Furuno USA 9ZWFM4000 VHF Radiotelephone User Manual FM 4000 pmd

Furuno USA Inc VHF Radiotelephone FM 4000 pmd


users manual part 2

FM-4000Page 4411.5.5  Receiving an Individual CallWhen receiving an Individual call, an acknowledgment must be sent back to thecalling station, automatically or manual. The default setting is Automatic, but theradio has a selection that allows you to manually send a reply before the radiowill switch to the requested calling channel. The default reply method is Auto-matic, but manual reply (before the radio switches to the requested calling chan-nel) also is available. This selection is useful if you want to see who is calling andrequesting you to switch to a channel for communications, similar to the caller IDon a cellular phone.1. When an Individual call is received, the Individual call ringing alarm sounds.The radio automatically (automatic mode selected)switches to the requested channel and the LCDshows the MMSI of the vessel calling.2. Press any key to stop the alarm.3. Press the PTT on the microphone and talk to the calling ship.11.6 CALL WAITING DIRECTORYThe FM-4000 logs received Distress calls and Individualcalls. The DSC Call Waiting feature is similar to an an-swering machine where calls are recorded for review.When a call is logged while the radio is set on the DSCStandby function, a “ ” icon appears on the LCD. The FM-4000 can memo-rize up to 30 Distress calls, and up to 80 Individual calls.11.6.1  Enabling the Call Waiting FeatureFollow the steps below to enable or disable the Call Waiting feature.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “Individual AckIndividual AckIndividual AckIndividual AckIndividual Ack.”4. Press the [ENT] key.5. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“Able to complyAble to complyAble to complyAble to complyAble to comply” or “UnableUnableUnableUnableUnable.”6. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.7. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu, then pressthe [CLR] key again to return to radio operation.
Page 45FM-400011.6.2  Reviewing Received Calls Logged into the Call Waiting Directory1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“DSC LogDSC LogDSC LogDSC LogDSC Log” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNEL se-lector knob to select the category (“DistressDistressDistressDistressDistressAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOG” or “DSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call Log”) you want to reviewand/or call back.4. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNELselector knob to select the station (name or MMSInumber) you want to review and/or call back.5. Press the [ENT] key to review details for theselected station.6. Press the [ENT] key again to call the selectedstation.NOTEWhen there is an unread received call, the category (“Distress Alert LOGDistress Alert LOGDistress Alert LOGDistress Alert LOGDistress Alert LOG”or “DSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call LogDSC Call Log”) indication will blink.11.6.3  To Delete the Received Log from the “DSC Log” Directory1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“DSC LogDSC LogDSC LogDSC LogDSC Log” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNEL se-lector knob to select “Log DeleteLog DeleteLog DeleteLog DeleteLog Delete.”4. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNELselector knob to select the category (“DistressDistressDistressDistressDistressAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOGAlert LOG” or “DSC Call LOGDSC Call LOGDSC Call LOGDSC Call LOGDSC Call LOG”) to delete.5. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNELselector knob to select the station (name orMMSI  number) to delete.6. Press and hold the [ENT] key until the station(name or MMSI  number) is removed from thedisplay.7. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 4611.7 GROUP CALLThis feature allows the user to contact a group of specific vessels (examplemembers of a yacht club) that have DSC radios with Group call function toautomatically switch to a desired channel for voice communications.11.7.1  Setting up a Group CallFor this function to operate, the same Group MMSI must be programmed intoall the DSC VHF radios within the group of vessels that use this feature. Tounderstand about Group MMSI programming, first a Ship MMSI has to beunderstood.Ship MMSI: The first three digits called a MID (Mobile Identity Group) of a ShipMMSI denote the country the ship registered for a MMSI. The last six digits arespecific to the Ships ID.Ship MMSI Example: If your MMSI is “366123456”, for example, “366” is theMID, which denotes the country, and “123456” is the ID of your ship.Group MMSI:Group MMSI numbers are not assigned by the FCC or other organizationslicensed to assign Ship MMSI numbers.The first digit of a Group MMSI is always set to “0” in accordance withinternational regulations. All FURUNO radios are preset so when program-ming a Group MMSI the first digit is set to “0”.The USCG recommends programming the MID of a Ship MMSI into thesecond, third and fourth digits of the Group MMSI as it denotes the areathe ship is located.The last five digits are decided upon by persons in the Group. This is animportant step as all radios in the group must contain the same GroupMMSI so they can be contacted by each other. There is a chance thatanother group of vessels have the same Group MMSI as yours. If thishappens, simply change one or more of the last five digits of the GroupMMSI.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil the “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “Group DirectoryGroup DirectoryGroup DirectoryGroup DirectoryGroup Directory.”4. Press the [ENT] key, then select “AddAddAddAddAdd” with theCHANNEL selector knob.5. Press the [ENT] key.
Page 47FM-40006. Press applicable key to enter the first letter of thename of the group you want to reference in the di-rectory.Example: Press the [2(MEM)] key repeatedly totoggle among the seven available characters asso-ciated with that key: 22222 Æ AAAAA Æ BBBBB Æ CCCCC Æ aaaaa Æ bbbbb Æ ccccc Æ 22222 ....If you enter a wrong character, pres the [CLR] keyto delete the wrong character.7. Press the [ENT] key to store the first letter in the name.8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to complete the name. The name can consist of upto 11 characters. If you do not use all 11 characters, press the [ENT] key tomove to the next space. This method can also beused to enter a blank space in the name. If you en-ter a wrong character, press the [H/L] key until thewrong character is selected, then enter the correctcharacter.9. After the 11th letter or space has been entered, press and hold the [ENT]key to advance to the Group MMSI (Maritime Mo-bile Service Identity Number) number entry.10. Enter the desired number. If you enter a wrong num-ber, press the [H/L] key until the wrong number isselected, then enter the correct number.11. To store the data entered, press and hold the [ENT]key.12. To enter another group address, repeat steps 4through 11.13. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu, then pressthe [CLR] key again to return to radio operation.11.7.2  Transmitting a Group CallUsing Pre-Programmed Vessel1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“GroupGroupGroupGroupGroup.” (To cancel, press the [CLR] key.)3. Press the [ENT] key. The transceiver beeps,and the “Group directory” appears.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“Group” you want to contact.5. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNELselector knob to select the operating channel you
FM-4000Page 48want to communicate on, then press the [ENT]key.6. Press the [ENT] key again to transmit the Groupcall signal.7. When the Group call signal is sent, the LCDdisplays the information shown in the illustra-tion at right.8. After the Group call is transmitted, all the ra-dios in the group switch to the designated chan-nel.9. Listen to the channel to make sure it is not busy,then key the microphone and call the other ves-sels you desire to communicate with.Manual CallingYou may enter a Group MMSI number manually to contact a group whoseGroup call number is not registered in the radio.1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“GroupGroupGroupGroupGroup.” (To cancel, press the [CLR] key.)3. Press the [ENT] key. The transceiver beepsthen the “Group Directory” appears.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“ManualManualManualManualManual,” then press the [ENT] key.5. Enter the MMSI number (nine digits: first digit per-manently set to “0”) which you want to contact, thenpress the [ENT] key.6. If you enter a wrong number in the MMSI number,press the [H/L] key until the wrong number is se-lected, then enter the correct number.7. When you have finished entering the MMSInumber, press and hold the [ENT] key.8. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“ManualManualManualManualManual,” then press the [ENT] key.9. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the op-erating channel you want to communicate on, thenpress the [ENT] key.10. Press the [ENT] key again to transmit the Groupcall signal.
Page 49FM-400011. After the Group call is transmitted, all the radios inthe group switch to the designated channel.12. Listen to the channel to make sure it is not busy,then key the microphone and call the othervessels.11.7.3  Receiving a Group Call1. When a Group call is received, the FM-4000 soundsa ringing alarm and the radio automatically switchesto the requested channel.2. Press any key to stop the alarm.3. Monitor the channel for a message sent by a person calling the Group.4. If you want to respond, monitor the channel to make sure it is clear, thenpress the PTT on the microphone and talk to the calling ship(s).NOTEAfter a Group call is received, the time the call was made and the ship’sMMSI or vessel’s name appear on the LCD.
FM-4000Page 5011.8 POSITION REQUESTAdvancements in DSC have made it possible to poll the location of anothervessel and show the position of that vessel on the display of the FM-4000.FURUNO has taken this feature one step further. If any FURUNO GPS chartplotters are connected to the FM-4000, the polled position of the vessel isshown on the display of the GPS chart plotter, making it easy to navigate to thelocation of the polled vessel. This is a great feature for anyone wanting toknow the position of another vessel. For example, your buddy that is catchingfish, or finding the location of a person you are cruising with.NOTEThe other vessel must have an operating GPS receiver connected to itsDSC transceiver and must not have its transceiver set to deny positionrequests. (See the section “11.5 INDIVIDUAL CALL” to enter informa-tion into the individual directory).11.8.1  Setting up Position ReplyThe FM-4000 can automatically or manually send your position to anothervessel. This selection is important if you are concerned about someone pollingthe position of your vessel that you may not want to. In the manual mode youwill see the MMSI or person’s name shown on the display, allowing you tochoose to send your position to the requesting vessel or not.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Position ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition Reply.”4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select “Auto-Auto-Auto-Auto-Auto-maticmaticmaticmaticmatic” or “ManualManualManualManualManual.” In the “AutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomatic” mode, after aDSC POS Request is received, the radio will auto-matically transmit your vessel’s position. In the“ManualManualManualManualManual” mode, the display of the FM-4000 will showwho is requesting your position.5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “RadioRadioRadioRadioRadioSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup” menu, then press the [CLR] key again to re-turn to radio operation.
Page 51FM-400011.8.2  Transmitting a Position Request to Another VesselUsing Pre-Programmed Vessel1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“Pos RequestPos RequestPos RequestPos RequestPos Request.”3. Press [ENT] key to show the Position RequestDirectory. This directory uses the Individual Di-rectory information.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select aname, then press the [ENT] key.5. Press the [ENT] key again to transmit the Po-sition Request DSC call.6. When the FM-4000 receives the position fromthe polled vessel it is shown on the radio dis-play and also transferred to the GPS chart plot-ter.NOTEIf the FM-4000 does not receive position data from the polled vessel,the LCD shows “NO POSITION DATA.”Manual RequestYou may enter an MMSI number manually to request the position of a vesselthat is not registered in the Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory.1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“Pos RequestPos RequestPos RequestPos RequestPos Request.”3. Press the [ENT] key to show the Position Re-quest directory. This directory uses the Indi-vidual Directory information.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“ManualManualManualManualManual,” then press the [ENT] key.5. Enter the MMSI number (nine digits) which youwant to contact by the keypad, then press the[ENT] key.6. If you enter a wrong number in the MMSI num-ber,  press the [H/L] key until the wrong num-
FM-4000Page 52ber is selected, then enter the correct number.7. When you have finished entering the MMSI num-ber, press and hold the [ENT] key.8. Press the [ENT] key to transmit the PositionRequest DSC call.9. When the FM-4000 receives the position fromthe polled vessel it is shown on the radio dis-play and also transferred to the GPS chart plot-ter.11.8.3  Receiving a Position RequestWhen a Position Request call is received from another vessel, a ringing alarmwill sound and “POS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUESTPOS REQUEST” appears. Operation and transceiver functiondiffer depending on the “Position ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition ReplyPosition Reply” setting in the “DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menu.Automatically reply:1. When a Position Request call is received, a calling alarm sounds four times.Then requested position coordinates are transmit-ted automatically to the vessel requesting yourvessel’s position.2. To exit from the Position Request display, pressthe [CLR] key.Manually reply:1. When a Position Request call is received from an-other vessel, the LCD shows the time and MMSI orname of person requesting your vessel’s position.2. A ringing alarm sounds four times. To send yourvessel’s position to the requesting vessel, press the [ENT] key. Or to exitfrom Position Request display, press the [CLR] key.
Page 53FM-400011.9 POSITION SENDThe feature is similar to Position Request, however instead of requesting aposition of another vessel this function allows you to send your position toanother vessel. Your vessel must have an operating GPS receiver connectedto the FM-4000 to send your position.NOTETo transmit a Position Send call, you must set up the FM-4000 DSCIndividual / Position Call Directory with the name of the vessel(s) orperson and the MMSI of the DSC radio you wish to send your positionto. To setup this directory, see section “11.5.1 Setting up the Individual/ Position Call Directory.”11.9.1  Setting up a Position Send RingerThe FM-4000 has the capability to turn off the Position Send ringer as follows.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil the “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “DSC BeepDSC BeepDSC BeepDSC BeepDSC Beep.”4. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “Position ReportPosition ReportPosition ReportPosition ReportPosition Report.”5. Press the [ENT] key, then select “OffOffOffOffOff” with theCHANNEL selector knob.6. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected set-ting.7. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “RadioRadioRadioRadioRadioSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup” menu, then press the [CLR] key again to re-turn to radio operation.To enable the ringer tone, select “OnOnOnOnOn” at step “6” in this procedure.11.9.2  Transmitting a DSC Position Send CallUsing Pre-Programmed Vessel1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“Pos ReportPos ReportPos ReportPos ReportPos Report.”
FM-4000Page 543. Press [ENT] key to show the Position Send Di-rectory. This directory uses the Individual Di-rectory information.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select aname in the directory, then press the [ENT] key.5. Press the [ENT] key again to send your posi-tion to the selected vessel.6. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-dio Setupdio Setupdio Setupdio Setupdio Setup” menu, then press the [CLR] keyagain to return to radio operation.Manual CallingYou may enter an MMSI number manually to send your position to that vesselwithout entering it into the Setting up the Individual / Position Call Directory.1. Press the [CALL(MENU)] key to show the “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall MenuCall Menu.”2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“Pos ReportPos ReportPos ReportPos ReportPos Report.”3. Press [ENT] key to show the Position SendDirectory. This directory uses the IndividualDirectory information.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select“ManualManualManualManualManual,” then press the [ENT] key.5. Enter the MMSI number (nine digits: first digitpermanently set to “0”) which you want to con-tact, then press the [ENT] key.6. If you enter a wrong number in the MMSI num-ber, press the [H/L] key until the wrong number isselected, then enter the correct number.7. When you have finished entering the MMSI num-ber, press and hold the [ENT] key.8. Press the [ENT] key to send your position to theselected vessel.
Page 55FM-400011.9.3  Receiving a DSC Position Send CallWhen another vessel transmits its location to the FM-4000, the following oc-curs:1. A ringing sound is generated when the call is received.2. Press any key to stop the ringing sound.3. The position of the vessel is shown and also trans-ferred to any FURUNO GPS chart plotter if con-nected.11.10 MANUAL INPUT OF POSITION (LAT/LON)You may send the latitude/longitude of your vessel manually when the FM-4000 is not connected to a GPS receiver.After the position is entered, any DSC Distress, Position Request, or PositionSend will contain the manually entered position.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil the “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the“DSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC SetupDSC Setup” menu.3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “Position InputPosition InputPosition InputPosition InputPosition Input.”4. Press the [ENT] key. The transceiver beeps,then the display looks something like the onein the illustration at right.5. Enter your local UTC time in the 24-hour notation,then press the [ENT] key.6. Enter the latitude/longitude of your vessel, then pressthe [ENT] key. To select North (N) press the [6(NAV)]key, South (S) press the [7(SCRM)] key, East (E)press the [3(SCAN)] key or West (W) press the[9(FOG)] key.7. To store the data entered, press and hold the [ENT]key.8. Press the [CLR] key twice to return to the “RadioRadioRadioRadioRadioSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup” menu, then press the [CLR] key again to return to radio operation.
FM-4000Page 5612 RADIO SETUPNOTEThe optional CMP30 Remote MIC can also access the SETUP menu.See page 73 for details.12.1 LCD CONTRASTAdjust the LCD contrast for best viewability.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key until“Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “ContrastContrastContrastContrastContrast.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the de-sired level. The contrast level can be set from “00000” to“3131313131.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected level.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
Page 57FM-400012.2 TIME OFFSET“Time Offset” sets the time offset between local time and UTC in order to dis-play local time. The time display requires connection of a GPS receiver.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Time OffsetTime OffsetTime OffsetTime OffsetTime Offset.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select time off-set from UTC. See the illustration below to find youroffset time from UTC. If “0:000:000:000:000:00” is assigned, the timeis the same as UTC (Universal Time Coordinated orGMT Greenwich Mean Time).5. Press the [ENT] key to store the time offset.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.OFFSET TIME TABLE
FM-4000Page 5812.3 TIME DISPLAYThe time can be shown in local or UTC time. The time display requires con-nection of a GPS receiver.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Time DisplayTime DisplayTime DisplayTime DisplayTime Display.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select “UTCUTCUTCUTCUTC” or“LocalLocalLocalLocalLocal.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.In the local time mode, the display shows the time bythe 12-hour system, while the display shows the time by the 24-hour system inthe UTC mode.12.4 SOG (SPEED OVER GROUND) UNITThe SOG indication can be shown in knot, mph or kph.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “SOG UnitSOG UnitSOG UnitSOG UnitSOG Unit.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select desiredunit.5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.(“LOCAL” mode)(“UTC” mode)
Page 59FM-400012.5 TRUE MAGNETIC CHANGE (NAV DISPLAY)The GPS COG (Course Over Ground) indication can be shown in True orMagnetic.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “MagneticMagneticMagneticMagneticMagnetic.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select “Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-neticneticneticneticnetic” or “TrueTrueTrueTrueTrue.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.12.6 PRIORITY CHANNELYou can set the priority channel to use when priority scan is enabled.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Priority CHPriority CHPriority CHPriority CHPriority CH.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the chan-nel to be a priority.5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 6012.7 SCAN TYPEYou can set the scan mode between “Memory Scan” and “Priority Scan.”1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “SCAN TypeSCAN TypeSCAN TypeSCAN TypeSCAN Type.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select “PriorityPriorityPriorityPriorityPrioritySCANSCANSCANSCANSCAN” or “Memory SCANMemory SCANMemory SCANMemory SCANMemory SCAN.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.12.8 SCAN RESUME TIMESet the amount of time the FM-4000 waits after a transmission ends beforestarting scanning.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “SCAN ResumeSCAN ResumeSCAN ResumeSCAN ResumeSCAN Resume.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the de-sired resume time. The resume time can be set to“1sec1sec1sec1sec1sec” through “5sec5sec5sec5sec5sec,” or “OffOffOffOffOff.” In the “OffOffOffOffOff” selection,the scanning resumes after the other station stopstransmitting (carrier drops).5. Press the [ENT] key to  store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
Page 61FM-400012.9 KEY BEEPSet the beep tone volume level when a key is pressed.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Key BeepKey BeepKey BeepKey BeepKey Beep.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the de-sired level. The beep can be set from “Level 1Level 1Level 1Level 1Level 1” to“Level 6Level 6Level 6Level 6Level 6,” “HighHighHighHighHigh,” or “OffOffOffOffOff.”5. Press the [ENT] key to set the key beep condition.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.NOTEEmergency alarm and beeps for DSC operation cannot be turned OFF.12.10 WEATHER ALERT SETUPThe NOAA Weather alert can be enabled or disabled. The default setting is“On SCAN and WX CH.”1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Weather AlertWeather AlertWeather AlertWeather AlertWeather Alert.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the de-sired WX alert mode. The WX alert mode can beset to “On WX CHOn WX CHOn WX CHOn WX CHOn WX CH,” “On SCANOn SCANOn SCANOn SCANOn SCAN,” “On SCAN andOn SCAN andOn SCAN andOn SCAN andOn SCAN and WXWXWXWXWXCHCHCHCHCH,” or “OffOffOffOffOff.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 6212.11 CHANNEL NAMINGYou may change the name of a channel.Example: CH84 “CALL HOME”1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “CH NameCH NameCH NameCH NameCH Name.3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select the chan-nel to name, then press the [ENT] key.5. Press applicable key to enter the first letter of thechannel name.Example: Press the [4(GHI)] key repeatedly to toggleamong the seven available characters associatedwith that key: 44444 Æ GGGGG Æ HHHHH Æ IIIII Æ ggggg Æ hhhhh Æ iiiii Æ 22222 ....6. Press the [ENT] key to enter the desired letter andmove the cursor one space to the right.7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to complete the name. Thename can consist of up to 16 characters. If you donot use all 16 characters, press the [ENT] key tomove to the next space. This method can also beused to enter a blank space in the name. To clearthe previous letter, press the [CLR] key.8. Press and hold down the [ENT] key to enter thename.9. If you want to change the name of another channel,repeat steps 3 through 8.10. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode, press the [16/9] key.
Page 63FM-400012.12 NAMING THE RADIO OR REMOTE MICYou can change the name of the RADIO or Remote MIC. Example: “RADIO -Cabin,” “RAM1 - Flybridge.”1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “Unit NameUnit NameUnit NameUnit NameUnit Name.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. With the Remote MIC connected, turn the CHAN-NEL selector knob to select the Unit (“RadioRadioRadioRadioRadio” or“RAM1RAM1RAM1RAM1RAM1”) to name, then press the [ENT] key, other-wise press the [ENT] key.5. Press applicable key to enter the first letter of chan-nel name.Example: Press the [2(MEM)] key repeatedly totoggle among the seven available characters asso-ciated with that key: 22222 Æ AAAAA Æ BBBBB Æ CCCCC Æ aaaaa Æ bbbbb Æ ccccc Æ 22222 ....6. Press the [ENT] key to enter the first letter in thename and move to the next letter to the right.7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to complete the name. Thename can consist of up to eight characters. If youdo not use all eight characters press the [ENT] keyto move to the next space. This method can also be used to enter a blankspace in the name. To clear the previous letter, press the [CLR] key.8. Press and hold the [ENT] key to enter the name and return to the “UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitNameNameNameNameName” menu.9. If you want to enter the name of another unit, repeat steps 4 through 8.10. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode, press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 6412.13 ADJUSTING THE TREBLE AND BASSAdjust the treble and bass of the speaker audio for best listening in noisyenvironments. The effect is similar to adjusting the treble and bass controls ona stereo.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNELselector knob to select “Tone ControlTone ControlTone ControlTone ControlTone Control.”3. Press the [ENT] key, then select “BassBassBassBassBass” with theCHANNEL selector knob.4. Press the [ENT] key, then turn the CHANNELselector knob to select desired audio responsein the lower frequency range. Available selec-tions are “–––––66666” through “+6+6+6+6+6.”5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. Select “TrebleTrebleTrebleTrebleTreble” with the CHANNEL selectorknob, then press the [ENT] key.7. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select de-sired audio response in the higher frequencyrange. Available selections are “–––––66666” through“+6+6+6+6+6.”8. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.9. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode, press the [16/9] key.12.14 FOG ALERT TONE FREQUENCYYou can select the tone frequency for the PA/Fog operation. The availablefrequency range is 200 Hz - 850 Hz, in 50 Hz steps. The default tone fre-quency is 400 Hz.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key untilthe “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the CHANNEL selec-tor knob to select “FOG FrequencyFOG FrequencyFOG FrequencyFOG FrequencyFOG Frequency..3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select desiredtone frequency.5. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
Page 65FM-400012.15 CALENDAR SETUPCalendar MenuThe FM-4000 has a clock that remembers date, time, latitude and longitude.Connecting a GPS receiver to the FM-4000 is very important as it not only willbe used to update the calendar automatically and also when a DSC Distresscall is transmitted will send your vessel’s location to other vessels to aid in therescue. See section “8.5 ACCESSORY CABLE.”GPS Receiver ConnectedWhen a GPS receiver is connected, the FM-4000 will automatically store thecalendar date and time information after being connected for one hour.GPS Receiver Not ConnectedIf a GPS receiver is not connected to the FM-4000, manually enter the dateand time into the Calendar Menu in order for the clock to operate. The time youwill enter will be your local time in UTC format. To calculate your local UTCtime, first find your location on the Standard Time table below.NOTEThe table below shows Standard Time. For Daylight Savings subtractone hour from your offset.
FM-4000Page 66Examples:NOTEIf you are west of UTC time you will add the offset to your time.If you are East of UTC time you will subtract the offset from your time.1. Press and hold the [CALL(MENU)] key until the “Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-dio Setupdio Setupdio Setupdio Setupdio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key3. Select “CalendarCalendarCalendarCalendarCalendar” with the CHANNEL selector knob.4. Press the [ENT] key5. Select “Date Date Date Date Date (20YY20YY20YY20YY20YY/MMMMMMMMMM/DDDDDDDDDD)” with the CHANNEL se-lector knob.6. Press the [ENT] key.7. Enter the current date (Yr/Mo/Day).8. If you enter a wrong number, press the [H/L] keyuntil the wrong number is selected, then enter thecorrect number.9. Using the Standard time table above, calculate theUTC time of your position.Note: For daylight savings time subtract one hourto the offset in your time zone.10. To enter the time, press the [ENT] key until the firstdigit in the “Time Time Time Time Time (hhhhhhhhhh/mm [UTC]mm [UTC]mm [UTC]mm [UTC]mm [UTC])” is selected on thedisplay, then enter the time.11. Press and hold down the [ENT] key to store the se-lected setting.12. Select “UpdateUpdateUpdateUpdateUpdate” with the CHANNEL selector knob,then press the [ENT] key.City NYOffset -5Time (convert local time to 24 hour) 4:00PM (local) or 16:00 (24hour)Calculate 24hour local + Offset (East of UTC) 16:00 + 05:00  = 21:00City RomeOffset +1Time (convert local time to 24 hour) 4:00PM (local) or 16:00 (24hour)Calculate 24hour local + Offset (East of UTC) 16:00 - 01:00  = 15:00City Los AngelesOffset -8Time (convert local time to 24 hour) 4:00PM (local) or 16:00 (24hour)Calculate 24hour local + Offset (East of UTC) 16:00 + 08:00  = 22:00
Page 67FM-400013. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select themethod of the time adjustment between “AutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomatic”and “ManualManualManualManualManual.”14. Press the [ENT] key to store the selected setting.15. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode, press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 6813 REMOTE MIC OPERATIONWhen the Remote MIC is connected to the FM-4000, most VHF, DSC, setupmenus and PA modes can be remotely operated. The Remote MIC is suppliedwith 23 feet (7 m) of routing cable and can be extended up to 70 feet (21 m)using three 23-foot extension cables model CT-100. The Intercom feature canbe used between the Remote MIC and the transceiver. In addition, speakerwires are supplied at the panel mount of the routing cable for external speak-ers to be connected in noisy environments.13.1 REMOTE MIC CONTROLS[H/L] KEYToggles between high and low power. When the [H/L] key is pressed whilethe transceiver is on CH13 or CH67, the power is temporarily switchedfrom LO to HI until the PTT switch is released. The [H/L] key does notfunction on transmit inhibited and low-power only channels.PTT (Push-To-Talk) KeyActivates transmission.
Page 69FM-4000POWER ( ) KeyPress and hold down this key to turn to the transceiver and Remote MICon or off.MICROPHONEThe internal microphone is located here.When transmitting, position your mouth about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.2 ~ 2.5 cm)away from the small mic hole. Speak slowly and clearly into the micro-phone.DISPLAYChannel display.SOFT KEYThese three key’s functions can be customized by the Setup Menu mode.When press one of these key briefly, the key functions will appear at theLCD bottom. The factory defaults are shown below.[SCAN] KeyStarts and stops scanning of programmed channels.[DW] KeyWatches for a transmission on CH16 and another selected channel untileither signal is received. (Dual watch)[IC] KeyGet Intercom operation between radio and the Remote MIC.KEY PAD[CALL/MENU] KeyPress this key to access the DSC OPERATION menu.Press and hold this key to access the SETUP menu.[16/9] KeyFirst press: channel 16 is immediately selected.Second press: recalls the last selected channel.Press and hold: selects channel 9.[S](UP)/[T](DOWN) KeyThese keys are used to select channels, adjust the volume and squelchlevel, and to choose DSC calls, DSC setup and Radio setup function.[VOL/SQ] Key (Volume Control / Squelch Control)Press this key to toggle the function of the Remote MIC’s [S] or [T] keybetween the channel selections, volume level adjustment, and squelchlevel adjustment.
FM-4000Page 70[CLR/WX] KeyImmediately recalls the previously selected NOAA weather channel.Cancel the menu selection and/or keypad entry.Secondary useHold down the [16/9] key while pressing the [WX] key to change themode from USA to International or Canadian.[ENT] KeyThis key functions as the enter key.SPEAKERThe internal speaker is located here.[DISTRESS] KEYUsed to send a DSC Distress call.13.2 INTERCOM OPERATION13.2.1  Communication1. Press one of the Soft key briefly to appear the key functions at the LCDbottom, then press the [IC] key to activate the “Intercom” mode.2. If your FM-4000 is equipped with two Remote MICs, use the [T]/[S] key toselect the station (RADIORADIORADIORADIORADIO, RAMRAMRAMRAMRAM, or ALLALLALLALLALL)  you wish tocommunicate with, then press the [ENT] key.3. When the “Intercom” feature is activated, “IntercomIntercomIntercomIntercomIntercom”appears on the FM-4000 and CMP30.4. Press the PTT switch and“TALK” is displayed.NOTE: A warning beep is emit-ted when the Remote MIC’sPTT switch is pressed whilethe transceiver microphone’sPTT switch is pressed.5. Speak slowly and clearly intothe microphone, holding themicrophone about 1/2 inchaway from your mouth.6. When finished, release thePTT switch.7. Press the [CLR(WX)] keyagain to revert to the “RADIO” mode.(FM-4000 display)(CMP30 display)(FM-4000’s PTT switch is pressed)(CMP30’s PTT switch is pressed)
Page 71FM-400013.2.2  CallingPress and hold the [DW(IC)] key for one second when the “Intercom” mode isactive. A calling beep is emitted from the speaker.13.3 KEY ASSIGNMENT13.3.1  Number of Soft KeysThree soft keys are set as default. However the Remote MIC allows assigningof up to six soft keys with the instructions below:1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then press the [T] keyto select “SOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT Keys.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Press the [S] or [T] key to select “Number ofNumber ofNumber ofNumber ofNumber ofSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT Keys” and press the [ENT] key.5. Press the [S] or [T] key to select the numberof soft keys (33333, 44444, or 66666) and press the [ENT]key.6. To exit this menu and return to radio operation mode,press the [16/9] key.
FM-4000Page 7213.3.2  Define the Soft KeysBy default the soft keys are assigned as SCAN, DW and NAV, however theirfunction can be changed. In addition the soft keys can be increased or reas-signed as follows:1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then press the [T] keyto select “SOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT KeysSOFT Keys.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Press the [T] key to select “Define Define Define Define Define [[[[[SOFTSOFTSOFTSOFTSOFT]]]]] Keys Keys Keys Keys Keys”and press the [ENT] key.5. Press the [S] or [T] key to select the [Soft]key, and press the [ENT] key. Then, press the[S] or [T] key to select the new function tobe assigned, and press the [ENT] key. Avail-able functions are listed below.6. To exit this menu and return to radio opera-tion mode, press the [16/9] key.13.4 EXTERNAL SPEAKER AF SELECTIONThe “AF SelectAF SelectAF SelectAF SelectAF Select” menu allows you to set the audio output level of the RemoteMIC’s External Speaker to a fixed level regardless of the VOL level setting ofthe Remote MIC, which is useful when using the amplified speaker (not op-tion) with on/off volume control.1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] keyuntil “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [ENT] key, then use the [S]/[T] keyto select “AF SelectAF SelectAF SelectAF SelectAF Select.”3. Press the [ENT] key.4. Press the [S] or [T] key to select “PrPrPrPrPr” (ExternalSpeaker Level is “Fixed”) or “PoPoPoPoPo” (External SpeakerLevel is “Adjustable”).5. Press the [ENT] key to store the data entered, thenpress the [16/9] key to exit this menu and return to radio operation mode.DISPLAYSCANDWMEMICPAFOGSCRMFUNCTIONStops and starts scanning.Stops and starts Dual Watch Scan.When pressed memorizes a channel for scanning.Activates the Intercom function.Operates the PA function.Operates the Fog Horn function.Toggles the Voice Scrambler “on” and “off”.
Page 73FM-400013.5 DSC/RADIO SETUP MODEThe Remote MIC can access the DSC SETUP / RADIO SETUP menu (seesection “11 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING” and section “12 RADIO SETUPMENU” for details). However, the Dimmer, Contrast, and Key Beep menu itemswhich are accessed from the Remote MIC only controls the Remote MIC’sdisplay and speaker.DSC SETUP /RADIO SETUP menu from the Remote MIC:1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key until“Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” menu appears.2. Press the [S]/[T] key to select “Radio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio SetupRadio Setup” or “DSCDSCDSCDSCDSCSetupSetupSetupSetupSetup.”3. Press the [ENT] key, then use the [S]/[T] key toselect the menu item you wish to work on.4. Press the [ENT] key.5. Press the [S]/[T] key to change the value or condi-tion for the menu item, then press the [ENT] key tosave the new setting.6. Press the [16/9] key to return to the normal opera-tion.DSC SETUP FunctionIndividual Directory Sets the Individual Directory.Individual Reply Sets how to reply to an Individual call, Automatic or Manual.Individual Ack Sets how to acknowledge an Individual call, Able or Unable.Individual Ringer Selects individual call ringer tone, among four choices.Group Directory Setup the Group Directory.Position Reply Selects how to respond to request for your position, Automatic or Manual.Position Input Sets the latitude/longitude of your vessel manually.DSC BEEP Turns on or off the Individual, Group, Position request or send beep.Radio Setup FunctionDimmer Adjusts the backlight.Contrast Adjusts display contrast.SOG Unit Selects SOC unit, knots, MPH or KPH.Magnetic Selects COG indication format, True or Magnetic.Key Beep Turns key beep on or off.Unit Name Allows changing the name of the connected MIC.EXT Speaker Selects the speaker to use, Internal or External.AF Select Selects the audio output,Soft Keys Sets the key assignment.
FM-4000Page 7414 MAINTENANCEThe inherent quality of the solid-state components used in this transceiver willprovide many years of continuous use. Taking the following precautions willprevent damage to the transceiver.• Keep the microphone connected or the jack covered at all times to preventcorrosion of electrical contacts.• Never key the microphone unless an antenna or suitable dummy load isconnected to the transceiver.• Ensure that the supply voltage to the transceiver does not exceed 16 VDCor fall below 11 VDC.• Use only FURUNO-approved accessories and replacement parts.In the unlikely event of serious problems, please contact your dealer.
Page 75FM-4000SYMPTOMCannot power thetransceiver.Transceiver blows fusewhen connected topower supply.Popping or whiningnoise from the speakerwhile engine runs.Sound is not emittedfrom the internal or ex-ternal speaker.Sound is not emittedfrom the PA speaker.Receiving station re-ports low TX power,even with transceiverset to HI power.“HI BATTERY” or “LOBATTERY” appearswhen the power isturned on.“PA ERROR” or “FOGERROR” is shownwhen the PA/FOGmode is activated.Your position is not dis-played.While in PA or Fog lis-ten-back modes, AMbroadcasts can beheard.PROBABLE CAUSENo DC voltage to thetransceiver, or blownfuse.Reversed powerwires.Engine noise.Accessory cable.Accessory cable.Antenna.The power supplyvoltage is too high ortoo low.Accessory cable.Accessory cable.Setting at the GPSreceiver.Strong AM radio sta-tions are beingpickup up by thespeaker wires.REMEDYa. Check the battery connections and the fuse.b. The PWR switch needs to be pressed andheld to turn the radio on.Check the power cable for DC voltage. Checkthe fuse (6A 250V).Make sure the red wire is connected to the posi-tive (+) battery post, and the black wire is con-nected to the negative (-) battery post. If the fuseblows after replacement, contact your dealer foradvice.Reroute the DC power cables away from theengine. Add noise suppressor on the powercable. Change to resistive spark plug wires and/or add an alternator whine filter.Check if the accessory cable is firmly fastened.(Short circuit the external speaker cable WHITE/SHIELD).Check if the accessory cable is firmly fastened.(Short circuit the PA speaker cable RED/SHIELD).Have the antenna checked or test the trans-ceiver with another antenna. If the problem per-sists, contact your dealer for advice.Confirm that the connected power supply volt-age is not over 17 volts or lower than 10 volts.Check if the accessory cable is firmly fastened.(Short circuit the PA speaker cable RED/SHIELD).Check if the accessory cable is firmly fastened.Some GPS receivers use the battery ground linefor NMEA connection.Check the output signal format of the GPS re-ceiver. This radio requires NMEA0183 formatwith GLL, RMB, or RMC sentence as an outputsignal. If the GPS receiver has a facility for set-ting baud rate and parity, select “4800” and“NONE,” respectively.Replace the speaker wires to a sheilded 2-con-ductor wire. See section “8.5 ACCESSORYCABLE”  for cable connections.14.1 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART
FM-4000Page 7615 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSThis chapter provides the VHF Marine Channel assignments for U.S.A. andInternational use. Below are listed some data about the charts.1. VTS. Where indicated, these channels are part of the U.S. Coast Guard’sVessel Traffic System.2. Alpha channel numbers, that is, channel numbers followed by the letter A(such as Channel 07A) are simplex channels on the U.S.A. or Canadianchannel assignments whose counterparts in the International assignmentsare duplex channels. International channels do not use “alpha” numbers.If you call the Coast Guard on Channel 16, they will sometimes ask you to“go to channel 22 Alpha.” This is a channel assigned to U.S.A, and Cana-dian Coast Guards for handling distress and other calls. If your radio is setfor International operation you will go to Channel 22 instead of 22A, andwill not be able to communicate with the Coast Guard. To use Channel22A, your radio must be set for USA or Canada operation, usually by a U/I/C (USA/International/Canada) control or combination of controls. Chan-nel 22 (without an “A”) is an International duplex channel for port opera-tions. Some radios indicate an “A” adjacent to the alpha channels on thedisplay; on others “alpha” is not indicated but the proper channel is se-lected based on the U/I/C setting.3. Bridge-to-Bridge channels (for example, Channel 13) are for use by bridgeoperators on intercoastal waterways and rivers. It is also used by marinevessels in the vicinity of these bridges for navigation and for communicat-ing with the bridge operators. Note that a limit of 1 Watt is specified forthese channels. See page 27 for additional information.4. The S/D column on the chart indicates either S (simplex) or D (duplex). Sim-plex means transmitting and receiving on the same frequency. Only one partyat a time can talk, unlike a telephone. Be sure to say “over” and release yourmicrophone push-to-talk switch at the end of each transmission. Duplex op-eration involves the use of one frequency for transmitting and a separate fre-quency for receiving. On channels specified as duplex on the charts, correctmode of operation is established automatically by your radio when you select achannel; you cannot change the mode. And you still must release the push-to-talk switch after each transmission in order to listen to the radio.5. Channels normally used by recreational boaters are those that include theterm “non-commercial” in the Channel Use column of the chart. Some ofthese are shared with other users and some are used only in certain geo-graphic regions.6. Marine vessels equipped with VHF radios are required to monitor Channel 16.
Page 77FM-4000VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE01 X X D 156.050 160.650 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)01A X S 156.050 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas02 X X D 156.100 160.700 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03 X X D 156.150 160.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)03A X S 156.150 U.S. Government Only, Coast Guard04 X D 156.200 160.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement04A X S 156.200 Pacific coast: Coast Guard, East Coast:Commercial fishing05 X D 156.250 160.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement05A X X S 156.250 Port operation. VTS in Seattle06 X X X S 156.300 Inter-ship Sefety07 X D 156.350 160.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement07A X X S 156.350 Commercial08 X X X S 156.400 Commercial (Inter-ship only)09 X X X S 156.450 Boater Calling channel, Commercial &Non-commercial (Recreational)10 X X X S 156.500 Commercial11 X X X S 156.550 Commercial. VTS in selected areas.12 X X X S 156.600 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.13 X X X S 156.650 Inter-ship Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge)14 X X X S 156.700 Port operation. VTS in selected areas.15 X S - - - 156.750 Environmental (Receive only)15 X X S 156.750 Commercial, non-commercial, ship movement (1 W)16 X X X S 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling17 X X X S 156.850 State Controlled (1 W)18 X D 156.900 161.500 Port operation, ship movement18A X X S 156.900 Commercial19 X D 156.950 161.550 Port operation, ship movement19A X S 156.950 US: Commercial19A X S 156.950 Coast Guard20 X X X D 157.000 161.600 Canadian Coast Guard Only,International: port operations and shipment20A X S 157.000 Port operation21 X D 157.050 161.650 Port operation, ship movement21A X X S 157.050 U.S. Government Only, Canadian Coast Guard22 X D 157.100 161.700 Port operation, ship movement22A X X S 157.100 US and Canadian Coast Guard Liaison andMaritime Safety Information Broadcasts announcedon channel 1623 X X D 157.150 161.750 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)23A X S 157.150 U.S. Government Only24 X X X D 157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)25 X X X D 157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)26 X X X D 157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)27 X X X D 157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)28 X X X D 157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
FM-4000Page 78VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE60 X X D 156.025 160.625 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)61 X D 156.075 160.675 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement61A X X S 156.075 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial fishing only62 X D 156.125 160.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement62A X S 156.125 Public Coast: Coast Guard;East Coast: commercial fishing only63 X D 156.175 160.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement63A X X S 156.175 Port Operation and Commercial.VTS in selected areas.64 X X D 156.225 160.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement64A X X S 156.225 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65 X D 156.275 160.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement65A X X S 156.275 Port Opeations66 X D 156.325 160.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement66A X X S 156.325 Port Operations67 X X X S 156.375 US: Commercial. Used for Bridge-to-bridge communi-cations in lower Mississippi River. Inter-shiponly,Canada: Commercial fishing, S&R68 X X X S 156.425 Non-commercial (Recreational)69 X X X S 156.475 US: Non-commercial (Recreational),Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement70 X X X S 156.525 Digital selective calling (voice communications notallowed)71 X X X S 156.575 US, Canada: Non-commercial (Recreational),International: Port opertions and Ship movement72 X X X S 156.625 Non-commercial (Inter-ship only)73 X X X S 156.675 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial fish ing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement74 X X X S 156.725 US: Port Operations,Canada: Commercial fishing only,International: Inter-ship, Port opertions and Shipmovement75 X X X S 156.775 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)76 X X X S 156.825 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only) (1W)77 X S 156.875 Port Operations (Inter-ship only)78 X D 156.925 161.525 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship-movement78A X X S 156.925 Non-commercial (Recreational)79 X D 156.975 161.575 Port operation and Ship movement79A X X S 156.975 Commercial
Page 79FM-4000VHF MARINE CHANNEL CHARTCH U C I S/D TX RX CHANNEL USE80 X D 157.025 161.625 Port operation, ship movement80A X X S 157.025 Commercial81 X D 157.075 161.675 Port operation, ship movement81A X S 157.075 U.S. Government Only -Environmental protection operations.81A X S 157.075 Canadian Coast Guard Only82 X D 157.125 161.725 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator),Port operation, ship movement82A X X S 157.125 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D 157.175 161.775 Canadian Coast Guard Only83 X D 157.175 161.775 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)83A X X S 157.175 U.S. Government Only,Canadian Coast Guard Only84 X X X D 157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)85 X X X D 157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)86 X X X D 157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)87 X X S 157.375 Port operation, ship movement87A X S 157.375 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)88 X X S 157.425 Port operation, ship movement88A X S 157.425 Commercial, Inter-ship OnlyWX01X X X D - - - 162.550 Weather (receive only)WX02X X X D - - - 162.400 Weather (receive only)WX03X X X D - - - 162.475 Weather (receive only)WX04X X X D - - - 162.425 Weather (receive only)WX05X X X D - - - 162.450 Weather (receive only)WX06X X X D - - - 162.500 Weather (receive only)WX07X X X D - - - 162.525 Weather (receive only)WX08X X X D - - - 161.650 Weather (receive only)WX09X X X D - - - 161.775 Weather (receive only)WX10X X X D - - - 163.275 Weather (receive only)NOTE: Simplex channels, 3A, 21A, 23A, 61A, 64A, 81A, 82A and 83A CANNOT be lawfully usedby the general public in U.S.A. waters.
FM-4000Page 801: 156.050 MHz and 156.175 MHz are available for port operations and commercial com-munications purposes when used only within the U.S. Coast Guard designated VesselTraffic Services (VTS) area of New Orleans, on the lower Mississippi River from thevarious pass entrances in the Gulf of Mexico to Devil’s Swamp Light at River Mile 242.4above head of passes near Baton Rouge.2: 156.250 MHz is available for port operations communications use only within the U.S.Coast Guard designated VTS radio protection areas of New Orleans and Houston de-scribed in Sec.  80.383. 156.250 MHz is available for intership port operations communi-cations used only within the area of Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, within a 25-nautical mile radius of Point Fermin, California.3: 156.550 MHz, 156.600 MHz and 156.700 MHz are available in the U.S. Coast Guarddesignated port areas only for VTS communications and in the Great Lakes availableprimarily for communications relating to the movement of ships in sectors designated bythe St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation or the U.S. Coast Guard. The useof these frequencies outside VTS and ship movement sector protected areas is permit-ted provided they cause no interference to VTS and ship movement communications intheir respective designated sectors.Noncommercial6817 156.425 156.4250916 156.450 156.45069 156.475 156.47571 156.575 156.57572 156.625 ........ Intership only.78A 156.925 156.92579A 156.975 156.975 Great Lakes only.80A 157.025 157.025 Do.6714 156.375 ....... Internship only.Distress, Safety and Calling16 156.800 156.800 EPRIBIntership Safety06 156.300 ........ a.  Intership, orb. For SAR: Shipand aircraft for theU.S. Coast Guard.Environmental1513 ........ 156.750 Coast to ship only.Maritime Control179,10 156.850 156.850Liaison, U.S. Coast Guard22A11 157.100 157.100 Ship, aircraft, andcoast stations ofthe U.S. CoastGuard and atLake Mead, Nev.,ship and coaststations of theNational ParkService, U.S.Department of theInterior.ShiptransmitChanneldesignatorCarrier frequency(MHz)Points of communica-tion (Intership and be-tween coast and shipunless otherwiseiandicated)CoasttransmitPort Operations01A1156.050 156.05063A1156.175 156.175052156.250 156.25065A 156.275 156.27566A 156.325 156.325123156.600 156.60073 156.675 156.675143156.700 156.70074 156.725 156.725774156.875 Intership only.20 157.000 161.60020A12 157.000 Intership only.Navigational (Bridge-to-Bridge)5136156.650 156.650677156.375 156.375Commercial01A1156.050 156.05063A1156.175 156.17507A 156.350 156.350677156.375 Intership only.08 156.400 ........ Do.09 156.450 156.45010 156.500 156.500113156.550 156.55018A 156.900 156.90019A 156.950 156.95079A 156.975 156.97580A 157.025 157.02588A8157.425 ........ Intership only.7214 156.625 ........ Internship only.Digital Selective Calling7015 156.525 156.525ShiptransmitChanneldesignatorCarrier frequency(MHz)Points of communica-tion (Intership and be-tween coast and shipunless otherwiseiandicated)Coasttransmit
Page 81FM-40004: Use of 156.875 MHz is limited to communications with pilots regarding the movementand docking of ships. Normal output power must not exceed 1 watt.5: 156.375 MHz and 156.650 MHz are available primarily for intership navigational com-munications. These frequencies are available between coast and ship on a secondarybasis when used on or in the vicinity of locks or drawbridges. Normal output power mustnot exceed 1 watt. Maximum output power must not exceed 10 watts for coast stations or25 watts for ship stations.6: On the Great Lakes, in addition to bridge-to-bridge communications, 156.650 MHz isavailable for vessel control purposes in established vessel traffic systems. 156.650 MHzis not available for use in the Mississippi River from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2”and Southwest Pass entrance Midchannel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 aboveHead of Passes near Baton Rouge. Additionally it is not available for use in the Missis-sippi River-Gulf Outlet, the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal, and the Inner HarborNavigational Canal, except to aid the transition from these areas.7: Use of 156.375 MHz is available for navigational communications only in the MississippiRiver from South Pass Lighted Whistle Buoy “2” and Southwest Pass entrance Mid-channel Lighted Whistle Buoy to mile 242.4 above head of Passes near Baton Rouge,and in addition over the full length of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal from en-trance to its junction with the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, and over the full length ofthe Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Mississippi River to its entryto Lake Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.8: Within 120 km (75 miles) of the United States/Canada border, in the area of the PugetSound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches, 157.425 MHz is half of theduplex pair designated as Channel 88. In this area, Channel 88 is available to shipstations for communications with public coast stations only. More than 120 km (75 miles)from the United States/Canada border in the area of the Puget Sound and the Strait ofJuan de Fuca, its approaches, the Great Lakes, and the St. Lawrence Seaway, 157.425MHz is available for intership and commercial communications. Outside Puget Soundarea and its approaches and the Great Lakes, 157.425 MHz is also available for commu-nications between commercial fishing vessels and associated aircraft while engaged incommercial fishing activities.9: When the frequency 156.850 MHz is authorized, it may be used additionally for searchand rescue training exercises conducted by state or local governments.10: The frequency 156.850 MHz is additionally available to coast stations on the Great Lakesfor transmission of scheduled Coded Marine Weather Forecasts (MAFOR), Great LakesWeather Broadcast (LAWEB) and unscheduled Notices to Mariners or Bulletins. F3Cand J3C emissions are permitted. Coast Stations on the Great Lakes must cease weatherbroadcasts which cause interference to stations operating on 156.800 MHz until theinterference problem is resolved.11: The frequency 157.100 MHz is authorized for search and rescue training exercises bystate or local government in conjunction with U.S. Coast Guard stations. Prior U.S. CoastGuard approval is required. Use must cease immediately on U.S. Coast Guard request.12: The duplex pair for channel 20 (157.000/161.600 MHz) may be used for ship to coaststation communications.13: Available for assignment to coast stations, the use of which is in accord with an agreedprogram, for the broadcast of information to ship stations concerning the environmentalconditions in which vessels operate, i.e., weather; sea conditions; time signals; noticesto mariners; and hazards to navigation.14: Available only in the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.15: The frequency 156.525 MHz is to be used exclusively for distress, safety and callingusing digital selective calling techniques. No other uses are permitted.16: The frequency 156.450 MHz is available for intership, ship and coast general purposecalling by noncommercial vessels, such as recreational boats and private coast stations.17: The frequency 156.425 MHz is assigned by rule to private coast stations in Alaska forfacsimile transmissions as well as voice communications.
FM-4000Page 8216 SPECIFICATIONSPerformance specifications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and aresubject to change without notice.16.1  GENERALChannels ............................................... All USA, International and CanadianInput Voltage ......................................................................... 13.8 VDC ±20%Current DrainStandby ............................................................................................. 0.5 AReceive ............................................................................................. 1.5 ATransmit ..................................................................... 5.0 A (Hi); 1.5 A (Lo)Dimensions ............................................................... 3.5” H x 9.1” W x 5.9” D(90 H x 230 W x 150 D mm)Flush-Mount Dimensions .......................................... 2.8” H x 8.1” W x 5.1” D(72 H x 205 W x 130 D mm)Weight ................................................................................... 3.2 lbs (1.45 kg)16.2  TRANSMITTERFrequency Range .................................................... 156.025 to 157.425 MHzRF Output ......................................................................... 25 W (Hi); 1 W (Lo)Conducted Spurious Emissions ................................... 80 dB (Hi); 66 dB (Lo)Audio Response ................................................within +1/–3 of a 6 dB/octavepre-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzAudio Distortion ........................................................................................ 5 %Modulation ........................................................ 16K0G3E, for DSC 16K0G2BFrequency Stability (–4 °F to +140 °F; –20 °C to +60 °C) ...............±0.0005%FM Hum and Noise ............................................................................... 50 dB16.3  RECEIVERFrequency Range .................................................... 156.050 to 163.275 MHzSensitivity20 dB Quieting .............................................................................. 0.35 μV12 dB SINAD ................................................................................. 0.30 μVSquelch Sensitivity (Threshold) ..................................................... 0.13 μVModulation Acceptance Bandwidth ...................................................±7.5 kHzSelectivity (Typical)Spurious and Image Rejection ....................................................... –80 dBIntermodulation and Rejection at 12 dB SINAD ............................. –80 dBAudio Output ......................................................................................... 4.5 WAudio Response ............................................... within + 1/–3 of a 6 dB/octavede-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 HzFrequency Stability (–4 °F to +140 °F; –20 °C to +60 °C) ..............±0.0005 %Channel Spacing ................................................................................. 25 kHzDSC Format ................................................................................. EN 301 025NMEA Input/Output .......................................................... Output - DSC, DSEInput - GLL, GGA, RMC and GNS
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