Garmin 02337 Low Power Communication Device User Manual Manual

Garmin International Inc Low Power Communication Device Manual



Pro 550 Dog DeviceÀPower keyÁStatus LEDÂLightsÃContact pointsÄCharging clip contactsAttaching the Dog Collar Device tothe Collar Strap1With the buckle À facing outward,insert the end of the collar strapthrough the slot Á on the collardevice.2Pull most of the collar strap throughthe two slots  on the dog device.3Insert the end of the collar strapthrough the slot à on the oppositeside of the device.4Pull the strap until it is tight across thefront of the device.Charging the Handheld DeviceYou should fully charge the battery beforeyou use the device for the first time orwhenever the battery is low (page 12). Itis normal for the battery to discharge inapproximately 7 to 10 weeks when thedevice is not in use. Charging a fullydepleted battery takes about 2 hours.NOTE: The device will not charge when itis outside the temperature range of 32° to104°F (0° to 40°C).1Lift the weather cap À.3
2Plug the small end of the power cableinto the mini-USB port Á on thedevice.3Plug the other end of the power cableinto an appropriate power source.The status LED is solid red when thedevice is charging.4After the status LED turns solid green,unplug the power cable from thedevice.Charging the CollarNOTICETo prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry thecontacts on the collar and the surroundingarea before connecting the charging clip.You should fully charge the battery beforeyou use the device for the first time orwhenever the battery is low (page 12). Itis normal for the battery to discharge inapproximately 7 to 10 weeks when thedevice is not in use. Charging a fullydepleted battery takes about 2 hours.NOTE: The device will not charge whenoutside the temperature range of 32° to104°F (0° to 40°C).1Snap the charging clip À onto thedevice Á.4
2Plug the power cable into a powersource.The status LED is solid red when thecollar is charging.3After the status LED turns solid green,remove the charging clip from thecollar.Turning On the Dog Collar Device• On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsgreen and the collar beeps to turn iton in training mode.• On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsblue to turn on the BarkLimiter™feature (page 10).• On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsyellow to enter pairing mode(page 5).Turning Off the Device1On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the red LED appears.2Release the power key.The dog collar device beeps toconfirm powering off.NOTE: If the device is powered off inBarkLimiter mode, the LED flashesthe number of corrected barks beforepowering off (page 10).Dog Collar DeviceYou can use up to 3 dog collar deviceswith a single handheld device.Each dog collar device must be pairedwith the handheld device before it can beused. During the pairing process, eachdog collar device is associated with adifferent color on the handheld device.Pairing a Dog Collar Device with theHandheld DeviceNOTE: If your handheld device and dogcollar device were included in the same5
1Select the correct contact point lengthfor your dog's coat type:• For dogs with thicker coats, usethe longer contact points.• For dogs with shorter coats, usethe shorter contact points.2If necessary, use the included wrenchto remove the contact points.3Twist the contact points into the collar.4Tighten with the included wrench, butdo not overtighten.When you put the collar on the dog, makesure the contact points are tight againstthe neck.Training Intensities and MethodsYou can use several methods to trainyour dog. The Pro 550 system provides 7stimulation intensity levels, which increasesequentially from 1 to 7.Momentary stimulation: Applies a briefstimulation when you press thetraining key, regardless of how longthe key is depressed.Continuous stimulation: Appliesstimulation to the dog the entire timeyou press the training key, for amaximum of 8 seconds. Yourstimulations should typically be muchshorter than 8 seconds.Tone: Activates an audible tone insteadof stimulation. A tone can be used aseither a positive or negative trainingcue, depending on your trainingprogram.Vibration: Applies vibration instead ofstimulation to the dog the entire timeyou press the training key, for amaximum of 8 seconds. Theeffectiveness of vibration may varybased on the dog's temperament andexperience.Training Key FunctionsThe Pro 550 system provides several training modes, which assign differentcombinations of momentary stimulation, continuous stimulation, and tone to the training8
keys. The three vertical letters next to the mode toggle switch correspond to the trainingkey functions, from top to bottom.Key Momentary (M) Accessory (A) Continuous (C)Tone key Tone Accessory (for example,a beeper)ToneTop training key Momentary stimulation(medium)Light on Continuous stimulation(medium)Bottom training key Momentary stimulation(low)Light off Continuous stimulation(low)Both training keys Momentary stimulation(high)Not Applicable Continuous stimulation(high)Choosing the Correct IntensityLevel1Set the intensity to the lowest level(page 10).2Select a training key.3Observe the dog for a reaction, suchas a head shake, neck movement, orjust a change in expression.Sometimes dogs will vocalize due tothe surprise of the electricalstimulation. If the dog vocalizes morethan once, the intensity level is toohigh for beginning training.4If there is no reaction, increase theintensity level by one level until thedog has a slight but recognizablereaction to the stimulation.The intensity level that causes a slight butrecognizable reaction is your dog'sbaseline level for beginning collar training.You do not need to, and should not, applythis intensity selection test again.After you begin training, the dog’sperformance guides your intensityselection. As the dog advances intraining, you may need to change thelevel depending upon the trainingsituation.9
Changing the Intensity LevelYou can select a different intensity levelfor each dog collar device.1Select a dog collar device (page 6).2Adjust the intensity dial to increase ordecrease the intensity level.BarkLimiterWhen the dog collar device is active andproperly fitted on the dog, it detects andcorrects barks automatically. The dogcollar device starts at the lowest intensitylevel and increases the intensity levelgradually until the dog stops barking.When the dog is quiet, the intensitydecreases over time.The status LED flashes briefly when thedog collar device detects motion orcorrects a bark.Green, amber,or red flashMotion was detected, and nocorrection was applied.Blue flash A bark was detected, and acorrection was applied.NOTE: A green, amber, or red flashdenotes how much charge is left in thedog device battery, ranging from high tolow.Enabling the BarkLimiter FeatureOn the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the LED flashes blue.Bark Odometer™When you turn off the device, the LEDflashes red and green to report thenumber of times the device detected abark since it was last turned on. This canhelp you track your dog's barkingbehavior.Red flash 10 barksGreen flash 1 barkFor example, one red flash followed byfour green flashes indicates the devicedetected 14 barks.Zero flashes indicates the device detectedzero barks.Checking the Bark Odometer1Remove the device from the dog.2Position the device so that you cansee the status LED.3Hold the power key until the statusLED turns red, and release.4Count the red and green flashes.10
Using the LightYou can use the light feature on yourdevice to verify pairing, help locate yourdog, and provide safety for your dog atnight.1Select a dog collar device (page 6).2Move the mode toggle switch to A.3Select the top training key to turn thelight on.4Select the bottom training key to turnthe light off.Beeper DeviceThe Pro 550 system works with optionalaccessories, including a beeper device.The beeper device emits high-volumesounds to provide information about thelocation and status of your dogs. You canoperate the beeper device remotely usingthe Pro 550 system. For more informationor to purchase accessories, go to InformationPro 550 Handheld DeviceSpecificationsBattery type Rechargeable,replaceable lithium-ionBattery life 60 hours typical useOperatingtemperature rangeFrom -4  to 140 F(from -20  to 60 C)Charging temperaturerangeFrom 32  to 104 F(from 0  to 40 C)Storage temperaturerange (less than 1month)From -4  to 122 F(from -20  to 50 C)Storage temperaturerange (less than 3months)From -4  to 104 F(from -20  to 40 C)Storage temperaturerange (less than 1year)From -4  to 68 F(from -20  to 20 C)Water rating IEC 60529 IPX7*Wireless range 1 mi. (1.6 km)*The device withstands incidentalexposure to water of up to 1 meter for upto 30 minutes.11
ÂBattery plate screwsÃBattery plateÄBatteryÅGasketÆFront enclosureReplacing the Pro 550 Dog CollarDevice BatteryBefore you replace the battery, you mustremove all dirt, water, and debris from thedevice. You also need a small Phillipsscrewdriver and the security screwdriverincluded with the battery replacement kit.You can purchase a replacement batteryat You should useonly an official Garmin replacement part.1Remove the six screws from the topplate, and remove the top plate.2Remove the two screws from thebattery plate, and remove the batteryplate.3Grip the battery connector wires closeto the connector, and pull theconnector parallel to the circuit boardto disconnect the battery connectorfrom the device.4Remove the battery.The battery fits tightly. It may benecessary to pry the battery out of theback plate using a non-sharp, non-metal object.5Install the new battery into the frontenclosure with the label side of thebattery facing up, and the leadingedge of the battery placed under thecharging contact ledge of the device.6Replace the battery plate, and replaceand tighten the two screws.7Verify the gasket is not damaged andis completely seated in the groove.8With the new battery, connect thebattery connector to the device.15
When properly installed, the connectorplug snaps into the port.9Replace the front plate, and replaceand tighten the six screws to securethe front plate.10 Verify the gasket is not sticking out ofthe device.Getting More InformationYou can find more information about thisproduct on the Garmin website.• Go to• Go to• Go to, orcontact your Garmin dealer forinformation about optional accessoriesand replacement parts.Registering Your DeviceHelp us better support you by completingour online registration today.• Go to• Keep the original sales receipt, or aphotocopy, in a safe place.16

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