Furuno USA 9ZWRTR112 Transceiver for Radar Sensor User Manual IME 36460 A

Furuno USA Inc Transceiver for Radar Sensor IME 36460 A


User Manual II

1.  INSTALLATION AND WIRING113. Wrap the junction of the connectors with self-vulcanizing tape and vinyl tape (lo-cally supply) for waterproofing as follows:4. As shown in the figure below, attach a ground wire (IV-2sq, local supply) between the ship’s ground and the screw on the cable cover of the antenna unit.5. Apply the silicone rubber about ground point of the ship’s ground.Self-vulcanizing tape1) Wrap the junction of the connectors with one layer of self-vulcanizing tape.2) Change wrap direction and wrap one layer of the self-vulcanizing tape again.Self-vulcanizing tape3) Wrap one layer of the vinyl tape over the self-vulcanizing tape.Vinyl tape4) Change wrap direction and wrap one layer of the vinyl tape again.Vinyl tapeShip’s groundTerminal screw*Ground wire from the ship’s groundGround wire* from the antenna unit*: Pre-attached to the cable cover.Cable coverWeld here.Hex. boltFlat washerFlat washerSpring washerHex. nutORHex. nutHex. nutSpring washerFlat washerGround wireGround wireSilecone rubberGround pointWeld here.
1.  INSTALLATION AND WIRING126. Fix the power/LAN cable to the cable cover with the cable ties (locally supply) as shown in the figure below.7. Reattach the cable cover.8. Connect the LAN connector of the power/LAN cable to a LAN port on the FURU-NO Multi Function Display or Ethernet HUB.Note: Do not connect the LAN connector to on-board LAN.9. Connect the power wires to the ship’s battery (24 VDC).•  Red wire: Connect to the positive terminal. The red wire has the fuse holder.•  Blue wire: Connect to the negative terminal.•  Black wire: The black wire is a shielding wire for grounding.Note 1: The antenna unit has no power switch. Connect the antenna unit to a dis-tribution switchboard with a switch for power control.Note 2: If the voltage of the ship’s battery is 12 VDC, prepare a DC-to-DC con-verter whose output current is 10 A or more.Note 3: The antenna unit cannot accept the input voltage more than 24 VDC.Fix the cable with cable tie.Fix the cable with cable tie. Ground wire from the ship's groundGround wire from the ship's groundPower/LAN cablePower/LAN cableAntenna cableAntenna cableGround wire from the antenna unitGround wire from the antenna unitIf the power/LAN cable is run through a radar mast and the bottom of the uni, fix the cable to this cable clamp.If the power/LAN cable is run through a radar mast and the bottom of the uni, fix the cable to this cable clamp.Power/LAN cableLAN connectorEthernet HUBORFURUNO Multi Function DisplayLAN cableTo antenna unitPower/LAN cableShieldDistribution switchboardShip's battery(24 VDC)Fuse holder
132. INITIAL SETUPThe DRS6A X-Class is compatible with the FURUNO Multi Function Display shown below. The combination with other models may not operate properly.•  NavNet TZtouch: TZT9, TZT14, TZTBB•  NavNet TZtouch2: TZTL12F, TZTL15FTurn on the antenna unit and FURUNO Multi Function Display, and do the initial setup for the antenna unit on the FURUNO Multi Function Display.2.1 Initial Setup for TZT9/TZT14/TZTBB1. Press the Home key (or tap the Home icon).2. Select [Menu] on the menu icon bar to open the main menu.3. Select [Radar].4. Select [Radar Source] on the [Menu Radar] sub menus, then select the radar type connected.Note: If the antenna unit is connected but does not appear in the [Radar Source] list, close the list and open it again. The name of the antenna unit should appear with a check mark, as in the example below.Before turning on the radar, be sure no one is near the antenna.Prevent the potential risk of being struck by the rotating antenna, which can result in serious injury or death.WARNINGWARNINGThe radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation.Distances at which RF radiation levels of 100, 50 and 10 W/m2 exist are given in the table below.0.1mXN10A3m0.5m100 W/m250 W/m210 W/m2RadiatorXN12AXN13AN/A 2.2m0.4mN/A 1.9m0.2mxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
2.  INITIAL SETUP145. Drag the [Menu Radar] sub menus to find the menu item [Radar Initial Setup]. 6. Set the items referring to the table shown belowMenu Radar (Radar Initial Setup)Menu item Description[Antenna Rotation] Select the speed of antenna rotation.[Antenna Heading Align]See the topic of "How to align the antenna heading" on page 15.[Main Bang Suppres-sion]If main bang appears at the screen center, slide the circle icon so that the main bang disappears, while watching the radar echo at the left-hand side of the display.[Antenna Height] Select the height of the antenna above the waterline.[Antenna Longitudinal Position]Enter the antenna positioning bow-stern (Longitu-dinal) and port-starboard (lateral) position from the origin.[Antenna Lateral Posi-tion (-Port)]Others See Operator’ Manual for TZT9/14/BB.TitleOrigin
2.  INITIAL SETUP15How to align the antenna headingYou have mounted the antenna unit facing straight ahead in the direction of the bow. Therefore, a small but conspicuous target dead ahead visually should appear on the heading line (zero degrees). In practice, you will probably observe some small bearing error on the display because of the difficulty in achieving accurate initial positioning of the antenna unit. The follow-ing adjustment will compensate for the error.1. Select a range between 0.125 and 0.25 NM and set the mode to “head up“.You can select a range by a pinch action. The range and range ring interval ap-pear at the bottom left of the screen.For TZTBB, you can also control the range in the operation as follows. Tap the radar scale box at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to display the slider bar. Drag the circle icon to set the range scale.2. Turn the vessel’s bow toward a target.3. Press the Home key (or tap the Home icon), then select [Menu] icon, [Radar], and [Antenna Heading Align] in that order to show the numeric software keyboard.4. Key in the offset value so that the target is at the very top of the screen (setting range: +/- 0° to 180°, +: clockwise direction, -: counterclockwise direction), then tap [Save].5. Confirm that the target echo is displayed at correct bearing on the screen.1Range Range ring intervalRange indicationsZoom outZoom inPinch actionTap the area circled in the dashed line to display the slider bar.Note: You can switch between transmit and stand-by by tapping the right side of the radar scale box.Drag the circle icon to set the range scale.Slider barZoom inZoom out4NMCurrent range
2.  INITIAL SETUP162.2 Initial Setup for TZTL12F/TZTL15F1. Tap the [Home] icon to show the home screen and display mode settings.2. Tap [Radar] from the [Settings] menu.3. Tap [Radar Source], then select the appropriate antenna unit.Note: If the antenna unit is connected but does not appear in the [Radar Source] list, close the list and open it again. The name of the antenna unit should appear with a check mark, as in the example below.4. Drag the [Radar] menu display the menu item [Radar Initial Setup], then tap [Radar Initial Setup]. 5. Referring to the tables below, set up the radar.[Radar] menu - [Radar Initial Setup][Radar] menu - [Antenna Position]Menu item Description[Antenna Rotation] Select the speed of antenna rotation.[Antenna Heading Align] See "How to align the antenna heading" on page 17.[Main Bang Suppression] If main bang appears at the screen center, slide the circle icon so that the main bang disappears, while watching the radar echo at the left-hand side of the display.[Enable Sector Blanking] Up to two sectors may be selected for blanking (no trans-mission). Select [ON] to enable this feature. Set the start and end angles (0° to 359°).[Enable Sector 2 Blanking]Menu item Description[Longitudinal (from bow)] Referring to the figure on the right, enter the ra-dar antenna positioning bow-stern (Longitudi-nal) and port-starboard (Lateral) position from the origin.[Lateral (-Port)][Antenna Height] Select the height of the antenna above the waterline.[Auto Tuning] Enable/disable auto tuning for the connected radar.[Tuning Source] Select the range to tune.[Manual Tuning] Manually tune the radar. Not available when [Auto Tuning] is enabled.[Radar Monitoring] Display various information regarding the connected ra-dar.[Radar Optimization] Automatically adjust magnetron output and tuning for the connected radar. Do not change these settings.[ARPA Advanced Settings] Do not change these settings.[Set Hardware To Factory Default]Resets the radar selected at [Radar Source] to factory de-fault.[Reset Default Settings] Resets [Radar] menu settings to default.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxOriginOrigin
2.  INITIAL SETUP17How to align the antenna headingYou have mounted the antenna unit facing straight ahead in the direction of the bow. Therefore, a small but conspicuous target dead ahead visually should appear on the heading line (zero degrees). In practice, you will probably observe some small bearing error on the display because of the difficulty in achieving accurate initial positioning of the antenna unit. The follow-ing adjustment will compensate for the error.1. Set your radar with 0.125 and 0.25 NM range and the head up mode.The range scale can be selected two ways, as shown below. The slider bar can be shown or hidden with [Show Scale Slider] in the [Settings] - [Radar] menu.2. Turn the vessel’s bow toward a target.3. Tap the [Home] icon to show the home screen and display mode settings.4. Tap [Radar] to show the [Radar] menu. 5. Drag the [Radar] menu to show the [RADAR INITIAL SETUP] menu.6. Tap [Antenna Heading Align].7. Key in the offset value so that the target is displayed at the very top of the screen (setting range: +179.9° to -180°, +: clockwise direction, -: counterclockwise direc-tion), then tap the   icon.8. Confirm that the target echo is displayed at correct bearing on the screen.Zoom in Zoom outMethod 1: Pinch screenMethod 2: Drag slider(or tap bar or +, - icons)3 NMZoom inZoom inZoom outZoom out
183. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLE SHOOTINGPeriodic checks and maintenance are important for proper operation of any electronic system. This chapter contains maintenance and troubleshooting instructions to be fol-lowed to obtain optimum performance and the longest possible life of the equipment. Before attempting any maintenance or troubleshooting procedure please review the safety information below and at the front of this manual. If you cannot restore normal operation after following the troubleshooting procedures, do not attempt to check in-side any unit; there are no user serviceable parts inside. Contact your dealer to check the equipment.Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment. Those items contain organic solvents that can damage coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.WARNING NOTICEDo not open the equipment.Hazardous voltage which can cause electrical shock exists inside the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment.Turn off the antenna unit before servicing the unit. Post a warning sign near the switch indicating it should not be turned on while the antenna unit is being serviced.Prevent the potential risk of being struck by the rotating antenna.A transmitting radar antenna emits electromagnetic waves, which can be harmful, particularly the eyes.Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the antenna unit.Serious injury or death can result if someone falls from the radar antenna mast.
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLE SHOOTING193.1 MaintenanceRegular maintenance is important for good performance. Check the points mentioned below every 3 to 6 months to keep the antenna unit in good working order. 3.2 TroubleshootingThe table below provides simple troubleshooting procedures to restore normal opera-tion. If you cannot restore normal operation, contact your dealer for advice.Check point Action Remedy, remarksCable Check that all cables are firmly connected and are not damaged.•  Connect a cable if it has loosened.•  Replace damaged cables.Exposed bolts and nutsCheck that bolts and nuts are corroded and are securely fas-tened.•  Replace corroded bolts.• Tighten loosened bolts. •  Coat new bolts with marine sealant.Radiator Dust, dirt and salt deposits on the radiator cause signal attenu-ation, resulting in loss of sensitiv-ity. •  Wipe radiator with a freshwater-moistened cloth.•  The radiator is made of fiberglass reinforced plastic. Therefore, do not used gasoline, benzene and the like to clean the radiator.•  If the radiator is iced, use a wooden or plastic headed hammer to re-move the ice. DO NOT use a steel hammer.Ground con-nectionCheck for tight connection and rust.•  Fasten if loosened.•  Remove rust if present.Problem RemedyThe multi function display can-not control the radar.•  Check that all cables are tightly fastened.•  Check if the radar source setting is correct.•  Check if the fuse of the power/LAN cable has blown.•  Check that the power supply is compatible with the voltage rating of the antenna unit (24 VDC).Marks and characters appear, but echoes do not appear.•  Check that the antenna cable is tightly fastened.•  Check the cables for damage.Picture is not updated or the picture freezes.•  Check that all cables are tightly fastened.•  Check the cables for damage.•  If the picture has frozen, reboot the multi function display.You tuned the receiver or in-crease the gain, but radar echoes are too week.•  The life span of the magnetron is over. Contact your dealer to check the magnetron. You changed the range, but the radar picture does not change.•  Try to change the range again.•  Reboot the multi function display.Poor discrimination in range. •  Adjust the sea control.Range rings are not displayed. •  Check if the range rings is turned on in the menu.You set the radar in the transmit state. The "TX screen" appears momentarily, but the radar soon goes into stand-by.•  The overload protection has activated. To restore normal operation, turn off all equipment in the net-work. Wait a few seconds then turn on all the equip-ment.
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLE SHOOTING203.3 Replacement of FuseThe 5 A fuse (Type: FRU-2P5S-FU-5A-B, Code No.: 000-168-869-10) in the fuse holder on the power/LAN cable protects the antenna unit from overcurrent and equip-ment fault. If you cannot turn on the power, check the fuse to see if it has blown. If the fuse has blown, find the reason before you replace the fuse. If the fuse blows again after the replacement, contact your dealer for advice.3.4 Life of PartsMagnetronWhen a magnetron reaches the end of its life, targets do not appear on the display. If long-range performance appears to have declined, contact your dealer about replace-ment of the magnetron.Antenna MotorWhen an antenna motor reaches the end of its life, the antenna’s rotation may stop or abnormal noise sounds from the antenna unit. If such symptom occurs, contact your dealer about replacement of the antenna motor.Name Type Code No. Approx. LifeMagnetron MAF1422B 000-158-788-12 5,000 hoursName Type Code No. Approx. LifeAntenna Motor DJ8G-23B48H TBD 10,000 hoursWARNINGWARNINGUse the proper fuse.Use of a wrong fuse can cause fire or damage the equipment.Fuse holderHow to replace the fuseOpen the fuse holder cover and replace the fuse. Then close the cover.Power/LAN cable
FURUNO  DRS6A X-Class  SP - 1  E3646S01A 150624 SPECIFICATIONS OF RADAR SENSOR DRS6A X-Class  1 ANTENNA UNIT 1.1  Antenna type  Slotted waveguide array 1.2  Antenna length  3.4 ft (XN10A), 4 ft (XN12A), 6 ft (XN13A) 1.3  Horizontal beam width  2.3° (XN10A), 1.9° (XN12A), 1.4° (XN13A) 1.4  Vertical beam width  22° 1.5  Gain  27.5 dBi (XN10A), 28.5 dBi (XN12A), 30 dBi (XN13A) 1.6 Sidelobe attenuation XN10A  -20 dB (within ±20°), -28 dB (±20° or more) XN12A  -24 dB (within ±20°), -30 dB (±20° or more) XN13A  -28 dB (within ±10°), -35 dB (±10° or more) 1.7  Rotation  24/36/48 rpm range coupled or 24 rpm fixed  2 RADAR FUNCTION 2.1  Tx frequency  9410 ±30 MHz 2.2  Output power  6 kW nominal 2.3  Duplexer  Ferrite circulator with diode limiter 2.4  Intermediate frequency  60 MHz 2.5  Range, Pulse length and Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) Range (NM)  Pulse length (s) PRR (Hz. approx.) 0.0625 to 0.75 0.08  3000 1 to 1.5  0.15  3000 2 0.3 1500 3 to 4  0.5  1000 6 to 8  0.8  600 12 to 120  1.2  600 2.6  Maximum range  120 NM 2.7  Minimum range  25 m 2.8  Range resolution  20 m 2.9  Range accuracy  1% of range in use or minimum VRM, whichever is the greater 2.10  Bearing resolution  2.3° (XN10A), 1.9° (XN12A), 1.4° (XN13A) 2.11 Bearing accuracy  ±1° 2.12  Warm-up time  90 s approx. 2.13  Target tracking (TT)  Auto or manual acquisition: 30 targets in 16 NM   Past position: 5/10 pts on all activated targets   Vector time: Off, 1 to 60 min.  3 INTERFACE   LAN: 1 port, Ethernet, 100Base-TX  4 POWER SUPPLY   24 VDC: 3.7 A
FURUNO  DRS6A X-Class  SP - 2  E3646S01A 150624  5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 5.1  Ambient temperature  -25°C to +55°C (storage: -30°C to +70°C) 5.2  Relative humidity  95% or less at +40°C 5.3  Degree of protection  IP56 5.4  Vibration  IEC 60945 Ed.4  6 UNIT COLOR  N9.5
D-130/Jun/2015 H.MAKI
IME-36460-Z2Z2  JUL. 22,   2015

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