GE MDS DS-MERCURY3650 Wireless IP/Ethernet Transceiver User Manual Book1

GE MDS LLC Wireless IP/Ethernet Transceiver Book1

Revised user manual 2 of 3

05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 55¥Trap VersionThis specifies which version of SNMP is used to encode the outgoing traps. The choices are v1_traps, v2_traps, and v3_traps. When v3_traps is selected, v2-style traps are sent, but with a v3 header. [v1_traps, v2_traps, v3_traps]¥Auth Traps StatusIndicates whether or not traps are generated for failed authentication of an SNMP PDU. [Disabled/Enabled; Disabled]¥SNMP V3 PasswordsDetermines whether v3 passwords are managed locally or via an SNMP Manager. The different behav-iors of the Agent, depending on the mode selected, are described in SNMP Mode above.¥Trap Manager #1—#4 Table of up to four locations on the net-work to which traps are sent. [Any standard IP address]NOTE: The number in the upper right-hand corner of the screen is theSNMP Agents SNMPv3 Engine ID. Some SNMP Managersmay need to know this ID in order interface with the trans-ceivers SNMP Agent. The ID only appears on the screenwhen SNMP Mode is either v1-v2-v3 or v3_only.NOTE: For more SNMP information, see  NOTES ON SNMP onPage AP Location Push Config MenuThis menu configures the AP for updating connected remotes with the AP Locations File loaded on the AP.Invisible place holderFigure 3-23. AP Location Push Config Menu¥TFTP Host AddressIP address of the TFTP server that holds the AP locations file. [any valid IP address;]¥Transfer OptionsMenu for configuring the TFTP transfer.
56 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥AP Locations FilenameName of the AP Locations file on the server. [any valid filename string; ap_locations.txt]¥Auto AP Location DownloadA setting to force connected remotes to download immediately the AP Locations file on the AP. Remotes that associate to an AP with this feature will also download the file.¥Retrieve Text FileDownload AP Locations text file from the server.¥Send Text FileUpload the local AP Locations file to the server.¥View AP Location FileAllows on-screen review of the AP Loca-tions file. An example screen is shown in Figure 3-24.Invisible place holderFigure 3-24. AP Location Text FileAP Locations File Syntax and GuidelinesThe AP Locations file is used by the Remote radio to determine which Access Point to connect to when operating in Hopping w/ Hand-offs mode.   The AP Locations file is a simple text file containing information about the location and configuration of all Access Points that the Remote can associate with. The file is filled in by creating AP definition blocks using tags and labels. The <AP> tag is used to begin a definition block and the </AP> tag ends the block. Within the block, you can declare sev-eral parameters using a LABEL=VALUE syntax. The possible labels are: ¥NAMEThe name of the AP. Typically set to the  Device Name configured on the AP¥LATGPS Latitude of the AP in decimal degrees¥LONGGPS Longitude of the AP in decimal degrees¥OFFSETPattern Offset configured on the AP¥BWBandwidth (1.75 or 3.5) configured on the AP¥DURFrame duration (10 or 20) configured on the AP¥MACThe Wireless MAN Address configured on the AP¥CHANNELSSpecifies which channels are being used by the AP
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 57¥GROUPName of a grouping of Access Points. A Remote con-figured with Eth Follows Association enabled does not disable its wired port when moving between APs of the same group.This is useful when two or more APs are on the same subnet.¥MODESingle or Hopping. Specifies the Frequency Mode of the AP.¥SINGLE_CHANSpecifies the APs Single Frequency mode channel.The MAC label may appear twice if a P23 redundant Access Point is installed at that location. In this case, one MAC statement provides the MAC address of the A radio and the other MAC statement provides the MAC address of the B radio. The CHANNELS statement only needs to be present if the channel selection feature is used at the Access Point to limit which channels are active. If all channels are used, you can leave out the CHANNELS statement. You can leave out the BW statement for APs that are configured to 1.75 MHz bandwidth. You can also leave out the DUR statement for APs that are configured with a 20 millisecond frame duration.The following shows the syntax of the AP Locations file:# Mercury Remote AP Locations file# These lines are comments# The following line defines the beginning of an AP definition block<AP>NAME=MyAccessPointLAT=43.11790LONG=-77.61270OFFSET=3BW=1.75DUR=20MAC=00:06:3D:00:01:23CHANNELS=1,3,5,7,9,11,13# The following line defines the end of the AP definition block</AP>3.4.6 SNTP Server ConfigurationThe Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) allows the Mercury to obtain time of day data from a network server.NOTE: The Mercury can also obtain time of day data from the GPSreceiver, if the receiver has a satellite fix.
58 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-25. SNTP Server Entry (on Network Configuration Menu)When SNTP Server is selected (item H), the area to the right of the param-eter becomes active, allowing you to enter a valid SNTP server address. Press the Return key to make the address entry active.3.5 RADIO CONFIGURATIONThere are two primary layers in the transceiver networkradio and data. Since the data layer is dependent on the radio layer working prop-erly, configure and set the radio items before proceeding. This section explains the Radio Configuration Menu, (Figure 3-26 for AP, Figure 3-27 for Remote).3.5.1 Radio Configuration Menu  Figure 3-26. Radio Configuration Menu (From Access Point)
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 59Figure 3-27. Radio Configuration Menu(From Remote Unit)¥Network NameThe user-defined name for the wireless network. [Any 40 character string; MDS-Mercury]¥Transmit Power (AP Only)Sets/displays RF power output level in dBm. This setting should reflect local regulatory limitations and losses in antenna transmission line. (See How Much Out-put Power Can be Used? on Page 155 for information on how to calculate this value.) [0—30; 30]¥Max Transmit Power (Remote Only)Sets/displays maximum RF power output level in dBm of the Remote. Power level is still controlled by the AP, but it is limited to the maximum level set here. This setting should reflect local regulatory limitations and losses in antenna transmission line. (See How Much Output Power Can be Used? on Page 155 for information on how to calculate this value.) [0—30; 30]¥Receive Power (AP Only)View/set the receiver gain setpoint for the expected strength of incoming signals from Remotes. This setting indicates at what level (in dBm) the AP expects to hear the Remote stations. A setting of -70 would set the AP receivers gain to a relatively low level, while a setting of -85 would be a comparatively high gain setting. [-100 to -20; -75]¥Frequency ControlOpens a submenu where you can view or set frequency mode bandwidth, channel and other parameters as described in Frequency Control Menu below.¥Advanced ConfigurationOpens a submenu where you can view or set modulation, protection/hysteresis margins, data compres-sion, ARQ settings, and other parameters as described in Advanced Configuration Menu on Page 65.
60 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CFrequency Control MenuThe items shown on this menu vary depending on the Frequency Mode Selection (Single Channel, Static Hopping, Hopping w/Hand-offs). Examples of all three screens are provided below, followed by a description of the menu items.Invisible place holderFigure 3-28. Frequency Control Menu(Single Channel Freq. Mode)Invisible place holderFigure 3-29. Frequency Control Menu(Static Hopping Freq. Mode)
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 61Invisible place holderFigure 3-30. Frequency Control Menu(Hopping w/Hand-offs Freq. Mode [Remote only])¥Frequency ModeThe unit can operate on one selected fre-quency or frequency hop. Remotes have the option of using a static hopping configuration or using the AP locations file to select an AP and perform hand-offs. For more information on hand-offs, see Table 3-2 on Page 64. Changing this parameter requires a radio reboot.[Static Hopping, Hopping with Hand-offs, Single Channel; Single Channel]NOTE: Frequency Mode Static Hopping on Access Points requiresTDD Sync Mode GPS Required.Channel/Frequency Allocations for Single Channel operation are shown in Table 3-1. The transceiver utilizes up to 14 chan-nels (0-13) depending on the bandwidth used (1.75 MHz or 3.5 MHz).Table 3-1. Channel/Frequency AllocationsChannel 1.75 MHz B/W 3.5 MHz B/W0 903.000000 904.0000001 904.800000 907.6000002 906.600000 911.4000003 908.600000 915.0000004 910.400000 918.6000005 912.200000 922.4000006 914.000000 926.0000007 916.0000008 917.8000009 919.600000
62 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥RF BandwidthView/set the radios RF operating bandwidth. Radios are factory-configured for either 1.75 MHz or 3.5 MHz maximum bandwidth. Determine the factory configuration of a radio by viewing the CONFIG number on the label at the bot-tom of the radio. 1.75 MHz units will have a Configuration string starting with HGA/R9N1, and 3.5 MHz units will have a string starting with HGA/R9N3.The bandwidth setting on this menu does not necessarily have to match the configured bandwidth of the radio, but it is limited by it. That is, you can set a 3.5 MHz radio to either 1.75 or 3.5, but you can only set a 1.75 MHz radio to 1.75. Note that setting a 3.5 MHz bandwidth radio to operate at 1.75 MHz bandwidth will cause a slight degradation of interference rejection capabil-ity. [1.75MHz, 3.5MHz]¥Hop PatternSelects a pre-defined series of channels that is fol-lowed when hopping.¥Hop Pattern OffsetInserts an offset into the hop pattern that is synchronized with the GPS. For example, if the offset is 0, then the start of the pattern is aligned with the GPS timing. If the off-set is 3, then the fourth hop of the pattern is aligned with the GPS timing. All of the APs that are part of a network should use the same pattern and each one should have its own offset. In the diagram below, one Remote is configured for static hop-ping and will only associate with AP1 because they are both 10 921.40000011 923.40000012 925.20000013 927.000000Table 3-1. Channel/Frequency AllocationsChannel 1.75 MHz B/W 3.5 MHz B/W
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 63using Offset 0. The hand-off configured Remote, using its AP Locations file, may connect to AP1, AP2, or AP3. The Remote does this by determining the Offset for each AP, then configur-ing its radio.¥Current APShows the name of the AP that the Remote is trying to associate with.¥Advanced ControlProvides access to frequency setup parame-ters.¥TDD Sync ModeIndicates if the Access Points transmissions should synchronize with the GPS timing. Configure this param-eter to GPS Required when the AP is configured for Static Hopping. TDD Sync Mode (Time-Division Duplex) is useful in eliminat-ing same-network interference for multiple-AP installations. When enabled, all AP transmissions are synchronized using GPS timing information. The result is that no AP transmits while another is receiving, which prevents AP-to-AP interfer-ence. Changing this parameter requires a radio reboot.[Free Run, GPS Required; Free Run] Note: Do not use the Prefer GPS setting.¥Channel SelectionOpens a submenu where you can specify channel usage.¥Single Frequency ChannelThe RF frequency that the integrated radio will operate on when in single frequency (non-hopping) mode. [0 to 6 for 3.5-MHz, 0 to 13 for 1.75-MHz; 0].¥Frame DurationDefines the over-the-air media access control framing. [5, 8, 10, or 20 msec; 20 msec]¥Hardware FilterThis field provides a read-only indication of the maximum bandwidth of the radio. [1.75 MHz or 3.5 MHz]Hand-Off Mode Parameters Remote radios can move and associate with different APs depending on their locations. The process by which the Remote ends the connection with one AP and begins a connection with another AP is called AP 1 Pattern A Offset 0 AP 2 Pattern A Offset 1 AP 3 Pattern A Offset 2 RM Static Hopping Offset 0 RM Hopping w/ Hand-offs
64 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. Chand-off. Table 3-2 lists the hand-off parameters for Remote trans-ceivers and explains how they operate under different signal conditions. NOTE: In Table 3-2 on Page 64, modes using the Closest 3 APs firstattempt to connect to the closest AP. If after the maximumnumber of scanning seconds (Max. Scanning Seconds) a link isnot established, then the next closest AP is chosen. If afteranother maximum number of scanning seconds a link is notestablished, then the third closest AP is chosen. If a link still isnot established, the Remote again chooses the closest AP andcontinues this cycle until it is associated to one of the APs.NOTE: In Table 3-2 on Page 64, modes which use the RSSI and SNRThresholds use them in an or logic fashion. That is, if theRSSI is below the set threshold OR the SNR is belowthreshold, the Remote drops the current AP.Table 3-2. Remote Hand-Off ParametersStrict DistanceStrict ConnectionStrict SignalSignal andDistanceSignal, Dis-tance, and BearingDescription The Remote always chooses the closest AP regardless of connection status, RSSI, etc.The Remote will only choose a new AP when the modem link is lost.The Remote chooses a new AP when the modem link is lost or when the RSSI or SNR falls below the threshold. The Remote then chooses the closest AP.Operates the same way as the Strict SIgnal method except that the current AP is abandoned only if the next AP is within the distance threshold.Operates the same way as the Signal and Distance method except that the current AP is abandoned only if the bearing is away from the current AP.AP(s) Used(see note be-low Table 3-2)Only closest. Closest 3 APs. Closest 3 APs. Closest 3 APs; AP must be within Distance Threshold.Closest 3 APs; AP must be within Distance Threshold.Max. Scanning SecondsN/A Applicable Applicable Applicable ApplicableRSSI ThresholdN/A N/A Applicable Applicable ApplicableSNR Threshold N/A N/A Applicable Applicable ApplicableDistanceThresholdN/A N/A N/A Applicable ApplicableBlacklist Time N/A Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 65Advanced Configuration Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-31. Advanced Configuration Menu¥Adaptive ModulationEnables automatic selection of modulation and FEC rate based on SNR.  [enabled, disabled; enabled]¥Protection MarginA number of decibels of SNR added to the minimum SNR required for a given modulation and FEC rate. See Modulation Protection and Hysteresis Margins on Page 66 for more information. [0-50; 3]¥Hysteresis MarginA number of decibels of SNR added to the maximum SNR required before shifting to the next higher mod-ulation and FEC rate. See Modulation Protection and Hyster-esis Margins on Page 66 for more information. [0-50; 3]¥Data CompressionThis setting determines whether over-the-air data packets will be compressed. [enabled, disabled; enabled]¥Max ModulationSets the highest modulation speed the trans-ceiver will use.[BPSK, QPSK-1/2, QPSK-3/4, 16QAM-1/2, 16QAM-3/4, 64QAM-2/3, 64QAM-3/4; QAM16-3/4]¥Cyclic PrefixAmount of additional information added to the over-the-air packets to mitigate the effects of channel multipath. [1/4, 1/8, 1/16,1/32; 1/16]¥Channel TypeThis parameter, available on Access Point units, must be set appropriately according to the signal conditions of a network. For installations with strong signals, low interference, and minimal fading, set the Channel Type parameter to Static. This setting is generally appropriate for Access Points whose Remotes are in fixed locations. It supports a large offered pay-load with high packet rates. For installations with significant interference and fading or nomadic Remotes, set the Channel Type parameter to Dynamic. [Static, Dynamic; Static]
66 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥ARQEnables the Automatic Repeat Request function. [enable, disable; enabled]¥ARQ Window SizeThe maximum number of blocks to send before receiving an acknowledgement. [1—1024; 512]¥ARQ Block SizeARQ is applied to payload data in blocks of this size. [4—2040; 256]¥ARQ Block LifetimeARQ blocks are valid for this length of time. [0—655; 655]¥ARQ Transmitter DelayThe length of time the transmitter waits before repeating an unacknowledged packet.[1—655; 35]¥ARQ Receiver DelayThe length of time the receiver waits before repeating an unacknowledged packet. [1—655; 35]¥Downlink PercentageThe percentage of link time given to downstream traffic. It should be set to 50% when Adaptive Split is set to enabled. [10-90%; 50%]¥Adaptive SplitThe adaptive split feature provides improved link utilitization and throughput for burst payload traffic. The Mercury is a TDD system and normally allocates 50% of its capacity to the downlink and 50% to the uplink. When adaptive split is enabled, the Media Access Controller (MAC) in the Access Point monitors the traffic flow continuously in the downlink and uplink directions. The MAC auotmatically modi-fies the downlink split in response to the traffic load. When more traffic is flowing upstream, the downlink split changes to allocate additional capacity to the uplink. When more traffic is flowing downstream, the downlink gets additional capacity. If TDD synchronization is used to synchronize Access Points and minimize inter-Access Point interference, Adaptive Split should be disabled. [enabled, disabled; enabled]Modulation Protection and Hysteresis MarginsTable 3-3 on Page 67 shows the relationship between the radios Protec-tion Margin, Hysteresis Margin, and the SNR range allowed for each form of modulation.Column A lists the available modulation types for the radio, while col-umns B and C show the minimum SNR range required to operate in each modulation. For example, an SNR of 5.8 dB in Column B is required for QPSK modulation with an FEC rate of 1/2. An SNR of 8.4 dB is required for QPSK modulation with an FEC rate of 3/4.Columns B and C have a Hysteresis Margin of 0 dB. This means there is no overlap between the maximum SNR for BPSK (5.8 dB) and the minimum SNR for QPSK-1/2 (5.8 dB).Columns D and E show the SNR ranges with a Protection Margin and Hysteresis Margin of 3 dB. The Protection Margin is added to each value in Columns B and C to get the corresponding value in Columns D and E. The Hysteresis Margin is then added to the Max SNR value.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 67For example, the third SNR value in Column D is 11.4 dB (8.4 + 3 = 11.4 dB), and the third SNR value in Column E is 17.1 (11.1 + 3 + 3 = 17.1 dB). Note that with a Hysteresis Margin of 3 dB, there is an overlap of 3 between the Max SNR of one modulation and the Min SNR of the next higher modulation.In this case, if a link is operating with an SNR of 15 dB, then QPSK-3/4 modulation is used. The SNR must go above 17.1 dB before the link shifts up to 16QAM-1/2 modulation. Conversely, the SNR will need to drop below 11.4 dB before the link shifts down to QPSK-1/2.The blank entries (--) in the table indicate infinite SNR (i.e., the top of the range). For example, in columns B and C, 64QAM-3/4 modulation is used for all SNR values from 20 dB and up.3.5.2 Serial Port ConfigurationOverviewThe transceiver includes an embedded serial device server that provides transparent encapsulation over IP. In this capacity, it acts as a gateway between serial and IP devices. Two common scenarios are PC applica-tions using IP to talk to remote devices, and serial PC applications talking to remote serial devices over an IP network. These data services are available from the COM1 port of the radio.COM1 Port—Dual Purpose Capability The COM1 port is used as a local console connection point and to pass serial data with an external device. Setting the COM1 port status to Enable prevents access to the Management System (MS) through this port. However, the MS can still be accessed via the LAN port using Telnet or a web browser.Table 3-3. Adaptive Modulation Protection and Hysteresis MarginsA B C D E F GProtection 0 Protection 3 Protection 5Hysteresis 0 Hysteresis 3 Hysteresis 3Min SNR Max SNR Min SNR Max SNR Min SNR Max SNRBPSK 3.3 5.8 3.3 11.8 3.3 13.8QPSK-1/2 5.8 8.4 8.8 14.4 10.8 16.4QPSK-3/4 8.4 11.1 11.4 17.1 13.4 19.116QAM-1/2 11.1 14.4 14.1 20.4 16.1 22.416QAM-3/4 14.4 18.4 17.4 24.4 19.4 26.464QAM-2/3 18.4 20 21.4 26 23.4 2864QAM-3/4 20 -- 23 -- 25 --
68 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CNOTE: To restore the COM1 port to support Management Systemservices, connect a terminal to the port, select the proper baudrate (115,200 is default), and enter an escape sequence (+++) toreset it to the console mode.There is a configuration parameter for the console baud rate andanother parameter for the serial data baud rate. These items canbe different, so when switching out of data mode to consolemode, the port might also change its baud rate.TCP vs. UDP TCP and UDP services are used by the transceivers embedded serial device server. TCP provides a connection-oriented link with end-to-end acknowledgment of data, but with some added overhead. UDP provides a connectionless best-effort delivery service with no acknowledgment.Most polled protocols are best served by UDP service as the protocol itself has built-in error recovery mechanisms. UDP provides the needed multidrop operation by means of multicast addressing.On the other hand, TCP services are best suited for applications without a recovery mechanism (error-correction) and must have the guaranteed delivery that TCP provides in spite of the extra overhead. The IP-to-Serial Application Example on Page 74 shows how to do this.Serial Encapsulation Transparent encapsulation, or IP tunneling, provides a mechanism to encapsulate serial data in an IP envelope. All bytes received through the serial port are put into the data portion of a TCP or UDP packet (TCP or UDP are user-configurable options). In the same manner, all data bytes received in a TCP or UDP packet are output through the serial port.When the radio receives data through the serial port, it is buffered until the packet is received completely. There are two events that signal an end-of-packet to the radio: a period of time since the last byte was received, or a number of bytes that exceed the buffer size. Both of these triggers are user-configurable.One radio can perform serial data encapsulation (IP-to-Serial) and talk to a PC. You can use two radios together (or one radio and a terminal server) to provide a serial-to-serial channel. For more information, see IP-to-Serial Application Example on Page 74 and Point-to-Point Serial-to-Serial Application Example on Page 75.TCP Client vs. TCP Server On a TCP session there is a server side and a client side. You can con-figure the transceiver to act as either a server or a client. The server always waits for requests from clients.The client mode attempts to establish a connection to a server (typically running on a PC) whenever it receives data on the serial port. There is also a Client/Server mode, where the client establishes a connection when data is received on the serial port and the server is not currently handling a connection.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 69UDP Multicast IP provides a mechanism to perform a limited broadcast to a specific group of devices. This is known as multicast addressing. Multicast addressing requires the use of a specific branch of IP addresses set apart by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for this purpose.UDP multicast is generally used to transport polling protocols typically used in SCADA applications where multiple remote devices will receive and process the same poll message.As part of the Multicast implementation, the radio sends IGMP member-ship reports and IGMP queries, and responds to membership queries. It defaults to V2 membership reports, but responds to both V1 and V2 que-ries. The Point-to-Multipoint Serial-to-Serial Application Example on Page 76 shows how to provide multicast services.Data Buffering Data buffering is always active regardless of the selected mode. If you connect EIA-232 serial devices to the transceiver, review these parame-ters carefully.Serial Configuration WizardGE MDS recommends the Serial Configuration Wizard, available through the Serial Port Configuration Menu, for configuration of the serial terminal services. The wizard uses a step-by-step process, eliminates possible conflicting settings, and streamlines complex configurations.You can bypass the wizard by selecting option B) View Current Settings and adjusting the individual settings of the appropriate parameter.Serial Port Configuration Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-32. Serial Port Configuration Menu
70 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C Figure 3-33. Serial Configuration Wizard¥Begin WizardTool for configuring serial ports using a step-by-step process.¥View Current SettingsDisplays all setable options. Varies depending on the selected IP protocol.Configuring for UDP Point-to-Multipoint Invisible place holderFigure 3-34. UDP Point-to-Multipoint MenuUse UDP point-to-multipoint to send a copy of the same packet to mul-tiple destinations, such as in a polling protocol.¥StatusEnable/Disable the serial data port.¥ModeThe type of IP port offered by the  transceivers serial device server. [TCP, UDP; TCP]
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 71¥RX IP PortReceive IP data from this source and pass it through to the connected serial device. The port number must be used by the application connecting to local TCP or UDP socket. [Any valid IP port; 30010]¥TX IP Address (used instead of Local IP Address when using UDP Point-to-Multipoint) Configure with a valid Multi-cast address (— IP packets received with a matching destination address are processed by this unit. [Any legal IP address;]¥TX IP Port (used instead of Local IP Port when using UDP Point-to-Multipoint)This port number must match the number used by the application connecting to local TCP or UDP socket. [1-64,000; 30010]¥Baud RateData rate (payload) for the  COM port, in bits-per-second. [1,200—115,200; 19200] ¥Byte FormatFormatting of data bytes, representing data bits, parity and stop bits. [7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1, 7N2, 7E2, 7O2, 8N2, 8E2, 8O2; 8N1]¥Buffer SizeMaximum amount of characters that the Remote end buffers locally before transmitting data through the serial port. [1—255; 255]¥Inter-Packet DelayAmount of time that signal the end of a message, measured in tenths of a second. [default = 1 (that is, 1/10th of a second)]¥Commit Changes and Exit WizardSave and execute changes made on this screen (shown only after changes have been entered). Invisible place holderFigure 3-35. UDP Point-to-Point MenuConfiguring for UDP Point-to-Point Use UDP point-to-point configuration to send information to a single device.¥StatusEnable/Disable the serial data port.
72 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥ModeUDP Point-to-Point. This is the type of IP port offered by the transceivers serial device server. [TCP, UDP; TCP]¥RX IP PortPort number where data is received and passed through to the serial port. The application connecting to this transceiver must use this port number.[1—64,000; 30010]¥TX IP AddressData received through the serial port is sent to this IP address. To reach multiple Remotes in the network, use UDP Point-to-Multipoint. [Any legal IP address;]¥TX IP PortThe destination IP port for data packets received through the serial port on the transceiver. [1—64,000; 30010]¥Talkback EnableTalkback is a mode where the radio returns a serial message received within a time-out period back to the last address of an incoming UDP message. If the time-out expires, the unit sends the serial data to the configured address. [Enable, Disable; Disabled]¥Baud RateData rate (payload) for the  COM port, in bits-per-second. [1,200—115,200; 19200] ¥Byte FormatFormatting of data bytes. Data bits, parity and stop bits. [7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1, 7N2, 7E2, 7O2, 8N2, 8E2, 8O2; 8N1]¥Buffer SizeMaximum amount of characters that the Remote end buffers locally before transmitting data through the serial port. [1—255; 255]¥Inter-Packet DelayAmount of time that signal the end of a message, measured in tenths of a second. [default = 1 (that is, 1/10th of a second)]¥Commit Changes and Exit WizardSave and execute changes made on this screen (shown only after changes have been entered).
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 73Configuring for TCP Mode Invisible place holderFigure 3-36. TCP Client Menu (Remote)¥StatusEnable/Disable the serial data port. ¥ModeTCP Client. This is the type of IP port offered by the  transceivers serial device server. [TCP, UDP; TCP]¥TX IP AddressThe IP address to be used as a destination for data received through the serial port.[Any legal IP address;]¥TX IP PortThe destination IP port for data packets received through the serial port on the transceiver.[Any valid IP port; 30010]¥TCP KeepaliveAmount of time (in seconds) that the trans-ceiver waits for data before terminating the TCP session. [0—600; 600]¥Baud RateData rate (payload) for the  COM port, in bits-per-second. [1,200—115,200; 19200] ¥Byte FormatInterface signaling parameters. Data bits, parity and stop bits. [7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1, 7N2, 7E2, 7O2, 8N2, 8E2, 8O2; 8N1]¥Buffer SizeMaximum amount of characters that the Remote end buffers locally before transmitting data through the serial port. [1—255; 255]¥Inter-Frame Packet DelayA measurement representing the end of a message, measured in tenths of a second.[default = 1 (that is, 1/10th of a second)]¥Commit Changes and Exit WizardSave and execute changes made on this screen (shown only after changes have been entered).
74 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-37. TCP Server Menu (AP)¥StatusEnable/Disable the serial data port.¥ModeTCP Server. This is the type of IP port offered by the  transceivers serial device server. [TCP, UDP; TCP]¥RX IP PortReceive IP data from this source and pass it through to the connected serial device. The application con-necting to the local TCP or UDP socket must use this port number.[Any valid IP port; 30010]¥Baud RateData rate (payload) for the  COM port, in bits-per-second. [1,200—115,200; 19200] ¥Byte FormatInterface signaling parameters. Data bits, parity and stop bits. [7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1, 7N2, 7E2, 7O2, 8N2, 8E2, 8O2; 8N1]¥Buffer SizeMaximum amount of characters that the Remote end buffers locally before transmitting data through the serial port. [1—255; 255]¥Inter-Packet DelayAmount of time that signal the end of a message, measured in tenths of a second. [default = 1 (that is, 1/10th of a second)]¥Commit Changes and Exit WizardSave and execute changes made on this screen (shown only after changes have been entered).IP-to-Serial Application ExampleYou must choose UDP or TCP to establish communications. This depends on the type of device you are communicating with at the other end of the IP network. In this example, we will use TCP to illustrate its use.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 75In TCP mode, the transceiver remains in a passive mode, offering a socket for connection. Once a request is received, data received at the serial port is sent through the IP socket and vice versa, until the connec-tion is closed or the link is interrupted. In this mode, the transceiver behaves the same, whether it is an Access Point or a Remote. (See Figure 3-38 and Table 3-4) NOTE: The TCP session has a timeout of 10 minutes (600 seconds). Ifinactive for that time, the session is closed. The transceiveroffers the port again for connection after this time expires.Establishing a Connection From the PC, establish a TCP connection to the IP address of the Remote transceiver and to the IP port as configured above (30010). Use a Telnet client application to establish this connection. Data can now be sent between the PC and the RTU or other connected device.Invisible place holderFigure 3-38. IP-to-Serial Application DiagramPoint-to-Point Serial-to-Serial Application ExampleOnce you have configured the transceivers, they begin processing data presented at the COM ports. Data presented at the Access Points COM port is packetized and sent via UDP to the Remote. Upon receiving the packet, the Remote strips the data out of the UDP packet and sends it out its COM port. Likewise, data presented at the Remotes COM port is packetized, sent to the Access Point, stripped, and sent out the Access Points COM port. This configuration does not use multicast addressing.EthernetCrosssoverRTUEIA-232Computeror Network192.168.0.10 PointTable 3-4. Serial Port Application ConfigurationIP-to-Serial Connection Transceiver LocationMenu Item SettingAccess Point None is required None is requiredRemote Unit IP Address EnabledIP Protocol TCPBaud Rate 9,600 (Example)Flow Control NoneLocal IP Port 30010
76 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-39. Point-to-Point Serial-to-Serial Application DiagramPoint-to-Multipoint Serial-to-Serial Application ExampleThe operation and data flow for this mode is very similar to Point-to-Point serial-to-serial application, except that it uses multicast addressing. The primary difference is that data presented at the Access Points COM port is packetized and sent using UDP to all of the Remotes. Upon receiving the packet, all of the Remotes strip the data from the UDP packet and send it out their COM ports. Likewise, data presented at any of the Remotes COM ports is packetized, sent to the Access Point, stripped, and sent out the Access Points COM port (see Figure 3-40, Table 3-6, Figure 3-41, and Figure 3-42 on Page 78).EIA-232RTUEIA-232Terminalor Computer192.168.0.10 PointLANCOM1COM2PWRLINKTable 3-5. Serial Port Application Configuration  Transceiver Location Menu Item SettingAccess Point (COM1) Status EnabledData Baud Rate 9,600 (Example)SIFD 4IP Protocol UDPRemote IP Address192.168.0.2(IP address of the Remote radio)Remote IP Port 30010 Local IP Port 30010Remote Unit (COM1) Status EnabledData Baud Rate 9,600 (Example)Flow Control X-ON/X-OFF (Example)SIFD 4 (Characters)IP Protocol UDPRemote IP Address192.168.0.1(IP address of the AP)Remote IP Port 30010 Local IP Port 30010
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 77Invisible place holderFigure 3-40. Point-to-Multipoint Serial-to-Serial Application Diagram Invisible place holder192.168.0.3192.168.0.4EIA-232Terminalor ComputerRTURTURTUEIA-232EIA-232EIA-232192.168.0.10 PointLANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemoteLANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemoteLANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemoteTable 3-6. Serial Port Application ConfigurationTransceiver Location Menu Item SettingAccess Point (COM1) Status EnabledBaud Rate 9600 (Example)Flow Control DisabledIP Protocol UDPRemote IP AddressMulticast Address1Remote IP Port 30010 Local IP Port 30010 Remote Units (COM1) Enable EnabledBaud Rate 2,400 (Example)Flow Control Hardware (Example)IP Protocol UDPRemote IP Address IP Port 30010 Local IP Port 30010 Local Multicast Address224.254.1.1 Multicast Address2 1. This address is an example only. Any Class D IP address (— will work.
78 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CFigure 3-41. Serial Port ConfigurationAccess PointFigure 3-42. Radio Serial Port ConfigurationRemoteMixed ModesIn this example, the TCP mode does not involve the Access Point. Thus, the transceiver in a single network can run in both modes at the same time. In other words, you can configure some Remotes for TCP mode and others (along with the Access Point) for UDP mode.In this configuration, the Host PC can use both data paths to reach the RTUs. This is helpful when a mixed collection of RTUs is present where some RTUs can operate in a broadcast form while others cannot (see Figure 3-43 on Page 79 and Table 3-7 on Page 79).
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 79Operation and Data Flow ¥ Communicate with RTU A by Telneting to Remote 1, port 30010.¥ Communicate with RTU B by Telneting to Remote 2, port 30010.¥ Communicate with RTUs C and D by sending and receiving data from the Access Points COM port.¥ All communication paths can be used simultaneously.Invisible place holderFigure 3-43. Mixed-Modes Application DiagramEIA-232Terminalor ComputerRTU–CEIA-232EIA-232EIA-232RTU–DEIA-232EthernetCrosssoverRTU–BRTU–AAccess PointTransceiverLANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemote 1LANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemote 2LANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemote 3LANCOM1COM2PWRLINKRemote 4Table 3-7. Serial Port Application Configuration  Transceiver Location Menu Item SettingAccess Point Status EnabledBaud Rate 9,600Flow Control DisabledIP Protocol UDPSend to Address A multicast IP address such as to Port 30010Receive on Port 30010 Receive on Address (Not Used)Remote Units 1 & 2 (COM1) Status EnabledBaud Rate 2,400Flow Control DisabledIP Protocol TCPReceive on Port 30010 Remote Units 3 & 4 (COM1) Status EnabledBaud Rate 9,600Flow Control DisabledIP Protocol UDPSend to Address IP address of the APSend to Port 30010
80 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C3.6 MODBUS / TCP SERVER CONFIGURATIONModbus is a serial communications protocol developed by Schneider Electric (Modicon) for communication between programmable logic controllers (PLCs), remote terminal units (RTUs) and other industrial electronic devices. It has become an established standard in the industry, and is now used by many manufacturers of industrial data equipment.Mercury Series transceivers running version 2.2.0 firmware or later include Modbus functionality. This section of the addendum contains an overview of the Modbus/TCP Server and provides menu details for using this feature. You should also review Configuring for TCP Mode  section on Page 73.NOTE: This material assumes you have an understanding of Ethernetnetworking, TCP/IP, and Modbus serial protocols. Refer to thefollowing web site for additional Modbus/TCP functionality is provided on the COM1 port ofthe transceiver only.3.6.1 Modbus/TCP in Mercury TransceiversAn OverviewThe transceiver implements a Modbus/TCP server that bridges Modbus/TCP to either: Modbus RTU or Modbus/ASCII. It does not function as a Modbus/TCP client.The transceiver converts Modbus/TCP requests to either RTU or ASCII serial Modbus packets and sends them to the configured serial port. It waits up to the timeout period for a reply on the serial port, and if one arrives, it converts the response back to Modbus/TCP and sends it to the connected Modbus/TCP client.3.6.2 Menu SelectionsConnect a PC to the transceiver as described in STEP 3CONNECT PC TO THE TRANSCEIVER  section on Page 23, and access the embedded Receive on Port 30010 Receive on Address multicast IP address used for the APs Send To Address above)Table 3-7. Serial Port Application Configuration   (Continued)Transceiver Location Menu Item Setting
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 81management system. Follow the steps below to proceed with Modbus/TCP configuration.1. From the Serial Configuration Wizard opening screen (Figure 3-44 on Page 81), select A to begin the wizard.Invisible place holderFigure 3-44. Configuration Wizard Opening Screen2. Choose the IP protocol you wish to use (TCP, UDP, or Mod-bus/TCP) by selecting the appropriate letter from the menu.Figure 3-45. IP Protocol Selection Screen3. On the next screen (Figure 3-46 on Page 82), choose the listening port you wish to use for the Modbus/TCP server. The default is port 502. Press N to continue.
82 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CFigure 3-46. Modbus/TCP Server Listening Port4. On the next screen (Figure 3-47), press A to change the Modbus serial format, then press the space bar to toggle between the avail-able formats (MODBUS/RTU or MODBUS/ASCII). Press B to enter the Modbus serial timeout value in milliseconds. Press N to continue the wizard.NOTE: The only difference between Modbus/RTU andModbus/ASCII is the form of the framing sequence, errorcheck pattern, and address interpretation.Figure 3-47. Choose Modbus Serial Format and Timeout ValueNote: Modbus Timeout setting is in milliseconds, not seconds as displayed in the example above.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 835. When the next screen appears (Figure 3-48), press A to select the desired data baud rate and B to select the data byte format. Press N to continue.Figure 3-48. Select Data Baud Rate and Byte Format6. The screen shown in Figure 3-49 appears next. Press A to select the Buffer Size of message packets, and B to select the Inter-Frame Delay. Press N to continue with the wizard.Invisible place holderFigure 3-49. Buffer Size and Inter-Frame Delay Values7. On the next screen (Figure 3-50 on Page 84), select A and use the spacebar to enable the serial port for data communication. Press N to continue the wizard.
84 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-50. Serial Port Status Screen8. Review all settings on the summary screen shown in Figure 3-51. If all settings are correct, press X to confirm and exit the wizard. If not, select the letter of the item(s) you wish to change.Invisible place holderFigure 3-51. Serial ConfigurationSummary ScreenThis completes the menu selections for Modbus/TCP operation.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 853.7 SECURITY CONFIGURATION MENUThe transceivers security features are grouped into four major catego-ries and are accessible from the Security Configuration Menu (see Figure 3-52). These categories are:Device SecurityContains settings for controlling access to the radio itself for configuration and management.Wireless SecurityControls how and when radios communicate with each other, as well as how data traffic is handled.RADIUS ConfigurationDeals with IEEE 802.1x device authentication  and authorization using a central server.Manage Certificates (Remote only)Allows setting of certificate types, download paths, and TFTP parameters.Invisible place holderFigure 3-52. Security Configuration MenuSelecting any of the Security Configuration Menu items opens a sub-menu where you can view or change settings. Examples of these screens and more detailed descriptions of their contents are provided below.
86 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C3.7.1 Device Security MenuThe Device Security Menu (Figure 3-53) controls how the radios can be accessed either locally or remotely for configuration and management.Invisible place holderFigure 3-53. Device Security Menu¥Telnet AccessControls Telnet access to the transceivers man-agement system. [enabled, disabled; enabled]¥SSH AccessControls access to the Secure Shell (SSH) server.[enabled, disabled; enabled]¥HTTP ModeControls access to the transceivers management system via the web server. [disabled, HTTP, HTTPS; HTTP]¥HTTP Auth ModeSelects the mode used for authenticating a web user. [Basic Auth, MD5 Digest; Basic Auth]¥User Auth MethodView/set the method of authentication for users. [Local, Radius; Local]¥User Auth FallbackView/set method of authentication to use if the RADIUS server is unavailable. [None, Local; None] ¥User PasswordsAllows changing of Administrative and Guest passwords. When selected, a new screen appears (Figure 3-54 on Page 87).
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 87User Passwords Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-54. User Passwords MenuTo change the Administrator or Guest password, select the appropriate menu item (A or B). A flashing cursor appears to the right. From here, type the new password, which can be any alpha-numeric string up to 13 characters long. The change is asserted when you press the Return key.¥Change Admin PasswordAllows you to set a new password. [any alpha-numeric string up to 13 characters; admin]¥Change Guest PasswordAllows you to set a new password. [any alpha-numeric string up to 13 characters; guest]TIP: For enhanced security, consider using misspelled words, a combi-nation of letters and numbers, and a combination of upper and lower case letters. Also, the more characters used (up to 13), the more secure the password. These strategies help protect against sophisticated hackers who use a database of common words (for example, dictionary attacks) to determine a password.3.7.2 Wireless Security MenuThe features in the Wireless Security menu (Figure 3-55 on Page 88) control the communication of data across the wireless link. You can authenticate the radios locally via a list of authorized radios, or remotely via a centralized IEEE 802.1x device authentication server. This server provides a centralized authentication mechanism based on standards.
88 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-55. Wireless Security Menu¥Device Auth ModeView/set the devices authentication method. [None, Local, IEEE 802.1X; None]¥Data EncryptionControls the over-the-air payload datas AES-128 bit encryption. [enable, disable; disabled]¥Encryption PhraseView/set the phrase used to generate encryp-tion keys when encrypting over-the-air payload. [any alpha-numeric string of 8 to 15 characters; <empty>]¥Max Remotes (AP only)The maximum number of remotes an AP can associate with.¥Approved Remotes (AP only)Launches a submenu where you can view, add, or delete approved Remotes. (See Figure 3-56.)Approved Remotes Submenu Setting the Device Auth Mode to Local forces an AP to check the Approved Remotes List before establishing a radio link. A Remote must be in the list before the AP associates and grants authorization. Before enabling this option, at least one entry must already exist in the View Approved Remotes list.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 89Invisible place holderFigure 3-56. Approved Remotes Submenu¥Add RemoteEnter the MAC address of Remote.[Any valid 6-digit hexadecimal MAC address; 00:00:00:00:00:00] ¥Delete RemoteEnter the MAC address of Remote. For security purposes, you should delete a stolen or deprovisioned radio from this list.¥Add Associated RemotesAdd all currently associated remotes to the approved remote list. Alternatively, you can enter each Remote MAC manually.¥Delete All RemotesRemove (complete purge) all Remotes from current list.¥View Approved RemotesListing of approved Remotes by MAC address. These radios are authorized to join this AP. If a Remote is not in this list, it cannot associate with this AP.3.7.3 IEEE 802.1x Device AuthenticationThis section covers the configuration needed for the radios to access the IEEE 802.1x device authentication server, which provides Device Level Security and for Wireless Access Security. GE MDS does not provide the server software.Operation of Device AuthenticationDevice authentication forces the radio to authenticate before allowing user traffic to traverse the wireless network. When Device Security is configured to use IEEE 802.1x as the Authentication Method, Remote radios need three types of certificates: public (client), private, and root (Certificate Authority). These files are unique to each Remote radio and must first be created at the server and then installed into each unit via TFTP. The certificate files must be in DER format.Device authentication uses the serial number of each radio as the Common Name (CN) in its certificate and in its RADIUS identity field.
90 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CEach Access Point and Remote radio must be identified/recognized by the device authentication server through the Common Name (Serial number) and IP address entries.NOTE: Consult your network administrator for assistance in configu-ration, or for help with other issues that may arise.To activate device authentication, select Device Auth Method and set RADIUS as the active mode. The behavior of this setting differs depending on whether it is implemented on an Access Point or a Remote transceiver. An explanation of these behaviors is given below:Access Point: When Device Auth Method is set to RADIUS, the AP disasso-ciates all associated Remotes and waits for the device authentication server to authenticate the Remotes before allowing data from them to pass. When approval is received from the authentication server, data from the Remote passes.Remote: When Device Auth Method is set to RADIUS, the Remote halts any data it is passing, and requests Authentication from the device authenti-cation server. If accepted, data is transmitted.Operation of User AuthenticationUser Authentication controls authentication of users who can manage the device. This is in contrast to Device Authentication (above), which authenticates devices that can participate in the data network. When user authentication is set to Local or RADIUS, you must enter a valid user name and password before you can manage the radio. In RADIUS mode, both of these fields can be up to 40 characters long. In Local mode the user name is admin and the password can be up to 13 characters long.When set to RADIUS, all logins to the local configuration services must be authenticated via the device authentication server, including Telnet and SSH (Secure Shell) sessions. Authentication must be accepted before access to the radio menu is granted.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 91RADIUS Configuration Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-57. Radius Configuration Menu¥Auth Server AddressThe IP address of the authentication server. [any valid IP address;]¥Auth Server PortThe UDP Port of the authentication server. [1812, 1645, 1812]¥Auth Server Shared SecretUser authentication and Device authentication require a common shared secret to complete an authentication transaction. This entry must match the string used to configure the appropriate files on the authentication server. [<empty>; any alpha-numeric string up to 16 characters]¥User Auth ModeRADIUS Authentication algorithm.[PAP, CHAP, EAP; PAP]NOTE: CHAP is more secure than PAP. PAP may display the loginpassword in log files at the authentication server while CHAPwill encrypt the login password.3.7.4 Manage CertificatesUse Certificate generation software to generate certificate files, then install these files into each Remote unit using TFTP. This is done using the Manage Certificates Menu (Figure 3-58 on Page 92). The certificate files must be in DER format. The Common Name (CN) field in the public certificate file must match the serial number of the unit it is installed on.
92 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-58. Manage Certificates Menu¥TFTP Host Address(Telnet/Terminal only)IP address of the com-puter on which the TFTP server resides. This same IP address is used in other screens/functions (reprogramming, logging, etc.). Changing it here also changes it for other screens/functions.[Any valid IP address;].¥Transfer OptionsA menu for configuring the TFTP transfer. (See Figure 3-59 on Page 93.)Three certificate files (Root CA, Client, and Private Key) must be present in each of the Remote radios. Use the commands described below to install these files into each Remote radio:¥Certificate TypeSelects one of the three certificate file types mentioned above. [Root CA, Client, Private Key; Root CA]¥Certificate FilenameSpecifies the software path and filename for downloading certificates.¥Retrieve CertificateInitiates the retrieval of the certificate file from the storage location. A successful installation issues a Com-plete status message.NOTE: It is imperative that the three certificate files are installedcorrectly into the Remote radio, in their respective file types.If they are not, the Remote is un-authenticated for data traffic.Consult your network administrator for more information.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 93Invisible place holderFigure 3-59. Transfer Options Menu¥TFTP TimeoutThe time the client radio will wait for a response from the server before ending the transfer.¥TFTP Block SizeThe amount of data sent in each TFTP packet.3.8 REDUNDANCY CONFIGURATION (AP ONLY)For operation in protected (redundant) mode, an AP must be in a Pack-aged P23 enclosure with a backup radio. See MDS publication 05-4161A01 for details. This manual is available under the Downloads tab at Redundancy Configuration Menu (Figure 3-60) is where you enable/disable redundancy operation and define the triggers that will cause a switchover.
94 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-60. Redundancy Configuration Menu (AP Only)¥Redundancy ConfigurationEnable/disable redundancy switcho-ver for AP. [enabled, disabled; disabled]¥Network Event TriggersThis selection opens a submenu (Figure 3-61 on Page 95) where you can set/view the trigger sta-tus for Network Events.¥Radio Event TriggersThis selection opens a submenu (Figure 3-62 on Page 95) where you can set/view the trigger sta-tus for Radio Events, such as a loss of associated Remotes or excessive packet errors.¥Hardware Event TriggersThis selection opens a submenu (Figure 3-63 on Page 96) where you can set/view the trigger sta-tus for initialization/hardware errors.¥Redundancy Configuration OptionsThis selection opens a sub-menu (Figure 3-64 on Page 96) where you can set the threshold criteria for declaring an error event.¥Force SwitchoverSelecting this option forces a manual (user initiated) switchover to the backup AP. The challenge ques-tion Are you sure? (y/n) is presented to avoid an unintended switchover. To invoke the change, press the letter y followed by the Enter key.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 95Network Event Triggers Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-61. Network Events Triggers Menu¥Network Interface ErrorThis setting determines whether or not a network interface error will cause redundancy switchover. [enabled, disabled; disabled]Radio Event Triggers Invisible place holderFigure 3-62. Radio Event Triggers¥Lack of associated remotes exceeded thresholdThis setting deter-mines whether or not a switchover occurs when a lack of asso-ciated Remote units exceeds the time period set in Figure 3-65 on Page 97. [enabled, disabled; disabled]¥Packet Receive Errors exceeded thresholdThis setting determines whether or not a switchover occurs when the number of Packet Receive errors exceeds the number set in Figure 3-66 on Page 97. [enabled, disabled; disabled]
96 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CHardware Event Triggers Invisible place holderFigure 3-63. Hardware Event Triggers¥Init/Hardware ErrorThis setting determines whether or not an initialization or hardware error results in a redundancy switcho-ver. [enabled, disabled; disabled]Redundancy Configuration Options MenuUse this menu (Figure 3-64) to set the thresholds for the Lack of Asso-ciated Remotes and Packet Receive Errors. Selecting either item opens a submenu where you can view or change settings.Invisible place holderFigure 3-64. Redundancy Configuration Options Menu¥Lack of Associated Remotes Exceeded ThresholdThis selection opens a submenu (Figure 3-65) where you can view or change the time period allowed for a lack of associated Remotes.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 97¥Packet Receive Errors Exceeded ThresholdThis selection opens a submenu (Figure 3-66 on Page 97) where you can view or change the maximum allowable number of receive errors.Lack of Associated Remotes Exceeded Threshold Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-65. Lack of Associated Remotes Exceeded Threshold Menu¥Lack of Remotes forSelect this item to change the time setting (in seconds) for a lack of associated Remotes. When there are no associated Remotes for a period exceeding this time, a redun-dancy switchover occurs. [60-500; 500]Packet Receive Errors Exceeded Threshold Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-66. Packet Receive Errors Exceeded Threshold Menu
98 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥Maximum Receive ErrorsSelect this item to change the maxi-mum allowable number of receive errors. When the number of errors exceeds this number, a redundancy switchover occurs. [0-1000; 500]3.9 GPS CONFIGURATION (REMOTE ONLY)This menu allows you to view or set important parameters for the built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver in the Mercury Remote.Invisible place holderFigure 3-67. GPS Configuration Menu (Remote Only)¥Stream GPS to ConsoleUsed to enable/disable streaming of GPS NMEA data to the console port (COM1). Baud rate is 4800 baud when Stream GPS to console is enabled.[enabled, disabled; disabled]¥GPS to Console Baud RateThe serial baud rate when GPS streaming is enabled.¥Send GPS via UDPUsed to enable/disable sending GPS NMEA data to a server via UDP. [enabled, disabled; disabled]¥GPS UDP Server IP AddressSpecify the destination address for GPS NMEA UDP packets. [any valid IP address;]¥GPS UDP Server UDP PortDestination UDP port for GPS NMEA UDP packets. [valid UDP port number; 0]¥GPS Streaming ConfigurationA submenu for setting GPS NMEA outputs. (See Figure 3-68 on Page 99.)
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 99Invisible place holderFigure 3-68. GPS Streaming Configuration Menu¥GGA PollingSeconds between GGA string outputs, the satellite fix information.¥GLL PollingSeconds between GLL string outputs, the latitude and longitude information.¥GSA PollingSeconds between GSA string outputs, the overall satellite data.¥GSV PollingSeconds between GSV string outputs, the detailed satellite data.¥RMC PollingSeconds between RMC string outputs, the recom-mended minimum data.¥VTG PollingSeconds between VTG string outputs, the vector track and speed over ground.¥MSS PollingSeconds between MSS string outputs, the beacon receiver status information.¥ZDA PollingSeconds between ZDA string outputs, data, and time.
100 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C3.10 DEVICE INFORMATION MENUFigure 3-69 shows the menu that displays basic administrative data on the unit to which you are connected. It also provides access to user-spe-cific parameters such as date/time settings and device names.Figure 3-69. Device Information Menu¥Model (Display only)¥Serial Number (Display only)¥Uptime (Display only)Elapsed time since boot-up.¥DateCurrent date being used for the transceiver logs. User-set-able. (Value lost with power failure if SNTP [Simple Network Time Protocol] server not accessible.) ¥TimeCurrent time of day. User-setable. Setting: HH:MM:SS (Value lost with power failure if SNTP server not accessible.)¥Date FormatSelect presentation format:¥ Generic = dd Mmm yyyy¥ European = dd-mm-yyyy¥ US = mm-dd-yyyy¥Console Baud RateUsed to set/display data communications rate (in bits-per-second) between a connected console terminal and the radio. [115200]¥UTC Time OffsetSet/view the number of hours difference between your local clock time and Universal Coordinated Time. Offsets for U.S. times zones are shown in the chart below.Time Zone (U.S.)UTC Offset (Hours)PST -8MST -7CST -6EST -5
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 101¥Device NamesFields used at users discretion for general administrative purposes. The Device Name field is shown on all menu screen headings. (See Figure 3-70 on Page 101)NOTE: The transceivers do not save time and date information whenpower is removed.Device Names MenuFigure 3-70. Device Names Menu¥Device NameUsed by the transceiver as the Realm name for network login (web browser only) and menu headings. ¥ContactUser defined; appears on this screen only.¥LocationUser defined; appears on this screen only.¥DescriptionUser defined; appears on this screen only.3.11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION MENUThe Performance Information Menu (Figure 3-71 on Page 102) is the entry point for a series of submenus where you can evaluate transceiver operating status and network performance. You can use this menu as an important troubleshooting tool, or for evaluating changes made to the network configuration or equipment.
102 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-71. Performance Information Menu¥Event LogAccess this menu for managing the units opera-tional activities log. (See Figure 3-74 on Page 104 for details.)¥Packet StatisticsMultiple radio and network operating statis-tics. (See Figure 3-76 on Page 106 for details.)¥GPS StatusShows satellite fix status, number of satellites being received, and unit location data. (See Figure 3-77 on Page 107 for details.)¥Wireless Network StatusCurrent AP association state and MAC address. (See Figure 3-79 on Page 109 for details.)¥Internal Radio Status (Remote Only)Shows connection status, RF parameters, and total FEC count for the unit. (See Figure 3-84 on Page 111 for details.)¥Performance Trend (Remote Only)Launches a continuously updated list of performance parameters (RSSI, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Transmit Power, Latitude, Longitude, Connection Status, and FEC Blocks). (See Figure 3-72 on Page 103.)¥Bridge StatusDisplays the network bridge status. (See Figure 3-73 on Page 103.)
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 103Invisible place holderFigure 3-72. Performance Trend ScreenInvisible place holderFigure 3-73. Bridge Status Menu
104 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CEvent Log Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-74. Event Log Menu¥Current AlarmsShows active alarms (if any) reported by the transceiver.¥View Event LogDisplays a log of radio events arranged by event number, date, and time. (Example shown in Figure 3-75 on Page 105).¥Clear Event LogErases all previously logged events.¥Send Event LogSends the event log to the server. You must answer the challenge question Send File? y/n before the request proceeds.¥Event Log Host AddressSet/display the IP address of the TFTP server. [any valid IP address;]¥Event Log FilenameSet/display the name of the event log file on the TFTP server. [any valid filename; eventlog.txt]¥Transfer OptionsA menu for configuring the TFTP transfer.¥Syslog Server AddressUse this selection to set or view the IP address of the Syslog server. Syslog is a standardized protocol for sending IP log data across a network. Low cost (or even free) Syslog downloads are available online by searching for the term Syslog Server. [any valid IP address;]
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 105View Event Log Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-75. View Event Log MenuThe transceivers microprocessor monitors many operational parame-ters and logs them. Events are classified into four levels of importance, which are described in Table 3-8. Some of these events result from a condition that prevents normal operation of the unit. These are critical events that cause the unit to enter an alarmed state and the PWR LED to blink until the condition is corrected. All events are stored in the Event Log..Time and Date The events stored in the Event Log are time-stamped using the time and date of the locally connected device. The Access Point obtains the time and date from a Time Server. This server is typically a standard Win-dows PC server SNTP application. In the absence of the SNTP services, the user must manually enter time and date information at the Access Point. (See DEVICE INFORMATION MENU on Page 100 for SNTP server identification.) The manually set time and date clock relies on the units primary power. A loss of power resets the clock to 02 Jan 2005 but does not affect previously stored error events.Packet Statistics MenuThe transceivers maintain running counters of different categories of events in the Ethernet protocol. The Packet Statistics refer to each Ethernet interface from the perspective of the radio.Table 3-8. Event ClassificationsLevel Description/ImpactInformational Normal operating activitiesMinor Does not affect unit operationMajor Degraded unit performance but still capable of operationCritical Prevents the unit from operating
106 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-76. Packet Statistics Menu¥Packets ReceivedData packets received by this unit.¥Packets SentData packets sent by this unit.¥Bytes ReceivedData bytes received by this unit.¥Bytes SentData bytes sent by this unit.¥Packets DroppedTo-be-transmitted packets dropped because of a lack of buffers in the outbound queue.¥Receive ErrorsPackets that do not pass CRC. This may be due to transmissions corrupted by RF interference, Ethernet colli-sions, or degradation. If significant Ethernet Receive Errors are observed, check the quality of your Ethernet cabling and con-nectors, or that you do not have cable lengths exceeding the specification limits.¥Lost Carrier DetectedThis parameter reports how many times the wired Ethernet connection has lost link.¥Clear Ethernet StatisticsResets the statistics counter. You must answer the challenge question Send File? y/n before the request proceeds.¥Clear MDS Wireless StatisticsResets the statistics counter. You must answer the challenge question Send File? y/n before the request proceeds.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 107GPS Status Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-77. GPS Status Menu¥GPS Serial NumberThe serial number of the GPS unit in the radio.¥GPS Firmware VersionThe firmware version running on the GPS chip.¥Satellite Fix StatusIndicates whether or not the unit has achieved signal lock with the minimum required number of GPS satellites. The transceiver requires a fix on five satellites to achieve Precise Positioning Service (PPS) and four to maintain PPS. [No Fix, Fix]¥Number of SatellitesShows the number of GPS satellites received by the transceiver. Although there are typically 24 active GPS satellites orbiting the Earth twice a day, only a sub-set of these is visible to a receiver at a given location. A good signal provides information from six to ten satellites.¥LatitudeShows the transceivers latitudinal location (in degrees), based on GPS data received from the satellites.¥LongitudeShows the transceivers longitudinal location (in degrees), based on GPS data received from the satellites.¥AltitudeShows the transceivers altitude above sea level (in feet), based on GPS data received from the satellites.¥GPS InformationShows data about the individual satellites being received, including the Pseudo-Random Noise (PRN) code (a unique bit stream for each satellite), the satellites ele-vation (in degrees), azimuth (in degrees), and the sig-nal-to-noise ratio of the carrier signal (SNR). Figure 3-78 on Page 108 shows a layout example for this screen.
108 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CGPS Information Menu Invisible place holderFigure 3-78. GPS Information MenuWireless Network Status MenuThe Wireless Network Status screen provides information on a key operating process of the transceiverthe association of the Remote with the Access Point. The following is a description of how this process takes place and is monitored by the menu system.The Transceivers Association Process If the Access Point and Remote are configured for single channel oper-ation, the Remote monitors the channel for Access Point transmissions. The Remote synchronizes its power, timing, and frequency to the Access Point, then requests access to the network. The Access Point and Remote check each others authorization and authentication according to the configuration of the Device Authorization and Encryption Enable parameters, and the Network Name parameter. The Remote is then associ-ated.If the Access Point and Remote are configured for frequency hopping, the Remote hops with the Access Point according to Access Points con-figuration. Once the Remote is hopping in sync with the Access Point, the rest of the association process is the same as for single channel oper-ation.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 109Invisible place holderFigure 3-79. Wireless Network Status Menu (AP)Invisible place holderFigure 3-80. Wireless Network Status Menu (Remote)¥Device StatusDisplays the overall operating condition of the transceiver. [Operational, Alarmed]¥Associated Remotes (AP Only)Shows the number of Remote transceivers currently associated with the AP.¥PA TemperatureShows the power amplifier temperature in degrees Celsius.¥Remote Database (AP Only)Displays a submenu where associ-ated Remotes are listed in table form according to their number, operational state, MAC address, IP address, and name (if assigned). (See Figure 3-81 on Page 110.)¥Remote Performance Database (AP Only)Displays a submenu where associated Remote performance data is listed in table form. Remotes are presented according to their number, MAC address, RSSI, SNR, modulation type, uplink modulation, and FEC total. (See Figure 3-82 on Page 110.)
110 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥Connection Status (Remote Only)Displays the current state of the wireless network communication as follows: Scanning, Rang-ing, Connecting, Authenticating, Associated, or Alarmed. A complete explanation of these operating states is provided in Table 4-3 on Page 138. ¥Current AP Eth AddressDisplays the Ethernet MAC address of the current AP.¥Current AP IP AddressShows the IP address of the current AP.¥Current AP NameDisplays the device name of the current AP.¥Time ConnectedShows the time at which the remote connected to the AP. The Remote has been continually connected since this time. Invisible place holderFigure 3-81. Remote Database MenuInvisible place holderFigure 3-82. Remote Performance Database Menu
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 111Invisible place holderFigure 3-83. Remote Database Details Menu (AP)Internal Radio Status Menu (Remote Only)Invisible place holderFigure 3-84. Internal Radio Status (Remote Only)¥Connection StatusIndicates whether or not the Remote station has associated with an AP. [Associated, Scanning, Ranging, Con-necting, Authorizing]¥Current AP NameShows the Device Name of the current AP.¥Transmit PowerShows the RF power output from the transmit-ter. The AP changes the transmit power of the Remote to match the desired receive power at the APs receiver. This provides end-to-end power control.¥Average RSSIShows average received signal strength indica-tion (RSSI) of incoming RF signals, displayed in dBm.
112 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥Average SNRShows average signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of received signals, displayed in dB. This is a measurement of the quality of the incoming signal. It is possible for incoming sig-nals to be strong, yet be affected by interference or other noise, resulting in a low SNR. Use this parameter to help determine the actual quality of signals.¥Radio DetailsThis selection presents a screen (Figure 3-85) showing key operating details of the transceiver.Invisible place holderFigure 3-85. Radio Details Menu¥RSSIShows received signal strength indication (RSSI) in dBm.¥SNRShows signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in dB.¥TX Frequency OffsetShows the RF carrier shift of the Remotes transmitter, measured in Hertz (Hz). The transmitted frequency is continually reviewed and adjusted to agree with what the AP expects to see. This optimization results in more efficient oper-ation, corrects for doppler shift, and results in higher throughput between AP and Remote stations.¥RX Frequency OffsetThis is a measurement of how far in fre-quency the Remotes receiver has shifted (in Hz) to accommo-date the incoming signal from the AP.¥Total FEC CountThis parameter shows the total number of For-ward Error Correction (FEC) blocks handled by the radio.¥Corrected FEC CountDisplays the number of errored blocks corrected with FEC by the radio.¥Uncorrected FEC CountShows the number of errored blocks that cant be corrected with FEC by the radio.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 1133.12 MAINTENANCE/TOOLS MENUIn the course of operating your network, you may wish to upgrade trans-ceiver firmware to take advantage of product improvements, work with configuration scripts, conduct ping tests of your system, or reset oper-ating parameters to factory default settings. All of these tasks are per-formed using the Maintenance/Tools Menu (Figure 3-86). This section explains how to take advantage of these services.Invisible place holderFigure 3-86. Maintenance/Tools Menu¥ReprogrammingManaging and selecting the units operating system firmware resources. (See Reprogramming Menu on Page 114)¥Configuration ScriptsSaving and importing data files contain-ing unit operating parameters/settings. (See Configuration Scripts Menu on Page 119)¥Ping UtilityDiagnostic tool to test network connectivity. (See Ping Utility Menu on Page 122)¥Authorization CodesAlter the units overall capabilities by enabling the built-in resources. (See Authorization Codes on Page 123)¥Reset to Factory DefaultsRestores parameters to factory default settings. (See Reset to Factory Defaults on Page 123)¥Radio TestA diagnostic tool for testing RF operation. (See Radio Test Menu on Page 125)¥Firmware VersionsShows the firmware code versions stored in the radio and indicates which one is the active image. (See Figure 3-87 on Page 114.)¥Auto Firmware UpgradeBrings up a submenu where you can perform tasks related to loading new firmware. (See Auto Firmware Upgrade Menu (AP Only) on Page 124.)¥Telnet UtilityA submenu for opening Telnet connections to net-work devices (Figure 3-88 on Page 114).
114 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. CInvisible place holderFigure 3-87. Firmware Versions MenuFigure 3-88. Telnet Utility Menu¥Host AddressThe IP address of the target device. ¥ConnectConnect to the target device at the host address.Reprogramming MenuThe factory sometimes offers upgrades to the transceiver firmware. Loading new firmware into the unit will not alter any privileges pro-vided by Authorization Keys and does not require you to take the trans-ceiver off-line until you want to operate the unit with the newly installed firmware image.Firmware images are available free-of-charge
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 115NOTE: Firmware for AP radios is different than for Remotes, and maynot be interchanged. This was only true for earlier (pre-2.1.0)firmware.NOTE: Always read the release notes for downloaded firmware. Thesenotes contain important information on compatibility and anyspecial steps needed for proper installation.All units and versions have two resident images. Version 1.4.4 had two .mpk files, one for the Access Point and one for the Remote. As of ver-sion 2.1.0, there is only one .mpk file which you can use with both Access Points and Remotes.The transceiver has two copies of the firmware (microprocessor code) used for the operating system and applications. One copy is active and the second is standing by, ready to be used once activated. You can load new firmware into the inactive position and place it in service whenever you desire.Invisible place holderFigure 3-89. Reprogramming Menu¥TFTP Host AddressIP address of the host computer from which to get the file. [Any valid IP address] This same IP address is used in other screens/functions (reprogramming, logging, etc.). Changing it here also changes it for other screens/functions.¥Firmware FilenameName of file to be received by the TFTP server. [Any 40-character alphanumeric string] Verify that this cor-responds to the TFTP directory location. May require sub-direc-tory, for example: me-bkrc-2_1_0.mpk.¥Transfer OptionsA menu for configuring the TFTP transfer.¥Retrieve FileInitiates the file transfer from the TFTP server. The new file is placed into inactive firmware image. [Y, N ]¥Image VerifyInitiate the verification of the integrity of firmware file held in unit.
116 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C¥Image CopyInitiate the copying of the active firmware into the inactive image.¥Reboot DeviceInitiates rebooting of the  transceiver. This will interrupt data traffic through this unit, and the network if per-formed on an Access Point. Intended to be used for switching between firmware images 1 and 2.¥Current FirmwareDisplays the versions of firmware images installed in the transceiver and shows whether Image 1 or Image 2 is currently active.NOTE: See Upgrade Procedure on Page 117 for details on setting upthe TFTP server.Firmware images are available free-of-charge You may not install AP firmware in Remote radios, orvice-versa. This was only true for earlier (pre-2.1.0) firmware.To install firmware by TFTP, you will need:¥ A PC with a TFTP server running¥ The IP address of the PC running the TFTP server¥ A valid firmware fileThe IP address of the radio can be found under the Management Systems Starting Information Screen. (See Starting Information Screen on Page 40.)A TFTP server is available on the GE MDS Web site TIP: If you do not know your computers address on a Windows PC, you can use the RUN function from the Start menu and enter winipcfg or ipconfig to determine your local PCs IP address. There are several alternatives to connecting the transceiver for firmware upgrades. Figure 3-90 and Figure 3-91 show two variations. It is essen-tial that all equipment be on the same subnet.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 117Invisible place holderFigure 3-90. Firmware Upgrade SetupOption 1(TFTP Server and Firmware File on Same CPU)Invisible place holderFigure 3-91. Firmware Upgrade SetupOption 2(TFTP Server and Firmware File on Remote Server)NOTE: The LAN and COM1 ports share a common data channel whenloading firmware over-the-air. Transferring the radio firmwareimage file (≈ 6 MB) might take several minutes depending ontraffic between the TFTP server and the transceiver. Regardless of your connection to the transceiver, loading firm-ware/configuration files into the units flash memory is muchslower than loading software onto a PC hard drive or RAM.Upgrade Procedure To load a new firmware file (filename.mpk) into the transceiver, use the following procedure:LANPORTLOCAL WINDOWS PCWITH CONFIG. FILESIP ADDRESS: 172.0.0.AIP ADDRESS: 172.0.0.BTFTPSERVER& TELNETTRANSCEIVERCROSS-OVERCABLEINITIATE UPLOADFROM HERETRANSCEIVERIP ADDRESS: 172.0.0.BTFTPSERVER ETHERNETPORTCOM1PORT(DCE)INITIATE UPLOADFROM HEREREMOTE  PCW/FIRMWARE FILESHUB/LAN/WAN/MANTCP/IPLANPORTCOM1, 2, ETC.(DTE)IP ADDRESS: 172.0.0.ALOCAL WINDOWS PCIP ADDRESS: w.x.y.zNS
118 Mercury Reference Manual 05-4446A01, Rev. C1. Launch a TFTP server on a PC connected either directly or via a LAN to the Ethernet port (LAN) of the radio. Point the server towards the directory containing the firmware image file.2. Connect to the Management System by whichever means is conve-nient: browser or Telnet via the LAN, or Terminal emulator via the COM1 port.3. Go to the MS Reprogramming Menu. (Main Menu>>Maintenance Menu>>Reprogramming Menu)4. Fill in the information for the:¥TFTP Host AddressIP Address of server (host computer) run-ning TFTP server.¥Firmware FilenameName of file ( filename.mpk) to be down-loaded from the TFTP server holding the firmware file.5. Download the firmware file from the TFTP server into the trans-ceiver.(Main Menu>>Maintenance Menu>>Reprogramming Menu>>Retrieve File)Status messages on the transfer are posted on the Management Sys-tem screen.NOTE: The new firmware image file that replaces the Inactive Image file is automatically verified.6. Reboot the transceiver.Main Menu>>Maintenance Menu>>Reprogramming Menu>>Reboot Device7. Test the transceiver for normal operation.End of ProcedureError Messages During File TransfersIt is possible to encounter errors during a file transfer. In most cases, you can correct errors by performing the corrective actions described in Table 3-9.Table 3-9. Common Errors During TFTP Transfer Error Message Likely Cause/Corrective ActionInvalid File Type Indicates that the file is not a valid firmware file. Locate proper file and re-load.File not found Invalid or non-existent filename on TFTP server.Invalid file path Invalid or non-existent file path to TFTP server.Timeout TFTP transfer time expired. Increase the timeout value.
05-4446A01, Rev. C Mercury Reference Manual 119Configuration Scripts MenuA configuration script file contains all of a radios setable parameters that are accessible through the menu interface, with a few exceptions. A configuration script file is in plain text format and can be easily edited in any text program.Configuration scripts can be helpful in several ways. Three common uses for them are:¥ To save known-good configuration files from your radios. These can be used for later restoration if a configuration prob-lem occurs, and it is unclear what parameter is causing the issue.¥ To facilitate the rapid configuration of a large number of radios.¥ To provide troubleshooting information when you contact the factory for technical support. A technician can often spot poten-tial problems by reviewing a configuration file.How Configuration Files WorkWhen a configuration script file is downloaded to a radio (Retrieve File), the radio executes the parameters as commands and takes the values contained in it. When a configuration script file is uploaded from the radio (Send), it contains the current values of the radios configuration parameters. Figure 3-92 on Page 120 shows the Configuration Scripts Menu.Flash Error Flash memory error. Contact factory for assistance.Bad CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check reporting a corrupted file. Attempt to re-load, or use a different file.Version String Mismatch Invalid file detected. Attempt to re-load, or use a different file.Table 3-9. Common Errors During TFTP Transfer  (Continued)Error Message Likely Cause/Corrective Action

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