HARRIS TR-0010-A TR-0010-A User Manual Manual



MM101027V1 R1AOperator’s ManualPANTHER 300PPortable Radio
2TABLE OF CONTENTSPageSAFETY TRAININGINFORMATION ................. 3SAFE PRACTICEINFORMATION ................. 8OPERATING RULES ANDREGULATIONS................. 12INTRODUCTION ............... 17CONTROLS ANDINDICATORS .................... 18PANTHER 300P RADIOINDICATORS .................... 23BASIC OPERATION.......... 25SELECTIVE SIGNALING... 28PROGRAMMABLE PTTFUNCTIONS ..................... 31CLONING.......................... 33BATTERY OPERATION .... 34The  software  contained  in  this  device  iscopyrighted  by  Com-Net  Ericsson  CriticalRadio  Systems,  Inc.  Unpublished  rights  arereserved  under  the  copyright  laws  of  theUnited States.NOTICE!This manual is published by Com-Net Ericsson CriticalRadio Systems, Inc., without any warranty.Improvements and changes to this manual necessitatedby typographical errors, inaccuracies of currentinformation, or improvements to programs and/orequipment, may be made by Com-Net Ericsson CriticalRadio Systems, Inc., at any time and without notice.Such changes will be incorporated into new editions ofthis manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and recording, forany purpose, without the express written permission of byCom-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.Copyright © 2000 Com-Net Ericsson Critical RadioSystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
3SAFETY TRAININGINFORMATIONYour  Com-NetEricsson  radiogenerates  RFelectromagneticenergy  duringtransmit  mode.    This  radio  isdesigned  for  and  classified  as“Occupational  Use  Only”meaning  it  must  be  used  onlyduring  the  course  ofemployment  by  individualsaware  of  the  hazards  and  theways  to  minimize  such  hazards.This  radio  is  NOT  intended  foruse by the “General Population”in an uncontrolled environment.This  radio  has  been  tested  andcomplies  with  the  FCC  RFexposure  limits  for  “OccupationalUse  Only.”  In addition,  your Com-Net  Ericsson  radio  complies  withthe  following  Standards  andGuidelines  with  regard  to  RFenergy and electromagnetic energylevels and evaluation of such levelsfor exposure to humans:WARNING
4•  FCC  OET  Bulletin  65  Edition97-01  Supplement  C,Evaluating  Compliance  withFCC  Guidelines  for  HumanExposure to Radio FrequencyElectromagnetic Fields.•  American  National  StandardsInstitute (C95.1 – 1992), IEEEStandard  for  Safety  Levelswith  Respect  to  HumanExposure to Radio FrequencyElectromagnetic Fields, 3 kHzto 300 GHz.•  American  National  StandardsInstitute (C95.3 – 1992), IEEERecommended  Practice  forthe  Measurement  ofPotentially  HazardousElectromagnetic  Fields  –  RFand Microwave.CAUTIONTo  ensure  that  yourexposure  to  RFelectromagneticenergy  is  within  theFCC allowable limitsfor  occupationaluse,  always  adhereto  the  followingguidelines:
5•  DO  NOT  operate  the  radiowithout  a  proper  antennaattached, as this may damagethe radio and may also causeyou  to  exceed  FCC  RFexposure  limits.    A  properantenna  is  the  antennasupplied  with  this  radio  byCom-Net  Ericsson  or  anantenna  specificallyauthorized  by  Com-NetEricsson  for  use  with  thisradio.•  DO  NOT  transmit  for  morethan  50%  of  total  radio  usetime  (“50%  duty  cycle”).Transmitting  more  than  50%of the time can cause FCC RFexposure  compliancerequirements to be exceeded.The radio is transmitting whenthe  “TX”  LED  on  top  of  theradio is lit.  You can cause theradio  to  transmit  by  pressingthe “PTT” button.•  ALWAYS  use  Com-NetEricsson  authorizedaccessories  (antennas,batteries,  belt  clips,speaker/mics,  etc).    Use  ofunauthorized  accessoriesmay  cause  the  FCCOccupational/  ControlledExposure  RF  compliancerequirements to be exceeded.
6•  ALWAYS keep the device andits  antenna  at  least  2.0  cm(0.8 inch) away from the bodyand  5  cm  (2  inches)  from  theface  when  transmitting  toensure  FCC  RF  exposurecompliance  requirements  arenot exceeded.  This radio hasbeen  tested  for  RF  exposurecompliance  at  a  distance  of1.3 cm from the body and 4.0cm  from  the  face  for  a  worsecase  scenario.    However,  toprovide  the  recipients  of  yourtransmission  the  best  soundquality,  hold  the  antenna  atleast  5  cm  (2  inches)  frommouth,  and  slightly  off  to  oneside.The  information  listed  aboveprovides  the  user  with  theinformation needed to make him orher  aware  of  a  RF  exposure,  andwhat to do to assure that this radiooperates  within  the  FCC  RFexposure limits of this radio.
7ElectromagneticInterference/CompatibilityDuring  transmissions,  your  Com-Net  Ericsson  radio  generates  RFenergy  that  can  possibly  causeinterference  with  other  devices  orsystems.    To  avoid  suchinterference,  turn  off  the  radio  inareas where signs are posted to doso.    DO  NOT  operate  thetransmitter  in  areas  that  aresensitive  to  electromagneticradiation such as hospitals, aircraft,and blasting sites.
8SAFE PRACTICEINFORMATIONThe  operator  of  any  land  mobileradio  should  be  aware  of  certainhazards  common  to  the  operationof  radio  transmitters.  A  list  ofseveral  possible  hazards  isgiven:1.  Explosive  Atmospheres -Areas  with  potentiallyexplosive  atmosphere  areoften,  but  not  always,  clearlymarked. These may be fuelingareas,  such  as  gas  stations,fuel  or  chemical  transfer  orstorage  facilities,  and  areaswhere  the  air  containschemicals  or  particles,  suchas  grain,  dust,  or  metalpowders.    Sparks  in  suchareas  could  cause  anexplosion  or  fire  resulting  inbodily injury or even death.Turn  OFF  your  radio  whenin  any  area  with  apotentially  explosiveatmosphere.  It  is  rare,  butnot  impossible  that  theradio  or  its  accessoriescould generate sparks.
92.  Electronics  Systems - RFenergy  from  your  portableradio  may  affect  someelectronic  equipment.    Mostmodern  electronic  equipmentin cars, hospitals, homes, etc.are  shielded  from  RF  energy.However,  in  areas  thatinstruct  you  to  turn  off  two-way  radio  equipment,  alwaysobserve  the  rules.    If  indoubt, power the radio OFF.3.  Dynamite  Blasting  Caps -Dynamite  blasting  caps  maybe  caused  to  explode  byoperating  a  radio  within  500feet  of  the  blasting  caps.Always  obey  the  "Turn  OffTwo-Way  Radios" signsposted  where  dynamite  isbeing used.When  transporting  blastingcaps in your vehicle:•  Carry the blasting caps ina closed metal box with asoft lining.•  Leave  the  radio  OFFwhenever  the  blastingcaps are being put into orremoved  from  thevehicle.4.  Radio  Frequency  Energy -Do  not  use  a  radio  with  a
10damaged or missing antenna.A  minor  burn  may  result  if  adamaged antenna comes intocontact  with  the  skin.Replace  a  damaged  antennaimmediately.    A  missingantenna  could  damage  yourradio.    Use  only  the  suppliedor  approved  antenna.Unauthorized  antennas,modifications,  or  attachmentscould  damage  the  radio  unitand  may  violate  FCCregulations.Always  turn  off  your  portableradio  before  boarding  anyaircraft.  Use it on the groundonly  with  crew  permission.Do not use it in the air.5.  Safe DrivingRecommendations -(Recommended by AAA)Read the literature on the safeoperation of the radio.Keep  both  hands  on  thesteering  wheel  and  the  radiosecured whenever the vehicleis in motion.Place  calls  only  when  vehicleis stopped.
11•  When  talking  from  amoving  vehicle  isunavoidable,  drive  in  theslower  lane.  Keepconversations brief.•  If a conversation requirestaking  notes  or  complexthought,  stop  the  vehiclein  a  safe  place  andcontinue the call.•  Whenever  using  a  radio,exercise caution.
12OPERATING RULES ANDREGULATIONSTwo-way  FM  radio  systems  mustbe operated in accordance with therules  and  regulations  of  the  local,regional, or national government.In  the  United  States,  thePANTHER  300P  portable  radiomust  be  operated  in  accordancewith  the  rules  and  regulations  ofthe  Federal  CommunicationsCommission (FCC). As an operatorof  two-way  radio  equipment,  youmust be thoroughly familiar with therules  that  apply  to  your  particulartype  of  radio  operation.  Followingthese  rules  helps  eliminateconfusion,  assures  the  mostefficient  use  of  the  existing  radiochannels, and results in a smoothlyfunctioning  radio  network.  Whenusing  your  two-way  radio,remember these rules:1.  It is a violation of FCC rules tointerrupt  any  distress  oremergency message. As yourradio  operates  in  much  thesame  way  as  a  telephone"party  line",  always  listen  tomake sure that the channel isclear  before  transmitting.Emergency  calls  have  priorityover  all  other  messages.  Ifsomeone  is  sending  an
13emergency  message  -  suchas  reporting  a  fire  or  askingfor help in an accident - KEEPOFF THE AIR!2.  The  use  of  profane  orobscene  language  isprohibited by Federal law.3.  It  is  against  the  law  to  sendfalse  call  letters  or  falsedistress  or  emergencymessages.  The  FCC  requiresthat  you  keep  conversationsbrief  and  confine  them  tobusiness.  To  save  time,  usecoded  messages  wheneverpossible.4.  Using  your  radio  to  sendpersonal messages (except inan  emergency)  is  a  violationof  FCC  rules.  You  may  sendonly  those messages  that  areessential  for  the  operation  ofyour business.5.  It  is  against  Federal  law  torepeat  or  otherwise  makeknown  anything  you  overhearon  your  radio.  Conversationsbetween  others  sharing  yourchannel must  be  regarded  asconfidential.6.  The  FCC  requires  that  youidentify  yourself  at  certainspecific  times  by  means  ofyour  call  letters.  Refer  to  the
14rules  that  apply  to  yourparticular type of operation forthe proper procedure.7.  No  changes  or  adjustmentsshall  be  made  to  theequipment  except  by  anauthorized  or  certifiedelectronic technician.Under  U.S.  law,  operation  of  anunlicensed  radio  transmitterwithin  the  jurisdiction  of  theUnited  States  may  bepunishable  by  a  fine  of  up  to$10,000, imprisonment for  up  totwo years, or both.IMPORTANT
15OPERATING TIPSAntenna  location  and  condition  isimportant  when  operating  aportable radio.  Operating the radioin low areas or terrain, under powerlines or bridges, inside of a vehicleor  in  a  metal  or  steel  framedbuilding  can  severely  reduce  therange  of  the  unit.    Mountains  andbuildings  can  also  reduce  therange of the unit.In  areas  where  transmission  orreception  is  poor,  someimprovement  may  be  obtained  byensuring  that  the  antenna  isvertical.    Moving  a  few  yards  inanother  direction  or  moving  to  ahigher  elevation  may  also  improvecommunications.    Vehicularoperation  can  be  aided  with  theuse  of  an  externally  mountedantenna.Battery  condition  is  anotherimportant  factor  in  the  trouble  freeoperation  of  a  portable  radio.Always  use  properly  chargedbatteries.
16For  efficient  radio  operation,  holdthe  front  of  the  portable  radioapproximately two inches from yourmouth  and  speak  into  themicrophone at a normal voice level.Keep  the  antenna  in  a  verticalposition  when  receiving  ortransmitting  a  message.    Do  nothold the  antenna when receiving amessage  and,  especially,  do  nothold  it  when  transmitting  amessage.
17INTRODUCTIONThis  manual  describes  theoperation of the Com-Net  EricssonPANTHER™ 300P  portable  radio.The  PANTHER 300P  portable  radiois a  high performance FM portableradio  providing  reliable  two-waycommunication  in  a  ConventionalRadio System.The  PANTHER  300P  portable  radiocan  be  programmed  with  up  to  sixchannels.  The  PANTHER  300Pportable  radio  operates  on  any  ofthe  following  Conventionalplatforms:•  Channel GuardEncode/Decode[Squelch Tail Elimination(STE) optional]•  Digital Channel GuardEncode/Decode•  Type 99 Decode
18CONTROLS ANDINDICATORSFigure 1 – Panther 300P RadioTop View
19Figure 2 – PANTHER 300P RadioSide ViewMonitor/Clear ButtonFunctionThis  section  describes  thefunctionality  of  Monitor/Clearbutton.
20Monitor/ClearThe  Monitor/Clear  functionmonitors  the  channel  for  activity.While  the  Monitor/Clear ispressed,  squelch,  the  ChannelGuard  decoder,  and  the  Type  99decoder are disabled.If  the  channel  is  clear,  squelchnoise will be heard.  If the channelis busy, traffic will be heard.When  the  Monitor/Clear  button  isreleased, squelch, Channel Guard,and Type 99 are re-enabled.After a successful Type 99 decode,press  the  Monitor/Clear  button  toswitch  the  Type  99  Decoder  statefrom  Monitor  mode  to  SelectiveCall mode.Option Button FunctionsThe  following  functions  can  beassigned to the Option button.NOTEPress  and  hold  theOption  button  toexecute  the  program-med function.
21Table 1: Programmed FunctionsStatesFunction 1 ShortHighTone2 ShortHighTonesHigh/LowPowerHighPowerLowPowerLocal/Distant SquelchLocal DistantType 99 ON OFFDisabledNo  function  is  assigned  to  theOption button.  When pressed, theradio will emit a Denied Alert Tone.High/Low PowerThe  High/Low  Power  functiontoggles  the  transmitter  powerbetween  “High”  and  “Low”.    “High”power  is  the  longer-range  setting.”Low"  power  is  the  battery-lifeconserving setting.Local/Distant SquelchThe Local/Distant Squelch functiontoggles the channel squelch settingbetween  “Local”  and  “Distant”.“Local”  squelch  reduces  thenumber  of  received  degradedtransmissions.  ”Distant"  squelch
22increases  the  number  of  receivedtransmissions.Type 99 ON/OFFThe  Type  99  function  toggles  thestate  of  the  Type  99  Decoderbetween “ON” and “OFF”. Type 99mutes  receive  audio  until  a  validType  99  call  is  received.    “ON”indicates  the  radio  is  operating  inSelective  Call  mode.  ”OFF"indicates  the  radio  is  operating  inMonitor mode.If an invalid or no  Type 99 decodeis  programmed  on  a  channel,  theType  99  function  is  programmedfor  the  Option  button  and  theOption button is pressed, the radiowill emit a Denied Alert Tone.
23PANTHER 300P RADIOINDICATORSThe  Light  Emitting  Diode  (LED)and  tones  indicate  the  state  of  theradio.Table 2: Radio IndicatorsLED Indicators: ●continuous ]flashingIndicator Tones: High Mid LowLED Tone Function3 midtonesPower-upcomplete1 mid tone Low batterycontinuous hightoneTransmit timerhas expired1continuous mid toneChannel isbusy2 orsynthesizererrorcontinuous low toneFatal error1 shortmid toneAction denied                                                   The following features must be enabledduring programming to receive listedindication:1 CCT (Carrier Control Timer) – the radiowill emit this alert until the PTT button isreleased.2 TX Busy
24LED Indicators: ●continuous ]flashingIndicator Tones: High Mid LowLED Tone Function1 shorthigh toneProgrammedfunction toggled2 shorthigh tonesProgrammedfunction toggled]green 1 shorttoneReceiving Type99 IndividualCall]green 2 shorttonesReceiving Type99 Group Call]green 3 shorttonesReceiving Type99 SuperGroup/QuickCall]red continuous mid toneBattery too lowto transmit3●red Transmitting●green Receiving orchannel in use]green Program mode]amber Error or failure]red]greenLow batterywhile operatingon a Type 99channel                                                   3 Multiple Low Battery Alerts – occurs afterPTT
25BASIC OPERATIONSelecting A ChannelRotate  the  Channel  Knobclockwise or counterclockwise untilthe  raised  rib  aligns  with  thedesired channel number.Transmitting A Basic Call1.  Power ON the radio.2.  Select a channel.3.  Ensure there  is  no  activity  onthe channel by:•  checking  the  TX/RXLED.•  pressing and  holding  theMonitor/Clear  button.Squelch  noise  will  beheard  if  the  channel  isclear of traffic.4.  Hold  the  radio  approximately2  inches  from  your  mouth,press  the  PTT  button  andspeak in the microphone.NOTESpeak  in  a  normalvolume.  Shouting  willdegrade  yourtransmission.5.  Release  the  PTT  button  afteryou have finished speaking.
26Channel GuardChannel  Guard  is  a  method  ofreducing  "channel  chatter"  byequipping  receivers  with  tone-responsive  devices,  which  onlyallow  calls  with  the  correct  sub-audible  tones  to  be  heard  by  theuser.    Channel  Guard  options  andparameters are defined in the radiopersonality.The radio can be programmed on aper-channel basis to encode and/ordecode  Channel  Guard  tones.Squelch Tail Elimination (STE) canbe  enabled  or  disabled  on  achannel  programmed  with  aChannel Guard tone.
27Channel Guard MonitorFunctionThe  radio  can be  programmed,  ona per-channel basis to transmit withor  without  Channel  Guard  tones.STE  can  optionally  be  enabled  ona per-channel basis.Ensure  there  is  no  activity  on  thechannel by:•  checking the TX/RX LED.•  pressing  and  holding  theMonitor/Clear  button.Squelch noise  will be heard  ifthe channel is clear of traffic.Digital Channel GuardDigital  Channel  Guard  performssimilar  to  Channel  Guard  exceptsub-audible  codewords  aredecoded  and/or  encoded.    STE  isstandard  with  Digital  ChannelGuard operation.
28SELECTIVE SIGNALINGSelective  signaling  controls  themuting and unmuting of the receiveaudio.    This  allows  a  user  ordispatcher  to  selectively  call  anindividual  radio  or  group  of  radios.The  PANTHER  300P  portable  radiosupports  selective  signaling  inType 99 decode format.In  a  selective  signalingenvironment,  the  PANTHER  300Pportable  radio  operates  in  one  oftwo  states,  Monitor  mode  orSelective Call mode.In the Monitor mode, the decoder isdisabled and all calls are heard  bythe user.In  the  Selective  Call  mode,  thedecoder  is  enabled  and  only  callsintended for the user will be heard.Selective signaling operates with orwithout Channel Guard. If ChannelGuard is enabled, the radio can beprogrammed  with  an  "And"  or  an"Or" option.If the "And" option is programmed,only calls with the correct selectivesignaling  AND  correct  ChannelGuard tones are heard by the user.If  the  "Or"  option  is  programmed,calls  with  the  correct  ChannelGuard  OR  calls  with  the  correct
29selective  signaling  and  ChannelGuard tones are heard by the user.A  radio  operating  in  Selective  Callmode that  receives a  selective  callswitches  to  the  Monitor  mode  andthe TX/RX LED flashes green.  TheTX/RX  LED  indicates  whether  thechannel  has  a  carrier  signal.    Thefollowing  graphic  depicts  theflashing pattern of the TX/RX LED.Monitor modeWithout Carrier OnOffMonitor modeWith Carrier OnOffType 99 OperationType  99  is  Com-Net  Ericsson’sproprietary  method  for  in-band,two-tone  sequential  signaling.Type 99 is a conventional signalingprotocol  that  controls  the  mutingand unmuting  of a radio.  Type  99encoded base stations, mobiles, orportables  can  selectively  callindividual units or groups of units ina conventional system.  Type 99 isused  in  paging  operations;  adispatcher  has  the  ability  toselectively call a radio or a group ofradios.If  Type  99  is  enabled  in  the  radiopersonality,  the  radio  can  decode
30Individual,  Group  and  SupergroupType  99  calls.    See  Table  2  forradio indicator information for eachof these types of calls.Resetting Type 99 After ACallAfter  decoding  a  Type  99  call,  theradio  operates  in  Monitor  modeand  all  traffic  on  the  channel  isaudible.    If  the  channel  hasChannel Guard, only the traffic withthe radio's Channel Guard tone willbe heard.To  reset  Type  99  operation,  useone of the following methods:•  Press  the  Monitor/Clearbutton.•  Press the Option button, onlyif  Option  button  isprogrammed  with  Type  99ON/OFF function.•  Allow  the  "Auto-Reset"  timerto  reset  the  Type  99  decoder(only if the "Auto-Reset" timeris  enabled  in  the  radiopersonality).
31PROGRAMMABLE PTTFUNCTIONSChannel Busy LockoutThe  radio  may  be  programmedwith  the  Channel  Busy  Lockoutfeature,  which  denies  the  use  ofthe transmitter when the channel isbusy with traffic.If  the  PTT  button  is  pressed  whilethe TX/RX LED  is  ON,  the  radiowill emit an alert tone until the PTTis released.Channel Guard ChannelBusy LockoutThe  radio  may  be  programmedwith  the  Channel  Guard  BusyLockout  feature,  which  denies  theuse  of  the  transmitter  when  thechannel  is  busy  with  anotherChannel Guard tone.  The radio willtransmit  when  the channel  is  busywith  the  radio's  Channel  Guardtone.If  the  PTT  button  is  pressed  whilethe  TX/RX  LED  is  ON  and  theradio  is  muted  because  of  anincorrect  Channel  Guard  tone,  theradio will emit an alert tone until thePTT is released.
32Type 99 Disable After PTTThe  radio  may  be  programmedwith the Type 99 Disable After PTTfeature,  which  automaticallydisables the Type 99 decoder aftera transmission.Use one of the methods outlined inthe  “Resetting  Type  99  After  ACall”  section  to  reset  Type  99operation.
33CLONINGCopyCat  Technology,  a  cloningfeature, allows supervisor radios toduplicate  radio  personalities  intosubordinate  radios  on-site  withouta  technician  or  PC.    For  moreinformation  about  the  CopyCatTechnology and configuration  referto  the  Panther  300  SeriesMaintenance manuals, the On-LineHelp  in  ProGrammer,  or  contactyour system administrator.
34BATTERY OPERATIONRemoving The BatteryMake sure the power to the radio isturned OFF.1.  Press  the  latch  at  the  bottomof the battery pack.2.  Lift  the  battery  pack  from  thebottom.3.  Remove the battery pack fromthe radio.
35Attaching The BatteryMake sure the power to the radio isturned OFF.1.  Align the tab on the top of thebattery  pack  with  the  slot  atthe top of the battery cavity.2.  Push the battery pack down toattach the battery to the radio.The user should hear a “click”when  the  battery  pack  issecurely attached.3.  Verify  the  battery  is  securelylatched to the radio.
36Low Battery Detection AndOperationThe  PANTHER  300P  portable  radioconstantly  monitors  the  charge-state  of  the  battery.  The  radio  willemit  a  Low  Battery  Alert  Tonewhen  the  battery  capacity  is  lowand  the  TX/RX  LED  will  flash  red.When  this  occurs,  recharge  thebattery.The  radio  can  be  programmed  toemit  only  one  Low  Battery  AlertTone or emit one Low Battery AlertTone every 60 seconds.The  PANTHER  300P  portable  radioalso  monitors  the  battery  voltagewhile  transmitting.    If  the  batterylevel  drops  below  a  set  level,  theradio  will  stop  transmitting,  theTX/RX  LED  will  flash  red,  and  willemit  an  alert  tone  until  the  PTTswitch is released.The  PANTHER  300P  portable  radiois  not  capable  of  turning  itself  offwhen  the  battery  level  falls  belowthat  required  for  the  radio  tooperate.    It  is  possible  toexcessively  discharge  the  battery,which  will  reduce  battery  capacityand battery life.
37Recharging The BatteryRecharge  the  battery  when  theradio  TX/RX  LED  exhibits  a  LowBattery indicator.  When charging abattery  pack  that  is  attached  to  aradio, always turn the power to theradio  OFF  to  ensure  a  full  charge.For  specific  instructions,  refer  tothe  applicable  charger  Operator'sManual.  Charging in non-Com-NetEricsson  equipment  may  lead  tobattery  damage  and  void  thebattery warranty.
38Conditioning The BatteryBatteries  that  have  been  stored(charged  or  discharged)  willgenerally  not  be  capable  of  fullcapacity  until  the  batteries  havebeen  fully  cycled  two  or  threetimes.    (Charging  the  battery  in  aCom-Net  Ericsson  charger  andthen  discharging  the  battery  packwith  the  radio  until  low  battery  isindicated is considered one cycle.)Battery Care &Maintenance•  Your  charger  is  intended  forindoor  use  only.    Keep  thecharger  and/or  wall  cube  dry.Do Not use in or near water.• Never let the battery contactstouch metal objects that couldshort-circuit the contacts.   Forexample, keys or coins in yourpocket.• Do  Not  disassemble  abattery.• Do Not dispose of a battery ina fire.•  Use only the supplied or Com-Net  Ericsson  specifiedbatteries and chargers.
39•  When the  radio  is  not in  use,turn  the  power  to  the  radioOFF.    Do  not  over  dischargethe  battery.  This  will  reducebattery  capacity  and  batterylife.•  Do  not  overcharge  thebattery.    A  battery  should  notbe  kept  in  a  charger  for  over24  hours.    Overchargingbatteries  will  reduce  batterycapacity and battery life.•  Periodically  condition  yourbattery  for  improved  batterycapacity and performance.
40Battery RecyclingThe  product  that  youhave  purchasedcontains  a  recharge-able,  recyclable  battery.At  the  end  of  its  usefullife,  under  various  stateand local laws, it may beillegal  to  dispose  of  thisbattery  into  themunicipal waste stream.Check  with  your  localsolid  waste  officials  fordetails  in  your  area  forrecycling  options  orproper  disposal.Call  Toll  Free1-800-8-BATTERY  orgo  to  the  RechargeableBattery  RecyclingCorporation  websitewww.rbrc.com  foradditional information.
41WARRANTYA. Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems,Inc. (hereinafter "Seller") warrants to theoriginal purchaser for use (hereinafter"Buyer") that Equipment manufactured bySeller shall be free from defects in material,workmanship and title, and shall conform toits published specifications. With respect toany Equipment not manufactured by Seller(except for integral parts of Seller'sEquipment to which the warranties set forthabove shall apply). Seller gives no warranty,and only the warranty, if any, given by themanufacturer shall apply. Batteries areexcluded from this warranty but arewarranted under a separate Nickel-CadmiumBattery Warranty.B. Seller's obligations set forth in Paragraph Cbelow shall apply only to failures to meet theabove warranties (except as to title) occurringwithin the following periods of time from dateof sale to the Buyer and are conditioned onBuyer's giving written notice to Seller withinthirty (30) days of such occurrence:1. for fuses, incandescent lamps, vacuumtubes and non-rechargeable batteries,operable on arrival only.2. for parts and accessories (except asnoted in B.1) sold by Seller's ServiceParts Operation, ninety (90) days.3. for all other Equipment of Seller'smanufacture, one (1) year.C. If any Equipment fails to meet the foregoingwarranties, Seller shall correct the failure atits option (i) by repairing any defective ordamaged part or parts thereof, or (ii) bymaking available at Seller's factory anynecessary repaired or replacement parts. Anyrepaired or replacement part furnishedhereunder shall be warranted for theremainder of the warranty period of theEquipment in which it is installed. Wheresuch failure cannot be corrected by Seller'sreasonable efforts, the parties will negotiatean equitable adjustment in price. Labor to
42perform warranty service will be provided atno charge during the warranty period only forthe Equipment covered under Paragraph B.3.To be eligible for no-charge labor, servicemust be performed by an Authorized ServiceCenter (ASC) or other Servicer approved forthese purposes either at its place of businessduring normal business hours, for mobile orpersonal equipment, or at the Buyer'slocation, for fixed location equipment. Serviceon fixed location equipment more than thirty(30) miles from the Service Center or otherapproved Servicer's place of business willinclude a charge for transportation.D. Seller's obligations under Paragraph C shallnot apply to any Equipment, or part thereof,which (i) has been modified or otherwisealtered other than pursuant to Seller's writteninstructions or written approval or, (ii) isnormally consumed in operation or, (iii) has anormal life inherently shorter than thewarranty periods specified in Paragraph B, or(iv) is not properly stored, installed, used,maintained or repaired, or, (v) has beensubjected to any other kind of misuse ordetrimental exposure, or has been involved inan accident.E. The preceding paragraphs set forth theexclusive remedies for claims (except as totitle) based upon defects in or nonconformityof the Equipment, whether the claim is incontract, warranty, tort (including negligence),strict liability or otherwise, and howeverinstituted. Upon the expiration of the warrantyperiod, all such liability shall terminate. Theforegoing warranties are exclusive and in lieuof all other warranties, whether oral, written,expressed, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIEDOR STATUTORY WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORPARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY. INNO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLEFOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EXEMPLARYDAMAGES.This warranty applies only within the United States.
43NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERYWARRANTYA. Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems,Inc. (hereinafter "Seller") warrants to theoriginal purchaser for use (hereinafter"Buyer") that nickel-cadmium batteriessupplied by Seller shall be free from defectsin material and workmanship, and shallconform to its published specifications for aperiod of twelve (12) months from the date ofpurchase.B. For purposes of this warranty, batteries shallbe deemed defective if (1) the batterycapacity is less than 80% of rated capacity,or (2) the battery develops leakage.C. If any battery fails to meet the foregoingwarranty, Seller shall correct the failure byissuing a replacement battery upon receipt ofthe defective battery at an Authorized ServiceCenter (ASC). To obtain the name andaddress of an ASC, ask your salesperson,consult the Yellow Pages, or call the numberprinted at the bottom of this page.D. Replacement batteries shall be warrantedonly for the remaining unexpired warrantyperiod of the original battery. This warrantybecomes void if:(1) The battery has been subjected toany kind of misuse, detrimentalexposure, or has been involved in anaccident.(2) The battery is used in equipment orservice other than the radioequipment for which it is specified.
44E. The preceding paragraphs set forth theexclusive remedies for claims (except as totitle) based upon defects in or non-conformityof any battery, whether the claim is incontract, warranty, tort (including negligence),strict liability or otherwise, and howeverinstituted. Upon the expiration of the warrantyperiod, all such liability shall terminate. Theforegoing warranties are exclusive and in lieuof all other warranties, whether oral, written,expressed, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIEDOR STATUTORY WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORPARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY. INNO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY BELIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECTOR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES.This warranty applies only within the United States.
Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.P.O. Box 2000Lynchburg, Virginia 24501Phone: 1-800-528-7711 orOutside USA, 1-804-239-3028)www.com-netericsson.com Printed in U.S.A.

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