Furuno USA 9ZWFA170 Automatic Identification Systems User Manual OME 44900 A

Furuno USA Inc Automatic Identification Systems OME 44900 A

User Manual II

2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-612. Select [BLUE CONES], then press the ENT/ACK key. The pop up window shown below appears.Depending on the cargo, up to four “cones” have to be shown on the mast, in day-light with cones and nighttime with blue lights. The greater the number of the cones the more hazardous the cargo.•  Select [NO. OF CONES 0] if your ship is not carrying hazardous cargo. •  Select [B-FLAG] if your ship carries explosives or hazardous cargo that ex-ceeds the hazard level expressed with cones. •  Select [UNKNOWN] if you are unsure of cargo type.13. Set [BLUE CONES] as necessary, then press the ENT/ACK key.14. Select [UN/LOADED], then press the ENT/ACK key. The pop up window shown to the right appears.15. Select [LOADED] for vessel loaded with cargo, [UNLOAD-ED] for vessel with no cargo, or [- - -] if you are unsure of the loading status.16. Select [CREW] is now selected, then press the ENT/ACK key.17. Enter number of crew (0-254) then press the ENT/ACK key.18. Select [PASSENGER], then press the ENT/ACK key.19. Enter number of passengers (0-8190) then press the ENT/ACK key.20. Select [PERSONNEL], then press the ENT/ACK key.21. Enter number of shipboard personnel (persons other than passengers and crew, 0-254) then press the ENT/ACK key.Note: Crew, passenger and shipboard personnel are sent in RFM55 messages.22. [NO. OF PERSONS] is selected; press the ENT/ACK key.23. Enter the total number of persons (sum of crew, passengers and shipboard per-sonnel) on-board then press the ENT/ACK key.Note: If the value entered for [CREW], [PASSENGER], [PERSONNEL] or [NO. OF PERSONS] exceeds the maximum setting listed in the steps above, the value appears as maximum for that item.BLUE CONESUNKNOWNNO .   OF   CONES   1NO .   OF   CONES   2NO .   OF   CONES   3B-FLAGNO .   OF   CONES   0UN/LOADEDLOADEDUNLOADED
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-724. Press  to display the [SCALE] tab.25. Referring to the table below, input the length and beam of your vessel and the con-voy vessel.Press the arrow keys to move the selection cursor and highlight the item you wish to edit, then press the ENT/ACK key. A numerical input pop up window appears for the selected item.26. Select [DRAUGHT], then press the ENT/ACK key to display the [DRAUGHT] set-ting pop up window. The setting range is [0] cm to [2000] cm.27. Input the draught, then press the ENT/ACK key.28. Press the DISP key to close the menu.Menu item Description[EA] Length of convoy vessel A. Setting range [0] to [6800] dm.[EB] Length of convoy vessel B. Setting range [0] to [6800] dm.[EC] Beam of convoy vessel A. Setting range [0] to [400] dm.[ED] Beam of convoy vessel B. Setting range [0] to [400] dm.[LS] Own ship length. (Display only, not available for input.)[BS] Own ship beam. (Display only, not available for input.)[LC] Shows the total length of the convoy. (Display only, not available for input.)[BC] Shows the total beam of the convoy. (Display only, not available for input.)NAV STATUS: TAB: SELECT: CURSORENTVOYAGEDRAUGHTSHIP’S   INFO SCALEEA:[CONVOY EXTENSION]0000dmEBLSLC:0000dm:0000cm0dm0dm0dm0dmEDBSBC:0000dmEC:0000dm120dmEDBS:0000dmEC:0000dmEA:0000dmEBLS:0000dm0dmConvoy layoutOwn vessel and convoy vessel lengthsOwn vessel and convoy vessel beamsOwn ship draught0000[0 ,  2000 ]DRAUGHT
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-82.4 Static DataThe [OWN INFORMATION] display shows your ship’s data across four tabs. The in-formation displayed is shown in the figure below. This data should be checked once per voyage or once per month whichever is shorter. Data may be changed only on the authority of the master.The Officer of the Watch should periodically check position, SOG and sensor informa-tion for quality.Note: The [TYPE OF SHIP] indication on the [IDENTITY] tab changes to display the ERI code when INLAND mode is active.Update rate of dynamic ship informationShip’s dynamic conditions and nominal reporting intervalShip’s dynamic conditions Nominal reporting intervalShip at anchor or moored or aground or not under command and not moving faster than 3 kn3 minutesShip at anchor or moored or aground or not under command and moving faster than 3 kn10 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving 0-14 kn 10 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving 0-14 kn speed and changing course3 1/3 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving 14-23 kn 6 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving 14-23 kn and changing course2 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving faster than 23 kn2 secondsShip operating in SOLAS mode, moving faster than 23 kn and changing course2 secondsShip operating in inland waterway mode Assigned between 2 seconds and 10 minutesOWN INFORMATION: TAB : NEXTDISPSENSOR VOYAGE IDENTITY SCALEUTC12/NOV/2014  17 :20 :0034 º 44 .5000 ´N130 .0º135 .0º135 º 21.3000 ´E708 . 7 º/min (    )10 .0 knHIGHUNUSEDPOSN PARAIMHDGCOGROTSOGOWN INFORMATION: TAB : NEXTDISPSENSOR VOYAGE IDENTITY SCALENAV STATUSDESTINATIONETA(UTC)NO.    OF  PERSONSPERSONNELPASSENGERBLUE SIGN YESNO. OF CONES  1UNLOADEDBLUE CONESUN/LOADEDCREWPWR-DRIVEN VESSEL PUSHING AHEAD OR TOWING ALONGSIDEKOBE10 /MAY  10:5112OWN INFORMATION: TAB : NEXTDISPSENSOR VOYAGE IDENTITY SCALEMMSINAMEIMO NO.CALL SIGNTYPE OF SHIPWIGARRYING DG, HS, OR, MP(OS)24@SEVEN@ENI@EIGHT@FURUNOMARU29740917190123456789SENSOR tab VOYAGE tabIDENTITY tabSCALE tabPress ► or ◄ to cycle through the tabs.25581912558191OWN INFORMATION: TAB : NEXTDISPSENSOR VOYAGE IDENTITY SCALE[CONVOY EXTENSION][ANT  POSN]EA500dm500dm1000dm400dm,600dm,250dm,250dm200dm,800dm,400dm,100dm0cm2000dm500dm250dm250dm1000dmEBLSINTEXTDRAUGHTLCECECBSBCA, B, C, D2112EXTERNALDGPS2
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-92.5 Target List and Dangerous Target List2.5.1 Target listThe [TARGET LIST] can store up to 2048 AIS targets and AIS-SARTs being detected by the FA-170, in the order which they are detected. The list can be sorted in range order, from closest to farthest.1. Press the DISP key until the [TARGET LIST] or [DANGEROUS LIST] appears. Note: The last views list ([DANGEROUS LIST] or [TARGET LIST]) is displayed.Targets are displayed in groups of 100, however only eight targets are displayed on the screen at any time. The following operations are used in the TARGET LIST.The [NAME/MMSI/TYPE] column of the [TARGET LIST] displays the target ves-sel’s type in the following formats:For CLASS A/CLASS B/AtoN type targetsWhere the vessel name is available, the name is displayed. Where no name data is available, the MMSI is displayed.Operation DescriptionPress  or . Scroll up or down the list of targets. The selected target is highlighted.Press  or . Move to the next group of targets (next 8 targets).Select [NEXT 100 TAR-GETS], then press the ENT/ACK key.Move to the next page of the target list (next 100 targets).Note: Displayed only if more than 100 targets are detect-ed.Select [PREVIOUS 100 TARGETS], then press the ENT/ACK key.Move to the previous page of the target list (last 100 tar-gets).Note: Displayed only if more than 100 targets are detect-ed.Select a target, then press the ENT/ACK key.Display the selected target’s details. See section 2.5.3 for details.TARGET LIST 12:32:0181-88(334): CURSOR: FUNCENT: PAGE : NEXTDISPNAME/MMSI/TYPE RNG[km]  BRG[ º ]   AGE[ ‘ ]BAASARBSAMPLE SHIP  003  3 .5  100.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  004  3 .6  110.0SAMPLE SHIP  005  3 .7  120.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  006  3 .8  130.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  007  3 .9  140.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  008  3 .1  150.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  002  3 .4  090.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  002  3 .3  080.0  0NAME/MMSI/TYPE: Target’s MMSI, name or type is displayed. Where name data is available, the vessel name is displayed.RNG[km]: Range from OS to target.BRG[ º ]: Bearing to target.AGE[ ‘ ]: Time (in minutes) since the target data was last updated.Target type symbols.See Appendix 5 of the operator’s manual for a full list of AIS symbols and their meanings.Selected target is highlighted.Time at which the list was last sorted.Currently displayed target group. Total detected targets is displayed in brackets.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-10For SAR(VESSEL/AIRCRAFT)/SART/MOB/EPIRB type targetsNote 1: If there is no data for the target selected, the fields are displayed as "=NO TARGET=".Note 2: Targets are automatically sorted in range order (closest to furthest) when no key is operated for 30 seconds. Target order is then updated every five sec-onds.Active AIS-SARTs take priority and are displayed at the top of the list.Note 3: When [AUTO SORT] on the [USER SET] menu is [OFF], the range and bearing to a target are updated. However, target order is not updated. To manu-ally sort targets, see step 2.Note 4: To select a target on the plotter display, press  or  to select the target then press the ENT/ACK key. Press  to cycle through targets from nearest to furthest;  to cycle through targets from furthest to nearest.2. To view target data, or to sort the target list, select the desired target, then press the ENT/ACK key. The target list options pop up window appears.•  [SORT (NORMAL)]: Press  to display and sort the [TARGET LIST] into range order. The closest target is displayed at the top of the list.•  [SORT (DANGER)]: Press  to display and sort the [DANGEROUS TARGET LIST] in range order. The closest target is displayed at the top of the list.•  [VIEW DETAIL]: Press the ENT/ACK key to open the [TARGET DETAIL] screen.• [NEW MSG]: Press  to open the text input window to create an AIS message to the selected target.•  [NAME REQUEST]: Press  to send a name request to the target vessel’s AIS.Note: Name requests cannot be sent to the same target within a short period, regardless of target. If you have requested the name of a target too soon after the last request, or the target is out of range, or the target has set their AIS to RX only mode, the pop up message "CANNOT REQUEST NAME" is displayed. Wait a short while before requesting the name again.3. Press the DISP key to close the menu.TYPE Display formatSAR vessel "SAR/VESSEL"SAR aircraft "SAR/AIRCRAFT"SART Active "SART ACTIVE"SART Test "SART TEST"MOB Active "MOB ACTIVE"MOB Test "MOB TEST"EPIRB Active "EPIRB ACTIVE"EPIRB Test "EPIRB TEST"AIS Base station "BS: (station’s MMSI/name)"FUNCTIONNEW MSGVIEW DETAIL SORT(DANGER)SORT(NORMAL)NAME REQUESTENT
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-112.5.2 Dangerous (target) listDangerous targets are targets which are calculated to be on a collision course with your vessel. When a dangerous target is detected, the target and its available details can be viewed in the [DANGEROUS TARGET LIST].The operations available from the [DANGEOUS TARGET LIST] are the same as the [TARGET LIST] operations. See section 2.5.1 and section 2.5.3 for details.Note: When no dangerous targets are detected, the list shows the message "= NO TARGET =".2.5.3 How to interpret the [TARGET DETAIL] screenThe [TARGET DETAIL] screen shows available detailed information about the select-ed target.Lost and dangerous targets have the appropriate icon displayed at the top right, as indicated in the lost target example below.There are five tabs available for viewing; [SENSOR], [VOYAGE], [IDENTITY], [SCALE] and [QUALITY]. Press  or  to change the tab currently displayed.The selected target’s bearing ([BRG]), range ([RNG]), [MMSI] and [NAME] are dis-played at the top of the screen regardless of the selected tab. For lost or dangerous targets, the appropriate icon is displayed at the top right of the screen.The information displayed on each tab varies, depending on the type of target select-ed.The tables on the following pages list each tab’s contents, along with a brief descrip-tion.DANGEROUS LIST12:32:019-16 (108): CURSOR: FUNCENT: PAGE : NEXTDISPSAMPLE SHIP  003  3 .5  100.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  004  3 .6  110.0SAMPLE SHIP  005  3 .7  120.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  006  3 .8  130.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  007  3 .9  140.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  008  3 .1  150.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  002  3 .4  090.0  0SAMPLE SHIP  002  3 .3  080.0  0NAME/MMSI/TYPE RNG[km]  BRG[ ° ]   AGE[ ‘ ]BAASARBTarget type symbols. See Appendix 5 for a full list of AIS symbols and their meanings.NAME/MMSI/TYPE: Target’s MMSI, name or type is displayed. Where name data is available, the vessel name is displayed.RNG[km]: Range from OS to target.BRG[ º ]: Bearing to target.AGE[ ‘ ]: Time (in minutes) since the target data was last updated.Selected target is highlighted.Time at which the list was last sorted.TARGET DETAIL: TAB: TARGET : BACKMENUSENSOR VOYAGE IDENTITY SCALE QUALITYCLASS AFURUNOMARUTYPE34 º 44 .5000 ´N130 .0º135 .0º135 º 21.3000 ´E108 . 7 º/min (    )10 .0 km/hPOSNHDGCOGROTSOG225.4º3.02NMBRGRNG 201503030NAMEMMSILOSTAThe LOST icon is displayed for lost targets.The DANGER icon is displayed for dangerous targets.When data input to the FA-170 is interrupted or stopped, indications for all tabs appear as “----”.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-12SENSOR tabVOYAGE tabThe VOYAGE tab is only displayed for CLASS A target types and has two pages.IDENTITY tabThe IDENTITY tab is only displayed for CLASS A, CLASS B, SAR VESSEL, SAR AIR-CAFT and AtoN target types.Contents DescriptionPOSN Target’s last known position. Displayed for all target types.ROT Target’s Rate Of Turn. Displayed only for CLASS A, SART, MOB and EPIRB target types.ALT Altitude. Displayed only for SAR VESSEL and SAR AIRCRAFT target types.SOG Target’s Speed Over Ground. Displayed only for CLASS A, CLASS B, SAR VESSEL, SAR AIRCRAFT, SART, MOB and EPIB target types.COG Target’s Course Over Ground. Displayed only for CLASS A, CLASS B, SAR VESSEL, SAR AIRCRAFT, SART, MOB and EPIB target types.HDG Target’s last known heading. Displayed only for CLASS A, CLASS B, SART, MOB and EPIRB target types.Contents DescriptionNAV STATUS Target’s navigational status (see section 1.6 for details).DESTINATION Target’s destination.ETA Target’s Estimated Time of Arrival at the above destination.BLUE SIGN Indicates if the target is carrying hazardous cargo.BLUE CONES Indicates the number of blue cones (type of hazardous cargo) carried by the target.UN/LOADED Indicates if the target is loaded or unloaded.CREW Indicates the number of crew aboard the target.PASSENGERS Indicates the number of passengers aboard the target.PERSONNEL Indicates the number of personnel aboard the target.NO. OF PERSONS Indicates the total number of people aboard the target.Contents DescriptionCALL SIGN Target’s call sign. Not displayed for AtoN target types.IMO NO. Target’s International Maritime Organization registration number.TYPE OF SHIP Target’s ship type. Displayed only for CLASS A and CLASS B target types.REAL AtoN Displayed as "YES" for physical aids to navigation, "NO" for virtual aids to nav-igation. Displayed only for AtoN target types.TYPE OF AtoN The type of aid to navigation. Displayed only for AtoN target types.VENDER ID Target’s AIS maker's ID. Displayed only for CLASS B target types.ENI Target’s ENI (Unique European Vessel Identification Number).ERI CODE Target’s ERI (Electronic Reporting International ship type) code.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-13SCALE tabThe SCALE tab is only displayed for SAR VESSEL, SAR AIRCRAFT and AtoN target types.QUALITY tabThe QUALITY tab is displayed for all target types.Contents DescriptionSHIP SIZE(LENGTH, BEAM) Target’s ship size (length, beam). Displayed for all above target types.ANT POSN(X,Y) Position of target’s antenna. Displayed for all above target types.DRAUGHT Target ship’s draught. Displayed only for CLASS A target types.PI Target’s position. Displayed only for AtoN target types.CONVOY Target’s convoy length and beam.Contents DescriptionPA Position Accuracy for target ship. (H: High accuracy, L: Low accuracy.)RAIM Target’s RAIM status. (USED: Using RAIM, UNUSED: Not using RAIM.).TIME STAMP Time at which the target was last detected. Not displayed for AIS base stations.POSN QUALITYTarget’s position quality. Possible position qualities are shown in the list below:Quality indication MeaningNo position Position data not available.Manual position Position data is input manually.Dead reckoning position Position calculated by dead reckoning.Outdated position > 200 m More than 200 m from last estimated position.Position > 10 m Difference of more than 10 m from last es-timated position.Position with RAIM > 10 m Difference of more than 10 m from last es-timated position.Position < 10 m Difference of less than 10 m from last esti-mated position.Position with RAIM < 10 m Difference of less than 10 m from last esti-mated position.Valid position with no time stamp No time stamp available.HDG/SOG/COG QUALI-TYTarget’s sensor quality. Possible sensor qualities are shown in the list below:Quality indication MeaningHIGH Target is equipped with sensors which meet the requirements of the VTT Standard for Inland Navigation.LOW Target is not equipped with sensors which meet the requirements of the VTT Standard for Inland Navigation.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-142.6 Inland AIS Specific MessagingAll sent and received messages are stored in their respective message box. Refer to the appropriate section below for how to view messages once they are sent or re-ceived.2.6.1 How to send a text message1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. [TEXT] is selected, press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [NEW MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.5. [MSG TYPE]is selected, press the ENT/ACK key to change the type of message you wish to send. The options pop up shown below appears.6. Select the appropriate message type, then press the ENT/ACK key.For broadcast messages, skip to step 9.7. Select [TO], then press the ENT/ACK key. A numerical settings pop up appears.8. Input the MMSI of the ship you wish to send this message to, then press the ENT/ACK key to close the pop up. See section 1.5 for how to input data.MSGTEXTETA/RTANO. OF PERSONSWATER LEVEL BOXEMMA WARNING BOX12345TEXTNEW MSGMSG BOX12NEW MSG  TEXT(         )MSG TYPE<SEND MSG>: CURSOR: SELECTADDRESSED: BACKENTMENU:TO 000000000:CH ALTERNATE:RETRY 3:TEXT(   0 / 85 )Use the software keyboard to enter the message here.:MSG TYPEBROADCASTADDRESSEDMessage to all vessels.Message to specified vessel only.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-159. Select [CH] (Channel), then press the ENT/ACK key. The channel select options pop up appears.10. Select the appropriate option, then press the ENT/ACK key.For broadcast messages, skip to step 13.11. Select [RETRY], then press the ENT/ACK key. The retry attempts setting pop up appears.12. Press  to increase the retry attempts,  to decrease the retry attempts. The maximum setting for retries is 3. Press the ENT/ACK key to apply the setting and close the pop up.13. Press  to highlight the message text, then press the ENT/ACK to display the software keyboard.14. Input the new message text, referring to section 1.5.4. The maximum number of characters allowed is as follows:•  BROADCAST: 90 characters.•  ADDRESSED: 85 characters.15. Press or  to highlight [<SEND MSG>] at the top right of the screen, then press the ENT/ACK key. A confirmation pop up appears.16. Select [YES] to send the message or [NO] to cancel the message, then press the ENT/ACK key.CHBOTH A  &  BONLY  AONLY  BALTERNATESends the same message to both channel A and channel B.Sends the message to channel A only.Sends the message to channel B only.Sends messages on alternating channels. In other words, if the last message sent on channel A, the next message is sent on channel B.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-162.6.2 How to view a sent text message1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [TEXT], then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [MSG BOX], then press the ENT/ACK key. The message box appears. 5. Select the message you wish to view, then press the ENT/ACK key. The message options pop up window shown below appears.Select [VIEW DETAIL], then press the ENT/ACK key to display the received mes-sage’s contents. The figure above shows an example of a received message.Select [NEW MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key to send a message back to this message’s sender.6. Press  or  to view other messages, press  or  to switch between viewing an [INBOX] message and an [OUTBOX] message.7. Press the DISP key to close the menu.2.6.3 ETA and RTA messagesThe purpose of an ETA message is to apply for a time slot at a lock, bridge or terminal. (Hereafter “lock” refers to lock, bridge or terminal.) The message contains your ship's ETA at the lock, air draught, the number of assisting tugboats required and the partic-ulars of the lock (country code, location code, etc.).Upon receipt of your ETA message, the lock authority responds with an RTA (Re-quested Time of Arrival) message, usually within 15 minutes of receipt of the ETA message. The RTA message contains lock operational status, requested time of ar-rival and the particulars of the lock (country code, location code, etc.).MSGTEXTETA/RTANO. OF PERSONSWATER LEVEL BOXEMMA WARNING BOX12345MSG  BOX   ( TEXT )INBOX: 12OUTBOX: 10TIME [UTC]30 /MAY 18 : 25BROADCASTBROADCASTTITANICNAUTILUSBROADCASTBROADCASTMUSASHIMARU29 /MAY 16 :0528 /MAY 16 :1527 /MAY 17 :2026 /MAY 17 :2025 /MAY 17 :2024 /MAY 17 :20TO 01 / 10: CURSOR: FUNCENT: TAB: BACKMENUIndication MeaningThis message was sent successfully.This message was not sent.Waiting for recipient to acknowledged this message.Broadcast messageAddressed messageNOACKNOACKOKOKOKOKNGNGNO ACKNGFUNCTIONVIEW DETAILNEW MSGMENUINBOX MSG DETAIL ( TEXT )MSG  TYPE ADDRESSED28 / MAY    16 : 15987654321 / ENTERPRISEKLINGONS ON STBD BOW.TIME [UTC]TOTEXT(  21): BACK: BOX: MESSAGE
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-17How to send an ETA message1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [ETA/RTA], then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [NEW MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.5. [TO] is selected. Press the ENT/ACK key. to display the MMSI settings pop up window.6. Enter the MMSI of the lock/bridge/terminal you want to pass through then press the ENT/ACK key.7. Select [CH], then press the ENT/ACK key.8. Select the channel over which to send the message then press the ENT/ACK key.9. Select [RETRY], then press the ENT/ACK key. The retry attempts setting pop up appears.10. Press  to increase the retry attempts,  to decrease the retry attempts. The maximum setting for retries is 3. Press the ENT/ACK key to apply the setting and close the pop up.11. Select [DESTINATION] then press the ENT/ACK key. The [INLAND DESTINA-TION LIST] appears.ETA/RTANEW MSGMSG BOX12The [NEW MSG] option in the [ETA/RTA] pop up window is not available for selection in [SOLAS] mode.NEW MSG (ETA)<SEND MSG>: CURSOR: SELECT000000000: BACKENTMENU:TOCHRETRYDESTINATIONCOUNTRY CODEFAIRWAY NO.FAIRWAY HECTETA[UTC]AIR DRAUGHTNO. OF TUGBOATS:ALTERNATE:::::3DEDELOCATION  CODETRI11111TERMINAL  CODE012345678912/MAY0 .0cm012:32TRI012341111156789CHBOTH A  &  BONLY  AONLY  BALTERNATESends the same message to both channel A and channel B.Sends the message to channel A only.Sends the message to channel B only.Sends messages on alternating channels. In other words, if the last message sent on channel A, the next message is sent on channel B.INLAND DESTINATION LIST<EDIT>DE TRI 01234 11111 5678900000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000706050403020108INLAND DESTINATION<COPY>CURSOREXEC FUNCBACK<PASTE><CUT><SET>01 / 20ENTMENU
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-1812. Referring to section 2.3, select or edit an existing destination or create a new des-tination. The figure below shows an example destination and the edit pop up win-dows.When setting an destination for the [INLAND DESTINATION LIST] the following details are required.•  Country code: The UN country code of your destination. (Referring to ISO 3166.)•  Three letter location code.•  Fairway number and hectometer.• Terminal code.Note: For location codes, fairway numbers (and hectometers) and terminal codes, refer to the ERI (Electronic Reporting International) Guide Part IV Annex 2 for ex-amples.13. Input or edit the destination as appropriate, then press the ENT/ACK key.Press  to increase the value (or the next character, in alphabetical order), press  decrease the value (or the previous character, in alphabetical order). Press  to move the selection cursor to the right,  to move the cursor to the left.14. Select [<SET>], then press the ENT/ACK key.15. Select [ETA (UTC)], then press the ENT/ACK key. The settings pop up window shown below appears.16. Select [AIR DRAUGHT], then press the ENT/ACK key.17. Enter your ship's air draught then press the ENT/ACK key. (Air draught is the ver-tical distance measured from the ship's waterline to the highest point on the ship.)18. Select [NO. OF TUGBOATS], then press the ENT/ACK key.19. Enter the no. of assisting tugboats (0-6) your ship requires then press the ENT/ACK key. Enter [0] for none.20. Press or  to highlight [<SEND MSG>] at the top right of the screen, then press the ENT/ACK key. The system will now attempt to send the message.00000 0000005INLAND DESTINATION LIST<EDIT>DE TRI 01234 11111 5678904030201INLAND DESTINATION<COPY>CURSOREXEC FUNCBACK<PASTE><CUT><SET>01 / 20ENTMENU000000000005INLAND DESTINATION LIST<EDIT>DETRI01234111115678904030201INLAND DESTINATION<COPY>CURSOREXECFUNCBACK<PASTE><CUT><SET>01 / 20ENTMENUTRI012341111156789DECOUNTRY   CODEFAIRWAY  NO.FAIRWAY  HECTLOCATION  CODETERMINAL  CODETRI012341111156789INLAND DESTINATIONDEEditing pop up window.Currently selected destination’s details.12 / 10 12:32ETA (UTC)ETA monthETA day ETA timein 24hr format
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-19How to view sent ETA messages and received RTA messagesA lock authority responds to an ETA message with an RTA message. An RTA mes-sage contains the date and time the lock authority requests that your ship arrive to the lock, lock status and the particulars of the lock (country code, location code, etc.)When an RTA message is received, a pop up showing the message "RTA MESSAGE RECEIVED." appears. The pop up also shows the sender’s MMSI ID, or the sender’s name it if is included in the message.To view past messages, do the following:1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [ETA/RTA], then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [MSG BOX], then press the ENT/ACK key. The message box appears.Press  or  to switch between the [OUTBOX(ETA)] and [INBOX(RTA)] tabs.5. Select the message you wish to view, then press the ENT/ACK key. The message options pop up window shown below appears.Select [VIEW DETAIL], then press the ENT/ACK key to display the received mes-sage’s contents. The figure above shows an example of a received message.Select [NEW MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key to send a message back to this message’s sender.6. Press  or  to view other messages, press  or  to switch between viewing an [INBOX] message and an [OUTBOX] message.7. Press the DISP key to close the menu.MSG BOX   (ETA/RTA) INBOX(RTA): 12OUTBOX(ETA): 10TIME [UTC]30 /MAY 17 : 20 BROADCASTBROADCASTENTERPRISEBROADCASTNEPTUNEBROADCASTNAUTILUS29 /MAY 16 :0528 /MAY 16 :1527 /MAY 17 :2026 /MAY 17 :2025 /MAY 17 :2024 /MAY 17 :20FROM 01 / 10: CURSOR: FUNCENT: TAB: BACKMENUIndication MeaningThis message has been viewed.This message is unviewed.Broadcast messageAddressed messageINBOX  MSG  DETAIL  (RTA): MESSAGE : BOX: BACKMENUMSG TYPE RTA30 / AUG 18 : 30FROMTIME [UTC]DESTINATIONCOUNTRY CODEFAIRWAY NO.FAIRWAY HECTETA[UTC]STATUSMMSI / Sender’s name appears hereDEDELOCATION  CODETRI11111TERMINAL  CODE012345678912/MAYLIMITED OPERATION12:32TRI012341111156789FUNCTIONVIEW DETAILNEW MSG
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-202.6.4 No. of persons messageA number of persons message informs authorities or ships how many persons (pas-sengers, crew, shipboard personnel) you have on board your ship. Send this message on request or in case of an event.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [NO. OF PERSONS] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [NEW MSG], then press the ENT/ACK key.5. [MSG TYPE] is selected; press the ENT/ACK key.6. Select the appropriate message type, then press the ENT/ACK key.IFM messages require the total number of people on board.RFM messages require a breakdown of the total people on board (No. of crew, passengers and personnel).7. Select [CH], then press the ENT/ACK key.8. Select the channel to use to send the message then press the ENT/ACK key.9. Select [RETRY], then press the ENT/ACK key. The retry attempts setting pop up appears.10. Press  to increase the retry attempts,  to decrease the retry attempts. The maximum setting for retries is 3. Press the ENT/ACK key to apply the setting and close the pop up.11. Select and enter the total number for [NO. OF PERSONS] (IFM message) or [CREW], [PASSENGER] and [PERSONNEL] (RFM message), then press the ENT/ACK key.12. Press or  to highlight [<SEND MSG>] at the top right of the screen, then press the ENT/ACK key. The system will now attempt to send the message.NO. OF PERSONSNEW MSGMSG BOX12NEW MSG  (PERSONS)MSG TYPE<SEND MSG>: CURSOR: SELECTIFM / ADDRESSED: BACKENTMENU:TO 000000000:CH ALTERNATE:RETRY 3:NO.  OF  PERSONS  :  0MSG TYPEIFM / BROADCASTIFM / ADDRESSEDRFM / BROADCASTRFM / ADDRESSEDIFM message to all vessels on the same channel.IFM message to specified vessel only.RFM message to all vessels on the same channel.RFM message to specified vessel only.CHBOTH A  &  BONLY  AONLY  BALTERNATESends the same message to both channel A and channel B.Sends the message to channel A only.Sends the message to channel B only.Sends messages on alternating channels. In other words, if the last message sent on channel A, the next message is sent on channel B.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-212.6.5 EMMA warning messageEMMA (European Multiservice Meteorological Awareness) warnings are sent by base stations to skippers to inform them of special meteorological situations. EMMA does not provide continuous weather information, but only warnings of wind, rain, snow and ice, thunderstorm, fog, extreme temperatures (low and high), flood, fire in the forest. These messages are additional to the Notices to Skippers warnings.When you receive an EMMA warning, the "EMMA WARNING RECEIVED" pop up window appears and shows the MMSI or name of the sending agency. To see the con-tents of the message, do the following:1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [EMMA WARNING BOX] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select a message then press the ENT/ACK key.The EMMA warning message looks something like example below. To view the other messages, press  or .5. Press the MENU/ESC key to close the message.The information includes the following:•  Start time of validity•  End time of validity•  Fairway section start and end co-ordinates•  Type of weather warning• Minimum value• Maximum value• Classification of warning• Wind directionItem DescriptionTYPE [FIRE IN THE FORESTS], [FOG], [FLOOD], [HIGH TEMPERATURE], [LOW TEMPERATURE], [RAIN], [SNOW AND ICE], [THUNDER-STORM], [WIND]Units of measurement are as follows:• km/h (wind)• °C (temperature)• cm/h (snow)• l/m2h (rain)•  m (visibility distance in fog)MIN, MAX VALUE The minimum and maximum value of respective item over one hour. For ex-ample, if the minimum and maximum values for snow and ice are 1 and 4 re-spectively, this means that 1-4 cm of snow or ice has fallen in one hour.The indication range is -254 to +254, or "- - - -" in case where a value is not reported, for example, fire in the forests and flood.CLASS Weather classification: [SLIGHT], [MEDIUM], [STRONG/HEAVY] or "- - - - - - - -" (unknown)WIND DIRECTION [NORTH], [NORTH EAST], [EAST], [SOUTH EAST], [SOUTH], [SOUTH WEST], [WEST], [NORTH WEST] or "- - - -" (Where no wind data is avail-able.)EMMA WARNING MSG DETAILTIME [UTC]30 /SEP  17: 2026 /JAN  15: 00  ~    26 / JAN 18 :00 34 º25 .0000 ‘N  34 º35 .0000 ‘N134 º25 .0000 ‘E  134 º35 .0000 ‘E123456789 / NAUTILUSTERM [UTC]AREATYPE WINDMEDIUMNORTH  EAST36  ~  50   [km/h]CLASSWIND  DIRECTIONVALUE (MIN~MAX)FROM: MESSAGE: BACKMENU~Time and date the message was received.Time frame (from date/time to date/time) and area (coordinates) of the warning.Type of weather warning, class of warning and other details of the warning.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-222.6.6 Water level messageThe water level message is sent by base stations to inform skippers about actual wa-ter levels in their area. It is additional short-term information to the water levels distrib-uted via Notices to Skippers. The message contains the country code (location), gauge ID and water level.When you receive a water level message, a pop up displays "WATER LEVEL MES-SAGE RECEIVED.".To see the contents of the message, do the following:1. Press the MENU key to open the menu.2. Select [MSG] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [WATER LEVEL BOX] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select a message then press the ENT/ACK key.5. Press the MENU/ESC key to close the message.WATER LEVEL MSG DETAIL4 . 24m5 . 33m1 . 23m- 1 . 22mTIME [UTC]30 /SEP  17: 20123456789 / NAUTILUSFROMCOUNTRY CODE JPGAUGE    ID0007001502552047WATER  LEVEL: MESSAGE: BACKMENUNational unique gauge IDNational unique gauge IDNational unique gauge ID Positive or negative valuePositive or negative valuePositive or negative valueTIME[UTC]30 /SEP  17: 20123456789 / NAUTILUSFROMCOUNTRY CODEJPTime/date received, sender’s details and country code.Time/date received, sender’s details and country code.
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-232.7 Viewing Initial SettingsThe [INITIAL SET] menu, which is locked with a password to prevent accidental changes to the ship’s details, is where the installer enters ship’s MMSI, internal and external antenna positions, ship type, I/O port settings and network settings. You can view the settings on this menu as follows.1. Press the MENU/ESC to open the menu.2. Press the ENT/ACK key twice.3. Select item to view then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Press the DISP key to close the menu.SHIP’S INFORMATIONMMSI 234567891PERSEPHONE98765432100100000@SEVEN@NAMEIMO NO.CALL SIGNENICH C  0075CH D  0076[LONG RANGE]: BACKMENU24  (WIG)TYPE OF SHIPHIGHSPEED QUALITYCOURSE QUALITYHEADING QUALITYBLUE SIGN SWHIGHHIGHUSEANTENNA POSITION: BACKMENU120dm 60dm60dm80dmXY210[SHIP  SIZE ] LENGTH  BEAM[ANT  POSN] Y X[ANT  POSN] A , B  C , DINTERNALEXTERNALINTERNAL60 , 6040 , 8030 , 3045 , 15EXTERNAL12120dm15dmALERT ENABLE: BACK: CURSORMENUWARNING1ENABLE001 014026030029005007009010008011025035032002003004DISABLEENABLEHILO001 :TX MALFUNCTIONDISABLEWARNING2: 8 : 0 : 0: 10PORTCOM138400baud38400baud38400baud38400baud38400baud38400baud4800baud4800baud4800baudCOM2COM3COM4COM5COM6SENSOR1SENSOR2SENSOR3 SENSORSENSORSENSOREXT  DISPLAYEXT  DISPLAYEXT  DISPLAYEXT  DISPLAYEXT  DISPLAYLONG  RANGEMODESPEEDI / O PORT: BACKMENULOCKSHIP’S INFORMATIONANTENNA POSITIONALERT ENABLEI / O PORTPORT PRIORITYNETWORKEDIT :INITIAL SET1234567PRIORITYLL /SOG / COGHDGROT2nd1st3rd4th5th6thSENSOR1SENSOR3 SENSOR3SENSOR1 SENSOR1SENSOR2 SENSOR2SENSOR2SENSOR3COM4 COM6COM4COM5COM6COM4COM5COM5COM6PORT PRIORITY: BACKMENU IP  ADDRESS172 . 031 . 024 . 004255 . 255 . 000 . 000000 . 000 . 000 . 000SUBNET MASKGATEWAYAI0001SFINETWORK: BACKMENUNote: The availability of some functions depends on the equipment specifications of your vessel. Some items are not displayed unless the vessel is equipped accordingly.Password access is required to change these settings. Contact your local dealer to change the settings if required.Displayed as “NETWORK (NAVNET)” when the network type is set to [NAVNET].
2.  INLAND AIS OPERATION2-242.8 Setting for Time DifferenceYou can set the time differences from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to show the local time.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [USER SET] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [TIME DIFF], then press the ENT/ACK key. The settings pop up window is displayed. 4. Select the desired time difference then press the ENT/ACK key. You can change the value with  or , the digit with  or  The setting range is -14:00 to +14:00.5. Press the DISP key to close the menu.Note: When a UTC time offset is set, the time display indication for messages and NAV STATUS screen is indicated as "LT" (Local Time). When there is no offset, the time display indication for messages and the NAV STATUS screen is indicated as "UTC" (Coordinated Universal Time).USER  SETKEY BEEPAUTO SORTTIME  DIFFONHIDEAUTO+00 : 00ONSART TESTLR RESPONSELR BROADCASTNOTIFICATION SETACTIVATE12345678ON+ 00:00[ -14 : 00 ,  14 : 00 ]
3-13. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLE-SHOOTING3.1 MaintenanceRegular maintenance is necessary to maintain performance. A monthly maintenance program should be established and should at least include the items listed in the table below.Item Check pointConnectors Check that all connectors on the rear panel of the transponder unit and monitor unit are firmly connected.Cabling Check cabling for damage. Replace if damaged.Ground terminal Check the ground terminal on the monitor unit and transponder unit for rust. Clean if necessary.Ground wire Check that the ground wire on the monitor unit and transponder unit is firmly fastened.Monitor unit, Transponder unit.Dirt and dust should be removed from units with a soft, dry cloth. For the LCD, wipe it carefully to prevent scratching, using tissue paper and an LCD cleaner. To remove dirt or salt deposits, use an LCD cleaner, wiping slowly with tissue paper so as to dissolve the dirt or salt. Change paper frequently so the salt or dirt will not scratch the LCD. Do not use solvents such as thinner, acetone or benzene for cleaning any unit; they can remove paint and marks and deform the equipment.WARNINGWARNINGELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDDo not open the equipment.Only qualified personnelshould work inside theequipment.NOTICEDo not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealantor contact spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment. Those items contain organic solvents that can damage coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-23.2 Replacement of FuseThe transponder unit contains a 8A fuse which protects the equipment from overvolt-age, reverse polarity and equipment fault. If the power cannot be turned on, the fuse may be blown. Contact your local dealer for advice.3.3 TroubleshootingThe troubleshooting table below provides common symptoms of trouble and the means to rectify them. If you cannot restore normal operation, do not attempt to check inside the equipment. Refer any repair work to a qualified technician.Unit Fuse type Specification Code No.Transponder unit FA-1701 FGMB 125V 8 A PBF 12 to 24VDC 000-191-004Symptom RemedyPowerCannot turn on the power.•  Check that the power cable between the transponder and monitor units for damage.•  Check the power supply.Transmitting, receiving messagesCannot transmit or receiver.•  Check that the VHF antenna cable is firmly fastened.•  Check the VHF antenna for damage.•  For TX messages, try a different TX channel. CLASS A: See section 1.9.1.INLAND: See section 2.6.1.Can transmit but message is sent to wrong party.Check that the[ MSG TYPE] is set to [ADDRESSED] and the MMSI entered at [TO] is correct.For CLASS-A, see section 1.9.1.For INLAND: See section 2.6.1.Position dataNo position data. •  Check the GPS antenna for damage.•  Check the GPS antenna cable and its connectors.WARNINGUse the proper fuse.Use of a wrong fuse can cause fire orresult in damage to the equipment.
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-33.4 DiagnosticsThe FA-170 provides diagnostic tests to check the monitor unit and transponder unit for proper operation.3.4.1 Monitor unit testThe monitor unit test shows program no., and checks the ROM, RAM, LCD and con-trols.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.2. Select [DIAGNOSTICS] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. [MONITOR TEST] is already selected; press the ENT/ACK key.a) The screen in the test displays the monitor unit’s program number and serial number. b) The ROM and RAM are checked. The results of the ROM/RAM check are shown as "OK" or "NG" (No Good). If "NG" appears, try the test again. If "NG" still appears, contact your dealer for advice.DIAGNOSTICSMONITOR TESTTRANSPONDER TESTCOMMUNICATION TESTTX ON/OFF LOGCLEAR MEMORY12345MONITOR TESTPROGRAM NO. 0550256-XX.XXXXXXXX“XX.XX” indicates software version number.OKOKROMRAM: BACKSERIAL NO.MENU
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-43.4.2 Transponder testThe transponder tests two aspects of the transponder: transponder memory and inter-nal GPS receiver.To run this test, do the following:1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.2. Select [DIAGNOSTICS] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [TRANSPONDER TEST] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. The transponder program number and serial number are displayed and the ROM and RAM are checked. The results of the ROM and RAM check are displayed as "OK" or "NG" (No Good). For any "NG", contact your dealer for advice.The GPS test results are displayed the format shown below.5. Press the MENU/ESC key to return to the [DIAGNOSTICS] sub-menu.OK: NormalNG: No Good - Appears along with reason for NG.• ROM ERROR• RAM ERROR• MEMORY ERROR• COM ERROR• ANTENNA ERRORTRANSPONDER TESTPROGRAM NO. 0550255-XX.XX1000-42xx-xxxOKOKOKSERIAL NO.ROMRAMGPS: BACKMENU
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-53.4.3 VHF communication testThe VHF communication test checks for proper transmission and reception over the VHF channel.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.2. Select [DIAGNOSTICS] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [COMMUNICATION TEST] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Input the required MMSI, referring to the list at the right of the screen. You can also select the test target from the list at the right of the screen using the arrow keys, then press the ENT/ACK key.5. Select [START] then press the ENT/ACK key.When the test is complete, the re-sults are displayed for both chan-nel A and B, along with a reason for test failure where applicable."OK": Normal"NG": No Good. Unable to com-municate with specified vessel’s (MMSI) channel.The result "NG" appears with a number explaining the failure. The number and meanings are listed in the table below.6. Press the MENU/ESC key to return to the [DIAGNOSTICS] sub-menu.Number Reason Measures1 No response. The message was not acknowledged by the test target.Change targets, then repeat the test.2 Own ship MMSI is not set. Refer to the installation manual for this equipment and input the MMSI.3 The FA-170 is set to “receive only” and cannot send a test message.Change the setting for [CH INFO] to [TX/RX AorB] from the [REGION LIST]. See section 1.10.2.Note: The system automatically transmits when the setting is changed to [TX/RX AorB].4 The FA-170 is in silent mode and cannot send a test message.Disable silent mode.5 Less than one minute interval be-tween messages sent.Wait for more than one minute, then repeat the test.6 Failed for an unknown reason. (Oth-er than those above.)There may be an obstacle (land mass, etc.) be-tween your vessel and the test vessel. Manually input a different test target MMSI then repeat the test.COMMUNICATION TEST: BACK: SELECTMENUENT< START >TEST TARGET [ 15NM-25NM  TARGETS ]RNGMMSI15NM16NM17NM17NM19NM20NM20NM111111110222222220333333330444444440555555550666666660777777770=  NO ENTRY =1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8::CH A RESULT - -- -CH B RESULT[ NG REASONS ]1=NO RESPONSE2=NO MMSI3=RECEIVE ONLY4=SILENT MODE5=OTHER000000000: CURSORSelect [START], then press the ENT/ACK key to begin the communications test.Available test targets list showing the MMSI of each target and range to target.The FA-170 automatically selects targets with a range of 15 NM to 25 NM for this list with CLASS A type targets listed above other types.COMMUNICATION TEST: BACK: SELECTMENUENT< STOP >TEST TARGET [ 15NM-25NM  TARGETS ]RNGMMSI15NM16NM17NM17NM19NM20NM20NM111111110222222220333333330444444440555555550666666660777777770=  NO ENTRY =1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8::CH A RESULTCH B RESULT[ NG REASONS ]1=NO RESPONSE2=NO MMSI3=RECEIVE ONLY4=SILENT MODE5=OTHER000000000: CURSOR
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-63.4.4 TX on/off logThe [TX ON/OFF LOG] shows the date and time at which transmissions were started or stopped. The time and date at which unit was turned off is also displayed.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.2. Select [DIAGNOSTICS] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [TX ON/OFF LOG] then press the ENT/ACK key.The reasons which may be displayed are listed in the table below, along with their meaning.4. Press  or  to move the cursor and display other log entries.The cursor selects two lines, as shown in reverse video in the figure above. The contents of each log entry are:•  Top line: Date and time at which transmission was turned off and reason trans-mission was turned off.Note: If transmission is turned off for more than 15 minutes, one of the reasons listed below is displayed.•  Bottom line: Date and time at which transmission was turned on.5. Press the MENU/ESC key to return to the [DIAGNOSTICS] sub-menu.Reason MeaningPOWER OFF Transmission disabled due to unit power off.SILENT MODE Transmission disabled due to unit operating in SI-LENT mode.CH MANAGEMENT COMMAND Transmission disabled due to CH INFO receive mode.EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION Transmission disabled due to equipment malfunc-tion.INVALID CONFIGURATION Transmission disabled due to invalid settings.Reason Meaning"POWER OFF" Transmission ceased as the power was turned off."SILENT MODE" Transmission ceased due to activation of [SI-LENT] mode."CH MANAGEMENT COMMAND" Transmission ceased due to current channel settings."EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION" Transmission ceased due to equipment fault."INVALID CONFIGURATION" Transmission ceased due to invalid settings.TX ON/OFF LOG: CURSOR: BACKENT- -  / - - - / - - - -  - - : - - : - -30/APL/2015        8:35:00 29/APL/2015        8:35:00 29/APL/2015      17:20:00 28/APL/2015      17:20:00 27/APL/2015      17:20:00 CH MANAGEMENT COMMANDCH MANAGEMENT COMMANDCH MANAGEMENT COMMAND38/APL/2015        8:35:00 37/APL/2015        8:35:00 TX-OFF REASON008 / 020TIME [UTC]TX-ONEQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-73.5 AlertsThe buzzer sounds for equipment errors and is accompanied by a flashing indication at the bottom of the screen. Press the ENT/ACK key to silence the buzzer and ac-knowledge the alert.If there are multiple alerts, each alert must be acknowledged individually.The indication at the bottom of the screen remains until the alert cause is removed or rectified.To see which alert(s) has been violated, display the [ALERT] log as shown in the pro-cedure below.1. Press the DISP key to show the [ALERT] log.2. Use  or  to select an alert. Each alert is displayed with the date and time at which it was generated. Where there is no date/time data available, the date/time indication appears as “- -/- - -  - -:- -”.Select an alert to display the alert ID and brief description a box at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the example above.3. Press  or  to change the displayed tab.The [LIST] tab shows active alerts only, in order from newest to oldest.The [LOG] tab shows the latest 20 alerts which have been acknowledged and rec-tified.Each active alert entry is accompanied by an alert icon, indicating the state of the alert. The alert icons displayed on the FA-170 are listed in the table below with a brief de-scription.See "ALERTS, IDS, MEANINGS AND MEASURES" on page AP-7 for a full list of alerts, alert IDs, their meanings and possible counter-measures.Alert iconAlert code Alert messageNumber of unacknowlegdge alertsALERT: CURSOR: TAB : NEXTDISP30/ JAN  17:20  TX MALFUNCTION29/ JAN  17:50  ANTENNA VSWR EXCEEDS ..28/ JAN  08:20  RX CHANNEL 1 MALFUNCTION27/ JAN  12:35  RX CHANNEL 2 MALFUNCTION26/ JAN  03:45  UTC SYNC INVALID25/ JAN  09:36  ACTIVE AIS-SARTID:001 : TX MALFUNCTIONTIME [UTC] ALERT  01 /06LIST : 6 LOG : 20Alert iconsSelected  alert’s alert ID and description.WarningIcon Priority MeaningActive-unacknowledged notification, icon is flashing.*Warning Active-silenced notification, icon is flashing.**: Flashing at 0.5 second intervals.Warning Rectified-unacknowledged notification, icon is flashing.*Warning Active-responsibility transferred notification, icon is lit steadily.Warning Active-acknowledged notification, icon is lit steadily.Caution Active, icon is lit steadily.Icon Priority Meaning
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-83.6 GPS MonitorThe GPS monitor display shows information about the built-in GPS receiver, including position, speed over ground, course over ground, date, time, mode position accuracy, position-fixing status and RAIM status.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [STATUS], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [INTERNAL GPS], then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Press the DISP key to close the display.Indication Description Indication DescriptionUTC Date and time MODE Selected GPS mode•  [GPS]: GPS is used for position fix.•  [DGPS]: DGPS is used for position fix.•  [NO FIX]: The system is unable to cal-culate a position fix.LAT Latitude of current position STATUS GPS status•  [2D]: Two dimensional GPS fix.•  [3D]: Three dimensional GPS fix.•  [D2D]: Two dimensional DGPS fix.•  [D3D]: Three dimensional DGPS fix.•  [DOP]: Dilution of precision fix.•  [NO FIX]: The system is unable to cal-culate a position fix.LON Longitude of current position PA Position accuracy (HIGH = Less than 10 m, LOW = more than 10m)SOG Speed Over Ground RAIM Current RAIM status (USED or UNUSED)COG Course Over GroundUTCLATLONSOGCOGMODESTATUSPARAIM28/NOV/2014    16:26:15  34º44.5000´N135º21.3000´E110.9kn350.0ºDGPSNO FIXHIGHUNUSEDINTERNAL GPS: BACKMENU
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-93.7 Displaying Sensor StatusThe [SENSOR STATUS] screen shows currently connected sensors’ status.1. Press the MENU/ESC key.2. Select [STATUS], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [SENSOR STATUS] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Press the DISP key to close the display. The table on the following page lists the possible sensor status messages and their meanings.Sensor Status Message MeaningEXTERNAL DGNSS IN USE Using external DGNSSEXTERNAL GNSS IN USE Using external GNSSINTERNAL DGNSS IN USE (BEACON)Using internal DGNSS beaconINTERNAL DGNSS IN USE (MESSAGE 17)MSG 17 corrects internal GNSS with differential correctionINTERNAL GNSS IN USE Using internal GNSSEXTERNAL SOG/COG IN USE Using external SOG/COGINTERNAL SOG/COG IN USE Using internal SOG/COGHEADING VALID Heading data normalRATE OF TURN INDICATOR IN USE ROT data normalOTHER ROT SOURCE IN USE Value calculated from HDT, or ROT device used and talker is other than TI.CHANNEL MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS CHANGEDChannel changed (displayed about 30 s)SENSOR STATUS: CURSOR: BACKMENU01 :  No. 1  EXTERNAL DGNSS IN USE02 :  No. 4  INTERNAL DGNSS IN USE (MESSAGE 17)03 :  No. 7  INTERNAL SOG / COG IN USE04 :  No. 10  OTHER ROT SOURCE IN USESENSOR STATUS    01 /04
3.  MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING3-103.8 How to Restore Default SettingsYou may clear all or specific settings to start afresh with default settings. When all data is cleared, the default settings for all items in the [USER SET] menu restored, all mes-sages and the alert history are cleared. GPS data is also cleared; however, MMSI and IMO numbers, ship’s name and call sign are not cleared.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [DIAGNOSTICS] then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [CLEAR MEMORY] then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [CLEAR ALL], [CLEAR MONITOR SET] or [CLEAR GPS] as appropriate then press the ENT/ACK key. A confirmation pop up window appears.5. Select [YES] then press the ENT/ACK key.For [CLEAR ALL] and [CLEAR MONITOR SET], a beep sounds then the equip-ment restarts.3.9 AIS-SART Test Indication in Target ListThe FA-170 can confirm if an AIS-SART station is functioning correctly. This test re-quires message 1 data or Message 14 data. Note that this setting is deactivated when the power is turned off.Note: This function tests if an AIS-SART station is functioning correctly, it is not a SART diagnostic tool for FA-170.1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the menu.2. Select [USER SET], then press the ENT/ACK key.3. Select [SART TEST], then press the ENT/ACK key.4. Select [SHOW], then press the ENT/ACK key.5. Press the DISP key to close the menu.6. Press the DISP to show the [TARGET LIST]. If the [DANGEROUS TARGET] is displayed, switch to the [TARGET LIST], referring to step 3 of section Select [SART] then press the ENT/ACK key to show detailed information for the AIS-SART station.8. Confirm that the [STATUS] field is showing "SART TEST".CLEAR ALL Restores all settings to default, except items in the [INITIAL SET] menu (MMSI No., IMO No., ship’s name and call sign, etc.)CLEAR MONITOR SETRestore default settings for dimmer, contrast, key beep and noti-fications.CLEAR GPS Clears GPS Almanac to receive latest Almanac.CLEAR MEMORYCLEAR  ALLCLEAR  MONITOR   SETCLEAR  GPSSHOWHIDEUSER  SETKEY BEEPAUTO SORTTIME  DIFFONHIDEAUTO+00 : 00ONSART TESTLR RESPONSELR BROADCASTNOTIFICATION SETACTIVATE12345678ON
APPENDIX 1 MENU TREEMAIN MENU├1 MSG├2 STATUS├3 USER SET Bold Italic: Default├4 INITIAL SET├5 CH INFO├6 DIAGNOSTICS└7 SERVICE (For service personnel only)1 MSG├NEW MSG└MSG BOX├INBOX└OUTBOX2 STATUS├INTERNAL GPS└SENSOR STATUS3 USER SET├KEY BEEP (ON , OFF)├TIME DIFF (-11:00 to +14:00, default: +00:00 )├AUTO SORT (ON , OFF)├SART TEST (SHOW, HIDE)├LR RESPONSE (AUTO, MANUAL)├LR BROADCAST (ON , OFF)├NOTIFICATION SET│├ALERT ―BUZZER (ON , OFF)│├RX MESSAGE││├ADDRESSED (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)││└BROADCAST (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)│││└COLLISION DETECT│└INDICATION (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)│└ACTIVATE4 INITIAL SET├SHIP'S INFORMATION│├MMSI (000000000 to 999999999,default: ---------)│├NAME (Maximum 20 characters, default: BLANK)│├IMO NO. (0000000000  to 1073741823)│├CALL SIGN (Maximum 7 characters, default: BLANK)│├TYPE OF SHIP (00  to 99)│└LONG RANGE│├CH C (0075, 1075 , 0076, 1076)│└CH D (0075, 1075, 0076, 1076)│├ANTENNA POSITION│├SHIP SIZE││├LENGTH (0m  to 800m)││└BEAM (0m  to 100m)│└ANT POSN│├INTERNAL Y (0m  to 511m)│├INTERNAL X (-31m to 32 m, default: 0m)│├EXTERNAL Y (0m  to 511m)│└EXTERNAL X (-31m to 32m, default: 0m)│Continued on following page.Class-A Menu TreeAP-1
APPENDIX 1 MENU TREE      ├NETWORK (NAVNET)│├IP ADDRESS ( to, default:│├SUBNET MASK ( to, default:│├GATEWAY (  to│├NAVNET PORT (10000  to 30000)│├HOST NAME (AIS0  to AIS9)│├AIS INFO (ON, OFF)│├ZDA INFO (ON, OFF)│└GPS INFO (ON, OFF)└EDIT5 CH INFO└REGION LIST├AREA (top right corner coordinates)│├LAT; default: --º --.-' - (current coordinates)│└LON; default: --º --.-' - (current coordinates)├AREA (bottom left corner cordinates), same as top right coordinates.├ZONE (1 to 8, default: 5)└CH├PWR (HIGH, LOW)├CH A (Channel no./TXRX, RX, OFF); default: 2087/TXRX .└CH B (Channel no./TXRX, RX, OFF); default: 2088/TXRX .6 DIAGNOSTICS├MONITOR TEST├TRANSPONDER TEST├COMMUNICATION TEST├TX ON/OFF LOG└CLEAR MEMORY (CLEAR ALL , CLEAR MONITOR SET, CLEAR GPS)7 SERVICE (Requires password access. For service personnel only)Continued from previous page.AP-3
APPENDIX 1 MENU TREEMAIN MENU├1 MSG├2 STATUS Bold Italic: Default├3 USER SET├4 INITIAL SET├5 CH INFO├6 DIAGNOSTICS└7 SERVICE (For service personnel only)1 MSG├TEXT│├NEW MSG│└MSG BOX├ETA/RTA│├NEW MSG* *: Not available in SOLAS mode.│└MSG BOX├NO. OF PERSONS│├NEW MSG│└MSG BOX├EMMA WARNING BOX└WATER LEVEL BOX2 STATUS├INTERNAL GPS└SENSOR STATUS3 USER SET├KEY BEEP (ON , OFF)├TIME DIFF (-11:00 to +14:00), default: +00:00├AUTO SORT (ON , OFF)├SART TEST (SHOW, HIDE)├LR RESPONSE (AUTO, MANUAL)├LR BROADCAST (ON , OFF)├NOTIFICATION SET│├ALERT ―BUZZER (ON , OFF)│├RX MESSAGE││├ADDRESSED (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)││└BROADCAST (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)│└COLLISION DETECT│└INDICATION (POPUP+BUZZER , POPUP, OFF)└ACTIVATE4 INITIAL SET├SHIP'S INFORMATION│├│││├NAME (Maximum 20 characters, default: BLANK)│├IMO NO. (0000000000  to 1073741823)│├CALL SIGN (Maximum 7 characters, default: BLANK)│├ENI (Maximum 8 characters, default: BLANK)│├TYPE OF SHIP (00  to 99)│└LONG RANGE│├CH C (0075, 1075 , 0076, 1076)│└CH D (0075, 1075, 0076, 1076)│├SPEED QUALITY (HIGH, LOW)│├COURSE QUALITY (HIGH, LOW)│├HEADING QUALITY (HIGH, LOW)│├BLUE SIGN (USE, UNUSE)││││Continued on following page.Inland Menu TreeMMSI (000000000, 200000000 to 799999999 or 982000000 to 987999999,          default: ---------)AP-4
APPENDIX 1 MENU TREE      ├ANTENNA POSITION│├SHIP SIZE││├LENGTH (0dm  to 800dm)││└BEAM (0dm  to 100dm)│└ANT POSN│├INTERNAL Y (0dm  to 5110dm)│├INTERNAL X (-310dm to 302dm, default: 0dm)│├EXTERNAL Y (0dm  to 5110dm)│└EXTERNAL X (-310dm to 320dm, default: 0dm)├ALERT ENABLE│├WARNING1(001,002,003,004,014,026,029,030)*││(501,502,503,504,514,526,529,530)**│└WARNING2(005,007,008,009,010,011,025,032,035)*│(505,507,508,509,510,511,525,532,535,BAM)**│├I/O PORT│├COM1││├MODE (EXT DISPLAY, LONG RANGE, BEACON, MONITOR, SERVICE, DISABLE)││└SPEED (57600baud, 38400baud , 4800baud)│├COM2 (SAME AS COM 1)│├COM3 (SAME AS COM 1)││COM4││├MODE (EXT DISPLAY , LONG RANGE, SENSOR, BEACON, MONITOR, SERVICE, DISABLE)││└SPEED (57600baud, 38400baud , 4800baud)│├COM5 (SAME AS COM 4)│├COM6 (SAME AS COM 4)│├SENSOR1││├MODE (SENSOR, DISABLE)││└SPEED (Fixed at 4800baud)│├SENSOR2 (SAME AS SENSOR 1)│└SENSOR3 (SAME AS SENSOR 1)├PORT PRIORITY│├1st││├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1 , SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││├HDG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3 , COM4, COM5, COM6)││└ROT (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3 , COM4, COM5, COM6)│├2nd││├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││├HDG (SENSOR1 , SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││└ROT (SENSOR1 , SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│├3rd││├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3 , COM4, COM5, COM6)││├HDG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││└ROT (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│├4th││├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││├HDG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││└ROT (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│├5th││├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││├HDG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)││└ROT (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│└6th│├LL/SOG/COG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│├HDG (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)│└ROT (SENSOR1, SENSOR2, SENSOR3, COM4, COM5, COM6)Continued from previous page.Continued on following pageDisplayed only forALERT IF2 alert**:*: Displayed for alert modesother than ALERT IF2.AP-5
APPENDIX 1 MENU TREE├NETWORK│├IP ADDRESS ( to, default:│├SUBNET MASK ( to, default:│├GATEWAY (  to│└SFI (AI0001 to AI9999)├NETWORK (NAVNET)│├IP ADDRESS ( to, default:│├SUBNET MASK ( to, default:│├GATEWAY (  to│├NAVNET PORT (10000  to 30000)│├HOST NAME (AIS0  to AIS9)│├AIS INFO (ON , OFF)│├ZDA INFO (ON, OFF)│└GPS INFO (ON, OFF)└EDIT5 CH INFO└REGION LIST├AREA (top right corner coordinates)│├LAT; default: --º --.-' - (current coordinates)│└LON; default: --º --.-' - (current coordinates)├AREA (bottom left corner cordinates), same as top right coordinates.├ZONE (1 to 8, default: 5)└CH├PWR (HIGH, LOW)├CH A (Channel no./TXRX, RX, OFF); default: 2087/TXRX .└CH B (Channel no./TXRX, RX, OFF); default: 2088/TXRX .6 DIAGNOSTICS├MONITOR TEST├TRANSPONDER TEST├COMMUNICATION TEST├TX ON/OFF LOG└CLEAR MEMORY (CLEAR ALL , CLEAR MONITOR SET, CLEAR GPS)7 SERVICE (Requires password access. For service personnel only)Continued from previous pageAP-6
AP-7APPENDIX 2 ALERTS, IDS, MEAN-INGS AND MEASURESThe FA-170 displays alerts at the bottom of the screen, as they occur. You can see all alerts, current and past, from the [ALERT LIST] screen. The ID for each alert is different, depending on whether there is a BAM (Bridge Alert Management) system or an AMS (Alert Management System) connected.The table on the following page shows the alert ID, displayed message, meaning and measures for each alert.Note 1: Detection of RX malfunctionNote 2: Detection of TX malfunctionMPU detects TX malfunction (ID:001) in the following cases:Each active alert entry is accompanied by an alert icon, indicating the state of the alert. The alert icons displayed on the FA-170 are listed in the table below with a brief description.1) Detection of TDMA RX malfunctionFrequency errorPLL chip on TRX-PWR board generates lock or unlock signal for synthesizer.MPU watches and sets status flag which reflects data of ALR sentence.ID 003 for RX1, ID 004 for RX22) Detection of DSC RX malfunctionGeneral errorA DSC error will occur when the FA-170 cannot detect a correct signal strength from the DSC receive circuit 120 seconds.1) The signal indicated "LOCK" is not received from the PLL chip on the TRX-PWR board.2) The voltage of monitoring signal on the TRX-PWR board is abnormal. The reason for TRX-PWR board malfunction can be a hardware problem or software problem causing a continuous transmission that exceeds 250 msec.Note: The hardware stops automatically because of the continuous transmission.3) Invalid MMSI4) An excessively high VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) for the AIS antenna de-tected.WarningIcon Priority MeaningActive-unacknowledged notification, icon is flashing.*Warning Active-silenced notification, icon is flashing.**: Flashing at 0.5 second intervals.Warning Rectified-unacknowledged notification, icon is flashing.*Warning Active-responsibility transferred notification, icon is lit steadily.Warning Active-acknowledged notification, icon is lit steadily.Caution Active, icon is lit steadily.Icon Priority Meaning
APPENDIX 2 ALERTS, IDS, MEANINGS AND MEASURESAP-8Alert ID Displayed message Meaning Measures(BAM ID)001(501)TX MALFUNCTION Transmission stopped due to a failure.Check antenna and FA-170 connections. Check that the Own Ship MMSI is set. Consult your dealer if the problem is not rectified.002(502)LEGACY/ALERT IF1: ANTENNA VSWR EX-CEEDS LIMITALERT IF2: ANTENNA MALFUNCTIONHigh VSWR for the AIS an-tenna detected.Check the antenna. Consult your dealer if the problem is not rectified.003(503)RX CHANNEL 1 MAL-FUNCTIONRX1 failure. Circuit board may be dam-aged. Contact your dealer.004(504)RX CHANNEL 2 MAL-FUNCTIONRX2 failure.005(505) *1RX CHANNEL 70 MAL-FUNCTIONFailed to receive DSC mes-sage.007(507) *1UTC SYNC INVALID No synchronization with UTC.Internal GPS has no fix. Check weather and surround-ing for obstacles. If the error appears frequently, contact your dealer.t008(508) *1MKD CONNECTION LOSTCommunication failure be-tween the transponder and the monitor unit.Check connection between units. Consult your dealer if the problem is not rectified.009(509) *1INT/EXT GNSS POSI-TION MISMATCHMismatch of position data between internal GNSS and external GNSS. After taking into account the antenna position, there is a difference of over 100 m.Check calibration and location setting for both GPS antennas.010(510) *1NAV STATUS INCOR-RECTMismatch between ship’s speed and [NAVSTATUS] information.Check [NAV STATUS] menu settings. Adjust settings appropriately.011(511)*1LEGACY/ALERT IF1: HEADING SENSOR OFFSETALERT IF2: MIS-MATCH BETWEEN HDG AND COGMismatch between COG and HDT. There is a difference of over 45° for more than five minutes at a speed of over five knots.Check connection to sensor.014(514) ACTIVE AIS-SART AIS-SART message receivedCheck the message.025(525)EXTERNAL EPFS LOSTSignal from external navigational aids lost or interrupted.Check connection to EPFS devices.
APPENDIX 2 ALERTS, IDS, MEANINGS AND MEASURESAP-9Note 1: The Alert IDs listed in parentheses are output when the FA-170 is connected to a BAM (Bridge Alert Management) system.Note 2: Alert ID 600950 is only output when a BAM (Bridge Alert Management) is connected and is given “Caution” priority level.Note 3: Where the [ALERT MODE] is set to [Legacy Ed.1/Ed.2], alert priority level for all alerts is fixed at “Warning”.Note 4: Where the [ALERT MODE] is set to [ALERT IF1] or [ALERT IF2] the alerts shown with “*1” in the table above are assigned “Caution” priority level.026(526)NO POSITION SEN-SOR IN USENo position data available. Check connection to sensor.029(529)NO VALID SOG IN-FORMATIONSOG information is invalid.030(530)NO VALID COG IN-FORMATIONCOG information is invalid.032(532) *1HEADING LOST / IN-VALIDHDG information is lost or invalid.035(535) *1NO VALID ROT INFOR-MATIONNo ROT information available.600950 BAM COM ERROR Communication failure between the BAMS and the transponder unit.Check connection between unit and BAM.Alert ID Displayed message Meaning Measures(BAM ID)
AP-10APPENDIX 3 PARTS LIST/LOCATIONParts ListThis equipment contains complex modules in which fault diagnosis and repair down to component level are not practical (IMO A.694(17)/8.3.1). Only some discrete components are used. FURUNO Electric Co., Ltd. believes identifying these components is of no value for shipboard maintenance; therefore, they are not listed in the manual. Major modules can be located on the parts location photo on the following pages.Parts LocationMonitor UnitTransponder unitModel FA-170UnitMONITOR UNIT,TRANSPONDER UNITELECTRICAL PARTS LISTBlk.No.TYPE, NAME LOCATIONPRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDF U R U N O20P8200D, MAIN05P0894, C-IF05P0893, TRX-PWR05P0891, T-IF20P8211, GPS05P0892, R-MODMONITOR UNIT FA-1702MONITOR UNIT FA-1702TRANSPONDER UNIT FA-1701TRANSPONDER UNIT FA-1701TRANSPONDER UNIT FA-1701TRANSPONDER UNIT FA-1701Remove the C-IF board, then remove the grounding plate to expose the main board.C-IF board(05P0894)C-IF board(05P0894)Grounding plateGrounding plateMAIN board(20P8200D)TRX-PWR board 05P0893TRX-PWR board 05P0893T-IF board 05P0891T-IF board 05P0891GPS board 20P8211GPS board 20P8211R-MOD board 05P0892R-MOD board 05P0892 Bottom layerMiddle layerTop layer
AP-11APPENDIX 4 CHANNEL LISTS AND ERI CODESInternational mode VHF channel list USA mode VHF channel listNote: 1 W power on CH13 and CH67.Ch No.100110021003100410056100710181019102010211022102310241025102610271028106010611062106310641065106667686970717273747576771078107910801081108210831084108510861087Ch No.1088Freq.156.05156.1156.15156.2156.25156.3 156.35156.9156.95157157.05157.1157.15157.2157.25157.3157.35157.4156.025156.075156.125156.175156.225156.275156.325156.375156.425156.475156.525156.575156.625156.675156.725156.775156.825156.875156.925156.975157.025157.075157.125157.175157.225157.275157.325157.375Freq.157.425Ch No. Freq.160.65160.7160.75160.8160.85160.95156.4156.45156.5156.55156.6156.65156.7156.75156.8156.85161.5161.55161.6161.65161.7161.75161.8161.85161.9161.95162160.625160.675160.725160.775160.825160.875160.925161.525Ch No. Freq.161.575161.625161.675161.725161.775161.825161.875161.925161.975162.02520012002200320042005200789101112131415161720182019202020212022202320242025202620272028206020612062206320642065206620782079208020812082208320842085208620872088Ch No.10011003100561007101810191020102110221023102410251026102710281061106310641065106667686970717273747576771078107910801081108210831084108510861087Ch No.1088Freq.156.05156.15156.25156.3 156.35156.9156.95157157.05157.1157.15157.2157.25157.3157.35157.4156.075156.175156.225156.275156.325156.375156.425156.475156.525156.575156.625156.675156.725156.775156.825156.875156.925156.975157.025157.075157.125157.175157.225157.275157.325157.375Freq.157.425Ch No. Freq.160.65160.7160.75160.8160.85160.95156.4156.45156.5156.55156.6156.65156.7156.75156.8156.85161.5161.55161.6161.65161.7161.75161.8161.85161.9161.95162160.625160.675160.725160.775160.825160.875160.925161.525Ch No. Freq.161.575161.625161.675161.725161.775161.825161.875161.925161.975162.02520012002200320042005200789101112131415161720182019202020212022202320242025202620272028206020612062206320642065206620782079208020812082208320842085208620872088
AP-13APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS AND SYMBOLSNumerical abbreviationsA:B:C:D:Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning2D Two Dimensional Positioning 3rd Third3D Three Dimensional Positioning 4th Fourth1st First 5th Fifth2nd Second 6th SixthAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningACK Acknowledge ANT AntennaAGE Time elapsed from acquisition. APR AprilAIS Automatic Identification SystemAtoN Aids to NavigationAUG AugustALARM Alarm AUTO AutomaticALT AltitudeAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningBAM Bridge Alert Management BRG BearingBASE Base Station BRILL Brilliancebaud Baud rate BS Beam of ship, Back Space, Base StationBC Beam of convoyAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningCH Channel CONT ContrastCOG Course Over the Ground CPU Central Processing UnitCOM, COMM CommunicationAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningD2D Differential and 2D DGNSS Differential GNSSD3D Differential and 3D DGPS Differential GPSDATE Date DIFF DifferenceDAY Day DISP DisplayDEC December DNGR DangerDEL Delete DOP Dilution Of PrecisionDEST Destination DPTH DepthDG Dangerous Goods DSC Digital Selective Calling
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS AND SYMBOLSAP-14E:F:G:H:I:J:Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningE East ENI Unique European Vessel Identification NumberEA Extension A ENT EnterEB Extension B EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Ra-dio BeaconEC Extension C EPFS Electronic Position Fixing SystemECDIS Electronic Chart Display Information SystemEMMA European Multiservice Meteorological Awareness systemERI Electronic Reporting International (ship type) codeESC EscapeETA Estimated Time of ArrivalEXT ExternalAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningFEB February FL FloodFI Fire in the forests FO FogFIX Fix FUNC FUNCTIONAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningGNSS Global Navigation Satellite SystemGPS Global Positioning SystemAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningH Height HI HighHDG Heading HS Harmful Substances (applies to AIS)HDT Data sentence (Heading-true)HECT Hectometer HSC High Speed CraftAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningID Identification INFO InformationIEC International Electrotechnical CommissionINT InternalIF Interface I/O Input/OutputIFM International Function MessageIP Internet Protocol (Address)IMO International Maritime OrganizationISO International Standards OrganizationAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningJAN January JUN JuneJUL July
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS AND SYMBOLSAP-15L:M:N:O:P:Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningL Low, left LO LowLAN Local Area Network LOG LogLAT Latitude LON LongitudeLC Length of convoy LR Long RangeLCD Liquid Crystal Display LS Length of shipL/L Latitude/Longitude LT Local TimeLL Latitude/LongitudeAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningMAR March MMSI Maritime Mobile Services Identity numberMAX Maximum MP Maritime Pollutant (applies to AIS)MAY MayMENU Menu MPU Micro processing UnitMIN Minimum MSG MessageMKD Minimum Keyboard Display MOB Man OverboardAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningN North NIGHT NightNAME Name NG No GoodNAV Navigation NO. NumberNAV STATUS Navigational status NOV NovemberNE Northeast NW NorthwestAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningOCT October ON OnOFF Off OS Other Substances, Own ShipOK O.K.Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningPA Position Accuracy PORT PortPI Position Indicator POSN PositionPLL Phase Locked Loop PWR Power
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS AND SYMBOLSAP-16R:S:T:U:V:W:Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningRA Rain ROM Read Only MemoryRAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity MonitoringROM(M) ROM (Monitor Unit)ROM(T) ROM (Transponder Unit)RAIN Rain ROT Rate Of TurnRAM Random Access Memory RSSI Received Signal Strength IndicationRAM(M) RAM (Monitor Unit)RAM(T) RAM (Transponder Unit) RTA Requested Time of ArrivalRFM Regional Function Message RX ReceiveRNG RangeAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningS South SFI System Function IDSAR Search And Rescue SIM SimulationSART Search And Rescue TransponderSN Snow and IceSART ACT. SART active SOG Speed Over the GroundSE Southeast SOLAS Safety Of Life At SeaSEP September STW Speed Through the WaterSET Set (i.e., set and drift, or setting a value)SW Southwest, SwitchSYNC SynchronizationAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningTEST Test TOW Vessel engaged in towing oper-ationsTH Thunderstorm TRANS TransitionTI Turn rate Indicator TRX TransceiverTIME Time TX TransmitAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningUN/LOADEDLOADED or UNLOADED UTC Universal Coordinated TimeAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningVHF Very High Frequency VSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioAbbreviation Meaning Abbreviation MeaningW West, Wide WI WindWARNING Warning WIG Wing In Ground
APPENDIX 5 ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS AND SYMBOLSAP-17UnitsSymbolsAbbreviation Unit Abbreviation Unit° degree(s) kn knot(s)°C degree(s) kbps kilo bit per secondbps bit per second l/m2hliter per square meter hourcm centimeter m metercm/h centimeter per hour min minute(s)dm decimeter msec millisecondhr Hour(s) NM nautical mile(s)km kilometer s second(s)km/h kilometer per hourOwn ship symbolSymbol Description Symbol DescriptionSelected targetUnselected targetAIS AtoN (virtual)AIS SART/AIS MOB/EPIRB AISSAR aicraftSAR vesselBAIS Base StationAIS AtoN (physical)
FURUNO  FA-170  SP - 1  E4490S01F 151021 SPECIFICATIONS OF U-AIS TRANSPONDER FA-170  1 TRANSPONDER UNIT 1.1  TX/RX frequency  156.025 MHz to 162.025 MHz 1.2  Output power  1 W or 12.5 W selectable 1.3 Impedance  50 ohms 1.4  DSC receiver  CH70 fixed, 156.525 MHz 1.5 Bandwidth  25 kHz  2 MONITOR UNIT 2.1  Screen  4.3-inch color LCD, 480 x 272 dots (WQVGA) 2.2  Brilliance control  18 steps 2.3  Visible distance  0.7 m nominal 2.4  Buzzer volume  75 to 85 dB (A)  3 GPS RECEIVER 3.1  Receiving frequency  1575.42 MHz 3.2  Tracking code  C/A code 3.3  Number of channel  12 channels parallel, 12 satellites 3.4  Accuracy (dependent on ionospheric activity and multipath) GPS  13 m max. (2drms、HDOP < 4) DGPS  5 m max. (2drms、HDOP < 4) 3.5  Tracking speed  1000 kn 3.6  Position fixing time  Warm start: 12 s, Cold start: 90 s 3.7  Position update interval  1 second typical 3.8  DGPS data receiving  RTCM SC-104 ver-2.1  4 INTERFACE 4.1  Number of ports Serial  6 ports, IEC61162-1 Ed.4 or IEC61162-2 Ed.1 Sensor input  3 port, IEC61162-1 Ed.4, 4800 bps Alarm I/O  1 port, Contact closure (normal close or open) LAN  1 port, Ethernet, 100Base-TX, RJ45 connector, Auto MDI/MDIX,   for IEC61162-450 Ed.1 BLUESIGN input  1 port, Relay contact 4.2 Data sentences  IEC61162-1/2 Input  ABM, ACA, ACK, ACM, ACN, AIQ, AIR, BBM, DTM, EPV, GBS,   GGA, GLL, GNS, HBT, HDT, LRF, LRI, OSD, PIWWIVD,   PIWWSPW, PIWWSSD, PIWWVSD, RMC, ROT, SPW, SSD, THS,  VBW, VSD, VTG Output  ABK, ACA, ACS, ALC, ALF, ALR, ARC, EPV, HBT, LR1, LR2, LR3,   LRF, LRI, NAK, PIWWIVD, PIWWSPR, PIWWSSD, PIWWVSD,   SSD, TRL, TXT, VER, VDM, VDO, VSD
FURUNO  FA-170  SP - 2  E4490S01F 151021 4.3  Proprietary sentences (output only) PFEC  LBK, AIcmd, idatr, ident, idfnc, pidat, pireq 4.4  IEC61162-450 transmission group Input  MISC, TGTD, SATD, NAVD, PROP Output  Arbitrary (default: TGTD) 4.5  Network function (except IEC61162-450) Data format  SNMP, HTTP, Syslog, Furuno Management Protocol (FMP) Data sentences  same as 4.2 sentences  5 POWER SUPPLY 3.1  Transponder unit  12-24 VDC: 6-3 A 3.2  Monitor unit  12 VDC: 0.3 A max. (supplied from transponder unit) 3.3  AC/DC power supply unit (PR-240, option)   100-115/200-230 VAC, 1 phase, 50/60 Hz  6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Ambient temperature GPS/VHF antenna  -30°C to +70°C (storage: -30°C to +85°C) Other units  -15°C to +55°C 6.2  Relative humidity  93% or less at +40°C 6.3  Degree of protection GPS/VHF antenna  IP56 Transponder unit  IP20, IP22 (bulkhead mount) Monitor unit  IP22, IP35 (option) Pilot plug unit  IP22 (front panel), IPX0 (chassis) 6.4  Vibration  IEC 60945 Ed.4  7 UNIT COLOR 7.1 GPS/VHF antenna  N9.5 7.2  Transponder/ Monitor unit  N2.5 7.3  Pilot plug unit  N2.5
IN-1INDEXAAIS-SART test indication .........................3-10ALERT display .........................................1-19ALERT LIST...............................................3-7ALERT LOG...............................................3-7Alert status .................................................3-7CChannelssetting.....................................................1-25viewing ...................................................1-24Contrast .....................................................1-3Controls......................................................1-1DDangerous (target) list ................... 1-15, 2-11Default settings ........................................3-10Diagnosticsmonitor unit test........................................3-3TX on/off log.............................................3-6VHF communication test..........................3-5Dimmer ......................................................1-3DISP key ..................................................1-11Displayicons.........................................................1-4key guidance............................................1-4status bar .................................................1-4EEMMA warning message (inland AIS) .....2-21ETA message (inland AIS).......................2-16FFuse replacement ......................................3-2GGPS monitor ..............................................3-8IInitial settingsclass A....................................................1-31inland AIS...............................................2-23Inland AISactivating..................................................2-1EMMA warning message .......................2-21ETA message.........................................2-17mode selection.........................................2-2no. of persons message.........................2-20RTA message ........................................2-19static data.................................................2-8text message..........................................2-14time difference setting.................. 1-32, 2-24voyage-related data entry ........................2-3water level message ..............................2-22KKey beepon/off ......................................................1-28LLong range mode.....................................1-28MMaintenance ..............................................3-1Memory clear ...........................................3-10Menuenterring alphanumeric data ....................1-6selecting an option ...................................1-6MENU key..................................................1-5MessagesEMMA warning (inland AIS)...................2-21ETA (inland AIS) ....................................2-17receive text, class A ...............................1-22received message pop up window .........1-22RTA (inland AIS) ....................................2-19send text message, class A ...................1-20water level (inland AIS) ..........................2-22Monitor unit test .........................................3-3NNAV STATUSenterring voyage-related data ..................1-7NAV STATUS key.............................. 1-7, 2-3No. of persons message (inland AIS) ......2-20Notifications .............................................1-10alert buzzer ............................................1-10collision detection...................................1-10received messages ................................1-10PPlotter display ..........................................1-12Power on/off...............................................1-2RRTA message (inland AIS).......................2-19SSensor status .............................................3-9Static data display....................................1-18System overview.......................................... iiiTTarget list ......................................... 1-14, 2-9Troubleshooting .........................................3-2

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