User manual

SYSTEM CONTROLLERS ANDFUNCTIONS❈Display and settings may differdepending on the selected audio.Audio Head Unit1.            (EJECT)• Ejects the disc.2.• Changes to FM/AM mode.• Each time the key is pressed,the modeis changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟FMA ➟AM ➟AMA.(❈For RDS Model)• Each time the key is pressed,the mode is changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟AM.❈In Setup>Display, the radio pop upscreen will be displayed when [ModePop up] is turned           .When the pop up screen is displayed,use the TUNE knob or keys          ~ to select the desired mode.3.• Changes to CD, USB MP3, iPod, BTMP3, AUX modes.• Each time the key is pressed, the modeis changed in order of CD, USB, iPod,AUX, My Music, BT Audio.❈In Setup>Display, the media pop upscreen will be displayed when [ModePop up] is turned          .When the pop up screen is displayed,use the TUNE knob or keys          ~  to select the desired mode.4.• Operates Phone Screen❈When a phone is not connected, theconnection screen is displayed.5. • Radio Mode : Automatically searchesfor broadcast frequencies.• CD, USB, iPod, My Music modes-Shortly press the key (under 0.8 seconds):Moves to next or previous song (file)①②③④⑤⑥
-Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds):Rewinds or fast-forwards the currentsong.6. PWR/VOL knob• Power Knob: Turns power On/Off bypressing the knob• Volume Knob: Sets volume by turningthe knob left/right
9.                      (Preset)• Radio Mode: Saves frequencies (channels)or receives saved frequencies(channels)• CD, USB, iPod, My Music mode-:Repeat-:Random• In the Radio, Media, Setup, and Menupop up screen, the number menu isselected.10.• MP3, CD, USB mode : Folder Search• iPod mode: Moves to parent folder• FM : RDS Program Type Search11. • Each time the button is shortly pressed(under 0.8 seconds), sets screen Off ➟Screen On ➟Screen Off❈Audio operation is maintained andonly the screen will be turned Off.In the screen Off state, press any keyto turn the screen On again.12. • Radio Mode-Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds):Previews each broadcast for 5seconds each• CD, USB, iPod mode-Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds):Previews each song (file) for 10seconds each⑨⑩⑪⑫ ⑬⑭⑮
❈Press the             key again to continuelistening to the current song (file).13.• Shortly press the key (under 0.8 seconds): Moves to the Display, Sound,Clock, Phone, System setting modes• Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds): Move to the Time setting screen14.Displays menus for the current mode.15. TUNE knob• Radio mode : Changes frequency byturning the knob left/right• CD, USB, iPod mode: Searches songs(files) by turning the knob left/right❈When the desired song is displayed,press the knob to play the song.• Moves focus in all selection menus andselects menus
DISPLAY SETTINGSPress the           key ▶Select [Display]through TUNE knob or            key ▶Select menu through TUNE knobMode Pop up[Mode Pop up] ▶Changes         .selection mode• During On state, press the              orkey to display the modechange pop up screen.Scroll Text[Scroll Text] Set •          : Maintains scroll•          : Scrolls only one (1) time.Song InfoWhen playing an MP3 file, select thedesired display info from ‘Folder/File’ or‘Album/Artist/Song’.
SOUND SETTINGSPress the            key ▶Select [Sound]through TUNE knob or          key ▶Select menu through TUNE knobAudio SettingsThis menu allows you to set the ‘Bass,Middle, Treble’ and the Sound Fader andBalance.Select [Sound Settings] ▶Selectmenu through TUNE knob ▶TurnTUNE knob left/right to set• Bass, Middle, Treble : Selects the soundtone.• Fader, Balance : Moves the sound faderand balance.• Default : Restores default settings.❈Return : While adjusting values, repressingthe TUNE knob willrestore the parent menu.
Power BassThis is a sound system feature that provideslive bass.Select [Power Bass] ▶Set through TUNE knobSpeed Dependent Volume ControlThis feature is used to automatically controlthe volume level according to thespeed of the vehicle.Select [SDVC] ▶ Set in 4 levels [Off/Low/Mid/High] of TUNE knobVolume DialogueAdjusts voice recognition volume.Select [Volume Dialogue] ▶Set volume of TUNE knob
CLOCK SETTINGSPress the            key ▶ Select [Clock]through TUNE knob or             key ▶Select menu through TUNE knobClock SettingsThis menu is used to set the time.Select [Clock Settings] ▶ Set throughTUNE knob ▶Press TUNE knob❈Adjust the number currently in focus toset the [hour] and press the tune knobto set the [minute].Day SettingsThis menu is used to set the date(DD/MM/YYYY).Select [Day Settings] ▶Set throughTUNE knob ▶Press TUNE knob❈Adjust the number currently in focus tomake the settings and press the tuneknob to move to the next setting. (Setin order of Day/Month/Year)Clock Display when Power is OFFSelect [Clock Disp.(Pwr Off) ▶ Setthrough TUNE knob•           : Displays time/date on screen•           :Turn off.
Time FormatThis function is used to set the 12/24hour time format of the audio system.Select [Time Format] ▶Set 12Hr /24Hr through TUNE knobAutomatic RDS TimeThis option is used to automatically setthe time by synchronizing with RDS.Select [Automatic RDS Time] Setthrough TUNE knob•   : Turn on Automatic Time•  :Turn off.PHONE SETUP (if equipped)Press the  key Select [Phone]through TUNE knob or keySelect menu through TUNE knob
Pair PhoneSelect [Pair Phone] ▶Set through TUNEknob➀Search for device names as displayedon your mobile phone and connect.➁Input the passkey displayed on thescreen. (Passkey : 0000)❈The device name and passkey will bedisplayed on the screen for up to 3minutes. If pairing is not completedwithin the 3 minutes, the mobile phonepairing process will automatically becanceled.➂Pairing completion is displayed.❈In some mobile phones, pairing willautomatically be followed by connection.❈It is possible to pair up to fiveBluetooth® Wireless Technologyenabled mobile phones.CAUTIONTo pair a Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology enabled mobile phone,authentication and connectionprocesses are first required. As aresult, you cannot pair your mobilephone while driving the vehicle.First park your vehicle before use.Phone ListThe names of up to 5 paired phones willbe displayed.A [▶] is displayed in front of the currentlyconnected phone.Select the desired name to setup theselected phone.• Connecting a phoneSelect [Phone List] ▶Select mobilephone through TUNE knob ▶Select[Connect Phone]➀Select a mobile phone that is not currentlyconnected.➁Connect the selected mobile phone.➂Connection completion is displayed.
❈If a phone is already connected, disconnectthe currently connected phone and select a new phone to connect.• Disconnecting a connected phoneSelect [Phone List] ▶Select mobilephone through TUNE knob ▶Select[Disconnect Phone]➀Select the currently connected mobilephone.➁Disconnect the selected mobilephone.➂Disconnection completion is displayed.• Changing connection sequence(Priority)This is used to change the order (priority)of automatic connection for the pairedmobile phones.Select [Phone List] ▶Select [Priority]through TUNE knob Select No. 1Priority mobile phone➀Select [Priority].➁From the paired phones, select thephone desired for No.1 priority.➂The changed priority sequence is displayed.❈Once the connection sequence (priority)is changed, the new no. 1 prioritymobile phone will be connected.-when the no. 1 priority cannot be connected:Automatically attempts to connectthe most recently connected phone.-Cases when the most recently connectedphone cannot be connected:Attempts to connect in the order inwhich paired phones are listed.-The connected phone will automaticallybe changed to No. 1 priority.
• DeleteSelect [Phone List] ▶Select mobilephone through TUNE knob ▶Select[Delete]➀Select the desired mobile phone.➁Delete the selected mobile phone.➂Deletion completion is displayed.❈When attempting to delete a currentlyconnected phone, the phone is firstdisconnected.CAUTION• When you delete a mobile phone,the mobile phone contacts willalso be erased.• For stable Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology communication, deletethe mobile phone from the audioand also delete the audio from yourmobile phone.Contacts DownloadThis feature is used to download contactsand call histories into the audio system.Select [Contacts Download] ▶Selectthrough TUNE knobCAUTION• The download feature may not besupported in some mobile phones.• If a different operation is performedwhile Contacts are beingdownloaded, downloading will bediscontinued. Contacts alreadydownloaded will be saved.• When downloading new Contacts,delete all previously savedContacts before starting download.Auto DownloadWhen connecting a mobile phone, it ispossible to automatically download newContacts and Call Histories.Select [Auto Download] ▶Setthrough TUNE knob
Audio StreamingSongs (files) saved in your Bluetooth®Wireless Technology enabled mobile phonecan be played through the audio system.Select [Audio Streaming] ▶Setthrough TUNE knobCAUTIONThe Bluetooth® Wireless Technologyaudio streaming feature may not besupported in some mobile phones.Outgoing VolumeThis is used to set the volume of yourvoice as heard by the other party whileon a Bluetooth® Wireless Technologyenabled handsfree call.Select [Outgoing Volume] ▶Set volumethrough TUNE knob❈Even while on a call, the volume canbe changed by using thekey.Bluetooth® Wireless TechnologySystem OffThis feature is used when you do notwish to use the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology system.Select [Bluetooth® Wireless TechnologySystem Off] ▶Set through TUNEknob❈If a phone is already connected, disconnectthe currently connected phoneand turn the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology system off.Using the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology SystemTo use Bluetooth® Wireless Technologywhen the system is currently off, followthese next steps.• Turning On Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology through the KeyPress the key ▶Screen Guidance❈Moves to the screen where Bluetooth®Wireless Technology functions can beused and displays guidance.
• Turning On Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology through the KeyPress the key Select [Phone]through TUNE knob or key➀A screen asking whether to turn onBluetooth® Wireless Technology will bedisplayed.➁On the screen, select  to turn onBluetooth® Wireless Technology anddisplay guidance.❈If the Bluetooth® Wireless Technologysystem is turned on, the system willautomatically try to connect the mostrecently connected Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phone.CAUTION• Bluetooth® Wireless Technologyconnection may become intermittentlydisconnected in somemobile phones. Follow these nextsteps to try again.1) Turn the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology function within themobile phone ON/OFF and try toconnect again.2) Turn the mobile phone powerON/OFF and try to connect again.3) Completely remove the mobilephone battery, reboot, and thentry to connect again.4) Reboot the audio system and tryto connect again5) Delete all paired devices in yourmobile phone and the audio systemand pair again for use.
SYSTEM SETTINGSPress the  key Select [System]through tune knob or  key ▶Selectmenu through TUNE knobMemory Information (if equipped)Displays currently used memory andtotal system memory.Select [Memory Information] ▶ OKThe currently used memory is displayedon the left side while the total systemmemory is displayed on the right side.VRS modeThis feature is used to change voicecommand feedback between Normal andExpert modes.Select [VRS mode] ▶Set throughTUNE knob• Normal : This mode is for beginnerusers and provides detailed instructionsduring voice command operation.• Expert : This mode is for expert usersand omits some information duringvoice command operation. (When usingExpert mode, guidance instructions canbe heard through the [Help] or [Menu]commands.
LanguageThis menu is used to set the display andvoice recognition language.Select [Language] Set through TUNEknob❈The system will reboot after the languageis changed.❈Language support by region
RADIOChanging RADIO modePress the  key to change themode in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟AM.Press the or key to changethe mode in order of FM1 ➟FM2 and AM.• When the power is off, press theor  key to turn on theaudio system and receive radio broadcasts.[Mode Pop up] On state : Displays thechange radio mode pop up screen.While the pop up screen is displayed,you can change the radio mode(  : FM1 ➟FM2 ➟AM /FM: FM1 ➟FM2 / AM : AM) through thetune knob or 1 ~ 5 keys.Adjust VolumeTurn the VOL knob left/right to adjustthe volume.SEEKPress the (,) key ▶• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Changes the frequency.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Automatically searches forthe next frequency.Preset SEEKPress the           (          ,           ) key ▶1 ~ 6• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Plays the frequency saved inthe corresponding key.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Pressing and holding thedesired key from 1 ~ 6 willsave the currently playing broadcast tothe selected key and sound a BEEP.SCANPress the            (            ,          ) key ▶• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): The broadcast frequencyincreases and previews each broadcastfor 5 seconds each. After scanning allfrequencies, returns and plays the currentbroadcast frequency.currentbroadcast frequency.
• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Previews the broadcastssaved in Preset 1 ~ 6 for 5 secondseach.Press the                (             ,             ) key ▶• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): The broadcast frequencyincreases and previews each broadcastfor 5 seconds each. After scanning allfrequencies, returns and plays the currentbroadcast frequency.Selecting through manual searchTurn the TUNE knob left/right to adjustthe frequency.MENUWithin key are the A.Store (AutoStore) and Info functions.AST (Auto Store)Press the  key ▶Set [ AST]through TUNE knob or  key.Select AST (Auto Store) to save frequencieswith superior reception topresets 1 ~ 6 . If no frequenciesare received, then the most recentlyreceived frequency will be broadcast.
BASIC METHOD OF USE :Audio CD / MP3 CD / USB /iPod / My MusicPress the  key to change themode in order of CD➟USB(iPod)➟AUX➟My Music➟BT Audio.The folder/file name is displayed on thescreen.❈The CD is automatically played whena CD is inserted.❈The USB music is automaticallyplayed when a USB is connected.Press the  key Select [ Display]through the TUNE knob or             keySelect [Song Info] ▶Media Display• [Song Info] : The screen display info canbe changed to Album/Artist/ Songname.RepeatWhile song (file) is playing ▶(RPT) keyAudio CD, MP3 CD, USB, iPod, My Musicmode: RPT on screen• To repeat one song (Shortly pressingthe key (under 0.8 seconds)): Repeatsthe current song.MP3 CD, USB mode: FLD.RPT onscreen• To repeat folder (Pressing and holdingthe key (over 0.8 seconds)): repeats allfiles within the current folder.❈Press the key again to turn offrepeat.
❈Upgrade models are toggled mode asfollows whenever it pressed RPT button.(RPT➟FLD.RPT➟OFF)RandomWhile song (file) is playing ▶(RDM) keyAudio CD, My Music mode: RDM onscreen• Random (Shortly pressing the key(under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all songs inrandom order.MP3 CD, USB mode: FLD.RDM onscreen• Folder Random (Shortly pressing thekey (under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all fileswithin the current folder in randomorder.iPod mode: ALB RDM on screen• Album Random (Shortly pressing thekey (under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all fileswithin albums of the current category inrandom order.MP3 CD, USB, iPod mode: ALL RDM onscreen• All Random (pressing and holding thekey (over 0.8 seconds)): Plays all files inrandom order.❈Press the            key again to turn offrepeat.Audio CD, My music mode :• RDM➟OFFMP3 CD, USB mode :• FLD.RDM➟ALL.RDM➟OFFiPod mode :ALB RDM➟ALL RDM➟OFF❈Upgrade models are toggled mode asfollows whenever it pressed RDM button.Changing Song/FileWhile song (file) is playing ▶key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Plays the current song fromthe beginning.❈If the                key is pressed againwithin 1 second, the previous song isplayed.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Rewinds the song.While song (file) is playing ▶key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Plays the next song.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Fast forwards the song.
ScanWhile song (file) is playing ▶key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds) : Scans all songs from thenext song for 10 seconds each.While song (file) is playing ▶key• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds) : Scans all songs for 10 secondsstarting from the next song.❈Press the  key again to turn off.❈The SCAN function is not supported iniPod mode.Folder Search : MP3 CD, USBModeWhile file is playing ▶ ,(Folder Up) key• Searches the next folder.While file is playing ▶(FolderDown) key• Searches the parent folder.❈If a folder is selected by pressing theTUNE knob, the first file within theselected folder will be played.❈In iPod mode, moves to the ParentFolder.Searching Songs (File)• Turning TUNE knob : Searches forsongs (files)• Pressing TUNE knob : Plays selectedsong (file).
Bluetooth® Wireless TechnologyAUDIOWhat is Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology?Bluetooth® Wireless Technology is a wirelesstechnology that allows multipledevices to be connected in a short range,low-powered devices like hands-free,stereo headset, wireless remote controller,etc. For more information, visit theBluetooth® Wireless Technology website atwww.Bluetooth.comBefore using Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology audio features• Bluetooth® Wireless Technology audiomay not be supported depending onthe compatibility of your Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phone.• In order to use Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology audio, you must first pair andconnect the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology mobile phone.• Bluetooth® Wireless Technology audiocan be used only when the [AudioStreaming] of Phone is turned ON .❈Setting Bluetooth® Wireless TechnologyAudio Streaming : Press the key ▶Select [Phone] through the tuneknob or          key ▶ Select [AudioStreaming] through the TUNEknob ▶SetStarting Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology Audio• Press the              key to change themode in order of CD➟USB➟AUX➟MyMusic➟BT Audio.• If BT Audio is selected, Bluetooth®Wireless Technology audio will start playing.❈Audio may not automatically start playingin some mobile phones.Using the Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology audio features• Play / StopPress the TUNE knob to play andpause the current song.❈The previous song / next song / play /pause functions may not be supportedin some mobile phones.
Appendix  Homologation FCC Compliance Statement. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions :   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and   (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.      If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:      - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.       - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.       - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.       - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Do Not Any changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly   approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authority to operate the equipment. GBe sure GThe antenna(s) used for this device must be installed to provide a separation distance of   at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction   with any other antenna or transmitter.
IC Compliance Statement. Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.        L’exploitation est autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)  l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique subi, meme si le         brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) this device may not cause interference, and   (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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