HARRIS TR-381-A2 Hand Held Mobile Radio User Manual T4750r1a

HARRIS CORPORATION Hand Held Mobile Radio T4750r1a


Operator's ManualPortable Radio UnitKH-500/600
2NOTICE!This manual covers Ericsson products manufacturedand sold by Ericsson Inc.NOTE!Repairs to this equipment should be made only by anauthorized service technician or facility designated bythe supplier.  Any repairs, alterations or substitution ofrecommended parts made by the user to thisequipment not approved by the manufacturer couldvoid the user's authority to operate the equipment inaddition to the manufacturer's warranty.NOTE!The software contained in this device is copyrightedby Ericsson Inc.  Unpublished rights are reservedunder the copyright laws of the United States.This manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements andchanges to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of currentinformation, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by EricssonInc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions ofthis manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose,without the express written permission of Ericsson Inc.Copyright © January 1999, Ericsson Inc.
3TABLE OF CONTENTSPageINTRODUCTION ..............................................................6BUTTONS AND KNOBS............................................ 13INDICATORS...................................................................19STATUS INDICATORS ............................................. 20ALERT TONES........................................................... 21OPERATION ....................................................................26RECEIVING A MESSAGE........................................ 26SENDING A MESSAGE............................................. 27HOME CHANNEL OPERATION............................. 28TYPE 99 OPERATION............................................... 29SCAN OPERATION ................................................... 31TELEPHONE INTERCONNECT CALLS(KH-600 ONLY)........................................................... 40EMERGENCY OPERATION.................................... 44BATTERY INFORMATION...........................................45CHARGE BEFORE USING....................................... 45RECHARGING THE BATTERY.............................. 45CONDITIONING THE BATTERY........................... 46INSTALLING THE BATTERY PACK..................... 46REMOVING THE BATTERY PACK....................... 47BATTERY CARE & MAINTENANCE.................... 48BATTERY RECYCLING........................................... 48OPERATING TIPS ..........................................................49EFFICIENT RADIO OPERATION .......................... 50
4TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT)PageANTENNA CARE AND REPLACEMENT.............. 50ELECTRONIC DEVICES.......................................... 51AIRCRAFT .................................................................. 51BLASTING AREAS .................................................... 51POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVEATMOSPHERES......................................................... 52ACCESSORIES ................................................................53INTRINSICALLY SAFE USAGE ..................................55BATTERY PACKS...................................................... 56ACCESSORIES ........................................................... 57GLOSSARY ......................................................................58WARRANTY ....................................................................61NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY WARRANTY..........62OPERATOR'S RADIO SETUP ......................................63
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6INTRODUCTIONThe KH-500 (Scan) and KH-600 (DTMF) portableradios are lightweight, full-featured radios that providereliable two-way communications on 1 to 16 channels.The KH-500 radio contains three (3) buttons on thefront panel. The KH-600 contains three (3) buttonsalong with a twelve (12) button DTMF pad on the frontpanel. The scan function allows monitoring of any or allchannels. Any channel may be scanned with or withouta priority level. One channel can be programmed forPriority 1 (P1) and another for Priority 2 (P2), with anyor all remaining channels programmed as non-prioritychannels (S). There is also an Emergency GE-STARmode transmission capability. A LCD display providesstatus display of the radio functions along with thedisplay of the selected channel number.
7The Universal Device Connector (UDC), located onthe side of the radio, provides connections for externalaudio accessories. This connector also allows theradio system personnel to connect programmingequipment and program the per-channel and overallradio features. Consult the radio dealer to determinethe programmed features of your radio. Features thatare programmable on a per-channel basis include:•Receive Frequency•Transmit Frequency•Channel Busy Lock-Out•Optional Squelch Tail Elimination (STE) for AnalogChannel Guard•Channel Guard Encode/Decode (Analog or Digital)•Type 99 Tone Decode•CG/DCG Decode Tones/ Codewords•CG/DCG Encode Tones/ Codewords•Automatic Number Identification (ANI)•RF Power (High or Low)
8•Microprocessor Oscillator Shift in Receive mode•Microprocessor Oscillator Shift in Transmit mode•Channel Spacing (12.5 kHz or 25/30 kHz)•Telephone Interconnect DTMF Keypad enable(KH-600 only)Features that are programmable on an overall radiobasis include:•Display Backlighting•Alert Tones•Emergency GE-STAR (with or without HomeChannel)•Three (3) DTMF Auto-Dial Telephone Numbers(KH-600 only)•Carrier Control Timer (CCT)•Hi/Low RF Power Button Enable/Disable•Scan Options•CG Auto/Manual Reset•A.N.I. Options•Home Channel
9Figure 1 – KH-500 Scan Radio
10Figure 2 – KH-600 System Radio
11Figure 3 - Back And Left Panel Views
12Figure 4 - Top, Back And Left Panel Views
13BUTTONS AND KNOBSThis section describes the primary function of thebutton and knob controls. Other functions associatedwith these controls are detailed in later sections.POWERON-OFF/VOLUMEKNOBTurns radio on and off and adjustsaudio listening level.When the radio is turned on, it willresume operation at the lastoperating state (channel, etc.) andthe power-up alert tones will besounded. Three (3) beeps indicatethe radio is in the normal (receivemode); four (4) beeps indicates theradio is scanning. The operatingstatus of the radio will be displayedin the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)window.Rotating the control clockwiseincreases the volume level.
PUSH-TO-TALKBUTTON (PTT) Pressing the PTT button on theside of the radio will key the radiotransmitter.If the radio is not scanning, it willtransmit on the selected(displayed) channel. If the radio isscanning when the PTT button ispressed, the radio may beprogrammed to transmit on theselected channel or on the currentreceive scan channel if the PTT ispressed during the scan hang time.If the selected channel isprogrammed with Type 99 ToneDecode enabled, pressing the PTTbutton once will disable Type 99Tone Decode by switching theradio from the Selective Call modeto the Monitor mode. The PTTbutton must be released and thenpressed a second time to key theradio.
15MONITORBUTTON The Monitor button has severalfunctions. Its operation will varydepending upon programming.When the Monitor button ispressed and held down, alltransmissions will be heard even ifChannel Guard protected. Thispermits channel monitoring beforetransmitting. If the button is held formore than one second, ChannelGuard decode will toggle ON orOFF (if it is programmed on theselected channel).The Monitor button is also used toreset the Type 99 decoder after aType 99 call is received. Quicklypress and release the button toreset the Type 99 decoder toreceive the next Type 99 call.
16CHANNELSELECTKNOBA rotary switch permits selection ofchannels. Rotating the switchclockwise increases the channelsand counterclockwise decreasesthe channels. The channel isvisible by looking at the channelswitch from the top or viewing theLCD display.EMERGENCYGE-STARBUTTONPressing for at least one (1)second will transmit theEmergency GE-STAR code on theselected channel or a pre-programmed HOME channel.Hi/LowBUTTON Pressing for at least one (1)second selects the transmit poweroutput by toggling from high-low orlow-high. Must be pre-programmedfor operation.
17Three (3) buttons below the LCD display are usedto control scan operations when used in conjunctionwith the  button.Toggles the scan feature on and off.Used in conjunction with the button to add channels to the scan listor increase the channel's prioritystatus.Home Channel button (if programmedin personality)Used in conjunction with the button to erase the selected channelfrom the scan list.Used to decrease the level duringsquelch adjust mode.
18DTMF Keypad(KH-600 only) Permits operator to make telephoneinterconnect calls on radio systemsequipped with this option.The top row of buttons (,  ,) provide access to up to threepre-programmed telephoneinterconnect numbers (seeTelephone Interconnect Callssection).
19INDICATORSThe Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) indicates thechannel number. In addition there are seven (7) statusindicators (flags) which show scan status, Type 99Tone Decode status, transmit High/Low power statusand Channel Guard status.The LCD backlighting will turn on anytime a controlbutton is pressed. It will remain on for five (5) secondsafter the button is released. If a control button ispressed while the backlight is on, the backlight remainson for another five (5) seconds. Backlighting may beprogrammed to remain off at all times.SCN HIS P1 P2PG CGFigure 5 - Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)CHANNEL   12 The selected channel number isdisplayed in the LCD window. Whendata is written into or read from theradio during PC programming, a P isdisplayed.
20STATUS INDICATORSSCN This status indicator turns on when thescan function of the radio has beenenabled.SWhen this indicator is on, the selectedchannel is a non-priority scan channel.P1 When this indicator is on, the selectedchannel is a Priority 1 scan channel.P2 When this indicator is on, the selectedchannel is a Priority 2 scan channel.PG When this indicator is on, the selectedchannel is programmed as a pagingchannel (Type 99 Decode). Theindicator will blink when the selectedchannel is placed in the monitor modeor upon the reception of a call.CG When this indicator is on, ChannelGuard is enabled on the selectedchannel. The indicator will go outwhen the selected channel is placed inthe monitor mode.
21HI When this indicator is on, the selectedchannel is enabled for transmit highpower.TX/CAS LED Red light on steady - transmitter isactive or keyed.Red light blinking - low battery voltage,recharge or replace battery.Green on steady - channel busyindication, radio has detected a carrieron selected channel.ALERT TONESAlert tones or "beeps" are sounded when somebuttons are pressed and when the operating status ofthe radio changes. All alert tones may be programmedto be remain off.  The volume level of some alert tonesor "beeps"  can be changed by the volume control.
22Power-up Self-testEach time the radio is turned on, it will performpower-up self-test. All display segments will turn on,and after successful completion of the test, the radiowill change to the last operating state (channel, etc.)and sound three (3) or four (4) beeps. Three (3) beepssound if the radio is operating in the normal (not scan)state. Four (4) beeps will sound if the radio isscanning. The status will be indicated in the LCD. If theradio fails the self-test, no beeps will be sounded.Carrier Control TimerThis feature, programmable on a per-radio basis,prevents unnecessary channel traffic and radiodamage if the transmit timer limit is exceeded. If theprogrammed timer times-out during a transmission, theradio will beep and stop transmitting. The beeping tonewill continue until the operator releases the PTTbutton. Releasing the PTT button resets the timer.
23Channel Busy Lock-outIf channel busy lock-out has been programmed onthe selected channel, the transmit function will beinhibited when the operator press the PTT button whilethe radio detects a carrier on the channel unless thecarrier is modulated with the corresponding ChannelGuard tone or code for that selected channel. Channelbusy lock-out continues to function if Channel Guarddecode is disabled with the MONITOR button. Thechannel-busy feature is programmable on a per-channel basis.Type 99 Alert ToneThe Type 99 alert tone, indicating a receive Type99 call, may be enabled or disabled by programming. Ifthe  programmed tone sequence is detected, the radiowill beep until the second paging tone expires. If thealert tones are disabled, no alert tones will be presentwhen a Type 99 call is received.The Type 99 alert tones can only be turned off bydisabling ALL alert tones.NOTE
24A.N.I. Alert ToneIf the A.N.I. transmission is programmed to occurbefore the beginning of the conversation, an optionalAutomatic Number Identification (A.N.I.) alert beep canbe enabled or disabled by programming. If the alerttone is enabled, a beep will sound after the PTT ispressed to indicate to the operator to begin voicetransmission. Some communication systems require atime delay before voice transmission begins. If the alerttone is disabled, no beep will sound.Scan Alert ToneThe radio will sound a beep when the  button ispressed.Priority-One (P1) ScanIf the Priority 1 alert tone is enabled byprogramming and the radio receives a signal on thePriority 1 channel when scanning, the radio will sounda beep.  The P1 alert tone can be disabled withoutdisabling other alert tones.
25Radio/Channel FailureThe simultaneous flashing of the LCD display andthe sounding of beeps indicates the synthesizer isunable to correctly lock on the selected channel. At thistime the radio changes to a mute condition and noaudio is heard from the speaker when receiving andthe transmit is inhibited if the PTT button is pressed.Select another channel, change the battery pack orhave the radio repaired.
26OPERATIONRECEIVING A MESSAGE1.   Turn  the  radio  on  by  rotating  theON/OFF/VOLUME control clockwise from the "off"detent. After the radio has successfully completedits power-up self-test, it will begin operation at thelast operating state (channel, etc.). The operatingstatus of the radio will be displayed on the LCD. Ifenabled, the power-up alert tones (three or fourbeeps) will be sounded.2.   Select the desired operating channel by rotatingthe CHANNEL SELECT control until the desiredchannel number appears on the LCD.3.   When a transmission is received (and the correctCG/DCG or Type 99 signal is decoded, ifprogrammed and enabled), the receiver willunsquelch and the message will be heard in thespeaker.4.   Adjust  the  volume  as  necessary  by  rotating  theON/OFF/VOLUME control.
27Pressing the MONITOR button unsquelches thereceiver for the first three (3) seconds the button isheld. All transmissions will be heard, even ifChannel Guard protected. If it is held for more thanthree (3) seconds, the Channel Guard decoder willbe toggled on or off (if programmed for the selectedchannel).SENDING A MESSAGE1.   Turn the radio on and select the desired operatingchannel as described in RECEIVING AMESSAGE.2.   Press  the  MONITOR  button to determine if thechannel is in use or observe the TX/CAS LEDwhich shows green if the channel is busy. Neverinterrupt another transmission.3.   Hold the radio so the antenna is vertical and pressand hold the PTT button when you are ready totransmit. Speak directly into the grill or across theface of the radio or external microphone. Releasethe  PTT button when you are finished talking.Messages cannot be received and heard when thePTT button is pressed.NOTE
28When transmitting on a paging channel (Type 99, ifprogrammed), the PTT button must be pressedtwice. The first press takes the radio out ofSelective mode. The second press keys thetransmitter for normal transmitter operation.HOME CHANNEL OPERATIONA Home Channel feature is available if programmedinto the personality.  This can stand alone or be usedin conjunction with Emergency GE-STAR.  If StandAlone Home Channel and Emergency GE-STAR withHome Channel are selected, then the same channelmust be selected as the Home Channel.1.  Press and hold the  button for more than1-second. The channel number on the LCD willchange to identify the Home Channel.  Pressingthe   button for less than 1-second will beconsidered inadvertent, and switching to the HomeChannel will not occur.2.   Within 5 seconds press another button to confirmthe Home Channel selection.  If another button isnot pressed, the KH will revert to the channeldefined by the Channel Select knob.  The KH willremain on the Home Channel until the ChannelSelect knob is moved to a new position.NOTE
29TYPE 99 OPERATIONThe radio may be programmed to power up in theSelective mode or in the Monitor mode. If the Selectivemode is programmed and a Type 99 channel isselected at power up, the PG status flag will illuminate.If the Monitor mode is programmed and a Type 99channel is selected, the PG status flag will blink.When the radio is operating in the Selective mode,it operates as a tone and voice receiver and only thosecalls that are coded for it will be heard.When the radio is operating in the Monitor mode, allcalls (with correct Channel Guard, if programmed) willbe heard.In either mode, when a Type 99 channel has beenselected and a valid code is received, a series of alerttones (if programmed) will alert the operator of theincoming call. If the radio is in the Selective mode, itwill automatically switch to the Monitor mode after thedetection of the second Type 99 tone.
30If the radio was programmed to power up in theSelective mode, changing positions on the channelselect switch will always place a Type 99programmed channel in the Selective mode. If theradio was programmed to power up in the Monitormode, changing positions on the channel selectswitch will always place a Type 99 channel in theMonitor mode.Type 99 Selective Call Receiving and Sending1.   Select the appropriate channel to receive the Type99 tone signal.2.   After  a  Type  99  call  is  received  and  the  beepshave sounded, press the PTT button and answerthe call. When the communication sequence iscompleted, press the MONITOR button to resetthe radio for the next call.3.   When the radio is reset (Selective mode), Type 99operation can be disabled by pressing andreleasing the PTT button. The PG status flag willblink. No transmission occurs. A second press ofthe PTT button will result in a normal transmission.NOTE
314.   To  return  to  Type  99  Selective  mode,  press  theMONITOR button. The PG status flag will be on.SCAN OPERATIONThe radio may be programmed for a front panelselectable Priority 1 (P1) channel, a fixed pre-programmed P1 channel or a selected P1 channel. Ascan list must be created before scan operation can beused.  All non-priority (S) channels and the Priority 2(P2) channel are added or deleted from the scan list byusing  in conjunction with  and .A front panel selectable P1 channel permits theoperator to modify the scan list by using the  buttonin conjunction with the  or  keys.A fixed P1 channel has already been pre-programmed and cannot be changed.A selected P1 channel becomes the channelselected by the CHANNEL SELECT control.Each channel in the scan list is retained in memorywhen the radio is turned off or when the battery pack isremoved.
32Starting Or Stopping ScanPress the  button to turn on the scan function.The SCN status flag will come on. To turn off thescanning function, press the  button and the SCNstatus flag will go off.Receiver Scan RateScan rate will vary depending upon the number ofchannels on the scan list and whether scanning forChannel Guard. Fewer channels on the scan list or notscanning for Channel Guard will result in a faster scanrate.There are three types of Scan condition: simplescan, priority scan and Channel Guard scan.When Scan function is turned on, the radio willperform a simple scan on all channels on the scan listplus the channel selected by the CHANNEL SELECTswitch although that channel may not be on the scanlist. Once activity is detected (and if programmed, thecorrect Channel Guard is decoded) on a channel, theradio changes the scanning mode from simple scan topriority scan. The channel with activity will be indicated
33in the LCD display along with the corresponding statusflag, S, P1 or P2.The scan function is now in the priority scan modeand scanning will be determined by the followingconditions:•NON-PRIORITY PROGRAMMED CHANNELS -The radio will lock on the channel until activity onthe channel ceases. The scanning will resumeafter a pre-programmed time delay.•PRIORITY 1, NON-PRIORITY PROGRAMMEDCHANNELS - If the receive channel is non-priority,the radio will sample the Priority 1 channel foractivity. Priority 1 channel will continue to besampled while remaining on the non-prioritychannel until the carrier ceases and scanningresumes after a pre-programmed delay. Shouldactivity be detected during a sampling of thePriority 1 channel, the radio will switch to thePriority 1 channel and remain there until activityceases on the Priority 1 channel. Once activityceases on the Priority 1 channel, scanning willresume after a pre-programmed delay.
34If the receive channel is Priority 1, the radio willlock onto this channel for the duration of theactivity and no other channels will be scanned.After the activity ceases, scanning will resumeafter a pre-programmed delay.•PRIORITY 2, NON-PRIORITY PROGRAMMEDCHANNELS - This condition operates similar tothe above with the Priority 2 replacing the Priority 1references.•PRIORITY 1, PRIORITY 2, NON-PRIORITYPROGRAMMED CHANNELS - If the receivechannel is non-priority, the radio will sample thePriority 1, return to the non-priority channel, thensample the Priority 2 channel. This sampling willcontinue until activity ceases on the non-prioritychannel or activity is detected on either of thePriority channels. If activity is detected on thePriority 2 channel, the radio will lock onto thatchannel but will continue to sample the Priority 1channel for activity. Should activity be detected onthe Priority 1 channel while locked onto the Priority2 channel, the radio will switch to the Priority 1channel and remain there for the duration. Afteractivity ceases, scanning will resume after a pre-programmed delay.
35If activity is detected on the Priority 2 channelinstead of Priority 1 or a non-priority channel, theradio will sample the Priority 1 channel for activity.The radio will remain locked onto the Priority 2channel for the duration of the activity unless thesampling of the Priority 1 channel detects activity.If this occurs, the radio will lock onto the Priority 1channel for the duration of the activity. Scanningwill resume after a pre-programmed time delay.If activity is detected on the Priority 1 channelinstead of Priority 2 or a non-priority channel, theradio will lock onto the Priority 1 channel for theduration of the activity. Scanning will resume aftera pre-programmed delay.
36Adding Channels To Scan List1.   Scan must be off to add channels to the scan list.If the SCN status flag is on, press the  button toturn scan off.2.   Select  the  desired  channel  with  the  CHANNELSELECT control.3.   Press and hold the  button and then repeatedlypress the  key until the desired Priority statusflag appears: S for non-priority, P2 for Priority 2 orP1 for Priority 1.Priority 1 can only be selected by the operator if theradio is programmed for front panel selectable scanoption.4.   If a new Priority 1 or Priority 2 channel is selected,the previously corresponding priority channel willbecome a non-priority scan channel.NOTE
37Deleting Channels From Scan List1.   Scan must be off to delete channels from the scanlist. If the SCN status flag is on, press the button to turn scan off.2.   Select  the  desired  channel  with  the  CHANNELSELECT control.3.   Press and hold the  button and then press the button to delete the selected channel from thescan list.Priority 1 can only be deleted by the operator if theradio is programmed for front panel selectable P1channel option.NOTE
38Using The Radio With ScanThe Selected ChannelThe selected channel is the channel in the displaywhen scan is turned on by the  button. Theselected channel does not necessarily have to be achannel on the scan list. When a signal is not beingreceived, the radio reverts to this channel fortransmitting. When a signal is being received, the radiocan be pre-programmed to either revert to this selectedchannel or remain on the receive channel fortransmissions.If the radio was pre-programmed for transmit on theselected channel, the selected channel will bedisplayed on the LCD when the transmitter is keyed.If the radio was pre-programmed for transmit on thereceive channel, the channel will be displayed on theLCD and the transmitter will transmit on that channelproviding this is accomplished during the pre-programmed time delay before scanning resumes.
39Should the operator change the channel with theCHANNEL SELECT control during scanning, the newchannel will become the selected channel. If theselected channel is changed to a channel not in thescan list, the new channel will be temporarily added tothe scan list until the selected channel is changedagain or scan function is turned off.Scanning With Channel GuardAny channel in the scan list can be scanned notonly for activity but for correct Channel Guard tones orDCG codewords. The correct tone or codeword willpermit scanning to lock onto that channel with activity.If the radio detects activity but without the correct toneor code, the green BUSY LED will light but no audiowill be heard from the speaker.
40TELEPHONE INTERCONNECT CALLS(KH-600 ONLY)The operator may make telephone interconnectcalls on radio systems equipped for this option. One ofthree pre-programmed numbers can be selected anddialed automatically using either of the three keys onthe top row of the DTMF keypad. The telephonenumbers may also be manually dialed using thekeypad.Communication takes place in a simplex mode. Inother words, you cannot talk and listen at the sametime. You must press and hold the PTT button eachtime you wish to talk (transmit) and release it when youwish to listen (receive).
41Specific procedures for placing a telephoneinterconnect call from the radio are determined by theradio system and the individual radio programming.Consult your radio dealer for the exact operatingprocedures necessary for your system and radio.Pre-programmed Number1.   Select the channel in your radio system that hastelephone interconnect capability using theCHANNEL SELECT control.2.   Press and hold the PTT button and momentarilypress the  button to activate the auto-dialer.3.   While  still  holding  the  PTT button, momentarilydepress one of the keys (, , ) to selectthe desired pre-programmed number.4.   Release  the  PTT button. The microphone will bemuted and the DTMF tones will be heard in thespeaker as the radio sends the selected number.5.  When the called party answers, press the PTTbutton each time you wish to speak (transmit) andrelease it each time you wish to listen (receive).
426. At the completion of the call, press and hold thePTT button and then press the appropriate DTMFbuttons to send the disconnect tone(s) and removethe radio from the telephone interconnect function.Consult with the radio dealer for the procedure todisconnect a telephone interconnect call from thesystem.NOTE
43Placing A Manually Dialed Call1.  Select a channel in your radio system that hastelephone interconnect capability by using theCHANNEL SELECT control.2.   Press and hold the PTT button and then press theDTMF buttons (as required by the radio system) tooriginate a telephone interconnect call. The radiowill transmit the selected tone.3.   Release the PTT button and listen for a dial tone.4.   Press and hold the PTT button and then dial thedesired telephone number using the numerickeypad. As each number is dialed, the DTMF tonewill be heard in the speaker.5.   Release the PTT button when the dial sequence iscomplete.6.   When the called party answers, press and hold thePTT button each time you wish to speak (transmit)and release it each time you wish to listen(receive).7.   At  the  completion  of  the  call,  press  and  hold  thePTT button and then press either the DTMFbuttons (as required by the radio system) todisconnect from the telephone interconnectfunction.
44EMERGENCY OPERATIONIf enabled by pre-programming, GE-STARemergency signaling can be transmitted when theEmergency button is pressed and held for one second.This Emergency GE-STAR ID can be pre-programmedto be sent on the channel selected by the CHANNELSELECT control or a pre-programmed Home Channel.The red TX indicator will light and the radio proceedsto transmit the Emergency GE-STAR ID for theprogrammed time interval and number of times (1 to 15or unlimited, pre-programmed). If programmed forunlimited times, the emergency operation will continueuntil the battery is dead or the radio is turned OFF andthen back ON.Should the Emergency GE-STAR button bepressed when the radio is in scanning operation, theradio will stop scanning, perform the transmission ofthe GE-STAR ID emergency signaling and thenresume normal operation.The emergency state can be cleared by turning theradio off and then back on.
45BATTERY INFORMATIONCHARGE BEFORE USINGInsert the radio into the slot on the charger andensure that the ON/OFF/VOLUME control is in theOFF position. Connect charger to a 120 VAC outlet.An optional 230 VAC charger may be needed forinternational applications.  Charge the battery for thefirst time at least 14 hours but no longer than 48 hours.Over-charging may reduce battery life.RECHARGING THE BATTERYRecharge the battery when you experience difficultyin receiving or sending a message. Also the batterymay need recharging when the red TX indicator isblinking.Chargers are available with nominal charge timesof one to 14 hours. Combinations include single andmultiposition chargers. When charging a battery packthat is attached to a radio, always turn the radio OFF toensure a full charge. For specific instructions, refer theapplicable charger Operator's Manual. Charging innon-Ericsson equipment may lead to battery damageand void the battery warranty.
46CONDITIONING THE BATTERYBatteries which have been stored (charged ordischarged) will generally not be capable of fullcapacity until the batteries have been fully cycled twoor three times. (Charging the battery in an Ericssonrapid charger and then discharging the battery packwith the radio until low battery is indicated isconsidered one cycle.)INSTALLING THE BATTERY PACK1.   Ensure the ON/OFF/VOLUME control knob is inthe OFF (detent) position.2.   Align  the  battery  pack  tabs  with  the  batterymounting plate slots on the back of the radio (seeFigure 6).3.   Insert the tabs into the slots, push down and slidethe battery toward the battery latch until the batterylatch clicks into place.
47Figure 6 - Installing And Removing The Battery PackREMOVING THE BATTERY PACK1.   Ensure the ON/OFF/VOLUME control know is inthe OFF (detent) position.2.   Press  the  battery  release  button  to  release  thebattery.3.   Remove the battery pack by sliding it back until itstops. Then lift up and away until it separates fromthe radio.
48BATTERY CARE & MAINTENANCE•Your charger is intended for indoor use only. Keepthe charger and/or wall cube dry. Do Not use in ornear water.•Never let the battery contacts touch metal objectsthat could short-circuit the contacts. For example,keys or coins in your pocket.•Do Not disassemble a battery.•Do Not dispose of a battery in a fire.•Use only the supplied or specified battery andcharger.•Periodically condition your battery for improvedbattery capacity and performance.BATTERY RECYCLINGThe product that you have purchasedcontains a rechargeable, recyclable battery.At the end of its useful life, under variousstate and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of thisbattery into the municipal waste stream. Check withyour local solid waste officials for details in your areafor recycling options or proper disposal. Call Toll Free1-800-8-BATTERY for information and/or proceduresfor returning rechargeable batteries in your state.
49OPERATING TIPSAntenna location and condition is important whenoperating a portable radio. Operating the radio in lowareas or terrain, under power lines or bridges, inside ofa vehicle or in a metal or steel framed building canseverely reduce the range of the unit. Mountains andbuildings can also reduce the range of the unit.In areas where transmission or reception is poor,some improvement may be obtained by ensuring thatthe antenna is vertical. Moving a few yards in anotherdirection or moving to a higher elevation may alsoimprove communications. Vehicular operation can beaided with the use of an externally mounted antenna.Battery condition is another important factor in thetrouble free operation of a portable radio. Alwaysproperly charge the batteries.
50EFFICIENT RADIO OPERATIONHold the portable radio approximately three inchesfrom your mouth and speak into the microphone at anormal voice level.Keep the antenna in a vertical position whenreceiving or transmitting a message.Do not hold the antenna when receiving a messageand, especially, do not hold when transmitting amessage.ANTENNA CARE AND REPLACEMENTDo not use the portable radio with a damaged ormissing antenna. A minor burn may result if adamaged antenna comes into contact with the skin.Replace a damaged antenna immediately.  A missingantenna could damage your portable radio.Use only the supplied or approved antenna.Unauthorized antennas, modifications or attachmentscould damage the radio unit and may violate FCCregulations.
51ELECTRONIC DEVICESRF energy from your portable radio may affectsome electronic equipment. Most modern electronicequipment in cars, hospitals, homes, etc. are shieldedfrom RF energy. However, in areas that instruct you toturn off two-way radio equipment, always observe therules. If in doubt, turn it off.AIRCRAFTAlways turn off your portable radio before boardingany aircraft.•Use it on the ground only with crew permission•Do not use it in the airBLASTING AREASTo avoid interfering with blasting operations, turnyour radio OFF when in a "blasting area" or in areasposted "turn off two-way radio". Remote control RFdevices are used by some construction crews to set offexplosives.
52POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERESAreas with potentially explosive atmosphere areoften, but not always, clearly marked. These may befueling areas, such as gas stations, fuel or chemicaltransfer or storage facilities, and areas where the aircontains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust ormetal powders.Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion orfire resulting in bodily injury or even death.Turn OFF your radio when in any area with apotentially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but notimpossible that the radio or its accessories couldgenerate sparks.
53ACCESSORIESThe following accessories are available for use withthe KH-500/600 radio units:Antenna, 136-155 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/1Antenna, 150-165 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/2Antenna, 160-174 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/3Antenna, 403-440 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/10Antenna, 440-470 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/12Antenna, 470-512 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/13Antenna, 403-440 MHz, Whip KRE 101 1223/10Antenna, 440-512 MHz, Whip KRE 101 1223/12Rechargeable Battery Pack(Extra High Capacity) BKB 191 202Rechargeable Battery Pack(High Capacity) BKB 191 203Speaker/Microphone(Ericsson Label) KRY 101 1617/33Earpiece RLD 541 07/11Rapid Charger, 120/230 VAC(Ericsson Label) BML 161 51/505Multi-Rapid Charger, 120/230 VAC(Ericsson Label) BML 161 51/513
54ACCESSORIES CONTINUEDCompact Rapid Charger, 120/230 VAC(Ericsson Label) BML 161 74/12International Plug Adapter Kit(For use with BML 161 74/12 only) BML 161 74/21Belt Clip KRY 101 1232/2Belt Loop with Swivel Mount KRY 101 1609/A1Leather Case w/Belt Loop KRY 101 1622/1Leather Case w/ Belt Loop & swivel KRY 101 1622/A2Shoulder Strap(For Leather Case) KRY 101 1607/1
55INTRINSICALLY SAFE USAGESelected portable radios with appropriate factoryinstalled options are certified as Intrinsically Safe bythe Factory Mutual Research Corporation and theCanadian Standards Association. Intrinsically Safeapproval through Factory Mutual includes Class I, II,III, Division 1 hazardous locations in the presence ofGroups C, D, E, F and G atmospheres. Non-Incendiveapproval includes Class I, Division 2 hazardouslocations in the presence of Groups A, B, C and Datmospheres. Approval through the CanadianStandards Association (CSA) includes Class I GroupsC and D, Class II Group G Coal Dust; and Class III.CSA approval also includes Class I, Division 2 GroupsA, B, C and D.Hazardous locations are defined in the NationalElectrical Code. Useful standards NFPA 437A andNFPA 437M for the classifications of hazardous areascan be ordered from the National Fire ProtectionAssociation, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
56BATTERY PACKSOnly battery packs identified with a green FM/CSAlabel shall be used with a portable radio that is ratedand labeled as Factory Mutual/CSA Intrinsically Safe.Use of nonspecified battery packs voids FactoryMutual/CSA approval. The following battery packs areapproved for use in intrinsically safe radios:BKB 191 202/2   Rechargeable  Battery  Pack,Extra High CapacityBKB 191 203/2   Rechargeable  Battery  Pack,High Capacity
57ACCESSORIESUse of accessories other than those listed voidsFactory Mutual/CSA approval. The followingaccessories are for use with intrinsically safe radios:Speaker/Microphone/Antenna(Ericsson Label) KRY 101 1617/31Earpiece Kit RLD 541 07/11Antenna, 136-155 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/1Antenna, 150-165 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/2Antenna, 160-174 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/3Antenna, 403-440 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/10Antenna, 440-470 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/12Antenna, 470-512 MHz, Helical KRE 101 1219/13Antenna, 403-440 MHz, Whip KRE 101 1223/10Antenna, 440-512 MHz, Whip KRE 101 1223/12Belt Clip KRY 101 1232/2Belt Loop w/swivel KRY 101 1609/A1Leather Case w/Belt Loop KRY 101 1622/1Leather Case w/ Belt Loop & swivel KRY 101 1622/A2Shoulder Strap(for leather case) KRY 101 1607/1
58GLOSSARYconventionalchannel  - a radio channel (transmit/receive) that isallocated for conventional (non-trunked) useand may be manually selected by theoperator.conventional mode  - communicating on radio channels allocatedfor conventional use.CCT  - Carrier Controlled Timer - a programmabletimer that will disable a transmission if thetimer length is exceeded.CG  - Channel Guard - a method of controllingreceiver mute with a tone or digital code.Talk-around mode  - also referred to as "direct mode", talk-around provides a direct unit-to-unit shortrange communications link.  It is intended tomaintain communications outside of themain system coverage area.TelephoneInterconnect  - this  feature  allows  the  user  to  initiate  orreceive telephone calls through the radio ifthe system is configured for this operation.(Trunked Mode Only)
59ChannelNumber TX Freq(MHz) EncodeCG/DCG RX Freq(MHz) DecodeCG/DCG USE12345678910111213141516
WARRANTYA Ericsson Inc. (hereinafter "Seller") warrants to the original purchaser for use (hereinafter "Buyer") thatEquipment manufactured by Seller shall be free from defects in material, workmanship and title, and shallconform to its published specifications. With respect to any Equipment not manufactured by Seller (except forintegral parts of Seller's Equipment to which the warranties set forth above shall apply). Seller gives nowarranty, and only the warranty, if any, given by the manufacturer shall apply. Batteries are excluded from thiswarranty but are warranted under a separate Nickel-Cadmium Battery Warranty.B.  Seller's obligations set forth in Paragraph C below shall apply only to failures to meet the above warranties(except as to title) occurring within the following periods of time from date of sale to the Buyer and areconditioned on Buyer's giving written notice to Seller within thirty (30) days of such occurrence:1.  for fuses, incandescent lamps, vacuum tubes and non-rechargeable batteries, operable on arrival only.2.  for parts and accessories (except as noted in B.1) sold by Seller's Service Parts Operation, ninety (90)days.3.  for all other Equipment of Seller's manufacture, one (1) year.C.  If any Equipment fails to meet the foregoing warranties, Seller shall correct the failure at its option (i) byrepairing any defective or damaged part or parts thereof, or (ii) by making available at Seller's factory anynecessary repaired or replacement parts. Any repaired or replacement part furnished hereunder shall bewarranted for the remainder of the warranty period of the Equipment in which it is installed. Where such failurecannot be corrected by Seller's reasonable efforts, the parties will negotiate an equitable adjustment in price.Labor to perform warranty service will be provided at no charge during the warranty period only for theEquipment covered under Paragraph B.3. To be eligible for no-charge labor, service must be performed by anAuthorized Service Center or other Servicer approved for these purposes either at its place of business duringnormal business hours, for mobile or personal equipment, or at the Buyer's location, for fixed locationequipment. Service on fixed location equipment more than thirty (30) miles from the Service Center or otherapproved Servicer's place of business will include a charge for transportation.D.  Seller's obligations under Paragraph C shall not apply to any Equipment, or part thereof, which (i) hasbeen modified or otherwise altered other than pursuant to Seller's written instructions or written approval or, (ii)is normally consumed in operation or, (iii) has a normal life inherently shorter than the warranty periodsspecified in Paragraph B, or (iv) is not properly stored, installed, used, maintained or repaired, or, (v) has beensubjected to any other kind of misuse or detrimental exposure, or has been involved in an accident.E.  The preceding paragraphs set forth the exclusive remedies for claims (except as to title) based upondefects in or nonconformity of the Equipment, whether the claim is in contract, warranty, tort (includingnegligence), strict liability or otherwise, and however instituted. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, allsuch liability shall terminate. The foregoing warranties are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whetheroral, written, expressed, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES. This warranty applies only within the United States.ECX-886A (1/95)
62NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY WARRANTYA. Ericsson Inc. (hereinafter "Seller") warrants to the original purchaser for use(hereinafter "Buyer") that nickel-cadmium batteries supplied by Seller shall be free fromdefects in material and workmanship, and shall conform to its published specifications for aperiod of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase.B. For purposes of this warranty, batteries shall be deemed defective if (1) the batterycapacity is less than 80% of rated capacity, or (2) the battery develops leakage.C. If any battery fails to meet the foregoing warranty, Seller shall correct the failure byissuing a replacement battery upon receipt of the defective battery at an Authorized ServiceCenter (ASC). To obtain the name and address of a ASC, ask your salesperson, consultthe Yellow Pages, or call the number printed at the bottom of this page.D. Replacement batteries shall be warranted only for the remaining unexpired warrantyperiod of the original battery. This warranty becomes void if:(1) The battery has been subjected to any kind of misuse, detrimental exposure, or hasbeen involved in an accident.
Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg,Virginia 24502 AE/LZT 123 4750/1 R1A1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-592-7711) Printed in U.S.A.EMERGENCY NUMBERSPoliceState PoliceFirePoison ControlAmbulanceLife Saving andRescue Squad

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