Furuno USA 9ZWRTR100 Transceiver for Radar model FAR-1518/1528 User Manual

Furuno USA Inc Transceiver for Radar model FAR-1518/1528

Installation Manual Part 5

APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-7HBT - Heartbeat supervision sentenceHDG - Heading, deviation and variationHDM - Heading, magneticHDT - Heading, trueMTW - Water temperatureMWV - Wind speed and angle$**HBT,x.x,A,x*hh<CR><LF>              1  2  31. Configured repeat interval (1 - 999, null)2. Equipment status (No use)3. Sequential sequence identifier (0 - 9)  $**HDG,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>               1    2  3  4  51. Magnetic sensor heading, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)2. Magnetic deviation, degrees (0.00 - 180.00)3. E/W4. Magnetic variation, degrees (0.00 - 180.00)5. E/W*No use for Type-IMO$ ** HDM, x.x, M *hh <CR><LF>                  1    2  1. Heading, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)2. Magnetic (M)*No use for Type-IMO$**HDT, xxx.x,T*hh<CR><LF>                 1   2   1. Heading, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)2. True (T)  $**MTW,x.x,C<CR><LF>               1    2   1. Water temperature (-9.994 - 99.994)2. C=degrees C (fixed)$**MWV,x.x,a,x.x,a,A*hh<CR><LF>                1  2  3   4 5   1. Wind angle, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)2. Reference (R/T)3. Wind speed (0.00 - 9999.94)4. Wind speed units (K/M/N/S)    K=km/h  M=m/s  N=Knots  S=Statute mile5. Status (A)
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-8RMB - Recommended minimum specific navigation informationRMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT data$**RMB,A,x.x,a,CCCC,CCCC,IIII.II,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,x.x,A,a*hh <CR><LF>                  1  2  3     4          5       6    7        8      9  10 11 12 13141. Data status (A)    A=Data valid, V=Navigation receiver warning2. Cross track error (NM) (No use)3. Direction to steer (L/R) (No use)4. Origin waypoint ID (No use)5. Destination waypoint ID (Max. 15 characters)6. Destination waypoint latitude (0000.00000 - 9000.00000)7. N/S8. Destination waypoint longitude (0000.00000 - 18000.00000)9. E/W10. Range to destination, nautical miles (No use) 11. Bearing to destination, degrees true (No use)12. Destination closing velocity, knots (No use)13. Arrival status (No use)14. Mode indicator (A/D)    A=Autonomous mode;  D=Differential mode; E=Estimated (dead reckoning) mode;    M=Manual input mode; S=Simulator mode; N=Data not valid$**RMC,hhmmss.ss,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,xxxxxx,x.x,a,a,a*hh<CR><LF>                      1         2   3   4      5        6   7   8     9       10 111213 1. UTC of position fix (No use)2. Status (A)    A=data valid, V=navigation receiver warning3. Latitude (0000.00000 - 9000.00000)4. N/S (N/S)5.  Longitude (00000.00000 - 18000.00000)6. E/W (E/W)7. Speed over ground, knots (0.00 - 9999.94)8. Course over ground, degrees true (0.00 - 360.0)9. Date (No use)10. Magnetic variation, degrees (No use)11. E/W (No use)12. Mode indicator (A/D/E/M/S/F/P/R)      A=Autonomous. Satellite system used in non-differential mode in position fix;       D=Differential. Satellite system used in differential mode in position fix;       E=Estimated (dead reckoning) mode;       F=Float RTK. Satellite system used in real time kinematic mode with floating integers;       M=Manual input mode;       N=No fix. Satellite system not used in position fix, or fix not valid;       P=Precise. Satellite system used in  precision mode.  Precision mode is  defined as: no           deliberate degradation (such as selective availability) and higher resolution code (P-code) is           used to compute position fix. P is also used for satellite system used in multi-frequency,           SBAS or Precise Point Positioning (PPP) mode;       R=Real time kinematic. Satellite system used in RTK mode with fixed integers;       S=Simulator mode13. Navigational status indication (S/C/U/V, null)      S=Safe, C=Caution, U=Unsafe, V=Not valid
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-9RTE - RoutesTHS - True heading and statusVBW - Dual ground/water speedVDM - UAIS VHF data-link messageVDO - UAIS VHFG data-link own vessel report$**RTE,x.x,x.x,a,c--c,c--c,...,c--c*hh <CR><LF>              1    2  3   4     5   ...      61. Total number of sentences being transmitted (1 - 500, null)2. Sentence number (1 - 500, null)3. Sentence mode (C/W)    C=Complete route, all waypoints  W=Working route, first listed4. Route identifier (alphabet or null) 5. Waypoint identifier (alphabet or null)6.  Waypoint “n” identifier (alphabet or null)$**THS,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>              1   2          1. Heading, degrees True (0.00 to 360.00)2. Mode indicator(A/E)    A=Autonomous; E=Estimated; M=Manual; S=Simulator; V=Data not valid$**VBW,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,a,*hh<CR><LF>               1   2   3  4   5   6  7  8  9  101. Longitudinal water speed, knots (-9999.994 - 9999.994)2. Transverse water speed, knots (-9999.994 - 9999.994, null)3. Status: water speed, A=data valid V=data invalid (A)4. Longitudinal ground speed, knots (-9999.994 - 9999.994)5. Transverse ground speed, knots (-9999.994 - 9999.994, null)6. Status: ground speed, A=data valid V=data invalid (A)7. Stern transverse water speed, knots (No use)8. Status: stern water speed, A=data valid V=data invalid (No use)9. Stern transverse ground speed, knots (No use)10. Status: stern ground speed, A=data valid V=data invalid (No use)!VDM,x,x,x,a,s--s,x,*hh<CR><LF>             1 2 3 4   5 61. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 - 9)2. Sentence number (1 - 9)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9, null)4. AIS channel number (A/B, null)5. Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message (1 - 63 bytes)6. Number of fill-bits (0 - 5)!VDO,x,x,x,a,s--s,x,*hh<CR><LF>         1 2 3 4  5   61. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 - 9)2. Sentence number (1 - 9)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9, null)4. AIS channel Number (A/B, null)5. Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message (1 - 63 bytes)6. Number of fill-bits (0 - 5)
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-10VDR - Set and driftVHW - Water speed and headingsVSD - UAIS Voyage static dataVTG - Course over ground and ground speed$**VDR,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,*hh <CR><LF>              1   2  3   4  5   61. Direction, degrees (0.00 - 360.00, null)2. T=True (fixed)3. Direction, degrees Magnetic (No use)4. M=Magnetic (No use)5. Current speed (0 - 99.94)6. N=Knots (fixed)$**VHW,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K,*hh <CR><LF>               1   2   3  4   5   6  7   81. Heading, degrees (0.00 - 360.00) 2. T=True (fixed)3. Heading, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)4. M=Magnetic (fixed)5. Speed, knots (0.00 - 999.94)6. N=Knots (fixed)7. Speed, knots  (0.00 - 999.94)8. K=km/hr (fixed)$--VSD,x.x,x.x,x.x,c--c,hhmmss.ss,xx,xx,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>              1   2    3    4            5         6   7   8    91. Type of ship and cargo category (No use)2. Maximum present static draught (No use)3. Persons on-board (0 - 8191, null)4. Destination (No use)5. Estimated UTC of arrival at destination (No use)6. Estimated day of arrival at destination (No use)7. Estimated month of arrival at destination (No use) 8. Navigational status (No use)9. Regional application flags (No use)$**VTG,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K,a,*hh <CR><LF>               1  2   3   4  5   6   7  8  91. Course over ground, degrees (0.00 - 360.00)2. T=True (fixed)3. Course over ground, degrees (No use)4. M=Magnetic (No use)5. Speed over ground, knots (0.00 - 9999.94)6. N=Knots (fixed)7. Speed over ground (0.00 - 9999.94)8. K=km/h (fixed)9. Mode indicator (A/D/E/M/P/S)    A=Autonomous mode;     D=Differential mode;     E=Estimated (dead reckoning) mode;     M=Manual input mode;     P=Precise. Satellite system used in precision mode. Precision mode is defined as: no     deliberate degradation (such as selective availability) and higher resolution code (P-code)     is used to compute position fix. P is also used for satellite system used in multi-frequency,    SBAS or Precise Point Positioning (PPP) mode;     S=Simulator mode;     N=Data not valid
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-11VWR - Wind relative bearing and velocityVWT - True wind speed and angleWPL - Waypoint locationZDA - Time and dateOutput sentencesFor ACK, see input sentences.$**VWR,x.x,a,x.x,N,x.x,M,x.x,K<CR><LF>                    1   2  3   4  5   6   7  81. Measured wind angle relative to the vessel, degrees (0.00 to 180.00)2. Left/Right of vessel heading (L/R)    L=Left semicircle, R=Right semicircle3. Velocity, knots (0.00 - 999.94)4. N=Knots (fixed)5. Velocity (0.00 - 999.94)6. M=m/s (fixed)7. Velocity, km/h(0.00 - 999.94)8. K=km/h (fixed)$**VWT,xxx,a,xx.x,N,xx.x,M,xxx.x,K<CR><LF>                    1   2    3   4   5    6     7    81. Measured wind angle relative to the vessel, degrees (0.00 - 180.00)2. Left/Right of vessel heading (L/R)    L=Left semicircle, R=Right semicircle3. Calculated wind speed kn (0.00 - 999.94)4. N=Knots (fixed)5. Wind speed m/s (0.00 - 999.94)6. M=m/s (fixed)7. Velocity, km/h (0.00 - 999.94)8. K=km/h (fixed)$**WPL,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c*hh<CR><LF>               1   2       3      4    51. Waypoint latitude (0000.00000 - 9000.00000)2. N/S (N/S)3. Waypoint longitude (00000.00000 - 18000.00000)4. E/W (E/W)5. Waypoint identifier (alphanumeric characters)$**ZDA,hhmmss,xx,xx,xxxx,xx,xx<CR><LF>                   1       2   3    4     5  61. UTC (000000.00 - 2400001.00)2. Day (01 - 31)3. Month (01 -12)4. Year (0000-9999)5. Local zone, hours (No use)6. Loca zone, minutes (No use)
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-12ABM - AIS addressed binary and safety related messageALC - Cyclic alert listALF - Alert sentence!**ABM,x,x,x,xxxxxxxxx,x,xx,s--s,x,*hh<CR><LF>            1 2  3       4        5  6   7   81. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 - 9)2. Sentence number (1 - 9)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 3)4. The MMSI of destination AIS unit for the ITU-R M.1371 message (9 digits / null)5. AIS channel for broadcast of the radio message (0 - 3 / null)6. VDL message number (6 / 12 / null), see ITU-R M.13717. Encapsulated data (1 - 63 bytes)8. Number of fill-bits (0 - 5)$**ALC,xx,xx,xx,xx, aaa,x.x,x.x,x.x,’’’’’’’’’,*hh<CR><LF>                  1  2   3   4     5    6    7    8    9          1. Total number of sentences this message (01 - 16)2. Sentence number (01 - 16)3. Sequential message identifier (00 - 99)4. Number of alert entries (0 - 3)5. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC, null)6. Alert identifier (1 - 999 or 10001 - 10999)7. Alert instance (null)8. Revision counter (1 - 99)9. Additional alert entries (see Note)Note: Alert entry 0 - n: Each alert entry consists of- Manufacturer Identifier (see ALF Manufactuer- Alert Identifier  (see ALF Alert identifier)- Alert instance  (see ALF instance)- Revision counter (see ALF revision counter)Each entry identifies a certain alert with a certain state.It is not allowed that an alert entry is split between two ALC sentences.Alert entry 1See Note$**ALF,x,x,x,hhmmss.ss,a,a,a,aaa,x.x,x.x,x.x,x,c--c,*hh<CR><LF>                1 2 3         4         5 6 7   8    9  10  11 12 13          1. Total number of ALF sentences this message (1, 2)2. Sentence number (1, 2)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9)4. Time of last change (000000.00 - 240001.00 / null)     null when #2 is 2 5. Alert category (A/ B/null)    A=Alert category A, B=Alert category B, null when #2 is 2 6. Alert priority (A/W/C/null)   A=Alarm, W=Warning, C=Caution, null when #2 is 27. Alert state (A/S/O/U/V/N/null)    A=Acknowledged    S=Silence     O=Active-responsiblity transferred    U=Rectified-unacknowledged    V=Not acknowledged    N=Normal state    null when #2 is 28. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC/null)9. Alert identifier (1 - 999 or 10001 - 10999)10. Alert instance (null)11. Revision counter (1 - 99)12. Escalation counter (0 - 9)13. Alert text (max. 16 characters)
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-13ALR - Set alarm stateARC - Alert command refusedBBM - UAIS broadcast binary messageEVE - General event messageNote: The EVE sentence is output after input has been detected from either the trackball or the keyboard.HBT - Heartbeat supervision sentence$**ALR,hhmmss.ss,xxx,A,A,c—c,*hh<CR><LF>                            1      2  3  4    51. Time of alarm condition change, UTC (000000.00 - 240001.00)2. Unique alarm number (identifier) at alarm source (001 - 999 / null)3. Alarm condition (A/V)    A=threshold exceeded  V=not exceeded4. Alarm acknowledge state (A/V)    A=acknowledged  V=not acknowledged5. Alarm description text (alphanumeric characters, max. 32)$**ARC,hhmmss.ss,aaa,x.x,x.x,c*hh<CR><LF>                    1            2     3   4   51. Release time of the alert command refused (000000.00 - 240001.00, null)2. Used for proprietary alerts, defined by the manufacturer (FEC)3. The alert identifier (10001 - 10999)4. The alert instance (null)5. Refused alert command (A/O)    A=acknowledge, O=responsibility transfer!**BBM,x,x,x,x,xx,s--s,x,*hh<CR><LF>            1 2 3 4 5    6   71. Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message (1 - 9)2. Sentence number (1 - 9)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9)4. AIS channel for broadcast of the radio message (0 - 3/null)5. VDL message number (8/14/null)6. Encapsulated data (1 - 63 bytes)7. Number of fill-bits (0 - 5)$ **EVE,hhmmss.ss,c--c,c--c*hh <CR><LF>                        1         2     3         1. Event time (000000.00 - 240001.00, null)2. Tag code used for identification of source of event (six alphanumeric characters, two     English characters, four digits) 3. Event description (OPERATION)$**HBT,x.x,A,x*hh<CR><LF>              1  2  31. Configured repeat interval (60.0)2. Equipment status (A)    A=Normal3. Sequential sequence identifier (0 - 9)
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-14OSD - Own ship dataRSD - Radar ship dataTLB - Target label$**OSD,x.x,A,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,x,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>              1   2   3  4  5   6  7      8   91. Heading, degrees true (0.0 - 359.9, null)2. Heading status (A/V)A=data valid  V=data invalid3. Vessel course, degrees true (0.0 - 359.9)4. Course reference (B/M/W/R/P, null)     B=Bottom tracking log     M=Manually entered     W=Water referenced     R=Radar tracking (of fixed target)     P=Positioning system ground reference5. Vessel speed (0.0 - 99.9)6. Speed reference (B/M/W/R/P, null)7. Vessel set, degrees true, manually entered(0.0 - 359.9, null)8. Vessel drift (speed), manually entered (0.0 – 19.9, null)9. Speed units (K/N/S, null)    K=km/h  N=Knots  S=Statute mile$**RSD,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,a,aH*hh <CR><LF>              1    2    3   4    5    6   7    8    9  10  11 12 131. Origin 1 range, from own ship (0.000 - 9999, null) (see note 2)2. Origin 1 bearing, degrees from 0 (0.0 - 359.9) (see note 2)3. Variable range marker 1(VRM1), range (0.000 – 999.9, null)4. Bearing line 1(EBL1), degrees from 0 (0.0 - 359.9, null)5. Origin 2 range (0.000 - 9999, null) (see note 2) 6. Origin 2 bearing (0.0 - 359.9)(see note 2)7. VRM2,.9 range (0.000 - 999.9, null)8. EBL2, degrees (0.0 - 359.9, null)9. Cursor range, from own ship (0.000 - 999.9)10. Cursor bearing, degrees clockwise from 0  (0.0 - 359.9)11. Range scale in use (0.0625 - 120)12. Range units (K/N/S)      K=km/h  N=Knots  S=Statute mile13. Display rotation (C/H/N, null)(see note 1)NOTES1  Display rotation:    C=Course-up, course-over-ground up, degrees true    H=Head-up, ship's heading(center-line) 0 up    N=North-up, true north is 0 up    null=Stern-up2  Origin 1 and origin 2 are located at the stated range and bearing from own ship and provide for two independent sets of variable range markers (VRM) and electronic bearing lines (EBL) originating away from own ship position.$**TLB,x.x,c--c,x.x,c--c,…,x.x,c--c*hh<CR><LF>              1    2        3                31. Target number “n” reported by the device (1 - 1023)2. Label assigned to target “n” (TT=000 - 999, AIS=000000000 - 999999999)3. Additional label pairs
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-15TLL - Target latitude and longitudeTTD - Tracked target dataTTM - Tracked target message$**TLL,xx,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c,hhmmss.ss,a,a*hh<CR><LF>                 1    2   3      4       5   6           7         8 91. Target number (Fixed at null)2. Target Latitude (0000.0000 - 9000.0000)3. Target N/S (N/S)4. Target Longitude (00000.0000 - 18000.0000)5. Target E/W (E/W)6. Target name (Fixed at null)7. UTC of data (000000.00 - 235959.99) 8. Target status (Fixed at null)9. Reference target (Fixed at null)!**TTD,hh,hh,x,s--s,x*hh<CR><LF>            1   2   3  4   5   1. Total hex number of sentences need to transfer the message (1 - FF)2. Hex sentence number (1 - FF)3. Sequential message identifier (0 - 9)4. Encapsulated trancked target data (6 bit binary-converted data)5. Number of fill bits (0 - 5)$**TTM,xx,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a,c--c,a,a,hhmmss.ss,a*hh<CR><LF>              1   2   3  4   5    6  7  8   9  10  11 12 13      14        15    1. Target number (00 - 99)2. Target distance from own ship (0.000 - 99.999)3. Bearing from own ship,degrees (0.0 - 359.9) 4. True or Relative (T)         5. Target speed (0.00 - 999.99, null)6. Target course, degrees (0.0 - 359.9, null)7. True or Relative output (T/R)8. Distance of closet point of approach (0.00 - 99.99, null)9. Time to CPA, min., "-" increasing (-99.99 - 99.99, null)10. Speed/distance units (N)      N=nm11. Target name (null)12. Target status (L/Q/T)       L=Lost  Q=Acquiring  T=Tracking13. Reference target (R/null)14. UTC of data (null)15. Type of acquisition (A/M)      A=Automatic  M=Manual
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-16VSD - UAIS Voyage static data$--VSD,x.x,x.x,x.x,c--c,hhmmss.ss,xx,xx,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>              1   2    3    4            5         6   7   8    91. Type of ship and cargo category (null)2. Maximum present static draught (0 - 25.5, null)3. Persons on-board (0 - 8191, null)4. Destination (Alphanumeric character, null)5. Estimated UTC of arrival at destination (000000.00 - 246000.00*, null)6. Estimated day of arrival at destination (00 - 31) (UTC)7. Estimated month of arrival at destination (00 - 12) (UTC)8. Navigational status (0 - 15)  0=Under way using engine 1=At anchor  2=Not under command 3=Restricted maneuverability  4=Constrained by her draught 5=Moored 6=Aground  7=Engaged in Fishing  8=Under way sailing 9=HSC 10=WIG  11=Power-driven vessel towing astern  12=Power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside  13=Reserved for future use  14=AIS-SART (active), MOB-AIS, EPIRB-AIS  15=Undefined = default (also used by AIS-SART, MOB-AIS and       EPIRB AIS under test)9. Regional application flags (null)* 246000.00 when ETA is not set.
APPENDIX 2 DIGITAL INTERFACEAP-17Serial InterfaceIEC 61162-2 input/outputIEC 61162-1 inputIEC 61162-1 outputTD-ATD-BCOMMON (ISOGND)RD-ARD-BADM2587E110 ohm** Set with jumper.Open/close switchable.RD-HRD-CPC400390 ohm  100 ohmTD-ATD-BSN65HVD30

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