Garmin 03393 Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter User Manual Quick Start Manual

Garmin International Inc Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Manual

The color and number of lit status LEDindicators change as the collarcharges. All the status LED indicatorsturn solid green when the device isfully charged.3After all the status LED indicators turnsolid green, remove the USB cord fromthe device.NOTE: The device turns onautomatically when you remove it fromthe charger.Turning On the Dog Collar DeviceThe device remains on until you turn thedevice off manually (page 3)TIP: The device does not issue correctionsfor two minutes after any button press, orafter the device is removed from thecharger.Hold the power key until all of thestatus LED indicators turn green.The device beeps, and an LEDindicates the active mode. An LEDturns blue when the smart mode isactive. An LED turns green when anyother mode is active. After twoseconds, a blue or green LED turnsred.Turning Off the Device•On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnssolid red, and release the power key.The device beeps.Attaching the Dog Collar Device to aCollar StrapYou can attach the dog collar device to acollar strap that is a maximum of 25.4 mmwide (1 in.) and 2.78 mm thick (0.11 in.).1With the buckle facing outward, insertthe end of the collar strap À throughthe slot Á on the collar device.2Pull approximately two-thirds of thecollar strap through the slot  on theopposite side of the device.Quick Start Manual 3
vocal cords. This location varies basedon the breed of dog. If the device doesnot seem to detect the dog's barks,you should move the device closer toor farther from the dog's body to findthe ideal location.2Confirm that the ID tags on the collarstrap do not come into contact with thedevice.NOTE: ID tags contacting the devicemay cause unintentional corrections.3Tighten the strap so that it is very snugaround the dog's neck, and fasten thebuckle.NOTE: The collar should fit tightly andshould not be able to rotate or slide onthe dog's neck. The dog must be ableto swallow food and water normally.You should observe your dog'sbehavior to verify that the collar is nottoo tight.4Wiggle the device to work the contactpoints through the dog's coat.NOTE: The contact points must havecontact with the dog's skin to beeffective.Garmin CanineThe free Garmin Canine app allows you toreview your dog's daily activity and getinsights into your dog's behavior. The appalso allows you to wirelessly sendsoftware updates to your dog device.Syncing the Dog Collar Device with theGarmin Canine AppGarmin® recommends you sync yourdevice daily to review updated data in theapp and receive important notifications,such as low battery alerts and softwareupdates.1Bring your smartphone within 10 m(33 ft.) of the dog collar device.Quick Start Manual 5
TIP: You may need to wake the deviceif your dog is stationary for a longperiod of time.2Open the Garmin Canine app.The dog collar device periodicallysyncs data with the Garmin Canineapp automatically. The app indicateswhen the last sync occurred.3View your current data in the GarminCanine app.Bark CorrectionNOTICEBefore playing with your dog, you shouldremove the dog collar device or deactivatethe correction feature.When using the  device, you should remove all other collars, tags, or other items from your dog. These other items can cause the  device to activate when the dog is not barking.The device can correct your dog automatically when the dog barks. The device detects vibrations to distinguish between barking and other vocalizations. You can use the Garmin Canine app to manually adjust the amount of barking allowed. You can allow nobarking or set a custom number to indicate how many barks are allowed before correcting your dog. You can also allow some barking (up to 5 barks) to help avoid unintentional corrections resulting from everyday activity, such as yawning, sneezing, or going through a dog door.You can use any of these methods when correcting your dog with the  device.• Tone• Vibration• Smart mode• StimulationNOTE: If you turn off all correctionmethods, the device continues to detectyour dog's barks without performing anycorrections. This can help you track yourdog's barking behavior using the GarminCanine app.Selecting a Training ModeWhen your device is paired with asmartphone (page 5), you can use smartmode. You must select smart mode on thecollar to use the settings in the GarminCanine app. When you do not select smart6 Quick Start Manual
mode during setup, the device defaults tothe last standard mode you used.TIP: The device turns off when you holdthe button for more than three seconds.When the mode is set in the app, thecenter LED indicator turns blue and thesmart mode option becomes availableafter you cycle through the standardcorrections. You must press the button tosee the current mode. When a correctionis issued in smart mode, thecorresponding LED indicates yourselected correction.You can select a standard or smart mode.1Remove the collar band from thedevice.2Press the mode button until the greenLED indicates the current mode.3Press the mode button within twoseconds to cycle the green LEDthrough the modes, and select amode.NOTE: When the center LED is blue,you can select smart mode.After two seconds, the LED turns fromgreen to red, and the device issues asample correction of your selectedmode.When you select stimulation mode, thedevice does not issue a samplecorrection.If the device is in smart mode, the blueLED cycles to a green, then a red LEDon the selected correction mode.Status LED IndicatorThe center status LED indicators flasheswhen the device detects a bark or has alow battery charge.LEDActivityState StatusFlashingwhiteA bark wasdetected, and nocorrection wasapplied.FlashingredCorrectionmodeA bark wasdetected, and acorrection wasapplied.After acorrectionThe battery is low.Correction MethodsStimulation: Applies a brief stimulation.You can manually adjust theQuick Start Manual 7
stimulation intensity level using theGarmin Canine app.Tone: Activates an audible tone. A tonecan provide a patterned interruption tostop a behavior. The tone can be moreeffective when it is already associatedwith a negative consequence oralternate behavior.Vibration: Applies a vibration to the dogfor a short period of time to help breakfocus on the current cause of abehavior. The effectiveness of thevibration may vary based on the dog'stemperament and experience.Automatic IntensityThe device can set the stimulationintensity level automatically based on thebarking behavior of the dog. The devicestarts at the lowest intensity level andincreases the intensity level gradually untilthe dog stops barking. When the dog isquiet, the intensity decreases over time.The automatic intensity feature isdesigned to eliminate excessive nuisancebarking. To stop barks sooner, you shouldset the intensity level manually.The extended panic guard is a safetyfeature that disables stimulation after fourcorrections at the highest level, with 10seconds between corrections. After thefourth correction, the device waits until nobarks are detected in 2 minutes.NOTE: When you set a fixed correctionlevel, the device does not enter extendedpanic guard, even at the highest level ofcorrection.Choosing the Correct Intensity LevelYou should choose the lowest intensitylevel that discourages the dog frombarking. If you have never used a barkcorrection collar with the dog, the dogrequires time and experience to learn thatthe bark is the cause of the correction.1From the Garmin Canine app, set theintensity to the lowest level.2For thirty minutes, when the dog barks,observe the dog for a reaction, such asa head shake, neck movement, achange in the way the dog barks, orjust a change in expression.3If there is no reaction, increase theintensity by one level until the dog hasa slight but recognizable reaction tothe stimulation.4Allow 24 hours for the dog to learn torespond by not barking.8 Quick Start Manual
5If the dog continues barking whilewearing the collar, increase theintensity level gradually until you findthe level that discourages the dog frombarking.Device InformationGetting the Owner's ManualGo to type Rechargeable lithium-ionBattery life Up to 30 days, typical useOperatingtemperature rangeFrom -20  to 60 C (from-4  to 140 F)Chargingtemperature rangeFrom 0  to 40 C (from32  to 104 F)Storagetemperature range(up to 1 month)From -20  to 70 C (from-4  to 158 F)Wirelessfrequencies/protocolsBluetooth 2.4 GHz @ 4dBm nominalWater rating 1 ATM**The device withstands incidentalexposure to water of up to 1 m for up to30 min. For more information, go to Start Manual 9

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