User Manual

Features of your vehicle1464How vehicle audio worksAM and FM radio signals are broadcastfrom transmitter towers located aroundyour city. They are intercepted by theradio antenna on your vehicle. This signalis then processed by the radio and sentto your vehicle speakers. When a strong radio signal has reachedyour vehicle, the precise engineering ofyour audio system ensures the best pos-sible quality reproduction. However, insome cases the signal coming to yourvehicle may not be strong and clear. This can be due to factors, such as thedistance from the radio station, close-ness of other strong radio stations or thepresence of buildings, bridges or otherlarge obstructions in the area.AM broadcasts can be received atgreater distances than FM broadcasts.This is because AM radio waves aretransmitted at low frequencies. Theselong distance,low frequency radio wavescan follow the curvature of the earthrather than travelling straight. In addition,they curve around obstructions  resultingin better signal coverage.¢¢¢¢¢¢JBM002AM reception¢¢¢JBM001FM reception
4 147Features of your vehicleFM broadcasts are transmitted at highfrequencies and do not bend to follow theearth's surface. Because of this, FMbroadcasts generally begin to fade withinshort distances from the station. shortdistances from the station. Also, FM sig-nals are easily affected by buildings,mountains,  and obstructions. This canlead to undesirable or unpleasant listen-ing conditions which might lead you tobelieve a problem exists with your radio.The following conditions are normal anddo not indicate radio trouble:• Fading - As your vehicle moves awayfrom the radio station, the signal willweaken and sound will begin to fade.When this occurs, we suggest that youselect another stronger station.• Flutter/Static - Weak FM signals orlarge obstructions between the trans-mitter and your radio can disturb thesignal causing static or fluttering nois-es to occur. Reducing the treble levelmay lessen this effect until the distur-bance clears.• Station Swapping - As an FM signalweakens, another more powerful sig-nal near the same frequency maybegin to play. This is because yourradio is designed to lock onto the clear-est signal. If this occurs, select anotherstation with a stronger signal.• Multi-Path Cancellation - Radio signalsbeing received from several directionscan cause distortion or fluttering. Thiscan be caused by a direct and reflect-ed signal from the same station, or bysignals from two stations with closefrequencies. If this occurs, selectanother station until the condition haspassed.JBM003FM radio stationJBM005¢¢¢JBM004
Using a cellular phone or a two-wayradio   When a cellular phone is used inside thevehicle, noise may be produced from theaudio system. This does not mean thatsomething is wrong with the audio equip-ment. In such a case, try to operatemobile devices as far from the audioequipment as possible.Caring for disc• If the temperature inside the car is toohigh, open the car windows to ventilatebefore using the system.• It is illegal to copy and use MP3/WMAfiles without permission. Use CDs thatare created only by lawful means.• Do not apply volatile agents, such asbenzene and thinner, normal cleanersand magnetic sprays made for ana-logue disc onto CDs.• To prevent the disc surface from get-ting damaged, hold CDs by the edgesor the center hole only.• Clean the disc surface with a piece ofsoft cloth before playback (wipe it fromthe center to the outside edge).• Do not damage the disc surface orattach pieces of sticky tape or paper.• Make certain only CDs are insertedinto the CD player (Do not insert morethan one CD at a time).• Keep CDs in their cases after use toprotect them from scratches or dirt.CAUTIONWhen using a communicationsystem such as a cellular phoneor a radio set inside the vehicle,a separate external antennamust be fitted. When a cellularphone or a radio set is usedwith an internal antenna alone,it may interfere with the vehi-cle's electrical system andadversely affect safe operationof the vehicle.WARNINGDo not use a cellular phonewhile driving. Stop at a safelocation to use a cellular phone.4 148Features of your vehicle
• Depending on the type of CD-R/CD-RWCDs, certain CDs may not operate nor-mally according to  the manufacturingcompanies. In such circumstances, con-tinued use may cause malfunctions toyour audio system.✽NOTICE - Playing an Incompatible CopyProtected Audio CDSome copy protected CDs, which do notcomply with  international audio CDstandards (Red Book), may not play onyour car audio. Please note that inabili-ties to properly play a copy protectedCD may indicate that the CD is defec-tive, not the CD player.NOTE:Order of playing files (folders) : 1. Song playing order : to  sequen-tially.2. Folder playing order :❋If no song file is contained in the fold-er, that folder is not displayed.Features of your vehicle1494
WARNING• Do not stare at the screen whiledriving. Staring at the screen forprolonged periods of time couldlead to traffic accidents.• Do not disassemble, assemble, ormodify the audio system. Suchacts could result in accidents,fire, or electric shock.• Using the phone while drivingmay lead to a lack of attention oftraffic conditions and increasethe likelihood of accidents. Use the phone feature after park-ing the vehicle.• Heed caution not to spill water orintroduce foreign objects into thedevice. Such acts could lead tosmoke, fire, or product malfunc-tion.(Continued)(Continued)• Please refrain from use if thescreen is blank or no sound canbe heard as these signs may indi-cate product malfunction. Continued use in such conditionscould lead to accidents(fires,electric shock) or product mal-functions.• Do not touch the antenna duringthunder or lightening as suchacts may lead to lightninginduced electric shock.• Do not stop or park in parking-restricted areas to operate theproduct. Such acts could lead totraffic accidents.• Use the system with the vehicleignition turned on. Prolonged usewith the ignition turned off couldresult in battery discharge.4 150Features of your vehicle
(Continued)• If you want to change the positionof device installation, pleaseinquire with your place of pur-chase or service maintenancecenter. Technical expertise isrequired to install or disassemblethe device.• Turn on the car ignition beforeusing this device. Do not operatethe audio system for long periodsof time with the ignition turned offas such operations may lead tobattery discharge.• Do not subject the device tosevere shock or impact. Directpressure onto the front side ofthe monitor may cause damage tothe LCD or touch screen.(Continued)(Continued)• When cleaning the device, makesure to turn off the device anduse a dry and smooth cloth.Never use tough materials, chem-ical cloths, or solvents (alcohol,benzene, thinners, etc.) as suchmaterials may damage the devicepanel or cause color/quality dete-rioration• Do not place beverages close tothe audio system. Spilling bever-ages may lead to system mal-function.• In case of product malfunction,please contact your place of pur-chase or After Service center.• Placing the audio system withinan electromagnetic environmentmay result in noise interference.Features of your vehicle1514 CAUTION• Operating the device while driv-ing could lead to accidents due toa lack of attention to external sur-roundings. First park the vehiclebefore operating the device.• Adjust the volume to levels thatallow the driver to hear soundsfrom outside of the vehicle.Driving in a state where externalsounds cannot be heard may leadto accidents.• Pay attention to the volume set-ting when turning the device on.A sudden output of extreme vol-ume upon turning the device oncould lead to hearing impairment.(Adjust the volume to a suitablelevels before turning off thedevice.)(Continued)
✽NOTICE - USING THEDISCS• This device has been manufacturedto be compatible with softwarebearing the following logo marks.• Do not clean discs with chemicalsolutions, such as record sprays,antistatic sprays, antistatic liquids,benzene, or thinners.• After using a disc, put the disc backin its original case to prevent discscratches.• Hold discs by their edges or withinthe center hole to prevent damagesto disc surfaces.• Do not introduce foreign substancesinto the disc insert/eject slot.Introducing foreign substancescould damage the device interior.• Do not insert two discs simultane-ously.• When using CD-R/CD-RW discs,differences in disc reading andplaying times may occur dependingon the disc manufacturer, produc-tion method and the recordingmethod as used by the user.(Continued)(Continued)• Clean fingerprints and dust off thedisc surface (coated side) with a softcloth.• The use of CD-R/CD-RW discsattached with labels may result indisc slot jams or difficulties in discremoval. Such discs may also resultin noise while playing.• Some CD-R/CD-RW discs may notproperly operate depending on thedisc manufacturer, productionmethod and the record method asused by the user. If problems per-sist, trying using a different CD ascontinued use may result in mal-functions.• The performance of this productmay differ depending on the CD-RW Drive Software.• Copy-protected CDs such as S-typeCDs may not function in the device.DATA discs cannot be played.(However, such discs may still oper-ate but will do so abnormally.)(Continued)(Continued)• Do not use abnormally shaped discs(8cm, heart-shaped, octagon-shaped) as such discs could lead tomalfunctions.• If the disc is straddled on the discslot without removal for 10 seconds,the disc will automatically be re-inserted into the disc player. • Only genuine audio CDs are sup-ported. Other discs may result inrecognition failure (e.g. copy CD-R,CDs with labels)4 152Features of your vehicle
✽NOTICE - USING THE USBDEVICE• Connect the USB device after turn-ing on the engine. The USB devicemay become damaged if it isalready connected when the igni-tion is turned on.The USB devicemay not operate properly if the carignition is turned on or off with theUSB device connected.• Heed caution to static electricitywhen connecting/disconnectingUSB devices.• Encoded MP3 Players will not berecognized when connected as anexternal device.• When connecting an external USBdevice, the device may not properlyrecognize the USB is in some states.• Only products formatted withbyte/sectors under 64Kbyte will berecognized.• This device recognizes USB devicesformatted in FAT 12/16/32 file for-mats. This device does not recog-nize files in NTFS file format.(Continued)(Continued)• Some USB devices may not be sup-ported due to compatibility issues.• Avoid contact between the USBconnector with bodily parts or for-eign objects.• Repeated connecting/disconnectingof USB devices within short periodsof time may result in product mal-function.• A strange noise may occur whendisconnecting the USB.• Make sure to connect/disconnectexternal USB devices with theaudio power turned off.• The amount of time required to rec-ognize the USB device may differdepending on the type, size or fileformats stored in the USB. Suchdifferences in time are not indica-tions of malfunctions.• The device only supports USBdevices used to play music files.• USB images and videos are not sup-ported.(Continued)(Continued)• Do not use the USB I/F to chargebatteries or USB accessories thatgenerate heat. Such acts may leadto worsened performance or dam-age to the device.• The device may not recognize theUSB device if separately purchasedUSB hubs and extension cables arebeing used. Connect the USBdirectly with the multimedia termi-nal of the vehicle.• When using mass storage USBdevices with separate logical drives,only files saved to the root drive canbe played.• Files may not properly operate ifapplication programs are installedto the USBs.• The device may not operate nor-mally if MP3 Players, cellularphones, digital cameras, or otherelectronic devices (USB devices notrecognized as portable disk drives)are connected with the device.Features of your vehicle1534
(Continued)• Avoid use of USBmemory products thatcan also be used as keychains or mobile phoneaccessories. Use ofsuch products may cause damage tothe USB jack.• Connecting an MP3 device orphone through various channels,such as AUX/BT or Audio/ USBmode may result in pop noises orabnormal operation.• USB memory without the certifica-tion mark may not be recognized.(Continued)• Charging through the USB may notwork for some mobile devices.• The device may not support normaloperation when using a USB mem-ory type besides (Metal CoverType) USB Memory.• The device may not support normaloperation when using formats suchas HDD Type, CF, or SD Memory.• The device will not support fileslocked by DRM (Digital RightsManagement.)• USB memory sticks used by con-necting an Adaptor (SD Type or CFType) may not be properly recog-nized.• The device may not operate proper-ly when using USB HDDs or USBssubject to connection failures causedby vehicle vibrations. (e.g. i-sticktype)(Continued)4 154Features of your vehicle
✽NOTICE - USING THE iPod®DEVICE•iPod®is a registered trademark ofApple Inc.• In order to use the iPod®whileoperating the keys, you must use adedicated iPod®cable. (the cablethat is supplied when purchasingiPod®/iPhone products)• If the iPod®is connected to thevehicle while it is playing, a highpitch sound could occur for approx-imately 1-2 seconds immediatelyafter connecting. If possible, con-nect the iPod®to the vehicle withthe iPod®stopped/paused.• During ACC ON state, connectingthe iPod®through the iPod®cablewill charge the iPod®through thecar audio system.• When connecting with the iPod®cable, make sure to fully insert thejack to prevent communicationinterference.(Continued)(Continued)• When the EQ features of an exter-nal device, such as the iPod®, andthe audio system are both active,EQ effects could overlap and causesound deterioration and distortion.Whenever possible, turn off the EQfeature within the external deviceupon use by connecting with theaudio system.• Noise may occur when an iPod®orAUX device is connected. Whensuch devices are not being used, dis-connect the device for storage.• When the iPod®or AUX devicepower is connected to the powerjack, playing the external devicemay result in noise. In such cases,disconnect the power connectionbefore use.• Skipping or improper operationmay occur depending on the char-acteristics of your iPod®/Phonedevice.(Continued)(Continued)• If your iPhone is connected to boththe Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyand USB, the sound may not beproperly played. In your iPhone,select the Dock connector orBluetooth®Wireless Technology tochange the sound output (source).•iPod®mode cannot be operatedwhen the iPod®cannot be recog-nized due to versions that do notsupport communication protocols.• For fifth generation iPod®Nanodevices, the iPod®may not be rec-ognized when the battery level islow. Please charge the iPod®foruse. • Search/play orders shown within theiPod®device may differ with theorders shown within the audio sys-tem.• If the iPod®malfunctions due to aniPod®device defect, reset the iPod®and try again. (To learn more, referto your iPod®manual)(Continued)Features of your vehicle1554
(Continued)• Some iPods may not sync with theSystem depending on its version. Ifthe Media is removed before theMedia is recognized, then the systemmay not properly restore the previ-ously operated mode. (iPad chargingis not supported.)• Beside support 1M cable when pur-chasing iPod/iPhone products, LongCable cannot be recognized.✽NOTICE - USING THEBluetooth®WirelessTechnology AUDIOMODE•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology AudioMode can be used only when aBluetooth®Wireless Technology phonehas been connected.•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology AudioMode will not be available when con-necting mobile phones that do not sup-port this feature.• While Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyAudio is playing, if the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology phone is connect-ed, then the music will also stop.• Moving the Track up/down while play-ing  Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio mode may result in pop noises insome mobile phones.•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology stream-ing audio may not be supported in somemobile phones.• When returning to Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Audio mode after ending acall, the mode may not automaticallyrestart in some mobile phones.• Receiving an incoming call or making anoutgoing call while playing Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Audio may resultin audio interference.4 156Features of your vehicle
✽NOTIC - USING UPON CON-NECTING Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyPHONE• Before connecting the car audio sys-tem with the mobile phone, check tosee that the mobile phone supportsBluetooth®Wireless Technology fea-tures.• Even if the phone supports Bluetooth®Wireless Technology, the phone willnot be found during device searches ifthe phone has been set to hidden stateor the Bluetooth®Wireless Technologypower is turned off. Disable the hid-den state or turn on the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology power prior tosearching/connecting with the caraudio system.• If you do not want to automaticallyconnect your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone, try the following.1. Turn off the Bluetooth®feature inyour mobile phone.- For more information on Bluetooth®Wireless Technology features withinyour mobile, refer to your mobilephone user’s manual.2. Turn off the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology feature in your caraudio system.(Continued)(Continued)- To turn off the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology feature in your caraudio system, go to [Phone] and [turn off] theBluetooth®Wireless Technology fea-ture.• Park the vehicle when connecting thecar audio system with your mobilephone.•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology con-nection may become intermittentlydisconnected in some mobile phones.Follow these steps to try again.1. Turn the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology function within themobile phone off/on and try again.2. Turn the mobile phone powerOff/On and try again.3. Completely remove the mobilephone battery, reboot, and thenagain.4. Reboot the audio system and tryagain.5. Delete all paired devices, pair andtry again.• The Handsfree call volume and quali-ty may differ depending on the mobilephone. (Continued)(Continued)•Bluetooth®Wireless Technology fea-tures supported within the vehicle areas follows. Some features may not besupported depending on yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice. - Answering and placing Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Handsfreecalls - Menu operation during call (Switchto Private, Switch to call waiting,Outgoing volume)- Download Call History- Download Mobile Phone book - Phone book/Call History AutoDownload • It is possible to pair up to fiveBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices to the car system. • Only one Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice can be connected at a time. • Other devices cannot be paired whileaBluetooth®Wireless Technologydeviceis already connected. • When a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice is being connected, the connectionprocess cannot be canceled. •Only Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyHandsfree and Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology audio related features willoperate within this system. (Continued)SETUP Features of your vehicle1574
Features of your vehicle1584      ( C o n t i n u e d )• Normal operation is possible only fordevices that support Handsfree oraudio features, such as a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phone or aBluetooth®Wireless Technology audiodevice. • Only one function can be used at atime between the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Handsfree and Bluetooth®Wireless Technology audio. (Whileplaying Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio, streaming will end upon enter-ing the Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone screen.) • If a connected Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device becomes discon-nected for various reasons, such asbeing out of range, turning the deviceOFF, or a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology communication error,Bluetooth®Wireless Technology devicesare automatically searched and con-nected.• Bluetooth®Handsfree is a feature thatenables drivers to practice safe driving.Connecting the head unit with aBluetooth®phone allows the user toconveniently make calls, receive calls,and manage the phone book. Beforeusing the Bluetooth®, carefully read thecontents of this user’s manual.
4 159Features of your vehicle■ CD Player (For Europe Model)
Features of your vehicle1604COMPONENT NAMES ANDFUNCTIONSHead Unit(1) (EJECT)• Press to insert or eject disc.• When press and held(3 seconds) :energency eject.(2) • Converts to Radio (FM, AM) mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟FMA ➟ AM ➟ AMA.(3) • Starts Media mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of CD,USB(iPod®), AUX, My Music, BTAudio.(4) • Converts to Phone mode.(5) • Displays the time/date/day.• Press and hold the key (over 0.8 sec-onds)to setting the Clock/Calendarscreen.(6) PWR/VOL knob• PWR : Press to turn power on/off.• VOL : Turn left/right to control vol-ume.(7) • When pressed shortly (under 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : plays previous/nextfrequency.- CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode :changes the track or file.• When pressed and held (over 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : continuously changesthe frequency until the key isreleased and plays the current fre-quency.- CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode :rewinds or fast forwards the track orfile.- During a Handsfree call, controls thecall volume.SEEKTRACKMEDIARADIO
4 161Features of your vehicle(8) Turns the monitor display on/off.(9)  (For RDS Model)• Radio mode- Shortly press the key (under 0.8 sec-onds) : TA On/Off- Press and hold the key (over 0.8seconds) : Previews each broadcastfor 5 seconds each.• CD, USB, My Music mode- Press and hold the key (over 0.8seconds) : Previews each song (file)for 10 seconds each.❈Press and holding the key again tocontinue listening to the currentsong(file).(10) • Converts to Setup mode.(11) • Displays supported menus within eachmode.(12) • MP3 CD, USB mode : Folder Search(13) TUNE knob• Radio mode- Turns to change broadcast frequen-cies.• CD, USB, iPod®mode- Turns to search tracks/channels/files.(14) ~ (Preset)• Radio mode- Saves a frequency or receives savedfrequencies.• MEDIA mode- Press the  key to repeat andkey to play in random order(shuffle).TA / S C A NFOLDER2 RDM1 RPT  61MENU
Features of your vehicle1624■ CD Player  (Except Europe Model)
COMPONENT NAMES ANDFUNCTIONSHead Unit(1) (EJECT)• Press to insert or eject disc.• When press and held(3 seconds) :energency eject.(2) • Converts to Radio (FM, AM) mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟AM.(3) • Starts Media mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of CD,USB(iPod®), AUX, My Music, BTAudio.(4) • Converts to Phone mode(5) • Displays the time/date/day.• Press and hold the key (over 0.8 sec-onds)to setting the Clock/Calendarscreen.(6) POWER/VOLUME knob• POWER : Press to turn poweron/off.• VOLUME : Turn left/right to controlvolume.(7) • When pressed shortly (under 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : plays previous/nextfrequency.- CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode :changes the track or file.• When pressed and held (over 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : continuously changesthe frequency until the key isreleased and plays the current fre-quency.- CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode :rewinds or fast forwards the track orfile.MEDIARADIOSEEKTRACKCLOCKPHONE4 163Features of your vehicle
Features of your vehicle1644(8) Turns the monitor display on/off.(9) • Radio mode- Previews all receivable broadcastsfor 5 seconds each.• CD, USB, My Music mode- Previews each song (file) for 10 sec-onds each.(10) • Converts to Setup mode.(11) • Displays supported menus within eachmode.(12) • MP3 CD, USB mode : Folder Search(13) TUNE knob• Radio mode- Turn to change broadcast frequen-cies.• CD, USB, iPod®mode- Turn to search tracks/channels/files.(14) ~ (Preset)• Radio mode- Saves a frequency or receives savedfrequencies.• MEDIA mode- Press the  key to repeat andkey to play in random order(shuffle).(15) • Changes to FM mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2.(16) • Changes to AM mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of AM.AMFMFOLDER2 RDM1 RPT  61MENUSETUP SCAN DISP
4 165Features of your vehicle(17) • Starts Media mode.• Each time this key is pressed, themode is changed in order of CD,USB(iPod®), AUX.(18) • When pressed shortly (under 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : plays previous/nextfrequency.- CD, USB, iPod®mode : changes thetrack, file.• When pressed and held (over 0.8 sec-onds).- Radio mode : continuously changesthe frequency until the key isreleased and plays the current fre-quency.- CD, USB, iPod®mode : rewinds orfast forwards the track or file. (19) • Radio mode- Previews all receivable broadcastsfor 5 seconds each.• CD, USB mode- Previews each song (file) for 10 sec-onds each.SCAN SEEKTRACKMEDIA
Features of your vehicle1664Steering wheel remote controller(If equipped)(1) VOLUME• Used to control volume.(2) MUTE• Mutes audio volume.(3) (If equipped)• When pressed shortly- Starts voice recognition- When selecting during a voiceprompt, stops the prompt and con-verts to voice command waiting state• When pressed and held (over 0.8 sec-onds)- Ends voice recognition(4) • When pressed shortly.- When pressed in the phone screen,displays call history screen.- When pressed in the dial screen,makes a call.- When pressed in the incoming callscreen, answers the call.- When pressed during call waiting,switches to waiting call (CallWaiting).• When pressed and held (over 0.8 sec-onds).- When pressed in the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Handsfree waitmode, redials the last call.- When pressed during a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Handsfree call,switches call back to mobile phone(Private).- When pressed while calling on themobile phone, switches call back toBluetooth®Wireless TechnologyHandsfree (Operates only whenBluetooth®Wireless TechnologyHandsfree is connected).(5) • Ends phone call.
4 167Features of your vehicleRADIO MODE(For Europe Model)Basic Mode Screen(1) Mode DisplayDisplays currently operating mode.(2) FrequencyDisplays the current frequency.(3) PresetDisplays currently playing preset number[1] ~ [6].(4) MENUDisplays Radio menus.(5) Preset DisplayDisplays saved presets.(6) Auto StoreAutomatically saves frequencies withsuperior reception to Preset buttons.(7) RDS MENUDisplays the RDS Menu.
Features of your vehicle1684Switching to Radio ModePressing the  key will change theoperating mode in order of FM1 ➟ FM2 ➟FMA ➟ AM ➟ AMAIf [Pop-up Mode] is turned on within[Display], then pressing thekey will display the Radio modepop up screen.Use  TUNE knob to move the focus. Press the  TUNE knob to select.Searching Radio FrequenciesUsing SeekPress the  key to play the pre-vious/next frequency.Using TUNETurn the  TUNE knob to select the  fre-quency.Using Radio ModeSelecting PresetsPress the  key Select The 6 presets are displayed.Press the  ~  key to play thedesired preset.SEEKTRACK1  6 MENURADIORADIO
4 169Features of your vehicleSaving PresetsAfter selecting the frequency Press andhold the desired preset  ~  key.A 'beep' will sound and the frequency issaved to the selected preset button.Auto StoreAfter pressing the  key Selectthe  button to automatically savereceivable frequencies to Preset buttons.A total of 18 frequencies with six presetfrequencies each for FM1 / FM2 / AMmodes can be saved.✽NOTICE While Auto Store is operating, selectingthe  button again will cancel thefunction and restore the previous fre-quency.RDS MenuPress the  button to set the AF(Alternative Frequency), Region andNews features.✽NOTICE The RDS Menu is not supported withinAM or AMA mode.ScanPress and hold the  key : Thebroacast frequency increases and pre-views each broacast for 5 seconds each.After scanning all frequencies, return andplays the current broacast frequency.✽NOTICE Once scan is complete, the previous fre-quency will be restored.While Scan is operating, pressing andholding the  key will cancelthe scan operation.AF (Alternative Frequency) Press the  keythrough TUNE knob.The Alternative Frequency option can beturnes On/Off.RegionPress the  keythrough TUNE knob.The Region option can be turnes On/Off.NewsPress the  keythrough TUNE knob.The News option can be turnes On/Off.NewsMENURegionMENUAlternative FrequencyMENUTA / S C A NTA / S C A NMENU1  6
Features of your vehicle1704TA (Traffic Announcement)Press the  key to turn the TA(Traffic Announcement) feature On/Off.TA / S C A N
4 171Features of your vehicleRADIO MODE(Except Europe Model)Basic Mode Screen(1) Mode DisplayDisplays currently operating mode.(2) FrequencyDisplays the current frequency.(3) PresetDisplays currently playing preset number[1] ~ [6].(4) MENUDisplays Radio menus.(5) Preset DisplayDisplays saved presets.(6) Auto storeAutomatically saves frequencies withsuperior reception to Preset buttons.
Features of your vehicle1724Switching to Radio ModePressing the  key will change theoperating mode in order of FM1 ➟ FM2 ➟AM.If [Mode Pop up] is turned on within[Display], then pressing the,  key will display theRadio mode pop up screen.Use  TUNE knob to move the focus. Press the  TUNE knob to select.Searching Radio FrequenciesUsing SeekPress the  key to play the pre-vious/next frequency.Using TUNETurn the  TUNE knob to select the  fre-quency.Using Radio ModeSelecting PresetsPress the  key Select The 6 presets are displayed.Press the  ~  key to play thedesired preset.AMFMSETUP 6 1 PresetMENUSEEKTRACKRADIO
4 173Features of your vehicleSaving PresetsAfter selecting the frequency Press andhold the desired preset  ~  key.A 'beep' will sound and the frequency issaved to the selected preset button.Auto StoreAfter pressing the  key Selectthe  button to automaticallysave receivable frequencies to Presetbuttons.A total of 18 frequencies with six presetfrequencies each for FM1 / FM2 / AMmodes can be saved.✽NOTICE While Auto Store is operating, selectingthe  button again will can-cel the function and restore the previousfrequency.ScanPress the  key to scan all radiofrequencies.Press and hold the  key (over0.8 seconds) to scan preset buttons.• Scan All :Scans frequencies with supe-rior reception for 5 seconds each.• Preset Scan : Scans broadcasts savedto presets for 5 seconds each.Once scan is complete, the previouslyplaying frequency is restored.During Scan, pressing the  keyagain will cancel the scan operation andrestore the previously played frequency.SCAN SCAN SCAN Auto storeAuto storeMENU6 1
Features of your vehicle1744MEDIA MODEPressing the  key will change theoperating mode in order of CD ➟USB(iPod®) ➟ AUX ➟ My Music ➟BT Audio.If [Pop-up Mode]/[Mode Pop up] is turnedon within  ( ) [Display],then pressing the  key will dis-play the Media mode Pop-up screen.Use  TUNE knob to move the focus. Press the knob to select.✽NOTICE • If the  key is pressed with thesystem power off, then the power willturn on and the most recently playedmedia mode will be played. (ExceptEurope Model)• The media mode pop up screen can bedisplayed only when there are two ormore media modes turned on.SETUP MEDIAMEDIAMEDIA
4 175Features of your vehicleAUDIO CD MODEBasic Mode Screen<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>(1) ModeDisplays currently operating mode.(2) Operation StateFrom Repeat / Shuffle / Scan, displaysthe currently operating function.(3) Track InfoDisplays information about the currenttrack.(4) Play StateDisplays the play/pause state.(5) Play TimeDisplays the current play time.(6) MENUDisplays the Audio CD Menu.(7) RepeatTurns the Repeat feature on/off.(8) ShuffleTurns the Shuffle feature on/off.(9) ListMoves to the list screen.(10) InfoShows detailed information about thecurrent track.
Features of your vehicle1764Using Audio CD ModePlaying/Pausing CD TracksOnce an audio CD is inserted, the modewill automatically start and begin playing.While playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press again to play.✽NOTICE• Only genuine audio CDs are support-ed. Other discs may result in recogni-tion failure (e.g. copy CD-R, CDs withlabels)• The artist and title information aredisplayed on the screen if track infor-mation is included within the audioCD.Changing TracksPress the  key to move to theprevious or next track.✽NOTICE • Pressing the  key after thetrack has been playing for 2 secondswill start the current track from thebeginning.• Pressing the  key before thetrack has been playing for 1 secondwill start the previous track.Selecting from the ListTurn the  TUNE knob to search andselect for the desired track.Once you find the desired track, pressthe  TUNE knob to start playing.Rewinding / Fast-forwarding TracksWhile playing, press and hold thekey (over 0.8 seconds) torewind or fast-forward the current track.ScanPress the  key to play the first 10seconds of each track.SCAN SEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACK
4 177Features of your vehicleAudio CD Mode MenuIf you press the  key, you willhave access to the Repeat, Shuffle, Listand Info features.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>RepeatPress the  key Select()Repeat :Repeats the current track. ShufflePress the  key Select()Shuffle :Plays tracks in random order✽ NOTICEThe  ,   keys are shortcutkeys to set the Repeat and Shuffle fea-tures.ListPress the  key Select()Turns the TUNE knob to  search forthe desired track and press the  TUNEknob to select.InfoPress the  key  Select  ( )Details for the currently playing track aredisplayed.MENUInfoListShuffleRepeat21 MENUMENUMENUMENU
Features of your vehicle1784MP3 CD MODEBasic Mode Screen<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>(1) ModeDisplays currently operating mode.(2) Operation StateFrom Repeat / Shuffle / Scan, displaysthe currently operating function.(3) File IndexDisplays the current file number.(4) File InfoDisplays information about the currentfile.(5) Play StateDisplays the play/pause state.(6) Play TimeDisplays the current play time.(7) MENUDisplays the CD MP3 Menu.(8) RepeatTurns the Repeat feature on/off.(9) ShuffleTurns the Shuffle feature on/off.(10) ListMoves to the list screen.(11) InfoShows detailed information about thecurrent file.(12) CopyCopies the current file into My Music
4 179Features of your vehicleUsing MP3 CD ModePlaying/Pausing MP3 FilesOnce an MP3 disc is inserted the modewill automatically start and being playing.While playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press again to play.✽NOTICEIf there are numerous files and folderswithin the disc, reading time could takemore than 10 seconds and the list maynot be displayed or song searches maynot operate. Once loading is complete,try again.Changing FilesPress the  keys to select theprevious or next file.✽NOTICE• Pressing the  key after thefile has been playing for 2 seconds willstart the current file from the begin-ning.• Pressing the  key before thefile has been playing for 1 second willstart the previous file.Selecting from the ListTurn the  TUNE knob to search andselect for the desired files.Once you find the desired file, press theTUNE knob to start playing.Rewinding / Fast-forwarding FilesWhile playing, press and hold thekeys (over 0.8 seconds) torewind or fast-forward the current file.Scan (For Europe Model)Press and hold the  key to playthe file 10 seconds of each file.Scan (Except Europe Model)Press the  key to play the first 10seconds of each file.Searching FoldersSelect the folder by using thekeys and press the  TUNE knob toselect.The first file within the selected folder willbegin playing.TA / S C A NFOLDERSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSCAN
Features of your vehicle1804MP3 CD Mode MenuIf you press the  key, you willhave access to the Repeat, Shuffle, List,Info and Copy features.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>RepeatPress the  key Select()Each time the button is pressed, the fea-ture changes in order of Repeat➟RepeatFolder➟Off.• Repeat Once : Repeats the current file.• Repeat Folder : Repeats all files withinthe current Folder.ShufflePress the  key Select()Each time the button is pressed, the fea-ture changes in order of Shuffle Folde ➟Shuffle All➟Off.• Folder Shuffle : Plays all files within thecurrent folder in Random order.• Shuffle All : Plays all files in Randomorder.✽NOTICE The  ,  keys are shortcutkeys to set the Repeat and Shuffle fea-tures.ListPress the  key Select()Turn the  TUNE knob to  search for thedesired file and press the knob to select.ListShuffleRepeatMENU1  2MENUMENUMENU
4 181Features of your vehicleInfoPress the  key Select()Details for the currently playing file aredisplayed.✽NOTICE• When the ‘Folder File’ option is set asthe default display within Displaysetup, the album/artist/file informa-tion are displayed as detailed fileinformation.• When the ‘Album Artist Song’ optionis set as the default display, the foldername/file name are displayed asdetailed file information.• The title, artist and album info aredisplayed only when such informationare recorded within the MP3 file ID3tag.Copy FilesPress the  key Select()The currently playing file is copied intoMy Music.✽NOTICE • Selecting another feature duringcopying will display a pop-up askingwhether you wish to cancel copying.To cancel, select “Yes”.CopyInfoMENUMENU
Features of your vehicle1824USB MODE Basic Mode Screen<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>(1) ModeDisplays currently operating mode.(2) Operation StateFrom Repeat / Shuffle / Scan, displaysthe currently operating function.(3) File IndexDisplays the current file number.(4) File InfoDisplays information about the current file.(5) Play StateDisplays the play/pause state.(6) Play TimeDisplays the current play time.(7) MENUDisplays USB Menu.(8) RepeatTurns the Repeat feature on/off.(9) ShuffleTurns the Shuffle feature on/off.(10) ListMoves to the list screen.(11) InfoDisplays additional information for thecurrent file.(12) CopyCopies the current file into My Music.
4 183Features of your vehicleUsing USB ModePlaying/Pausing USB FilesOnce a USB is connected, the mode willautomatically start and begin playing aUSB file.While playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press again to play.✽NOTICE • Loading may require additional timeif there are many files and folderswithin the USB and result in faulty listdisplay or file searching. Normaloperations will resume once loading iscomplete.• The device may not support normaloperation when using a USB memorytype besides (Metal Cover Type) USBMemory.Changing FilesPress the  keys to select theprevious or next file.✽NOTICE • Pressing the  key after thefile has been playing for 2 seconds willstart the current file from the begin-ning.• Pressing the  key before thefile has been playing for 1 second willstart the previous file.Selecting from the ListTurn the  TUNE knob to search andselect desired files.Once you find the desired file, press theTUNE knob to start playing.Rewinding / Fast-forwarding FilesWhile playing, press and hold thekeys (over 0.8 seconds) torewind or fast-forward the current file.Scan (For Europe Model)Press and hold the  key to playthe file 10 seconds of each file.Scan (Except Europe Model)Press the  key to play the first 10seconds of each file.TA / S C A NSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSCAN
Features of your vehicle1844Searching FoldersSelect the folder by using thekeys and press the  TUNE knob toselect.The first file within the selected folder willbegin playing.USB Mode MenuIf you press the  key, you willhave access to the Repeat, Shuffle, List,Info and Copy features.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>RepeatPress the  key Select()Each time the button is pressed, the fea-ture changes in order of Repeat➟Repeat Folder➟Off.• Repeat : Repeats the current file.• Folder Repeat : Repeats all files withinthe current folder.ShufflePress the  key Select()Each time the button is pressed, the fea-ture changes in order of Shuffle Folder➟Shuffle All➟Off.• Folder Shuffle : Plays the files in the cur-rent folder in random order.• Shuffle All : Plays all files in randomorder.✽NOTICE • The  ,  keys are shortcutkeys to set the Repeat and Shuffle fea-tures.1  2ShuffleMENURepeatMENUFOLDERMENU
4 185Features of your vehicleListPress the  key Select()Turn the  TUNE knob to search for thedesired file and press the  TUNE knobto select.InfoPress the  key Select()Details for the currently playing file aredisplayed. ✽NOTICE • When the ‘Folder File’ option is set asthe default display within Displaysetup, the album/artist/file informa-tion are displayed as detailed fileinformation.• When the ‘Album Artist Song’ optionis set as the default display, the foldername/file name are displayed asdetailed file information.• The title, artist and album info aredisplayed only when such informationare recorded within the MP3 file ID3tag.Copy FilesPress the  key Select()The currently playing file is copied intoMy Music.✽NOTICE Selecting another feature during copy-ing will display a pop-up asking whetheryou wish to cancel copying. To cancel,select “Yes”.InfoMENUListMENUMENUCopy
Features of your vehicle1864iPod®MODEBasic Mode Screen<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>(1) ModeDisplays currently operating mode.(2) Operation StateFrom Repeat / Shuffle, displays the cur-rently operating function.(3) Song IndexDisplays the current song/total number ofsongs.(4) Song InfoDisplays information about the currentsong.(5) Play StateDisplays the play/pause state.(6) Play TimeDisplays the current play time.(7) MENUDisplays the iPod Menu.(8) RepeatTurns the Repeat feature on/off.(9) ShuffleTurns the Shuffle feature on/off.(10) ListMoves to the list screen.
4 187Features of your vehicleUsing iPod ModePlaying/Pausing iPod SongsOnce an iPod is connected, the mode willautomatically start and begin playing aniPod song.While playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press again to play.✽NOTICE iPods with unsupported communicationprotocols may not properly operate inthe audio system. Changing SongsPress the  keys to select theprevious or next file.✽NOTICE • Pressing the  key after thesong has been playing for 2 secondswill start the current song from thebeginning.• Pressing the  key before thesong has been playing for 1 secondwill start the previous song.• Slight time differences may existdepending your iPod product.Rewinding / Fast-forwarding SongsWhile playing, press and hold thekeys (over 0.8 seconds) torewind or fast-forward the current song.Searching CategoriesTurn the  TUNE knob to search cate-gories and press the  TUNE knob toselect.If you press the  key within theCategory Menu, This button is used tomove to the previous category.✽NOTICE • There are eight categories that can besearched, including Playlists, Artists,Albums, Genres, Songs, Composers,Audiobooks and Podcasts.• If the search mode is accessed whileplaying a song, the most recentlysearched category is displayed..• Search steps upon initial connectionmay differ depending on the type ofiPod device.SEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKMENU
Features of your vehicle1884iPod Mode MenuIf you press the  key, you willhave access to the Repeat, Shuffle andList features.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>RepeatPress the  key Select()• Repeat Once : Repeats the currentsong.ShufflePress the  key Select()• Shuffle All : Plays all songs in Randomorder.ListPress the  key Select()Turn the  TUNE knob to search for thedesired file and press the  TUNE knobto select.AUX MODE Using AUX ModePress the  key Select [AUX]An external device can be connected toplay music.MEDIAMENUListMENUShuffleMENURepeatMENU
4 189Features of your vehicle✽NOTICE • If an external device connector is con-nected with the AUX terminal, thenAUX mode will automatically operate.Once the connector is disconnected,the previous mode will be restored. • AUX mode can be used only when anexternal audio player (camcorder, carVCR, etc.) has been connected. • The AUX volume can be controlledseparately from other audio modes.Connecting an External DeviceExternal audio players (Camcorders, carVCR, etc.) can be played through a ded-icated cable.CAUTION• Connecting a connector jack tothe AUX terminal without anexternal device will convert thesystem to AUX mode, but onlyoutput noise. When an externaldevice is not being used, alsoremove the connector jack.• When the external device poweris connected to the power jack,playing the external device mayoutput noise. In such cases, dis-connect the power connectionbefore use.• Fully insert the AUX cable to theAUX jack uponuse.
Features of your vehicle1904MY MUSIC MODEBasic Mode Screen<For Europe Model><For Europe Model>(1) ModeDisplays currently operating mode.(2) Operation StateFrom Repeat / Shuffle / Scan, displaysthe currently operating function.(3) File IndexDisplays the current file/total number offiles.(4) File InfoDisplays information about the currentfile.(5) Play StateDisplays the play/pause state.(6) Play TimeDisplays the current play time.(7) MENUDisplays the My Music Menu(8) RepeatTurns the Repeat feature on/off.(9) ShuffleTurns the Shuffle feature on/off.(10) ListMoves to the list screen.(11) InfoDisplays detailed information for the cur-rent file.(12) DeleteDeletes the current file.
4 191Features of your vehicleUsing My Music ModePlaying/Pausing My Music FilesWhile playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press again to play.✽NOTICE If there are no files saved within MyMusic, the  button will be dis-abled.Changing FilesPress the  keys to select theprevious or next file.✽NOTICE• Pressing the  key after thefile has been playing for 2 seconds willstart the current file from the begin-ning.• Pressing the  key before thefile has been playing for 1 second willstart the previous file.Selecting from the ListTurn the  TUNE knob to search andselect desired files.Once you find the desired file, press theTUNE knob to start playing.Rewinding / Fast-forwarding FilesWhile playing, press and hold thekeys (over 0.8 seconds) torewind or fast-forward the current file.Scan (For Europe Model)Press and hold the  key to playthe file 10 seconds of each file.Scan (Except Europe Model)Press the  key to play the first 10seconds of each file.TA / S C A NSCAN SEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKMy Music
Features of your vehicle1924My Music Mode MenuIf you press the  key, you willhave access to the Repeat, Shuffle, List,Info and Delete features.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>RepeatPress the  key Select()Repeat : Repeats the current file.ShufflePress the  key Select()Shuffle : Plays all files in random order.✽NOTICEThe   ,  keys are shortcut keys toset the Repeat and Shuffle features.ListPress the  key Select()Turn  the  TUNE knob to search for thedesired file and press the knob to select.InfoPress the  key Select()Details for the currently playing file aredisplayed.✽NOTICEThe title, artist and album info are dis-played only when such information isrecorded within the MP3 file ID3 tag.Deleting FilesPress the  key Select()The currently playing file is deleted.ListMENUDeleteMENUMENUInfo1  2MENUShuffleMENURepeatMENU
4 193Features of your vehicleList MenuFrom the List screen Press theSelect [Edit].Files saved in My Music can be selectedand deleted.Use the  TUNE knob to search andselect files you want to delete and selectthe  button from the Menu.<For Europe Model><Except Europe Model>(1) : Moves to the previous screen(2) Select All: Selects all files(3) Unselet All: Deselects all selectedfiles(4) Delete: Deletes selected filesDeleteMENU
Features of your vehicle1944✽NOTICE• If there is memory available, up to6,000 files can be saved.• Identical files cannot be copied morethan 1,000 times.• To check memory information, go to( ) [System] [MemoryInformation]SETUP
4 195Features of your vehicleBluetooth®WirelessTechnology AUDIO MODE(If equipped)Using Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Audio ModePlaying/Pausing Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyAudioOnce a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice is connected, the mode will auto-matically start.While playing, press the  TUNE knobto pause and press the  TUNE knob toplay.✽NOTICEThe play/pause feature may operatedifferently depending on the mobilephone.Changing FilesPress the  key to move to theprevious or next file.Setting ConnectionIf a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice has not been connected, press the()key  [Phone] button todisplay the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology connection screen.It is possible to use the pair phone, con-nect/disconnect and delete features fromyour Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone.✽NOTICE• If the Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio is not operating properly, checkwhether the feature is turned off at( ) key [Phone][Streaming Audio]. If the feature is off, turnback on and try again.• If music is not yet playing from yourmobile device after converting toBluetooth®Wireless Technology  Audiomode, pressing the play button oncemay start playing the mode. Check tosee that music is playing from theBluetooth®Wireless Technology deviceafter converting to Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Audio Mode.SETUP SETUP SEEKTRACK
Features of your vehicle1964Pairing a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Device(For Europe Model)What is Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology Pairing?   Pairing refers to the process of synchro-nizing your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone or device with the caraudio system for connection. Pairing isnecessary to connect and use theBluetooth®Wireless Technology feature.Pairing  key /  key onthe Steering Remote ControllerWhen No Devices have been Paired1. Press the  key or the  keyon the steering remote controller. Thefollowing screen is displayed. 2. Press the  TUNE knob to enter thePair Phone screen.1) Device : Name of device as shownwhen searching from your Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device2) Passkey : Passkey used to pair thedevice3. From your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device (i.e. MobilePhone), search and select your caraudio system.PHONEPHONE
4 197Features of your vehicle[Non SSP supported device](SSP: Secure Simple Pairing)4. After a few moments, a screen is dis-played where the passkey is entered.Enter the passkey “0000” to pair yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice with the car audio system.[SSP supported device]4. After a few moments, a screen is dis-played 6 digits passkey.Check the passkey on your Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device and con-firm.5. Once pairing is complete, the followingscreen is displayed.✽NOTICEIf  Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices are paired but none are current-ly connected, pressing the  keyor the  key on thesteering wheel displays the followingscreen. Press the [Pair] button to pair anew device or press the [Connect] toconnect a previously paired device.Pairing through [PHONE] SetupPress the  key  Select [Phone]Select [Pair Phone]  Select  TUNEknob1.The following steps are the same asthose described in the section "WhenNo Devices have been Paired" on theprevious page.PHONE
Features of your vehicle1984✽NOTICE•  Bluetooth®Wireless Technology fea-tures supported within the vehicle areas follows. Some features may not besupported depending on yourBluetooth®Wireless Technology device.- Outgoing/Incoming Handsfree calls- Operations during a call (Switch toPrivate, Switch to call waiting, MICon/off)- Downloading Call History- Downloading Mobile Contacts-Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice auto connection- Bluetooth Audio Streaming• Up to five Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology devices can be paired tothe Car Handsfree system.• Only one Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device can be connected ata time.• Other devices cannot be paired whilea  Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice is connected.•Only Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyHandsfree and Bluetooth audio relat-ed features are supported.(Continued)(Continued)• Bluetooth related operations are pos-sible only within devices that supportHandsfree or audio features, such as aBluetooth®Wireless Technologymobile phone or a Bluetooth audiodevice.• If a connected Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device becomes discon-nected due to being out of communi-cation range, turning the device OFF,or a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologycommunication error, correspondingBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices are automatically searchedand reconnected.• If the system becomes unstable due tocommunication errors between thecar Handsfree and the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device, reset thedevice by turning off and back onagain. Upon resetting Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device, the sys-tem will be restored.(Continued)(Continued)• After pairing is complete, a contactsdownload request is sent once to themobile phone. Some mobile phonesmay require confirmation uponreceiving a download request, ensureyour mobile phone accepts the con-nection. Refer to your phones user’smanual for additional informationregarding phone pairing and connec-tions.
4 199Features of your vehicleConnecting a DevicePress the  key Select [Phone]Select [Paired Phone List]1) Connected Phone : Device that is cur-rently connected 2) Paired Phone : Device that is pairedbut not connectedFrom the paired phone list, select thedevice you want to connect and Selectthe button.Changing PriorityWhat is Priority?It is possible to pair up to five Bluetooth®Wireless Technology devices with the caraudio system. The "Change Priority" fea-ture is used to set the connection priorityof paired phones. Press the  key Select [Phone]Select [Paired Phone List]
Features of your vehicle2004From the paired phone list, select thephone you want to switch to the highestpriority, then select the  button fromthe Menu. The selected device will bechanged to the highest priority. ✽NOTICEPriority icon will be displayed when theselected phone is set as a priority phone.Disconnecting a DevicePress the  key Select [Phone]Select [Paired Phone List]From the paired phone list, select thecurrently connected device and selectthe button.

Navigation menu