HM Electronics COM400 COM400BP Communicator User Manual U WP PUBS IN WORK 400490 400490

HM Electronics Inc COM400BP Communicator U WP PUBS IN WORK 400490 400490

user manual

 HME# 400490        Rev A   11/13/02    System 400Wireless Audio SystemOperating Instructions(For Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex Operations)
Table of ContentsI. GENERAL  .................................................... 1II. EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONS AND USE ............................... 1A. Base Station  ................................................ 1B. COM400CC COMMUNICATOR ................................ 2®1. Controls and Connector  .................................... 22. Wearing the COM400CC COMMUNICATOR ................... 3®3. Charging the COM400CC Batteries  .......................... 4C. COM400BP COMMUNICATOR ................................ 7®1. Controls and Connector  .................................... 72. Wearing the COM400BP COMMUNICATOR ................... 8®3. Charging the COM400BP Batteries  ........................... 9D. COM430BP COMMUNICATOR ............................... 12®1. Communicator Controls ................................... 122. Wearing the COM430BP COMMUNICATOR .................. 13®3. Charging the COM430BP Batteries  .......................... 14III. SYSTEM 400 OPERATION ...................................... 18A. COMMUNICATOR  Operation ................................. 18®B. Speed-Team Drive-Thru Operation ............................. 19C. Remote Display Operation .................................... 19D. Message Repeater Operation and Setup ......................... 19IV. HOW TO CARE FOR THE EQUIPMENT ............................ 20A. The COMMUNICATOR ...................................... 20®1. Proper Handling of Headset Cables and Connectors ............. 202. Cleaning the Equipment ................................... 20B. The Battery Charger ......................................... 20V. IN CASE OF PROBLEMS ........................................ 21VI. SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. 24VII. ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ...................... 27VIII. FCC NOTICE ................................................. 27The HME logo and the word COMMUNICATOR  are registered trademarks of HM Electronics, Inc.®© Copyright HM Electronics, Inc.  —   November 2002
List of Figures          Figure Title Page  1 System 400 Base Station ........................................ 1         2 COM400CC COMMUNICATOR .................................. 2   ®  3 COM400CC control buttons  ...................................... 2     4 Cable connectors showing matching pin positions  .................... 2     5 Correct wearing of the COM400CC  ................................ 3     6 Remove and replace Communicator batteries  ....................... 4     7 Inserting a battery into the AC900 Battery Charger  .................... 4     8 Battery charging indicator lights  ................................... 5     9 Battery going into AC900 storage port  .............................. 5   10 COM400CC battery charging in the AC910 Battery Charger  ............ 6   11 COM400BP COMMUNICATOR  .................................. 7   ®12 COM400BP controls, connector and indicator light  .................... 7   13 Plug the headset-cable connector into the cable receptacle ............. 8   14 Insert belt through belt loop on back of Communicator pouch ............ 8   15 Correct wearing of Communicator headset .......................... 8   16 Installing the battery ............................................ 9   17 Opening the battery compartment ................................. 9   18 AC420 Battery Charger shown with a properly installed battery ......... 10   19 COM400BP battery charging in the AC910 Battery Charger  ............ 11       20 COM430BP COMMUNICATOR ................................. 12   ®21 Communicator controls ......................................... 12   22 Communicator transceiver in pouch ............................... 13   23 Correct wearing of the COM430BP ............................... 13   24 Installing the COM430BP battery ................................. 14   25 Opening the COM430BP battery compartment ...................... 14   26 HS30 Headset ............................................... 15   27 HS30 Headset transceiver  ...................................... 15   28 AC30 Battery Charger  ......................................... 16   29 AC930 Battery Charger ........................................ 17   30 Base station circuit boards ...................................... 23
1Figure 1.    System 400 Base Station                 I. GENERALThe System 400 is a wireless audio system primarily for use at quick-service restaurants.  II. EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONS AND USEA. Base StationFront  –    System indicator lights!! POWER light is on when the base station has power. !! MESSAGE RECORD light is on RED when the base station is ready to recordmessage #1 for the message repeater, and blinking RED while message #1 isbeing recorded.  It is on GREEN when the base station is ready to recordmessage #2 for the message repeater, and blinking GREEN while message #2is being recorded.  The MESSAGE REPEATER button must be pushed IN.!! RECEIVE light is used only for troubleshooting, but is also on during channel-Aand channel-B transmissions.!! “A” light is on during channel-A transmission.!! “B” light is on during channel-B transmission.!! VEHICLE light is on when a vehicle is present in the drive-thru lane or whenthe system is in vehicle-detect override.Bottom  –!! PUSH FOR RECORD MODE button;  must be pushed IN and released once toprepare the base station to record message #1 for the message repeater, orpushed IN and released twice to record message #2.!! MESSAGE REPEATER button;  must be pushed IN to use the messagerepeater, OUT when the message repeater is not being used.!! SPEED TEAM button;  must be pushed IN for speed-team operation, OUT fornormal drive-thru operation!! VEHICLE DETECTOR button; to override a vehicle detector, push and leaveIN: to reset vehicle detector, push IN and leave In for 5 seconds, then pushagain and leave OUT for normal vehicle detection.Left Side  –!! WIRED/WIRELESS button;  must be OUT when using the wireless System 400,  IN when using a wired backup system.
2Figure 2.    COM400CC COMMUNICATOR®Figure 3.    COM400CC control buttons.Figure 4.    Cable connectors showing matching pin positionsB. COM400CC COMMUNICATOR  ®The COM400CC COMMUNICATOR®consists of a transceiver unit and alightweight headset designed to be usedwith the HME Wireless Drive-Thru AudioSystem 400.  The transceiver is wornaround the collar, and the headset plugsinto a connector on the transceiver unit.1. Controls and ConnectorPlug the headset cable connector into the cable connector on the COM400CCcollar unit, as shown in Figure 4.  Be careful to correctly match the positions of thepins inside the connector.
3    Figure 5.    Correct wearing of the COM400CC2. Wearing the COM400CC COMMUNICATOR  ®!Place the Communicator collar unit around your neck and put the headset on yourhead as shown in Figure 5.!Adjust the headset band so it rests securely on top of your head, with themicrophone to the side of your mouth.!Adjust the Communicator so it fits comfortably around your collar.!Fasten the clothing clips to your collar as shown in Figure 5.
4       Figure 6.    Remove and replace Communicator battery    Figure 7.    Inserting a battery into                    the AC900 Battery Charger3. Charging the COM400CC BatteriesWhen there are good batteries in the COMMUNICATOR  and the power is on, the red®light above the power (PWR) button will be lit.  This light only indicates the power is on.  It does not indicate how much power is left in the batteries.  As the batteries weakenduring routine use, you will hear a repeating beep in the earpiece, indicating thebatteries need to be replaced.  When this happens,  remove the battery from theCommunicator as shown in Figure 6.  Place both batteries in the AC900 BatteryCharger for recharging.   Refer to Figures 7 through 9.  Replace the batteries in theCommunicator with fresh, fully charged batteries.  Typical battery life with normal use is8 to 10 hours.CAUTION: To prevent damage, turn Communicator OFF before removing orinstalling batteries.Installing and Removing Communicator Batteries:Charging COM400CC  Batteries in the AC900 Battery Charger:Place up to four COM400CC batteries in the charger for charging at a time.  See Figure 7. The red Charging light, adjacent to a battery being charged will go on and remain onwhile the battery is charging.  Routine battery charging takes up to 3 hours.NOTE:   The COM400CC uses  “smart batteries.” That means each battery maintains a history of thenumber of times it has been charged.  TheAC900 Battery Charger reads and updatesthis history each time a battery is charged. This information is used to automa-ticallyinitiate conditioning cycles, which improve thebattery’s performance and prolong its life.  Aconditioning cycle consists of a completedischarge before a battery is charged.  Thishappens each time the battery historyindicates it has been charged 10 times sincethe last conditioning cycle.   While a battery is discharging, the red Charging light next to itwill blink on and off at 2-second intervals.  The conditioning cycle takes up to 6 hours.
5      Figure 8.           Battery charging indicator lights     Figure 9.        Battery going into AC900 storage portWhen a battery is fully charged and ready foruse, its red “Charging” light will go off and thegreen “Ready” light next to it will go on. CAUTION: Do not remove batteries from the charger until the green READY lightis lit, or the charger will reset and the charge cycle will begin again.To remove a fully charged battery from thebattery charger, push the battery from the endnear the status lights.Store fully charged batteries in the storage portson the right side of charger until you need them,as shown in Figure 9.CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE – WITH BATTERY INSERTEDCHARGING LIGHT WHAT IT MEANS WHAT TO DORed blinks:   Either the battery or the charger has2 times quick  -  3 seconds off a problem.  Mark the battery andDischarge errorretry in a different charging port. The battery is faulty if it has thesame problem in a different portAND a known-good battery passesin the same ports.  The chargercircuitry is faulty if a known-goodBATTERY fails in the same ports.Red blinks:  3 times quick  -  3 seconds off Charging errorRed blinks:  4 times quick  -  2 seconds off Low-battery errorRed blinks:  5 times quick  -  2 seconds off Charging errorGreen blinks:   2 second on -  2 second off Read-write errorGreen blinks:  3 times quick - 3 seconds on Memory fullRed and Green blink alternately Authentication error
6Figure 10.      COM400CC battery charging in the AC910 Battery ChargerCharging COM400CC  batteries in the AC910 Battery Charger:Place up to four COM400CC batteries in the charger for charging at a time.  The red Charginglight, adjacent to a battery being charged will blink for a few seconds when the battery is placedin the charger, then will go on and remain on while the battery is charging.NOTE: The COM400CC uses “smart batteries.”  That means each battery will retain charginginformation that will cause it to automatically discharge completely before being recharged,every tenth time it is placed in the charger.  This will improve the battery’s performance andlife.  While a battery is discharging, its red Charging light will blink on and off at 2 secondintervals.When the battery is fully charged and ready for use, the red light will go off and the greenReady light adjacent to the battery will go on.To remove fully charged batteries from the battery charger, push the battery from the endnear the status lights.  Store fully charged batteries in the storage ports until you need them.
7Figure 11.    COM400BP COMMUNICATOR®Figure 12.    COM400BP controls, connector and indicator lightC. COM400BP COMMUNICATOR    ®The COM400BP COMMUNICATOR®consists of a belt-pac transceiver unit anda lightweight headset designed to beused with the HME Wireless Drive-ThruAudio System 400. The Communicator isworn around the user's waist, and theheadset plugs into a connector on thetransceiver unit.1. Controls and Connector1 – POWER button:  turns Communicator on and off.2 – VOLUME buttons:  adjust listening level in earpiece.3 – Power-on light:  lights when power goes on, and remains lit until battery needsreplacing or Communicator is turned off.  The power-on light blinks whentransmitting on “A” or “B” channel.4 – Button A: allows two-way communication when pushed and held; when it isreleased, the user can listen only.  5 – Button B: must be pushed and held to talk, and released to listen.6 – Button C: used to change lanes in dual-lane operations.7 – 5-pin DIN receptacle:  receptacle for earpiece/microphone cable connector.8 – Battery:  provides power for the transceiver unit.9 – Battery release latch:  slides to release battery for removal, and snaps in placewhen a battery is inserted to secure battery in Communicator.
8           Figure 13.    Plug the headset-cable connector       into the cable receptacleFigure 14.    Insert belt through belt loop    on back of Communicator pouch      Figure 15.Correct wearing of theCommunicator headset2. Wearing the COM400BP COMMUNICATOR®Plug the headset-cable connector into the receptacle on the Communicatortransceiver as shown in Figure 13.  The connector is keyed so it can only beinserted in the correct position, with the cord extending downward.  Loosen thesnap on the cord protection flap and resnap it with the flap over the cord.Insert the Communicator beltthrough the loop on back of theCommunicator pouch as shown in Figure 14, and fasten the beltsecurely around your waist.  TheCommunicator transceiver can beworn over either your right or left hip.Put the headset on your head and clipone of t he clothing clips to your collar asshown in Figure 15.  Clip the otherclothing clip to the back of your shirt,above your waist.  Position themicrophone approximately 2 inches(50.8 mm) from your mouth.
9Figure 16.    Installing the batteryFigure 17.    Opening the battery compartment3. Charging the COM400BP BatteriesWhen a good battery is in the COMMUNICATOR  and the power is on, the red light®on top of the unit will be lit.  This light only indicates the power is on.  It does notindicate how much power is left in the battery.  As a battery weakens during routineuse, you will hear a repeating beep in the earpiece, indicating the battery needs tobe replaced.  Typical battery life with normal use is 8 to 10 hours.CAUTION: To prevent damage, turn Communicator OFF before removingbatteries.Installing and Removing Communicator Batteries:!Install a fully charged  battery in the battery compartment with the arrow on thebattery pointing out as shown in Figure 16.  Slide it into the tracks on both sidesof the compartment until its catch clicks securely in place.!To remove the battery from a Communicator, slide the battery latch open andpush the battery in the direction of the large arrow on the battery as shown inFigure 17.
10         Figure 18.AC420 Battery Charger shown with a properly installed batteryCharging COM400BP  Batteries in the AC420 Battery Charger:Place up to four batteries in the charger to charge at the same time, as shown inFigure 18.  A few seconds after each battery is placed in the charger, the redCHARGING light on the panel adjacent to the battery, will indicate the batterycharging status.  See the CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE for a detailedexplanation of what is happening.  When a battery is fully charged, the greenREADY light on the panel adjacent to it will light.  (approximately 4 hours)   It can then be placed back into a Communicator.CAUTION: Do not remove batteries from the charger until the green READYlight is lit, or the charger will reset and the charge cycle will beginagain.Top  – Red lights indicate charging status of batteries below the lights, as shown onthe Charging Light Status Table below.Green lights indicate batteries below the lights are fully charged and ready for use.Headset checker is used to check headsets for normal operation.  Plug theheadset cable connector into the headset connector receptacle and speak intothe headset microphone.  If the headset is operating normally, you will hear yourown voice in the earpiece.  If the headset is defective, you will hear nothing.Back  –AC adapter connector is for connecting the AC adapter cable to the charger.CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE – WITH BATTERY INSERTEDRED CHARGING LIGHT WHAT IT MEANS WHAT TO DOOFF Charger doesn’t see the battery See NOTESTEADY ON Battery is being charged Wait.  Do not remove battery.BLINKS: 2 seconds ON; 2 seconds OFF Battery is being discharged. Wait.  Do not remove battery.BLINKS: 2 times quick; 3 seconds OFF DISCHARGE ERROR Battery is not discharging properly. See NOTE.BLINKS: 3 times quick; 3 seconds OFF CHARGING ERROR Battery is not charging properly.  See NOTE.BLINKS: 4 times quick; 2 seconds OFF LOW BATTERY ERROR See NOTE.BLINKS: 5 times quick; 2 seconds OFF CHARGING ERROR See NOTE.NOTE:  Either the battery or the charger has a problem. Mark the battery and retry in a different slot. The battery is faulty ifit has the same problem in a different slot AND a known-good battery passes in the same slots. The charger circuitry isfaulty if a known-good BATTERY fails in the same slots.
11  Figure 19. COM400BP battery charging in the AC910 Battery ChargerCharging COM400BP  batteries in the AC910 Battery Charger:Place up to two COM400BP batteries in the charger to charge at the same time.  A fewseconds after each battery is placed in the charger, the red CHARGING light on the paneladjacent to the battery, will indicate the battery charging status.  See the CHARGINGLIGHT STATUS TABLE for a detailed explanation of what is happening.  When a battery isfully charged, the green READY light on the panel adjacent to it will light. (approximately 4 hours)  It can then be placed back into a COMMUNICATOR .®CAUTION: Do not remove batteries from the charger until the green READYlight is lit, or the charger will reset and the charge cycle will beginagain.
12Figure 20.  COM430BP COMMUNICATOR®Figure 21.  Communicator controlsD.  COM430BP COMMUNICATOR®The COM430BP COMMUNICATOR  consists of a belt-pac transceiver unit and a®wireless headset designed to be used with the HME Wireless Drive-Thru AudioSystem 400. The transceiver unit is worn in a pouch that clips to a belt orwaistband at the user's waist.1.  Communicator Controls1 – Power button:  turns Communicator on and off.2 – Volume control buttons:  adjust listening level in earpiece.3 – Power-on light:  lights yellow when Communicator power goes on, and red when the HS30 Headset is also turned on.   The power-on light alsoindicates when the Communicator is transmitting in single or dual-lanemode and when batteries need replacing.4 – Button A: allows two-way communication when pushed and held; when it isreleased, the user can listen only.  5 – Button B: must be pushed and held to talk, and released to listen.6 – Button C: used to change lanes in dual-lane operations.7 – Battery:  provides power for the transceiver unit.8 – Battery release latch:  slides to release battery for removal, and snaps inplace when a battery is inserted to secure battery in Communicator.
13   Figure 22.Communicator transceiver in pouch     Figure 23.           Correct wearing of COM430BPHandsfree mode –To turn Handsfree mode on: With the Communicator OFF, press and holdB+• (vol. up). Then press ON. You will hear "handsfree on."To turn Handsfree mode off: With the Communicator OFF, press and holdB+– (vol. down). Then press ON. You will hear "handsfree off."2. Wearing the COM430BP COMMUNICATOR®Place the belt-pac transceiver unitin its pouch and fasten the velcroflap securely over the front of it asshown in Figure 22.  Squeezeopen the belt clip on the back ofthe pouch and slide it over yourbelt or waist band, either on yourright or left side.  The headset should be worn withthe transceiver side (the sideopposite the microphone) on thesame side as the belt-pactransceiver.  For best reception,the belt-pac and headset shouldboth be worn in their uprightpositions.  Holding the earpiece,rotate the headset microphoneso it is next to your mouth, asshown in Figure 23.
14Figure 24.    Installing the COM430BP batteryFigure 25.    Opening the COM430BP battery compartment3. Charging the COM430BP BatteriesWhen a good battery is in the COMMUNICATOR  transceiver and the power®is on, the yellow light on top of the unit will be lit.  When the HS30 Headsetalso has a good battery in it, and is on, the light on the belt-pac transceiverunit will be red.  This light indicates the power is on, and that there is a linkbetween the headset and belt-pac transceivers.  It does not indicate howmuch power is left in the batteries. CAUTION: To prevent damage, turn Communicator OFF beforeremoving or installing batteries.Installing and Removing COM430BP Batteries:As a belt-pac transceiver battery weakens during routine use, you will hear A repeating beep in the earpiece, indicating the battery needs to bereplaced.  Typical Communicator battery life with normal use is 8 to 9 hours. Install a fully charged  battery in the battery compartment with the arrow onthe battery pointing outward, as shown in Figure 24.  Slide it into the trackson both sides of the compartment until its catch clicks securely in place.To remove the battery from a COM430BP belt-pac transceiver, slide thebattery latch open and push the battery in the direction of the large arrowon the battery as shown in Figure 25.
15        Figure 26.   HS30 Headset Figure 27.    HS30 Headset transceiverInstalling and Removing HS30 Headset Batteries:As a HS30 Headset battery weakens during routine use, you will hear a repeatingtone in the earpiece, indicating the battery in the transceiver needs to be replaced. Typical HS30 battery life with normal use is 5 to 6 hours.To install a fully charged battery in the HS30 Headset, insert the battery into thebattery compartment in the headset transceiver until its catch clicks securely inplace, as shown in Figure 26.To remove the battery from a HS30 Headset, push the battery latch open and pushthe battery from the opposite side of the headset transceiver, in the direction of thearrow on the battery, as shown in Figure 27.CAUTION:  Turn headset OFF before removing batteries.
16             Figure 28.    AC30 Battery ChargerCharging HS30  Batteries in the AC30 Battery Charger:Place up to four HS30 batteries in the charger to charge at the same time, asshown in Figure 28.  A few seconds after each battery is placed in the charger,the red CHARGING light on the panel adjacent to the battery will indicate thebattery charging status.  See the CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE for adetailed explanation of what is happening.  When a battery is fully charged, thegreen READY light on the panel adjacent to it will light.  (approximately 2.5hours)  It can then be placed back into a HS30 Headset.CAUTION: Do not remove batteries from the charger until the greenREADY light is lit, or the charger will reset and the chargecycle will begin again.
17           Figure 29.    AC930 Battery ChargerCharging Batteries with the AC930 Battery Charger:Place up to two COM430BP batteries and four HS30 batteries in the charger to charge atthe same time.  A few seconds after each battery is placed in the charger, the redCHARGING light on the panel adjacent to the battery, will indicate the battery chargingstatus.  See the CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE for a detailed explanation of what ishappening.  When a battery is fully charged, the green READY light on the paneladjacent to it will light.  (approximately 4 hours for COM430BP batteries and 2.5hours for HS30 batteries)  It can then be placed back into a COMMUNICATOR .®CAUTION: Do not remove batteries from the charger until the green READY light islit, or the charger will reset and the charge cycle will begin again.CHARGING LIGHT STATUS TABLE – WITH BATTERY INSERTEDRED CHARGING LIGHT WHAT IT MEANS WHAT TO DOOFFOFF Charger doesn’t see theCharger doesn’t see the See NOTESee NOTEbatterybatterySTEADY ONSTEADY ON Battery is being chargedBattery is being charged Wait.  Do not remove battery.Wait.  Do not remove battery.BLINKS: 2 seconds ON; 2 secondsBLINKS: 2 seconds ON; 2 seconds Battery is being discharged.Battery is being discharged. Wait.  Do not remove battery.Wait.  Do not remove battery.OFFOFFBLINKS: 2 times quick; 3 secondsBLINKS: 2 times quick; 3 seconds DISCHARGE ERRORDISCHARGE ERROR Battery is not dischargingBattery is not dischargingOFFOFF properly.  See NOTE.properly.  See NOTE.BLINKS: 3 times quick; 3 secondsBLINKS: 3 times quick; 3 seconds CHARGING ERRORCHARGING ERROR Battery is not charging properly. Battery is not charging properly. OFFOFF See NOTE.See NOTE.BLINKS: 4 times quick; 2 secondsBLINKS: 4 times quick; 2 seconds LOW BATTERY ERRORLOW BATTERY ERROR See NOTE.See NOTE.OFFOFFBLINKS: 5 times quick; 2 secondsBLINKS: 5 times quick; 2 seconds CHARGING ERRORCHARGING ERROR See NOTE.See NOTE.OFFOFFNOTE:  Either the battery or the charger has a problem. Mark the battery and retry in a different slot. The  Either the battery or the charger has a problem. Mark the battery and retry in a different slot. Thebattery is faulty if it has the same problem in a different slot AND a known-good battery passes in thebattery is faulty if it has the same problem in a different slot AND a known-good battery passes in thesame slots. The charger circuitry is faulty if a known-good BATTERY fails in the same slots.same slots. The charger circuitry is faulty if a known-good BATTERY fails in the same slots.
{ In some dual-lane operations, button “C” is used to switch between Lanes 1 and 2, while button “A” is used to talk to customers in either lane.    In some dual-lane operations, button “A” is used to talk to customers in Lane 1, and button “C” is used to talk to customers in Lane 2.18            III.  SYSTEM 400 OPERATION             A. COM400BP or COM430BP COMMUNICATOR  Operation COM400CC COMMUNICATOR  Operation®In single or dual drive-thru operations, Communicator button "A" is for communication with the customer, and button "B" is for To operate the Communicator, use the control buttons shown in Figure 3 as follows.  In both single and dual drive-thrucommunication with other crew members wearing Communicators.  In dual drive-thru operations, the Communicator button "C" is used operations, Communicator button “A” is for communication with the customer, and button “B” is for communication with otherto change lanes.  Button “C” has no function in single drive-thru operations. crew members wearing Communicators.  In dual drive-thru operations, the “C” button is used to change lanes.®ACTION RESULT ACTION RESULTSingleDrive-ThruLaneFull-DuplexOperationIf you are using the Communicator latching feature: If you are using the Communicator latching feature:Press and release button “A” to latch communication channel open Press and release button “A” to latch communication channel openfor speaking and listening to customer.  The channel will unlatch, for speaking and listening to customer.  The channel will unlatch,ending communication with the customer, if; ending communication with the customer, if;1.  you press and release button  “A” again, or 1.  you press and release button  “A” again, or2.  you press button “B”  or 2.  you press button “B”  or3.  the customer drives away 3.  the customer drives awayIf you are not using the Communicator latching feature: If you are not using the Communicator latching feature:Press and hold button “A” while speaking and listening to  customer.  Press and hold button “A” while speaking and listening to  customer. Release when transaction is completed. Release when transaction is completed.Customer hears your voice and you hear customer's Customer hears your voice and you hearvoice (two-way conversation).  Everyone wearing aCommunicator hears the communication. customer’s voice (two-way conversation).  Everyonewearing a Communicator will hear the conversation.While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow to While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow toadjust volume level. adjust volume level.Beep tones of increasing/decreasing frequency are Beep tones of increasing/decreasing loudness areheard in headset as volume level increases/ decreases.heard in headset as volume increases/ decreases.Customer's voice becomes louder or softer. Customer’s voice becomes louder or softer.Press and hold button ?B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear your voice Press and hold button “B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear yourCommunicators.  Release to listen. in their headsets. Communicators.  Release to listen. voice in their headsets.SingleDrive-ThruLaneHalf-DuplexOperationPress and hold button ?A” while speaking to  customer. Customer hears your voice.  Everyone wearing a Press and hold button “A” while speaking to customer. Customer hears your voice.Communicator hears the communication.Release button "A" and listen to customer. Customer's voice is heard in headsets of everyone Release button “A” and listen to customer. Customer’s voice is heard in headsets of everyonewearing a Communicator. wearing Communicators.While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow to While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow toadjust volume level. heard in headset as volume level increases/decreases.heard in headset as volume increases/ decreases.Beep tones of increasing/decreasing frequency are Beep tones of increasing/decreasing loudness areCustomer's voice becomes louder or softer. Customer’s voice becomes louder or softer.adjust volume level.Press and hold button ?B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear your voice Press and hold button “B”  to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear yourCommunicators.  Release to listen. in their headsets. Communicators.  Release to listen. voice in their headsets.DualDrive-ThruLaneFull-DuplexOperationIf you are using the Communicator latching feature: If you are using the Communicator latching feature:Press and release button  “A” to latch communication Channel 1 open Press and release button  “A” to latch communication Channel 1 openfor speaking and listening to customer in Lane 1.  The channel will for speaking and listening to customer in Lane 1.  The channel willunlatch, ending communication with the customer, if; unlatch, ending communication with the customer, if;1.  you press and release button  “A” again, or 1.  you press and release button  “A” again, or2.  you press button “B,” or 2.  you press button “B,” or3.  you press button “C,” or 3.  you press button “C,” or4.  the customer drives away 4.  the customer drives awayIf you are not using the Communicator latching feature: If you are not using the Communicator latching feature:Press and hold button “A” while speaking and listening to  customer Press and hold button “A” while speaking and listening to  customerin Lane 1 or 2.  Release when transaction is completed. {in Lane 1 or 2.  Release when transaction is completed. {Customer hears your voice and you hear customer's Customer hears your voice and you hearvoice (two-way conversation).  Everyone wearing a customer’s voice (two-way conversation).  EveryoneCommunicator hears the communication. wearing Communicators set to the same channelNOTE: When transmitting in Lane 1 operation, theCommunicator power light will blink rapidly.When transmitting in Lane 2 operation, theCommunicator power light will blink rapidly 4 times, then pause and repeat. Lanes 1 and2 have different sounding vehicle-presenttones.hears the communication.While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow to While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow toadjust volume level. adjust volume level.Beep tones of increasing/decreasing frequency are Beep tones of increasing/decreasing loudness areheard in headset as volume level increases/decreases.  heard in headset as volume increases/ decreases.Customer's voice becomes louder or softer. Customer’s voice becomes louder or softer.Press button "C" to switch to the other lane. {You hear the customer’s voice from the other lane.  Press button “C” to switch to Lane 2. {You hear customer’s voice from other lane. Press and hold button ?B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear your voice Press and hold button “B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear yourCommunicators.  Release to listen. Communicators.  Release to listen. voice in their their headsets.DualDrive-ThruLaneHalf-DuplexOperationPress and hold button ?A” while speaking to  customer in Lane 1 or Customer hears your voice.  Everyone wearing Press and hold button “A” while speaking to customer in Lane 2. {Customer hears your voice.  Everyone wearing2. {Communicators hears the communication. Communicators hears the communication.Release button and listen to customer. Customer's voice is heard in headsets of everyone Release button and listen to customer. Customer’s voice is heard in headsets of everyonewearing Communicators. wearing Communicators.While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow to While customer is speaking, press the up ▲ or down ▼ arrow toadjust volume level. heard in headset as volume level increases/ decreases. heard in headset as volume increases/decreases.Beep tones of increasing/decreasing frequency are Beep tones of increasing/decreasing loudness areCustomer's voice becomes louder or softer. Customer’s voice becomes louder or softer.adjust volume level.Press button "C" to switch to the other lane. {You hear the customer’s voice from the other lane. Press button “C” to switch to Lane 2. {You hear customer's voice from other lane. Press and hold button ?B” to speak to other crew members wearing Other personnel wearing Communicators hear your voice Press and hold button  “B” to speak to other crew members wearing  Other personnel wearing Communicators hear yourCommunicators.  Release to listen. in their headsets. Communicators.  Release to listen. voice in their headsets.
                   ACTION                        RESULTTo recordMessage#1Press and release the RECORD MODE buttononce  on the System 400 base station.The  red  MESSAGE RECORD light on theSystem 400 base station will come on.Press and hold button "B" on theCOMMUNICATOR ® and talk into the headsetmicrophone to record a message.The MESSAGE RECORD light on the System400 base station will begin blinking.Release button "B." The record function will stop and theMESSAGE RECORD light will go off.To recordMessage#2Press and release the RECORD MODE buttontwice  on the System 400 base station.The  green  MESSAGE RECORD light on theSystem 400 base station will come on.Press and hold button "B" on theCommunicator and talk into the headsetmicrophone to record a message.The MESSAGE RECORD light on the System400 base station will begin blinking.Release button "B." The record function will stop and theMESSAGE RECORD light will go off. » Unfold page 19B. Speed-Team Drive-Thru OperationSpeed team operation is used during high-volume times. Placing the speed-team button onthe base station in the ON position will disable  the speaker and microphone in the speakerpost or menu board, and disable the vehicle-alert tone.  An order taker wearing aCommunicator relays orders from outside into the store using the “B” channel.  C. Remote Display OperationOne or more R30 Remote Displays may be used with your System 400.  Each remotedisplay was set up by the installer to show the amount of time the current car has been atthe menu board, speaker post or service window.  A remote display shows the time for onelocation only.  It begins counting when the car arrives and stops when the car leaves.  Theremote displays will only display time.  They will not store or record information.D. Message Repeater Operation and SetupTo record messages on the System 400 internal message repeater, press the MESSAGEREPEATER button IN on the base station and do the following.After a new message has been recorded, or after the base station has lost andregained power, any message to the menu board will always be heard in theCommunicator headset the first three times it plays.To change the message repeater setup, locate and set the S8 and S10 DIP switches atthe bottom of the System 400 Base Station audio circuit board.  Refer to the S8 AND S10DIP SWITCH FUNCTIONS tables to the right for S8 and S10 switch functions.If a System 30 Timer is installed with the System 400, the timer alert output can be used totrigger tones in the headset or to cause a message to be played.  Set S8 and/or S10,switch #5 to OFF for an alert tone (triple beep), which will be heard only in headsets, or toON for recorded messages to be heard through selected speakers and headsets.If a System 400 is installed without a System 30 Timer, set both S8 and S10 switches #5 toOFF so the message repeater input will be triggered only by vehicle detector signals.           S8 AND S10 DIP SWITCH FUNCTIONSRefer to Figure 30 on page 23 for DIP switch locations.S8  — Switch FunctionsSwitch Function1ON  - Allow inbound audio while message #1 is playingOFF - DO NOT allow inbound audio while message #1 is playing2ON  - Transmit message #1 to CommunicatorsOFF - DO NOT transmit message #1 to Communicators3ON  - Send message #1 to outside speakerOFF - DO NOT send message #1 to outside speaker4ON  - Send message #1 to ceiling speakerOFF - DO NOT send message #1 to ceiling speaker5ON  - Trigger message #1 from alert inputOFF - Trigger message #1 from vehicle present input6ON  - Vehicle present tone is high pitchedOFF - Vehicle present tone is low pitched7ON  - 3 second delayOFF - No delay8NOT USEDNOTE:  In older equipment, S10 may not be present.S10  — Switch FunctionsSwitch Function1ON  - Allow inbound audio while message #2 is playingOFF - DO NOT allow inbound audio while message #2 is playing2ON  - Transmit message #2 to CommunicatorsOFF - DO NOT transmit message #2 to Communicators3ON  - Send message #2 to outside speakerOFF - DO NOT send message #2 to outside speaker4ON  - Send message #2 to ceiling speakerOFF - DO NOT send message #2 to ceiling speaker5ON  - Trigger message #2 from alert inputOFF - Trigger message #2 from vehicle present input6NOT USED7ON  - 3 second delayOFF - No delay8NOT USEDNOTES:Message #1 –1. Will be triggered by a vehicle present signal if S8 switchs 5 is OFF.  The playingmessage can be cancelled by pressing the “A” button on the Communicator.2. Will be triggered by an alert signal from the timer if S8 switch 5 is ON.3. Will be played to the locations selected on S8 switches 2, 3 and 4.  See page 23.Message #2 –1. Will be triggered by a vehicle present signal if S10 switchs 5 is OFF.  The playing message can be cancelled by pressing the “A” button on theCommunicator.2. Will be triggered by an alert signal from the timer if S10 switch 5 is ON.3. Will be played to the locations selected on S10 switches 2, 3 and 4.  See page 23.If S8 switch 5 and S10 switch 5 are both set to ON or OFF, Message #1 andMessage #2 will be played alternately.
20IV. HOW TO CARE FOR THE EQUIPMENTA. The COMMUNICATOR®1. Proper Handling of Headset Cables and ConnectorsHOW TOHOW TO  and  HOW NOT TOHOW NOT TO  handle Headset Cables and ConnectorsALWAYS NEVERAlign the connector key and pins with key and holes Twist headset connector into Communicator in the receptacle when plugging the headset into the receptacle.Communicator.Fasten cable to pouch with strain relief strap.Clip the cable to your clothing with the clothing clips.Grasp the connector to plug in or unplug the headset.Use both hands to remove the headset from your head.Use both hands to adjust the microphone position.Handle the headset cable with care.Carry and hang the headset by its metal headband.Allow cable to be stressed at connector.Allow cable to hang freely.Grasp and pull cable to unplug headset.Remove headset with only one hand.Adjust microphone position with only one hand.Pull, twist, bend or knot the headset cable.Carry or hang the headset by its cable.2. Cleaning the COMMUNICATOR®The following cleaning procedure is recommended at least once each month.!If the Communicator has a belt and/or pouch, remove it from the pouch.          Wash the belt and/or pouch in a washing machine with normal laundry detergent. Dry them in a dryer or hang them up to dry.!Remove the battery from the Communicator.!Clean the Communicator with a damp sponge.  Wet the sponge and wring it       outso it is damp, not dripping wet.  Spray household cleaner on the sponge    (NOTDIRECTLY ON THE EQUIPMENT).  Clean the Communicator with the sponge, anddry it throughly.!Clean the metal battery contacts on the battery with alcohol on a cotton swab.   Wetthe tip of the swab with alcohol and squeeze the excess alcohol from it.     Wipeeach contact with the swab, and be certain all the contacts are dry before installingthe batteries.!Place the battery back in the Communicator and, if there is a pouch, place theCommunicator back in the pouch and fasten the strap securely over it.!Clean the headset and cable with a damp sponge sprayed with houshold cleaner. The foam muff on the headset earpiece is easily replaced for sanitary purposes. To order extra foam muffs, call your local HME sales representative.B. The Battery ChargerAvoid splashing water or grease on the battery charger.  Clean the battery charger monthlyas follows: CAUTION:  Always unplug the battery charger before cleaning it.    !Remove all batteries from the battery charger.!Clean the battery charger case with a damp sponge.  Wet the sponge and wring   itout so it is damp, not dripping wet.  Spray household cleaner on the sponge (NOTDIRECTLY ON THE EQUIPMENT).  Clean the battery charger with the sponge, anddry it throughly.!Wet the tip of a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol, and squeeze the excess alcoholfrom the swab.  Wipe the metal contacts inside each battery port with the dampswab. Allow the contacts to dry before placing batteries in the ports.
21V. IN CASE OF PROBLEMS  (Refer to the circuit board illustration on page 23)TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLISTProblem Probable Cause SolutionNo sound in headset when Power is off at base station. Check circuit breaker for pressCOMMUNICATOR  button®"A" and speak into headsetmicrophone.Power supply in base station is not Check power supply indicator lightsworking. on base station.  If any light is not lit,be certain AC power adapter isplugged into AC electrical outlet, andconnected to J2 connector on audiocircuit board in base station.Communicator not turned on. Turn Communicator on by pushingON/OFF button.  Be certain light goeson.Volume not set correctly. Push volume-control buttons to adjustvolume.Headset connector not plugged in Plug headset connector firmly intoproperly.  (This applies only to Communicator receptacle.COM400BP and COM400CC.)Headset defective. Replace with another headset.Low or dead battery. Check ON/POWER light.  If not lit,replace battery.Communicator failed. Use another Communicator.Call HME. *COM430Only HS30 Headset not turned on. Press ON/Off switch to turn headset on.HS30 Headset battery is low or dead. Replace battery.Communicator channel "A" or Communicator not turned ON. Turn Communicator on."B" functions not working. Dead or weak battery. Replace battery.Communicator or base station Use another Communicator.failure.  Channel "A" or "B" light and Call HME. *RECEIVE light on base station do notlight when Communicator button "A"or "B" is pressed."C" button does not switch Switch setting on Communicator Check S1 switch on Communicator. between channels in a dual- incorrect. Switch #9 should be ON.lane drive-thru.Outbound sound too low. Outbound volume set too low for Turn outside speaker volume controlenvironment. (R128 in base station) clockwise withsmall standard (slotted) screwdriveruntil level is satisfactory.No outbound sound; customer cannot hearanything.System may be set for speed-team Be certain SPEED TEAM button onoperation.  See pages 1 and 19. base station is out (OFF).Loose wires on base station circuit Check speaker wire connections onboard. switcher circuit board.Defective speaker or base station. Call HME. **  For assistance, call HME at 1-800-848-4468, or Fax 858-552-0172.
22Problem Probable Cause SolutionNo inbound sound from System may be set for speed-team Be certain SPEED TEAM button oncustomer (in half-duplex operation.  See pages 1 and 19. base station is out (OFF).operation). Base station may be set for wrong Check S6 switch on base stationdrive-thru mode (full or half-duplex). circuit board.  Switch #1 should be          ON for full-duplex          OFF for half-duplexPersonnel hear static only in Transmitter antenna connection on Tighten transmitter antennaheadsets. base station is loose. connection.  (the antenna on top, leftof base station.)No power to base station. Check base station power adapterconnections.Circuit board defective. Call HME. *COM430OnlyInterference from nearby equipment. Person wearing Communicatorshould move to different location.Belt-pac and/or headset not properly Be certain belt-pac is securelyworn. clipped onto belt or waistband, closeto body, and both belt-pac unit andheadset are in upright positions.Personnel hear customer in Receiver antenna connection on Tighten receiver antenna connection. headsets or ceiling speaker, base station is loose. (the antenna on top, right of basebut cannot hear each other. station.)Status lights are not lit.  Circuit board Call HME. *is defective.Defective COMMUNICATOR  or Call HME. *®headset.No tone or sound in headset Power interruption has caused When no vehicle is in the drive-thruor ceiling speaker when unbalanced detecting circuit.  lane, press vehicle detector overridevehicle drives into drive-thru switch on base station to RESETlane. position, then back to NORMALposition.System may be set for speed-team Be certain SPEED TEAM button onoperation.  See pages 1 and 19. base station is out (OFF).Connector may be loose. Check all connectors.Call HME. *Personnel cannot hear Loose wires on base station circuit Be certain wires are securelyoutside customers in board connector. connected in base station.headset or ceiling speaker. System may be set for speed-team Be certain SPEED TEAM button onoperation.  See pages 1 and 19. base station is out (OFF).Outside speaker or audio circuit Call HME. *board has failed.Communicator has Low battery. Replace battery.intermittent sound. Defective headset cable.  (This Use another headset.  Call HME. *applies only to COM400BP andCOM400CC.)Headset does not become OVERRIDE/RESET, NORMAL switch Place switch in the NORMAL position.silent after customer has on base station is in thedriven away. OVERRIDE/RESET position.Vehicle detector is locked up. Press OVERRIDE/RESET switchtwice.Battery charger not working. Charger not plugged in. Plug in battery charger.If still not working, call HME. *Can not record message. Message repeater not turned on. Turn message repeater on.Message will not play.*  For assistance, call HME at 1-800-848-4468, or Fax 858-552-0172.
23Figure 30. Base station circuit boardsA-Transmitter antenna connector N-VAA level control - R113B-Receiver antenna connector O-Inbound volume control - R43C-Wired backup system switch - S2 P-Automatic test equipment connector - J1D-DM2 select switch - S1 Q-Channel “A” and “B” sidetone level controls - R287, R289E-Frequency select switch - SW1 R-Message record LED - DS7F-Record message switch - S2 S-Receiver LED - DS1G-Message repeater ON/OFF switch - S3 T-Channel “A” and “B” LEDs - DS4, DS5H-Speed team switch - S5 U-Vehicle present LED - DS6I-Vehicle detector override switch - S7 V-Transmitter message volume control - R292J-Power and ceiling speaker connector - J2 W-Outside message volume control - R293K-Ceiling speaker volume controls - R142,  X-Vehicle present tone volume control - R160R294, R298, R299, R300L-Outside speaker volume control - R128 Y-System configuration switches - S4, S6, S8, S9, S10M - Power supply LED - DS3 Z-Base-to-base connector (for dual drive-thru operations) - J9
24VI. SPECIFICATIONSBase Station1. Voltage input 16VAC ±2.5V2. AC current input 350mA nominal, 1.4A maximum3. Audio distortion <5% maximum level4. Outside speaker output 3 watts RMS into 8 ohms5. Ceiling speaker power 3 watts RMS into 8 ohms6. Message repeater Message duration - 16 seconds7. Controls/Switches 2-position vehicle detector switch    (Normal - Override/Reset)2-position “Speed Team” ON/OFF switch2-position “Message Repeater” ON/OFF switch1-position “Record” switch4-position RS485 bias/term switchOutside speaker volume controlOutside speaker Hi-Lo volume jumperVehicle present tone level control“A” sidetone“B” sidetoneInbound volume controlVAA level controlCeiling speaker volume controlVehicle present tone volume control(3) 8-position DIP switches4-position frequency select switchWireless/wired system select switchHorn speaker/DM1 select switch8. TX/RX Frequency FCC Part 909. Dimensions 8.2"H x 14.2"W x 3.5"D (208mm x 361mm x 89mm)10. Weight 5.5 lbs (2.49kg) maximumCOM400CC COMMUNICATOR®1. Battery (NiMH) 8 hours2. RF Frequency Receive — FCC Part 90Transmit — FCC Part 903. Dimensions  3d"H x 4c"W x 1½"D (86mm x 114mm x 38mm)4. Weight  12 ounces (3.40kg) — including battery5. Controls Buttons "A," "B" and "C"Power controlVolume control6. Indicator Red LED    Solid when receiving only.    Blinking when transmitter is activated, or    on secondary lane for dual-lane systems7. Connector LT
25COM400BP COMMUNICATOR®1. Battery (NiCd) 8-10 hours2. RF Frequency Receive — FCC Part 90Transmit — FCC Part 903. Weight  11 ounces (3.12kg) — including battery4. Controls Buttons "A," "B" and "C"Power On/Off buttonVolume control buttons5. Indicator Red LED    Solid when receiving only    Blinking when transmitter is activated6. Connector 5-pin DINCOM430BP COMMUNICATOR®1. Belt-pac Battery (NiCd) 8-10 hoursHeadset Battery (NiMH) 5-6 hours2. RF Frequency Receive — FCC Part 90Transmit — FCC Part 903. Weight  11 ounces (3.12kg) — including battery4. Controls Buttons "A," "B" and "C"Power On/Off buttonVolume control buttons5. Indicator Red LED    Solid when receiving only    Blinking when transmitter is activatedAC30 Battery Charger (for HS30 Headset NiMH batteries)1. Voltage input: 16.5VAC2. Number of charge ports: 43. Charge time: 2-3 hours4. Dimensions: 7.5"L x 4"W x 2¾”D (191mm x 102mm x 70mm)5. Weight: 20.22 oz (.573Kg)6. Indicators: Battery-charging (red) LEDs, 4 eaBattery-ready (green) LEDs, 4 eaAC420 Battery Charger (for COM400BP or COM430BP NiCd batteries)1. Voltage input: 16.5VAC2. Number of charge ports: 43. Charge time: 4-8 hours4. Dimensions: 8"L x 12"W x 3.5"D (203mm x 305mm x 89mm)5. Weight: 24 oz (.680Kg)  -  not including AC adapter6. Indicators: Battery-charging (red) LEDs, 4 eaBattery-ready (green) LEDs, 4 ea
26AC900 Battery Charger (for COM400CC NiMH batteries)1. Voltage input: 16.5VAC2. Number of charge ports: 43. Charge time: 2 hours4. Dimensions: 7.5"L x 4"W x 3 /D (191mm x 102mm x 78mm)785. Weight: 23.04 oz (.653Kg)6. Indicators: Battery-charging (red) LEDs, 4 eaBattery-ready (green) LEDs, 4 eaAC910 Battery Charger (for COM400BP  NiCd and COM400CC NiMH batteries)1. Voltage input: 16.5VAC2. Number of charge ports: 4 for COM400CC NiMH batteries2 for COM400BP NiCd batteries3. Charge time: 2 hours for COM400CC NiMH batteries4-8 hours for COM400BP NiCd batteries4. Dimensions: 7.5"L x 7.5"W x 3 /D (191mm x 191mm x 78mm)785. Weight: 31.94 oz (.906Kg)6. Indicators: Battery-charging (red) LEDs, 6 eaBattery-ready (green) LEDs, 6 eaAC930 Battery Charger (for COM430BP NiCd and HS30 Headset NiMH batteries)1. Voltage input: 16.5VAC2. Number of charge ports: 4 for COM430 headset NiMH batteries2 for COM400 belt-pac NiCd batteries3. Charge time: 2-3 hours for COM430 headset NiMH batteries4-8 hours for COM400BP belt-pac NiCd batteries4. Dimensions: 7.5"L x 7.5"W x 3 /D (191mm x 191mm x 78mm)785. Weight: 29.10 oz (.825Kg)6. Indicators: Battery-charging (red) LEDs, 6 eaBattery-ready (green) LEDs, 6 ea
27VII. ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTThe following optional equipment is available for use with your System 400.  To order any of these products, call the HME Sales Department at (858) 535-6060.Equipment Model NumberCOMMUNICATOR  COM400BP ®COMMUNICATOR  COM400CC ®COMMUNICATOR  COM430BP ®Battery (NiCd) for COM400 or COM430BP COMMUNICATOR BAT400 ®Battery (NiMH) for HS30 BAT30Battery (NiMH) for COM400CC BAT900Headset for COM400BP HS9-90Headset for COM400CC HS9LTHeadset for COM430BP HS30Headset Earmuff no model numberEarpiece/Microphone HS4Ultrasonic Vehicle Detector DU3Vehicle Detector Board VDB101AVehicle Detector Loop (underground) VDL100Message Repeater MR300Remote Display R30Ceiling Speaker MM100Low-Profile Speaker with Volume Adjustment MM2500Microphone DM1Speaker SP2000AMode Switch (dual lane) MS1000VIII. FCC NOTICEHME wireless radio frequency systems are type-accepted in the United States under Part 90 of theFederal Communications Commission (FCC) Code of Federal Regulations, and type-approved inCanada by Industry and Science Canada.  Because licensing depends on the system’s application,it is the user’s responsibility to apply for a license from the FCC in the U.S. and its possessions, orfrom Industry and Science Canada in Canada and its territories.  Licensing requirements vary fromcountry to country.  Contact your local licensing agency for specific requirements.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercialenvironment.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference toradio communication.  Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by HM Electronics, Inc. could void the usersauthority to operate this equipment.

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