GE Harris Aviation Information Solutions GDL-002 Radio Module and external Power Amplifier User Manual

GE Harris Aviation Information Solutions, LLC Radio Module and external Power Amplifier Users Manual

User Manual

EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER2NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277Revisions RecordRev. Paragraph ChangeA7.f, 7.k, 7.l, 7.m, 11 Change rivet from NAS1097AD5-5 and NAS1097AD5-6 to MS14218E4-4 andMS14218E4-5AFigures 7.1 Change rivet installation notes and rivet typeA12,  drawing 3032703 Replace rev ‘-“ with rev “A”B4.e Change P/N XXXXX to P/N 3032724-001BGeneral Change “Route wire” to “Route wire using existing wire-runs where possible”C2.c Change “P/N 3032707-101” to “3032707-001”C11 Delete 3032721-101 and duplicate part no 3032724-001 from Installation Kit ListC11 Correct typo, Change from “BACC47CN!” to “BACC47CN1”CGeneral Change “3032712-101” to “3032712-appropriate dash no.”DFig 7.1 Change MS14218E4-5 and E4-4 rivet to BACR15BB5D-4DFig 7.2 Change Ms24693-C30 to MS24693-C31DFig 7.3 Change S-2L to S-2RDFig 7.4 Change from sta 440 to 460 and sta 460 to 480E2.e Add #8 screwsE2.f Change quantity from 8 to 4, and “bottom” to “top”E2.g Change screw to MS24693-C50, washer to NAS1149DN832J and nut to BACN10JC08CD.Add “Remove three plugs at location labeled A.”E2.j Change from “D11” to “D11A”E2.k Add adapter plate BACA14BH22AEFig 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 Update figureE4.e Change too from AD91-10-8 to M22520/1-01E4.g , 4.f and 4 h Change “1-320551” to “1-320551-1”, add jumper wire BACJ40K5A5A6EFig 5.1 Update figureETable 5.1 Update tableE5.i change from Pin A2 to Pin C2, BACC47ER1 to BACC47J1E5.k change from Pin A3 to Pin C3, BACC47ER1 to BACC47J1E5.m Change  from TB160 to YA25EFigure 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 Update figuresE8.a , 8.c and 8.f Change sta 440 and sta 460 to sta 460 and sta 480E8.d and 8.h Add pin rivet BACB30FM6-3 and collar BACC30M6 as alternate partsE11 Update installation kit listE12 Update drawing list
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER3NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277Table of Contents1. Safety Information, Conformity Statement, and User Warnings.....................................................42. Remove E3-3 Shelf from the aircraft..........................................................................................53. Modify E3-3 Shelf ...................................................................................................................64. Re-install E3-3 Shelf ..............................................................................................................105. Install GDL Circuit Breaker and Placard in Cockpit...................................................................116. Install GDL Wiring in E/E Compartment..................................................................................137. Install Coaxial Cable Between E/E Compartment and RF Assembly............................................188. Install GDL Antenna Doubler Plate and GDL Antenna...............................................................219. Install GDL RF Assembly.......................................................................................................2510. Install GDL Airborne Unit in GDL Tray...................................................................................2811. Perform GDL System Checkout...............................................................................................2912. GDL Installation Kit List ........................................................................................................3113. Drawing List .........................................................................................................................33
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER4NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542771. Safety Information, Conformity Statement, and User Warningsa. SafetyThe FCC with its action in ET Docket 96-8 has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radiatedfrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC certified equipment.  This GE Harris equipment meetsthe general population/uncontrolled environmental limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) found inFCC Bulletin OET-65 and OET-65, Supplement C.  Proper installation and operation of this system according tothe instructions found in this Service Bulletin will result in human exposure substantially below the FCCrecommended limits.To assure safe operation:• Do not operate the system when nearby persons are within 20 cm (8 in) of the antenna• Do not operate the system in an explosive environment• To avoid damaging system components, do not operate the system unless the antenna(s) are connectedb. Manufacturer’s Federal Communication Commission Declaration of Conformity StatementThis device complies with Part 15 rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.c. User WarningThis Part 15 radio device operates on a non-interference basis with other devices operating at this frequency.Any changes or modifications to said product not expressly approved by GE Harris could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.d. Professional InstallationThe FCC’s certification of this system is contingent upon the system being professionally installed in accordancewith the instructions contained within this Service Bulletin.  GE Harris provides an installation kit that containsspecial accessories that are necessary to assure compliance with FCC emission limits.  It is the responsibility ofthe installer to use these accessories and perform the installation in accordance with the instructions containedherein.  Any deviation from these instructions could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER5NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542772. Remove E3-3 Shelf from the aircrafta. Remove Electrical Power from the aircraft.b. Gain access to the E3-3 shelf which is located in the E & E Compartment. Remove all equipmentfrom this shelf. Tag equipment as required and retain for re-installation.c. Remove the E3-3 shelf from the aircraft. Bag and retain all hardware for re-installation.d. Route E3-3 shelf to rework shop for GDL Modification in accordance with Part 2 of thisService Bulletin.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER6NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542773. Modify E3-3 Shelfa. Remove existing 6 MCU blank shelf cover plate from the E3-3 shelf on the right side of DFDAUTray (M138).b. Obtain the GDL Tray Assembly P/N 3032701-101 from the GDL Installation Kit.c. Temporarily install GDL Tray P/N 3032701-101 in the vacant shelf space next to the DFDAUand also install the spacer plate P/N 3032707-001 next to the GDL Trayd. Reference Figure 2.1 GDL Tray Assembly and Drawing No. 3032715 E3-3 Shelf AssemblyInstallation.Figure 2.1GDL Tray Assembly
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER7NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277e. Match-drill screw holes for #8 and #10 screws thru the GDL Tray P/N 3032701-101 and thespacer plate P/N 3032707-001.  Deburr the drilled holes.f. Obtain GDL Connector Assembly 3032712-(appropriate dash no.) from the GDL InstallationKit. Install connector in GDL Tray using 4 each screws P/N NAS1801-06-6, 4 each washers P/NAN960JD6L and  4 each nuts P/N MS21042L06 as illustrated in E3-3 Shelf Installation Drawing3032715. Note: The connector must be pushed against the top of the tray prior to installing thescrews.g. Insure “Forced Air Cooling” and ventilation integrity by applying a (C/C 188-0329) sealbetween GDL Tray P/N 3032701-101,  the spacer plate P/N 3032707-001 and the shelf.h. Install the GDL Tray P/N 3032701-101 and the spacer plate P/N 3032707-001 using screwsMS24693-C50, flat washers NAS1149DN832J and nuts BACN10JC08CD in the forward sectionof the shelf and screws NAS1801-3-9, flat washers NAS1149D0332J and nuts BACN10JC3CDin the back of the shelf per standard Boeing practices. Remove three plugs at locations labeled“A”.i. Reference Figure 2.2 GDL Tray Assembly - Front View.Figure 2.2GDL Tray Assembly - Front View
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER8NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277j. Install the following two wires between the GDL ARINC connector J1B to the existing DFDAUD11A connector as illustrated GDL Wiring Installation Drawing 3032716.Note: These wires are provided as part of the GDL Connector Assembly 3032712-(appropriatedash no.) with pins to directly install wires into the existing DFDAU Tray Connector (M138).1. Connect Wire W9500-003-22W to DFDAU (M138) Connector D11A Pin 9F2. Connect Wire W9500-004-22W/BLU DFDAU (M138) Connector D11A Pin 9Ek. Install the D9001J connector from ARINC cable assembly 3032712-(appropriate dash no.) inposition 12 of E3-3 Shelf Disconnect using adapter plate BACA14BH22A, screws NAS1801-04-9, flat washer AN960JD4L and clip nut BACN10XP2 as illustrated in Figure 2.3 and DrawingNo. 3032715 E3-3 Shelf Assembly Installation.l. Install the D9000J connector from ARINC Cable Assembly 3032712-(appropriate dash no.) inposition 11 of E3-3 Shelf Disconnect using Screw NAS1801-04-9 and Washer AN960JD4L asillustrated in Figure 2.3 and Drawing No. 3032715 E3-3 Shelf Assembly Installation.m. Install the contact on wire W9600-003-20 from ARINC Cable Assembly 3032712-(appropriatedash no.) in the Terminal Block GDX-1953.  Routing and Clamping wire per standard Boeingpractices.n. Tag E3-3 Shelf as “GDL Modified” and return shelf to aircraft for re-installation in accordancewith Part 3 of this Service Bulletin.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER10NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542774. Re-install E3-3 Shelfa. Re-install the E3-3 shelf to the aircraft. Ensure proper connection of all connectors and bondingstraps.  Perform bonding check per BAC5117.  The resistance across any joint shall not exceed.001 OHMS.b. Re-install all equipment previously removed to the E3-3 shelf per MM as listed below.ATC Transponder MM34-53-03DME MM 34-55-01Controller - Zone Temperature MM 21-61-00Controller - Pack Temperature MM 21-51-14Controller - STBY Pack Temperature MM 21-51-14DFDAU MM 31-31-03c. Test all equipment installed on the E3-3 shelf per MM ref. As listed below.ATC Transponder MM34-53-00DME MM 34-55-00Controller - Zone Temperature MM 21-61-00Controller - Pack Temperature MM 21-51-00Controller - STBY Pack Temperature MM 21-51-00DFDAU MM 31-31-00
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER11NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542775. Install GDL Circuit Breaker and Placard in Cockpita. Obtain 3A Circuit Breaker P/N 4001-001-3 from GDL Installation Kit.b. Install circuit breaker in P11-3 Panel Position K8 per standard Boeing Practice..c. Reference Figure 4.1 GDL Circuit Breaker.Figure 4.1GDL Circuit Breaker
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER12NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277d. Obtain GDL Circuit Breaker Placard, P/N 3032717-001 from GDL Installation Kit and attachlabel on P11-3 panel above installed GDL Circuit Breaker.e. Obtain wire M22759/11-20-9 from GDL Installation Kit. Label wire using permanent markingdirect on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubing P/N 3032724-001 from GDLinstallation Kit to identify the wire with identification number W0126-9001-20.  Install socketcontact P/N BACC47CPIS on wire using Crimp Tool M22520/1-01. Install contact in disconnectD40610J position 49 as shown in GDL Instruments Wiring Installation Drawing No. 3032716.f. Route wire W0126-9001-20 from disconnect D40610J to the GDL Circuit Breaker. Clamp, lacetie along existing wire-runs as required following standard Boeing practices.g. Install Terminal Lug P/N 1-320551-1 on W0126-9001-20 using Crimp Tool T2210 59824-1 orequivalent. Connect wire  to load side (top) of newly installed 3A GDL Circuit Breaker.h. Use Boeing jumper wire BACJ40K5A5A6 or obtain wire M22759/11-16-9 from GDLInstallation Kit. Install Terminal Lugs P/N 1-320551 on both ends of wire using Crimp ToolT2210 59824-1 or equivalent. Connect wire between buss side of newly installed 3A GDLCircuit Breaker and the buss side of Flight Recorder DC breaker in position J8 of P11-3.i. Reference GDL Instruments Wiring Installation Drawing No. 3032716.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER13NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542776. Install GDL Wiring in E/E Compartmenta. Gain access to the E/E Compartment E3 Shelf area. Rear shelf access will be required from theNo. 1 Cargo Bay.b. Obtain three segments of wire M22759/11-22-9 from GDL Installation Kit. The wires are to berouted from E3-3 shelf Disconnect Position 12 to P36 Relay Panel.  Label wire using permanentmarking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubing P/N 3032724-002, P/N3032724-003 and P/N 3032724-005 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wire withidentification number W9500-005-22, W9500-006-22 and W9500-008-22 respectively. Installsocket contact P/N M39029/56-351 (part of connector P/N D38999/26WD18SN kit) on one endsof  the wires. Install contact BACC47CN1 on the other ends of the wires.  Refer to the attachedTable 5.1 for tooling information.c. Locate E3-1 Shelf Disconnect D40676P and wire W2350-0005-22 connected to Pin 1. Note:This is a spare wire which is routed to the P11 Circuit Breaker Panel.d. Extract W2350-0005-22 from D40676P connector and cut off contact. Obtain wire M22759/11-20-9 from GDL Installation Kit. The wires are to be routed from E3-3 shelf Disconnect Position12 to D40676P position.  Label wire using permanent marking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubing P/N 3032724-004 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wirewith identification number W9500-007-20.  Install socket contact P/N M39029/56-351 on oneend of  wire. Refer to the attached Table 5.1 for tooling information.e. Splice other end of  wire W9500-007-20 to W2350-0005-22 using solder splice D-110-41 fromGDL Installation Kit. Clamp, lace and tie as required following standard Boeing practices.f. Obtain the connector D9001P (P/N D38999/26WD18SN) and Backshell P/N M85049/38S15Wfrom the GDL Installation Kit.  Insert the contacts M39029/56-351 (part of connector P/ND38999/26WD18SN kit) into D9001P as follows:W9500-005-22 to D9001P Pin TW9500-006-22 to D9001P Pin JW9500-008-22 to D9001P Pin LW9500-007-20 to D9001P Pin HInstall the backshell P/N M85049/38S15W to D9001P and install the connector to D9001Jwhich is located at position 12 of E3-3 Shelf Disconnect.g. Route the remaining three wires (W9500-005-22, W9500-006-22 and W9500-008-22 ) to theP36 Relay Panel area. Clamp, lace and tie along existing wire-runs as required followingstandard practices.h. Obtain access to the P36 Panel Disconnect D41612P. Using standard insertion/extraction tool,insert the contacts BACC47CN1 into D41612P as follows:W9500-005-22 to D41612P Pin 32W9500-006-22 to D41612P Pin 34W9500-008-22 to D41612P Pin 33
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER14NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277Figure 5.1GDL E/E Compartment Wiringi. Obtain wire M22759/11-22, contact BACC47CP1S and BACC47DJ1.  Using Crimping Tooland  Turret as listed in Table 5.1 to terminate the following AIR/GND wire within the P36Relay Panel:                     From                                          Wire                                         To______    D41612J Pin 32 W1260-9002-22 K10306 D4182  Pin C2(Contact BACC47CPIS) (M22759/11-22-9) (Contact BACC47DJI)Label wire using permanent marking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubingP/N 3032724-007 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wire with identification numberW1260-9002-22.j. Obtain wire M22759/11-22, contact BACC47CP1S and BACC47ER1.  Using Crimping Tooland  Turret as listed in Table 5.1 to terminate the following AIR/GND wire within the P36Relay Panel:             From                                     Wire                                         To______    D41612J Pin 34 W1260-9003-22 K177 D606 Pin 5(Contact BACC47CPIS) (M22759/11-22-9) (Contact BACC47ERI)Label wire using permanent marking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubingP/N 3032724-008 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wire with identification numberW1260-9003-22.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER15NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277k. Obtain wire M22759/11-22, contact BACC47DE7 and BACC47DJ1.  Using Crimping Tool andTurret as listed in Table 5.1 to terminate the following GROUND wire within the P36 RelayPanel:                     From                                          Wire                                         To______    GDX-1670DC W1260-9001-22 K10306 D4182 Pin C3(Contact BACC47DE7) (M22759/11-22-9) (Contact BACC47DJI)Label wire using permanent marking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubingP/N 3032724-006 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wire with identification numberW1260-9001-22.l. Obtain wire M22759/11-22, contact BACC47DE7 and BACC47ER1.  Using Crimping Tool andTurret as listed in Table 5.1 to terminate the following GROUND wire within the P36 RelayPanel:                     From                                          Wire                                         To______    GDX-1670DC W1260-9004-22 K177 D606 Pin 3(Contact BACC47DE7) (M22759/11-22-9) (Contact BACC47ERI)Label wire using permanent marking direct on the wire or use pre-printed heat shrinking tubingP/N 3032724-009 from GDL installation Kit to identify the wire with identification numberW1260-9004-22.m. Obtain wire M22759/11-22, contact BACC47CP1S, M39029/11-145, BACC47DJ1 andBACC47ER1.  Using Crimping Tool and  Turret as listed in Table 5.1 to terminate the following3 28VDC Discrete  wires within the P36 Relay Panel:                     From                                          Wire                                         To______       YA25 W1260-9005-22             K10306 D4182 Pin C1(Contact M39029/11-145)      (M22759/11-22-9)                                  (Contact BACC47DJI)       YA25 W1260-9006-22 K177 D606 Pin 4(Contact M39029/11-145)      (M22759/11-22-9)                                  (Contact BACC47ERI)       YA25 W1260-9007-22 D41612J Pin 33(Contact M39029/11-145)      (M22759/11-22-9)                                  (Contact BACC47CPIS)n. Label wires using permanent marking direct on the wires or use pre-printed heat shrinkingtubing P/N 3032724-010, P/N 3032724-011 and P/N 3032724-012 from GDL installation Kit toidentify the wires with identification number W1260-9005-22, W1260-9006-22 and W1260-9007-22 respectively.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER18NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542777. Install Coaxial Cable Between E/E Compartment and RF Assemblya. Obtain GDL RF Cable P/N 3032710-101 from the GDL Installation Kit. Note: The end with thepre-installed connector labeled D9000P will be connected to the E3-3 Shelf Disconnect. The un-terminated end will be routed up to the ceiling area in the passenger cabin and connects to theGDL RF Assembly which will be installed in the overhead area at STA 470 between stringers S-2R and S-3R.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER20NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277GDL RF CableFigure 6.1b. Connect D9000P to the Disconnect D9000J located at E3-3 Shelf Disconnect position 12.c. Route the GDL RF Cable W9500-002 (P/N 3032710-101) from the E3-3 Shelf Disconnect areato the GDL RF Assembly. The cable will be routed with existing cable run W2617 up to thepassenger cabin area along  the forward side of STA 500 frame.d. “Butterfly Clamp” GDL RF Cable W9500-002 (P/N 3032710-101) to the existing cable run asshown in Figure 4.2 using spacer NAS43DD3-16, cable clamp MS25281-R4 ,screw NAS1801-3-8 and washer NAS1149D0332J.Figure 6.2GDL RF Cable Installatione. Complete routing of GDL RF cable from E3-3 shelf area to GDL RF Assembly at STA 470between stringers S-2R and S-3R and temporarily retain at that location. Clamp, lace and tie asrequired following standard Boeing practices.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER21NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542778. Install GDL Antenna Doubler Plate and GDL Antennaa. Remove insulation between STA 460 and STA 480, also between Stringers S-1 and S-2R perstandard Boeing practices.b. Obtain the GDL Doubler Plate P/N 3032722-001 from the GDL Installation Kit.C. Locate center pilot hole labeled “a” at Doubler plate to the  STA 470 midway between stringersS-1 and S-2R.  Locate most forward and most aft rivet holes labeled “d” at doubler plate.D. Drill the three pilot holes .098” diameter (#40 drill) through aircraft skin and Cleco doubler plate3032722-001 in place.E. Use Doubler Plate P/N 3032722-001 as a template to locate and drill remaining pilot holes .098”diameter (#40 drill) through aircraft skin.F. Redrill outer aircraft skin on 98 unlabelled pilot holes, 2 labeled “d” and 6 labeled “c” pilotholes for BACR15BB5D rivets I.A.W. B757 SRM Sec. 51-40-08, Fig. 2, Detail II.G. Redrill 6 of the pilot holes labeled “b” to ∅.193 (#10 drill) for screw clearance.H. Redrill center pilot holes to ∅.875 (7/8 drill) for antenna connector clearance.I. Deburr all drilled holes prior to installation of Doubler Plate P/N 3032722-001 to aircraft skin.J. Apply sealant P/N PR870 B1/2-semkit to the contact surface of Doubler Plate P/N 3032722-001and rivets BACR15BB5D-4 (prior to installation) per Standard Boeing practices.K. Install Doubler Plate P/N 3032722-001 in place using rivets BACR15BB5D per Standard Boeingpractices.  Do not install rivets BACR15BB5D-4 into the location labeled “c”.L. Apply sealant P/N PR870 B1/2-semkit to the contact surface of nut plate P/N 3032720-101 andrivets BACR15BB5D-4 (prior to installation) per Standard Boeing practices.M. Install nut plate P/N3032720-101 in place using rivets BACR15BB5D-4 through Doubler PlateP/N 3032722-001 and aircraft skin from inside of the aircraft and light CSK .020”deep outsidesurface. Buck outside rivet tail flat per Standard Boeing practices.   Note: Avoid getting sealantinside of self locking nuts.N. Clean surface of aircraft, doubler plate and nut plate. Apply approved Corrosion inhibitor toinside surface of aircraft skin, doubler plate and nut plate per Standard Boeing practices.o. Refer to Figure 7.1 and GDL antenna installation - US Airways, B757-200 Drawing No.3032703.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER22NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277Figure 7.1 GDL Doubler Plate Installationp. Obtain antenna P/N 2005045-001 and screws P/N MS24693-C30 from GDL Installation Kitq. Remove tape holding gasket prior to installing antenna. Clean GDL Antenna P/N 2005045-001base and mating aircraft fuselage skin areas with approved solvent per standard Boeingpractices.r. Apply sealant PR870 B1/2-SEMKIT to the thread of screws P/N MS24693-C30 prior toinstallation.s. Ensure the gasket is retained on antenna prior to installing antenna. Place GDL Antenna P/N2005045-001 in position and secure using the six MS24693-C30 screws. Fillet seal around theGDL Antenna P/N 2005045-001 base and aircraft skin using sealant P/N PR870 B1/2-SEMKIT.Remove excess adhesive.t. Obtain the RF cable assembly P/N3032709-101 from GDL Installation Kit.u. Install the connector labeled D9004P to S-Band Antenna’s connector.v. Reinstall the insulation per standard Boeing Practice and Route the RF cable to the locationbetween STA 440 and STA 460, also between Stringer S-2R and S-3R below the insulationmaterial.  Clamp, lace tie the cable to the existing wire bundle per standard Boeing practice.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER24NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277w. Temporary secure the RF cable for the later installation to RF assembly PN 3032662-101.STA 470 GDL Antenna InstallationFigure 7.3
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER25NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542779. Install GDL RF Assemblya. Perform installation of  the RF assembly, P/N. 3032662-101 to aircraft frames using DrawingNo. 3032714, GDL RF Assembly Installation - US Airways, B757-200 and this procedure.b. Gain access to and remove insulation covering the frames at  STA 460 and STA 480 per B757-200 Maintenance Manual.c. Refer to Figure 8.1. Using the Mounting Bracket P/N 3032702-101 and the four FrameMounting Brackets P/N 3032713-001 as templates, match-drill the 12 rivet holes required forrivets MS20470AD6-6 on the frames at  STA 460 and STA 480.RF Assembly Mounting Bracket InstallationFigure 8.1d.  Match drill the 16 rivet holes required for rivets MS20470AD6-6 or equivalent pin rivetBACB30FM6 on the Mounting Bracket P/N 3032702-101 using the Frame Mounting BracketP/N 3032713-001 as a template.e. Deburr all drilled holes prior to installation of rivets.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER26NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277f. Install 12 rivets MS20470AD6-6 connecting the Frame Mounting Bracket P/N 3032713-001 tothe frames at  STA 460 and STA 480 per US Airways Maintenance Manual procedures.g. Re-install the frame insulation per B757-200 maintenance manual ensuring the lower  ends ofthe Frame Mounting brackets P/N  3032713-001 protrude through the insulation.h. Install rivets MS20470AD6-6 or equivalent pin rivet BACB30FM6-3 and collar BACC30M6connecting the Mounting Bracket P/N 3032702-101 to the Frame Mounting Bracket P/N3032713-001 per standard Boeing procedures.i. Install the RF Assembly P/N 3032662-101 to the Mounting Bracket P/N 3032702-101 using thefour hex head screws NAS1801-3-22 and the four flat washers NAS1149D0332J.GDL RF Assembly InstallationFigure 8.2j. Install the connector D9003P of RF cable W9500-001 (P/N 3032709-101) previously installed toS-band antenna to J1 Antenna connector of RF assembly P/N 3032662-101.k. Obtain RF cable W9500-002 (P/N 3032710-101) previously routed from E3-3 Shelf Disconnect.l. Obtain RF Connector P/N 1599-5025 from GDL Installation Kit
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER27NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET54277m.  Cut RF Cable W9500-002 (P/N 3032710-101) to length required to terminate cable to GDL RFAssembly  P/N 3032662-101 connector J2. Note: A small service loop of approximately 18”should be included prior to cutting GDL RF Cable.n. Terminate RF Cable W9500-002 (P/N 3032710-101) with M/ACOM RF Connector P/N 1599-5025 using M/ACOM spreading tool T-15073-P4, spacer tool T-15075 and standard .324 hexcrimp die. Install connector in accordance with instructions outlined in M/ACOM Drawing1599-5025  sheet 3 of 3 attached to this Service Bulletino. Connect the terminated connector to RF assembly P/N 3032662-101 connector labeled “ J2INPUT”.GDL RF Assembly InstallationFigure 8.3
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER28NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET5427710. Install GDL Airborne Unit in GDL Traya. Obtain GDL airborne unit P/N 3026585-102. from GDL installation kitb. Verify 28VDC at GDL tray ARINC connector  pin C-1.c. Install the GDL airborne unit into the E3-3 shelf GDL tray per standard Boeing practices.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER29NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET5427711. Perform GDL System Checkouta.  GDL UNIT ACTIVATION1. Activate GDL Circuit Breaker and observe the following on the front panel of GDL Unitlocated in E/E Compartment.2. Verify green LED labeled “POWER” is illuminated.3. Verify front panel green LED labeled “GDL UNIT” is illuminated within 60 seconds ofapplying 28VDC power.4. Verify that the front panel green LED labeled “LINK STATUS” blinks on and offseveral times and continues to randomly blink a few times per minute.b. GDL SELF TEST PROCEDURE1. Press and release the  “SELF TEST” on front panel.2.  Verify front panel green LED labeled “GDL UNIT” illuminates within 60 sec after the“SELF TEST” button was pushed.3.  Verify front panel green LED labeled “RF UNIT” illuminates. Note that this step cantake several minutes and is dependent on the size of the flight file which was recordedduring the previous flight.4. Verify “LINK STATUS” LED start to blinks “On and Off” several times. Also verifythat “GDL UNIT” and “RF UNIT” LEDs extinguish after several minutes.5. Verify front panel green LED labeled “RF UNIT” illuminates almost at the same time asthe “GDL UNIT” LED.
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER31NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET5427712. GDL Installation Kit ListQTY PART NUMBER SOURCE CLASS/CONTROL DESCRIPTION41-320551-1 AMP Lug11599-5025 M/A com Connector, RF12005045-001 Harris Antenna, S Band13026585-102 Harris GDL airborne Unit13032662-101 Harris RF Assembly13032701-101 Harris Tray13032702-101 Harris Bracket, Mnt - RF Assy13032707-001 Harris Plate, Spacer13032709-101 Harris Cable Assy, RF/Antenna13032710-101 Harris Cable Assy - GDL/RF13032712-appropriatedash no. Harris Cable Assy, ARINC Connector43032713-001 Harris Bracket, Mtg, Frame13032717-001 Harris Placard13032720-101 Harris Plate, Nut13032722-001 Harris Plate, Doubler - Antenna33032724-001 Harris Marker, wire33032724-002 Harris Marker, wire33032724-003 Harris Marker, wire33032724-004 Harris Marker, wire33032724-005 Harris Marker, wire33032724-006 Harris Marker, wire33032724-007 Harris Marker, wire33032724-008 Harris Marker, wire33032724-009 Harris Marker, wire33032724-010 Harris Marker, wire33032724-011 Harris Marker, wire33032724-012 Harris Marker, wire14001-001-3 Air Technics Circuit Breaker4AN960JD4L Various Washer8AN960JD6L Various Washer3BACC47CN1 Various Contact4BACC47CP1S Various Contact3BACC47ER1 Various Contact16 BACC30M6 Various Collar16 BACB30FM6-3 Various Pin Rivet1BACA14BH22A Various Adapter plate assembly3BACC47DJ1 Various Contact4BACN10JC08CD Various Nut8BACN10JC3CD Various Nut2BACN10XP2 Various Nut, Clip106 BACR15BB5D-4 Various Rivet
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER32NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET542771D-110-41 Raychem Solder Sleeving1D38999/26WD18SN Various ConnectorA/R M22759/11-16-9 Various WireA/R M22759/11-20-9 Various WireA/R M22759/11-22-9 Various Wire2BACC47DE7 Various Contact1M39029/1-101 Various Contact3M39029/11-145 Various Contact4M39029/56-351 Various Contact1M85049/38S15W Various Backshell28 MS20470AD6-6 Various Rivet2MS21042L04 Various Nut8MS21042L06 Various Nut4MS24693-273 Various Screw6MS24693-C31 Various Screw4MS24693-C50 Various Screw24 MS25281-R4 Various Clamp, Cable36 NAS1149D0332J Various Washer4NAS1149DN832J Various Washer4NAS1801-04-9 Various Screw8NAS1801-06-6 Various Screw4NAS1801-3-22 Various Screw27 NAS1801-3-9 Various Screw24 NAS43DD3-16 Various SpacerA/R PR870B1/2-SEMKIT Courtaulds Sealing compound
EDOCEGACONGWDHSVER33NONE7524007700425777245HARRIS CORPORATIONGOVERNMENT AEROSPACE SYSTEMS DIVISIONMELBOURNE, FLORIDA   32902REVE+SIZEACAGE CODE DWG NO.SCALE SHEET5427713. Drawing ListDrawing Number Title3032703 GDL Antenna Installation - US Airways, B757-2003032715 E3-3 Shelf Assembly Installation - US Airways, B757-2003032714 GDL RF Assembly Installation - US Airways, B757-2003032726 GDL Circuit Breaker Installation - US Airways, B757-2003032716 GDL Instruments Wiring Installation - US Airways, B757-2001599-5025 (SH3) M/A-COM Connector Termination Instruction Sheet

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