Guideline Geo 500MHZ Ramac GPR/500 MHz shielded antenna User Manual users manual

Mala GeoScience AB (publ) Ramac GPR/500 MHz shielded antenna users manual

users manual

MALÅ GeoScience      RAMAC X3MandEasyLocatorHardware Manual
2Important note:In the US this unit operates under FCC rules Part 15. According tothese rules a GPR system shall contain a manually operated switchthat causes the transmitter to cease operation within 10 secondsof being released by the operator.Therefore all units sold after July 15 2002, in the US, will have thisfunctionality and also be delivered with a kill switch.Units sold outside the US will have a plug attached to the killswitch connector. Removing this plug causes the unit to ceasefunctioning. No kill switch will be delivered to destinations outsideUS.The kill switch and how it’s to be handled is further explained inthis manual.
3Table of Contents____________________________________________________________1. Introduction                                        31.1 Unpacking and Inspection                             31.2 Repacking and Shipping                             32. Start up and hardware description                             42.1 Layout of the X3M                             42.2 Mounting on the shielded antenna                   52.3 Power cable                                        52.4 Distance measuring devices                             52.5 Connection to computer                             62.6 Kill switch                                                    62.7 Start up and power button                             73. Batteries and charging                                        83.1 Batteries                                        83.2 Charging                                        84. Software                                                   85. Using the RAMAC X3M                             96. RAMAC X3M specifications                                      10
41Introduction___________________________________________________________Thank you for purchasing the RAMAC X3M/EasyLocator. We at MalaGeoScience welcome comments from you concerning the use andexperience of this equipment, as well as the contents and usefulness of thismanual. Please take the time to read through the assembling instructionscarefully and address any questions or suggestions to the following:MALÅ GeoScience postal address is: Main Office: Subsidiary:Malå GeoScience Malå GeoScience USA, Inc.     E-Mail: sales@malags.seSkolgatan 11 P.O. Box 80430           sales.usa@malags.seS-930 70 Malå Charleston, SC 29416                      rental@malags.seSweden USA support@malags.sePhone: +46 953 345 50 Phone:  +1-843 852 5021                Fax: +46 953 345 67 Fax: +1-843 769 7397  Information about MALÅ Geoscience’s products is also available onInternet: sure to include instrument type and serial numbers)1.1 Unpacking and InspectionGreat care should be taken when unpacking the equipment. Be sure toverify the contents shown on the packing list and inspect the equipment forany loose parts or other damage. All packing material should be preservedin the event that any damage occurred during shipping. Any claims forshipping damage should be filed to the carrier. Any claims for missingequipment or parts should be filed with Mala GeoScience.1.2  Repacking and ShippingIf original packing materials are unavailable, the equipment should bepacked with at least 80 mm of absorbing material. Do not use shreddedfibers, paper wood, or wool, as these materials tend to get compactedduring shipment and permit the instruments to move around inside thepackage.
52  Start up and HardwareDescription___________________________________________________________The RAMAC X3M/EasyLocator is an integrated radar control unit, mounteddirectly on the shielded antennas and powered externally. X3M iscompatible with the RAMAC/GPR shielded antennas 100, 250, 500 and800MHz. EasyLocator has it own family of shielded antennas; DEEP, MIDand SHALLOW. The built-in electronic design makes it a low weight andcompact size system, easier to assemble and operate. No fiber optic cablesare required since the unit communicates directly with the laptop. Based onthe flexibility and the modularity of the RAMAC/GPR, the RAMAC X3M isfully compatible with the Windows based acquisition software GroundVision, while the EsayLocator has it own acquisition software: EasyVision.The built-in default autostacking function secures the best data quality atmaximum survey speed, in both units.This section will give a short overview of how the GPR (Ground PenetratingRadar) systems work.2.1 Layout of the RAMAC X3M /EasyLocatorFigure 2.1a.  Layout of the X3MThe different number in Figure 2.1 corresponds to the following:1: Connector for kill switch2: Power button3: Connector for encoder, 9 pin d-sub (wheel or hip chain)4: Connector for parallel cable to a PC, 25 pin d-sub5: Securing screws for mounting on antennas6: Power cable connectionFigure 2.1. Layout of RAMAC X3M5. Securing screws1. Kill switchconnection3. Encoderconnection 6. Power cableconnection4. Parallelcable portconnection2. Power button
6     Figure 2.1 b.  The same connectors as in figure 2.1a showed on anEasyLocator.2.2 Mounting on the shielded antennasStart by placing the X3M/EasyLocator on the antenna that you are going touse for your measurement. The Parallel port and the Power connectionshould point forward according to the picture (Figure 2.2).Fasten the unit on the antenna by tighten the securing screws.        Figure 2.2 Mounting on the antenna3. Encoder 6. DC power4. PC comm. 1. Kill switch2. ON/OFF
72.3 Power cableWhen the X3M/EasyLocator is mounted on the antenna connect the Powercable from your battery.Look for the countersink and place ittowards the mark on the connection.Push lightly. If you have it in the correctposition it should connect smoothly.To disconnect: Pull out, holding the milledpart of the connection.2.4  Distance measuring devicesThe X3M/EasyLocator can be used together withthe standard MALÅ GeoScience distancemeasuring devices (hip-chain and measuringwheels). The encoder cable is connected as shownbelow (Figure 2.4)2.5 Connection to computerAdd the computer to the system byconnecting the parallel port cable betweenthe computer and the X3M/EasyLocator(Figure 2.5).Use an IEEE 1284 compatible parallel cablethat is less than or equal to three meterslong.   Figure 2.4. Encoder Figure 2.3. Power cable Figure 2.5. Parallel port
82.6 Kill switchThe kill switch is attached to ahandle that can either behandheld or snapped onto aRAMAC/GPR Cart (Figure 2.6top).The X3M/EasyLocator will notbe operational without the killswitch. The button has to bepushed down at all timesduring measurements. If thebutton is released thetransmitter will stoptransmitting.Connect the kill switch to thebayonet holder on the X3M/EasyLocatorby pushing lightly and turning the bayonetsocket clockwise (Figure 2.6 bottom).To disconnect: Turn the bayonet socketcounterclockwise and pull out.2.7 Start up and power buttonTo start the X3M/EasyLocator press and hold the start button forapproximately two seconds. The light in the center of the button will start toflash (Figure 2.7).Next start the acquisition software,GroundVision or EasyVision, in yourcomputer. During the measurement thebutton will have a steady light.The X3M/EasyLocator has autostacking asa default setting. More information aboutautostacking and how to operate thesoftware will be found in their respectivemanualsFigure 2.7. PowerFigure 2.6. Kill switchKill switch
9If you need to reset the X3M/EasyLocator press the power button for atleast three seconds. When the light starts to flash again the X3M is readyfor new measurements.To turn the X3M/EasyLocator off, push the button and release quickly. Thered light will then stop flashing; the unit is now off.If the power cable is accidentally pulled out, the X3M/EasyLocator will startautomatically when the cable is inserted again.
103 Batteries and charging___________________________________________________________3.1 BatteriesThe battery belt is the standard power supply for the RAMACX3M/EasyLocator.Capacity of the battery is 12V/9 Ah. This gives an operation time of 6-8hours. When the battery voltage has dropped down to 10V theX3M/EasyLocator will automatically turn itself off. The battery should alwaysbe stored fully charged to maximize the lifetime of the battery. TheX3M/EasyLocator can also be supplied by any other external 12V DC powersource.The EasyLocator can also be purchased with a specially designed trolleysystem. This trolley has a special battery box, designed for Li-Ion batteries.These are more lightweight while giving the same operation time.3.2 ChargingThe battery charger is an automatic quick charger designed for lead acidbatteries. The recharge up to about 80% of the full capacity goes veryquickly. However, it is recommended to keep the battery charging until it isfully charged. The battery charger can be left on after the battery has beenfully charged. It then automatically turns into maintenance charging.The indicator lamp on the charger gives you the following information:Red = Charged < 80%Yellow = Charged 80-100%Green = Maintenance chargingOutput 2.7 A, equals charging time between 3-5 hours (80%-100%)4Software___________________________________________________________The RAMAC X3M is designed to operate best with the data acquisitionsoftware, GroundVision. The software is compatible with Windows 9x/ Me/NT/ W2000 and XP. GroundVision is designed for a quick setup and storageof default settings in the X3M. All data is stored in its original format (rawdata) on the hard drive of the computer for further post processing, if
11required. Please refer to the GroundVision software manual for furtherinformation on the acquisition software.The EasyLocator is operated with the software EasyVision, designed foroptimal user friendliness. Please refer to the EasyVision software manualfor further information.
125 Using the RAMAC X3M/EasyLocator___________________________________________________________There are many applications where you can use the RAMACX3M/EasyLocator. A variety of different accessories that will make themeasurement easier are available for the X3M/EasyLocator.The X3M/EasyLocator canbe used together with theRAMAC/GPR Cart. The Cartis designed for surveys on aflat surface (Figure 5.1)If the RAMAC/GPR Cart isnot suitable the system canalso be towed by using thepulling handle and the X3MPC holder. (Figure 5.2)Note: All measurements should be performed with the antenna close toground, for best results.Figure 5.1 RAMAC X3M with 500MHz antennaFigure 5.2. RAMAC/GPR Cart with X3M and 250MHzantenna.
136 RAMAC X3M Specifications___________________________________________________________Pulse repetition frequency    100 kHzData bits           16Nr of samples/trace          128-8192 (1024 with autostacking)Nr of stacks          Autostacking in the range 1-32768 foroptimized speed performanceSignal stability         < 100psCommunication interface        IEEE 1284 (ECP)Communication speed          >700 kb/sData transfer rate         40-400 kb/s at 4 Mbit/sAcquisition mode1       Distance/time/manualPower supply2        External 12V DC battery (Pb)Operating time         6-8 hours with standard battery beltCharger                                   Quick charger, automatic charge cycle 10040VAC inputCharge time                    3-5h (80-100%)Measuring wheel                      Standard RAMAC/GPR trigger deviceSoftware3                              Compatible with GroundVisionAntennas4                       Shielded antennas 100, 250, 500 and 800 MHz.Dimensions 310 x 180 x 30 mm (12.2 x 7 x 1.2 in)Weight 1.7 kg (3.7 lb)Operating temperature -20oC to +50oC (-4oF to +122oF)Environmental IP 67Notes:1  EasyLocator does not have manual mode.2  EasyLocator also has an Li-ion option.3  EasyLocator only operates with the EasyVision software4  EasyLocator is compatible with the DEEP, MID AND SHALLOW antennas.

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