Getac Technology RS500 UHF RFID Module User Manual module

Getac Technology Corporation UHF RFID Module module


User Manual-module

  Indy®  RS500 Overview Indy  RS500  is  a  completely  integrated  UHF  reader  SiP (system-in-package).  It  can  be  easily  added  to  an embedded system, requiring only connections to a power source,  digital  communication  with  a  host,  and    an antenna. The package design allows it to be attached to a PCB  using  standard  surface  mount  technology  (SMT), with  no  need  for  additional  connectors  or  mounting hardware. The Indy RS500 is the easiest way to embed UHF RFID reader capability.  Air Interface Protocol EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-63 (formerly 18000-6C) Supports dense reader mode (DRM) Tx Output Power +10 to +23 dBm (Peak Power) Operating Frequencies IPJ-RS500-GX (902-928MHz) supports all 900MHz bands worldwide IPJ-RS500-EU (865-868MHz) supports current EU operating band Package 29 mm by 32 mm by 3.8 mm Package Type 32 pin surface mount package (SMT compatible) Rx Sensitivity -65 dBm (1% packet error rate). Assumes a 15 dB antenna return loss at 23 dBm output power. DC Power Supply 3.6 to 5.25 Volts Supported Regions Worldwide regional support. All major regions supported. See section 5.6 for a complete list. Compliance Certified: FCC and Canada modular operation, RoHS compliant For technical support, visit the Impinj support portal at         Revision 1.1 Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. Impinj and Indy are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Impinj, Inc. For more information, contact Indy®   RS500 Datasheet IPJ-RS500-GX, IPJ-RS500-EU Electrical, Mechanical, & Thermal Specification
2 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.   1  Table of Contents INDY®  RS500 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. 2 2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 KEY FEATURES OF THE INDY RS500 .................................................................................................... 4 3 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................. 4 4 PIN LISTING AND SIGNAL DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................... 7 5 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 8 5.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ............................................................................................................ 8 5.2 OPERATING CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 DEVICE FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................. 9 5.4 UHF GEN 2 RFID RADIO SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 10 5.5 DEVICE INPUT AND OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 11 5.6 SUPPORTED REGIONS....................................................................................................................... 13 5.7 EPC CLASS-1 GENERATION-2 OPERATION ........................................................................................ 15 6 IMPINJ RADIO INTERFACE (IRI) ....................................................................................................... 16 7 REGULATORY INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 17 8 PACKAGE AND ASSEMBLY INFORMATION ................................................................................... 17 8.1 PACKAGE MASS ................................................................................................................................ 17 8.2 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 17 8.3 PCB FOOTPRINT .............................................................................................................................. 20 8.4 SMT REFLOW INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 24 9 DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................... 25 10 NOTICES .......................................................................................................................................... 25 1.1  Figures FIGURE 2-1: RS500 SYSTEM INTEGRATION ...................................................................................................... 4 FIGURE 3-1: EXAMPLE RS500 BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................... 5 FIGURE 4-1: INDY RS500 PIN LISTING .............................................................................................................. 7 FIGURE 6-1: HOST AND READER FIRMWARE STACK ........................................................................................ 16 FIGURE 8-1: RS500 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS, TOP, FRONT, AND SIDE VIEWS .................................................... 18 FIGURE 8-2: RS500 PIN DIMENSIONS (VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH PACKAGE) ................................................. 19 FIGURE 8-3: RS500 RECOMMENDED ETCHED COPPER FOOTPRINT – ALL PADS .............................................. 20 FIGURE 8-4: RS500 RECOMMENDED ETCHED COPPER FOOTPRINT – SINGLE PAD ........................................... 21 FIGURE 8-5: RS500 RECOMMENDED PASTEMASK FOOTPRINT – ALL PADS ...................................................... 22 FIGURE 8-6: RS500 RECOMMENDED PASTEMASK FOOTPRINT – SINGLE PAD .................................................. 23 FIGURE 8-7: RECOMMENDED SOLDER STENCIL OPENING WITH ETCHED PAD FOR RS500 ................................. 23 FIGURE 8-8: RECOMMENDED SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE FOR THE INDY RS500 ............................................... 24 1.2  Tables TABLE 4-1: INDY RS500 – PIN LISTING AND SIGNAL DEFINITIONS ...................................................................... 7 TABLE 5-1: INDY RS500 – ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................. 8 TABLE 5-2: INDY RS500 – OPERATING CONDITIONS ......................................................................................... 9 TABLE 5-3: INDY RS500 – SUPPLY CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................... 9 TABLE 5-4: INDY RS500 – STARTUP AND WAKEUP TIME ................................................................................. 10 TABLE 5-5: INDY RS500 – RF RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................. 10
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 3  TABLE 5-6: INDY RS500 – RF TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ 10 TABLE 5-7: INDY RS500 – DIGITAL INTERFACE SPECIFICATION ........................................................................ 11 TABLE 5-8: INDY RS500 – ANALOG INTERFACE SPECIFICATION ....................................................................... 12 TABLE 5-9: INDY RS500 – REGIONAL SUPPORT.............................................................................................. 13 TABLE 5-10: INDY RS500 – LINK PROFILE ...................................................................................................... 15 TABLE 5-11: INDY RS500 – GEN 2 FUNCTIONALITY ........................................................................................ 15 TABLE 5-12: INDY RS500 – INVENTORY PERFORMANCE ................................................................................. 16 TABLE 8-1: RS500 SERIAL # MAKEUP ............................................................................................................ 19 TABLE 9-1: DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................. 25   2  Introduction The  Indy®   RS500  reader  SiP  (system-in-package)  is  a  completely  integrated  reader solution  for  EPC  Gen  2  /  ISO18000-63  (formerly  18000-6C)  applications.  The  Indy RS500 was developed to make embedding UHF RFID reader capability easy. The Indy RS500 builds on market-leading Indy reader chip technology and integrates all of the necessary  components  into  a  small  package.  The  Indy  RS500  requires  no  external components, is fully tested and meets regulatory requirements. The Indy RS500 comes in a  surface  mount package designed  to  work as  a SMT (surface mount  technology) compatible  component  in  a  standard  PCB  manufacturing  process,  which  eliminates costly mechanical hardware, RF cables and human assembly that are typically required with embedded readers on the market today. The Indy RS500 is a turnkey solution that will enable quick and easy embedding of RFID with low development risk and fast time- to-market. Ideal  for  moderate  read  range  of  small  tag  populations,  the  Indy  RS500’s  small  form factor  enables  a  diverse  range  of  applications  that  need  a  low-cost  embedded  UHF  Gen  2  RFID  reader  capability,  such  as  consumables  authentication,  access  control, process  control,  appliances,  POS devices  for  retail,  medical  equipment,  printers,  and low-duty handheld readers. The RS500 is capable of reading dozens of tags per second at  distances  greater  than 3  meters  when  using  a  6  dBi  reader  antenna  and  far  field passive tags. This  document  includes  interface,  functional,  performance,  mechanical  and environmental specifications. Host communication specifications (e.g. firmware upgrade and host interface protocol) and Impinj Radio Interface (IRI) documentation is provided in the latest RS500 Software release package. The Indy RS500 uses the IRI™ (Impinj Radio  Interface)  to  communicate  with  host  systems.  The  IRI  Tool  Kit  enables  developers to build on a variety of embedded host platforms by providing the following: documentation, image loader, IRI library, sample C code and project files. The IRI Tool Kit  can  be  found  in  the  latest  Indy  RS500  Software  release  package  and  can  be downloaded  from  the  restricted  documents  and  downloads  section  at  Please  create  an  account  and  subscribe  to  receive  automatic updates  to  the  latest  documentation  and  releases.  Contact  your  local  Impinj representative if you have trouble creating an account or accessing this site.
4 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Figure 2-1: RS500 System Integration DC Power  Three simple connections:  DC Power  UART Communication  RF Antenna Partners build API with IRI Tool Kit  2.1  Key features of the Indy RS500   Fully tested turnkey solution   Maximum output power is 23 dBm   -65 dBm Rx sensitivity, assuming 15 dB antenna return loss   Inventory (FastID, Tag Population Estimate, Select, Session, Target)   Access (Read, Write, Lock, Kill, BlockPermalock, and QT)   Shielded to prevent unwanted radiation and provide noise immunity in embedded environments   29 mm by 32 mm by 3.8 mm surface mount package with SMT compatibility   Single mono-static RF port   Field upgradability via firmware updates. Gen 2 v2 will be firmware upgradable.  Part of Impinj’s GrandPrix® platform, ensuring better performance when using Impinj’s Monza® UHF RFID tag chips (enabling FastID, Tag Focus and QT)   UART serial interface using IRI (Impinj Radio Interface)   Test features (CW, PRBS, custom regions, channel lists, and fixed frequency) 3  System Block Diagram An  example  Indy  RS500  system-level  block  diagram  for  an  embedded  application  is shown in Figure 3-1. This figure shows the electrical connections that may and must be made to control the RS500. In the figure, the required connections are illustrated with Antenna UART Host IRI Library
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 5  solid lines. Recommended and optional connections are illustrated with different dotted and dashed line patterns. They are also listed below. For more detail on pin characteristics and behaviors, see the RS500 Hardware User’s Guide. Figure 3-1: Example RS500 Block Diagram                         Required connections:   VDC_IN and GND are required to power the RS500.   RF is required to connect to the UHF RFID antenna.   UART1 Tx and Rx are required to communicate with the system host. Recommended connections:   nRST  is  used  to  reset  the  RS500  if UART  communication  is not  available.  This connection  is  highly  recommended.  This  pin  internally  driven  strong  low  during software  resets,  so it  should  only be  driven  externally  by an  open  drain  signal.  It  must not be driven strong high.   UART2 Tx and Rx may be used to examine debug information.   HEALTH indicates successful operation of the RS500. Connection to an LED provides a visual indication of whether or not an error condition exists.   STATUS  provides  an  indication  when  the  RS500  is  in  active  mode  (for  example, inventorying tags). Connection to an LED provides a visual indicator of the device’s activity. Optional connections: 3.6 - 5.25 V  VDC_IN UART1 RX & TX RF  GND Indy RS500 SiP NRST  WKUP Host GPIOs Key Required  Recommended Test Points User Def. Optional STATUS & HEALTH UART2 RX & TX GPIOs UC_ADC & UC_DAC
6 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.    GPIOs allow interaction with the RS500 as both digital inputs and outputs. They may be used to trigger inventory, generate events based on inventory activity, or provide general-purpose user-controlled digital I/O.   WKUP  provides  a  mechanism  to  wake  up  the  RS500  from  the  low  power  Sleep mode.  WKUP  is  also  used  to  force  entry  into  the  Impinj  firmware  bootstrap.    If unused, this pin should be tied to logic low.   UC_ADC  allows  use  of  an  ADC  to  convert  an  analog  input  voltage  into  a  digital value.   UC_DAC allows use of a DAC to generate an analog output voltage from a digital value.   BOOT0  provides  access  to  the  built-in  bootloader  in  case  the  Impinj  firmware  is corrupted. For more details on the built-in bootloader, please contact Impinj support. No connect:   SWCLK and SWD connections are reserved for Impinj use only.
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 7   4  Electrical Specifications 4.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings The  absolute  maximum  ratings  (see  Table  5-1)  define  limitations  for  electrical  and thermal  stresses.  These  limits  prevent  permanent  damage  to  the  Indy  RS500.  Operation outside maximum ratings may result in permanent damage to the device. Table 5-1: Indy RS500 – Absolute Maximum Ratings  Parameter Min. Max. Unit Conditions Supply voltage -0.3 5.5 V VDC_IN pin relative to GND IO voltage -0.3 4.0 V Non-VDC_IN pin voltages relative to GND RF input power - +23 dBm Incident to pin 1 (RF) Storage temperature -30 +100 ºC  Humidity - 95 % RH Non-condensing
8 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Parameter Min. Max. Unit Conditions ESD immunity - 2 kV Human-body model, all I/O pads  Package moisture sensitivity level 3  -  -  - Indy RS500 from open trays must be baked before going through a standard solder reflow process (48 hours at 125 ºC or 24hrs at 150 ºC) 4.2  Operating Conditions This section describes operating voltage, frequency, and temperature specifications for the Indy RS500 during operation. Table 5-2: Indy RS500 – Operating Conditions  Parameter Min. Max. Unit Conditions Supply 3.6 5.25 V VDC_IN relative to GND Temperature -20 +70 ºC Ambient Temperature Frequency 902 928 MHz IPJ-RS500-GX, See section 5.6 for regional support Frequency 865 868 MHz IPJ-RS500-EU, See section 5.6 for regional support 4.3  Device Functional Specifications Table 5-3: Indy RS500 – Supply Current Specifications  Parameter Typ. Unit Description Supply Current   Current consumed by RS500 via VDC_IN pin Active mode - 5V supply – GX 510 mA +23 dBm transmit power Inventorying tags Active mode - 5V supply - EU 580 mA +23 dBm transmit power Inventorying tags Active mode - 3.6V supply 570 mA +23 dBm transmit power Inventorying tags Idle mode – low latency 50 mA Ready to receive IRI packets. Lower latency to return to Active mode. Idle mode – standard latency 15 mA Ready to receive IRI packets. Standby mode 1 mA GPIO activity or WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part. Sleep mode <100 µA WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 11  Table 5-4: Indy RS500 – Startup and Wakeup Time  Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Description Startup Time  200  ms Time to receive IRI packets after power supply or nRST pin initiated startup Wakeup Time     Time to receive IRI packets after wakeup event Standby  50  ms GPIO activity or WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part. Sleep  200  ms WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.  4.4  UHF Gen 2 RFID Radio Specifications Table 5-5: Indy RS500 – RF Receiver Specifications  Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Frequency 902  928 MHz IPJ-RS500-GX, See section 5.6 for regional support Frequency 865  868 MHz IPJ-RS500-EU, See section 5.6 for regional support Input impedance  50  Ω  Input match  -10  dB S11 Rx sensitivity  -65  dBm 1% PER, assuming 15dB antenna RL at 23dBm output Table 5-6: Indy RS500 – RF Transmitter Specifications  Parameter Min. Max. Unit Notes Tx Power 10 23 dBm Meets worldwide regulatory constraints (except Japan) Tx Power 10 20 dBm Meets Japan regulatory constraints Tx Power Error     18-23 dBm -0.5 0.5 dB Difference between desired Tx power and actual Tx 13-18 dBm -1.0 1.0 dB power. 10-13 dBm -2.0 2.0 dB  Tx ACPR     1st Adjacent -25 dBch Refer to Gen 2 dense-interrogator transmit mask 1st Alternate 2nd Alternate -55 -65 dBch dBch spec for definition of channel bandwidths and measurement regions. Return Loss 0  dB No damage into open RF port at 23 dBm at any phase angle Frequency 902 928 MHz IPJ-RS500-GX, See section 5.6 for regional support Frequency 865 868 MHz IPJ-RS500-EU, See section 5.6 for regional support
10 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  4.5  Device Input and Output Specifications Table 5-7: Indy RS500 – Digital Interface Specification  Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions nRST      VIL -0.3  0.8 V  VIH 2  3.6 V  Hysteresis voltage  200  mV  Internal pull-up resistor 25 40 55 kΩ  Reset pulse width 25   µs  BOOT0      VIL 0.0  0.6 V  VIH 0.62  3.6 V  Hysteresis voltage  300  mV  WKUP      VIL -0.3  1.0 V  VIH 1.8  3.6 V  Hysteresis voltage  200  mV  Internal pull-down resistor 25 40 55 kΩ  Digital inputs      VIL -0.3  1.0 V  VIH 1.8  3.6 V  Hysteresis voltage  200  mV  Pull-up and pull-down resistor 25 40 55 kΩ  Digital outputs      VOL 0.0  0.4 V  VOH 2.7  3.6 V  Drive current (sink or source) 8   mA  UART      Baud rate  115.2  kbaud  Parity  None
12 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Table 5-8: Indy RS500 – Analog Interface Specification  Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions ADC (Pin 13)      Resolution  12  Bits  Conversion voltage range 1  3.3 V  Sampling rate 0.05  1 MSPs  Total conversion time 1  18 µsec  Power-up time   1 µsec  External input impedance   50 kΩ  Sampling switch resistance   1 kΩ  Internal sample and hold capacitance   8 pF  Total unadjusted error  ±3.3 ±4 LSB  Offset error  ±1.9 ±2.8 LSB  Gain error  ±2.8 ±3 LSB  DNL error  ±0.7 ±1.3 LSB  INL error  ±1.2 ±1.7 LSB  DAC (Pin 16)      Resolution  12  Bits  Resistive load with buffer ON 5   kΩ  Impedance output with buffer OFF   15 kΩ When the buffer is OFF, the minimum resistive load between DAC_OUT and VSS to achieve 1% accuracy is 1.5 MΩ. Capacitive load   50 pF Maximum capacitive load at the DAC_OUT pin when the buffer is ON Output voltage range 0.2  3.1 V  DNL   ±2 LSB  INL   ±4 LSB  Offset   ±10 mV  Gain error   ±0.5 %  Settling time  3 4 µsec CLOAD < 50 pF & RLOAD > 5 kΩ
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 13  4.6  Supported Regions Table 5-9: Indy RS500 – Regional Support  Region SKU Argentina IPJ-RS500-GX Armenia IPJ-RS500-EU Australia (920-926 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Austria IPJ-RS500-EU Azerbaijan IPJ-RS500-EU Belgium IPJ-RS500-EU Bosnia and Herzegovina IPJ-RS500-EU Brazil (902-907 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Brazil (915-928 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Bulgaria IPJ-RS500-EU Canada IPJ-RS500-GX Chile IPJ-RS500-GX China (920-925 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Colombia IPJ-RS500-GX Costa Rica IPJ-RS500-GX Croatia IPJ-RS500-EU Cyprus IPJ-RS500-EU Czech Republic IPJ-RS500-EU Denmark IPJ-RS500-EU Dominican Republic IPJ-RS500-GX Estonia IPJ-RS500-EU Finland IPJ-RS500-EU France IPJ-RS500-EU Germany IPJ-RS500-EU Greece IPJ-RS500-EU Hong Kong (920-925 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Hungary IPJ-RS500-EU Iceland IPJ-RS500-EU
14 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Region SKU India IPJ-RS500-EU Indonesia IPJ-RS500-GX Ireland IPJ-RS500-EU Israel IPJ-RS500-GX Italy IPJ-RS500-EU Japan (916-921 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Korea (917-921 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Latvia IPJ-RS500-EU Lithuania IPJ-RS500-EU Luxembourg IPJ-RS500-EU Macedonia IPJ-RS500-EU Malaysia (919-923 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Malta IPJ-RS500-EU Mexico IPJ-RS500-GX Moldova IPJ-RS500-EU Netherlands IPJ-RS500-EU New Zealand (921-928 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Norway IPJ-RS500-EU Oman IPJ-RS500-EU Panama IPJ-RS500-GX Peru IPJ-RS500-GX Philippines IPJ-RS500-GX Poland IPJ-RS500-EU Portugal IPJ-RS500-EU Romania IPJ-RS500-EU Russian Federation (916-921 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Saudi Arabia IPJ-RS500-EU Serbia IPJ-RS500-EU Singapore (920-925 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Slovak Republic IPJ-RS500-EU
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 15  Region SKU Slovenia IPJ-RS500-EU South Africa (915-919 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Spain IPJ-RS500-EU Sweden IPJ-RS500-EU Switzerland IPJ-RS500-EU Taiwan (922-928 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX Thailand IPJ-RS500-GX Turkey IPJ-RS500-EU United Arab Emirates IPJ-RS500-EU United Kingdom IPJ-RS500-EU United Sates IPJ-RS500-GX Uruguay IPJ-RS500-GX Venezuela IPJ-RS500-GX Vietnam (920-925 MHz) IPJ-RS500-GX  4.7  EPC Class-1 Generation-2 Operation Table 5-10: Indy RS500 – Link Profile  Parameter Description Forward Link PR-ASK  25 µs Tari Reverse Link 250 kHz link frequency  Miller, M=4  62.5 kbps data rate  Table 5-11: Indy RS500 – Gen 2 Functionality  Parameter Description Select Support for 2 Select commands Inventory FastID, TagFocus, Tag Population Estimate, Select, Session, and Target Access Read, Write, Lock, Kill, BlockPermalock, and QT
16 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.   RS500 Table 5-12: Indy RS500 – Inventory Performance  Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Inventory Rate  130  Tags/sec 1 Tag with tag population estimate = 1   35  Tags/sec 1 Tag with tag population estimate = 16   50  Tags/sec 16 Tags with tag population estimate = 16  5  Impinj Radio Interface (IRI) The Indy RS500 uses IRI to enable communications; this is enabled with the IRI Tool Kit. The IRI Tool Kit includes documentation, IRI API, and sample C code. The IRI Tool Kit is intended to enable a broad set of host platforms due to its ease of use and portability. Communication with the RS500 via IRI occurs in two states: 1. Configuration (synchronous) a. All communications are commands and responses b. Start and Stop commands cause transition to the Listen state 2. Listen (asynchronous) a. Host is in a listening mode and polls to obtain tag reports Customer applications  can  be enabled on a  variety  of embedded systems with  hosts ranging in size from small microcontrollers to large microprocessors. The IRI Tool Kit is structured to ease portability by separating platform specific code from functional reader operation; this is illustrated in Figure 6-1 below. Figure 6-1: Host and Reader Firmware Stack Host Customer Application (main.c)  iri.h IRI C Toolkit (ITK_C/Library/*.h, *.c)  platform.h Platform Interface (platform_*.c)    IRI over UART  Key Provided by Impinj Provided by customer
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 17  Please refer to the documentation included in the RS500 release package for complete details on communicating with the Indy RS500 using IRI. The latest Indy RS500 release package, which includes the IRI Tool Kit, can be downloaded at 6  Regulatory Information The  Indy  RS500  (IPJ-RS500)  has  been  certified  for  modular  operation  by  FCC  and Industry  Canada in  certain specific  configurations.  Use of  these IDs  requires  specific text  be  added  to  product labeling  and  product  Hardware  User’s  Guides.  See the  Indy RS500 Hardware User’s Guide for more details on labeling specifics. 7  Package and Assembly Information This section provides mechanical drawings and critical dimensions needed for PCB layout and housing design, as well as SMT assembly information. 7.1  Package Mass The mass of the RS500 SiP is 4.6 grams. 7.2  Package Dimensions Package dimensions are shown in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2. All dimensions are in millimeters. Dimension tolerances (unless otherwise specified): X = 1.0 X.X = 0.5 X.XX = 0.25 X.XXX = 0.125 Hole = 0.075 Angular: MACH 0.5 Bend: 1.0 Degree
18 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.    Table 8-1: RS500 Serial # Makeup  Digits Meaning XX SKU code: 01 = GX 02 = EU ZZ Lot number WW Workweek produced YY Year produced AAAA Serial number within the lot Figure 8-2: RS500 Pin Dimensions (viewed from underneath package)  Note. Callouts A and B show package markings that will vary depending on the manufacturing lot of the RS500 unit.
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 21  7.3  PCB Footprint Recommended footprint copper and pastemask dimensions are shown in  Figure   8-3 and Figure 8-5. Dimensions for the individual pads are shown in Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-6. Figure 8-3: RS500 Recommended Etched Copper Footprint – All Pads
20 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Figure 8-4: RS500 Recommended Etched Copper Footprint – Single Pad
22 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  Figure 8-5: RS500 Recommended Pastemask Footprint – All Pads
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 23  Figure 8-6: RS500 Recommended Pastemask Footprint – Single Pad  It is important to note that the optimal pad and stencil design results in a stencil aperture that is of a different shape than and that overhangs the etched pad. This design delivers the optimum amount of solder to the castellation of the SiP pad. Figure 8-7 depicts the pad/solder relationship. Figure 8-7: Recommended Solder Stencil Opening with Etched Pad for RS500
24 Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc.  7.4  SMT Reflow Information No-clean  Type  3  Sn3Ag0.5Cu  Solder  Paste  (Koki  S3X58-  M650)  was  used  during Impinj’s  testing  of  the  Indy  RS500.  The  solder  manufacturer’s  recommended  reflow profile is shown in Figure 8-8. Figure 8-8: Recommended Solder Reflow Profile for the Indy RS500
Revision 1.1, Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. 25  8  Document Change Log Table 9-1: Document Change Log  Version Date Description 1.0  Initial version 1.1 4/30/2014 Package drawings updated Spec clarifications Regulatory information moved to Hardware User’s Guide Formatting updates Change log added  9  Notices Copyright ©  2014, Impinj, Inc. All rights reserved. Impinj gives no representation or warranty, express or implied, for accuracy or reliability of  information in  this  document. Impinj  reserves  the  right  to  change its  products  and services and this information at any time without notice. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN IMPINJ’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (OR AS OTHERWISE  AGREED  IN  A  VALID  WRITTEN  INDIVIDUAL  AGREEMENT  WITH IMPINJ), IMPINJ ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND IMPINJ DISCLAIMS ANY  EXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED  WARRANTY,  RELATED  TO  SALE  AND/OR  USE  OF IMPINJ  PRODUCTS  INCLUDING  LIABILITY  OR  WARRANTIES  RELATING  TO FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR  PURPOSE,  MERCHANTABILITY,  OR INFRINGEMENT. NO  LICENSE,  EXPRESS  OR  IMPLIED,  BY  ESTOPPEL  OR  OTHERWISE,  TO  ANY PATENT,  COPYRIGHT,  MASK  WORK  RIGHT,  OR  OTHER  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. Impinj  assumes  no  liability  for  applications  assistance  or  customer  product  design. Customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards to minimize risks. Impinj  products  are  not  designed,  warranted  or  authorized  for  use  in  any  product  or application where a malfunction may reasonably be expected to cause personal injury  or  death  or  property  or  environmental  damage  (“hazardous  uses”)  or  for  use  in automotive  environments.  Customers  must  indemnify  Impinj  against  any  damages arising out of the use of Impinj products in any hazardous or automotive uses. Indy is a trademark of Impinj, Inc. All other product or service names are trademarks of their respective companies.
 Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution:  Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
 Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This module can be used with T800 or similar platform with similar dimension, antenna location and RF characteristic.  This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions: 1) The antenna must be installed at the same location as tested in the certification filing, and the maximum antenna gain allowed for use with this device is 4.41 dBi. 2) The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna. 3) For portable usage condition, this module has been SAR evaluated in T800 host with compliance result and can be used with this specific host as described in the certification filing. Other host or platform needs separate approval.  As long as 3 conditions above are met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed  IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.  End Product Labeling The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains FCC ID: QYLRS500”. The grantee's FCC ID can be used only when all FCC compliance requirements are met.  Manual Information To the End User The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual.

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