®device will work only when theBluetooth®option within yourBluetooth®device has been turnedon. (Methods of turning on theBluetooth®enabled feature may dif-fer depending on the Bluetooth®device.)• After pairing is complete, a contactsdownload request is sent to theBluetooth®device. Some Bluetooth®devices may require confirmationupon receiving a download request.Ensure your Bluetooth®deviceaccepts the connection. Refer to yourphone’s user manual for additionalinformation regarding phone pairingand connections.Connecting Bluetooth®DevicesPress the [PHONE] button in thehead unit or [CALL] button in thesteering wheel remote control Select the name of the device to con-nect Connect Bluetooth®.Connects the Bluetooth®devicesthat you add.i
4-22Multimedia SystemInformation• Only one Bluetooth®device can beconnected at a time.• Bluetooth®features supported with-in the vehicle are as follows. Somefeatures may not be supporteddepending on your Bluetooth®device.- Outgoing/Incoming Handsfreecalls- Operations during a call: Switchto Private, Switch to call waiting,MIC on/off- Downloading Call History- Downloading Contacts- Bluetooth®device Auto Connection- Bluetooth®Audio StreamingBluetooth®PhoneBluetooth®Phone Press the [PHONE] button.Displays Phone Menu screen. Theconnected device name is displayedin the top of the display.• : Call signal strength indicator.• : Battery level of the Bluetooth®devices connected.FavoritesPress the [PHONE] button Select[Favorites].Lists the phone numbers saved asFavorites. Select from the list to dialthe number.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Add New Favorites: Adds a phonenumber to Favorites.• Delete Items: Deletes numbers thatyou select from Favorites.• Delete All: Deletes all of the num-bers from Favorites.i
4-23Multimedia System4Information• Up to 20 favorites can be saved infavorites of each device.• Downloading favorites in yourBluetooth®device does not be sup-ported.• To save favorite, contacts should bedownloaded.• Contact saved in favorites will notbe automatically updated if the con-tact has been updated in the phone.To update Favorites, delete thefavorite and create a new favorite.Call HistoryPress the [PHONE] button Select[Call History].Displays all of your call history. Selectfrom the list to dial the number.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Download: Downloads the call his-tory information from yourBluetooth®device.• All Calls: Lists the all call history.• Dialed Calls: Lists the calls thatyou made.• Received Calls: Lists the calls thatyou have received.• Missed Calls: Lists the calls youmissed.Information• Call history may not be saved in thecall history list in some Bluetooth®devices.• Calls from restricted ID’s are notsaved in the call history list.• Up to 50 calls can be added in eachDialed Calls/Received Calls/MissedCalls list.• The durations of each dialed/receivedcall are not displayed in your car’sCall History list.• While the call history download is inprogress, the status bar displays anicon ( ).• If the call history download isturned off on the Bluetooth®device,the call history download will fail.• Some devices require a deviceauthentication for downloadingyour call history. If download fails,check if the Bluetooth®settings ordisplay status are normal.ii
4-24Multimedia SystemContactsPress the [PHONE] button Select[Contacts].Displays the list of Contacts. Selectfrom the list to dial the number.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Download: Downloads contactsfrom your Bluetooth®device.Requesting DownloadSome devices require a deviceauthentication for downloading yourcall history and contacts. If download fails, check theBluetooth®device settings or thescreen state.Information• Only supported contacts format canbe downloaded and displayed fromthe Bluetooth device, contacts fromsome applications will not be included.• Up to 2000 phone numbers can bedownloaded from a single, pairedBluetooth®device.• You cannot edit or delete down-loaded phone numbers from yourcar.(Continued)(Continued)• Contacts can be viewed only whenthe Bluetooth®device is connected.• Even if the Bluetooth®device is dis-connected, the downloaded data willremain. (Note that deleting a paireddevice will also delete all downloadedContacts and Call History data)• Downloaded phone numbers maybe lost depending on the conditionof the head unit. Keep your impor-tant data in a safe place.• The status bar displays a ( ) whiledownloading contacts.• The download will not be availableif the contacts download function isturned off on your Bluetooth®device.• Phone contact names should besaved in English or they may not bedisplayed correctly.• The time of contacts/call historydownload may differ depending onthe Bluetooth®devices.• Some devices require a deviceauthentication for downloadingyour contacts. If download fails,check your phone screen and con-firm the download if necessary.i
4-25Multimedia System4Accept/Reject CallIf there is an incoming call, a popupmessage will appear.• To answer the incoming call, select[Accept] on the screen or press the[CALL] button on the steeringwheel remote control.• To reject the call, select [Reject] onthe screen or press the [END] but-ton on the steering wheel remotecontrol.InformationIn some Bluetooth®devices, thecaller’s number may not be displayed,and the Reject feature may not be sup-ported.Using the Menu During a Phone CallWhen making a call, you can use thefollowing menu items.(1) Private: Switches a voice callfrom the car Hands-free to theBluetooth®device. (2) End: Ends a call.Displays Menu Popup when pressingthe [MENU] button.• Outgoing Volume: Displays the MicVolume settings. You can adjust thein-call volume that the other partyhears (level 1 - 5).Information• Up to 2000 phone numbers can bedownloaded from a single, pairedBluetooth®device.• If the caller’s number is listed inContacts, the caller’s name will bedisplayed. Otherwise, only the num-ber will be displayed. In someBluetooth®devices, the phone num-ber may not be displayed.• In some Bluetooth®devices, the UsePrivate feature may not be supported.• In some Bluetooth®devices, theSwitch feature may not be supported.• The phone number may not beproperly displayed in someBluetooth®devices.• During a phone call on a Bluetooth®Handsfree, you cannot access othermodes, such as Radio and Setup.• Depending on handset types, the in-call volume the other party hearsmay differ. If the other party hearsyour voice too low or too loud,adjust the mic volume.ii
4-26Multimedia SystemPhone settingsPress the [PHONE] button Select[Phone settings].- For more details, refer to Setup ➟Bluetooth page.SetupDisplayPress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Display].• Media Display: When playing anMP3 file, select the desired displayinfo from [Folder/File] or[Artist/Title/Album].• Mode Popup: During [On] state,press the [RADIO] or [MEDIA] but-ton to display the mode changepopup.• Text Scroll: If text is too long to dis-play, the text is scrolled from rightto left.- Title name on USB/iPod®/Bluetooth®(BT) Audio* Screen.- Focused File/Folder name  onplay list.- Focused Contacts name on CallHistory/Contacts/Favorites list.*- Focused Device name on PairedDevices, Delete Devices,Connection Priority Settings list.** if equippedSoundPress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Sound].• Position: Selects the sound position.• Tone: Selects the sound tone.• Speed Dependent Volume:Controls the volume level automat-ically according to the speed of thevehicle.Date/TimePress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Date/Time].• Set Time: Adjusts the number cur-rently in focus to set the [hour], andpress the TUNE knob to set the[minute] and [AM/PM].• Time Format: Sets the 12/24 hourtime format of the audio system.• Set Date: Adjusts the number cur-rently in focus to make the settingsand press the TUNE knob to moveto the next settings.• Display(Power OFF): Displaystime/date on screen when theaudio system turns power off.
4-274Phone (if equipped)Add New DevicePress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Phone] Select [Add NewDevice].• The following steps are the sameas those described in the section[Pairing a New Device] on the pre-vious page.Connect/Disconnect DevicePress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Phone] Select [Paireddevices].• Displays the paired Bluetooth®device list. From the paired devicelist, select the device you want toconnect or disconnect.Information• Displays the icons when Bluetooth®device is connected.: An icon appears when you makea Bluetooth®Audio connection.: An icon appears when you makea Bluetooth®Handsfree connection.• Only one Bluetooth®device can beconnected at a time.• Bluetooth®Handsfree andBluetooth®Audio functions are sup-ported. Handsfree and audio-sup-ported devices, such as a Bluetooth®smartphone or audio, will functionnormally.• If the system is not stable due to avehicle- Bluetooth®device commu-nication error, delete the paireddevice on each device and pair/con-nect the Bluetooth®device again.Delete DevicesPress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Phone] Select [DeleteDevices].• Displays the paired Bluetooth®device list.• When selecting from the list, thedevice is deleted.Information• When you delete a paired device, theCall History and Contacts stored inthe head unit are also deleted.• To re-use a deleted device, you mustpair the device again.Connection PriorityPress the [SETUP/CLOCK] button Select [Phone] Select [ConnectionPriority].• Select the device to want to set theconnection priority of paireddevices.• If “None” is chosen, the Bluetooth®system will try to connect to thelast connected device, then to allpaired devices.iiMultimedia System
4-28Multimedia SystemInformation• When the engine is running, theselected Bluetooth®device is auto-matically connected. If you fail toconnect the selected device, the pre-viously-connected device is auto-matically connected, and if it alsofails, then it tries to connect allpaired devices sequentially.• Depending on auto connection pri-ority, connection to a device maytake time.• If a Bluetooth®device becomes dis-connected due to being out of com-munication range, turning thedevice OFF, or a Bluetooth®com-munication error, correspondingBluetooth®devices are automatical-ly searched and reconnected.• Even if you are outside, the Bluetooth®device will be automatically connectedonce you are in the vicinity of the vehi-cle. If you do not want to automatical-ly connect your Bluetooth®  device,turn off the Bluetooth®feature in yourBluetooth®device.(Continued)(Continued)• In some Bluetooth®devices, startingthe ignition while talking throughBluetooth®enabled handsfree callwill result in the call becoming dis-connected due to car handsfree calltransfer. If you use your phone out-side the vehicle, turn off theBluetooth®feature in your phone.LanguagePress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Language].• Changes the display language.Display OffPress the [SETUP/CLOCK] buttonSelect [Display Off].• Audio operation is maintained andonly the screen will be turned Off.In the Screen Off state, press anybutton to turn the Screen On again.i

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