Global Trade Inn HC5E33 GSM Mobile Phone User Manual E33 in english

Global Trade Inn,corp. GSM Mobile Phone E33 in english


User manual

  1Table of Contents   1. Foreword.................................................................................................................... 3 2. Security Requirements............................................................................................... 3 3. Getting Started........................................................................................................... 8 4. Call Functions .......................................................................................................... 10 5. Introduction of Input Method .................................................................................... 10 5.1. Letter Input.........................................................................................................11 5.2. Figure Input........................................................................................................11 5.3. English Entry......................................................................................................11 6. Menu Structure..........................................................................................................11 7. Phonebook............................................................................................................... 12 8. Messages ................................................................................................................ 12 8.1.  SMS ............................................................................................................... 12 8.2.  MMS............................................................................................................... 14 8.2.1. Write message........................................................................................ 14 8.2.2.  Inbox................................................................................................... 15 8.2.3.  Outbox.................................................................................................. 16 8.2.4. Draft box............................................................................................. 16 8.2.5. Template............................................................................................. 16 8.2.6. MMS setting ....................................................................................... 16 8.3. Broadcast message ...................................................................................... 17 9. Call Center............................................................................................................... 17 9.1. Call history .................................................................................................... 17 9.1.1. SIM 1call history ................................................................................. 17 9.1.2. SIM2 call history ................................................................................. 18 9.2. Call Setting.................................................................................................... 18 9.2.1. SIM1 call settings ............................................................................... 18 9.2.2. SIM2 call settings ............................................................................... 18 9.2.3. Advanced Setting ............................................................................... 18 10. Organizer.......................................................................................................... 19 11. Fun & Games.................................................................................................... 19 12. Services............................................................................................................ 20 13. Multimedia ........................................................................................................ 20 13.1. Camera...................................................................................................... 20 13.2. Image viewer ............................................................................................. 21 13.3. Video recorder ........................................................................................... 22 13.4. Video Player .............................................................................................. 22 13.5. Audio Player .............................................................................................. 23 13.6. Sound recorder.......................................................................................... 24 13.7. FM radio .................................................................................................... 24 14. Extra ................................................................................................................. 25 14.1. Calculator .................................................................................................. 25 14.2. Unit converter ............................................................................................ 25
  214.3. Currency converter .................................................................................... 25 14.4. Health ........................................................................................................ 25 14.4.1 BMI..................................................................................................... 25 14.4.2 Menstrual............................................................................................ 25 14.5. Stopwatch.................................................................................................. 25 14.6. E-book reader............................................................................................ 26 14.7. Bluetooth ................................................................................................... 26 15. Settings............................................................................................................. 26 15.1 Dual SIM settings................................................................................... 26 15.2 Phone Settings....................................................................................... 27 15.2.1 Network Settings ................................................................................ 27 15.2.2 Security Settings................................................................................. 27 15.2.3 Save Power Setting............................................................................ 28 15.2.4 Restore Factory Setting...................................................................... 28 16. User Profile....................................................................................................... 28 17. Shortcuts........................................................................................................... 28 18. File Manager..................................................................................................... 29 19. Accessories ...................................................................................................... 29 20. Technical specifications .................................................................................... 30
  31.  Foreword Thank you very much for choosing our company’s mobile phone! This phone is a mobile phone with Dual SIM Cards, Dual Standby and Single Channel.   Our products confirm to the Industry Standard for Communication in PRC as well as European Standard. They shall be applicable to GSM network after they have been approved.  The GSM network is a kind of international standard global cellular communication system. Your mobile phone can access multiple international networks. It allows you to make or receive international calls, just like using in your own hometown. However, services required must be applied for and purchased before you can enjoy these advanced functions provided by the network. To make better use of your mobile phone, we suggest you read this instruction carefully, so as to take full advantage of various functions introduced in this instruction. In view of network configuration of the mobile phone and services provided by it, some functions may not be allowed to use, please consult vendor or network operations company. 2.  Security Requirements If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, inform immediately the telecom branch or its outlet to forbid the use of your mobile phone and SIM card, which will help you to avoid the economic loss caused by other’s misuse of your telephone.   When you get contact with the telecom branch or its outlet, they need to know the IMEI number of your mobile phone, which is marked on the tab on the back of your mobile phone (you can find it with battery taken out). Keep the number for future use.   Please take precautionary measures to use your mobile phone more safely. Such as: Set SIM and PIN to avoid the abuse of your SIM card.   When you leave your car, please do not put the mobile phone in a place easy to be seen. Better take it with you or put it in trunk.     Security Warnings and Precautions Please read these precautions with care before you use your phone to ensure that you will use it correctly.
  4 General Precautions    In the places where the use of mobile phone is forbidden, such as on the airplane and in the hospital, please turn off your phone as it requires, otherwise it shall compromise normal operations of electronic devices and medical instruments. Please observe the relevant specifications of this location in case you should use your phone.    Please strictly adhere to local rules and regulations on the use of mobile phone when you are driving. Please follow the rules below in case you should use your phone when you are driving: focus on driving and pay attention to the road condition; if your phone has a function of handsfree, please use it for conversation; if you are in bad driving condition, please park your car first, and then make or receive a phone call.    Near the places with fuels, chemicals or explosive substance, please observe laws or regulations and related signs.      Please keep your phone, battery and charger in a place that children will be difficult to touch, to avoid they play it as a toy, thus causing physical harm.    Your phone can only be used with specified battery, charger and other accessories from our company, to avoid any damage to your phone. In case of using other batteries and chargers, it shall be possible to cause failures, such as battery leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming.    Please do not use your phone near weak signals or high precision electronic devices. Radio interference of mobile phone may be subject to cause misoperations of these electronic devices and other problems. You should pay special attention, especially near the following devices: hearing aid, artificial pacemaker and other medical electronic devices, fire detector, automatic door and other automatic control units. Detailed information about impact on devices, please consult the manufacturer and local vendor of that device.    Please do not strike, shock or throw your phone violently, so as to avoid failure and flaming of your phone.    Please do not put your phone, battery and charger into microwave oven or high voltage equipment, otherwise it may be subject to cause accidents, such as circuit damage and flaming.    Please do not use your phone in any places with flammable and explosive gas, otherwise there is a risk of phone failure and fire.    Please do not place your phone in any place with high temperature, high humidity and high dust content, otherwise there is a risk of phone failure.    Please do not place your phone in any unstable position, so as to prevent it from
  5falling and causing any failure or damage.   Precautions on Mobile Phone Usage Do not remove or refit your phone, or it may be subject to cause damage, electrical leakage and circuit failure. If it is necessary, please send it to specialized maintenance points. Non-professionals shall not remove the phone arbitrarily. Please do not hit the LCD forcefully or use it to hit other things, or the liquid crystal panel will be broken and the liquid will leak. There is a risk of loss of sight if the liquid got into your eyes. Please wash your eyes with clean water immediately in this occasion (never knead your eyes), and see doctor right away. In rare cases, there is a reverse effect on the in-car electronic devices when the phone is used in some models car. At this point, please do not use your phone, so as not to lose the security insurance. If your car is equipped with an air bag, please do not put your phone on the air bag or any areas that the air bag can touch after its deployment, so as to avoid the phone will withstand a strong external force when the air bag deploys, and thus causing a serious injury to the car owner. Please do not use any sharp objects such as needle and penpoint to touch the buttons, or it may be subject to damage the phone or cause misoperations. Avoid your phone being too near any magnetic objects such as magnetic card, radiated waves of your phone may clear the information stored in your floppy disk, stored-value card and credit card. Please put small metallic products such as drawing pin far away from the handset of your phone. The loudspeaker has a magnetic property while working, which will magnetize these small metallic products, and thus cause physical injury or phone damage. Avoid your phone being exposed to moisture, or any water and other liquid getting into it, and thus causing short circuit, electrical leakage and other failures of your phone. Please use your phone in a place far away enough from fixed telephone, TV, radio and official automatic equipment, so as not to affect the performance of these devices and your phone.   Precautions on Battery Usage Please do not remove or refit the battery, or it may be subject to cause leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming of the battery. Do not put used batteries in household garbage. In any locations with explicit
  6specifications of used battery treatment, please handle them in accordance with the specified instructions. Please do not throw the battery into fire, which may cause fire and explosion.   Do not exert pressure forcibly while assembling your battery, or it will cause leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming of your battery. Please do not use any metallic products such as wire and needle to make the battery short circuit; and do not put the battery together with any metallic products such as necklace, otherwise it will cause leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming of your battery. Please do not weld contacts of the battery, otherwise it will cause leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming of your battery. There is a risk of loss of sight if the liquid of the battery got into your eyes, please do not knead your eyes with your hands, but wipe up with dry towel, and then see doctor right away. Please do not use or put your phone in any places in high-temperature such as around fire and heater, otherwise it will cause leaking, overheating, bursting and flaming of your battery. If phenomena such as abnormal warming, discoloration and deformation occur while the battery is in use, charging or storage, please stop using the battery and replace with a new one. If the leaky liquid of the battery contacts with your skin and clothes, which may burn the skin, wipe up with dry towel immediately, if necessary, see doctor right away. If there is leaky liquid or a strange odor of the battery, please take it far away from open fire, so as to avoid fire and explosion. Please do not expose the battery to moisture, or it will cause overheating, smoking and corrosion of the battery. Please do not use or place the battery in any places with high temperature such as in direct sunlight, or it will lead to liquid leakage and overheating, and thus reducing its performance and shortening its lifespan. Please do not charge continuously more than 24 hours. Please store the battery in a cool, well–ventilated area without direct sunlight. The lifespan of the battery is limited. It shortens gradually as the battery is charged frequently. It indicates the lifespan of the battery expires when it is of no effect by several times' charging, it should be replaced with a new one in specified model.     Precautions on Charger Usage
  7Please do not remove or refit the charger, otherwise it will cause physical harm, electric shock, fire and damage to the charger. Please use a 220V alternating current. Using other electric voltages will cause electrical leakage, fire and damage to your phone or the charger. It is forbidden to make the charger short circuit, which will cause electric shock, smoking and damage to the charger. Please do not use the charger in the condition of broken electric power line, or it will cause fire and electric shock. Please clean up any dust accumulated on the socket duly. Please do not put the container of water around the charger, so as to avoid the water spilling and thus causing short circuit, electrical leakage and other failures of the charger.   If the charger contacts with water or other liquid, cut off the power supply immediately to avoid short circuit, fire, electric shock and failure of the charger. Please do not use the charger in any places with high humidity such as the bathroom, or it will cause electric shock, fire and damage to the charger. Please do not touch the charger, the electrical wire and the socket with wet hands, or it will cause electric shock. Do not put any weight on the electric power line or refit the electrical wire, otherwise it will cause electric shock and fire. Please pull the plug of the charger out from the supply socket before cleaning & maintenance. Grasp the charger while pulling the plug, as pulling the electric power line will damage the electrical wire, and thus causing electric shock and fire. Please do not charge at the following positions: places with high temperature such as in direct sunlight; places with moisture and dust and violent vibration (where it will cause failure); near electrical appliances such as TV set, radio (where it will compromise the  picture and sound).   Cleaning & Maintenance Please do not use your phone, the battery and the charger in any places with high humidity such as in the bathroom, and at the same time avoid them being moistened by rain. Please clean your phone, the battery and the charger with soft dry cloth. Please do not wipe your phone with any chemical reagents, such as ethanol, diluent and benzene. Dirty socket will cause imperfect contact or power down, so that it is impossible to charge,
  8please clean it periodically. 3. Getting Started  I/O interface  There are three I/O interface at the bottom of the phone, charger jack for the left,    the middle I/O for the charger and the USB jack, headphone jack for the right.  Torch  There are two torches at the top of the phone, you can press the Space-key to open/close the torch.  Installing the SIM Card   · Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of small children. · The SIM card can be easily damaged by scratches or bending. So be careful when inserting, removing or handling the card. · Before installing the SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and then remove the battery. Face the back of the phone, locate the SIM card holder, and then insert the SIM card into the slot (in the direction shown by the arrows in the picture).Make sure that the gold contacts of the card face into the face when installing the card.     Installing the T-FLASH Card Keep the T-FLASH card out of the reach of small children. · The T-FLASH card can be easily damaged by scratches or bending. So be careful when inserting, removing or handling the T-FLASH card. The machine T-FLASH card slot is located inside the fuselage, the T-FLASH card into the T-FLASH card slot..   Removing and Installing the Battery · The steps of removing the battery: ① Slide upwards and hold the battery cover on back of the phone.   ② Life the top of the battery and remove it from the battery tank. Warning: Make sure that the phone should be switched off before removing the battery. It’s absolutely prohibited to remove the battery when the phone is switched on or connected to external power source, otherwise the SIM card and the phone
  9will be damaged.   Do not place the battery in fire ; follow local laws and ordinances in Disposing used battery. Check the model number of the charger before using it to charge the mobile. Only use approved battery , charger and accessories applicable to the specific mobile model . Using other types of battery , charger and accessories may violate the certification or warranty terms of the accessories may violate the certification or warranty terms of the equipment and may result in danger . Return waste and used batteries to the supplier or specified recovery site . CAUTION! Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type . Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions .    · The steps of installing the battery: ①  Insert the teeth on the bottom of the battery into the corresponding slots in the battery tank, and then push the battery until it clicks into place.  ②  Put on the battery cover and slide the cover downwards until it clicks into the phone.   Charging the Battery Plug in the charger to charge the charge in the bottom of the phone interface ,After inserting the charger plug, a battery icon appears on the upper right corner of the screen, indicating that the battery is charging. When the strip on the icon stops rolling and shows no empty space, the battery is fully charged. Pull the charger plug straight out after the battery is fully charged.   · When the battery is weak, a warning message appears on the screen and the battery icon becomes blank.    When the battery becomes too weak for the operation, it switches off automatically. Don’t let the battery low for a long time, otherwise the quality and working life of battery will be harmed.   · Use the battery charger designated by the manufacturer to ensure the normal operation of the phone.  Switching the Phone On/Off Hold down the on/off key for certain time to switch the phone on/off.       Note: Do not switch on the phone in the places where you are prohibited from using it or the use of the phone may cause disturbance and risks, and you’d better remove the battery in such a case.
  10◇  If you switch on the phone without inserting the SIM card in advance, the message of “No SIM Card” appears on the screen. ◇  If your SIM card has activated PIN, the message of “Enter PIN” appears on the screen when you switch on the phone. ◇  Note: If you enter the wrong PIN three times in a row, the message “PIN BLOCKED” appears. To unblock it, you need to enter your PUK, and you can contact your network operator for personal unblocking message. ◇  If your phone is out of the service area, the message of “No Network” appears on the screen. In this case, you can’t make or receive calls until you enter the service area and regain the network service. 4. Call Functions Click to dial in the idle screen, enter the number into the dial, select the button below SIM1 or SIM2 dial for the number of dial; addition, you can dial the number for your store, you can select SIM card or there is need to phone. When you need to enter the number to delete, please click remove characters. Enter the number, press the "+" button, then enter the country code, area code and phone number, click the dial button to dial an international number. Enter the number, Press "P" key you can insert a pause the second number "P" (such as between the switchboard and extension), then the number will be asked to enter extension number is sent out. Note: If you set the auto redial function, no answer or the line is busy, the phone will automatically redial the number, and allows the call after the failure of the automatic redial function. When you want to end the call, please hang up button. After the call, the display will show the talk time. Introduction of Input Method 5. Introduction of Input Method The Mobile phone provides various types of input patterns for data or letter entry in many functions, e.g. add/edit phonebook records, seek Chinese name, edit SMS and schedule, etc. Enter text-editing interface and select input method needed. Click input method name button and handwriting button on the screen with stylus to switch. Input methods include: letter input, figure input
 115.1. Letter Input Click graphic character icons needed for entry.   Capital letter entry   Lower case letter entry 5.2. Figure Input Use keyboard or click requisite figure icons for entry.   5.3. English Entry Click graphic character icons needed for entry.   Capital English letter entry   Lower case English letter entry 6. Menu Structure In standby mode, click the soft-key left button to access the menu. Including the 12 main menu icon: 1) Phone Book 2) Messages 3) Call Center 4) Organizer 5)  Fun & game 6) Services 7) Multimedia 8) Extra 9) Settings 10) User Profiles 11) Shortcuts 12) File manager
  127. Phonebook For the record into the phone can be set more than one number and can set the group.  Click to Contact:  Contact Name   Contact Number   Send SMS   IP dialing    personal collection: Collection Contact     Delete: Remove contact   Access options:    Copy  Contacts can copy, copy to the phone, SIM card 1, SIM card 2, file    Mobile  Can move contacts from the SIM card to a mobile phone or SIM2    Send Contact  Can contact with SMS, MMS, e-mail, Bluetooth ways to send     Add to blacklist   Can be added to the blacklist in the contact    mark several  Contacts can be single, multiple or all tags    Call Group    phone book settings    Print 8. Messages You can send, receive and edit as well as save various messages by using this function. The right phone number of the Service Centre of the network operator shall be saved in your mobile phone when SMS is being sent.   8.1.  SMS  Write message When entering the interface of writing message, you can insert template and object and edit the format of the text, as well as insert the phone number and the name, etc. Then move the cursor to the receiver and select the phone number.  Inbox
  13Browse all the messages you received. Message ring shall be sounded from your mobile phone when receiving a piece of new message, and the icon of the unread message shall appear at the top of standby screen. Then click “browse” to read the latest message, with the latest information such as time, date, the phone number of sender displaying on the screen. You can also enter the inbox to browse the message. You can complete the following operations when enter option menu. 1)  Browse: browse SMS; 2) Reply: reply SMS; 3)  Call the message sender: directly dial the number of the message sender; 4)  Forward: forward SMS to others, and you can continue to edit based on the original content; 5)  Delete: delete the SMS; 6)  Delete all: delete all SMS saved in the inbox; 7) Advanced option: z  Copy to mobile phone: copy this piece of message to the mobile phone z  Move to mobile phone: move this piece of message to the mobile phone z  Copy all: the message can be copied to the mobile phone/SIM card; z  Move all: the message can be moved to the mobile phone/SIM card;  Draft box This box is used to save the message you prepare to send, which you can edit, delete some parts or all.    Outbox Browse the message you have sent. Other function is the same as the inbox.  Template 1)  Enter the template option; 2)  You can edit, delete the phrases or create new message in the template.  Message setting 1. Message setting of SIM card 1   1)  Mode setting    Set message folder name, phone number of SMS Centre , period of validity and send format of SMS; 2)  Voice inbox        This mobile phone supports voice inbox. The caller can leave message for you in your voice inbox when he/she calls you, and your mobile phone shall receive the notice through message when you can listen to the message left for you. Listen to the message: dial the number of voice inbox to listen to your message. The
  14use of this function needs the support from the network operation company. Number setting: edit voice inbox number. 3)  Status setting        Set message report and reply route; 4)  Save status    Browse the save status of SMS in SIM card and mobile phone; 5)  Preferred save route    Set the default save route for SMS; 2. SMS setting of SIM card 2   This function is the same as message setting of SIM card 1 3.    Display style: you can select mixed display and separate display 8.2.  MMS 8.2.1. Write message You can edit MMS by using this function. Enter the content to be edited:  Receiver    Input the message receiver’s phone number or e-mail address which can be added, deleted or modified by you.  Copy     Input the message receiver’s phone number or e-mail address which can be added, deleted or modified by you.   Blind carbon copy  Input the message receiver’s phone number or e-mail address which can be added, deleted or modified by you.  Subject    Edit the title of MMS   Edit the content   Enter the content to be edited, and input the message you want to send. You have the following choices for option menu of editing MMS:   1)  Input method:  when editing, you can switch among the input methods of capital letter, lower-case letter, number, pinyin, and stroke as well as smart pinyin. 2)  Add picture: add the picture saved in the memory card to MMS edit box, and you can preview it. The corresponding information shall be shown if the list is empty.   3)  Add voice: add the ring saved in the memory card to MMS edit box, and you can preview it. The corresponding information shall be shown if the list is empty. 4)  Add video: click the icon to enter and add film or video to MMS edit box, and you can preview it. The corresponding information shall be shown if the list is empty.
  155)  Add accessory: enter the memory card to select the accessory to be added 6)  Add the new page ahead: add the new page before the current page. 7)  Add the new page backwards: add the new page behind the current page. 8)  Add bookmark character: add bookmark character 9)  Preview: browse the edited MMS (including character, voice, video and picture, etc.) 10)  Interval time: set display time for this page Note: Currently, this mobile phone supports the play of audio file in mid format; supports the display of image file in the format of JPG, GIF or BMP; supports the play of video file in the format of MP4, 3GP or AVI. This mobile phone shall not normally display this image file which can’t be played, if the MMS you received contains the file whose format is not covered in the above-mentioned ones. You can send MMS to a batch of persons at one time, and the volume of each piece of MMS shall not exceed 100KB. You can save message to draft box during the creation of new message. Enter option menu to deal with the message:   Send: send the edited MMS.   Save and send: save the edited MMS to the draft box and send it.     Save to the draft: save the edited MMS into the draft box   Save as template: save the edited MMS into the template  Send option: During the period of use  Status: maximum/ 1 hour/6 hours/12 hours/one day/one week. Send reply      Whether the status report reply from the message centre after sending message is available, you can select on or off. Read reply      Status: off/on Priority level       Status: high/middle/low   Quit: you will be asked whether to save this message when leaving the interface of sending MMS. 8.2.2.  Inbox    Enter inbox option and conduct the operations as follows:  Browse    Play the contents of the MMS.     Detailed information about message   Display the sender, copy, subject, date and volume of the MMS.
  16 Reply    Reply MMS to the sender.   Reply all people     Reply all the contact persons who are in sender, copy and blind carbon copy columns.    Forward    Forward: forward SMS to others and you can continue to edit based on the original content.  Delete    Delete the MMS.  Delete all     Delete all the MMS in the inbox.  Use number    Dial or save the number to the phonebook. 8.2.3.  Outbox Browse the message that failed to send successfully. You can send, display, edit and delete some parts or the entire message. 8.2.4. Draft box It is used to save the message you prepare to send, which you can edit, delete some parts or all.   8.2.5.   Template The user can preset the template. 8.2.6.  MMS setting MMS function can be set in this menu, including: 1. Setting server Set MMS server. 2. Common setting  Edit setting Set the edit mode, picture size, the best play time and automatic signature of MMS.
  17 Send setting  Set the send reply, read reply, priority level, interval time and send time in the period of sending MMS.  Receive setting Set main network, roaming network, read report and send report for the receipt of MMS.  Filter Set to receive the message from anonymous sender and advertisement through MMS or not.  Save status Browse memory status of MMS. 8.3.  Broadcast message   Broadcast message in SIM card 1   Receive mode     Leave the receive function of broadcast message on or off Read message Languages                Leave all types of languages on or off Channel setting        Select, add, edit or delete broadcast channel message   Broadcast message in SIM card 2   its function is the same as broadcast message in SIM card 1 9. Call Center 9.1.  Call history 9.1.1. SIM 1call history   SIM 1 missed calls         It displays the list of your recent missed calls. You can check all your missed calls.   SIM 1 dialed Calls It displays the list of your recent outgoing calls. You can check all your outgoing calls.   SIM 1 received Calls It displays the list of your recent incoming calls. You can check all your incoming calls.
  18  Delete SIM1 call logs         The phone records clearly so SIM1   SIM1 call timers   SIM1 call cost   SIM1 text message counter  SIM1 GPRS counter 9.1.2. SIM2 call history Same as SIM1 call history 9.2.  Call Setting                 9.2.1.  SIM1 call settings Under this list, you can operate on the Caller ID, and set call waiting, call divert, call barring, line switching and close user group on SIM Card 1.  9.2.2.  SIM2 call settings Under this list, you can operate on the Caller ID, and set call waiting, call divert, call barring, line switching and close user group on SIM Card 2.  9.2.3.   Advanced Setting  Blacklist  Auto-redial  IP Dial  Call Time Display  Call Time Reminder  Auto Quick End   Call Vibrate Effect
  1910. Organizer  Calendar Enter calendar submenu, the calendar will display on the screen and the current date marked with the special color background frame. You can press navigation keys to change date; contents of the journey will be correspondingly renewed.  Tasks Add and edit tasks, and alarm clock could be set up.  Alarm   This feature is available in your set time arrives, the phone will ring or vibration on a regular basis to remind you. In the idle screen with alarm clock icon.   You can select any set of alarm and set it up. The phone can also set one or more of the alarm clock.   Select a group of alarm, select Edit, you can proceed as follows:   1. Repeat: select a day, or a custom alarm function of time.   2. Alarm: Select Alarm tone   3. Snooze time (minutes): select Snooze time   4. Tip Type: You can choose the way rings: vibration and ring, only the ring, only the vibration  World clock In this world where you can view the famous city of the local time, click the icon to view the other cities around the direction of the time information 11.  Fun & Games  Games 1.  Under the mode of function table, click “application” and then click “games”. 2.  Choose a game from the list and follow the description on the screen. The games provided may vary with service providers and regions. The controlling methods of the games may vary with options.
  2012. Services Entering web service, you will see SIM card information on the screen. The mobile phone has WAP browser function, which could help you enjoy mobile internet service. Before usage of this service, GPRS service should be started and the SIM card support is needed.   Homepage: selection of this term will connect directly to homepage setting in advance.   Bookmark: common website could be stored in favorite and marked with simple name. Choose a name in favorite and relevant webpage will be interlinked.   History of webpage: storage of webpage visited before.  Webpage in storage   Input address: enter correct WAP website to browse the website online.     Service inbox: receive messages sent by system. At this time, message icon will be shown on top of the standby interface.   Setting: WAP settings are as follows: edit settings, browsing options, service message settings, cache cleanup, personal data cleanup and credentials. 13. Multimedia 13.1. Camera The cell phone has functions of camera. You can enter the camera mode by menu selection. Under the camera mode, preview the image on the screen and click options to enter menu setting:  Photos View saved pictures in access to default save path.  Camera Settings shutter sound, exposure compensation, contrast, glare reduction, timed shutter and continuous shutter setting of the camera.  Image Settings Set the size and quality of pictures.  Light Balance 6 available types: auto, Daylight, tungsten filament light, fluorescent, cloudy and
  21incandescent light.  Scene Mode 2 available modes: automatic and night shooting.   Special Effect Setting 6 available types: normal, grayscale, Sepia, Sepia green, Sepia blue, and Color invert.  Storage Location You can set a default path to save photographed pictures to the cell photo or memory card.  Restore Default  It can be resumed to the default setting of camera.  13.2. Image viewer By using this menu, you can browse saved pictures directly in access to the saved path in default setting, which includes the following elements:   Browsing Mode Modes of browsing the pictures: list mode and matrix mode are available.  Send 2 available paths: As multimedia message, Via Bluetooth.   Use As Image can be used as cell phone Wallpaper, Screen saver, Power on display, Power off display, Caller picture.   Rename You can change the image name.   Delete Delete the image of currently selected.         Delete all files Delete all images in the album.  Storage Location You can enter the album in access to default save path.
  2213.3. Video recorder The animation video provides you with digital camera functions. You can enter camera mode through menu selection. Under the camera mode, you select options to enter menu setting while previewing the image on the screen. The following operations are available:   Camcorder Settings Set exposure compensation, night shooting mode and flare reduction of the video recorder.  Video Settings Set the video quality, size limit reached, time limit reached and record audio of the video.  Light Balance   Special Effect Setting 6 available effects: normal, grayscale, Sepia, Sepia green, Sepia blue, and Color invert.  Storage Location         You can set a default path to save photographed pictures to the cell phone or memory card.  Restore Default  It can be resumed to the default setting of camera. 13.4. Video Player The cell phone supports 3gp, mp4 and AVI format video play. When the video begins to play, it shows the list of animated videos. You can complete the following operations through option menu.  Play Play the video.  Send Forward your video to as multimedia messages or Bluetooth.  Rename Rename the video.
  23 Delete Delete the video of currently selected.  Delete All Delete all the videos in video list.  Sort Sort the videos by name, type, time, size or none.  Storage Choose default save path of the video. After selecting a video, you will enter video play interface. You can click “play” to play the video. You can fast forward, fast rewind and adjust the volume when watching the image on the screen.   13.5. Audio Player         The cell phone can play music saved in your cell phone or memory card. It also supports MP3 background play. While playing MP3, you can try various other functions of the cell phone.  Play Play selected music.  Details Check the name, sound, sound track, sound quality, file size and the length of the music.   Add to ringtones Forward the music to ring deposit, which can be set as call ring, clock ring or message ring.  Refresh List Renew play list of music player on the list setting.  Settings 1) Play Setting Primary option: you can choose the location of “memory list” or “cell phone” as primary option on renewed setting list; Auto-generating list: you can choose whether the setting shall be auto-generating by selecting on/off. Repeat: you can set the music to replay. Off, single or all to replay are available; Random: you can set the music to replay randomly. Off/on selections are
  24available; Background Play: you can choose whether to play the music as background. On/off selections are available. 2) Lyrics display Lyrics display: you can choose whether to open the lyric display function while playing. On/off selections are available. 3)  Sound Effect Setting: there are options of special effect, base strengthening and playing speed. 4)  Bluetooth Setting: stereo sound earplug is available.   13.6. Sound recorder The cell phone can record and replay sound. Select sound recording in options, and save the recording when the process completes. You can exercise the operation of recording new record, play, append, rename, delete, delete all, setting of the recorded sound. The formats of recorded sound include  (AMR、WAV),application, forwarding. 13.7. FM radio The cell phone supports FM broadcast functions. You can exercise the following operations by option list   Channel List After entering the channel list, you can manually edit all the 9 channels.   Manual Edition When the channel edition completes and is confirmed, you can get edited channel by searching.  Automatic Search The channel can be automatically searched out and a channel list will be created.   Setting Background play: choose whether FM broadcast is applied as background by selecting on/off. Loudspeaker: choose whether FM broadcast can be played openly by selecting on/off.
  2514. Extra The additional functions of this phone provide calculator, Unit converter, Currency converter, Health, stopwatch and E-book reader. 14.1. Calculator This function enables your phone to be used as an calculator which can do some simple arithmetic operations. Click the number keys to input corresponding numbers and symbols; press the Up/ Down/Left/Right Keys can input four operators of “+”, “–“, “x”, “÷”; press the Right Soft Key can delete recent inputs or results; press the Right Soft Key “Back” can exit the computer; press the Left Soft Key “OK” to confirm the calculating result. 14.2. Unit converter This function provides the weight and length of the unit conversion. 14.3. Currency converter This function provides the exchange rate conversion. 14.4. Health 14.4.1 BMI BMI can be used to test the health of men and women gain weight. 14.4.2 Menstrual The application can test the health of women menstrual cycles. 14.5. Stopwatch Including general stopwatch and multi-oriented stopwatch
  2614.6. E-book reader Entering the e-book and pressing the Left Soft Key “Option” can display the optional menus of e-book as follows: Open the e-book and browse it, the optional menus are: search, go to page, enter the bookmark, bookmark added, bookmark deletion, information, setting, implementation of the system default, printing, help and close.   System settings: including settings of font, font size, page scrolling, automatic page scrolling, speed of page scrolling, full screen, coding method, alignment, choice of storage site. Information: enter and display the title, size, format of the text Deletion: delete the text All Deletion: delete all the texts under this path Sorting method: choices according to name, type, time and size and none of them can be provided. Implementation of the system default: implement the contents of the menu “System default:” Help: check the settings of keyboard shortcuts 14.7. Bluetooth Activate Bluetooth: Bluetooth function turned on or off, when the Bluetooth feature is turned on, LCD main screen will display the Bluetooth icon in status bar   Visibility: On/off selections are available. Power on, other Bluetooth devices can find yours and others can’t find you if you closed your Bluetooth. My Device: my device display and the machine has paired Bluetooth devices . Search audio device: turn on this feature will search for Bluetooth hands-free devices. My name: The name of your Bluetooth device displayed and you can change it.   Advanced: You can set audio path, storage, sharing permission, and see my Bluetooth device address. 15. Settings 15.1  Dual SIM settings   Dual SIM open   Only SIM card 1 open
  27  Only SIM card 2 open  Flight mode 15.2 Phone Settings   Time and date   Schedule power on/off  Language   Preferred input method  Display characteristic  Dedicated key   Auto update of date and time  Misc.settings 15.2.1 Network Settings Tips: You can just set the SIM card.  Network Selection: -  New search: To search for the network provider newly; -  Select network: To search the network list of the network providers. -  Selection mode: To select the search mode automaticly or manually.  Preferred networks: 15.2.2 Security Settings  SIM Lock:  Tips: You can set the SIM card respectively. SIM Lock is done by the PIN number; The PIN number can prevent the illegal use of your SIM card. If the SIM Lock feature is Off select On to enter the PIN number to lock the SIM Card, the phone will remind you to enter the PIN number when power on. Select Off to cancel PIN number guard. !Note: If you successively enter your PIN number three times incorrectly, your SIM card will be locked. At this time you need the PUK number to unlock the SIM card. The PIN number and PUK number may have been provided to you together with the SIM card. If you do not have it, please contact your network provider. The default PIN number is usually 1234. Please change into your own password as soon as possible.  Phone Lock: The Phone Lock can prevent the illegal use of your phone. Enter the phone lock
  28submenu, to carry out the follow settings: - Select On to enter the correct number to activate this function. User must enter the password each time they power On the phone. - Select Off to cancel the function. ! Tip: The default value of Phone Lock is 1234; please change it as soon as possible.  Auto keypad lock    : To set the phone auto keypad lock time  Change password  : To change the phone password 15.2.3 Save Power Setting you can choose whether to open the Save Power Mode .On/off selections are available.  15.2.4 Restore Factory Setting This feature would reset the telephone to the same settings as those configured at the factory. You will need to input password to restore factory settings. The default value of Restore Factory Setting is: 1234 16. User Profile In situational mode, you can adjust and set audio indications based on various situations and circumstances. In standby mode, you can see current selected icon of the situational mode at the top of the screen. The cell phone provides 6 situational modes, namely standard mode, meeting mode, outdoor mode, indoor mode, earplug mode and Bluetooth mode. Click options on drop down option list. 17. Shortcuts In order to add the shortcut functions to the dedicated key. According to the Options menu shortcuts to operate on Add: To add new contact to the shortcuts menu. Edit: you can change the item. Delete: Delete the item of currently selected. Delete all: Delete all the item of shortcuts. Disable: you can power on/off    the item of currently selected. Change order: Change the order of the menu inside the shortcut function menu
  2918. File Manager It could handle file catalog of the mobile phone and memory card. In opening root catalog, besides continuous usage of unlock operation, you could:  Establish folder       Build a new file folder.   Formatting, formatting memorizer on memory card. Note: this operation will delete all data stored on memory card, and catalog will be built automatically during the process of photograph, video and record. 19. Accessories You can buy the following accessories of this company to be used with the mobile phone. As for other accessories, please inquire the seller. 1. Additional batteries You can buy other batteries with different capacities provided by this company.   2. Travel chargers Ultra-light, practical and fast chargers: They can quickly recharge mobile phones. Plug one end of the charger in the socket and the other end in the charging interface of the phone. You can check the charging status on the display screen of the phone, It won’t be automatically switched on when charged with the phone off. During the charging, you can press the power key to restart the phone. Warning: when using the 3 in 1 charger of this company, please do not charge the phone while charging the batteries. And do not make or answer calls when the phone is being charged. 3.  Using method of U disk When the phone is connected with the USB cable, it will automatically access the interface of “USB configuration” and at the same time enter a charged condition of USB. 4. U disk Choose "Storage device” on this interface to startup the U disk; the computer can find the U disk and remains in the state of charging; If you click the “Charging interface” on this interface, it will return to the interface of which before the USB is plugged and remains in the state of charging. When the using of the U disk is completed, first disconnect USB on PC, then
  30disconnect the USB plug, and the phone will prompt you “exiting the U disk”, after that it will return to the interface of which before the USB is plugged.  20. Technical specifications Weight: ( 93) g, including the batteries Volume:104 mm ×54 mm × 14mm Battery: BL-4U  900mAh Type  Capacity  Call time  Standby time Lithium ion batteries  900 mAh    3.5min  72h Applied network: GSM The factual using of the phone has something to do with local network environment, SIM card and using methods of users. Warning:  The manufacturer disclaims all responsibility for damage caused by users not to follow the above-mentioned suggestions or misuse the phone. Description: As for the upgrade of version, no prior notice will be given for the modification of certain configuration items of mobile phone software. This company deserves all final explanation rights of this manual.   FCC Caution.  Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
  31installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information   This GSM Mobile Phone meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health. FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement The SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device types: E33 (FCC ID: ZWOHC5E33) has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use at the ear is 1.061W/kg and when properly worn on the body is 1.283W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept 1.5cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a 1.5cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of the handset. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.

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