Furuno USA 9ZWRTR100 Transceiver for Radar model FAR-1518/1528 User Manual OME 36380 A

Furuno USA Inc Transceiver for Radar model FAR-1518/1528 OME 36380 A

User Manual Part 6

APPENDIX 3 ALERT CODES, MESSAGES AND MEANINGSAP-10601,7 SENSOR ERROR WarningCat: BMessage: "AIS RECEIVE"Meaning: No AIS data received for thirty seconds.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check power and connection to AIS unit.602,1 SENSOR CHANGE CautionCat: BMessage: "POSN SOURCE CHG"Meaning: Positioning sensor input lost, automatically changed sensors.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. The indication is automatically removed when the signal is restored or a different sensor is selected.602,2 SENSOR CHANGE CautionCat: BMessage: "SPD SOURCE CHG"Meaning: Speed sensor input lost, automatically changed sensors.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. The indication is automatically removed when the signal is restored or a different sensor is selected.740,1 EXT RADAR ERROR WarningCat: BMessage: "EXT RADAR NO SIGNAL"Meaning: Externally connected radar has an error. (Only displayed when Interswitch is active.)Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore the external radar to normal operating condition.740,2 EXT RADAR ERROR CautionCat: BMessage: "EXT RADAR COM ERROR"Meaning: Communication with external radar interrupted or lost. (Only displayed when Interswitch is active.)Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check connection and power to the external radar.790,1 ARRIVAL WarningCat: BMessage: "ARRIVAL"Meaning: Ship has entered the destination arrival alert zone.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. No other action required.791,1 XTE WarningCat: BMessage: "XTE"Meaning: Cross-track error, ship is off-course.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check course and adjust as necessary.794,1 HEADING SET WarningCat: BMessage: "HEADING SET"Meaning: AD-10 signal interrupted.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Match the on-screen HDG readout with the actual gyrocompass reading if necessary.950,1 BAM COM ERROR CautionCat: BMessage: "COMMUNICATION ERROR WITH BAM"Meaning: Communication the Bridge Alert Management System interrupted.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check connection to BAM. Check power to BAM.Alert ID Alert title Priority & Category Message and meaning
APPENDIX 3 ALERT CODES, MESSAGES AND MEANINGSAP-11ALR format alertsAlert code Alert title Priority & Category Explanation522 TT TARGET 95%(AUTO) CautionCat: AAutomatically acquired target capacity has reached 95%.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Remove TT symbols manually.523 TT TARGET FULL(AUTO) WarningCat: AAutomatically acquired target capacity has reached 100%.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Remove TT symbols manually.524 TT TARGET 95% (MAN) CautionCat: AManually acquired target capacity has reached 95%.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Remove TT symbols manually.525 TT TARGET FULL(MAN) WarningCat: AManually acquired target capacity has reached 100%.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Remove TT symbols manually.530 AIS DISPLAY 95% CautionCat: AAIS display capacity has reached 95% (285 targets).Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Adjust [AIS DISP FILTER] settings to decrease the number of targets displayed.531 AIS DISPLAY FULL WarningCat: AAIS display capacity has reached 100% (300 targets).Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Adjust [AIS DISP FILTER] settings to decrease the number of targets displayed.533 AIS CAPACITY FULL CautionCat: AAIS capacity has reached 100% (1000 targets).Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Adjust [AIS DISP FILTER] settings to decrease the number of targets displayed.534 AIS ACTIVATE 95% CautionCat: AActive AIS target capacity has reached 95% (38 targets).Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Adjust [AIS DISP FILTER] settings to decrease the number of targets displayed.535 AIS ACTIVATE FULL WarningCat: AActive AIS target capacity has reached 100% (40 targets).Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Adjust [AIS DISP FILTER] settings to decrease the number of targets displayed.526 TT COLLISION AlarmCat: ATT is within CPA/TCPA threshold, danger of collision. Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Take evasive action if necessary. Adjust CPA/TCPA settings.536 AIS COLLISION AlarmCat: AAIS target is within CPA/TCPA threshold, danger of collision.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Take evasive action if necessary. Adjust CPA/TCPA settings.521 TT NEW TARGET WarningCat: AA new TT target has entered the Acquisition Zone.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Confirm location of new target.529 AIS NEW TARGET WarningCat: AA new AIS target has entered the Acquisition Zone.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Confirm location of new target.527 TT LOST WarningCat: ATT target is lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Lost target indication (blinking in red) is removed.528 REF TARGET LOST WarningCat: AREF targets is lost.
APPENDIX 3 ALERT CODES, MESSAGES AND MEANINGSAP-12Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Lost target indication (blinking in red) is removed.537 AIS LOST WarningCat: AAIS target is lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Lost target indication (blinking in red) is removed.720 HEADLINE WarningCat: BHeading signal interrupted/lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.721 AZIMUTH WarningCat: BAzimuth signal is interrupted/lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.722 TRIGGER WarningCat: BOutput trigger interrupted/lostRemedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.723 VIDEO WarningCat: BVideo signal interrupted/lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.70 KEY WarningCat: BControl unit signal interrupted/lost.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.772 PM COMM ERROR WarningCat: BPM communication error.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore signal or rectify reason for signal loss.48 TUNE ERROR WarningCat: BTUNE error due to faulty settings or malfunction.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check tuning settings and adjust as necessary.450 GYRO WarningCat: BNo heading information received from gyrocompass for five seconds.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Match the on-screen indication with the actual gyrocompass. The indication “HEADING SET” appears. Press the ALERT ACK key to erase the indication.278 LOG(WT) Warning/CautionCat: BNo speed data received for five seconds when [LOG(WT)] is set as speed reference.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check SDME sensor. Use a different sensor if necessary.284 LOG(BT) Warning/CautionCat: BNo speed data received for thirty seconds when [LOG(BT)] is set as speed reference.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check SDME sensor. Use a different sensor if necessary.170 EPFS WarningCat: BEPFS Error. No speed or position data received from EPFS device for thirty seconds.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore the signal. This indication cannot be erased if the po-sition signal is missing. The indication is automatically removed when the signal is restored.469 DATUM WarningCat: BDTM sentence no received for thirty seconds or erroneous data received.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Use the WGS-84 datum.272 UTC WarningCat: BUTC error. No date or time data received for thirty seconds.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore the signal to remove this indication.380 AIS RECEIVE WarningCat: BNo AIS data received for thirty seconds.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check power and connection to AIS unit.Alert code Alert title Priority & Category Explanation
APPENDIX 3 ALERT CODES, MESSAGES AND MEANINGSAP-13472 POSN SOURCE CHANGE CautionCat: BMessage: "POSN SOURCE CHG"Meaning: Positioning sensor input lost, automati-cally changed sensors.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. The indication is automatically removed when the signal is re-stored or a different sensor is selected.476 SPD SOURCE CHANGE CautionCat: BMessage: "SPD SOURCE CHG"Meaning: Speed sensor input lost, automatically changed sensors.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. The indication is automatically removed when the signal is re-stored or a different sensor is selected.485 DEPTH WarningCat: BDepth is below set threshold.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Confirm depth. Adjust [DEPTH] settings as required.495 ANCHOR WATCH WarningCat: BShip position outside set anchor watch zone.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Confirm Own Ship location and adjust as necessary.541 TRANSMIT ERROR CautionCat: BUnable to transmit AIS binary message.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check power to AIS unit.542 AIS TRANSMITTING CautionCat: BTransmitting AIS message.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. No other action required.560 ASSOCIATION CautionCat: BOne or more sets of associated targets is displayed.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Set [ASSOCIATION] to [OFF].740 EXT RADAR NO SIGNAL WarningCat: BExternally connected radar has an error. (Only dis-played when Interswitch is active.)Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Restore the external radar to normal operating condition.750 EXT RADAR COM ERRORCautionCat: BCommunication with external radar interrupted or lost. (Only displayed when Interswitch is active.)Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check connection and power to the external radar.790 ARRIVAL WarningCat: BShip has entered the destination arrival alert zone.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. No other action required.791 XTE WarningCat: BCross-track error, ship is off-course.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check course and adjust as necessary.794 HEADING SET WarningCat: BAD-10 signal interrupted.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Match the on-screen HDG readout with the actual gyrocompass reading if necessary.950 BAM COM ERROR CautionCat: BCommunication the Bridge Alert Management System interrupted.Remedy: Press the ALERT ACK key. Check connection to BAM. Check power to BAM.Alert code Alert title Priority & Category Explanation
AP-14APPENDIX 4 DATA COLOR AND MEANINGValidity and integrity of input data (mode indicator)*1: Low or doubtful integrity can occur when the GBS sentence gives a RAIM error rate of 10 m or higher. In this case, the ship’s latitude and longitude indications are displayed in yellow.*2: “Age of differential GPS data” in GGA and GNS sentences is ten seconds or higher. In this case, ship’s latitude and longitude are displayed in yellow.Data color HDG L/L *1SPD COG/SOGNormal color(normal data)THS-A,E HDTGNS-A, D *2, F, P, R and (NAV status: S)GGA-1, 2 *2, 3, 4, 5GLL-A, D and (status: A)RMC-A, D, F, P, R and (status: A) and (NAV status: S)VBW-AVHWVTG-A, D, PRMC-A, D, F, P, R and (status: A) and (NAV status: S).Yellow-or-ange color(invalid data)GNS-E, M, SGGA-6, 7, 8GLL-E, M, S and (status: A)RMC-E, M, S and (Status: A)VTG-E, M, SRMC-E, M, S, and (sta-tus: A)Yellow color(low integrity) GNS-A, D*2, F, P, R, and (NAV status: C, U, V)RMC-A, D, F, P, R and (status: A) and (NAV status: C, U, V)RMC-A, D, F, P, R and (status: A) and (NAV status: C, U, V)***.* THS-M, N, S GNS-N, (NAV status: N)GGA-0RMC-N, (status: V), (NAV status: N)GLL-N, (status: V)VBW-V VTG-NRMC-N (sta-tus: V)
AP-15APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONSA:B:C:D:Abbreviation Word Abbreviation WordACK Acknowledge ACQ AcquireAct Activate ACE Automatic Clutter EliminationANT Antenna AIS Automatic Identification SystemAP Autopilot ATON Aids to NavigationAUTO Automatic A/C RAIN Anti Clutter RAINA/C SEA Anti Clutter Sea AID AidALF ALF sentence ALR AlarmAMB Amber AMS Alert Management SystemAPR April ARC ArcAUG AugustAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordBLU Blue BCR Bow Crossing RangeBCT Bow Crossing Time BRG BearingBRILL Brilliance BT Bottom TrackingAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordCALC Calculated CALIB CalibrateCh Channel CHG ChangeCCRP Consistent Common Reference PointCCRS Consistent Common Reference SystemCPA Closest Point of Approach CONT ContinueCDROM Compact Disc Read Only MemoryCORR Corrected/CorrectionCPU Central Processing Unit CRS CourseCTW Course Through the Water COG Course Over GroundCU Course Up CURS CursorCYA CyanAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordDTM Datum DEC Decemberdeg degree(s) DEST DestinationDGPS Differential GPS Diff DifferentialDIST Distance DISP DisplayDIST Distance DR Dead ReckoningDISP Display
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONSAP-16E:F:G:H:I:J:L:Abbreviation Word Abbreviation WordE East EAV Echo AverageEBL Electronic Bearing Line ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information SystemENC Electronic Navigational Chart EP Estimated PositionEQUIP Equipment ERR ErrorES Echo Stretch ES Echo StretchETD Estimated Time of Departure EXT ExternalAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordFEB February FILT Filter/FilteredFUNC FunctionAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordGAP Gap GC Great CircleGND Ground GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemGPS Global Positioning System GRAD GradationGRN Green GRY GrayGT Gross TonnageAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordHD Heading HDG HeadingHL Heading Line HSC High Speed CraftAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordIBS Integrated Bridge System ID IdentificationIMO International Maritime OrganizationINFO InformationINS Integrated Navigation SystemIP ADDRESS Internet Protocol AddressIR Interference RejectionAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordJAN January JUN JuneJUL JulyAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordL Long pulse LAT LatitudeLAN Local Area Network LCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLIM Limit L/L Latitude/LongitudeLOG Log LON LongitudeLOP Line Of Position
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONSAP-17M:N:O:P:R:Abbreviation Word Abbreviation WordMAG Magnetic MAG MagentaMAN Manual MAR MarchMAX Maximum MAY MayMBS Main Bang Suppression M-CYA Multi CyanMFDF Medium Frequency Direction FinderMENU MenuM-GRN Multi Green MIC Monolithic Integrated CircuitMID Middle M1 Medium pulse 1M2 Medium pulse 2 M3 Medium pulse 3MOB Man Over Board MON MondayMsgs Messages MSC Maritime Safety CommitteeAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordN North NAV NavigationNLT Not Less Than NMT Not More ThanNOV November NR Noise RejectorAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordOS Own Ship OCT OctoberAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordPAST POSN Past Positions PC Personal computerPI Parallel Index Line PM Performance MonitorPNK Pink POSN PositionPPI Plan Position IndicatorAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordRACON Radar beacon RAD RadiusRAM Random Access Memory RAIN Anti Clutter RainRD Read RED RedREF Reference/Echo Reference R, REL RelativeREJ Rejection RENC Regional ENC Co-ordinating Cen-treRFC board RF control board RL Rhumb LineRM Relative motion RNG RangeROM Read Only Memory ROT Rate Of TurnRTE Route RTGT Reference TargetRX Receive
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONSAP-18S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Abbreviation Word Abbreviation WordS South S1 Short pulse1S2 Short pulse2 S57 IHO Special Publication 57SAR Search and Rescue SART Search and Rescue TransponderSB Transversal Speed SD Secure DigitalSEA Anti Clutter Sea sel SelectSENC System ENC SEP SeptemberSIO Serial input output SOLAS Safety of Life at SeaSOG Speed Over Ground SPU Signal Processing Unit boardSPD Speed STAB StabilizedSTBD Starboard STBY StandbySTC Sensitivity time control Std StandardSTW Speed Through Water SW SwitchSymb Symbol(s) SYM SymbolAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordTTrue TAGTagTCPA Time to CPA TGT TargetTM True Motion TPL Transferred Line Of PositionTrue-G True ground stabilized True-S True sea stabilizedTT Target Tracking/Tracked Target TTG Time To GoTX TransmitAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordUNCAL Uncalibrated UTC Coordinated Universal TimeAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordVECT Vector VRM Variable Range MarkerAbbreviation Word Abbreviation WordWWest WATWaterWGS World Geodetic System WHT WhiteW/O Without WOP Wheel Over PointWP Waypoint WPT WaypointWR Write WT Water TrackingWTC Water Tracking CurrentAbbreviation WordXTE Cross track errorAbbreviation WordYEL Yellow
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONSAP-19Units of measurementAbbreviation Word Abbreviation Worddeg Degree(s) ft Foot/feetH Hour(s) km Kilometer(s)KM Kilometer(s) kn Knot(s)KYD Kiloyard(s) min Minute(s)m Meter(s) MHz MegahertzNM Nautical miles sec Second(s)SM Statute mile(s) ° Degree(s)
AP-20APPENDIX 6 SYMBOLSThe pages following list the symbols which can be displayed on your radar. For non-IMO type radars, some symbol colors can be changed (see "How to select the mark color (for non-IMO types only)" on page 1-56).General radar symbols (on power switch) Power symbol X Own ship marker  Origin marks  Fixed range rings  Variable Range Markers  (from left, VRM1, VRM2)  Electronic Bearing Lines (from left EBL1, EBL2)  OS mark +  Cursor  |   Barge icon  Drop mark Symbol NameHeading lineNorth MarkerStern Marker
APPENDIX 6 SYMBOLSAP-21Radar map symbols (All radar types)Symbol Name   Mark    Danger Highlight Danger Highlight    Buoy    Buoy    Buoy    Buoy    Buoy    Danger Highlight    Mark    Mark    Mark     Mark    Mark    Mark    Mark      Nav Line (map)      Coastline      Contour       Prohibited Area  )elbac(  (w/line)  Buoy  (w/line)  Mark  (w/line)  Mark  (w/line)  Mark
APPENDIX 6 SYMBOLSAP-22Radar map symbols (IMO type)TT/AIS symbols  Red  Buoy    Green  Buoy Red  Buoy  Green Buoy  Red  Buoy  Green  Buoy   Red  Buoy   Green  Buoy  thgilhgiH regnaD elpruP   Purple  Danger Highlight  Orange  Mark   Orange  Mark   Orange  Mark  )pam( enilvaN elpruP  eniltsaoC etihW  eniL ruotnoC yarG  thgilhgiH regnaD elpruP  thgilhgiH regnaD )elbac( elpruP  kraM egnarO  kraM egnarO Symbol Name NameSymbolTT symbols Acquisition zone Performance testAIS message receivedSAIS symbols A∟shown in red when active Symbol NameSymbol NameAcquired targets (from left: initial acquisition, one minute after acquisition, steady tracking, lost target, target selected for data readout)TT symbols (User may change TT symbols)AIS symbols (from left: activated target, ROT higher than preset ROT, dangerous target, lost target, target selected for data display, sleeping target, CPA/TCPA lost target)Other AIS symbols (from left, AIS SART (ACTIVE), AIS SART (TEST), AIS Base station, AIS search and rescue (SAR) Aircraft, AIS Search and Rescue (SAR) Vessel.)
APPENDIX 6 SYMBOLSAP-23Basic shape RACON Emergency wreck mark North cardinal mark East cardinal mark South cardinal mark West cardinal mark Port hand mark Starboard hand mark Isolated danger Safe water Special mark Off position  (Displayed with yellow line and yellow text)Light fail or at reduced range (Displayed with yellow text)RACON error(Displayed with yellow text) Missing(Displayed with yellow dashedline and yellow text) AIS Physical AtoN SymbolAIS Virtual AtoN Symbol Meaning
AP-24APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONThis section shows the location of PC boards inside the equipment which can be replaced. For information on parts, or to replace a part, consult your local FURUNO dealer.Processor unit RPU-024 (AC and DC type)AC_PWR moduleAC_PWR moduleAC_PWR or DC_PWR moduleAC_PWR or DC_PWR moduleFRP_TB Board 03P9601FRP_TB Board 03P9601SPU Board 03P9547SPU Board 03P9547AC_FIL moduleAC_FIL moduleAC_FIL or DC_FIL moduleAC_FIL or DC_FIL moduleRemove FRP_TB Board to show SPU Board 03P9547DC_PWR moduleDC_PWR moduleFRP_TB Board 03P9601FRP_TB Board 03P9601DC_FIL moduleDC_FIL module
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-25Marine display MU-150HDRemove Power Board 26P0015, Drive Board 26P0020, AD Board 26S0029, CON Board 26S0018 and the Board fixing plate to show the LCD module and PANEL Board 26P0013.Drive Board 26P0020Drive Board 26P0020Power Board 26P0015Power Board 26P0015AD Board 26S0029AD Board 26S0029CON Board 26S0018*CON Board 26S0018**: CON Board 26S0018 is located under the overhang on the board fixing plate.Board fixing plateBoard fixing plateBoard fixing plateLCD moduleLCD modulePANEL Board 26P0013PANEL Board 26P0013
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-26Control Unit RCU-028Transceiver Unit RTR-100/101 Rear viewNote: The board location for both the RTR-101 and RTR-100 are the same. The image below shows the RTR-101.RCU-028 bottom coverRemove to show KEY Board 03P9528RCU-028 bottom coverRemove to show KEY Board 03P9528KEY Board 03P9528KEY Board 03P9528HDBP Board03P9347HDBP Board03P9347RFTP Board03P9488RFTP Board03P9488Rear coverRear cover
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-27Transceiver Unit RTR-100/101 Front viewNote: The board location for both the RTR-101 and RTR-100 are the same. The image below shows the RTR-101.Transceiver module RTR-100/101 right-side viewRear view with cover and transceiver module RTR-101 removed.Rear cover inner with PM32 module showing.PM32 modulePM32 modulePM ANTPM ANTCirculatorCirculatorLimiterLimiter
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-28Transceiver module RTR-100/100 rear viewTransceiver module RTR-100/101 front viewCirculatorCirculatorFilterFilterIsolatorIsolatorCirculatorCirculatorLimiterLimiterRFC Board03P9506RFC Board03P9506IF Board03P9487IF Board03P9487
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-29Remove IF Board 03P9487 to show MIC board 03P9505 (covered by board fixing panel).Transceiver module RTR-101 underside-front view (For FAR-1518/1528/BB)Transceiver module RTR-101 underside-rear view (For FAR-1518/1528/BB)CirculatorCirculatorLimiterLimiterBoard fixing panelBoard fixing panelMIC board 03P9505(Remove Board fixing panel).MIC board 03P9505(Remove Board fixing panel).MagnetronMagnetronPulse TransmitterPulse TransmitterMD Board03P9507MD Board03P9507
APPENDIX 7 PARTS LOCATIONAP-30Transceiver module RTR-100 underside-front viewTransceiver module RTR-100 underside-rear viewMagentronMagentronIsolatorIsolatorCirculatorCirculatorLimiterLimiterFilterFilterPulse TransmitterPulse TransmitterMD Board03P9507MD Board03P9507
FURUNO  FAR-1513/1523 (-BB)  SP - 1  E3638S01A-M SPECIFICATIONS OF MARINE RADAR FAR-1513/1523 (-BB)  1 ANTENNA UNIT 1.1  Antenna type  Slotted waveguide array 1.2  Radiator length  4 ft (XN12A), 6 ft (XN13A) 1.3 Horizontal beamwidth  1.9° (XN12A), 1.35° (XN13A) 1.4 Vertical beamwidth  20° 1.5 Sidelobe attenuation XN12A  -24 dB (within ±20° of main-lobe) XN13A  -28 dB (within ±20° of main-lobe) 1.6 Polarization  Horizontal 1.7  Rotation  24 rpm (RSB-0070), 48 rpm (RSB-0073)  2 RF TRANSCEIVER 2.1  Frequency  9410 MHz ±30 MHz, P0N 2.2 Output power FAR-1513 (-BB)  12 kW FAR-1523 (-BB)  25 kW 2.3  Minimum range  25 m 2.4  Range discrimination  25 m 2.5  Range accuracy  1 % of range in use or 10 m whichever is the greater 2.6 Bearing accuracy  ±1° 2.7  Range, Pulselength and Pulse Repetition Rate PRR (Hz approx.)  Range scale (NM) 0.125  0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 72 96 1202100  S               1200            M             600*            L *: 500 Hz on 96/120 NM ranges 2.8  IF frequency  60 MHz  3 PROCESSOR UNIT 3.1  Range scales and ring interval Scale (NM)  0.125 0.25  0.5  0.75 1  1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 72 96 120RI (NM)  0.025 0.05  0.1  0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 12 16 20Number of rings  5  5  5  3  4  6  4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 63.2  Warm-up time  3 minutes approx. 3.3  Presentation mode  Head-up, STAB Head-up, North-up (TM/RM), Course-up, Stern-up 3.4  Marks  Cursor, Radar ring, Heading mark, North mark, Bearing line,   Vector, Map mark, Zoom, VRM, EBL, Acquisition zone 3.5  Target tracking (TT)  Auto or manual acquisition: 50 targets in 0.2-32 NM   Tracking: 5/10 pts on all target   Time of vector: 0 to 60 minutes 3.6  AIS  Display capacity: 300 targets, Tracking: 5/10 pts on all target   Time of vector: 0 to 60 minutes 3.7  Echo trail  True/Relative, Trail length: 0 to 30 minutes (30 s steps) or continue
FURUNO  FAR-1513/1523 (-BB)  SP - 2  E3638S01A-M 3.8  Radar map  5,000 pts 3.9  Interswitch function  Selected from menu  4  MARINE DISPLAY (MU-150HD*) 4.1  Screen size  15-inch color LCD, 304 x 228 mm, 1024 x 768 dots (XGA) 4.2 Brightness  1,000 cd/m2 typical 4.3 Contrast  600:1 4.4  View angle  160° typical 4.5  Radar effective diameter 205 mm *: The display unit for BB-type should be prepared by user.  5 INTERFACE 5.1  Number of ports on processor unit Heading  1 port: AD-10 format or IEC61162-2 Serial  IEC61162-2: 2 ports (AIS/HDG)   IEC61162-1: 4 ports (GPS/LOG/AMS/ECDIS) Contact closure  Alert output: 4 ch, Remote ACK input, System fail, power fail Remote display  2 ports (Signal: HD, BP, Trigger and Video) LAN  Ethernet 100Base-TX: 1 port DVI  DVI-D: 1 port for main display RGB  1 port for VDR or RGB monitor 5.2 Data sentences Input  ABK, ACK, ACN, ALR, BWC, BWR, CUR, DBK, DBS, DBT, DPT,   DTM, GBS, GGA, GLL, GNS, HBT, HDG, HDM, HDT, MTW, MWV,   RMB, RMC, RTE, THS, VBW, VDM, VDO, VDR, VHW, VSD, VTG,   VWR, VWT, WPL, ZDA Output  ABM, ACK, ALC, ALF, ALR, ARC, BBM, EVE, HBT, OSD, RSD,   TLB, TLL, TTD, TTM, VSD  6 POWER SUPPLY 6.1 Processor unit FAR-1513 (-BB)  24 VDC: 5.0 A max. (24 rpm), 5.6 A max. (48 rpm) FAR-1523 (-BB)  24 VDC: 6.4 A max. (24 rpm), 7.0 A max. (48 rpm) 6.2  Marine display  12-24 VDC: 4.5-2.2 A 6.3  Rectifier (RU-1746B-2, option)   100-115/220-230 VAC, 1 phase, 50/60Hz  4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Ambient temperature Antenna unit  -25°C to +55°C (storage: +70°C or less) Processor unit  -15°C to +55°C Marine display  -15°C to +55°C 4.2  Relative humidity  93% or less at +40°C 4.3  Degree of protection Antenna unit  IP26 Processor unit  IP20 (IP22: option) Control unit  IP22
FURUNO  FAR-1513/1523 (-BB)  SP - 3  E3638S01A-M Marine display  IP56 (panel), IP22 (chassis) 4.4  Vibration  IEC 60945 Ed.4  5 UNIT COLOR 5.1  Antenna unit  N9.5 (fixed) 5.2  Processor/control unit  N2.5 (fixed) 5.3  Marine display  N2.5 (fixed)
FURUNO  FAR-1518/1528 (-BB)  SP - 4  E3642S01A-M SPECIFICATIONS OF MARINE RADAR FAR-1518/1528 (-BB)  1 ANTENNA UNIT 1.1  Antenna type  Slotted waveguide array 1.2  Radiator length  4 ft (XN12AF), 6.5 ft (XN20AF), 8 ft (XN24AF) 1.3 Horizontal beamwidth  1.9° (XN12AF), 1.23° (XN20AF), 0.95° (XN24AF) 1.4 Vertical beamwidth  20° 1.5 Sidelobe attenuation XN12AF  -24 dB (within ±20° of main-lobe) XN20/24AF  -28 dB (within ±20° of main-lobe) 1.6 Polarization  Horizontal 1.7  Rotation  26 rpm (RSB-120), 48 rpm (RSB-121)  2 RF TRANSCEIVER 2.1  Frequency  9410 MHz ±30 MHz, P0N 2.2 Output power FAR-1518 (-BB)  12 kW FAR-1528 (-BB)  25 kW 2.3  Minimum range  25 m 2.4  Range discrimination  25 m 2.5  Range accuracy  1 % of range in use or 10 m whichever is the greater 2.6 Bearing accuracy  ±1° 2.7  Range, Pulselength and Pulse Repetition Rate PRR (Hz approx.)  Range scale (NM) 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.5 3  6 12 24 48  96 3000* S1      2760* S2     1500       M1    1000       M2    1000          M3    600**            L *: 2200 Hz approx. with TT range on 32 NM. **: 500 Hz on 96 NM range. 2.8  IF frequency  60 MHz  3 PROCESSOR UNIT 3.1  Range scales and ring interval Scale (NM)  0.125  0.25  0.5 0.75 1.5 3 6 12 24 48 96 RI (NM)  0.025  0.05 Number of rings 5  5  53  6  666666 3.2  Warm-up time  3 minutes approx. 3.3  Presentation mode  Head-up, STAB Head-up, North-up (TM/RM), Course-up, Stern-up 3.4  Marks  Cursor, Radar ring, Heading mark, North mark, Bearing line,   Vector, Map mark, Zoom, VRM, EBL, Acquisition zone 3.5  Target tracking (TT)  Auto or manual acquisition: 50 targets in 0.2-32 NM   Tracking: 5/10 pts on all target   Time of vector: 0 to 60 minutes
FURUNO  FAR-1518/1528 (-BB)  SP - 5  E3642S01A-M 3.6  AIS  Display capacity: 300 targets, Tracking: 5/10 pts on all target   Time of vector: 0 to 60 minutes 3.7  Echo trail  True/Relative, Trail length: 0 to 30 minutes (30 s steps) or continue 3.8  Radar map  5,000 pts 3.9  Interswitch function  Selected from menu  4  MARINE DISPLAY (MU-150HD*) 4.1  Screen size  15-inch color LCD, 304 x 228 mm, 1024 x 768 dots (XGA) 4.2 Brightness  1,000 cd/m2 typical 4.3 Contrast  600:1 4.4  View angle  160° typical 4.5  Radar effective diameter 213 mm *: The display unit for BB-type should be prepared by user.  5 INTERFACE 5.1  Number of ports on processor unit Heading  1 port: AD-10 format or IEC61162-2 Serial  IEC61162-2: 2 ports (AIS/HDG)   IEC61162-1: 4 ports (GPS/LOG/AMS/ECDIS) Contact closure  Alert output: 4 ch, Remote ACK input, System fail, power fail Remote display  2 ports (Signal: HD, BP, Trigger and Video) LAN  Ethernet 100Base-TX: 1 port DVI  DVI-D: 1 port for main display RGB  1 port for VDR or RGB monitor 5.2 Data sentences Input  ABK, ACK, ACN, ALR, BWC, BWR, CUR, DBK, DBS, DBT, DPT,   DTM, GBS, GGA, GLL, GNS, HBT, HDG, HDM, HDT, MTW, MWV,   RMB, RMC, RTE, THS, VBW, VDM, VDO, VDR, VHW, VSD, VTG,   VWR, VWT, WPL, ZDA Output  ABM, ACK, ALC, ALF, ALR, ARC, BBM, EVE, HBT, OSD, RSD,   TLB, TLL, TTD, TTM, VSD  6 POWER SUPPLY 6.1 Processor unit AC type FAR-1518 (-BB)  100-115/220-230 VAC: 3.0/1.4 A (26 rpm), 3.6/1.6 A (48 rpm) FAR-1528 (-BB)  100-115/220-230 VAC: 3.8/1.7 A (26 rpm), 4.3/2.0 A (48 rpm) DC type FAR-1518 (-BB)  24 VDC: 6.7 A max. (26 rpm), 8.3 A max. (48 rpm) FAR-1528 (-BB)  24 VDC: 8.3 A max. (26 rpm), 10.0 A max. (48 rpm) 6.2  Marine display  12-24 VDC: 4.5-2.2 A 6.3  Rectifier (RU-1746B-2/RU-3424, option)     100-115/220-230 VAC, 1 phase, 50/60Hz 6.4  Transformer (RU-1803, option)  440 VAC, 1 phase, 50/60Hz
FURUNO  FAR-1518/1528 (-BB)  SP - 6  E3642S01A-M 7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Ambient temperature Antenna unit  -25°C to +55°C (storage: +70°C or less) Processor unit  -15°C to +55°C Marine display  -15°C to +55°C 7.2  Relative humidity  93% or less at +40°C 7.3  Degree of protection Antenna unit  IP56 Processor unit  IP20 (IP22: option) Control unit  IP22 Marine display  IP56 (panel), IP22 (chassis) 7.4  Vibration  IEC 60945 Ed.4  8 UNIT COLOR 8.1  Antenna unit  N9.5 (fixed) 8.2  Processor/control unit  N2.5 (fixed) 8.3  Marine display  N2.5 (fixed)  9 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (PM-32A) 9.1  Frequency range  9380 to 9440 MHz 9.2  Input power  +18dBm to 30dBm 9.3  Output power  -21 dBm (2nd pulse max. output), -41 dBm (2nd pulse min. output) 9.4  Step level  8 to 12 dB (1st pulse to last pulse)
IN-1INDEXNumerics2nd trace echoes..................................... 1-30AAcquisition zone ...................................... 3-15acknowledge AZ alert............................ 3-16activate AZ1 .......................................... 3-15AZ shape............................................... 3-17AZ stabilization...................................... 3-17AZ2 polygon .......................................... 3-16change AZ reference............................. 3-17sleep a zone.......................................... 3-16AISCPA/TCPA alarm .................................. 4-13AIS lost targetdisable alert........................................... 4-12enable alert ........................................... 4-12filtering................................................... 4-12AIS operation ............................................ 4-1activate target.......................................... 4-5auto activate function enable/disable ...... 4-6auto activate function limit settings ......... 4-6controls.................................................... 4-2CPA/TCPA ............................................ 4-13CPA/TCPA range settings..................... 4-13create and save messages ................... 4-17display AIS alerts .................................. 4-19display filter ............................................. 4-5how to set up for a voyage ...................... 4-7how to sleep all targets ........................... 4-7how to sleep individual targets ................ 4-7how to sleep targets ................................ 4-7manually activate target .......................... 4-5messages.............................................. 4-16own ship data ........................................ 4-16ROT setting ........................................... 4-13symbols and meanings ........................... 4-3system messages ................................. 4-19target data ............................................... 4-9transmit messages ................................ 4-18TT/AIS association ................................ 4-15view messages...................................... 4-18AIS opertationlost target .............................................. 4-12number of past positions ....................... 4-11past position display.............................. 4-11past position orientation ........................ 4-11past position plotting interval................. 4-11past position stabilization ...................... 4-11symbol attributes ................................... 4-10symbol brilliance.................................... 4-10symbol color .......................................... 4-10AIS target datahow to display AIS target data ................ 4-9how to remove AIS target data................ 4-9Alertsalert box ................................................ 1-71alert icons and meanings ...................... 1-73alert list.................................................. 1-72ALF format ............................................AP-7ALR format ..........................................AP-11codes and definitions ............................AP-7descriptions ........................................... 1-71priority assignment ................................ 1-73Anchor watch .......................................... 1-70Automatic Clutter Elimination (ACE) function1-25AZ............................................................ 3-15BBackground colors .................................. 1-61Bearing measurement............................. 1-36EBL key................................................. 1-37methods ................................................ 1-37on-screen box ....................................... 1-37true/relative ........................................... 1-38Brilliance.................................................... 1-6on-screen data ...................................... 1-61CCCRP ...................................................... 1-69Color palettes .......................................... 1-61Controls..................................................... 1-1trackball................................................... 1-2CPA/TCPA .............................................. 3-14acknowledge alarm ............................... 3-14set ranges ............................................. 3-14Cursor data ............................................. 1-10Custom settings ...................................... 1-12Customized echoediting.................................................... 1-29restoring to factory default settings ....... 1-30restoring to saved settings .................... 1-29selection ................................................ 1-28Customizing operation ............................ 1-12DDisplay indications .................................... 1-4Display mode .......................................... 1-74DRIFT...................................................... 3-13EEA ........................................................... 1-24EBL collision assessment ....................... 1-39assess risk............................................. 1-39set reference point ................................ 1-40Echo average .......................................... 1-24Echo colors ............................................. 1-62Echo stretch ............................................ 1-24ES ........................................................... 1-24
INDEXIN-2FFalse echoesmultiple echoes ........................................2-3shadow sectors ........................................2-4sidelobe echoes .......................................2-3virtual images...........................................2-4Funtion keys.............................................1-11GGAIN ........................................................1-20HHeading alignment ...................................1-12Heading linehow to hide the heading line ..................1-58IInformation box ........................................1-64Information box menu ..............................1-64Interference rejector.................................1-23Interswitch................................................1-65antenna information ...............................1-65IR .............................................................1-23LList of abbreviations ..............................AP-15Longitude error tables .............................AP-5Lost target alertenable/disable alert..................................3-6MMaintenance ..............................................6-1major parts life expectancy ......................6-3periodic schedule .....................................6-2trackball....................................................6-4Marksbarge mark.............................................1-60delete marks...........................................1-58drop mark ...............................................1-57hide heading line ....................................1-58how to inscribe a mark ...........................1-57how to use marks...................................1-55INS mark ................................................1-59mark inscription position.........................1-56mark type ...............................................1-55origin mark stabilization..........................1-57own ship symbol settings .......................1-59radar map marks ....................................1-59show/hide radar map marks...................1-59show/hide stern mark.............................1-58Menu operations ........................................1-6box menus................................................1-8context menus..........................................1-8cursor menu .............................................1-9main menu ...............................................1-6menu layers..............................................1-7Menu tree................................................AP-1NNav data...................................................1-63display settings.......................................1-63enable/disable display............................1-63Navigational data .....................................1-63Noise rejector...........................................1-26NR............................................................1-26OObservationbearing accuracy......................................2-2false echoes.............................................2-3min/max ranges........................................2-1range measurement .................................2-2resolution..................................................2-2Off-center .................................................1-43On-screen indications ................................1-4Orientation modes....................................1-31description..............................................1-31selection .................................................1-31Own ship position.....................................1-14Own ship speed .......................................1-13auto input ...............................................1-13manual input...........................................1-14PParallel index lines ...................................1-51bearing and interval................................1-51bearing reference ...................................1-52displayed lines........................................1-51length adjustment...................................1-53orientation ..............................................1-52reset .......................................................1-52Past positionPOSN plotting intervals ..........................3-12set points to display................................3-12show/hide past POSN............................3-12Past position display ................................3-12PAST POSN ............................................3-12Performance monitor................................1-67activate/deactivate .................................1-67check radar performance .......................1-68PI..............................................................1-51PI lines .....................................................1-51Plotter.........................................................5-1PM............................................................1-67Power switch..............................................1-3Pulselength ..............................................1-19adjustment..............................................1-19RRACON ......................................................2-7Radar map .................................................5-2disable map alignment .............................5-3enable map alignment..............................5-3map marks ...............................................5-2show/hide map.........................................5-2Radar Target Enhancer..............................2-7Rain clutter...............................................1-22adjustment methods...............................1-22manual ...................................................1-22Range and bearing measurement............1-41EBL to VRM OFFSET link......................1-41
INDEXIN-3how to measure..................................... 1-41Range measurement............................... 1-34on-screen box ....................................... 1-35TTG to VRM .......................................... 1-36VRM key................................................ 1-35VRM units.............................................. 1-35Range ringshide/show rings ..................................... 1-34Range scale ............................................ 1-33Reference position .................................. 1-69RTE ........................................................... 2-7SSART......................................................... 2-5bandwidth................................................ 2-6description............................................... 2-5radar sidelobes........................................ 2-7range errors............................................. 2-6show/hide SART marks........................... 2-6SC card ................................................... 1-75access data ........................................... 1-75delete data ............................................ 1-75load data ............................................... 1-75read data ............................................... 1-75save data............................................... 1-75Sea clutter ............................................... 1-20adjustment methods.............................. 1-20auto ....................................................... 1-21manual .................................................. 1-21Search and rescure transponder............... 2-5Second trace echoes .............................. 1-30Sensitivity ................................................ 1-20SET ......................................................... 3-13SET DRIFT.............................................. 3-13Symbols ................................... AP-20, AP-24general radar symbols.........................AP-20IMO map radar symbols......................AP-22radar map............................................AP-21radar(AIS symbols) .............................AP-22radar(TT symbols)...............................AP-22TTarget alarm............................................ 1-49alarm settings........................................ 1-50deactivate.............................................. 1-50mute ...................................................... 1-50on/off ..................................................... 1-49setting.................................................... 1-49Target trackingactivate/deactivate tracking..................... 3-3controls.................................................... 3-2display/remove target data...................... 3-8echo referenced speed ........................... 3-4hide target list.......................................... 3-9lost target ................................................ 3-6lost target filter......................................... 3-6manual acquisition .................................. 3-3mode selection ........................................ 3-2on-screen box overview .......................... 3-2own ship speed ....................................... 3-4precautions.............................................. 3-1remove target data .................................. 3-9selection criteria .................................... 3-20show target list ........................................ 3-9simulation mode .................................... 3-19sort target list........................................... 3-9symbol brilliance...................................... 3-7symbol color ............................................ 3-8symbols and attributes ............................ 3-7system messages.................................. 3-18Target trails ............................................. 1-44clutter prevention................................... 1-46hide trails............................................... 1-46narrow trails........................................... 1-46trail erase/restart ................................... 1-46trail gradation ........................................ 1-45trail level ................................................ 1-45trail stabilization..................................... 1-46trail time................................................. 1-45true/relative ........................................... 1-44Terminology .............................................. 1-2Transmission on/off................................. 1-17Troubleshooting ........................................ 6-1advanced troubleshooting ....................... 6-5basic troubleshooting .............................. 6-4diagnostics .............................................. 6-7TT............................................................ 1-44Tuning ..................................................... 1-18auto ....................................................... 1-18manual .................................................. 1-18VVector modes .......................................... 3-10description............................................. 3-10vector length.......................................... 3-12vector time............................................. 3-12Video plotter .............................................. 5-1create waypoints ..................................... 5-6delete own ship’s track............................ 5-5delete waypoints ..................................... 5-7display waypoint list................................. 5-7display waypoint name/number............... 5-7enter waypoints ....................................... 5-6orientation modes.................................... 5-1own ship’s track....................................... 5-4own ship’s track color.............................. 5-4own ship’s track plot interval ................... 5-4radar map................................................ 5-2waypoints ................................................ 5-6WWiper....................................................... 1-26ZZoom ....................................................... 1-54area selection........................................ 1-54area selection with function key ............ 1-54enable/disable ....................................... 1-54set magnification ................................... 1-54

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