GE Medical Systems Information Technologies 340MT WMTS Transmitter User Manual

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies Inc. WMTS Transmitter

Ex 13a pages 41 to 82

Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-12006899-001Chapter 4Setup Procedures 4This section contains step-by-step instructions for connecting and testing your Model 340 Telemetry System.,03257$17CHANNEL NUMBERS—Ensure that the receiver and transmitter are operating on the same frequency; the channel numbers must be identical. The channel number label is located on the front of the receiver and on the side of the transmitter.If you have more than one telemetry system, make sure that each transmitter/receiver pair operates on a unique frequency.Connecting the Receiver and Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2Setting Up the Transmitter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7Performing a Functional Checkout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Connecting the Receiver and MonitorConnecting the Receiver and MonitorThere are two types of interconnection methods depending on the model of your fetal or maternal/fetal monitor. Check your monitor model number prior to making any connections.Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, and 1551. Turn off both the monitor and the receiver.2. Place the receiver on top of, or near, the monitor.Note: Model 118 shown.Figure 4-1.  Positioning the ReceiverMATERNAL / FETAL MONITOR118MaternalBPULTRASOUND ULTRASOUND 2 ECGECGUAECG AND  SpO2  ELECTRICALL ELECTRICALLY ISOLATEDREFER TO  MANUAL  FOR  PROPER TRANSDUCERSVolume Volume BP Stop Setup SelectBP Start StartBP AutoAlarmAlarmCancelMaternalMaternalSpO24305AAOCOROMETRICS MEDICAL SYSTEMS,4305AAOFHR bpm90120150180240210IUPTOCOTelemetry Receiver 340R+COROMETRICXXX
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-32006899-001Setup Procedures: Connecting the Receiver and Monitor3. Insert the receiver antenna (longer of the two antennas) into the rear panel Antenna connector  ; rotate the attachment collar in a clockwise direction until snug.127(A Remote Antenna Bracket, cat. no. (REF) 1441AAO, is available for attaching the antenna when the receiver will be enclosed in a cart or cabinet. Refer to the Installation Instructions, part no. (REF) 14153AA, included with the bracket; or contact your Biomedical Engineering Department for assistance. To attach the antenna to the BNC connector on the bracket, rotate the antenna attachment collar in a clockwise direction until snug.Figure 4-2.  Attaching the Receiver Antenna4. Connect the appropriate ultrasound, ECG, and uterine activity interconnect cables to the corresponding Ultrasound, ECG, and UA connectors on the receiver rear panel.Figure 4-3.  Attaching the Receiver Interconnect CablesANTENNAOUTPUTS TO MONITORCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSMONITORS ONLYULTRASOUND ECG UA!WARNING: TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDREPLACE FUSE AS MARKED.CAUTION!120Vac~120V ~ 50-60HZ 30W0.25A SLOW BLOW
4-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Connecting the Receiver and Monitor5. Connect the remaining ends of the cables to the color-coded Ultrasound, ECG, and UA input connectors on the front or side panel of the monitor.Note: Model 118 shown.Figure 4-4.  Attaching the Monitor Interconnect Cables6. Connect one end of the Remote Event Mark interconnect cable to the  connector on the receiver rear panel; connect the other end to the Remote Marks   connector on the rear or side panel of the monitor.Note: Model 118 shown.Figure 4-5.  Attaching the Remote Mark Interconnect Cable
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-52006899-001Setup Procedures: Connecting the Receiver and Monitor120 and 170 Series,03257$17120 SERIES COMMUNICATIONS OPTION—A 120 Series Monitor requires a Communications Board in order to interface to a Model 340 Telemetry System. If your monitor does not have this option, an upgrade kit is available as cat. no. (REF) 1559BAO. Contact your Service Representative for more information.1. Turn off both the monitor and the receiver.2. Place the receiver on top of, or near, the monitor.3. Insert the receiver antenna (longer of the two antennas) into the rear panel Antenna connector  ; rotate the attachment collar in a clockwise direction until snug.127(A Remote Antenna Bracket, cat. no. (REF) 1441AAO, is available for attaching the antenna when the receiver will be enclosed in a cart or cabinet. Refer to the Installation Instructions, part no. (REF) 14153AA, included with the bracket; or contact your Biomedical Engineering Department for assistance. To attach the antenna to the BNC connector on the bracket, rotate the antenna attachment collar in a clockwise direction until snug.Figure 4-6.  Attaching the Receiver AntennaANTENNAOUTPUTS TO MONITORCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSMONITORS ONLYULTRASOUND ECG UA!WARNING: TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDREPLACE FUSE AS MARKED.CAUTION!120Vac~120V ~ 50-60HZ 30W0.25A SLOW BLOW
4-6 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Connecting the Receiver and Monitor4. Plug one end of the interconnection cable into the Auxiliary Output connector (Connect to Corometrics Monitor Only) on the receiver rear panel.5. Plug the other end into the respective telemetry connector on the rear panel of the monitor:120 Series: Connect to J101.Figure 4-7.  Attaching the Monitor Interconnect Cable to a 120 Series Monitor170 Series: Connect to the receptacle labeled  .Figure 4-8.  Attaching the Monitor Interconnect Cable to a 170 Series MonitorCAUTION: FEDERALLAW RESTRICTSTHISDEVICE TO SALE BYOR ON THE ORDEROFA PHYSICIAN.LEG PLTESTERCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSDATA ENTRY SYSTEMSONLYCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSSERIES 400 MONITORSONLYCONNECT TO COROMETRICSTELEMETRY RECEIVERSONLYJ102J103J101ANTENNAOUTPUTS TO MONITORCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSMONITORS ONLYULTRASOUND ECG UA!WARNING: TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDREPLACE FUSE AS MARKED.CAUTION!120Vac~120V ~ 50-60HZ 30W0.25A SLOW BLOWPUSHRS2321RS2322ANTENNAOUTPUTS TO MONITORCONNECT TOCOROMETRICSMONITORS ONLYULTRASOUND ECG UA!WARNING: TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDREPLACE FUSE AS MARKED.CAUTION!120Vac~120V ~ 50-60HZ 30W0.25A SLOW BLOW
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-72006899-001Setup Procedures: Setting Up the TransmitterSetting Up the TransmitterInstalling Batteries127(If the transmitter will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the batteries to prevent damage due to battery leakage.1. Turn off the transmitter.2. Locate the battery compartment cover plate on the transmitter rear panel.3. Remove the cover plate. Use your thumb to lift the raised end.Figure 4-9.  Accessing the Batteries4. Remove the depleted batteries.&$87,21BATTERY DISPOSAL—Follow the battery manufacturer’s recommendations or your hospital policy for the disposal of used batteries.DANGER: POSSIBLE EXPLOSION HAZARD IF USEDIN THE PRESENCE OF FLAMMABLE ANESTHETICS.CAUTION: REFER SERVICE ONLY TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL!BATTERY COMPARTMENTBattery CompartmentLift Here
4-8 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Setting Up the Transmitter5. Insert four new “AA” alkaline batteries, observing the polarity markings in the battery compartment.Note: Antenna shown removedFigure 4-10.  Transmitter Battery Orientation6. Replace the battery compartment cover plate. Insert the lip of the cover in the lower portion of the compartment opening; swing the other end of the cover down and snap into place.BATTERY COMPARTMENT!DANGER: POSSIBLE EXPLOSION HAZARD IF USEDIN THE PRESENCE OF FLAMMABLE ANESTHETICS.CAUTION: REFER SERVICE ONLY TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL++++
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-92006899-001Setup Procedures: Setting Up the TransmitterAttaching the Antenna Insert the transmitter antenna (shorter of the two antennas) into the top panel Antenna connector; rotate the attachment collar in a clockwise direction until snug.Figure 4-11.  Attaching the Transmitter AntennaAttaching the Carrying StrapSecure the metal clips at each end of the carrying strap to the belt attachment loops on each side of the transmitter.Figure 4-12.  Attaching the Carrying StrapDANGER: POSSIBLE EXPLOSION HAZARD IF USEDIN THE PRESENCE OF FLAMMABLE ANESTHETICS.CAUTION: REFER SERVICE ONLY TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL!BATTERY COMPARTMENT
4-10 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional CheckoutPerforming a Functional CheckoutInitial ConditionsTurn on the transmitter, the receiver, and the monitor attached to the receiver.Figure 4-13.  Applying PowerTesting the Radio Frequency1. Check the status of the Signal indicator   on the receiver:Continuous Green: indicates the transmitter is active and the batteries have adequate capacity.Flashing Green: indicates the signal strength is weak or marginal.2. Check the status of the Battery indicator   on the receiver:Off: the transmitter batteries have power.Flashing Red: the transmitter batteries are low and should be replaced before further patient use.Continuous Red: the transmitter batteries are depleted.++
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-112006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional CheckoutTesting the Ultrasound Functions,03257$17TRANSDUCER TYPE—Use only Corometrics 5700 Series Ultrasound Transducers with the Model 340 Telemetry System.1. Plug an ultrasound transducer into the Ultrasound connector on the transmitter.Figure 4-14.  Connecting an Ultrasound Transducer2. Verify the following:Models 115, 145: The corresponding FHR display reads 0 BPM.Models 116, 118, 150, 151, 118, 155 and Series 120, 170: The corresponding FHR display shows “– – –”.If the display fails to illuminate, ensure that the corresponding interconnection cable is firmly attached to both the monitor and the receiver.3. Use your finger to gently rub the ultrasound transducer face in a rhythmic manner—to simulate a FHR. Try to maintain a steady rate and verify the following on the monitor:the corresponding FHR display value responds to the rubbing;the corresponding FHR heartbeat indicator   responds to the input; andthe ultrasound audio tones are synchronous with the transducer stroking.
4-12 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional Checkout4. Plug the headset into the transmitter’s headset connector  .Figure 4-15.  Connecting the Headset5. Rub the face of the ultrasound transducer. Verify that you can hear ultrasound audio tones from both sides of the headset.
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-132006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional CheckoutTesting the ECG Functions127(Not all monitors have a legplate tester. Refer to your monitor’s operator’s manual for complete information.1. Slide the legplate into the monitor’s Legplate Tester jack and hold firmly in place. (The legplate tester uses an internal ECG simulator circuit for testing cable/legplate assemblies. The tester simulates a signal of 120 BPM ± 1 BPM.)2. Plug the other end into the ECG connector on the transmitter. Verify the following on the monitor:the corresponding FHR value reads 120 BPM;the corresponding FHR heartbeat indicator   flashes at a rate of 120 times per minute; andthe ECG “beep” is heard from the speaker.Figure 4-16.  Connecting an FECG Cable/Legplate
4-14 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional CheckoutTesting the UA Functions1. Place the receiver’s UA Mode Selector switch in the TOCO position.,03257$17TRIMLINE TOCOTRANSDUCERS—If the monitor is on when you connect or re-connect a Trimline Tocotransducer to the UA connector, you must wait at least 10 seconds before pressing the UA Reference button. If the monitor is off, you must wait at least 10 seconds from the time the monitor is powered on.2. Plug a tocotransducer into the transmitter’s UA connector. Verify the following on the monitor:If the monitor has a UA display: the display reads an arbitrary pressure value.If the monitor does not have a UA display: turn on the strip chart recorder and check that TOCO prints on the paper’s mode annotation line.Figure 4-17.  Connecting a Tocotransducer or IUPC Cable,03257$17DEFAULT REFERENCE VALUE—Most monitors have a default UA reference of 10 relative units. Take into consideration that newer model monitor’s can be configured to store a custom default value.
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 4-152006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional Checkout3. Press the monitor’s UA Reference button to set the UA value to 10 relative units. Verify the following on the monitor:If the monitor has a UA display: the display reads 10 relative units.If the monitor does not have a UA display: turn on the strip chart recorder and check that the UA REF message and TOCO mode annotation both print on the paper.4. Apply gentle pressure to the tocotransducer pressure sensing button and verify that the monitor (display or uterine activity trace) responds to the pressure input. Increasing force should produce an increasing value and vice versa.If no pressure changes are recorded, ensure that the corresponding interconnection cable is firmly attached to both the monitor and the receiver.5. This step applies to monitors which support IUP monitoring. Place the receiver’s UA Mode Selector switch in the IUP position. Verify the following on the monitor:If the monitor has a mode indicator: the IUP mode should be indicated.If the monitor does not have a mode indicator: turn on the strip chart recorder and check that the IUP mode annotation prints on the paper.127(Place the UA Mode Selector switch back in the TOCO position unless you plan to monitor with an IUPC.
4-16 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Setup Procedures: Performing a Functional CheckoutTesting the Remote Event Marker Function1. Plug the Remote Event Marker into the transmitter’s Remote Marks connector.2. Turn on the monitor’s strip chart recorder.3. Press the Remote Event Marker’s pushbutton for at least one second. Verify that an appropriate mark is printed on the paper:: This annotation is commonly used to record an “event.” This mark is available on all Corometrics-brand monitors.: This annotation is commonly used as an indication that the mother has perceived fetal movement. (Refer to your monitor’s operator’s manual to learn if your monitor supports this feature. Refer to your monitor’s service manual for information about enabling the option.)Testing the EnvironmentDecide on which areas of your facility will be used for ambulatory monitoring. Test each location separately to rule out rooms that are restricted due to metal structures blocking signal transmission.FM
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 5-12006899-001Chapter 5Monitoring via Telemetry5This section provides a brief overview of telemetry monitoring procedures. Refer to the "Maternal/Fetal Monitoring Operator’s Manual" for patient application information. Also refer to your monitor’s operator’s manual.Suggestions for Ambulatory Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2Monitoring Reminders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Monitoring via Telemetry: Suggestions for Ambulatory MonitoringSuggestions for Ambulatory Monitoring,03257$17DESIGNATED AREAS—Show the patient the areas that are within signal range and where signal reception is clear.1. Instruct the patient to wear the transmitter with the antenna pointed towards the receiver when possible.2. Adjust the carrying strap to a comfortable length.3. Encourage the patient to walk in a smooth, gliding motion. It is preferable to slide feet rather than moving quickly which may cause bouncing and artifact.4. Instruct the patient, following each fetal movement, to listen via the headset, for continued fetal heart rate tones.127(Transducers with short cables are available. Contact your Information Technologies Sales Representative.5. Make sure the transducer cables are not dragging on the floor. If the patient is in danger of tripping over the cables, drape them over the patient’s arm; or shorten the length by taping a loop.
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 5-32006899-001Monitoring via Telemetry: Monitoring RemindersMonitoring RemindersGeneralUse the correct interconnection method according to your monitor model. See page 4-2 and  page 4-5.Remember to apply power to all three devices: monitor, receiver, and transmitter.Check that each interconnection cable is firmly attached to both the receiver and the monitor.As soon as any telemetry mode is detected, the front panel of the 120 or 170 Series Monitor is disabled and all front panel inputs are ignored. In other words, telemetry and monitor modes cannot be “mixed and matched”; you must use telemetry only or direct monitoring only.,03257$17170 SERIES—For proper operation with a 170 Series Monitor, disconnect all transducers from the front panel of the monitor.UltrasoundUse only Corometrics 5700 Series ultrasound transducers with a Model 340 Telemetry System.Remind the patient to use the headset to check for continual pickup of the fetal heart rate signal following each fetal movement.FECGYou may need to tape the transducer cable to the patient to prevent excessive tension on the legplate or attachment pad.The recommended position for the legplate is on top of the upper thigh instead of the inner thigh. This facilitates walking and minimizes fluid contacting the legplate.
5-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Monitoring via Telemetry: Monitoring RemindersTocotransducerRemember to place the receiver’s UA Mode Selector switch in the TOCO position.When connecting or re-connecting a Corometrics Trimline Tocotransducer to the transmitter’s UA connector, you must wait at least 10 seconds before pressing the monitor’s UA Reference button. If any device (monitor, receiver, transmitter) is off, you must wait at least ten seconds from the time the last device is powered on.IUPRemember to place the receiver’s UA Mode Selector switch in the IUP position.
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 6-12006899-001Chapter 6Maintenance 6All equipment, no matter how reliable, needs to be maintained on a regular basis. This section describes general care and cleaning instructions for the Model 340 Telemetry System.General Cleaning Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2Cleaning the Transmitter and Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Maintenance: General Cleaning PrecautionsGeneral Cleaning Precautions127(Refer to your monitor’s operator’s manual for cleaning instructions for the monitor and transducers.&$87,21SHOCK—Unplug the fetal or maternal/fetal monitor and the receiver from the AC power source and detach all accessories. Do not immerse accessories in any liquid. Do not use abrasive cloth or cleaners on the monitor, the receiver, the transmitter, or any accessories.
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 6-32006899-001Maintenance: Cleaning the Transmitter and ReceiverCleaning the Transmitter and Receiver1. Wipe any fluids from the surface of each unit.2. Dampen a soft cloth with isopropyl alcohol and gently rub soiled area until clean.3. Dry with a soft, dry cloth.
6-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001For your notes
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 7-12006899-001Chapter 7Troubleshooting 7This section of the manual provides a troubleshooting guide for the most basic Model 340 operational problems. If the response to a specific question is not found, contact the Service Department at one of the following telephone numbers:Inside the United States: Call 1-800-558-5120.Outside the United States: Call 414-355-3790;or contact your local distributor.
7-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Troubleshooting: Problem ChartProblem ChartTable 7-1.  TroubleshootingProblem Probable Cause SolutionReceiver Power indicator does not light when the receiver is turned on.Receiver not connected to AC receptacle.Defective AC power cord.Defective AC outlet.Connect to AC receptacle.Replace AC power cord.Use a different AC outlet.Signal indicator flashes with transmitter turned on.Transmitter batteries completely discharged.Mismatched transmitter and receiver channels.Replace batteries. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s directions.Ensure transmitter and receiver are labeled with identical channel numbers.Signal indicator flashes intermittently as patient ambulates.Patient outside signal transmission range.Metal in walls, doors, or other structures between transmitter and receiver.Instruct patient to stay within signal range and designated areas where reception is clear.Install optional ceiling antenna system.Contact your Information Technologies Service Representative.Signal and Low Battery indicators light with transmitter turned off.External source of radio frequency interference is present.Another transmitter with the same frequency is in use within the same facility.Service required.Contact your Information Technologies Service Representative.Discontinue use of one of the transmitters. NOTE: Model 340 Plus and Model 340M Telemetry Systems can be factory re-programmed to an alternative channel number.Contact your Information Technologies Service Representative.Low Battery indicator flashes with transducers plugged into transmitter.Transmitter batteries have less than 10 minutes of energy left.Replace the batteries. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Low Battery indicator lights continuously with no transducers plugged into transmitter.Transmitter batteries are depleted. Replace the batteries. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.+++
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 7-32006899-001Troubleshooting: Problem ChartErratic FHR/UA recording.Transducer not properly placed.Transducer not properly connected to transmitter.Receiver interconnection cable(s) not properly attached.Receiver interconnection cable(s) defective.Wrong interconnection cable(s) in use.Radio frequency interference.Another transmitter with the same frequency is in use within the same facility.Exceeding transmission range.Shielding effect of hospital structure.Reposition transducer.Ensure the transducer is securely attached to the transmitter.Ensure interconnection cable(s) firmly attached to both monitor and receiver.Replace interconnection cable(s).Verify interconnection method.Instruct patient to stay within signal range and designated areas where reception is clear.Discontinue use of one of the transmitters. NOTE: Model 340 Plus and Model 340M Telemetry Systems can be factory re-programmed to an alternative channel number.Install optional ceiling antenna system.Contact your Information Technologies Service Representative.Monitor FHR and UA displays do not light when transducers are plugged into transmitter.Monitor, transmitter, and/or receiver off.Receiver interconnection cable(s) not properly attached.Receiver interconnection cable(s) defective.Wrong interconnection cable(s) in use.Ensure all three devices are turned on.Ensure interconnection cable(s) firmly attached to both monitor and receiver.Replace interconnection cable(s).Verify interconnection method.Transmitter “chirps” every 4–5 seconds. Transmitter batteries have less than 10 minutes of energy left.Replace the batteries. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Table 7-1.  Troubleshooting (Continued)Problem Probable Cause Solution
7-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001For your notes
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 8-12006899-001Chapter 8Supplies and Accessories 8This section provides an overall listing of supplies and accessories for use with a Corometrics Model 340 Telemetry System and with Corometrics Fetal or Maternal/Fetal Monitors.  To order any of the supplies and accessories listed in this manual:Inside the United States: Call 1-800-558-5120.Outside the United States: Call 414-355-3790;or contact your local distributor.This chapter contains the following information:General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3Ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4FECG  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5Tocotransducer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6IUPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7MECG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Supplies and Accessories: GeneralGeneralTable 8-1.  General SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Detachable IEC AC Power Cord, United States Plug 1392AAARemote Event Marker, 8-foot Cord 3919BAORemote Event Marker, 5-foot Cord 3919CAOHeadset for Model 340 Telemetry System 3316AAOUltrasound Interconnect Cable (Models 115, 145 only) 1399AAOUltrasound Interconnect Cable (Models 116, 118, 150, 151, 155 only) 1399BAOECG Interconnect Cable (Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, 155 only) 1375BAOUA Interconnect Cable (Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, 155 only) 1400AAOMark Interconnect Cable (Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, 155 only) 1397AAOSystem Interconnect Cable (Series 120, 170 only) 1563AAORemote Antenna Bracket with Extension Cable for Cart Use 1441AAOModel 2116B Clinical-Notes/Data-Entry System 2116BAXModel 3116 LDR/LDRP Bonnet Style Mobile Cart—Finished 3116AAO Model 3116 LDR/LDRP Bonnet Style Mobile Cart—Unfinished 3116BAOModel 3116 LDR/LDRP Bonnet Style Mobile Cart with Hinged Drawer Front—Unfinished 3116DAO Model 3116 LDR/LDRP Bonnet Style Mobile Cart with Hinged Drawer Front—Finished 3116EAOModel 146 Fetal Acoustic Stimulator 0146AAY
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 8-32006899-001Supplies and Accessories: PaperPaperTable 8-2.  Paper SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Z-Fold Chart Paper Pack, 30–240 BPM Heart Rate Scale (40/carton) 4305CAOZ-Fold Chart Paper Pack, 50–210 BPM Heart Rate Scale (40/carton) 4305DAOChart Guard Label Packet 4914BAO
8-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Supplies and Accessories: UltrasoundUltrasound,03257$17TRANSDUCER TYPE—Use only Corometrics 5700 Series Ultrasound Transducers. Do not use a Corometrics 5600 Series Transducer. The 5600 Series Transducers are only for direct connection to a Model 115 or Model 145 Fetal Monitor or for use with a Model 320 or Model 330 Telemetry System.Table 8-3.  Ultrasound SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Loop-Style Ultrasound Transducer, 5-foot Cord 5700EAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer, 8-foot Cord 5700AAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer, 10-foot Cord 5700CAXButton-Style Ultrasound Transducer, 5-foot Cord 5700FAXButton-Style Ultrasound Transducer, 8-foot Cord 5700BAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus), 5-foot Cord 5700KAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus, 8-foot Cord 5700LAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus), 10-foot Cord 5700MAXButton-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus), 5-foot Cord 5700GAXButton-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus), 8-foot Cord 5700HAXLoop-Style Ultrasound Transducer (Nautilus), 5-foot Cord 5700JAXUltrasound Coupling Gel Bottle, 250 ml (12/carton) 2434AAOUltrasound Coupling Gel Bottle, 5 liter 2475AAOReusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Mesh Style (10/carton) 4425AAOReusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Velcro Style (10/carton) 4425CAOReusable Belt for Button-Style Transducer, Elastic Style (10/carton) 4425EAOSemi-Reusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Velcro Style (2/pack; 50 packs/carton) 4425FAOSingle-Patient Use Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Foam Style with Velcro Closure 8024AAO
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 8-52006899-001Supplies and Accessories: FECGFECGTable 8-4.  FECG SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Qwik Connect Plus Spiral Electrode (50/carton) 7000AAOLegplate for Qwik Connect Plus Spiral Electrode, 8-foot Cord 1590AAOStrap Adaptor for Qwik Connect Plus Spiral Electrode Legplates 1594AAOECG Conductive Cream Bottle, 118 ml (12/carton) 4514AAOReusable Legplate Strap with Velcro Closure (24/carton) 2023AAOSingle-Patient Use Legplate Strap 8036AAO
8-6 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Supplies and Accessories: TocotransducerTocotransducerTable 8-5.  Tocotransducer SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Loop-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 5-foot Cord 2264KAXLoop-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 8-foot Cord 2264LAXLoop-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 10-foot Cord 2264MAXButton-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 5-foot Cord 2264GAXButton-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 8-foot Cord 2264HAXButton-Style Tocotransducer (Nautilus), 10-foot Cord 2264JAXReusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Mesh Style (10/carton) 4425AAOReusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Velcro Style (10/carton) 4425CAOReusable Belt for Button-Style Transducer, Elastic Style (10/carton) 4425EAOSemi-Reusable Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Velcro Style (2/pack; 50 packs/carton) 4425FAOSingle-Patient Use Belt for Loop-Style Transducer, Foam Style with Velcro Closure 8024AAO
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 8-72006899-001Supplies and Accessories: IUPCIUPCTable 8-6.  IUPC SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)Corometrics Softrans IUPC with Amnio Infusion/SamplingCapabilities (10/carton) 2076AAOCorometrics Softrans Intermediate Cable 1336AAOReusable Strain Gauge Pressure Transducer, 10-foot Cord(with Holder) 4007BAXReusable Strain Gauge Pressure Transducer, 10-foot Cord(without Holder) 4007LAXHolder for Reusable Pressure Transducer 4516BAOIUP Kit  with Syringe for Reusable Pressure Transducer (50/carton) 2069AAOSingle-Patient Use Sterile Dome (10/carton) 5512AAOSingle-Patient Use Sterile Dome (120/carton) 5512BAOReusable Dome (5/carton) 5507AAOPressure Relief Valve for Pressure Transducer Dome (5/carton) 8070AAODisposable Strain Gauge Pressure Transducer (10/carton) 4009AAXHolder for Disposable Pressure Transducer 4519AAOHolder Assembly for Disposable Pressure Transducer 4518BAO
8-8 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Supplies and Accessories: MECGMECGTable 8-7.  MECG SuppliesItem Catalog Number (REF)MECG Cable (round connector) for use with detachable leadwires, USA/AHA 1554AAOMECG Cable (round connector) for use with detachable leadwires, Intl./IEC 1554BAOMulti-Link Snap Leadwires, Set of 3, Grouped Detachable, 31 inches 411203-001Multi-Link Snap Leadwires, Set of 5, Individually Detachable, 31 inches 411200-001Multi-Link Grabber Leadwires, Set of 3, Grouped Detachable, 31 inches 412682-001Multi-Link Grabber Leadwires, Set of 5, Individually Detachable, 31 inches 414556-001Leadwire Adapter, 3-Lead Multi-Link to 3-Lead DIN 414371-001Electrodes, Round, Foam, Pouches of 30, Case of 300 9431-004
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 9-12006899-001Chapter 9TechnicalSpecifications 9127(Specifications are subject to change without notice. This section contains a detailed list of the technical specifications for the Model 340 Telemetry System.This chapter lists specifications for the following:Transmitter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9-2 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Technical Specifications: TransmitterTransmitterTable 9-1.  TransmitterCategory Technical SpecificationsPhysical CharacteristicsHeight:Width:Depth:Weight:1.8 in (4.5 cm)5.4 in (13.8 cm)7.5 in (19.0 cm)1.75 lbs (0.8 kg)Environmental ConditionsAmbient Temperature:Relative Humidity:Atmospheric Pressure:Operating Storage50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C) 14°F to 131°F (–10°C to 55°C)5% to 95%, non-condensing 5% to 95%, non-condensing700–1060 mbar (525–795 mmHg) 700–1060 mbar (525–795 mmHg)Certification and ComplianceUL:FCC:Industry Canada:340 Original Release and Plus 340MUL-544 Listed UL-544 ListedComplies with FCC Part 90 Complies with FCC Part 95Complies with RSS-119 Complies with RSS-210Monitoring ModesFetal Heart Rate:Uterine Activity:Maternal Heart Rate:Ultrasound (US) and Fetal ECG (FECG)External Tocotransducer (TOCO) or Internal Intrauterine Pressure Catheter (IUPC)Maternal ECG (MECG)Ultrasound ModeSystem:Transmitter Frequency:Intensity (Isata):Pulse Doppler1.151 MHz<5 mW/cm2ECG ModeInput Impedance:dc Tolerance:Common Mode Rejection Ratio:FECG Sensitivity:MECG Sensitivity:>1 GΩ±1 V>90 dB20 µV to 1 mV0.5 mV to 5 mVTOCO ModeType:Sensitivity:Range:Tocotransducer20 µV/relative unit–50 to +250 relative unitsIUPC ModeType:Sensitivity:Range:dc Strain Gauge20 µV/mmHg–50 to +250 mmHgRF SectionOutput Power:Available Frequencies:Channel Bandwidth:340 Original Release and Plus 340M10 mW 4 mW430–470 MHz 608–614 MHz25 kHz 25 kHzTransmission Range: 340 Original Release and Plus 340M1640 ft (500 m), line of sight 200 ft (61 m), line of sight
Revision A Model 340 Telemetry System 9-32006899-001Technical Specifications: TransmitterAntenna Type: Flexible, detachable, BNC interconnectBatteriesType:Life: Four “AA” Alkaline Cells, 6.0 Vdc at 2450 mAh20 h, approximatelyaControl: On/Off SwitchAudio Indicator: Low BatteryConnectors: Remote Event Marker Input, Headset OutputaUse of the headset will deplete the batteries more rapidly. Table 9-1.  TransmitterCategory Technical Specifications
9-4 Model 340 Telemetry System Revision A2006899-001Technical Specifications: ReceiverReceiverTable 9-1.  ReceiverCategory Technical SpecificationsPower RequirementsNominal Line Voltage:Line Frequency:Power Consumption (maximum):Chassis Leakage:100–120 VAC 220–240 VAC50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz30 W 30 W<50 µAPhysical CharacteristicsHeight:Width:Depth:Weight:3.2 in (8.1 cm)7.4 in (18.8 cm)11.4 in (29.0 cm)7.0 lbs (3.2 kg)Environmental ConditionsAmbient Temperature:Relative Humidity:Atmospheric Pressure:Operating Storage50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C) 14°F to 131°F (–10°C to 55°C)5% to 95%, non-condensing 5% to 95%, non-condensing700–1060 mbar (525–795 mmHg) 700–1060 mbar (525–795 mmHg)Certification and ComplianceUL:FCC:Industry Canada:340 Original Release and Plus 340MUL-544 Listed UL-544 ListedComplies with FCC Part 15 Complies with FCC Part 15Complies with RSS-119 Complies with RSS-210Output Signals: US, ECG, UA, and MarkRF SectionInput Impedance:Input Sensitivity: 50 Ω<0.4 µV for 12 dB SINADAntenna Type: Flexible, detachable, BNC interconnect(Other factory-approved external antennas or antenna systems may be used. Contact your Information Technologies Service Representative for more information.)Controls: On/Off Switch, UA Mode SwitchVisual Indicators:Power:Signal Strength:Transmitter Low/Depleted Battery:Green LEDGreen LEDRed LEDConnectorsAC Line Input:Mark Output:Ultrasound Output:ECG Output:UA Output:Auxiliary Output:3-Prong, IEC-StyleUse only with Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, and 155 Monitors.Use only with Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, and 155 Monitors.Use only with Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, and 155 Monitors.Use only with Models 115, 116, 118, 145, 150, 151, and 155 Monitors.Use only with Series 120 and 170 Monitors.
MANUAL P/N 2006899-001 REVAÊ2006899-001~Š

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