Garmin A3095 Dive Watch User Manual

Garmin International Inc Dive Watch


User Manual

IMPORTANT SAFETY ANDPRODUCT INFORMATION WARNINGFailure to heed the following warningscould result in an accident or medicalevent resulting in death or serious injury.Dive Warnings• The diving features of this device arefor use by certified divers only. Thisdevice should not be used as a soledive computer. Failure to input theappropriate dive-related informationinto the device can lead to seriouspersonal injury or death.•Make sure that you fully understandthe use, displays, and limitations ofyour device. If you have questionsabout this manual or the device,always resolve any discrepancies orconfusion before diving with thedevice. Always remember that you areresponsible for your own safety.• There is always a risk ofdecompression sickness (DCS) for anydive profile even if you follow the diveplan provided by the dive tables or adiving device. No procedure, divingdevice, or dive table will eliminate thepossibility of DCS or oxygen toxicity.An individual's physiological make upcan vary from day to day. This devicecannot account for these variations.You are strongly advised to remainwell within the limits provided by thisdevice to minimize the risk of DCS.You should consult a physicianregarding your fitness before diving.• This device can calculatedecompression stop requirements.These calculations are at best anestimate of the real physiologicaldecompression requirements. Divesrequiring staged decompression aresubstantially more risky than dives thatstay well within no-stop limits. Divingwith rebreathers, diving with mixedgases, performing stageddecompression dives, and diving inoverhead environments greatlyincreases the risk of scuba diving.•If you have a pacemaker or otherimplantable medical device, consult1
your physician before you dive. Scubadiving creates physical stresses on thebody, which may not be suitable forpacemakers and other implantablemedical devices.• Always use backup instruments,including a depth gauge, submersiblepressure gauge, and timer or watch.You should have access todecompression tables when diving withthis device.•Perform pre-dive safety checks, suchas checking proper device function andsettings, display function, battery level,and tank pressure.• Check your device regularly during adive. If there is any apparentmalfunction, terminate the diveimmediately and safely return to thesurface.• This device should not be sharedbetween multiple users for divingpurposes. Diver profiles are userspecific, and using another diver'sprofile can result in misleadinginformation that could lead to injury ordeath.• For safety reasons, you should neverdive alone. Dive with a designatedbuddy. You should also stay withothers for an extended time after adive, because the potential onset ofDCS may be delayed or triggered bysurface activities.• This device is not intended forcommercial or professional diveactivities. It is for recreational purposesonly. Commercial or professional diveactivities can expose the user toextreme depths or conditions thatincrease the risk of DCS.• Do not dive with a gas if you have notpersonally verified its contents andinput the analyzed value to the device.Failure to verify tank contents andinput the appropriate gas values to thedevice will result in incorrect diveplanning information and could resultin serious injury or death.• Diving with more than one gas mixturepresents a much greater risk thandiving with a single gas mixture.Mistakes related to the use of multiplegas mixtures may lead to serious injuryor death.2
• After analyzing your gas, always rounddown the result when inputting it to thedevice. For example, if the analyzedgas is 31.7% oxygen, input the gas as31%. This buffer will result in moreconservative and safer calculations.• Always ensure a safe ascent. A rapidascent increases the risk of DCS.•Disabling the deco lockout feature onthe device can result in an increasedrisk of DCS, which can result inpersonal injury or death. Disable thisfeature at your own risk.• Violating a required decompressionstop may result in serious injury ordeath. Never ascend above thedisplayed decompression stop depth.• Always perform a safety stop between3 and 5 meters for 3 minutes, even ifno decompression stop is required.• The maximum operating depth (MOD)should not be exceeded. Disregardingthe alarm may result in serious injuryor death.• Diving with a partial pressure ofoxygen (PO2) greater than 1.6, acentral nervous system (CNS) oxygentoxicity exposure of 80% or greater, ordaily oxygen tolerance units (OTU) of300 or greater can be hazardous, andcould result in serious injury or death.Terminate the dive if you reach oxygentoxicity levels.• Traveling to a higher elevation,including air travel, can temporarilycause a change in the equilibrium ofdissolved nitrogen in the body. Alwaysacclimatize to new altitudes before andafter diving, because failure to do somay result in personal injury or death.Battery WarningsA lithium-ion battery can be used in thisdevice.If these guidelines are not followed,batteries may experience a shortened lifespan or may present a risk of damage tothe device, fire, chemical burn, electrolyteleak, and/or injury.• Do not disassemble, modify,remanufacture, puncture or damagethe device or batteries.•Do not remove or attempt to removethe non-user-replaceable battery.• Do not expose the device or batteriesto fire, explosion, or other hazard.3
Health Warnings• If you have a pacemaker or otherinternal electronic device, consult yourphysician before using a heart ratemonitor.•The Garmin® optical wrist heart ratemonitor emits green light and flashesoccasionally. Consult your physician ifyou have epilepsy or are sensitive toflashing lights.• Always consult your physician beforebeginning or modifying any exerciseprogram.• The Garmin device, accessories, heartrate monitor, and related data areintended to be used only forrecreational purposes and not formedical purposes, and are notintended to diagnose, monitor, treat,cure, or prevent any disease orcondition.• The heart rate readings are forreference only, and no responsibility isaccepted for the consequences of anyerroneous readings.• While the Garmin optical wrist heartrate monitor technology typicallyprovides an accurate estimate of auser's heart rate, there are inherentlimitations with the technology thatmay cause some of the heart ratereadings to be inaccurate under certaincircumstances, including the user'sphysical characteristics, fit of thedevice, and type and intensity ofactivity.• Garmin activity trackers rely onsensors that track your movement andother metrics. The data andinformation provided by these devicesis intended to be a close estimation ofyour activity and metrics tracked, butmay not be completely accurate,including step, sleep, distance, heartrate, and calorie data.Navigation WarningsIf your Garmin device uses or acceptsmapping products, follow these guidelinesto ensure safe navigating.•Always carefully compare informationdisplayed on the device to all availablenavigation sources, includinginformation from visual sightings, localwaterway rules and restrictions, andmaps. For safety, always resolve any4
discrepancies or questions beforecontinuing navigation, and defer toposed signs and conditions.• Use this device only as a navigationalaid. Do not attempt to use the devicefor any purpose requiring precisemeasurement of direction, distance,location, or topography.Off-Road Navigation WarningsIf your Garmin device is able to suggestoff-road routes for various outdooractivities, such as biking, hiking, and all-terrain vehicles, follow these guidelines toensure safe off-road navigation.•Always use your best judgment andexercise common sense when makingoff-road navigational decisions. TheGarmin device is designed to provideroute suggestions only. It is not areplacement for attentiveness andproper preparation for outdooractivities. Do not follow the routesuggestions if they suggest an illegalcourse or would put you in an unsafesituation.• Always carefully compare informationdisplayed on the device to all availablenavigation sources, including trailsigns, trail conditions, weatherconditions, and other factors that mayaffect safety while navigating. Forsafety, always resolve anydiscrepancies before continuingnavigation, and defer to posted signsand conditions.• Always be mindful of the effects of theenvironment and the inherent risks ofthe activity before embarking on off-road activities, especially the impactthat weather and weather-related trailconditions can have on the safety ofyour activity. Ensure that you have theproper gear and supplies for youractivity before navigating alongunfamiliar paths and trails.NOTICEFailure to heed the following notice couldresult in personal or property damage, ornegatively impact the device functionality.Battery Notices• Do not leave the device exposed to aheat source or in a high-temperaturelocation, such as in the sun in anunattended vehicle. To prevent the5
possibility of damage, remove thedevice from the vehicle or store it outof direct sunlight, such as in the glovebox.• Do not operate the device outside ofthe temperature ranges specified in theprinted manual in the productpackaging.•When storing the device for anextended time period, store within thetemperature ranges specified in theprinted manual in the productpackaging.• Do not use a power and/or data cablethat is not approved or supplied byGarmin.• Contact your local waste disposaldepartment to dispose of the device/batteries in accordance with applicablelocal laws and regulations.GPS NoticeThe navigation device may experiencedegraded performance if you use it inproximity to any device that uses aterrestrial broadband network operatingclose to the frequencies used by anyGlobal Navigation Satellite System(GNSS), such as the Global PositioningService (GPS). Use of such devices mayimpair reception of GNSS signals.Product Environmental ProgramsInformation about the Garmin productrecycling program and WEEE, RoHS,REACH, and other compliance programscan be found at of ConformityHereby, Garmin declares that this productis in compliance with the Directive2014/53/EU. The full text of the EUdeclaration of conformity is available atthe following internet address:, Science and EconomicDevelopment Canada ComplianceThis device complies with Innovation,Science and Economic DevelopmentCanada license-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.6
Radio Wave Exposure and SARInformationThis product has been designed tocomply with applicable safetyrequirements for exposure to radiowaves. These requirements are based onscientific guidelines that include safetymargins designed to assure the safety ofall persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelinesemploy a unit of measurement known asthe specific absorption rate (SAR). Testsfor SAR are conducted usingstandardized methods with the producttransmitting at its highest certified powerlevel in all used frequency bands. Theproduct is designed to meet the relevantguidelines for exposure to radio waves.This device has been evaluated for andshown compliant with the FCC andISEDC radio frequency (RF) exposurelimits. The unit of measurement for RFexposure is SAR. The highest SAR valuefor this product when tested for use onthe body is 0.28 W/kg (averaged over 1g)with a value of 0.32 W/kg (averaged over1 g) for simultaneous SAR.SAR data information for residents incountries that have adopted the SAR limitrecommended by the InternationalCommission of Non-Ionizing RadiationProtection (ICNIRP), which is 0.08 W/kgaveraged over the whole body or 2.00W/kg averaged over ten (10) gram oftissue (for example, European Union,Japan, Brazil and New Zealand): Thehighest SAR value for this product whentested for use on the body is 0.28 W/kg(averaged over 1g) with a value of 0.32W/kg (averaged over 1 g) forsimultaneous SAR.FCC ComplianceThis device complies with part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation.This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuant to part 15 of theFCC rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against7
harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications ifnot installed and used in accordance withthe instructions. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one of the followingmeasures:• Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.•Increase the separation between theequipment and the receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outletthat is on a different circuit from theGPS device.• Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.This product does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only bemade by an authorized Garmin servicecenter. Unauthorized repairs ormodifications could result in permanentdamage to the equipment, and void yourwarranty and your authority to operatethis device under Part 15 regulations.Software License AgreementBY USING THE DEVICE, YOU AGREETO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWINGSOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENTCAREFULLY.Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries(“Garmin”) grant you a limited license touse the software embedded in this device(the “Software”) in binary executable formin the normal operation of the product.Title, ownership rights, and intellectualproperty rights in and to the Softwareremain in Garmin and/or its third-partyproviders.You acknowledge that the Software is theproperty of Garmin and/or its third-partyproviders and is protected under theUnited States of America copyright lawsand international copyright treaties. Youfurther acknowledge that the structure,organization, and code of the Software,8
for which source code is not provided, arevaluable trade secrets of Garmin and/orits third-party providers and that theSoftware in source code form remains avaluable trade secret of Garmin and/or itsthird-party providers. You agree not todecompile, disassemble, modify, reverseassemble, reverse engineer, or reduce tohuman readable form the Software or anypart thereof or create any derivativeworks based on the Software. You agreenot to export or re-export the Software toany country in violation of the exportcontrol laws of the United States ofAmerica or the export control laws of anyother applicable country.Map Data InformationGarmin uses a combination ofgovernmental and private data sources.Virtually all data sources contain someinaccurate or incomplete data. In somecountries, complete and accurate mapinformation is either not available or isprohibitively expensive.Limited WarrantyTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOUSPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOUMAY HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS,WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE(OR BY COUNTRY OR PROVINCE).GARMIN DOES NOT EXCLUDE, LIMITOR SUSPEND OTHER LEGAL RIGHTSYOU MAY HAVE UNDER THE LAWS OFYOUR STATE (OR COUNTRY ORPROVINCE). FOR A FULLUNDERSTANDING OF YOUR RIGHTSYOU SHOULD CONSULT THE LAWSOF YOUR STATE, COUNTRY ORPROVINCE.Non-aviation products are warranted tobe free from defects in materials orworkmanship for one year from the dateof purchase. Within this period, Garminwill, at its sole option, repair or replaceany components that fail in normal use.Such repairs or replacement will be madeat no charge to the customer for parts orlabor, provided that the customer shall beresponsible for any transportation cost.This Limited Warranty does not apply to:(i) cosmetic damage, such as scratches,nicks and dents; (ii) consumable parts,such as batteries, unless product damagehas occurred due to a defect in materialsor workmanship; (iii) damage caused by9
accident, abuse, misuse, water, flood,fire, or other acts of nature or externalcauses; (iv) damage caused by serviceperformed by anyone who is not anauthorized service provider of Garmin; (v)damage to a product that has beenmodified or altered without the writtenpermission of Garmin, or (vi) damage to aproduct that has been connected topower and/or data cables that are notsupplied by Garmin. In addition, Garminreserves the right to refuse warrantyclaims against products or services thatare obtained and/or used in contraventionof the laws of any country. Garminnavigation products are intended to beused only as a travel aid and must not beused for any purpose requiring precisemeasurement of direction, distance,location or topography. Garmin makes nowarranty as to the accuracy orcompleteness of map data.This Limited Warranty also does notapply to, and Garmin is not responsiblefor, any degradation in the performanceof any Garmin navigation productresulting from its use in proximity to anyhandset or other device that utilizes aterrestrial broadband network operatingon frequencies that are close to thefrequencies used by any GlobalNavigation Satellite System (GNSS) suchas the Global Positioning Service (GPS).Use of such devices may impair receptionof GNSS signals.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,THE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIESCONTAINED IN THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE AND INLIEU OF, AND GARMIN EXPRESSLYDISCLAIMS, ALL OTHER WARRANTIESAND REMEDIES, WHETHER EXPRESS,IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OROTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,STATUTORY REMEDY OROTHERWISE. THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVEOTHER LEGAL RIGHTS, WHICH VARYFROM STATE TO STATE AND FROMCOUNTRY TO COUNTRY. IF IMPLIEDWARRANTIES CANNOT BE10
DISCLAIMED UNDER THE LAWS OFYOUR STATE OR COUNTRY, THENSUCH WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED INDURATION TO THE DURATION OFTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOMESTATES (AND COUNTRIES ANDPROVINCES) DO NOT ALLOWLIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THEABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLYTO YOU.IN NO EVENT SHALL GARMIN BELIABLE IN A CLAIM FOR BREACH OFWARRANTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,WHETHER RESULTING FROM THEUSE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USETHIS PRODUCT OR FROM DEFECTSIN THE PRODUCT. SOME STATES(AND COUNTRIES AND PROVINCES)DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OFINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, SO THE ABOVELIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU.If during the warranty period you submit aclaim for warranty service in accordancewith this Limited Warranty, then Garminwill, at its option: (i) repair the deviceusing new parts or previously used partsthat satisfy Garmin's quality standards, (ii)replace the device with a new device or arefurbished device that meets Garmin'squality standards, or (iii) exchange thedevice for a full refund of your purchaseprice. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOURSOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FORANY BREACH OF WARRANTY.Repaired or replaced devices have a 90day warranty. If the unit sent in is stillunder its original warranty, then the newwarranty is 90 days or to the end of theoriginal 1 year warranty, whichever islonger.Before seeking warranty service, pleaseaccess and review the online helpresources available on If your device is stillnot functioning properly after making useof these resources, contact a GarminAuthorized service facility in the originalcountry of purchase or follow theinstructions on toobtain warranty service. If you are in the11
United States, you can also call1-800-800-1020.If you seek warranty service outside ofthe original country of purchase, Garmincannot guarantee that the parts andproducts needed to repair or replace yourproduct will be available due todifferences in product offerings andapplicable standards, laws andregulations. In that case, Garmin may, inits sole discretion and subject toapplicable laws, repair or replace yourproduct with comparable Garmin productsand parts, or require you to ship yourproduct to a Garmin Authorized servicefacility in the country of original purchaseor to a Garmin Authorized service facilityin another country that can service yourproduct, in which case you will beresponsible for complying with allapplicable import and export laws andregulations and for paying all customduties, V.A.T., shipping fees and otherassociated taxes and charges. In somecases, Garmin and its dealers may beunable to service your product in acountry outside of the original country ofpurchase or return a repaired or replacedproduct to you in that country due toapplicable standards, laws or regulationsin that country.Online Auction Purchases: Productspurchased through online auctions arenot eligible for rebates or other specialoffers from Garmin warranty coverage.Online auction confirmations are notaccepted for warranty verification. Toobtain warranty service, an original orcopy of the sales receipt from the originalretailer is required. Garmin will notreplace missing components from anypackage purchased through an onlineauction.International Purchases: A separatewarranty may be provided by internationaldistributors for devices purchased outsidethe United States depending on thecountry. If applicable, this warranty isprovided by the local in-country distributorand this distributor provides local servicefor your device. Distributor warranties areonly valid in the area of intendeddistribution.Australian Purchases: Our goods comewith guarantees that cannot be excludedunder the Australian Consumer Law. You12
are entitled to a replacement or refund fora major failure and for compensation forany other reasonably foreseeable loss ordamage. You are also entitled to have thegoods repaired or replaced if the goodsfail to be of acceptable quality and thefailure does not amount to a major failure.The benefits under our Limited Warrantyare in addition to other rights andremedies under applicable law in relationto the products. Garmin Australasia, 30Clay Place, Eastern Creek, NSW 2766,Australia. Phone: 1800 235 822.13
© 2017 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiariesPrinted in TaiwanOctober 2017190-02068-23_0A

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