Gantner Electronic GEA1160018A GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO User Manual GAT NET Writer 7000 F ISO

Gantner Electronic GmbH GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO GAT NET Writer 7000 F ISO

Manual    HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 1      GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO MIFARE® and ISO 15693 Read / Write Station             Installation, Configuration, Operation Document Version 1.2
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 3   Copyright 2017 by GANTNER Electronic GmbH, Schruns (Austria). Operating instructions, manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Copying, duplication, translation, installation in any electronic medium or machine-readable form in whole or in part is prohibited. The sole exception is represented by creation of a back-up copy of software for own use as a safeguard, so far as this is technically possible and recommended by us. Any infringement will render the party committing such infringement liable to compensation payment.  Liability Any claims against the manufacturer based on the hardware or software products described in this manual shall depend exclusively on the conditions of the guarantee. Any further-reaching claims are excluded, and in particular the manufacturer accepts no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the contents of this manual. The right is reserved to make alterations, and alterations may be made at any time without prior notice being given.  Trademarks Attention is drawn at this point to markings and registered trademarks used in this manual. All product and company names, which are mentioned in this manual, are only used for identification and explanation purposes. Some of these names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the corresponding company.  Contact The contact information for questions regarding this product or for general enquiries is listed below:  Contact address of manufacturer: GANTNER Electronic GmbH   Montafonerstrasse 8 6780 Schruns, Austria   Phone:  +43 5556 73784 - 441     Fax:  +43 5556 73784 - 8020     Email:     Website:           FCC Label            This WEEE symbol on GANTNER products and their packaging indicates that the corresponding material must not be disposed of with normal household waste. Instead such marked waste equipment must be disposed of by handing it over to a designated electronic waste recycling facility. Separating and recycling this waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest electronic waste recycling facility.     This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device  must not cause harmful interference, and (2)  this device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO  4 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12   General Warning and Safety Instructions   Dear Customer,  We congratulate you on selecting a product (appliance or software) from GANTNER Electronic GmbH. Our aim is to ensure our product operates with safety and to your complete satisfaction. To achieve this aim, please take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the following guidelines:    1.  The installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of the product must be carried out in accordance with the technical conditions of operation as described in the corresponding product documentation.  2. Before installing, commissioning, operating, or maintaining the product, it is essential to read the corresponding chapter of this manual and observe the instructions and information therein.  3. If there are some points which are not entirely clear, please do not take a chance. All queries can be clarified by your GANTNER representative or by ringing the GANTNER support hotline.  4.  Where not otherwise specifically documented, the appropriate installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the product is the customer’s responsibility.  5.  Directly on receipt of the goods, inspect both the packaging and the product itself for any signs of damage. Also check that the delivery is complete and includes all accessories, documentation, auxiliary devices, etc.  6.  If the packaging or product has been damaged in transport, or should you suspect that it may have a fault, the product must not be put into service. Contact your GANTNER representative who will resolve the problem as quickly as possible.  7.  The installation, commissioning, and servicing of our products must be performed by suitably trained personnel. In particular, electrical connections must only be made  by correspondingly qualified specialists.  Always  observe the relevant installation regulations in accordance with the national Electrical Engineers Association (e.g., ÖVE [Austrian], VDE [Germany]).  8.  Where not otherwise stated, installation and maintenance work on our products must be carried out when disconnected from the power supply. This applies in particular to appliances that are normally supplied by low-voltage current.  9.  It is prohibited to alter the products or remove protective shields and covers.  10. Do not attempt to repair a product after a defect, failure, or damage is detected. In addition, do not put the product back into operation. In such cases, it is essential to contact your GANTNER representative or the GANTNER support hotline.  11. GANTNER Electronic GmbH accepts no responsibility for any injuries or damage caused as a result of improper use.  12. Although care is taken and we are continuously aiming for improvement, we cannot completely exclude the possibility of errors appearing in our documentation. GANTNER Electronic GmbH therefore accepts no responsibility for the completeness or the accuracy of this manual. The right is reserved to make alterations at any time without prior notice.  13. Should  you  discover  any  fault  with  the  product  or  in  its  accompanying  documentation,  or  you  have  any  suggestions  for improvement, you may confidently inform your GANTNER representative or GANTNER Electronic GmbH directly.  14. We especially look forward to hearing from you if you just want to tell us that everything is functioning perfectly.  We wish you a successful experience with our product and look forward to welcoming you again as a customer soon.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Table of Contents   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS  1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 7 1.1 About this Manual ..................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Contact & Inquiries ................................................................................................................................... 7 2 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 9 2.1 Functional Description .............................................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................................................ 10 2.3 RFID Technology .................................................................................................................................... 11 2.4 Measurements ........................................................................................................................................ 12 3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................... 13 3.1 USB Connection ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Ethernet Connection ............................................................................................................................... 13 3.3 Power Connection .................................................................................................................................. 14 4 CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION .......................................................................... 15 4.1 USB Communication Mode .................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.1 USB Port Energy Saving Function ....................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Ethernet Communication Mode .............................................................................................................. 16 4.3 Setup for Configuration in GAT Config Manager .................................................................................... 17 4.4 View the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration Settings ............................................................... 18 4.5 Upload Configuration Settings to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO ....................................................... 19 4.6 Configuration Settings of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO ................................................................... 20 4.6.1 Sound Signals ...................................................................................................................................... 20 4.6.2 LED Brightness .................................................................................................................................... 20 4.6.3 RF Standards ....................................................................................................................................... 20 4.6.4 Automatic Reading of Data Carrier UID ............................................................................................... 21 4.6.5 Automatic Reading of Locker Segment Data ....................................................................................... 21 4.6.6 USB Communication Mode Setting ..................................................................................................... 21 4.6.7 Prefix / Postfix Settings ........................................................................................................................ 21 4.6.8 UID Format ........................................................................................................................................... 23 4.7 Configuration Settings Table .................................................................................................................. 23 4.8 Restart the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO ............................................................................................... 26 4.9 Reset the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to Default (Factory) Configuration ........................................... 26 4.10 Uploading Firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO ....................................................................... 27 4.10.1 Standard Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 27 4.10.2 Uploading Firmware via Bootloader Mode ........................................................................................... 27 4.11 Software Integration ................................................................................................................................ 28 4.11.1 GAT DIRECT.Connect ......................................................................................................................... 28 5 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................ 29 5.1 GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO .................................................................................................................. 29 6 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................... 31 6.1 Scan Code List – English Keyboard ....................................................................................................... 31
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Table of Contents 6 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Introduction   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 7 1  INTRODUCTION   1.1  About this Manual  This manual provides information on the functionality and connectivity of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and includes an overview of how to configure the device using GAT Config Manager software. There is a separate manual available for GAT Config Manager, which explains in greater detail all functions associated with the software.    In chapter “2 GENERAL INFORMATION", general information about the  GAT  NET.Writer  7000 F/ISO,  the  RFID technologies supported by the device and key terms used in this manual can be found.  Chapter  “3  ELECTRICAL  CONNECTIONS"  describes  how  the  GAT  NET.Writer  7000  F/ISO  is  connected  to  a computer and how to supply power to the device.   Chapter  “4  CONFIGURATION  AND  OPERATION"  describes  the  different  communication  modes  of  the  GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO. How to configure the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO using GAT Config Manager, the various configuration settings and software integration are also explained in this section.    Chapter "5 TECHNICAL DATA" contains the relevant technical information for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.  Chapter "6.1 Scan Code List – English Keyboard” contains a list of scan codes for an English keyboard layout that can be added as prefix / postfix data.    1.2  Contact & Inquiries  If you have any questions concerning the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO please get in touch with your local GANTNER representative or directly with one of the GANTNER Technology branch offices. The addresses, phone and fax numbers are listed on the inner side of the manual cover.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Introduction   8 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO General Information   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 9 2  GENERAL INFORMATION   2.1  Functional Description  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO allows users to read and write information (data) from and to data carriers. Data carriers using MIFARE® and ISO 15693 technology are supported by the device. The data carrier reading platform can accommodate data carrier media of all shapes and sizes and there is also a card slot designed to hold RFID cards of standard ISO, i.e., credit card, size.   The compact and robust housing is intended to sit on a desk, or similar workstation, in a central location where the reading / writing of data carriers can be conveniently performed. In most instances the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO will be integrated with RFID system management software and operated by employees of a facility. Common tasks for employees using the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO include:   Assigning data carriers to customers / members / employees.   Modifying and deleting information stored on data carriers.   Reading of lost data carrier information to determine the assigned owner.   The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO connects to a computer through its integrated USB or Ethernet port and the appropriate cabling required for these connections. The device offers the possibility to communicate with a computer via Ethernet (Figure 2.1 ) or USB (Figure 2.2) interface.      Figure 2.1 – Communication via Ethernet interface
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO General Information   10 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12   Figure 2.2 – Communication via USB interface   Power for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is always supplied through the USB port. More information on the Ethernet, USB and power connections is described in “3. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS”.  Once physically connected to a computer, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO configuration settings can be viewed and changed  via  the  TCP/IP  interface using  GAT Config  Manager  software  (see section  “4.  CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION”).  After setup is complete, the device can be used directly with GANTNER developed software or integrated with third-party software via GAT DIRECT.Connect (see “4.11. Software Integration”).    2.2  Terminology  Several key terms are used often in this manual and are defined below.  PC / Computer These terms refer to all desktop and laptop computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system.  Data Carrier A data carrier is a form of identification media that is used by staff and visitors in a facility for identification. Data carriers are available in a variety of different forms such as plastic wristbands and chip cards. Data carriers are also available to suit different RFID technologies (LEGIC, MIFARE®, ISO 15693).  Device / Station / Terminal These general terms are used interchangeably in this manual to refer to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and other GANTNER products used in a facility for identification (e.g., GAT Access 6xxx) or to activate a service (e.g., GAT Time 6xxx).  GAT Config Manager GANTNER developed PC software that is used to configure GANTNER devices such as the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO. A separate manual is available and integrated into the software. While the software is open, click on the “Help” drop-down menu and select “How Do I”.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO General Information   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 11 Locker The term "locker" is used to generally describe all possible locker applications that can be fitted with a GANTNER electronic lock. Examples include, a changing room locker, a depot or a private box.   RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) Identification over a short distance using radio frequency. An RFID data carrier is used as identification media in GANTNER systems.  User / Visitor The general terms "user" and "visitor" refer to the people in a facility who use data carriers and GANTNER devices. Users of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO in a typical installation are usually employees of the facility.    2.3  RFID Technology  Identification of users by GANTNER devices within a facility is done via RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology using a frequency of 13.56 MHz. There are three different technologies available. Different letter(s) are added to GANTNER model identifiers to notify of the technology that the device supports:   "B":   LEGIC   "F":   MIFARE®   "ISO":   ISO 15693  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can operate with data carriers using MIFARE® and ISO 15693 technologies. It is necessary for all devices and data carriers in a facility to use the same technology. The information in this manual is applicable for the following RFID technologies that are supported by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.  MIFARE® (manufacturer NXP/Infineon)   Classic   DESFire®   Ultralight®  ISO 15693   The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is able to read and write ISO 15693 data carriers.  In addition to the different RFID technologies, data carriers are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is designed to accept these different types of data carrier media on its RFID reading platform.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO General Information   12 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 2.4  Measurements  The dimensions and main components of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO are shown in Figure 2.3  below.        1. Card slot 5. Ethernet socket 2. Data carrier reading platform 6. USB socket 3. LED “red“ 7. Reset button 4. LED “green“    Figure 2.3 – GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO measurements
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Electrical Connections   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 13 3  ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS   3.1  USB Connection  A USB type ‘B’ connection is provided at the rear of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO (6 in Figure 2.3 ). A USB cable is connected from the USB type ‘B’ port on the device to the USB type ‘A’ port of a computer as shown in Figure 3.1 .  The maximum USB cable length between the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and a computer is 5 m (16.40 ft). A 1.8 m (5.90 ft) USB cable is included with the device.       Figure 3.1 – USB connection  After connecting the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to the computer, the device is automatically recognized as an HID (Human Interface Device = input device). HID drivers are included with all major computer operating systems (Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux). The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is ready to use once the “Enable Keyboard Mode” setting has been activated in GAT Config Manager (see section “4.6.6. USB Communication Mode Setting”)  See section “4.1. USB Communication Mode” for more information on communicating via USB.    3.2  Ethernet Connection  An Ethernet connection port is provided at the rear of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO (5 in Figure 2.3 ). An Ethernet patch cable with an RJ 45 plug is used to plug into this connection. The patch cable is then connected to the network, and computer(s) respectively, via an Ethernet switch as shown in Figure 3.2 .   CAT 5 cable or a higher standard must be used for all Ethernet connections.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Electrical Connections   14 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12  Figure 3.2 – Ethernet connection  See section “4.2. Ethernet Communication Mode” for more information on communicating via Ethernet.    3.3  Power Connection  Power for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is always supplied through the USB port (6 in Figure 2.3 ), regardless of whether the device is using the USB or Ethernet interface for communication.   When the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is using the USB interface for communication, power is supplied from the computer to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO via the USB cable as shown in Figure 3.1 An additional power supply is not required in this case.   When the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is using the Ethernet interface for communication, an additional power source must be connected to the USB port on the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO. There are two options for this power source:  1.  Connect the USB cable from the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to the power supply (option 1 in Figure 3.2 ). Connect the power supply to a 110 VAC power outlet. A 1.8 m (5.90 ft) USB cable and power supply are included with the device. 2.  Connect the USB cable from the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to the USB port of a computer (option 2 in Figure 3.2 ).
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 15 4  CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION   4.1  USB Communication Mode  When using the USB interface to communicate with a computer, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO functions as an input device (e.g., a keyboard) and one-way communication between the station and the computer is available. The unique number (UID) of a data carrier is read by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and sent to the computer (host) where it is handled in the same way as standard keyboard input data.   Note:  The default (factory) setting for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is to operate in Ethernet communication mode. See section “4.6.6. USB Communication Mode Setting” for information on how to change this setting.  When operating in USB mode, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can send prefix or postfix data with the UID of a data carrier. The specified data is added to the front (prefix) or end (postfix) of the UID and sent by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO when a data carrier is read. A common use of this function is to send an “ENTER” command as postfix data along with the UID, thereby placing the cursor on the following line after the UID is displayed on the computer screen. See section “4.6.7. Prefix / Postfix Settings” for more information.  USB communication mode also offers the possibility to send the UID number in decimal or hexadecimal format. See section “4.6.8. UID Format” for more information.  See section “3.1. USB Connection” for information on how to connect to a computer via USB.   4.1.1  USB Port Energy Saving Function  Most computer operating systems include a function that switches the USB port off to save energy after a defined period of inactivity. If this function is enabled for the USB port where the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is connected, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO will not operate if the USB port is deactivated.    When the USB port is activated again by the computer, the first data carrier read by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO may be delayed by approximately 5 seconds as the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO must initialize the USB connection again. The UID of the next data carrier read by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO will be sent instantly to the computer as normal.  The USB port energy saving function can be disabled in Windows operating systems and is found here:   Right-click on the USB port where the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is connected and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu as shown in Figure 4.1   In the “Power Management” tab, you can configure the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” option as required.  Start Control Panel Device Manager Universal Serial Bus controllers
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  16 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12    Figure 4.1 – Configuring USB port energy saving function    4.2  Ethernet Communication Mode  When using Ethernet to communicate with a computer, two-way data transmission between the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and the computer is possible. As in USB mode, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can read data carrier information and send the data to a computer. Information, such as device configuration settings, can also be sent from the computer to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can be configured so that when a data carrier is placed on the RFID reading platform, the data carrier’s UID is automatically read and sent to the computer. See section “4.6.4. Automatic Reading of Data Carrier UID” for more information on how to configure this function.  Note:  The automatic UID reading function is configurable when the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is operating in Ethernet communication mode. In USB communication mode this function is permanently activated.   Ethernet communication mode also offers the possibility to automatically send data stored on the data carrier in locker segments 1 and 2. See section “4.6.5. Automatic Reading of Locker Segment Data”.  See section “3.2. Ethernet Connection” for information on how to connect to a computer via Ethernet.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 17 4.3  Setup for Configuration in GAT Config Manager  After the electrical connections for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO are complete, configuration settings can be set using GAT Config Manager configuration software.     Configuration of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO via GAT Config Manager is only possible using the Ethernet (TCP/IP) connection. See section “3.2. Ethernet Connection” for more information on the Ethernet connection.  Even if you intend to operate the device using only the USB connection, you must still connect to a computer using the Ethernet connection to change settings relating to how the device functions in USB mode.   Note:  There is a separate manual with detailed information on each function available in GAT Config Manager. To access the manual while the software is open, click on the “Help” drop-down menu and select “How Do I”.   Complete the following steps to begin configuring the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO with GAT Config Manager.    After installing the software, open GAT Configuration Manager via "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "GANTNER Electronic GmbH" -> "GAT Config Manager" -> "GAT Config Manager". o  The default start window of GAT Config Manager is displayed.    Click on the “Open Project” icon (1 in Figure 4.2) to find an existing project. Alternatively, click on the “Create Project” icon (2 in Figure 4.2) to start a new project.    Figure 4.2– GAT Config Manager - project setup     Once a project is established, click on the “Scan Device” icon (1 in Figure 4.3 ).  o  The software will scan the network and display a list of all connected GANTNER devices.     Select your GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO from the list. Use device details such as the IP address or MAC address to identify the correct device. o  The selected device is highlighted in blue as shown in Figure 4.3 .   Click on “OK” (2 in Figure 4.3 ). o The selected device is added to the “Devices” list (3 in Figure 4.3 ).
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  18 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12   Figure 4.3 – GAT Config Manager - scan devices    4.4  View the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration Settings  Once a project is established in GAT Config Manager and your GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO has been added to the “Devices” list, you can now view and adjust the configuration settings of the device. Complete the following steps to view the configuration settings.    Select the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO from the “Devices” tree (1 in Figure 4.4 ). o   The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is highlighted in blue.    Figure 4.4 – View configuration settings   Click on the “(2) Configure” button (2 in Figure 4.4 ). o  The GAT Configurator window opens (Figure 4.5 ).
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 19   Figure 4.5 – GAT Configurator window    4.5  Upload Configuration Settings to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO  When you are finished configuring the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO settings in GAT Config Manager, it is important to finalize the configuration by uploading the file to the device. Complete the following steps to upload the configuration.   Click on “OK” in the GAT Configurator Window (Figure 4.5 ). o  The confirm upload window opens (see below).     Click “Yes” to apply the configuration to the device. o  The new configuration settings will be uploaded to the GAT NET.Writer 7000.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  20 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 4.6  Configuration Settings of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO  The configuration settings of the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO that can be adjusted in GAT Config Manager are explained in this section. For most applications, the majority of configuration settings will not need to be changed from their factory (default) values.   The main configuration settings are explained in detail in the following sections. A list and brief explanation of every configuration setting available for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can be found in section “4.7. Configuration Settings Table”.   4.6.1  Sound Signals  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO has an integrated beeper that signals when data carrier read / write activity takes place. This setting can be found here:   Select / deselect the “Enable Sound Signals” option to turn the function on / off.    4.6.2  LED Brightness  The brightness level of the two LEDs that signal when device activity occurs can be adjusted. This setting can be found here:  The default setting for this function is 100, which represents full brightness. Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the “LED brightness” field to adjust the LED brightness.     4.6.3  RF Standards  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can operate with data carriers that use ISO 15693 and ISO 14443A (MIFARE) technology.   Note:  The default setting for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is to operate with both ISO 15693 and ISO 14443A (MIFARE) data carriers.   The setting for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to operate with ISO 14443A (MIFARE) data carriers cannot be changed. The setting for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to operate with ISO 15693 data carriers can be adjusted and is found here: Select / deselect the “ISO 15693” option to turn the setting on / off.          Configuration Hardware Enable Sound SignalsConfiguration Hardware LED BrightnessConfiguration Reader RF Standards
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 21  4.6.4  Automatic Reading of Data Carrier UID  This function automatically sends the UID of a data carrier to a computer when the data carrier is placed on the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.  The setting can be found here: Select / deselect the “Enable Card Autoread” option to turn the function on / off.    4.6.5  Automatic Reading of Locker Segment Data  This function allows data stored on the data carrier in locker segments 1 and 2 to be automatically sent to the computer when the data carrier is placed on the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.  Note:  This function is only available when the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is operating in Ethernet (TCP/IP) communication mode.   This data is usually the number of the locker locked by the data carrier. The setting can be found here:  Select “Locker 1”, “Locker 2”, “Locker 1 + 2”, or “None” from the drop-down menu.   4.6.6  USB Communication Mode Setting  This setting activates or deactivates USB Communication Mode. See “4.1. USB Communication Mode”.  Note:  The default setting for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is to operate in Ethernet Communication Mode.  The setting can be found here: Select / deselect the “Enable Keyboard Mode” option to turn USB Communication Mode on / off.    4.6.7  Prefix / Postfix Settings  The prefix and postfix settings allow you to add data to the front (prefix) or end (postfix) of the UID. The specified additional data will be added to the UID and displayed when the data carrier is read.  Note:  This setting is only available when the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is operating in USB Communication Mode. See “4.1. USB Communication Mode”.  The setting can be found here:    Configuration Application General Enable Card AutoreadConfiguration Application General Autoread SegmentConfiguration Application HID Keyboard mode Enable Keyboard ModeConfiguration Application HID Keyboard mode Prefix / Postfix
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  22 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 The prefix/postfix data can be entered in the correct field as scan codes. The format for the scan code is <mod,code>. “Mod” can be one of the following keys:  1 … Left CTRL  2 … Left Shift  4 … Left Alt  “Code” is the HID scan code of the desired key. For example:  <2,34> = % (Left Shift and 5)  <0,40> = % () and ENTER  The following figure shows the settings required to send an “ENTER” command after the UID number.    Figure 4.6 – “ENTER” postfix settings   Scan codes depend on the keyboard layout. The examples shown in this document are valid for an English keyboard layout. A complete list of scan codes for an English keyboard layout is available in section “6.1. Scan Code List – English Keyboard”.  Note:   If the GAT NET.Writer is used in HID mode, the transmitted data is not displayed correctly when the shift key is pressed in at the same time on the keyboard. A pressed caps-lock key is recognized by the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO for many country-specific keyboard settings. Certainly for German country settings, it is necessary to activate the 'German shift lock' parameter in the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO configuration.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 23  4.6.8  UID Format  The UID of a data carrier can be sent from the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO in decimal or hexadecimal format. The default setting is to display the UID in decimal format.  Note:  This setting is only available when the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is operating in USB Communication Mode. See “4.1. USB Communication Mode”.  The setting can be found here:  Select “UID dec” or “UID hex” from the drop-down menu.    4.7  Configuration Settings Table  The following table lists all the configuration settings available for the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO in GAT Config Manager.   Options   Description Format Default    Hardware      Enable sound signals Enable the integrated beeper Boolean True  LED brightness Level (0 – 100) to determine the brightness of the LEDs Integer 100  Relay    Output for activation of additional hardware    Function Transparent – all actions set by the host List option Transparent  Pulse Duration (in ms) for how long the relay is activated Integer 0  Optocoupler    Status input for feedback    Function Transparent – Only report events to host List option Transparent  Trigger An  event  is  triggered  if  the  optocoupler  input  signal matches the configured setting Boolean Disable   Communication     Ethernet     Port number Port used to communicate with the device Integer 8000  MAC address The MAC address of the device (cannot be changed) Integer   DHCP enabled When set to “True”, the device is assigned its IP settings from a DHCP server Boolean True  Static IP address IP address of the device (if DHCP is disabled) IPv4 add.  Static subnet mask Subnet mask of the device (if DHCP is disabled) IPv4 add.  Static default gateway Default gateway of the device (if DHCP is disabled) IPv4 add.  Static DNS 1 Primary DNS address of the device (if DHCP disabled) IPv4 add.  Static DNS 2 Secondary DNS address of the device (if DHCP disabled) IPv4 add.  NetBIOS name NetBIOS name of the device Text GW + Part No. + Serial No.  Mode Ethernet Communication Mode: “Auto  negotiate","100  MBit  full  duplex","100  MBit  half duplex","10 MBit full duplex","10 MBit half duplex" List option Auto negotiate  Protocol     TCPAck Timeout Ethernet Detail: Force to send “Acknowledge” packets after this timeout Integer 1000 Configuration Application HID Keyboard mode Mode
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  24 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12  Host Command Timeout Maximum command response time for device requests Integer 1000  Time Sync IP If this is set, the device accepts time sync packets only from this host IP add. Reader    RF Standards     ISO 15693 Enable device to function with data carriers using ISO 15693 technology Boolean False   ISO 14443A Enable  device  to  function  with  data  carriers  using MIFARE (ISO 14443A) technology. Cannot be disabled. Boolean True  Key Set     Site key Site key of the device. All data carriers must have the same site key to operate with the device. Hex 9999  Key Set DESFire AES Keys, encrypted Hex    MIFARE Classic Keys      Mf Key 1 - 6 Data for MIFARE Classic keys 1 to 6 Integer    AES Keys      AES Key 1 - 6 Data for AES keys 1 to 6 Integer   Locker 1 Configuration     General     MIFARE Classic Options for reading MIFARE Classic data carriers         Sector Num The segment where UID data is stored Integer 4       Read Key Select the Read Key (Key A or Key B)  List option        Write Key Select the Write Key (Key A or Key B) List option   MIFARE DESFire Options for reading MIFARE DESFire data carriers         Read Key Num Number of the read key Integer        Write Key Num Number of the write key Integer        Application ID ID of the target DESFire application Text        Encryption Mode Select the type of encryption mode  List option        File Num File number to read data from Integer        File Comm Mode File communication mode: “Plain”, “Maced”,  “Enciphered”   List option        File Type Type of file: “Standard” , “Backup” List option   ISO 15693 Options for reading ISO 15693 data carriers         General Block Num The segment where general data is stored Integer 13       Certificate Block Num The segment where certificate data is stored Integer 15       Locker Block Num The segment where locker data is stored Integer 19  Locker 2 Configuration     General     MIFARE Classic Options for reading MIFARE Classic data carriers         Sector Num The segment where UID data is stored Integer 4       Read Key Select the Read Key (Key A or Key B)  List option        Write Key Select the Write Key (Key A or Key B) List option   MIFARE DESFire Options for reading MIFARE DESFire data carriers         Read Key Num Number of the read key Integer        Write Key Num Number of the write key Integer        Application ID ID of the target DESFire application Text        Encryption Mode Select the type of encryption mode  List option        File Num File number to read data from Integer        File Comm Mode File communication mode: “Plain”, “Maced”,  “Enciphered”   List option        File Type Type of file: “Standard” , “Backup” List option
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 25  ISO 15693 Options for reading of ISO 15693 data carriers         General Block Num The segment where general data is stored Integer 13       Certificate Block Num The segment where certificate data is stored Integer 15       Locker Block Num The segment where locker data is stored Integer 23 Application    General     Enable Card Autoread Turn on / off function to automatically read data carrier information Boolean False   Autoread Segment None – Do not send any locker segment data Locker 1 – Send locker 1 segment data Locker 2 – Send locker 2 segment data Locker 1 + 2 – Send locker 1 + 2 segment data List option None  Config Card Index Index  of  the  last  used  configuration  card (reserved for future use) Integer 0   Passwords     Enable Login Turn on / off the login function  Boolean False   Password Login Password required to log into the device  Text   HID Keyboard Mode     Enable Keyboard Mode Turn on / off keyboard mode function Boolean False  Prefix Field to add prefix data to the start of the UID Text    Postfix Field to add postfix data to the end of the UID Text   Mode UID dec – Display data carrier UID in decimal format UID hex – Display data carrier UID in hexadecimal format List option UID dec Read only parameter    Production    Production Data Production data for the device (set during manufacture) Text   Article Num Article number of the device Integer   Serial Num Serial number of the device Integer   Hardware Vers Hardware version of the device  Integer   Manufacturer Num Manufacturer number of the device Integer   Production Year Production year of the device Integer   Production Week Production week of the device Integer
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  26 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 4.8  Restart the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO  In certain situations, for instance, after an error or network problem, it is helpful to restart the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO. Restarting means that the software application in the device is restarted. All device settings remain as before. Complete the following steps to restart the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.    Keep the RESET button (1 in Figure 4.7 ) pressed in for 5 seconds. o  The device will restart.    Figure 4.7 – Reset button    4.9  Reset the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO to Default (Factory) Configuration   The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO will operate exactly as at the time of delivery after resetting the device to the default configuration. All existing device settings will be lost. Complete the following steps to reset the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.    Disconnect the power supply from the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.     Reconnect the power supply while holding the RESET button (1 in Figure 4.7 ) pressed in.    Keep the RESET button pressed in for approximately 12 seconds. o  The red LED starts flashing.    Release the RESET button.    Press the RESET button again.    Keep the RESET button pressed in for approximately 12 seconds. o  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is now reset to the default configuration.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 27 4.10  Uploading Firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO    4.10.1 Standard Procedure  The standard procedure for uploading firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO is via GAT Config Manager software. Complete the following steps to upload firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO:    Start GAT Config Manager.    Follow the instructions in section “4.3. Setup for Configuration in GAT Config Manager”.    Right-click on the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO and select “Update Firmware” from the drop-down menu. o  The device update wizard opens.    Select a firmware file from the list or locate the firmware file on your computer via the “Select local update package” button.   Click on “Next”. o  The wizard uploads the firmware file to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.   4.10.2 Uploading Firmware via Bootloader Mode  In some instances the standard procedure for uploading firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO may not function as required. In this case, the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can be put into bootloader mode and the firmware uploaded while in this mode. Complete the following steps to upload firmware to the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO via bootloader mode:    Disconnect the power supply from the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO.     Reconnect the power supply while holding the RESET button (1 in Figure 4.7 ) pressed in.    Press the RESET button twice. o  The device enters bootloader mode.   Follow the “4.9.1. Standard Procedure” instructions to upload firmware into the device.      To exit bootloader mode, disconnect the power supply or send a restart command from a software application.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Configuration and Operation  28 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 4.11  Software Integration   4.11.1 GAT DIRECT.Connect  The GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO can be integrated and used with software applications that manage RFID systems. These applications are typically used to control access terminals, information terminals and the RFID data carriers that operate with these system components.   GANTNER has developed an integration tool called GAT DIRECT.Connect that uses the programming language independent JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. By using GAT DIRECT.Connect, software developers are able to integrate the GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO (and other GANTNER products) into their software, irrespective of the programming language used.  Further information on GAT DIRECT.Connect is available in this document (DK_GAT-DIRECTConnect-Short-Description-EN), or by contacting your GANTNER representative.
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Technical Data   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 29 5  TECHNICAL DATA   5.1  GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO   Nominal voltage UDC:    5 V  Power supply:    Via USB interface  Power consumption:    max. 350 mA  Supported RFID Technologies:    - MIFARE® Classic, MIFARE DESFire®, and MIFARE Ultralight®     - ISO 15693  RFID frequency:    13.56 MHz  Connections:    - USB: Type B socket     - Ethernet: RJ45 socket  Interface type:    - USB interface, Version 1.1     - Ethernet TCP/IP  Communication interface:    - USB: HID interface - TCP/IP: JSON  Display elements:    2 status LEDs and 1 acoustic signal generator   Housing material:    Plastic ABS  Dimensions:    126 x 115 x 44 mm  (4.96 x 4.53 x 1.73 inches)  Permitted ambient temperature:    0 °C to +60 °C (+32 °F to +140 °F)  Protection type:    IP 40  Protection class:    III  Weight:    Approx. 175 g (6.17 oz.)  Environment class based on VdS 2110:  I (conditions in indoor areas)
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Technical Data  30 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Appendix   HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 31 6  APPENDIX   6.1  Scan Code List – English Keyboard  0x00 Reserved (no event indicated) 0x30 Keyboard ] and } 0x01 0x01  Keyboard ErrorRollOver 0x31 Keyboard \ and | 0x02 Keyboard POSTFail 0x32 Keyboard Non-US # and ~ 0x03 Keyboard ErrorUndefined 0x33 Keyboard ; and : 0x04 Keyboard a and A 0x34 Keyboard ' and " 0x05 Keyboard b and B 0x35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde 0x06 Keyboard c and C 0x36 Keyboard, and < 0x07 Keyboard d and D 0x37 Keyboard . and > 0x08 Keyboard e and E 0x38 Keyboard / and ? 0x09 Keyboard f and F 0x39 Keyboard Caps Lock 0x0A Keyboard g and G 0x3A Keyboard F1 0x0B Keyboard h and H 0x3B Keyboard F2 0x0C Keyboard i and I 0x3C Keyboard F3 0x0D Keyboard j and J 0x3D Keyboard F4 0x0E Keyboard k and K 0x3E Keyboard F5 0x0F Keyboard l and L 0x3F Keyboard F6 0x10 Keyboard m and M 0x40 Keyboard F7 0x11 Keyboard n and N 0x41 Keyboard F8 0x12 Keyboard o and O 0x42 Keyboard F9 0x13 Keyboard p and P 0x43 Keyboard F10 0x14 Keyboard q and Q 0x44 Keyboard F11 0x15 Keyboard r and R 0x45 Keyboard F12 0x16 Keyboard s and S 0x46 Keyboard PrintScreen 0x17 Keyboard t and T 0x47 Keyboard Scroll Lock 0x18 Keyboard u and U 0x48 Keyboard Pause 0x19 Keyboard v and V 0x49 Keyboard Insert 0x1A Keyboard w and W 0x4A Keyboard Home 0x1B Keyboard x and X 0x4B Keyboard PageUp 0x1C Keyboard y and Y 0x4C Keyboard Delete Forward 0x1D Keyboard z and Z 0x4D Keyboard End 0x1E Keyboard 1 and ! 0x4E Keyboard PageDown 0x1F Keyboard 2 and @ 0x4F Keyboard RightArrow 0x20 Keyboard 3 and # 0x50 Keyboard LeftArrow 0x21 Keyboard 4 and $ 0x51 Keyboard DownArrow 0x22 Keyboard 5 and % 0x52 Keyboard UpArrow 0x23 Keyboard 6 and ^ 0x53 Keypad Num Lock and Clear 0x24 Keyboard 7 and & 0x54 Keypad / 0x25 Keyboard 7 and & 0x55 Keypad * 0x26 Keyboard 9 and ( 0x56 Keypad - 0x27 Keyboard 0 and ) 0x57 Keypad + 0x28 Keyboard Return (ENTER) 0x58 Keypad ENTER 0x29 Keyboard ESCAPE 0x59 Keypad 1 and End 0x2A Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) 0x5A Keypad 2 and Down Arrow 0x2B Keyboard Tab 0x5B Keypad 3 and PageDn 0x2C Keyboard Spacebar 0x5C Keypad 4 and Left Arrow 0x2D Keyboard - and (underscore) 0x5D Keypad 5 0x2E Keyboard = and + 0x5E Keypad 6 and Right Arrow 0x2F Keyboard [ and { 0x5F Keypad 7 and Home 0x60 Keypad 8 and Up Arrow 0x7D Keyboard Paste 0x61 Keypad 9 and PageUp 0x7E Keyboard Find 0x62 Keypad 0 and Insert 0x7F Keyboard Mute 0x63 Keypad . and Delete 0x80 Keyboard Volume Up 0x64 Keyboard Non-US \ and | 0x81 Keyboard Volume Down 0x65 Keyboard Application 0x82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock 0x66 Keyboard Power 0x83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock 0x67 Keypad = 0x84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock 0x68 Keyboard F13 0x85 Keypad Comma 0x69 Keyboard F14 0x86 Keypad Equal Sign 0x6A Keyboard F15 0x87 Keyboard International1 0x6B Keyboard F16 0x88 Keyboard International2
GAT NET.Writer 7000 F/ISO Appendix  32 HB_GAT-NETWRITER-7000-FISO-US_12 0x6C Keyboard F17 0x89 Keyboard International3 0x6D Keyboard F18 0x8A Keyboard International4 0x6E Keyboard F19 0x8B Keyboard International5 0x6F Keyboard F20 0x8C Keyboard International6 0x70 Keyboard F21 0x8D Keyboard International7 0x71 Keyboard F22 0x8E Keyboard International8 0x72 Keyboard F23 0x8F Keyboard International9 0x73 Keyboard F24 0x90 Keyboard LANG1 0x74 Keyboard Execute 0x91 Keyboard LANG2 0x75 Keyboard Help 0x92 Keyboard LANG3 0x76 Keyboard Menu 0x93 Keyboard LANG4 0x77 Keyboard Select 0x94 Keyboard LANG5 0x78 Keyboard Stop 0x95 Keyboard LANG6 0x79 Keyboard Again 0x96 Keyboard LANG7 0x7A Keyboard Undo 0x97 Keyboard LANG8 0x7B Keyboard Cut 0x98 Keyboard LANG9 0x7C Keyboard Copy      FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.)  Note:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of which the receiver is connected.   - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Warning Statement [Any] changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   (CANADA)  This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference; and  (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : 1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; 2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le onctionnement.        Note: This manual is valid from February 16th, 2017. It is subject to change. Amendments can be made without prior notice at any time.
            PartNo.: 622628           GANTNER Electronic GmbH         GANTNER Electronic GmbH Deutschland    GANTNER Electronics Pty Ltd Australia Montafonerstraße 8          Industriestraße 40F    3/105a Vanessa St, Kingsgrove 6780 Schruns, Austria          44894 Bochum, Germany    NSW 2208, Australia T:  +43 5556 73784-0          T:  +49 234 58896-0    T:  +61 2 9011 8114 F:  +43 5556 73784-8000         F:  +49 234 58896-11    F:  +61 2 8209 1708   GANTNER Electronics Ltd. UK         GANTNER Electronic GmbH Middle East 16 The Havens, Ransomes Europark          P.O. Box 62702, Office 1604, Aspect Tower Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9SJ          Business Bay, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE United Kingdom          T:  +971 4 451 7794 T:  +44 1245 697 588          F:  +971 4 451 7795 Tech. Line:  +44 1480 212 627         M:  +971 50 650 4082   Part No: 597130

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