Futaba L35-N4581 Radio Control Transmitter User Manual

Futaba Corporation Radio Control Transmitter


user manual III

Simple Maintenance7-85Tail transmission●Check that there is no oil leakage.6Check engine oil level●Check the oil level on the level gauge when theengine is cold or 3 or more minutes haveelapsed after stopping the engine. If the oil ismore than the maximum level or less than theminimum level, contact your dealer.Tail transmissionMaximum levelMinimum level
Simple Maintenance7-94. Main head area inspection (before and after)Before performing this inspection, turn OFF boththe main switch for the helicopter and the powerswitch for the transmitter.1Stabilizer●Check the stabilizer for any deformation.●Check that the stabilizer blade and stabilizer barare installed securely, without any looseness.●Check that the stabilizer bar does not wobble inaxial direction.●Check the portion that mounts to the main mastfor any looseness.Main mastStabilizer bladeStabilizer bar
Simple Maintenance7-102Main rotor, yoke, blade holder●Check the main rotor blades for cracks or chip-ping.* Contact your dealer if you see any cracks inthe painted surface.●Check that the cushion tape is not peeling ordeteriorated.* Excessive peeling can adversely affect flight.●Blade edge wear inspection* Contact your dealer if you see excessivewear.●Check the yoke and blade holder for any defor-mation or cracks.●Check the pitch arm for any deformation.●Check that the pitch arm and blade holder areinstalled without any looseness or wobble.3Swash plate and linkage inspection●Check that the swash plate and linkage (rod) areinstalled without any wobble.●Check the installed areas for any cracks or defor-mation.4Main mast●Check the main mast retaining nuts for anylooseness.Main rotorCushion tapePitch armBlade holderYo k eSwash plateLinkageMain mast retaining nut
Simple Maintenance7-115. Tail body area inspection (before and after)Before performing this inspection, turn OFF boththe main switch for the helicopter and the powerswitch for the transmitter.1Tail body●Check the tail body for any damage.●Check the tail body retaining bolts for any loose-ness.2Antenna●For inspection details, refer to the section on“Helicopter antenna inspection”.3Tail cover●Check the tail cover for any deformation orcracks.●Check that the tail cover is attached securely.Tail bodyRetaining boltTail cover
Simple Maintenance7-124Stone guard●Check that it is attached securely.●Check that there are no lamination cracks.5Tail rotor●Check the tail rotor blades for any damage.●Check that the cushion tape is not peeling ordeteriorated.●Check the blade edges for any damage.●Check that it moves properly in the direction ofrotation.●Check the bearing seal cap for any damage ordeterioration.●Check the drag bolts and nuts for any damage.●Move it manually to give it thrust, and check thatit moves smoothly.Stone guardTail rotor bladeCushion tapeBearing seal cap
Simple Maintenance7-136. Drive shaft inspection (before and after)Before performing this inspection, turn OFF boththe main switch for the helicopter and the powerswitch for the transmitter.1Drive shaft and flange coupling●Check the drive shaft for any damage.●Check the portion that mounts to the flange cou-pling for any problems.Drive shaftFlange coupling
Simple Maintenance7-147. Servo inspection (before and after)Inspect the servos and linkages for proper opera-tion.Before performing this test, turn ON both the mainswitch for the helicopter and the power switch forthe transmitter.1Slide servo inspectionSlowly move the throttle, elevator, and aileronsticks up and down and side-to-side. Inspect thatthe servos and linkages move smoothly in uni-son with the sticks. Also, inspect that the link-ages do not wobble.2Throttle inspection●Throttle fully open, and fully closed•With the throttle stick in its maximum posi-tion, inspect that the throttle body pulley onthe throttle body moves to its fully openposition.•With the throttle stick in its slowest position,inspect that the throttle body pulley on thethrottle body moves to its fully closed posi-tion.●Throttle cable movement and play• Move the throttle stick slowly up and down,and inspect that the cable moves smoothlywithout getting caught.•With the throttle body pulley fully closed,inspect that the cable has slight play.* Check the throttle valve movement by way ofthe pulley movement. Slide servoThrottle body pulleyThrottle cable
Simple Maintenance7-153Rudder servo inspectionSlowly move the throttle and rudder sticks upand down and side-to-side. Inspect that the ser-vos and linkages move smoothly in unison withthe sticks. Also, inspect that the linkages do notwobble.If the servos operate improperly or the linkageswobble, cancel the flight and ask your dealer for arepair.8. Self monitor inspection (before and after)Inspect the self monitor for any abnormal condition.Before performing this test, turn ON both the main switch for the helicopter and the power switch for the trans-mitter.Refer to page 3-10 for details.If the lamp indications are improper, have them repaired at your dealer before your next flight.9. Radio signal distance test (before)Refer to page 4-10 for details.●If the servos do not operate properly or thelinkages wobble, they can negatively affectthe control of the helicopter.●If the throttle does not operate properly, itcan negatively affect engine control anddisable flight control.WWARNINGTake appropriate actions if the self monitor indicates an error. Ignoring it and continuing to fly inthis manner will disable the flight control, which can lead to a serious accident.WWARNING
Simple Maintenance7-1610. Electrical system inspection (before and after)Before performing this inspection, turn OFF boththe main switch for the helicopter and the powerswitch for the transmitter.1Slide servo●Check that the wiring harness coupler issecurely engaged.2Cylinder●Check that the spark plug cap is placed securelyover the plug.●Check that the injector coupler is securelyengaged.CouplerSpark plug capInjector coupler
Simple Maintenance7-173Fuel Inspection●Check that the fuel pump coupler is securelyengaged.●Check that the throttle body sensor coupler issecurely engaged.4Frame and electrical parts●Check the frame for any deformation or cracks.●Check that the regulator coupler is securelyengaged.Fuel pump couplerSensor couplerCoupler
Simple Maintenance7-185Control unit●Check the damper for damage and the retainingnuts for looseness.●Check that the coupler is securely engaged.●Check that the wiring is properly secured withgray clamps.6Electrical system●Check that the wires from the wiring harness arefree of wear or abrasion.●Check that the wiring coupler is securelyengaged.Clamp (gray)DamperCouplerCoupler
Simple Maintenance7-1911. Helicopter antenna inspection (before and after)Before performing this inspection, turn OFF boththe main switch for the helicopter and the powerswitch for the transmitter.●Check the antenna for any damage.●Check that the antenna cable connector issecurely engaged.●Check the antenna installation area for any rust.Any looseness or rust in the antenna installa-tion area will adversely affect the reception offlight radio signals, which can lead to radiosignal interference during flight.WWARNINGConnectorAntennaAntenna installation area
Proper ManagementStorage Precautions ....................................................................  8-1Daily storage procedure........................................................................................... 8-2Long-term storage procedure .................................................................................. 8-2Operating the helicopter after long-term storage ..................................................... 8-3Other Types of Management .......................................................  8-5Transfer of product................................................................................................... 8-5Disposal of product .................................................................................................. 8-5Export control........................................................................................................... 8-58
8-1Proper ManagementThis unmanned helicopter for industrial applications has been manufactured for the purpose of aerial applica-tion of agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, and seeds.Secure a storage location for the helicopter and its auxiliary devices, to prevent theft and illegal use outside ofits intended purpose, such as criminal acts.To select a storage site, consider factors such assources of fire or spark, temperature, humidity,dust, theft, and the presence of any stacked loadsin the area.We recommend that you provide a dedicated cabi-net for storing the auxiliary devices.In addition to protecting the helicopter from damageand theft, or the auxiliary devices from loss, thesemeasures will facilitate the monitoring of their main-tenance conditions and ensure efficient preparationfor the next flight.• Store the helicopter, rotors, and transmitters inseparate, lockable locations so that they will notbe stolen or subject to other criminal acts.• If the helicopter is stolen, immediately file a theftreport with your local police department, followedby a report to your dealer.Storage Precautions
Proper Management8-2Daily storage procedure1Perform post-flight inspections (Refer to pages7-3 to 7-19) and record the results in the flightlog.2Clean the helicopter. (Refer to page 6-1.)3Place the cover (sold separately) on the helicop-ter, and store it indoors, in an area that is notdamp.4Clean the flight transmitter and remove its bat-tery. (Refer to page 7-2.)Long-term storage procedureIf the helicopter will not be operated for a fewmonths, follow the storage procedure given belowin preparation for the subsequent operation.1Perform a post-flight inspection (Refer to pages7-3 to 7-19) and record the results in the flightlog.2Clean the helicopter. (Refer to page 6-1.)3Remove the battery from the helicopter andcharge it with a dedicated charger (sold sepa-rately) (Refer to page 7-1.).Store the charged battery in a cool, dark area,and recharge it every 3 months.4Fuel must be drained from the fuel tank. Requestthis operation to be performed by your dealer.5Place the cover (sold separately) on the helicop-ter, and store it indoors, in an area that is notdamp.6Clean the flight transmitter and remove its bat-tery. Store the battery in a cool, dark area.The proper procedure for removing the bat-tery is to first disconnect the negative termi-nal, followed by the positive terminal.Reversing this order can cause a short circuitin the battery.NNOTICE
Proper Management8-3Operating the helicopter after long-term storageTo operate the helicopter after storing it for a fewmonths, perform the following preparations:1Install fully charged batteries in the helicopterand the flight transmitter, after making sure themain switch on the helicopter is turned OFF.2Pour fresh fuel in the fuel tank. (Refer to page 4-4.)●Have a periodic inspection performed onthe helicopter if you will be operating itafter prolonged storage of 1 year or more.●If a deletion of registration was filed, applyfor a renewal registration.●Contact your dealer for details.TIP●Do not interchange the cables to the posi-tive and negative terminals of the battery,as it can cause a fire or malfunction.●The proper procedure for connecting thebattery is to first connect the positive ter-minal, followed by the negative terminal.Reversing this order can cause a short cir-cuit in the battery.NNOTICEPositive terminal sideConnect the negative terminal afterward.Never use old leftover fuel.This could cause the engine to start or oper-ate poorly.NNOTICE
Proper Management8-43Perform pre-flight inspections. (Refer to pages 7-3 to 7-19.)4Start the engine.Repeat the cycle of operating the starter motor for 5seconds and waiting 10 seconds, a few times. Thiswill allow the fuel to reach the carburetor and theengine to start.If the engine does not start within 5 secondsafter the starter switch is pressed, allow thestarter to rest for about 10 seconds. This isdone to allow the battery voltage to recover.Then, press the starter switch again.TIPOK!OK!
Proper Management8-5Transfer of productWhen transferring the product to a third party, inform your dealer of it.Disposal of productProperly dispose of the helicopter, transmitters, sprayers, and batteries according to national laws and regula-tions. Contact your dealer for details.Export controlOther Types of Management
Product ManagementAbout Warranty............................................................................  9-1Inspection Types and Descriptions..............................................  9-2Pre-flight inspection ................................................................................................. 9-2Post-flight inspection................................................................................................ 9-330-hour free inspection ............................................................................................ 9-3Periodic inspection................................................................................................... 9-39
9-1Product ManagementThe warranty becomes valid after the dealer where the product was purchased fills out with required informa-tion and stamps the warranty certificate. Malfunctions that occur during the warranty period will be repairedfree of charge, provided that the product is operated normally in accordance with the instructions in the oper-ation manual. The warranty does not cover some items, even within the warranty period. For details, refer tothe warranty certificate.About Warranty
Product Management9-2The prescribed types of inspections are describedbelow.• Pre-flight and post-flight inspections are to beperformed by the operator.• For the 30-hour free inspection and yearly peri-odic inspection, contact your dealer or an autho-rized service facility for Yamaha unmannedhelicopters for industrial applications.A Yamaha-authorized service facility for unmannedhelicopters for industrial applications is a servicefacility staffed by certified service technicians forYamaha industrial unmanned helicopters andequipped with the prescribed service equipment.Pre-flight inspectionEnsures that the helicopter and the auxiliary equipment are free of problems before a flight.See pages 7-3 to 7-19 for details on the inspection.Inspection Types and DescriptionsFor the 30-hour free inspection, periodicinspection, or general repair, contact yourdealer or an authorized service facility forYamaha unmanned helicopters for industrialapplications. Having the helicopter inspectedor serviced by a person who is not autho-rized to service unmanned helicopters canlead to a helicopter malfunction or accident.●Do not fly or perform an aerial applicationwithout having a yearly periodic inspec-tion performed.●Failure to perform the inspectionsdescribed below invalidates your productwarranty, so be sure to have them per-formed.WWARNINGTIP
Product Management9-3Post-flight inspectionEnsures that the helicopter and the auxiliary equip-ment are free of problems after a flight.See pages 7-3 to 7-19 for details on the inspection.If a problem is detected, promptly contact yourdealer.Record the results of the inspection on the flightlog. Failure to do so will invalidate your product war-ranty.30-hour free inspectionAn inspection service performed after the deliveryof a new helicopter, when the hour meter indicatesa total of 30 hours of operation.Failure to have this inspection performed will invali-date your product warranty.Periodic inspectionAn inspection service performed once a year at anauthorized dealer or service facility. The serviceincludes testing for durability and performance ofthe helicopter.OK!OK!Expendable items such as oil or otherreplacement parts are payable by the cus-tomer.TIP
TroubleshootingEngine........................................................................................  10-1Starter motor does not operate. ............................................................................. 10-1Unable to start the engine...................................................................................... 10-1Engine speed does not increase............................................................................ 10-2Engine lacks power................................................................................................ 10-2Engine overheating ................................................................................................ 10-3Coolant gushed out of the recovery tank ............................................................... 10-3Helicopter emits a burning smell............................................................................ 10-3Engine idle is unstable ........................................................................................... 10-4Engine idle is too high............................................................................................ 10-4Engine speed does not decrease after landing...................................................... 10-4Exhaust emits excessive smoke ............................................................................ 10-4Engine emits noise................................................................................................. 10-5Engine loses oil...................................................................................................... 10-5Helicopter...................................................................................  10-6Helicopter vibrates ................................................................................................. 10-6Helicopter cannot take off ...................................................................................... 10-6Helicopter makes noise during takeoff................................................................... 10-6Helicopter descends after takeoff .......................................................................... 10-6Helicopter moves considerably after takeoff .......................................................... 10-6Helicopter drifts in one direction............................................................................. 10-7Helicopter descends when flare (brake) is applied ................................................ 10-7Helicopter moves considerably in rudder direction when flare (brake) is applied.................................................................................. 10-7Warning Lamp Indications .........................................................  10-8Warning lamp illuminates or flashes ...................................................................... 10-8The warning lamp (regular flashing of red lamp) remains lit even after refueling ................................................................................................ 10-8Speed Control............................................................................  10-8Speed control is unusable...................................................................................... 10-8When speed control is used, the helicopter moves arbitrarily................................ 10-810
Flight Transmitter.......................................................................  10-9Power lamp and battery lamp (green) do not illuminate ........................................ 10-9Transmitter battery state-of-charge warning .......................................................... 10-9Transmitter battery’s usable range is too short...................................................... 10-9Dropped the transmitter on the ground .................................................................. 10-9Dropped the transmitter in water............................................................................ 10-9The sprayer cannot be turned ON or OFF at the flight transmitter. ....................... 10-9The transmitter sounded 4 beeps repeatedly. ..................................................... 10-10Sprayer ....................................................................................  10-10Liquid sprayer problems....................................................................................... 10-10Granular sprayer problems .................................................................................. 10-10
10-1TroubleshootingThe problems listed here can be handled primarilyby the user.Problems or causes that are not listed here arehandled by your dealer. If such problems occur,cancel the flight and contact your dealer to have thehelicopter inspected and repaired.Starter motor does not operateUnable to start the engine●Make sure to follow the instructions givenin the “User Action” column, and do nottake any actions that are not documented. ●If you have any questions, be sure to con-tact your dealer. If an inspection, adjust-ment, or part replacement is performed bya person who does not possess the know-how and proficiency to service the heli-copter, it could lead to a serious accident.WWARNINGEngineMain Cause User Action1 Main switch on the helicopter is not turned ON. Turn the main switch of the helicopter ON.2 The power switch of the flight transmitter is not ON. Turn the power switch of the flight transmitter ON.3The operation of the engine stop switch on the flight trans-mitter has not been checked.If the blue flight lamp is not illuminated, the starter motor will not operate even if you press the starter switch. Check the operation of the engine stop switch.4 The flight switch of the flight transmitter is not in START. Place the flight switch of the flight transmitter to START.5The throttle stick on the flight transmitter is not in the SLOWEST position.When the blue flight button does not illuminate, the throttle stick on the flight transmitter may not be in the SLOWEST position. Set the throttle stick to the SLOWEST position.6 Helicopter battery failure or loose terminals Securely tighten the battery terminals, or contact your dealer.7 Helicopter battery failure Charge the battery on a dedicated charger, or replace it.8Pressing the starter button causes the blue flight lamp to flash.Check the content displayed on the self monitor, and request your dealer for a repair. Even if the afore-mentioned check does not reveal the cause, contact your dealer.Main Cause User Action1 There is no fuel. Pour fresh fuel in the tank.2 The fuel pump is not operating.If the fuel pump does not operate with the helicopter main switch turned ON, a disconnected wiring cou-pler or other malfunctions may be possible. In this case, contact your dealer.3 Poor quality fuel (old fuel). Contact your dealer.4 The fuel is dirty (fuel filter is clogged). Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.5 The spark plugs are faulty. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.6 The spark plug caps are improperly installed. Install the spark plug caps properly.7 The starter motor spins slowly. Recharge the helicopter battery with a dedicated charger.
Troubleshooting10-2Engine speed does not increaseEngine lacks powerMain Cause User Action1 The flight switch of the transmitter is not in FLIGHT.With the throttle stick on the transmitter in the SLOWEST position, set the flight switch to FLIGHT.* The helicopter cannot fly unless the blue warning lamp on the helicopter is off.2 The fuel is dirty (fuel filter continues to be clogged). Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.3 Air cleaner element is dirty and clogged. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.4 The spark plugs are faulty. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.5Warning lamp is tripped(red lamp flashing irregularly, or illuminating).If the red warning lamp is flashing irregularly, imme-diately land the helicopter. Check the contents dis-played on the self monitor, and contact your dealer for a repair. If the red lamp illuminates for reasons other than speeding, land the helicopter in a safe area, check the contents displayed on the self moni-tor, and contact your dealer for a repair.Main Cause User Action1 Engine Overheating Immediately stop the flight and check the contents of “Engine overheating”.2 The spark plugs are faulty. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.3 Air cleaner element is dirty and clogged Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.4 Injector malfunction Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.5 The fuel is dirty (fuel filter is clogged). Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.
Troubleshooting10-3Engine overheatingCoolant gushed out of the recovery tankHelicopter emits a burning smellMain Cause User Action1 Coolant leakage, or insufficient coolantReplenish the coolant.If the coolant is leaking, contact your dealer for a repair.2 A specified coolant is not being used. Be sure to use a specified product. In this case, con-tact your dealer.3 The radiator is dirty, or the fins are clogged. Clean the radiator.4 Thermostat failure Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.5 Engine running poorly Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.6 Excessive engine load Reduce the payload.Main Cause User Action1Engine overheating(The warning lamp may operate, depending on the tem-perature.)Immediately stop the flight and check the contents of the previous section on “Engine overheating”.2Gradual loss of coolantWith normal use, a small amount of coolant may escape through the overflow pipe.If the coolant gets below the LOW level of the recov-ery tank, contact your dealer for a repair.Main Cause User Action1 Engine overheating Immediately stop the flight and check the contents of “Engine overheating”.2 Oil leakage Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.3Wires are burned Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.
Troubleshooting10-4Engine idle is unstableEngine idle is too highEngine speed does not decrease after landingExhaust emits excessive smokeMain Cause User Action1 The spark plugs are faulty. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.2 The spark plug caps are improperly installed. Install the spark plug caps properly.3 Excessive deviation of valve clearance Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1 Adjustment failure Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.2 A control system failure is possible.Immediately stop the flight, check the contents dis-played on the self monitor, and request a repair by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1The landing speed control does not disengage.(This occurs rarely when the helicopter is brought to land so slowly that no shock whatsoever is felt.)When using postural control to land: set the throttle stick to the SLOWEST position for 10 seconds.When using speed control to land:  Turn GPS switch OFF to change to postural control. Then, set the throttle stick to the SLOWEST position for 10 sec-onds.Main Cause User Action1Wrong fuel Check whether you are using pre-mix fuel for the RMAX model.2Engine internal failure(If no wrong fuel is used)Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.
Troubleshooting10-5Engine emits noiseEngine loses oilMain Cause User Action1 Engine is damaged internally or lubricated insufficiently. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1 Oil running down through intake and exhaust valvesIt is normal for the engine to consume about 80 to 100 cc of oil after 100 hours of operation. If it con-sumes more than that, contact your dealer.2 Oil escaping through piston ringsIt is normal for the engine to consume about 80 to 100 cc of oil after 100 hours of operation. If it con-sumes more than that, contact your dealer.
Troubleshooting10-6Helicopter vibratesHelicopter cannot take offHelicopter makes noise during takeoffHelicopter descends after takeoffHelicopter moves considerably after takeoffHelicopterMain Cause User Action1 Main rotor blades are positioned improperly. Install the rotor blades by matching their color marks.2Main rotor or tail rotor retaining bolts are tightened improp-erly.Follow the specified tightening procedure to tighten the bolts.3 Main rotor or tail rotor is damaged. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.4 Cushion tape has peeled from the main rotor or tail rotor. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.5 Tracking of the main rotor or tail rotor is faulty. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.6 Main rotor or tail rotor is unbalanced. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.7 Chemical tank is improperly installed. Securely install the chemical tank.Main Cause User Action1 Engine speed does not increase. Immediately stop the flight and check the section on “Engine speed does not increase”.2 Engine lacks power. Immediately stop the flight and check the section on “Engine lacks power”.Main Cause User Action1 Bolts of parts are loose. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.2 The noise does not go away after a takeoff. Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1 Engine lacks power. Immediately stop the flight and check the section on “Engine lacks power”.2 Payload is excessive. Reduce the payload.Main Cause User Action1 The transmitter was operated suddenly after takeoff. Do not operate suddenly.
Troubleshooting10-7Helicopter drifts in one directionHelicopter descends when flare (brake) is appliedHelicopter moves considerably in rudder direction when flare(brake) is appliedMain Cause User Action1 Trim is adjusted improperly. Adjust the trims on the flight transmitter.Main Cause User Action1 Rotor lift decreased due to an abrupt flare operation. Do not operate flare suddenly.2 Payload is excessive. Reduce the payload.Main Cause User Action1 Helicopter loses balance due to an abrupt flare operation. Do not operate flare suddenly.
Troubleshooting10-8Warning lamp illuminates or flashesThe warning lamp (regular flashing of red lamp) remains lit evenafter refuelingSpeed control is unusableWhen speed control is used, the helicopter moves arbitrarilyWarning Lamp IndicationsMain Cause User Action1 Identifiable through the warning lamp operation pattern.Immediately stop the flight and take appropriate actions in accordance with the contents of “Various Types of Warning (Warning, Indication) and Actions”.Main Cause User Action1 Fuel temperature is too highThe fuel in the fuel tank gets hot under a scorching sun. Therefore, keep the fuel tank in a shaded area. The sensors may operate improperly, depending on the temperature (they revert to normal when the tem-perature drops).2 Possibility of state-of-charge warning of transmitter batteryThe state-of-charge warning of the transmitter bat-tery has the same contents. (The transmitter beeps 4 times (*).) Immediately replace it with a fully charged transmitter battery.(* Three sets of 4 beeps, a 4-second pause, and 3 sets of 4 beeps repeated thereafter.)Speed ControlMain Cause User Action1 GPS radio signals are not properly received.Speed control is disabled in this condition. It may be a temporary matter caused by the surrounding con-ditions. If it does not revert to normal, contact your dealer. Moreover, even if it does not revert to normal, the helicopter can be flown under postural control.Main Cause User Action1Proper GPS radio signals are not being received due to a poor location of the GPS satellites or the presence of obstacles.Immediately turn OFF the GPS switch to see if the helicopter becomes stable. Often, these situations are temporary. Wait a while and turn the GPS switch back ON.
Troubleshooting10-9Power lamp and battery lamp (green) do not illuminateTransmitter battery state-of-charge warningThe warning lamp operates (regular flashing), the transmitter’s power lamp changes from green to red illumi-nation, the battery monitor lamp changes from green to red flashing, and the warning buzzer repeats 4 beeps3 times, pauses 4 seconds, and repeats 4 beeps 3 times, and so on.Transmitter battery’s usable range is too shortDropped the transmitter on the groundDropped the transmitter in waterThe sprayer cannot be turned ON or OFF at the flight transmitter*: The sprayer transmitter is sold separately.Flight TransmitterMain Cause User Action1 Transmitter’s internal failure Immediately stop the flight and request a repair by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1 Low state-of-charge of batteryReplace with a fully charged battery.(If a warning is issued even once, immediately replace with a fully charged battery.)2Warning lamp operationReplace with a fully charged battery.(If a warning is issued even once, immediately replace with a fully charged battery.)Main Cause User Action1 Battery life or malfunction Replace the battery.Main Cause User Action1Immediately stop the flight and request an inspection by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1Immediately stop the flight and request an inspection by your dealer.Main Cause User Action1The sprayer transmitter (*) has power, and the sprayer switch is OFF. Turn OFF the power to the sprayer transmitter (*).
Troubleshooting10-10The transmitter sounded 4 beeps repeatedlyLiquid sprayer problems Refer to the operation manual for the liquid sprayerGranular sprayer problems Refer to the operation manual for the granular sprayerMain Cause User Action1 Transmitter’s internal failureImmediately stop the flight, check the contents dis-played on the self monitor, and request a repair by your dealer.Sprayer
IndexNumerics30-hour free inspection  ..................................... 9-3BBasic requirements  ........................................... 1-2CChemical requirements  ................................... 1-11Chemical tank  ................................................... 4-6Control panel ..................................................... 3-2flight lamp  ................................................... 3-2main switch ................................................. 3-2starter switch  .............................................. 3-2Coolant inspection ............................................. 7-6DData List ............................................................ 2-1Dimensions ....................................................... 2-2Drive shaft inspection ...................................... 7-13EElectrical system inspection  ............................ 7-16EngineStarting ....................................................... 5-3Stopping ..................................................... 5-9Export control  .................................................... 8-5FFlight modes ...................................................... 5-8Flight requirements  ........................................... 1-7Flight transmitter  ............................................... 3-4basic operation  ........................................... 3-5battery monitor lamp ................................... 3-9battery replacement .................................... 4-2battery storage ............................................ 4-2charging the battery .................................... 4-1engine stop switch  ...................................... 3-4flight switch  ................................................. 3-4GPS switch  ................................................. 3-7inspection ................................................... 7-4rotor brake switch  ....................................... 3-4spray switch ................................................ 3-8stick basic operation and helicopter movement  ............................ 3-5trim lever basic operation and helicopter movement  ............................ 3-6Flying precaution ............................................... 5-1Frequency settings and checks ......................... 3-8Fuel and refueling  ............................................. 4-4Fuel inspection .................................................. 7-5GGeneral aerial application pattern ................... 5-11GPSSafety functions in case reception becomes poor  ..................................... 3-16HHelicopter antenna inspection ......................... 7-19Helicopter exterior parts (names) ...................... 3-1Helicopter interior parts (names)  ....................... 3-3Helicopter requirements  .................................... 1-5MMain head area inspection  ................................ 7-9Main rotorinspection .................................................. 4-12installation and removal  ............................ 4-11OOil inspection ..................................................... 7-6Operator requirements  ...................................... 1-3PPeriodic inspection  ............................................ 9-3Post-flight cleaning and servicing ...................... 6-1non-washable areas  ................................... 6-2washable areas ........................................... 6-1Precautions for initial flight following periodic inspection  ............................................ 4-5Productdisposal ....................................................... 8-5transfer ........................................................ 8-5Product safety label locations ........................... 1-1Proper management  ......................................... 8-1daily storage procedure  .............................. 8-2long-term storage procedure  ...................... 8-2operating the helicopter after long-term storage .................................. 8-3RRadio signalchecking radio signal interference .............. 4-9radio signal distance test  .......................... 4-10SSafe functions during failsafe mode  ................ 3-13Self monitor  ..................................................... 3-10Servo inspection .............................................. 7-14Side cover installation and removal  ................ 4-13Sprayer transmitterbattery charging and replacement  .............. 4-3TTail body area inspection  ................................ 7-11Tail rotor inspection  ......................................... 4-12Takeoff precautions and checks ....................... 5-6Transporting the helicopter  ............................... 4-6transport wheel (sold separately) installation and removal  ........................ 4-6transporting ................................................. 4-8WWarranty ............................................................ 9-111
YYACSIIwarning lamp  ............................................ 3-11
Customer SupportIf you have any questions regarding the product you have pur-chased, or have any comments or complaints regarding customerservice, please contact your dealer.Reproduction ProhibitedUnmanned Helicopter for Industrial ApplicationFAZEROperation ManualFirst Edition: Oct. 2013Published by: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

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