Gantner Electronic GEA1150001A Electronic RFID Locker Locks User Manual GAT NET Lock 7000

Gantner Electronic GmbH Electronic RFID Locker Locks GAT NET Lock 7000

Users manual HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 1       GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electronic RFID Locker Locks              Installation, Configuration, Operation Document Version 3.3
 GAT NET.Lock 7000 System   2 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 3    Copyright 2014-2015, GANTNER Electronic GmbH, Schruns (Austria).   General warning and safety instructions   Dear customer, We congratulate you on having selected a product (appliance or software) from GANTNER Electronic GmbH. Our aim is to ensure that our product operates with safety and to your complete satisfaction. To achieve this aim we take this opportunity to familiarise you with the following guidelines:    1.  Installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the purchased product must be carried out in accordance with the instructions, i.e., in accordance with the technical conditions of operation as described in the corresponding product documen-tation.  2.  Before installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance it is therefore essential that you read the corresponding chapter of this manual and observe its instructions.  3.  If there are still some points on which you are not entirely clear, please do not take a chance. All queries can be clarified by your Gantner company representative, or by ringing the GANTNER Electronic GmbH hotline.  4.  Where not otherwise specifically documented, the appropriate installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the product is the customer’s responsibility.  5.  Directly on receipt of the goods, inspect both the packaging and the product itself for any signs of damage. Also check that the delivery is complete and includes all accessories, documentation, auxiliary devices, etc.  6.  If the packaging or product has been damaged in transport, or should you suspect that it may have a fault, the product must not be put into service. In this case, contact your Gantner company representative. They will make every effort to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.  7.  Installation, commissioning and servicing of our appliances must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel. In particu-lar, electrical connections must only be made by correspondingly qualified specialists. Here, the appropriate installation provi-sions in accordance with the relevant national Electrical Engineers construction regulations (e.g., ÖVE, [Austrian] VDE, [Ger-man]...) must be observed.  8.  Where not otherwise stated, installation and maintenance work on our appliances must be carried out when disconnected from the power supply. This applies in particular to appliances which are normally supplied by low-voltage current.  9. It is prohibited to make alterations to the appliances or to remove protective shields and covers.  10.  Do not attempt yourself to repair an appliance after a defect, failure or damage, or to put it back into operation again. In such cases, it is essential you contact either your Gantner company representative or the GANTNER Electronic GmbH hotline.  11.  GANTNER Electronic GmbH accepts no responsibility for any injuries or damage caused as a result of improper use.  12.  Although every care is taken and we are continuously aiming for improvement, we cannot completely exclude the possibility of errors appearing in our documentation. GANTNER Electronic GmbH therefore accepts no responsibility for the complete-ness or the accuracy of this manual. The right is reserved to make alterations, and we may carry out alterations at any time without giving prior notice.  13.  Should you discover any fault with the product or in its accompanying documentation, or have any suggestions for improve-ment, you may confidently approach either your Gantner company representative or GANTNER Electronic GmbH directly.   !
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System    4 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 14.  However, even if you just want to tell us that everything has functioned perfectly, we still look forward to hearing from you.  We wish you a successful application of our product and look forward to welcoming you again as a customer soon.   Contact address / manufacturer: GANTNER Electronic GmbH Montafonerstrasse 8 A - 6780 Schruns/Austria Tel.:   +43 5556 73784 - 442 Fax:   +43 5556 73784 - 8020 Email: Website:
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Table of Contents HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS  1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 About this Manual ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Contact & Inquiries .................................................................................................................................. 7 2. General Information ..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 System Parts ........................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Ordering Guide ........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Basic Function of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 System ............................................................................. 11 2.4 Term Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 11 2.5 RFID Technology .................................................................................................................................. 12 3. Mounting ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Definition of the Door Hinge (Right or Left Door) .................................................................................. 13 3.2 Metallic and Non-Metallic Doors ........................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Dimension Diagrams for Mounting ........................................................................................................ 14 3.3.1 Door Width ..................................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.2 Basic Dimensions of GAT NET.Lock 7000 and the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Sets .............................. 15 3.4 Door Status Contact .............................................................................................................................. 16 3.5 Mounting in Lockers with Non-Metallic Doors ....................................................................................... 17 3.5.1 Important Measures when Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Non-Metal Doors) . 17 3.5.2 Steps for Mounting of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 at Non-Metallic Doors ........................................ 18 3.6 Mounting in Lockers with Metallic Doors ............................................................................................... 20 3.6.1 Cut-Outs in the Locker Door .......................................................................................................... 21 3.6.2 Important Measurements when Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Metal Doors) . 21 3.6.3 Steps for Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 onto Metallic Doors ................................................ 22 3.7 Points to be observed during Installation .............................................................................................. 23 3.8 Test Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 24 3.9 Replacement after a Burglary Attempt .................................................................................................. 24 3.10 Installation of the GAT NET.Controller M/S 7000 ............................................................................. 24 3.10.1 Instructions for Mounting the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 und S 7000: ...................................... 25 4. Electrical Connection ................................................................................................................................. 27 4.1 System Structure ................................................................................................................................... 27 4.2 Cable Connection of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 ..................................................................................... 28 4.2.1 Connection Cable .......................................................................................................................... 28 4.2.2 Cable Outlets ................................................................................................................................. 28 4.2.3 Power Supply ................................................................................................................................. 28 4.3 Connections at the Slave Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000........................................................ 29 4.3.1 GAT NET.Lock 7000 Connection .................................................................................................. 29 4.3.2 Network Connection ....................................................................................................................... 29 4.3.3 Power Supply ................................................................................................................................. 31 4.3.4 LED Signals and Buttons ............................................................................................................... 32 4.4 Connections on the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 Master Controller .................................................... 33 4.4.1 Connecting the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 Slave Controllers to the Master Controller ............. 33 4.4.2 Ethernet Connection ...................................................................................................................... 33 4.4.3 Connection of the Power Supply ................................................................................................... 34 4.4.4 LED Signals and Buttons ............................................................................................................... 34 5. Configuration And Operation .................................................................................................................... 35 5.1 Antenna Adjustment of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 ................................................................................. 35 5.2 Locker Operation by the Visitor ............................................................................................................. 35 5.2.1 Lock a Locker ................................................................................................................................. 35 5.2.2 Unlock and Open a Locker ............................................................................................................ 35 5.3 Restart a Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000 or GAT NET.Controller M 7000 .............................. 36 5.4 Delete Configuration Parameters of a Controller (= Reset to Default Settings) ................................... 36 5.5 Status Information for the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and GAT NET.Controller M 7000 .................. 37
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Table of Contents  6 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 5.5.1 Slave Controller ............................................................................................................................. 37 5.5.2 Master Controller ........................................................................................................................... 37 5.6 GAT Relaxx - Operation Software for GAT NET.Lock 7000 System ................................................... 38 5.6.3 User Interface ................................................................................................................................ 38 6. Technical Data ........................................................................................................................................... 41 6.1 GAT NET.Lock 7000 ............................................................................................................................ 41 6.2 GAT NET.Controller S 7000 ................................................................................................................. 41 6.3 GAT NET.Controller M 7000 ................................................................................................................ 42
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Introduction HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 7 1.  INTRODUCTION   1.1  About this Manual  This manual contains all the necessary information required to install GAT NET.Lock 7000 RFID locks into lock-ers/depots. Operating instructions for the end user are also fully explained.  In order to use GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks, a GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller, a GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller with their as-sociated network and power cabling are required. In addition to these hardware requirements, PC software (e.g. GAT Relaxx) is required to firstly configure the installation then used to control and monitor the locker system and the RFID data carriers used to operate the locks. The installation and operation of these system parts are also de-scribed in this manual. For the GAT Relaxx configuration software there is also a separate installation manual as well as a help function which is integrated into the software.  In chapter 2 "General Information", general information about the GAT NET.Lock 7000 system as well as an over-view of the various system parts with order information can be found.  Chapter 3 "Mounting" includes instructions on how the GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks are mounted in the lockers. Here the mounting procedure of the locks and bolt sets is described in addition to all important measurements and instal-lation information. Because there are many different types of lockers available, the mounting procedure is described generally and is not for a certain type of locker.  The chapter 4 "Electrical Connection" describes how the GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks and controllers are connected to each other and connected to their power supplies. Also found here is information about the requirements and in-stallation of the network connection cables.  Chapter 5 "Configuration And Operation" describes the operation of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 by a user/visitor within a facility. Instructions for antenna adjustment and the resetting and deleting of configuration parameters in the con-trollers are also explained. The LED display signals and acoustic signals on the controllers are also described here. A brief overview of the GAT Relaxx configuration software is also included in this chapter.   Chapter 6 "Technical Data" contains the necessary technical information for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks and the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and M 7000 controllers.     1.2  Contact & Inquiries  For all inquiries concerning the GAT NET.Lock 7000 system and associated devices please get in touch with your representative / distributor or directly with one of the GANTNER Technology branch offices. The addresses, phone and fax numbers are listed on the inner side of the cover.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System General Information  8 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 2.  GENERAL INFORMATION   2.1  System Parts  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 system consists of the following system parts:                                                              Figure 2.1  - System parts of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 system 13. Ethernet Patch Cable 4.  GAT NET.Controller S 7000 (Slave Controller) 12. GAT NET.Lock Connector   Coupling for cable connection 6.  GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240V   Power Supply Unit 8.  GAT NET.Power Plug 5. GAT NET.Controller M 7000 (Master Controller) 1.  GAT NET.Lock 7000 2.  GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100 (For non-metallic doors) + 11. GAT NET.Lock Cable 4m   (4m connection cable) 3.  GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200   (For metallic doors. Includes label carrier) 10. GAT NET.Lock Label GEA right   GAT NET.Lock Label GEA NUM right   GAT NET.Lock Label GEA left   GAT NET.Lock Label GEA NUM left  (Front labels in different designs) 9.  GAT NET.Lock Tool 7000   (Centre punch gauge for bolt mounting) 14. GAT NET.Lock Basic Set F   GAT NET.Lock Basic Set ISO   (Five master cards and an assumption of liability sheet)  7.  GAT NET.Power Cord US   (US power cable for GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240 V)
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System General Information HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 9 1.  GAT NET.Lock 7000 Electronic RFID locker lock without connection cable and without bolt set.  2.  GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100 Bolt set with door shackle and booster. Used for non-metallic doors. The bolt set is mounted on the inside of the locker door. 3.  GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 Bolt set with door shackle and booster. Used for metallic doors. The bolt set is installed into locker door. The label carrier is also included in the set. 4.  GAT NET.Controller S 7000 The slave controller is a control unit to connect up to 24 GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks. There are two different types of slave controllers available which differ in the type of RFID technology they can read. 5.  GAT NET.Controller M 7000 The master controller is a control unit to connect up to 8 GAT  NET.Controller S 7000 slave controllers. The master controller is used to connect the slave controller(s) to a server / PC. 6.  GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240V Power supply unit for the slave and master controller. 7.  GAT NET.Power Cord US Power cable for connection of GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240 V to the US mains power sockets. 8.  GAT NET.Power Plug Plug to supply multiple controllers with a single power supply (see "4.3. Connections at the Slave Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000"). 9.  GAT NET.Lock Tool 7000 Centre punch gauge for bolt mounting in the locker doors. With this gauge drill holes for the bolt installation can be easily marked on the locker door. 10.  GAT NET.Lock Label 7000 GEA xxx Different locker door labels in GANTNER design. The labels are available for right and left doors and with or without printed locker numbers. On metallic doors the labels are stuck onto the label carrier. On non-metallic doors the labels can be stuck directly onto the doors.  11.  GAT NET.Lock Cable 4m 4-pin connection cable (4 metres) to connect a GAT NET.Lock 7000 to a slave controller. MOLEX plug on both ends. 12.  GAT NET.Lock Connector Connection socket to connect two GAT NET.Lock Cable 4m. 13.  Ethernet Patch Cable Standard network cable (min. CAT5) to connect the slave controller to the master controller. 14.  GAT NET.Lock Basic Set xxx Set consisting of five master cards and an assumption  of liability sheet. The master cards have master key functionality and can be used to open all lockers in a GAT NET.Lock 7000 locker system (e.g. used for service- and cleaning personnel). Available for different RFID technologies ("F" for MIFARE® and "ISO" for ISO 15693 systems).     2.2  Ordering Guide  For the planning and ordering of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 system components, an ordering guide is available in a separate document ("DK_GAT-NETLOCK7000--Bestellhilfe-EN").
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System General Information  10 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System General Information HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 11 2.3  Basic Function of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 System  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 lock is the ideal solution for the convenient electronic locking of wardrobe lockers in fit-ness clubs, baths, golf resorts, hotels and other individual company applications. Operation of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is carried out using contactless RFID data carriers (Radio Frequency Identification).  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 is suitable for any type of locker material (e.g. sheet metal, wood, HPL, solid plastic) and can be used for left- and right-hinged doors alike. The various operating modes enable the flexible use of these locks.  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 is installed on the inner side of the locker body. A bolt set is mounted on the inside of the locker door. This bolt set holds the door shackle which inserts into the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and locks the door. The bolt set also includes a passive booster in order to amplify the RFID reading field.  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks are controlled by the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controllers. The slave con-trollers support the RFID technologies MIFARETM and ISO 15693. Up to 24 GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks can be con-nected to one slave controller. The slave controllers are connected to master controllers which then communicate over Ethernet with a software application (e.g. GAT Relaxx software from GANTNER Electronic GmbH) on a host computer/server.  Using a locker The facility user closes the door of a free locker and whilst holding the door shut puts their data carrier next to the reading centre on the locker door (the reading centre is indicated by the LED inside the lock). The GAT NET.Lock 7000 reads the data carrier information then communicates with the host software (via the slave and master control-lers) to determine if the user is allowed to use the locker (depending on their authorisation). If the user is authorised to use the locker, a command is sent to the GAT NET.Lock 7000 to lock the locker door. To unlock a locker door the user again holds their data carrier next to the reading centre of their previously locked locker door. The GAT NET.Lock 7000 communicates with the controllers and host software to confirm or deny if the user has valid authorisation to unlock the locker door. The locker door automatically opens after a valid command has been sent to the GAT NET.Lock 7000.    2.4  Term Definitions  Several terms are used often in this manual and are defined below.  Locker: The term "locker" is used to generally describe all possible locker applications, for example, a changing locker, a depot or a private box. All these locker possibilities are locked by the GAT NET.Lock 7000.  Lock:   General term for the GAT NET.Lock 7000.  RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification): Identification from a short distance using radio frequency. An RFID data carrier is used as identification media.  Data Carrier: A data carrier in this manual is an identification media which is used by the persons/visitors of a facility for identifica-tion at the GAT NET.Lock 7000 locker locks. Data carriers are available in many different forms such as plastic wristbands or chip cards. Data carriers are available in different technologies (MIFARETM, ISO 15693).
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System General Information  12 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 FID (Company ID) and Site Key: LEGIC systems use an FID number. In MIFARE systems a site key is used which is a combination of the FID and the  read and write keys. The  FID and  site  keys are  unique  numbers for  every leisure  facility  installation. These numbers are encoded in every data carrier and device and with this number it can be guaranteed that data carriers of one installation are not used in other installations.  Slave Controller: The GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller is a device to which all GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks are connected to (up to 24 locks per slave controller). The slave controller receives control signals via the serial RS 485 network and operates the connected electronic locks accordingly.   Master Controller: The GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller is used to connect the slave controllers via Ethernet to a higher-ranking PC/server running locker system control software (e.g. GAT Relaxx).  Booster: Electronic component for amplifying the RFID reading field of the GAT NET.Lock 7000. A booster is often used to extend the RIFD reading range of the GAT NET.Lock 7000, e.g., on metallic or thick doors or small data carriers. The bolt sets for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 already include boosters - 1 in the GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100 for non-metallic doors and 2 in the GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 for metallic doors.  GAT Relaxx: PC software which is installed on a server/host computer and which is used to configure and control the connected controllers and locks. A separate installation manual and integrated help is available for this software.  User / Visitor: The general terms "user" and "visitor" describe the people that use the lockers and the GAT NET.Lock 7000.      2.5  RFID Technology  Identification of users at the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is done via RFID (radio-frequency identification) using a frequency of 13.56 MHz. There are two different technologies supported. Different letter/letters are added to GANTNER pro-duct model identifiers to notify of the technology which the device supports:  -  "F":   MIFARETM -  "ISO":  ISO 15693  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 and the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller can work with all of these technol-ogies. The slave controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000 F/ISO supports also both of these technologies.  Therefore, it is necessary that all data carriers in a facility are of the same technology. The information in this manu-al is written in general for all RFID types. If there is special information only valid for a certain type of technology it will be noted.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 13 3.  MOUNTING   This mounting instruction describes how to install the GAT NET.Lock 7000 locker locks. Please read this instruction carefully and follow it prior to working on the lockers or installing the locks.  As there is a wide variety of applications and locker types, a test installation including a functional testing must always be performed prior to the serial production of the lockers and the installation of the locks (see chapter "3.8. Test Installation").   Please also read the most important points for installation summarized in chapter "3.7. Points to be ob-served during Installation".       3.1  Definition of the Door Hinge (Right or Left Door)  For the mounting, it is important to determine whether the door is hinged to the left or the right. This is defined as follows:   Figure 3.1 - Definition of the opening direction of lockers (left/right)     In the following pages the mounting for right-hinged doors is described. The installation process for left locker doors is in principle the same as for right locker doors, only with reversed lock and door orientation.   The hinges must not be equipped with retaining springs or other elements which keep the locker door shut! The  locker  door  must  release  and  open  without  resistance  by  itself  when  it  is  unlocked  by  the  GAT NET.Lock 7000.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  14 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 3.2  Metallic and Non-Metallic Doors  Because the RFID field of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is distorted or blocked by metal (e.g. with metallic locker doors), a cut-out has to be made in metallic locker doors into which the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 7200 and the label carrier can be installed. A specific cut-out for non-metallic doors is not necessary, only a drill hole for the LED field is re-quired.  Since the reading range of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is limited, the locker door of non-metallic lockers must not be too thick. The maximum door thickness of non-metallic doors depends on the RFID technology and data carriers used.    3.3  Dimension Diagrams for Mounting  3.3.1  Door Width   The minimum door width allowed (measured from the door shackle to the hinge) is 230 mm. If the door is narrower, the door shackle would hit the locker when the door is being closed.      Figure 3.2 - Minimal door width
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 15 3.3.2  Basic Dimensions of GAT NET.Lock 7000 and the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Sets    Figure 3.3 - Dimensions of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 with GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100 for non-metallic doors    Figure 3.4 - Dimensions of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 with GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 for metallic doors
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  16 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 1.   GAT NET.Lock 7000 2.   GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100 (for non-metallic doors) 3.   GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 (for metallic doors) 4.   Door shackle 5.   Door contact 6.   Booster 7.   Status LED 8.   Label carrier    3.4  Door Status Contact  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 has a feedback function which is activated by the door contact (5) on the bolt set as soon as the locker door is closed. To guarantee the correct functionality of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 it is important, that this contact is clean and not damaged.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 17 3.5  Mounting in Lockers with Non-Metallic Doors  In lockers with non-metallic doors the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is mounted on the left or right inner locker wall (depend-ing if it is a right or left locker) and the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 71x0 is mounted on the inside of the locker door. Drilling of the locker door is also required for the LED status display. See the diagram below and the steps after-wards for the mounting instructions.     1.  GAT NET.Lock 7000 2.  GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 7100 3.  Mounting screws for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 (3x), type depending on the locker material 4.  Door shackle 5.  Door contact 6.  Mounting screws for bolt set 7.  LED (hole in the locker door)  Figure 3.5 - Mounting of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 in a locker with non-metallic door (right door)     3.5.1  Important Measures when Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Non-Metal Doors)  During the mounting, please pay particular attention to the following points:  -  When the door is pressed shut, the gap between the bolt set and the front of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 must not exceed 0.5 mm. Ideally, the bolt set should touch the front of the lock (see measurement in Figure 3.5).  -  The middle of the door shackle (4) must be 1 mm higher than the middle of the door shackle opening in the GAT NET.Lock 7000 (see measure in Figure 3.5). This ensures the door’s ability to close even  if the door position is modified 3 mm downwards or 1 mm upwards (tolerance ±2 mm).
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  18 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33  - The cabinet door, the bolt set and the front side of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 must be perpendicular and parallel to each other. If not, the door contact in the GAT NET.Lock 7000, and therefore the lock itself, can potentialy not function correctly.    -  If right and left doors are used in a mix, please note the LED positions, since the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is mounted upside-down on the left doors, compared to the right doors.            Figure 3.6 - LED positions of GAT NET.Lock 7000 at right and left doors  Before mounting all locks of the locker system a test installation of one lock in a mechanically  finalized locker and a subsequent function check must be performed like described below. Only if this check is suc-cessful, the rest of the locks may be mounted in the same way!    3.5.2  Steps for Mounting of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 at Non-Metallic Doors  Please perform the following steps in order to mount the GAT NET.Lock 7000 onto non-metallic doors.   Drill 3 holes (3 in Figure 3.5) for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 into the locker wall.    Attention: Position the 3 holes according to the information in "3.5.1. Important Measures when Mount-ing the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Non-Metal Doors)"!   Plug-in the connection cable at the GAT NET.Lock 7000 (see "4. Electrical Connection").
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 19  Mount the GAT NET.Lock 7000 with 3 screws (3) on the inside locker wall.  Note:  Use the correct screws according to the type of locker material.  Attention: The maximum allowed tightening torque of the screws is 2 Nm.   Drill 3 holes (6 in Figure 3.5) on the locker door inside for mounting the GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7100.   Drill a hole for the LED display in the locker door (7 in Figure 3.5). The recommended drill hole diameter is 10 mm.  Note:  A label is available to cover the LED hole. The label has a transparent (matt) viewing window for the LED to shine through and can be ordered with a standard GANTNER or customer specific design.    Mount the bolt set onto the inside of the locker door using 3 screws.  Note:  Always use the correct screw type and length depending upon the type of locker material.   Test the locker door  to confirm that it can be easily closed and  that  the door shackle inserts correctly into the opening of the GAT NET.Lock 7000.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  20 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 3.6  Mounting in Lockers with Metallic Doors  In lockers with metallic doors the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is mounted on the left or right inner locker wall (depending if it is a right or left locker). 2 cut-outs have to be made in the door - one on the inside door sheet and one on the out-side door sheet. The two parts of the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 7200 are then mounted into the locker door. See the following figure and the steps afterwards for the mounting instructions.        1.  GAT NET.Lock 7000 2.  GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 3.  Mounting screws for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 4.  Door shackle 5.  Door contact 6.  Mounting screws for bolt set (pan-head metal Torx Ø 3.5 x 9.5 mm) 7.  LED position 8.  Cut-out for GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 9.  Cut-out for label carrier 10. Label carrier      Figure 3.7 - Mounting of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 in a locker with metallic doors (right door)
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 21 3.6.1  Cut-Outs in the Locker Door  On the inside and outside walls of the locker door the following cut-outs must be made in order to mount the GAT NET. Lock BoltSet 7200 and the label carrier. The measurements for the cut-outs are as follows.   Figure 3.8 - Cut-Outs in Metallic Doors     3.6.2  Important Measurements when Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Metal Doors)  During installation, please pay particular attention to the following points:  -  The door thickness must be between 18 and 26 mm (see Figure 3.7).  -  When the door is pressed shut, the gap between the bolt set and the front of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 must not exceed 0.5 mm (see measure in Figure 3.7). Ideally the bolt set should touch the front of the lock.  -  The middle of the door shackle (4) must be 1 mm higher than the middle of the door shackle opening in the GAT NET.Lock 7000 (see measure in Figure 3.7). This ensures the door’s ability to close even if the door position is modified 3 mm downwards or 1 mm upwards (tolerance ±2 mm).  - The cabinet door, the bolt set and the front side of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 must be perpendicular and parallel to each other. If not, the door contact in the GAT NET.Lock 7000, and therefore the lock itself, can potentialy not function correctly.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  22 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33   Before installing all locks in a new locker system, a test installation of one lock in a mechanically identical locker and a subsequent function check must be performed as described below. Only after a successful test installation has been performed may the remaining locks be installed in the same way. There is an in-stallation certificate available which will assist with this process (Installation Certificate GAT Lock 7xxx.pdf).     3.6.3  Steps for Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 onto Metallic Doors  Please perform the following steps in order to mount the GAT NET.Lock 7000 onto metallic doors.   Drill the 3 holes (3) for the GAT NET.Lock 7000 into the locker wall.  Attention:  Position the 3 holes according to the information in the previous section "3.5.1. Important Measures when Mounting the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and Bolt Set (Non-Metal Doors)"!   Plug-in the connection cable to the GAT NET.Lock 7000 (see "4. Electrical Connection").   Mount the GAT NET.Lock 7000 with 3 screws (3) on the inside locker wall.  Note:  Always use the correct screws according to the type of locker material      Attention: The maximum allowed tightening torque of the screws is 2 Nm.   On the inner wall of the locker door cut-out the hole (63.2 x 68 mm) for the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 7200.    On the inner wall of the locker door drill the 4 holes (6) for mounting the GAT NET.Lock Bolt Set 7200.   On the outer wall of the locker door cut-out the hole (68.2 x 94 mm) for the label carrier.   Mount the bolt set onto the inside wall of the locker door using the 4 screws included in the scope of supply (Torx Ø 3.5 x 9.5 mm) as shown in Figure 3.8 on the previous page.  Note:  Use the following screws (which are included in the scope of supply): Torx, Ø 3.5 mm, length 9.5 mm   Push the label carrier onto the outside wall of the locker door. The label carrier will simply remain in place with the lashes on the label carrier - no screws are required.   Stick the front label onto the label carrier.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 23 Note:  A label is available to cover the LED hole. The label has a transparent (matt) viewing window for the LED to shine through and can be ordered with a standard GANTNER or customer specific design.   Figure 3.9 - Label carrier with front label    Close the door to test if the locker door can be closed easily and the door shackle inserts into the opening of the GAT NET.Lock 7000.     3.7  Points to be observed during Installation  Fastening screws: The GAT NET.Lock 7000 is attached to the locker wall using three screws. Use the correct type of screws depend-ing on  the type of locker material. The  screws  must not be  over tightened  and the maximum allowed tightening torque is 2 Nm.  Mounting of the door shackle: For fastening the bolt set with the door shackle on the door the correct screws depending on the type of locker ma-terial must be used. For mounting the GAT NET.Lock BoltSet 7200 use the pan-head metal screws Torx 3.5 x 9.5 mm (included in the scope of supply). The positioning and mounting of the door shackle should be performed after the final alignment of the lockers on site. As described in the installation instructions, ensure that the bolt set and the front of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 are parallel to each other.  No retaining devices: No retaining devices such as springs should be used on the doors as this will prevent the opening function of the locker doors.  Hinge: The hinges of the locker door must not be equipped with retaining springs or similar elements. The locker door must open automatically without resistance when the GAT NET.Lock 7000 unlocks the door.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  24 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 3.8  Test Installation  As the GAT NET.Lock 7000 is suitable for a wide range of installation applications, always perform a test installation and functional testing of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 in a finished sample locker from the facility before starting with the serial production of the lockers. In particular, test if the door shackle slides centrally into the opening of the GAT NET.Lock 7000, the door locks without any problems and the door opens without resistance (without retaining ele-ments like springs). Also read a data carrier (ideally an original data carrier of the type to be used on-site) in order to ensure that the da-ta carriers can be read without problems.  Attention, make sure the connection cable is completely installed and guided out of the locker and the connection of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 has been fully completed prior to the locking test.     3.9  Replacement after a Burglary Attempt  If a burglary (forced opening) has been attempted on a locker, the entire GAT NET.Lock 7000 must be replaced with a new one. The bolt set with the door shackle must be replaced as well.       3.10  Installation of the GAT NET.Controller M/S 7000  The GAT NET.Controller M 7000 and GAT NET.Controller S 7000 must be placed in the vicinity of the connected GAT NET.Lock 7000 locks to keep cable lengths to a minimum. Usually the controllers are placed on top of the lockers.  Although the permanent fixing of the controllers is not required (they can simply rest on top of the lockers), when a controller is to be permanently mounted, e.g., on a wall, you can use screws and the screw holes provided in the base of the controller.      Figure 3.10 – Mounting of the GAT NET.Controller M/S 7000
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 25 3.10.1 Instructions for Mounting the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 und S 7000:   Observe the measurements shown in Figure 3.10 and drill 3 holes for the controller mounting points.  Use the cor-rect drill diameter required by the screws and/or wall plugs (screws up to max. M4).   Screw in the top two screws until the head remains approximately 5mm out from the wall.   Attach the controller housing to the top two screws and push down until the housing stops against the screws. If necessary, remove the controller and tighten the screws as required before rehanging.     Screw the third screw into the central, lower mounting hole and tighten firmly.     Ensure that the controller is securely fastened and cannot be removed.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Mounting  26 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 27 4.  ELECTRICAL CONNECTION  This  chapter  describes  the  electrical  connections  required  between  the  GAT  NET.Lock  7000  and  the  GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and GAT NET.Controller M 7000 control units.  Electrical connections must only be done in a powerless state and only by trained and specialised person-nel.    4.1  System Structure  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 is always connected to the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller. The slave con-trollers are in turn networkable via the serial RS 485 interface and are connected to a GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller. The master controllers are connected via Ethernet to a host computer or server.     Figure 4.1 - GAT NET.Lock 7000 system structure
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  28 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 4.2  Cable Connection of the GAT NET.Lock 7000   Back Side   Figure 4.2 - Cable connection at the GAT NET.Lock 7000    4.2.1  Connection Cable  The 4 m GAT NET.Lock Cable 4m (part no. 321826) connection cable is included in the scope of supply. This cable is used to connect the GAT NET.Lock 7000 to a GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller. The cable has a 4-pin MOLEX plug type Micro-Fit 3.0TM on both ends.  If the standard connection cable is too short, it is possible to use two  GAT NET.Lock Cable 4m cables which are connected together using the GAT NET.Lock Connector. Alternatively a single 8m GAT NET.Lock Cable 8m (part no. 734430) can also be ordered  Only use an original cable from GANTNER Electronic GmbH for connecting the GAT NET.Lock 7000.   4.2.2  Cable Outlets  Cut-out one of the cable outlets (1 in Figure 4.2) in order to feed the cable out of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 housing. Depending on the orientation of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and the cable routing in the locker, use the outlet which al-lows cable routing with minimal length and effort.   4.2.3  Power Supply  The GAT NET.Lock 7000 is supplied with power via the connection cable connected to the slave controller. A DC supply of 5 V is used (see also technical data).
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 29 4.3  Connections at the Slave Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000   4.3.1  GAT NET.Lock 7000 Connection    The  GAT  NET.Lock  7000  locks  are  connected  via  the  4-pin  MOLEX  connectors  on  the  side  panel  of  the  GAT NET.Controller S 7000.   Attention, always use original cables from GANTNER Electronic GmbH. The lock connection cable must not be modified (shortened or extended) in any way. If the cable is too short, only one GAT Net.Lock Cable 4m (part no.: 321826, length = 4 m) extension cable may be used. The maximum cable length between the GAT NET.Lock 7000 and the slave controller therefore is 8 m.   Up to 24 GAT NET.Lock 7000s can be connected to one slave controller. The locks are controlled and differentiated via the channel numbers indicated on the side panel of the slave controller. Therefore it is important where the locks are connected and how the locking system is configured.  The slave controller should be located in such a manner, that the locks can be connected with the minimum length of cables (e.g. directly on top of the lockers).    Figure 4.3 - Connection to the GAT NET.Lock 7000 to a slave controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000  Note:  Do not attempt to connect the RFID locker locks GAT NET.Lock 7000 to a GAT Smart.Controller S 7000 as this smart controller only operates with GAT Smart.Locks 7001. For the GAT NET.Lock 7000, you have to use the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller.    4.3.2  Network Connection  The slave controllers are interconnected with each other via the serial RS 485 interface. The same RS 485 interface is used to connect the slave controllers to a GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller. RJ 45 plugs are used for connecting the RS 485 cables to the GAT NET.Controller S 7000. It is recommended to use at least CAT. 5 (STP) cable for all network connections.    Figure 4.4 - RS 485 connection on the GAT NET.Controller S 7000
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  30 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 Observe the following values for the number of connectable controllers per interface: -  A maximum of 8 slave controllers per RS 485 line -  Maximum of one RS 485 line length = 200 m    Figure 4.5 - Maximal RS 485 line length   It is important to differentiate between the RS 485 IN and OUT plugs. Connect the incoming cable (from the master controller or the previous slave controller) to the RS 485 IN plug and the outgoing cable (going to the next slave controller) with the RS 485 OUT plug. This is particularly important if the power supply is to be forwarded to the fol-lowing slave controllers (please refer to the next section).     Figure 4.6 - RS 485 IN and OUT direction on the GAT NET.Controller S 7000
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 31 4.3.3  Power Supply  The GAT NET.Controller S 7000 is connected to the mains power supply  via an external power supply unit. De-pending on the type of power supply unit and the country, mains voltage may be UAC 230 V or UAC 115 V (please refer to technical data). The power supply is connected to the controller via the MOLEX plug shown in Figure 4.7.    Figure 4.7 - Connection of the power supply on the GAT NET.Controller S 7000   The power supply unit may be placed in the designated storage place inside the slave controller.   There are two different types of power supply connections:  1.  The power supply can be connected to each slave controller individually.  2.  The power supply is connected to a single or a few slave controllers, which in turn supply the remaining slave controllers  via  the  RS  485  cable.  In this  case,  the  “power  plug”  must  be  inserted for those slave  controllers which are not supplied directly. Note:  A power supply must always be connected to the master controller and the first slave controller. If 5 or more slave controllers are used in one line a second power supply is required at the fifth controller.    Figure 4.8 - Power transmission via RS 485 interface   Pay attention to the direction of the supply, as power is transferred only via the “RS 485 OUT” socket.    Attention, the maximum total cable length, if the power is transmitted from a master or slave controller to a subsequent controller, is 200 metres.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  32 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33  Figure 4.9 - Examples for power supply    4.3.4  LED Signals and Buttons  For the display of the operating state and to start certain functions various LED indicators and buttons are provided on the GAT NET.Controller S 7000.     Figure 4.10 - LEDs and buttons provided on the GAT NET.Controller S 7000   LEDs -  RS 485 IN (yellow): The connection with the master controller has been established. -  RS 485 IN (green): RS 485 communication is active. -  LED 1 (blue):  Lock activated/controlled. -  LED 2 (green/red): See "5.5. Status Information for the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and GAT NET.Controller M 7000".  Buttons -  RESET:  1.  See "5.3. Restart a Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000 or GAT NET.Controller M 7000"      2.  See "5.4. Delete Configuration Parameters of a Controller (= Reset to Default Settings) " -  MODE:  See "5.1 Antenna Adjustment of the GAT NET.Lock 7000"       Yellow LED Green LED
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 33 4.4  Connections on the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 Master Controller   4.4.1  Connecting the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 Slave Controllers to the Master Controller  The slave controllers are connected to the master controllers via the RS 485 interface using RJ 45 plugs. The con-nection must be made through the "RS 485 SLAVES" socket.     Figure 4.11 - Connection of the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 at the GAT NET.Controller M 7000  Note:  The "RS 485 ADD-ON" connector is reserved for future requirements and must not be used to connect the slave controllers.  Observe the following values for the number of connectable controllers per master controller (RS 485 line): -  A maximum of 8 slave controllers per master controller, i.e. per RS 485 line -  Maximum length of one RS 485 line = 200 m     4.4.2  Ethernet Connection  The connection of  several  GAT NET.Controller M  7000s as well as  the connection  of the master controller  to a PC/server is performed via Ethernet. The Ethernet line is connected to the RJ 45 plug on the back side of the GAT NET.Controller M 7000.    Figure 4.12 - Connection of the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 to Ethernet
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Electrical Connection  34 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 4.4.3  Connection of the Power Supply  The GAT NET.Controller M 7000 is connected via an external power supply unit to the mains power supply, i.e. de-pending on the type of unit and the country of use UAC 230 V or UAC 115 V (please refer to technical data). The power supply is connected to the controller via the MOLEX plug.     Figure 4.13 - Power supply on the GAT NET.Controller M 7000  The power supply unit may be placed in the designated storage space inside the master controller.     4.4.4  LED Signals and Buttons  For the display of different operating states and to start certain functions, various LED indicators and buttons are provided on the GAT NET.Controller M 7000.     Figure 4.14 - LEDs and buttons provided on the GAT NET.Controller M 7000   LEDs -  RS 485 IN (yellow): The connection with the slave controller has been established. -  RS 485 IN (green): RS 485 communication is active. -  LED 1 (blue):  Reserved for future functions. -  LED 2 (green/red): See "5.5. Status Information for the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and GAT NET.Controller M 7000".  Buttons -  RESET:  1.  See "5.3. Restart a Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000 or GAT NET.Controller M 7000"      2.  See "5.4. Delete Configuration Parameters of a Controller (= Reset to Default Settings) " -  MODE:  Reserved for future functions.  Yellow LED Green LED
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 35 5.  CONFIGURATION AND OPERATION   5.1  Antenna Adjustment of the GAT NET.Lock 7000  The antenna of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 must be adjusted so that an optimal reading range for the RFID data carri-ers is obtained. The antenna adjustment does not need to be done by hand as the GAT NET.Lock 7000 supports automatic antenna adjustment via PC software.  The antenna adjustment of a lock is also possible with the MODE button of the Slave Controller, where the lock is connected (see "4.3.4. LED Signals and Buttons").  Note:  The locker door must be closed during the antenna adjustment so that the test conditions meet the later op-erating conditions.     Proceed with these steps:  -  Close all locker doors. -  Press MODE button once. -> The antenna adjustment is completed in less than 1 second.    5.2  Locker Operation by the Visitor   5.2.1  Lock a Locker  In order to use an unused locker (i.e. locking a locker), the door must be pressed shut so that the door shackle moves into the GAT NET.Lock 7000. While the door is pressed shut the user must hold their data carrier next to the reading field on the locker door. The GAT NET.Lock 7000 reads the data carrier then communicates with the slave and master controllers and if the data carrier (i.e. the user) is allowed to use the locker, a command is sent so that the GAT NET.Lock 7000 will lock the locker.  A push button at the front of the GAT NET.Lock 7000 lock detects if the locker door is closed or not. This feature al-lows indication of the locker status on a PC running locker system software.   5.2.2  Unlock and Open a Locker  When a user wants to open a locker, the user must identify himself at the lock with his RFID data carrier. As soon as the user holds his data carrier to the RFID scan field the GAT NET.Lock 7000 reads the data carrier, communi-cates with the slave and master controllers and if the data carrier (i.e. the user) is allowed to open the locker, a command will be sent so that the GAT NET.Lock 7000 will unlock the locker.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  36 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 5.3  Restart a Controller GAT NET.Controller S 7000 or GAT NET.Controller M 7000  In certain situations (e.g. after an error or network problems) it may be helpful to restart a master or slave controller. This means that the software application in these devices will be restarted.     To restart a controller, proceed with these steps (the picture above shows a slave controller):  -  Press the RESET button for 5 seconds -> LED 2 will blink red and green -  Release the RESET button -> The slave controller restarts. This takes about 5 seconds. The configuration parameters will remain un-changed.     5.4  Delete Configuration Parameters of a Controller (= Reset to Default Settings)  After deleting the configuration parameters of a controller (master or slave), the controller will operate exactly as at the time of delivery.  Attention, the resetting of a controller must only be performed by an authorised service technician. After resetting the controller the entire locker installation must be reconfigured via software.      To reset a controller, proceed with these steps (the picture above shows a slave controller):  -  Press the RESET button for approx. 12 seconds. ->  LED 1 starts flashing blue. -  Within 3 seconds release the RESET button and press it again. ->  Configuration parameters are reset. ->  Whilst resetting a slave controller the LEDs on the connected locks will flash red/green.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 37 5.5  Status Information for the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 and GAT NET.Controller M 7000       LED 2 shows the following status information at a slave and master controller.   5.5.1  Slave Controller  LED 2 Status Information red Emergency operation (no connection, neither to the master controller nor to the server/software) red blinking Emergency operation (connection to master controller OK, but no connection to server/software) green Normal operation (connection to master controller and server/software is OK) flashing red & green Bootloader mode (a firmware update is currently being loaded or there is no firmware present in the controller)  Table 5.1  - Status information for the GAT NET.Controller S 7000 slave controller    5.5.2  Master Controller  LED 2 Status Information red Emergency operation (no connection to the server/software) green Normal operation (connection to server/software is OK) flashing red & green  Bootloader mode (a firmware update is currently being loaded or there is no firmware present in the controller)  Table 5.2   - Status information for the GAT NET.Controller M 7000 master controller
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  38 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 5.6  GAT Relaxx - Operation Software for GAT NET.Lock 7000 System   Note:  This chapter includes only a short overview of the software and its main functions. A detailed description of all GAT Relaxx functions is included as interactive help within GAT Relaxx. For installation, general infor-mation and system requirements, an installation manual is also available and included on the GAT Relaxx installation CD.  General  In order to configure, operate and monitor the electronic locker system, GANTNER Electronic GmbH has developed PC software called GAT Relaxx. GAT Relaxx runs on a Microsoft Windows PC (for supported operating systems see the installation manual of GAT Relaxx). GAT Relaxx consists of a Windows service, which runs in the back-ground and takes care of the communication with the locker system, and a user interface where the locking system is configured and controlled and status information is displayed.  It is possible to work with only one GAT Relaxx client, which is installed on the same PC as the GAT Relaxx service. But GAT Relaxx also offers the possibility to install other clients in the network that can log-in and work with the same GAT Relaxx system and database.  A database application is required for GAT Relaxx. Therefore the SQL Server Express application is shipped on the CD together with GAT Relaxx. Furthermore the .NET framework with version 4.0 or higher is required. This is also included on the GAT Relaxx installation CD.    Installation and First Start-up  The GAT Relaxx installation CD includes an installation wizard, which leads the user through the installation of GAT Relaxx. The  wizard  automatically recognises, whether  an SQL server of the  version 2008  or later  and  the .NET Framework version 4.0 or later is installed. If these are not yet installed the installation wizard offers the possibility to install these first.  Before installing GAT Relaxx please read the installation manual, which includes important information about the system requirements, the installation process, the service configuration and the setup of the database.  Upon the first start-up of GAT Relaxx, database settings and general software options must be configured.  It is also necessary to enter the licence and activation codes in order to work with GAT Relaxx. These codes are administered by contacting GANTNER Electronic GmbH.      5.6.1  User Interface  GAT Relaxx has a user rights management system. Therefore a user name and password is required to log-in and permit access to the program functions.  The main functions within GAT Relaxx can roughly be divided into the following areas: - Configuration of the devices (i.e., define communication channels, configure controllers and locks) - Controlling and monitoring of the locker system by the end user  These two main user interface areas can be individually displayed by selecting the "Hardware view" and "Organiza-tion view" tabs.
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 39 Hardware View    Figure 5.15  - GAT Relaxx, Hardware View  The hardware view is divided into the following areas:  1 - Main menu:  Access to all GAT Relaxx functions by selecting the corresponding menu items. 2 - Symbol bar:  Fast access to the main functions. 3 - Switch user interface:  Next to the "Start" tab, a tab is displayed for each user interface. Multiple Hard-ware View and Organization View tabs as well as other tabs like alarm and log tabs are possible. 4 - Selective symbol bar:  Fast access to the main functions of the currently selected user interface. 5 - System overview:  Here, the hardware of the entire system is defined. Communication channels and connected controllers can be added and the lockers used can be defined per con-troller. 6 - Locker overview:  Here the lockers (GAT NET.Lock 7000) of the controller selected on the left are displayed together with their current states. 7 - Information area:  Here, the information regarding the locker selected in middle area (6) is displayed. 8 - Locker actions:  In this field different lock actions can be performed, for example, opening all lock-ers with the "Open all lockers" button. 8 - Status bar:  The status bar displays various information regarding GAT Relaxx and the system such as:      - If the GAT Relaxx service is running and if the connection is OK.     - System type (online/offline).     - If a USB driver is installed.     - Information regarding the logged-in user. 1 2 9 4 3 5 6 7 8
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Configuration and Operation  40 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 Organization View    Figure 5.16 - GAT Relaxx, Organization View   The areas (5), (6) and (7) serve a somewhat different purpose in the user interface:  5 - System overview:  Here  the  lockers  within  a  system  are  divided  logically  into  "areas",  (e.g.  "male locker  room"  and  "female  locker  room").  This  division  represents  only  a  logical grouping and not the actual hardware-based locker assignment to respective con-trollers. 6 - Locker overview:  Here, the lockers of the selected area are displayed graphically. The respective locker state is represented by the following colours:   -   Unknown:  State unknown (e.g. no communication with the locker/controller)   -      Open    : Locker available (unlocked)   -    Closed   : Locker closed (locked)   -    Expired   : Locker locked, but the permissible time of usage has been exceed.   -    Locked   : Locker locked and blocked.   -   Disabled:  Locker out of operation (not useable)   -     Alarm    : An alarm has occurred regarding this locker 7 – Information area:  Here, the information regarding the locker selected under (6) is displayed.      5 6 7 8
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Technical Data  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 41 6.  TECHNICAL DATA   6.1  GAT NET.Lock 7000  Nominal voltage UDC:  5 V Power supply:  Via connection cable from the slave controller Average power consumption:  60 mW RFID frequency:  13.56 MHz Retaining force:  Min. 1,500 N Force on inner side of the door:  Max. 100 N User guidance:  Multi-colour status LED Interface:  One-wire (special cable for supply, data and RF signal) Number of locks per slave controller:  24 Connectors:  MOLEX, type Micro-Fit 3.0™ Housing material:  Plastic (PC) Door width:  Min. 230 mm Dimensions:  110 x 100 x 25 mm Permitted ambient temperature:  0 to +60 °C Protection type:  IP 52 Protection class:  III Weight:  Approx. 160 g Environment class based on VDS 2110:  II (conditions in indoor areas)     6.2  GAT NET.Controller S 7000  Nominal voltage UDC:  24 V Power supply unit:  External  power  supply  units  (use  only  power  supply  units  approved  by GANTNER Electronic GmbH for the GAT NET.Controller 7000) Average power consumption:  - Reader types    - GAT NET.Controller S 7000 F/ISO:  MIFARE™ + ISO 15693    - GAT NET.Controller S 7000 B:  LEGIC® (Advant) Number of locks per slave controller:  24 GAT Lock Network:  Max. 8 slave controllers GAT NET.Controller S 7000 at one master con-troller GAT NET.Controller M 7000 Interface to the locks:  1 Wire (special cable for supply and data signal) Interface between slave and master:  RS 485 Connectors:  - Slave to master (RS 485): RJ 45   - Locks: MOLEX, type Micro-Fit 3.0™   - Supply: MOLEX Housing material:  Plastic (ABS) Dimensions:  310 x 133 x 42 mm (12.2 x 5.24 x 1.65 inch) Permitted ambient temperature:  0 to +60 °C Protection type:  IP 40 Protection class:  I Weight:  Approx. 600 g Environment class based on VDS 2110:  II (conditions in indoor areas)
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Technical Data  42 HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 6.3  GAT NET.Controller M 7000  Nominal voltage UDC:  24 V Power supply unit:  External  power  supply  units  (use  only  power  supply  units  approved  by GANTNER Electronic GmbH for the GAT NET.Controller 7000) Average power consumption:  - GAT Lock Network:  Max. 8 slave controllers GAT NET.Controller S 7000 at one master con-troller GAT NET.Controller M 7000 Memory:  Internal  memory  for 10,000 bookings. SD card  slot  for memory  expan-sion, log files, firmware update or person lists Digital inputs:  4 x optocoupler Digital outputs:  4 x relay Interface between slave and master:  RS 485 Interface between master and server:  Ethernet Connectors:  - Master to server (Ethernet): RJ 45   - Slave to master (RS 485): RJ 45   - Supply: MOLEX Housing material:  Plastic (ABS) Dimensions:  310 x 133 x 42 mm (12.2 x 5.24 x 1.65 inch) Permitted ambient temperature:  0 to +60 °C Protection type:  IP 40 Protection class:  I Weight:  Approx. 600 g Environment class based on VDS 2110:  II (conditions in indoor areas)
GAT NET.Lock 7000 System Technical Data  HB_GAT-NETLOCK7000--US_33 43     FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.)   GAT NET.Controller S 7000 F/ISO  Note:  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   GAT NET.Controller M 7000 F/ISO and GAT NET.Lock 7000  Note:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter-ference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of which the receiver is connected.   - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.    FCC Warning Statement [Any] changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.       This WEEE symbol on the products or on their packaging indicates that the corresponding product must not be disposed of with normal household waste. Instead such marked waste equipment must be disposed of by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equip-ment. By separating and recycling this waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural re-sources and ensure that it is recycled in  a manner that protects human health and the environment. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point.        _                                                                                                                     _ Note: This manual is valid as from March 24th 2015. It is subject to change and amendments and changes can be made without prior notice at anytime!
          PartNo.: 930327 GANTNER Electronic GmbH GANTNER Electronic GmbH Deutschland  GANTNER Electronics PTY LTD Australia Montafonerstraße 8  Industriestraße 40F  Unit 6 15/17 Chaplin Drive, West Lane Cove 6780 Schruns, Austria  44894 Bochum, Germany  Sydney NSW 2006, Australia T +43 5556 73784-0  T +49 234 58896-0  T +61 2 9011 8114 F +43 5556 73784-8000  F +49 234 58896-11  F +61 2 8209 1708   GANTNER Electronics Ltd. UK  GANTNER Electronic GmbH Middle East Allington Road, Little Barford,  P.O. Box 62702, BelHasa Buildg., Off. 206 ST. Neots, Cambs, PE19 6WE  Deira, Dubai, UAE United Kingdom  T +971 4 269 3266 T +44 1480 211262  F +971 4 269 3265 F +44 1480 211909  M +971 50 6504082

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