GeoPro LBS GPM1000 GeoPro Messenger User Manual 2

GeoPro LBS Inc. GeoPro Messenger 2


User Manual 2

9601 Short Burst Data Only TransceiverPreliminary Product Developers GuideRevision 1.2August 28th 2005Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationIridium Satellite LLC6701 Democracy Blvd., Suite 500Bethesda, MD 20817 USAwww.iridium.comToll Free: +1.866.947.4348 [US Only]International +1.480.752.5155email:
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2Preliminary Product Information Purpose & DisclaimerThis document contains preliminary product information for the new Iridium 9601 Short BurstData Transceiver. The purpose of providing this information is to enable Value Added Resellersand Value Added Manufacturers to begin to understand the product and how to integrate it into acomplete wireless data solution.By providing the information contained herein, Iridium Satellite LLC makes no guarantee orwarranty, and does not assume liability with respect to the accuracy or the completeness of suchinformation, or to the results of use of the planned product in any specific instance, and herebyexpressly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,or any other warranties or representations whatsoever, expressed or implied.Iridium Satellite LLC reserves the right to modify or change specifications, detailed herein, at anytime without notice.Export Compliance InformationThis product is controlled by the export laws and regulations of the United States of America. The U.S.Government may restrict the export or re-export of this product to certain individuals and/or destinations.For further information, contact the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security orvisit HistoryRevision Date CommentV1.0 May 02 2005 First revisionV1.2 Aug 28 2005Second revision incorporating major updates. Key updates are:Product name change to ³9601 SBD Transceiver´Physical packagingConnector types updatedAT Commands added and updated
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice3ContentsPreliminary Product Information Purpose & Disclaimer ............................................................................... 2Revision History............................................................................................................................................ 2List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................... 41.0 Product Overview .................................................................................................................. 51.1 Key Features ......................................................................................................................... 51.2 Transceiver Packaging and Regulatory Certification ............................................................ 62.0 Physical Specifications .......................................................................................................... 72.1 Dimensions............................................................................................................................ 72.2 Mechanical Dimensions ±Mounting...................................................................................... 92.2.1 Mounting - Stackable Design............................................................................................... 102.2.2 Mounting to a Panel/Surface ±For use with cable connections ......................................... 122.3 Environmental...................................................................................................................... 142.4 Interface Connectors ........................................................................................................... 143.0 Electrical Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 153.1 Multi-Interface Connector .................................................................................................... 153.1.1 Connector Type ................................................................................................................... 153.1.2 Connector Pin Allocation .....................................................................................................163.2 DC Power Interface .............................................................................................................183.2.1 Power On/Off Control .......................................................................................................... 183.3 Serial Data Interface............................................................................................................ 193.3.1 9-Wire and 3-Wire Operation............................................................................................... 193.3.2 Configuration Settings ......................................................................................................... 203.3.3 Modes of Operation ............................................................................................................. 213.4 Hardware Failure Reporting ................................................................................................ 213.5 Network Available Output .................................................................................................... 213.6 DC Power Output ................................................................................................................214.0 RF Interface ......................................................................................................................... 224.1 Antenna Connector.............................................................................................................. 224.1.1 Antenna Connector Type..................................................................................................... 224.2 R F Interfac e Specif icati o ns ........................................................................................ 234.3 Radio Char acter is t ics ..................................................................................................... 235.0 Modem Commands and Configuration................................................................................ 24
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice4List of AbbreviationsAbbreviation DescriptionCE Conformité EuropéeneDC Direct CurrentDTE Data Terminal EquipmentESS ETC SBD SubsystemETC Earth Terminal ControllerFA Field ApplicationFCC Federal Communications CommissionGND GroundIC Industry CanadaLBT L-Band TransceiverMOMSN Mobile Originated Message Sequence NumberMTMSN Mobile Terminated Message Sequence NumberRHCP Right Hand Circular PolarizationSBD Short Burst DataSMS Short Message ServiceTBA ToBeAdvisedVAM Value Added ManufacturerVAR Value Added ResellerVSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice51.0 Product OverviewThe Iridium 9601 Short Burst Data Only Transceiver (9601) is designed to be integrated into a wirelessdata application with other hardware and software to produce a full solution designed for a specificapplication or vertical market. Examples of these solutions include a tracking a maritime vessel or automaticvehicle location.The 9601RQO\VXSSRUWV,ULGLXP¶V6KRUW%XUVW'DWD(SBD) capability. It does not support voice, circuitswitched data, or short message service (SMS). This is a new product and has no functionalpredecessor.The 9601 will be designed to meet the regulatory requirements for approval for FCC, Canada, and CEassuming an antenna with a gain of ~3 dBi and adequate shielding. This allows the 9601 to be integratedinto a variety of wireless data applications or retrofitted into existing SBD only applications that utilize SBDwith the current Iridium 9522A or 9522 L-Band Transceiver-based product. (Note that additionaldevelopment work will be required.) Such finished products, when integrated together, require regulatorytesting to be conducted by the integrator.The 9601 is designed as a single board transceiver and is HVVHQWLDOO\ SURYLGHG DV D µEODFN ER[¶transceiver with all device interfaces provided by a single multi-pin interface connector in addition to theantenna connector. The product only provides the core transceiver. All other end user application functionssuch as GPS, microprocessor based logic control, digital and analog inputs, digital and analog outputspower supply and antenna must be provided by the solution developer. The device interface consists of theserial interface, power input, network available output and power on/off control line.The 9601 does not incorporate nor require a Subscriber Identity Module (also know as a SIM Card) to beinserted into the transceiver. The 9601 will be designed to comply with the standards for Radio EmissionsCompliance, Electromagnetic Compatibility, and AC Safety in the United States, European Union andCanada.The 9601 is described within this document as ³9601´³9601 Transceiver´and³6%'7UDQVFHLYHU´all of these terms refer to the same product.1.1 Key FeaturesxSingle board transceiverxSmall form factorxNo SIM cardxDesigned to be incorporated into an OEM solutionxMaximum mobile originated message size 205 bytes (subject to revision)xMaximum mobile terminated message size 135 bytes (subject to revision)xUses small omni-directional antennaxGlobal operating capability
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice61.2 Transceiver Packaging and Regulatory CertificationThe 9601 Transceiver is a regulatory approved transceiver that is provided in an enclosure and withappropriate connectors that permit the full transceiver to be regulatory tested by Iridium and sold as aRegulatory Certified product that meets CE, FCC and IC requirements.The 9601 is tested to the regulatory and technical certifications shown in Table 1.Table 1: Regulatory and Technical Certifications.RegulatoryApprovals Radio Tests EMC TestsElectrical /Mechanical /OperationalSafety TestsCEFCCIndustryCanadaETSI EN 301 441V1.1.1 (200005)FCC parts 2, 15, and 25Industry CanadaRSS170 Issue 1, Rev 1,November 6, 1999ETSI EN 301 4891 V1.4.1 (200208)ETSI EN 301 48920V1.2.1(200211)EN6100042 : 1995 / A2 : 2001EN6100043 : 2002EN6100044 : 2004EN6100046 : 1996 / A1 : 2001EN55022:1998/A1:2000/A2:2003(see clause 8.3 of ETSI EN3014891 V1.4.1)EN609501:2001 Part 1
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice72.0 Physical SpecificationsFor illustrative purposes a rendering of the 9601 ISU is shown in Figure 1 with a ribbon cable connectorinserted. (Note that the ribbon cable and connector is to be provided by the developer and is not suppliedas part of the commercial product.)Figure 1: The 9601 Transceiver.2.1 DimensionsThe overall dimensions of the 9601 and its weight are summarized in Table 2 and represented graphicallyin third angle projection in Figure 2Table 2: 9601 Mechanical DimensionsParameter ValueLength 106 mmWidth 56.2 mmDepth 13 mmWeight (approximate) TBANote that these dimensions are for the enclosure and do not take into account the connectors or mountinghardware. Additionally developers should plan for additional space for the reciprocal connectors for theantenna and user connector.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice8Figure 2 (Part 1 of 2): Dimensions of the 9601 Transceiver.(Not to scale, dimensions in millimeters)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice9Figure 2 (Part 2 of 2): Dimensions of the 9601 Transceiver.(Not to scale, dimensions in millimeters)2.2 Mechanical Dimensions ±MountingThe 9601 Transceiver is provided with four mounting holes, one at each corner. During manufacture fourscrews are inserted for shipping purposes. These screws need to be removed for mounting. There aretwo basic options for mounting ±stackable and mounting to a surface such as a mounting plate orenclosure wall. The following sections provide further information.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice102.2.1 Mounting - Stackable DesignAn example stackable design is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3: 9601 Transceiver mounted to a unpopulated PCB.The figures and tables below provides mechanical information design information for a suitableµVWDFNDEOH¶9601 to developer PCB configurationFigure 4: Assembly Item Number Identification.Item Numbers in Figure 4 are described in Table 3. Not to scale. Dimensions in millimeters.Table 3: Item Number Description for Figure 4Item Type Description Quantity1Assembly 9601 Transceiver 12 Part M3 Shake-proof washer, zinc plated steel [4 supplied with item 1] 83 Part M3 x 20 Pan head screw, pozidrive, zinc plated steel [4 supplied with item 1] 44 Part M3 Threaded standoff, 6.0 A/F HEX x 12.00 mm 45 Part M3 x 8 Pan head screw, pozidrive, zinc plated steel 46 Assembly Solution developer PCB fitted with Samtec connector ESQT-113-02-L-D-425.[This item is the same item as Item 1 in Figure 5.] 1
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice11Figure 5: Mechanical mounting foot print for use when stacking the 9601 with a developerprovided PCB. (Dimensions in milli-meters, not to scale)Notes for Figure 5:1. Item 1 is a generic, developer provided PCB design and shown for illustrative purposes. This item isthesameasItem6inFigure4.2. Item 2 is available from Samtec in a variety of heights. This example shows a 0.425" version. Thepart number for this connector is ESQT-113-02-L-D-4253. Compatible heights of stand-offs and variants on Item 2 are as follows:a. 0.425" height (shown) fits with 12mm high spacersb. 0.327" height is minimum that can be used. Fits with 9.50mm spacers.c. 0.800" height is the maximum height available fits with 21.50mm spacers.d. Anything else in-between should work if 'Samtec height' = 'Spacer height' minus 1.20mm.4. Suggested examples of spacer types and compatible fasteners:a. M3 threaded thru' hole 6.0 A/F Hex x 12mm, re-use M3 x 20 shipping screws andwashers, add M3 x 8 screws and washers.b. Plain thru' hole diameter 3.2-3.5, diameter 6.0 x 9.50mm, replace M3 x 20 shippingscrews with M3 x 30 screws (same nuts and washers.)c. Plain thru' hole diameter 3.2-3.5, diameter 6.0 x 21.50mm, replace M3 x 20 shippingscrews with M3 x 35 screws (same nuts and washers.)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice122.2.2 Mounting to a Panel/Surface ±For use with cable connectionsAn example of mounting to a panel or other surface design is shown in Figure 6.Figure 6: 9601 Transceiver mounted to a plate or surface.The figures and tables below provide mechanical information design information for a mounting a 9601 toa plate or surface configurationFigure 7: Assembly Item Number Identification.Item Numbers in Figure 7 are described in Table 4. (Not to scale. Dimensions in millimeters.)Notes for Figure 7:1. Item 1 includes 4 off M3 x 20 shipping screws, shake-proof washers and nuts2. Shipping screws can be used to attach Transceiver to panel of 2.00 mm maximum thickness3. Panels thicker than 2.00mm require longer screws to be e.g. M3 x 25mm4. See Figure 8 for mounting hole dimensions
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice13Table 4: Item Number Description for Figure 7Item Type Description Quantity1Assembly 9601 Transceiver 12 Part Mounting Plate or Surface (developer provided) 1Figure 8: Mechanical mounting foot print for use when panel mounting 9601.(Dimensions in milli-meters, not to scale)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice142.3 EnvironmentalThe environmental specifications of the 9601 are summarized in Table 5 below.Table 5: Environmental SpecificationsParameter ValueOperating Temperature Range -30ºC to + 60ºCOperating Humidity Range 75% RHStorage Temperature Range -40ºC to + 85ºCStorage Humidity Range 93% RHThe 9601 has been tested to the specifications listed in Table 6.Table 6: Environmental TestsTest Name Test Reference Test DescriptionThermal Shock EN60068-2-14:2000Change of Temperature,-25C to +70C,5 cycles of 1 hour eachHumidity IEC60068-2-3:1969 Damp heat steady state40C 93% RH for 4 daysShock EN60068-2-27:1993(NF c20-727)Shock J1455 Society of Automotive EngineersVibration EN 60068-2-36:1996 Sinusoidal Vibration0.96 m2/s3 from 5Hz to 20HzVibration IEC 60068-2-36:1996Sinusoidal Vibration21Hz to 500Hz-3dB per octaveVibration J1455 Society of Automotive Engineers2.4 Interface ConnectorsThe 9601 Transceiver incorporates two connectors:xA multi-interface connectorxAn antenna connectorThese interfaces are described in more detail in Sections 3 and 4 respectively.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice153.0 Electrical InterfacesThe subsections to follow contain information for the electrical interfaces of the 9601 Transceiver.3.1 Multi-Interface ConnectorThe multi-interface connector includes six interfaces:xDC power supply inputxPower on/off controlxRS-232 Serial dataxNetwork available outputxDC power output3.1.1 Connector TypeThe connector on the 9601 is a Samtec EHT series. This connector provides the ability for both a cableconnector as well as a stackable board to board connection. For cable connected applications use theSamtec TCSD series. For PCB stacking use the Samtec ESQT series.Data sheets on these connectors can be found at:EHT Series: Series: Series:
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice163.1.2 Connector Pin AllocationThe user connector is a 2 row 26-way latching header. Individual pin assignments are shown in Table 7.Multiple supply grounds are provided and all supply and supply grounds (pins 1-6) are required to beconnected to the power supply in order to limit the current on any one pin. The three Supply Returns (pins4, 5 & 6) are tied together at the connector as well as the three Supply pins (pins 1, 2 & 3.) Multiple signalgrounds are provided to reduce cross-talk. The signal grounds on pins 10,13, 20 & 23 are all tied togetherat the connector and can be joined with any of the signal wires e.g. RS232, Network Available etc.However each signal requires its own signal ground in order to limit current on any one pin.Table 7: Multi Interface Connector Pin AllocationPinNo. Signal NameSignaldirection(WRT 9601)Signal function Signal level1EXT_PWR Input Supply +5 V +/- 0.5 V2 EXT_PWR Input Supply +5 V +/- 0.5 V3 EXT_PWR Input Supply +5 V +/- 0.5 V4 EXT_GND Supply return 0 V5 EXT_GND Supply return 0 V6 EXT_GND Supply return 0 V7 ON/OFF Input On/Off control inputOn: 2.0V to VsupplyOff: 0V to 0.5VI=ȝ$PD[8Reserved9Reserved10 SIG_GND Signal ground 0V11 DF_S_TX Input Data port, serial data into data module RS-23212 DF_S_RX Output Data port, serial data from data module RS-23213 SIG_GND Signal ground 0V14 DF_ DCD Output Data port, Data Carrier Detect RS-23215 DF_ DSR Output Data port, Data Set Ready RS-23216 DF_ CTS Output Data port, Clear-to-Send RS-23217 DF_RI Output Data port, Ring Indicator RS-23218 DF_ RTS Input Data port, Request-to-Send RS-23219 DF_ DTR Input Data port, Data Terminal Ready RS-23220 SIG_GND Signal ground 0V21 Reserved22 Reserved23 SIG_GND Signal ground 0V24 NETWORK_AVAILABLE Output Set to logic 1 when network is visible 2.9 V CMOS25 Spare26 +2V9 Output Supply output +2.9 V ± 0.15 V,50mA maximum
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice17Figure 9 provides a reference for the pin designation. Note that this designation is when looking into themulti-interface connector from above. It is not to scale and not representative of the actual connectormechanical layout.01 0302Connector notch262501 0302Connector notch2625Figure 9: Multi-Interface Connector Pin Number DesignationNotes:1. View looking into connector from above2. Numbers indicate pin designations3. Not to scale, for illustrative purposes only4. Note location of connector notch5. Connector notch faces towards opposite end to the antenna connector as shown in Figure 106. On the physical connector Pin 1 is indicated by an arrow markFigure 10: Multi Interface Connector Notch LocationNotch onconnector is on thisside
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice183.2 DC Power InterfaceThe DC power interface is comprised of the DC power inputs and a control signals as summarized inTable 7. The three +5V Inputs and three 0V supply returns are used to supply DC power to the 9601 andensure that enough current can be drawn across the connector without the 9601 malfunctioning duringtransmit due to lack of current supply. Note that all six pins should be connected.The DC power supply requirements for the 9601 are summarized in Table 8 below. Note that theserequirements apply to DC power measured at the 9601 multi-interface connector input and not at theoutput of the power supply. Long power supply cables can cause a voltage drop sufficient to cause thevoltage to be out of specification at the physical power supply input to the 9601.Table 8: DC Power Input SpecificationsParameter ValueMain Input Voltage Range +4.5 VDC to +5.5 VDCMain Input Voltage Nominal 5.0VDCMain Input Voltage ±Ripple 40 mV ppConsumption at +5.0 VDC ValueInput Standby Current (average) 100mAPeak Transient Current ±Transmit <= 2.0ACurrent Average ±when SBD message transfer in process <= 350 mAAverage Power consumption ±when SBD message transfer in process <= 1.75 WNote: The average power consumption depends on the view of the satellite constellation from theantenna.The external power supply needs to guarantee the following:xThe supply voltage droop over an 8.3mS burst should not be more than 0.2 Volts.xThe power supply should limit the in-rush current to 4 Amps maximumxThe supply noise should be less than that in the following profile (linear interpolation between thesepoints):x100 mV pk-pk 0Hz to 50 kHzx5 mV pk-pk in 50 kHz bandwidth at 1 MHzx10 mV pk-pk in 1 MHz bandwidth at 1 MHzx5 mV pk-pk in 1 MHz bandwidth above 5 MHz.3.2.1 Power On/Off ControlAn external on/off input is provided on a pin of the multi-interface connector. The 9601 starts up whenpower is applied and the power on/off input is high. As long as the input voltage is applied, logic high onthis line turns the transceiver on and a logic low turns it off. If this line is not required then it must beconnected directly to the +5 V supply. The input logic high threshold is 2.0 V and the logic low threshold is0.5 V.Note that this on/off control is not thesameasthe9522or9522A.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice193.3 Serial Data InterfaceThe Serial data interface is used to both command the 9601 and transfer user data to and from theTransceiver. The 9601 presents a 9-wire data port to the FA (Field Application), where the interface is atRS232 levels. With respect to this interface, the Data Module behaves as a DCE (Data CommunicationEquipment), and the FA behaves as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).7KH WHUPV ³)$´ DQG ³'7(´ DUH XVHG LQWHUFKDQJHDEO\ WKURXJKRut this document; similarly for the terms³'DWD0RGXOH´DQG³'&(´Autobaud is not supported in 9601 Transceiver. The baud rate can be set via the AT+IPR command. Thedefault rate is 19200 bps.3.3.1 9-Wire and 3-Wire OperationBy default, the serial interface operates as a 9-wire connection. Table 9 describes each of the signals,ZKHUH ³LQSXW´ PHDQV DQ LQSXW WR WKH 'DWD 0RGXOH DQG ³RXWSXW´ PHDQV DQ RXWSXW IURP WKH 9601Transceiver.Table 9 ±Serial Interface SignalsSignal DescriptionRX Active high data inputTX Active high data outputGND 0VRTS Active low flow control inputCTSActive low flow control outputRTS and CTS are used together to implement hardware flow control when enabled withAT&K3DTRActive low handshaking inputAT&Dn controls how the Data Module uses DTR:xIf set to AT&D0, DTR is always ignored.xOtherwise DTR set to OFF places the data port into UART test mode after 10seconds, or immediately on boot-up. A subsequent transition of DTR to ON returnsthe data port to DCE mode and resets it to its power-on state.xThe UART test mode is provided for factory testing of the data port UART. An FAshould never activate test mode; if it does, the Data Module will stop responding toAT commands until the data port is returned to DCE mode.DSRActive low handshaking outputThe Data Module drives DSR ON when the data port is in DCE mode, and OFF whenthe data port is in test mode.The DTE may use this signal as an indication that the Data Module is powered up andready to receive AT commands.RIActive low ring indicator outputThe Data Module drives RI ON when it receives a ring alert from the network, and drivesRI OFF after 5 seconds or when the DTE initiates an SBD session, whichever occursfirst.DCDActive low handshaking outputDCD is driven ON at all times.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice20Note that the Ring Indicator (RI) pin is used by the 9601 Transceiver to indicate that a Mobile TerminatedSBD (MT-SBD) message is queued at the Gateway. The Field Application will need to monitor this pinand use appropriate AT Commands to command the Transceiver to retrieve the MT-SBD message.The serial interface may be operated with a 3-wire connection, where only transmit, receive and groundsignals are used. However the 9 wire interface offers better control and is the recommendedimplementation. Iridium is only able to provide limited 3-wire interface support. When operating with a 3-wire connection, the following rules apply:xAT&Dn must be set to AT&D0 to ignore the DTR inputxAT&Kn must be set to AT&K0 to disable RTS/CTS flow controlxThe other output signals may be connected, and operate as follows:xCTS driven ON (low)xDSR operates as normalxRI operates as normalxDCDdrivenON(low)Note: RTS/CTS flow control, when enabled, is only used when the data port is in SBD data mode. In ATcommand mode, RTS is ignored and CTS is driven ON (low).3.3.2 Configuration SettingsThe Data Module allows the DTE to configure the data port communication parameters. The threeconfiguration types are active, factory default, and stored. The active configuration is the set ofparameters currently in use. They can be changed by the DTE individually via specific AT commands.The factory default configuration is stored in permanent memory. This configuration can be recalled atany time through use of the AT&Fn command.7ZRJURXSVRIVHWWLQJVRU³SURILOHV´FDQEHVWRUHGDVXVHU-defined configurations. The DTE first createsdesired active configurations and then writes them to memory using the AT&Wn command. Theseprofiles can be designated to be loaded as the active configuration upon Data Module power-up throughuse of the AT&Yn command. The Data Module can be reset without loss of power to these profilesthrough use of the ATZn command.7KHFRQILJXUDWLRQVHWWLQJVDUHVWRUHGLQ³6-UHJLVWHU´ORFDtions.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice213.3.3 Modes of OperationThe serial interface is always in one of three modes: command mode, SBD data mode or SBD sessionmode. When the data port is in command mode, AT commands can be entered to control the DataModule. In command mode, flow control has no effect, with the RTS input ignored and the CTS outputdriven ON (low). When in SBD data mode, the Data Module is transferring binary or text SBD messagedata to or from the DTE.In SBD data mode:xAll characters from the DTE not forming part of the message data are ignored (i.e. no ATcommands may be entered)xNo unsolicited result codes are issued.xRTS/CTS flow control, if enabled, is active. When RTS is OFF (high), the Data Module suspendstransfer of data to the DTE; when CTS is OFF (high), the Data Module expects the DTE to suspendtransfer of data to the Data Module.When in SBD session mode, the Data Module is attempting to conduct an SBD session with the network.In SBD session mode:xThe DTE must wait for the +SBDI session result code.xAll characters from the DTE are ignored.xUnsolicited result codes are issued where those codes have been enabled.Transitions between the modes of operation are performed automatically by the Data Module in responseto the SBD AT Commands; the DTE has no other control over the mode.3.4 Hardware Failure ReportingIf the Data Module detects a hardware problem during initialisation, the Data Module may be unable tofunction correctly. The Data Module notifies the DTE of this situation by issuing an unsolicited result codeat the end of initialisation:HARDWARE FAILURE: <subsys>,<error>where <subsys> identifies the software subsystem that detected the error, and <error> is thesubsystem-specific error code.Any AT commands that cannot be handled in the failure condition will terminate with result code 4³ERROR´3.5 Network Available OutputThis is a digital output that can be used by an application to know when the Transceiver has visibility tothe satellite network. This is useful in applications where the Transceiver may move around terrain thatreduces the amount of time that clear line of sight to the satellite constellation is available. The applicationdeveloper can use this output to preserve battery life by reducing the number of attempted transmissionsby including this logic output in the application decision logic.3.6 DC Power OutputA limited power output can be provided by the 9601 which could be used for driving an LED to provide avisible indication that the transceiver is on, or the output could be used in application logic to determine ifthe transceiver is on.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice224.0 RF InterfaceThis section describes the physical connector and RF specifications of the RF Interface.4.1 Antenna ConnectorThe 9601 will have the following antenna connector characteristics as described in Table 10.Table 10: Antenna CharacteristicsParameter ValueImpedance 50 Ohms nominalGain 3dBiPolarization RHCPVSWR (maximum operational) 1.5 : 1Note:xExisting qualified Iridium antennas may be used. (i.e. antennas designed for the 9522 and 9522A)xExisting antennas will require different RF connector types to those for the 9522 and 9522AxThe receiver will automatically shut down if a VSWR of 3:1 or greater is detected.4.1.1 Antenna Connector TypeThe antenna connector on the 9601 is a female SMA type. The connector is manufactured by JohnsonComponents and has a part number: 142-0701-871. Additional information can be found at: data sheet may be downloaded from:
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice234.2 RF Interface SpecificationsThe RF interface requirements for the 9601 are summarized in Table 11 below.Table 11: General RF ParametersParameter ValueFrequency Range 1616 MHz to 1626.5 MHzDuplexing Method TDD (Time Domain Duplex)Oscillator Stability ± 1.5 ppmInput/Output Impedance ȍMultiplexing Method TDMA/FDMA4.3 Radio CharacteristicsThe tables within this section contain radio characteristics of the 9601 Transceiver.Table 12: In-Band CharacteristicsParameter ValueAverage Power during a transmit slot (max) 1.6 WTable 13: Link MarginConfiguration Cable Loss Link Margin9601 Transceiver antennas (Note 1) 2 dB (Note 2) 13.1 dB (Note 3)Note that the total implementation loss for an antenna, connectors, cable, lightening arrestor andany other RF component between the transceiver and the antenna shall not exceed 3dB.Implementation loss higher than this will affect link performance and quality of service.Note 1: This Transceiver has a different antenna connector to other Iridium transceiversNote 2: Cable losses should be minimized.Note 3: Link Margin given for free space.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers GuideV1.2 082905Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential InformationInformation contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice245.0 Modem Commands and Configuration
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 1of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice9601 Transceiver - AT Command SetTable of ContentsGlossary 31 Introduction 42 AT Commands 42.1 AT ±ATtention Code 42.2 A/ - Repeat Last Command 42.3 En ±Echo 42.4 In ±Identification 42.5 Qn ±Quiet Mode 52.6 Vn ±Verbose Mode 52.7 Zn ±Soft Reset 52.8 &Dn ±DTR Option (modified) 52.9 &Fn ±Restore Factory Settings 52.10 &Kn ±Flow Control (modified) 62.11 &V ±View Active and Stored Configuration 62.12 &Wn ±StoreActiveConfiguration 62.13 &Yn ±Designate Default Reset Profile 62.14 %R ±Display Registers 62.15 *F ±Flush to Eeprom (new) 62.16 *Rn ±Radio Activity (new) 72.17 +CGMI ±Manufacturer Identification 72.18 +CGMM ±Model Identification 72.19 +CGMR ±Revision 72.20 +CGSN ±Serial Number 72.21 +CIER ±Indicator Event Reporting (new) 72.22 +CSQ ±Signal Quality 102.23 +CULK ±Unlock (new) 102.24 +GMI ±Manufacturer Identification 112.25 +GMM ±Model Identification 112.26 +GMR ±Revision 112.27 +GSN ±Serial Number 122.28 +IPR ±Fixed DTE Rate 122.29 +SBDWB ±Short Burst Data: Write Binary Data to the Module 122.30 +SBDRB ±Short Burst Data: Read Binary Data from the Module 132.31 +SBDWT ±Short Burst Data: Write a Text Message to the Module 142.32 +SBDRT ±Short Burst Data: Read a Text Message from the Module 152.33 +SBDI ±Short Burst Data: Initiate an SBD Session 162.34 +SBDDET ±Short Burst Data: Detach (new) 172.35 +SBDDSC ±Short Burst Data: Delivery Short Code 182.36 +SBDIX ±Short Burst Data: Initiate an SBD Session Extended (new) 192.37 +SBDMTA ±Short Burst Data: Mobile-Terminated Alert (new) 212.38 +SBDREG ±Short Burst Data: Network Registration (new) 222.39 +SBDAREG ±Short Burst Data: Automatic Registration (new) 242.40 +SBDD ±Short Burst Data: Clear SBD Message Buffer(s) 262.41 +SBDC ±Short Burst Data: Clear SBD MOMSN 272.42 +SBDS ±Short Burst Data: Status 27
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 2of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2.43 +SBDTC ±Short Burst Data: Transfer MO Buffer to MT Buffer 282.44 -MSSTM ±Request System Time 283 S-Register Definitions 303.1 S-Register Commands 303.1.1 Sr ±Direct S-Register Reference 303.1.2 Sr? ±Direct S-Register Read 303.1.3 Sr=n ±Direct S-Register Write 303.1.4 ? ±Referenced S-Register Read 303.1.5 =n ±Referenced S-Register Write 313.2 S-Registers 314 Summary of Result Codes 385 Informative Examples 395.1 Setting the Default Configuration 395.2 Power-on to Sending a Message 405.3 Ring Alert Registration 415.4 Ring Alert Message Reception 425.5 Ring Alert Automatic Registration 435.6 Sending a Message with Minimal Radio Activity 445.7 Powering Down 456 Table of AT Command Changes 46
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 3of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeGlossaryCTS (V.24 signal) Clear To Send. This signal is used to control the flowof data to the 9601DCD (V.24 signal) Data Carrier DetectDCE Data Communications Equipment. In this product, DCE refers tothe 9601DSR (V.24 signal) Data Set Ready. This signal, from the 9601, indicatesreadiness to accept communication over the data portDTE Data Terminal Equipment. In this product, DTE refers to the FADTR (V.24 signal) Data Terminal Ready. This signal, from the FA,requests the 9601 to accept communication over the data portESS ETC SBD Subsystem (synonymous with GSS)ETC Earth Terminal Controller, part of the Iridium GatewayFA )LHOG$SSOLFDWLRQWKH³KRVW´RIWKH9601GSS Gateway SBD Subsystem (synonymous with ESS)IMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityMO Mobile OriginatedMOMSN Mobile Originated Message Sequence NumberMT Mobile TerminatedMTMSN Mobile Terminated Message Sequence NumberRI (V.24 signal) Ring Indicate. This signal, from the 9601, indicatesthat an MT message is present at the ESSRTS (V.24 signal) Request To Send. This signal is used to control theflow of data from the 9601.SBD Short Burst DataUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 4of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice1 IntroductionThis document specifies the AT Commands supported by the 9601 Transceiver.Informative examples are presented in Section 3.2 AT CommandsThe 9601 is configured and operated through the use of AT commands. Only ATCommands that are relevant to the 9601 are included. AT Commands related tofunctionality of the 9522 and 9522A LBTs are not included. Note that Commandsmay be modified, removed or added and that you should not rely on this documentas a definitive statement of the functionality of the commercial 9601 Transceiver.2.1 AT ±ATtention CodeThis is the prefix for all commands except A/. When entered on its own, the 9601will respond OK.2.2 A/ - Repeat Last CommandRepeat the last command issued to the 9601 unless the power was interrupted orthe unit is reset. A/ is not followed by <CR>.2.3 En ±EchoEcho command characters.0Characters are not echoed to the DTE.1Characters are echoed to the DTE (default).2.4 In ±IdentificationRequests the 9601 to display information about itself.0³2400´IRUFRPSDWLELOLW\RQO\1³0000´IRUFRPSDWLELOLW\RQO\2³OK´IRUFRPSDWLELOLW\RQO\3³XXXXXXXX´6RIWZare revision level)4³IRIDIUM 9601´3URGXFWGHVFULSWLRQ5³8816´IRUFRPSDWLELOLW\RQO\6³XXX´)DFWRU\LGHQWLW\
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 5of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice7³XXXXXXXX´+DUGZDUHVSHFLILFDWLRQ2.5 Qn ±Quiet ModeControl 9601 responses.09601 responses are sent to the DTE (default).19601 responses are NOT sent to the DTE.2.6 Vn ±Verbose ModeSet the response format of the 9601, which may be either numeric or textual.0Numeric responses.1Textual responses (default).2.7 Zn ±Soft ResetReset the 9601¶VGDWDSRUWWRDXVHU-stored configuration that has been previouslystored using &Wn.0Restores user configuration 0.1Restores user configuration 1.2.8 &Dn ±DTR Option (modified)Set the 9601 reaction to the DTR signal.0DTR is ignored. A DTR signal input is not needed when set to &D0.1-3 DTR must be ON. If DTR transitions from ON to OFF, the data portwill be locked after approximately 10 seconds to enter the UART testmode. The data port will resume when DTR is restored to ON.There is no distinction between settings 1-3. (default is 2)2.9 &Fn ±Restore Factory SettingsRecall factory default configuration without resetting the data port.0Recall factory default 0.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 6of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2.10 &Kn ±Flow Control (modified)Select the flow control method between the 9601 and DTE. Flow control is onlyapplied to the transfer of SBD message data; it does not apply to AT commandsand their responses.0Disables flow control.3Enables RTS/CTS flow control (default).2.11 &V ±View Active and Stored ConfigurationView the current active configuration and stored profiles.2.12 &Wn ±Store Active ConfigurationStore the active profile in non-volatile memory. This is used to store userconfigurations for later use.0Store current (active) configuration as profile 0.1Store current (active) configuration as profile 1.2.13 &Yn ±Designate Default Reset ProfileSelect profile for use after power-up.0Select profile 0 (default).1Select profile 1.2.14 %R ±Display RegistersDisplay all the S-registers in the system.2.15 *F ±Flush to Eeprom (new)Flush all pending writes to Eeprom, shut down the radio, and prepare the 9601 tobe powered down. The command returns OK upon completion, at which point it issafe to remove the power without losing non-volatile data.Note: This command stops the 9601 from responding to any more commands, butdoes not actually power it down. The only way to power down the 9601 is for theFA to remove the power or to de-assert the on/off control line.Note: After an SBD session, the new SBD MOMSN is always flushed to Eeprombefore the +SBDI result is issued.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 7of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2.16 *Rn ±Radio Activity (new)Control radio activity.0Disable radio activity.1Enable radio activity (default).While the radio is disabled:xSBD sessions can not be initiated; they will fail immediately.xNo SBDRING alerts will be issued for automatic-MT messages.xNo registration, i.e. location updates will be performed.xThe baseband circuitry is still active and the 9601 still accepts AT commands.This command allows the FA to reduce detectable emissions from the RF circuitryduring the idle periods between SBD sessions, and also provides a degree ofpower saving in cases where it may be inconvenient for the FA to power down the9601.2.17 +CGMI ±Manufacturer IdentificationExec Command: +CGMIQuery the 9601 manufacturer.2.18 +CGMM ±Model IdentificationExec Command: +CGMMQuery the 9601 model.2.19 +CGMR ±RevisionExec Command: +CGMRQuery the 9601 revision.2.20 +CGSN ±Serial NumberExec Command: +CGSNQuery the 9601 IMEI.2.21 +CIER ±Indicator Event Reporting (new)Set Command: +CIER=[<mode>[,<sigind>[,<svcind>[,<antind>]]]]
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 8of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeThe set command enables or disables sending of the +CIEV unsolicited result codefrom the 9601 to the DTE in case of indicator state changes. <mode> controls theprocessing of the +CIEV unsolicited result codes.<mode>:0Disable indicator event reporting; do not send +CIEV unsolicited resultcodes to the DTE; buffer the most recent indicator event for eachindicator in the 9601 (default).1Enable indicator event reporting; buffer the most recent +CIEVunsolicited result code for each indicator when the data port isreserved (e.g. in SBD data mode) and flush them to the DTE afterreservation; otherwise forward them directly to the DTE.<sigind>:Control reporting of "signal quality" indicator changes:0No "signal quality" indicator reporting.1Enable "signal quality" indicator reporting using result code+CIEV:0,<rssi>where <rssi> is:0Equivalent to 0 bars on the signal strength indicator1Equivalent to 1 bars on the signal strength indicator2Equivalent to 2 bars on the signal strength indicator3Equivalent to 3 bars on the signal strength indicator4Equivalent to 4 bars on the signal strength indicator5Equivalent to 5 bars on the signal strength indicatorThe reported signal strength is the same value that would be returned by the +CSQcommand.When enabled, the signal quality indicator is reported only when the signal strengthchanges.<svcind>:Control reporting of "service availability" indicator changes:0No "service availability" indicator reporting.1Enable "service availability" indicator reporting using result code+CIEV:1,<value>
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 9of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticewhere <value> is:0Network service is currently unavailable.1Network service is available.Network service availability is equivalent to a signal strength greater than 0. Theservice availability indicator provides a way for the FA to wait until the 9601 canstart an SBD session without receiving continual notifications of changes in signalstrength.<antind>:Control reporting of "antenna fault" indicator changes:0No "antenna fault" indicator reporting.1Enable "antenna fault" indicator reporting using result code+CIEV:2,<value>where <value> is:0No antenna fault detected, or antenna fault cleared.1Antenna fault detected, further transmission impossible.An antenna fault indicates that the antenna is not correctly attached, and in orderto protect the transmitter no more transmissions are permitted. On seeing anantenna fault, the user should check the antenna connection; the fault will beautomatically cleared once the 9601 detects network service availability again.Read Command: +CIER?Query the current indicator event reporting settings. The response is of the form:+CIER:<mode>,<sigind>,<svcind>,<antind>Test Command: +CIER=?List the supported settings. The response is in the form:+CIER:(supported <mode>s),(supported <sigind>s),(supported <svcind>s),(supported <antind>s)Note: In <mode> 1, the DTE may miss some indicator state changes if they occurwhile the data port is reserved. However, the buffering mechanism ensures thatthe most recent change for each indicator during reservation will be flushed to theDTE after reservation; thus the DTE is always made aware of the latest state ofeach indicator.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 10 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeNote: The DTE may initiate an SBD session even if service is unavailable; in thiscase, the 9601 makes an immediate search for the network and, if successful,starts the SBD session, otherwise the SBD session fails.2.22 +CSQ ±Signal QualityExec Command: +CSQExecution command returns the received signal strength indication <rssi> from the9601. Response is in the form:+CSQ:<rssi>where:<rssi>:0Equivalent to 0 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator.1Equivalent to 1 bar displayed on the signal strength indicator.2Equivalent to 2 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator.3Equivalent to 3 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator.4Equivalent to 4 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator.5Equivalent to 5 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator.Test Command: +CSQ=?List the supported signal strength indications. The response is in the form:+CSQ:(supported <rssi>s)Note: A signal strength response may not be immediately available, but will usuallybe received within two seconds of issuing the command. If the 9601 is in theprocess of acquiring the system, a delay in response of up to 10 seconds may beexperienced.2.23 +CULK ±Unlock (new)Exec Command: +CULK=<unlock key>Unlock the Transceiver after it has been locked by the Gateway. The unlock keyPXVWEHREWDLQHGE\FRQWDFWLQJ,ULGLXP¶VFXVWRPHUVXSSRUW<unlock key>:0000000000000000 .. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA string of 16 hexadecimal digits.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 11 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeWhile the Transceiver is locked, it is unable to perform any SBD sessions. Anyattempts to start a session will return an error code indicating that the Transceiveris locked.Command Response:+CULK:<status>where:<status> indicates the lock status of the Transceiver following the unlock attempt:0Unlocked ±Transceiver is not locked and is permitted to performSBD sessions.1Locked ±Transceiver is locked and unable to perform SBD sessions.It must be unlocked by supplying the correct unlock key to the +CULKcommand.2Permanently locked ±Transceiver is locked and unable to performSBD sessions. It cannot be unlocked and must be returned to thesupplier.Read Command: +CULK?Query the current lock status of the Transceiver. The response is of the form:+CULK:<status><status>:0Unlocked1Locked2Permanently locked2.24 +GMI ±Manufacturer IdentificationExec Command: +CGMIQuery the 9601 manufacturer.2.25 +GMM ±Model IdentificationExec Command: +CGMMQuery the 9601 model.2.26 +GMR ±RevisionExec Command: +CGMR
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 12 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeQuery the 9601 revision.2.27 +GSN ±Serial NumberExec Command: +CGSNQuery the 9601 IMEI.2.28 +IPR ±Fixed DTE RateSet Command: +IPR=<rate>Set the data rate at which the 9601 will accept commands. The change in data ratetakes into effect after the result code (e.g., OK) is received by the DTE.where:<rate>:1600 bps21200 bps32400 bps44800 bps59600 bps619200 bps (default)738400 bps857600 bps9115200 bpsRead Command: +IPR?Query the current data rate. The response is in the form:+IPR:<rate>Test Command: +IPR=?List the supported data rates. The response is in the form:+IPR:(supported <rate> settings)2.29 +SBDWB ±Short Burst Data: Write Binary Data to the ModuleExec Command: +SBDWB=<SBD message length>
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 13 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeThis command is used to transfer a binary SBD message from the DTE to thesingle mobile originated buffer in the 9601. The mobile originated buffer cancontain only one message at any one time.xOnce the command is entered, and the message length is acceptable, the 9601will indicate to the DTE that it is prepared to receive the message by sendingWKH$6&,,HQFRGHGVWULQJ³READY<CR><LF>´KH['$WRWKHDTE.xThe <SBD message length> parameter represents the length, in bytes, of the SBDmessage not including the mandatory two-byte checksum.xThe maximum mobile originated SBD message length is specified at 205 bytes(and may be increased following actual performance testing). The minimummobile originated SBD message length is 1 byte. If the <SBD message length>parameter is out of range, the 9601 issues response 3(see below).xOnce the DTE receives the READY indication from the 9601, the SBD messagemust be sent from the DTE formatted as follows:{binary SBD message} + {2-byte checksum}xThe checksum is the least significant 2-bytes of the summation of the entireSBD message. The high order byte must be sent first. For example if the'7(ZHUHWRVHQGWKHZRUG³hello´HQFRGHGLQ$6&,,WRWKH9601 the binarystream would be hex 68 65 6c 6c 6f 02 14.xThe mobile originated buffer will be empty upon power-up.xIf any data is currently in the mobile originated buffer, it will be overwritten.Command Response:0SBD message successfully written to the 9601.1SBD message write timeout. An insufficient number of bytes weretransferred to 9601 during the transfer period of 60 seconds.2SBD message checksum sent from DTE does not match thechecksum calculated at the 9601.3SBD message size is not correct. The maximum mobile originatedSBD message length is 1960 bytes. The minimum mobile originatedSBD message length is 1 byte.2.30 +SBDRB ±Short Burst Data: Read Binary Data from the ModuleExec Command: +SBDRB
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 14 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeThis command is used to transfer a binary SBD message from the single mobileterminated buffer in the 9601 to the DTE. The mobile terminated buffer can containonly one message at any one time.xThe SBD message is transferred formatted as follows:{2-byte message length} + {binary SBD message} + {2-byte checksum}xThe {2-byte message length} field represents the length, in bytes, of theSBD message not including the length field or the mandatory two-bytechecksum. The high order byte will be sent first.xThe maximum mobile terminated SBD message length is length is specifiedat 135 bytes (and may be increased following actual performance testing).xThe checksum is the least significant 2-bytes of the summation of the entireSBD message. The high order byte will be sent first. For example if the9601ZHUHWRVHQGWKHZRUG³hello´HQFRGHGLQ$6&,,WRWKH'7(WKHELQDU\stream would be hex 00 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f 02 14.xIf there is no mobile terminated SBD message waiting to be retrieved fromthe 9601, the message length and checksum fields will be zero.xThe mobile terminated message buffer will be empty upon power-up.Command Response:There are no response codes generated by the 9601 for this command.2.31 +SBDWT ±Short Burst Data: Write a Text Message to the ModuleExec Command: +SBDWT[=<text message>]This command is used to transfer a text SBD message from the DTE to the singlemobile originated buffer in the 9601.The text message may be entered on the command line:x)RUH[DPSOH³AT+SBDWT=hello´xThe length of <text message> is limited to 120 characters. This is due to thelength limit on the AT command line interface.xThe message is terminated when a carriage return is entered.Alternatively, the text message may entered separately:x8SRQHQWHULQJWKHFRPPDQG³AT+SBDWT´WKH9601 will indicate to the DTE thatit is prepared to receiYHWKHPHVVDJHE\VHQGLQJWKHVWULQJ³READY<CR><LF>´(hex 52 45 41 44 59 0D 0A) to the DTE.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 15 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticexOnce the DTE receives the READY indication, the text message must be sent,terminated by a carriage return.xThe length of the text message entered in this way is limited only by maximummobile-originated SBD message length of 1960 bytes.xThe mobile originated buffer will be empty upon power-up.xIf any data is currently in the mobile originated buffer, it will be overwritten.Command Response:)RUWKH³AT+SBDWT´IRUP0SBD message successfully written to the 9601.1SBD message write timeout. An insufficient number of bytes weretransferred to 9601 during the transfer period of 60 seconds.)RUWKH³AT+SBDWT=<text message>´IRUPOK: SBD message successfully stored in mobile originated buffer.ERROR: An error occurred storing SBD message in mobile originated buffer.2.32 +SBDRT ±Short Burst Data: Read a Text Message from the ModuleExec Command: +SBDRTThiscommandisusedtotransferatextSBDmessagefromthesinglemobileterminated buffer in the 9601 to the DTE. This command is similar to +SBDRB butdoes not provide a length indicator or checksum. The intent of this command is toprovide a human friendly interface to SBD for demonstrations and applicationdevelopment. It is expected that most usage of SBD will be with binary messages.xOnce the command is entered, the SBD message in the mobile terminatedbuffer is sent out of the port.xThis command is similar to +SBDRB except no length or checksum will beprovided.xThe maximum mobile terminated SBD message length is 1890 bytes.xThe mobile terminated message buffer will be empty upon power-up.Command Response:+SBDRT:<CR> {mobile terminated buffer}
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 16 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2.33 +SBDI ±Short Burst Data: Initiate an SBD SessionNote: The +SBDI command is provided for backwards compatibility with existingFAs which do not use SBD Ring Alert functionality. For SBD calls invoked with thiscommand:xThe SBD Session Type is fixed at type 0 ±MO call.xThe SBD Delivery Short Code will be the value specified by the +SBDDSCcommand.xThe Detach/Attach flag is fixed at the Detach setting.xThe Location Update flag is fixed at the No Update setting.FAs requiring SBD Ring Alert functionality should use the extended +SBDIXcommand.Exec Command: +SBDIThis command initiates an SBD session between the 9601 and the GSS. If there isa message in the mobile originated buffer it will be transferred to the GSS.Similarly if there is one or more messages queued at the GSS the oldest will betransferred to the 9601 and placed into the mobile terminated buffer.xThe message, if any, in the mobile originated buffer will be sent from the 9601to the GSS.xIf there is a message queued at the GSS it will be transferred to the 9601 andplaced into the mobile terminated buffer.Command Response:+SBDI:<MO status>,<MOMSN>,<MT status>,<MTMSN>,<MT length>,<MT queued>where:<MO status>:MO session status provides an indication of the disposition of the mobile originatedtransaction. The field can take on the following values:0No SBD message to send from the 9601.1SBD message successfully sent from the 9601 to the GSS.2An error occurred while attempting to send SBD message from 9601to GSS.<MOMSN>:The Mobile Originated Message Sequence Number (MOMSN) is a value assignedby the 9601 when sending a mobile-originated message to the GSS. This value is
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 17 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeincremented each time an SBD session is successfully completed between the9601 to the GSS. This wrap around counter can range from 0 to 65535.<MT status>:The MT status provides an indication of the disposition of the mobile terminatedtransaction. The field can take on the following values:0No SBD message to receive from the GSS.1SBD message successfully received from the GSS.2An error occurred while attempting to perform a mailbox check orreceiveamessagefromtheGSS.<MTMSN>:The Mobile Terminated Message Sequence Number (MTMSN) is assigned by theGSS when forwarding a message to the 9601. This value is indeterminate if thefield <MT status> is zero. This wrap around counter can range from 0 to 65535.<MT length>:The MT length is the length in bytes of the mobile terminated SBD messagereceived from the GSS. If no message was received, this field will be zero.<MT queued>:MT queued is a count of mobile terminated SBD messages waiting at the GSS tobe transferred to the 9601.2.34 +SBDDET ±Short Burst Data: Detach (new)Exec Command: +SBDDETInitiates an SBD session to detach the Transceiver from the Gateway.Command Response:+SBDDET:<status>,<error>where:<status>:0Detach successfully performed1An error occurred while attempting the detach<error>:Gateway-reported values0No error.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 18 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice1..4 Reserved, but indicate success if used.5..14 Reserved, but indicate failure if used.15 Access is denied.Transceiver-reported values16 Transceiver has been locked and may not make SBD calls (see+CULK command).17 Gateway not responding (local session timeout).18 Connection lost (RF drop).19..31 Reserved, but indicate failure if used.32 No network service, unable to initiate call.33 Antenna fault, unable to initiate call.34 Radio is disabled, unable to initiate call (see *Rn command).35 Transceiver is busy, unable to initiate call (typically performing auto-registration).36.. Reserved, but indicate failure if used.This instructs the Gateway to disable (detach) SBD ring alerts for the callingTransceiver. Successful completion of the detach command implies that theGateway has performed the requested detach action and the Transceiver is nolonger registered. This session does not transfer any MO or MT messages.Note: A user can send an MO-SBD message and request a detach at the sametime by using the +SBDI command. The +SBDI command always requests a detach.2.35 +SBDDSC ±Short Burst Data: Delivery Short CodeSet Command: +SBDDSC=<dsc>Set the Delivery Short Code (DSC), which provides dynamic routing information foruploaded messages. This is an 8-bit value providing the ability to set individualfields. Value 0x80 (hexadecimal) sets the most significant bit. Value 0x01 sets theleast significant bit. Flag values can be added together to achieve a combinationRIVHWWLQJV6RPHILHOGVPD\EH³ORFNHG´ZKHQWKHTransceiver is in a specialmode (e.g. Autoregistration locks the flag values 0x80 and 0x40).<dsc>:0..255 DSC to be used for subsequent uploaded messages (0 default)0x80 Hold MT message delivery
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 19 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice0x40 Leave MT message in queue after delivery0x20 Destination in MO payloadRead Command: +SBDDSC?Query the current Delivery Short Code. The response is of the form:+SBDDSC:<dsc>2.36 +SBDIX ±Short Burst Data: Initiate an SBD Session Extended (new)Note: The +SBDIX command must be used in place of the +SBDI command for FAswishing to make use of SBD Ring Alert functionality.Exec Command: +SBDIX[A][=<location>]This command initiates an SBD session between the 9601 and the GSS, settingthe SBD Session Type according to the type of command +SBDIX or +SBDIXA,Delivery Short Code according to the value specified by the +SBDDSC command,and the type of location according to whether the optional location value isprovided. If there is a message in the mobile originated buffer it will be transferredto the GSS. Similarly if there is one or more messages queued at the GSS theoldest will be transferred to the 9601 and placed into the mobile terminated buffer.xThe message, if any, in the mobile originated buffer will be sent from the 9601to the GSS.xIf there is a message queued at the GSS it will be transferred to the 9601 andplaced into the mobile terminated buffer.xThis command will always attempt an SBD registration, consisting of attach andlocation update, during the SBD session in order to support SBD Ring Alert. Ifthis is not desired, the +SBDI command should be used.x7KH)$VKRXOGDSSHQGDQµA¶WRWKHFRPPDQGLH+SBDIXA, when the SBDsession is in response to a ring alert.<location> has format:[+|-]DDMM.MMM,[+|-]dddmm.mmmwhere:DD Degrees latitude (00-89)MM Minutes latitude (00-59)MMM Thousandths of minutes latitude (000-999)ddd Degrees longitude (000-179)mm Minutes longitude (00-59)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 20 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticemmm Thousandths of minutes longitude (000-999)The optional sign indicators specify latitude North (+)orSouth(-), and longitudeEast (+)orWest(-). If omitted, the default is +.For example,AT+SBDIX=5212.483,-00007.350corresponds to 52 degrees 12.483 minutes North, 0 degrees 7.35 minutes West.Command Response:+SBDIX:<MO status>,<MOMSN>,<MT status>,<MTMSN>,<MT length>,<MT queued>where:<MO status>:MO session status provides an indication of the disposition of the mobile originatedtransaction. The field can take on the following values:Gateway-reported values0MO message, if any, transferred successfully.1MO message, if any, transferred successfully, but the MT message inthe queue was too big to be transferred.2MO message, if any, transferred successfully, but the requestedLocation Update was not accepted.3..4 Reserved, but indicate MO session success if used.5..8 Reserved, but indicate MO session failure if used.10 Gateway reported that the call did not complete in the allowed time.11 MO message queue at the Gateway is full.12 MO message has too many segments.13 Gateway reported that the session did not complete.14 Invalid segment size.15 Access is denied.Transceiver-reported values16 Transceiver has been locked and may not make SBD calls (see+CULK command).17 Gateway not responding (local session timeout).18 Connection lost (RF drop).19..31 Reserved, but indicate MO session failure if used.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 21 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice32 No network service, unable to initiate call.33 Antenna fault, unable to initiate call.34 Radio is disabled, unable to initiate call (see *Rn command).35 Transceiver is busy, unable to initiate call (typically performing auto-registration).36.. Reserved, but indicate failure if used.<MOMSN>:The Mobile Originated Message Sequence Number (MOMSN) is a value assignedby the 9601 when sending a mobile-originated message to the GSS. This value isincremented each time an SBD session is successfully completed between the9601 to the GSS. This wrap around counter can range from 0 to 65535.<MT status>:The MT status provides an indication of the disposition of the mobile terminatedtransaction. The field can take on the following values:0No MT SBD message to receive from the Gateway.1MT SBD message successfully received from the Gateway.2An error occurred while attempting to perform a mailbox check orreceive a message from the Gateway.<MTMSN>:The Mobile Terminated Message Sequence Number (MTMSN) is assigned by theGSS when forwarding a message to the 9601. This value is indeterminate if thefield <MT status> is zero. This wrap around counter can range from 0 to 65535.<MT length>:The MT length is the length in bytes of the mobile terminated SBD messagereceived from the GSS. If no message was received, this field will be zero.<MT queued>:MT queued is a count of mobile terminated SBD messages waiting at the GSS tobe transferred to the 9601.2.37 +SBDMTA ±Short Burst Data: Mobile-Terminated Alert (new)Set Command: +SBDMTA=<mode>Enable or disable ring indications for SBD Ring Alerts.<mode>:
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 22 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice0Disable ring indication1Enable ring indication (default)When ring indication is enabled, the 9601 asserts the RI line and issues theunsolicited result code SBDRING when an SBD ring alert is received.Read Command: +SBDMTA?Query the current ring indication mode. The response is of the form:+SBDMTA:<mode>Test Command: +SBDMTA=?List the supported mode settings. The response is of the form:+SBDMTA:(supported <mode> settings)2.38 +SBDREG ±Short Burst Data: Network Registration (new)Exec Command: +SBDREG[=<location>]Triggers an SBD session to perform a manual SBD registration.This command initiates an SBD session to perform a manual SBD registration,consisting of an attach and location update. The session type will be set to 2 ±registration. This session does not transfer any MO or MT messages.Note: The Transceiver restricts the number of manual and automatic registrationsto one every 3 minutes. Successive attempts within 3 minutes will return an errorcode indicating that the FA should try later (see error 36 below).Note: A user can send an MO SBD message and register at the same time byusing the +SBDIX command. The +SBDIX command always performs a registrationattempt and should be used for an application requiring SBD Ring Alert. The +SBDIcommand never includes an SBD registration and should be used for anapplication that does not require SBD Ring Alert.<location> has format:[+|-]DDMM.MMM,[+|-]dddmm.mmmwhere:DD Degrees latitude (00-89)MM Minutes latitude (00-59)MMM Thousandths of minutes latitude (000-999)ddd Degrees longitude (000-179)mm Minutes longitude (00-59)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 23 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticemmm Thousandths of minutes longitude (000-999)The optional sign indicators specify latitude North (+)orSouth(-), and longitudeEast (+)orWest(-). If omitted, the default is +.For example,AT+SBDIX=5212.483,-00007.350corresponds to 52 degrees 12.483 minutes North, 0 degrees 7.35 minutes West.Command Response:+SBDREG:<status>,<reg err>where:<status> indicates the resulting registration status of the Transceiver:0Detached ±Transceiver is detached as a result of a successful+SBDDET or +SBDI command.1Not registered ±Transceiver is attached but has not provided a goodlocation since it was last detached.2Registered ±Transceiver is attached with a good location. Note thatthis may be the case even when the most recent attempt did notprovide a good location.3Registration denied ±The gateway is denying service to theTransceiver.4Unknown<reg err>:Gateway-reported values0No error.2Session completed but the requested Location Update was notaccepted.3..14 Reserved, but indicate Location Update failure if used.15 Access is denied.Transceiver-reported values16 Transceiver has been locked and may not make SBD calls (see+CULK command).17 Gateway not responding (local session timeout).18 Connection lost (RF drop).
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 24 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice19..31 Reserved, but indicate failure if used.32 No network service, unable to initiate call.33 Antenna fault, unable to initiate call.34 Radio is disabled, unable to initiate call (see *Rn command).35 Transceiver is busy, unable to initiate call (typically performing auto-registration).36 Try later, must wait 3 minutes since last registration.37.. Reserved, but indicate failure if used.Read Command: +SBDREG?Query the current SBD registration status of the Transceiver. The response is ofthe form:+SBDREG:<status><status>:0Detached1Not registered2Registered3Registration denied4UnknownThe registration status is stored in Transceiver non-volatile memory, and cantherefore be queried by the FA after powering up.2.39 +SBDAREG ±Short Burst Data: Automatic Registration (new)Set Command: +SBDAREG=<mode>Set the Transceiver¶V$XWR-registration mode.<mode>:0Disable automatic registration (default)1Set the Auto-UHJLVWUDWLRQPRGHWR³$XWRPDWLF´2Set the Auto-UHJLVWUDWLRQPRGHWR³$VN´When auto-registration is enabled, mode 1 or 2, the Transceiver monitors itscurrent location and triggers an auto-registration when it determines that theTransceiver has moved sufficiently far away from its last registered location. Note
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 25 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticethat auto-registration runs only while the Transceiver is attached to the gateway,LHWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQVWDWXVLV³1RWUHJLVWHUHG´RU³5HJLVWHUHG´Auto-registration may only be used with system-provided location. If the FA isproviding its own location (e.g. GPS), the FA should use the manual registrationcommand, +SBDREG.8SRQWULJJHULQJLQPRGH³$XWRPDWLF´WKHTransceiver autonomously initiates anSBD session in order to perform a registration with the updated location of theTransceiver, with the session type set to 3 ±auto-registration. This session doesnot transfer any MO or MT messages.8SRQWULJJHULQJLQPRGH³$VN´WKHTransceiver reports to the FA that it shouldregister with the system because the Transceiver location has changed (see<event> below); it is then the responsibility of the FA to register via +SBDREG or+SBDIX.+SBDIX allows the FA to register while including an MO message and/orretrieving an MT message that is pending at the Gateway.When auto-registration is enabled, mode 1 or 2, the Transceiver reports relevantevents to the FA by issuing an unsolicited result code +AREG:<event>,<reg error>.<event>:0Suggest FA makes a registration attempt (mode 2 only)1Auto-registration has been performed successfully (mode 1 only)2Auto-registration has failed and will be retried after a delay (mode 1only)<reg error>:Gateway-reported values0No error.2Session completed but the requested Location Update was notaccepted.3..14 Reserved, but indicate Location Update failure if used.15 Access is denied.Transceiver-reported values16 Transceiver has been locked and may not make SBD calls (see+CULK command).17 Gateway not responding (local session timeout).18 Connection lost (RF drop).19..31 Reserved, but indicate failure if used.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 26 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice32 No network service, unable to initiate call.33 Antenna fault, unable to initiate call.34 Radio is disabled, unable to initiate call (see *Rn command).35 Transceiver is busy, unable to initiate call (typically performing auto-registration).36 Try later, must wait 3 minutes since last registration.37.. Reserved, but indicate failure if used.Read Command: +SBDAREG?Query the current automatic MT registration mode. The response is of the form:+SBDAREG:<mode>Test Command: +SBDAREG=?List the supported mode settings. The response is of the form:+SBDAREG:(supported <mode> settings)2.40 +SBDD ±Short Burst Data: Clear SBD Message Buffer(s)Exec Command: +SBDD<Delete type>This command is used to clear the mobile originated buffer, mobile terminatedbuffer or both.xThe <Delete type> parameter identifies which buffers are cleared.0Clear the mobile originated buffer.1Clear the mobile terminated buffer.2Clear both the mobile originated and mobile terminated buffers.xUsing this command or power cycling the 9601 are the only means by whichboth buffers are cleared.xThe mobile terminated buffer will be cleared when an SBD session is initiated.xSending a message from the 9601 to the ESS does not clear the mobileoriginated buffer.xReading a message from the 9601 does not clear the mobile terminated buffer.Command Response:0Buffer(s) cleared successfully.1An error occurred while clearing the buffer(s).
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 27 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice2.41 +SBDC ±Short Burst Data: Clear SBD MOMSNExec Command: +SBDCThis command will clear (set to 0) the mobile originated message sequencenumber (MOMSN) stored in the 9601.xThe MOMSN is maintained even after power cycle.Command Response:0The MOMSN was cleared successfully.1An error occurred while clearing the MOMSN.2.42 +SBDS ±Short Burst Data: StatusExec Command: +SBDSThis command returns current state of the mobile originated and mobile terminatedbuffers.Command Response:+SBDS:<MO flag>,<MOMSN>,<MT flag>,<MTMSN>where:<MO flag>:The MO flag indicates the existence of a message in the mobile originated buffer.The response from the 9601 is one of the following numeric codes:0No message in mobile originated buffer1Message in mobile originated buffer<MOMSN>:The MOMSN identifies the sequence number that will be used during the nextmobile originated SBD session.<MT Flag>:The MT flag indicates the existence of a message in the mobile terminated buffer.The response from the 9601 is one of the following numeric codes:0No message in mobile terminated buffer1Message in mobile terminated buffer<MTMSN>:
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 28 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeThe MTMSN identifies the sequence number that was used in the most recentmobile terminated SBD session. This value will be ±1if there is nothing in themobile terminated buffer.2.43 +SBDTC ±Short Burst Data: Transfer MO Buffer to MT BufferExec Command: +SBDTCThis command will transfer the contents of the mobile originated buffer to themobile terminated buffer. Developers of DTE can use this command to test readingand writing to the 9601 without actually initiating SBD sessions with the ESS.Command Response:7KHFRPPDQGSURGXFHVDUHVSRQVHRIWKHIRUP³SBDTC: Outbound SBD copied toInbound SBD: size = <size>´IROORZHGE\³OK´ZKHUH<size>:The length of the message in bytes.2.44 -MSSTM ±Request System TimeExec Command: -MSSTMQuery the latest system time received from the network. The response is the form:-MSSTM:<system_time><system_time> can take one of the following forms:no network service The 9601 has not yet received system time from thenetwork.XXXXXXX Where XXXXXXXX is the current Iridium system timeavailable from the network. The system time as receivedthrough the Iridium Air Interface, is a 32 bit integer countof the number of 90 millisecond intervals that haveelapsed since the epoch. The return value is formattedas an ASCII hexadecimal number. The counter willrollover approximately every 12 years.Iridium system time epoch: June 1, 1996, 00:00:13 (GMT):Iridium system time source: The system time is available and valid only after the9601 has registered with the network and has received the Iridium system timefrom the network. Once the time is received, the 9601 uses its internal clock toincrement the counter. In addition, at least every 8 hours, or on location update orother event that requires re-registration, the 9601 will obtain a new system timefrom the network.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 29 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeTime localization: None. The system time value is always expressed in GMT time.Resolution and accuracy: The resolution of the system time is one Iridium frametick, or 90 ms. Accuracy as measured by the difference between the time reportedand the actual time it is sent out the 9601 serial port should not exceed 4 frameticks (.36 seconds) and in most cases will be one frame tick (.09 seconds) or less.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 30 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice3 S-Register DefinitionsS-registers allow control over specific 9601 operations. Some S-registers containa single numeric value, other S-registers are bit-mapped where individual bits, orset of bits, control specific functions.Table 1 defines the S-registers used for 9601 Transceiver. Many of the 9522ATransceiver S-registers are obsolete for 9601 Transceiver, and 9601 Transceiverrequires some new S-registers. To prevent reallocation of obsolete S-registers,they are reserved and shaded out in the table, and the new S-registers areregisters that are unused in 9522A TransceiverDQGDUHPDUNHGDV³new for 9601Transceiver´All S-registers, from S0 to S127, are readable. All write permissions remainunchanged from 9522A Transceiver, even where a writable register is not used in9601 Transceiver:ULWDEOHUHJLVWHUVDUHKLJKOLJKWHGLQWKH³6U QZULWDEOH"´column. An FA could use the unused writable S-registers to store application-specific data.The final column in the table indicates which S-registers are stored in non-volatilememory as part of a user profile; the 9601 can be reset to a stored profile using theZn command.3.1 S-Register CommandsCommands allow S-registers to be read, written, or simply referenced (i.e. set apointer to designate the current, referenced S-register). S-register commands aredescribed in the following subsections.3.1.1 Sr ±Direct S-Register ReferenceSet a pointer to reference S-register r.3.1.2 Sr? ±Direct S-Register ReadRead the value of S-register r.3.1.3 Sr=n ±Direct S-Register WriteSetthevalueofS-registerrto n, where nis a decimal value in the range 0 to ? ±Referenced S-Register ReadRead the value of the current referenced S-register. The current referenced S-register is that which was last acted upon by a direct reference (ATSr), read (ATSr?),or write (ATSr=n) command.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 31 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice3.1.5 =n ±Referenced S-Register WriteSet the value of the current referenced S-register to n. The current referenced S-register is that which was last acted upon by a direct reference (ATSr), read (ATSr?),or write (ATSr=n) command.3.2 S-RegistersTable 1: 9601 Transceiver S-RegistersRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S0 0-255 0Autoanswer. Assigning a value from 1 to255 in register S0 tells the ISU toautomatically answer incoming calls.The factory setting of 0 turns off theautomatic answer feature.9 9S1 0-255 0Ring count 9S2 0-255 43 Escape code character 99S3 0-127 13 Carriage return character 9S4 0-127 10 Line feed character 9S5 0-32 8 Backspace character 9S6 0-255 4Wait for dial-tone. 9 9S7 0-255 50 Communication standard used by ISU 9 9S8 0-255 4Pause time for comma. 9 9S9 0-255 6Carrier detect response time. 9 9S10 0-255 14 Carrier loss time. 9 9S11 0-255 0DTMF tone duration. 9S12 0-255 50 Escape guard time. Time, in 50ths of asecond, until OK displayed afterentering command mode by escapesequence9 9
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 32 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S13 0-255 49 Bitmap register:bits 0-1: DCE data bitsbits 2-3: DCE stop bitsbits 4-6: DCE parity setting9S14 0-255 170 Bitmap register:bit 1: En setting (echo)bit 2: Qn setting (quiet)bit 3: Vn setting (verbose)bit 5: Pulse/tone dial mode99S21 0-255 48 Bitmap register:bit 0: Telephone jack controlbit 2: RTS/CTS on/offbits 3-4: &Dn setting (DTR operation)bit 5: &Cn settingbit 6: Disconnecting long space9S22 0-255 246 Bitmap register:bits 0-1: speaker volume settingbits 2-3: speaker on/off settingbits 4-6: Xn setting9S23 0-255 61 Bitmap register:bits 1-4: +IPR setting (DTE baud rate)bits 6-7: guard tone9S25 0-255 5Sets length of time in hundredths of asecond that a change in the DTR statushas to persist for before it is recognized.9 9S27 0-255 9Bitmap register:bits 0-2: &Qn settingbit 3: leased line operation settingbits 4-5: synchronous clock setting9S28 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 3-4: &Pn setting (pulse dialmake/break ratio)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 33 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S30 0-255 0Disconnect activity timer. Timer used todetermine how long the call connectionbeen inactive, in increments of1/10000ms. A value of 0 disables thisfunction.9 9S31 0-255 0Bitmap register:bit 1: line modulation method settingbits 2-3: Wn setting9S34 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 0-1: data compression type (PT)bit 6: +DS compression negotiationsettingbit 7: +DR setting9S35 0-255 7Bearer service capabilities 9 9S36 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 0-2: link type settingS37 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 0-4: Fn setting (line modulationstandard)9S39 0-255 3 Bitmap register:bits 0-2: &Kn setting (flow control)9S40 0-255 104 Bitmap register:bits 2-4: \K settingbits 3-5: \Kn settingbits 6-7: \An setting9S41 0-255 0Bitmap registers:bits 2, 6: enable retrain on bad signalquality settingbit 4: xon/xoff usage settingbit 5: DTE auto rate adjustment setting
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 34 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S42 0-255 16 GSM Call clearing code as returned bythe network. Refer to GSM 04.08 Table10.86 Cause Information ElementValues.9S43 0-255 32 Bitmap register:bit 0: +CMGF settingbit 1: +CBST parameter <name> settingbit 2: +CMEE settingbit 3: +CMEE settingbit 5: +CBST parameter <ce> settingbit 6: +CRC settingbit 7: +CR setting9S44 0-255 4Bitmap register:bits 0-2: +CPBS settingbits 5-6: +CREG settingbit 7: reservedS45 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 0-1: +CNMI parameter <mode>settingbits 2-3: +CNMI parameter <mt> settingbits 4-5: +CNMI parameter <bm> settingbits 6-7: +CNMI parameter <ds> settingS47 0-255 0Bitmap register:bits 4-6: TON settings for dial string9 9S49 0-255 1Bitmap register:bits 0-3: NPI settings for dial string9 9S51 0-255 2V.42bis maximum codewords (P1), highbyte9S52 0-255 0V.42bis maximum codewords (P1), lowbyte9 9S54 0-255 6V.42bis maximum string size (P2) 9 9
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 35 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S58 0-255 3V.42 bis compression direction (P0) 9 9S95 0-255 0Bitmap register for extended resultcodes (overrides Wn setting):bit 0: CONNECT shows DCE speedbit 2: Enable CARRIER XXXXbit 3: Enable PROTOCOL: XXXXbit 5: Enable COMPRESSION: XXXX9 9S96 0-255 0IRLP version number (N0) parameter 9S98 1-105 105 IRLP k iwf->isu parameter 9S99 1-105 105 IRLP k isu->iwf parameter 9S1001-15 15 IRLP N2 parameter 9S10226-255 30 IRLP T1 parameter 9S10310-255 10 IRLP T2 parameter 9S1044-255 25 IRLP T4 parameter 9S1061-10 10 IRLP riwf->isu parameter 9S1071-10 10 IRLP risu->iwf parameter 9S1100-1 0SBM max segment size (40-310) (highbyte)S1110-255 135 SBM max segment size (40-310) (lowbyte)S1120-255 0 SBD upload message sequence number(high byte)
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 36 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S1130-255 0 SBD upload message sequence number(low byte)S1210-15 1 New for 9601 TransceiverBitmap register:bit 0: +SBDMTA setting (ring indication)bit 1-2: +SBDAREG setting (automaticregistration)9S1220-31 1 New for 9601 TransceiverBitmap register:bit 0: *R setting (radio activity)bits 1-4: +CIER setting (indicator eventreporting)9S1230-255 8Bitmap register:bit 1: +WTMbit 2: +WDLDM<dldm>bit 3: +WIRLP<mode>bits 4-5: +WFRNGS1240-255 15 Dynamic link measurement interval(+WDLM <mi> setting). Value in 1000 msunit9S1251-100 10 Dynamic link delay measurement delaytolerance (+WDLM<dtl> setting). Value in% unit9
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 37 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeRegisterRangeDefaultDescriptionSr=nwritable?ProfileSetting?S1260-255 2Bitmap register:bit 0: Ignore &Dn command specifiedreaction to DTR ON to OFF transitions.Disconnect as reaction to Hn command.OK response givenbit 1: Ignore &Dn command specifiedreaction to DTR ON to OFF transitions.Ignore Hn command. OK response givenbit 2: Comply with &Dn commandspecified reaction to DTR ON to OFFtransitions. Disconnect as reaction to Hncommand.S1270-255 0Bitmap Register containing copies ofMSVTR/MSVLS parameters:Bit 0: -MSVTR: 0 = Disabled (default) 1 =EnabledBit 1: -MSVLS: 0 = No Mute (default) 1 =Mute Enabled9
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 38 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice4 Summary of Result CodesTable 2: Result codesNumeric (V0) Verbose (V1) Description0µOK¶Acknowledges execution of command2µSBDRING¶MT messages present at gateway(unsolicited if enabled). See section2.344µERROR¶Command not accepted127 µHARDWARE FAILURE:<subsys>,<error>¶Issued at initialisation in case of ahardware verbose µREADY¶Ready to receive binary message datafrom DTEas verbose µ+AREG: <event>,<regerror>¶Auto-registration event report. Seesection 2.39as verbose µ+CIEV: <sig>,<value>¶Indicator event report (unsolicited ifenabled). See section 2.21
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 39 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5 Informative Examples5.1 Setting the Default ConfigurationThe FA sets the Transceiver¶VGHIDXOWFRQILJXUDWLRQWRQRKDQGVKDNLQJQRIORZcontrol, radio enabled, SBD ring alerts enabled.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT&K0OKDisable RTS/CTS flow controlAT*R1OKEnable the radioAT+SBDMTA=1OKEnable SBD ring indicationsAT&W0OKStore the configuration as profile 0AT&Y0OKSelect profile 0 as the power-up default
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 40 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.2 Power-on to Sending a MessageThe FA will power up the Transceiver, wait for the Transceiver to acquire thenetwork, and send a 70-byte message.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionApply power to the 9601Wait for DSR to become assertedAT+CIER=1,0,1,0OKEnable service indication reporting (notethat this can be stored in the defaultconfiguration)+CIEV: 1,1 Wait for the 9601 to acquire the networkAT+SBDWB=70READY<binary transfer>0Transfer message to 9601AT+SBDIX+SBDIX: 0,23,0,-1,0,0Perform SBD sessionAT+SBDD0OKClear the MO message buffer
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 41 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.3 Ring Alert RegistrationThe FA verifies its registration state, performs a registration in order to be able toreceive ring alerts, and enables ring alert indications.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT+SBDREG? Query the Transceiver registration status+SBDREG:0 Transceiver is detached, i.e. un-registeredAT+SBDREG Tell the Transceiver to register for ringalerts+SBDREG:2,0 Transceiver is now registeredAT+SBDREG? Query the Transceiver registration status+SBDREG:2 Transceiver is registeredAT+SBDMTA=1OKEnable SBD ring indications fromTransceiver to FA
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 42 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.4 Ring Alert Message ReceptionThe FA verifies its registration state. Upon receiving a ring alert the FA initiates anSBD session to receive an MT message.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT+SBDREG? Query the Transceiver registration status+SBDREG:2 Transceiver is registered«Vendor application sends an MT messageto the GSS+SBDRING Transceiver indicates an incomingmessage. The RI line also toggles.AT+SBDIXA FA initiates an SBD session in answer totheringalert+SBDIXA:0,23,1,237,90,2 Transceiver informs FA that a 90-bytemessage was successfully received withMTMSN 237, and that two further MTmessages are queued at the GSSAT+SBDRB<binary transfer>FA retrieves the received message fromthe Transceiver
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 43 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.5 Ring Alert Automatic RegistrationThe FA verifies its registration state and enables automatic registration using the³$VN´PRGHTo Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT+SBDREG? Query the Transceiver registration status+SBDREG:2 Transceiver is registeredAT+SBDAREG=2OK)$VHWVWKHDXWRPDWLFUHJLVWUDWLRQWR³$VN´mode«Transceiver is moved+AREG:0,0 Transceiver notifies FA that it needs toregisterAT+SBDREG FA instructs the Transceiver to register+SBDREG:2,0 Registration is successful
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 44 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.6 Sending a Message with Minimal Radio ActivityAssuming that service indication events have been turned on with AT+CIER=1,0,1,and the radio has been disabled with AT*R0.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT+SBDWB=70READY<binary transfer>0Transfer message to 9601AT*R1OKActivate the radio and wait for theTransceiver to acquire the network+CIEV:1,1 Transceiver has acquired the networkAT+SBDI+SBDI: 0,23,0,-1,0,0Perform SBD sessionAT*R0OKDeactivate the radioAT+SBDD0OKClear the MO message buffer
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 45 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice5.7 Powering DownThe FA flushes any pending Eeprom writes before powering down the Transceiver.To Transceiver(from FA)To FA (from Transceiver) DescriptionAT*FOKFA tells Transceiver to flush pendingwrites to Eeprom and waits for completion<binary transfer> FA may now safely disconnect theTransceiver power supply.
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 46 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice6 Table of AT Command ChangesTable 3 shows which 9522A Transceiver AT commands are modified or removed,and which AT commands are new for 9601 Transceiver. Removed commands areshaded.Table 3: Changes to AT commandsCommand DescriptionModifiedNewAT Attention codeA/ Repeat last command+++ Escape sequenceAAnswerBn Communication standardsCn Carrier controlDDialEn EchoFn Line modulationHn HangupIn IdentificationLn Loudspeaker volumeMn Speaker controlNn Automode enableOn OnlinePPulse dialQn Quiet modeTTone dialVn Verbose modeWn Error correction message control
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 47 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeCommand DescriptionModifiedNewXn Extended result codesYn Long space disconnectZn Soft reset&Cn DCD option&Dn DTR option 9&Fn Restore factory settings&Gn Guard tone&Jn Jack control&Kn Flow control 9&Ln Leased line operation&Mn Asynchronous/synchronous mode&Pn Pulse dial make/break ratio&Qn Sync/async mode&Rn RTS/CTS option&Sn DSR override&V View active and stored configuration&Wn Store active configuration&Xn Select asynchronous clock&Yn Designate default reset profile\An MNP block size\Bn Transmit break\Gn XON/XOFF flow control\Jn DTE auto rate\Kn Control break\Nn Link type
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 48 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeCommand DescriptionModifiedNew%Cn Compression control%En Auto retrain%R Display registers*F Flush to eeprom 9*Pn Power phone*Rn Radio activity 9+CBC Battery charge+CBST Select bearer service type+CCFC Call forward service+CCLK Real-time clock+CEER Extended error report+CGMI Manufacturer identification+CGMM Model identification+CGMR Revision+CGSN Serial number+CHUP Hangup call+CIER Indicator event reporting 9+CLCC Request current call status+CLCK Facility lock+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level control+CMEE Report mobile equipment error+CMGD Delete SMS message+CMGF SMS message format+CMGL List SMS messages+CMGR Read SMS message
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 49 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeCommand DescriptionModifiedNew+CMGS Send SMS message+CMGW WriteSMSmessagetomemory+CMOD Call mode+CMUT Mute control+CNMI New SMS message indications to DTE+CNUM Read MSISDN numbers+COPS Operator select+CPAS Phone activity status+CPBF Find phonebook entries+CPBR Read phonebook entries+CPBS Select phonebook storage+CPBW Write phonebook entry+CPIN Enter PIN+CPMS Select preferred SMS message storage+CPWD Change password+CR Service reporting control+CRC Cellular result codes+CREG Network registration+CSCA SMS service center address+CSCB Select cell broadcast message types+CSCS Select TE character set+CSMS Select SMS message service+CSQ Signal quality+CSTA Select type of address+CULK Unlock 9
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 50 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeCommand DescriptionModifiedNew+CVHU Voice hangup control+DR Data compression report level+DS Set data compression function+GCAP General capabilities+GMI Manufacture identification+GMM Model identification+GMR Revision+GSN Serial number+IPR Fixed DTE rate+SBDAREG Short burst data: Automatic registration 9+SBDC Short burst data: Clear SBD MOMSN+SBDD Short burst data: Clear SBD message buffers+SBDDET Short burst data: Detach 9+SBDDSC Short burst data: Delivery short code+SBDI Short burst data: Initiate an SBD session+SBDIX Short burst data: Initiate an SBD sessionextended9+SBDIXA Short burst data: Initiate an SBD sessionextended9+SBDMTA Short burst data: Mobile-terminated alert 9+SBDRB Short burst data: Read binary data from ISU+SBDREG Short burst data: Automatic registration 9+SBDRT Short burst data: Read a text message from theISU+SBDS Short burst data: Status+SBDTC Short burst data: Transfer MO buffer to MT buffer
Iridium Satellite LLC9601 Transceiver ± AT Command ReferenceIridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 51 of 51Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further noticeCommand DescriptionModifiedNew+SBDWB Short burst data: Write binary data to the ISU+SBDWT Short burst data: Write a text message to the ISU+SBDZ Short burst data: Segment size+WDAV Register or deregister an RS232 DAV dataperipheral+WDLDM IRLP dynamic link delay measurement+WFRNG Force IRLP renegotiation+WIRLP Iridium radio link protocol+WTM IRLP test mode-MSGEO Request geolocation-MSSTM Request system time-MSVLS Local DTMF feedback selection-MSVTR DTMF received in voice call-MSVTS DTMF generation in voice call

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